#he's been talked out of his gut instinct before by kim
imloyaltoscoups · 4 months
you're safe | kim mingyu ft jeon wonwoo | part 1
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It's 10 am, and you're still on your dorm bed, lost in the comfort of your blankets as you stare at your phone screen, the weight of your decision feels heavy. You've been contemplating this for weeks, but finally, you've made up your mind to end things with Mingyu. Typing out the message to Wonwoo feels surreal, yet necessary. He's been your rock through thick and thin, even if life has taken you on different paths.
The vibration of your phone breaks the silence, and you see Wonwoo's reply. His words bring a mix of comfort and validation. "You mean that giant dog, your schoolmate?" he asks, and you can almost hear the concern in his voice through the text. Your thumbs move across the screen as you reply, "Who else? I've been seeing him for three years."
The familiarity of Wonwoo's understanding fills you with a sense of relief. "I know, I've had my doubts about him too," he responds, and you can't help but feel grateful for his unwavering support. Wonwoo's been there through it all, even when distance and time tried to pull you apart.
Reflecting on the past, you remember the strain Mingyu's jealousy put on your friendship with Wonu. It wasn't easy, navigating between your boyfriend's insecurities and your lifelong bond with your best friend. But now, with Wonwoo's reassurance, you feel a sense of clarity. Maybe it's time to prioritize your own happiness and well-being.
You think back to all the times Mingyu's behavior raised red flags. His overly friendly interactions with other girls, the way he'd discourage you from talking to Wonwoo, citing baseless concerns about guys and girls being friends. It's become exhausting trying to decipher whether his actions stem from genuine care or something more sinister.
Wonwoo's agreement brings back memories of that painful period when you distanced yourself from him under your boyfriend's influence. It's a reminder of how toxic Mingyu's controlling behavior has been for your relationships outside of him. Maybe it's time to reclaim that lost connection with Wonu, to rebuild what was once a cornerstone of your support system.
As you lay there, your thoughts swirling, you can't help but dwell on Mingyu's positive qualities. He's been a pillar of support through thick and thin, always there to lend a helping hand or a listening ear. His kindness, his patience, his unwavering presence – they're all reasons why you fell for him in the first place. He also helped you with your studies that's a bonus points from him.
But amidst the warmth of his affection, there's a nagging doubt that refuses to be ignored. The way he interacts with other girls, the way he brushes off your concerns, the way he restricts your friendships – they're all red flags waving in the back of your mind.
You shake your head, trying to push away the doubts and uncertainties that threaten to consume you. Maybe you're just overreacting, letting your insecurities get the best of you. After all, Mingyu has never given you a reason to doubt him before.
But then again, there's that gut feeling, that sinking sensation in the pit of your stomach that tells you something isn't right. You've always been intuitive, able to sense when things are unsual, and right now, things definitely feel off.
Lost in your thoughts, you don't notice the soft buzz of your phone until it draws your attention back to the present. Glancing at the screen, you see a text from Wonwoo, his words a reminder of the support and understanding he's always offered.
With a sigh, you realize that you can't keep brushing aside your concerns, pretending that everything is fine when it clearly isn't. You owe it to yourself to trust your instincts, to stand up for what you believe in, even if it means facing the uncomfortable truth.
Taking a deep breath, you reach for your phone, fingers hovering over the keys as you prepare to confront your long time boyfriend and finally address the doubts that have been eating away at you. It's not going to be easy, but it's time to stop second-guessing yourself and start listening to that inner voice that's been trying to tell you something all along.
As you wait for his response, you take a moment to gather your thoughts and prepare for your own classes. You quickly gather your books and notes, double-checking that you have everything you need for the day ahead.
With a final glance at your phone, you see Mingyu's reply, a simple acknowledgment of your message that you'll be the one picking him up after his class. It's not much, but it's enough to reassure you that he's on board with the plan.
Rushing out of your lecture hall, you quickly pack your things and make your way outside your building. Your heart races with anticipation as you check your watch, knowing that his class is likely finished by now.
As you navigate through the lobby of Mingyu's architecture building, your eyes catch sight of a couple locked in a passionate embrace near a gap in the wall. At first, a flicker of recognition crosses your mind, the tall silhouette triggering a momentary sense of alarm.
But then you shake your head, reminding yourself that there are plenty of tall guys on campus besides Mingyu. You try to push the thought aside, focusing instead on fetching your boyfriend from class.
However, despite your efforts to ignore them, your instincts urge you to confront the couple. Taking a deep breath, you approach them, your heart pounding in your chest.
To your surprise, it's not him that was entangled with the girl in the embrace. Relief floods through you, quickly followed by a pang of guilt for assuming the worst.
"Sorry to interrupt," you say, your voice laced with sincerity as you apologize to the couple for intruding on their moment.
With a polite nod, you swiftly make your exit, the encounter serving as a reminder to trust your instincts but also not to jump to conclusions too quickly.
But as you reach Mingyu's lecture hall and spot him waiting outside, a warm smile on his face as he sees you approach, those doubts fade into the background. You push aside the lingering unease, choosing to focus on the present moment and the person standing in front of you.
"Hey," Mingyu greets you with a hug and a kiss on the cheek, and you return the embrace, feeling a sense of comfort wash over you in his familiar arms.
"Hey," you reply, forcing a smile as you try to shake off the lingering unease from earlier. "Ready to go?"
He nods, as you two step outside the building, the weight of your decision to break up hangs heavy in the air. Taking a deep breath, you steel yourself and finally broach the topic.
"Mingyu, we need to talk," you begin, your voice trembling slightly.
His eyes widen in surprise, and you can see the beginning of tears forming in his eyes. "Did I… Did I do something wrong?" he asks, his voice cracking with emotion.
You notice the curious glances from passersby and quickly take his hand, leading him to a more secluded spot nearby. Cupping his face gently in your hands, you feel a pang of guilt at the sight of his vulnerability. He isn't the type to get emotional easily, and seeing him like this only adds to your turmoil.
"I just… I don't think we should be together anymore," you say, your voice barely above a whisper.
"Why? Why would you say that?" he responds, his voice desperate and pleading. "I would never cheat on you. You're the only girl I have eyes for."
Your heart aches at his words, but you can't shake the feeling of unease that has been gnawing at you. "It's not about that," you explain, your voice tinged with frustration. "It's about the other girls, the ones who keep flirting with you, and you just let them."
Mingyu's expression darkens, hurt flashing in his eyes. "Don't you trust me?" he asks, his voice tinged with disappointment.
You take a deep breath, struggling to find the right words. "I… I don't know," you admit, feeling a knot form in your stomach.
His gaze softens, and he reaches out to take your hand. "Look, if it bothers you that much, I'll stop talking to other girls," he offers, sincerity lacing his words. "Even though I know you and your 'boy' friend have started talking again."
You bristle at the mention of Wonwoo, but you quickly defend yourself. "Won and I are just friends, Gyu. Nothing more, nothing less."
He furrows his brow, considering your words. "But Wonwoo never had a girlfriend, right?" he asks, a hint of accusation in his tone.
You nod, feeling a sense of unease settle over you once again. "That's beside the point," you say, trying to redirect the conversation back to the issue at hand. "What about the girls who keep throwing themselves at you, Mingyu? And you just let them…"
Mingyu's expression softens, and he pulls you into a tight embrace. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I didn't realize how much it was bothering you," he says, his voice filled with remorse. "But I promise, from now on, it'll just be you and me. No more distractions, no more doubts."
Feeling a mix of relief and guilt, you can't help but apologize to Mingyu, realizing that perhaps you've been overanalyzing things. His gentle demeanor and golden retriever-like friendliness have always been one of his endearing qualities, and maybe you've let your insecurities get the best of you.
"I'm sorry, love," you say softly, meeting his gaze with a sense of regret. "I think I've been overthinking things. I know you're just naturally friendly, and I shouldn't have let it get to me."
Mingyu's expression softens, and he leans in to give you a soft peck on the lips. "It's okay, love," he reassures you, his voice warm and comforting. "You don't need to worry about these things. I'm here for you, always."
Feeling a weight lifted off your shoulders, you return his kiss with a grateful smile. Maybe you were letting your insecurities get the best of you.
As Mingyu drops you off at your dorm, he suggests going out together on the weekend, and you agree with a smile. "That sounds great," you say, feeling a sense of relief wash over you.
You give him a tight hug, savoring the warmth of his embrace, before leaning in to give him a goodbye kiss. "Thanks for understanding," you say softly, feeling grateful for his patience and reassurance.
Mingyu returns the hug with equal warmth, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. "Of course, Love. I'll see you soon," he says, his voice filled with affection as he reluctantly pulls away and heads off.
As you watch him go, a smile tugs at the corners of your lips. Despite the doubts and misunderstandings, you know that your relationship with Mingyu is stronger than ever.
Once he's out of sight, you pull out your phone and quickly text Wonwoo, letting him know that the misunderstanding has been resolved. "Hey Wonu, just wanted to let you know that Gyu and I talked things out. Everything's fine now. Thank youuu," you type out, feeling grateful for his understanding and friendship.
Mingyu's POV
As Mingyu steps out of Y/N's dorm building, a sense of relief washes over him. He takes a deep breath, feeling grateful that they were able to resolve their misunderstanding. He then pulls out his phone, opening his group chat with his friends, feeling the need to share his thoughts.
"Y/N's instincts are scary accurate," he types out, his fingers tapping out the message quickly.
His friends respond almost immediately, curious about what happened. "Uh oh, did you get caught?" Minghao teases, adding a winking emoji for good measure.
Dokyeom added, "Seriously, if you got caught, it would've been game over."
Mingyu chuckles, shaking his head as he types out his reply. "Nope, all good on my end," he responds, feeling a sense of satisfaction at successfully navigating the conversation with Y/N.
As he walks, he runs a hand through his hair, feeling a surge of confidence coursing through him. Mingyu prides himself on his ability to charm and manipulate situations to his advantage, and tonight was no different.
Feeling a buzz from his phone, he glances down to see his friends' responses. Dokyeom jokes about him meeting up with some girl, but Mingyu quickly sets the record straight.
"Nah, different plans tonight," he replies, keeping his tone casual as he continues on his way.
As he navigates the bustling campus, Mingyu can't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at his ability to play the game. Pretending to be vulnerable, shedding a few crocodile tears – it's all just another day in the life of Kim Mingyu.
With a smirk, he sends one final message to the group chat, informing his friends that he'll be radio silent until midnight. With that, he pockets his phone and heads off to meet the girl who's invited him to join her. After all, when you're as charming and charismatic as he is, it's all just a game.
part 2, part 3
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author's note: hi there, you reached the end. congratulations. i think you guys already know what kind of "genre i want" to write, hahaha. if you're wandering if someone hurt me. nope, no one.🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻. am i enjoying this? yes, yes i am. this is one of the mini series i'll be posting.
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....... ≿━━━━༺MINGYU༻━━━━≾ .......
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floralseokjin · 4 years
⤑ made-up love song viii.
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Your first encounter with Kim Seokjin doesn’t go so well, nor your second, or your third… and maybe that’s because it shouldn’t work on paper. You’re an elementary school teacher, never left the country despite hitting the third decade of your life not so long ago, and you’re unable to remember the last time you dated. He’s the dad of one of your students, nearly a decade older than you and divorced. Oh yes, and just another minor detail – he’s a multimillionaire. 
Your lives are lightyears apart, yet somehow, your paths having now crossed, things just seem to fall into place…
pairing; kim seokjin x reader   au/genre/warnings; strangers to lovers, romance, single dad! seokjin, ceo! seokjin, elementary school teacher! oc, age gap (oc is 30, seokjin is 37), seokjin is a dilf, angst, just straight up angst and drama, arguments, both seokjin and nana are frustrated, both have reasons to feel hurt, both make mistakes  words; 5,122
↪︎ chapter index
chapters; i • ii • iii  • iv • v • vi • vii • viii • ix • x • epilogue (+ drabbles)
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You looked at Nana, chest a little tight, something heavy in your stomach. When your eyes locked the corners of her mouth curled upwards. “The stepmom!” She sneered. 
Your face fell, confused at first, as you attempted to make sense of her words, of her anger. You didn’t understand what was going on, but unable to stop yourself, irritation began creeping its way up your body, heat prickling your face. Confrontation made you uncomfortable, but under appropriate triggers, you often saw red. You opened your mouth, ready to say something – you didn’t quite know what – but then your gaze fell to Arin. Still clutching her mom’s hand. Her eyes were on you now, still wide and brimming with tears. She looked frightened. You came to your senses. 
There was no good getting angry. Especially in front of a child. By your side, Seokjin straightened his back, letting go of your hand to step in front of you slightly. You appreciated the thought, but you didn’t really need protecting. You could look after yourself.  
“Stop embarrassing yourself, Nana.” 
Caught off guard for the second time in under five minutes, the tone of Seokjin’s voice threw you for a loop. The venom you heard unnerved you, a sick feeling twisting your gut. You’d heard him stressed, you’d heard him tense, you’d even heard him stern a few times on the phone, but you’d never heard his voice filled with such bite like this. 
“Don’t tell me what to do,” Nana spat back, her long hair flipping around as she raised her hand to point at him. “Not when you’ve been playing house with your daughter’s teacher, letting my daughter call her stepmom.” 
Seokjin chuckled, the sound humourless. He shook his head, practically laughing in her face. “I don’t know where you’ve heard that from because it’s not true.” The look on Nana’s face told you she didn’t believe a word he said.  
Seokjin bent down, attention on Arin. He held his hand out, wanting her to take it. “Arin, come here,” he asked, voice gentle, nothing like how he’d spoken to her mother. She let go of Nana’s hand and slowly made her way over. He immediately wrapped his arms around her middle. “Tell daddy where you got that word from.” She still looked afraid, hesitating as she opened her mouth. “Don’t worry, I’m not mad at you,” he reassured, stroking her hair. 
“Mommy is.” Arin’s voice shook, one lone tear falling down her cheek. It broke your heart. 
“Mommy isn’t mad at you.” Seokjin’s voice was a murmur, but as he looked up at his ex-wife he had to try his best to sound composed. “Right?” 
Nana stared at him for a moment, her dark eyes piercing through him almost, but he didn’t flinch. Her gaze fell to the back of her daughter’s head, immediately softening, the regret obvious on her face. “No, darling, mommy isn’t mad at you. I’d never be mad at you.” 
Her words comforted Arin, and she looked up at her father, small voice still trembling with emotion as she explained. “Suzie told me that’s what Y/N is because she’s your girlfriend. She has one too.”
Seokjin exhaled slowly. “So, you heard it from your friend?” Arin nodded, and he quickly embraced her, rubbing her back as he soothed her. “That’s okay. No need to be upset.” You heard her sniff into his shoulder, but Seokjin’s attention was already on Nana again. 
“Happy now?” He shot, not giving her any time to reply. “Now get out of my house.” 
“Excuse me?” Her nostrils flared. 
“You heard me. Get the hell out of my house!” 
“Seokjin,” you breathed, reaching for his shoulder. He needed to remember everything he was saying was being heard by his daughter. He might be mad right now but he needed to think of Arin. 
As if Nana realised too, she took control. “Arin, go upstairs to your room and let me talk with your father.” 
Seokjin’s eyes flashed in anger. “Don’t tell her what to do in my home.” Nana scoffed, but Seokjin’s attention was back on Arin. He cupped her face in his hands.
“Sweetie, why don’t you go and play upstairs for a little while, okay? Daddy will come and check on you soon.” She nodded slowly, her tears dried. At least that was a positive. He kissed her cheek and stood up, encouraging her to make her way out of the room and upstairs with a nod. As she passed by you, you gave her a small smile. She returned it. You thought someone should at least accompany her to her room, but you thought best not to suggest it. It wasn’t your place. 
There was silence, a few moments as they waited for Arin to be safely out of earshot. Your heart drummed against your ribcage, still feeling nauseous. This wasn’t over just yet. Nana had no intentions of leaving. 
“Hypocrite,” she scoffed under her breath. 
“What did you say?” Glancing over at Seokjin, you saw his jaw was clenched, his gaze hard, unwavering as he stared at her. 
“I called you a hypocrite.” She sounded unbothered, eyes finding yours. “You don’t know him at all, sadly. You’ll soon find out how miserable he is. How frustrating it is when he always has to right. Mr. Perfect, aren’t you, Jin?” She was trying to rile him up, get a reaction. “Could never do anything wrong.” 
The way she called him Jin made you feel funny. It was so…personal. It had never crossed your mind to use the shortened version of his name. It had always been Seokjin for you. 
“Nice try,” he gave a hollow laugh. “Say what you want, we don’t care.” 
That much was true. Nana’s words wouldn’t make you doubt anything. Your relationship with Seokjin was solid. His relationship with Nana was nothing similar. 
“So when were you planning on telling me?”
Just like that you felt your heart drop, turning to look at Seokjin on instinct. You must have understood wrong. Nana knew about you, right? He’d told her about you, surely? 
“Did you just think you could pretend I didn’t exist?” Seokjin stayed silent, only infuriating Nana even more. “Answer me! How long has it been going on for?” 
“It’s none of your business!” He exploded causing you to jump. You had never once heard him raise his voice. His face was red, his blood pressure soaring. 
“None of my business?!” She cried, laughing in disbelief. His shouting did nothing to deter her. They were used to arguing, you guessed. “It is when my daughter is concerned.” 
It was Seokjin’s turn to scoff. “Oh, so now you care? You’re a joke.” 
Nana’s expression faltered. It took a moment for her to compose herself. “What is that supposed to mean?” Her tone was icy. 
Seokjin didn’t give her an answer. “I don’t owe you anything, Nana. You’re nothing to me anymore.” 
“I’m the mother of your daughter!” She was enraged, her eyes wide as she glowered. “You shouldn’t have kept this from me. I had no clue, Jin!” His indifference infuriated her even more. “Not one! Did you tell Arin to keep quiet?”
That had him biting, face scrunching up at her ludicrous claim. “Of course I didn’t.” 
“Then why,” she demanded, “why was I so oblivious?!” 
“Do I come up in conversation much? Maybe there’s your answer.” Seokjin shrugged. “When was the last time we were in the same room together?”
“Don’t! No, Jin, don’t use that as an excuse.” Nana’s voice wavered, words dotted with an emotion you hadn’t heard yet. 
You felt a pang of guilt. You’d been so oblivious too. Hadn’t realised she had no clue of your existence. You understood her frustrations. It was difficult not to. Seokjin was adamant though. Ruled by his emotions. He couldn’t see his fault. 
“You let our daughter stay with a stranger last weekend!”
But that hurt. 
You weren’t a stranger. You had known Arin for months. You adored that little girl and she liked having you around. You weren’t just anyone. Desperately, you tried to keep it together. Logically yes, you were a stranger to Nana. She had a right to be mad. You knew that. 
Although Seokjin didn’t see it that way, defending you angrily. “Y/N is not a stranger!” 
“To me she is!” Nana shouted. “I didn’t have a clue. What if something had happened to Arin?”
You wanted to say something. To tell her you understood her reservations. Maybe you even wanted to stick up for yourself, but you couldn’t find the words. Guilt was eating you up. 
“Just shut your mouth,” Seokjin hissed. His defensiveness made you nervous. “You don’t care. If you did you would have dropped everything and said yes when I called you.” 
“I was working.” Nana ran a hand through her hair, face patched red. “You think I didn’t want to say yes? I thought you’d just cancel or ask your parents to help out.” Then her eyes fell on you, that familiar sneer on her face. “Instead, you asked her.” 
Taken aback, you opened your mouth, words rushing out. “I’m really sorry you had to find out about our relationship this way, I… I thought–”
“I don’t want to hear it, stepmom.” 
Your cheeks flushed, anger bubbling at her dismissal. She wasn’t even going to hear what you had to say? “I’ve never referred to myself as Arin’s stepmother.” 
She raised a perfectly plucked eyebrow. “And what if I don’t believe you?” 
Before you could defend yourself Seokjin flew in, in front of you once more. You felt fresh anger, but everything was moving so fast you didn’t know how to place it. “Don’t speak to her like that. God, you’re such a condescending bitch.” 
“And you’re a smug, arrogant bastard.” She shot right back immediately. 
Seokjin scoffed. “Don’t try to deflect. You’ve just heard Arin say she learned that word from a friend. Do you think I’d force my own daughter to lie?” 
Nana stared at him, her breathing laboured with anger. Her eyes flicked to you and then back at Seokjin quickly, a devious smirk spreading across her face. “She’s younger, Seokjin. Having a midlife crisis?” 
Seokjin exhaled slowly, his voice calm as he replied, lips twitching up in amusement. “Your goading won’t work.” 
Although she still tried. “What would Arin’s school think? Knowing you’re fucking your daughter’s teacher.” 
You didn’t take kindly to threats, no matter the situation. Straightening your back you spoke clearly, voice raised a little. “I’m not her teacher anymore and the school already knows.”  
“There’s nothing you can do, Nana,” Seokjin sighed softly, taking your hand. It didn’t feel as comforting as it usually did. “So just let me be happy. It’s the least you can do.” 
That did it. Nana saw red instantly. “Oh, quit playing the victim!” She exclaimed, laughing at his seeming absurdity. You prayed Arin couldn’t hear all the commotion. The house was large enough, the walls thick enough, but who really knew. “Am I not allowed to be mad? You’ve kept this relationship,” she mocked, eyeing your laced fingers, “a secret this entire time. You’ve been playing happy families with my daughter.” There was a beat of silence. “I’m Arin’s mother.” 
“Yes, but that’s all you are.” 
A noise fell from Nana’s mouth. “I know, I know, you hate me. You’ve made that abundantly clear over the years.” 
“I don’t hate you, Nana.” With a sigh, Seokjin let go of your hand, rubbing his temples. “That would imply I still care. I don’t. I stopped caring a long time ago.” 
Nana rolled her eyes. “This again.” You on the other hand were lost. 
Seokjin’s eyes locked on hers, gaze steady, just like his words that seemed to knock you for six. “I stopped caring the moment I found you in bed with another man.”
You probably couldn’t hide the shock from your face, mind reeling, but they didn’t seem to notice. You were barely concentrating on what they were saying anymore. 
“Shut up.” Nana shot, provoking him further. “You never cared, Jin. Never. I did you a favour when I fucked Jaehyun. It gave you the perfect excuse to leave because you were too much of a coward to do it otherwise.” 
“Whatever helps you sleep at night” Seokjin scoffed quietly, but you could tell by his face he was visibly irritated. Maybe. He felt like a stranger right now. “Believe what you want.” 
“I will because it’s a fact.” 
Seokjin’s chest heaved with anger, breathing heavily as he failed to keep calm. “I didn’t leave sooner because I wanted Arin to be happy!” His voice broke with emotion. “I wanted to stay together for Arin’s sake.” 
“And look how bitter that made you.” Nana laughed, her eyes quickly finding yours again, remembering you existed. “Are you taking notes?” She folded her arms across her chest. “This is what will happen. He’ll promise you the world and then a few years later hate your guts.” 
You looked at the floor, unable to rebuff her claims even if you wanted to. Your thoughts slipped to last night, out on the deck… The way Seokjin had held you, gazed at you, the words he’d said... I want to give you the world. It was silly to let Nana’s words sting, but they did, nevertheless. Last night felt like a lifetime ago.
You felt a strong arm embrace you, wrapping around your shoulders as Seokjin held you to him. It did little to comfort you. Your head was whirring, thoughts swarming you. “Y/N is nothing like you, so don’t.” He warned, glaring across at Nana. “Don’t you dare try to compare our relationship to the one I had with you.” 
Nana laughed loudly, her face contorting as she yelled. “What am I like then, Jin? Go on! Tell me! I’m so fucking curious!” 
“You’re a cold, heartless cow who can’t even be bothered to be a mother to her own daughter!” His words flew out as if they’d been impatiently waiting for the opportunity. 
“Seokjin!” You exclaimed in shock, spinning your head to look at him. He was letting his emotions rule his head, so much so, he didn’t even bat an eyelid at your voice, continuing his tirade. 
His arm let you go as he stepped closer to his ex-wife. “Do you know why Arin probably felt so comfortable calling Y/N her stepmom?” It was a question not meant to be answered. “It’s because she’s been there for her these past few months. Where have you been, huh? She’s so used to you cancelling plans that she always expects the worse.” 
You were gobsmacked, unsure what had just left his mouth as you tried to make sense of his words. He couldn’t be comparing you both. He couldn’t be using you to hurt Nana. Right? 
“That’s not fair, I haven’t cancelled in weeks.” Nana’s voice was quiet, a far cry from her earlier volume, and you took a glance, noticing that her wide eyes were shining in the sunlight that streamed through the window. She seemed smaller now, less imposing. 
“Bravo,” Seokjin spat, beginning to slowly clap his hands. “What do you want, a round of applause?” 
“I can’t help it I’m busy with work. That’s why we agreed she’d live with you.” Nana sounded clearly upset now, Seokjin’s words striking a nerve. You couldn’t help but feel bad for her. 
“And I’m not busy?!” Seokjin wasn’t done. “Your excuses don’t work on me. They never have.” 
“I love my daughter. Don’t you dare try to insinuate otherwise.” 
Seokjin wasn’t listening. “You came here just to create a scene. You didn’t think about Arin at all, did you? You made her give you all the details just to twist the knife in. That’s all you care about. You can’t handle the thought of me being happy because you’re so goddamn miserable!” 
“Just come out and say it, Jin!” She shouted, arms out. “You think I’m a terrible mother.” 
With a casual shrug of his shoulders, he replied, “I never said that, but if the shoe fits.” 
The silence that followed was deafening. You could feel your pulse pounding in your ears, a sick feeling turning your stomach. You didn’t want to be here anymore. You didn’t want to be involved in this shouting match. You didn’t want to see your boyfriend this angry, you didn’t want to hear him speak like this. 
Eventually, Nana’s voice pierced through the silence. It wavered but she kept her cool, head held up high. “Well, thank you, Jin. Thank you so much for finally telling me how you feel. How very brave of you. Finally.” 
You watched as she straightened her jacket and smoothed down her hair, and then she took a step forward. She was heading for the door. 
“That’s it?” Seokjin scoffed, his voice hoarse. “You’re leaving without saying goodbye to your daughter?”
Nana didn’t reply, she didn’t even look at him, just carried on walking out of the room. You heard her heels against the tiles of the hallway, steps retreating. 
“You really have no shame!” He called after her as you both heard the front door open, and then it clicked shut. “Fuck!” 
You jumped at the sudden raise of tone, watching him kick the footrest beside the chair across the room in temper. He had his back to you, his shoulders shuddering with his heavy breathing. You swallowed, feeling your throat dry but you couldn’t say anything. This was all new to you. This side of your relationship, this side of Seokjin. Actually, this whole situation was unlike anything you’d been involved in before. You’d had your fair share of relationship drama in the past, that was a given, but this… You were in over your head. This wasn’t about you. This was a situation involving Seokjin and Nana. You didn’t know what to say or do to make it better. In all honesty, you didn’t even want to try. 
The tiny voice from behind startled you both, and you whipped your head around to see Arin in the doorway. Her eyes were pulled wide, worried and confused. It made your heart hurt. A small part of you couldn’t help but feel to blame. 
“Did mommy leave?” She asked, her gaze on her father, who was staring blankly ahead. 
“Yes, she did,” was all he said, stunning you in the process. 
“Seokjin, you can’t just say it like that!” You exclaimed, looking at him properly for the first time. Arin had walked into the room by now, hovering by your side, a hand to her mouth as she flicked her thumbnail over her teeth nervously.   
Seokjin’s eyes met yours, refocusing before something flickered inside of them – realisation. He looked down at his daughter, voice softening instantly. “She had to go home, Arin. Something came up.” 
You could tell by her face she didn’t quite believe him. She was a bright kid, not that you thought Seokjin was undermining her intelligence, but she knew something was wrong and you didn’t think it was fair to just gloss over the issue. 
“Why don’t you watch some cartoons?” He suggested, guiding her to the sofa. “I’ll make you something to drink. What would you like?” 
She gave him a small smile as he passed her the remote control. “Hot chocolate, please.” 
The tiniest of smiles lifted the corners of his mouth too. “Okay, one hot chocolate coming right up.” He turned to you, a hand brushing yours for a brief second, voice low as he asked you a question. “Can you stay with her?”
Your nod was barely there, and you watched him walk out, heading for the kitchen. After a moment’s delay, you joined Arin on the sofa, attention on the television, watching the cartoon characters bounce around the screen, but you were in a world of your own. Arin’s voice’s tore you from it, her question rattling you. 
“Why did she go?” 
“I don’t know.” You hated yourself for lying to her but it wasn’t your place to explain. Especially not now given the circumstances. Your thoughts were captured once more. Nana had been clueless to your existence this whole time. Had you been a fool to assume otherwise? 
“Did they argue?” 
Your eyes fell to Arin’s, wanting to embrace her but thought better of it. You’d have to reassure her another way. With words. If you could. “It’s nothing to worry about, okay?” You smiled, the action stiff. “They’re just a bit angry at one another.” 
“Because of me?”
Her question broke your heart. You shook your head hastily. “Of course not.” 
She didn’t respond, turning back to the TV. She didn’t seem visibly upset, nothing like earlier, but maybe this was worse. She seemed despondent, quiet. You were reminded of when you were a kid, hearing your parents argue nonstop before their divorce. At times you used to feel at fault too. 
“I’m sorry I called you my stepmom, I didn’t know it was wrong.” As she spoke she kept staring at the television, voice quiet. 
“Arin, it’s okay, sweetie,” you told her, this time unable to stop yourself from wrapping an arm around her shoulders. You wanted to comfort her. She needed comforting. “You’ve done nothing wrong at all.” 
You knew what children were like together. The conversation she’d had with her friend had been innocent. She’d had no clue what the weight of such a word could mean, or even do. None of this was her fault. 
You held her for a while, getting consoled yourself almost as well, but time was passing and Seokjin hadn’t come back with her hot chocolate. You glanced at the clock on the wall, he’d been gone fifteen minutes. “I’m going to check on daddy,” you said, pulling away gently. “To see what he’s done with your hot chocolate.” You tried to joke around but your laugh sounded forced. Arin nodded, giving you a tiny smile as you stood up. “I’ll be back soon, okay?” 
You found him in the kitchen, leaning against one of the counters as he held a glass of whiskey in his hand. Arin’s drink wasn’t even half made. Irritation flooded your senses for a moment. You got that he was upset, angry, maybe even a little dazed by the situation, but he still needed to pull himself together and be there for his daughter. Drinking at two o’clock in the afternoon was unacceptable. 
However when he saw you, his expression softened into worry, concern colouring his tone as he asked, “Is she okay?”
You swallowed down your frustration, but once again your mind was beginning to whir. You had so many questions, so many answers that you needed, but now wasn’t the time. He needed to make sure Arin was settled and then you both could talk. 
You walked further into the room, speaking as you went. “She’s upset. She thinks she did something wrong, that’s why you and Nana argued.” 
Seokjin sounded regretful when he sighed. His eyes closed, fingers tightening around the tumbler. “Do you think she heard any of it?”
In a clipped voice you replied. “I hope not.” 
Hearing your tone he opened his eyes, coming to his senses almost. “I’m sorry,” he breathed, placing his drink down on the counter. He moved towards you, a hand ghosting over your back. “Are you okay?” Despite his tone of voice being one you were familiar with, his concern did little to console you. All you could do was nod your head.  
“Don’t take any notice of her, okay?” He continued, his voice slowly changing again. “This is what she does. She pushes and pushes. She can’t stand–”
“Seokjin, enough,” you begged, exhausted. You could hear him becoming more and more irate. 
The hand on your back froze and then dropped to his side. “Are you sticking up for her?” He more or less accused. 
“What?” You looked at him, baffled. “Of course I’m not. You just need to calm down. I know you’re angry but your daughter needs you right now.” 
His features smoothed out and he stepped back, rubbing a hand over his face. “You’re right.” He sounded apologetic. “I’m sorry.” 
“It’s fine.” You watched as he walked towards the fridge, getting out a carton of milk to pour inside Arin’s mug, chocolate powder waiting. He mixed it together with a spoon and placed it in the microwave, setting the timer. As it whirled around, you spoke again. “We can talk about it later.” 
There was silence as he placed the milk back inside the refrigerator. He closed the door. “Are you mad at me?” 
He didn’t believe you. Turning back he folded his arms across his chest, staring at you. “She’s gotten under your skin, hasn’t she? That’s what she does.” 
You heard yourself sigh. You didn’t want to do this now. Not with Arin just down the hallway. Why was he being so insistent? Your mind flew through the tonne of questions you wanted to unleash his way, but one slipped from your mouth before you could stop it. Before you could even acknowledge your own words. 
“Did she really cheat on you?” 
Seokjin looked taken aback, whatever he’d been expecting, it wasn’t that. Maybe you should have gotten your priorities straight, but stood in front of him right now, you felt deceived. You watched as he gave you a brief nod. Your heart dropped. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
He lifted his shoulders, not meeting your eyes. “It wasn’t a big deal.” 
“Not a big deal?” Your voice raised and you willed yourself to keep it down. “It seems like it was the reason you divorced her, Seokjin.” 
The microwaved beeped but you both ignored it. “It was over long before then.” He chuckled humourlessly. “She was right, I was a coward.”
A part of you wanted details but you knew right now wasn’t the time or the place. Besides, you didn’t think he’d share anyway. 
“Is that why you’re mad? Because I didn’t tell you?” He sounded worried, regretful, some other emotions you couldn’t think of right now. 
You sighed softly. “I’m not mad, Seokjin. I’m just… I didn’t know.” 
He went to step forward, to walk towards you but stopped himself. “I’m sorry, I should have told you. Especially with–”
“It’s fine,” you cut him off quickly, not wanting to hear the words you knew he was going to say out loud. You couldn’t bear it. You’d told him about Donghae in a bid to open up – because you trusted him. Why hadn’t Seokjin told you about Nana? You couldn’t help but feel betrayed. You didn’t know if you were being fair or not. 
“I should go and check on Arin,” he said suddenly, moving to the microwave to open it up. “Thank you for taking care of her. It’s more than her own mother could do, and she’s the one who caused this whole mess.” 
“Don’t,” you whispered, closing your eyes. He wasn’t going to do it again. “Don’t do that. Compare us.” Seokjin looked your way, confused now. “I don’t know Nana. I don’t know what your marriage was like, not really, and I don’t know what her relationship with Arin is like. You shouldn’t have said those things to her. She was obviously upset.” 
You understood that people spoke out in anger, that words just flew out, no matter how small the thought was, but it wasn’t an excuse. He was still emotional, but all you wanted him to see was the bigger picture. 
“I don’t care,” he brushed off. “She needed to hear a few home truths.” 
You scoffed. “And you used me to really drive them in, didn’t you?” You continued regardless of his frown. “It’s not a competition. I’m your girlfriend. I’m not even Arin’s stepmother. We haven’t talked about that yet,” – Seokjin went to speak over you but you stopped him with a hand in the air – “and I know Arin made an innocent mistake, but it obviously hurt Nana. She had no clue I existed, Seokjin. Not one!” 
He did look guilty at that, dropping his gaze, but you weren’t done. “You can be mad because of how she acted but you’re also at fault…” 
“I know,” he murmured. “I know that and I’m sorry.” 
You weren’t the only one he should be apologising to, but by now you were too exhausted to keep this up. You couldn’t stay here, not when you were sure it would end in an argument. You didn’t want to fight with him. You needed space to think. On your own. 
“I should go.” You told him, noticing his face wrinkle up in confusion. 
He was in front of you immediately, clutching your hand. “Y/N, wait,” his voice was unsteady, “You don’t have to go. I’m really sorry that I made you uncomfortable.” 
You appreciated his sincerity, and had no doubts that he meant his apology, but it still wasn’t enough to get you to stay. An I’m sorry wasn’t what you needed. It wasn’t as simple as that. 
“Honey, please,” he begged softly. “This is me with all my baggage. I’m not perfect.” 
Your brow furrowed. “I never thought you were, Seokjin.” This wasn’t about your so called flawless vision of him. He was human, just like you. Yes, seeing him mad like that had shaken you up at first but it wasn’t why you were leaving. Nor were you leaving because of the situation. Everyone had a history, or “baggage” as Seokjin chose to call it. It didn’t change how you felt about him. It was all just very overwhelming. 
You put your other hand over his, silently telling him to let you go. Above all else he needed to spend time with his daughter. “Go and check on Arin. She’s waiting for her hot chocolate.” You told him softly.  
He clasped your hand tighter. “Please don’t go.” 
“I just need some space to think.” You admitted. 
He watched you for a moment, eyes glassy – you expected yours were too – but ever the gentleman he respected your wishes and didn’t press you any further, no matter how much he wanted to plead with you to stay. Deep down he probably knew it was the right thing to do. If you stayed now no good would come from it. You could speak about everything when you were both ready. Whenever that was.
With a tight nod he slipped his hand from yours. You gave him a soft smile and turned your back to him. He had no choice but to watch you leave. 
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Written 2020 - 2021. Please refrain from posting my work elsewhere. No translations allowed. © floralseokjin 2021
625 notes · View notes
keanureevesisbae · 3 years
sugar sugar - the planning 3.0
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Summary: Someone the engaged couple both didn’t expect, is coming back into their lives
Sugar Daddy!Henry Cavill x Becky Kim (asian OFC)
Warnings: Light mentions of an argument. Mentions of hospital, cock warming (it’s becoming their thing now) and some rough sex (spanking, anal play, vibrators - the whole deal)
Wordcount: 4.9k
Masterlist // Sugar Sugar Masterlist // Sugar Sugar the wedding Masterlist // Previous chapter // Next chapter
March 1st 7 p.m.
Work has been killing Henry lately. He grows more and more tired and to my own surprise, he is even in a bad mood every now and then, a rarity when it comes to Henry. He hates talking about what is bothering him and I hate having to pry.
But it has been enough. I don’t like the fact he continues to lock himself in his office at work and I decide to surprise him. He always likes surprises, especially these ones I arranged myself.
I barge into his office and I see… He is actually taking a nap? That’s new. He only takes naps at home, with his hands slipped underneath my shirt, his head resting on my chest. His eyes flutter open, ready to scold anyone who came in, until he realizes it’s just me.  ‘Thought I locked the elevator,’ he says, ‘made it unavailable.’
‘I have a surprise for you,’ I say, as I walk up to him and ignoring the fact that he might’ve made it unavailable for me as well to come up here. He probably didn’t mean it like that.
‘Okay, what is it?’
I hop on an empty corner of his desk. ‘I made reservations for us at the Plaza and afterwards, you and I can do all sorts of things in all sorts of compromising positions, if you know what I mean.’
Henry frowns, the complete opposite reaction I was expecting. ‘I can’t, baby.’
‘Why not?’ I ask him. ‘I checked your schedule and it’s all free. You have time and you should take time. You’ve been working really hard.’
‘I know, but I can’t. I have too much to do here.’
I don’t understand. He has been working non stop this week and he still doesn’t have time? He always makes time for me, for us. ‘It’s just one night, Henry,’ I try again.
‘I already told you that I can’t.’
Oh, he is in a mood? Never did he sound so… Flat and borderline annoyed when he is talking to me.
‘Oh,’ I say, not really sure how to handle this type of disappointment. ‘Sure?’
‘Damn it, Becky. Yes, I’m sure. I have tons of work to do and I cannot afford to take a break now! Some people actually have tons of work to do.’
Okay, he is mad at me now, something I totally didn’t deserve. I think I didn’t deserve it, I’m not even sure right now. Maybe this was too much? Yeah, it was too much. I shouldn’t have done that. ‘Well, excuse me for trying to do something nice for you,’ I say, sliding off his desk. ‘Good luck with work.’
‘Are you mad?’ he asks me.
He has some guts. Yes, I’m mad. ‘No, why on earth would I be?’ I ask in a petty tone, as I walk backwards towards the elevator. ‘Bye Henry, hope you finish your work.’
‘Baby, wait,’ he says, but I don’t listen. With large strides I near the elevator and get in, not even looking at him anymore. As the doors slide shut, I grab my phone and send both Genevieve and Viola a text.
Becky: You girls want to spend the evening at the Plaza?
Genevieve: Is that even a question?
Viola: When?
Becky: Thirty minutes?
Genevieve: I’ll be there in ten.
✤ ✤ ✤
Genevieve, Viola and I are sitting in the Plaza, the three of us looking over the city, as we enjoy the view. Well, they are enjoying the view. I keep on thinking about Henry. He never snaps at me like that, just like he never calls me by my name. It’s always sweetheart, darling or my favorite: baby girl. For him to call me ‘Becky’ means I did something wrong, right? Was I out of line? Should I have checked with him? I mean, surprises are meant to surprise, so I shouldn’t have told him, right?
My brain is working overtime, unable to actually enjoy hanging out with my friends.
‘Earth to Becky,’ Viola says, nudging my side. I look up from my wine glass. ‘Honey, you’re still thinking about you and Henry? It’s just a little set back, nothing too bad.’
‘Oh my,’ Genevieve says, ‘are you that disgusting type of couple that never fight? I fight with Greg all the time.’
‘We know,’ Viola butts in. ‘Come on, Gen, you know that Becky doesn’t do well with fighting. Besides, Henry is the type of man that is above pointless fights with his fiancée. Becky, what can we do for you?’
‘I don’t know. Cancel the wedding?’
Genevieve chokes on her drink. ‘For heaven’s sake, Becky, please tell me that is a joke. I swear, if you are going to cancel, I will kill you.’
I glare at her. ‘It may have been a poorly misplaced joke and a total overreaction from my side. Sorry.’
She takes a breath out of utter belief. ‘Don’t do that. I can take jokes about a lot of things, but not our wedding day.’
‘My wedding day, Gen. I’m the one getting married.’
She snorts. ‘Okay,’ she chuckles, rolling her eyes as if she cannot possibly believe that I just called it my wedding, instead of ours. ‘Anyways, I actually got a call from the bridal shop. The bridesmaids dresses are gonna be done at the end of the month, so make sure you can join us for the final fitting.’ Genevieve lets out a squeal. ‘Ah, I’m so excited. You know what comes after the wedding?’
‘Honeymoon?’ Viola and I ask.
‘Yes, that too, but also kids. I think that we should get at least once get pregnant together, because that is such a cute friendship thing for us to do.’
I don’t know if I can handle being pregnant and dealing with Gen’s hormonal mood swings, but I keep those words to myself.
‘Since our little baby factory is probably gonna have a few, Viola and I will have time enough to get it right.’
‘Do you have to call me a baby factory?’ I ask Genevieve. ‘I say once that a large family is okay for me and all of the sudden I’m a baby factory.’
‘I mean, you’re having at least two and with the way you guys are at it, there is a chance his little soldiers will find their way multiple times. One way or another.’
‘Stop talking,’ I say to Genevieve, as blood rises to my cheeks.
Viola tries to contain her laughter, but fails miserably. ‘Are you finally gonna tell her?’
Now I’m confused. ‘Tell me what?’
‘A few months back I kinda walked in on the two of you.’
Genevieve could’ve literally told me that she was gonna be president of name a country and I wouldn’t be as surprised as I am now. ‘What?’
‘Yeah, you left your keys at my place, so I figured I would bring them to you. However when I walked in, I was met with loud moans and skin slapping.’
Oh, no, I want to die.
‘It was really hilarious,’ she continues, ‘because you were on the back rest of the couch and let’s just say that you have a respectable boob size, you two kiss hella sloppy and Henry’s ass naked is delicious.’
I look at my glass of wine and gulp it all down, hoping that drinking my embarrassment and humiliation away would make the situation less awful.
It’s not working.
‘I kinda wished you never told me this,’ I mumble.
Viola finally bursts out into the loud laughter I was expecting from her a few moments ago. ‘This is gold, I wished I had this reaction on video.’
Genevieve chuckles. ‘So yeah, when I say you two are at it like bunnies, I’m not lying.’
✤ ✤ ✤
When I arrive back at the apartment, I almost forgot about the little situation Henry and I got ourselves in. Genevieve and Viola always know the exact things to tell me that makes me forget about a lot. Seeing Henry sitting on the couch, clearly beating himself up, almost makes me feel sorry for him, however I decide to be a petty bitch.
He really did hurt my feelings.
I walk straight to the kitchen and despite me hearing him follow me, I disregard my instinct and don’t turn towards him.
‘Becky,’ he says, his tone soft and slightly unsure. Him calling out my name in a tone like this, is an indication he is aware of the thin ice he is skating on.
‘I’m sorry.’
‘What for? You were busy and I was intruding.’ I let the tea bag soak for a few moments. ‘You know, Genevieve, Viola and I had a great time together,’ I continue. ‘I arranged amazing seats at the Plaza. It had a view over the Hudson and we saw a lot of fairies.’ I know those are his favorite spots and he always tells me that one day he’ll take me on a fairy. ‘Never been on a fairy before.’ That’s a jab I knew would hurt the most. Damn, I’m awful. With the mug in my hand, I turn around, to see that Henry is looking slightly uncomfortable. ‘How was work? Did you finish it?’
He shakes his head.
Don’t say it, Becky. ‘Oh, why not?’ Damn it, Becky.
‘You serious?’ he asks. ‘We had an argument.’
‘Oh, don’t be silly, Henry. It wasn’t an argument. You were working and I had some poor planning. A small misunderstanding. Happens to all the couples some day.’
He sighs. ‘I shouldn’t have spoken to you in that tone,’ he says. ‘You were right, I could’ve needed a break. Work has been killing these last few weeks and I… I keep convincing myself I can do it all…’ He leans against the kitchen island and folds his arms. ‘Truth is, we lost some investors and I’ve been trying to rectify the situation. It’s just that it’s not working.’
Oh, I didn’t know that. Now I feel sorry for being so bitchy to him. ‘I see,’ I mumble. ‘Why didn’t you tell me?’
‘I didn’t want you to worry,’ he says.
‘You understand that I can read you like a book, right?’ I ask him. ‘Henry, I’m gonna be your wife, I know when something is bothering you.’
‘I know and to take it out on you, wasn’t fair to you. I’m sorry.’
I nod, placing the mug on the counter. ‘I’m sorry too.’
‘Sorry for what?’
‘For being petty and inconsiderate of your time. I shouldn’t have just surprised you like that. I know you’re busy.’
‘But never too busy for you. You did everything right. Checked my schedules, arranged it at a time where I barely have anything to do. It was the perfect surprise. Having dinner with you at the Plaza is one of my favorite places to have dinner with you. Staring at those fairies is what we do.’ He carefully approaches, still unsure whether or not we’re on the same page. ‘You have nothing to apologize for. The only one who was at fault was me.’
I grab him by his tie and pull him in a hug, wrapping my arms around his shoulders. He nuzzles his face in my neck, whispering soft apologies.
‘It’s all good,’ I say. ‘I’m sorry for being petty.’
‘No, no, no, don’t be. I deserved that one. Especially after the tone I used on you.’ He pulls back a little and presses a soft kiss on the tip of my nose. ‘How about I take you to dinner tomorrow night?’
‘Sounds good. But you have to call this time,’ I say.
Henry raises his eyebrows in surprise. ‘You made the reservations yourself?’
I nod. ‘Hence the reason I might got a little bit extra defensive.’
He smiles at me, before giving me a kiss. ‘I’m so proud of you, baby. Practice makes perfect.’
‘I know,’ I say with a soft smile on my lips. ‘We’re good again?’
‘More than good,’ he chuckles. He lifts me on the counter and stands in between my legs. ‘How was it with Genevieve and Viola?’
‘Good,’ I say, ‘just discovered that Genevieve once walked in on us having sex.’
His eyes enlarge. ‘Really?’
‘Yes, really,’ I say. ‘She told me I have a respectable boob size, we kiss sloppy and that your naked ass looks really good.’
He lets out a nervous chuckle. ‘Your boobs are perfect,’ he says and I slap him across his chest. ‘You know I can never look at her again?’
‘Don’t be ridiculous,’ I laugh. ‘It’s nothing. She’ll just pester us with it for a while and then she finds something else to humiliate me with. Really, it’s no big deal.’
March 20th 2 p.m.
I place the groceries in the fridge, after I got back home. I actually want to plan cooking Henry some dinner so I bought all the ingredients I think I need. He always does so much for me, so it’s only fair that I’m doing it too every once in a while.
Let’s just hope I don’t fail miserably.
My phone starts to ring and I quickly pick up. ‘Hello.’
‘Good afternoon, is this Becky Kim?’ a female voice asks.
I frown. ‘Yes, this is her. Is everything alright?’
‘My name is Alicia, a nurse at NewYork-Presbyterian. I’m calling in regards of Sehun Kim.’
Dad? That Sehun Kim? Too say I’m absolutely flabbergasted is an understatement. ‘Excuse me if I come off extremely rude, but I’m sure I’m not registered as his next of kin. Isn’t there someone else to call?’
‘Well miss Kim, you are his next of kin. Your father had a ruptured appendix. Thankfully he got to the hospital in time, but his health is severely declined. We are keeping him here for a few days, to see if everything is alright.’
I lean against the sink, thinking about my next move. ‘Is there anyone with him right now?’ I ask.
‘No, miss.’
I sigh deeply. What to do, what to do? ‘I’ll be there shortly.’ When I hang up the phone, I arrange the chauffeur to drive me to the hospital and I grab some stuff I need. As I step into the elevator, I text Henry to tell him what’s going on.
Becky: My dad is in the hospital, I’m going there right now
Daddy 🥰: Darling, are you okay? Do you need anything?
Becky: I’m taking the driver. Just be there when I get home?
Daddy 🥰: Of course, baby girl. Just tell me when you need something, okay?
Becky: Will do
✤ ✤ ✤
I have been looking at my father for a few minutes now from behind the glass. He looks a lot older than I remember him. I wonder why I’m next of kin and not my mom or my siblings.  I mean, he hasn’t seen me in so long, I literally told my family I never wanted to see them anymore and that included him.
With my arms crossed in front of my chest, I hesitate whether or not I’m gonna open that door and walk into his room.
I mean, I kinda want to.
I always felt like my father and I were pretty much the same, however he never showed me how much he loved me. It always seemed easier to love my siblings than me, but maybe there were certain things that held him back.
I never asked him and now I finally have a chance.
Finally I mustered up the confidence to just do it. I open the door and walk in. He is awake and looks at me, but like usual he isn’t saying anything. It could be hurtful, but it doesn’t feel like that. I walk towards the side of the bed. ‘Are you okay?’ I ask him.
Still he is unable to talk, but I see it. I see his eyes filling with tears and for the first time in forever, I see the hurt he probably had to endure all this time.
‘Dad, please say something to me.’
‘I’m sorry, Becky,’ he then says, his voice breaking in the process. ‘I’m so sorry.’
‘What for?’
‘For not standing up to you. For not being the dad you deserved, you needed.’ He rubs his eyes with his fingers and adds: ‘What kind of father allows this type of crap?’
I honestly don’t know, so all I can do is simply shrug. ‘I’m guessing mom wasn’t too kind on you either.’
He shakes his head. ‘She wasn’t.’
‘Then why didn’t you divorce her?’ I ask, in a harsher tone then I originally intended to. ‘Took me with you? We could’ve been happy, dad, just the two of us.’
‘I know, I know.’
‘Then why didn’t you do it? Why didn’t you stand up for me?’
‘Because I was scared.’ It must be so painful for him to admit it, but I rather want him being honest with me, then him dancing around the subject. He was scared and I can’t blame him for it. Mom was (and I presume still is) pretty scary and if she was mean to me, I don’t think I can even fathom what happened between her and dad.
‘But why am I next of kin?’ I ask. ‘You have Liam and Celine.’
‘They are not you,’ he says and that hits something deep in my heart. ‘I was too scared to call you and tell you how sorry I am, so I changed you to my next of kin a few months back. I know, it was weak and I’m a coward, but it was the only way I felt like I could do ever talk to you again.’
It happens before I can even stop it. I place my hand on his and at first, dad doesn’t move, but then he holds my hand tightly in his.
‘I’m sorry, Becky. I’m so sorry.’
‘I know,’ I say. ‘I know.’
‘I can’t imagine what you went through. I should’ve been there for you, I should’ve protected you.’
I don’t know what to say, so I simply grab a chair and drag it next to his bed, before taking place on it. ‘Then tell me everything you went through,’ I whisper, ‘maybe we can understand each other.’
✤ ✤ ✤
The afternoon turned into the night and it’s already seven p.m. when I arrive back the penthouse. It was both draining and very insightful. Everything I went through, my dad went through as well, for being a more shy personality, more serious and less out there. While I knew he would draw the short end of the stick when we were all together, he got it real bad when he was alone with my mom. The thing was: it didn’t stop when I moved out, when I told them I never wanted to see them again.
It only got worse.
Somehow me ending up in juvie, was his fault.
I close the door of the apartment and Henry says: ‘There you are. Baby girl, how are you?’
‘I’m okay,’ I say, though that is not quite the truth. ‘It went well.’
Henry stands up and walks over to me. ‘Glad to hear.’ He gives me a kiss, as his hands find mine. ‘Your dad is gonna be okay?’
‘Yeah, he just has to stay to see if all goes well tonight.’ I let out a deep sigh. ‘I missed him.’
He nods, allowing me to find the words to describe how I’m feeling.
‘We talked for a long while,’ I continue. ‘But I’m going back tomorrow, because I feel like we have a lot to catch up on. Wanna join me?’
‘If you want me to, I’ll happily go, you know that.’
I don’t want to cry, I think I did that enough the last few hours, however a few tears escape. ‘Daddy, can you hold me?’
He doesn’t waste a single second, before he hoists me up in his arms, holding me closely to his body. ‘I’m right here, sweetheart.’
I close my eyes, as I cling onto him. I start to sniffle, but it’s enough for Henry to be alerted.
‘Baby girl. What is it? What do you need?’
‘A hug.’
He pulls back a little and cocks an eyebrow. ‘That kind of hug?’
I nod. ‘Please?’
‘Of course.’ He carries me to the sauna, where he undoes me from my clothing and quickly shreds himself from his. We step into the hot sauna and I sit on his lap, before he starts the preparations. His hands massage my entire body, as I place my forehead against his. ‘I love you,’ he whispers against my lips.
‘I love you too.’
‘You did well today.’ He squeezes my breasts in his large hands, flicking my nipples and it’s already doing its magic trick in between my legs. ‘I’m proud of you, because it mustn’t be easy.’ He gives me a kiss, before he brings his lips to my hardened nipple, wrapping them around the sensitive nub.
I kiss him on his hairline. ‘You are?’
‘Oh baby, you have no idea.’
I reach down, grabbing his semi hard cock and rub his tip against my clit. I whimper, causing Henry to look up. He kisses me, soft and slow. ‘When you’re ready,’ he says.
I line him up near my throbbing entrance and I sink onto him, biting away the slight pain as I stretch around him. Henry rubs my clit and the pain quickly subdues. He leans back against the wall, pulling me onto his chest, his fingers drawing soft circles on my back.
I don’t know how long we are in this position, but when I open my eyes again, I feel pretty drowsy, almost like I fell asleep.
Henry is already awake, still holding me close against him, not caring that we’re both drenched in sweat. ‘Hi, baby girl,’ he whispers.
‘You were gone for quite a while. We’ve been here for an hour, or so.’
I smile. ‘I feel better, thank you.’
‘That’s good, that’s good.’ He gives me a kiss and says: ‘You look better.’
‘Daddy,’ I whisper, ‘I love you.’
‘Oh, I love you too.’
I rock my hips on his and he hums in content. ‘Fuck me,’ I beg. ‘Please do. I need it.’
‘How do you need it?’ he asks. ‘Rough? Soft? I’ll give it to you, baby girl. Just tell me what you need.’
I bite my lip. ‘I need it rough, daddy. Please, I need it rough.’
✤ ✤ ✤
When I ask for rough, I’ll get it even rougher. Henry used his tie to restrain my hands above my head, so he has his hands free to press the vibrator against my clit while he pounds himself inside of me. He is ruthless, but that is exactly what I need.
My mind is blank, as the only things I feel is being overpowered, loved and taken care of. I don’t know how many times I already came, but my sobs are quite telling.
‘You gonna cum again, baby?’
I nod, before my eyes roll back and my juices squirt passed him. Telling from his grunts, he is close as well.
‘Shit, baby girl, you feel so fucking good around me.’ He throws the vibrator to the side, tightening his grip on my hips, as I ride out my high. I’m a crying mess, tears dripping over my cheeks and that’s about the same time his hips stutter against mine, his warm seed spilled deep inside of me. He unties my hands, before giving me a sloppy kiss. ‘You okay?’ he asks, still buried inside of me.
‘I’m fine, I’m fine.’
‘You feel better?’
I smile. ‘I do, thank you, daddy. I needed that.’
He gives me a kiss on my lips and wipes away the tears. ‘You want to talk about it or not?’
‘I don’t want to talk about it. I’m just glad you helped me out here.’ I place my hands on his chest. ‘Could need a shower, though.’
‘I know,’ he chuckles. ‘How about you take a shower, I’ll clean up in here and then join you?’
‘Sounds good to me,’ I whisper. ‘I love you.’
‘I love you too, baby girl.’
March 21st 11 a.m.
The next day I’m back at the hospital, only this time I took Henry with me. He holds my hand in his and gives me a reassuring kiss on my fingers. ‘You want me in there with you two immediately?’ he asks me.
I don’t need to think about that for very long, because I quickly nod. ‘Of course. I actually quite need you in there.’
We stop in front of his door and I take a deep breath before knocking three times and peaking around the corner. ‘Dad,’ I say, causing him to look up from his book, ‘I’m back and brought someone.’
Henry and I step into the room and my dad nods, taking in Henry. ‘Your fiancé,’ dad says, closing his book. Yesterday I told him a lot about Henry already, especially because my dad read my interview and actually figured out how to check my Instagram. It was his own way to keep track of me and for some odd reason, I’m glad he did. He holds out his hand and Henry is quick to take it. ‘I’m Sehun, nice to meet you.’
‘My name is Henry, sir. It’s great to meet you too.’ He pulls two chairs next to dad’s bed and we both take a seat.
I take his hand into mine and say: ‘Dad, how are you feeling?’
‘Better, better.’ Dad stares at Henry and says: ‘It doesn’t take a genius to see how happy you are with each other.’
I smile, my other hand blindly searching Henry’s.
‘I also don’t need to tell you, but you need to take good care of her.’
Henry nods. ‘Don’t you worry, sir, I take good care of her.’
My dad looks up at the ceiling, tears in his eyes.
‘Dad, please,’ I say, ‘it’s all okay. We spoke about this yesterday: I don’t blame you. Not at all, not in the slightest.’
He has never been the talkative type, I know that. It pains me to see how crushed he is, how much he is beating himself up. I understand that he feels like that, however I am not mad. After yesterday’s talk I understood and realized I never wanted to be mad at him at all.
‘I don’t know if you can make it and if you even want to, but you—and you alone—can come to the wedding if you want. It’s a little short notice, I know, but Henry and I would love it if you were there.’
Dad simply nods. ‘I would love that too,’ he says in a hoarse tone. ‘Just… You have to help me with something first.’
‘And what is that?’
‘Help me arrange a divorce.’
Don’t overreact, Becky. The rush of utter euphoria fills my body. He wants to divorce my mom? After all those years? Is there an opportunity I could still have that relationship with my dad I have always secretly wanted and wished for.
I look over my shoulder to Henry, who seems to read my eyes. ‘I can arrange something with my lawyer,’ Henry says, squeezing my fingers. ‘You know what, I’ll call him right now. Maybe we can arrange something very soon.’
Henry leaves the room, holding his phone in his hand and my dad nods. ‘You have a nice fiancé,’ he says. ‘Takes good care of you.’
I smile. ‘Yeah, he does. He is the love of my life.’
Dad tilts his head. ‘You sure you want me there?’
‘Yes, I’d love to. We have an entire month to get to know each other and that of course won’t change after the wedding. We could look for an apartment for you, make sure you can start a new life.’
‘It’s a father’s job to protect and take care of his kids, not the other way around.’ He sighs deeply and says: ‘I have never taken care of you. Protected you from those vile words spilled from your mom and siblings.’
‘But you will,’ I say. ‘Please, it’s all good. Know and accept that, okay? I want to work on our relationship and that can start with an apartment when you are released from this awful place.’
For the first time he widely smiles. ‘I’m a lucky man for having a daughter like you.’
Henry enters the room again and says: ‘Well, I spoke to my lawyer and he is ready to meet you in a few days. There is a possibility he can expedite the process.’
Dad nods again. ‘Thank you, Henry. Now please sit, so I can get to know you.’
✤ ✤ ✤
When Henry and I are back in the car after hours of getting to know my father, tears finally drip over my tears. ‘Baby girl,’ he says, ‘it’s okay. You did amazing.’
‘I just don’t know why I’m crying, especially because I’m happy. I’m happy with all of this, however it’s just that… I wish there was more I could do.’
‘You are doing all you can,’ he says. ‘And your dad knows that.’
I hide my face in my hands and I feel Henry’s hand in the back of my neck. He presses a kiss on the top of my head.
‘I love you, baby girl and we’ll get through this.’
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lemon-boy-stan · 3 years
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summary: a millennium ago, your heart was broken by the only boy who loved you. a forever later, his heart was broken by the only girl he ever loved. genre: angst, vampire and witch!au (y/n is a witch). warnings: none, heartbreak. a/n: listen to/loop ‘singularity’ while reading.
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The old birch door swung open with a creak, the rusted sign clattering in the eerie wind. You sighed. This place was old, and there might not be any Wi-Fi here. But it was your only shot at getting a good night’s sleep without the possibility of  being murdered or robbed.
The empty road was dangerous at night and you were almost out of fuel, deserted in the middle of nowhere, miles away from Seoul. It was spooky so quiet. 
There was a soft ring as the door shut and a different kind of ambience filled the velveteen walls with a ghostly light and you felt at home. A pale woman with a hunched back and greying hair appeared at the front desk - which was also birch. Birch and rusting. Like the wood was so old it rusted like metal. 
A cold breeze blew and the lady frowned, raising up her tortoiseshell glasses to her face. “We haven’t had any visitors for a long time... especially since... gosh, it’s been a while. He’ll be very happy, yes, you do look quite like her. Perhaps... perhaps the time has come... a millennium, she said... perhaps it is now time for me to rest... if only...” she appeared to be talking to herself.
You took a step back. You didn’t like this place as much as you originally did. It wasn’t as fancy, more scary. It didn’t help that the woman was really, really creepy, either. 
Despite your discomfort, the lady smiled, clearing her throat, the attention of her gazed eyes turning to you. “But of course, it’s far too dangerous for you to stay outside! Especially not at night...” she shivered, like she’d been reading your earlier thoughts. 
“Follow me, dear, there’s a room down the hall. Unfortunately, you will have to share, as the other six have been occupied for quite a long time, if I do say so myself...” she chuckled at her own joke, though you didn’t really understand it. The place looked kind of empty. “We can move your things inside once you’ve settled in.”
“Oh, no,” you interrupted her quickly, “thank you, but I’ll just be staying overnight.” you might not even stay the whole night. You’d probably find a way to sneak out later without offending the old woman, she looked lonely.
The lady chuckled sadly, “that’s what they all say, isn’t it? He always lures them here, looking for her. Poor man. Feasts on all those pretty girls. In and never out, just like clockwork. Leaves the rest for his hyungs. You’re different, though. Perhaps there is something about you, he might like, hmm? I wish you farewell and good luck, dear, this is your stop. I hope you enjoy reading.” with a tilt of her hand she waved, and then she was gone.
The door swung open by itself, whistling in the air. It was pretty spooky, and it wasn’t even Halloween yet, it was May, but the interior designers obviously didn’t think so. 
The Victorian walls were laced with black swirls that looked like cobwebs. The mirror on said wall was round and coloured an ominous black shade. The bed was black and ghastly, with black and red sheets. Above it hung a black clock that seemed to be broken. 
You checked yours, and it appeared to have stopped as well. You clicked your phone but the screen remained dark. You began to back out of the room, instincts shouting danger. The door slammed shut. The candles, scattered all over the room in black mantles, flickered, their flames swaying in the breeze as a lump formed in your throat. Whoever was here was trying to scare you, and it was working.
“Aren’t you a pretty little thing?” a thick, chocolatey, hollow voice oozed out with warmth, making you jump. The voice chuckled at your surprise obnoxiously. You turned to the corner of the room, where a man with dark hair, pale skin and a ruffled white collar sat at a writing desk, returning his fountain pen to the pot of ink. 
The beautiful man smiled, getting up. “Chaewong really outdid herself this time...” he murmured the words quietly, taking a step forwards, approaching you carefully. “What a brilliant witch she is, hmm?” the woman at the front desk was a witch? Now, that didn’t make any sense. 
“Am I high?” you didn’t mean to say. The man glared at you and you were afraid you’d offended him but thankfully, he sighed, uncrossing his arms. 
“Your generation... you’re all so naïve.” he scoffed at his own words, prancing around you like a predator stalking his prey; as if he were some kind of higher power. You frowned. What did he mean, ‘your generation’? You were the same age as he was, if not a few months younger. Anyone could tell. 
“Look,” you went with your guts. “I get that this is a joke. So, you got your eomma into it somehow, and got a bit of technology for it, too. I gotta say, great job on the set. But this is getting really creepy, and I just really need a place to stay. I don’t mind sharing a room with you, but if you don’t mind just backing off for a bit -” 
Your own eomma had always said you were bad at choosing words of speech. The man growled before huffing and uncrossing his arms again. “You always were the same, weren’t you? Stubborn. Forgetful. Ignorant.” he laughed at forgetful and you clenched your fists; you really didn’t like this guy’s vibe.
“Alright, that’s it. I’m going to call the police. You’re going to jail for harassment. See here? I’m going to call the police on you.” you wove your phone around even though you’d been having trouble turning it on. 
The man sighed sadly, “that won’t work.” he hung his head low, sniffing. The voice that dripped confidence now dripped misery. “I’m sorry, Y/N... I learnt my lesson. I really did. I love you forever. I didn’t mean to court her. I only ever wanted you; only you.”
“How do you know who I am?” these serial killers were dangerous on a whole new level. The black-haired man sighed, pushing back his dark locks. “Magic doesn’t stop time,” he murmured sadly, “but love does.” He stepped closer, hoping, praying, that you recognised those words. All you recognised, however, was that you needed to get out of here, and fast.
“Magic always came with a price,” the man continued on, “but you won’t remember that.” you felt sorry for him, perhaps he had a bad case of amnesia. “You’re the one under a memeory spell! Your own, if I do recall.” could everyone here read your thoughts? “Yes,” he crossed his arms, “yes, we can.”
“‘We’?” you thought out loud. The tall man grumbled loudly. “You used to know them. And it’s your fault you forgot them. They are members of our kingdom’s court.” now he was talking nonsense. “I am not talking nonsense,” he retorted, “merely the truth. You knew them, once, and you left them. But nevermind that. You’re here now, and right now all that really matters, is us. You and I, together again.” 
He advanced, and before you could object, hooked an arm around your waist, and placed a kiss on your lips. You gasped, but not from the kiss.  A white light flashed through your mind at an instant; a thousand memories tumbling into you all at once, pouring the heart back into your soul.
The boys at the palace were brats. They had you set the table only for them to mess it up again. They would send you to fetch things, only for them to tell you to return them shortly after. You went to school, hoping to make friends, only for them to have spread a rumor about you weeks before.
They did get better throughout the years, though, and began treating you as an equal. As their friend. And you didn’t mind, being the only girl in a group of eight. You liked it. 
But you liked one of them in particular, more than the rest. He was kind, quiet, beautiful, and he felt absolutely heavenly. His soft voice always sung you to sleep. His warm heart always comforted your broken one. He was the closest that you’d ever been to someone. He was -
“Kim Taehyung.” you spoke into the breath, gasping out the tears. You felt like someone had torn you open, pulled out your heart, thrown it away for years, only for you to find it again. “I’m sorry,” he choked, “I didn’t mean to. She. I was helpless, she...” only to find it broken again. “Please, please forgive me.” the words stung. “You let her,” your voice broke, “you let her make you a monster.” Taehyung flinched at your words.
“She made me,” he insisted, still holding you tight. “She made me. I couldn’t let her get to you, I couldn’t. I couldn’t let her turn you into...” he choked again, “into what I am.” 
Suddenly cold, you turned around, back facing him, taking a step forwards. “No!” his voice towered through the walls. Chairs and tables worked together to form a barrier that trapped you in with him. “Please,” his thick voice was shaky, “please let me love you.”
A single tear bit your cheek on its way down. That was as much as you would allow yourself over this man. He’d broken your heart one too many times. “I’m sorry, Taehyung,” you shook your head, shaking silently with tears. “But I love you too much.” 
He moaned with such misery that you wanted to break down and cry on him, just like you used to all those years ago. “At least break the curse,” he pleaded, “none of those girls are anything compared to you.” your heart screamed at you. Your lip trembled, “it’s already broken.” you knew he was frowning, “true love’s kiss.”
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timextoxhajima · 3 years
Love Me A Little Less: Chapter 1 - Frankenstein
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Member: (3rd person pov) arranged marriage au with Lee Juyeon
Genre: angsty wangsty
Taglist: @hyunvelies​
“We buried you.”
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The feast before Kim Jang Won is absolutely stunning. Lemon meringue tarts, strawberry smoothies (with actual strawberry bits in them), pancakes and freshly buttered croissants, a gorgeous transparent glass pot with the golden shade of chamomile tea and a beautiful tray of puffs and eclairs.
It would be even more stunning if it wasn’t her view every morning though.
“Hey, um, don’t we have like alternating menus or something for breakfast? I feel like I’m eating the same thing every morning now, it’s kinda getting tacky.”
“Miss Kim, I hope you know you’re the one who decides what the menu is. You chose this set like a week ago and you told us not to change it for the next two weeks.”
Jang Won sneers at her butler, arguably the only person on the property to has the guts to talk to her in a way that could get her fired.
“You’re lucky I can trust you.”
Ro Il Jung purses his lips into a thin white line, scratching his cheek with one of those knuckly, wrinkly-skin-covered fingers of his. “You seem to forget that I wanted to retire last year, Miss Kim.”
Jang Won huffs childishly, sticking her tongue out, now a gentle, thick shade of smoothie on her tongue. “I’ll let you retire when I find someone else I can trust, Mr Ro. It’s just too bad I don’t have anybody in mind right now.”
Mr Ro shakes his head like a parent disapproving of his child, but a house guard pulling the heavy doors of the entrance over accompanied by some urgent yelling tears his attention away from the owner of the mansion. 
Jang Won looks up from her butter and croissant, at Mr Ro, who excuses himself before heading for the entrance hall. 
“Sir,” He begins before he can even note the visitor. “If you could--”
“Mr Ro!”
Jang Won hears her butler’s words fade to a complete silent, only listening to their visitor talk. But it’s strange, because it’s a familiar voice...
Mr Ro cannot believe the sight before his eyes.
“I can’t believe you’re still working here. It’s so great to see you again!” Then the visitor pulls Mr Ro into a hug, harshly patting the space between his shoulder blades. 
The lady of the house cannot take it anymore, not when she can’t eavesdrop on the conversation occurring in her own halls. So she gets up from the table, heels clacking against the marble floor as she heads into the entrance hall.
“Alright now, who’s got the guts to stop me in the middle of my French breakfast this morning?”
Mr Ro turns in silent shock, eyes wide and glaring while Jang Won processes the face of the visitor. 
The man hadn’t looked like he aged a day since he was--
“I’m sorry,” Jang Won scoffs, waving her beautifully done manicured fingernails in the air. “If this is some impractical joke, please do tell because my brain is just about to explode from the sight right now. Y’know,” She gestures to her head and mimics the sound of a bomb. 
“Jang Won...” The visitor strides towards her, arms wide. But she raises a palm and shifts backwards, a cautious half-smile mixed with a frown plastered to her flawless skin. 
“Not another step, nuh-uh,” Waving a finger before his nose, she shakes her head. “There is no way in Hell you can be standing here.”
“Oh, but I am, love,” Once a warm voice that sang her to sleep, Jang Won cannot decide if the tears in her eyes are welling from relief or fear. “I’m home.”
“No... no!” She slaps away his outstretched hands. “We... we buried you...”
“And I can only imagine what you’re feeling right now, my child, but... we have more important things to worry about.”
Mr Ro’s face is contorted with a mess of confusion and anxiety and he watches the first tears fall down Jang Won’s cheeks. 
“What...? ‘More important’-- No, how is anything more important than you... standing here?” The last word comes out like a final breath, at a volume just enough for him to hear. 
“I came bearing news, Jang Won. I-- Well...” He rubs the back of his head, eyes tilted down to his feet. “Because I’ve return to the board of administration now... part of the company now comes back to... me--”
“And... you cannot inherit any part of the company unless you are married to someone from a family from the same administration board.”
Jang Won’s tears solidify into fumes of anger as the thought runs through her neurons. The middle aged man begins to panic when he can read the rage in her eyes, her fists now clenched and the markings of her rings probably embedded into the flesh of her palm. Her knuckles begin to turn white as does his face, ever so slightly.
“Now, now, love. I know what you’re thinking and we can sit down and have a chat about this--”
“‘Sit down and have a chat’?” Jang Won scoffs miserably, lower jaw hanging agape. “Why don’t we sit down and let me ask you whiCH SCIENTIST MADE YOU FRANKENSTEIN?!”
The hallways of the mansion echo the shouts, the sound waves bouncing back and forth between the marble walls mostly adorn with gorgeous, one-in-a-million paintings. 
“That’s not important now, hun. I just need you to understand that without this marriage, you will lose the house and everything you own from HERA & ARTEMIS.”
“I built HERA & ARTEMIS after you were fucking bURIED! Who are you to tell me that you will inherit it ownership and I can’t just because I’m not married?!”
“These were instructions from The Board, Jang Won. I had absolutely no say over this--”
“BULLSHIT! If you have the power to take ownership of HERA & ARTEMIS just because you climbed out of your own grave, why don’t you have the power to help m-- Oh, oh...” Jang Won frowns in disdain, disgust welling her lungs and her gut. 
“What?” His eyes widen and shoulders shrug.
“You came back just to tell me this... because you want HERA & ARTEMIS for yourself.”
“What-- No--”
"You... low-life... scumbag!" The sharp shatter of the glass cabinet behind him echoes through the entrance hall of the mansion. One of the palm-sized statues sitting on the table in the middle of the circular hall lands amongst the billion pieces of glass on the marble floor.
"You give me my freedom and now you tell me I have to get married?!" The final word is literally pushed through her teeth when she cannot clench her jaws even harder. The tremors vibrating up her fist and into her arm and then her entire body makes her look like a volcano ready to erupt, so if these people haven't gotten enough, they have yet to see what's in store.
"Just who the HELL do you think you are?!" Grabbing another one of those tiny statues, Jang Won throws it into the other glass door of the cabinet.
"Jang Won, will you calm down?!"
"Don't you DARE tell me to calm down! You waltz back into this house after GOD knows how long- Hell, we BURIED you!"
"There was a mistake of the body identification and frankly, I expected a warmer welcome from you!"
"HA! A ‘warmer welcome’?! What do you want me to do? Set the entire house on fire? Do you want me to? Because I will!" The man has his brows furrowed back, palms out stretched to her. The mansion staff have all gathered a safe distance around the two of them, Mr Ro and some of those closer to Jang Won trying their best to get to her and calm her nerves but there is just absolutely no way she isn’t going to hurl a brick at her father.
"I can't BELIEVE you're standing there as if you own this place," The muscles around Jang Won’s nose twitches as the frown sinks deeper into her forehead. "I want you to hear this mighty well and crystal clear. You may have been the one who gave me life, but you will never EVER be my dad.”
The huffs that are billowing out Jang Won’s nostrils are starting to hurt.
"There is not a single cent you're stepping on - or touching, for that matter - that belongs to you. The only reason why I haven't fucking put a bullet through your right eye is because I'd go to jail and every thing I've worked for would be thrown out the window.”
“Now, now, love, we can sit down and be civilized about this—”
“Fuck you,” The anger surges through her, and she picks up one more palm-sized statue from the blue resin table. The heavy bronze weight leaves her fingers, and before it can hit the slightly aged man, someone reaches out and catches it instead.
“What the HELL are you doing?!” The scream echoes through the hall of the mansion. Younghoon sighs heavily, hand retreating back to his side as he hands the statue to one of the house staff.
“You have no right to get involved in this—”
“Jang Won, let’s go,” Younghoon strides across the space and grabs her arm, back-facing his father and trying to pull her in the opposite direction. “We can talk about this in your office.”
“How are you thinking straight?! We BURIED him! We watched his coffin get lowered into—”
“I know! I was there!” His eyes flutter shut in frustration, shoulders raising as he sucks in a deep breath, flaring his nostrils. “There’s no point destroying your own property over this. We can carry out some investigations, figure out what really happened, then we’ll work from there.”
The grip on her arm tightens when her instincts try to writhe away from him, but obviously, he doesn’t relent.
“Don’t do it. It’s not worth your time, or mine.”
He stares down at Jang Won, but it doesn’t scare her, not when she has a ghost standing right in the middle of some shattered mess. Not one cut on him.
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Younghoon grimly shuts the door as Jang Won stomps over to her office desk and rests her palms flat against the Agar Wood surface. With a sharp, swift feat, she swipes nearly all the documents off the furniture. But when she misses the empty glass (that would usually be filled with some kind of alcohol or soda), she doesn't hesitate to pick it off the desk and propel it into the marble by the television mounted to the wall.
The shatter startles Younghoon as he whips around, eyes darting frantically between her and the mess she’s made.
"Jang Won!"
"Should I be concerned you don't seem one bit bothered that a dead man is standing in our living room - MY living room?"
"That dead man is our father."
"No, that dead man WAS our father before he ditched us! How are you not- UGH!"
Frustrated, furious and absolutely exasperate, she plops down into one of the two sofas sitting in the middle of the office, feet almost tempted to kick the frosted glass table in the middle but she holds herself back. Younghoon manages to get a few house staff into the room, who hurriedly help clear the glass and return the documents to the table. Fingers pressed into her temples, Jang Won could only imagine the gratification she could receive have if she had the chance to ram her first into someone's face.
Younghoon waits for the staff to leave, then stands by the sofa opposite her, one hand on his hip and the other running through his hair. The late morning sun reflects off his soft, dark brown locks when he absent-mindedly rubs the back of his head and he proceeds to unbutton his blazer to allow him a seat. The leather squeaks under his weight before he leans his elbows on his knees, knuckles resting under his lips and chin.
"Please tell me you're actually thinking and not just trying to look pretty. You're in my house now, not some studio photoshoot."
"I'm thinking about where to put a whole person for you."
"Don't bother, he's moved half his things into the first guestroom. He's probably holding a conductor's wand right now and asking the staff to help him with the second half."
"Have you called the funeral services?"
"And say what? 'Hey sir, have you... perhaps mis-screwed a coffin about 2 years back and now we might have a problem of a zombie'?"
"I'm just saying someone might've paid someone to replace the bodies!" Younghoon frowns, eyes stuck to the rug under his feet. "We don't know how it happened but someone MUST know, right?"
"I think your best bet is the asshole living down the hall now."
"He's not gonna budge, we both know that."
"Well, Sherlock Holmes, thanks for pointing out the obvious."
"I'm just trying to help. You need to stop your nonsensical whining and use your brain like how you used it to get all this money."
Jang Won picks up a pillow and hurls it into Younghoon. “You’re lucky you still stick around, else I’d have the both of you screwed over.”
Younghoon catches the pillow, holding it to his side. “The day I stop looking out for you is the day I die, alright? So you can be rest assured I’ll--”
“Miss Kim!” Mr Ro’s voice calls out from outside the office. 
“What is it, Mr Ro?” Younghoon turns and returns the call, head tilted towards the door. It croaks open, and Mr Ro’s eyes are tired, wary as he sticks his head in.
“Your father just left and... and I think you should see the news.” Mr Ro pushes past the heavy door and reaches for the remote sitting on the frosted glass. The television screen mounted above the fire place flickers on, and there it was, her father’s face.
“The Board has just confirmed the ownership of HERA & ARTEMIS will thus forth be returned to Kim Jo-Pil, father of Kim Jang Won, the current owner. Investigations as to Kim Jo-Pil’s supposed death two years ago are still ongoing.”
“I’m gonna kill him.”
“You can’t.”
“Watch me.”
“We’ll be-- Wha-- The Board’s just come in with some new information! Kim JO-Pil has announced a marriage between Kim Jang Won, current owner of HERA & ARTEMIS and Lee Juyeon, the next-in-line to becoming the next Director of Apple, South Korea.”
Younghoon’s eyeballs are about to bludgeon out of his eye sockets. “Jang Won... I know what you’re thinking... But don’t--”
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sooibian · 3 years
IRS and Prejudice
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Pairing: CEO!Minseok x fem!employee Reader
Genre / Themes: Fluff!!! Frenemies to (maybe) Lovers? Office AU with some references to ‘The Office’, flirtatious, cat-whisperer, Aries Minseok vs Aries reader!
Description: In which Kim Minseok is nothing like other bosses. Nothing.
A/N: happy birthday to mochi ari! @his-mochi-cheeks​ 💗
Word count: 2.7k (written in a state of delirium eeeek)
You quickly hit Alt+Tab on the resume that you sat updating for the umpteenth time as the sound of heels click-clacking against the floor grew closer.
“My office,” said your immediate supervisor the moment you looked up at her, a well practised unfazed expression crossing your face. If switching between applications at lighting speed were an Olympic sport, you were certain you’d score nothing less than a gold medal. Yet, somewhere in the back of your mind, you had a niggling doubt about having been caught in the act.
You gave her a slight nod in response, lips stretched into a thin line. Smoothing out the wrinkles in your red and black plaid shirt (the one you wore on most casual Fridays since you could hardly be bothered with your appearance at work; despite the feminist within you, the dull back office team discouraged you from making the effort), you followed her into her office with your best businesslike gait while your mind made up a million excuses for what her keen eyes might have found on your 24-inch screen.
“Sit,” the middle aged woman commanded, resting her hands on her hips. Leaning against her teakwood desk, she crossed her legs at the ankles, pushed her glasses further up the bridge of her nose, and cleared her throat. It’s how she’d fidget when she was on the edge about something.
You imagined your expression if a camera was to pan to you, cinéma vérité. Indulging your curiosity, you shrugged your shoulders with a confused look on .your face
“Everything okay?” You mustered in your best Pam Beesly impression.
Your supervisor let out a deep sigh and answered your question with a more awkward one, "When was the last time you submitted cash reports to the IRS?”
You froze into a still frame.
One of the major reasons you wanted to change jobs was because innumerable responsibilities that were entirely unrelated to your department had been carelessly plonked upon your shoulders. Submitting monthly cash reports to the IRS should have ideally been a task of the receivables department and not shifted onto someone incharge of warranties.
“I - I - ,” you started by trying to justify your negligence before even attempting to answer her question but honestly, you didn’t even want to think about when you last submitted those reports and there was absolutely nothing you could say in your defense.
You’d messed up. Big time.
“Ten months. Ten months is not a small amount in penalties,” she said in her quietest tone as you struggled to fight back angry tears. You’d been with the company for over six years now but it was the first time you’d been accused of laxity. It felt like a punch in the gut.
She turned on her heel to take her seat - movements deliberately slow, allowing you some time to regain your composure. With her eyes on her phone, she leaned back in her chair and said with a sense of finality in her voice, “You know what you have to do.”
Head hung low and eyes lined with tears, you walked out of her office muttering all the things you didn’t say in your defense. The long and short of it was that this duty should’ve never fallen into your lap in the first place. As you paced in the direction of your cubicle (with twenty sets of curious eyes on your back), a pair of hands suddenly gripped your shoulders and a dulcet voice sang, “Careful, Warranties.”
At this point, you were ready to rip your hair out. Looking up you met CEO Minseok Kim’s bright, catlike eyes as he stood at a hair’s breadth distance from you, smelling of expensive cologne - the kind that was equivalent to several months of your salary, and coffee. He always smelled like coffee and in your opinion that was his only redeeming quality.
His handsome face that every woman and man in the office fawned over was a source of your annoyance - you didn’t care for cocksure people at all and he was the uncrowned king of arrogance. He took over the reins of a used car dealership from his father upon his retirement - it was nothing too fancy - yet he enjoyed strutting around the office as if he managed a multinational conglomerate.
It was his younger sister that did the real work. She managed the more important businesses while Minseok had been handed the responsibility of just one company and from your (and the Sales Team Lead Baekhyun's) standpoint, he wasn’t doing a marvellous job at it.
Your Aries energy didn’t permit you to apologize for nearly butting heads with him so you feigned a polite smile and side-stepped to your right and he simultaneously side-stepped to his left, his every little wrong move bolstering your frustration level. It happened again and again and again until he bowed ever so slightly, stretched his arm out and said, “Please,” gesturing for you to leave first, the corners of his mouth curled up in a wide, gummy grin.
What was he so happy about all the time?
“Thanks,” you mumbled and he winked at you in response. You immediately made a mental note to find out if you could report the CEO for improper behaviour. You had a full-blown list that started with his attire - should a CEO be allowed to dress in hoodies, skinny jeans, and comfortable sneakers while the rest of you suffocated in the restraints of formal clothing for four days of the week?
Huffing, you slumped in your chair and texted your aunt informing that you wouldn’t make it to barbecue night and immediately flipped your phone to silent to avoid seeing her colourful messages berating you for the last minute cancellation.
Next, you aggressively typed ‘IRS CASH STATEMENTS’ in big block letters into the sticky notes app as a reminder of the humiliation you experienced today.
When you last checked time, it was noon.
The sun had long gone down since then as you tried to wrangle customers’ social security numbers out of the ever-so-reticent-to-share-information receivables department who were all packing up for the day. You were this close to socking them in the jaw but you still maintained a courteous smile and pleaded with them throwing in tonnes of cringey corporate jargon, “Please, I just have three more reports to go and I’d really appreciate your prompt help with the information.”
Suddenly, a familiar cheery voice fell upon your ears, “What’s going on?”
You were surprised to find Minseok still in the office but also extremely grateful for his presence because his single sideway glance at Angela achieved what your five emails and three verbal requests failed to.
Furiously typing away on her keyboard, she said through gritted teeth, “I’ve sent them over.”
Minseok gave you a casual two-finger salute and nearly went skipping back to his ...no, not his but to your immediate supervisor’s now empty, glass-paned office - where you could see him directly and he you - the three walls of your cubicle doing nothing to keep you out of the periphery of his blatant staring and his trademark cheeky grin that lit up his ridiculously handsome face.
Shifting uncomfortably in your seat you returned his smile but not with your eyes. You hated the effect he had on you - making you, a grown woman, blush like a schoolgirl under his self-assured gaze. Minseok was nothing like a CEO - he dressed casually, talked to anyone and everyone like he’s known them forever. He’d come into work regularly after prolonged dry spells only to disappear again. His laidback attitude did no favours to your opinion about him.
To pointedly avoid Minseok you put your head down on your desk on the pretext of catching a little break.
… big mistake.
You woke up with a start to the soothing and inviting aroma of... home. Opening your eyes to cinnamon bread drizzled with cream cheese on your desk felt like a fever dream until Minseok rolled his chair forward in your direction and you instinctively backpedaled. Clutching his stomach he broke into a vast roar of laughter while offering you a paper napkin with his other hand.
Brows furrowed, you stared at him quizzically as sleep continued to irritate your eyes and the mark of the ballpoint pen you fell asleep on, niggled at your cheek. Hesitantly, you took the napkin from his hand and dabbed it around your eyes and he shook his head in response, pointing to the annoying curled up corner of his own mouth.
“You were drooling,” he guffawed, his eyes twinkling with mischief. Upon noticing that you immediately grew conscious about your appearance, he waved his hands frantically and added, “It’s no problem… I drool too, haha..in fact it’s ...umm..”
You glowered at him and he instantly looked away allowing you to fix your face as his fingers impatiently drummed away on your desk.
The clock struck 7:53 p.m.
Your last meal had been sometime before noon. Under normal circumstances, you would’ve been grateful for the little snack Minseok had brought you - it was an uncharacteristically thoughtful gesture from someone like him but you’d been expecting your period in a week’s time which made you unusually ravenous.
Lips pursed and head tilted to the side, he handed you a bottle of water which you gulped down within a matter of seconds while steadily growing wary of your ultimate boss’ intentions. But you pivoted your attention to prioritizing. First, you’d wolf down the delicious cinnamon bread and then think about whether you were going to walk out of this office on your own two feet or as a human-skin suit on Minseok’s well defined back.
“Thank you for the snack,” you said to him with a forced smile, “I’ll get back to my reports now.” As you swivelled your chair to face the monitor, his hand hooked at the armrest and he spun you back around towards himself.
“What’s the rush, Warranties?” Resting his chin in his hand, he wondered with a quirked brow and a smile teasing the edges of his plump mouth.
It was not your place to ask what your boss was doing in his own office at 8 p.m. on a Friday night, especially one that hardly ever came in to begin with. He could clock in and out at his own whim and sit wherever he liked even if it meant being an utter inconvenience to someone on a stringent deadline but you took your shot anyway. Doing nothing to mask the sarcasm in your tone, you said to him, “Minseok, if you came into work everyday, you wouldn’t have to stay back so late, you know.”
Unfazed, he responded, “But my schedule doesn’t allow me to come into work everyday.”
You decided not to stretch this conversation longer than necessary, especially not after his ridiculous response. Drawing in a deep breath, you said, “I just have five reports left to finish, Minseok. Maybe we can talk later.”
“I run an organization involved in wildlife rights and care,” he explained anyway, rummaging the pockets of his jeans.
No shit, you scoffed. If only Minseok Kim could get any more predictable. A not-for-profit organization was every rich kids guide...no facade...no scam.. to make it seem like they actually did something.
Handing you a card, he continued, “It requires me to travel extensively - last month I was in a park in South America, working with this one puma, Elsa. She was a cage cat who got so used to the confines that she wouldn’t come out of the cage for walks in the jungle because she didn’t like anyone touching her collar, so we couldn’t attach a rope to walk with her. But, I think I’m somewhat of a genius and a cat-whisperer. Within three to four weeks, we managed to get her out of the cage.”
He pulled his phone out next, brought his chair closer to yours and started swiping through the picture gallery to show you a magnificent puma walking around the park as if she were its reigning queen. He resumed the story proudly, “Now she walks every single day, without a rope around her neck. And she’s very, very loving and affectionate.” His face lit up with awe and admiration for Elsa.
Probably you'd misunderstood Minseok…just a little. His passion about his organization did something to favourably change your opinion about him but that didn't mean you didn't have your immediate supervisor and the IRS to answer to anymore.
"Why are you telling me all this?" You asked, covertly moving closer to your workstation.
"We have a vacant position in Treasury." He answered and you immediately stopped dead in your tracks.
Mouth agape, you exclaimed, "You did not just try to poach me from your own company! Minseok you don't cease to surprise me -"
With a smirk on his face, he gave you finger guns. "That’s always been the goal, Warranties!"
"I still have five-
"Three..you have only three reports left. How stupid do you think I am?”
Caught in a lie, you could do nothing to save face so you simply pivoted your chair only to be forcefully twirled back by his strong arms again.
“Now what?" You asked, letting out a groan.
With his foot on one leg of the chair base, he pushed you back towards your desktop and said with a voice laced heavily with his trademark sass, "Check your inbox first."
Grumbling under your breath, you said something along the lines of ‘what does a CEO do anyway’. You then refreshed your inbox, impatiently waiting for an email of several MBs to load as Minseok watched you with an expression of victory painted across his features.
Your mouth fell open to find perfect to the t cash reports for the last three months which made you instantly regret your snide remarks.
Minseok snapped you out of your reverie with his smooth voice, “I may not know much of what a corporate CEO is supposed to do but I do how to get work done. Angela was more than happy to do this for a ‘team leader’ nameplate on her desk.”
Struggling to hold his compelling gaze, you muttered, “I don’t know how to thank you...”
“But I do!” He quipped.
“Of course, you do,” you sighed.
“Let me join you for barbeque night at your aunt’s..i’m sure they won’t mind you bringing a friend along?”
Before you could begin looking for a bug in your cubicle, he explained, “I caught a preview of her message on your phone while you were happily tucked away in dreamland.”
“You - you - that’s an invasion of privacy!” You lambasted him.
Stifling a yawn, he leaned back in his chair and said casually, “I was bored. Besides, privacy is a myth in today’s day and age...just like democracy, the importance of drinking eight glasses of water a day, the goldfish memory, or the thing about houseflies -”
“Okay, okay! I get it! Privacy is a myth. You - you can join us, I guess,” you interrupted him.
With widened eyes he emphasized, “Unless you don’t want me to -”
No matter how much and how often Minseok irked you, he was a charmer. You knew your aunt and your cousins would love having someone like him join in the get together and it really wouldn’t hurt your reputation to bring your boss, especially one like Minseok, along at a family event. You also couldn’t deny the excitement bubbling in your belly at the prospects of working in an NPO’s treasury department.
“You know that’s not what I meant -” You replied, eyes on the monitor as you double checked the email you’d drafted for your immediate supervisor.
“So you want me to come along?” He asked in his flamboyantly flirtatious tone.
Ignoring him, you hit send only after adding a little smiling emoji. Shutting down your system, you picked up your coat and answered with a genuine smile this time, “I’m driving.”
A/N: the story about puma Elsa is real! i’ll link it in one of the rb’s for those interested :)
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chubby-dumpling · 3 years
Chicago PD Finale Thoughts: Why Jay Needs to Say "No"
Spoilers for Chicago PD 8x16
TW: violence; trauma
Well, that finale was a whirlwind of emotions! I’ll definitely talk about the rest of the episode and what it means for S9 later, but I wanted to discuss this first. Let me preface this by saying that I’m a HUGE Upstead fan, and I’m still in shock that they’re actually a thing (even four months later). I know a lot of people are so excited at the idea of an Upstead wedding, but I wanted to address why I don’t think we’ll be getting this as soon as we think.
The writers have definitely thrown Hailey in for a loop this season. A few episodes ago, she told Jay that she wanted to be better, not just for herself but also for him. He means everything to her, and while 8x14 showed us that this change won’t come overnight, she’s willing to distance herself from following in Voight’s footsteps. The finale finally showed us Hailey actively trying to do the right thing and be the voice of reason, despite the fact that her friend and teammate was critically injured. She talked Adam out of doing something crazy, and her words were enough to snap Voight out of his Voight ways. It was only at the idea of Voight getting shot that she was forced to kill the suspect.
Let's remember that when Hailey is faced with trauma, her first response is to find some way to cope with it. In 8x04, it was lying to Jay (despite her guilt at doing so), and in 8x11 it was running away from him and getting more involved in the case. In the finale, Hailey was actively trying to be better, but it ultimately did her no good. Yes, she saved the life of her boss, but that's not how she sees it. To her, she's just reverted back to what she's been trying to escape from.
At the moment she goes home, Hailey is feeling extremely guilty, and by the look on her face when she sees Jay, we can assume that's what is eating at her. Of course she's worried about Kim and terrified at the fact that she went behind her team's back to go to Voight, but she's also thinking about what this will mean for her and Jay. While he and Hailey don't see eye-to-eye on everything, they've proved that they can communicate with each other and find common ground when it's necessary. He doesn't want to "change" Hailey; he just hates seeing how she spirals out. He's already promised her that he's not going anywhere, and she knows how much he loves her, but to her, this is different. She's promised to be better, and (in her perspective), she's just broken that promise.
We all saw the smile Jay gave her when she said they should get married. Of course he wants a future with her. But Hailey is emotionally vulnerable. Her friend is in critical condition, her team has been at each other's throats, her boss was about to break every rule there is, and now she's killed someone. Jay doesn't know about the latter, but he does know that this case has greatly impacted the entire team. In his perspective, Hailey is afraid of losing him, which is true, but for different reasons than he thinks. Either way, we know his first instinct when she's spiraling is to give her time and help her to think straight.
One of the reasons a majority of viewers hated Upzek was because of the way Adam took advantage of Hailey when she was emotionally vulnerable after Jay was shot. After 8x16, Hailey is almost in the same position. Yes, we all want Upstead to be happy, but this isn't the right time for them or, more specifically, for Hailey, and I think Jay knows that. Leading into S9, I think we're going to see more of Jay trying to figure out what's eating at her, and until he does so, he's not going to push her until he can break her out of the state she's in. Remember, Jay's been down this road before, and while this situation is very different from the first two times, he needs to know that Hailey is speaking from her heart and not her gut.
I don't think anyone's going to read this, and this definitely doesn't make much sense, but I wanted to put what I was thinking down in writing. I'm very hopeful we're going to have happy Upstead in S9, but Jay first needs to make Hailey know that this situation isn't going to make him love her any less. That's all I have for now, and remember to #stayupstead
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melodiesofblueroses · 3 years
Hello <3 may I request a fic with Yoosung x MC?
MC is the complete opposite of him, not realising she actually has romantic feelings for him
Hey hey anon! This was so so so cute to write, and I hope you enjoy it just as much as I did! Thank you sm for the request and hope you enjoy 💕
»»————————- ♡ ————————-««
-𝘱𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨: yoosung kim x f!reader
-𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘳𝘦: fluff
-𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵: ~1.9k
»»————————- ♡ ————————-««
“um, when do you get off of work today?” it was a pretty simple question, really, but y/n couldn’t help but furrow her brows at how antsy her best friend seemed to be when he asked it. yoosung was averting his gaze from hers and fidgeting with his hands. she wasn’t quite sure why he was so nervous or what prompted him to feel that way in the first place, but she decided to not push it. 
“seven as usual, why?” she gave him a bit of a puzzled look as she ate her lunch, having to hide the look of disgust she felt when she put the pasta in her mouth. the cafeteria food was always so bland, but this one simply took the cake. 
“oh, uh, that’s cool.” ok, now things were getting a bit too weird. i mean, yoosung was always a bit odd when it came to talking with others, so usually, y/n didn’t really think much of it. but this was her, yoosung’s best friend since pretty much childhood. there wasn’t a reason for him to act so on edge whenever she was around. perhaps he was hiding something of huge importance, and as much as she wanted to know, y/n decided that it was better to not question it. if yoosung wanted her to know something, then he’d simply tell her. “it’s just that i got tickets to see ‘always’ in theatres, and i wanted to know if you wanted to come.”  
though the last part was mumbled out, she still very much heard yoosung, who was now fully avoiding her gaze and trying to focus on the far left window. y/n really wasn’t so sure as to why yoosung was so nervous about asking her out to the movies considering that the two of them were the closest of friends. did he think that she’d say no? well, surely he must’ve been out of his mind by then. perhaps the latest chemistry quiz fried his brain. 
“isn’t that a romance movie?”
“y-yeah, but you don’t have to go! it’s fine-”
“i didn’t say i wouldn’t go.” the way his entire face flushed pink straight away was a bit cute in her eyes, and she tried her hardest to contain her smile, though to no avail. geez, why was yoosung so jumpy? did the cafeteria food do something to him? y/n couldn’t lay her finger on it, but she decided it’d be better to brush it off. “it’ll be fun to go to the movies. gotta get the last bit of freedom before finals, right?” 
“right. so, i’ll pick you up at nine, ok?”
“sounds good. by the way, how was the latest lolol event?”
y/n knew that at the mention of his absolute favorite game that yoosung would return to normal, and his fast transition from nervousness to excitement made her giggle a bit. he always had a bit of sparkle in his eyes whenever he went on and on about lolol and how much fun it was. he even tried to get her into it, though to no avail. 
her and yoosung were pretty much complete and total opposites in nearly every aspect one could imagine. while he preferred video games, she opted for board games instead. yoosung loved the indoors whereas y/n would always be out and about, enjoying the wonders of nature and what it had to offer. he was more of a dog person (or at least she thought so) whereas she liked cats a bit more. ever since the two first met, y/n could recall that they’ve been the exact opposite from one another.
but perhaps the most striking difference of all was in how they felt about one another, or at least, how they thought they did. yoosung was pretty in tact with his feelings; that is, he knew a crush when he saw one, and he had fallen hard for his childhood friend. y/n, on the other hand, was a lot more oblivious to her own feelings. she did have a crush on him, a pretty large one at that, but she simply had no idea. blissful ignorance if you will. y/n simply thought of him as a friend, even if the words ‘yoosung’ and ‘friend’ in the same sentence made her heart ache and a gnawing pit form in her stomach. she still thought nothing of it. honestly, yoosung was probably more aware of her feelings for him rather than she was, which was pretty sad to say the least. 
y/n didn’t really know how to describe it whenever her heart did flips whenever yoosung pushed his hair back, or how she felt the heat rise to her face when yoosung was concentrating pretty hard on either his game or schoolwork. of course, to anyone else, these feelings were an indication of a crush, feelings of love really. but to y/n, she thought that they were nothing but weird things her body did whenever she was around yoosung. it was quite the coincidence, but she didn’t really think much of it. 
and soon, the time for the movie had come, and the two of them had gotten back row seats, which yoosung seemed to really want as he opposed all her suggestions for moving up to the front. “if we sit all the way in the front, we’ll get a headache from the bright screen you know. it’s always happened to me whenever i play lolol too late,”  he reasoned, though she wasn’t fully convinced. since yoosung was so adamant on sitting in the front, however, y/n allowed it. 
yoosung, once more, was acting a bit bizarre. for one, when he complimented her on her outfit, yoosung couldn’t look her in the eye or help the blush that spread across his face. it was weird how he acted so strangely around her and even weirder how he looked like he had just seen the light when she complimented him back. secondly, he had offered to buy her any snacks that she wanted, though y/n brushed that off as nothing more than him being hospitable. still weird, sure, given that the two of them were simply on a ‘platonic’ date. yoosung was strange to say the least, well, stranger than before. 
yet again, however, y/n decided to simply brush it aside and enjoy the movie. it was the first time that she’d been out with yoosung in quite a bit, so she wanted to enjoy her time. yoosung was always such a fun person to be around, and y/n felt as if she could truly be herself around him. he was always so kind, caring, and understanding, and the fact that the two of them were in such close proximity right now made her feel good. it was nice to get some alone time with her best friend. 
“oo, the movie’s starting,” she pointed out, continuing to eat from the bag of popcorn yoosung had bought for the both of them (yet again, he seemed so hesitant and quite nervous to share a bag of popcorn even if she insisted otherwise. the food was simply too pricey, and y/n didn’t want yoosung to spend any more than he had to). “i hope it’s good.”
he simply nodded along to what she was saying, still antsy over the fact that he had managed to score a date with his longtime friend and crush. now, he was excited, of course, but yoosung thought that one wrong move, and it’ll be over for good, before it even had the chance to start. he’s had dreams of dating her ever since the two were in high school, but yoosung simply didn’t have the guts to ever confess, not wanting to risk losing their friendship over his silly feelings. 
so he bottled them up and tried to forget about how much he loved her, though to no avail. as years came and went, yoosung simply felt himself falling more and more in love with her. he always found something new about her to admire, and before he knew it, yoosung was madly in love with his best friend. now that he was in college, however, yoosung decided that it was time to at least try to make a move, and this date was the perfect opportunity for that. 
when the lights in the theatre dimmed down, yoosung began to feel way more confident since the dark was now hiding everything; and so, although he did hesitate, yoosung worked up the courage to hold her hand, thankful that it was dark so that he didn’t have to see her reaction or his red face at the moment. 
y/n, on the other hand, was quite taken aback by this sudden development, though that wasn’t to say that she didn’t enjoy it. yoosung’s hand was so big and warm as compared to hers, but they still fit perfectly. she felt her heart speed up in the slightest, and almost as if it was a reflex, she intertwined her hands with his as well (yoosung was now extremely thankful that it was dark).
needless to say, neither of them could focus on the rest of the movie. yoosung was too caught up in the fact that he and his crush were holding hands (and they never once let go) while y/n was beginning to question why she felt the way she did. holding yoosung’s hand wasn’t really anything new as they had done so quite a bit in the past, but this time, it felt different. y/n felt all warm and tingly on the inside. it was a comforting feeling. why was her body acting all weird whenever she was with yoosung? it simply didn’t make any sense. 
but the answer soon came to her towards the end of the movie. 
it all happened so quickly, but one moment, the two of them were watching the couple on screen sharing a kiss, and the next, yoosung was asking if he could kiss her. and y/n’s mouth was working faster than her brain could comprehend, and as if on instinct, she answered yes, immediately feeling yoosung’s lips on hers. they were so warm and inviting, to say the least, and both of them could tell that the other didn’t want to pull away, not so soon anyway. 
and so, the kiss deepened. 
it honestly felt like time had stopped for everyone but them at this point, but neither of them seemed to mind as they reveled in each other’s touch. the kiss felt so good and so right, as if they were made for each other, a pair. those were the only feelings they could pinpoint as everything also seemed to be moving too fast, or at least that’s what they thought when they pulled away. outside the kiss, time was too fast, but within it, it was too slow. time was such a paradox. 
but in that moment, when the two had pulled away, y/n had finally made sense of her feelings. she finally understood why her heart started to beat crazy fast every time yoosung complimented her, why she wanted to look nothing but the best for him, why her body seemed to move on its own, and why she couldn’t help but notice the tiniest details when it came to him. 
y/n was in love with her best friend.
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jimlingss · 4 years
Sugar and Coffee [2]
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3
➜ Words: 2.2k
➜ Genres: 99.5% Fluff, 0.5% Angst, Pâtisserie school!AU
➜ Summary: It isn't hard to be a pâtisserie chef, but it's not a piece of cake either. It seems like for you in particular, life keeps throwing in one wrench after another. It always finds ways to make your sweets bitter. The cherry on top is Jeon Jungkook — a rival with a sensitive sweet tooth who always finds ways to complain about you.
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“In this recipe, we’re using baking soda instead of baking powder. Why? Does anyone remember the reason when we talked about our recipe of mille-feuille?”   You’re twirling your pen in your hand, bored out of your mind while someone answers that baking soda doesn’t have the acid that baking powder would normally add and how baking soda has much stronger leavening power than baking powder.   Theory has never been your area of expertise. You’ve always preferred to do the actual baking and go through trial and error than learning through the textbook. So with your mind wandering and from fear of falling asleep, you pull out your phone to text Seokjin. He’s been answering your texts slower these days.   “Alright, next class we’ll put our hands to work in the kitchen. Don’t pack up yet! I got some emails asking about the midterm so I just wanted to answer those questions here! Yes, it will be a collaborative exam and you can re-make anything that we’ve learned thus far in the semester. Baking is all about working together, so before I leave, I’ll post who everyone’s partners are. Come down and take a look before you go.”   With the lecture finished, you pack up your belongings, shoving it all into your bag and swinging the strap over your shoulder to walk down the steps. It’s crowded already, but as people filter out, you’re able to get ahead to look at the paper.   And as luck would have — you’re partnered with Jeon Jungkook.   It’s outrageous. As if having the same internship for three months wasn’t enough, now he’s your midterm partner.   You spin around to the teacher, beelining straight to him. But Jeon Jungkook beats you to it.   “Is there a possible way I can switch my partner?”   “I second that.” For once, you back him up. It’s probably the only thing you can agree on.   Jungkook looks to you before redirecting his attention back at the man who has his brow quirked. “Is there a legitimate reason?”   “Umm….”   “Our schedules don’t align,” Jungkook lies without batting a lash.   “Yeah.” You nod. “He has classes when I don’t and uh, he’s working on different projects when I have work….”   “It would be more convenient if we had different partners.”   “Wow, you two figured out you have incompatible schedules a minute into finding out you’re partners? Well, I’m sure you two can work something out.” Mr. Chu smiles, overly positive in a way that irks you. “Things have a way of working themselves out.”   In these circumstances, you’re not too sure about that.   Jungkook swallows hard, finding whatever excuse he can. “I’m afraid Y/N won’t pull her weight.”   “Excuse me?!” You can’t believe he blatantly threw you under the bus in front of your face. “That’s completely untrue! He won’t be able to pull his weight.”   “We’re just incompatible partners.” Jungkook outright ignores you. “I am happy to work with anyone, Mr. Chu. Just not her. Park Jimin said he would be fine to switch his partner and work with me.” He hitches a thumb over his shoulder to his timid friend standing near the door who realizes he’s being talked about and gives a polite wave.   Yet, the teacher gives a long sigh. “Look, you two. I know there’s bad blood between you both but wouldn’t this be a great opportunity to overcome that like the adults that you are?”   “I—”   “Mr. Chu—”   “I’m sorry, but there won’t be any switching.” He shakes his head. “Often times, you can’t choose who you work with in the real world. You just have to get over it and be professional. Learn a two or thing from that. That’s the point of this midterm. If there are concerns about the project, then you can visit my office hours. Otherwise, you’ll be working together and that’s final.”   It’s official. You hate your fine pastries class — and it used to be your favourite too.   “Fuck. Fuck,” he’s muttering, kicking the gravel from underneath his feet. You approach him with crossed arms.   “You don’t have to keep saying it.”   “What? That this fucking sucks?”   “Look, I don’t like you anymore than you like me. You don’t have to make it harder than it needs to be.”   “Oh yeah? You want to make it less hard? How about you stop existing then.”   “Okay, fuck you, Johnson. Stop pouting like you’re fucking four years old. Are we going to talk about the project or do you want to flunk?”   “Stop calling me Johnson.”   “Or else what?”   Jungkook rolls his eyes. “You’re so childish.”   “I’m the childish one?” you scoff in disbelief. “I’m not the one practically throwing a tantrum.”   “Whatever. But what’s there to talk about? We’ll make carrot cake.”   “What the hell?” You’re appalled. He’s not even going to ask you? “No, we’ll make the charlotte royale.”   “No, you idiot.” He pinches the bridge of his nose.   You scoff again. This was absolutely unbelievable. It’s a shame that no one’s listening into this conversation — there’s no way you would be able to retell just how absurd this was. “Did you just call me an idiot?”   “Yes, carrot’s the easiest. We’ll get it done and over with.”   “I don’t want to get it done and over with.” You point right at him. “Unlike you, I care about my grades, okay? So what if it’s easy? It won’t get us the marks we need.”   “Since when did you care about your grades?”   “Okay, fuck off, Jeon.”   Having enough of him, you decide to walk away but Jungkook soon calls out after you. “Are you going to give me your phone number?”   You’re horrified enough to spin around and regard him with a disgusted expression. “What? No!”   “For the project, you dumbass. You think I’m asking because I want to know?”   You roll your eyes to the back of your skull and close the distance with three strides again. Surprisingly, the both of you civilly exchange contact information without ripping each other’s heads off but you don’t want to be with him longer than you need to. “When are we going to meet up? We should decide so I don’t have to text you.”   “I’m fine with whenever.”   “Tomorrow then.”   “Sure.”   You leave already texting Jin your grievances. He doesn’t answer since he’s so busy, but you’re ready to unload.   //   The next day comes too quickly.   The first person you see in the morning is the last person you ever want to see — and Jungkook isn’t amused either. He regards you with a lazy gaze, dark circles, oversized black hoodie and jeans that he probably picked up off his floor and put on after giving a good sniff.   Other partners are already in the kitchen figuring out their recipes, but you have yet to decide what to make. You swear the asshat is just disagreeing with you to make it harder and more miserable.   “What don’t you understand? What you’re asking for is too unreasonable.”   “Really? You think whipping meringue by hand is too difficult? Maybe you shouldn’t be baking then, Jeon.”   “It’s time consuming,” he groans and rubs his temple. “And it’s not worth it. If you want to spend your time doing something impressive than we should make something like fucking I don’t know, Napoleon cake and call it a day.”   “Okay, sounds good to me.”   “What? Actually?”   “I don’t see why not. You can make the puff pastry while I make the custard. We assemble together.”   “You make it sound easier than it’ll be, but fine. We can meet up tonight. What, don’t give me that look. It’s not like you’re busy. And spending time with your boyfriend doesn’t constitute as being busy. The sooner we get this done, the sooner it’s over.”   “Fine. How about eight?”   “Seven thirty. See you then.”   You’re exasperated. He’s a jerk. And you go on your way while shaking your head.   8:21 am. Y/N: still cant believe my luck   5:43 pm. Seokjin: Hey where are you?  5:44 pm. Seokjin: We should meet
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Jungkook lives his life precariously. He is flexible and follows his instincts. That’s not to say he’s irresponsible, reckless or that he’s fickle. He’s adaptable and it’s the reason why he started baking anyways — a whim that he fell in love with. 
  Jungkook prefers to go with his gut feeling than plan every step of the way. And it’s his gut feeling that tells him you’re nothing but an absolute headache.   “Let me suck on your muffin.”   Yoongi’s expression dies, washing over into an impassive state. “Say that again, Kim, and I’ll never bring my extra muffins again.” Taehyung whines on the couch while Jimin laughs. Yoongi looks over at Jungkook. “Hey, want one, Kook?”   He tosses him a blueberry muffin anyhow but Jungkook chucks it at Hoseok who catches it in both hands, almost missing. “Nah. What time is it? I gotta go.”   “Where are you going on a Friday night at seven?”   “Ooh, it’s a date, isn’t it?” Taehyung grins. “What kind of girl?”   “Who is it?” Hoseok clarifies the question, cheek full of muffin. “I haven’t heard you talk about anyone ever.”   “He wishes.” Jimin giggles, have an inkling of where it was he was going.   “it’s not a date, dumbass. I have a meeting with my midterm project partner.”   “Damn,” Yoongi comments, biting into the muffin he baked earlier in class. “That’s rough.”   “His partner’s Y/N,” Jimin says with a sparkle in his eye, watching Jungkook get up from the couch.   Taehyung’s eyes bulge. They nearly fall out of their sockets and he wheezes, pounding his chest as part of the muffin stuck in his gullet. “You’re partners with that psycho bitch?”   “Yeah.” The youngest of all of them sighs. “I couldn’t change.”   Jungkook walks past, but Yoongi stops him, plopping a hand on his shoulder. The usually cold man seems sympathetic for once and holds up his muffin. “Are you sure you don’t want one?”   He dreads it — having to ditch his friends on a Friday night and the warmth of his dorm room. All in exchange for the chilly wind outside and the empty kitchens that’re eerie without souls inside them, just metal bowls and silver appliances. But Jungkook drags himself there anyway.    He’s ten minutes early since he’s not one to leave people waiting.    But when seven thirty eventually rolls around, you’re nowhere in sight.   7:34 pm. Jungkook: Are you coming or not   He waits for an additional twenty minutes, sitting on the stool, playing games on his phone. Then he realizes the time and gets started anyhow. The puff pastry always takes longer to make anyways. But that doesn’t mean he isn’t frustrated — Jungkook’s frankly pissed off and if you decided to ditch him, you’ll have one or two things coming, that’s for sure.   Jungkook beats two ounces of butter with a tablespoon of sugar. Then he folds in two beaten eggs, one tablespoon vinegar, cold water, three tablespoons of vodka, and salt. He folds in the two and a half cups of flour and forms a dough in his hands until it’s soft and pliable.    Right when he wraps the bowl in plastic and slides it into the fridge to chill for an hour, the door to the kitchen opens.   “You’re late.”   You’re not even dressed in an apron nor is your hair tied back like it’s supposed to be but he doesn’t comment.   “Do you know how long I’ve been waiting for you? It’s been an hour and I’m done my part.”   Silence.   You don’t respond. Jungkook scoffs.   It was a new low for you to give him the silent treatment when you’re the late one. Your head is downcasted, facing away from him, giving him the cold shoulder. You don’t spare him one glance as you go over to the fridge, pulling out eggs, sugar, flour, milk, vanilla beans, and butter.   You pour milk into the saucepan haphazardly and it splashes everywhere on the counter.   “Hey, watch it!”    Jungkook rips the carton away from your hands. He didn’t know you were this much of an amateur.   He watches you in mortification as you move to the flour bag, scooping out a whole cup instead of six tablespoons. He wonders if you had a stroke. “Y/N, you’re supposed to do the eggs next. What the hell is wrong with—”   You burst into tears.    Jungkook’s heart stutters. He pales. He freezes in place. He feels his entire body go rigid.    And his brain breaks.   …..   What.   Tears. Full on tears are streaming down your face. You’re wailing, covering your face with your floured hands and crying into them. Your entire frame shakes as devastation wrecks through your entire body. He’s never seen you look so small before. He’s never seen you cry.   Jungkook puts milk down, swallowing hard. He watches you with eyes as big as saucers. “I...I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to—”   You sob. “J-Jin brok..e up w-with m...e.”
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I just woke up and the first thought I have is why do I feel so empty inside. And then I remembered
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The pain and emptiness Na-Kyum now feels was exactly the pain I felt last year
And then this:
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Painting is his only passion. His lifeblood and his distraction and passion all rolled into one.
I remembered just before the pandemic lockdown happened, I showed my then love interest a video of me finally putting one of my major fics into a book. It wasn’t for profit, it was just for me to read it every now and then, and that was my first completed multichaptered fic so I was ecstatic to show it to him so I sent him a 15-second clip and
His reply? “I can’t deal with you right now. In a bad place. Sorry.” And didn’t talk to me for a month.
That was the last straw, and I suddenly felt so empty after that.
I showed him my craft. It was a year’s worth of tears making that, and it took me five years to finally have the guts to have it printed out and turned into a book. Showing him that part of me took me great courage because I never showed a guy about the things I write about. Fic writing has always been my passion. He was the one that first came to mind to show it to, and he sent me that.
That sent me in a spiral of ceaseless crying and restless nights and I basically just wasn’t taking care of myself because I was thinking the whole time: WHAT DID I EVER DO WRONG TO HIM TO TREAT ME LIKE THIS?
It had gotten so bad that some of my students noticed my change in class and they did everything to just make me crack a smile. “You always look like you’re about to cry,” they say.
And that was when I knew I was on the edge of life and death
My students
They literally saved me while I was on the verge of thinking suicide one night. One of them chatted me up without knowing what’s been happening to me and without knowing I had a rope of ribbons around my neck. He simply chatted me. A lengthy convo about the mystery and questions of life and it ended up as a joke about a game bc he died in-game.
I laughed at that. A philosophical question about gaming.
And I took the ribbon rope off around my neck, crying while laughing.
A student saved me from death. Literally.
And looking back to the pictures above (I just realized I am now doing the analysis as I type this when I said earlier that I don’t think I can do the analysis anymore after reading the chapter)
All the pain that I have felt these past few months resurfaced with those panels of Na-Kyum feeling empty inside.
I’m guessing next few weeks we’ll finally get to see this:
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I am now convinced that those ink marks on his neck and chest are from Deok-Jae’s attack, and judging from Na-Kyum’s eyes, it seems he had cried again. I initially thought that foot was Nameless’s or any attacker’s foot for the past few weeks, but after the update, I’m getting convinced that it’s most likely Seungho’s foot, but
The angle on which the foot is placed vs where Na-Kyum looks is quite peculiar. I have said this before and I will say it again.
There are most likely two people in this scene. The one with the foot, and the one seated beside Na-Kyum, whom he’s staring at in a daze. My first instinct is Kim, given that Seungho might probably order Kim to fetch Na-Kyum from his room. He’ll call on Seungho to tell him what happened, and he’ll see this state of Na-Kyum.
Or it could be Min. Seungho might coax Min to go with him and fetch him themselves and then they’ll see this. But given that they are all SO FRICKING HIGH ON OPIUM RN, Seungho might not differentiate right from wrong and might go with the planned orgy, because notice the strangeness of the cup of water in the picture, when everything else in the room is thrashed
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Deokshit spared nothing unturned in the room, so WHY. IS THAT CUP. FILLED WITH WATER?
@scorpiusgurl​ jokingly told me repeatedly that it was probably a playful round of smex between Seungho, but seeing that we have Min now... the planned orgy/threesome might happen and it will most likely involve the brush play back in c36. It may happen in Na-Kyum’s room, with Seungho disregarding the total wreckage of everything around him BECAUSE THE FUCKER IS SO HIGH AND DISILLUSIONED LIKE THE BUTTHOLE THAT HE IS
And notice the blurred edges on both sides of the pic. It indicates that it might be a flashback, OR from someone who’s really intoxicated, similar to Na-Kyum’’s drunken state back in c20 and 21
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If it’s a flashback, it might either be Seungho’s, or Min’s, but I can’t say for sure. All the flashback scenes are only told in Na-Kyum’s point of view, and rarely with Seungho. If it is a flashback post-intoxication, I wonder what shitty remorse marathon will Seungho delve into this time?
If it is from Min’s present point of view during his high state, it could mean that Min had already partaken in having Na-Kyum and now I feel sick in my stomach again
And if so, at this point, I’d rather have Na-Kyum be killed rather than have him living in agony under Seungho’s roof.
I’m just gonna stop at this point
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bts-fic-mania · 4 years
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GENRE : Fluff | Romance | Comedy | Husband AU!
RATING : 13+
Balancing between work and home has been quite a tiresome task, but still Min Ji has been managing and juggling through all of those responsibilities thanks to her lovely husband who's always been by her side as her backbone. Will this Wedding, Bachelorette party and a simple shopping trip add in a bit of spice to her life...?? Help her reminisce her past...??
Having the most important responsibility of all time can be nerve wrecking but Soo Jung is determined give her best friend the best wedding a person can ever wish for. But how is she gonna react to the fiasco and the most astonishing revelation of eternity...??
It's the biggest day of Ji Na’s life -'Her Wedding Day'. She never even dreamt that she'll marry the man who ruled the entire world's hearts. Her family and friends didn’t leave any stone unturned to make her wedding more memorable. She wouldn’t have had this much fun in a million years. Little did she knew that the universe had another special thing in store for her...
"Where are the Keys ?" He inquired, looking for them in his pockets.
"Tae, Open the door already !! I'm soo tired... My feet are gonna give out..." Min Ji whined as she slumped down on the floor, her back against the door.
"Yahh! Where did i keep them. " He said, still struggling to find the item.
"Yep. Gotcha." He jiggled the keys, then inserted the key inside the lock to open the door.
Both of them entered their home, tired and exhausted.
Min Ji plonked herself on the couch, face first while Tae went inside to place the packs with their clothings in their bed room, getting himself a bottle of water on his way back.
His phone began ringing the moment he sat down beside his wife.
"Hey Jungkook-Ah !" He let out, rather chirpily.
Min Ji wondered how he could be soo lively after their wearying shopping trip and soon she observed an elated expression plastered on his face.
He disconnected the call, a soft smile on his face.
"What ? What did Jungkook tell you that's making you smile so bad?" Min Ji asked teasingly, her head propped on her elbow.
"Jungkook invited me to his Bachelor's party which is gonna be held in a week. I'm soo excited to meet all my hyungs after such a long time." He sinked back into the sofa, his expressions were enough to reveal how happy he was at that moment.
"That's nice." She grinned, too elated to see her husband so riant.
"Ohh i completely forgot." He remembered. "Jungkook mentioned that his wife wanted you to attend her Bachelorette party too."
"Huh... But... I don’t even know her or anyone there, what will I do alone. I'll stay at home with my bed, my soulmate." Min Ji stated, casually.
"Ohh... So your bed is your soulmate then who am i ?" Tae asked, cocking an eyebrow.
"Uhmm... You're my lovely, adorable and handsome husband." She complimented him.
"Yahh... Min Ji-Ah You need and have to go okay. Get out of this house and just enjoy your life, jagi. There's an entire world outside these four walls." He tried to convince his wife.
"You know how i feel in a crowd full of people I don't know. Even you won't be there. I'd be really bored." She retaliated. "Secondly, I've got nothing to wear and I'm no mood to go for a shopping trip anytime soon."
"I'd accompany you and we'd buy a gorgeous dress for my beautiful wife. Please Min Ji." He pouted.
'His puppy eyes were too hard to resist. Damn, he knows my weak points.' She thought to herself.
"Okay. FINE." She gave up.
'It was easy for him to make her agree with everything he wanted.' She thought, looking at his satisfied smile.
Works been keeping Min Ji and Taehyung pretty busy lately.
Who says a Teacher's Job is easy...? For a teacher like them, who literally put in their whole and soul into their work, it's never been facile. Sadly, being a teacher is the most under appreciated job despite the burnout they go through, every single day.
Min Ji and Tae lazed around after being drained of all the zing.
They worked their asses off, the entire week, since they had to take a few days leave on the occasion Jungkook's marriage.
Min Ji flipped open her journal just to discern that she still needed to go and buy a dress that she'd wear for Jungkook's Wife's Bachelorette party.
' It's Sunday tomorrow and the Bachelorette's gonna be on Monday... So I'm gonna go shop tomorrow and drag Tae along too... YES!! It's Sorted then. ' She planned in her mind.
"Tae, We need to go look for a dress I'd wear to the Bachelorette's. So you need to accompany me tomorrow." She said, unaware that her husband who was sitting on the couch, besides her, his eyes fixated on the TV screen as he played 'Over Watch' did not acknowledge a single thing she said.
No response made her look at him and call him out again.
"Mr. Kim..." Min Ji spoke again, touching his shoulder to shake him, but he shrugged it off.
In spite of Min Ji's repeated attempts of trying to gather his attention, the boy didn't budge.
"YAHH!! KIM TAEHYUNG!!" She shouted, annoyed that her husband ignored her entire existence, completely focused on the game.
Taehyung jumped from the couch, stumbled down to the ground, puzzled and scared out of his guts. The controller dropped on the carpet by his side with a 'thud'.
Min Ji was trying hard to suppress a loud laughter as she saw her husband's pallid appearance.
"Bahahahahaha..." She laughed, hysterically.
Taehyung stood confused, trying to figure out what just happened.
"Min Ji-Ah..." He whined, putting his headphones down at the coffee table, picking up the controller, placing it on it's proper place.
Min Ji cackled while Taehyung smiled lightly, listening to her melodious haa-hee.
"Stop It... It was not that funny." He turned to her.
"I-hh It wah-hh was..." She held her stomach and tried to calm her breathing down.
"It was sooo funny. You should've seen the look on you face... Haha..." She beamed.
"Okay Okay... Fine... Now speak up, What's the matter ? What did you want to tell me ?" Tae inquired.
"I just wanted to inform you that we're going shopping tomorrow and you're coming with me." She let out, straight.
"Oh... Okay... But that's all?" He asked and she nodded.
"Yah!! You disrupted my game because of such a mere thing." He said, crossing his arms over his chest and frowning.
"Tae... Okay... I'm sorry." Min Ji pouted as Tae turned his head to his side, away from her.
"I was thinking that I'd order Japchae for dinner today. But since you're soo annoyed with me..... " Min Ji continued.
"Japchae!!" His eyes twinkled as he drooled, visibly.
"Tae... Get Ready..." Min Ji whined, her husband still lying down, occupied on his phone, unaffected by what she told him.
"Kim Taehyung, I swear that I'm gonna burn your phone to ashes if you're not ready by next five minutes." Min Ji warned.
She giggled as she saw Tae immediately standing up, dropping his phone at the nightstand, stumbling on his way to the bathroom.
Tae locked the main door as they stepped out of their home.
"T-" Min Ji was cut off by the ringing of Taehyung's phone.
"Hello Bogum." He said, signalling Min Ji to wait for a minute as he went a bit away to talk with his friend.
A few minutes later, Tae returned, apologetic in guise.
"Look... I know that I promised you that I'd help you with the dress but Bogum's father is in the hospital and he needs my help so i need to go. I've got no other option Mini... " He was sad.
Taehyung was really a genuine friend that everyone deserved to have. He was always up for it when his friends needed him.
"It's okay, Jagiya. I'll manage everything, here. Bogum needs you right now so you should go. Don't worry about me." She assured him as she placed her hands in his.
"I owe you one for this, cupcake." He spoke.
"What's up with these nicknames? Huh?" She teased. " And you don't owe me anything." She pecked his cheek.
"What did i do to have you in my life.?" He hugged her and her cheeks flamed up.
" Taehyung-ah, Bogum might be waiting for you... Goooo...."
"Bye. I Love You." He shouted, running towards his car.
"Yahh!!! This Boy!! " Min Ji smiled to herself and shook her head in disbelief.
'Seems like I gotta do this all by myself' She thought as she mentally face-palmed.
Min Ji wandered from store to store looking for a suitable dress she could wear to the Bachelorette but in vain.
She was strolling through the hallway when a beautiful, metal black, bodycon, dress caught her eye.
She immediately entered the outlet, looked for her size in the dress and bolted towards the trial area.
As she was about to enter the corridor, her phone went off. She opened her handbag, looking for it and then,
"Ope!!" Min Ji squealed as she stumbled backwards but managed to retain her balance and save herself from the embarrassment of falling straight on her bum.
Min Ji bumped into another women who was storming out of the corridor, busy taking over her phone and both failed to realise the other's presence.
"Sorry!" The lady said as she bowed and dashed towards the exit.
"It's.... fine..." Min Ji said, which came out as a whisper since the woman was already out of the store by the time she uttered those words.
She shook her head and headed to the trial room.
"Yah!! Soo Jung-Ah!!!" A voice called out, behind a closed door, Min Ji just went past.
"Aye!! Come here and Help me." The voice spoke again.
Min Ji's motherly instincts rose after listening to the word "Help" so before she realized, she knocked on the door.
"Hey! There's no one outside here since you're calling out for them..." Min Ji continued "Are you alright ?? I can help you if you want me to."
There was absolute silence for good few minutes until the voice spoke up again, "Hey!! Could you please help me fix the zipper of my dress..? Since you can see my friend's already bailed out..."
Min Ji stifled a chuckle, "Yep...Sure."
The door opened which revealed the silhouette of a woman dressed in a wedding gown.
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Min Ji couldn't help but remember the day of her marriage and smiled to herself.
"Here... It's Stuck!! " Her voice snapped Min Ji out of her daze.
She moved towards the woman, trying to pull it up but it didn't move.
She took a step away and stood there, analysing it, thinking of something that could be used repair it.
An idea struck her mind almost instantly as she reached out for some Vaseline from her handbag and applied it to both the edges of the zipper before pulling it up with a 'ZIG' and *VOILÀ*, it was fixed.
"Thank you so much." The woman smiled.
That's when Min Ji looked up at the woman's face but she couldn't help but feel that it look familiar.
"Do I know you? Have we met before? I think I've seen you somewhere." She inquired and let out a string of words before she could stop them from rolling off her tongue.
The look on her face turned sceptical as she could practically see the wheels turning inside woman's head.
"N-No... I don't think so." She immediately grabbed her shades before putting them on.
"Oh-Okay then... I should leave." Min Ji bowed and made her way out.
'Weird' she thought to herself.
Min Ji couldn't help but feel that she knew the women she just met.
But the thought subsided as soon as she tried her dress on. And she knew what she was gonna have on for the party.
She rushed towards the cash counter, bought the dress and made her way back home, happy to finally relax after an entire day full of exertion.
Min Ji stepped out of the lift, trudging towards their apartment.
She was about to open the door when she noticed a hamper with a card by it.
She picked it up, trying to figure out who could sent it to them and walked in, shutting the door behind her.
She slouched on the couch and started unboxing it.
It contained Two Exclusive Perfumes: One Chanel and One Jo Malone with an Invite to Jungkook's Wife's whose name as mentioned on the card was KANG JI NA.
It stated that Min Ji had to be ready really early tomorrow (which meant waking up even before that,,,URGHHH....) since it wasn't just the party but a trip filled with activities including all of them staying there.
"OHH GOD... I NEED TO PACK UP EVERYTHING..." Min Ji bolted towards her room, ready to complete another task so she could lay down on her bed at the earliest.
❖ ── ✦ ── ✧ ─ ◈ ─ ✧ ── ✦ ── ❖
Here she was stressed the heck out of her life waiting for what these next few weeks hold.This was it. This was the day Kim Soo Jung, Head stylist of JK's company and wife of the famous actor Kim Seok Jin, was gonna be held at the helm of being THE BEST MAID OF HONOUR. Knowing her best friend Kang Ji Na was gonna get married to the love of her life after a period of creepy stalking and one sided administration (Really pretty adjectives used by Soo Jung to make Ji Na flustered Infront of Jungkook).
She was more than happy and overwhelmed at the fact that her friend's one sided endeavours bore into fruitition and before she knew those two were marrying each other. She has to say this is one of the most happiest moments of her life. She states dramatically to her husband, right after she enters the house with cake samples and seating herself on the couch, not wasting a second to search up her contacts for best wedding dress maker.
"I thought discovering cookies and cream flavour was your happiest moment." Jin retorts while sitting beside her on the couch, with a mischievous smirk on his lips.
"You know me so well Jinnie!!" She says smiling fondly and leaning in to give him a cheek kiss.
"Did you like to rush home from work and Wow... did you bring me some cake!!" Jin says while taking the package placed on the tea table.
"Those are cake samples for Ji Na's wedding" she says while Jin opens the box and gorges over one of the sample.
"Don't knock yourself out with those cakes I too have to try and decide the best one. How do you like that one, though ?" She asks.
"Oh it's soo good I was starving" Jin says with stuffed mouth and reaches in for another sample.
"No!!! Jinnie it's not for you to eat. I have to do the taste test and find the best." She whines poutyly while snatching away the box
Jin's face dulls down with disappointment.
"Okay you can eat those but you will have to tell how each one is and help me find the best." She says.
Jin's face lightens up. "You are the best Soo Jung-Ah!!" He exclaims while taking away the box.
And like that with just a mere snap of finger, Soo Jung's one of her many jobs was done. she pats herself internally while smirking at the victory of having her strategic plan work. She hands him over the taste quality rating list with names of each flavour.
Jin does whine about work given but feels it's worth the delicious cakes he tries.
She calls in the best of all wedding planners who is also Jin's childhood friend, wedding designer whom she worked with for a huge actress's wedding having advantage of discounts and instant work.
Now the biggest deal of all, The Best Bachelorette party.
Soo Jung had planned everything before a week of wedding rolled around. She went in with Ji Na and other bridesmaids for dress fitting, approved and checked up all the wedding arrangements made by Hoseok her wedding planner, mailed all the invitations. Everything was going according to her plan until she couldn't think of a good idea for bachelorette's, which she needed to sent invite for too.
Soo Jung racked her brain while tapping her pen continuously on the edge of her planner. She took few days off and was working continuously towards her maid of honour duties
Being frustrated she thought of going out meeting other friend as she was feeling coerced and needed air to breath.
She went in and waited in the café while ordering a sweet Caramel Frappuccino.
"You know I recognised it was you just by seeing that overly creamy drink on the table without even looking at your face." Yoongi teases her while settling himself before her in the small cabin.
"I don't know what you are talking about." Soo Jung says while enjoying her drink and humming in contentment.
Yoongi just chuckles and gets himself a simple Iced Americano.
"So how is your Best Maid of Honour campaign going? " Yoongi asks.
That's when she starts to worry again about something she came here to avoid.
"I am facing an idea block for the bacherollete party." Soo Jung sulks while worrying maybe her coming to this café only wasting the precious time she has.
"Just do as we boys are doing." Yoongi remarks while looking at his phone.
"Oh yaa I forgot to ask Jinnie. What are you guys doing?" Soo Jung asks expectantly.
"Las Vegas baby!!! We always teased our youngest about taking him to Las Vegas and getting him wasted before his wedding. We know he likes Hangover movie too much. So we had to fulfill his fantasy." Yoongi lets out with excitement.
Soo Jung deflates and starts to rack brain again for ideas.
"You don't seem to like that idea..?" Yoongi claims after lifting his gaze from to the phone and meeting Soo Jung's disappointed face.
"Nah that's too typical and so unlike Ji Na she hates clubbing and getting wasted. I want to do something she loves and something she can relax with as it's gonna be her big day." Soo Jung says while sipping her coffee.
Yoongi smiles at her thinking how she cares so much about the ones she love.
"I am sure you will find something." Yoongi says while patting her head.
"I hope so." She returns him a smile.
"Oh why don't you ask Namjoon as he is Ji Na's best friend and knows her for long time too." Yoongi suggests.
"Yahh! I am Ji Na's best friend, can't you see who is the maid of honour. I don't see Namjoon picking out dresses and bouquets for her." She remarks offended.
"He is the best man.....but I thought I was your best friend." Now it's Yoongi's turn to be offended.
"Whatever he is managing Jungkook's side so he doesn't count as her best friend right now... It's complicated Yoongi. But you will always be my little meow meow." Soo Jung teases him.
"Yahh how many times I have to tell you not call me that." Yoongi spits with mild anger yet internally feeling pleased.
"Come on... I know you love it." Soo Jung teases him with mischievous grin.
Yoongi answers her only with a slurping noise of his coffee.
When Soo Jung reaches home she contemplates what Yoongi said. Namjoon really did know Ji Na way long than she did and having no other choice she had to step down her pride just a little bit and ask him for a few pointers regarding Ji Na's likes and dislikes.
Soo Jung waits until two telephonic bleeps and hears a hello from the other side.
" Hey Namjoon, this is Soo Jung." she introduces.
" Oh Soo Jung it's been long since we conversed.. How are your maid of honour duties going?" Namjoon asks.
" It's been great actually. You know I won't let my best friend down ever." Soo Jung remarks while emphasizing a little bit more than necessary.
Namjoon just gets amused at her kiddish saltiness towards him.
" Hmmmm..." He states after a period of awkward pause " So what did you call for...."
Soo Jung clears her throat "About that.... I was thinking of few bachelorette ideas and I did find many, like many great ideas that she may love but still do you have any suggestions about what she might enjoy." Soo Jung adds in the unwanted whipped cream to save herself after remarking herself as best friend cause clearly she doesn't have any great ideas.
"So much for being Ji Na's best friend...Huh?" Namjoon teases but doesn't give her time to retort. "She did say she loves hiking and camping." he says without giving much of a thought.
Suddenly a light bulb lightens above Soo Jung's head.
"Thank you very much Namjoon, I agree you win this time. Bye! " before Namjoon can tease her for her slip up she cuts the call.
She swiftly opens her system and looks for the hiking resort just near the venue.
She can't believe how perfect the whole deal is. Being a full day trip she wants it to be a surprise.
Soon she orders in to design and send her the invites in two days with complimentary perfumes.
Now that everything is sorted she thought she could relax but still she was a little stressed about how whole plan will turn out.
Next day she shopped secretly for everything she needed for the party and came back home, exhausted.
Having taken off she gave all her responsibilities to her assistant who was great at her work but still Soo Jung preferred to not risk it and checked before finalizing everything.
She started to work on her real job while settling herself comfortably on bed.
"Soo Jung-Ah! finally I caught in your natural habitat otherwise you were out as a light by the time I returned." He says while settling himself beside her and cuddling her up.
"Aww Jinnie I missed you too" Soo Jung said while keeping her work aside and started playing with Jin's hair while looking at beautiful black-brown orbs.
"You are doing great my wife. I can say you are The Best Maid Of Honour." Jin states while intertwining their fingers together, pressing a fond kiss on her hand that he held in his.
" Do you think this will earn you browny points and I will let you off the hook for whatever mischief you have planned for." Soo Jung remarks sceptically.
"Noo... Jagiya I mean it." Jin states with sincerity. "You have been working so hard I am proud of you." Jin looks at her with a smile.
Soo Jung has nothing to say to her husbands's soft demeanour so just smiles with cheeks tinted in a shade of pink.
"But yaa it was so evil of you to manipulate me into helping you to select a cake for you. Now my trainer wants me to work half an hour extra otherwise I might look like a dumpling on screen." Jin whines poutyly.
Soo Jung can't help but laugh out loud at the prospect of being caught and also feeling fuzzy over the fact that Jin caught on to her plan.
"It's okay Jinnie your fans will still coo over you saying how you look like a cute dumpling, All puffy." Soo Jung mocks his crazy fan following.
"Somebody seems to be jealous." Jin remarks with a mischievous grin.
"Why would I when I have the real deal and besides you aren't my favourite actor either." Soo Jung states while leaving the room to prepare dinner.
Jin falters at her sudden motion and starts whining about what she just said.
The days roll by and soon the day of the trip comes around. She wakes up way earlier than anyone to pick up everything she needs and order the van to reach the venue.
Now all she has to do is pick up the bride.
Soo Jung gives Ji Na a heads-up and is glad to see she received her call.
Ji Na having a good life style habits unlike Soo Jung is way more in a better condition in the mornings.
Soo Jung is far from being a morning person but she has to push herself for her best friend.
She rushes her to the venue and see's most of the girls have arrived. Soo Jung invited all of the girl group members Ji Na trained and debuted with before starting her solo career. Even after going solo she tend to be in good connection with most of them.
Soo Jung see's a really pretty woman approach whom she kind of recognise from some where but can't put the finger on.
Ji Na was assessing her gown when she heard a knock on the door of her trial room followed by her best friend calling her out.
Ji Na opened the door only to reveal a stunned Soo Jung who eyed her up and down, examing Ji na's dress.
Soo Jung was mesmerized to see her friend in a princess wedding gown.
"Whoa... You look FANTABULOUS!! " She exclaimed.
"Thank You" Ji na blushed at the compliment. "But Where did you disappear?" She asked strictly. "If it would've been for that lady I would've still been holding up the dress and standing lonesome, calling your name out like a fanatic in the empty area. But thanks to no one other than you, that lady was about to recognise me and my identity was just a bit away from being revealed." Ji na blabbered.
"JI... Calm down. PLEASE. My assistant called me to inform about a sudden fiasco regarding your Bachelorette party so I went out to sort them up a bit. I'm thankful that the women was at the right place at right time and happy that she wasn't one of your crazy fangirls." Soo Jung says, grateful.
Ji na passed her a mix of an annoyed and a 'yeah-yeah' look.
"I feel kinda Guilty tho..." Soo Jung continued seeing a big 'WHY ?' written on her best friend's face. "Actually, on my way out, I bumped into a woman and if she would'nt have had balanced herself, she could've fallen down. And i was in such a hurry that i didn't even apologize properly."
"It's okay, hun... Rhe next time you meet her, if it be, then you can repent over this." Ji na patted her shoulder. "But for now.... We need to look for dresses we'd wear to the Bachelorette now that my wedding gown has been finalized." Ji na reminded.
Both the women went out and started looking out for a dress as per their preference.
°°°°°°°° PRESENT; BACK TO THE TRIP °°°°°°°°
When she realised where she recognised the women from, she immediately looked away away, her back facing the woman approaching her, now.
Ji na saw Soo Jung standing awkwardly, so she approached her.
"What's wrong??" She asked.
"That woman from the shop, she's a guest at your party." Soo Jung confessed, embarrassed.
Ji Na looked over her friend's shoulder, "Ohh Shit!!", her eyes turned wide as she rotated in her stance too.
"You know her too?" Soo Jung asks a bit muddled.
"She was the one who helped me with my zipper the other day and then things were left on an itchy note." Ji Na clears it.
"So she was the one who you bumped into." Ji na says and Soo Jung nods her head as an answer.
The best friends stood there uneasily for a good amount of time until Ji na felt a hand tap at her shoulder which forced her to look at the bearer of the hand, but she whirls Soo Jung along with herself, both smothering a guilty look.
The woman's expressions falter a bit but transform into a smile soon. "Hey! I am Kim Min Ji, Taehyung's wife " She states chirpily.
The faces of both Soo Jung and Ji Na retorts into confused expressions.
"Hi... Sorry for yester-" Soo Jung gets cut in between.
"Sorry about what.....oh about the incident where we bumped into each other yesterday." Min Ji states calmly.
"Yup I was the one who suddenly left Ji Na alone. It's just I had learnt my assistant did this huge blunder....." Soo Jung starts to explain herself.
"It's completely fine... You don't have have to give me any explanation and no need to be awkward. You are Maid of Honour for lords sake... I can understand the pressure you have. The time's have passed by soo let's start anew, shan't we ?" Min Ji said as she put her hand forward in front of Soo Jung.
Soo Jung looked puzzled at Ji Na who was too shocked herself.
"Yeah... Yeah, for sure... You're right! Nice to meet you Min Ji... I'm Soo Jung by the way, Jin's Wife." Soo Jung smiled, taking Min Ji's hand for a hand-shake.
"Ms. Kang Ji Na or should i say soon-to-be Mrs Jeon Ji Na, the idol and bride-to-be. You looked soo familiar." Min Ji states with a warm smile.
"Hello Min Ji! I'm sorry, I'm just not used to be in public that way..." Ji Na confessed.
"It's completely fine..." Min Ji says as she leans in for a hug.
"I am glad you made it. It's really good to meet after so long. Jungkook tells a lot about you and Taehyung." Ji na states.
"I'm happy to meet you in person too Ji na..." Min Ji let's out.
"It's bizarre about how we never met even after the boys being such good friends..." Soo Jung turns to her for an excited hug.
"So what are we gonna do today..??" Ji na inquired.
"Let me present the amazing plans you have today, as this is your last day before you forget us for ethereal fiance of yours." Soo Jung teases and Ji Na can't help but start blushing.
The trip starts off with you guys changing into hiking attires to enjoy the mini hiking trip Soo Jung planned.
Ji Na seemed to be thrilled and very much after knowing the day Soo Jung planned.
All of the girls start excited for the perfect view the top most peak holds.
Hiking enthusiastically Soo Jung seemed to enjoy the trip. Being not much of active person herself the idea of hiking wouldn't much of a liking for her personally but when it comes to Ji Na she seems to be the opposite.
Soo Jung starts to breathe in the fresh crisp air and loved how the birds chirped pretty while she was surrounded by the lushious green trees with healthy sunshine peaked through the canopy when she looked up.
Everything seemed fine until..... halfway she suddenly remembered why she despised hiking.
Breathing heavy she tried to catch up with others but she can't permit it herself. She was just thankful Min Ji didn't leave her side purely through concern. Suddenly Soo Jung felt a cramp on her side.
She still tried to walk in failing a little by twisted her ankle. She just stood there cursing the person who mentioned to her that hiking was an amazing plan. 'Who was that Satan... Obviously it was Namjoon!!' she face palmed herself.
Min Ji faltered in her steps seeing Soo Jung was left behind. She approached her tired face.
"Are you okay, we can wait in the café which is just a minute away. Will you able to hang in till then?" Min Ji bent down to look at Soo Jung like a person would speak to a child hurt.
"I am fine....ouch..." Soo Jung moaned while trying to walk.
"Oh you seemed to have bent your ankle. It's fine let's just settle ourselves there." She says and guides Soo Jung to nearby artificial tree trunk fashioned bench.
"I can't believe I chose hiking of all activities. I know Ji Na loves it but I should I have known it would have been a bummer to me.....so much for asking Namjoon for advice." Soo Jung snorts.
Min Ji laughs at Soo Jung's childish bitterness.
"It's okay you can see Ji Na is having fun. So you did a great job. Don't be too hard on yourself." Min Ji comforts.
" Do you like hiking ???" Soo Jung asks for the sake of having conversation flow.
"I am neutral towards it. But I do love camping. I am looking forward to that." Min Ji remarks.
"Ohh I love camping too since I was a child. It used be the only reason I went camping. For amazing s'mores and playing funny yet memorable games with my friends. Those were some good days." Soo Just states while reminiscing her past camping memories which she can't forget about.
According to her those were the best of the summers she ever had.
"Same. I loved camping as a child too. It used to be the best part my summer. I used to love treasure hunting and all the team work we used to put in. It used to be so exhilarating as a kid." Min Ji states with admiration.
Soo Jung makes a agreeable noise.
"Which camp did y-" Soo Jung got cut off by Ji Na coming there way.
"Are you okay Soo Jung-Ah ?? I noticed you weren't with us in the café so I came back searching, did you hurt yourself?? " Ji Na asks concerned.
"No I am fine just sprained my ankle a little. Everything is good and dandy other than that." Soo Jung tries to cheer up to not worry Ji Na.
Soon with her friend's assistance, Soo Jung finally reached the peak. When she takes in the beauty all her anger towards hiking washes away.
Now after having comforting spa treatments all of them get ready for the bon fire party arranged in the camping site.
Soo Jung brought in the most comfy sweaters with pjs to wear and she created a unique one with bride to be embroidery for Ji Na.
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Then all of the girls gathered around the bon fire to enjoy marshmallows with some booze.
All of it brought back soo many memories and Soo Jung couldn't help but feel warm that she is feeling the same endearment she felt when she was a little girl. With all the girls camping huddled up and cozied in one blanket, all of them enjoyed some amazing barbeque with delicious s'mores.
S'mores aroma and sticky yet amazing texture always brought back her childhood.
At the end all the girls played some random games like never have I ever and chatted about random things while being tipsy.
Next day they woke up, the sun peering through tent they crashed in and heard the most pleasing birds chirping.
Soo Jung exited the tent to see Min Ji and Ji Na already awake yet groggy sitting on the grass while sitting curled up by bringing their arms towards chest as if to protect themselves from the chill yet soothing spring early morning.
Soo Jung joined in while settling herself on the prickly yet fresh dewy grass.
She started to look at the beautiful butterflies which were on for their honey hunt. At the moment she felt the most peaceful in days.
"Last night was so amazing. I loved every second of the camping Soo Jung-Ah. Thank you for such an amazing surprise, Chingu-Ah." Ji Na said while hugging her Maid Of Honour lovingly.
"Anything for you..." Soo Jung returned a smile filled with warmth.
"How long do you guys know each other?" Min Ji asks curious.
"For five years or so right after she started her solo career I became her stylist and now her best friend. But it seems like I know her forever" Soo Jung remarks clearly admiring her friendship.
"Oh I was meaning to say this, I am a fan of your work and it completely reflects how creative you are, in the way you planned this trip. I enjoyed myself alot. It was just so.." Min Ji's fond ordeal is continued by Ji Na.
"Nostalgic... Right ?" Ji Na said.
"Yeahh.... Exactly..." MinJi let out.
"I felt that too" Soo Jung affirmed.
All of them start to giggle at the similarity and sat in comfortable silence remembering their childhood.
The same evening the party kicks in the resort with loads of champagne. All the girls dress in their fanciest out fits looking all glamorous. Soo Jung gets ready along with Ji Na and Min Ji.
Ji Na's Dress :
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Soo Jung's Dress :
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Min Ji's Dress :
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Soo Jung feel pleased to see everyone having fun and sips her drink in the corner.
All the start usher Soo Jung to make a toast. Soo Jung getting a little embarrassed just states how much she loves Ji Na and jokes about she might be the only fan who actually got to marry her idol.
Music started to create an amazing vibe for everyone to enjoy themselves. Ji Na's fellow idol friends performed one of their hit songs as a girl group and she herself joined in.
Soo Jung did plan few drinking game to get Ji Na wasted.
"Drink if you are married." Hwasa proposed which let to some of you take in the shot except for Ji Na who was forced into drinking any way as she was bride-to- be.
"Take a shot if you texted some one four hours straight." Irene remarks.
Soo Jung glares at Ji Na who seems to avoid taking a shot.
"Does it even count if you don't get a reply." Ji Na whines with defense.
"It sure does honey..." Hwasa states who is a little drunk herself and forces her to chug the drink. Everyone fall into a giggling fit even though things did not seem to be as funny. It's just every body seems to be tipsy.
"Take a shot if you met a movie star." Ji Na remarks with ulterior motive of revenge.
"Jin is not a movie star he is just an actor." Soo Jung remarks catching on her motives but fails as she is forced to take two more for denying.
By the time clock hits one all of the guests blacked out drunk chatting nonsense and some of them just moving to the beat.
Soo Jung cares for the safety of all the girls and ushers to their rooms to sober them up cause she really can't afford to ruin the wedding tomorrow.
After having a lovely day, Soo Jung feels a rush of relief wash over her. She relaxed for a while looking at her planner for further activities then realised she didn't check up on the boys.
She scrambles in for her phone on the nightstand.
Jungkook:What are... 2:55am
Ddeokdinnie:we are... Wednesday
Soo Jung opens in Jin's text first.
Ddeokdinnie[9:04am]: We are half way to Las Vegas
[ Photo sent]
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Ddeokdinnie[11:01]:We just checked in to our rooms. We sure gonna show a nice time to Jungkook-Ah, but that kid seems to have his brain elsewhere. So much for bringing him up to be a fool he is now🤦🏻‍♂️.
Ddeokdinnie [1:55pm]: You seem to be busy.Enjoy!
Ddeokdinnie [2:05am]: i m gld u ennjoying.i miss u....
Soo Jung can't help but smile at the small miss you which seems to be written after having right shots of soju.
Soo Jung replies Jin that they are safe and adds in a miss you and love you.
Now she goes to the attend Jungkook's text as the lover boy seems to be really brought up by Jinnie. Soo Jung chuckles reminiscing Jin's hypocrisy and opens the text with no intend to reply just to exhilarate him. Clearly in non positive ways.
Tsundure turned lover boy[1:05am] : I know Soo Jung you might have taken her phone away give it back to my Ji Na.
Tsundure turned lover boy[2:55am]:What are guys doing. I just wanted to check in if Ji Na was having fun......Let me know how she is.
Soo Jung coo's over Jungkook's adorable concern and feels tempted to message him back. But she doesn't, wanting to tease him a little and knowing he would pester Jin or Tae for the information anyway.
Soo Jung soon forces herself to sleep as she still has a lot of responsibility as a maid of honour and reminds her that this is not the end.
Next day she wakes up to the harsh ringtone of her phone.
"Hello..." She answers with scratchy voice.
"Hey...Soo Jung, This is Hobi. You seem to be still asleep. Seems like yesterday was wild. I have arrived to the venue...."
Soo Jung glances her watch too see she is late.
"Oh God I overslept I should have not participated in those drinking games.....I will be there soo just give me five. You are already aware of plans please follow through." Soo Jung states while hurriedly rushing to her closet and hanging up before Hobi finishes his okay.
❖ ── ✦ ── ✧ ─ ◈ ─ ✧ ── ✦ ── ❖
The D-day came when the heart throb of millions of women round the globe Mr. Jeon Jungkook,kpop idol turned camera director was going to be someone's man and the luckiest girl who had been chosen for him by the gods above was none other than Ms. Kang Ji Na, kpop idol who is not as much as famous as jungkook but still made a little space in the hearts of netizens with her charm, dignity and hard work which never let downs her fans.
They both were more like a couple made in heaven. It was like as if a committee was setup in the ethereal heaven with various gods, goddesses and angels discussing over who should marry jungkook and how to make his wedding one of the best ones the universe had ever experienced.
There was golden silence in the room until the alarm popped out of no where and kept roaring like a wild cat.
Ji na gave it a few hits as if it were her own fiendish child weeping to get his things done and she trying to keep his mouth shut.
"Ji na, get up!!!" yelled her mom.
"Eomma...five more minutes..." moaned Ji na,trying hard to overcome the state she was in.
"You can't still be asking for five more minutes like you always do pabo...its your wedding day and you have loads to do." told her mom in one go.
On hearing that she gets up at the speed of light.
"AHHH!!! It's my important day. How did I forget?? Eomma, I still cant believe I'm getting married. Its happening..OMG I'm soo nervous." she says exhilaratingly.
Her mom is rather a calm lady unlike Ji na who couldn't hold up her emotions that well and state to tear up for no reason.
Her mom plants a kiss on Ji na's forehead as a sign to make her calm down.
"Eomma, can you pinch me...cause I cant believe I'm actually getting hitched up with Jungkook." says Ji na frantically.
Her mom considers it to be her one and only best and the last chance to take revenge from her daughter for troubling and teasing her from the day she was born.
She pinches Ji na so hard that her entire body suffers from redness and make her look like a cherry.
"AHHHHH!!!!!! Eomma not that hard..You shouldn't be taking your grudge on your young, beautiful daughter like this.." tells Ji na rubbing the spot where her mom gave her a mark that's probably gonna last till she dies.
"It was a pay back Ji na..its nothing when compared to how you made me suffer by living in LA and leaving me alone in korea.." exclaims her mom.
Ji na gives her mom a tight hug and a peck on her cheek..
The door which was kept ajar opens in the blink of an eye and there stands a 5 '11" tall, young man with black hair which doubtlessly looks like a dense enchanted forest.
Ji na looses her grip on her mom and jumps onto the man like a tigress coming for her prey and he catches her softly in his arms and Pat's her back.
"NAMJOONAH!! You arent supposed to be here." lies ji na who missed him a lot and wanted to see him very badly.
"What is Jungkook doing?" inquired Ji na letting loose of namjoon.
"He panicked when you didn't pick up his call..he called you numerous times and he ended up sending me here to check on you" complained namjoon.
"Oh shit!! I didn't check my phone from last night... SooJung and MinJi made me drink FIVE FULL SHOTS of soju at the bachelorette's. You know that I get drunk with just one shot ..it took me time to sober up" she exclaimed.
"Umm I see...I guess you guys had a lot of fun at the party while we kept wondering what you guys were doing and just wasted our precious time at ours." Namjoon complained rubbing his finger on his chin.
"Don't lie joonie!! You guys went to Las Vegas for your bachelor's while we stayed back at here. That explains how you guys enjoyed a lot more than we did." Whined Ji na holding both her hands firmly to her waist.
"I wish what you said was true. We indeed went to Las Vegas, but the party got messed up and Kookie ended up drinking like a monster, chanting your name and crying like a baby and we were thrown out of the bar for his behaviour..." Namjoon sighed.
Ji na couldn't control her cackle and laughed out loud, " I wish I could see him like that".
"Namjoon, I think you should leave now and help your brother. It's an important day for him, TODAY." interrupted Ji na's mom.
She quickly yeeted Ji na into her bath room asking her to get herself a shower. Namjoon smiled and made his way out of the room.
But before Namjoon left the room Ji na shouted, "OPPA!! Tell jungkook that I love him and I love you too oppa....BYE!!!"
Namjoon quickly peeked through the door and gave her a big smile showing off his cute dimples.
Ji na took off her clothes in the bath room and made her way into the shower. She drenched her whole goddess figure with water. After 5 minutes of standing like a statue in the shower, she grabbed the shampoo and manipulated it on her hair until her hair oozed out with foam.
She tried to style her hair with foam and acted like the character she was in and also tried to add up karaoke to her performance.
She finished her so called bathroom concert and dabbed her damp, trickling body with a fluffy towel and came out of her bathroom with a thick bathrobe.
As soon as she came out she was yeeted onto her bed by two beautiful women who were indeed her best friends.
"SOOJUNG , MIN JI ....you scared me to death... GOSH..." she stuttered.
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The maid of honour, Mrs. Kim Soo Jung and The bride's entourage, Mrs. Kim Min Ji are twinning in a beige sheath silhouette and the hemline reaching their ankle.
"Here!! Ji na take off that robe" SooJung said plainly.
"YAHHH!!! What are your intentions??? I'm gonna complain about you two to my husband" Ji na joked.
The three of them kept laughing for a while.
"We came here to help you with your make up,hair and your dress Ji na" MinJi exhaled.
"Oh!!that's great, So we'll start now" smiled Ji na switching her mood.
Soojung helped Ji na style her dress . The wedding gown was a ball silhouette which had a transparent fabric at the back with a zipper and her bust being a bit revealing in the front . The gown was extremely long with beautiful embroidery sewn on the hemline.
The fabric at her back was see-through and glittery which made Ji na's beautiful back on display for everyone to watch.
Min ji helped Ji na with her bridal make up and fixed her long locks.
The bride's family arrived at the hotel where the ceremony was about to take place. They were greeted into the hotel by the hotel staff.
Simultaneously, the groom's family also arrives.
Min ji and Soo jung swiftly grabbed Ji na's hand and they ran to their hotel room.
"YAHH! Leave my hand...it hurts" Ji na complains.
" I'm sorry Ji na, But you know it's considered bad luck for you both to see each other before marriage " explain MinJi.
Ji na keeps dreaming of her past about how jungkook hated her like hell and later falling hard for her after coming to know the real her.
A sudden beep of her phone breaks her reverie. Before Ji na could check her phone Soo jung yanks it from her hand.
25 Oct,2020
4.00 pm
          I want you to meet me in room no.275 in 15. Come soon sweet heart. I'll be waiting for you.
                                                         Love- Jungkook
" Umm...so you guys are planning to meet before the wedding huh!! You very clearly know that we are never letting that happen" bawls Soo jung.
"But......I want to see him very badly." Pouts Ji na.
" Soo jung, let's prank Jungkook by sending Tae instead of Ji na" says MinJi enthusiastically ignoring Ji na.
"That's a great idea!! I'll message Jungkook telling him to put a blind fold so that he won't know its Tae.." grins Soo jung while texting Jungkook.
The both ladies end up dressing Taehyung into Ji na's spare wedding gown and decorating his head with a large wig. They lock Ji na in the hotel room and follow Taehyung .
Taehyung quickly knocks the door twice where Jungkook was waiting in and enters the room valorously while the two young ladies tip toe into the room and hide behind the couch for a better view of the drama they were gonna encounter.
Jungkook yanks Taehyung into his arms and holds him tightly not giving him enough space to breathe.
" Bae!! You've turned a lot more muscular than the last time I saw you. Don’t you think you've been gyming a lot these days?" Said the blind folded man, vigorously kissing Taehyung's neck.
Taehyung couldn't stop his guffaw .Jungkook takes off his blindfold on hearing a manly sound. To his damn, God for saken surprise, he found three familiar personalities rolling on the floor and laughing their heart out.
He feels extremely abashed and his cheeks turn red as an apple from the embarrassment he faced then.
" You really thought it was easy for you to meet Ji na before your wedding. Didn't you ?" Laughed Min ji holding her painful stomach .
Jungkook was completely speechless at that point and he couldn't utter a word to defend himself. The three of them kept teasing him and enjoyed themselves laughing at the awkward Jungkook.
Now, the actual deal of the day was to come about. Jungkook and Ji na were just 30 minutes away from starting their new lives together and annexing their names with each other.
The wedding hall was pervaded with a horde of dignified guests seated on their respective tables on the either side of the aisle.
Jungkook's parents positioned themselves on the left side of the aisle on the stage while Ji na's parents installed themselves onto the right side of the aisle. Both the elderly couples were dressed in their traditional hanbok while the other family members and the guests designed themselves with modern western style.
The wedding hall was beautifully decorated with flowers and so the hall was filled with fragrance of those beautiful flowers. There were daisies, calla lilies, ranunculus, tulips, roses of different shades etc. There were wedding curtains here and there which camouflaged with the tint of those beautiful flowers. And not to forget about the sweet strains of classical music that drifted through the crowd.
Jungkook was stunning in a single-breasted charcoal tuxedo with a white wing collar shirt and a cute black bow tied around his neck line with some artificial white calla lily along with it's buds worn on the lapel of the tuxedo. He situated himself on the dais afore the aisle.
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The guest tables were crammed with few costly goodies of dryfruits, champagne bottles, distilled water bottles and few pre wedding photo cards of Jungkook and Ji na.
The bride's maids accompanied Ji na to the aisle helping her hold her long gown. Ji na stood idle for a while at one end of the aisle meeting her eyes with Jungkook's who stood at the other end. All the heads turned to face the far end of the walk. The music stopped and the opening to the bridal chorus began to play.
Jungkook couldn't help but stare and grin at his gorgeous wife-to-be.
*****Jungkook's P.O.V*****
I couldn't believe my eyes. I know, Ji na is beautiful but I never thought she'd look absolutely stunning in a wedding dress. If I knew it before then I'd asked her to wear it every time we met. My eyes stopped listening to my brain and started to tear up in happiness .It was obvious cause it is the first time that my eyes encountered the most beautiful thing in the world,my dearest Ji na-Ssi. But I still managed to roll back few droplets just to ensure nobody would make fun of me after.
The dress perfectly fitted onto her. I couldn't help but notice her flawless love handles. I even cursed and swallowed harshly when Ji na stood before me like that.
She wore a Cinderella ball gown with embroidery on her bodice. Rhine stones and Pearls were sewn on her gown that matched her crystal head piece. She held a French rose silk bouquet. When she began to walk towards me my heart beat matched with her pace. It started beating so fast that I thought it'll probably gonna tear up my chest.
The way she looked at me when she started to walk towards me had sent an arrow that pierced through my heart.
Ji na positioned herself beside Jungkook a feet away from him, but he managed to pull her towards him by her waist. She gave a warming look at him with a big smile on her face. And jungkook grabbed a chance to give a peck on her cheek.
"Cherished family members and honoured guests, I would like to thank each of you for coming out this evening", the preacher on the podium spoke.
" Let us begin by offering thanks to the lord on this wonderful day", all of them bowed their heads and he prayed.
The preacher led them through their vows and it was time for the exchange of rings. Both of them slipped their rings on each others fingers.
" By the power vested on me, I now proclaim you both husband and wife. Now, You may kiss the bride." the preacher ordered.
Jungkook leaned forward onto Ji na and kissed her plump lips placing his hands on her shoulder.
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The emcee of the ceremony was elected to be Mr. Kim Seokjin, actor and best friend of Jungkook. He performed his duties very well from guiding the guests to introducing the cake cutting and bouquet throwing activities at the end of the wedding by cracking jokes in between that kept the guests entertained.
Jin announced the dinner and the hotel staff placed the delicious food before the guests guided by jimin who took the charge of catering .
Mean while Ji na and Jungkook left the hall to change their outfit into a comfortable one. The Best Man and Maid of Honour trailed behind them to help them.
Jungkook followed Ji na to her room but the bridesmaid's successfully shoo-ed him away.
They returned to the hall and sat beside each other on the podium. Jin handed over his mic to his beloved wife to give a speech and so the entertainment continued as each of their friends started singing,dancing and giving speeches for them. Jungkook even managed to pull Ji na to dance with him.
After the commencement of their evening, the guests were offered dessert and the couple went back again to change their outfits into traditional korean hanbok.
They returned the hall holding each others hand and greeted each and every guest at their respective tables. The guests stood up at their places pausing for hugs and kisses congratulating the young couple and giving them beautiful gifts.
Jungkook managed to invite south korean president and the first lady who just arrived at the time the newly weds were greeting their guests. The older couple congratulated the younger ones and handed over a venus flower basket which has a great reason to it's own. In Japan it symbolizes " till death do us part". They helped them reach out safely, greeted them once again for accepting their invitation and returned back into the hall.
Ji na then turned around throwing her bouquet behind her. The women collided with each other as they tried to catch it.
Jungkook and Ji na ran to the decorated Ferrari that waited for them. Taehyung and Jin tried to stop both of them from escaping, just to tease them.
Taehyung tried hard not to step on Ji na's long trail that brushed the ground as they ran. They were so quick to get away. Jungkook jumped in the driver's seat helping Ji na settle herself in the passenger seat. Jungkook took off as if it were a race. The ribbons, twisted coils whisked in the wind behind them.
The happily married couple left the hotel all by themselves to get few dates and chest nuts for the pybaek ceremony held at Ji na's in-laws place.
"I'm not gonna speak to you, Ji na . You hurted me...", said jungkook seriously steering .
"What did I do kookie?" Ji na cried out.
"Firstly, you didn't show up when I texted you. And worst of all you sent Taehyung instead. You know how they made fun of me", complained Jungkook.
" I sent you a sorry text later sweet heart", Ji na defended herself.
Jungkook gave Ji na a staid glare.
" And secondly, you've distracted me during the entire wedding with that sexy dress of yours and ofcourse your seductive figure. My mom caught me eyeing your provocative figure and she gave me a death glare...", pouted Jungkook.
Ji na chuckled and leaned forward to give Jungkook a quick kiss and settled herself to where she was before.
" Are you tryna give me a ROADHEAD baby girl. I'm ready for it . Go on", Jungkook laughed.
"STOP KOOKIE!!! You're so shameless. There are people here", shouted Ji na cutting her eye contact with Jungkook's and blushing all herself.
Jungkook halts his car at the parking of the store and both of them entered the store merrily.
Ji na let goes jungkook's hand in the store helping herself to find a small pack of nuts. After 15 minutes of struggling, she eventually finds the perfect sized pack.
She turns to face her husband to show him what she got. To her surprise she finds him standing at the bill counter with a large pack which is half of his height.
Ji na quickly grabs Jungkook out of the queue .
" What are you doing Ji na? You cant see I'm paying up there!! " Jungkook yells.
" Is this whole packet for the entire family? Pybaek's only for us bae. We dont need a larger pack." Ji na explains while throwing the large one to where it was before.
" I want you to collect as many nuts as possible with your skirt at pybaek so that we'll have many kids." Jungkook says in a matter of fact tone.
" This man's probably gonna kill me with those looks some day and he never forgets to embarrass me everywhere " she thought to her self hitting her palm on her forehead .
She grabs Jungkook by his hand,paying off at the counter for the packet and yeeting him into their car.
Jungkook trails behind her silently and gives her a soft kiss and they're off to their destination.
Both the couple arrive at Jungkook's lavish house and his parents greeted the young couple into their house. Ji na handed over the packet to her mother in law .
Both of them entered the hall way which was crowded with their friends and family members.
" You were fast kid. Both of you ran as if you were eloping." said Jin bursting out his wind shielded laugh.
" I realized that if we both stayed there you and your wife were never going to let us breathe. So we had to do that." replied Jungkook with a poker face.
" Let us begin the ceremony. " called out jungkook's mom.
Ji na and jungkook sit facing eachother beside the table decorated with chestnuts and dates.
Ji na and jungkook hold a white apron from both it's ends and his parents threw them towards the newly weds. Jungkook gives his 100% , catching everything without missing a single seed. Ji na couldn't stop but give jungkook a kiss on his cheek for his extraordinary performance .
The number caught signifies the no. of girls (dates) and boys (chestnuts) they would bear in future.
Later Jungkook lifts Ji na on his back and gives her a ride to denote his strength which is a part of ceremony.
Jungkook places a chestnut between his lips and its Ji na's turn now to take a bite from his mouth.
All of their friends and family members cheer them and enjoy themselves with the drinks and so the wedding day ended on a happy note.
The next day Jungkook wakes up first yet late after their first official first night from a state where Jungkook back hugged Ji na tightly, protecting her from the cold breeze and their duvet being tangled up between their legs.
He quickly gives Ji na a cute sleep peck on her forehead and goes out into their new kitchen to make her breakfast.
After a while, he comes back with two cups of caffé latte along with croissants and wakes his wifey up.
" WOW!!! I'm quite impressed. " exclaims Ji na giving him a kiss to appreciate his efforts.
" I did this only to get a kiss from you and now my mission is successful." he says joyfully plonking on the bed beside Ji na.
A sharp door bell breaks Ji na and Jungkook apart who were probably enjoying their best quality time watching a movie while cuddling each other. Jungkook curses even without knowing who showed up at their home, gets up angrily to attend the door.
As he opened the door he hears a loud thud followed by metallic sheet pieces, ribbons falling straight on his head.
When he recovers from the unexpected blast he sees his's and Ji na's friends standing with balloons, party supplies and beverages.
They hug Jungkook and run into his house without his permission. He stands there for a while with a poker face and ofcourse crying internally for the interruption they caused.
He closes the door and returns to where ji na is.
" Jungkook-ah, sorry for the intervention. It's been a long time since our last meet so we just came here to see you both. ", explains Taehyung.
'It was yesterday we last met . This bastard is getting on my nerves' Jungkook thought to himself giving him a fake smile and crying internally.
Ji na senses Jungkook's annoyance and tries to calm him down, simultaneously, greeting the guests trying hard not to show them how they actually feel.
" It's been so long we all sat together like this. So I thought it would be a great around every one and come to breach our lovely weds time." Namjoon wiggled his eyebrows teasingly while Jungkook got more pissed.
"Oh my God I just asked Jungkook to watch it with me. I myself was really looking forward to it. It's gonna be amazing view from our balcony.I am glad you brought in all of us together." Ji Na states excited but yet feels the longing gaze Jungkook gives.
" This was gonna be our thing, You spoiled it hyung." Jungkook whined poutyly but Ji Na pulled him closer to comfort the giant man child.
Soon every body gathered in the balcony. With some Chinese take out brought in by the considerate Jimin.
Namjoon started to adjust the telescope to view the shower more precisely to be able to witness it's beauty.
All started to anticipate the meteor shower to start soon as per the live news shown on the internet. All just cuddled up in their blankets and fell into random conversations.
Couples start to get sappy to which the single boys started to mock yet all were grateful to have their loved ones together to witness something that will happen only few times in a period of human existence.
"So what were you guys doing fifteen years back." Taehyung asks
"You know, we were just a bunch of dorky kids who wouldn't even care about once in a life time astronomical deals, it was characterized nerdy." Yoongi retorts sarcastically.
" That was the reason I didn't invite you guys then." Namjoon states silently while still peering through the telescope.
" Oh God!! I saw one. Guys!!! it's happening!! " Namjoon states excited as if he were the same kid fifteen years ago.
Soon the meteors start falling through distinct sky appearing like beautiful splinters of fire which can be explained as the fireworks made by nature.
Along with Namjoon all others start to get excited and some of them start jiggling around happily while holding to the balcony reeling.
The maknaes pushed their hyung to try and see the meteors a little nearer through the only telescope.
While staring with lightened smile MinJi states" I remember seeing this while camping when I was eleven with two of my best friends. It was one of the most beautiful thing I ever witnessed and that with them along with me. It's nostalgic seeing it again today", said with her eyes sparkling.
Soo Jung gets a little confused " What a coincidence I saw the meteor shower in a summer camp with my friends too."
Ji Na can't help but cut in and she felt a chill run down her spine for such an absurd coincidence the world has ever played on them.
"So Min.... Minty, Oh God Min Ji!! Are you MINTY POO?" Ji Na shouts shocked.
"That means, Soo Jung you are SOJU BUN !!" MinJi exclaims.
Now all of them just look at themselves in silence
"What are you long lost sisters or something..?" Yoongi remarks sarcastically while not being able to digest the trio's exaggerated expressions.
All of them just start giggling together as what Yoongi said was actually close to reality.
"Some thing like that, Yoongi... All of us went to the same summer camp when we were eleven that's where we know each other from." Soo Jung enunciates.
" Wow!! I can't believe this can all be coincidental and it's so absurd we didn't realize this till today." Ji Na states still in daze about the new found information.
" It's okay Jiffy Bugga..." Soo Jung teases.
" I can't believe we found each other again. I missed you guys so much after I left the summer camp. I still get dew-eyed thinking about our memories." Min Ji says while pulling the two girls for a group hug.
"W-Wha-Ba-Hahaha... " Taehyung cracks up listening to his wife's name. "Minty poo!! " He says breathely, earning a slap on his arm from MinJi herself.
"Soju Bun huh. Should have told me sooner." Jin teases Soo Jung while patting her head.
Soo Jung kicks him to his shin and he exclaims way dramatically than the actual pain.
" I just meant that I don't need real SOJU when i have you." He says, agonizing in pain while Soo Jung side eyes him.
On seeing their hyung suffer like that, all the boys who were previously laughing, instantly shut up while Jungkook who was about to taunt Ji na with her nick name clamps his mouth up too.
After the girls stop getting perplexed and emotional about there unexpected reunion they pull a toast for life and how things can turn out so unexpected.
❖ ── ✦ ── ✧ ─ ◈ ─ ✧ ── ✦ ── ❖
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chimswae · 4 years
BTS Caretaker CH21
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Summary: She may think she has Bangtan Sonyeondan wrapped around her fingers. She may think it is easy to love the members equally without hurting any soul. She may think the boys wont fall head over heels for her. She assumes it is okay to show a little love and affection towards the boys, what if she gets it all wrong? What if it only brings more complication to her already complicated life? Can she survive their charms? Will she be able to resist them? What if they just wont let her go?
- Pairing: BTS x Oc ( Yoongi x OC, Jungkook x OC)
- Genre: Fluff, Slight Angst, Romance, Idol!au
- Word Count: 6, 707
- Author Note: I missed the date of posting new chapter again, okay so caught up with work :< aish, but it is okay i am updating now!
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Chapter 21
It was a long silence between them, neither the boys nor Seul dared to utter anything. To begin with, what was they supposed to say at first place. The Jungkook and Seul relationship or Jimin’s sudden outburst. As much as they wanted to bring Yoongi’s side of the story into the picture, they thought it was out of context. Yoongi’s issues had nothing to do with them, yet one of the reasons that trigger Jimin’s anger was related to Yoongi after all.
For once Namjoon had never feel burdened with the responsibility as the leader of BTS until today. Firstly, he had to unravel the tense between Jungkook, Jimin and Seul. The atmosphere between the four walls were suffocating him, and he could tell everyone felt the same. He held his breath for a long time before exhaling a deep sigh garnering everyone’s eyes on him “Alright. Let’s get thing straight” glancing at the maknae whom sat across him. Seul felt her heart being torn apart from this impromptu confrontation. To be frank, she was not ready to be questioned this way especially when it came to her and Jungkook status.
“Jung, is there something going on between you and Seul?” Namjoon probed. Gulping away her nervousness, Seul was being surrounded by a group of man who appeared to be very protective over the youngest member of their group. Yoongi looked like he was ready to swing his baseball bat and beat some shit outta Jungkook and Jimin. His eyes never left Seul ever since the scene at her workplace. Not that he cared, yet it was bothersome to be remembered by it. Learning the truth behind Jungkook’s disappearance at night stung his heart even more.
Jungkook is one step ahead him. Yoongi groaned in frustration.
Jungkook stammered “Seul and I…We became friends because I am their frequent customer there. I spent my time there to draw” he pressed his palms together searching for strength to face his members’ wrath.
“You become friends and as far as I am concern friends don’t kiss, that is too affectionate. What is the meaning behind those kiss? ” Jin leaned his back on the seat, tilting his head to take a good look of Seul expression. Now that they had came to this, he feared to hear the truth.
Jungkook and Seul relationship would be the beginning or the end of him.
Chewing her chapped lips, Seul fingers fidgeted unconsciously at the end of her pink sweater. Her rapid breathing was drawing Hoseok attention who appeared to sit just beside her, he leaned over whispering softly “Are you okay Seul? You don’t look good” his voice was as soft as his sunny smile. It managed to calm her down a little.
She nodded, squishing her eyes tight for a moment before opened it again only to be welcomed by Hoseok’s round eyes “I can manage this, thank you Hoseok” she flashed a weak smile. He returned to his seat with a small smile and gave his attention on Jungkook and Namjoon.
“What I know it was not a mistake. Those kisses are real. I…like Seul” Jungkook’s confession earned different reaction from the floor. Some were scoffing away, some were too dumbfounded to even react, and some were stayed frozen in their seat shooting Jungkook a judgemental look. That was not definitely in their dictionary. What changed Jungkook to be this confident and super determined of his own feelings?
Jungkook’s eyes met Seul confused one, making Jimin rolled his eyes in his seat. Salty Park Jimin about to open his mouth to say something, but his fellow 95 liner friend already jumped in “Do you see her as a woman, Jungkook? Someone that you wish to own” upon hearing Taehyung’s last word, Seul blushed madly. The thought of being owned by someone never occurred to her some more, the person is a member from famous idols of the century. Crazy as it sound Seul couldn’t stop her heart from making weird noise inside.
They only needed one nod from Jungkook to confirm everything, so they could make sense out from this situation. Jungkook had never been so open to them when it came to his own feelings. To witness the younger guy being bluntly honest about his inner feeling gave some sense of relief to the hyungs. Over the years Jungkook was known to be very introvert and he did not talk to strangers unless he felt comfortable with them. Jungkook had few friends in the industry like GOT7’s Yugyeom and Seventeen’s Mingyu yet it did not stop him to get out from his comfort zone. Part of them were grateful of his feeling for Seul, it was a good start for Jungkook to be more open to other options in life. However, it also worrisome considering it involved commitment and serious relationship.
Each of the members had a mixed feeling about this Jungkook liking Seul thing. To break it down, Namjoon main concerned was whether this relationship Jungkook plan to have with Seul is healthy. After his failed relationship with Hyemi, he did not want others to experience the pain of losing someone whom he thought important in life only to be left hanging without words. Not to mention as a leader and a brother of Jungkook, he did not want Jungkook to get hurt. Relationship involved commitment, was Jungkook ready to carry the burden on his shoulder?
Kim Seokjin. He was neutral. People couldn’t read through him as he always appears optimistic and positive to everyone. Internally he’s suffering from the confession. He did show his interest on Seul because their friendship started off pretty normal that involved no fight. Nowadays, Seokjin enjoyed Seul’s presence around him apart from his 92-line squad and his game squad, Jin had Seul to listen the worries that he had whenever he couldn’t talk it out with his members or other friends. Seul is a good listener. As he learnt that one of the members revealed his feeling openly to Seul, was this a sign to back off before things got complicated later on?
When it came to Hoseok, this was his second-time meeting Seul so he did not have any issues with her. He knew Seul was a nice girl and worth to be loved by many. She deserved all the love from the world. If there’s one thing that bothered Hoseok would be her genuine intention in befriending them. Not that Hoseok wanted to question her integrity, but the world is a scary place. They could not just bluntly trust people that they barely knew especially Seul. Even though she’s a daughter of Mrs Hwang their original caretaker whom treated them like their own son these past few years, they shouldn’t depend on that one factor only. It was a matter of fact that people could be toxic without they realized, just like Son Hyemi.
Sitting with his mouth sealed tight on the armrest was Taehyung. His expression did not give away any worries or emotions pertaining to this issue, but he still found it a little over the top for his sane mind to comprehend. Without doubt, he was attracted of Seul at first place became the reason why he snapped her picture and kept it on his night stand. That small crush that he had for Seul was still unclear, it needed to be shaped. Considering things had changed now, would it be better for him to eradicate this small crush he had for Seul before it became contagious to his heart? He did not want any heartbreak in the future wasn’t he.
Jimin on the other hand looked distressed in his seat. His protective instinct for Jungkook earlier on was soon replaced by annoyance. Annoyance of his own discomfort to the idea of there was another guy liking Seul and it happened to be Jungkook. The only difference between them, Jungkook had guts to sort his feeling out when he didn’t. That Jimin saw Seul more than just a friend was evident. But he refused to conform to the reality of life. It was a reticent, very private feeling which he had no intention to reveal just yet.
Yoongi was complicating things around him and his true feelings that he had for Seul. Everyone could literally see how possessive he was over Seul, yet he denied that fact at all cost. The fact that he used revenge to steal kisses from Seul, Yoongi was actually trying to confirm his own feeling. At first, he assumed it was a mere admiration towards Seul’s sassiness however it turned into something deeper not long after. He was dragging himself down into the deepest pit of the dark hole in his heart. Wanting to escape, yet he failed. As a result, Yoongi came out pretty hard and aggressive on Seul even though he wasn’t intended to hurt her. It came out neutral because he was not ready to embrace the truth. The truth might hit him a little hard on his face, so Yoongi was afraid to take the risk. With this Jungkook thing, Yoongi realized he must do something about this before too late.
“So, answer him, do you see Seul as a woman or is it a mere admiration?” Jin broke the long silence desperate to hear the answer though he’s not really keen of listening to it.
Nodding with a soft sigh “I see her as a woman and I like her because she is Seul” that was enough to melt Seul’s heart again as blush crept up warming her cheeks. Why was she being weak again? Now since they had settled with Jungkook, seven pair of eyes landed on her. She was in deep shit.
“Seul, do you know Jungkook is Jungkook?” the leader raised his eyebrow in question.
“No, I don’t. He was wearing mask 24/7 how do you expect me to notice that is him?” her voice broke a little due to the intensity that she felt inside her.
Jimin found the chance to butt in with a sarcastic remark “Funny thing is, you are a fan. How can you not know Jungkook even from his eyes?” he glowered.
Seul looked so piss as she glared at Jimin “Funny thing, I am not Jungkook’s fan. Neither of you are my favourite. How do you expect me to remember your eyes when I messed up your faces and names” the corner of Yoongi’s lips were tugged into a smirk. Ji Seul makes a comeback, as expected. He complimented in his head admiring her sassiness.
Pursing his lips sulkily, Jimin shook his head giving up on his argument with Seul already. She was impossible to beat especially when it involved to defending herself. Seul always know what to say.
Namjoon continued “Alright. You have no idea it is Jungkook, so you befriend him. Both of you become friend and Jungkook apparently reveal his feelings for you. How about your feelings? Do you like Jungkook that way?” upon hearing that question, Seul turned pale.
Taehyung scrutinized her expression with so much interest trying to read through her but to no avail. Would it be possible that she did not see Jungkook more than a friend? A spark of hope lightens his heart a little. Taehyung was up for any possibility.
“I repeat, do you like Jungkook more than just a friend?” Namjoon pressed. He was acting like a father-in-law making other cringe in their seat. Yoongi small eyes were watching Seul every little move, causing her to shift uncomfortably under his hard gaze. This did not work at all. She did not have the answers with her. Everything happened too fast.
Seul heaved a heavy sigh “I don’t know. I am not sure. My feelings for Jungkook are still ambiguous, I can’t exactly tell whether it is more than just a friend. It is still too early to decide it, I am sorry Jungkook” she threw an apologetic look at Jungkook.
He felt a heavy tug on his heart, but he managed to pull a soft smile on his face “Don’t be sorry Seul. I told you I don’t want to push you, we can still work on this” Seul bit her lower lips, lowering her gaze shyly. Jungkook would not give up on his feeling for Seul that easily. It took a lot of courage to embrace this new side of him, to give up on it just like that would be a waste.
“Someone got friend zoned” Hoseok joked to light up the mood.
“I AM NOT-“ “SHE ISNT-“ they were surprised to see Jungkook and Seul perfect timing. Seul’s cheeks turned into fifty shades of red realizing she was indirectly admitting to the fact that she was interested in Jungkook as well though she needed time to figure it out.
“You are reconsidering Jungkook’s feelings?” Taehyung’s eyes glimmered in curiosity.
Jungkook rubbed his neck, holding back his bunny smile “Yes I am. I need time. I am not used to this” Seul mumbled timidly. Jimin was hurt by her answers, now it was obvious Seul might end up liking Jungkook for real is he didn’t do anything about it.  What should he do again to fix this mess that he created?
“But, that doesn’t mean you have confirmed your true feelings for Jungkook right?” Yoongi’s hoarse voice baffled everyone. The older guy had chosen to keep his mouth shut all the time, hence to hear something coming from him was intimidating. Because after all, though Yoongi did not say it aloud about his feeling for Seul, all of them knew that guy had a thing for her. Jungkook realized it too. He had been stealing glance at Yoongi during their conversation, and his attention was on Seul most of the time.
Jungkook was not alone in this complicated battle. With Yoongi came into the picture, Jungkook was mentally ready to fight healthily.
“We can say that” not letting Yoongi’s stare penetrated her heart, Seul avoided his gaze at all cost.
Smiling with full of gratification, Yoongi arose from his seat “Then this conversation is over. That is all I need to hear” he gave one final look at Seul sending chill down her spine. She watched his body disappeared behind the door to his room leaving only six members around her.
“I am leaving too” muttering lowly, Jimin left the scene without saying much as Hoseok decided to tail him. He sensed something was wrong with Jimin, so he excused himself to investigate further. Taehyung followed not long after “I will see you later Seul..” he smiled warmly making his way stealthily to his room.
Jin was contemplating whether to be honest about his discomfort, in the end he chose to just shut it and give it a long thought before expressing it out. “Seul just stay over tonight, it is late. We don’t want you to walk in the dark alone. I will prepare the room for you” Jin stood up leaving the scene giving Seul no chance to protest. She grunted softly under her breath refusing the idea of staying over there today. Bad start.
Confused, Namjoon ran his fingers in his lock accompanied by a soft hum “Jungkook can you give us space? I need to talk with Seul alone” he turned to the younger guy that immediately nod with a small sigh.
Seul looked up with a small smile “Thank you Jungkook. Go rest” her sincerity made Jungkook fall head over heels for her again. A simple attention from Seul managed to crush another wall inside him, he craved for it.
“You too, see you in the morning. I hope. Good night Seul” his steps were heavy, even though this issue was settled due to the long talk, it still makes him nervous. After making sure Jungkook was nowhere to be seen around them, Namjoon shifted his attention back on the drained girl in front of him. His heart softened as his eyes landed on Seul’s distressed face.  
“Seul-ah I won’t stop you or Jungkook. It is up to both of you to decide. Remember, if you hurt Jungkook you will have to face me. Do not give him a false hope even though it is okay for both of you to consider the options in front of you. I don’t want to see Jungkook broken-hearted”
“And, I have to warn you before things get out of hand. It is not just Jungkook’s feelings matter in this but others too. I can see another person in the room who actually like you just as much” Seul blinked with an unreadable expression.
“What do you mean by that” she retorted in disbelief. Did Namjoon just imply there were other BTS members liking her other than Jungkook? How was this even real? Seul felt so unreal at the moment. The impossibility only happened in dramas or movies. Since this occurred to her, she had no idea how to react to it.
Namjoon pressed his lips into thin line “You will find out soon. I am not the one who should tell you that. Just, make sure to not hurt anyone or yourself Seul-ah. Love is a scary thing. It is complicated. You can’t stop your feelings from loving someone, so give it a chance. Give the person a chance. Then you decide” he hinted.
“I am sorry Namjoon for causing this mess. I hope you are not being too hard on Jimin, he is right to doubt me. You guys barely knew me, so I understood Jimin. Even though part of me wanted to hit him hard for calling me a bitch. How dare he called me that” she grinded her teeth showing of her resentment over Jimin’s choice of word.
Chuckling softly, Namjoon nodded with an amused face “Don’t worry about Jimin. We fought a lot, then we made up the next day. This was nothing. Forgive Jimin and his foul mouth, he could be a little too vulgar when he got angry”
“He is protecting Jungkook that is normal. Your bonds are too strong even I couldn’t break that. I am glad Jimin decided to cuss at me instead of letting it slip off from his mind. That shows how much he cared for his members” she threw the compliments earnestly. It was true, it offended her, but she tried to see the bigger picture of it.
Namjoon had a proud smile on his face to hear someone admiring their brotherhood. It made him realized their bonds were no joke and he mentally agreed to Seul’s words. The tense in the room was diminishing and Seul finally able to breathe normally. Jin approached the two “The room is ready Seul, you should rest. I have prepared clean sweat and shirt on the bed for you to change. Don’t worry it is new, wear it” he beamed.
“Can i… not stay? This is uncomfortable” she murmured.
“What nonsense is that. No way, it is 4 in the morning. Just stay, we won’t let you go home at this time” Namjoon voice was stern and dominating. No wonder he’s the leader.
Seul eyes quivered uncomfortably, showing off her concern about the idea of a girl staying in an idol house “I don’t want to get caught by your manager, that would be bad. They have no idea about me replacing my mother” she tried to make up excuses to escape this place.
“We will be leaving around 10 for practice so, hyung won’t be here until the schedule. Don’t worry, leave before that” Jin showed no sign of giving up too, cornering the latter in process. “Just stay Seul, you don’t want to wear yourself out at work later. Go get some rest, the room is down the hall, just across Jimin and Hoseok” he gave a light pat on her head.
Seul finally gave in and nodded “Fine, I will stay just because I feel bad for what happened today. Thank you Jin. Good night both of you” she bid them a good night and made her way cautiously to the guest room.
Ji Seul, what will change after today. Seul made a mental note on it and decided to call it a day. She deserved a long rest after the therapy talk with Namjoon.
Tossing her body under the duvet, Seul found it was hard to fall asleep. It must be due to the new surroundings, with that she sat up groggily leaving the queen size bed for a moment to get warm drinks for herself. The hallway was quiet and dead, and she was sure the boys were already asleep at this time.
Seul glanced at the clock on the wall and muttered “It is just 5, ugh” she hugged her body, dragging her lazy feet to the kitchen. She made herself a hot cocoa in hope after this she could shut her eyes for two hours before sun rose again.
As she was about to leave with a cup of cocoa in her hand, she saw light flooding out from the open door of one of the rooms. She walked silently towards the source of light making sure her feet on the ground did not produce any unwanted sound.  The room was a private lounge room for the boys to chill when they have times, it was decorated with music equipment at the corner, book shelves and a small purple billiard table. Across the book shelves there was a L-shape sofa to complete the room.
Seul peeked her head a little searching for familiar faces inside but only to be welcomed by an empty room. Straighten herself back to her original trance, she reached out for the switch light to turn it off. To her sheer surprise, a pair of hand wrapped securely around her wrist preventing her from moving. Startled, Seul’s eyes searched from the owner of the hand who stood few steps from her.
“Jimin…” she exhaled.
Jimin’s eyes looked sleepily and there were few strands of hair stuck out making him to appear super cute. To top that, he was wearing a cute blue pyjama with stars and moon design printed on it. Seul mentally judging Jimin’s appearance as well as trying to get a hold of herself from fangirling over this look.
“Can’t sleep?” he signalled the drinks in her hand with a flat smile.
“Yes.. do you want some I can make you one?” she offered.
Declining it politely, Jimin brought Seul’s hand down and looked at her way a little too intense. Her breath hitched in process like it was about to pop off any second by now “We can share” he suggested.
“Urm..Sure…” Jimin tugged her  hand softly, bringing her inside the room to the sofa. Both of them sat down awkwardly side by side, and it made her felt uneasy. Jimin held back his tongue finding a perfect word to start this conversation. He couldn’t sleep because the guilt was slowly eating him up. He had a hard time to get Seul out of his mind.
Licking his lower lips, Jimin fisted his pyjama stealing glance at Seul’s side profile that never ceased to amaze him. A soft smile crept on his face, but as soon as their eyes locked, it rendered him speechless. Words that came out from Seul’s mouth only went pass through him, his attention was on her soft lips. The stain of hot cocoa at the corner of her lips made his mind went wild for a moment. He had to urge to kiss her but quickly shrug the thought off from his mind.
“Jimin..I said, do you want to take a sip?” her brows quirked in confusion.
Jimin removed the mug from her hand and took a long sip of the hot drinks without looking at her. It was not his intention to have a weird thought on Seul, yet he couldn’t help but to think that way. His hand was shaking a little, and his grip on the mug was about to slip off but Seul fast reflex avoided any accident happen.
She sat the mug down on the coffee table, sending a worried glance at Jimin “Jimin are you alright?” she whispered. Seul touched his forehead with the back of her hand, flustering Jimin even more “I..am alright… Just cold…” he coughed away the lump on his throat.
“Do you want me to turn on the heater?” Seul was about to get up until she felt him holding her down not allowing her to move even an inch. She blushed at the closeness of their face and body. Watching her this up close caused uproar in his heart, his eyes travelled from her eyes to her cute nose down to her lips again.
Jimin ran his hand to her jaw, giving a soft trace around the skin that tingled her heart. She held back her own heavy breathing, letting her eyes roamed freely on Jimin’s face. He stroked his thumb over her lips, stroking it effortlessly slow caused the latter to mewl a little under his magic touch.
Seul was aware, she’s supposed to be upset of Jimin. They hadn’t talk about what happened at the café, and it was so wrong to be this close to each other. Where was the tense between them again? How could it diminish that easily?
Her eyes fluttered open upon feeling Jimin strong gaze on her, and she was indeed right. Jimin eyes sparked under the light, looking dashing as always even without his makeup. He would always appear beautiful in front of her. Resting his forehead against Seul, he murmured awfully low “Seul-ah..I am sorry..for everything” it surprised her once again. Wow, Jimin is full of surprise.
“I didn’t mean to yell at you or call you with those horrible names. I was protecting Jungkook and..myself I guess..It was hard to admit to my own feeling Seul-ah” he continued.
Protecting himself? Seul flinched.
Seul smiled meekly as her fingers unconsciously tangled with his free hand on his lap, fiddling around casually “I understand. And I want to apologize too. It is my fault that this happen. You have the right to question me, because I am a stranger. Just don’t call me bitch, I really hated it” her lower lips puckered out a little showing her protest.
Jimin’s soft chuckle ease the tension that she felt earlier with him “I need to control my anger next time. I am sorry that I vent it out on you. In fact, I have something to tell you Seul” Seul face fell with anticipation.
What else would she hear today?
“Seul-ah” he called out softly, sitting up straight.
For the umpteenth time today, Seul’s face started to lose its colour again.
Interlacing their hand together, Jimin took a deep breath before breaking the eerie silence again “Since it come to this, I will play it fair beside Jungkook” he professed.
“What do you mean by that” she looked at him clueless.
“I see you as a woman...”
“I like you a lot Seul. More than you imagine. This feeling is torturing me” Seul lips quivered letting the emotions overflowed her. Then it hit him hard, so this was the thing that Namjoon hinted her earlier. Jimin was another someone in BTS who had similar feelings as Jungkook.
Seul squeaked “Jimin..I…don’t know, it is just-“ he hushed her, shaking his head slowly.
“Don’t… I want to play it fair as I mention. You don’t get to decide now. We will give this thing a time. I don’t mind, as long as you allow me to show my genuine feelings for you. Will you?”
“Jimin..I might not be worth fighting for” she looked down on their intertwined hands, giving him a soft squish.
He sighed “Yes you are. I deny my feelings enough Seul and I am not doing that again. It only hurts you and I. That is not worth it,  I am embracing my feelings that I have for you. Let me fight along with Jungkook” Seul heaved a tired sigh.
“I don’t want you to get hurt. I don’t want Jungkook to get hurt. What if, this only bring pain rather than happiness?” she expressed her worries. Even though, it was indeed true you couldn’t stop yourself from falling in love, but this issue was more than just that. It involved a lot of thing.
“We will manage that. I talked this out with Jungkook”
Her eyes rounded in sheer surprise “You did? When?” she inquired.
“Urm… as soon as the talk with Namjoon hyung ended. Jungkook is more than just a friend, he is my family. We talked about this. Seul, it is not like we plan to fall in love with the same person. It is coincidence. We will be able to manage this without hatred” Jimin convinced.
Seul needed a moment to decipher this whole thing. The idea of being in the middle of Jimin and Jungkook was so bad making her unsure of herself. If this only involved these two guys then it would be fine to her, but what if someone else resurfaced and professed the same thing, like Yoongi. She shrugged off the thought of the possibility being fight over again by another member.
“Jimin..I am not sure, I am scared of the future”
“Then lets live the present, that is important. Do not think about the future”
“At the end of the day, I will still have to choose” she protested.
“And when that day come, we will ready our heart Seul-ah. It is long way to go, do not let the future hold us back” he whispered, caressing her cheeks lovingly.
It never dawns on her to experience this kind of thing this year, what a mess. Did her decision to replace her mother as BTS Caretaker only to cause chaos rather than promoting peace?
Seul sighed, resting her head against his shoulder seeking for comfort and warmth. This thing was draining her energy, she felt numb. Jimin wrapped his arm automatically around her shoulder, bringing her close to his chest “I am sorry if this is too much for you to handle Seul” he rubbed his arm, planting soft kiss on top of her head.
Curling up in his embrace, Seul buried her face at the crook of his neck, inhaling his sweet manly scent “I am sorry that I can’t give both of you the answer that you want” she mumbled against his skin.
“Why are you sorry? We don’t need the answers now, we only need your presence around us. That is enough” he soothed his lock, smiling ear to ear at their close proximity. He had been dreaming doing this thing with Seul, having her in her arms and cuddling on the sofa. It felt unreal.
“Thank you Seul..”
“And what is that for?”
“For existing and allowing me to experience this”
Seul smiled to herself “That line is so cliché Jim. And, thank you for having that kind of feeling for me. ” he beamed. Jimin locked his arms around her tighter, nuzzling her hair in process. Whatever it takes, Jimin would never deny his true feelings anymore. He’s willing to see how far this could go. Only that he was not able to see what the future beholds, it never stops him.
Her lids started to grow heavy, and she found herself enjoying Jimin’s warmth around her. Was this a start of everything? She did question herself what change after today. Guess, Seul had to live with the fact that in one day she received two confessions from an unexpected male.
Her life was about to get interesting.
When Jimin woke up it was eight in the morning, they had cuddled on the couch and fallen asleep. Jimin smiled to himself admiring Seul’s sleeping face, he felt a warmth that he never experiences before. Seul looked exhausted and calm in his embrace. His moist lips landed on top of her head to get her to wake up.
Few minutes later, she roused herself and with her eyes perfectly shut, he could see her sweet smile on her face “Did we fell asleep here?” she stretched a little, burying her face shyly in his chest.
Jimin chuckled, stroking her back gently “Yes, but we did get a good sleep anyway” Seul nodded and sat up followed by Jimin afterwards. As soon as her eyes landed on Jimin’s morning hair, she giggled and leaned closer. Raking her fingers in his soft lock, she stroked it gently, fixing it a little while Jimin was too busy staring at her.
“There you are set to go” she exclaimed. Her chirpy voice lightens up his world, what a good way to start a new day. “Oh shoot, it is late I need to clean the house and prepare you guys breakfast. I hope Jin is not awake yet” she combed her hair getting ready to leave.
“You go out first I will come out later. You don’t want to be bombarded by questions this early” he pinched her nose. Scrunching her nose cutely, she gave in with the idea. Seul arose from her feet and as she was about to leave, she skipped quickly to his side.
Dazed Jimin gave her a questionable look, she closed the gap between them, planting a soft kiss on his cheek. He turned giddy over it and she heard her whisper “You said to give both of you a chance. So, I am giving both of you a chance. Good morning Jimin” with those last word, she skidded outside the room with a bright pink face.
Jimin buried himself once again under the soft blanket, letting himself fanboying over this small tingly feeling that he had this early. He would never regret his decision. Just like he said, he would only live the present for now. The future was still far ahead, anything could happen until then. If he worries the future now, it would be no fun in dealing with his every day’s life.
Jin blinked at the figure who just walked pass him and he called her out before she could disappear further “Seul, you are awake?” she jolted and turned to face Jin nervously.
“Are you awake already? I am so sorry, I overslept Jin. Let me prepare the breakfast!” she walked over to Jin with guilt.
“Hey don’t worry Seul. It is my duty. Today, I want you to eat my cooking. May I know why are you coming out from that way?” he blinked, taking a good look at Seul’s flushed face.
Seul rubbed her arms, trying to find perfect answers which did not sound suspicious “I couldn’t sleep yesterday. I stayed in the lounge until I fell asleep” Jin lips was formed into an ‘o’ shape with a bright smile.
“Good morning hyu-“Jimin cleared his throat realizing the older guy had woken up and was interrogating Seul. She cursed in her head in frustration when she heard Jimin’s voice boomed across the hall. That called for another trouble.
Jin eyed the two suspiciously “And why are you not in your room, may I ask?” he probed with a hint of jealousy.
“I…fall asleep in Jungkook’s room.. We got carried away and we really had a long talk” he lied. Jimin and Seul exchanged nervous glance as both of them felt their brain momentarily froze due to Jin’s sudden appearance this morning.
“Really? Hurm.. Okay then.. go wash up and wake up others” a sigh of relief escaped from their lips. Jin bought it and that was good enough. Fleeing from the scene, Jimin quickly entered his room before he could ask him more question.
Jin travelled his eyes to Seul “You too go wash up. I will prepare breakfast for us alright?” he hushed her out from his territory causing the girl to pout in protest. She complied to Jin’s request anyways because after all, he almost caught her red handed a few second ago. How awful would it be if Jin found out Jimin and her fell asleep on the couch together?
Everyone was in the dining room an hour later, and for some reason the thick atmosphere was no longer there. Instead, the breakfast turned out to be lively and filled with laughter from every corner. The boys made Seul felt comfortable and she was grateful none of them brought up the sensitive topic anymore. So, they had decided to follow the flow and not to pressure themselves over petty things. Since Jimin and Jungkook had decided to play it nicely, there was nothing to be worried off.
Hoseok on the other hand had the time of his life, goofing around with Seul which she enjoyed every second the guy cracked his silly jokes. In fact, Kim Taehyung also showed his silly side making everyone cringe at his randomness. Everyone had opened up to each other and to have Seul in the picture gave more colours to their already meaningful life. After breakfast, Seul cleaned up the place like she usually does but only this time the boys offered their hands to help.
No matter how much she insisted of doing it alone, they were all stubborn. They only allowed her to do the laundry and cleaned the living room and their private lounge. Namjoon ordered his members to clean their own room which they complied without any complain. Even for the lazy bum Jungkook, surprisingly he was the first one to finish off the cleaning. Therefore, he went to Seul helping her with the laundry.
She had given up to nag or show her protest, so she let the boy to help. In exchanged of that, Seul had a good chat with Jungkook. It felt better to have conversation with Jungkook without his mask on. This felt too real to be truth, but this guy was down to earth. Every Bangtan members was not as snobby as she thought they appeared to be. They were not just effortlessly beautiful, but they were kind and relatable.
Relatable, that was the perfect way to describe them.
After good one-hour spring cleaning with Bangtan, they were ready to leave for their practice. Seul too was getting ready to leave for work, she bowed showing off her gratitude for letting her stay over a day “Thank you for letting me stay” she smiled.
“Need I to remind you this is your workplace too. Don’t be formal. We are glad to have you around” Jin ruffled her hair only to receive a low protest from Seul. She shot him a glare for messing up her hair. Jin raised his hand in defeat and shrugged.
“It is fun to clean the dorm with you Seul. Will we be able to meet you again next time?” Taehyung had a big fat smile across his face causing to squeal over his cuteness. “Of course, there will always be next time” she jabbed his arm playfully.
“Leave before your manager come up hunting you down. Have a good day ahead everyone” she waved as she watched one by one of them leaving. Jungkook gave her a brief hug with a wink, causing her to blush instantly.
She deadpanned mentally, trying to get used to his affection towards him.
Yoongi was fall behind and the sight in front of him, annoyed him to the core. He shoved his hand in his pocket pulling out a small paper resembled the sticky note. Scrutinizing his straight face, Seul looked down on her hand when he slipped the note on her palm.
“What is this?”
“Tomorrow, 4PM. Bungee jumping. It is a date” he dashed off without saying more. Seul gawked not believing what she just heard few seconds ago. Did Yoongi just ask her out for a date? It came to her realization; the small note was an admission ticket to the bungee jumping thing.
Does it mean, it isn’t just Jimin. Yoongi too? She grunted under her sharp breath. Seul was making sense out of this again. How was it possible to have three guys chasing after her fragile heart?
   This work belongs to  Chimswae © 2020. All Rights Reserved
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slightlymore · 5 years
Soft boyfriend | Part 1
Genre: Series | Fluff | Fic for when you feel the sudden, intense, gut-eating urge of having Doyoung as your soft boyfriend and that OP (a clown) didn’t definitely write as a coping mechanism :) Pairing: Doyoung x Fem Reader Warnings: None as for part 1 Words: 2.2k Summary: You move into a new apartment and you become (very conveniently) Doyoung’s parents’ neighbour. 
This is part 1 of a series. As a whole, it’s going to have fluff, angst, smut etc. As for now only fluff as the momentum is being built. Stay tuned lol
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3
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The door opened with a beep. You let out a sigh and looked around for a few seconds before grabbing your suitcases and entering your new apartment. It was a nice part of the city, the building was new and fancy and even though changes usually made you nervous, this time you were actually excited to start a new chapter of your life. People said you were extremely lucky to have gotten in the company you started to work for, and you believed them, although no one mentioned that you must have worked hard first, before getting lucky.
All your life you felt as if you haven’t been working hard enough and that things happened randomly, without you having a say in it. It wasn’t true and lately, you decided to try and accept the fact that you do work hard, you do matter and that you do deserve the good things happening to you. You took off your shoes as soon as you entered the hallway and placing your hands on your hips you wondered what the plan should be from now. You anticipated having to clean all day, but your company was kind enough to send someone over beforehand, so now you looked helpless at the bright and spotless floor as you walked around. The furniture was all assembled, the books all on their rightful shelves, even your bed was freshly made. You shrugged in acceptance and decided to head downstairs to at least buy groceries. It was a nice walk. The store was nearby the apartments complex and you enjoyed the fresh evening air, the fallen golden leaves and people walking busily around you. It didn’t take you long to browse the store though. You were still used to your previous life of being frugal, so even though you had the funds to buy more, useless, stuff, you didn’t. In less than ten minutes you were already at the cash register waiting in line. The woman in front of you was taking a little bit longer as she was having difficulties bagging her groceries. Her left arm was, in fact, in a cast. “May I help you with those?” you asked. The woman lifted her gaze and looked at you kindly. “Oh, my, I would be very thankful” she replied. You smiled back and quickly bagged her stuff. She thanked you again. “If you wait for a second, I can help you carry that, even if for a bit,” you said, hoping it didn’t sound too weird. You were used to helping people in need, but you didn’t know yet if it was a thing in big cities or not. You probably sounded reliable though as she thanked you yet again and waited for you to bag your own groceries after paying. “You are a very kind young lady,” she said as you both exited the store. “I live in that big building right there, and I didn’t need much stuff, so I decided to come and shop by myself” she added as to explain why she was out there alone with a broken arm. You looked over to where she indicated and smiled surprised. “I live there as well; I’ve just moved in today” you let her know.  She looked delighted as she heard the news and after asking you which apartment you occupied, it came out that you lived on the same floor. “What a nice coincidence. I’m glad we finally have a neighbour. That apartment was vacant for a long time” she said. You walked slowly and had a lively chat. The woman said that you could call her Mrs Kim. She wasn’t old but not quite young either, maybe in her 50s. She said that her husband was still working and that her two sons already moved out of the house. The younger one still came by often, as he didn’t live by himself but in a dorm. Still, he was so busy lately that they haven’t seen him in a while. As you entered the lift, Mrs Kim invited you to stay over for dinner. “You’re a new neighbour, it is a tradition to welcome you with food. And you even helped me to carry my groceries”. You looked at her helpless. She was so sweet that you couldn’t bring yourself to refuse. As she opened the door and let you in, a voice startled both of you. “Mom, I can’t believe you actually went to buy groceries by yourself with that arm of yours”. It was a young man, roughly your age, wearing a grey hoodie and sweatpants. His arms were crossed on his chest and his expression was irritated. Then he noticed his mom wasn’t alone. “Oh, hi,” he said bowing his head a little, then looked over to his mom as to get an explanation. “Dongyoung has always had a temper. This is Y/N, our new neighbour. She was so kind to me today and helped me carry my bags” said Mrs Kim talking to you first then to his son. “And this is my dear, sweet, child, Dongyoung. He’s the youngest”.   The guy rolled his eyes.  “Nice to meet you” you managed to say as he said the same thing at the same time. You were still holding all the bags and you couldn’t even take off your shoes yet. You felt awkward and didn’t know what to do with yourself. Mrs Kim was already headed over, what you supposed was, the kitchen when she realized you were still near the entrance door. She shook her head and clicked her tongue in disapproval. “Dongyoung, what at you doing? Help her carry those bags inside” she said. He looked dazed as you did but moved quickly and made you hand over the groceries. “Sorry,” he said. “Please come inside”, he added before following his mother. You sighed in relief (you didn’t notice how heavy those bags were while carrying them) and took off your shoes. Their house looked exactly like yours besides the fact that the apartments on that side of the building had another bedroom and bathroom. You headed over the kitchen as well, not knowing what to do, where you found Dongyoung putting your groceries in the fridge. You smiled. “Actually, those are my groceries,” you said at his back. He looked around surprised. “Yeah, I was actually wondering since when does mom buy wine” he chuckled at his mistake. “Oh my, I forgot to tell you that,” said Mrs Kim trying to take out a pot. “Mom!” said Dongyoung. “What are you doing with that heavy pot, put it down and go get some rest” he added looking at her severely. Mrs Kim smiled and rolled her eyes. You guessed it was a family trait.  “He said he is going to cook dinner tonight,” she said to you in a whisper as if to not be heard by Dongyoung. You chuckled. “That’s very sweet. May I help you, Dongyoung, or am I just in the way?” you asked. He looked over at you. “Oh, call me Doyoung, please”.
You weren’t a great cook, but you haven’t died yet from your own cooking and it usually tasted good. Following Doyoung’s directions, you were actually doing pretty great. It was fun and it helped you relax as you chopped away vegetables. Doyoung was talking a lot, probably to make you feel at ease, and it was very soothing. “So are you studying?” you asked after Doyoung finished expressing his opinions on the school system. “Oh, no, I’m working” he replied while stirring the soup he was preparing. “What do you do?” you asked again. You already talked about your company for a while but he didn’t say much about himself. “I sing,” he said quietly after a while. You jerked your head to look at him surprised. “You’re a singer?” He smiled nodding. “Are you famous?” you kept asking as you finished chopping and laid the knife on the cutting board. Doyoung laughed embarrassed. “I guess” was his reply. That was a dumb question, you realized, but you were so surprised that your jaw was almost on the floor. You’ve been talking to a famous person this whole time and your dumb ass didn’t even know. “I’m so sorry. I’ve been living under a rock because of university all this time and I had no idea” you excused yourself. Doyoung shook his head amused as he took the vegetables from you. “It’s actually nice to talk to someone that doesn’t know me that way” he replied. “There’s less pressure” he added.  You were about to ask more about his job if he was comfortable talking about it, but the sound of the door alerted you that Doyoung’s dad was home. He was a sweet middle-aged man and looked pretty much like Doyoung in a few decades. Mrs Kim came along and you had to shyly assist as she showered you yet again with praises and Mr Kim thanked you a few times. Soon enough Doyoung ordered them to get out the kitchen and to lay the table, as the food was almost ready. You smiled. He looked like the real mom in that house.
The next morning you found yourself awake quite early a for a few seconds you didn’t know where you were. Then you remembered that you moved in and chuckled to yourself as you gazed around your room. After a while, as you lazily rolled around your bed, the memories from yesterday’s dinner came to mind and you smiled. Having the Kims made you feel at home and taken care of. You thought that you must prepare something to thank them with. After roughly an hour you were already in the kitchen, flour all over the counters and eggshells on the floor, as you were baking a cake. You were so into working the batter that you almost didn’t hear the doorbell. Wondering who that might be you sprinted towards the door. In front of you, with a little steamy pot in his hands, was none other than Doyoung. He was about to greet you but for some reason, he stopped and looked at you from head to toe, surprised. “Mm?” you wondered yourself and looked at your clothes: full of flour. “Oh, damn” you managed to say. Doyoung laughed loudly. “I guess you didn’t look in the mirror either” he added. You instinctively brought your hands to your cheeks and started to rub. “Oh, God” you murmured. “I’ve been baking” you explained as you walked over the kitchen. Doyoung followed suit and put the pot he was holding on the cooking stove. “Oh, I can see that,” he said, still very much amused. “My mom made, even if I told her to stay put, some breakfast soup, and we thought you would like to taste some” he added regarding the pot. “Oh, that’s so so kind. Thank you and thank your mother as well, please. I’m so lucky to have you as neighbours” you replied removing the lid. It smelled amazing. “Actually, the cake I’m baking is for you all” you added shyly. “I hope you like sweet stuff” you wondered unsurely. Doyoung looked over at the batter and all around the counter. “Oh, we love sweets, but you shouldn’t have bothered”. You shifted your weight from one foot to another anxious. Was that a kind way of refusing? Were you too messy? You were a pretty organized person; you had no idea you could get that messy while baking. “It might look ugly, I warn you, but I promise it’s going to taste good” you tried to encourage him. Doyoung looked over at you and smiled. With a swift movement of the arm, he swiped some flour off the tip of your nose. “I can’t wait,” he said. “I’m going to help you, though. Move” he added. “You do have a lot of books”. Doyoung was looking over at your shelves while you were having breakfast. You didn’t have breakfast yet? And you’re telling me that now? he said, offended. The cake, that became also pretty and not only tasty thanks to Doyoung, was happily baking. The house smelled of vanilla and chocolate, outside started to rain and you thought that you’ve never felt cosier before. “A lot of them are just about school stuff” you managed to say, avoiding talking with your mouth full. Doyoung got up the couch and grabbed a random chunky book, looking at it, reading the title, then putting it back on the shelves as if disgusted. You chuckled. “Doyoung,” you said as the last grain of rice was consumed. “Mm” he said without looking at you and just browsing the shelves. “Would you sing something for me?” you asked quietly. You really hoped he wouldn’t get mad at you. Last night, curious, you searched his name online and listened to as many songs as you could find before falling asleep. It was that type of voice that you definitely had to listen in real life, at least once, before dying. His arm stopped in mid-air before falling to his side. He then looked at you, almost shy and surprised at the same time. You looked over at him as well, with hopeful eyes. He smirked as if annoyed by the request, making his dimple show up, but you knew he didn’t mind and smiled even more. “Is there a song in particular that you want to hear?”
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darkfairy-tales · 4 years
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Inception - Chapter Nine
Description: As an omega, Hongjoong was always treated wrongly in his pack. So when he is forced to be with an alpha who wasn't his mate he runs away. With little to no idea on where to go. With a small hope of finding his mate.
Character: ATEEZ, EXO, THEBOYZ, etc
Pairing: Ateez x Hongjoong, Hongjoong centric
Warning: Mentions of blood, violence, etc
The next day when Yunho woke up he realized all of them except Hongjoong and Jongho, had fallen asleep while watching the movie. He sat up stretching his neck groaning. He felt weird. It felt as if his body had been strained because of some hard physical work. He stood up as he got out of the house. "I got up early." He mumbled to himself. He walked up to the front. The entrance to the thick forest. He stretches out his limbs. For some reason he felt exhausted. He breathed out as he put his hands on a tree and leaned forward slightly. His nose twitched when he suddenly smelt smoke. He looked around but saw no fire. Then he looked up. The sight he saw making him gasp. "OH MY FUCKING GOD I AM FUCKING BURNING. MY FUCKING HANDS!" He screamed panicking as he saw fire on his hand which was against the tree, causing the tree to get burnt. He ran around screaming bloody murders. The others came out concerned. "What the fuck Yunho!!!" Seonghwa shouted when he saw his fellow packmate whose right hand had flames. Mingi gasped as he ran back inside. He comes out with a bucket of water. He ran towards Yunho and dumped the water in the bucket on the alpha. By now even Jongho had came out. Yunho gasped as he looked at his hand which had flames coming out a while ago. "It's.... It's not burnt." He said furrowing his brows, confused. "How the fuck is that possible?" Yeosang asked, amazed.
"Do you think it is the power? Yunho's power?" Wooyoung voiced out his thought. Realization dawned on all 7 of them. "Damn congratulations hyung. You got your power so fast." San said pouting a bit. He wanted to have powers too. Others patted Yunho's back, who was still in awe. "Where is Hongjoong?" Seonghwa asked turning to Jongho. "He is still sleeping. He woke up hearing yunho's voice but I told him to go back to sleep." The maknae answers. "He marked you too!" Mingi says excited as he stares at the mating mark on Jongho's neck. "He is probably going to get his power soon." Yeosang says looking at the younger feeling a bit jealous. "Guys how am I going to learn to control this? I don't think I can just easily control it." Yunho says looking at his hands. "We will find a way. Maybe talk to Chanyeol hyung. He is a fire bender after all." Seonghwa suggests and everyone agrees. "Let's go in now."
The next few days Yunho struggles with his powers. As suggested they had consulted Chanyeol about it and the older had agreed to help. Yunho had managed to burn down a table, his own clothes and a lot more. Thankfully he hadn't burned down the house. He was getting better as he trained with Chanyeol everyday. First Yunho trained to keep his power under control so that he didn't put things on fire without meaning to. After that came the training on how to use his powers. "You have to relax yourself. Your power is a part of you. All you have to do is feel it and imagine it." Chanyeol had instructed. "You have to keep your emotions in check too. As I said our powers are a part of us so when we feel emotions like anger or extreme sadness it can get very destructive." Chanyeol said. Yunho had quickly adjusted to his powers. It didn't took long for him to master his power. Only a week was enough for Yunho. There were still small mistakes but he was getting better. Jongho gets his power a little late than expected. The youngest wolf had fainted clutching his head, his eyes glowing violet. It had freaked Hongjoong out. In panic they had called for Yixing who confirmed that Jongho was fine and that he had just gotten his power. For 2-3 days no one was able to identify his power until Hongjoong's father had came and helped. Turned out Jongho had super strength which explained the fact that Jongho had been breaking things easily without meaning to. The boy had punched through a wall. His power was a bit similar to Kyungsoo but not all the way and the pregnant omega had tried to help the young alpha as much as he can. Jongho had practiced day and night and he quickly picked up on how his power worked. Yet he knew he had to be careful. His power was destructive to say the least.
Hongjoong was proud of his alphas. Seeing them improve so much had made him happy. He couldn't wait to see the others have their own power. "Baby wake up. It's 8:45 am already." Hongjoong heard making him whine. He slowly opened his eyes yawning. "I still feel so sleepy." He mumbled as he looks at Seonghwa. The older was shirtless and a bit sweaty, not that Hongjoong minded. The older had probably went out for a run. "Good morning baby. you should eat something. And if you want you can go back to sleep after that." The older says as he helps the omega get up and out of the bed. He leans down placing a peck on the omega's lips. Hongjoong is about to open his mouth and say something but stopped as he gagged. He fled towards the bathroom, getting down on the floor in front of the toilet bowl as he threw up. Seonghwa who had worriedly followed him inside rubs his back in a comforting matter. Hongjoong felt tears as he sniffles. "Shh it's okay. Do you feel sick baby? Do you want to go to the doctor?" Seonghwa asked. "I-I don't know." Hongjoong sniffles a bit embarrassed that his alpha had to see him throw his gut out. "Let's get you checked out later then hmm. Seokjin hyung works in a hospital. I will make an appointment with him." Seonghwa says as he helps the omega stand up. He stays by Hongjoong's side as the omega brushes his teeth and washes his face. After they were done they got downstairs where everyone was.
"You look so pale. Are you okay baby?" Yeosang asked when he noticed Hongjoong who looked a bit paler than usual. "Just.. a bit sick." The omega answers. "Come on. Eat something. Maybe you will feel a bit better after that." Wooyoung says as he leads the omega inside the kitchen getting him his breakfast while Seonghwa was on the phone talking to Seokjin and making an appointment for a check up for the omega. "Baby appointment has been set up. We have to get there before 11 am." Seonghwa says. "Huh? What appointment?" Mingi asked furrowing his brows. "Hongjoong threw up earlier. I am worried so I made at appointment with the help of Seokjin hyung's help. For a check up." Seonghwa answers. San bites his lower lips worried. "I have a few ideas on why he is throwing up but I won't say anything until it is confirmed." Seonghwa adds. Hongjoong stares at him with a questioning look but doesn't question anything. After Hongjoong was done San had helped the omega in taking a bath and getting ready for the appointment. "You look beautiful." San says with a smile as he looks at his omega. Hongjoong was dressed in soft blue sweater paired with comfortable white pants and white shoes. The omega looked so soft. San pulls the omega into a hug.
Hongjoong instinctively wraps his arms around the alpha. "You smell so nice. Sweeter." He mumbled as he ran his nose against the omega's neck scenting him. The omega nuzzles his face against the alpha's chest crooning. San smiles as he slowly pulls away. "Hyung is waiting baby. Let's get you down before I decide to not let you go and just cuddle you joongie." He says making the omega laugh. "Let's cuddle when I am back." Hongjoong says as he pats the alpha's head. The alphas liked it when he did that though they would never admit because according to them they were not "dogs" but it never stopped the omega from doing it. It had become a habit to do so in just few days. They go downstairs where Seonghwa is already waiting for Hongjoong. "Aww our baby looks so beautiful." Yunho squeals as he approaches the omega leaning down to place a slobbery peck on the omega. The others pushes Yunho away as they took their turns on pecking on the omega's lips leaving the omega all flustered and shy.
Seonghwa and Hongjoong goes out with Yunho, who had nagged on how he deserved to accompany them to the hospital. They got inside their car as they drove towards where the hospital was. When they arrived Seonghwa parked the car at the front and three of them got inside. Hongjoong scrunching up his nose at the smell of medicines. "This is a hospital solely built for supernatural beings." Seonghwa says. The omega nodded looking around. They approached the reception. "We have made an appointment with Dr. Kim Seokjin. Where can we meet him?" Seonghwa asks. "Park Seonghwa?" The receptionist asked. The alpha nods. "Please follow me. Dr. Kim had especially asked me to take you guys directly to him." The woman, who seemed to be a far says. She leads the three of them to where Seokjin was. "Dr. Kim your guests are here." The woman said knocking on the door and walked away. Few seconds later Seokjin opens the door. "Hey guys. Come in. Come in. I don't have any other patients at the moment." The older says as he lets the three inside signalling them to sit down.
"So what seems to be the problem?" He asked looking at Hongjoong. "U-um I have been feeling really exhausted now a days. Like easily exhausted even though I don't do much and earlier first in the morning I threw up. Also I had been feeling dizzy once in a while now a days." Hongjoong explains as much as he can. Seokjin listen to him carefully nodding his head in acknowledgement. He stands up as he grabs a medical cup. "Come on. Follow me Hongjoong." he says. The omega stands up as he follows behind the older omega like a lost pup. "You two stay here." Seokjin said turning towards the two alpha who nodded their heads. Hongjoong follows Seokjin who leads him towards the washroom. "I need a sample of your urine here. For some test." Seokjin says as he hands the cup he was holding to Hongjoong. "Okay hyung." Hongjoong says shyly as he gets inside the washroom. He comes back out after a while holding the cup which had his urine sample, the lid closed. Seokjin walks the younger back to his alphas. "I will take the sample and get it tested. Tell Seonghwa and Yunho to wait. I will come back with the test results. It will take like only 15 minutes maximum." Seokjin says smiling at the younger. "Okay hyung." Hongjoong says as he goes back inside to his two alphas.
"Seokjin hyung told us to wait. He took my urine sample. He said he will come back with the test result soon." Hongjoong says as he sits between the two alphas. "Are you feeling okay now? Like do you feel sick?" Seonghwa asks. The omega shooks his head 'no' biting his lips feeling nervous for some reason. Yunho places his hands on the omega's noticing how nervous he was feeling, giving Hongjoong an assuring smile. After 20 minutes Seokjin comes back. "Sorry. It took a bit longer than expected because there were some problems." Seokjin rambles as he goes to sit on his seat, a paper on his hand. "Hyung is Joongie okay? Is he sick?" yunho asked. Seokjin laughs at the older. "Calm down. Okay so Hongjoong is not exactly sick. He is just pregnant." Seokjin says. Seonghwa and Hongjoong both freezes up. "Ohhh he is just preg- WAIT WHAT PREGNANT? WAIT REALLY?" Yunho screams out. Seokjin laughs as he hands the alpha the test result. "Oh my God. oh my fucking god." Yunho squeals. "Baby you are pregnant!" Yunho says turning to the omega who is teary eyed. "W-we gonna have pu-pup." Hongjoong sniffles feeling emotional all of a sudden. He was going to have a pup or pups of his own. How great is that! He was going to be giving his alphas pups. Both Seonghwa and Yunho hugs him. Big smiles on their faces.
"Well then I will arrange a doctor for you. I have a friend who can be the doctor for Hongjoong through his pregnancy." Seokjin says. "His name is Lee Jaehwan. He is a beta." He adds. Seonghwa nods with a hum. "Come on. Follow me. I will lead you guys to him. I suggest you get an ultrasound today." Seokjin says as he leads the three out and to where Jaehwan was. Seokjin knocks on the door first and opens it peeking his head inside. "Hey Jinnie." The beta greets peeking at Seonghwa Yunho and Hongjoong who stood behind Seokjin. "I need help from you. Well as you can see another one of our packmate is pregnant and I suggested you to them. I want you to check up on him. I was wondering if you could be his doctor throughout his pregnancy." Seokjin says. "Ah of course I would love to." Jaehwan aka Ken agrees willingly. "Well lets start the check up and see how the little one is doing."
Time Skip~
Hongjoong and his two alphas were on their way back to their territory. Dr Lee Jaehwan, who had requested them to just call him Ken, had told them that the babies was at it's two weeks. Yes 'babies'. They were having twins. They had also told that pregnancy for wolves as they might have known lasts shorter. While it lasts 9 months for human for wolves it would lasts only 6 months. The fetus develops faster than a human child. They have been told that Hongjoong might go through extreme morning sickness, back pains, headache, cravings, mood swings, etc but they can't be sure as pregnancy is different for everyone. Yunho was happy. Seeing that the fetus of the twins were 2 weeks it was clear that the twins were his. Jaehwan had also warned the two alpha about how they are going to start feeling more protective. "We are going to be dads." Yunho mumbled as he broke the silence in the car. A big happy smile appearing on his face. "Twins. I am nervous. But we are going to do this together." Seonghwa says, a gentle smile on his face. Hongjoong smiles proudly as he cuddles up to Yunho who was sitting beside him. He was happy. He had his seven alphas and their pups on the way. He couldn't have asked for anything more. It was so calm at the moment. No worries. No fear about his old pack mates coming after him. Everything was just right. But was it? After all they say there is always calm before the storm.
[Inception Masterlist]
Hello guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I tried my best with every chapter. If there is any error please spare me 😣 Thank you for all the support and love for this book.
Please don't forget to like a d reblog or comment your opinions. Thank you again. Stay tuned for the next chapter. Love you all. Bye 😊💚💚
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chris-hattori · 4 years
LadyNoir July
Day 20. Dèjà  Vu 
Something bizarre had been going on in Marinette's life for the past 4 days.   
Usually, nothing to worry about in a city like Paris, terrorized by a magical villain, but this time, Marinette was sure Hawk Moth didn't have anything to do with what was happening to her. 
She didn't know how it was possible for her to suddenly, know instinctively what was going to happen even before it actually happened, but it was odd and if she was completely honest, also disturbing.
It didn’t matter if it was something like, who would win a bet between Kim and Alix, or what Nino would answer Alya when his girlfriend rambled about the lack of new Akumas and all her theories, Marinette knew everything beforehand. 
It went so far that she was able to turn around and stop every of Adrien's sneak attacks on her, just because something in her whispered what the blond boy was going to try.
Of course, the most logical explanation for this would be, that it was one of the side effects of the earrings Tikki had told her about, but Thanks to a short conversation with Wayzz and the other kwamis, she was able to rule that one out quickly. 
Which didn't help much, because it didn't explain why she felt as if she had lived through these days already!
On the first patrol since this mess had started, and at her wit’s end, Ladybug asked her partner for help. 
Sitting side by side on a rooftop, Chat Noir had to listen carefully to her explanations on what had happened in the past 72 hours of her life. After she was done, Chat tilted his head to the side looking thoughtful at her. 
"Bugaboo,  are we sure that there is no Akuma running around right now, without us noticing it?" 
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure about it, why?" 
Chat didn't answer her question but countered with his own.
"Does it feel more like you have a few Dèjà Vu experiences or more like in the movie 'Groundhog day'?"
Ladybug thinks about it and answers "like a mix of both I guess. I mean I  don't wake up in the morning and know automatically what's going to happen. It's more like…" she trailed off, thinking again of the perfect words to describe it. 
Chat waited patiently for her to continue and once she began his eyebrows lifted with each incredible word she spoke.
"When I talked to my friends at school, I got a really strange feeling in my gut and then there was like a split second where my mind whispered to me what my friends were going to say before they even opened their mouths! It’s been happening all day long!" Ladybug said, with frustration.
"How sure are we about no wild running Akuma-" Chat began.
"Pretty sure," she interrupted him, "actually I'm 120% sure there are no Akuma around! Can you please tell me why you keep asking me that?" 
Chat rested silently for a moment before he said, "Because something similar is happening to me." His confession is nothing more than a soft whisper and Ladybug could only stare at him with wide eyes. 
It was happening to him too? Then maybe he was right. 
Maybe there was an Akuma running around and both of them didn't notice it.
But that wouldn't make any sense. If there was an Akuma it would have called for their attention already. 
"There is only one person who it seems to not happen around. It’s usually right and everything happens like you just described, but sometimes when I'm around her it doesn't. I always get a pretty nasty headache from it then. Does that happen to you too?"
Ladybug was about to shake her head, because no, as crazy as the past few days had been for her, she’d never gotten a headache from it, but then she realized something else. 
"I don't feel like I've lived through this moment before,” she said, with surprise.
Chat froze next to her. "You're right, I don't have that feeling either," they looked at each other, "Bugaboo, maybe you should try and talk with Tikki again."
Ladybug sighed, she had tried to talk to Tikki about it, but her kwami had been acting quirky as well these days and had been avoiding answering Marinette's questions as much as possible. 
She had always counted on Tikki helping her out when something confusing was going on in her life, but this time the small goddess had left her on her own.
At her silence, her partner let out a deep sigh of his own.
"Well," he started slowly, " I don't know if it’s going to help us much, but I know you didn't talk to all the Kwamis.  Maybe Plagg knows something about it and who knows maybe he can even convince Tikki to talk to you."
She didn't answer immediately, letting the idea sink in as she thought about the pros and cons before she came to a decision. 
"It's worth a try," she said finally. 
Chat stood up and offered her his hand. 
"Then come with me, I have the perfect place in mind for it."
Chat's perfect place turned out to be a small secluded rooftop garden. As soon as she set her feet down on the wooded ground, something changed in her, as if a switch had also been flipped inside of her. A small gasp escaped her at the sign in front of her and the strangely feeling of familiarity washed over her. 
Seeing the way she looked around, Chat gave her a worried look. 
"Is everything all right-" he interrupted himself with a gasp of his own, "I brought you here before," he whispered softly.
She gave him a small nod, in response. 
"Well, I'm not surprised about that, this garden belonged to-" Chat Noir began.
"- your Mother.  You come here often to take care of the plants and to think," she finished for him. 
A small blush appeared under Chat's mask and he turned his head away from her. 
"Um, I think we should, you know…" 
Feeling how her own cheeks burn, she gave him another nod and let Chat lead her to the privacy fence made of frosted glass. 
On a roof a bit further away from where Paris’ heroes had just dropped their transformations, Bunnyx let out a long sigh. 
"Hopefully, neither of you mess it up this time," she murmured to herself. Stepping with one foot through her portal, her ears twitched at Chat's joyfully cry.  She looked toward the young versions of her teammates, her friends, and saw how Adrien and Marinette embraced each other. Shaking her head with amusement she whispered  "Maybe the third time will really be the charm for them."
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mcheang · 5 years
Shiny broken jewels
This is the sequel to pretty lucky charms, based off the novel Shiny Broken Things
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Chloe: once the darling of the Paris Opera school, now an outcast. Framed for a crime she never committed, Chloe seeks to clear her name.
Marinette: no longer willing to give the bullies an inch, Marinette is putting her walls up. But she becomes good friends with Bridgette who soon replaces Alya as her BFF.
Lila: a taste of the spotlight has her hungry for more. But the path to the lead role is more challenging now than ever. Chloe had been a talented pupil but now Lila has to face off against a prodigy.
Bridgette is comforted by her cold-hearted but loyal Boyfriend, Felix. He gives her his ring as they swear to be true to each other. The Agrestes are supportive of Bridgette when she is bullied. Adrien encourages her to seek Chloe whenever the girls bully her. Lately someone completely thrashed her room. She had spent all night cleaning up. Chloe had brought Bridgette some stimulants but Bridgette politely declines that she has her own. During rehearsal later, Bridgette suddenly feels sleepy. Which is weird when she took her pills already. At least Chloe is there to help her when she falls.
Spring: Swan Lake
Chloe is determined to prove her innocence. She seeks out videos of the accident to find a clear angle of whoever tried to kill Marinette.
There are 3 main suspects: Felix is the first one since he had been threatening her and was the one who accused her. Lila is the next best bet. She had the most to gain with her biggest competitors out of the picture and she had been spending more time with Sabrina lately. The last suspect was surprising. Kim. While the jock used to obey her every command, ever since she cruelly rejected him, he had been nothing but spiteful towards her.
Marinette returns and is given her own room with a lock. She pretty much locks everything she owns: her diary, her closet, and even her backpack.
Marinette meets Bridgette and there is instant camaraderie. Marinette warns Bridgette about Lila and Sabrina. Bridgette comforts Marinette because no one else but Adrien believes her suspicions about Lila. “Trust your gut instinct.”
Adrien visits Chloe and expressed his disappointment in her. However he does believe Chloe is innocent because he knows her style and this isn’t it. Chloe likes attention not covert bullying.
While Marinette and Bridgette have both taken precautions, Bridgette is clearly out for vengeance. She has lost more than half a year of her life in the hospital ward because her accident left her with a broken hip. It doesn’t help that Felix encourages her vendetta.
Bridgette’s first target is Sabrina as a warm up. She steals Sabrina’s ballet shoes and soaks them in vinegar so that they will shrink.
Second target: Kim. Felix had revealed to Bridgette that Kim had dropped her per Chloe’s instructions. Bridgette’s revenge is simple. She stages a stage malfunction while Kim is rehearsing there so that he falls through the trapdoor and breaks his ankle.
Meanwhile Chloe keeps practising as she searches for truth. Finally she discovers a potential lead but the video was cut short. She contacts the owner of the video and waits for his reply.
The students are getting ready to audition for Swan Lake.
Lila is desperate more than ever to get the lead role. Only 4 placements at the Paris Opera will be offered to the students, 2 per gender. That is why Odette and Odile will be given to 2 girls and Rothbart and Siegfried will be given to 2 boys. The rest should start looking at other colleges and ballet companies.
Lila tries to begin sabotaging the Asian girlfriends (yeah, apparently Adrien and Felix not only look similar but share the same type.) only she is thwarted by locks and security cameras the girls had installed. Not to mention the staff has finally decided to up their security, declaring that bullies will be forbidden to dance in Swan Lake.
Also, Lila’s Mother has started to interfere in her daughter’s life. Since Lila never mentioned bullying before, her Mother has started talking to the Teachers more. Lila is fearful her mother will expose her lies and has to try to sabotage the teacher-parent email discussion.
Auditions begin.
Chloe finally gets a response. She sees the video and recognises the real villain.
Before the cast list is put up, Gabriel welcomes Chloe back. Marinette is faint. Bridgette is pale with rage. Felix looks annoyed. Lila is exasperated. Only Adrien looks neutrally surprised. He welcomes her back to the class as the rest automatically follow Gabriel’s clapping.
Odette: Marinette
Siegfried: Adrien
Odile: Chloe (she had a last minute audition)
Rothbart: Felix
Odette understudy: Alya
Siedfried understudy: Nino
Odile understudy: Bridgette
Rothbart understudy: Max
Cygnets: pretty much the rest of the girls
Lila sees the cast list and accepts defeat. She wasn’t even an understudy this time. She begins to look at other schools.
Sabrina is apprehended and, oh the scandal for Roger.
At the director’s office, Sabrina sobs that she was sad that Chloe and her had hit a rough patch. She was willing to do anything to fix their relationship. Felix comforted her that night as he bought her drinks. He kept telling Sabrina that Chloe wasn’t worth it. And what was she going to do to make it up to Chloe? Kill Marinette? Don’t be silly.
Sabrina didn’t remember much because she was clearly drunk but she saw Marinette in front of the road and it was too tempting. Sabrina had then gone up to Chloe to tell her to look at what she had done and that was when Felix accused Chloe.
Sabrina is expelled but is not charged because she had clearly been drunk.
An angry Bridgette confronts Chloe for daring to return. Chloe is confident because she actually got a lead role and Bridgette didn’t. Chloe tells Bridgette to get over her incident because she’s done with bullying the lot of them. They aren’t worth her time any more. This only makes Bridgette angrier because she won’t ever forget what Chloe did to her. She suffered a broken bone and was at risk of never being able to dance again. Even with her hip healed, it still feels off.
Then dancing Mistress Caline arrives and congratulates Bridgette. A smug Bridgette looks at a pale Chloe as Caline announces Fu gave her a placement in advance, hence why she is an understudy.
Chloe and Marinette realize the implication. Only one of them will get the role.
Bridgette really likes Marinette. She’s like the Sister she never had.
Bridgette is upset that Alya dismisses Marinette for Lila. She decides to expose Lila by pretty much countering her lies with proof. Lila is in trouble and a social pariah now.
Alya now knows she has to make it up to Marinette but Bridgette is frigid toward her. (Yeah...Felix really rubbed off on his Girlfriend.)
Bridgette also tries to sabotage Chloe. She replaces her pills with a different drug, worse than the one Chloe had used on her all those months ago. Sadly, Chloe recovers.
As Chloe struggles with her fouettés, Bridgette shows off. Her dancing is hypnotic and she looks like a fairy. This irritates Chloe and she warns Bridgette to back off...or else she’ll target Felix next.
Bridgette scoffs, “My Boyfriend will eat you alive. He’s always looked down on you while you were too busy sucking up to Adrien.”
Chloe flushed. “I’m not talking about pranks. I’m talking about the night of the accident.”
Bridgette studies a lock of her hair, as if bored already. “Be more specific, honey.”
“Felix set Sabrina up, didn’t he? He tried to frame me for you!”
“You realize you sound insane right? I would never ask Felix to commit murder. I only asked him to help me expose you for the bully you were. Turns out Sabrina did all that on her own.”
Chloe’s throat tightened. Sabrina had betrayed her by not owning up but she had tried to inform Chloe of school events, trying to convince Fu to give Chloe another chance.
“Like I’d believe your utterly ridiculous excuse. Felix kept stalking me to threaten me with his vengeance. Come on, Felix isn’t all talk.”
Bridgette looked done with the conversation. “I honestly don’t know what Felix has done at school while I was...absent. And I don’t care. Felix is the one person I can count on in this whole school.” (Bridgette does care for Marinette and Adrien but Marinette isn’t willing to stoop to bullying and Adrien is willing to forgive Chloe.)
Bridgette stalks off and Chloe bites her lip. Damn, she had been recording their conversation and had nothing to show for it.
Lila now has truancy as part of her records and knows it will be a miracle if she ever gets to a good school. Her interviews so far had been disappointing.
Bridgette tried to give Chloe food poisoning but the girl had the constitution of an ox and recovers in time.
The night of the show, it is a success again. However Marinette is given the final placement. While Chloe’s technique had been flawless and edgy, she did not bring life to the stage like Marinette did.
Bridgette ecstatically congratulates her newfound BFF.
Chloe is heartbroken and sobs as her mother cruelly chastises her for being unexceptional. What makes it worse is that Audrey actually has respect for Marinette.
After graduation, Chloe receives a call from Fu. Apparently Bridgette had left and now there was an opening for Chloe. The latter had made no plans for other schools and was left at a loss for what to do about her future. This is a miraculous surprise and she accepts.
Marinette and Adrien are confused about why Bridgette left and Felix just glares at Chloe, clearly blaming her.
Bridgette calls Chloe to meet up at the park.
Bridgette arrives and says she wants to bury the hatchet and move on. Chloe, already on this path since her name was cleared, asked why she left.
Surprise: Sabrina returns (in flashback)
Sabrina really wanted to make up to Chloe for not confessing earlier on. Knowing that Chloe does not have a sure chance of winning the placement, Sabrina tries to see if Felix was indeed the true mastermind of the plot.
While Chloe had cut off contact with Sabrina, the latter had been made aware of Felix’s threats beforehand.
Hacking into pub security cameras, Sabrina saw Felix had drugged her and had instilled the idea of pushing Marinette into her head.
Once placements had been announced, Sabrina called Bridgette and showed her the footage. She offered a bargain, if Bridgette backed out and let Chloe take her place, she would delete the footage and let Felix’s reputation remain untarnished.
Bridgette confessed her shock. Seeing Felix willing to hurt Marinette, someone she had grown to love, for her sake finally knocked the sense back into her.
Bridgette had accepted the deal. She loved Felix too much. Felix had been informed of it and was very upset by it. Bridgette threatened Felix to make it up to Marinette without revealing the truth or she will break up with him.
Chloe takes this all in. She asks what Bridgette will do now. Bridgette informs Chloe that she accepted a placement at a rival ballet company. She can stay close to Felix and Marinette in Paris then, but she also wants a fresh start, without all the hatred and vengeance.
Chloe: you don’t think Gabriel and your grandfather will hate you for turning your back on the company?
Bridgette: my Grandfather doesn’t really care so long as it is my decision. And Gabriel doesn’t matter.
She twists a ring on her finger and Chloe realizes it’s a family heirloom that Felix and Gabriel share. Gabriel has the other ring, not willing to pass it down to Adrien yet.
Bridgette: Felix agreed to turn over a new leaf and proposed to me. We’re getting married next spring. Preparations and all.
Chloe: ah. I see.
Bridgette and Chloe shake hands, wish each other well and hope never to see each other again.
Adrien proposed to Marinette soon after Bridgette shows off her engagement ring. The girls plan a double wedding gleefully. Felix is more thoughtful towards Marinette now.
Alya has gone to a ballet company in America. She and Marinette part as friends.
Lila got accepted into a mediocre school and the faculty had been warned of her compulsive lying.
Chloe and Sabrina mend their friendship. Sabrina admits she wants to take a leap year.
When Marinette meets Chloe at the locker room, Marinette offers her an olive branch. Chloe accepts.
Life is beautiful.
Life is ugly.
The constant is change
And it is unstoppable.
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