#he's hard not to write as a creeper
thedisc0spider · 4 months
Could you write Spenser Agnew fluff? Could it possibly be Reader and Spenser have been hiding their relationship and basically pull a Shourtney??
Out of hiding
Summary: you and Spencer come out as a couple
Warnings: mentions of Covid, pre-established relationship, this is really short I’m sorry
Genre: fluff
Point of view: Second person
A/n: this is such a cute request I love it. By the way, I’ll be getting to my other requests really soon, just busy!
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You and Spencer have been dating for almost 5 years. Your relationship had moved rather quickly, you started dating a few months before lockdown and you decided to move in together because you didn’t know how long Covid was going to last. This wasn’t that crazy because it had felt like you’d been dating longer than you had due to the fact that you worked together years prior and always secretly wanted more.
Since the beginning of your relationship you told each other that should you make it to your five year anniversary, you would tell the world then.
Time flew by and the next thing you know, you’re only a day away from the world knowing why you’ve been so happy this last half-a-decade.
As it was getting closer you guys started teasing it on your stories
First spencer posted this on his story, tagging you:
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Then it was your turn, you posted this on your story, this time tagging him:
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People were starting to speculate now.
You and Spencer are laying in bed, you’re still asleep as he watches the rise and fall of your steady breathing. You wake up to the feeling of a hand running up and down you side. You turn, humming softly, to see spencer intently watching your every move.
You chuckle, running your hand through his hair. “You look like you’re about to murder me.”
He smiles, “sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you up… I just like the way you look while you sleep.”
You smile, turning back around so he’s now spooning you. “Okay, creeper.”
Spencer laughs, wrapping an arm around your waist as he nuzzles his face into your neck. “You know what I mean, idiot.”
You lay in silence for a few seconds before Spencer speaks again. “Guess what?”
He kisses behind your ear, “tomorrow we go public.”
You sigh, nodding.
“You know we don’t have to if you don’t want, I know we said 5 years but-“ you quickly turn around to face him, sitting up.
“No, no. Of course I want to. I’m just… you know, nervous.” You fidget with the end of his shirt.
He cups your face in his hand, sitting up with you. “I know, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t scared too… but after we do this we don’t have to hide at all anymore. Just imagine..” he kissed your forehead.
You have to admit, the thought of being able to talk about him, to have him to yourself publicly, for everyone to know he was yours. You’d be able to kiss him, flirt with him, you smiled just thinking about it.
You grab the wrist of the hand on your face, leaning into it. “Yeah, you’re right.” You leave a kiss on his palm, “I love you, S.”
“I love you too, baby.”
The next day, you posted:
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Caption: chat, is this a hard launch? Happy 5 years!
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cherrifire · 1 year
Fragment headcanons <3
For those who don't know, these are fragments:
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Art credit: me ;)
They are caused by Watchers eating up a player's negative emotions and visualize as these cracks in the body.
Note: I'm going to slap all Double Life fragments onto the heart. It just makes sense. So this headcanon list will be for 3rd/Last/Limited unless there is a special difference (Grian + Pearl + Jimmy + Ren). Just so I don't have to write over the heart several times.
The only fragment he has stretches across the back of his hands from where he had to beat Scar to death in 3rd Life.
He keeps the Watchers off him for the rest of the series by bringing a silly and goofy vibe to the games though. They hate him so bad so they haven't given him any more fragments. They would rather just ignore him.
3rd Life fragment wraps around his head like a flower crown.
Last Life fragment hits him in the shoulder then another on the bottom of his foot, spreading inside his body like lightning. (Think Aang's scar from Avatar the Last Airbender)
Limited Life fragment on the left side of his back, giving him a fragment on both sides of his heart. This is due to how hard his heart would have been pounding every time he was hunted for sport.
Last Life, Pearl is granted 6 lives and has a habit of using/giving those lives to help Scott, her closest ally. The fragment is small and over the heart.
Pearl's experience in Double Life with heartbreak was so intense, and since she already had a fragment over the heart, her fragment for that season ended up huge. The cracks over her heart are wide and bright. But the Watchers loved her so much they sent her back in even though she wasn't ready. Meaning she held onto her emotions for Tilly and had to be swapped out with Lizzie for an episode.
Limited Life fragment is placed between her eyes and above on her forehead. Like a third eye for being a nosey neighbour and watching.
Martyn (We actually get to see his fragments at the end of Lim Life.)
3rd Life fragment spreads down the cheek like tears for when he cried losing Ren.
Last Life, on the back. The backstabber was backstabbed. He was completely willing to betray Grian in order to get himself, Mumbo, Jimmy, and Impulse somewhere nicer. Somewhere safer. The end. Only for the Watchers to reveal that was never the case.
Limited Life, over the hand his weapon was held in in which he had to kill Scott twice with.
All of Jimmy's fragments spread across his back like canary wings.
3rd Life, spreads across his chest from where that first creeper blew him up. The first death. Seems rather fitting for the guy who can't keep his shirt on.
Last Life, through his mouth, built from all the lies he spoke.
Limited Life, matching placements with the Clockers on the right forearm like a family tattoo.
3rd Life, a few small cracks spread around like dog bites.
Last Life, one of the biggest fragments and spread through his entire body. For every kill he got, he got a matching crack as if he was the one who died. His insanity means he has axe, sword, arrow, explosion, and fall damage cracks because with each kill he got worse.
Limited Life, kind of hidden based on just how many cracks Joel has, but starts above his chest and out through the bottom of his foot. Another lightning scar.
3rd Life, cracks spread from his finger tips up from digging his hands in the dirt to plant dark oak saplings.
Last Life is hard to place a fragment. Because I know he would get one for never giving Bdubs one of his lives but I don't know where that would place on the body. Back of the head for not thinking? Over the heart for the ache of regret? I'm not sure.
Matching fragment with the Clockers but it's on the wrong arm (left).
Bdubs is similar to Grian to me in a case where he brings a very goofy mood to the series. So I want to say he doesn't have a fragment for 3rd Life. Like, he betrays Impulse with 0 remorse.
Last Life, on the back where Grian shot him. That was the moment he realized Etho didn't love him as much as he thought. Shot for doing what he asked and never receiving another life. Etho's name on the tip of his tongue as he dies alone.
Limited Life, Clocker fragment, right forearm.
3rd Life, similar to Etho, I'm not sure where to place this one. But I think BigB would have a fragment for loneliness. BigB spends a lot of time that season on his own. And it's not like other seasons with lonely characters. Last Life Joel + Scar, Double Life Pearl, etc etc, they all still sort of had someone. Like Joel and Scar still technically had each other + Pearl technically had Scott, Martyn, and Cleo. BigB is mostly just doing his own thing for a good portion of 3rd Life and doesn't join a team till late season.
Last Life, matching stab fragment with Cleo because his betrayal on her hurt just as badly for him.
Limited Life, matching third eye fragment with Pearl for being a nosey neighbour.
It's so easy to betray this guy. Both 3rd and Limited Life fragments are on his back from being backstabbed by both Bdub and Martyn. Though, the one left by Bdubs in 3rd life is more prominent and fractured.
Impulse doesn't get a fragment for Last Life. He didn't do much this season and thankfully was able to avoid any huge heartbreak.
I think... despite not being in Double Life, Skizz has a huge fragment over the heart. It's not massive like Pearl's despite all 3 fragments being there simply because Skizz is filled with so much love. Love for his teammates and love for even his enemies.
3rd Life, he dies for his nation. Rushing in because he's tired of his friend being pushed around. (I will also never be over how Skizz RAN to Dogwarts when he heard Martyn beheaded Ren. He thought Martyn had betrayed Ren and was ready to CATCH HANDS despite only being in golden armour.)
Last Life, even when team BEST kicks him out, he's sure to stop in the middle of his threats to tell Tango that he's on Skizz's good side. And even though he's mad at his team, when he dies, his ghost watches over them anyway. Being the only one to hear Bdub's final words.
Limited Life we of course got the affirmation station. And when his time was up, he let Etho kill him so his whole team could stay in the game just a little longer even if Skizz could have kept trying for another 20 minutes. He loves so much it kills him almost every time.
Fragment hidden in his hair for his rage (hot-headed).
For the most part, Tango goes under the radar for the Watcher. His deaths are anticlimactic and there's never enough drama for him. They only pay attention to him when he's angry and this neglect means he holds onto grudges and hosts a furious rage for most people who have hurt him the most. Bdubs constantly being the one to take his lives in Last Life and inflicting the first rage. Martyn just never being a positive presence for Tango's POV meaning he doesn't trust him one bit. Like. Tango is Martyn's most frequent victim with 4 kills.
Another case where I'm unsure where to put it. I think Cleo would have a fragment from the stress she had to endure from stealing and hiding Pizza.
Last Life, Cleo gets a stag fragment on her back for being backstabbed by BigB. The thing that makes this fracture special is how it doesn't stay the same. The Watchers forgot to remove part of her negative feelings towards BigB after this betrayal. As the series goes on, this fragment gets bigger and bigger since Cleo never forgives BigB for this betrayal.
Limited Life, Clocker fragment, right forearm. Additionally, part of her Last Life fragment settles down thanks to her short swap with Gem.
A crack around the neck, fracturing from the back where Martyn beheaded him. Similar to Scar's explosion fragment being important because he's the first death of the series, I think this fragment is also significant since it's the first PvP kill. The first weapon drawn.
Like Skizz, Ren is also a lover. Filled with love, loyalty, and dedication to the people he cares about. His heart fracture spreads across his heart for the same reasons. He would lay his life on the line for his allies. And I think BigB leaving him for Grian broke him so much inside he couldn't return to Limited Life.
She wasn't built for this series. Wasn't built to be killed in cold blood by her soulmate Joel and his red life insanities. But she was healthy enough to be brought because just a little to stand in for Pearl.
He also wasn't built for this series. They snapped him in half bro. Being killed by Grian was too much.
If you disagree with anything or have any of your own ideas please let me know in the comments/tags <3
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lunarblazes · 11 months
secretkeeper’s log: session 1
grian: make 3 bad jokes and get NO laughs
status: completed; “we could’ve had the boo-geyman” to skizz, “i’m going to stick around” to mumbo, “lichen subscribe” to cleo, tango, and skizz (for some reason he thought he had to do 5 jokes)
bigb: dig a big hole. all the way down. at least 3x3. make it your base if you want.
status: completed(?); dug a 3x3 hole down until he hit a dripstone cave and couldn’t figure out how to continue. oddly, b’s task was written on a red scroll and worded differently to the others.
cleo: build your base directly above another player’s above ground.
status: completed; built a base over lizzie’s cherry wood protection hut
tango: get scar to talk about star wars for 90 seconds.
status: completed; talked to scar about ahsoka tano’s origins
skizz: don’t be further than 10 blocks from geminitay for ten minutes. one attempt only.
status: completed; stood near gem and confused impulse and scott atop cherry hill
jimmy: break 5 crafting tables while they are being used.
status: completed; broke mumbo’s crafting table 3 times, impulse’s crafting table 1 time, and skizz’s crafting table 1 time.
etho: collect 4 beds without being caught and place them on a shrine.
status: completed; took grian’s bed placed in etho’s base, mumbo and bdubs’ bed from their respective bases while they were arguing, and took cleo’s bed while they were fighting with skizz and tango
lizzie: write a poem about another player and read it to them.
status: completed; written for and read to joel
joel: plug the life merch at the worst possible times to other players at least 4 times.
status: completed; promoted to scar and jimmy whilst being attacked by a baby zombie, to cleo whilst jumping a ravine, to mumbo whilst luring two creepers towards him, and to the cherry collective whilst luring another creeper towards their camp
mumbo: make a pun at every opportunity in a 5 minute conversation, minimum of 3 successful puns.
status: completed; he found grian, what do you expect. it was way longer than 5 minutes
pearl: get 3 players to gift you their heart.
status: completed; gifted by lizzie (in exchange for a bone), etho (in exchange for a heart), and jimmy (in exchange for a shield)
scott: build your base directly and obnoxiously attached to someone else’s.
status: completed; attached a parasitic growth of a cabin to gem’s cherry house
gem: convince someone to take a leap of faith and make sure they take no damage.
status: completed; convinced lizzie to dive into water for a pumpkin, built a diving board atop cherry hill
martyn: build an identical base to another player.
status: completed; replicated lizzie’s base near the mounders
scar: call people anything but their username for at least 30 minutes of the session.
status: failed; called mumbo his name, then revealed his task to grian and mumbo
challenge task: come up with a nickname for another player and convince 2 other people to use it.
challenge status: completed; convinced mumbo and tango(/skizz?) to call grian “the light of the server”
bdubs: make your base deeply uncomfortable to use and look at.
status: completed; bdubs’ upside down house started a trend and also looks horrible, it is so hard to get into, and is tiny
impulse: make cherrywood your entire identity.
status: completed; convinced gem he likes cherry wood now, made a pink boat, handed out cherry saplings across the server, etc., he sure Did It
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Zombiecleo (breaker of legs) taugh me that the first lesson to being effectively threatening is that the person you are threatening has to understand that you WILL follow through and you will not repent on it. Another thing I have learned from Zombiecleo is that docm77's threats are limp and his bombastic schemes and weapons are to be mocked, not feared.
doc goes straight for the nuclear option with his threats - he'll lag you so hard your computer catches fire, he'll carpet bomb your base, he'll spend hours charging an arrow that will melt your armour. but that's griefing, all of it, griefing, and thus a warcrime on the hermitcraft (or any) server. doc cannot follow through on his threats without immediately facing sanctions and having to repent (he took a litematica reading of grian's base before installing the creeper launcher, after all). doc CANNOT follow through on his threats. he CANNOT escalate them from their initial bombasity. he simply gets stuck.
his final option is rap battle, but the only hermit who has ever fallen to rap is joe hills. and that's why I am always amused when doc fans come charging into other hermits' comment sections insisting that doc will destroy the others, will wage nuclear war, will personally bring down the king. because no he won't, he'll write another rap, stick up a flagpole or hide some goats.
no, what you really want to fear is Cuban in a sillytime mood. nobody can survive that
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volvaofowls · 6 months
Mayans crushing on/ being infatuated with a younger reader
This is my first time writing for Mayans. I know there are many fans of the show but I feel like there is not enough people writing for it and showing it love.  
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Note:  I roughly guessed what the guys ages would be at the beginning of the series based on their apperance and actors' ages. I would love to know how old you think they are!
Bishop – 49  
Taza – 62  
Tranq – 44  
Riz – 37  
Creeper – 41  
Gilly – 36  
Coco – 34  
Angel – 30  
Ez – 26 
Bishop – He didn’t have any qualms about his attraction to you in the beginning. Walking up to you when you were at the clubhouse and flirting with you, saying it was good to see you around. He didn't think too much about it, he likes the way he feels when you are responding to him in a positive way. Bishop lies to himself, he doesn’t purposefully seek you out in the crowd, but Taza points it out for him - "Don't worry Prez, your girl is outside, having a smoke with Gilly". - And that phrase hits him; the fact that someone has noticed his interest in you, and more so called you "his girl" - that spreads warmth in his chest. He wants you to be his girl, but he is not sure how you feel about it. Sure you reciprocate his attention, smile at him and spend more time with him than other members of MC, but it doesn't mean you want anything more with him than friendship. The age gap is large, Bishop could be your father; and the potential comments that would follow make him shrudder, yet the thought of you in his arms makes him think that he could deal with being the butt of the jokes for some time.
Taza – Taza thought that love is not for him anymore. But the familiar butterflies are starting to dance in his belly again when you laugh at his joke. He loves the feeling of it, but the moment he realises it he gets scared. He is not ready for it, he didn’t think it is possible, he is too old and commited too many sins to be rewarded with these emotions. Taza wonders what he can possibly offer you? His life is filled with violence and loneliness.But then he takes out his phone and sees your name across the screen Che thinks that maybe he can give it a try.  
Tranq – Tranq is a rough man, for the majority of his life he had only his mother and the club. He is "El Pacificador", a giant of a man, always in the epicentre of fights. Even though he is not the loudest and meanest in the club he thinks he might be too imposing for you, scare you away. Let alone the fact that he is in his 40's. Still, when he is next to you Hank’s increased heart beat drowns out the doubts. Against his wishes the softer side of him comes out. The way you lean on Tranq's shoulder when you are tipsy, or when you ask specifically for his help with your car makes him feel special, and he never wants to let go of this feeling. Quite the opposite, he feels insatiable, he is hungry for your affection and Hank wants more of it. He is not a greedy man, he shares everything in life with his club, but you are someone Hank wants to keep all to himself.
Riz – Michael has been disillusioned with life long ago, many people in his life shunned him; only in the brotherhood of Mayans did he find the solace. Riz craves love, family and companionship is something he always secretly wanted. Maybe that's why he was always a ladies man - trying to fill a void in his life with someone, something. When he met you for the first time, it was hard to avert his eyes from you. You were like the smell of rain in summer before the thunder strikes, Riz felt that when you stepped into the clubhouse you brought change with you, and it was just for him, and he welcomes this feeling with an open heart.
Riz knows he likes what he is seeing and he wants you to like him as well. He just needs his chance to prove that he can make it work, and he does what he does best, trying to smooth talk you. Offering you a drink and showering in compliments. He wants you to have a good time with him, he sure does with you. Once you jokingly called him an "old man", Riz quickly shot back that he prefers "daddy" instead, laughing at your shy expression. Age is not a problem for him, not when it comes to you and what the two of you could have, and he is willing to show it to you.
Creeper – Creeper didn’t really think that romantic love was for him. Since childhood there was nothing but darkness staining his life, like he is punished for doing something in his past life and can never repent. So Neron never expects gifts from live; he takes, but only gives. He gives his loyalty and time to his club and he gives his love to you, Creeper doesn't feel like he is allowed to receive any back from you.
Neron feels disgusted with himself and his want for you. You are almost too clean for him, Creeper doesn't have the right to mess you up. He tries to avoid you, but it’s as if you are always seeking him out, sipping on water with him at the parties, forgoing the alcohol. All the time you are asking him about his tattoos, and one time while planning your own you reach out and touch his forearm where a faces of women are depicted. Neron feels burned, but its amazing, he wants to keep your hands there, on him, interested in him. He is scared of rejection, he wants your love, he is ready to trade anything in his poor life in order to be yours.
Gilly – Gilly is know for “disarming” ladies, but it was a shock to him when you swooped into his heart and disarmed him. This young woman, too young for him comes and can out-do him in telling dirty jokes? Who are you? And you are playfully offering to arm-wrestle him, losing instantly. But he loves it, he feels like a teenager again, trying to show off infront of you. You have him wrapped around your finger and you don't even realise it. Other guys are teasing him in good fun, but when one day Coco jokes “you better act up brother or all the younger ones will steal her from under your old nose” Gilly laughs with him but it makes him think “oh shit…. I don’t wanna lose her to anyone”.
Coco – He was a little apprehensive at first about his feelings for you. You have less of an age difference with Letty than with him. He thinks that what he is feeling for you is wrong, even if you are a grown person. Coco always tried to stay away from the things that he cares for, it’s easier that way, he doesn't hurt anyone but only himself that way. You are precious to him, you care for him and Letty seems to like you. He already made all the guys in the club aware that he is interested in you and not to treat you badly. When members from other charters come and you are there, he makes sure to be near you or to keep an eye on you. You should be treated with the outmost respect and gentleness. Gentleness is a funny word for Coco; mainly because nothing in his life is, but he wants to learn it for you.
Angel – Angel stopped caring what other people think long time ago. He feels like he always has to prove himself to others and its never enough. So when you praise him, Angel can't even stop himself, he is floored. You think he is amazing, and you support him when he has a bad day. You are younger, but he feels like he has to look up to you. You are showing him the way of how to live life without being afraid of rejection. Angel thought he is brave, but he relearns the defenition of it when he is with you. He doesn't see the age gap between you as a boundary, because there is so much you bring to his life. And Angel wants for the first time in his life too repay that affection, he wants to make it his mission to worship you and elevate you. You are his guardian angel.
Ez – He hasn't been lucky in love, EZ knows he falls in love fast and hard, but with you he feels like he is falling even harder. Even though your age gap is not too big, he feels like you have whole life ahead of you, he doesn't want you to be tied to him. There is so much you could be doing, travelling, things that EZ cannot join you on. But he is aching for you to choose him over everything else, although he will never admit it, as it will be too selfish. It feels like his life is fixable when you are together and he doesn’t have to just survive anymore, with you he can live.
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joanquill · 1 year
If you’re requests are open(feel free to ignore this if not) HEAR ME OUT, headcanons/imagine/whatever you wanna do really with the moriarty bros liking a childhood friend(separately or they can all like the. Friend that’s up to you) like maybe it was the kid that one duchess adopted(yknow the one that made Earl Moriarty feel like he had to adopt a kid) cause like the duchess was like an actual nice person who wanted to help the poor an all that so maybe she raised the orphan the same way?(im so heckin sorry if none of this makes sense my dude, I’m horrible at this rip)
Being Childhood Friends with the Moriarty Brothers
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Albert, William, and Louis James Moriarty
A/N: It's okay my guy! It was clear and it was really fun writing this one :) I may have forgotten the romance part last minute asjkas so it's longer than normal :') Tag/s: Long (1.7k words)
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Growing up in the orphanage since you were a baby, you have half given up on the idea of being adopted.
So the fact that a kind woman-- a duchess no less, adopted you was a surprise you never saw coming.
But you were grateful for your new life and the woman you now call your mother for this second chance.
Coming from rock bottom yourself, you and the duchess worked hard with foundations and charities for the poor and unfortunate, even if it meant scandals and rumors circling around you and your new family.
However, your new title didn't mean anything to other noble kids.
You were scrutinized and avoided like a plague by other noble families.
This didn't come as a surprise, but it was still uncomfortable attending balls and having everyone stay five feet away from you, spreading rumors about you being riddled with disease.
The duchess defended you, saying despite not being bound by blood, you were her child through and through and a noble.
Unfortunately, her words only fell on deaf ears.
Not that you mind, knowing firsthand how the rich treat the poor on the streets.
Worried about you feeling lonely, your mother tried to make friends with other fellow mothers and set up a playdate or tea parties, rich or poor.
Even when you tried to play nice with other nobles, as suggested by the duchess, the noble kids didn't give you a chance.
It also didn't help with their mothers calling your mother a hedge creeper, wagtail, or their husband's mistress.
To say you were banned from a couple of tea parties was an understatement.
However, hearing Lord Moriarty also adopted kids, the duchess wasted no time setting up a playdate for you.
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Albert James Moriarty
You two have actually met before during a party.
Granted, scaring the kids who threw rocks at you to run into a thorny rose bush was not the best first impression, but it did make quite an impact on him.
He found you in the gardens, admiring the flowers, when a group of kids thought it would be funny to throw rocks at you.
He was about to tell off the kids until one threw a rock especially hard, making you fall on your face.
Snapping, you decided to play along with their accusations of you being diseased.
A limp in your step, hoarse voice, reaching out your arms to them as you chased them through the gardens and made them run through a thorny bush, making you smile in triumph.
Albert saw the whole thing, hiding a smile behind his hand as he watched you dust yourself off.
He was about to introduce himself to you until he saw your forehead bleeding and led you back inside to treat your wound.
It may not have been the best way, but hey! You made a friend!
Ever since that day, you would always look for Albert and follow him around for the rest of the gathering.
You knew his mother hated you, and his brother saw you as an insect. But you just completely ignore them and talk to Albert, making the two furious.
He taught you the etiquette needed to see in nobles and even the dances for different music.
If you two weren't outside avoiding the party, you two were talking and eating in the corner off in your own world.
Because of this, some noble kids started trying to get close to you to reach Albert or just hate your complete existence.
Despite all this, you kept hanging out with Albert unapologetically, seeing he was as lonely as you were in this rich man's world.
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NOW while he only saw you as a good friend, Albert knew he wanted to stay by your side as long as he could.
Sneaking out of parties, knowing looks, and inside jokes the two of you only knew were some of his treasured memories.
However, he also knew the judging stares of other nobles, saying you weren't supposed to be here.
He tried to step away, hoping you would be safer if you had some distance, but he would always find you within arm's reach.
You kept smiling and being yourself despite everyone around you waiting for one mistake to drag you down.
You were the only one who was a genuine friend to him, wanting nothing in return but his company.
While you were rough around the edges as a noble, you were a gem as a person, always lending a helping hand to those in need.
You were also the only one who would accompany him during his trips to the orphanages or outreach programs.
He would even catch you volunteering, hosting charities, or helping others with your own pocket money.
So when he saw you jumping into traffic to save a child, tattering your outfit in the process but smiling in relief to see the child was safe, he knew he couldn't let you go.
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William James Moriarty
The first time you heard about William was from Albert about how he met a genius orphan who knew how to read advanced books at a young age and even gave advice to adults despite being a child.
And now, here you were on a playdate with him and his younger brother.
You tried getting close to the two, seeing how Albert praised them and wanted to get to know them better.
But you couldn't help but notice an invisible wall around the two brothers. Especially William.
While William was friendly from the start, you noticed something lurking behind his smile.
This didn't stop you from trying to be friends with them, though.
Relying on Albert's stories (and Albert himself), you tried getting close to William through his intellect.
Reading books together, visiting museums and art galleries, going to the public library, even showing him your own textbooks from your school.
His teasing you for your wrong answers was not welcomed, though.
Whenever you would ask him something, no matter how absurd, he always entertained you and gave you an answer.
During your talks, you would always have tea and snacks ready, considering how some of them would last for hours.
Slowly, William started to make the first move and approach you.
Offering to teach you lessons you found difficult, offering a tea party, or suggesting somewhere new for you four to visit.
Despite noticing the distance between you two getting smaller, you could still feel the invisible wall between you.
However, this didn't stop you from befriending the boy and treating him like the kid he was.
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When he first met you, he thought you were only interesting, seeing as you were the reason he and Louis got adopted in the first place.
When he would approach you, it was only to feed your curiosity, seeing as you had a lot of questions about different things.
He would always give you an answer, watching your expression change as you listen to him.
Slowly, he started enjoying talking to you, amused at how you would find interest in the most bizarre things, ranging from random trivia to high-level knowledge.
That was until he found out you were asking for advice on how to put on successful charities and programs to help people.
When you revealed to him your plans to make a hospital for the impaired, you were proud of yourself for surprising the boy.
Even more when you told him you'd make sure to give him the recognition he deserved.
Considering how his intellect was only used for simple things such as growing flowers or for schemes like robbing a bank, you were a refreshing change of pace.
Now whenever you would ask him something, he would try to guess what you had planned through your questions, sometimes even teasing you when he got it right (which was all the time).
It became a little game between you two, one which he would look forward to and catch himself smiling at the sight of you.
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Louis James Moriarty
Louis was the hardest one to become friends with.
He never left William's side and would keep his eyes on you.
Whenever you tried to talk to Louis, he only gave you short answers.
However, this didn't faze you as you kept trying to find a middle ground.
Not surprisingly, he would liven up whenever you would mention or compliment William.
Much to the boy's dismay, who is usually no farther than three feet away from you both.
Considering he had heart surgery, you tried to be considerate and only hang out at the Moriarty manor to spend time with him.
This was how you found out how he was treated by the staff.
While the butler treated you better for being a guest, you didn't excuse his treatment of Louis.
Now, you always help Louis with his chores and glare at the butler whenever Louis mentions the things he made him do.
One day, you offhanded mentioned how strong Louis must have been, going through everything he had.
Surprised by the sudden compliment, he mutters how untrue it was and what a burden he was to his brother.
This made you shower him with praise, saying he should be more confident in himself.
After that, Louis started warming up to you. Even greeting you as soon as you arrive with a smile on his face.
You may have bragged to Albert about being the first one to befriend Louis out of you two. 
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At first, he was wary of you. Despite knowing you were also adopted, he didn't trust you.
But you would always make an effort to get to know Louis, even doing chores with him and defending him whenever you visit.
You never looked at him with pity and treated him just like another kid.
Whenever you and his brothers would play, you would always invite Louis and even pull him along, whether it was just hanging out in the manor or visiting some exotic spot in the city.
You would always listen and pay attention to him, making sure he was heard and seen by others whenever he spoke up.
And whenever he spoke ill of himself, you try to boost his confidence and point out his good points with clear eyes.
So when you called him strong and said how much he meant to you and his brothers, he knew you weren't lying.
Slowly, Louis started warming up to you and even clinging to you, which didn't go unnoticed by you three.
You may have cried tears of joy while William and Albert clapped for you.
Now, he considers you one of his trusted confidants and was always the first to greet you, even preparing your favorite tea and snacks in advance for your visits.
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stormblessed95 · 29 days
Watching Are You Sure?! EP 4
A reminder of how I do these reaction posts as I watch things. I just write my reactions and thoughts down literally they happen. Think more of a bullet point format. I'll include links when I can to videos, thanks to the people who twt who upload clips. And at the end, I'll do a better wrap up of all my opinions. I hope everyone enjoyed the show so far!!
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Jungkook calling Jimin Hyungnim was so cute. Followed by the exaggerated listening of instructions to loosen his shoulders lol. And they way Jimin is so fond of JK enjoying riding 🥰
Jimin comparing the moon to which moon phase it is on his back is amazing for me personally thanks
Wait! Pausing to go make myself some tea to drink with them while they have their meal at the Japanese restaurant! 🥰🥰
Jikook are muscle memory kinda touchy man
Tae annoying Jimin with all his headbanging and ending up with a sore neck that Jimin massages for him 🥰 lol why doesn't JKs neck also hurt? Apparently he has a thick neck 🤣
JK filming all their food again 🥺 and I Love his reactions to good food! Tae too. Lol I just know that chef loved having them there appreciating his food so much! I don't even like sushi and they made me believe I would enjoy it 🤣
And he did!
Tae asking why RM wasn't here and Jikook immediately being like excuse you, it's a show just for the two of us. We barely let you in here to guest star because you wanted to and we love you 🤣 Tae "I felt that, thank you" 🤣🤣
V calling Joonie to ask for him to send him come back to me, the song he sang at D day 🥺🥺🥺 and expressing his sincere appreciation for it and for RM. God, my emotions! Tae wanting to crawl inside Namjoons brain basically is so relatable.
Jimin's little smile when Tae played Alone saying he really liked it 🥺🥺 I LOVE hearing them talk music together. It's his favorite song off Face 🥺🥰
Tae saying it (Face/Alone) reminded him of when they (Vmin) talked in your (Jimins) hotel room. Just for Jimin to say that it was JKs room. This just also gives that little bit of confirmation that Jikook are constantly glued at the hip. Always together. Might as well just get them the one room anyway 😂
Jimin taking his shirt off when they get inside and JK immediately being unable to take his eyes off him no matter how hard he tried. 😂🤣 It would've looked less sus at this point to have just openly looked at him sweetie lol
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Idk what Jimin's thoughts were when he first got in that pool with Jungkook, but he looked mischievous. Idk what he was going to pull, but it was something inappropriate. Lol the way JK immediately reminded him of the see through glass, "hey babe, the staff and cameras will see EVERYTHING you do next, underwater is NOT safe" and the way they both immediately whipped their heads over to look at it and nervously chuckled. Like kids who got caught with their hand in the cookie jar 😅😂🤣
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The hand pushing game that competitive JK has never once "attacked" in when against Jimin. 😂
So so many cuts in the pool. Wonder how long they stayed in there playing 🥰
Jikook wanting to show off their underwater game to Tae lmao who is not interested 😂 Tae just wants to go to bed 😂🤣 not them just watching Tae get ready for bed like absolute creepers 🤣🤣
You are me, I am you underwater 😍😍😍
I'm pretty sure Jimin just propositioned Jungkook after swimming. Idk what he planned to do about it since they are sharing a bedroom with Tae lmfao but I'm fairly sure that's what he did. He was "really craving it" lmfao the way JK laughed and smacked him for the flirting too? 😅😂 The "you don't have to eat. I can it all" is giving "what? I can do it by myself, no worries" type of flirting teasing. If we are going to be continuing with the innuendos 😂😂
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Jikook domestically sharing the bathroom. For their showers too? Lol idk. But the way they've got their suitcases spread open next to each other and just pulling from both too? So domestic.the way they sat on the little cushions before bed too leaned all into each other, watching JKs performance on his phone and talking about what he needs to do/film, etc. So fucking domestic
JK saying he hasn't slept at all since NY. Poor baby is so fucking busy. I'm also not saying he sleeps better with Jimin, but I'm also not not saying that
Tae took Jimin's bed (lol?) and Jikook just automatically running for JKs bed and flipping into it all cuddled up together? The only nighttime time lapse we've gotten so far. Lol when they have an additional person in the room anyway 😂 think Tae knew they'd enjoy sharing the bed anyway so felt safe taking Jimins? 😂 The way JK woke up briefly and turned to check on Jimin before moving to the 3rd bed to get snuggled under the covers. That was honestly so cute. Domesticcccc
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So much has happened and I'm not even halfway through. Wtf
Tae's poor neck is still sore. Lmao baby you are getting older I guess. No excessive headbanging allowed anymore! Asking JK to massage it for him and JK taking care of it was soooo cute
Jungkookie's mom calling him and asking what was up and bringing up that he was with Jimin twice and confirming he (they?) were coming home for Chuseok 🥺 that was genuinely so cute and sweet
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Tae offering to pluck Jimin's one long beard hair for him. Their cute sleepy faces 🥺
Tae offering and giving Jimin a massage while he sings Tae's Slow Dancing. They are so fucking cute I cannot handle myself. Vminkook massage train is something I need. Lol give it to me 😂
Jimin speeding up to pass taekook on their bikes and them both whipping their heads around to look and smile at him was so cute lol and the way they danced at lights too. Adorable. And taekook playing word games!!
The way JK surprised Jimin by hitting the table because he was so excited to eat the food! Lol
Tae just wanting to drop the knowledge that he knows Jimin super well because he knew he wouldn't want a soda while he ate 😂 I love him
JK once again filming his food and filming his Jimin
Jiminie needs a clip or mini ponytail lmfao he keeps holding his bangs back while trying to eat 😂
LOL THEY GOT HIM ONE! and it's adorable!! I wish they showed us whichever Noona came running over to pin his hair for him and the vminkook giggles I'm sure followed 😂🥰 maybe in the behinds lol
Tae calling Jimin Serendipity was 🥺😍🥺😍
Sometimes the giant ass bites they take of food worries me that they might choke 😅 maybe it's the mom in me lol
JK: "you're not a big eater"
JM: "no, I ate a lot. You just eat loads" lmfao
Jimin waxing poetic about Tan 🥺🥺🥺
JK saying that seeing Tan on Vs promos made him miss Bamie 😭🥺
I can't tell if Tae asking JK about paying and JK saying to wire him the money was a skit or not 🤣 probably because it felt like such a normal conversation if my friends and I went out to eat 😅😂 the giggles gave me skit vibes though lol
The cutest little cafe! And Jimins absolute excitement when he spots the cat inside! It's the cafe from Tae's selfies he posted with Jikook!
Vmin constantly with the romance skits lmao
Jikook with the strangers to lovers first time meet cute skits as always too lol
Who was Tae talking to about working out?? Lol
The extremely good looking server Tae skit 😍
The Vmin bickering followed by a cut of them sitting in their own seats and the editor caption of "we don't fight" lmfao show us the rest of their bickering editors!
Jimin saying to look at the pretty clouds and JK following that up with the incredibly cheesy flirty "you're prettier Jimin" and Jimin being so over his cheesiness was amazing. I loved it so much. JK can be such a flirt sometimes and it always flusters Jimin lmao
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Vmin talking about how JK is so much stronger than they are. Tae saying that's true but he would never pretend to cower and Jimin saying he isn't pretending, he is just actually scared lmao
"Raggedy Jungkook is back" JK will never live that tan line down. Lol Jimin joining in and then making Tae join in too, he looked so unamused. Lol They are absolutely ridiculous 😂 JK out on so much sunscreen 😂 anytime be does anything ridiculous though it's so cute how he immediately looks for Jimins reaction, to make sure it made him laugh and smile 🥰
Poor Tae's neck is still hurting! I hope he feels better!
Poor JK, hitting his head on the boat and Jimins immediate CPR rescue lmfao!
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Jimin's amazing jump and JKs perfect dive!
Tae also hitting his head on the boat! My poor babies lmao! I was going to say the boat needs a watch your head sign, but it has one 🤣
Mermaid Jimin 😍
JK swimming up to Jimin and holding onto him briefly and humming through his snorkel 🥰 the way that even playing in the ocean, they are basically stuck like glue to each other too. The arms around each other while swimming was so cute!
JK and Jimin sharing a bowl of Ramen! The way JK takes a bite, puts the rest of the noodles he bit off of back in the bowl and hands it off to Jimin. By far not the worst way they've shared food (hello lemon) lol but still!
Tae calling the captain over to help him reel the "big fish!" He caught in just for the captain to tell him it was a rock 🤣🤣 Watching the maknae line struggle to fish makes me miss Yoonjin! I need to see Jins reaction to this part of the episode actually lmfao
Not the drone sacrificing itself to the sea 🤣🤣 the confused crew and JKs shook face!!
Tae finally caught 2 fish!! Good job!!! The way he left JM and JK take pictures with his fish like they caught them too 🥺😍🥰
Watching the sunset, Jimin going "this is romantic" 🥺🥺🥺 followed promptly be him getting down to cuddle JK while he records the sunset is so fucking cute.
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Jikook cloud watching! This is where they draw their whale cloud picture together 🤣😂 the giggles! They are so precious!!
Tae finally coming to join Jikook in laying down in the boat together (where was he?!) I just love seeing them be so at peace together 🥰🥰🥰 the amount of "I love this" that occured brings me SUCH happiness
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Wrap up Thoughts:
A reminder, to also myself that this was filmed Sept 25 - 27th of 2023 and was Chuseok right after they landed 😊 where Tae posted his sunset photo from Jeju that he took while they were on this boat together!
Istg there were so many cuts. I feel like we barely ever got to even see a full conversation. I get that there is 24 hours basically of footage for one day that they trim to an hour of content, but I beg for some continuity. This is why people make analysis posts editors?! You give them too much wiggle room and never a consistent timeline!
Jikook had an extra domestic energy to them this episode, even with all the playing and giggling happening too. Idk what caused the energy shift, maybe just Jimin not feeling sick for once. And with the added bonus of knowing they made the choice to apply for the buddy system too.
They were so cuddly and sweet and observant to each other's ever need. Jimin loves him some biker JK too 😂 and God, JK just never stops calling Jimin pretty. I truly love that for them. So much
The energy with another member around really did just draw out how different Jikooks dynamic is with each other at times.
Say what you want, JKs call with his mother was the sweetest little interlude ever and it absolutely sounded like his mom was calling to confirm he was bringing his boyfriend home for the holiday. Lol I know Jimin went to see his parents too, but that's the energy that call gave! I can't help it!
This was their second trip to Jeju, since they went together in August too. And they flew back home and basically went straight to Busan together to visit their families for Chuseok. I'm so so glad they got to do all that together. I can't wait for the next episode to see how they end their Jeju vacation!
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blueishspace · 16 days
Looped Sun 3
Loop #68
Scott: So this is really happening huh... ?
Grian: Yeah, we don't know much about it either so maybe we can learn together?
Scott: That would be...nice.
Loop #69
Scott: Well, loop 69.
Scar: Yes!
Scott: I expected it to be more special or something.
Scar: Why?
Scott: Eh, it doesn't matter.
Scar: I don't get it. What's wrong with 69- oh ohhhhhh.
Loop #73
Grian had been having a blast this loop, somehow having Scott in the loops meant being able to start in Empires and it was great. The Grian Empire was back and bigger then ever!
Scar was having an awful time this loop...ok, that was an exageration it was actually prett fun but nobody at warned him about the paper work! He's dyslexic how is he supposed to do this much writing quickly!??
Scott was doing good....Grian and Scar being here made him hopeful they would be able to get rid of Xonorth thus time around...
Loop #77
Grian: So everyone is a goat-creeper hybrid this time around?
Scott: I don't get it.
Grian: It's because...Docm77...and loop 77.
Scar: Wait is that why!?!
Grian: ... What did you think?
Loop #80
Grian should have expected a royalty variant eventually but do nobles really have to wear these kinds of clothes!? It's so stiffy!
At least Scar seemed to be having fun being a prince.
Loop #82
Grian woke up at the start of the newest loop to see Scott drowning himself with wine.
Grian: Scott? Had a... bad loop?
Scott: Woke up in Xonorth place *hic* spent the entire time unable to control myself because of Exors *hic* co-corruption.
Grian: ... I'll get you some water, can't have getting an hungover.
Scott: ... T-thanks.
Loop #89
Grian had just been elected mayor of the season 7 shopping district was ready to keep his promises...plus some additional stuff.
Scar: Oh, since you won does that mean I get to be mother spore?
Grian: Nah, still me.
Scar: But the shopping district is already-
Grian: Who said it will ve just the shopping district?
Scar: ... Don't you dare cover the entire server! I'll be.... Father...grass? I'll come up with a name later!
Loop #92
Grian: This is possibly the best possible outcome.
Grian and Scar watch as Stress is elected mayor of the shopping district.
Scar: Still, I wanted to have more fun with it!
Loop #94
Grian: How???
Grian stares in open mouthed shock as Technoblade is elected mayor of the shopping district.
Grian: HOW!??!?
Technoblade: Eh?
Grian: You don't even live here!
Loop #95
Grian: Finally! Mumbo won!
Scar: That was harder then I tought.
Grian: Now I'm going to rest for a straight loop.
Scar: Who knew convincing people to vote for Mumbo would be so hard? Oh well.
Loop #97
Grian took one look at Herobrine himself being made mayor and promptly left the server for the rest of the loop.
Loop #99
Scott: You know, the two of you have been here for almost 100 loops.
Scar: Yeah! ...why?
Scott: That's what? Almost 300 years? Give or take?
Grian: ... Oh gods we have been here for almost 300 years.
Scar: Welp, never guessed I would make it to my 330's... sorry...
Loop #100
Grian: Look a shooting star!
Scar: Did you make a wish?
Grian: Did you?
Scar: Aha! Not telling!
Loop #102
Scott started the loop waking up in a bed of golden flowers, faint light coming a hole above him.
Scott: Huh...
He made his way towards a purple door preparing for the way ahead.
A floating golden star? Scott doesn't think anyone will mind if he touches it.
Grian: The shadow of the ruins looms above, filling you with determination.
Scott: Grian!? How long were you here? Where are you.
Grian: Since the loop started, and It's hard to explain, I think I'm a ghost.
Scott: I hate that flower.
Grian: You spared him?
Scott: It's the principle.
Loop #107
When Scar arrived Scott was laying on fresh grass.
Scar: Scott! You're in this loop too?
Scott: Sure thing.
Scott looked up towards Scar inclining his head.
Scott: Something wrong?
Scar: No! No. Just, there is no Grian in this loop.
Scott: There is.
Scar's eyes widened in surprise.
Scar: No there isn't! I checked everywhere!
Scott: Have you looked up?
Scar: Huh?
Scar confused looked up to the sky and there he saw, instead of the sun in the sky was a glowing very unhappy Grian.
Scar: Grian!?! How did you get there!?
Grian: This time around the sky is a dome... And I'm stuck here.
Scott: Considering everything I'm surprised it took that long for this to happen.
Loop #109
Grian: This is what people call karma.
Grian was trying very hard not to laugh but this was just so funny.
Scott the literal star wasn't very enthused but stars can't talk.
Loop #114
Scar: Grian you good?
Grian: Huh? ...yeah... just a bad loop.
Grian looked like he was just hit by a car, which was impressive since the loop had just started a few minutes ago.
Scar: What happened?
Grian: It was one of those "what if 3rd Life wasn't a game but instead was serious?" variants which would be fine but there was like extra gore and Dogwarts experimented on people...
Scar: Oh... I...do you need something to drink or eat?
Grian: Just stay here...please?
Scar: Yeah! I can do that! I'm very good at staying here!
Grian: ... Thanks.
Loop #118
Scar had to admit, camp halfblood was so much fun and getting to be a child of Demeter was even better! He could grow plants now, Grian said some powers would stick across loops and he really wanted to see if these would. Still, without the others it was a little lonely.
He wasn't alone! I took a while but after they discovered camp Jupiter he finally found Scott!
Scott: Yeah, I'm a child of Venus. Surprised I wasn't made a son of Arcus considering Empires season 2.
Scar: Arcus?
Scott: Right, roman Iris.
Scar: Ooooh.
It was the time, Scar and Scott had hidden and were spying as Medea began to summon Helios. Scar was panicking and Scott was desperately trying to stop the summoning from taking place and then... She managed to do it and Helios was- wait.
Scar: Grian!?!
Loop #119
Scar: Wait wait, if I still have the plant thing do you-?
Grian: ... Yeah
Scar: Can I see? Please?
Grian sighed before exploding with light.
Loop #122
Grian: Supeheroes?
Scar: I know right! Isn't it great!?
Scar and Grian were on top of a skyscraper, scanning the city for crimes.
Scar: And I actually get to be Hot Guy! For real this time!
Grian smiled at Scar's antics before looking back at It's own outfit.
Grian: I just feel like this whole "Cute Guy" outfit is a bit tacky.
Scar: Nah, you look amazing G!
Grian blushed and looked away.
Grian: Thank you Scar.
Loop #123
Scar: Wooho! Another superhero loop? So cool!
Grian: And I get to be poultry man this time, villains prepared to get egged!
Scar: ...pegged?
Grian: No no no no no, Egged, like egg, very very different.
Loop #125
Hotguy was alone this time, he had given up searching for Grian months ago when he saw him... her?
Scar: Grian? What's going on?
Ariana Griande: What? After being a hero 3 times in a row I got bored. So, decided to bring the people happyness in a new way!
Scar: Oh! I'm not supposed to be here am I?
Ariana Griande: Oh yeah, the media is going to have a field day, superhero hotguy seen with superstar singer Ariana? We'll be on so many covers.
Scar: Oh I'll leave then-
Ariana Griande: I didn't say that, Scar?
Scar: Yes?
Ariana Griande: Will you dance with me?
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powerfultenderness · 10 months
hey I reread some neighbor könig because it's so so so good and I finally had an idea!! no worries if it's not your jam or if you have other writing to do or you're not feeling the writing spirit or literally anything else, I'll be just fine!! anyways anyways the idea is that reader comes home late one night wasted and könig takes care of her. and perhaps if you're so inclined she keeps asking him for saucy stuff and I mean he's not a creeper so of course he's not gonna do that stuff while she's drunk!! but he sure does want to. again again I love anything you write and I will drink any scraps of könig/any others up!! may the gods of writer's spirit bless you🙏🙏🙏
Yes! Gentleman König is an hc no one can take from me! This turned out a little softer than I intended, but I hope you enjoy it anyway!
(Rated Mature 18+ for some suggestive conversation and drinking)
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König’s body jolted, the sound of his phone waking him from the pleasant haze of dreams, and slapped a heavy hand around his nightstand. 
“This better be good,” he growled into the phone, not having even bothered to check who called.  
“Kö” hiccup, “nig?” 
He shot up, already jumping out of bed and rushing around the room to pull on a pair of shorts and a shirt. “What’s wrong? Where are you?”
He had run into you earlier in the night, dressed so prettily and smiling as you told him you were going out with friends. He knew he should have followed you. But he took one look at you in that revealing dress and all common sense left his brain.  
His stomach sank, nervous adrenaline rushing through his veins, as you sobbed out a weak, “help.” 
He quickly stuffed his feet in his shoes as hastily threw his hood on as he spoke to you and rushed out of his flat. “Where are you?” He could get the details later, find out who he had to kill later, after he made sure you were-
He froze, only for half a second, as he found you slumped on the floor outside of your door. He hung up and slid his phone in his pocket as he rushed over to you with a shout of your name.
You looked up at him, eyes big and wet with unshed tears and slurred out his name. “König!” 
The stench of alcohol washed over him like a wave as he knelt down next to you. “What happened? Are you ok?” He asked as he held your shoulders and dragged his eyes down your body to make sure you weren’t hurt. 
“My key stopped working!” You cried out, throwing your hand behind you at the door and hitting it a little too hard. “Ow!” 
He winced and took your hand in his, gently rubbing where you hurt yourself.
“I swear I paid my bills!” You cried again and threw your head back, he was quick enough to cradle your head before it hit the door. 
“Ok, darling. Let’s get you up.” 
You groaned and flopped your head to the side, leaning even more on the door. So he picked you up and set you on your feet, a little blush warming his face when you giggled out a surprised “so strong!” and then leaned against him, nuzzling your face against his chest.
With one hand planted in the middle of your back so you didn’t fall over, he checked the key hanging from the door. Sure enough it was stuck. It gave a bit of resistance but he managed to pull it out and chuckled when he saw it. 
“This is your mailbox key.” 
He unlocked the door with the proper key and gave you a gentle nudge, trying to get you to walk inside. You groaned again and slumped even further against him.
“König,” you mumbled into his shirt, “can you carry me? Like a princess?” 
“Alright. Come on, princess.” He picked you up with an amused huff, being careful not to hit your feet on the doorjamb as he walked through. 
You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and giggled when he picked you up. You attempted to repeat the cognate, and drunkenly failed (far too many ‘s’), but he nodded and closed the door with his foot. 
“That’s,” you mumbled as he gently set you down on the couch. “I’m. I’m your princess, right, König?” 
The alcohol once again had you miserably mispronouncing the word. It still had him chuckling and blushing beneath his mask, though. He nodded as he kneeled down in front of you. “Yes. You are my princess.” 
Gently he took one of your ankles in hand, another smile tugging at his lips as you started to laugh again, he was unsure if you were laughing at his words or because his gentle touch had tickled you. His own ankles protested as he looked at the strappy heels you were wearing. Sexy, certainly, but it’s no wonder you ended up on the floor. He removed your shoes and set them to the side of the couch. “Stay here, you need to drink some water.”
You were half laying down when he came back with a glass of water. He set the glass down and maneuvered you so you were sitting up again. 
“Drink.” He held the glass up to your lips, glad that you didn’t try to find him. “How did this happen?” He asked once you swallowed a few sips.
You shrugged. “Got ditched.” 
He stiffened next to you, a growl stuck in his throat as he bit his tongue to stop himself from saying anything bad about your so called friends. 
You sighed and dropped your head back on the couch. “My friend met a guy. I hope he actually eats pussy, for her.” 
König’s head snapped to you, “what?”
You let out a lethargic laugh and turned your head, still leaning against the back of the couch, and raised your hands in frustration. “They’re so hard to find! Adrian is the only guy I’ve ever met that actually likes doing it!” You whined and slapped your hands over your face. “Why did I break up with him?”
He coughed, tried to sputter out something that honestly neither of you understood, and you mistook it for a laugh.
“It’s not funny! I’m never gonna find a guy to eat me out again.” 
You finally dropped your hands from your face and looked at him. “Oh! Shit! I’m sorry!” It was only now that you realized how uncomfortable your comments had made him. His knee was bouncing up and down nervously and his hands had an iron grip on his shorts. “I didn’t mean to- It’s okay if you don’t like to eat pussy, König!”
“You don’t have to do it! I’m sure you-”
“But I want to!” 
You paused your ramble and narrowed your eyes at him, he was refusing to look at you. “You want to…”
He nodded and still refused to look at you as he answered, “yes.” 
You gasped and straightened up, one of your hands landing on his thigh. “König-”
He cut off your next question by gently slapping a hand over your mouth, his eyes finally meeting yours again. “Don’t ask me that. Please, ask me when you’re sober.” 
You stared into his eyes, wide and dilated, and slowly raised a hand to tap his hand over your mouth. Slowly he dropped his hand and once again looked away from you.
“I was gonna ask,” he stiffened where he sat, “if you could stay and cuddle with me.”
This time, you were the one shyly looking away from him. “I like when we cuddle. You make me feel safe.” 
“Oh.” König’s heart thumped in his chest. You were completely wasted, and still everything you said only made him like you even more. He nodded and stood up. You giggled as he gently scooped you up in his arms again and carried you to your room. 
“Yes. I will keep you safe, princess.” 
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[Neighbor König Masterlist]
Neighbor König taglist (blurbs): Please let me know if you wish to be added or removed.
@warrior-of-justice  @cumikering @ihateuguys @rand0m--fangirl @keiva1000 @dtftheavengers @takeyour-pants-off @aeeliy @milenko115 @sodonuthideout @onegami @nadiauddincrafts @nadiauddincrafts @grizzersmamma @flooftoof @techs-ass @virginalsacrifice @s0rc3r3r @sleeplessskeleton @introvered-violinist @tizylish @romula96 @peach-habibitch @mitchlow @queenotaku27 @fenixnegras @emmbny @love-dove-noora @lesbianmitsuri @supergirl16 @wybwtjmiadz @ghonigsloverbabe @thatmusedhatter @grassclippers @skystreamchan 
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shepscapades · 11 months
Hiii I LOVEEEEE your DBC AU so much!!!!! You've given me a concerning level of brainrot =w= I just have question about the new part that just came out: why is Etho going crazy? Is it bc of the trauma? Or is it smth else?
HI thank you!!! <3 It’s been mentioned here and there (I think I talked about it in the Part 1 post), but it’s probably not a bad idea to recap every now and then for any new folks. (I then proceeded to write everything out more detail than I’ve ever talked about it before!) so hopefully this makes things a little more clear! Gbjdghkvjm
Etho, who was still trying to get used to a full range of emotions on top of his first life series, had a REALLY hard time with how Last Life ended— the adrenaline and fear of Death Games’ Survival of the Fittest and being pit against all of his friends is one thing, but something about his relationship with bdubs was so much more important to him, and he essentially blames himself for bdubs’ permanent death in the series. He vividly remembers (has recorded + logged the memories of) himself telling bdubs he wouldn’t give him a life unless he killed one of the other reds— remembers bdubs saying he’ll kill to earn the life, remembers him looking so earnest and determined, vividly remembers the moment the message rang out that Bdubs had gotten his kill, and the message that Grian had killed Bdubs shortly after.
Etho never quite forgave himself for being the self-perceived reason bdubs dies (after all, he should have just given bdubs the life if he really cared and wanted him to survive), and he takes this grief back with him as they return to Hermitcraft Season 8. As someone who’s very new to feelings of guilt and failure, you can imagine how hard he took this— reviewing the memories again and again, trying to understand why he made those decisions, realizing how selfish he is, comparing his “failure to protect bdubs” to when he was first assigned to Bdubs, when he sacrificed himself to keep Bdubs safe.
As the moon situation escalated and hermitcraft got increasingly busy, Etho couldn’t find it in himself to confront bdubs (maybe not seeing himself fit to deserve bdubs’ forgiveness, or fearing Bdubs’ disappointment or anger with him) and his fears and regrets kind of slowly ate away at him until it shut him down. It’s actually a recurring theme for Etho that, because of the damage he sustained from the creeper blast that caused his deviancy, his systems are actually kind of fragile when it comes to pushing them to their extremes. When he feels an extraordinary amount of overwhelming emotion, his thirium pump starts to work in overdrive, and thirium starts leaking from all of the places his shell is cracked— his face, his shoulder, and his arm.
So the idea is that, Etho returns to Season 8 trying to… more or less forget about what happened— except he can’t, he’s obsessed with what happened, and his emotions start to overwhelm him until thirium starts to leak and whatnot. But I think deviants are fairly used to “dismissing” warnings, as sometimes their thirium pump will skip, their temperature will rise, or other system updates may happen when they feel certain emotions, and Etho is so distracted (or. Trying to be distracted) that he doesn’t realize he’s dismissing Thirium Loss notifications until it’s too late. He begins to shut down with Last Life on his mind, and the system errors that follow are all garbled out.
This technically happens before the moon destroys the server, which means etho is offline, or broken, or what have you, when the server gets destroyed, and this is actually what truly glitches him out. When Xisuma and Doc try to reboot him at the beginning of season 9, Etho’s system is caught on a glitch: Etho had shut down thinking about last life, so his programming is trying to eliminate the threat who killed bdubs as an attempt to fix what happened (bdubs dying). Etho’s trying to eliminate grian (who isn’t a threat anymore, because this isn’t last life, last life was ages ago) but he’s not thinking straight and can’t process anything beyond the Desperation+Fear+Guilt. Since Grian’s not in the room, he goes for the next best thing: the person who might be able to tell him where Grian is: the server admin. Doc just gets in the way of Etho trying to get to Xisuma, so Etho “decommissions” Doc in an attempt to remove him from the equation.
So um. Yeah! That should be everything more or less explained… hopefully it also clears up some details you may or may not notice in the comics! Etho starts leaking thirium throughout the destruction comics, Etho goes for Xisuma first… Etho having memory flashbacks of Last Life. If anything is particularly confusing feel free to ask more questions! But it’s kinda nice to be able to write out how I’ve logic’d out all of this happening in my head hehe (i plan on posting the DBHC Etho playlist soon with a brief explanation of each song in Etho’s timeline, so hopefully that will help too!) :]
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feralwetcat · 5 months
I have ✨social anxiety✨ so for some reason i hate posting headcanons in the fable discord, sO i feed Tumblr 🪿
- Oscar has tried to eat Ocies fins while she carried him before, just a little nomnom
- it takes every OUNCE of self preservation in Fenris to not just roast the SHIT out of fable like "you're really brave for walking around in *that*", like he is trying SO hard not to because of how shitty he knows it'd go
- Malitae and Violet talk shit on the weekends over coffee
- little Fable would tell stories with gummy bears and bits of food, mainly ending in the yellow gummy bear winning over all (based on how when i was a kid I'd tell gruesome stories with my food)
- Jerry sprinkles gunpowder on his food 👍
- has been caught just downing a fistfull of it and flashing really brightly like a creeper does before it explodes
- Ocie writes little notes for her family when shes not at the mansion, just on tables around the house, or pinned to walls
- Oscars are always really low to the ground so he can read them, theres also little doodles so its easier for him to understand<3
- Caspian got drunk, bit a tree, cried, hit the tree, then apologized and hugged the tree
- Aax tried Caviar and walked up to Ocie and said "i just ate thousands of babies", Rae walked up and explained that she had ate Caviar
- Ocie has special earrings for her fins made by Len, she now wears them daily as a form of memorial, it's mainly cuffs and chains but there are some piercings
- Oscar has a necklace from Len as well
- sometimes the sparks will form silly little shapes and stories for Oscar, the souls recently have tried to recreate that with finger puppets, it wasn't the same but it was comforting for the little guy
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thornybubbles · 1 year
Playing Minecraft with the Stardust Crusaders
**Note: Originally I was going to have this be a story with just Kakyoin, but I decided to add the rest of the Stardust Crusaders. Also I decided to just do headcanons instead of writing a full story. I’ve been writing a lot of dark yandere stuff and I just wanted a break. So here’s something wholesome. PS. Polnareff’s part was my favorite to write. XD **
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He may be an old man, but he’s not completely out of touch when it comes to the concept of video games. It takes him a little bit to learn how to play, but once he gets the hang of it, there’s no stopping him. Joseph’s building skills are pretty basic. He’s more interested in the survival and exploration elements of Minecraft. Once he gets his house built, he does a little mining to get a full set of iron armor, weapons, and tools and then he’s off to explore. He’s almost never seen around the main base and spends most of his time many, many blocks away, discovering cool things. He will often ask questions about things he’s unfamiliar with and you explain it to him. Sometimes he hardly speaks at all because he’s too enamored with all the stuff he’s discovering. 
Then there was the “Creeper Incident”. Joseph made the mistake of doing some exploring at night instead of going to sleep like a good little Minecrafter. 
“Hey, what’s this freaky green thing?” he asked you. 
“Freaky green thing? What kind of freaky green thing?” you said, wanting some specifics. 
“It looks like a depressed cactus,” he explained. 
Uh oh.
“Oh! That’s a cr---!” 
There was a distant explosion followed by Joseph screaming, “Oh my God! Son of a bitch!!!” 
After that, something changed in Joseph’s play style. He went from explorer to monster hunter. Angry at having been blown up and losing all his stuff, he goes on a vendetta to destroy all creepers. And why stop there? Zombies, spiders,skeletons or any other creature of the night that crosses his path were quickly dealt with. He goes deep into learning brewing, armor and weapon enchanting, and anything else he can think of to give him an edge against the hostile mobs. With Avdol’s help he builds a battle tower and protective wall around the base. He has very big dreams about taking out the Ender Dragon. 
Joseph is a bit of a jack of all trades when it comes to Minecraft. He may not be the best builder but he has a lot of creative ideas that help all of you with whatever projects you might be working on, especially when it comes to base defense and monster fighting.
He only ever plays when either you or one of the other Crusaders asks him to. When he first spawned in he wasn’t too impressed. He had a hard time figuring out what he wanted to do. At first, he doesn’t bother building a house or anything and just bums around his grandpa’s house. He makes a snide comment about how Joseph’s house is just a big, wooden block with one window and a door. Joseph grumbles something about how his house didn’t need to be pretty, just practical. Joseph ends up being the one to teach Jotaro how to play, while you occasionally interject to mention something Joseph may have forgotten about. Jotaro just responds with non-committal grunts and wanders around the base, checking things out. 
Eventually, he goes off on his own to explore and find somewhere nearby to build a house. He hasn’t collected any resources, has no tools, or crafted a weapon of any kind when he starts exploring. You try to warn him that he should at least get a wooden sword to defend himself with, but he ignores you. It isn’t until night comes and he is nearly killed by zombies that he finally decides to get some wood and stone and make some basic tools. He still hasn’t found a decent place to build yet, though.  
After he’s wandered around for about 4 in-game days, he comes across a village. Jotaro watches the villagers run around, doing their thing, and is bemused at their silly appearance and sounds. But when nighttime comes and zombies start attacking them, Jotaro feels he’s found his purpose in the game. Somebody has to protect these dumb looking guys and it may as well be him. He teams up with Avdol and Joseph (who is a little miffed that someone found a village before he did) to form a “Village Security Team”. While Avdol fixes the village up by patching holes in walkways, correcting poorly spawned buildings, and starting work on building a monster proof wall around the village, Jotaro and Joseph stay up at night to fight off the monsters. 
Eventually, Jotaro builds a massive fortress near the village and Avdol attaches the wall to it. This fortress serves as Jotaro’s home and the village becomes the secondary base for you guys. Joseph jokingly calls him “King JoJo” and “Your Highness” which usually has Jotaro grumbling under his breath. He spends most of his days decorating or improving either the fortress or the village itself. When he’s not doing that, he’s usually tagging along on one of his Grandfather’s adventures. 
The redstone wizard of the group. Noriaki’s beaten the game a few times already, but only recently started messing around with redstone contraptions. He set up an automated farm that both harvests and replants crops as well as a huge mineshaft with minecarts set up so that they returned to the surface to be unloaded whenever players filled them up with resources.
As innovative as he is, though, he often uses his redstone skills to be an absolute troll. And usually, his victim is you. That’s not to say that he hasn’t pranked any of the others yet, it’s just that you’re his favorite target. It’s kinda your fault though. It started back when you first started playing Minecraft together and you might have, possibly, sorta, kinda, completely un-accidentally pilfered a diamond or two from one of his chests. He knew you were the culprit because there wasn’t anyone else in the game at the time but the two of you. He didn’t call you out on it, though, assuming that you would replace the diamonds as soon as you got a chance. You never did. While you actually did have every intention of returning the diamonds to him, you just forgot about it. It didn’t help that you later developed a habit of helping yourself to whatever you found in his chests instead of going out and getting the resources for yourself. Hey, it was easier and it saved time!
Nori never said a word about it, instead opting to quietly plan his revenge. One day you went down into his storage basement to grab some cobblestone from one of his chests. You were only going to grab a stack or two and make a mental note (for the hundredth time) to replace whatever you took, but knowing that you’d probably forget. When you opened the chest, though, you didn’t find any cobblestone. Instead you found yourself staring into the sullen face of a creeper, its warning hiss in your ears. You let out a shriek of terror and braced yourself for the inevitable explosion, but it never came. You examined the “creeper” again only to see that it was nothing more than an armor stand wearing a creeper head and green dyed leather armor. It was inside of a minecart that was cleverly hidden behind the chest. You just stared at it as your brain slowly came to the conclusion that you’d just been pranked. 
“Ah, I see you found my theft deterrent.” Noriaki said, amusement clear in his voice. “It’s a nifty little project I found online called the ‘creeper in a box’ prank.” 
You can’t even say anything. He got you good and you know it. You made it a point to stay out of his storage basement from then on. 
It doesn’t stop there though. That one little incident unleashed Noriaki’s inner troll and you’re the one who gets to suffer for it. From filling your house with dirt blocks to slowly rearranging your decorations over time to see how long it would take for you to notice, Noriaki just seems to love messing with you. You have to admit that while his pranks are annoying, they are pretty funny and too clever for you to really get mad at. Your “favorite” was when he hid a bunch of note blocks under your house and arranged them to play a certain song when you opened the front door. 
“Nori, why is my house Rick Rolling me?” you demand of him, annoyed but admittedly amused. 
“Why are you asking me?” he says, playing dumb. 
He knows what he did. 
You eventually do give him his diamonds back in hopes that will appease him. It does… for a little while at least. 
The master builder. Before being invited to play Minecraft with you guys, he’d never really played a video game before. But there was something about the building mechanics of the game that awakened something within him, possibly nostalgia for those calm times with building blocks when he was a little kid. Whatever the case, Avdol takes to building like a pro and all without any YouTube tutorials, too. You want a medieval style bakery? You got one. Want a modern bungalow? He’ll do it. Giant fire breathing demon chicken to put in the middle of the base? You can envision the weird looks he wants to give you, but he’ll make one of those, no problem. His best projects are the ones he does on his own, though, with no guidance and with minimal suggestions. 
Due to his building skills, he finds himself constantly busy within the game as someone always has some kind of building project they want help with. He even offered to improve Joseph’s plain block house. The old man told him to do whatever he pleased and then went off to go treasure hunting with Jotaro and Kakyoin. When Joseph came back he found his simple home had been converted into a deceptively cute cabin. While Joseph was impressed enough with how cozy it looked, Avdol revealed that the cabin had a secret, a well hidden secret chamber that appealed to Joseph's inner superhero fanboy. He had his very own secret lair now (yeah, it’s not really a secret if everybody on the server knows about it, but let the old man dream)!
Over time, Avdol has added things here and there to the base to keep things from looking so plain. He’s added a decorated pond for fishing and just a place to hang out. There’s also a meeting area for when the whole gang gets together right before going on an adventure (brings back bittersweet memories. At least this time there’s no danger of anyone actually dying.). 
And yes, he even added that giant fire breathing demon chicken statue you wanted so badly. Your odd tastes aside, Avdol managed to make the abomination of a statue look rather cool and stylized. Kakyoin wants it to be the mascot for your group. It ends up being put on any and all banners for the base, much to Avdol’s chagrin. 
Every time he gets online with you guys he is either working on a project or starting another one. He never seems to run out of things to do. Surprisingly, his own home is rather quaint. Just a regular old farm house, but it’s very pretty. And yes, he has a chicken farm. 
Chaos incarnate. This man got into the game and immediately started doing everything WRONG! Digging straight down, forgetting to sleep at least once to ward off phantoms, forgetting to crouch when standing at the edge of great heights, you name it he’s messed it up. So basically just Polnareff being Polnareff. He always manages to find danger or danger finds him. Every monster in the area seems to target him specifically. On one mining trip you actually watched around five zombies shamble right past you and head straight for a very startled Polnareff. They completely ignored you! He’s died so many times that you actually put in the “keep inventory” cheat so that at the very least he stops losing all of his hard earned resources. 
Speaking of resources, when it comes to mining it’s the one thing that Jean Pierre is really, really lucky at. To the point that it makes everyone else jealous. He was the first to find diamonds and emeralds and the first to manage to get full stacks of both. You never even thought it possible to find 64 emeralds naturally, but Polnareff managed to pull it off. Joseph is quick to accuse him of cheating which results in a very childish argument between the two until you step in and explain that you were with Polnareff the whole time and he just finds diamonds and emeralds by chance. Joseph apologizes but grumbles when Polnareff laughs. Ever since then, whenever he comes across diamonds, or anything even remotely interesting, he is very obnoxious about it. 
“HEY GUYS!!! GUESS WHO FOUND EVEN MORE DIAMONDS?!!” he’ll shout in an annoying sing-song voice.
This usually results in annoyed huffs from Avdol and Kakyoin, disgruntled “Good griefs” from Jotaro, not-so-humble requests for him to stop bragging like an asshole from Joseph, and a threat or two from you that if he didn’t stop rubbing your faces in it, you would shove him into the nearest lava pit. This always earns a mischievous giggle or two from him. He’s so full of himself about it. He does make up for it though, when he crafts full sets of diamond armor for you all. For all his arrogant bragging, he’s really rather generous with his finds. If any of you need diamonds or emeralds he’s the first to offer up his stash. After all, he has so many, why shouldn’t he share? ~ ❤
Whenever he goes mining, you usually tag along. You say that it’s so you can help him carry his loot, but actually it’s because you’re his self appointed babysitter. Just like in real life, it just isn’t a good idea for him to run off by himself. You never say that out loud though because you know how sensitive he is about being danger-prone. Besides he likes having you along and the two of you end up as mining buddies almost every time you play. Sometimes Kakyoin joins you as he’s always in need of redstone and other materials for his contraptions (it’s important to note that Polnareff is Kakyoin’s second favorite trolling victim and it always makes you nervous whenever he tags along because you never know if he’s up to something or just genuinely wants to collect resources.). 
Whenever you and Polnareff go off on your own to do anything, the rest of the Crusaders server prepares their poor ears for the inevitable screaming and swearing that will follow. Something happens to you whenever you pair up with Polnareff. Your brain power seems to get cut in half and the two of you end up becoming an unintentional comedy duo that has everyone else either laughing or, in Jotaro’s case, muting you for being “too damn loud”. 
There was one time that Polnereff was digging a strip mine that ended up leading right into the Deep Dark and the Warden’s territory. You can probably guess what happened. Before you could warn him, Polnareff’s antics end up summoning the Warden and the monster kills you both before either of you have a chance to panic. This results in Polnareff seeking revenge (or trying to) and going all the way back to the Deep Dark to fight the Warden again (and dragging you along each time), and (both of you) dying again. This happens about three more times before he actually manages to defeat the Warden only to find out that he doesn’t get any kind of reward for it (other than bragging rights, which believe me, he takes advantage of). 
On a minor note, Polnareff’s inventory is always extremely unorganized. Whether referring to his personal inventory or his storage chests his inventory is in shambles. There’s no rhyme or reason for where he places things in his hotbar and sometimes he’ll end up hitting monsters with a stick or block of glass rather than his sword. He also has a bad habit of using the wrong tool for certain jobs, such as using his pickaxe on dirt instead of his shovel and it drives more organized players like Kakyoin and Avdol insane. 
(We’re assuming that the little gremlin lives with you) While he can’t exactly play video games for obvious reasons, he does kinda like watching you play, but that’s only if he’s not trying to take a nap (you’re kinda noisy). Most of the time he just plops down in his comfy spot and watches you struggle to survive in what he mentally calls the “stupid human block game”. He is really amused whenever you and Polnareff team up because watching you two together is comedy gold. Sometimes, when you’re playing alone, he’ll wait for you to be exploring a dark, creepy cave and suddenly bark very loudly for no reason, causing you to very nearly jump out of your skin. 
Iggy: “BARK!”
You scream, swear, and jump back so hard that your headset falls off. Your mouse has been practically thrown across the room. You turn around and glare at the little brat. 
“IGGY!” you shout accusingly. 
The cheeky little doggo runs out of the room making sounds that can be interpreted as the canine equivalent of snickering.
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alchemistc · 3 months
*me vibrating so hard I break the sound barrier fighting the urge to shove every number in your ask box*
#35 for the micro fic thing, please and thank you! 😘
35. filthy
"Mm. Nope," Hen says, already gathering up the drink in front of her while Buck tucks his tongue between his teeth.
"Every time," Eddie murmurs, gathering up his plate, huddling it against his chest like that might protect him from whatever is about to come out of Buck's mouth.
Chim tilts his head from side to side. "I shouldn't admit this, but I'm curious."
Bobby's already halfway across the kitchen, shoving spices back into their cabinets.
Ravi looks like he's trying to decide whether to stay and potentially be scarred for life, or jump off the side of the balcony. He's still staring at the totally PG picture on Buck's phone of Tommy in his coveralls, with a streak of black across his brow, still laid out on his creeper with a wrench in hand.
"The grease just adds to the aesthetics, guys! We keep actual lube in Tommy's toolbox. For emergencies."
Chim and Ravi both chase after Eddie.
send me a number and i'll write you a microfic!
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To Your Rescue
Javi Gutierrez x fem!reader (no use of y/n) Word count- 5k Dialogue prompt- “ hurry! take my hand! “ Action prompt- [ TACKLE ]: sender physically tackles the receiver out of the line of fire Warnings- s.mut (18+ only!), protective!Javi, mutual pining, so much pining, action/minor violence, a creeper character, minor character death, love confession, reader is a maid in the Gutierrez compound Notes- June's Year of Protectiveness fic is here and I just had to write one with our dear sweet Javi! @yearofcreation2023​ The idea randomly popped into my head and it was just too perfect and this one was fun to write! And I just love Javi so much!! Enjoy! @flightlessangelwings-updates​ is my update blog so feel free to also follow that and turn on post notifs to stay up to date on when I post!
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As lavish as the Gutierrez compound was, your job was anything but. As a maid in the estate, it was your job to work behind the scenes to keep up that luxury appearance. It was far from a glamorous job, but it was a job you were grateful for. It wasn’t a hard job, and it was stable. You kept to yourself for the most part and it paid well. Plus, the views weren’t bad either…
With the sea as a backdrop, every view out any given window was stunning. The sun made the sea glitter beautifully no matter what time of day it was, and you found yourself staring out the window at times. But, there was something else that caught your eye often… or rather someone else. The head of the estate, and head of the Gutierrez cartel, Javi, was the most beautiful man you had ever seen. His smile lit up the room more than the sun that beamed through the windows. 
“Do not address Señor Gutierrez, entiéndame?” Flora, the head of the household told you sternly on your first day.
“Si señora,” you replied meekly.
Her words rang through your head nearly every day, and you had to remind yourself of your place in Javi Gutierrez’s life. But, even though you weren’t supposed to speak to him, there was nothing against looking at him, especially when you thought he didn’t notice.
But what you didn’t know was that Javi snuck glances at you when you weren’t looking too.
From the day you started, Javi was entranced by you. His heart nearly stopped in his chest the first time he saw you, and he couldn’t help but linger at times to watch you while you worked. Some days it was hard for Javi to keep his expression neutral as he passed by you in the halls, especially when he had to meet with more dangerous people. 
It didn’t go unnoticed that you averted your eyes every time Javi passed by. But, he also was aware of the weight of your gaze when he wasn’t looking. Javi wondered if you felt his own gaze on you, or were you too busy with your work to feel it. Little did he know that goosebumps erupted on your skin whenever you felt his eyes on you.
The stolen glaces went on for some time before Javi finally decided to break the ice. He happened to come into the library where you were dusting, and he made sure not to make any noise. Javi watched with longing in his eyes as you stepped up the ladder to reach higher up. But, as the dust flew into the air, it made you sneeze, and you almost lost your balance.
Panic rushed through your veins as you felt yourself fall backwards and you scrambled to grab onto the shelf. But, you barely fell at all before a pair of large hands grabbed you and steadied you.
“Careful there, querida,” a soft voice rang out behind you.
You gasped as you grabbed onto the bookcase to steady yourself before you hard and found yourself face to face with Javi Gutierrez. Your heart pounded in your chest as you took a moment to study his features up close, and he was even more beautiful than he was from afar.
“Señor Gutierrez,” you mumbled as your gaze dropped. Your skin burned as you realized he still held onto you.
Javi grinned brightly, “Please,” he let out a short laugh, “Just call me Javi.”
You opened your mouth, but closed it as you tried to find your voice, “T-thank you… For saving me.”
“No need to thank me,” Javi said softly as he finally released you.
The two of you locked eyes and time felt like it stopped. The sound of blood pulsing through both your veins felt like it echoed in the room even louder than the waves crashing out the window. The gentle breeze ruffled Javi’s hair, and you found yourself wondering that it would be like to run your fingers through it. But, your breath hitched in your throat when you noticed his gaze dropped down to your lips for the briefest moment.
But, as much as you wanted to know what ran through his head, you heard a different voice in your head: Do not speak to Señor Gutierrez.
You cleared your throat as you turned back to the bookshelf, “I should get back to work,” your voice was hushed as you picked up the duster you dropped.
Javi couldn’t hide the disappointment on his face, “Do not let me interrupt you.”
“Señor Gutierrez,” you called to him as he turned to leave, “Thanks again.”
He smiled at you, “I will always come to your rescue, querida,” he winked at you before he left the room.
From that day on, Javi stole whatever moments he could with you. He liked talking to you, even if it took some time for you to finally carry on a full conversation. As the months went on, Javi found more and more that what he felt was more than just flirting. He was falling for you. And he was falling hard.
For now, though, Javi knew he had to be careful. Between the fact that you worked in the compound and Javi’s role as figurehead of his family’s cartel, he couldn’t take unnecessary risks. He never wanted to make you uncomfortable, and he certainly didn’t want to put you in danger if anyone found out how much you truly meant to him.
There were times when it was hard, though. Like, whenever Javi hosted a fancy party and you worked serving drinks. He couldn’t help the way his fingers would linger over yours when you handed him a fresh glass.
“Gracias, querida,” Javi murmured in your ear so softly that no one else could hear.
“Anything for you, Señor Gutierrez,” you replied as you were sure he felt how warm your skin was.
“Call me Javi,” he quipped back.
Although you didn’t answer, Javi didn’t expect you to. It became a routine for the two of you to end conversations like that. But, the look on your face told him all he needed to know. Javi noticed the way your gaze lingered on him, even when you thought he wasn’t looking. And it certainly didn’t pass him by the way your eyes fell down to his lips once more.
For now, Javi just nodded and raised his glass to you before you turned and went back to your duties. One day, the time would be right. Until then, Javi would just keep you close the only way he could, and at least you were close enough to be kept safe. 
Another night, another party.
You let out a deep sigh as you picked up all the discarded streamers from the party. It was a particularly crazy night, and most of the guests had too much to drink and got rowdy. It didn’t bother you, though since you got paid overtime to work the cleanup. You had gotten to the compound late as most of the guests were already leaving, but your heart fluttered in your chest when you saw Javi laughing and having a good time. 
But now, everyone had left and it was just you in a big empty room with only trash to keep you company. Or so you thought. 
“Would you like some help, querida?” a soft voice broke through the quiet in the room.
You gasped and jumped, startled by the sudden presence behind you. But, you instantly relaxed when you saw Javi standing there, “Señor Gutierrez,” you breathed.
Javi smiled brightly at you, lighting up the dimmed room and bringing the sun into the night, “Querida, how many times have I asked you to call me Javi?”
Your heart pounded in your chest as your skin warmed, “Javi…” You finally replied and finally caved into his ongoing request. 
“That’s better,” he dropped down to his knees next to you, “Now back to my first question,” Javi’s tone was soft as he leaned in close enough for you to feel his breath, “Would you like some help?”
Lost in his eyes, it took you several moments to answer. And you were sure he caught the way your eyes dropped down to his lips for a moment before you spoke, “It…” you cleared your throat as you found your voice, “It isn’t your job señ… Javi.”
“I know,” his kindness was reflected in his voice as he covered your hand with his and slipped out what you were holding, “But I want to help. And…” he paused, “I want to spend some time with you.” 
Your mouth dropped open and you were sure Javi felt the heat that radiated from your skin, “Uhh,” you stuttered, “Thank you,” you mumbled as you dropped your gaze down, too nervous to meet his eyes again.
I will always come to your rescue, Javi thought as he let out a short laugh and helped you clean up in silence. The silence, however, was comfortable, and you never felt his warmth go far from your body. Soft rustling was the only sound in the room as you and Javi picked up together. It felt… normal… comfortable. As if the two of you were the hosts and you cleaned up after all your friends left. As time passed, Javi broke the silence with light conversation, and it only made the illusion stronger.
With Javi’s help, you got the space clean enough in no time, “I’ll leave the rest of the glasses for the morning,” you thought out loud, “I think that's it,” you turned to him, “Thanks, Javi.”
He reached out and gently cupped your face as he looked at you like you hung the stars in the sky, “You are welcome, querida,” Javi said as he stroked his thumb across your cheek. His breath hitched in his throat as you leaned into his touch, and he wanted nothing more than to pull you into his arms and hold you tight. 
Your eyes fluttered shut as you felt comforted by his touch. You were sure he could feel the way your pulse pounded through your veins, and when he whispered your name, you opened your eyes to meet his. 
“Javi…” you breathed, lost in your emotions.
The two of you stared at each other, lost in the other’s eyes. Slowly, you both leaned in close to each other, and your heart skipped a beat when you saw Javi’s gaze glance down at your lips. You trembled in his grasp, and part of you wanted to pinch yourself to make sure you weren’t dreaming. As his face got closer to yours, you felt his breath on your skin and it made goosebumps erupt on your skin.
But, just as Javi’s lips ghosted over yours, you suddenly got nervous and pulled back at the last moment. You cleared your throat as you mumbled an apology, “Sorry, I…”
But Javi didn’t allow you to complete the thought, “It’s late,” he interrupted, not wanting to hear your rejection, “Would you like to stay here for the night? I do not want you to be out this time of night.”
You fiddled with your fingers, “Are you sure?” you asked in a whisper.
Javi smiled softly at you as he brushed your cheek, “Anything for mi favorita,” he winked at you.
Your breath caught in your throat as your eyes went wide, “O-ok…”
“Come,” he stood and offered you his hand, “I will set us up by the fireplace downstairs and put on a movie.”
“That sounds nice,” you replied as you slid your hand in his. 
With a grunt, Javi helped you to your feet, and when your faces were only inches away again, your both froze. Your lips parted as your eyes dropped down to his lips again, and you saw Javi mirror your action. Together, the two of you stayed still for several long moments. Only this time, Javi didn’t try to close the gap, and instead cleared his throat and led the way.
“This is the most comfortable blanket I’ve ever used,” you sighed as you settled onto Javi’s couch. He let you use his shower and you changed into the spare clothes you always kept on the compound just in case.
“Only the best for you, querida,” Javi smiled at you as he poured two glasses of wine and turned on a movie, “I hope this selection is ok for you,” he sounded unusually sheepish as National Treasure started.
You returned the smile as you grabbed one of the glasses, “Only if it’s a double feature with both,” you raised your glass and waited for him to do the same.
Javi’s face lit up with excitement, “Of course!” he didn’t bother to hide his glee as he clinked his glass with yours, “Salud.”
“Salud,” you tapped your glass against his and you both took a sip before you settled in.
Comfortable and exhausted, it didn’t take long for you to fall asleep on Javi’s couch. As your body relaxed, you slumped over in your sleep and your head rested on his shoulder. Javi glanced down and his heart fluttered as he saw you sound asleep against him. Not wanting to disturb you… or move you… he adjusted himself so that he slung his arm around you and he held you tightly until he too dozed off. Neither of you made it through the first movie.
When the sun hit your face, you groaned softly as you yawned before you opened your eyes. Groggy from sleep, it took you a few moments to remember where you stayed for the night. But, you gasped when you realized that you fell asleep against Javi, and that he fell asleep with his arm wrapped around your shoulders.
You shot up with a start, which woke Javi, “Querida!” he exclaimed, “Are you alright?”
“I’m fine,” you breathed, “I just… I didn’t mean to…” you gestured around you.
Javi softened, “Do not apologize, querida,” he supped your face again, “It was a wonderful sleep… Even if we didn’t make it through the move,” he added with a laugh.
That put you more at ease, “I guess we’ll have to do this again sometime? And actually watch the movies,” you laughed as you suddenly felt more brave around him.
“I would like that,” Javi whispered as his gaze lingered on you for several moments.
Again, you felt captivated by his eyes on you, as if he cast some spell on you that froze you in place. But, it was something you were willing to cave to. And once again, you leaned in closer to him, your lips hovering just over his.
But, this time you were interrupted by the chime of the clock that made you both jump with a gasp. Your eyes went wide as you realized what time it was, “Shit,” you cursed under your breath, “I’m late,” you looked at Javi, “I gotta go.”
Javi looked disappointed, but he nodded, “Go,” he said, “I will tell Señora Flora that you stayed late and not to punish you.”
You gave him a pleading look as you did something unexpected: you placed a soft kiss on his cheek, “Thank you, Javi,” you whispered before you scurried away, leaving Javi on the couch with a dumbfounded grin on his face.
“Thank you for meeting with us, Mr. Gutierrez,” a sinister-looking man spoke in a heavy Russian accent, “We look forward to doing business with you,” he smiled darkly.
Javi and Lucas sat on the other end of the table, both on high alert. It was a private meeting, and you only stepped in briefly as they got started to offer drinks and refreshments. As you walked by the leader, he greeted you in Russian and gave you a smirk that made your skin crawl. You thought for a moment that he was going to try and reach for you, but Javi cleared his throat and got his attention before he could.
“We look forward to working with you too, Señor,” Javi didn’t sound like himself. He didn’t look like himself either. He kept a tough facade as a deep scowl shadowed on his face. But it only hid his true feelings, and he killed him inside that he couldn’t just grab you and hold you close, shielding you from these unsavory men.
The Russian looked over at Javi and gave him a nod before he turned his attention to you once more, “You certainly have very pretty help, Mr. Gutierrez,” he commented.
Everything in you told you to run, to slap him, to do something. But, you knew better, and all you did was nod once before you turned and left the room as quickly as possible. You felt the Russian’s gaze on you, but Javi also watched with great intensity. It wasn’t until the door shut behind you that you finally let out a deep breath. 
Javi kept his guard up the entire meeting, feeling even more on edge after the way the Russian looked at you. 
The next day when you arrived at the compound, you were immediately greeted by Javi. He looked like he didn’t sleep well, and it was clear by the look on your face that you didn’t either. Both of you were haunted by the encounter yesterday, and Javi had spent all night worrying about you. He wanted more than anything to keep you there overnight, scared that the Russians might find you. 
“Javi,” you exhaled, “Are you ok?”
Javi sighed your name with relief, “Come with me, querida,” he extended his hand, “I want to show you something.”
“Do not worry,” he smiled softly at you, “I am the boss, remember?” he winked and suddenly all the tension and worry melted from your body.
“Ok,” you breathed as you took his hand, “Where are we going?”
Javi only grinned at you.
“Wow,” you breathed in awe, “This is…”
“Beautiful,” Javi finished your thought as his gaze never left your figure.
Javi had led you to his truck and drove you out into the cliffs, away from the compound, from your lives, from everything. The view of the sea was even more stunning from here, and the calm and the fresh air surrounded you. While you took in your setting and admired the views, Javi never took his eyes off of you.
“Listen, querida,” Javi started as he shuffled closer to you, “About yesterday…”
You felt like your heart was about to explode from your chest, especially when Javi looked at you like that, “Yes…?” 
Before he could voice his thoughts, the sudden sound of a gunshot from the distance made you and Javi jump. Another gunshot went off, and you screamed as the dirt only a few inches away from you blew up into the air. In the distance, you saw a truck with several men inside, all of them armed. Although you couldn’t make out their faces, you had a guess that they were the Russians that Javi and Lucas met with the day before.
“Hurry, querida,” Javi reached for you, “Take my hand.”
Everything happened so fast, you hardly processed it. Javi grabbed your hand and led you through the forest along the cliffs. The sounds of gunshots and shouts in Russian echoed through the wilderness. Javi weaved you both through the trees as the Russian yelled taunts at you both.
“You cannot keep the woman safe, Mr. Gutierrez,” a heavily Russian accented voice called through the forest, “We will find you, and kill you. And then she is mine.” 
The truck spun around and cut off the path that Javi and you ran in. He stopped short, keeping you behind him as they aimed their guns at you both. Thinking quickly, Javi grabbed you and launched you both down a hill.
You both grunted and shouted as you rolled down a short way before you landed in a clearing with a gasp. Javi groaned as he shook his head before he scrambled to his feet and grabbed your hand again, “Quickly, querida!” He yanked you forward as he led you behind a large boulder, “This will keep us safe for now,” he huffed.
“Javi, what are we gonna do?” you huffed, out of breath from running.
Javi stopped his frantic panic for a moment and corrupted your face with both hands, “Look at me, querida,” he waited for your eyes to lock with his before he continued, “I promise, I will keep you safe. Just trust me.”
You swallowed hard, “I trust you, Javi.”
“Good,” his lips pressed together firmly as his hair fell into his face. 
Javi kept you covered as best he could while he pulled out two things: his phone and his gun. You gasped when you realized he always carried it with him, and if the situation wasn’t so dire you would have thought more about it. But, another gunshot from the distance interrupted your thoughts.
“Lucas!” Javi shouted on the phone. He yelped as another shot rang through the air and hit the rock you currently used for cover. Without thinking, Javi pushed you down to the ground as he quickly told his cousin where to find you. “These fucking Russians,” he mumbled to himself as he tucked your head into his chest, “Stay down, querida,” Javi told you, “I promise I will not let anything happen to you.”
All you could do was cling to Javi’s shirt. You hated the helpless feeling and the fear that flowed through you. But, you also knew that Javi would keep you safe, and his strong arms around you was a comfort in the situation. You took comfort in the echo of Javi’s voice from earlier, telling you that he would always come to your rescue.
“There you are,” a thick Russian accent came from behind you and Javi.
You both gasped as you turned around and found the leader had found his way behind the rock and pointed his gun right at you and Javi. Javi hissed a string of curses in Spanish as he pulled you as close as he possibly could.
But, before the Russian could fire at you, a shot rang from behind him and he fell forward, dead.
“Do not look, querida,” Javi huffed as he blocked your vision. 
Your vision was blocked by Javi’s hand over your eyes, but you heard the shouts of Lucas and Javi’s security team. And the barrage of gunfire made your ears ring until suddenly silence filled the air. Just as quickly as it started, all the shooting stopped, and it wasn’t until Javi made sure that the area was clear that he finally loosened his grip on you.
“It's over,” he sighed as he looked you up and down, “You’re alright.” Javi looked around before he stood up and acknowledged his allies.
“Come with me, querida,” Javi reached out and took your hand once more, “I want you to stay at the compound tonight until I know you will not be a target anymore.”
All you could do was nod as you followed Javi back into the safety of the compound.
You spent the rest of the day in a daze as you replayed the chase over and over again. Javi insisted you stayed in his bedroom, and even as you stayed in his large, luxurious shower for so long that the water ran cold, you knew he was just outside the door. Once you opened the door wearing nothing but a robe, you were immediately face to face with Javi, who looked more worried than you had ever seen him.
“Are you alright, querida?” he asked as he looked you over.
“I’m ok,” your voice was hushed as you sounded meek.
“Come here,” Javi rested his hand on your shoulder and guided you to sit on his bed. Once you were seated, he looked at you with the saddest expression you had ever seen, “I’m so sorry, querida,” Javi’s face dropped, “They must have seen how much I care about you, and it put you at risk.”
“I never wanted you to get hurt,” he continued, looking back up at you with tears in his eyes, “All I want to do is protect you and treat you the way you deserve to be treated.”
You froze. 
“I just…” he sighed, “I cannot lose you… Te quiero, querida,” Javi’s confession came from his heart as he looked at you with those big brown eyes. His hands on you stayed firm and you felt the tension in his grip.
The dam broke, and without a word you launched yourself forward and crashed your lips to his. Javi’s muffled moan vibrated between your bodies as he wrapped his arms around you and immediately reciprocated the kiss. All the months of longing and lingering touches cumulated in his kiss.
Javi murmured your name as you both broke away for a breath before he yanked you close and kissed you again. This time, he swallowed the moan you let out as you both clung to each other as if you were both afraid the other would disappear. 
Neither of you were sure who moved first, but you both simultaneously began to tug at the other’s clothes. Javi stripped you more quickly, with only the robe covering your body, but you made quick work of the button down shirt and linen pants he wore.
As you yanked his pants off, you straddled Javi’s waist and pushed him down onto his back. All the breath was forced out of his lungs, but Javi never broke eye contact with you. He looked up at you like you were a goddess and he was just a lowly worshiper. But, Javi would worship you every day, every night, every moment he could. He would do anything for you. 
“Javi,” you breathed as you leaned forward, your folds rocking along his cock as you did so, “I love you too,” your voice was soft as your lips hovered over his before you closed the gap once more.
He mumbled your hand as he grabbed onto your hips, his hands pressing into the soft flesh of your body. Soft moans from both of you filled the room as you rocked yourself along Javi’s hardening cock until the desperation was too much for both of you.
“Fuck,” Javi hissed as the warmth spread across his whole body. 
You bit your lip as you lined yourself up with the tip of his cock and slowly sank down. A loud moan escaped your lips as he cock pushed into you, stretching you out so wonderfully. Both you and Javi let out a string of curses as his cock filled you more and more until your hips met his.
“Shit, Javi,” you breathed, “Fuck…”
“You feel so good, querida,” Javi groaned as he trailed his hands up your sides and pulled you forward for another kiss.
Slowly, you rocked yourself along Javi’s body, his cock hitting that sweet spot deep inside you while his tongue tangled with yours. Javi’s arms stayed wrapped around you, too afraid to even loosen his grip on you while you rode him harder. 
“I am never letting you go querida,” Javi mumbled as your warmth engulfed him over and over again as you bounced on his cock, “I promise, I will never let anything happen to you,” he whispered in your ear.
“Javi… Fuck,” you moaned against his lips, “I’ve thought about this for so long…”
“So have I,” Javi grunted your name, “Fuck… Let me feel you cum, querida.”
You let out a loud moan as your clit rubbed against Javi’s hips and his cock hit spots so deep inside you that you saw stars. You held onto his shoulders as you rode him harder and faster, desperately chasing your climax. Mumbled words of praise spilled from Javi’s lips as his own orgasm wasn’t far behind.
Together, you and Javi came at the same time. Your bodies trembled against the other as you clung desperately while you rode out your climaxes. Loud moans and groans filled the room and skin slapped against skin until you lost all your strength and collapsed down on top of him.
Javi kept his arms around you as he rolled you over onto your side, slipping out of you in the process. You shivered as you felt a sudden emptiness without Javi’s cock inside you and you let out a soft whimper.
“I’ve got you, querida,” Javi whispered as he guided your head to rest on his chest.
You sighed contently as you felt his pounding heart against your body, “I know you do,” you murmured.
Together, the two of you laid in a comfortable silence for some time. Javi tenderly stroked your back, and if it weren’t for your racing thoughts, you would have easily fallen asleep safe in his arms. But, between the attack and the heated confession, you had too much weighing on you.
“What happens now, Javi?” you asked, breaking the silence.
Javi let out a deep breath, “We have to hope the Russians did not get in touch with anyone else,” he sounded bitter, “But we have to assume that there will be others who will try to use you to hurt me,” he paused as he kissed the top of your head, “Do not worry, querida, I will never allow that to happen.”
You shifted yourself to look into his eyes, “I know you won’t,” you sounded confident, “I trust you, Javi.”
He smiled softly at you as he cupped your chin and pulled you in for a soft and tender kiss, “No matter what, you will be safe with me.”
It was a promise, not only to you, but to himself. Javi had never cared about anyone the way he cared about you. No matter what the future held, there was one thing Javi was certain of: he would keep you close and keep you safe. But, the future could wait until morning. For now, Javi just wanted to enjoy this moment here in his bed with you in his arms. 
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bivwifeybunny · 8 months
I here by request Foolish fluff that can allude to smut!
Maybe reader has a headache and Foolish ends stream early to comfort her and she starts feeling better and then things lead into the bedroom..
(Also may I have permission to write the smut part? Like you put out the fluff and then I give the part 2 that’s smut 👀)
My Special Girl
Pairing(s): Foolish x reader
Warning(s): Cursing, alluded smut (actual smut in the part 2 hehehe 🤭), mostly just fluff tho
A/N: RAHHH I'm finally posting a fic after.... uhhh idk but a LONG time. haha... yeah sorry about that. but HEY it's a foolish fic and that's something new. shrimpy here convinced me to start writing for him (it wasn't hard since i cant say no to shrimpy lmao) but yeah, this is a little collab I did with her. so as said in the ask, she wrote part 2 with the actual smut. I loved writing this and working with her honestly. she helped with a couple questions I had and was really patient with me (i took 11 days to finish this lol rip) so would def do again. also my first collab? im so excited for y'all to read this. anyways this is getting long, enjoy and the link for part two is at the end.
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You already felt it coming on. The tension building behind your eyes and the strain forming at your temples. But you’d be cruel to deny him when he looked at you with that cute pout. So you walked off, popped an ibuprofen and came back, sitting next to him as you watched him play some Minecraft.
However, the ibuprofen was definitely not enough. Thanks to his bright ass lights, the less than cozy screaming and yelling, and the eye strain from staring at the monitors, your headache began to worsen.
“I thought Minecraft was supposed to be a relaxing game.” You groaned, eyes squinted as you struggled to keep up with the pvp he was doing.
“Maybe it could be, if Richarlyson wasn’t being such a little bITCH!” Foolish screamed, resulting in another wince from you. His fingers darted around, clicking away as he chased after the little pixelated egg.
And then came the barking.
The back and forth, screaming, barking, with the added touch of his way too bright lights and the blue light from the monitors made you groan again. You leaned your head down, your hand covering your eyes, trying to find some relief. He was so excited to show you his progress on the titan, and you promised you’d at least stay long enough to see it, but you weren’t sure how much longer you could take this.
Luckily though, most of the screaming and barking stopped when Richas made a strategic retreat and teleported away. So you were able to look back at the monitor when he called your name.
“Okay, finally. Alright, alright, look.” Foolish grinned as he warped over to his titan build and began to glide over to it. “Now, I’m obviously not completely done but I’m so close, and I only really have- No, no, nO, NO!” He whined as a creeper dropped down next to him and exploded, ruining a part of the hand.
And unfortunately for you, that note struck the wrong cord and the pounding in your head grew past your limit. “Foolish, I’m gonna go lay down, okay?” You whispered, not only because of the throbbing in your head but also so his chat wouldn’t hear. You hurried off screen, heading back into his bedroom and crawling into bed after ensuring all the lights were off. You tossed the blankets over your head and buried your face into the cool pillow, hoping it’d ease the pain.
Meanwhile, as soon as you left, the doozers were all spamming things like “what happened to ___?”, “i dont think they were feeling well”, “they had their head down earlier”, “are they okay?” and so on.
Foolish, however, didn’t even glance at chat as he hurried off of Minecraft. “I think I’m gonna call it a day, guys. Sorry this was a shorter stream than usual.” He apologized for his 3 hour stream before quickly ending.
As soon as he was sure he ended, he rushed over to his room. He frowned at the dark room and the faint outline of your body curled up under the blankets. “Baby?” He called out quietly, climbing onto the bed next to you. He leaned over, propped up on his elbow and gently drew back the blankets. “What’s wrong?”
“Head hurts.” You muttered, eyes still shut tightly, jaw clenched.
“Aw, I’m sorry, honey.” He whispered softly, turning you to face him before rubbing his thumbs over your eyebrows, a silent instruction to relax from your tense position. “Should’ve told me. I wouldn’t have asked you to come on stream if I’d known you weren’t feeling good. Did you take anything to help it?”
“Just ibuprofen but’s not working.” You answered, leaning into his touch with a soft sigh, making him smile.
“Well, here. Why don't we try a bit of this?” Foolish mumbled, pulling you on top of him. “Where does it hurt?” He asked, to which you muttered, “My temples ‘nd behind my eyes,” snuggling into his warmth. He nodded, moving his hands to your head and beginning to massage your temples gently, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
You sighed in relief, relaxing your stiff position even more as he rubbed away all the tension, humming in a soothing, soft tone. You stayed like that for a while, letting Foolish work his magic while you cuddled him close.
After a little while he kissed your head again and moved his hands away, hugging you instead. “Feel any better?”
“Good.” He smiled softly. “And I hope you know I’m going to absolutely clowned on by chat tomorrow and it’s all your fault.” He teased with a playful smirk.
“I say it’s worth it. They already get to spend way too much time with you as is. It’s about time I stole you away from them for a little while.” You laughed, lifting your head to look up at him before smirking. “But if you really want me to make it up to you, I have an idea in mind I’m sure you’d like.”
“Oh ho ho ho.” Foolish giggled excitedly, meeting you halfway when you leaned up to kiss him. “Don’t mind if I do…” He smirked into the kiss, flipping you over. “But since my baby was hurting, why don’t you let me take care of you?”
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Part 2 :D by @mentallyillcrustacean
Taglist: @jordyncandy @foxilia @lacunaanonymoused @remiwastaken
Foolish taglist: none yet :)
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forestfiresandfics · 2 months
“Do you know anything about these thefts?” Doc asked plainly. Scar barely had time to sit in the chair across from his desk.
Scar rested his cane across his legs. “No, honestly, I don’t.”
“Of course not,” Doc sighed deeply, and when he next looked at Scar, it was pleading. “I need to ask you, will you help me investigate this?”
“Me? I just started!”
“I know, but there are not many I can trust. I don’t think it’s an employee, but maybe you can keep an eye on them. And if you hear anything else, outside of work, could you tell me?”
“I could be like an investigator, that would be cool!” Scar smiled to himself, and then tried to put on a more serious face. “Okay, I’ll help! We’ll find whoever is doing this.”
When a new redstone company moves into town, Cuteguy is sure the CEO, a known mad scientist, is up to no good. When Hotguy decides to go undercover, he ends up in the perfect position to investigate a crime wave—AGAINST the mysterious creeper hybrid. But for some reason, all the evidence points to Hotguy himself. Could it have something to do with his roommate’s secret project?
hey hey! First proper ao3 fic of my joining the fandom. It’s based on the ore snatcher case, but I will (at least that’s the plan) continue to be writing this regardless of what the truth ends up being. Also, it’s a Hotguy au, because I’ve been looking for an excuse to do some superhero stuff
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