#he's just not as fast as Katia
prerodinu · 9 months
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I think the great thing about Katia and Artem is they both sorta correct each other. Katia is all do first and ask question’s later. Artem is a ask question’s first take action afterwards. So in a fight they are lethal together because Artem make’s sure katia know’s where to hit first instead of just going off her instincts. 
That being said she doesn’t have her brother around? She won’t stop until someone is dead. Her or the person she is fighting. It’s her nature after being made to kill her own kind for so long. Kill or be killed. Getting into a fight with her is a one way ticket. Either you survive and you killed her or she kills you. Unless her brother is there and then well. Then you have a shot at living. 
Katia is powerful in fighting hand to hand combat or with knives. 
Artem is powerful in strategy. 
Underestimating either of them is a big downfall in a fight. 
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eldritch-spouse · 10 months
Which OCs would stare at you while you sleep?
Most of them, honestly. Many monsters don't sleep as often or as long as humans do, thus it's not too unlikely that you'll wake up with 90% of them staring at you from time to time. Here's some that come to mind:
Roch, Zizz and Katia. Come on, they're slothful demons, it's kind of part of their nature to either participate in your dreams, alter them, or at least feed on you during these periods.
Grimbly. Sometimes he's just perched from a high place and those glowing magenta orbs will be boring holes into you throughout the night until he either falls alseep as well or gets up.
Stitches. Because sometimes Patches turns during his sleep next to you (which is already a fleeting occurrence), and Stitches will observe your peaceful slumber for a short while before startling you awake.
Nebul doesn't rest so much as he quietly rests, still awake but vastly inattentive to most facets of his surrounding. He enjoys spacing off to the sight of you peacefully resting.
Fank-e has many quiet things he can do while you're asleep, and he's not likely to keep uninterrupted watch of you the whole night, but he'll frequently make stops to watch over you for several minutes, checking on vitals and other biological readings he can gleam with a soft touch or two.
Breg just wants to hug you the whole night like a teddy bear. And sure, his limbs might get a little sore at some point, but he's determined to enjoy every moment when he doesn't actually need to rest. It doesn't help that, without visible eyes, sometimes you really can't tell if he's asleep or not.
Shags wakes up often, and he gets up much earlier than you too. In fact, he looks forward to getting up earlier precisely because he can gaze at your sleeping form, and hopefully sketch you. He has a collection of fast practice sketches that consist of you sleeping in different portions, with different clothes.
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arece · 1 year
hii love!
could i request john x reader (platonic ofc) within the perfect storyline that you created?
ive always wondered what happened to aurelio when the reader thought he abandoned her while he was just trying to protect her. maybe they have met after john died and he apologized and maybe reader forgives him??? i just need to know he is not the bad guy 😭
thank youu
It'll All Work Out
♤ Summary: Reader gets closure she never knew she needed from Aurelio. The series
♤ a/n: You're right my dear anon, he was never the bad guy. Reader was just a baby who needed someone to blame at the time. This one's really short but it has a bittersweet tone that I love and I hope you enjoy it too!
You ended up staying in Berlin for three months, learning all that you could from those in the Ruska Roma about John’s childhood. You decided that it was time to go back when you realized the first year death anniversary was fast approaching.
Though you could use the comfort of your new family, you’d never forgive yourself if you weren’t with him on the day. You wanted to do something special for him, some part of you hoping he sees your gift from wherever he is.
You took Dog’s leash off, letting her rub against his headstone as you reached for the packet in your pocket. You sprinkled the wildflower seeds around his and Helen’s graves, giving them something that would come back each year, never leaving them.
You were moving the knife he gifted you back into place when you heard steps behind you, quick to turn you held it threateningly before becoming shocked at the person you never expected to see in front of you.
“Aurelio?” You faltered before dropping the knife completely. The man gave an awkward, unsure smile, “look at you, not so little anymore.” You stood from the ground, calming Dog with a pet as she watched him anxiously.
“That’s what seven years does.” He winced at your blunt tone and you felt bad, not intending for him to feel guilty. By now you’ve grown to realize why he had sent you away. “Look I-”
“It’s okay, Aurelio. I don’t blame you, you saved my life by bringing him to me.” It seemed he’d been carrying the guilt for a while by the way he slightly got choked up. He cleared his throat, stepping beside you to look at his grave.
“Loving father, huh?” For once the tears that stung at your eyes weren’t from a place of pain, rather one of remembrance, something you thought you had surely lost three months prior. “He was the best one I could’ve ever asked for,” you turned towards him, “I was too lost before to thank you.”
“I’m glad you’re okay.” The sarcastic snort you let out had him raising an eyebrow, “I was a mess.” You explained to him your journey with grief for the past year, struggling to move on and almost falling back into the underworld, your panic with forgetting, your arguments with Caine and Winston.
“Why do you have to find someone to blame?” It startled you slightly, how easily he revealed to you another direction your grief was driving you to. If it wasn’t yourself, it was Winston or Caine. Why did you need someone to put at fault?
“I don’t want to be angry at him.” Aurelio sighed, wrapping an arm around your shoulder, still seeing you as that feisty fourteen year old who had a talent for stealing. “You’re too hard on yourself.”
For the first time you allowed yourself to seek comfort from somebody that wasn’t John, from the man who had also chosen to let you go to protect you, a recurring theme it seems. “You seem different. Like him.” The passive comment brought a smile to your face, reminding you how Katia told you he lived on through you. You were glad that someone saw it too.
“Do you have any regrets?” He asked. You thought back to all the pain, loneliness, confusion, grief. But you also thought back to when you were loved. That made it all worth it ten times over, “I wouldn’t change a thing.”
You called Dog over to put her back on her leash, inviting Aurelio out for a memorial lunch for John. He agreed, stepping back to allow you room for your goodbyes. You leaned forward, softly kissing his grave, “I’m doing better now.”
With a parting touch you left feeling more fulfilled after gaining closure, healing a wound that had added to your suffering, one that now left a scar, a memory.
taglist: @khaleesihavilliard @ihatemyselfmorethanmydepression @tamnight  @hesvoid34 @scarletmeii @romanreignsluver1 @wi1steria @not-a-big-slay @howlerwolfmax @mizzy-pop @sarapaprikas-blog @angrykitsune01
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ilkkawhat · 2 months
Feel free not to answer if you don't want to, but why cringe at your own Sorjonen fic? I loved the short one you posted.
If you feel beta readers/someone to bounce ideas off might help, there are willing volunteers out here 👀 myself included
i'm sure it's mostly just me being hard on myself and just my low confidence in myself, but I'm mostly worried I'm not writing the characters well enough, not being descriptive enough, and that it's not as long as it should be--like i'm going through it too fast almost and maybe that's on me for expecting more out of myself and equating quantity with quality (a fic like this? i'd target maybe 5-10k and so far it's at 2.5k)
and idk back when i was in the peak of my fic writing a few years ago i feel like it'd just be so easy for me to write and now it's just...not. like i'm dragging the words painfully out of me--but i want to write and it's just not happening fast enough i guess
if you or anybody else is interested in reading what i got so far, here it is below the cut--i marked gaps with brackets of what i want to put between:
He just wanted to check on them, to make sure they were alright. Kari would never admit if he was bleeding, though Niko knew he would immediately tell if his wife or daughter or Katia were. 
In hindsight he should have just listened and gotten out when Taina told him to. He shouldn’t have pressed his luck. He should have listened to his instincts telling him he didn’t belong in the field. He hated fieldwork. Shit like this was why. 
Perhaps it was the trick of adrenaline that made him think that he could walk out of this unscathed, a foolish thought that he could be a hero, sneak up behind one of the assailants and take them hostage. 
Hard to do that with his back up against the wall, staring at a mirror; a deer in headlights and suddenly his muscles seize causing the rush to both rise and sink in and out of his body. 
Katia emerged from a room and stood there, and she looked terrified. He’d be more concerned if she wasn’t.
He gave her a look, hoping she would take the signal and walk away but just as he was, she was frozen to the spot giving ample time for her reaction to become suspicious. His eyes were on Katia and not on the pair of shoes walking swiftly into frame, offering no warning and no time for Niko to react even if he wanted to shoot the man in self defense—
He crumpled like a ball of paper, shrinking into himself until he realized that hurt more, moving in such a way that pressed the bullet further into his body. He wedged himself into the corner of the stairwell, feeling stupid for being so exhausted by such a simple action. 
The pain seared through his bloodstream, synapses pulled and snapped causing eruptions in his head. He kept his eyes closed, his body still as he felt the sting of each sizzling spark. 
He held his hand against the wound, the blood trickled out between his fingers. He thought he could maybe scoop the burning lava pouring out of the hole in his abdomen and shove it back in, but instead he just felt the rhythmic throb of pain that rejected the notion of healing himself. 
“Niko? Niko!” 
Kari’s voice. Kari. Kari. Kari. 
That’s who he came here for. To make sure he was safe. He wasn’t safe. None of them were. 
Kari lifted Niko’s hand away from the wound, quickly examining it before hovering his other hand against his cheek. 
Niko was only dimly aware of what was being said and done around him, using all of his concentration to focus on Kari in front of him, but the man was called away—“I have to answer it and tell them no one died. Niko needs a hospital”—the thought of which shocked Niko, because he was certain that he was dead and this was just his lingering thoughts before fading away for good—
Kari stepped away, and Paulina took his place. She was uncertain of what to do, hesitant to touch but wanting to do something, anything, and Niko wanted to tell her he’s okay. This was fine. He’d be okay, just give him a couple minutes.
Paulina looked away, watching the shooter walk trudge back up the stairs after checking that nobody was behind Niko. Niko tried to point to his gun which had fallen out of his hand when she looked back.
Fortunately, she got the message, but out of confusion or fear or maybe a mixture of both, didn’t use it herself, or directly hand it to him. She hastily, clumsily shoved it back into his holster before the brothers could see it. A good call, he had to admit. Shooting now with a hot piece in the taller brother, Nikolai, could just make the situation worse. More casualties.  
Above him, Kari was negotiating for his exit. The other brother, Valdek, was insistent that he could get himself out and Niko wanted to laugh at the thought…but understood the reality that he might have to, the thought of which seemed impossible. 
Raised voices resulted in Katia being allowed to take him. The others were held back, ushered into one of the bedrooms away from sight. The brothers seemed to start arguing while Katia hopped down the stairs two at a time, pulling Niko up though she couldn’t move him even an inch. 
“Niko, come on, we gotta get out of here!” she whispered hurriedly, scared that the brothers might change their mind and finish the job. He was afraid of that too, but the second he tried to stand up, he felt as if something tugged hard, fishing for the bullet that ricocheted against the inner walls of his body, tearing the wallpaper down by peeling and ripping it apart. He couldn’t stifle the pained shout, almost a scream that pierced his ears, making every single cell inside stand on edge, an army of goosebumps pushing out, pressing themselves to get away from the eruption in his abdomen. He wanted it to end but instead had to take a step forward that was worse. Searing water coated his eyes while part of him fought every command from his body to just fall back down, to fall into the alluring void of consciousness. 
Katia attached herself to him, propping him up. His legs felt numb, but he took another step down, Katia took it with him. It was an awkward journey down the rest of the stairs but they made it after what felt like an hour. Katia kept looking behind them every so often, the brother with the loaded gun looming above them. Pacing back and forth eyeing his prey. 
The numbness dissipated by the time they made it down the stairs, he held his breath in and focused on moving forward. They could see the flashing lights outside. The ambulance. They were almost there, and then he could rest. Katia’s hand was almost on the doorknob—
A bullet whizzed past his ear faster than he could hear it. The most motion in his body since they started walking, a sharp gasp and flinch of sheer terror while Katia screamed out at the sound of the gunshot. He yelped as she dropped him and he fell to the floor, but he still reached out to her, wanting to pull her down so he could protect her, keep her safe.
Even though he could hardly protect himself. 
Niko tried his best to sit up, interpret the mixture of screams and shouts from everyone in the household. He could barely understand Kari shouting at the brothers, could only hear Katia next to him. He wanted to ask her if she was okay but all that came out was a long, pained groan. 
“You were letting us go!” Katia screamed to the blurry shadows on the staircase. 
“You’re not going anywhere, except back up here!” Nikolai shouted back. “And you leave him there!” he added, as Katia stood up and tried to take Niko with her. 
“He needs a hospital!” he could hear Kari, begging once more. “Valdek, please, see reason here—!”
“What he needs doesn’t matter. You solve this, fast, or he bleeds out.” 
Katia looked down at Niko with wobbling lips. Her eyes shone with an unspoken apology as she ran up the stairs, the bedroom door was slammed shut. The final nail in his coffin nailed along with it. 
Kari pushed through the bothers, ran down the stairs despite their protests. 
“You leave him down there!”
“Get back up here or we kill one of the girls!”
Kari didn’t seem to care, calling the bluff for the moment, he returned to Niko.
“I’ll try to get something to help. I need you to hang on, stay awake,” Kari held Niko’s hand against the wound. 
“Too…tired…” Niko moaned. 
“I know, Niko, I know. I’m going to get us out but please, promise me—”
“Get up, now,” Valdek grabbed Kari by the back of his shirt, pulled him up and forced him back up the stairs. Niko’s eyes drooped, but didn’t close entirely. He tried to focus on something, anything, but all he could think about was how tired he was…and how much it hurt. 
The strobe of the emergency lights blinked through the window panes of the door. Niko blinked with the light, and when he opened his eyes again the staircase was vacant. The house was eerily silent again, just as it had been when he entered. This was his chance to leave the way he came, silent, unnoticed. 
He breathed in and out as quietly as he could, but as deep as he needed. The bleeding wasn’t stopping, his fingers sheathed in a sticky crimson glove. He raised his other hand up, eyes still transfixed on the stairwell as he blindly fumbled for the doorknob. He found it, twisted it, then started to twist himself to pull it open. He bit down on his lower lip, stifling the rising scream as he stretched his body—
“Where do you think you’re going?”
Niko froze, his nerves vibrating the buzzed hairs on his head to rise as high as they could. He swallowed hard as a blinking shadow grew larger and larger on the door before his hand was lifted and removed from the knob, and then dropped carelessly causing his body to tip over onto it. His face fell onto the shoe of the man stopping him, a soft cry escaped his lips. He tried to lift himself up but his body was a rag doll after his attempt at escape drained what little energy he could muster.
“Just…let…me…go…” Niko shuddered, his voice hoarse and strained. Every word was a challenge, he was losing composure with every syllable. “Please.”
“Told you before, pig, you’re not going anywhere. You’re the one who wanted to join the party,” it was Nikolai, who jabbed the side of Niko’s head with his gun. “Try it again, and I’ll blow your brains out…and theirs, too.” 
A shove of the gun thrusted his head against the door, for a split second he heard a spike of chirps in the radios outside. Niko was reminded of his loose earpiece, once Nikolai leaves he can try to put it in, call for help.
“Nikolai, quit playing around,” Valdek called from upstairs. 
Nikolai spat on Niko’s face, and walked back up the stairs. 
[gap, niko agonizing before kari tries to check on him?]
“Niko!” Kari called down. “Can you hear me?”
“What…?” Niko groaned, too low for anybody upstairs to hear.
“Stay awake. Okay? Promise me you’ll stay awake.”
“I know it’s the last thing you probably want to do, but we need to keep your brain active. I could use it right now.” 
Are you fucking kidding me, Kari? I’ve been shot…what use am I at all?
But he understood the point. If Niko fell asleep…he might not wake up.
“Stay awake.”
He blinked, and Kari was in front of him. Pointing to Niko’s brain. 
“You don’t need my help,” Niko murmured. “Already tried to and look where it got me.”
“I do need you. Stay awake,” Kari repeated. 
“Yeah, got the message,” Niko tried to sit up, paying for it immediately with a harsh spike of pain in his abdomen, before he slumped back down again. Kari was gone. Was he ever there to begin with? He squeezed his eyes shut, swallowing back a wave of terror that he was losing his mind. His head felt heavy, lolling in all directions with a dizzying lag. The slam against the door must have given him a minor concussion. Or it was the blood loss. Or both. 
“You quit playing around, too, old man. Get back to work.”
[niko waiting for the dust to settle, maybe fading in and out before he tries calling taina. calls her and then feels guilty, he has to give his gun to somebody to even the odds, making the same mistake that got him hurt in the first place]
“Tuh-Taina…” he whispered into the mic. 
“Niko? Niko, what’s going on? Kari said you’d been shot.”
“Yeah…it’s not good. Listen, I don’t have a lot of time. I’m at the front door. I just…need someone to—”
He heard a worrying commotion. Paulina cried out. Heard a man in pain. 
“Niko? Niko, are you there?”
It had to be Kari, as the brothers shouted. His heart sank. He had to go back up there. If he could hold his gun steady for just a few moments, or somehow give it to Kari or the others, the table could turn in their favor. 
He ripped the ear piece out of his ear again, leaned himself forward on his good side with one arm cradling his wound while the other reached out, pulled his body ahead.
[niko climbs and then gets kicked in the face and falls down the stairs]
As he reached the top he could see the giants looming above him, Kari with his hands tied behind his back. A bleeding forehead. The punishment he received earlier…for helping Niko? Or something else? 
Finally, the last step, a surge of adrenaline helped him to almost stand up—
For the second time, he missed the pair of shoes that came too fast for him to react. He lifted his head just in time for the shoe to come in contact, the tip lifting his chin up before it retracted, then the bottom of the shoe pushed against his face, shoving him back, he tumbled, his spine bumping hard against the railing behind him, he slid and twisted down, fumbling for something to stop him from pinballing but his head kept getting knocked around, disorienting him, the world was shaken like a snowglobe and he was trapped inside of it—
The hardest impact came when he fell into the same corner splattered with his own blood. Under the flat tone that pierced his eardrums, he could hear women’s screams and a man’s desperate pleas.
“Niko!” Kari shouted, the name having been said so many times in such a short period that it almost felt foreign to him now. Didn’t even feel like his name anymore. Felt like it was the name of a dead man. 
[niko passes the gun to katia so she can shoot the one dude]
Niko grunted, unable to get a word out. He stared at Katia with the most seriousness he could focus into her. He didn’t want to do this, he didn’t want her to have to do this, but it was the only way. 
He led her hand to the holster, and when she realized what she wanted him to do, her eyes widened. But she didn’t protest. He saw Lena’s fire rise within her. 
[ending of the hostage situation. Stretch ending to hospital?]
Eyes fluttered open. 
“Niko!’ Kari’s voice again, this time with less fear and more relief.
“You can go to sleep now. It’s over.”
Thanks for the permission, Niko thought bitterly, but felt the corner of his lips twitch that must have given Kari some more peace of mind. He held his hand up against Niko’s cheek, once again uncertain, before quickly nodding his forehead against Niko’s while gripping his shoulder. A warm wave washed over Niko, if he had anymore blood in his body he’d blush at the gesture. 
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littleshysheep-at-da · 3 months
oka's whole thing is so tragic. do u have anyheacanons for herand /or poti
I do not know what the “ooooAAAUGHH” is in response to but I feel like I agree 🤔 lol.
TBF Oka was quite literally born into the hands of one of the MOST manipulative man (Potimis) EVER. So I don’t think anyone who knows the full circumstances could really blame her but I know she’ll probably never stop blaming herself.
I like to think at some point Kyouya apologizes to Oka for what he said when they first met because he felt it was hypocritical and unfair. Which I think Kyouya is the type to not apologize for all the things he’s had to do for war, not because he doesn’t feel awful about it, but sort of because he’s resolved himself and apologizing would feel insincere and unfair (let me make this about Kyouya lmaooo my bias is so strong can you tell). But I feel like he would apologize to miss Oka for what he said to her and I also think Katia would jump in with her own form of not quite apologizing for her actions (because she was right to doubt Oka but not because of Oka herself but because of Potimis lying to her), but apologizing that she had to be put in such a position. Also Katia also is a bit of the tough love and would probably try to reason with Oka that she shouldn’t have to feel responsible for all her students just because they have a connection from their lives (as a way to sort of to try and lessen Oka’s guilt over everything). But yeah I think a lot of the reincarnations would apologize to her and try to do right by her own once they learn her full circumstances.
I would honestly be really interested on what Oka’s thought on Shiro are though? Like? To Shiro Oka is quite her savior who she owes a life debt but idk if Oka even remotely remember her at all. Like afterwards do you think she’s just like “the classroom Spider? What.” 😭 I think she would want to speak to Shiro about it which would,,, go as well as anyone (aside from Ariel) who tries to hold a conversation with her. I think once Oka knows who Shiro is she would try to include her with the other reincarnations (which has the vibe of a mother trying to get her child to socialize… sorry I love found family parent child structure sooooo much with KumoDesu lol I should make my Headcanon family tree…) it has… mixed results.
Also ngl I still find it SO FUNNY that no one taught Mera suffixs so he thinks the San (which is translated to Miss in English) is part of her name.
I genuinely call Potimis Elf H*tler cause… ngl the similarities are there. Thought they were the “superior race”, blond hair blue eyed (which obviously this one isn’t an evil trait and I feel I should specify that it’s just funny to me), actually really unhealthy themselves… y’know it’s there.
I also think Potimis sort of captures KumoDesu’s pacing when you think about it. Like the pacing of KumoDesu is REALLY GOOD, Kumoko struggles enough to make things feel intense so then when she gets overpowered it just feels so deserved. And I think seeing how fast Potimis goes from big deal to nothing that difficult to deal with is really interesting because it doesn’t feel rushed at all despite how fast that change happens? Like it’s interesting to think about that at a certain point Kumoko is sooo OP nothing is a problem of strength but more of tactics you make sure things play out the way she wants.
Also for Potimis I really think Ariel’s words to him sum it up (paraphrasing here) “was a life running from death really worth it?” Because yeah he spent so much time afraid of the inevitable did he ever really live? It’s kinda a good statement on how worrying does not prepare you for tomorrow only takes away from today.
At this point you might be able to tell the difference based on format but even if I don’t already have stuff Written down (most of what I have Pre-Written is Ship Based) I come up with stuff pretty quick! I have many thoughts! Way more than I remember to actually Write lol!
I’ll probably just start signing these Asks with this but: Again my Obligatory Thank You for Asking for my Opinion!!!!! I LOVE KUMODESU WITH MY WHOLE SOUL!!!!
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ivarlover · 10 months
Part 5 (sequel #3 to UNLEASHED and UNDENIABLE)
Alex + Modern Ivar
Mentions of Female Reader + Hvitserk
If you're new here and want to catch up, just go to my pinned master list. The first chapter is UNLEASHED, then UNDENIABLE, and now, UNEXPECTED...
This was supposed to be just a one-shot, but here we are. At this point, I have no idea how many chapters this will end up consiating of. Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I've enjoyed writing it!🔥
Summary: During a hot weekend with your classmate, Alex, and his best friend, Ivar, the two of them had their own fun together. And now, it had turned into an entire relationship between the two of them that neither of them had seen coming. Now, that reality had set in, they navigate the relationship and all that comes along with it, the good, the bad, and the unexpected. Now that they were just getting into the swing of things and finding their groove, Ivar's ex fiance comes back into the picture, and it seems she is sure to shake things up.
Warnings, The sequel in general:
Totally NSFW, unprotected anal sex (male receiving), oral, male to male contact and more, a bad case of the feels, language, smut, with me, there is ALWAYS smut. 🤣 Each chapter will have its own warnings.
This chapter: Language, smut, of course, oral, major case of the feels, *inaccurate medical descriptions, diagnosis, and practices,* Ivar being Ivar
Please leave a comment and let me know what you think!
Words: I don't know; too MANY to count
Let me know if you want on or off the tag list!
Note from me: My apologies for how long this has taken, but hopefully, the length (& content 🤞🏼) of this chapter will make up for it.
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The night hadn't been nearly long enough, but it had been some of the best sleep for Ivar. In fact, he couldn't remember the last time he'd slept quite that peacefully. He'd also expected Ivy to wake up during the night, maybe even crying, but she hadn't. He was surprised but very pleased.
He woke up to Ivy babbling on his chest. Great, she was a morning person just like Alex. He grinned to himself, smiling from ear to ear.
At first, he was disoriented and not sure where he was or what, exactly, was going on, but as he quickly gathered his thoughts, his heart began to pound. He'd been so overwhelmed with emotions, excitement and happiness, he hadn't had the chance to think about everything. Not really. He knew this was going to mean a lot of changes, but he hadn't stopped to really think about being a father and what all that entailed. What if he didn't do it right? What if he sucked at being a father? What if Ivy didn't like him and only wanted to be with her mom? How did he even go about being a father to such a little, perfect gem in the first place? He had a lot he needed to learn and fast. That's when it hit him. What about Katia and her evil plans to further manipulate him? How could he raise a little girl with someone he didn't trust?
Interrupting his thoughts, Alex raised up and kissed him, "Good morning."
Ivy looked at him and giggled, "Hey!" Ivar and Alex looked at eachother, shocked.
"How many words do you know, little one? Humm?" Ivar asked her, rubbing her cheek with his thumb. She turned her head and kissed his hand. "Well, aren't you just a little sweetheart?"
"Just like her daddy," Alex smiled, getting up. "Can you drop me off at school after I shower?"
"Absolutely," Ivar smiled to himself at Alex calling him her daddy. He'd been called daddy before, but never in this context. He laughed to himself as Alex headed out and to the shower.
Ivar left Ivy with Aslaug while he went to drop Alex off at school. He hugged Ivy and she smiled at him, melting his heart. "What am I going to do with you, humm?" He grabbed her foot, tickling it, and she giggled at him. He held her tiny foot up and kissed the bottom of it, as she wiggled her toes, "I'll be back shortly, ok? You be good while daddy is gone, ey?" He smiled at the new name he now had, kissed her on top of the head, and handed her over to Aslaug, stopping to hug Aslaug on the way out.
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As Alex got out of the car, he kissed Ivar goodbye, "I'll catch a ride back with Y/N after class. I'll see you at your place," he hesitated for a moment and then added, "Daddy."
Ivar grinned and said, "Well, it has a whole new meaning when you say it like that, now doesn't it?" He winked at him as Alex closed the car door.
On his way back home, Ivar decided to make a pit stop.
Standing in the doorway of the hospital room, Ivar leaned against it and watched Katia. She'd apparently had a rough night and had to be given stronger medicine to help her sleep. He looked on as her chest slowly rose and fell again as so many thoughts and memories flooded his mind.
He saw flashes of his empty closet the way she had left it the day she left him. He saw the cottage, that he actually still owned, but had never been back to since their weekend getaway, and the waterfall that she'd loved so much. He saw flashes of Hvitserk's snarls in her presence and how he'd never fully trusted her from day one. He thought of himself desperately believing every lie she'd ever told him, even when he'd doubted her, because he'd just wanted it all to be true so badly. He saw the aftermath she'd left behind, all the heartache, the nightmares, the tears, and the empty promises. Everything kept playing over and over in his head. The worst of it all was that he now saw how she'd came back and manipulated him again, using Ivy, her own daughter, against him. She had actually planned to use Ivy to get more money out of him just to only run away with her in the end. How did he know she wouldn't still run away with Ivy now? He slowly grew even more angry than he'd been when he'd made this small detour to begin with.
Looking around behind him at the busy doctors and nurses, he stepped into the room and softly closed the door behind him. Slowly, he moved closer to the side of the bed. Looking down at her helpless, weak body, all he could think about was how easy it would be to end this right now, how easy and nobody would ever even know. He could easily put the extra pillow that was laying in the chair beside him over her face and hold it until she could no longer breathe. He could stop or speed up the IV and watch her as she took her last breath. Things would just be so much easier without her in the picture. She had caused such pain. He had never met a more scheming person than she was.
Fortunately, for Katia, he was already absolutely in love with Ivy and knew there was no way he could ever do anything even remotely close to any of these horrible thoughts, without hurting Ivy as well and he wasn't willing to do anything that would hurt her. In fact, he felt a little guilty for even letting these things cross his mind. A little.
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At that very moment, Katia opened her eyes, startling Ivar. Ivar was standing over her, watching her like a wolf watches its prey. He had a menacing smirk across his face that he had a hard time disguising so he decided not to even try. "Iv-Ivar?" she rubbed her eyes, thinking maybe it was another bad dream, "What are you doing here?" Her heart began to race as he never looked away from her with his piercing eyes. "Umm, do you, umm, do you have Ivy?"
"No. I came to see you myself."
"Umm, oh, ok. You seem tense. Is everything OK? Is she.."
Stepping even closer, Ivar interrupted her, "I thought we should get some things straight here. There needs to be some very clear boundaries and understandings between the two of us if we're going to somehow make this all work," he said coldly.
Katia smiled. She hadn't expected him to be willing to take her back that easily but she assumed that it was because of Ivy. Her heart fluttered at the thoughts of them finally together as a family. "Oh, Ivar. I'm so glad you've decided to give us a second chance," she reached to place her hands over his on the edge of the bed. "I'll follow whatever boundaries you want if that's what it takes for us to try again." She smiled warmly at him.
Jerking his hands away from hers, he took a step backwards. Flatly, he answered her, "No, you've misunderstood me. That's not what I meant. I am not trying to get back together with you again. As I told you before, I'm with someone now and I'm quite happy with him. I'm talking about us co-parenting. I definitely want to be in Ivy's life but I've had enough of your fuckery." He did not look away from her.
"Him? What do you mean, 'happy with him?' You meant her, right?"
Feeling aggravated, Ivar answered, "No, you heard right. I'm with Alex now, not that it's any of your business. You've missed the point. The important thing here is how we co-parent Ivy. Now that I know she's my daughter for sure, I need you to understand that I will not put up your manipulation tactics. I know what you tried to pull with Herald and, Katia, that was low, even for you."
She seemed surprised. "Ivar, Herald was determined to convince you that Ivy is his and everything else was his idea, not mine, I promise you. He couldn't come to terms with the fact that I still loved you, but I do, Ivar. I am still in love with you," she reached for him to give her his hand, but Ivar remained where he stood with his hands crossed over his chest. "Surely, things can't be that serious with you and Alex. I'm so surprised. I mean, you're not a faggot, Ivar. You sure didn't fuck me like you're a faggot. I'm sorry I hurt you so badly that you've resorted to being with men," she raised up in the bed and held her hands out to him again, her eyes pleading, "But let's give it one more try so you can remember what it's like being a real man and being with a woman, being with me."
Ivar saw red. He had a sting of emotions coursing through his body and anger was definitely an understatement to describe the strongest one. He flew at her, finger pointing in her face, "Let's get one thing straight, I am not a fucking faggot and neither is Alex. I do not have to prove I am a 'real man' to you or to anybody else," he snarled, teeth showing. Practically growling, he continued, "My personal life decisions no longer concern you. As long as Ivy is safe and taken care of, that's all that concerns you. I don't care how much you say you 'love' me," he held his fingers up, making quotation marks in the air, "The only reason I need to talk to you at all is because we have a child together. I don't want to discuss anything unless it's about Ivy, not anything about us, not our past, not our non-existent future, no remember whens, just Ivy only. Your games are over. Our past is over. It's Ivy and only Ivy from here on out. There's absolutely nothing else for us except co-parenting our baby girl. We can do this the civil way or we can do it the legal way and I can take you to court and get sole custody of her. And you know I can. Do you understand that? Is it clear enough for you? Those are the boundaries I was talking about. Can we agree on this or do I need my lawyers to draw up paperwork for you, humm?" Ivar snarled at her once more as he took a step back again.
Katia was stunned. She had never seen Ivar like this with her before. Her sweet words usually worked with him. She could tell he had changed and as she looked at him, she realized she'd have to try this another way. "Ivar, I'm so sorry. I-I'm embarrassed of all that I've done to you. And I meant no disrespect to you and Alex. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me and that we can move forward from here, for Ivy's sake. I can abide by your rules. I don't want to involve the court. We can do this like two adults. That is, of course, as long as you can accept my apologies. I won't make any more excuses. I just hope you can forgive me."
Ivar knew, instantly, that this was another one of her angles to try to manipulate him, but as he thought about it, he just wanted to get back to his little girl. "Ok, Katia. This is definitely the last chance. Once you're out of here, and the doctor told me it should, hopefully, be in the next day or two, I'd really like it if I can spend a little time with you and Ivy together. I'd like to get to know what she's like on a typical day, when things aren't all so new and happening so fast for her, hell, for all of us. I'd like to see her in her own surroundings."
Thinking she'd won this round, Katia smiled, warmly, "I'd like that a lot, Ivar. You are welcomed anytime."
Just as he began to respond, the doctor came in. He let Katia know she was extremely lucky that Ivar had been with her when she fell. Had he not been there and gotten her to the hospital so quickly, she may have had major complications.
Katia interrupted him and asked if Ivar could bring Ivy to visit her, giving him a look to not continue with whatever he was talking about. He told them it was ok as long as Ivy didn't stay long and wasn't disruptive to other patients. Leaving the room, he said she should be able to go home the next day if all of her tests came back ok.
"Katia, what are you hiding? It seems the doctor wants to discuss some other condition, but you do not. Are you ok?" Ivar asked, genuinely concerned.
"I'm fine, Ivar," she lied, "I'm not hiding anything. Thank you, but there's no need to worry," she dismissed his questions. "Will you be able to bring Ivy? I really miss her."
"If you say so," Ivar knew her well enough to still question how honest she was being, but he chose to drop it so he could go. "I'll be back a little later with Ivy."
On Ivar's way home, he made another spur of the moment decision. "Mom, can you tell me what size clothes Ivy wears?"
On the other end of the phone, Aslaug answered, "She has clothes, Dear."
"Yes, I know, but umm, I hardly consider Baby Ragnar's sweats as proper clothing for my baby girl. I really would like to stop and pick up a few things for her, you know?"
Aslaug couldn't hide her smile in her answer. She told him and then answered all his questions about diaper sizes, brands, wipes, and maybe a million other questions he had.
Hanging up the phone, Ivar went inside the store to pick up a few items. His daughter should have the best of the best.
Aslaug met Ivar at the door and grinned when she saw his hands full of bags. "I got almost everything out of the car but could you grab this so I can go back for the last thing in my trunk?" Ivar asked Aslaug. Giving her the bags, he went back to his car.
As Aslaug put the bags down on the sofa and the floor in front of it, Ivar came through the door with two big boxes in his arms. "What on Earth did you get, Dear?"
"Well, if she's going to be staying between Katia's and here, I not only need to make this place child friendly, but she needs her own bed to sleep in, not just Baby Ragnar's crib." He sat the boxes down. One was a beautiful, white, wooden bed and the other was a ride on push car. "The store sales clerk suggested this bed since she's going to be one soon. She said that the baby beds are nice but I'd soon need to get a toddler bed, so it makes more sense to get one like this that has the removable side rails for when she's a bit bigger." He pointed to the picture that showed the railing. "I hope she'll like it."
Aslaug went to him and placed her hand on his cheek. "Oh Dear, I'm so proud of you. I've always said you'd be a wonderful father, and you've, no doubt, proven me right. Of course, she'll like it. How very thoughtful of you! But umm, can I ask about your plans with Katia?"
Ivar stepped back, "What plans? I have none. We're co-parents. That's all."
Aslaug smiled at him and gracefully answered, "I know, Dear. I mean have you two decided how you'll be co-parents? Will Ivy reside with you or with her? Will you be required to pay her child support? And I'm not saying I think this is what you should do, but have you thought of the possibility of trying to make things work with her? I can almost assure you that's why she's popped back up out of the blue like this."
Ivar tried to hold his anger as he responded, still clinching his jaw, "Mom, you can't be serious. Have you still not accepted that I'm in love with Alex? I know that's a big pill for you to swallow, but he's not going anywhere. This is not just some fling or some phase that I'm going through. This is serious and he is going to be in my life. I'd hoped you'd try to accept that."
She dropped her head, looking down at her hands, "I do accept it, Ivar. I gather that I have no choice if I want to remain a part of your life. It may take me a bit longer to adjust, I hope you understand," she looked up to him, sincerely, "But, I love you and it's your life so I promise you, I accept you and Alex. I just wondered if Katia tried to persuade you. I don't trust her, Dear, and was worried that you actually might. She always had this way about her that made you believe anything she said, no matter what."
Ivar was surprised. He hadn't expected that response and hoped that Aslaug was being honest. "Umm, thank you, mom. She can try all she wants but I can see through her shit now. You don't have to worry."
As he sat down and begin to unpack the bed from the box to put together, Aslaug told him that she had just put Ivy down for a  nap and hoped he wouldn't make noise to cause her to wake up. As he began to look at the instructions, he answered her other questions about he and Katia and told her about his detour after dropping Alex off to his class. Aslaug seriously hoped that his plan would work out. She definitely had her doubts, though, when it came to him making any kind of agreement with Katia.
As Alex and Y/N came through the front door, laughing about something that had happened in class, there sat Ivar in the middle of the living room floor, papers, screws, wooden bed pieces, stretched out all over the floor around him. "This is just ridiculous! How do they expect anyone to be able to put one of these damn things together safely for their child?" He glanced back at Alex and Y/N. "Come on in. Don't mind me. I'm just failing miserably at trying to make my daughter's life a bit better when she's here," Ivar dropped his head to his hands in defeat.
Alex looked around at the mess and at all of the bags and boxes in the living room floor. He smiled to himself, "What's all this?" He walked to Ivar, greeting him with a soft kiss.
"I, umm, I did a little shopping for Ivy while I was out today," he blushed bright red.
"A little?" you asked, looking in one of the bags and pulling out several small outfits. "These are just what's in one bag," you said, looking around, "And you have what here? Like 15? 20?"
"Well, she has nothing here at all and you know, I missed the last year. I've got some time to make up for. And it's not all clothes. She's got some toys in there, too."
You smiled, "It's actually quite sweet, Ivar." He smiled back at you.
"Ok, let me see if I can help you out some. Alex sat in the floor beside Ivar, searching for a particular piece. "Surely the two of us can get this thing together." Alex looked to Ivar, who had his head in his hands in frustration. "Just breathe and take a break for a few minutes. It's going to be fine."
After plenty of snarls and aggravation from Ivar, the two of them had almost completed the task. Ivar's annoyance was finally dissipating as he put in the last screw and the bed was now together.
He shook it to check it was sturdy. "Don't doubt our work, Ivar," Alex said teasing him. "We know what we're doing," he laughed.
Ivar looked at him and smiled, "Thank you for your help, Love. Without you, I think I would have paid someone else to do it. That was ridiculous."
Alex looked over to you and leaned in to Ivar's ear, hoping you wouldn't hear, "And you can pay me later, Ivar." Alex grinned at Ivar's devilish smile.
At that time, Aslaug walked in with Ivy in her arms. "Look who finally decided to wake up."
Your heart completely melted as you watched Ivar's face light up and his eyes fill with love. Ivy instantly reached for him even though she was on the other side of the room.
Ivar was immediately to his feet and taking Ivy from Aslaug. "Hey, little one. You want to see what daddy got for you?" He walked over to the bed and placed her in it, standing her against the rail with his hands on her back.
"It looks like she can hold it and stand up on her own," Alex said, stepping to Ivar's side.
Ivar looked to Aslaug in a way that she knew he was asking what she thought. "Well, Dear, she's nearly one already. Alex is probably right. Make sure she's holding onto the side really well and try it."
Ivar was apprehensive but he did as his mom suggested. With his hands hovering behind Ivy, he watched her closely. Not only did she stand on her own, but she took one step to the side, closer to Alex, and giggled. Alex bent down and kissed her on the head. "That a girl, Ivy," he smiled with pride.
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Overjoyed, Ivar picked her back up and hugged her. "Oh my God, Ivy! You just took your first step!"
As if reading his mind, Alex quickly kicked the wrappers and papers in the floor from the bed out of the way as Ivar lowered Ivy to the floor. Holding her hands, he let her stand on the floor. She looked up at Alex and took a step toward him, Ivar closely behind her, still holding her hands, trying his best to hold back the tears that threatened to escape his eyes at this proud moment.
Alex seemed to feel the same happiness that Ivar obviously did and he had an idea. "Ivar, let me hold her hands and have her walk to you."
Ivar instantly liked the idea and handed her over to Alex as you and Aslaug looked on, smiling. He squatted down and Alex got behind Ivy on his knees. "Ok, sweetheart. Take a step toward daddy," Alex's face beamed with joy. Ivy looked up and back at Alex as if she was questioning him. "Yes, baby, that's daddy. Walk to him."
Ivy looked at Ivar, who had his hands stretched out toward her. "Dada," she said and pulled her hands away from Alex's. As Alex lunged for her, thinking she was about to fall, she took two small steps toward Ivar on her own. "Dada," she said again as she fell into his open arms. Ivar looked up at Alex and neither of them were able to say a word. Ivar scooped her up and hugged her so tightly as a tear rolled down his cheek.
"I, umm, I love you so much, Ivy," Ivar said to her as he kissed her on the top of her head. He looked around and there wasn't a dry eye in the room. He could only smile as his heart leaped out of his chest. Alex quickly wrapped his arms around the two of them and held them both. He was so happy he hadn't missed this special moment.
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Ivar was so overcome with emotion that he just sat there in Alex's arms, holding Ivy as she giggled. He couldn't even begin to grasp that this was truly his life.
Aslaug cleared her throat and Ivar turned to look at her. "Dear, I'm sorry to interrupt you two, but Y/N is taking me to Ubbe's. He said that he, Torvi and the kids are staying here for a few more days, so I wanted to spend some time with the kids before I leave out tomorrow afternoon."
Ivar immediately felt worried. "Mom, what will I do with Ivy without your help? I, umm, I don't know how to be a father," he panicked, getting up, with Ivy still in his arms, and walking to her.
She lovenly placed her hand on his cheek, "Oh, Ivar, you know more than you think, Dear. I'm just a phone call away if you need me. If she cries, you be sure she's not hungry, wet, or sleepy and you'll be fine. You are wonderful with her, sweetheart. Look at her. She's already in love with you. Give yourself some credit." She put her arms around him and hugged him tightly. "I wouldn't leave if I thought you couldn't do it. Plus, you have Y/N and Torvi still here to help when you need it." She looked to you and you nodded your head to Ivar. "See? I promise you that you'll be ok."
Ivar couldn't help his fear of severely messing up. He knew if there had been someone in charge who deemed him good enough to be a father or not that he definitely would not be standing here with Ivy in his arms. What if he fucked up and she didn't like him? What if he scarred her for life? What if she needed something and he couldn't figure out what? He couldn't help but feel inadequate.
"I promise you'll be fine. Stop worrying. And I'm sure Alex will be here to help, too." Aslaug looked at Alex, "You will be here with them, won't you, son?"
Alex felt a bead of sweat roll down his temple, "Yes, of course I will. I wouldn't dare leave him when he needs me." Alex looked to Ivar and smiled as he placed a reassuring hand over Ivar's, that was resting on Ivy's back, and gave a gentle squeeze.
Aslaug kissed him on the cheek and grabbed her purse and bag. "I'll see you tomorrow before I leave. You can call me anytime during the night if you need me, Dear."
You walked around the kitchen island and gave hugs to Alex and Ivar. You kissed Ivy on her forehead as you told Ivar, "You've got this, daddy." He shot you his devilish grin causing you to blush.
"I've still got it," he continued to grin.
Even in a serious, life changing moment, he was still the biggest flirt you'd ever met, worse than Hvitserk even, and you just rolled your eyes at him. "You can call me anytime as well, Ivar."
Ivar couldn't help how worried he actually felt, but Alex placed his hand on Ivar's back and gently began to rub it, soothing Ivar's fears to some degree. He knew they were right. He wouldn't be alone in this and he was extremely thankful for that. He grabbed Alex's other hand and gently squeezed as Y/N and Aslaug left.
"Well, now's the actual hard part," Ivar turned to Alex. "We need to take her to visit Katia." Alex's heartrate sped up. He was certainly nervous about that. "That is, umm, you will go with me, won't you? I, umm, I understand if you don't want to." Ivar was so unsure about this new territory.
Alex leaned to Ivar and kissed him on his temple, brushing hair away from his face, "Of course, I'll go with you. I'm here every step of the way." Ivar couldn't even put into words how relieved he was.
They went back to the living room and Ivar showed Alex all the clothes he'd bought for Ivy. Everything was absolutely adorable: pretty, little dresses with shoes to match, cute pajamas, and little t-shirts with different characters on them. He explained he wasn't sure which characters she liked so he got something with all of them he could find. Alex laughed at him, thinking how adorable he was. Even her little sweats that he got for her were cute as could be with sparkles, hearts and stars.
They finally decided on a pretty, purple dress with white tights and purple shoes to match. Alex suggested that they gave her a quick bath before changing her clothes and Ivar panicked. "Oh shit! I, umm, shouldn't we have asked mom or Y/N to give her a bath before they left? I'm uh, I got a small baby bathtub, too, but I don't think I actually thought of the logistics of it all." He was beginning to sweat.
Alex smiled at him and placed his hand on his arm. "Ivar, she's your daughter. You're allowed to bathe her. It's not weird. Not unless you make it weird," he assured him.
"Umm," Ivar looked to Alex with pleading eyes, "Will you umm, can you help me?"
Alex smiled, "Of course."
It turned out that Ivy loved taking a bath. She splashed the water and giggled as Ivar washed her. He was thankful she didn't cry. He was already plenty nervous enough. Alex sat at Ivar's side and watched him lovenly talking and playing with Ivy as he bathed her. The more he watched Ivar with Ivy, the more he felt like he was falling in love with him all over again. He didn't realize there was even room to love him more, but seeing him with his daughter and all the love he possessed for someone he'd literally just met made it impossible not to fall even harder.
Interrupting his thoughts, Ivar asked, "Can you hand me the towel, Alex?" He gave him the towel and Ivar dried her off and quickly got her into a diaper for the very first time.
"You actually did that pretty well considering you haven't done it before," Alex said, surprised.
"Nieces and nephews, man. I've actually done this part before," Ivar grinned proudly.
Soon, Ivy was dressed and they were ready to leave. Ivar felt so relieved that this task hadn't been quite as difficult as he'd anticipated.
Getting Ivy out of the car at the hospital, Ivar took a deep breath. Turning to look at Alex, he said, "Surely, she won't make this any more difficult than it already is, right?"
Alex felt the same nervousness as Ivar did, "I definitely hope not, but you know, at this point, she's capable of practically anything." He placed his hand on Ivar's shoulder. "However it goes, I'll be right by your side." He leaned in and kissed Ivar's cheek.
When they opened Katia's hospital door, she looked up and saw Ivar holding Ivy. Her eyes instantly watered up, "Oh, my baby girl! Hey!"
Ivy reached for her, "Mama."
Ivar stepped closer and asked Katia if she was ok to hold her. She said yes and sat up in the bed. He let Ivy go to her. She placed her head on Katia's shoulder and said softly again, "Mama," as tears streamed down Katia's cheeks. Even Ivar couldn't deny how sweet it was. He'd be lying if he said he didn't feel a bit jealous but he understood the feeling of Ivy giving one of her warm hugs all too well.
Katia kissed Ivy on the top of her head and looked back up to Ivar, "Thank you. Thank you so much for bringing her. I've missed her so much." As Ivar was about to speak, she looked to Alex and said, "Thank you, too, Alex. She looks so beautiful. I can tell the two of you have taken such great care of her. Thank you from the bottom of my heart."
Alex looked to Ivar and smiled. He felt this may just be one of the few times that Katia was sincere in her words.
Ivar was relieved to see that it seemed Katia and Ivy had a good relationship. He and Alex sat down and let her spend the much needed time with Ivy. Ivar watched as Katia talked to Ivy and played with her, hugging and kissing her and making her giggle. They played pat-a-cake and Ivar was amazed to see how smart Ivy was. Katia sang a couple of nursery rhymes to Ivy and Ivy filled in a word here and there. Ivar was impressed with how Ivy knew which words to say at the exact right time.
As he listened and watched their bond, he found himself growing angry. He was angry that Ivy was nearly a year old and he had missed so much. He was angry that he didn't have the same type of bond with her that Katia did. He didn't have their special songs to sing together or fun hand games to play with her. He realized he didn't even really know everything Ivy was capable of and it made him even more angry with Katia.
Before he realized what he was doing, he jumped to his feet and punched the bed side table as he yelled, "Damn you, Katia!"
Startled, Ivy began to cry. She buried her head into Katia's chest and Katia tried soothing her. "Ivar! You scared her!" she scolded him as she patted Ivy on her back and kissed the top of her head.
Ivar instantly felt guilty and ashamed of himself. "I-I'm uh, I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me." He turned and abruptly walked out the door. Alex stood and told Katia they'd be right back.
In the hallway, Ivar explained to Alex where the outburst had came from and how he'd gotten so angry so fast that he'd reacted before he'd realized it. Alex understood his frustration but explained how he'd have his time now and how he could only move forward from here. "Do you think I've completely scared Ivy off?"
"Of course not, Ivar. Let's go back to her," Alex grabbed Ivar's hand lovenly. "You just startled her. That's all."
Ivar looked at Alex with hopeful eyes and followed him back into Katia's room. Ivy looked up at him when he walked in. "Dada," she said, smiling at him, and he couldn't help how warm it made him feel inside. He was so relieved that she wasn't still crying because of him.
Katia rubbed Ivy's back as she said, "Yes, my sweet girl, that is your daddy."
"How, how does she even know that, Katia?" Ivar was still so surprised by this new development.
"Ivar, she's very smart. She always surprises me with things she knows and can do. I don't know how she knows most of the things she does. She amazes me all the time. She just really pays attention, I guess, but I do know that talking with her like I always have does help."
He and Alex walked back over and sat down beside the hospital bed. Ivar sheepishly looked up at Katia. When she caught him looking at her, he dropped his head and said, "Umm, I'm sorry for my outburst and for scaring her."
"It's ok, Ivar. I actually do understand. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about her before now." Ivar couldn't tell if she was being sincere or not. He'd grown accustomed to her lying, but he decided to take it either way because at least she'd acknowledged what she did had been wrong. He just didn't feel like discussing any of it there in the hospital, especially not in front of Ivy.
The rest of the visit went well, and Ivar was thankful for that. He learned a lot about Ivy from seeing her interact with Katia. As he looked on, he thought that Katia may have been a real piece of work as a girlfriend and fiancé, but she seemed like she was truly a good mother. He really hoped this proved to be true. He told her about Ivy taking her first steps and she nearly cried. Ivar felt better, now, that they'd been able to set aside their differences for Ivy's sake. He just hoped it would continue to be this way once she was finally released from the hospital.
A nurse came in to let them know that visiting hours were over. As Ivar and Alex stood to their feet, Katia gave Ivy kisses goodbye, and Ivy began to cry, "Mama. Mama, no!"
Katia held her up to Ivar, "Ivar, take good care of our baby girl, and please, bring her back to visit again as soon as you can." He picked her up from Katia's arms and Ivy sobbed into his shoulder, continuing to cry for Katia. "Just take her. Go. I can't stand knowing she's crying like that for me," Katia dropped her head. Ivar promised to bring her back as he, Alex, and Ivy headed toward the door.
"Wow! What a day!" Alex said, sitting down on the sofa next to Ivar, unconsciously licking his lips as he looked over to Ivar. Ivar did not miss it.
"Shit! You mean what a week," Ivar turned up his bottle of beer and finished it in one drink.
"Ivar, it hasn't even been a week yet," Alex laughed at him as he handed him another beer.
They'd finally gotten Ivy to sleep after a very difficult evening trying to comfort her after leaving Katia.
"I, I don't know how good I'm going to be at this, Alex. She's never going to want to be with me over her mom. Katia saw to it that I'd miss that precious bonding time with her by keeping her away from me all this time."
Alex placed his hand over Ivar's, "Don't do that to yourself. You still have plenty of time to make your own bonds with her. Just take it one day at a time. You've got this."
"Well, I sure hope you're right."
They talked a little about the last few days, and Alex reassured Ivar of his commitment to him even with him now being a father. "Ivar," Alex placed his hand on his face and leaned over to gently kiss him, "You being Ivy's father isn't going to make me run away. In fact, it actually does the exact opposite. Seeing how much you love her already, how you took responsibility for her, and take care of her is quite attractive. Hell, if I'm being honest, it even kind of turns me on." He blushed at his admittance.
Ivar looked over to him and said, "Well, you know, I have no objections to you doing something about that."
Alex looked at him and Ivar grinned. "I don't think I'll ever get tired of that devilish grin of yours either," Alex told him as he abruptly leaned over and straddled Ivar. "And if you're sure you're not too drained, I will definitely do something about it. I mean, you do still owe me for my work on Ivy's bed earlier today."
Ivar sat his beer down on the end table and yanked Alex forward, heavily panting into his mouth as he kissed him. "Oh, I'm definitely sure," Ivar began as he leaned forward a bit more and sucked the side of Alex's neck into his mouth causing Alex to shiver. His hands gently caressed Alex's chest underneath his shirt as he mumbled seductively into Alex's ear between soft, wet kisses, "I just want you naked." Grinning from ear to ear, Ivar yanked Alex's shirt off before Alex even knew what was happening. "I want to see your gorgeous, naked body." Alex blushed again as Ivar pulled him into another deep kiss.
Running his hands from Ivar's shoulders to his chest, Alex slowly found the bottom of Ivar's shirt and tucked his hands underneath. He rubbed Ivar's chest softly sending chills all over Ivar's body. Alex pulled away from Ivar and slowly began unbuttoning the shirt one button at a time while staring straight into Ivar's eyes. Ivar started to move Alex's hands away so he could rip his shirt off quicker, but Alex stopped him. "No, let me."
"But you're too," and Alex placed his finger over Ivar's lips.
"I said, let me." Curious as to what Alex was up to, Ivar leaned back, dropped his hands to Alex's hips, and waited for his next move.
Looking up and into Ivar's eyes, Alex leaned down to his half exposed chest and began to give him soft nibbles and warm, wet kisses. Ivar squirmed in delight. When Alex reached the next button, he whispered seductively, "How important is this shirt?"
Looking back at him quizzically, Ivar answered, "Umm, not at all?"
"Good," Alex responded as he lowered his face once more. He grabbed the button between his teeth and with one quick snap of his neck, he yanked the button completely off the shirt and spit it into the floor. Before Ivar could do anything but gasp, Alex had already found the next button between his teeth. He did the same thing as his finger tips gently grazed over Ivar's hardened nipples.
A bead of sweat trickled down Ivar's temple as he watched Alex ripping his shirt open button by button. Once he'd finally removed the last button, Alex's hands lightly rubbed down Ivar's chest the rest of the way. As Ivar watched, he began breathing heavily. Alex grabbed each side of Ivar's shirt and gazing into Ivar's eyes, he quickly yanked his shirt open and off of his shoulders, trapping Ivar's arms at his side.
Ivar, trying to wiggle the rest of the way out of his shirt, breathlessly said, "I can't move my arms with my shirt like this. Can you help me get it off?"
Alex looked up at him, grinning, "Oh, that's exactly what I plan to do." Ivar was shocked. It was usually him who made such sexual innuendos. Alex placed his hand on Ivar's chest and abruptly pushed him back. "Now, sit back, relax, and let me 'help you get it off,' " Alex grinned again.
Listening to and watching Alex assert himself made Ivar even hotter for him. He proudly set back and did what Alex instructed with his arms still restrained at his sides. This should be fun, he thought to himself.
Alex stood up in front of Ivar and Ivar's eyes widened as his heart began to race. "You said you wanted to see me naked, right?" Ivar gulped at Alex's words.
"Yea, umm, I mean, yes!" Ivar practically panted.
"Well, your wish is my command," Alex smiled widely at him as he began unbuttoning his jeans.
"Wai," Ivar studdered, "Wait. Not like this. I can't touch you," he gestured toward his arms, wrapped tightly at his sides in his shirt.
"Guess you'll just have to watch then, humm?" Alex unzipped his jeans as Ivar continued to whine. Once Alex had his jeans open, he looked up to see Ivar and biting his lips, he let his jeans fall. He moved a little until they fell completely to his feet and he stepped out of them and kicked them aside.
Ivar watched Alex intently, standing in his underwear, and unconsciously licked his lips. "Oh, do you like what you see?" Alex flirted.
"Umm, yes, very much," Ivar groaned. He couldn't begin to explain what seeing Alex like that did to him. All he knew was that he liked it. He shyly smiled back at Alex. "Come closer."
Alex slipped his fingers under the band of his underwear and slowly tugged them down as he took even slower steps toward Ivar. Just as he got right up in front of Ivar, he dropped his underwear all the way down, his hard cock falling forward. He stroked himself as Ivar began to salivate. Ivar leaned forward. "Closer," Ivar whispered.
His hands landing on Ivar's head, Alex tilted it up to look directly into Ivar's eyes. He asked, "Are you sure you want..?"
Ivar interrupted him, "Yes! Come here already!"
Alex grabbed a handful of Ivar's hair and yanked his head toward him as he thrusted his pelvis, slamming his hard cock into Ivar's mouth. Ivar choked and Alex began to move back, "Fuck! I'm sorry!"
"No!" Ivar mumbled, his lips still around Alex's dick, "It's ok." He wrapped his plump lips and hot mouth around Alex's length and began to bob his head up and down as Alex moaned.
Alex's head fell backwards and his eyes rolled into the back of it. For someone so shy about having another man's dick in his mouth, Ivar definitely was enjoying himself. He enjoyed knowing he could have that kind of control over Alex. He still had questions about how he'd found himself here, dating, fucking, loving another man, but he knew it was all ok because there was no other feeling like this he'd ever felt before. He wanted to feel like this forever, for the rest of his life. And spending the rest of his life with Alex had entered his mind more than once. He smiled around Alex's cock as he thought of it again.
As Alex moaned in pleasure, it urged Ivar on and he began to suck him more vigorously. Alex opened his eyes and looked down at Ivar. What a beautiful sight, the man he loved taking him in his mouth like a pro, only aiming to please him! But this wasn't the plan. He stepped back, pulling himself out of Ivar's mouth with a pop.
Ivar looked up in confusion, "Why did," and Alex interrupted him again.
"Shhh," Alex pushed Ivar back. "My turn." He settled himself on his knees between Ivar's legs. He began unbuckling Ivar's belt and slowly unbuttoned his pants. Looking up to Ivar, he licked his lips as Ivar whimpered.
"But I didn't get you to finish," Ivar complained.
"Shhh, it's ok. Just lay back, relax, and enjoy," Alex grinned.
"Well, can you at least free my arms?"
"Eventually," Alex teased.
Once Alex had Ivar's pants completely open, he had him raise his hips. With his hands at the waist of Ivar's pants, Alex tugged them, along with his underwear, over his plump ass and down his legs where Ivar kicked out of them.
"Now, down to buisness," Alex winked at Ivar as he leaned forward and began sloppily kissing him. Ivar breathed heavily into Alex's mouth as Alex ended the kiss and began kissing down his neck. He gently left light, wet kisses down Ivar's neck and across his collarbone, sending chills down Ivar's back. He quickly reached Ivar's chest, where he gave little nibbles between wet kisses. His teeth grazed over Ivar's nipples as he bit down just hard enough to make Ivar twitch. Slowly, he kissed further down Ivar's chest while his fingertips lightly trailed behind, leaving chills in their wake.
When he finally reached Ivar's rock hard member, standing ready for him, he licked up one side and Ivar began to squirm. He hovered just at the tip and breathed his hot breath onto it but didn't yet take him into his mouth. He slowly licked down the other side and looked up at Ivar's pleading stare. "Please," Ivar whinned.
Alex grinned up at him, "What? Is this what you want?" He slowly slipped his mouth over Ivar's thickness and twirled his tongue around the head.
Ivar impatiently watched as his desire grew even stronger for Alex.
Alex sunk down as far as he could and began to suck and twirl his tongue simultaneously. His hand found the base and began moving up and down in rhythm with his mouth. Ivar's head fell backwards as he moaned out in pleasure. Proud of himself, Alex continued.
"Please, Alex, let my hands lose. I need to touch you," Ivar pleaded once more.
Alex mumbled, "Nuh-uh," and continued his bobbing and sucking. Ivar was now enjoying the sensations Alex was sending all the way to his core too much to put up a fight, so he just shut his eyes.
The harder Alex's mouth worked on Ivar, the closer Ivar grew to his demise. He was surprised it was so fast, but Alex was just that good. He felt the heat rise from within as beads of sweat rolled down from his forehead. He clinched the edges of his shirt in his fists and his toes curled. He dropped his head forward to see Alex was intently watching him. It was as if Alex's gaze bore a hole right through to Ivar's soul. And it was just enough to push Ivar on over the edge.
"Quick! Mo-move, Alex!" Ivar barely managed to yell out between his heavy pants. "I-I'm com-coming!" He gasped. Alex grabbed Ivar by his hips and held onto him, preventing him from moving, and he sucked even harder and faster. "Ale..," Ivar tried, but he hit his climax as Alex looked up and into his eyes.
Alex felt the warm strings of Ivar's pleasure hitting the back of his throat, and he smiled as he drained Ivar to the last drop.
Panting, Ivar looked at Alex and somehow managed to say, "I-I'm sorry, Love. Fuck! I didn't mean to..."
Alex leaned up on his knees and placed his finger over Ivar's lips to silence him. "Shhh. It's ok. I knew what the results are of going down on you. I mean, that is, if I do it right," Alex smiled.
"You definitely do it right. Damn!" Ivar was still on cloud nine, face flushed. "But what about you? You didn't get to finish."
"Don't worry about it. This wasn't supposed to be about me." He leaned down toward Ivar, "Can I kiss you?"
"Fuck yes," Ivar grinned, "But I need my arms already!"
"Shit, I'm sorry! I forgot all about it." Alex leaned back and helped Ivar out of his shirt. Ivar's arms instantly wrapped around Alex's waist, pulling him closer.
Looking deeply into Alex's eyes, Ivar grabbed both sides of Alex's face, "Come here." Their lips touched and began moving together in a hot, passionate kiss. Ivar's hand moved to the back of Alex's neck where he snaked his fingers through his hair. Alex, still on his knees in front of Ivar, pulled away from him a bit and rested his forehead against Ivar's. "I love you." Smiling, Ivar pulled him in for a tight hug.
As Alex rested his head on Ivar's chest, Ivar wrapped his arms around him and held him tightly. "And I love you," he whispered softly and kissed him on the top of his head
Before too long, they both drifted off to sleep just like that, butt ass naked with Alex on his knees and laying on Ivar's chest, arms intertwined around each other.
Eventually, Alex stirred awake. "Fuck!" he yelped, grabbing at his legs and knees, "How long have we been laying like this? I've got to get up."
As he pulled himself up, Ivar sweeped his own legs up and around and stretched out on the oversized sofa. "Here," he patted his own chest, "Lay back down here with me and place your head here again. Nothing feels better than you sleeping on my chest in my arms."
"Nothing? Are you sure?" Alex teased as he laid down with Ivar, cuddling to his side with his head on Ivar's chest as requested.
Ivar pulled the throw blanket from the back of the sofa down over the two of them. "You're just as naughty as I am, humm?" Alex grinned as Ivar began running his hand through his hair. They both were soon off to sleep again.
"Fuck, Ivar! What the fuck! Wake up!" Hvitserk busted through the front door. "Everybody has been calling you two! Where's your fucking phone, man?"
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Rubbing his eyes at the glare from the bright light shining through the front door, Ivar managed to look up at Hvitserk, who was now standing over him and Alex. "Well, good morning to you, too, brother. To what do we owe this uninvited visit?"
"Hey, I'm sorry to break up your play time. From the looks of it, the two of you had a pretty wild night," he looked around and smiled at the empty beer bottles and the clothes strewn all over the room, "But you need to get up and get dressed. Now. The hospital has been trying to get in touch with you."
Alex raised up off of Ivar, a bit dazed, still, from sleep, and they both sat up, draping the blanket across their laps. "Wait. What?" Ivar pulled his hair back from his face with his hands.
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"Where is your phone? If you would have answered, you'd already know. Katia can't be released to go home by herself. She fell again last night and they said she needs 24 hour assistance until she gets her mobility back, most likely with intensive physical therapy. She can't be left alone, but no medical facility that has the type of therapy she needs here will accept her insurance from Russia. She's going to have to go back home, Ivar, to Russia." Hvitserk hesitated as he saw Ivar's face contort into what could only be described as the devil. "She, umm, that means you have to umm, take Ivy back to her, man. She's got to go home and Ivy has to go with her."
Ivar stood straight up, not caring that the blanket fell to the sofa behind him, leaving him naked. "The hell you say! Ivy's not going any fucking where!"
Hvitserk began trying to explain again and Ivar continued interrupting him. They began arguing and Alex quickly got to his feet with the blanket around him. "Hey! Hey! This isn't necessary. Surely we can find a solution that will help Katia and let Ivy still stay here as well," Alex managed to stand between the two of them. "Let's all calm down and wait until we speak to the doctors." He looked at them both as if scolding them.
"I'll pay for her to stay in a facility here if I have to," Ivar's words softened.
"Man, I already thought of that. You wouldn't believe how expensive it is without insurance. It just wouldn't make sense, little brother, even for the money you have." Hvitserk looked around again, "Seriously, can you just get dressed so we can go? We'll see what we can figure out. It's not right for her to take your baby away again, especially when you just got her. I agree with you. I'll help you hide Ivy if we have to."
Alex looked at them both with worry in his eyes, "First, he's right. You should get dressed, Ivar," he smiled as he looked over Ivar's still naked body, "But you can not kidnap Ivy from her mom, even if she is your daughter."
Alex hoped he wasn't about to make one of the biggest mistakes of his life, but he then said, "Why don't you just bring her to stay here? You can pay for nurses to help with her therapy, which I'm sure will be extremely cheaper, and you'll still have Ivy with you. Not to mention, how good it would be for Ivy to be with both of her parents. Then, when she's better, she can go back to her place and we won't lose Ivy." Alex took a deep breath. He couldn't believe he'd actually suggested such a thing.
Ivar and Hvitserk stared blankly at eachother and then both looked to Alex quizzically. Alex smiled nervously and shrugged his shoulders.
"Whatever, let's go," Hvitserk said, shaking his head.
@istorkyou @chapada010101010 @vero-maris-zamo @lostasalice-thisway @ivarhoegh @lonewolf471 @covidinducedsocialreject @tessakate @noway4u @galaxy-1000
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Up to Snow Good
Fic exchange piece for @katia-dreamer ! I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Read on Ao3 or below!
As Westruun settled back into its previously scheduled, pre-frozen-villagers Winter’s Crest festivities, Percy found himself almost missing the distraction that fighting a dragon had brought. Sipping a mediocre ale on the fringes of the goings-on, he felt torn between finding a reason to stay or just leaving back to the inn and calling it a night. 
A few feet away, a halfling family sat down at one of the feasting tables, siblings clambering over each other and bickered good-naturedly, laughing and shoving each other. Percy felt something abruptly tighten in his throat as an unwelcome memory of previous Winter’s Crests drew to the surface. He lowered the tankard and found someplace to set it, abandoning the half-filled mug on the corner of a table. Some drunk would wind up claiming it he had no doubt. Shoving his hands deep into his pockets, he turned and started trudging alone out into the dark and snow. 
He did not get very far before something cold and hard thwacked him in the back of his head.
Percy spun around, coat flaring out behind him, hand immediately moving to his gun. But there was no threat, only Vax’ildan standing a few feet away with a second snowball in his offhand and a shit-eating grin on his face. 
“What the hell-” Percy started, brushing away snow off the back of his neck, scowling when some trickled down inside his coat collar and melting on his skin. 
“Oh, come on, Freddy. Snow me what you’ve got.” Vax grinned and tossed the snowball from hand to hand silently, like he did everything apparently. Percy shouldn’t have been surprised that the half-elf had managed to sneak up on him, but it still rankled. It didn’t rankle quite so much as what he realized Vax had called him. 
“I’m sorry– Did you just call me Freddy?” Percy got out incredulously, just as the second snowball launched from Vax’s hand with all the silent danger of one of his daggers. Percy ducked, which turned out to be a mistake as Vax had been aiming for his chest. The snowball wound up hitting him square in the face, jostling his glasses and leaving him sputtering. 
Vax’s hand was on his shoulder a moment later, his good natured laugh and smile thoroughly taking the wind of irritation out from Percy’s sails. “You alright?” 
Percy responded by reaching down and grabbing a handful of snow. 
Vax’s eyes lit up and he danced back, steps quick and light over the snow. He wasn’t quite fast enough to avoid Percy’s snowball smacking him solidly in the shoulder, but he did return another shot of his own immediately after. 
It wasn’t long before their antics drew some attention - namely, one particular goliath who gasped and bellowed, “SNOW FIGHT!!!” and thundered towards Percy and Vax like a stampede. Instinctively agreeing on a cease fire to save their lives, Vax and Percy dove out of the way as Grog gleefully dug into the snow, scooping up a truly terrifying boulder sized snowball that glinted with ice in the dim light.
Percy wondered briefly if this was the end, as the snow boulder bore down at them as they tried to outrun it, but then a golden shimmering shield appeared over both Percy and Vax, the snow-boulder spattering against it a moment later. 
“Grog, no ice balls!” Pike lowered her hand as the shield flickered out. 
Any response Grog might have made was immediately cut off by a purple, spectral hand dumping a pile of snow directly on top of him as Scanlan laughed. 
After that, all chaos broke loose. 
It was each member of Vox Machina for themselves as snow was lobbed left and right, flung by hand or magic, laughter and taunts and curses flying through the snow filled night with equal fervor. 
Percy found himself fashioning a small catapult out of sticks and his scarf, setting up shop behind Keyleth’s snow fortress wall to launch snowy missiles out into the fray. Vax ended up face first in the snow after dropping a handful of snow down his sister’s neck, Trinket obligingly sitting on Vax when Vex ordered him to. Pike and Scanlan rode on Grog’s shoulders, raining down snowballs on everyone Grog ran past. 
The entire situation was absurd. And Percy could not remember a time in recent history where he had felt a smile quite this wide on his face. 
How long the battle lasted, Percy could not say. Vax eventually stumbled behind the snow wall, breathlessly flopping onto his back, still with the shit-eating grin on his face that he’d had when this whole thing had started. 
“Satisfied with the war you started?” Percy asked drily, launching another snowball via catapult out over the wall. It connected with Scanlan’s back and very satisfyingly, dropped him off Grog’s shoulder into the snow with a yelp. 
“Quite.” Vax grinned up at him from his back, spreading his arms and legs wide to make the outline of an angel in the snow. “Happy Winter’s Crest, de Rolo.”
Percy let out a quiet snort of amusement. “Happy Winter’s Crest indeed.” 
And it was with warmth in his chest even as he could no longer feel his fingers from the cold, that Percy realized for the first time perhaps since leaving Whitestone, he truly was happy. 
(thanks for organizing the fic exchange, this was a lot of fun! Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year!)
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rudolphsb9 · 2 years
Headcanon that 47 and Litvenko were fairly close. Like, Litvenko couldn't play favorites, that'd throw a wrench into everything, but it appears he had enough of a bond with 47 that 47 tried to put a stop to it when he sensed something was amiss. He just wasn't fast enough to save Katia's mother.
And if the theory is true, Litvenko trusted 47 with the task of killing him and LeClerq, saving Katia if required, and overall stopping Syndicate from making more Agents.
I kind of also want to say Litvenko got 47 out of trouble with the guards and other staff at least once and trusted him with Katia in other ways too.
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semimedieval · 17 days
the beach, part 6: a stupid ass intermission
I am not dunking on Jack, whom I love very much, or on his writing, which had the same balance of strengths and weaknesses as mine, but the fact that we pivot from PLOT to Spark going "Let's bury Obsidian in the sand!" is.... really funny.
Quartz doesn't want to because she doesn't like being mean to Obsidian. I like this sudden entry-point of self-insertiness for Quartz, who – with the pillow fights and sand-burying and such – sometimes has trouble having the sort of silly teenage fun that she's all for earlier in the narrative. I turn my No, But (which Jack laments loudly, and which I felt guite guilty about) into a legitimate and very sad character moment. I really like Late August Katia's dedication to making Quartz a more real character.
Seeing Spark's slight dissappointmenr, she sighed. "I guess I'm overprotective, right? I suppopose I'm just afraid of getting onto Ovsidian's bad side.." Spark looked up. "Oh, that's it." She smiled. "It seems stupid, but he's important to me..." Something touched her eyes for a second, then she shook her hair in a carefree way and called, "Let's go swimming!"
She pivots so fast. Then Spark finds a message in a bottle and I have Lorcan say that's cliche while apologizing for it out of character, which seems like a huge waste of time. Rim shares chips with everyone. I'm about to be convinced that the note is an act of plot importance, when –
Spark held the note up to the sun. "Oh Spark, my love, your eyes aglow like the midsummer's sun, your hair dancing in the wind. How I wish you were mine, dearest." "CHARLIE!!!!!!!!" Spark roared, tossing the note into the water in her anger. Rim burst out laughing, unable to stop. When his laughter subsided, he jumped into the sea, picked up the bottle, and came back up. He scribbled something on a price of paper in sparks handwriting. He shoved it into the bottle and put the lid on. He tossed it a few meters away, so that it looked like spark had answered him. Then w walked a distance away and started digging a pit. "RIM! WHAT DID YOU JUST WRITE?!?" She screamed, kicking and flailing in the water. She tried to retrieve the bottle, but a huge wave pushed her back, she tried again. Another wave. Again. Another wave. "That's not fair, Rim! controlling the water like that!" Rim grinned. "Relax, it says; Meet me at the big rock, two hours before midnight; and you'll be standing on the rock, and he'll come along and fall into the pit. Then we all come out and help him out, and he helps us revive Tozi. Trust me, it'll make him feel usefull and accepted if we tell him we wanted him to help us." "I see.... Yes....... Yes..." she murmured slightly smiling.
Then the gang gets into making a big sand pit trap for Charlie. Looks like SOMEBODY gets to be buried in sand after all – and then the gang breaks for lunch. Rim makes "chicken salad sandwiches, lamb and tomato sauce sandwiches, and honey sandwiches." Ky declares that she "Loves Mediterranean!" which is cute, even if it makes no damn sense.
Augustine comes back! Where has he been! We are back to 'sheer vibes' themed roleplaying – Spark goes into town. Chuji walks around on the beach and thinks. Spark twists a curl of her hair. Augustine declares that he just watched an amazing AMV. Spark takes note of all of the cute boys in town. Spark buys heels and breaks them immediately. I bother Jack about when and where shililings where used as currency. CHuji imagines herself in a white dress, then berates herself for "turning into Quartz." Chuji picks up stones, Spark comes back from town, Quartz asks Quartz how town went, Lorcan bothers Obsidian and does not get engagement, and starts bothering Chuji instead, who explains that it "takes a while" for Obsidian to get talkative.
Quartz and Spark talk. Yippee!!!! Roleplaying used for its intended purpose? For real?
"How was town," Quartz asked Spark. Her anger turned to humour. "Oh nothing. One thing, never wear heels. Do you hear me?" "I'll keep that in mind," Quartz said softly, almost to herself.
I like the sense of unearned wistfulness that Quartz has about wearing shoes. Maybe it's because Obsidian threw all of hers out.
Lupus is mean to Ky about her calling him "Prince Charming," and Ky hits him with "It was a compliment, genius." Lupus doubles down and calls her annoying. Was I mad at Jack or something? Leave Lupus and Ky alone.
The stars come out. I assume that the plan is to do Soul Pearl stuff but everyone keeps appearing and disappearing, which makes it difficult. Quartz questions Tozi about the experience of being a ghost, which is cute, and Obsidian tells her to be respectful of Tozi's #boundaries, which is also sweet.
Everyone talks about where to find pearls. God this fucking section of story is such a nothingburger. Also Rim - wait hold up Rim and Quartz are talking again YIPEEEE let's get real with it.
it turns out that Rim doesn't leave the pearls with Quartz – instead, they leave them at the beach.
Rim looked through the pearls, tossing them into a pile. "Nope, not that I expected them to be one of them though" He said with a shrug. "Someone can have 'em if they want" "Nah, let's leave them here," Quartz suggested. He nodded smiling at her. "Good idea, someone else would get better use out of them then us." Rims logical mind was whirring trying to figure out where the pearl could be, what were the pendants for, and why the heck did sandwiches taste so good?
Rim gets scary visions from looking into the pendant. It's kind of LOTR core, which I think is a fun direction to take the pendants and should be a more real dimension in 3.0 and (if I ever write the damn thing) Next Gen 3.0.
She stared at the most and at Rim. "What happened? Did you feel anything?" Rim was slightly shocked. "Umm, if you count having a vision as something…" He was trying to understand what had happened. He flipped it over, and as he thought, it was smooth. "This is, this is only half..." He muttered, then louder; "We should try and find the pearl, we can work out what this is when we have time."
So we're back to a set of silly indecisions about HOW THEY SHOULD FIND THE SOUL PEARL! Jack declares that he and Augustine didn't plan this far, even though we later learn that Augustine did. Quartz rolls her eyes at Obsidian's Watermelon PTSD, which is both kind of mean and kind of funny.
Jack makes a call (yay! I love calls! I should HONESTLY have been more active about getting the two of them to come up with a real plan – we were in school together, the option was fully available to me!!!) and with moopy's help, decides that they're going to get the soul pearl from a dragon attack. To my eternal gratitude, the dragon attack starts, and this very very silly interlude ends completely.
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the-firebird69 · 1 month
Chrysler ME Four Twelve - The Exotic From Detroit
And John realard is announcing it and he's wrong about most of his facts he's terrible this car is a V12 it has a lot of horsepower a little bit over 900 and it goes extremely fast we don't know where he gets it figures he's wrong $890 mph top speed and it is a supercar. It was produced this way for about 8 months and they made about 30 of them and they couldn't handle the pressure and they took over the company got rid of Dave Thomas and they killed him and they couldn't do the job and they still can't they can't do anything. And sit there and they bother one person we have to get rid of them and the car is not in production at all Chrysler is still assembling and they're making some parts it's just like the other automakers we are not planning on keeping the company up and our father and mother just changed our plan and we do see why one reason is that they participated in finding it and it was the guys too and they want this car they want it back in production and pronto. You were looking for people who want to sign on to Chrysler and start this company back up there's a couple reasons and our son and daughter mentioned the minivan and that's a big one you have a new style no this is what works and it's front wheel drive and it's very nice the other reason is the super car it's one of the fastest and its production and it just does not happen with any other company even the Ford GT can't keep up with it and there's nothing like it that's an American production car McLaren is not as fast and McLaren is still producing and they're doing well they're actually making cars it's not the pseudo empire it's so they're doing it and they're making a few but really they're not making that many it's the same stinker stuff and son wants to make the Chrysler supercar and fill the orders all over the place and beat people up like McLaren which is really our son and daughter's company and we have to beat him up from particular reasons and yeah we can't handle it LOL it's brush was great this is causing us to be jerks no we'll probably actually fall through with it because we can't help it it's a lot of pressure. She wants to build this car and compete with them and he wants to get in the race circuit whether or not Chrysler as a whole is continuing by them will pick it up using the end that supposedly stopped the company and he we like it all the guys like it too and the car will be approved a little bit and be a little faster and safer and lighter but really pretty much is really cool. And right now John Riva learned is not assembling Chrysler at all which is very strange there's a few people doing it and they say if you send the parts we'll put the cars together we need them and 2025 models were designed they're a bit better than the earlier year so few things that are better as less plastic it's lighter not massively but it is and it's easier to put together and there's some features they can leave off they say but we'll ship it is laughing but there's a few of them and we will start making parts and the guys are up and they're getting ready and they're going to do it this company is huge with them and he wants to have a race team together is expecting them to be on it and bring Hera along
They're going to do that and get her in the driver's seat and we're going to beat Sherry that's the whole thing she didn't go 800 miles an hour but she beat the track record so Hera wants to do it and we have to build a new one and she agrees and really it should be able to and it's going to be a fight but she'll have to use one of her characters like Katia. And she's smiling she was a beauty queen as the other one but Katya was a race car driver and the other girls imitate her would be a big trouble.
Now this sounds pretty good to us
Thor Freya
Now I'm talking this is going to be great and it's threatening our son with this Dave Thomas stuff and we are going to threaten him and he's going to get hit and we're going to take his stuff and we need it now all over the world this fight is good intensify between him and the clones and it gets way out of control were going to start taking the stuff out where we are it's not too hard and we're taking factories already at some Chrysler and Dodge some Pontiac and we did mention Pontiac but we're not reviving The Brand yet and there hasn't been a big call for it and he says there's nothing like the Grand Am with a G6 GTO it is true too the second sleeper car like a Audi and it would look more like one so we're going to think about it because this sucks and trying to relearn doesn't want to do it but Terry cheesman might. It says you're right it's like two companies and their major players the whole point is regardless of Trump's negligence there's two big shots that you're fighting and you're not fighting them and you couldn't be fighting them with the car company and bja wants to so they're thinking about it and they wanted to take Pontiac hell take Chrysler. So then Trump would be using it the way leeia coca was saying he was and he was lying. So we're going to print
Frank Castle hardcastle
I get to race car driver that's terrific it's because of Sherry now we're talking that guy might not be useless after all. They say that fleet is heating up but I don't see it and then like 8 million or something and 10 million heated or 12 million and so they say it is there's a sitting there all the stuff's happening
We might stop doing that this is a good idea I see what he's saying too Dave Thomas was saying he's competing with those other two companies and usually they're back proper in this case the same thing and nobody has anything to do with that and we're going to be driving nothing yeah everyone's been saying it and I get something too you bring the supercar back first and everybody will want one that's too much and bring it into the racing circuit I'm probably trying to do that
Robert s
What's funny as I hear this stuff in the background like you'll probably have the regular car with all the doodads in it and be smoking a cigar or racy racing and probably true and probably still win
I don't see why not
Robert shaker
This freaking blows I can't stand this s*** no this is better now I understand the problem this guy doesn't know the math and doesn't remember it is not on track and yeah this is a problem
Tommy f
It says competition the other two might get up and fight and force new cars instead of nothing just with the math proper one
Zues Hera
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nvrcmplt · 6 months
"I love you." Artem's voice was gentle through the phone as he leaned against the window speaking to Renji on the other side. He was relaxed, his shirt halfway undone as if he was getting ready for bed. He always loved to call his mate closer to the time that it would be for bed.
He wasn't sleeping well, frankly, he was sleeping like shit but he always did when his mate wasn't around.
"We are coming home in a day or two. Everything is almost handled here." Hearing the door he waved, knowing it might be someone that had a key, which was a small list of people. Probably Katia waiting for him to braid her hair so that she didn't have it messy when she woke up the next morning.
"I miss yo-" There was a loud bang through the phone, it dropped, Artems growl vibrated through it, then a scream, a loud one and something returned, fire maybe. It was muffled and loud through the phone.
It was quiet, a moan of noise on the other end and Renji's name being said over and over again, a gurgling noise ended one of the sounds of Renji's name and then nothing. A sob quiet and female before the phone was picked up.
Katia was shaking as she took in the way Artem's chest had a huge ass hole through it. She was covered in blood, her body attempting to figure out how to stop the bleeding, but his body was already attempting to heal. To fix it.
To get to his mate.
"Renji." Her voice was soft, gentle even as she swallowed a little. "I need you to listen to me carefully, can you do that?" Her heart was feeling like it was slowly being crushed, but she had to do this. She was-Taking a deep breath she turned her feelings down, and turned her Alpha on and up.
"A car is coming to get you, Liam is driving. I need you to get into that car as quickly as you can." She tried not to sob into the phone, tried not to let Renjiknow what was happening. She was sitting in the floor of their hotel room, covered in blood as her brother was attempting to breathe, unable to, choking on his own blood.
"Do not tell anyone where you are going. Okay-" Noises as she spoke to someone in the room, Liam and Dacian who were attempting to move Artem. "He's-He's gonna be fine okay. So just get here as fast as you can. Eva knows the protocol. We are on lockdown okay. I can't say more than that." She didn't want to.
She felt the pain of losing a mate once and she was going to do everything she could to make sure Renji never felt it. The sticky blood on her hands her body shaking as she attempted to stand up but her body wasn't working so she kept kneeling as she hung up the phone, unsure of what she was going to do now.
She couldn't do this without him. Her brother was the other half of her. They were to live until they decided to end it together or he and his mate decided to go.
She knew that she couldn't do it without him and she knew that Renji couldn't either. None of them could.
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"Yeah?" He was smiling stupid, giddy to hear his alpha on the line and to be cradled in the last jumper shared before Artem left for his mission. Attention to the world through the window where Renji sat for the call as usual. "Love you more, missing you like crazy here." He wasn't to lie, his yearning for Artem at his side was something he could call it to be an itch. A painful irritant that won't stop from being there in the corner of Renji's mind. His wolf only calmed when wearing Artem's clothing right now.
Renji was about to ask when his love was coming home, but Artem already said it - it made him smile wider, excitement in his gut, toes wiggling against the cushion under his soles as he turned his attention to the bedroom. It was spotless, smelt like fresh rain and lemongrass but mostly them. Under it all, the depth of their love was within these walls, the floorboards and pillows. Renji was so happy here, glowing and awaiting his Alpha to return to him. "I can't wait. I need your kisses." Like a light needed power, Renji felt dim, low and small without his lover.
Addicted like any addict, but he also knew it was because of his wolf. They were inseparable, the distance was only allowed so much before Renji knew he'd be stepping outside this house to go get his lover back. "You, missing me?" Renji fished, giggling to himself when Artem started his reply - however, he'd never get the full statement. Not when his own ear too rang from the sudden bang that he was familiar with… Though he was still in disbelief as he blinked the sudden ringing aside when he could hear something else. "Artie?! ARt! ARTEM!" Renji didn't know when he fell from the side of the windowsill, but it didn't matter, scrambling to his feet to stare at his phone.
Panic was swift in his lungs, just about to shout for his family downstairs, but Katia's tone made him flinch and reach out to place the phone to his ear again. "K-katia? What's going on? Artem was just, that bang? Katia?" Renji felt his throat tighten, choking on his next question only to be alpha'd on. Her tone wasn't shaken, though he could tell, it wasn't to be questioned right now. He had to shut up, do as he was told… Artem, oh Artem. Not his lover. "Wait, Kati-!" The phone hung up, his heart throbbed, his gaze rose with pure horror.
Artem… no, no no no no. That was a gun, that was a fucking gun! Renji wasn't a street-rat without knowing what those sounded like in any manner. His shoulders trembled, his teeth sinking into his lips as he squeezed the phone in his palms. He wanted to call her back, to demand what happened, to tell him what was going on, but he knew, she wouldn't. So, he rose his hand to smack at his own thigh, the sting was enough to get him moving.
Tossing off the hoodie and tugging onto actual pants and his shoes - he grabbed the nearest hoodie to wrap himself up in again. Its smell was fresher, it was enough - as he buried his nose into it and inhaled deeply. Artem was safe, he was okay --- he was. He has to be. Renji didn't look up when he heard the engine pull into the driveway… His fingers trembled as he moved towards the window again. Shaking like a leaf, he watched Dacian climb out and that face, oh that face. Renji wanted to scream, they were holding it together like himself.
So - he did the stupid thing. No one was meant to know where he was going, so Renji just ripped open the window and practically jumped out. Falling onto the hard ground but merely grunting as he broke his fall by being semi-feral on his hands and feet. "Go, g-take me, tell me, can you tell me anything, Dacian?" He didn't take their hand to straighten up, instead his glowing gaze fixated on them. "Tell me, is he okay?!" He was being shushed, he knows he shouldn't be loud, but he couldn't help it. He was so close to the answers! But when he was merely pushed into the car - Renji could only bite his wrist and calm himself.
The drive was rough, he was in and out of sobbing - of calming himself down - of making himself less loss. His chest felt hollow and cold, so he held it and curled his knees tight to his chest. "Faster Dacian, get me to him now." He was hissing, growling with all bestial demand. He felt like he could run faster than this to get to Artem's side, so he could only sigh in relief when Dacian began to turn into a new place. Renji didn't wait for him, yanking the door open after snapping the seatbelt in his escape to sprint up the stairs and smash into the door. "Let me in, let me in, LET ME IN. KATIA… Katia! Where is he!? Artem! Answer me!"
0 notes
prerodinu · 10 months
She was trying not to breath too loud. Fingers gripping onto the knife that she had gotten.
A breath, deep inside of her, lungs expanding and her fingers slightly curling around the hilt a little tighter. Whiskey hues glanced around, looking for a glitter of something.
There. An oak tree.
She remembered his words whispered into her ear before the blind fold could come off. A cat and mouse game she always loved to play as a kid.
Hide and Seek.
Who was seeking and who was hiding was always up for interpretation. For the moment it felt as though she was seeking. She tucked the dagger into it’s sheath (she would look back on this as mistake one). A quick glance around, use of her wolf hearing but not of her eyes. (this would be mistake two) Even in the dark she could see without using them. No one was around but her. She could get to higher ground, she could possibly see him.
She started to climb, nails digging into the bark of the tree, Her back was turned, (that would be said that it was mistake number three. Though it was ironic, whatever she did she had to have her back out) feet getting purchase before she started.
That was until she was yanked down. a large hand grasped her waist, pulling her down to the ground. She had managed to get self landing on her feet, (mistake number four she should have rolled away) arm reeling back to spin away from the man who grabbed her.
She wasn’t fast enough
She was never fucking fast enough.
A wire was pressed to her throat. It was held tight behind her head. She was small, the hands holding the wire had her picked up struggling against it. It dug into her neck and she couldn’t help but struggle.
Her mind was going blank
What did he tell her to do?
She moved her fingers up, touching the wire to attempt to bring it off of her neck. (mistake number five) It burned, how did she not notice, the silver etched into her skin and she felt the wolvesbane slowly leaking into her blood. She gasped, her head swimming with the knowledge that HE had taught her.
Another gasp. Claws digging at her own throat, trying to get to the wire.
“Think Katia. Fucking think! God damnit what the fuck do I always tell you!”
The voice was hot in her ear screaming at her. She didn’t know. Fuck she didn’t know!
She felt the way her mind was growing hazy. The way she couldn’t feel her legs any more. She didn’t know how to breath. She couldn’t even if she wanted too. The wire was ready to snap her neck in half.
“I am disappointed in you Katia.” That voice. She coughed, the blood coming out of her mouth was runny and black. Inky black that made her stomach churn and bile rise in her throat.
She was supposed to remember, remember how to get out of a choke hold. Get out of the danger zone. She had to keep herself calm, she was supposed to remember.
“Make a list of mistakes and we will try again tomorrow.” She couldn’t speak so she just nodded at her father’s figure walking away from her. The wire left down by her side. He would have another for tomorrow, one stronger, and if she decided not to remember, she could die.
She touched her neck, the crimson coating her finger’s made her frown. She wouldn’t be able to talk, at least not for a while. She’d have a scar. Ear to ear under her jaw. She grimaced.
The boys didn’t like the girls who had scars. Not that it mattered her father told her she was going to marry someone. It wasn’t her choice. It was for the pack.
Everything was for the pack.
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a-prekliatyvlk · 4 years
I think the great thing about Katia and Artem is they both sorta correct each other. Katia is all do first and ask question’s later. Artem is a ask question’s first take action afterwards. So in a fight they are lethal together because Artem make’s sure katia know’s where to hit first instead of just going off her instincts. 
That being said she doesn’t have her brother around? She won’t stop until someone is dead. Her or the person she is fighting. It’s her nature after being made to kill her own kind for so long. Kill or be killed. Getting into a fight with her is a one way ticket. Either you survive and you killed her or she kills you. Unless her brother is there and then well. Then you have a shot at living. 
Katia is powerful in fighting hand to hand combat or with knives. 
Artem is powerful in strategy. 
Underestimating either of them is a big downfall in a fight. 
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Very much based of this scene. 
‘Sally’ is Säel’s deadname. He wasn’t out, or even aware of it yet, on this drabble. Also  characters on this drabble are children.
CW: enviormental whump; implied war;  child whumpees; fantasy whump; implied bullying;
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The friend group was all together: Sally, Katia, Lucas, Neo, and Shar. For once, they were doing something that truly felt like an adventure, unlike exploring, over and over, the same, safe woods around their homes. 
Sally of course was thrilled. They had seen plenty of different plants and even found some abandoned constructions. There wasn’t much value inside, but she managed to find a few trinkets here and there that were stuffed in her pockets.
But, while it started lightheartedly enough, the more they distanced themselves from the safety of the Goodlands and left behind the magical barriers… the more the tension increased, as did the devastation of the landscape.
It started with the greenery. The grass and leaves slowly turned to a yellow and pale white color, that indicated sickness, until they were surrounded by only dark, dead trees, and finally, open fields. Nothing  grew on the red dirt, other than some thorny bushes. Even the sky color seemed to shift to a dirtier, dusty tone. The very pressure of the air seemed strange, as the world was suffocating, and the sounds seemed to travel miles and miles more than they should.
“We should had back” Katia said. She had been against this from the beginning, anyway, but she always was  “T-those guys are just bullies anyways, we don’t need to prove them anything!”
“We accepted the challenge!” Sally protested, crossing her arms, little wings opening as she pouted. Some older kids had called them all cowards and ‘not real adventurers’, before telling them about a way to leave the barrier. She was dying to prove how wrong they were.
“My parents will kill me if they find out” she tried again.
“Well so let’s make sure they won’t” Lucas, the oldest kid in their group said with a smirk. She liked him, he was always up for challenges… But also, maybe because he was older, he felt the need to protect everyone else too “...Don’t worry Kat, we’ll walk a bit more then head back, just see what’s behind that curve-”
“O-ok…” She relented, sighing.
“Honestly, yeah. This place gives me the creeps” Neo says, kicking a rock around “And it’s boring. There is just… dust everywhere”
Dust. Nothing really grows on the badlands… Or so they say. Sally knows for a fact some people still live there, so… There must be some way to grow food. Some way to survive. The thought sends a bitter taste to their mouth. It doesn’t look… hospitable. 
The field behind the curve is even worse, covered in the burned leftovers of houses. There are guns, armour and skulls idly on the floor, and they seem to have been there since forever. An uncleaned battlefield. 
“It’s getting cloudy” Shar comments, looking up at the sky, as a dark swirl of clouds forming “Think it will rain soon”
Lucas frowns, stopping to look at it. It was forming… a bit too fast, Sally notices.
“Maybe we should go back…” Shar tries “Katia is right”
“What? Now you are scared too?” Neo says, crossing their arms.
“I don’t… it’s just… something about that doesn’t feel right….”  Shar shows their tongue, not happy with being seen as a coward.
This brings the entire group into a short debate. One that Sally would be very heated up about, if she hadn’t become… fixated on those clouds… twisting.. and swirling… and calling for her. For them. To be elevated. 
Join us. Join our thousands of souls… In the sky…
“A TORNADO!” Lucas screams, snapping them back into reality “we need to go, NOW!”
This time, the group does not hesitate. 
The first steps are easy, but the monstrous wind is faster. It’s coming for them, to consume them. That thing is alive, and Sally knows it. The steps gets harder, as the wind pulls them back towards the center of the swirl. They hold each other, little feet sinking on the dirt, trying to pull away.
...Hands on hands, they make some progress… until… Someone lets go. 
Katia has her eyes back on the tornado, wide and glassy. 
“It’s calling for me-” she says, terrified, but bewitched “I have to go…”
“KATIA WHAT THE FUCK-” Shar screams, but they can’t hold her. Not when they need to hold each other and move to even hold any ground.
So, the girl walks towards the thing. She belongs to them now....
“NONONO!” Sally screams, yanking their hand from Lucas’. He tries to hold her back, but she is quicker, the wind, carrying her as she tries to hold onto Katia. The girl fights her.
“It’s calling for me Sally. They want me, they - they need me. They are grieving…”
You can’t escape from us, the tornado sings.
She wouldn’t be able to tell why but… she slaps Sally’s face hard. It works, as she looks, a bit disoriented, as Sally tries to hold her, wings folded, trying to cut the wind. 
Lucas, Shar and Neo formed a bridge, Lucas offering his hand while the other two hold onto the carcass of a house. With some struggle, Sally and Katia get his hand, and the group starts moving again, searching for somewhere - anywhere - they can hide.
And all the gods must have blessed them as they find a small cave - really, more of a hole on a rock - under a narrow entrance. Barely enough to fit all of them, but it keeps them safe as the tornado rages outside, and a thunderstorm roars.
They all manage to go home, many hours later. 
They agree not to talk about this ever again, but the truth is… they don’t really speak much to each other after this, anyway.
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nitia95 · 3 years
I'm gonna write this down before I forget
High-school AU x My wh ocs and the Dragonkins, headcanons
She sits by the window and always sketches something: something that happens outside, bored doodles about the professors, sleeping or weird expressions of her classmates
Art club (if they exist)
Her book are full of doodles
The type to doodle her tests
In her free time she sketches around the school
Loves the hot chocolate of the café near the school, she goes there almost every day during winter
Lunch time is always shared with Serge, her boyfriend
The amount of sweets!
They do eat something nutritional, but it's a really little amount compared to the sweets
Sometimes they are joined by Randy, Klaus and Sigurd
They like to tease Klaus for various reasons
Likes to decorate her hair, but sometimes she uses pencils as hairpin
Sometimes she does art commissions for students
The type to run down the hallways
You'd be surprised to know that she never bump into anyone and no professors saw her running. But some of them know
She's part of the athletic club, together with her cousin Ted
They are an unbeatable duo of runners
Nitia usually asks her to pose for her because "she has the best form and dynamic"
"wait a second, you're running too fast!"
"this is my usual pace, just draw faster!"
"can you do this and this?" shows doodles of the poses
"Nitia, no way I can do the split. Ask someone else"
Her grades are not so good, minus P.E.
She studies with Nitia and Ted, but still can't manage to learn much. She just can't understand!
She'll be saved by Felix
They meet while chasing a wounded, stray cat
Katia almost got into an accident, but thankfully she was fast enough to run away from the street and saved the cat
They took the cat to the vet and decided to leave it to Felix
Chatted a lot on the way back
They both heard of each other at school
After that, she'd go find him to ask about the cat, then they get to know each other more and fall in love
He helps her to study and use similarities with animals and things to help her understand. She finally gets better grades
She eats a lot, and careful about her health, but also likes sweets
Like animals and has a cat at home
Felix, Lacan and Willem:
Felix's a year older than Katia and the youngest of the famous Dragonkins brothers
Willem is the oldest and Lacan is the second son
Felix and Lacan are near in age while the age gap with Willem is larger since he's already a professor
Felix's the top of his class and also has some fans, but he's kind of unapproachable and reserved
He cares a lot about animals and do some voluntary work
Usually seen with Lacan, sometimes they are briefly joined by Willem
Trust me when I say they look like coming out from a painting or a photo shooting set
They look so good together that their fans go crazy and take lots of pictures
Some may have fainted in those rare, short meetings
Willem has fans too, but Lacan is the most famous one and has a huge fanbase
Lacan's the captain of the football team and everyone knows and loves him
At one sport festival, Lacan told Felix about Katia, praising her
Felix was left with a big impression from her performance and secretly became a fan of her
The chase after the stray cat was unintentionally his chance to get close to her and he was really happy
He took good care of the cat
It's a really messy list, probably there's lots of mistakes because I'm in a hurry and it's late. But I'm satisfied with this!
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taptroupe · 3 years
evergrace chapter 11 FINALLY LET’S GO LET’S GO
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This would happen if darius did not push the two out of the way in the first four lines of this chapter. yes. lmao. 
they’re teleported into the lab, which has a dome like ceiling, very spacious, and with markings engraved into the walls. the light of the magic circle fades away, and....
Immediately, Darius pushes the two out of the circle. Right in front of his eyes, a roaring flame crashes into the floor, making a wave of red. The fire dies down, revealing who other than that small child... Trandin. 
And behind him, standing on a shadowy pillar was... ooohooo.... The Morpheus.... or something like that
“Hyohyohyo, you’re here, you’re here. I’ve been waiting...”
“Give Sharline back, now!”
“Hyohyo, seems like that little missus is very important to you, isn’t she?”
Morpheus pointed a skinny finger to a corner of the room. [i swear the lab is circular]
Against the walls of the circular lab, several enclaves sealed off with green glass. In one of them, a small, enclosed room where Sharline was held. Turning to face Darius, she seemed to be shouting something with all her might as she hit the green wall of the room over and over.
“Indeed, the Cycle was a big help, a great lab rat to aid in freeing this country from its binds. To let go of such a test subject, never!”
Sharline pointed to another room beside her. There was another woman, the same person who kidnapped her back at the Human Research Lab. The woman who saved Sharline’s life - it must’ve been Sienna.
From behind Darius, Orladin and Ralbadora jumped forward. [there’s a metaphor here for jumping as fast as rabbits, please imagine they wavedashed] Trandin’s eyes seemed to dart from left to right, confronted by these two -
Darius readied his spear, forming a ball of ice palmira at its tip. Blasting it off, a countless number of shards were aimed at the young boy. But, a wall of light appeared, and it probably melted those shards or threw it back at darius, whatever works. Trandin, weakened temporarily by his epic flex of power, floats to Morpheus’s side.
“How, Trandin, how can you already be at your limit? I gave you the ultimate weapon, the Alcrest! Did my readings on the Cycle go wrong somewhere.... Useless!”
“Prince Orladin, it’s an honour that you came all this way. These two men are here to save these two ladies, but you’re here for Princess Lismur, aren’t you? How about you look through this door, then?
Hyohyo, what a nice man I am, aren’t I? However, you’re the one who left the princess behind in the castle - she must be in so much pain, don’t you think? I’ll let you meet her again.”
Morpheus, standing atop his shadowy pillar thing, raises a hand. A certain green wall in the back disappears, and out comes black, black ivy... Ivy that entwined the princess, slithering out...
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An overflowing wave of black seemed to approach Orladin, who was standing with sword gripped tightly. Watching the whole spectacle, Morpheus simply laughed to himself full of satisfaction, as if dancing.
[the descrption of lismur comes from the rieubane castle chapter. blonde long hair, blue eyes, a red dress. . ...................... i had to make her naked here at least i wouldn’t be reminded of katia and get too horny to translate more LOL DON’T READ THIS DON’T READ THIS PART]
Suddenly ralbadora tries to hit morpheus while he’s laughing, but the man in black armor is deflected by a shimmering wall as usual. An assortment of blades, all engraved with dragons, all trying to break through that protecting light wall. But only sparks of beautiful green light came out.
“You! There was another Palmira soldier you had at your disposal?”
Waving a cane, Morpheus launches a purple ball of energy as Ralbadora, but he’s cool and just jumps backwards before opening his mouth to speak (coolly).
“I have neither the Crest nor the Alcrest. The Palmira soldier you (derogatory) speak of, it is not I (politely)”
“What? So you’re another one graced by the Cycle?”
[note the usage of grace. heh. lol. yeah when they say evergrace the grace bit is meant to refer to “being chosen” or “favoured”]
“My power comes from The Mother of All Things. I do not know anything regarding this Cycle you speak of. For your senior of your age, I suggest you get off that platform for your own safety.”
“Hyo, say that again! The one backing off will be you lot!”
From the ground underneath Morpheus, a ring of light appeared, hitting Ralbadora’s feet. Well, obviously it’s gonna hit his feet, right? From his platform, Morpheus raised a shaky finger.
“Hyohyo, now look well. To the little miss you call Sharline, keep your eyes glued!”
Darius was in the midst of the battle with Trandin, when suddenly a groan reverberating through the air made his body freeze up.
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From beyond the green glass wall, Sharline was grasping her head, body hunched over in pain.
From atop this black platform, Morpheus raised a finger, and suddenly Sharline’s body lifted from the floor - with the floor below her crumbling.
[you can probably guess the floor below her is probably you know, air]
“Don’t move! If you do, this girl will...”
“Morpheus, you motherfu - URGH” 
Trandin’s ball of light hit Darius’s chest, blasting him away. probably sending him flying, can never tell with tobasu
Orladin, who had given up cutting the ivy intertwining around him, seemed to be entranced into the pale arms of the princess.
Ralbadora, at least, could slowly approach Morpheus, letting out a weakened voice.
“That girl is important to us... As she is to your research, isn’t it?”
“A good assumption, but no. I don’t have any sentimentality for the little missus. Sure, Trandin wasn’t the right research sample at all, but the use for that is all over now.”
As Morpheus’s finger danced, so did.... i’m sorry sharline..... So did Sharline’s body, violently shaken around in midair. Ralbadora could only look on in anger, as Morpheus laughed loudly.
“And now, you can’t even run away. Only pitting three people against me? Just foolish! For believing you could even try to oppose me, I suppose I’ll just turn this girl into Palmira.”
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“TURN INTO PALMIRA?!” Darius groaned.
“Fascinating, isn’t it? Whether it be Billiana fruit or a human, both can be transformed into Palmira. If we’d known this sooner, there sure would’ve been a lot less waste.”
The three could only watch as the cheerful Morpheus continued his monologue.
“Hyohyo, Trandin, fetch the Crest if you could please.”
Trandin floated over to where Darius was, and landed in front of him. Extending his small hands out, Darius tried to shield himself with his own arms.
“Hyohyo, a tug of war, is it?”
“Trandin, stop it!”
A spiral of yellow light appeared before Darius, unfurling itself to be none other than Krisalis. She fluttered noisily at Trandin’s emotionless face.
“Trandin, can you hear what I’m saying? It’s me. Please, stop this.”
“What in the.. You’re... No, it couldn’t be...?!”
Upon realizing Krisalis’s appearance, Morpheus turned his head towards Sienna. Beyond the wall, her head was slightly lowered, with her hands resting on her chest, unmoving.
“So if that’s how you’re going to be, one ridiculous thing after another... Then you’re next!”
Morpheus raised his hand, and suddenly Sienna’s body................. BENT BACKWARDS?! JISHO!?!?
Krisalis let out a wail of pain.
“.....Tr... an..... din.....!”
The bird-like shape disappeared, leaving nothing but a spiral of yellow light left in front of the boy’s eyes.
But, slowly, his eyes grew wide.
“Mom..... my?”
no agetec, not mom, my. mommy
As the yellow light gently embraced the boy, he turned around and looked at Morpheus. And he flew to him, as if an arrow flying from its bow.
Of course, the reflective wall around Morpheus repelled the boy, but only for a moment. In a flash of light, the wall came crashing down.
Morpheus, still focused on Sienna, was knocked down from his platform. As he tried to get up, a short sword swung by Ralbadora struck him.
“Trandin?! Wait, no, how, impossible..!”
A green, glowing sword with a polished tip plunged deep into the robes that Morpheus wore. His body leaned uncomfortably backwards, cane on the ground. This is basically old man dying i’m skipping this tiny portion.
The blood stained the robes black. Painful breaths, veiny arms, clawing over to Sienna’s wall.
“Why... Now... You’re going to destroy it all... Your very purpose.... Your reason to live.... Destruction...
Truly, you both are... A demon...”
A shaky finger pointed at Sienna, who kneeled down in her cell. She had a face of sadness, listening to Morpheus’s groans of pain, she tried to say something with nothing coming out. 
With great effort, Morpheus raised his finger once more.
“Why.... Does this world.... have something.... like you.... a demon... exist? Everyone..... was..... alive......”
“I’m sorry..... Even I...... Couldn’t do anything.... Not a single........”
Sienna turned away.
“My..... To Medina, I..........................................”
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With that final word, Morpheus’s arm dropped to the ground. 
And that was the last of Morpheus’s strength.
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