#he's like Hmm what would a person who doesn't suck do. Oh i know!
lakesbian · 1 year
still stirring thoughts on how to articulate the deeply tragic dynamics w/in the undersiders around in the soup pot of my brain. on an unrelated note, alec vasil is a character who will have me going “awww he’s trying so hard ♥ so proud of him” because he had the bare minimum decency to ask “how is he” about his friend who got sawtrapped
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hvaneyflowers · 6 months
Christmas will really be Christmas
Charles Leclerc x femreader!
After breaking up with your long-time boyfriend, your best friend is trying to make you feel happy. So she invited you to a Christmas party when you met someone new.
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yourusername: summing up: men suck! 💔
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"You can't be here crying for a man like him!" your best friend told you.
It has been 3 months since your break up with your boyfriend of 5 years, and here you are, lying in your bed still crying for him. It wasn't easy, less in this time. Christmas feels different without him. You haven't decor your house or going shopping as you usually do. Instead, you just cry and cry all day.
"I'm trying," you told your best friend, covering your head with the sheet.
"So try harder," she said, rolling her eyes.
"I am, believe me!" you cry.
"Hey, don't cry. I'm sorry for what I just said. I just... I just want you to be happy and not crying for Leonard. He doesn't deserve you," she tried to comfort you.
"I know. I just... I don't know... This is really hard," you said.
"Listen, I know how to help you," she gave you a smile.
"Oh, no, please," you begged.
"I'm throwing a Christmas party at Mike's house. Well, his mother is throwing it, but I'm helping her. So, I told her about your situation, and she thought you should go. It will be good for you. Believe me," she told you.
You weren't so keen on the idea, but know that it wasn't the best for you just lying on your bed and crying all day for your ex-boyfriend who would be away in the Bahamas with his mistress. It wasn't good for you, and you knew it.
"Fine. I'll go," you said, giving up.
"Fantastic! Now, you need to shower, and we'll go shopping for a new dress for the party!" she celebrated.
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yourusername: went shopping for the first time in weeks. I didn't know how much I needed it. Thanks @.yourbestfriend for taking me with you. Love you!
view all 100 comments.
username1: So happy to see you're doing well!
username12: Stay strong! I love you!
username9: He didn't deserve you! You're amazing!
yourbestfriend: love you, baby! Now, no more crying for that piece of s**t!
yourusername: ❣️
username2: There'll be someone better in your life. You just have to wait!
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liked by 30.000
yourusername: happy to be here!
view all 130 comments.
username5: YEAH! You're back!
username8: Slaying as always!
yourbestfriend: love you!!!
username98: so beautiful!!
username7: Please, never stop smiling!
username23: YES, QUEEN! Show them what he lost!
username76: amazing!!!
username4: Am I hearing a Christmas lover?
You looked up from your phone and the post you had made not more than 3 minutes before. Yes, you were happy to be there, but it felt strange to you. Everybody was with their partners and children, and you were alone. You were sitting on the couch next to the fireplace alone. You were looking at the fire for so long that you didn't feel when someone sat next to you.
"Hey, are you alright?" a French accent asked you.
"Hmm?" you answered.
The person next to you laughed a little at your confusion. That was when you looked up to see them. Sitting next to you was the most handsome guy you have ever seen. His face looked like it was carved by the Greek Gods. Oh, man. Were you heartbroken five minutes ago? Yes. Are you still heartbroken now? Oh, hell, no.
"I asked if you were alright. You don't seem too happy to be here," he repeated.
"Really? Oh, I'm really sorry. I mean. I'm happy to be here with my friends and everything, just... It's not the happiest time for me," you said, frowning a little.
"Christmas isn't the happiest time for you? Why?" he asked in disbelief.
"No, no Christmas, but the time. I broke up with my boyfriend a few months ago and haven't moved on. This time, the holidays just remind me of him. It's fucked up, I know." you explained, throwing your head back.
"Actually, I understand. I'm living the same. My girlfriend of 6 years and I broke up at the beginning of the year, and now she has another boyfriend, and it's hard, so I understand." he gave you a little sad smile.
"We're screwed up, aren't we?" you laughed a little so did him.
"Yes, we are," he agreed.
You two sat there in silence until he broke the ice.
"So, are you doing anything special this Christmas?" he asked.
"I'm not sure. I was thinking of ordering food and watching some movies. Nothing special. Just me being lazy." you answered trying to not think about it. "And what about you? What are your plans for Christmas?"
"Well, nothing special. I'm going home for the holidays. I'm from Monaco." he said.
"Monaco. That sounds really fun!" you laughed a little.
"Yeah, it is. You know? I have an idea. Why don't you come home with me? I can show you around, and my family will be happy to have you. They're incredible, believe me. You'll have a lot of fun." he gave a smile that made your heart melt. He looked so handsome.
"I-I don't know. I just barely know you, in fact, I just met you. What if you are a serial killer who kills women for fun?" you said skeptically.
"Well, my name is Charles Leclerc. I'm 26. I'm from Monaco, and I am a Formula 1 driver for Ferrari, number 16, so you can cheer me up." he smiled.
You looked at him in surprise. You couldn't believe what he had said. He was a Formula 1 driver, and not only that, he was inviting you to go with him to Monaco. You. Of all the people in the world, he was inviting you. You, who were a mess because of your break-up and haven't met him before. He chose you for a strange reason you didn't know.
Charles looked at you with a little smile. He didn't know why he asked you that, but honestly, he thought you were the prettiest person in the party and the world. He wanted to spend time with you, and inviting you to his home in Monaco was the best way to do it. Well, that was what he thought.
"Are you serious?" you asked, still in disbelief.
"I am. We'll have a good time, I promise you." he smiled.
You thought about it for the rest of the party. You weren't sure about accepting, but again, you weren't going to do something special for the holidays, and Monaco sounds like an amazing plan to do. Maybe, just maybe, you could have fun after months of being depressed. Charles didn't look like a bad guy. He was very lovely and fun to be with. You couldn't stop imagining being with him as a couple. Yeah, you should go to Monaco.
"Have you think about it? Will you come with me to Monaco?" he asked, handing you your jacket.
You were about to leave your friend's boyfriend's house, and he insisted to accompany you to your car. That was so sweet of him. You smiled when he asked you that again. He was nervous and looking at the floor. You took his hand in yours and smiled. He looked up at you with hope.
"Yes, I'll go with you." you smiled.
He smiled immediately and hugged you. He whispered some words in French in your ear before letting you go. You were happier than in the last three months. This was incredible. He was incredible.
"You won't regret it, I promise you," he told you, giving you a big smile.
And you believe him. And he was right, you didn't regret it.
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liked by charles_leclerc, yourbestfriend, and 80.000 more.
tagged: charles_leclerc
yourusername: Christmas will really be Christmas since now... ❤️
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 5 months
Summary: Steve and Eddie bond over hating Billy Hargrove, and then they suck face.
Steve dove into the closet and leaned against the wall, sliding a broom through the handles of the storage closet. He sighed in relief as he leaned his head back. He froze and tensed up when a pair of boots appeared under the door. They stood there for a moment before stomping away. Steve moved back into the storage closet and turned around to find the light. Suddenly, it came on, and Eddie Munson was staring at him, only inches away from his face. Steve jumped and stopped himself from screaming outloud.
"Did you just lock me in here with you?" Eddie asked.
"Sorry, Hargrove is out there, and I do not want to face him," Steve said quickly.
"Keep that fucking broom exactly where it is then," Eddie said and slid to the floor. "And have a seat."
He patted the floor next to him, and Steve plopped down beside him.
"You hate him too?" Steve asked.
"With all my fucking heart," Eddie said. "Honestly, a little scared of the guy too."
"He's definitely a psychopath. I don't enjoy the way he stares at me or follows me. Normally, I wouldn't have a problem if a guy has a crush on me but this guy. . . Especially ones who nearly murdered me. . . Well, if it anyone else, I'd be asking for his number, but his personality is way too ugly," Steve said.
"So, you don't really care who knows that you like guys?" Eddie asked.
"I like both and no, not really. I figured you would be safe with the hanky and all," Steve replied.
"Oh, that's just a cool metalhead thing. Does it mean something?" Eddie asked.
"Yeah," Steve grinned.
"Damn. Okay, well, that explains some things then," Eddie blinked. "Not that I'm complaining or anything because I like both too. It took me a while to figure that out."
"We all figure things out on our own time. We get there eventually," Steve shrugged.
"Yeah," Eddie said softly. "I never thought I'd meet someone exactly like me, though. Bisexual. I mean, there's Hargrove, but I'd rather gouge my own eyes out. You know, most people think we have the same taste in music. Sure, he listens to heavy metal, but what that jackass mostly listens to is glam metal like Motley Crue. He's a Tommy Lee wannabe douchebag. Normally, I respect all music but I hate Tommy Lee."
"He dresses like a douchebag too," Steve said. "He's abusive to everyone, including his own stepsister. He's racist too. I had to pull him off one of the kids I babysit. He nearly caved my face in."
"He's a fucking monster. His father's just as monstrous, I heard, but it doesn't justify him passing it on, especially if it's his kid stepsister. Honestly, I'd rather have you back as king," Eddie said.
"Seriously?" Steve asked.
"If you think you were bad, think again. I wouldn't even classify you as a bully. You actually tried to keep some of those jocks in line," Eddie said.
"I just never thought it was all that funny that they did that. It never made sense," Steve said.
"Well, then, it makes you a million times smarter than they are, big boy," Eddie said, nudging him.
"You know, I think he's probably gone by now," Steve said.
"Or he's lying in wait," Eddie whispered, leaning in close to whisper in his ear.
Steve could feel his breath against his skin, and he shuddered. Eddie placed a hand on his leg and caressed his knee gently.
"What are you doing?" Steve asked softly.
"Getting closer to you, it's kind of scary out there," Eddie said coyly. "What's your favorite kind of music?"
"Hmm, I'm not sure if I have a favorite kind. It's kind of all over. I don't really lean towards one genre. I do, really like Queen and Bob Seger," Steve said.
"That's respectable. Queen always rules," Eddie said. "I've listened to Bob myself."
Eddie moved his hand from his knee to his chest, rubbing his ringed fingers against Steve gently. He was practically snuggled against Steve’s side. Steve looked down at his hand before finally looking at him. Their faces were very close now, their lips almost touching.
"There's something that I didn't tell you," Eddie whispered.
"What?" Steve asked.
"What eventually led me to realize I liked both. . .is you," Eddie said.
"Yeah?" Steve asked hopefully.
Steve leaned forward and closed the distance between them, his lips pressing against Eddie's in a soft, tender kiss. Eddie moved against him, cupping the back of his head and pulling him deeper into the kiss. Steve opened his mouth, allowing Eddie's tongue inside. It wasn't enough for Eddie, however. He needed to be closer to Steve. He threw his leg over Steve and straddled his waist as he sunk down into his lap. Eddie gasped and licked into Steve’s mouth as he gripped the nape of his neck. Steve broke the kiss, gasping for breath.
"Freshman Steve is screaming inside me right now," Steve said.
"Wait. . .you've had a crush on me since you were a freshman?" Eddie asked.
"Loser," Eddie cackled and kissed him deeply while Steve laughed against his lips.
Steve broke the kiss again, grinning.
"We should probably leave before we develop a problem," Steve said.
"But Steve, what if he's still out there?" Eddie asked and paused. "Besides, what if I want to develop a problem?"
Steve laughed and leaned his forehead against Eddie's.
"If he's still out there, I'll protect you," he said teasingly.
"Steve Harrington, my hero. Well, come on, big boy, let's face the music," Eddie said.
They stood up and slid the broom out of the handle. They opened the door and slowly walked out of the closet. They looked both ways down the empty hallway. The coast was clear.
"Wait, why were you hiding in the closet?" Steve asked.
"I hook up with the janitor sometimes," Eddie replied.
"You do not! Art is a happily married man," Steve said.
"Okay, so, I don't," Eddie cackled and paused. "Wait, why are you on a first name basis with the janitor?"
"I eat in the storage closet sometimes," Steve said. "When I can't use my car."
"Not anymore. Art is going to have to be disappointed. You're sitting at our table from now on," Eddie said. "Jesus H Christ, storage closet and your car? I want to eat your face."
They walked down the empty hallway, their pinkies brushing up against each other's occasionally.
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denny-artsss · 16 days
How abouth you...
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Make some more ribbun scenarios? Hmm?
*takes moni* now we talking
Gangle: *walks up to Ragatha to comfort her, as she sees her being upset*
*they both talk for a while until Ragatha feels better, while Jax watches from a distance*
Gangle: *after making sure Ragatha is okay, she leaves to go in her room, only to find Jax in there* what are you doing in here again?
Jax: I saw you comforting dollface a few moments ago. How sweet of you really, so sweet it gives me digital diabetes.
Gangle: *raises an eyebrow* jealous?
Jax: what? NO. *crosses his arms*
Gangle: Then why are you bringing that up? And yes, I'm just gonna completely ignore the fact you keep stalking me like a lunatic.
Jax: BECAUSE! I want you to do the same thing to me. She seemed to feel better so-
Gangle: same thing? You mean- comfort you?
Jax: Obviously.
Gangle: I mean- you're kinda the main reason anyone here is in need of comfort in the first place, so ... what would you need comfort for?
Jax: Oh, like having your whole life being taken away from you, turned into a silly game, fearing abstraction daily, having to act happy so you'll belive you have nothing to fear anymore and mask your true emotions is nothing to need comfort for.
Gangle: Oh my God Jax- do you really feel that way?
Jax: no I was just reading from your diary *holds it up*
Gangle: *snatches it from him* just tell me why you need comfort!
Jax: I'm trying to find a good reason! Give me some time damn it!
Gangle: Jax. You don't need to find a good reason. Just tell me THE reason.
Jax: I feel like everyone hates me
Gangle: that is because everyone hates you
Jax: thanks for the comfort.
Gangle: I know you don't care about if people like you or not. Tell me the real reason.
Jax: THAT IS THE REAL REASON! I just want to have one person who likes me so I can have someone to use to my advantage! That will always take my side. Is that so hard to believe?
Gangle: no. It isn't. Not when you put it this way. Thing is you can't just USE people. They will eventually leave if you mistreat them. I wish you'd understand that.
Jax: Well, Caine uses us, and we can't really leave.
Gangle: well- he- doesn't do it with Evil intent- I'm sure.
Jax: Wow, ribbons, you suck! You're supposed to validate everything I say.
Gangle: *looks at him with an annoyed expression* I can give you a hug if you want
Jax: I don't need a hug. What am I? 5 years old?
Gangle: suit yourself-
Jax: *hugs her tightly* Don't tell anyone about this.
Gangle: *hugs him back* like this is something I wanna brag about.
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 4 months
not sure if anyone's asked you this before/yet, but so you have any opinions or thoughts of the relationship between all of the pantheons? general relationship and possibly some more personal ones?
I've read many different headcanons and fanfiction where people have mentioned their thoughts on it, but nothing they've ever gone into detail about.
there's nothing really preventing them from interacting *👀 I keep remembering the smallest tiniest hint of freypollo we got* but that doesn't mean they go out of their way doing it, yk?
The pantheons I'll be mainly focusing on are the Greek, Roman, Norse, & Egyptian ones. I'll probably make little nods to other ones too tho :3
Don't be surprised if this mainly centers on Apollo XD He's my guy <3
Let's kick it off with these two!
"But aren't they the same-?"
Nope! The Roman pantheon started off as their own sets of gods - the thing is, they had very little myths written down so we don't know much about how they were characterized :(
Howmever. We do know that when they were synchronized with Greece's gods, you can see the little differences between them - for instance, the Roman gods were more Forces Of Nature than gods who went out and Did Stuff, like Greece's.
Jupiter for example! He didn't have the "fucks around" rep Zeus does! Jupiter from the Roman's perspective didn't go out and do much. He rooted on Aeneus, yes, but the myths of his children weren't quite as popular in Rome as they were in Greece (probably because they were. ya know. Greek heroes, and not Roman)
And Apollo. Oh, Apollo...the only major god who didn't have a Latin equivalent.
Rome loved you so much they adopted you and went "no. no. he was always here. no we aren't lying. see? he's in the Dii Consentes!" XD
Fun Fact: Apollo is basically multiple gods in a trench coat. Paion (Mycenean), Smitheus (Mycenean), Aplu (Etruscan), Apaulinus (Hittie), Grannus (Celtic), ect were all Apollo-equivalents who historians have concluded to be past incarnations of Apollo!
which is INTERESTING because...do those gods still exist in the RRverse? Are they connected to Apollo in some way? Are they little voices in his head? DO THEY HAVE DRINKS TOGETHER?
I have questions and I need answers.
Greek & Egyptian
Saving the Norse for last because we all wanna save Freypollo for last <3 the best for last lmao
Which sucks for him because Apollo has friends in Egypt XD
I do think Apollo and Horus would be friends! Not only are they both associated with the sun in some way, but they were actually identified with each other when Greece met Egypt!
Greece: Oh so you have a super-powerful son of the king of the gods associated with light? So do we! :D
Egypt: Oh my gosh we do! :D
You know the myth of Typhon? Apollo transformed into a hawk to escape, and you know who has a hawk head?
Horus. :D
also Horus took over the thrown from Osiris - sure, not in an overthrow way but still. he overthrew Set and claimed the throne
sounds like something we all want hmm...
Also, I headcanon that Helios and Ra go WAAAAYYYY back and Apollo only met Ra like. once. before Isis did her blackmailing and Ra disappeared.
So when he rolls up to the next sun god meeting he sees Ra and is like "wait what who are you- OH WAIT!"
Apollo: I'm over 4,000 years old-
Ra, pointing: BABY
(Headcanon that Ra & Amaterasu are like. the defacto sun god 'leaders' who keep the meetings rolling. Amaterasu was very tired when Ra disappeared and she had to wrangle these fiery gods together XD)
(Also Helios thought Horus was a lil' upstart XD)
Finally, I also saw someone else mention that Apollo could have learned some Egyptian magic and used it to create the border of CHB!
Headcanon Hecate snuck along with him and it's their little secret :3
Greek & Norse
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Green highlight is where Greece is. Blue is where Hyperborea is (see this post for details)
In that post, I came to the conclusion that Apollo Totally Definitely Has Met Norse Gods BECAUSE OF HIS WINTER VACATIONS!
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FREYPOLLO LIVES (<-knows very well it's basically already canon XD)
Fun fact: the people of Hyperborea were most likely the mythological avatars of the Norse people! :D
Apollo takes a trip across the Baltic Sea and flirts in the Stockholm tavern and that's how Freypollo happens <3
Other Pantheon Thoughts
Hindu: This thought came while I was creating my @underrated-lovers-of-apollo-poll - Apollo & Indra!
They shared an elephant ride that one time! Wouldn't it be fun if they also kissed? :3
also Indra is a storm god with thunder and lightning think of the angst-
Shinto: Amaterasu taught Apollo Japanese when he discovered the haiku for the first time - sadly, only Athena ever bothered to learn it to experience the haiku in its fullest. pushing my sibling agenda again haha
Because haikus always sound better in their native language <3
Hittie: This connects to the 'Apollo trenchcoat' thing earlier - if Apollo is like. the current form of Apaulinus, would the Hittie pantheon like. drop in from time to time like 'heyyyy we miss you <3'
Apollo: *trojan war flashbacks*
Apaulinus was heavily associated with Wilusa, whom historians have confirmed was Troy, and Apollo's first temple doesn't show up under AFTER the bronze age collapse and the war happened BEFORE that happened meaning HE WAS APAULINUS WHEN THE WAR HAPPENED MY HEART-
i need to look into more pantheons. it's so much fun making these connections and coming up with headcanons for the RRverse :3
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aro-geo-turtle · 3 months
Malevolent Part 40
ahhhh im so hyped. ok lets do this. oh this is going to be so long
plans going pretty well so far, the masks all being unique probably isn't great if someone figures out that arthur and noel aren't the people who are meant to have those masks
arthur showing off his genius smart brain! go arthur! and noel gets to be a little clever too i suppose
you're putting in "getting to know oscar" as a whole??? thats way too big! what if you completely forget he exists?! ohhhh and it makes john realize just how much oscar means to arthur :((((((
damn this is a really big organization. and this leader guy really sucks. why is his voice so annoying? I don't know what i expected but of course this organization is fully of generally shitty people
new leader is definitely larson. yep.
YELLOW!!!! :DDDDD MY GUY! Murder that random shithead who i almost thought was oscar for a split second! you can act as high and mighty as you please, i know what you're really like
at least channeling yellow wears larson out, that's a weakness
i really don't want to know where larson intends to take the order
Arthur, John doesn't want to kill Yellow! that's another version of him!
"I wonder who is playing who?" larson's almost certainly playing yellow
John :(((((( come one buddy
omg is yellow stealing john's memories?????? uh oh. that's...bad.
"a large bizarre looking object" very helpful John. Automobile sized??? damn that is big. fucked up space machine???
uh guys? have you forgotten that the vizser can HEAR john??? Ok direct confrontation. let's hope this goes well.
OH NO. he's about to reveal john's identity to noel oh shit.
oh boy super smart brain helmet. ok. elder? ...and they serve the great old ones. ohhhh they're going to release yellow. hmm. but does this mean that this could give john his own body?!?!??
...dying? is...that happening to arthur and john? oh no.
actually that's a good point, they might be able to get the cult members on their side.
oh no reckoning time. ok i can't decide if they've been saved or doomed.
larson being awful awful larson as usual. oh hi butcher. fancy seeing you here.
...why do he want to separate John and arthur?...maybe Yellow would absorb the rest of john
mutual friend??? Larson you never fucking met him.
ahhhh repeating the words from part 12. fuck.
can't delay him finding out any longer. echoing part 12 once again.
oh ok, multiple fallen stars, this group has the gray one, so the black one is probably another one somewhere else. so the grey one is an artifact of the Beholding then.
"...or it can show you where you left your keys." PFFFFFFF
"allow" them to return to the dreamlands, please. we know you have no intentions of letting that power go. yeah me and john on the exact same wavelength
arthur you're kinda the last person who Yellow would be convinced by.
"a pet" OH DAMN! YEAH YELLOW COME OUT HERE AND SPEAK YOUR PIECE. arthur buddy if you want to get him on your side, insults are not the way to do this.
poor noel has about 10% of the context to understand what is happening right now.
the truth is that arthur's sorry. come on arthur say it say you're sorry. come on. YESSSSS yep that it that's it arthur! he actually did it he actually apologized :,)
come on noel come in clutch. ive been pretty sus of you but if you can save us now. aw damn noel taking this leages better than i expected but he's also absolutely about to sacrifice himself, this is a death speech for sure
noel im sorry but this is not the king who tortured you. he has no clue who you are
WHAT. Butcher???? OMG twist of the century!!! what the fuck! no way! fuck yeha!
"Till the end" yepppp
arthur it really really might kill john tho. you don't know how this works, john's the one feeling it.
shut the fuck up larson. and this fight is bringing back some s3 arthur energy oh boy
oh no john oh no john he's lost again. no no no no his name!
noel... is this it?
omg john projected!!!!!! john projected!!!! they're fighting!!!!! they can talk face to face oh my gosh he sounds so cool.
yellow baby :(((((
the undefeated :,)))))))))
...and there it is. goodbye noel. rest in peace
you have to let this thing with larson go arthur. its the only way to forgive yourself.
one part of me is saying that if they leave larson alone to get the stone he's going to do something bad, but the other part is saying arthurs needs to leave larson be for character development
now time to see if my theory about why john cares about the stone is correct. i think i am. he's desperate to get it. i have a bad feeling about this. touch it???? that seems bad.
arthur? did kayne freeze time again? yep. yep yep yep. did they run out a time limit?
oh interesting. ha john's grown beyond his beginnings! yes! he can't fit anymore! ohhhhh shit. he sent him back to the dark world????? oh shit.
choices choices choices. it all comes back to choices.
i don't trust how happily ever after Kayne is making this sound.
john you've got to tell him right away. you can't put it off. he'll be mad but you'll get past it like you always do.
ohhhhhhhhh. oh boy. damn Kayne. i mean arthur you obviously knew he was hiding something, i he wasn't at all subtle about it. this is honestly probably better than the alternative of John trying to get up the courage to confess for ages.
pointing a gun at Kayne is a terrible idea. OH GOSH. welp. ok then.
excuse me are we getting kayne lore???? the crawling chaos? a spawn of Azathoth? Damn i don't know how to spell that but people called it???
ok apparently i can agree with Kayne on one thing and that is that larson sucks. and i can agree with larson on one thing and that is that i do not get what kayne's saying either.
ok than blind him! go for it! yellow and larson trip to the dreamlands? What did he do to noel? "Maybe Spain"????
yep a test, of course. uh oh. what is this?
damn. I have no idea what this means. where are they going? what will next season bring?
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branmer · 2 months
💛💚💜🤍🖤💕🏳️‍🌈 for b5 >:DDD
I want all of them but I am being So Good and not asking for all of them ;_;
for this meme
ooooh excellent choices, and yes you are being so good <333 i am very proud of your restraint
💛<__< >__> i don't know if it's accurate to say i can't get behind them but i'm not really into londo/g'kar. years ago i probably would have been 'fuck yeah londo/g'kar!' but over time ive just come to prefer their relationship as a complicated frenemy situation, i'm not even sure i see g'kar liking londo so much as he understands and pities him and feels a loyalty to him because of their shared history. i'm also increasingly a bit hmmm re sheridelenn but mostly because jms really sucks at writing relationships and the further it went on the more delenn just got slotted into the wife role rip s1 delenn
💚treating neroon's deathbed conversion as legit and not just a political manouvre. that man doesn't have a priestly bone in his body >:( also special mention for chad neroon, a characterisation that has marred many a marcus/neroon fic. and generally any characterisation where neroon gets over his xenophobia too quickly!
💜i will die on the hill that branmer is sexy and evil idk if it's really unpopular in fandom to say neroon is hot but we do periodically get people going 'ew neroon????' so i'm just gonna throw down for my guy 😤😤😤
🤍shakiri i joke, i joke, but more seriously my answer for this is less one specific character and more broadly that i think the entire situation with the castes was probably more complicated than what we see on the show (or the books) and it's interesting that people tend to take unapolagetic villain shakiri as being representative of the caste generally, rather than neroon, who is more ambivalent (while still being a dick haha). i find the whole religious caste = good, warrior caste = bad stuff very reductive especially since we see many in show examples of the religious caste absolutely fucking unhinged. i also think it's v interesting that no one in the warrior caste really put up a fight when shakiri got backstabbed by neroon and defeated by delenn in the starfire wheel. i guess you could put that down to minbari having an intense respect for tradition and ritual but... this is also a caste that just broke a thousand year minbari do not kill minbari rule and idk... it just speaks to something interesting going on behind the scenes with this guys!
🖤delenn, haha. this is probably my most controversial opinion and it's one i've touched on before. i don't think delenn is evil (and disclaimer: she is one of my fave characters), but she is cunning and manipulative and she's prone to letting her own personal biases rule her understanding of a situation which leads to some, uh, interesting choices on her part. basically i don't think delenn is the trustworthy source on the minbari, on her own choices, or on broader issues in the b5 galaxy that she gets treated as by fandom lol. like, for example i don't entirely believe what delenn says about why they had to leave the narn to face the centauri/shadows alone, i think that's just what she told herself to justify the decision. im also, idk, iffy about the whole not ever telling sheridan about her role in the war. i saw a post on here where someone was saying this was her great 'gift' to him and it just... ew. ick. no. fuck no. i understand why she doesn't tell him, but it's not a gift
💕i feel like marcus/neroon gets a bad rap and a lot of people being sniffy about it, but also enough people appreciate it that i can't really call it unpopular exactly so um. hmm. i do, sigh, i do have a growing fondness for neroon/sheridan actually >__> which probably isn't so much unpopular as non-existant apart from your amazing neroon/delenn/sheridan fic. i have a feeling that neroon-as-the-bridge is gonna end up going down the sheridan/neroon route if i write more of it haha
🏳️‍🌈 oh this, this is a tough one haha... tbh... londo i guess? he just comes across very... straight male to me >__> like at most i can see him having a drunken fumble with a friend and thinking nothing of it, but that's it.
thank you for the ask! <33333
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slasheddreams · 2 months
The Figure in The Mirror [ broken glass / blood rain ] - The Expurgation Series [ broken glass / blood rain ]
content warning for: [ foul language, descriptions of character death, mentions of blood and violence, and implications of childhood violence. Oh, and a little bit of classical insanity. ]
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Sometimes, the figure in the mirror is right about you. In an almost mocking sense, it’s always right.
It knows you deep down inside, like an old friend who never really left. Someone who, for better and for worse, is always there, right by your side.
He really isn't you. But rather, someone you feel like you know. A little trickier to catch out, because he isn't always there. Sometimes it's just me and my reflection. It's a little hard to tell, sometimes.
It's like a perfect simulacrum, you can't tell anything is wrong at first. Sure, something feels a little off, like a hair out of place... or a missing scar. It's always something really small.
Of course, it isn't always so subtle. Even if only I can see it, it's staggering how different people can look from their reflections in the right scenarios. Maybe it's only difficult because me and him are twins, so there's little to tell us apart to begin with. I hated him for that. I only ever felt like half of a person.
Even if he technically doesn't exist anymore.
Even if no one remembered he ever existed to begin with.
That sucks.
Looking in the mirror is... odd sometimes. In our world, her hair is an almost... dusted cherry red color, and it's rather long, thick and messy. And her eyes are this light baby blue color. But in the mirror, sometimes, her hair is really short, and a soft blonde color. And her eyes are more... what is that color called? It's as if roses could be golden in color... I guess we'll call that color "rose gold" for now. Do you see what I mean? It's just... different.
Or that boy with the black hair and the white streak, and the purple eyes. Sometimes, his reflection is the opposite. Choppy uneven white hair with a black streak in the bangs, and really soft yellow eyes. He's a little taller, a little thinner than the one in our world. But he looks just as sweet and friendly. Hmm. I don't have much to say about that one.
And then there's the orange-haired boy with the mullet or that creepy missionary, or the light purple-haired boy, obsessed with birds and the idea of flight. They all look different in the mirror to me. But they don't see anything wrong with themselves. And it leaves me a little confused. How they can't see the fake thems in the mirror. Or, maybe they're the fake ones here, and the ones in the mirror, that's the real them?
... Of course, the actions themselves never seem to change. The words they seem to speak, the way they laugh, smile, cry, plead. Those were all the same.
Well, there was one. But I never gave them the time to mess with me. It was- no- he was a playful little thing. He liked to tap on objects, to roll items into view, to flicker the lights, and more.
He was like an attention-seeking whore in that way. When he was around, my eyes had to be on him, or I didn't get to have eyes anymore. He liked to be seen, to be heard, to be wanted.
And that was the mistake.
I hated him.
He looks human, but, he's not. Oh my god. He just isn't.
And that photographer wonders why I don't like mirrors. They make no sense.
Mirrors shouldn't be able to touch you.
Both of the mirrors in his personal quarters were covered with a thick, beige blanket. Mirrors were always a more sore subject for the man. He wasn't sure why.
It didn't take him long to shove his way through the small, crowded area he was forced to call his new home. Of course, he would rather be here than at his actual home. Sure, he loved his sister (... did he have a sister...? He couldn't actually remember. The medication they gave him made things really fuzzy.) but his parents... well, he didn't know too many things.
But he knew he never should have felt unsafe in his own home.
I think?
Papers and craft supplies littered the floor of the small room, which he stepped over with ease. Holding the plain black coffee in one hand, and the sweet caramel drink in the other, cradling the crepe against his chest, he maneuvered his way to the small desk, tucked away in the corner.
He paused a moment, rubbing his face in tired silence.
He wasn't sure how long that coffee would save him, how long it would keep him awake. He hadn't slept in weeks.
He felt like shit. (Judging from the barista's reaction, he didn't look as terrible as he felt, at least.)
He took a seat down at his desk hesitantly (although, if you asked anyone else, it seemed more like he had collapsed into his chair.), simply staring at his shaking palms. The scars, he remembered how they started at his palms, and in a jagged, zigzag pattern, traveled up his arm, just past his elbow. Most of the scarring on his right arm was hidden beneath bandaging. Even if he had long since lost the ability to feel in that portion of his arm, he still was plagued by phantom pains. This was one of those moments, where a burning sensation flared up from his palm and seared his flesh.
"... shit! Oh, god damnit, son of a- mhm."
Biting his tongue, his fingers twitched in pain. Tears welled up in the corners of his eyes, but he refused to cry over something so... stupid. Fuck you. Fuck that.
Leaning over the desk, he clasped a handful of his thick, messy brown hair in his shaking hand, tugging on his coat with his other hand. Trying to subdue the shakiness, trying to distract himself, he grasped at anything that could simply... distract.
And, with the sounds of light taps, distracted he was. Taps, just light enough to catch someone's attention, but not distinctive enough to tell where it was coming.
Of course, he wasn't just anyone. I was better than that.
Slowly turning his head and lowering his hand, Daishobu sneered as his eyes narrowed. Carefully, he placed his palm against the wooden desk, standing up. Light brown eyes scanned the small room, before falling on one of the covered-up mirrors.
"... yeah, no. I'm not doing this today."
And as quickly as he focused on the mirror, he looked away. He refused to give it any more of his attention, he knew that was exactly what it wanted. However, it refused to simply give in to this... unsatisfactory result, as the light tapping began again.
And then, this light tapping became sad (yet, clearly faked) sniffles and fishing voices. It began to cry, to whine, to sob, to mock.
"Do you not love me anymore, brother?"
"I'm not your brother. I don't even have a brother."
"Well, you did have a brother! But then, papa sent him to hell. And now, nothing remains but me. Boo hoo! Stop ignoring me."
Gripping onto the desk tightly, Daishobu looked away with a huff, shaking his head. This seemed to happen every time. It always wanted something, violently so. And while it was hard to ignore it, he had done it before. One time.
But he didn't know what it was he was dealing with at that time.
"Hey! Heyyy! Daishobu, Daishobu, Daiiii."
The gentle taps on the glass eventually turned into slightly harder bangs, shaking the frame of the mirror slightly. The blanket covering the mirror began to fall and then landed on the floor with a gentle thud. Daishobu groaned in response, covering his face in scared hands. Maybe he should have super glued those blankets to the mirrors, he thought. That way, at least, they couldn't fall off.
“… heyyy… heyyy don’t ignore me. That isn’t kind! That isn’t very peace and friendship.”
He paused at the sentiment for a moment, before rubbing his face in annoyance.
“Peace and friendship…? You should be the last person to trying and pull that card on me. Hell, you ARE the absolute last person whose opinion I should be giving a damn about.”
Sneering in response, he kept his back turned, racking shaky hands through his hair. Looking at the sweet caramel drink and the strawberry crepe on his desk, he paused a moment.
“…But, sure. Peace and fuckin’ friendship. Consider this my peace and friendship to you, you eldritch squander. Now can you stop usin’ my reflection as your vessel and fuck off?”
Without turning around, he gestured to the items by his side. Rubbing his eyes slowly, he groaned. He was astonished at how little he cared anymore. How little hearing the footsteps coming up behind him actually bothered him.
No. They weren't really footsteps. Moreso, it was the sound of the countless papers from behind him moving and being pushed aside. It doesn't make noise when it walks. But, in his head, he could see "himself" using his feet to clear a path forward.
Feeling a hand running along his shoulder, not really there. And then, multiple hands resting along his back. It should have bothered him, knowing he was the only person in this room. Hell, he should have been bothered that this... thing was touching him. But it didn't bother him in the slightest.
What bothered him was the mirror near the desk, watching as the beige blanket was slowly tugged off the mirror's surface, until the blanket fell onto the floor, revealing a reflection of the room he sat in.
"... That's better. Woah, you've let yourself go. You look like shit."
"Wow. Thanks for the compliment, asshole."
And, center in its reflection, stood... himself. Well, it looked like him if you only spared a glance. Ignoring the dark mass of hands coming from just behind the reflection and the red eyes, then yeah, it looked pretty damn close.
Watching as the coffee was picked up in the reflection, Daishobu yawned. His breath hitched as he felt a hand creep along the nape of his neck, fingers gently scraping against his jaw. With a violent twitch and an instinctive smack towards the air, he hissed. He hated the feeling on being touched, of having hands laid on him in any sort of manner. He despised it.
He loathed it.
"And the crepe... you even got it broken in half and dipped in chocolate? Wow! You do love me after all! I'm enthused! I'm overjoyed even! I feel so lucky!"
Shuddering a bit, Daishobu looked away from the mirror. Remembering the words of the bartender, his eyes rested on the window.
"The old witch said someone used to order that same thing, what's up with that, huh? You said they don't remember anything from the past, was that a fuckin' lie?"
"I dunno, she didn't recognize you, isn't that proof enough? I mean, if I got burnt alive like an actual witch and allowed to remember that, I'd totally remember the face of the man who killed me. But that's just me, personally speaking."
To this statement, he could only roll his eyes in response. Leaning on his hand, he groaned. Memories of a burning fire flashed before his eyes, the screams and sobs from within the cafe... and the gross sound of crackling bones and oozing organs as the cafe fell to pieces.
It didn't matter. He had reduced all three of the cafe residents to ash.
"Mhm... hey, let's not talk about that one. That's not relevant to my question either way."
Shrugging off the hypothetical (and, attempting the shrug off the many invisible hands he could feel creeping on him), Daishobu continued on.
"You said they wouldn't remember. So why would she remember a drink and snack combo as highly specific as yours? She never mentioned it in the past."
"Simple. You never ordered it in the past. You would have never known!"
"And yet, there I fucking was, asshole. With a familiar drink."
"Well, even if I told you this hypothetical truth, you'd never believe me. So, boo hoo! Move on-"
The reflection had stopped talking suddenly, more focused as a beautiful crimson-red began blooming from the bandages around his neck, a thick, viscous liquid beginning to dip from the cut. Blood began to pour from the reflection's slit throat, staining the reflected room's floor in crimson tides.
But in the real world, the only thing that remained was the fresh blood staining the blade the man held in his hand. Tilting his wrist slightly, he flicked the blood off the blade, splattering the sheets beneath his arm.
"O. Oh. So, you've made your choice. I-I won't forgive you for this one, you know-"
"I don't care. Just die already, █████."
The reflection's hand began to tremble lightly as it rose its hands to its bleeding throat. Despite everything, it wore a smile on its face. Even as crimson hues spilled through its fingers and it fell onto one knee, it never once seemed bothered.
"You're just a little bit of a monster, aren't you, Daishobu?"
And then, it collapsed onto the floor and moved no longer.
He knew it would be back.
Standing up from his desk, he twirled the small pocket knife in his hand before carefully wiping the blood against his sleeve. Humming to himself, he closed the switchblade before placing it in the inside pocket of his coat.
Then, turning to face the mirror, he paused. Moving around his foot, his eyes focused on the reflection's corpse (can it even properly die?). Then, winding his foot back, he kicked the air as hard as he could. His foot collided with the otherwise invisible corpse, earning him the sound of crackling bones as the reflection's corpse was violently sent flying out of view.
"... Hmm."
And then, snatching the now cold crepe from his desk, he turned to face the closed door.
The door opened with an eerie creak, and then, it slammed shut as the man left his room, as if nothing had happened.
The figure in the mirror can be right about you, sure.
But, what does it matter if it's dead? Dead people tell no tales.
So, stop talking, █████.
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shallowseeker · 1 year
Lucifer + war
I know that no one wants Lucifer takes, but...
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I keep thinking about that funky, exhilarated smile Lucifer dons when Amara attacks Heaven.
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For this brief time in season 11, Lucifer feels like Lucifer again.
He has a purpose. He's the impossible hope against The Great Evil, gearing up for the prize fight. He's not even alone. He's with a brother who gray-rock-tolerates him as comrade instead of actively trying to kill him.
For a second, he even starts becoming so used to being part of a team that he forgets who he is. But he's Lucifer, and that means he doesn't have to spare Sam. Hell, why should he want to? He ain't got no feelings! So, he keeps living up to the idea of Lucifer. He's evil, he's cunning, he's strong, he's a warrior...
He even gets to go back to Heaven, where they uneasily accept him as he tries to ape the charisma expected of God's finest. But he learns he's not so good at that part. So, he calls on his brother, Castiel (the more natural leader), to do the soldiering part. (From SPN 11x22 -> LUCIFER: And here I thought I had made real inroads with you guys. Welp, I came here to ask a good-faith favor of you folks, but as you are clearly less than kindly disposed, perhaps you'll, uh, lend an ear to my very own Jiminy Cricket. Hmm? CASTIEL: Hello, brothers. Sisters.)
And then, on the eve of battle, after doing everything they asked of him, Amara rips him away from his brother and his father, and he's brutally untethered after his first bout of security for eons. (Say what you will, I still stand by that Lucifer begrudgingly likes as much as he resents Cas and the security/safety he provides for his loved ones. He likes Gabriel, too.)
And he despairs.
In season 12, he seems to have been waiting for Castiel specifically:
Vince Vincente: Castiel. Took you long enough. Did you bring the rest of the Little Rascals?
Lucifer doesn't even wanna be Lucifer anymore. Playing him last season sucked. He went to war, was hated for it, and then he got horrifically tortured by Amara, and nobody cared.
Lucifer (Vince Vincente): Because it's fun. Because I can. And because being Lucifer? So much Judeo-Christian baggage. But Vince? He's famous. Everybody loves him. And I need love. I had a really jacked childhood.
And Lucifer is frustrated with Cas. As he fights him, his voice is unusually heavy with emotion:
Castiel: You think this is fun? Lucifer (Vince Vincente): Oh, I wouldn't expect you to understand. I was inside you. I know what a weak, duty-bound… Castiel attempts to attack again but he is swiftly knocked aside by Lucifer Lucifer (Vince Vincente): ...pleasureless dullard you are.
This whole scene, Lucifer is appealing to (and usually speaking directly to) Castiel, doing things to try and get a rise out of him and get his attention (killing innocents, beating up Crowley). Like many of the emotionally unhinged characters (Rowena, Crowley, pretty much all the demons), Lucifer is frustrated by Castiel's coping strategy, which is to withdraw and gray-rock him (i.e. "become as uninteresting and unengaged as possible so that the other person loses interest"). Getting a rise out of Cas is its own kind of Holy Grail.
But just like when they were roomies, Castiel won't grace Lucifer with a reaction, which triggers him pretty hard. This scene reads as incredibly emotionally charged, especially for Lucifer. That's because Lucifer wants Castiel to react...just like he wants Chuck to react.
(Everybody loves Cas, and he won't even bask in it. No one loves Lucifer.)
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Lucifer doesn't even kill him. His last hit tosses Cas onto a couch, for Christ's sake. Lucifer chooses to take the majority of his violence out on the human and the demon. He says to Cas: "Stick around for the afterparty." He wants to see him hurt post-Sam and Dean deaths, most likely. (That'll surely get a reaction.)
Sam: You and God made up. You forgave him. What would he think? Lucifer (Vince Vincente): I'm not especially interested in his opinion. Dear old dad, he finally apologized for abandoning me. And what's the very next thing he does? [Voice breaks] He ditches me. [Laughs, openly crying] And you, too, by the way. His words, your words, they mean nothing. Don't you get it? This is all meaningless. Heaven, Hell, this world. If it ever meant anything, that moment is past. Nothing down here but a bunch of hopeless distraction addicts, so filled with emptiness, so desperate to fill up the void… they don't mind being served another stale rerun of a rerun of a rerun. You know what my plan is? I don't have one. 
For a half-second, he loved them and wanted their love, too. He had war companions in Sam and Dean. He had a brother in Cas. But Lucifer has gone from being too faithful in The Cause to having no plan at all. And with that, he, too, has fallen to the ultimate SPN bad guy: NIHILISM.
Thus, Jack.
He doesn't go to kill Cas until after Jack is secured. It's as he tells Sam, "I don't need you anymore!" (Because now he has Jack. The thing that will make his life "meaningful.")
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that1nkyone · 11 months
1nky Recounts a Part In Endwalker In Greater Detail Than Usual Part II
Time to dive back into This.
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Sounds like the Hydaelyn we know...
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oh, so this ISN'T just natural happenstance. D : Who'd be behind something like -
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... oh. ) :
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... oh, Meteion, I'm so sorry.
(... she's the Meteor. god damn it. i know that's Dalamud technically but... augh. the harbinger of the Final Days. it was right there. in her name.)
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I find it interesting that we were Especially prone to her breakdown. I'm guessing because of Dynamis and Aether density stuff.
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She really didn't want this. ;_;
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... and, there it is. ) :
He's a good and empathetic man for those who were created. That's unfortunately why things are gonna go to shit - there was no acknowledging any of the suffering.
This sucks.
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On the bright side, I did use the NPCs for this dungeon, and that was fun.
No, Hythlodaeus, you are not completely useless, as you have remarked several times.
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woo yeah yeah wee woo yeah woo
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This makes me wonder what kinda forms most other Ancients would have. We've seen Hades' of course, but what about Hythlodaeus?
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Ohhh, so that's how we're doing this.
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I give major kudos to whoever's voicing Hythlodaeus, he sounds very stricken in his delivery at this point.
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you know I don't have much to add to this, but it is kinda funny that Venat is chasing a birb, astride her Doggo.
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) :
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I do wish we could've been friends, in some other time and place.
Which... I guess we just were.
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Aaand, there goes the memory wipe.
Also, HMM. Technically, I don't think Hythlodaeus has returned to the star yet, and neither had Emet-Selch, right up until we properly killed him. I wonder if Emet-Selch ended up remembering, post-death.
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haheughehehohahaha okay
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Swimming back through time and space. Looks like the course of history was basically unaltered.
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There goes the Unsundered World. ) :
It doesn't surprise me too much how willing folks were to summon Zodiark in this context, and with how little they had experienced suffering. Not just for Practical Reasons (which ended up not being the main cause for the Final Days, either).
'Put It Back. Fix It.'
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'Nope. I'm gonna Break It.'
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She looks so tired. ) :
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... I wonder what kind of person she'll be, on the other side of all this? She's definitely not getting through this Unscathed, for good or ill.
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"... well, this'll be a hell of a thing to recount in detail."
That's all! Thanks for reading my ramblings.
I think I'll suffer further gut punches in the future. 8 D ;;
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famousfilmsfan · 7 months
Criminal Case. Famousfilms edition.
Case #1. return to Slender
Chapter 1
Chief: Welcome new recruit. I’m Chief Schmidt, and welcome to the Crystal City PD, we got reports of a murder inside the neighborhood of Prepview. Go check it out with James he’ll meet you there
James is a brown haired man with black eyes.
James: Hey there, i’m James, your new partner, Jeeze what the hell happened to this guy?
The victim was a man with black hair and no…eyes. He was wearing a black suit with a yellow tie. His head was swollen and his throat was red, there was an envelope nearby that was open, and a package on the porch.
James: Hmm, okay this is anaphylaxis if I've ever seen it the victim's name is Davis Ramirez . But what's with his face..or lack of one? You think that envelope might be important? Then let's send it to the lab, and that package doesn't have any stamps, must have been hand delivered. Let's check it out
Kat: *panicked* officers thank God!
James: Wow ma’am calm down, this is a crime scene
Kat: And that’s my fiancee in that bag! What the hell happened?!
James: Oh uh, Miss you should stay put so we can question you.
Kat: What the hell happened? I got a call at work and I come to find this?!
James: Ma’am we’re doing our best to solve this, now did your fiancee have any enemies?
Kat:..none that I knew of.
James: are you sure?
Kat: yes i’m sure!
James: Hmm she isn't telling us the whole truth
The body
Janet: Hey there i’m Janet, the coroner for our precient. And let me tell you, whoever killed this guy really had it out for him.
James: How so?
Janet: Well he died of anaphylaxis due to a peanut allergy he had but there was nothing in his stomach, but there were vapers of it on his face, so he was shot in the face with it. The suddenness made him panic and didn't have time to react.
James: Great the killer didn't even touch the victim, no leads.
Janet: Actually, I got the dust on his face tested, and only one brand uses the exact formula, ‘Jonas Peanut Brittle’
James: So the killer eats peanut brittle, good to know.
(Info; The killer eats peanut brittle.)
The package
James; Okay let's inspect this package. It says it’s from Bryan Deville. What is
He tries to open it but red paint gets splattered all over him and a note is revealed.
James: Ugg, i’m gonna need to change my clothes, wait what's this? ‘Prank’d ya -Bryan’
James: Well, annoying or not this Bryan must have known the victim we should speak with him…after I changed my clothes
The envelope.
John: Hey there rookie, i’m John the forensics expert of the team. Let me tell you this envelope definitely has some surprises
James: Like what?
John; First off I found traces of peanuts in the paper, so it definitely had something to do with the murder, but there was something else. The envelope was purchased at a stationary store at the mall. So the killer had to get it there since they don’t have a website
Chat with Bryan
Bryan: Hello there officers how can I help you?
James: Well you can tell us why you decided to Prank Davis Ramirez with a paint bomb.
Bryan: Oh that, he was retiring from Fazbears so I decided to play a joke on him. Wait did he call the cops on me for a joke? That’s classic him.
James: No sir he was killed earlier today
Bryan: Oh my god. Honestly i’m not surprised
James: Whys that?
Bryan: He wasn't particularly liked in the company, he was a very…critical person, very angry, Pestered everyone about every tiny detail, he even scolded me for the brand of fake snow I used during the holidays. He said a child might eat it. Who would eat fake snow?
James; Anyone you think may have wanted him dead?
Bryan: Not really, it sucks he’s dead though.
The store
James: This place is creepy, where's the attendant? Oh, you found clues? That torn photo looks strangely out of place, and look this rack has the same type of envelope the killer must have taken it from there, let’s see if they left anything behind
The photo
It shows Davis yelling at a black cat animatronic
James: Is it me or is this guy yelling at Charlie the Cat from the Barnyard Bash?
James: Okay, I’m looking on the website it says our victim owned it…wait you want to question the animatronic in the picture? Alright if you think it’s necessary.
The rack
James: Hmm there’s a postcard here, it’s addressed to the victim. ‘Death is something you can’t escape such as death or a cheesecake that has curdled both of which always turn up sooner or later’ what the hell? This is utter nonsense. The part of death seems like a threat, let’s send this card to the lab, our profiler will get to the bottom of it.
Charlie the Cat
James: Okay we’re at the restaurant. Uh. Hello Charlie? Mr…. the cat?
Charlie: Uh, how can I help you?
James: We’ll we’re here because your owner has died.
Charlie: Died?
James: Oh crap you’re a machine, okay death is like when you loose battery but you can’t recharge it and-
Charlie: I know what death is, that’s a stereotype.
James: Oh good that was like the birds and bees talk. Anyway did you have a good relationship with your owner?
Charlie: He was alright I guess, he was here a lot but wasn’t ‘here’ you know, in his own head a lot. Mumbling to himself too, the craziest thing
James: Okay then, uh call the station if you have anything else
You both leave
James: Okay uh. That was super awkward.
The postcard
Russel: Hello there detective I’m Russel the stations profiler, and I must say the postcard is quite interesting the handwriting shows whoever wrote it definitely wanted the victim to know who it was, the bold letters and perfect lining show it’s an educated mind
James: Okay. And what is the quote?
Russel: The quote is from famous children book series. ‘Series of unfortune events’ so your killer definitely reads that good.
James: Good to know.
Info: The killer reads Lemony Snicket.
James *sighs* Okay this whole day has been a mess, a man with no face is killed on his porch, we have a distressed fiancée, a less then upset former coworker, and a robot cat. The only thing we’re missing is a clown and it will be my worst nightmare
James: Yeah your right, we do know the killer eats peanut brittle and reads children’s books, but it could be anybody and-
Chief; James, detective drop what your doing there’s been a break in at the victims home!
(Should I continue this?)
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valeriele3 · 1 year
Yello~ eheh. How are you?
Can I request a HC of s/o who does and design cute nail art to either Hiiro, rinne, Kaname or Kohaku 👀 honestly anyone in the crazy b or Alkaloid eheh.
What does normal au mean.
Hiiro Amagi x GN!Reader x HiMERU (separated)
Hello hellooo I'm doing alright as always! Also pls forgive me I suck at writing and this is super ooc
By normal au I meant no au's like the self-aware and yandere au. Like it's just the canon with the reader added in. (Your request is basically an example of this)
Note: I realized I didn't make it hc form when I was about to post so there's a little scenario included ig
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When Hiiro found out about your passion for nail art he fully supported you even though he doesn't fully know what it means
Hiiro would be the type to accept your offer/proposal to do his nails without knowing what it means
Hiiro would sit there patiently following your commands
He would watch you work on his nails with fascination and curiosity on his eyes
Once finished, he would be beaming with happiness
Would definitely show the rest of Alkaloid the result and throw neverending praises to you, on how talented, creative, and exceptional you are.
The praises would never stop I swear
He would now always ask you to do his nails
Please don't reject him he will pout and look like a kicked puppy
Overall 10000000000/10
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"S/O..I've been wondering this for a while now, but what exactly are you doing?"
"Oh! I mean, I don't mind you holding my hand but Aira's been uhm..What was the word again..? Hmm..S-spam..? Ah, Aira has been spamming my phone"
"Shh..Don't move your hand."
"Omu" bfjskdj idk how to write Hiiro's little agreeing sound thing
"Don't worry love, I'm almost done"
gasp "S/O! You called me love! The others would love to hear this!"
"Anddd done!"
"Hiiro you can look at your nails now!"
Little example:
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"Woah..They look good and cute S/O!" (*≧∀≦*)
"Right right? Ehe~ I made them a little based off of the card soldiers"
"Oh! Aira would probably love to see this. Can I show it to the others?"
"Of course! Just make sure to be careful as they aren't fully dried yet"
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HiMERU would act like he doesn't care and isn't paying attention to what you're doing but trust me, he is
HiMERU would also act annoyed but he isn't. And appreciates that out of all the people you could've asked to do their nails you picked him.
HiMERU would think that he isn't worthy of this attention and love you're giving him as he isn't the real HiMERU
9.5/10 would be 10/10 if he wasn't degrading himself
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"HiMERU has no time for this S/O" HiMERU says in fake annoyance
"Pleaseee you say that but you willingly sat down and gave me your hand" S/O teases
"Humph. HiMERU only did so because HiMERU knew you would not stop bothering HiMERU had HiMERU not accepted."
"Hmm..You have a point..I suppose.."
"Now just sit still and let me do my work k?"
" "I" wouldn't have agreed right away but I know "he" would with no hesitation"
"Hm? What was that HiMERU?
"I- HiMERU didn't say anything. Looks like you need to get your ears checked S/O"
Sigh "You're bullying poor ol' me again..How sad..I thought we would've gotten closer now that were dating Mr. I speak in third person"
"Alright alright..Stop glaring at me. I'm finished"
"Tada~ Super cute right?" ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
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"It looks alright. Not the best though"
"Wha- I worked hard on that y'know! And It's super duperrr cute!"
"Really now? HiMERU wouldn't have guessed"
"Alright that's it! I'm going to rip off those nails of yours mr!" (๑•ૅㅁ•๑)
"Hey! Don't run away from me!" (● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾
"I think it's cute and I'm sure he would agree too.."
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Fun Fact: Blue roses are often used to symbolize mystery or the unattainable. And in love they are commonly associated with unrequited love
I wanted to write for the others too but I may or may not have gotten lazy..
I wanted the 2nd part to be Kaname but I chose to do HiMERU a.k.a mister I pretend to be my brother
I'm so sorry if this is far from what you expected! I honestly just accepted requests to try and better my poor writing
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archirdarchernar · 18 days
For the general questions - 7, 8, and 9!
For the trial questions - 1 and 2 for trial 1 and 2
For the prisoner questions - 3 for Shidou and Muu and 4 for Fuuta
hiii rainnn!!!! :D
General Questions:
7. Which prisoner do you think you would get on with the most if you met them in person, and why?
probably fuuta, i have some shared interests with him that we can bond over. yuno also but we'd probably be like... acquaintances who share a similar moral compass.
8. Which prisoner do you think you would get on with the least if you met in person, and why?
mahiru, she sees the world in rose-tinted lenses and reminds me of my ex
9. Which prisoner's signature colour do you like the most?
fuuta bc im partial to red colours. also mikoto cuz i also like pastels
Trial Questions:
1. Which trial (1) verdict do you agree with the most?
yuno. i dont really agree with any of the 'verdicts' bc i think they're a flawed way to showcase the nuance of human behaviour, and i think the writers also know that. but out of all the verdicts in trial one i agree with yuno's verdict the most because. she's not a 'murderer'?? and alternatively, what does would it mean if she was voted guilty overall? that you have to be have a sparkly good moral character in order to be 'forgiven' for a crime that isn't a crime in many parts of the world? bullshit.
2. Which trial (2) verdict do you disagree with the most?
none of them, really. again, i think verdicts are bullshit. but personally, i would choose to forgive kotoko. i don't like her, but her character is so well written that i do like her at the same time, and considering all her actions so far... i would ultimately choose to forgive her. even though i kick and scream and hate her for hurting fuuta... i would choose to forgive her. (note: me forgiving her doesn't mean i'm handing her the innocent verdict btw)
Prisoner Questions:
3. What do you think of (Shidou)'s verdict/s?
im not too clear on shidou's crime, but from what i know i'd agree to forgive him.
3. What do you think of (Muu)'s verdict/s?
oh... well. i understand why she got the verdicts that she got. i was one such 'thought she was bullied' person who chose to forgive her. (my 'forgiveness' probably means something different to a regular person's 'forgiveness though) after trial 2... i'd still forgive her.
4. What do you wish more people understood about (Fuuta)?
hmm... i don't know. maybe i'd wish for people to stop viewing him like a snapshot? for someone like him, who's still learning and growing (dragged kicking and screaming along the way but still) i think a 'wait and watch' approach is more appropriate than jumping to a definite conclusion about him. humans change, and i'm certain he will be no exception. he's going to suffer and fuck up, and i will forgive him all the same.
sry if my answers suck im not that good at putting thoughts to words
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you sound extremely white…. especially in your posts defending Gil and blaming shit on Lagoona, like….
your posts only convinced me even more that those two shouldn’t be together.
girls shouldn’t have to put up with racism for the sake of a guy and implying that lagoona should just go “that sucks 😢” whenever gil mentions his parent’s racism? Like wtf how is that a better lesson for kids than her wanting her boyfriend to stand up for himself? and if protecting lagoona from racism is oh so terrible for gil, just…. have them break up ffs. don’t encourage kids to stay in relationships like that where one has to endure racism for the other cus otherwise the person with racist parents gets punished.
Like, way to make it POC’s fault for racist parents being abusive to their kids? “it’s all lagoona’s fault cus she forced gil to take a stand against racism even tho his parents would punish him” like wow. you truly sound very white.
let’s also not gloss over the fact that you called Lagoona a bitch at one point for crying when Frankie asked her about boys. or you calling Draculaura a cow at one point too like wtf??? so maybe lay off the gendered insults for girls??? before jumping to the defense of a character POC dislike and who’s flaws you excuse as trauma cus you see yourself in him.
I'm gonna put this answer under a cut because some folks get cranky when I make long posts, even though there is a feature in your settings that can auto trim long posts, I get blamed anyways... it's easier to blame the person than to address the problem directly isn't it?... hey! that's kinda what happens to Gil! let's discuss.
Saying someone sounds white based off text and nothing else. 🚩🚩🚩
I'm Puerto Rican, thanks for asking. But I blamed shit on Lagoona because, some stuff was her fault, specifically stuff that put Gil directly in harms way. Maybe your cool with dumping your personal baggage on a disabled 16 year old but I'm not and no one should.
My posts were never written to prove that Gil and Lagoona are meant to be together, perfect for each other OR even good together, you're confusing me with a shipper, at most I've stated Gil is decent boyfriend material and I stand by that. The entire reason I write them is to prove Gil is an innocent and defend him from slander that this annoyingly prevalent sub-section of the fandom has been spreading that has absolutely NO basis in canon, if you read my posts like you claim to you'd have known that. I'm not really sure WHY Gil has become the fandom punching bag, Maybe it's because he's less masculine than the other MH guys? is it because he's Asian coded? is it because he needs a device to breathe? Maybe it's some unholy combination of homophobia, racism and ableism. fuck if I know, so I went looking: I watched hundreds of webisodes, days worth of movies and countless pages of teen wank in diaries so that y'all didn't have to and I put it in an easily digestible format but I guess that wasn't good enough for you hmm?
Girls shouldn't have to put up with racism for the sake of a guy. you're completely correct and I don't think I ever made that claim. UNFORTUNATELY saltwater people DO face racism in the G1 Monster High universe and Lagoona would face that same racism regardless if she was dating Gil or not. The racism isn't radiating from Gil, Lagoona says herself there is a long standing system of oppression against saltwater monsters which I covered here.
Also don't put words in my mouth, it's poor form- especially in a text based forum where people can go back and re-read everything we both said. I never once implied "that lagoona should just go “that sucks 😢” whenever gil mentions his parent’s racism" I said it was wrong of her to force him to tell his parents that he was seeing her, especially when she knew they had a threat hanging over his head. Also Gil doesn't just go around mentioning his parents are racist, it's just a fact that exists in this universe and when he IS forced to talk about it, it's always spoken with great shame. Like when he tried to dump Lagoona during the Gloom Beach arc, Y'all think they should have broken up? well here you go. Gil tried to break things off with Lagoona before they were even officially dating, he knew it was painful and tried to spare her. But she likes him and he likes her, so obviously that didn't work.
Gil DID stand up for himself, A LOT. I documented it WELL with pictures, links and colored words for emphasis! I practically spoon fed it to the reader from a silver platter, a child could understand it. If you read my review well enough to understand it to the point that you have a problem with it that you just HAD to tell me about, you'd know that. But clearly you gave my review as much attention as you gave canon because here is what happened in canon again since I don't think you listened the first time it aired or when I said it. In Episode 24 Gil defends Lagoona against Mr. Hack's bigoted statement that Sea Monsters are bad parents, they weren't even dating at that point they were just classmates. He defends Lagoona directly again in Volume 2 where he speaks directly to his parents (Probably his Father?) On the phone in front of Lagoona. THAT phone call? got him sent to a Boarding school far away as punishment for defying his parents wishes and wanting to be with Lagoona and he was there for the entire summer and half of the next school year. They are still TECHNICALLY not dating by this point they are just hanging out and into each other - even without the reward of Lagoona, Gil STILL stood up for her, got punished for it and came back for more because he directly defends Lagoona to his racist parents AGAIN in Volume 3 where Lagoona isn't there, it's just him and his parents so you know how he feels is genuine and not performative, there's a whole episode about it called "Defending your Lagoona" ... I didn't even need to write what I did, the episode should have been enough proof but clearly no one pays attention to either canon or context because some key component of understanding clearly got lost in translation. I'm gonna ASSUME that most of y'all just haven't watched G1 in literally 9 years and have FORGOTTEN the subtle things that make Gil a good kid, it's like y'all watched the first half of skull shores and were like "Wow, Gil is a piece of shit!" - without finishing the movie to know that he saved everyone in the end. People cite Gil being "wishy washy" or "spineless" as reasons why they don't like him, but the shit this kid has been though? He could be getting flogged off screen like Jesus in "the Passion of the Christ" for defying his parents for all we know: he's scared of his parents for a reason but he has been ALWAYS loyal to Lagoona and he stood up to Mr. Hack, Farnum and his own parents for her... the kids spine is made of iron. Some of y'all can't get your man to take a shower for you meanwhile Gil is out here chewing bigots a new one for Lagoona.
Rebelling against your parents prejudice and wrong beliefs to live a life that makes you happy is a GREAT message for kids to learn.
"if protecting lagoona from racism is oh so terrible for gil, just…. have them break up ffs. don’t encourage kids to stay in relationships like that where one has to endure racism for the other cus otherwise the person with racist parents gets punished."
Do you want to watch a show where they are constantly pining for each other because they can't be together? Because I don't... If I wanted to torture myself with love that is there but also isn't there I'd watch Miraculous. Lagoona also never endured any racism directly at the hands of the Webbers, she was just told not to date their son and they didn't even tell her themselves, Gil was always the messenger and he softened the blow as much as he possibly could. while it sucks that she keeps getting bad news it's not really quite the same as experiencing it first hand. But any story-line where the racists get what they want is a bad story-line.
"Like, way to make it POC’s fault for racist parents being abusive to their kids?"
... Did you seriously just try to tell me that G1 Lagoona is a person of color. Blonde haired, green eyed, beach waved hair, light skinned, tiny nosed, Australian, voiced by a white woman, Lagoona... is a person of color... I'm not saying that any of these traits in of themselves automatically makes G1 Lagoona white OR that people of color can't have any of these traits. I'm just saying that all of them PLUS how she's handled in the show with her privileged Yacht owning parents AND the sheer nerd rage from fans at her being Latina in G3 and thus "no longer white" are things that make her white. I know many people have head-canons that shes Aboriginal and that would be fantastic if it was true. But let us not give Mattel too much credit to think that far ahead. for all intents and purposes, G1 Lagoona is white.
HOWEVER, what she is going through IS a common struggle among people of color and I think Mattel did this intentionally to avoid torturing an actual person of color. Little brown kids get subjected to racism enough, they don't need to watch the cartoon mermaid go through it too. or maybe now I'm the one giving Mattel too much credit they probably just wanted to show "Look! white people have it tough too!"... Honestly? this whole allegory would have worked better if Lagoona was a dude and Gil was gay. None of you would have dared to force Gil out of the closet if Lagoona was a dude and his parents were homophobic, but for some reason because it's racism and not homophobia it's okay!? to put Gil at risk!? Would y'all be like "Maybe if Gil just wasn't into men he wouldn't have these problems!" being homeless because of being gay and being homeless because of racism is STILL being homeless, he gets disowned either way.... Make it make sense folks, because it doesn't. Didn't an actor recently get forced out of the closet and it was widely regarded as an awful thing? So why are we so gung-ho to make Gil tell his racist parents he's dating a girl he knows they won't like? Would you do that to him if he was gay and wanted a boyfriend? probably fuckin' not.
I never said everything was Lagoona's fault she is ALSO young and still learning, but somethings were - like him getting sent to boarding school. I realize that Lagoona is a fandom darling and most of y'all's precious little meow meow but she was wrong for that. And I don't hate that, I LIKE that we get flawed characters! Do I love it? No! she was wrong! BUT I LIKE that she was wrong, part of being young and learning is screwing up and making mistakes! we deserve complex characters who aren't perfect in every way. Being pushy and assertive is part of what makes Lagoona a compelling character - but it got someone hurt in this instance and she should learn from that... THAT is good writing... and it's one of the rare instances of good writing we get with these two but I'll get to that in a minute.
"let’s also not gloss over the fact that you called Lagoona a bitch at one point for crying when Frankie asked her about boys."
Once again putting words into my mouth, By making this statement it LOOKS like you read Page 2 of my media analysis but did you though? because context is SUPER important. I did not call Lagoona a bitch for crying, I called her a bitch for being mean to Frankie. Frankie went to Lagoona whose supposed to be their friend for advice but instead Lagoona made it all about her and was then sarcastic to Frankie's plight because her problem is worse and She's aiming for the gold medal of the Pain Olympics. I hate the pain olympics, there are no winners, only losers.
"you calling Draculaura a cow at one point too like wtf??? so maybe lay off the gendered insults for girls???"
And why DID I call Draculaura a cow?... Was it because she was cheating on her black boyfriend with a white guy? 3 seconds after he walked off screen!? because I'm pretty sure it was because she was cheating. once AGAIN we are in a situation where context is important! In the exact same page just discussed I took an entire sidebar to explain why Draculaura was being a cow. I have absolutely zero respect for cheaters and I could have (and should have) called her a lot worse. I'd also like to say that as far as insults for girls go? Cow is fairly mild I could have called her another C word that is frequently used against girls but I went with cow to keep it classy~. also side note: there are male cows, I think they're called Steers... but it's still a cow. Anyways I don't think you really care what I call Draculaura, I think you're now just trying to paint me out as some type of misogynist... which, just proves you don't follow me or know anything about what I preach here you're just mad that I defended a boy whom you're assuming is white.
"before jumping to the defense of a character POC dislike and who’s flaws you excuse as trauma cus you see yourself in him."
UHM... I don't recall reading anywhere that Gil is disliked by POC specifically!?!?! I can't track the barometrics of Monster High tumblr... In fact from what I can gather if TikTok & Twitter are anything to go by most of the people who are hating on Gil are overwhelmingly white... but at the same time I'm not polling anybody either. But just for the record I'm Latine and my friend who helps me out with MH & Gil lore, @peppapigvevo isn't white either... Sooo if your point is that POC are the ones who don't like Gil... I'm here to tell you that POC are also the ones defending him.
But Gil canonically doesn't really have a ton of flaws and the tiny ones he does have stem from him being young and inexperienced, frankly I wish he had more, it would give people a legit reason to hate on him instead of their reasoning now which boils down to: "His parents are racist and even though HE isn't racist I'm gonna blame him anyways because someone on social media told me to and I haven't watched the show in a decade so my memory of the lore is fuzzy at best but I saw Lagoona cry once so Gil MUST be the bad guy!." Which... Y'all are expecting perfection from Gil and that's a ridiculous standard for anyone to live up to let alone a 16 year old boy. But I'm not like... making up trauma for Gil, based on how much he fears his parents THAT is a trauma response that they have instilled in him, it's there I didn't invent it. healthy normal kids don't fear their parents the way Gil fears his, I can only assume he is afraid because they have given him a reason to be afraid. a statement I have also said, several times, in my posts that you claim to have read and take issue with.
Was Gil and Lagoona's relationship written extremely well? No. But do I think Mattel should have never touched the issue of racism in their show? also No! it took a lot of guts to put a story about prejudice in a kids cartoon and MH is for little kids, their target demographic is 6-11yr olds, obviously MH skews a bit older, otherwise none of us would be here. But I'm glad they covered this topic, I don't much care for shows that shy away from scary issues or talk to kids like they're stupid because kids aren't stupid, they're little proto humans who learn things way faster than we do and we should treat them as such. Not only did they touch the topic they did so with a main character and they didn't sugar coat it! we saw the pain Lagoona AND Gil went through because of his parents racism. Touching this topic at all is huge, was it perfectly handled? absolutely not! they never actually resolved the issue, Gil's parents never learned a lesson, got comeuppance or accepted Lagoona, Gil never got to date the girl he likes with family approval there was always something looming in the background. which is... fine?... things aren't always wrapped up nice and pretty with a bow in real life, sometimes things are messy. However, one thing that bothered everyone, including me was towards the end of G1 the writers didn't really know what to do with Lagoona and Gil so they just kinda... rehashed the same fight 3 or 5 times... it happened in the webisodes, diaries and the movies. and that's sloppy on the writers part, the same fight being milked for drama isn't Gil's fault and shouldn't be blamed on him... but it is. Gil is just the messenger and y'all shot him on sight.
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However, that wasn't the end. Gil and Lagoona may not have got the fairy tale ending some people think they deserve or the tragic breakup that other people think they deserve but they did get closure. Gil's Mansters diary takes place after the events of 13 wishes and his parents wrote out a list of chores for him to do while they are out on a trip and before he goes to stay with Deuce for the weekend and the last thing he SAYS they put on the list is as follows:
"+ Don't date Lagoona. They didn't actually write that. I just know what they're thinking. Actually, we don't really talk about that directly very much anymore. We kind of just agree to disagree, especially since Lagoona was wished into a freshwater monster and back again. I think they saw how miserable I was during that whole time, and I believe it made some kind of an impact.. hopefully."
and that was how the saga of Gil, Lagoona & The Webbers ended. Not with a roar but with a whisper. It's also canonical proof in his own words that Gil was, in fact miserable during 13 wishes just in case anyone doubted it after my review.
It's not a happy ending or a sad ending it's not even a peaceful ending. it's an uneasy cease fire... which is good enough? I suppose. Gil's parents love him enough to let it go (after both Lagoona and he endured great personal struggles), They know he's dating Lagoona and he knows they don't like that, Lagoona knows they don't like it, I'm sure Lagoona isn't welcome over for dinners or anything but the issue has been dropped. Gil and Lagoona can finally date, no strings attached.
I'm sure that's not the ending you would have written, my very grumpy anon. But relationships are complex and sometimes the solutions to their problems are complex too but love finds a way to triumph over bigotry.
And that is a message that we could all learn from.
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hazbincalifornia · 8 months
Whoah if we could see that. Stella doesn’t know cash personally, doesn’t have memories or probably even knows what he looks like, or experiences like her dad had raised by him. But if she saw him, a bit jarring as she sees him who resembles her dad a lot but worse, haggard and old, husk of a man. A dismissive statement about oh, you’re his grandkid, huh? What’d your dad have to do, or who’d he have to spread his legs for to get someone funny looking like you
She took him in with just a glance. Nice clothes that had been long since worn with time, and hanging off a thin frame with a head he could barely seem to hold up from the weight of his horns and the stink of cheap, heavy booze that oozed through the pores of the skin and colored his tongue.
"A prince."
"I have two dads. One of them is a prince of the Ars Goetia."
It took him a moment to process that, voice crackling with age and alcohol as he did. "You're shittin' me."
She spread her arms as if about to take a bow, flicking the feathered end of her tail. "Look at me. The fuck else would I come from, old man? Sinners can't have kids, and nobody else looks like birds."
"…Son of a bitch." He squinted at her, and she watched him back. It was almost wild, how he looked like Dad but thrown through three layers of funhouse mirror, with everything she cared about suctioned away and twisted into broken glass. Shrunken, compared to her. Small. "Sold himself, did he?"
"Nope. Papa just liked him." She blinked. "He lives in the palace now. I've got two sisters and a little brother." Pause. "He never told me much about you."
His face wrinkled at that before he shook it off. "Ungrateful little shit. He ruined everything for everybody, and then didn't even bother coming back when he caught some rich titty to suck off of? It'd be the least he could do."
"My papa was…." Blitz crossed his arms, bouncing his foot as he figured out how to phrase it. She was young, too young to get details even though she'd heard him sometimes when he was drunk and curled up against Papa when she was supposed to be in bed. His fingers tightened ever-so-slightly on his biceps, so subtly she was pretty sure she wasn't supposed to notice, but she was real good at noticing little things like that. "Not great. Nothing I did was good enough for him, even when I tried my best." He dropped down to one knee, setting a hand on her shoulder. "I don't ever want you feeling like I don't care, alright, sweetie?"
"Yeah, well." She tilted her head. "He did it all by himself. He runs a business now."
He raised an eyebrow, tail cracking like a whip. "What kind?"
"He kills people. He taught me how to do it too." She spread her fingers, pulling her favorite gun from nothingness with a few sparkles and a rip in the fabric of space. "A lot of people tried to kill me when I was little, so I had to learn fast." She spun the gun around on the edge of a slender finger, watching as the blood flooded his face as it fell into place in her hand like it belonged there.
"Now, sweetie-"
"I like my Daddy a lot." She aimed the gun, and he took a step back. "And I know he doesn't like you."
"C'mon, I'm your grandpa-"
She fired. It went right between his horns, and his eyes darted up as the smoke curled before jolting back to her.
"Sometimes when he drinks too much, he talks about you. It makes him sad, and I don't like that. If you ever get close to him and make him feel bad again, I'll put the next one between your fucking eyes. I'm good at finding people too, even when they try to hide. Got it?"
From the way his head bounced like a bobblehead, he got it.
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pigeonwhumps · 1 year
In Memoriam
Sanctuary masterlist
Whumpcember day 8: faked death
AMOW day 3: getting a letter in the mail
Taglist: @littlespacecastle @whumpymirages @flowersarefreetherapy @whumpcember @amonthofwhump
Finn calls his sister after she gets a leaflet through her door.
695 words + art
CWs: presumed dead, mentioned kidnapping, whumper pov, non-con, creepy whumper
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Finn scowls at the picture of a flyer his sister's sent him. In memory of Samantha Young. Well, that's one way of ruining his appetite. He presses call.
"Do you like the photo?"
"What the fuck, Ashley?"
"It's your little Romantic. Isn't she cute?"
"I know what it is. I want to know why you sent it to me. And how the hell you have it."
"A rather upset young man put it through my letterbox. Apparently it would've been her thirtieth birthday on the 27th of July. I thought you could add it to your scrapbook of her."
"I have far better photos now. You remember the Christmas ones."
"Oh I do." She pauses, clearly thinking about it. "You know, I'd quite like that young man as a pet. Any chance you could..."
"No, Ashley. You know I don't go for men. Anyway, they wouldn't let you buy a pet who used to live in your city, you know that. Not unless it's a special order, with lots of money."
"Spoilsport. I bet he's related to your Romantic. Oh! Or he might be a boyfriend." She sniggers. "Imagine that little Romantic having a boyfriend."
He sighs impatiently. "Ashley. The girl on that flyer, Samantha whatever, is dead. Dead. She has been for over nine years. The Romantic I'm training now might look like her, but she's not. She's a pet. She doesn't have any friends or family, certainly not a boyfriend, and she's going to her new owner next week. She doesn't even have a brain anymore, her head's just full of obedience and ways to fuck well. Are we clear?"
"So that's why you're so grumpy. You're losing your favourite acquisition."
"Fine, fine. I wasn't calling her a person."
"I know that. But better safe than sorry." He doesn't want anything to happen to his sister, after all.
"Hmm. Who's your Romantic's new owner?"
"A young Sri Lankan girl. The one who owns 065."
"Ohhh that's gotta be fun. Owning a bonded pair when one's forgotten the other. She must be some kinda sadist."
"What I don't get is why you'd give your Romantic another pet to possibly bond with. I mean, you'd think she'd want 643 entirely focused on her. I certainly would if I was her owner."
"I imagine there's plenty of fun to be had with multiple pets."
"Mm." There is, to be sure, but it's usually not as good as a pet's sole focus being you. "Anyway, I need to actually eat before I go to 643."
"Yeah, right. Enjoy."
"Oh, I will."
He cuts off and peels back the foil covering his limp ham sandwich. It looks... distinctly unappealing. He's not even hungry, really, not for this.
He knows what would be appealing though.
Finn shoves the sandwich back in his bag and jumps to his feet, a smile already spreading. Oh, he knows exactly what he's hungry for.
He strides down the corridors until he reaches 643's room and holds his keycard against the lock.
643 is kneeling beside the bed, wrists crossed behind her back, and she looks up at him demurely through her lashes as he enters. He hasn't seen her today, too busy with paperwork, and blood rushes to his cock at the sight.
"Good to see you can hold a position, 643. As you know, it's final checks this week. I need to ensure you're ready for your prospective owner. Position 22."
643 sits on her heels and tilts her head up, opening her mouth.
Finn nods approvingly. Technically this isn't a position she's likely to need with a female owner, but... maybe this Miss Anita Ranjit has a boyfriend. Or maybe she'll like to watch her pets fuck. Finn's job is to prepare 643 for anything her owner might give her, and that certainly includes a cock.
Finn unzips himself and inserts his cock into 643's gaping mouth. She's like a little bird, so eager for something to fill her up.
"Go on, suck it. Show me what a good girl you are."
643 starts working on him, and oh yes. This is a much better lunch than his ham sandwich.
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