#he's like a fairy prince uwu
thesovereignsring-if · 11 months
Hello there, dear author! :D
I'm wondering, if you could cast voice actors for all the important characters in your game (ROs, siblings, empress, etc. ), who would you choose? :3
I personally prefer Japanese voices, so I'd love to hear your thoughts on those, but if you like English more, then that's fine too!
Hope you have a wonderful Sunday! :D
Oh this is a really cool question!! I am a connoisseur for both Eng and Jp Vas so I will provide both. Lmao Some of these are highly specific because some of these characters were lowkey blueprints 🙈 Though I'm curious about what other people would think!
His voice is soft, light, almost sweet tenor. It's gentle and very friendly, the kind that kids find soothing and approachable, but can go into a deep earthy tone when he wants to be serious.
Miyano Mamoru (Chrollo/Light Yagami)
Matt Mercer (Yusuke Kitagawa)
His voice would be a very smooth, relaxing tenor, dark but very gentle.
Jun Kasama (HiMERU) or Yuichiro Umehara (Alhaitham/ Keito Hasumi)
Greg Chun, specifically when he making cheesecake or as Adam)
Her voice would be the dark, warm and slightly husky voice. Y'know the one that screams Mommy that will wreck you uwu but also playful aunty.
Miyuki Sawashiro
Allegra Clark (Chihiro Morimura/Beidou)
Junichi Suwabe (Sukuna/Archer)
Cam Clark (Kratos Auron/Prince Crescendo) but Patrick Seitz (Frederic Chopin) works too.
Finny has a youthful voice, something bright and almost nasally. I wouldn't take him very seriously and ruin the tone of the story, but I think it would be sooo cute if he had a little lisp. ;//w//;
Masakazu Morita (💕Tidus💕/Kurosaki Ichigo) or Yuki Kaji (Alibaba)
Max Mittleman (Ryuji/ Itto Arataki)
She would have a very sweet, bubbly and airy voice. Something that borders on fairy-like and soothing, but isn't grating to the ears.
Rie Takahashi (Emilia/Hu Tao/Takagi)
Laura Bailey (Cheria Barnes/Rise Kujikawa)
Her voice would be something bright, cute and confident. Nothing too high or low, something just right in the middle.
Haruka Tomatsu (Kyoko Hori/ZeroTwo/Asuna)
Kelly Sheridan (Barbie/Sango)
Her voice would sit somewhere between pretty, sweet and just edging on sexy. Not too bright or husky, a rich tone that's fitting for a young woman.
Rie Tanaka (Himeko / Lisa)
Michelle Ruff (Velvet (OdinSphere)/Sakuya Tachibana /Sadayo Kawakami)
Androgynous, but soothing, dark and slightly husky. Something that makes you question their age, gender and your sexuality.
Romi Park
Veronica Taylor (Tsukasa Okino) or Eric Vale (Yuki Sohma)
SASS. Something not too bratty, but has a rich and sauve twang to it. A rich tone that borders on nasally.
Noriaki Sugiyama (Sasuke Uchiha/Uryuu Ishida/Shimazaki (Mob Psycho100))
Liam O'Brian (Ingway(OpinSphere)/ Akihiko Sanada) or Yuri Lowenthal (Suzaku Kururugi/ Sasuke Uchiha)
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tartrazeen · 10 months
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Fae. Angus.
For real - this has completely taken over my other head canons, and I've been thinking it over ever since @schimmelspore came up with it.
I love it.
It's the best of all worlds: it doesn't change anything about the first season, Angus can still play the "common peasant" part whenever he wants, and it adds so many other plotlines to the mix. It even fits with all my ideas for an impossible second season - it's great.
Now - I'm prone to being self-indulgent with stuff like this, so I wanna tone down the ideas I had in the last thread. The last thing I want is to bend the whole story around him (even though, hilariously, Angus was picking up a serious Second-In-Command role among the Mystic Knights in the later episodes, so I feel like the writers were bending the story to feature him as soon as Rohan was off dealing with his family drama or being in a coma 👀). So I've put a few restrictions on and googled a few other things.
1. I'm not super sure I like Angus being a prince anymore 🤣
He doesn't need to be. Great, 'cause it feels like cheating? To make him a super cool omg actual fae, and also a prince? We had the prince reveal with Rohan, and it is so much funnier picturing Deirdre trying to force Angus into uncomfortable, fancy clothes at boring, stuffy events, and Angus only putting up with it because she's his friend - because he's not expected to (because he's not a prince), and he is so not doing this as her subject. Technically, if he's a fairy, she's more on his land than anything uwu
I love it because none of the knights can refuse a royal command from Deirdre right now. Either they're all visiting royals who know how to respect the rule of this land's law, or they're peasants who've been raised to know their place. For Angus to not be a prince, but to no longer be subject to Kells' rule, it builds a really fascinating dynamic between the two of them. Deirdre's forced to interact knowing her crown is meaningless, which has never been the case before. It's always held some power over other people. And sure, Angus was always a bit flippant and careless when he spoke, but she had the authority to shut him up if she had to, so she allowed most of it. Now? She's got no authority.
It's like how she is with Aideen, only a hundred times worse: Aideen has always made it clear that she only does them favours as favours. Now, Deirdre's going to have to be hit with a moment where she insists Angus listen to her, just to realizes, "... Shit. He's a fairy. He doesn't actually have to." The episode where Fin Varra has to rule Kells for a day and tries to turn Angus (lol) into a Spriggen for insulting him, then realizes, "shit i don't have my powers"? That's how that moment's going to go. Every conversation is going to actually have to be a conversation now.
I wouldn't mind an episode about that, either. Aideen can get sick of them and fly off, and Angus (who's already prone to stomping off) can walk away from Deirdre too. Will he get thrown in jail? Sure, maybe! But then she's going to have to accept that the only reason Angus listens to her is because he doesn't want to be in jail. I'll get into stuff about magic in a sec - we already know Angus can pick a lock, so keep that in mind instead.
Imagine Deirdre does butt heads with Angus over the course of that episode, and that Angus starts digging his heels in more and more until he snaps and says he doesn't have to listen to her. "I'm a fairy. You wouldn't be telling Aideen what to do, so don't tell me."
She replies that she can't lock Aideen up for refusing a royal command. He says she wouldn't even try if she could, because Aideen's not her subject, and neither is Angus probably (😝). She's furious at his defiance and says, "You're not Aideen," basically threatening him with going to jail.
Angus goes, "Well, princess, then lock me up. It'll get as much out of me as yelling, but at least in there, I can have a nap."
And she does. She has to. She's a princess, and he can't talk to her like that. Maybe later, she feels awful about it; Rohan could've said something about friendship, or Cathbad about the little people, or her father about commanding one's friends, or even Aideen about how bossy Deirdre can be. So she goes to the jail to see Angus, who's relaxing in there, and tells the guards to let him out.
She's almost about to apologize, but Angus 'forgives' her before she can. Not smart, 'cause she's still hurt by how Angus was ignoring her. So she says she'll only let him out if he promises to listen to her from now on. He might be a fairy, but she's princess, and this is her castle.
"So it is. But like I've told Maeve in her castle -"
OH BITCH WHAT DID YOU SAY Deirdre explodes at the comparison, and says if he's going to treat her like the enemy - like Maeve - then he can just stay in the dungeon after all. Back in he goes, and off she stomps.
The rest of the episode can be a real soul-searcher for Deirdre. I'd want it to be more of a Deirdre episode than anything; Angus really isn't changing at the end of this. But Deirdre can now walk through her village or her castle and talk to people, trying to take her mind off how rude Angus was, and get into a situation where a peasant's a little rude to her. Maybe she breaks one of the wares of a travelling merchant, and the merchant yells for the guards to make her pay when Deirdre says she doesn't have any gold with her right now.
The guards show up, say that she's the princess, and the merchant says, "I don't care who she is, she broke my stuff!" And the guards - for this merchant's insolence - haul that merchant off to jail. Deirdre tries to intervene because she knows the merchant's technically right, but the guards say that it's always been against the law to insult a member of the royal family.
She says, "As a member of the royal family, I'm ordering you not to take this man to jail!"
And the guards say, "But if we don't, then we'll be breaking the law. And we'll be going to jail."
And she says, "But if you do, then..." And realizes she's kind of got everyone in a lose-lose situation.
The other Mystic Knights come up because they see Deirdre's in a bind, and Ivar purposely suggests that perhaps, the guards simply misheard what the merchant had said, and that the princess was letting them know about the mix-up. And Garrett just so happens to have some gold with him, which is enough to pay for whatever it was that Deirdre broke. And the merchant's about to protest this again, but there's Rohan with a Draganta Stare™ to shut that down. Everyone walks away, and Deirdre's left there with the others.
It's kind of her first chance to see how little power she actually has. Her crown puts even the people who are loyal to her at odds with her authority. The only reason no one went to jail now is because her friends knew what she wanted, and were able to help make it happen. It could be a neat way for these four to bond, especially if Rohan says maybe the reason he's never felt a prince is because no one's been afraid of him - unless they're on a battlefield. :)
The thought of people being afraid of her really sticks in her mind. She even says outloud, "People used to be afraid of Maeve." And that inspiration is enough to get her to go back to the jail and order the guards to let him out for real this time.
Before the guards actually do, Angus could thank her for her generous, merciful charity - and then say he's still not gonna do the thing she threw him in here for not doing. She can maturely take a deep breath at that, say she sees the error of her ways, and then say she cares too much about Angus as a friend to want him to only listen to her out of fear. She likes having his opinion on things. He's always had a unique way of seeing the world, even if it's hard to hear occasionally.
Deirdre isn't some pushover. Maybe he's right that he doesn't have to listen to her. He isn't one of her subjects, and Kells is his home, not his prison. But this is her castle, and he should be listening to her as any good guest would. That's what Ivar and Garrett are doing - and Rohan too, in a way. And more than that... he should want to help her as her friend.
Angus, who's still in the cell right now, says it's hard to help someone as a friend when they treat you like a servant. Deirdre, for her part, can admit that, but says she has to be able to give orders. She's the princess. She doesn't even have a choice; sometimes by just exist, people are ordered to carry out the crown's will for her. It's smothering. Angus might be the one in the cell, but Deirdre's the one who feels trapped.
Angus - ummmm... points out again that he is in a cell.
Deirdre's about to be a mess, 'cause of course that sounds like Angus wasn't even listening now. But Angus cuts her off, finally relenting, and says, "Look. I'll make a deal with you: you get to be the princess giving everybody orders, and I'll be the fairy roaming the castle for fun. If you want something, ask. If I don't want to it, I won't. But if I want to do it, as a favour for my friend, then I will."
Deirdre says that doesn't sound fair to her. It basically seems like he isn't going to help her with anything.
Angus says no, he's not, if she can't ask and can only order it. But he also says she should have a little more faith in him than that. They are friends, and he's always helping her when she doesn't even realize it. For example -
He just opens the cell and walks out lol
She's surprised for a moment, but then slowly says, "Right. Magic."
Angus says, "No. Keys. :) I took 'em when you almost let me out the first time. But! But, but, but - I didn't use 'em 'cause I knew you'd be angry. So I stayed. As a favour to you. As my friend."
It's like a peace offering. Deirdre thinks about how to respond, and eventually takes the keys and hands them back to the guards. As her friend, she's going to generously, mercifully, and charitably order that everyone forgets Angus just did that. One of the guards might try to protest, since he quite literally stole the keys to his cell, but Deirdre will add that as part of her royal order, she wants everyone to forget the guards let him steal those keys. So that shuts them up, and they scurry off.
Angus, free again, finally apologizes for their fight. Deirdre shrugs and says it's proof that someone in Kells isn't afraid of her. Angus says he's terrified of her, and that's the real reason he stayed in the jail: protection. He can't imagine how red she'd be if she found out he'd escaped. Kells is his home, and he wants to be able to sleep in it with both eyes shut.
It's a fun story that'd simultaneously explain how Deirdre, Garrett and Ivar all adjust to Angus' newfound identity. Deirdre would have it the hardest, but the two would certainly appreciate the pain of having someone in their kingdom that they couldn't control. For Garrett, that would be his brothers. :/ For Ivar, it's his sister's pet dog.
There are still some adjustments needed for King Conchobar, since he's not really sure what to make of Angus now. He's pretty always treated Angus as "Rohan's funny friend who does crime and also my daughter wants to make out with him," and as a Mystic Knight, Angus is still going to follow those orders. It's more about coordination than commands, really. So the only questions Conchobar has is, "🤔 How much fairy magic are we talking about exactly?" and "I know he's not a king, but is he like... a noble now...? Or something? He's not living in the castle." And honestly, that second question is the status quo for the show lol Angus gets away with a lot so I don't really think much is going to change in how they talk to each other. It's more that Conchobar will now always ask what Angus can do whenever they make their battle plans. I'm debating how Angus would feel about that uwu
Speaking of magic...
2. I want his to be conceptually simple
The fae in this show can just sort of do whatever. They transform stuff, summon stuff, conjure stuff, enchant stuff, scry on stuff, predict stuff, fix stuff, and make illusions of stuff. Aideen does everything from "make pants out of grass" to "heal herself", seemingly only limited by size.
After googling some Irish mythology specifically so I didn't try to bastardize something that already exists, I saw two big themes:
Fairies use a lot of magic to purposely fuck with humans, both for fun and as revenge for being antagonized
Fairy magic can often be used to explain some human phenomena
As in, "Something bad happened, blame it on an encounter with a fairy."
The vibe I got is that if you mess with a fairy, even accidentally, there is a 1,000,000% chance that they will return to get your ass. If you don't mess with fairies, there's about a 30% chance. If you actively try to befriend fairies, there's a 50% chance, but there's also a 50% chance that it works and they're really niceys to you uwu
I will make local copies from now on 😭
I'm also gonna pick up from here 'cause 🤷🏽‍♀️ I wasn't finished, so sit tight
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ponds-of-ink · 2 years
Shattered Dreams but Intact Teacups (Followup/Part 2)
It’s finally here! Took longer than I thought, but I finally got it done! :D
In case you are new/need a refresher, here’s Part 1. In case you’re busy, though, the TL;DR is basically: Scraptrap tries to look good for Scrap Baby’s tea party through illusion disks and the plan backfires miserably. Now Scrap Baby/Elizabeth, while playing her tea party character, has to show him that she’s absolutely okay with him showing up sans-disks.
(@uwu-scraptrappy, get ready. I dunno what feels this part’ll give you, but I have a feeling it’ll give you some.)
Scrap Baby looked back at Lefty. Her mind flipped through the pages of her childhood memories (or, well, what was left of them). What fairy tale logic could she use here could she used to “cure” Princess Trapeze [and make Daddy feel better, of course]? What kind of ‘curse’ were they supposed to lift, anyway? A Beauty and The Beastie kind? A Cinderella-But-The-Fairy’s-Really-Mean type? Frog Prince? Little Mermaid…?
…Baby’s eyelids widened. “Blackbear, can we talk in private?” she asked softly, tilting her head towards a corner of the room.
“Sure thing, M’Lady,” Lefty replied in-character, already making her way to their intended spot. She waited for Baby to arrive, then asked the inevitable question: “Do you have a plan to cure her?”
“I do,” Scrap Baby answered, her tone fluctuating between pride and uncertainty. “But there’s one thing I need advice on. Advice that I think you can give.”
Lefty’s eyebrows raised. “All right, what is it?” she asked in turn.
“Do you think we can get a prince to give her a true love’s kiss?” 
“Not really,” Lefty responded solemnly, shaking her head. “If Trapeze’s story is as sad as she makes it to be, I don’t think anyone’s even given her a hug— Let alone a kiss on the lips… Or the cheek, if that’s more reasonable for her.”
Scrap Baby’s eyelids lowered. Her shoulders slumped. “Well, I don’t think you’d count for a prince, Sir Black-Bear,” she muttered. “You’re just a knight.”
Lefty nodded. “And kinda glad about it, actually,” she admitted weakly. “I really don’t want to waste a true love’s kiss on someone I’ve only known for a few minutes. What if I find someone I actually love and I need to break them from a sleeping spell?”
“That’s fair,” Scrap Baby agreed morosely. Her pupils slowly drifted to and fro, as if skimming through the memory that brought her to this train of thought. Her furrowed “brows” relaxed as something eased her. “But I’M still an option,” she resumed, her voice regaining its typical confidence. “Of course I count, I’m a princess! If ‘true love’ can count for us, then maybe I can break it myself!”
If Lefty were a human, one would have definitely been able to see a cold sweat forming on her forehead. “That depends on how the spell-caster defined ‘true love’ when giving the curse,” she sputtered out uneasily. “If he meant romance, then PLEASE don’t even think about trying. It just won’t work with anyone other than who she’s supposed to marry to later. If he meant the kind of love that families or friends have, then sure I guess. Even the love you show when helping out a stranger in a rough time might work, if the wizard was that merciful.”
“What are you trying to say?”
Lefty sighed. “You can try, but I dunno the specifics of this ‘true love’ thing,” she summed up gently. “Just smooch her on the cheek or something, just to be safe.”
“I already had something in mind,” Scrap Baby assured warmly, turning her head towards Scraptrap’s face and arms lying on the table. “I saw Cinderella’s Prince do it once.”
Confident in her plan, Baby quietly glided back to the table. She stopped besides Scraptrap, towering over him even as she tried to look more sympathetic and gentle with her posture. She stood there for a few seconds, analyzing the poor wretch before her. Then, as carefully as she could, she pulled out his good arm and slipped the ring back on. This was the only “warning” she gave before planting her best prince-like ‘kiss’ on his hand. 
To her surprise, Scraptrap was quick to respond. “What was that for?” he asked, quite frankly more shocked about the ring being back on his finger than the ‘smooch’ itself (though, not knowing the exact context, that did come out of nowhere). 
Scrap Baby smiled sheepishly. “I… thought this would count as a ‘true love’s kiss’,” she explained as she lowered his hand back down. “You know, the usual way a curse like yours is broken.”
Scraptrap’s puzzlement melted away. He rolled his (would’ve been reddened) eyes and sniggered to himself. “I’m sorry, Princess Melodica, but I’m afraid mine doesn’t work like that,” he said, returning to being properly in-character. “In fact, I’m not quite sure if there is a cure other than these two trinkets.”
“Oh,” Scrap Baby answered, mild disappointment seeping in.
“But at least you made her stop crying, Your Highness,” Lefty chimed in, moving to Scrap Baby’s side. “As far as I’m concerned, you’ve probably broken her real curse just by being this caring. Loneliness like hers must be considered a curse too, if you think about it long enough.”
Scrap Baby tilted her head at Lefty. “Really?” she asked the bear, clasping one of those black plastic paws in her mismatched hands. “But what about her—?”
Lefty cut in with a gentle shush. “That’s a spell to break another day,” she answered warmly. Then, she looked over at Scraptrap. “Besides, Princess Trapeze,” she continued in that same tone, “there’s an expression in my family’s kingdom that should do you well: ‘Fairer be the heart of gold and pearls than the fairest with dainty curls’… Or something like that.”
Scraptrap turned his face away as if flattered, but his expression showed otherwise. “B-But I don’t think either of those things apply to me,” he stammered, unsure if that was in-character or an unintentional expression of… potential guilt.
“I’m not talking total perfect—“ Lefty started, but stopped herself with a frustrated grimace. “Oh, never mind this whole part! I’m not good with summing up stuff like this. That was my dad’s job. I’ll just say that you’ll get better in due time if you’re not being extremely dumb, okay? Like, evil wizard-type of dumb.”
Scraptrap snickered at his companion’s outburst. “Okay,” he grinned as Lefty stomped back to her seat. “I think I understand. Thank you very much, Sir Black-Bear.”
“You’re welcome, but whatever,” Lefty grumpily murmured, crossing her arms and lowering the metal bowl over her head like a cowboy ready to sleep in his favorite rocking chair.
“As for you, Your Majesty,” Scraptrap resumed, turning his attention back to his glowing-eyed hostess, “I would like to thank you for your attempt. I don’t think anyone has actually tried to figure out an antidote before. Well, anyone besides me, I suppose.”
“You’re welcome,” Baby replied proudly, giving her guest her best curtsy. “I just thought I should try to help.”
Scraptrap removed the ring from his finger. “Speaking out of character for moment,” he spoke up, trying not to cringe at his own natural hoarseness, “I have to ask: Why did you do it, really? You could have easily made Princess Melodica politely excuse Trapeze from the party and carry on with her knight friend as if nothing happened. Why did you choose such a… considerate option?”
Baby’s faceplates twitched. Her roller skates shifted aimlessly in place. “Well, I didn’t want to make Melodica mean,” she explained, giving him her best ‘pout’. “It just didn’t feel right after what y— Trapeze said about being lonely.”
Trap nodded thoughtfully. “Sounds reasonable,” he muttered, picking up the ring and holding it in his hand. Then, as he started to slip it back on, something stopped him. He set the trinket back down with an uneasy expression. “I suppose now my only concern is…” his voice trailed as his eyes caught his murky reflection in that magenta crown. “Do you think…?”
His voice trailed again. His pupils remained fixed on that tinted ‘mirror’. Echoes of unseen, taunting voices rung in his mind, causing him to wince even more than usual. With each insult faintly recalled, he inspected his more ghastly features. The gash on his forehead (which itself was a source of ridicule enough already). The uneven eyelids that made him look dazed if he wasn’t paying attention to his emoting. The ghostly pin-prick irises that made his sockets look like metallic eyes. And this was only covering the parts one would notice if that disproportionate head didn’t—
A clawed arm gently shoved the crown away from the rabbit’s view. “Do I think what?” Baby asked softly, almost managing to lean down to his eye level. 
“D-Do you think the same applies to me?” Scraptrap sputtered out, the cooling fan in his robotic suit spinning at top speed. “Do you think I look… passable? Or at the very least not nauseatingly vile?”
Baby blinked. “I’m looking at you right now, aren’t I?” she asked in return, tilting her head to one side.
Scraptrap nodded slowly. 
“And you know how I get when I see something I really don’t like.”
That got a chuckle out of the old rabbit. Oh, how could he forget? A moody little arm cross here, a sulky turning her back away from the hated object there, or even just an outright cry of disgust and a pinching of her nose— Well, if she was still the little girl he raised and not an almost eight-foot animatronic.
“So it has to mean something when I look at you and don’t do that,” Baby insisted, holding her dad’s good hand in her own. “Yes, you aren’t pretty and shiny as Circus Baby used to be, but neither was Patchwork Patricia! Or Mr. Frankenstein when I invited him for tea! Or—“
“I think he gets the point, Baby,” Lefty cut in, her tone wavering between annoyance and enjoyment.
Scraptrap acknowledged Lefty’s interruption, then returned to the matter at hand. “And I think that point is…” his voice trailed for a moment as he processed his conclusion, “…you do not think that I’m absolutely repugnant.”
Scrap Baby nodded firmly. “You are not a pug or an ant or a peanut,” she said with (over-confident) authority. “You are my daddy and I’m not going to kick you out for being a Franken-bunny. I don’t care what anybody else says to me later about letting you stay at my tea party without that fancy watch on— It’s my tea party, and you’ll be staying right here… if you want to.”
Minor skewing of the word ‘repugnant’ aside, the sentiment itself made Scraptrap beam in spite of the suit’s lowered rabbit ear. “I think I will stay,” he said as he slipped the ring back onto his finger. “Thank you so much, ‘Your Highness’.”
Scrap Baby giggled. “You’re very welcome, Princess Trapeze,” she responded, straightening her posture. “Now, let’s see if we can get this tea party back on track.”
“Sounds good to me,” Lefty remarked, lifting her second hat above her eyes. “All this reassuring was great, but I was honestly starting to fall asleep.”
The same couldn’t be said for Michael and the technician in the security office. The technician looked away from his static-ridden “TV” to see Michael pacing in one part of the room. “Guess this is a ‘like if you cry every time moment for you, huh?” the technician grinned sheepishly. “You look like you’ve just finished the latest season finale for The Immortal and the Restless.”
Michael stopped pacing. “Just change to a different camera, would you?” he asked quietly. “I need to know how the rest of the building is doing.”
“Sure thing, Mr. Afton,” the technician answered, switching from one camera feed to the other. 
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gachagon · 1 year
I started reading this book called The Cruel Prince a few days ago. I saw it on tiktok and i thought it looked cool so I decided to check it out. I am enjoying it a bit so far, I mean I'm not super enthralled by it but it's alright.
I do however think the main character is a bit naive, though I think that's because of her age or whatever.
(spoilers for chap 1-12 of The Cruel Prince)
Like she's all head over heels for this Locke guy and it's really grating on me because every time she's like "I stared into his handsome eyes and wanted to kiss him UwU" I scream in my head "HE SAT BY AND WATCHED AS YOU AND YOUR SISTER ALMOST DROWNED, HE WAS GOING TO LET THAT DOUCHEBAG PRINCE MURDER YOU BOTH IN THE WOODS WITH NO ONE AROUND" but I know she can't hear me lmao
And*I don't trust this Locke guy like at all, I feel like he's very shady, very tricky, and also he sat by and watched while they almost drowned in a lake filled with sea creatures waiting to eat them alive...
Idk its just if i were here I wouldn't be so ready to like...go out with this tricky fairy dude who's literally best friends with my biggest bully.
Also i dont really care for Cardan (and yes I know he gets abused at home) I am just not really a fan of men who are mean to women in any capacity. I just hope this doesn't end with him having this big tragedy revealed about himself and it overshadowing all of the terrible things he did.
I appreciate that the book was true to the cover though like he really IS a piece of shit T_T I went into this with ppl saying "No he's a VERY cruel prince, like he's REALLY mean" so at least the book has that going for it, it was honest about that.
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moonlight-blizzard · 5 years
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nyarsenic · 3 years
hi um,,, hewwo,, boy sorry to bother u about this but you have typed a bulletpoint outline of all the beginning of the Cinderella AU as well as a sorta fic of the very ending, but do u have bulletpoints for what happens in the middle? like, what's the mystery? who's out solving it? I think tumblr tagging system is not letting me see all the posts I remember seeing
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Heres a masterlist and a little elaboration!!
[Cinderella Au Masterpost]
First post/Main Cast Designs
Second Post
Molly, Trixie, Feenie
Story Cover
The Prince of VILLAINY!!
Jaq and Gus
Wheres Zora, Rams, and Howie?
Feenie and Trixie (Elaborated)
How the gang buddies up
The Clock Strikes 12
Cinderella Au Edits
Zora Sketch
Zora and Yooms
Pik Fancomic 🥺
The AU was originally just some patched together ideas but!! I have some more consistent thoughts about it now.
This AU takes place about 5 months before Sweet Jazz Museum is announced to the public.
Molly still runs the shop like in canon, but she does it with help of two plushies she got from her mother who "watch the counter" while she stocks things.
As this takes place around the holiday, Molly is putting up some festive toys and things. She admires the glass rabbit figurines she displays.
She soon gets a call from Feenie inviting her to a charity ball/masquerade in a week! It was to celebrate the opening of the Sweet Jazz museum. The things people would give would instead be antiques rather than money to display in the museum.
Molly is excited! She has that day off AND she sewed the cutest accessory to go with a dress she had in the back.
But the excitement would soon wear off when Lorelai 'accidentally' ruined her dress and her Dad left her in charge of the shop. Even though he promised...
Exhausted from school and the night of running the shop yesterday- her eyelids began to grow heavy. And soon Slyvie would appear from the Ether.
[insert fairy goddoctor rules here] Sylvie grants her wish of wanting to go to the ball, creates her dress, turns the glass rabbit figurine into glass slippers, and gives her a sheep steed.
The only caveat is that his magic wears off at 12, and that everyone in question will remember her as a dream they cant quite recall. To keep track of the time and to call upon him, he gives her his pocket watch.
Mollys like alright lets go. She arrives at the party and everythings great!! The Ball is fancy, theres great food, interesting people, but more importantly her friends!!
About an hour of goofing around in the halls, eating appetizers, checking out the pretty antiques, and talking go by in a flash.
In the middle of their discussion of paranormal things- Feenie suddenly notices the Family Heirloom she was wearing, suddenly vanished.
The heirloom in question is a golden bell with beautiful carvings, and a latch on the clapper to keep it from ringing. No one has dared to use it, as it puts people to sleep. Some people say only a day, others say forever.
Thus trio panics and Molly goes to eavesdrop on people, playing it safe. She doesnt believe in her epithet abilities at this point so she simply uses them to listen to an obviously shady guy.
That shady guy was Giovanni, stealing silverware and food for his precious minions. Because DUH stealing from the rich is COOL!! But he explains he'd never steal a stupid bell.
Giovanni soon finds all his boys knocked out in the hall adjacent to where he just was. NOW THIS WAS PERSONAL MATTER OF PRIDE. He shall help the kid. He shall name her bear trap uwu
Molly, Feenie, Trixie and Giovanni team up ((after trixie and gios initial spiderman point at eachother)) to investigate where the people who stole the bell are and why they stole it in the first place.
Upon arriving to see Howie Honeyglow asleep (standing up?!), the Fleecity family guards arrives as well. She introduces herself as Percy, in her spare time she is a Private Investigator and wishes to aid the group in their search for information of the perpetrator in return.
The thing that is baffling the group the most is that there were shadowed figures following giovanni before he found his boys knocked out, how they stole it off of Feenie with out anyones notice, and how it seems that problems outside of the bell keep arising.
Molly eventually cracks the code that maybe the bell was just a red herring- and that perhaps the perpetrator(s?) were after something bigger. Something better. Something IMPOSSIBLE to steal in front of crowds of hundreds. That is- unless the crowd was asleep. They are after the green amulet that was featured in the display. It was the main piece.
A insanely muscular butler kidnaps them and throws them in a makeshift jail after their revelation of figuring out who it was. Indus apologizes to the group for the inconvenience, however he must do what he must to serve his lady.
Though to everyones surprise, Indus informs them he and his lady didnt get it from Feenie. They got it from Ramsey (who happened to be in the cell with them) who Giovanni remembers from his training guide and Percy just cant seem to remember what his name reminds her of.
Molly realizes oh shit his lady may be in big ass trouble, if ramsey or indus or mera didnt knock out Giovannis boys- then who did?
Indus releases the group under the condition that he must save his lady (and thanks them for the tip/favor). The group splits up to find Mera, and hopefully not run into danger
Uh oh molly runs into danger! Mera is the danger. She was about to put the entire hall of people to sleep with the bell.
Molly and mera have their stand off and in true epithet fashion, Meras ass gets kicked by Molly using her epithet in combination with Giovanni (and this time percy as well!)
From an outside perspective, we see Zora and Yoomtah confirming that the Arsene Amulet is going to be at Sweet Jazz Museum to their boss. Yoomtah is giggling at the sight of the fight from outside.
Before mera completely gets knocked out Mollys dress is torn by mera. Molly excuses herself to patch up her dress and when she returns- Giovanni points out that her mask has gone missing
Oh no. Its twelve. (the rest can be seen the in the clock strikes twelve post)
In Percy and Gios perspective, they are looking for someone they cant quite remember. Percy urgently feels as if she must return this glass rabbit figurine- to whom she doesnt know. And even though all of Giovannis boys have woken up, he feels like one is missing.
The two decide to team up once more to track down the mystery person. With a lil help from ramsey on the side.
They eventually track down the person in question! Said person is a 12 year old girl, with a bear hoodie and curly hair with stars. They know her as a friend. And that friend is currently getting scolded for not watching the store yesterday night.
Giovanni is about to go HAM on whoever this jackass of a dude is, but percy cuts in a proceeds to roast the shit out of him for making his minor child all by herself tirelessly.
Giovanni takes this opportunity to "kidnap her" (take her to get ice cream) and soon Percy joins in. Molly realizes maybe her life isn't hopeless at all ;w;
Okay perhaps that was more of a fic than a blurb but nevertheless here you are!!!!!
I hope this satisfies ur question 🥺 Im honored to know that you enjoy it still after all this time!!
If you u have anymore questions or requests for art for this AU please send it my way (*≧▽≦) ❤️
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sparrtington · 3 years
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Def a wip, I’ll probably clean it up later today as long as my entire be----ing decides to COOPERATE. (edit 2 hours later: apparently my brain turned off mid sentence)
More ranting under the cut...the ramblings of a very mentally unhinged quail WHO JUST LOVES THREE SPECIFIC LOKI SHIPS *CRIES*
In chronological order:
Dashingfrost is like...my OG Loki ship. Is it cause they’re both green based colour palettes? Both are narcissists' and like to dress well? That outfit to Jotunheim Josh Dallas wears in Thor 1? Fur shawl nonsense with double pauldron capes? HOLY SHIT. What a tool. Love it. And the Zachary Levi variant Fandral gets more intricate armor detailing and a full cape (which we respect) and his disheveled look is a great contrast to Loki with a more clean cut vibe. Again, the OG Asgard royalty/protector dynamic. The growing up to slow burn love each other over centuries. Easier to encapsulate a story about a more Norse myth centric story (If you don’t want to bother with super heroes in general). LOVE IT. Totally didn’t stay up till 11pm reading Dashingfrost. BTW, the name is charming. It’s a very Disney Prince(TM)-esque theme (lol cause Josh Dallas was Prince Charming in Once Upon a Time and Zachary Levi voices Flynn Rider in Tangled) It’s a very cute, charming name. It’s a charming ship that kinda ticks all the fairy tale, norse myth, potential centuries of tragedies, kinda stories. Also, out of all the Warriors Three, Fandral seems to be canonically (or fandom wise) the least hostile towards Loki as Thor’s best bros. He also has some banter with Loki in Dark World as well. We don’t talk about the untimely demise of the Three in Ragnarok. I felt so betrayed even tho I love Ragnarok as a movie.
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Frostiron is that mid MCU ship that started with Loki throwing Tony out of a window by his neck, with one hand. (MARK ME DOWN AS SCARED AND HORNY) Fell for the ship hard even though it’s the most “never ever would be canon” air about it. 
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Different height dynamic. Loki tall, Tony smol. Both have equally massive egos and big brain energy for their respective crafts. BOTH OF THEM HAVE BIG DADDY ISSUES. All that potential childhood traumatic angst. A lot of angst in this ship...now that I think about it. Exploring their individual PTSD issues either with Tony and his impromptu trip to space and his anxiety attacks or Loki being mind melted and tortured by Thanos....etc. a lot of potential healing and comfort uwu. More suffering ideas? The concept of mortality. Loki lives a long time, Tony no lives a long time. MORE SUFFERING.
Tony and Loki can swap the sugar daddy role. If Loki is on midgard or if Tony is on Asgard, which ever poison you prefer. Uhhhh...I also enjoy the amount of snark you can get out of them. Both from completely different realms, but they are kind of the same kind of messed up, big brain, ego driven idiots. Also, their ship name is metal af. 
Lokius, not as cool of a ship name because it’s just a traditional melding of their names, but we respect simplicity. Also, the most canon ship we’re gonna get. The coolest ship potential because VARIANTS. Not the other ships can’t be in AU’s, but Lokius is basically “You want an alternate universe? VARIANT THAT SHIT”. Love it. 
Mobius is also a very patient, caring character in general. Besides knowing Loki’s entire story front to back, he’s just very sympathetic without being half hearted about it. Mobius is very much 1000% capybara energy. Loki, the hostile alligator sitting with a chill capybara. That’s it, thats why I love this ship. Capybara energy~
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BUT THEN THEY ENDED THE SERIES WITH MOBIUS BEING LIKE “Who are you?” and I bout fuckin punched my monitor and screamed. I could eat my own teeth. LET. HIM. KISS. THE. COWBOY. anyway....Lokius, yesssss. A lot of potential with infinite and veritable possibilities. 
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Ok, that’s all. Thanks for coming to my ted talk, I need to lay down and cry over Loki shipping now.
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lovee-infected · 4 years
I love your characters analyses and I agree a lot with them!My favorite is Kalim and while he's an angel, the way most people go "Dumb innocent baby who is naive to the way of the the world uwu" kinda irks me haha. Yes, he's an airhead most of the time but he's much more perceptive than he looks (he knew about Jamil nature all along) and can use his head and put in hard work when he thinks it matters, aka helping and making other people happy (his dorm uniform and scary outfit story) (part 1)
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PREACH ANON, PREACH!!! The truth has been spoken 👏👏👏 That was amazing and you almost said anything that I meant to say! Characters and even real people who have the same personality as Kalim are often mischaracterized/misunderstood, mostly because people don't know that kindness isn't equal to stupidity. Almost anything that was needed to be said is already here so I'd just go through some of the details to complete it:
(1) Kindness ≠ Stupidity
Honestly...this isn't just about twst, it's about real life. These days many who are just sweet, generous and caring toward others even as they know that they're being abused because of their kindness, are called naïve and stupid. Look, many times they do realize that not everyone around them are worthy of their kindness, but they'd continue to treat them nicely, because it's in they're nature to be kind nonetheless, and this purity and genuine kindness is the worthiest thing one can ever ask for.
After chapter 4, Kalim did understand that Jamil had never been the person he was thought he was, he didn't even consider Kalim his friend. Jamil is still rejecting him but Kalim doesn't care, he even thanked Jamil after the fairy gala event for dancing with him, because it reminded him of the times when they played as children. Someone like Kalim would never forget anyone's kindness towards him, no matter what happens or how things change through the time. If you think about it, we all need someone like Kalim in our life.
Accept it, no matter who we are or how different our taste in people might be, we'd still appreciate an ally like Kalim. Someone who'd care for you and your problems no matter what it is, even as he can't help he'd try his best to at least make you feel better. He accepts criticism and won't fight you even if you call him useless and dumb (Just like when Jamil blamed him in the end of chapter 4), yet he'd still try to befriend you and do his best to support you through obstacles. This will to help people whom he cares for regardless of what they think of him or how much it may trouble him is an absolute treasure, just how many people can be like Kalim?
(2) Kalim shouldn't be compared to Jamil all the time!
A really common way of mischaracterizing Kalim is by comparing him to Jamil all the time: "Jamil is quiet, Kalim is talkative" "Jamil is cold, Kalim is warm and friendly" "Jamil is talented, Kalim is not" "Jamil is thoughtful and wise, Kalim is careless and stupid"...
I agree that Kalim and Jamil are different in some ways, but it isn't okay if we're going to compare him to Kalim whenever we're talking about him! Do we mention Jade or Floyd whenever we're talking about Azul? Do we compare Vil to Rook everytime we're talking about him? See, Kalim and Jamil are two separate characters. No matter how different or close they are, it isn't okay to consider them as nothing more than opposites! Both Kalim and Jamil have independent personalities amd we we don't have to mention Jamil whenever we want to talk about Kalim! His existence isn't bound to Jamil's and he's got a lot we can talk about other than his relationship/differences with Jamil.
(3) His generosity tells us a lot
You may wonder, why is he so generous anyway? Giving up on golden peacocks and diamond stones for friends and even strangers without caring about the financial loss isn't such an easy thing to do. Well let's imagine being on Kalim's shoes for a second:
You come from an unbelievably rich family, and ever since you can remember everyone around you has been treating you like a prince because of your father's status and money. Everyone around you is supposed to respect and treat you like a royaland you can buy anything you can ever wish for, you've got no financial boundaries. But on the other hand, you know that almost everything you've got around you is because of money: fame, wealth and many of your friends.
And if you one day lose all the money you'd once got, what is going to happen to you? What should you rely on? Who will ever even care if you're alive or not if the money that held all of your power and clout is gone? Also, even as he's rich, there are still things that he couldn't ever buy with money. He did say that sometimes he just feels so alone several times, then quickly changed the topic into something interesting and bright. Maybe he does want people to know that he as well sometimes goes through the pain and loneliness, but doesn't want it to seem to dramatic therefore he'd just quickly mention it to let it off his chest, then starts to talk about something else.
That's much and less of the reason behind Kalim's personality, he wants to use his money and attitude to gain what he can't buy with money: Friends. That's right, many of his friends might already be around him just for money, right? But it doesn't matter, he's got enough of money to keep them all satisfied. And if satisfying them is all it takes to keep his friends around him, he's all fine with it. He doesn't mind hoe expensive it might be, as long as he'll get to have nice friends he cares for around him he's alright.
THis generosity with money has found his way to his personality and attitude as well. His nature gravitates him into trying his best to help people out with all he's got. Kalim on his own is one that can get to have hid problems solved easily, there's always someone there to do it for him so he never needs to worry about anything. Perhaps he wants others around him to feel the same? If he had someone to take care of him whenever he needed to, then everyone else as well deserve to be helped out through difficulties just like Kalim was.
(4) We should all try and see through him!
Lets take a look at Kalim's background: Growing up with legit LOTS of siblings, he surely didn't get the attention and family love he deserved to have. Have you ever considered why Jamil was always so important to him while he could've been this close to any of his brothers? Well, that might be because none of his family members wasn't ever even close to being that close to him. Jamil isn't his brother, but Kalim does consider him his brother and best friend, which is somehow showing that even his own family haven't done as much as Jamil has done for him. He could've been poisoned or assassinated at any second, how does it feel growing up in an environment where you know many people already want you dead? Also, have you considered just how insecure and skeptical he coul've became because of having such a fearful past? At this point, someone wit his background might not even dare talk to any of other students let alone making friends with them! Almost any of us could've had trust issues if we'd grown up in the same environment as him!
Come to think of it, you'll see that Kalim is also pretty similar to the well-known hero Naruto! Naruto used to be looked down on because of his lack of ability yet he never gave up, he had a stunning will to turn his enemies into friends, he was considering and never gave up on Sasuke no matter how many times he hurt and turned his back on Naruto, and he never gave up on his goal no matter how many times he lost.
Kalim as well still has a lot to learn to improve and become a stronger magician, and he has strated to work his best and try to improve! It might not happen as fast as we may expect, but someday, maybe he as well would be strong enough for Jamil to be considered his rival and friend.
Another interesting fact to point out is their sense of humor, both Narto and Kalim can be careless at the time and sometimes mess up, and they also have a thing for sometimes laughing at their friends' mistakes (Not in an offensive way) all though they're the one to mess up most of the time. Like the times Kalim laughed at how bad Ace and Deuce's performance was, then decided to teach them how to dance with the help of Jamil.
Just would've been improved much faster if his goal was to be a great magician, but the main difference between Kalim and Naruto are thirs goals. Becoming a great ninja was Naruto's biggest goal, while Kalim's greatest goal is to be a good and supportive friend for everyone around him. Keep something in mind about Scarabia: It's true that Jamil, the vice dorm leader is in charge of most of the tasks and managements; but Kalim's presence is just as necessary for the students! Students need someone understand them, listen to their messenge and care to solve their problems like a friend! With Kalim's sympathy and Jamil's management, Scarabia students would have the chance to improve their best for the sake of their dorm and their very own future. (Though there needs to be some changes, Kalim should be a little more serious in general and Jamil needs to be more considering, but if Kalim and Jamil learn to work as a team Scarabia would stand higher than many of other dorms!)
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For real, this is a school of villains and Kalim is much of a great exception to be in this school. He's legit the nicest character in the game and even MC had plenty of great memories with him back in the Chapter 4. This precious boy doesn't deserve to be called stupid or naïve while all he's been doing so far was to bring everyone including us the players a wonderful time and sweet memories...we need to understand him much better💔
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I know someone else talked about their opinion on this but in your opinion (idk if it’s been asked yet) do you think that Adrien holds himself to like a fairy tale standard where there’s always a happy ending and nothing can go wrong between him and his love (like in fairy tales)?
Like he just. He acts like he's the knight in shining armour to be Ladybug's Prince Charming and i just. I refuse to believe it's naivety i refuse
Like he just. He acts like he's the knight in shining armour to be Ladybug's Prince Charming and i just. I refuse to believe it's naivety i refuse. I think it must be some kind of misplaced idealism? And that's what makes the most sense to me.
Like he's all 'leave Lila be and it'll all work out UwU' and 'b-b-but no one's useless Marinette 🥺' and if he just hopes and wishes everything will end in sparkles and rainbows and unicorn farts and so on. He simply refuses to believe that not everything works out like in fairytales and I think it's probably in large part due to how wealthy he is.
It's a character archetype that, if not handled well, ends up being really damn grating and painful to watch/read.
Anyway, the wealthy thing.
Wealthy people live on a completely different planet to the rest of us. They never have real problems. They don't have to worry about rent, or spending too much on groceries, or whether their boss will fire them next week for no reason or or or. Everything always works out fine and dandy for them.
The very idea that things won't go Adrien's way? Completely foreign. Adrien doesn't have to go without. He just thinks good things happen to the good guys (ie. him, even if his 'good' status is questionable) and bad things happen to the bad guys.
It's a simple, childish worldview and canon makes an absolute mess of it and I wish it was handled well.
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goldrushzukka · 3 years
You’re so right about Hozier
i love hozier and i think he has incredible talent and gorgeous respect for the black musicians who influenced his musical style but i think that part of his music gets overlooked a lot in favour of the uwu magic celtic folk prince Thing that (mostly) white american fans of his try to push onto him. like idk if its bc im irish myself and don't have that sort of soft-focus cottage in a fairy forest image of the country but it really just. drives me up the wall when people see hozier do something mundane and react like "why does he have an iphone he should be communicating through cave drawings" bc he is, fundamentally, just a lad from fucking bray.
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beyoncesdragon · 3 years
an introduction of VICTON♥︎༄
my favorite emo punk fairies of kpop, @aixy-hpsa bub buckle up.
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-`about victon´-
Victon actually means Voice to New World or some, and we, the cult-followers, are to be yelled at by the name of ALICE. They debuted 2016 and have so far produced a bunch of mindblowing, amazing, superior, beautiful, showstopping (...) bops:
-`studio albums´-
Voice : The Future is Now (2021) *scream*
-`mini albums´-
Voice To New World (2016)
Ready (2017)
Identity (2017)
From. VICTON (2017)
Nostalgia (2019)
Continuous (2020)
-`single albums´-
"Time of Sorrow" (2018)
"Mayday" (2020)
they are amaaaaazing oke. look here have my favorite songs of them. (Yes I’m forcing my love for them down your throat now I’m sorry)
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♥︎ 16. April 1995 ♥︎ 🐶 ♥︎ 🇰🇷 ♥︎
He became Victons leader after Seungwoo started participating in Produce X 101 and then officially became Victons leader when Seungwoo came back from X1.
This man is blessed with a set of insane vocal chords and we all love him for it.
congratulations to Victon for being the only group with Kang Seungsik
He’s the mom of the group :,)
Supa caring dude, cleans up the mess of OT6
Is “Health” in persona, which kinda fits doesn’t it.
Naturally gets bullied by the younger ones.
Also has dimples
Great leader and we should all respect him for it and give him never ending credits, victon wouldn’t be victon without him periodt.
♥︎ - HAN SEUNGWOO - ♥︎
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♥︎ December 24, 1994 ♥︎ 🦊 ♥︎ 🇰🇷 ♥︎
Lead rapper, lead dancer, lead vocalist lead everything
Except Leader.
He gave that position up after he returned from X1 (where he by the way also was voted leader)
YOOO the members missed him so much they cried when he was gone
Oh boy that man...dangerous
He has the funniest laugh? Like u would never expect that laugh to be his???
He. Has. His. Own. EP. And I dare everyone to listen to „Sacrifice“. It’s a masterpiece.
Seunggu also has tattoos!! 3 in total.
This dude is ripped yet u will probably catch him imitating goats and pikachu...?
Will roast the maknae but with love
Hes so much more than just his face.
♥︎ - DO HANSE - ♥︎
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♥︎ 25. Sept. 1997 ♥︎ 🐱 ♥︎ 🇰🇷 ♥︎
Hello you’re looking at the loml
Main rapper.
(Of victon and of Kpop ex.1 and ex.2)
Sese ♥︎
Puts the sweet in sweetheart and really, he only looks like he could kill
Semicolon on his wrist; cross on his left shoulder and chest (he church boi); roses on his arm: writings on his collar bone; so many more
bestest sense of fashion hands down
Iconic lip ring
His own solo EP is on the way!!!
Somehow this man is also main dancer
Talented boy.
♥︎ - LIM SEJUN - ♥︎
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♥︎ May 4, 1996 ♥︎ 🍓 ♥︎ 🇰🇷 ♥︎
You are looking at an icon here
Most coziest-est VLives in history of Vlives
Easily scared (victon does enjoy that, naturally)
Very whiny but it’s oke
Lead Vocalist, Visual, Face of the Group
Insane vocals too, here ex.1
Another member of kpops cucumbers-anti squad
He’s very much BTS fanboy (not as much as Wooyoung but that’s hard anyways)
Competitive eater (listen, the maknae said that and we will believe him)
Will never leave Subin do a Vlive in peace ever
Will Never leave Subin live in peace ever either
Clingy boy
Walking noise-machine, he goes “ouh? Oh? Eh?” Like 372892 times a day
So much love for the dimple-prince
♥︎ - HEO CHAN - ♥︎
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♥︎ December 14, 1995 ♥︎ 🦖 ♥︎ 🇰🇷 ♥︎
May I introduce...SUNSHINE OF VICTON ☀️
Mood maker of the group!
Mr Main Dancer and Vocalist also has dimples
And even tho he wanted to be a dance instructor, he somehow ended up becoming an idol
He even trained with TBZ mr leader sir Sangyeon
Mans can drive!!
Like Lee Know, he once was a backup dancer. For A-Pink tho, which is pretty cool
Hes considered the uncle in our lovely family dynamic
Expensive boi be collecting sHOES
And he said he polishes them from time to time and I do think that’s adorable
He’s also allergic to cats (unless it’s Hanse. That’s okay ig)
Cutest sunny boy, will take good care of your heart always☀️💛
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♥︎ November 12, 1997 ♥︎ 🐥 ♥︎ 🇰🇷 ♥︎
Welcome to Victon where everyone has a mandatory crush on Byung
Like he doesn’t even have to enter your biasline
You will still have a crush on him because Byungchan
Softest biaswrecker i have ever had 112/10 would recommend
Tall boi. Like really tall and really broad👀
I keep forgetting he’s maknae line tbh
Prettiest Dimples ever.
Very active on his Instagram and we love him for it
Top tier bf material
Hes the softest boy and yet only one who isn’t scared of fucking bugs (victon scaredy cats)
Try not falling too hard for the mister
He knows so many girlfroup dances
He also shows them off quite always
He’s a bit tinie liddol but clumsy sometimes
Gosh I love him
♥︎ - JUNG SUBIN - ♥︎
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♥︎ April 5, 1999 ♥︎ 🐰 ♥︎ 🇰🇷 ♥︎
Vocalist, Rapper, Heart-stealer, Actor...
Like I don’t know if any maknae ever received as many kisses as this one
Gets (rightfully) babied to the Max by every. Single. One. Of. Them.
He’s also a babie. Like yes he’s a grown man and he looks hella intimidating on stage but-
It’s Subin
He’s also the smolest in Victon (uwu)
At the same time, maknae on top, this man gets everything (except his own room lmao) he wants
Sometimes not so baby (ex.1)
Saiubin-bby was supposed to debut with Pentagon but he yeeted last minute (we thank)
The child himself has children too: dog Toto and 2 cats: Mimi and Jaws.
He’s close friends with my favourite, formerly pink-haired elf-twink Yeonjun of TXT
Chairman of Victon.
he has the BEST insta user: subsubey.
Best boi.
-`very valid victon-moments to begin with´-
- because its pride: 🌈
- general victon-feelsies: 🌸
- for bad mood: ☀️
- moments when you want to question their sanity: 🌻 🌼 🌺 🌹
- victon being talented on studio CHOOM
- victon being talented whilst covering kehlanis "Gangsta"
alright that was long. and yes they are exactly as loud and noisy and annoying and time consuming as they seem but they are also best boys who can bring very much happiness into ones life, so they are very much worth it
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magatsunohana · 2 years
Which Fairytale Archetype Are You?
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"Happy endings? I suppose people still believe in drivel like that."
the long-suffering knight
“Lancelot is: […] Probably sadistic or he would not have taken such frightful care to be gentle. […] 6. Ferociously punitive to his own body. He denies it and slave-drives it. 7. Devoted to ‘honour,’ which he regards as keeping promises and ‘having a Word.’ He tries to be consistent. 8. Curiously tolerant of other people who do not follow his own standards. He was nor shocked by the lady who was naked as a needle. 9. Not without a sense of humour. It was a good joke dressing up as Kay. And he often says amusing things. 10. Fond of being alone. 11. Humble about his athleticism: not false modesty. 12. Self-critical. Aware of some big lack in himself. What was it? 13. Subject to pity, cf. no. 3. 14. Emotional. He is the only person Mallory mentions as crying from relief. 15. Highly strung: subject to nervous breakdowns. 16. Yet practical. He ends by dealing with the Guinevere situation pretty well. He is a good man to have with you in a tight corner. […]18. Human. He firmly believes that for him, it is a choice between God and Guinevere, and he takes Guinevere. He says: This is wrong and against my will, but I can’t help it. […] People he was like: 1. Lawrence of Arabia, 2. A nice captain of the cricket, 3. Parnell, 4. Sir W Raleigh, 5. Hamlet, 6. Me, 7. Prince Rufant, 8. Montros, 9. Tony Ireland or Von Simm […] or whatever, 10. Any mad man, 11. Adam.” — TH White. Torn between guilt and devotion, he represents the late medieval anxiety of whether equal devotion to one's lady and one's liege is possible. He loves both, so he must lose both. He can only end the story happy if he either refuses to indulge his temptation or leaves this world – either for heaven or the fairy realm.
Tagged by: Stolen from @jaxxmulti
Tagging: @torikkusutas, @lovedloyalty (for Izo), @madamhatter (Simeon and Crowley UwU), @katebaikiru (Leona), and you~
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baekhvuns · 2 years
Manifesting Canadian concerts for you! Skz only announced Seoul and US so we'll see how worldwide their tour will be... there's a kpop fest happening in Germany, I wanted to go, see Kai, Oneus, Enhypen, Idle etc. Dream is performing as well, but nah </3 Now they announced another one in London, but it already looks messy from the organisation point of view just like the German one.
As I'm writing this message Hwa posted bucket hat photos... why are they hiding ughhh, I'm tired, I can tell his hair is black anyway but I need to see how short it is. 😭 but his eyes! 🤩 Anyways, let me act normal for a second lol.
So, I'm glad you agree on Hongjoong especially! I may take criticism for the other choices but JOONG IS LONDON! I spent years of my life there and it just screams Hongjoong: eclectic, rebellious but also elegant, London is my fave city and I think Hongjoong fits there perfectly with his unique mind, fashion and creativity.
Seonghwa - Paris - I mean come on, yeah Seonghwa has typical British vibes, but he also IS Paris embodied; beautiful and a bit intimidating, Paris is called City of Light and Seonghwa is our star/torch, so it just makes sense
Yunho - Lisbon - I had to assign him a bright and colourful place, Lisbon is a bit underrated, but such a cool and laid back place!
Yeosang - Vienna - our statue, our prince, he fits the elegance of an Austrian city, but there's more to Vienna than sophisticated buildings it has many pretty green spaces that match Yeosang's fairy vibe, hahaha
San - Amsterdam - ngl we struggled with San, but decided to go with Amsterdam, since it's a very fun place, but also more lowkey and San seems like a loud introvert so I think it makes sense; Amsterdam feels both like big city and small town and Sannie is our small town boy living in a big city, uwu
Mingi - Berlin - Berlin is modern, but also traditional, entertaining and calm at the same time, I think Mingi's fashion sense fits Berlin as well
Wooyoung - Madrid - fun and wild, Woo just suits Spain imo, he's loud, warm and welcoming just like Madrid
Jongho - Rome - Jongho likes Vincenzo so of course I had to, he would definitely enjoy Italian operas as well, I think Rome is great for him since he's a bit of an old soul + loves football and Italy is really into football - DV 💖
Manifesting Canadian concerts for you! Skz only announced Seoul and US so we'll see how worldwide their tour will be... there's a kpop fest happening in Germany, I wanted to go, see Kai, Oneus, Enhypen, Idle etc. Dream is performing as well, but nah </3 Now they announced another one in London, but it already looks messy from the organisation point of view just like the German one.
As I'm writing this message Hwa posted bucket hat photos... why are they hiding ughhh, I'm tired, I can tell his hair is black anyway but I need to see how short it is. 😭 but his eyes! 🤩 Anyways, let me act normal for a second lol.
i did not think of his hair colour change bestie YOU HAD ME ZOOMING IN ON ALL ANGLES TO SEE SOMETHING 😭😭 san’s bleached his hair???? blond sullet needs a comeback,, also is it just me or do koreans rly suit blond hair??? ive always wondered how natural they look in it its rly fascinating <3
So, I'm glad you agree on Hongjoong especially! I may take criticism for the other choices but JOONG IS LONDON! I spent years of my life there and it just screams Hongjoong: eclectic, rebellious but also elegant, London is my fave city and I think Hongjoong fits there perfectly with his unique mind, fashion and creativity.
HE IS ABSOLUTELY, 100% LONDON!!! omg it’s also my favourite city!!! i love the whole rebellious edge with regality from the royalty + history,, the art and the eccentricness,,, it rly fits him so well that i have a few fics for him that are solely based in london!! something about these two scream made for each other
Seonghwa - Paris - I mean come on, yeah Seonghwa has typical British vibes, but he also IS Paris embodied; beautiful and a bit intimidating, Paris is called City of Light and Seonghwa is our star/torch, so it just makes sense
THIS IS SO VALID HES LITERALLY PARIS W/ R&B SONGS WITH HEAVY BASSES,, HIM at fashion shows, the opulent vibes + penthouses + ofc the lights and the city of love 😭😭 + the sweets and everything it rly fits him so well, ironic bc everyone loves paris and it’s the same for hwa!! i think budapest can also suit him, it’s super elegant
Yunho - Lisbon - I had to assign him a bright and colourful place, Lisbon is a bit underrated, but such a cool and laid back place!
LISBON IS ABSOLUTELY SO SO STUNNING it gives me like travel dreams au’s where u find yourself lost in a city and yunho somehow happens to stumble upon u and u two backpack together >>>> the trams and the general warm vibe rly rly fits yunho !!!!
Yeosang - Vienna - our statue, our prince, he fits the elegance of an Austrian city, but there's more to Vienna than sophisticated buildings it has many pretty green spaces that match Yeosang's fairy vibe, hahaha
bESTIE ur hitting the mark with everything here, veinna’s architecture and yeosang combined PHEWW he’s like the, like u said, sophisticated prince aura,, it’s so stunning, the details on the buildings + yeosang royal au wHEN
San - Amsterdam - ngl we struggled with San, but decided to go with Amsterdam, since it's a very fun place, but also more lowkey and San seems like a loud introvert so I think it makes sense; Amsterdam feels both like big city and small town and Sannie is our small town boy living in a big city, uwu
omg omg that explanation makes me agree !!!! amsterdam does feel small but so huge and the food 🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼
YOU KNOW WHAT I THINK SAN COULD BE GREECE OR VENICE AS WELL,,, like the beaches, the stunning sunsets and the ancient temples, the hot weather and the water !!! the padada for him 😭😭😭
Mingi - Berlin - Berlin is modern, but also traditional, entertaining and calm at the same time, I think Mingi's fashion sense fits Berlin as well
if we base it off fashion, i think mingi can def also be milan !!! it’s the fashion and design capital and he would really suit well to that!!
i don’t know mich abt berlin but with ur reasoning it does sound suited for him as well, the calmness and the modern yet still traditional roots
Wooyoung - Madrid - fun and wild, Woo just suits Spain imo, he's loud, warm and welcoming just like Madrid
100%%%% I KNEW THIS WAS COMING I COULD FEEL IT IN MY BONES it fits his aloofy side, the hot weather with fun and wild and since woo likes football he would def suit this!! so much colour and warm!! absolutely 10/10
Jongho - Rome - Jongho likes Vincenzo so of course I had to, he would definitely enjoy Italian operas as well, I think Rome is great for him since he's a bit of an old soul + loves football and Italy is really into football - DV 💖
FBMWDBWMDHWK YES PLEASE my mind just thought of a au- italian opera’s omg jongho would absolutely love that,,, u rly put all of them with such good cities that for their personalities so well, this jongho and the old soul wow this one i got chills bc it rly does correlate with rome and italy itself,, it’s the calmness of him and the quietness in a garden somewhere in tuscany mayhaps,, just peacefully FBWMDJSN VINCENZO YES
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junglekookbook · 4 years
A/N: I know I said no to fanfics but @cosmostae is really good at persuading and inspiring. So this one is for them! UwU NOT PROOF READ!
GENRE: Crack, Yandere, Fluff, Angst
SUMMARY: The city is plagued with super humans that abuse their paranormal abilities and it is up to an alien fairy to save the innocent citizens.
PAIRINGS: Superhero!Fem!reader x Yandere!Super villain!Min Yoongi
Your planet was on red alert, the sirens blaring and abject chaos amongst the citizens. The mission was in danger. After 300 light years of the intergalactic Cold war the planet of Cryonova had struck on Earth. The inhabitants of the planet had sent their champion assassin along with a group of extremely dangerous creatures from their allied planets. It was a sacred task given to your planet of protecting Earth from the Supreme Star that was now a super nova, naturally the other planets were not very pleased with this decision and the seeds of envy soon led to an arm’s race and now to a full fledged war. Your allies had long abandoned you over their greed for more power. As icicles rained over your planet from the sky, impaling people, killing people in scores, you tried your best to shut it all out as you ran through the streets to the HQ, your people needed you and you would be damned if you didn’t do your best to save them. 
The natural pink atmosphere of your planet was turning purple, slowly taken over by blue and white, the force field that had protected you for so long shattered as you watched your people being murdered, frozen to death. Your species could never survive the cold that the Cryogenics rained down on your planet. The warmth of the HQ was a welcome stimuli on the cold expanse of your skin. The papilionem at the reception let out a sigh of relief upon seeing you, worry soon took over her features as she rushed to your side. “This is not fair! It was never supposed to be like this. I cannot believe how they can ask this of you.” She whispered, eyeing the crimson tint on your butterfly wings. “You forget, I was never meant to live a life of peace, unlike you I did not have the privilege of a home or family. I was created to be a weapon and that is the only purpose I must serve.” You said as you climbed the glass staircase to meet with the band of Philosophers. Each step sounded against the surface and bounced off the walls, each step that took you closer to your death and fulfilling your one purpose. As you pressed your palm against the smooth surface of the large wooden doors to the meeting room, the receptionist grabbed your arm and pulled you back, searching your face for any sign of grief, her eyes pleading you to turn back. The next words that left her lips should have been enough to crumble your resolve and deter you, but being the descendant of the monarchial family that ruled the planet before the revolution, you could not ignore your duty. Your family was bound by a blood oath to protect the planet, no matter the cost. She parted her lips and let out a soft plea, “You knew of your duty and yet you allowed yourself to fall in love my brother. If for nothing else, stay with him. Stay with us in these last moments.” A single tear rolled down her cheek as she fell to the floor on her knees, her hands let go of you in favor of covering her face as she cried. You didn’t dare utter a word, tears of your own threatening to spill as you entered the room. 
The Philosophers had an air of calm around them, their eyes holding the knowledge of a thousand scriptures. Their words always controlled and calculated. The pristine white wing never fluttered and stayed absolutely still as the stayed seated in their tranquil positions when you entered the room. Looking at them you could barely tell there was a massacre right outside their room. Books littered the floor, the only visible sign of their panic. “There is no time. You need to leave now.” One of them said. You nodded your head, ready to take off and defend your planet from the sky. The chances of survival were close to none but you would fight those demons till your last breath. As if reading your thoughts, the Philosopher spoke again. “You must leave for Earth immediately.” Your brows knit together as a frown settled onto your features. “Earth?” Your voice echoed in the silent room, intimidating you in the presence of such silence. “The mission is more important than our planet. You must leave to protect Earth. We have our troops to take care of things here.” Another Philosopher explained, placing his book on the table. “But I have been trained to-” Before you complete your statement, the Philosopher that held a pen in his hand suddenly pushed himself off his seat, his wings tinging red and fluttering slightly.”And who exactly imparted that training?! Your services are not needed on this planet right now!” His voice boomed. You pursed your lips and nodded slightly, “I understand.” 
The vessel ejected with a great force, pushing it’s way through the fluttering of the troubled citizens and the atmosphere, rushing into the vast galaxy. Once out of your planet’s atmosphere, you finally allowed yourself to breakdown. You promised yourself that you would come back for your lover and your planet. You prayed that the troops manage to survive till then and that he would survive the dropping temperatures. Your vessel slowed down a little as it contiued on its trajectory towards Earth. You turned to allow yourself one last look at home, and how you wish you hadn’t. 
Facing your planet as it explodes into a thousand glittering particles, only you knew it was not glitter, it was ice. In a matter of seconds your home, your planet, your people were wiped out from existence. The force of the explosion was massive, shaking your vessel as it was flung along its path, concussing you. You held your head, trying your best to survive and gain control of your ship. Your tears made your vision blurry, the sound of the siren blaring and blood roaring filled your ears. You couldn’t place where the thumping came from, was it your heart or your head. Your nails dug into the leather of your seat and your lungs felt like they could collapse at any minute. The vessel burned as you entered the Earth’s atmosphere, the temperature making it hard to breathe. You quickly gulped the pill that was given to you to help you survive on Earth. Your vessel shattered, throwing you to the mossy carpet of the woods that you had landed in, The impact bruising you.You panted and gasped for air as you tried to control your breathing. Your head throbbed making it impossible to focus on anything. The sound of a twig snapping made you whip your face in it’s direction. The sight in front of you would have turned your blood cold had it not been boiling. Your racing heart screamed with an ugly mixture of anguish and rage as you concentrated energy between your palms and shot a burst of glittering dust and light at Min Yoongi, the crown prince and champion assassin of Cryonova. Till he could gather himself again you had taken off, swearing for revenge.
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nebylitsa · 3 years
For the ask game: 9? :)
9. What is your favourite depiction of them (e.g. in painting, sculpture etc.)?
probably my absolute favorite is the bust of him by paul strudel... look how regal he looks uwu
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(i took this picture a few years ago on a trip to vienna - i remember getting all dressed up like i was going on a date, specifically to go to the kunsthistorisches museum because i knew this bust would be there... rent. free. in. my. head. some of the other tourists were making fun of him though >:C so i waited until they left to say hi to him :3)
honorable mentions:
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this anonymous portrait where he looks like a fairy tale prince
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this sketch by juan carreño de miranda... so softe
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this specific version of the well-known carreño portrait
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another one by carreño where hes like 8 or 10 years old. so small & sad... holds him gently
thank you for indulging me gdhjsfghdjsgfhjds <3
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luvdsc · 3 years
hey there bub! i was going thru ur masterlist and i saw in the "about" section that u made eye contact with taemin OMG how did that go AAAAA u got to make eye contact with THE lee taemin? soo lucky :") i bet this happened prob awhile back but how was the superm concert? i'm sure it was amazing n so much fun AAAAA sadly they didn't go here in my city :( but i was able to see NCT dream live during their dream show tour and i tell you WHEW GOSH those boys are so ethereal??? like they look so good in vids and in pics but they're 1000000x better in person??? like pictures don't do their beauty justice?? gosh i could write a full on essay abt this. until now i still cant believe i got to see the dreamies live?? its feels so surreal like a dream, its crazy. i remember the lights dimming and 'dear dream' started playing in the background and i just lost it lol i was shaking and bawling my eyes out n the show hasn't even started yet djkfkjn i first noticed jisung n when i saw him the first thing that popped in my mind was: "he is SO tall and he's soso cute dear lord :")" and the way he dances, a frickin dance king?? he's rlly such a born performer. AND OHMYGOD JENO, the man is rlly WOW, ngl he kinda looks intimidating with his sharp features and smooth dance moves but his eye smiles make my heart mELT. i remember during the encore stage, the show was about to end and the boys were saying goodbye to us, jeno's face was showed on screen, he was tryna eat the confetti LMAO. renjun,, i will never shutup abt this but renjun is confirmed to be a FAIRY!! the prettiest boy :") #RENJUNFAIRYAGENDA he has such sharp yet delicate features and his aura is just so warm n comforting like he just captivates u n lures u in, and when he sings, like u can feel the emotion, hes so talented. all throughout the show, hyuck was just GLOWING (lives up to his name, fullsun uwu) . he's soso pretty n he's my bias so i literally was just in awe when i saw him, i was speechless :') he was rlly entertaining to watch n he was also so attentive to the crowd esp when he saw some ppl that got hurt, he kept telling us to move back a little. OMG HOW COULD I FORGET NANA, jaemin was soo sweet n charming and the way his eyes lit up whenever he looks at the crowd gosh my heart was abt to burst he rlly adores czennies :") jskfvkds hes also super tall lmao hyuck was tryna lift his shirt up tho and of course chenle, ngl but all throughout the concert, my eyes just keep coming back to chenle. out of all the dreamies, he caught my eye the most. like,, THE POWER THIS MAN HOLDS IS CRAZY?? THIS MAN DIDNOT COME TO PLAY!! his stage presence is crazyy ohgod esp during 119 performance, and he looks like a prince in real life. he also played the piano and i remember everyone was just in awe as he played like the whole crowd had heart eyes for him. it was such a fun n amazing experience, the boys were so amazing n talented, they rlly know how to put on such a great show. they work tirelessly n they're so good, like their voices and dance moves, srsly amazing :") ++ it so memorable cus it was my first kpop concert hehe. buying tickets were such a pain in the ass ngl it was so stressful but SO worth it 🥺 i knew jisung was tall but i didnt know he was THAT tall, idk if im just small but they all rlly look so tall JKDFSDJVFF sadly mark wasnt there :( sorry if i made this long, i just got excited and i thought it'd be nice to share my concert experience w/ u as well hehe 😅 i hope you're doing great bub!! <3
- 🐼 anon
omg hi yes, i was lucky enough to score tickets to see superm last year, and i was right up against the main stage railing !!! 🤩 so ten made eye contact and smiled at me, baekhyun also made eye contact and smiled and waved at me (he’s my exo bias and i was like the heart clutching meme when he did that), i yelled “you’re doing great sweetie” when taeyong took a pause during commentary time and he said thank you 🤧, and god taem looked at me for a good 20 seconds smiling at me and i couldn’t handle it and had to blink and look away and he laughed at me 😔 akslhflakshdfla but oh my god, lucas is so goddamn attractive irl it’s insane, and ten is sooo so pretty like i didn’t even pay attention to what they were saying during the commentary time sometimes i was just staring at ten who was in front of me and i was the starry eyed emoji (baek and ten were right in front of me, lucas was next to them), and pictures don’t do taeyong justice at all like that man is absolutely ethereal ✨✨  also!!!!! seeing ten perform his solos, hearing taeyong and mark rap irl and of course BASS GO BOOM BY LUCAS BECAME MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE WHEN ARE THEY RELEASING THAT SONG??? and i was in tears when taemin performed right in front of me like 16 year old me would be shaking in her boots if she knew she would see god taem in the flesh. actually current me was shaking askdjfhalksjdf i cherish all the videos i took so much (i accidentally deleted the entire jopping video except the mark rap part when i was trying to snip it to post to my insta story and cried rip 😭😭)
YOU GOT TO SEE THE DREAMIES IRL OH MY GOD I’M SO JEALOUS 😭😭 I WANNA SEE THEM PERFORM SO BAD!!! i keep rereading your entire experience and i’m living vicariously through you now aklshdflakjsdhfda oh my god, i wanna see jisung and fairy prince renjun perform live so bad 😭 i got to see hyuck perform three times now with 127, and he’s absolutely amazing, i couldn’t stop watching him dance like he’s my number one favorite performer in nct and the way he dances is heavenly and wonderful and his voice is insane 💖 he truly was born to be an idol 🤧💞💞 i want to write a proper response to each of your description of the dreamies but right now i’m just like no thoughts head empty just heart eyes for every single one of those boys 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 aaaa thank you for describing them all, angel, i’ll keep this in mind as i write fics :’) omg and this was your first kpop experience???? you’re so lucky!!!! 💓 also i feel with the buying tickets omg i always have to get up early and keep refreshing on every device to get decent tickets and it’s so stressful askljdfhaksd but it definitely is so worth it in the end! my only regret is opting out of seeing skz last year and going to a party instead rip and omg no need to apologize!!! it’s really fun to hear about your concert experiences, sweetpea!!! 💞 thank you for taking the time to share that with me 💘  i’m doing wonderful and enjoying my weekend, and i hope you’re having a good weekend and doing well also, angel 🐝💛✨
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