#he's winning all of the hypocrite awards
acediathemelancholy · 10 months
Saint Germain: Obviously it's a worthy cause to sacrifice entire villages to defeat death.
Hugh: What a monster! This abomination must be be destroyed!
Also Hugh, about the entire city of Tokyo:
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morganacorp · 4 months
There's one scene I love with Lena and Brainy (actually, there's a few, but I just saw part of it and remembered this one in particular).
He's trying to reverse engineer the code Lex planted in the Obsidian lenses (project non cherry nonsense), and Lena comes back with Myriad after leaving Supergirl in the Fortress, preparing to fight Lex.
She asked Brainy how he's doing and he tells her that 'The way Lex was able to override free will with a few keystrokes is quite terrifying.' She looks at him, vulnerable and full of regret and says 'The code was my design.'
She sees the realization in his eyes, but she doesn't let the quiet linger, doesn't open an opportunity to be judged, so she just moves on to the next question she had. What she didn't know though, was that Brainy was full of guilt too, and he wasn't judging her.
He approached her and apologized for his role in the whole thing ('I had no idea that this was Lex's plan'), shared his own regret and was open and vulnerable with her like he'd been in the past. He shared how he didn't know how and when to stop him, that he had feared he was becoming the villain... That he thought he was helping save the world but lost sight of what Lex was really doing.
Her response wasn't judgement. Her response was 'You were willing to sacrifice everything to save your friends. On the other hand I was the hypocrite who believed that she had the answers to all the world's problems. It's the closest I've ever come to seeing things through Lex's eyes. Self pity and hubris should be the Luthor family motto... So if anyone's gonna win the culpability award, I've got you by a landslide.'
But that answer wasn't based on her self pity. It wasn't to minimize his pain, it was her saying 'we both fucked up, but you did it to protect your people and I did it because I was selfish'.
Their bond was so good because they're both geniuses who don't really know how to deal with emotions, and up to a certain degree have been discovering it together by opening up like this in the past.
'What do we do now?'
'Try and cope with the mistakes of the past and appreciate that we have friends who still believe in us.'
This was growth. This was good writing. This was characters going through complex emotions and trying to cope with them as best as they can, while working together to save the world. This is what the show should've offered more of instead of giant CGI cats and dragons.
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Flaws/imperfections of each main character
because we all have em'.
pushes people away
clings so much to how things turned out in the past that he's unwilling to make new memories
as that one sweet corn said if you backtrack, he's a "mopey mope"
deff has OCD
not trusting
not friendly
unwilling to get out of his comfort zone
trusts his own judgement too much
he's literally me. I feel called out... thanks, Dalv. You're awesome ❤️
unwilling to get out of her comfort zone
bit of a dummy (I feel so bad for saying this; love you Marts! ❤️)
blames herself too much
not sure if she's depressed, but she DOES lack self-confidence and is a bit awkward at times
REALLY likes material comforts & nice things to the point where it was her main reason (besides not having to work too hard) for keeping the not-so-moral royal guard job (also mentions how she wants to steal jewels from the mines)
unsure of herself and her future
gives too many chances/a bit naive (to geno Clover)
trusts her own judgement too much (that getting a job as the royal guard was a good idea, that geno Clover is good deep down)
doesn't love himself :(
kidnaps a child
overly enthusiastic to the point he literally "started a fire"
reckless (while North Star)
relies so heavily on his social image that he expects it to make him feel worthy (of love, admiration)
hides his quirks
a biiit arrogant (while North Star)
mischievous childish trickster (to Blackjack, maybe… unless Jack's role-playing the role of the "victim"; while North Star)
needs too much external validation
uses distractions to escape negative things/emotions instead of dealing with them
people pleaser
puts too much pressure on himself
ignorant (of many things such as horses and gumballs, but mostly of his and others' true feelings and desires) He just doesn't get that the others weren't having a good time, and that they wanted the old him back. He just doesn't get that all he did, he did because he doesn't like who he is and wants others to love him for his persona. Thankfully he realized it in the end
refuses to accept that he was being too much into this whole thing and instead turns to STATUS STATUS STATUS (more love, more admiration = getting his friends back)
hides his true self from the world
just wants to be cool
naive and foolish (don't even remind me of geno)
my boy's totally not perfect, gotta love him for it :)
P.s: holy heck he's the most flawed of them. Love you sm star 🌟 ❤️
liar and hypocrite
blames herself too much
won't forgive (herself) and forget (what she did wrong)
emotionally weak (sorry Cer, Star helps ya with this)
emotions and feelings influence her actions too much (praising Chujin even though he didn't win a prestigious award, injects Kanako the second she mentions how Chujin's dream could "come true" if she injects her, willing to brutally hit Martlet and Starlo and potentially kill them just for what she felt she had to do, aka kill Clover)
clings to the past too much/nostalgic of better times instead of making new, happy memories and letting things go (you can do this, Cer ❤️)
• willingly or unwillingly killed/almost killed a child
• ok guys, I really can't excuse this one. Sorry :(( I love you all tho :))
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candyhoiic · 4 months
Hazbin Hotel Roleswap Au but my Take on it (Part One)
Still disappears for seven years but guess what she’s back!~ but she forgot the milk smh.
Where did she go? Who knows but it wasn’t Heaven this time!
Lilith and Lucifer were officially divorced before she left for seven years with Lucifer being the one to actually initiate the divorce.
To deal with her divorce, she writes songs like a lot of songs. Some are good, most of them are umm well there something for sure. She also travels which she says is the reason she went missing for seven years. It’s partially true…
She tells a lot of partial truths.
She doesn’t talk much to Lucifer these days, but Charlie can at least reach her in the au. She’s not winning any awards for Hell’s greatest ex-wife, but she is still slaying as a mom- well kind of.
She’s involved in the Hazbin Hotel supporting her daughter. She has some hopes that sinners can be redeemed but has no interest in being redeemed herself even if she could be.
While she supports Charlie, she does it remotely, never actually stepping foot onto the property until Lucifer does due to not wanting to be outdone by her ex. They end up fighting for parent superiority like Alastor and Lucifer did in Hell’s Greatest Dad but this time it’s Hell’s Greatest Parent (spoiler alert neither of them win).
Lilith is more of a goofball than canon Lilith is but just like canon Lucifer she has her serious moments.
She supports Chaggie before it’s even official just thought y’all should know.
Meet your much more serious king of Hell.
He takes his position seriously and is more hands-on in Hell’s politics. Goes to almost all overlord meetings to stay in the know. Calls his own often enough.
He still can’t stand Alastor in this au but is more lowkey about his distaste for the radio demon.
He’s better at keeping his cool and more mischievous. Honestly, think of how everyone theorized Lucifer would be from what we saw of him in the pilot, and you have this au’s Lucifer.
He initiates his and Lilith’s divorce due to their conflicting views towards sinners. Lucifer grew to hate sinners while Lilith could never bring herself to even grow indifferent towards the sinner’s plight. She stood up for sinners and questioned his authority more than he cared for. She also reminded him too much of his past and the way he used to be.
Lucifer is a much more bitter man and was Charlie’s main caregiver when she was growing up.
However, he has a rather distant relationship with her despite spending more time with her than Lilith did. Lilith told Charlie stories of the past much to Lucifer’s displeasure as he did his best to hide the past from her.
Still has a rubber duck collection but it’s way less extensive and he hasn’t made a rubber duck since before Charlie was born. Sometimes he even forgets they exist so they’re just collecting dust.
Fun fact: He was the one to actually propose exterminations. :) Everyone thinks it was Heaven’s idea including Charlie and Lilith.
What a hypocrite! Because he still comes to ‘help’ the hotel. Lowkey tries to sabotage it and doesn’t care for Vaggie. He thinks she’s a bad influence on Charlie. Vaggie isn’t his biggest fan either.
Still the princess of Hell, but now she’s more jaded yayyy! /sar
Charlie doesn’t really believe in sinners being redeemed, but publicly supports Vaggie’s hotel because she dislikes the fact that anybody from heaven has any sway over her kingdom, and deep down still cares for her people despite her father’s teachings.
Charlie’s relationship with Lucifer is much more strained in this au than in canon. She still loves her dad, but they never had a close relationship. Lucifer treats her more like his protege than his actual daughter.
Charlie's relationship with Lilith is still strained as well, but Lilith is more open to being affectionate with Charlie and reaching out to just talk. Charlie appreciates it but also still holds a grudge over Lilith leaving her for seven years with little to no contact
Charlie is more feared by Hell’s citizens and methodically silences most of the opposition towards the hotel. She isn’t above forcing people to come to the hotel, but out of respect for Vaggie she doesn’t coerce sinners into becoming guest.
Much more involved in Hell’s politics like her father.
A lot of sinners owe her a favor, but she has yet to ever actually own a sinner’s soul.
Still an ex-exorcist but in this au Charlie already knows of her past.
Charlie still ‘saves’ Vaggie in this au, taking on a more direct role as she’s responsible for scaring off Lute and Adam before they can kill Vaggie. Vaggie still loses her eye and wings though.
However, Charlie doesn’t do this out of the kindness of her own heart, but rather because Charlie sees potential in having an ex-exorcist owe her a favor.
In exchange for Charlie saving and sheltering her in her castle for the rest of the extermination, Vaggie tells her all about Heaven and angels. As well as reluctantly agrees to owning Charlie a favor of her choosing which Vaggie is swindled into being contractually obligated to follow through on when the time comes, or she’ll lose her soul.
Once the extermination is officially over Charlie politely kicks Vaggie out of her castle, cryptically mentioning she’ll be watching her.
Vaggie doesn’t see Charlie again until after she starts planning on starting the Happy Hotel to redeem sinners. Charlie originally appears to put a stop to Vaggie’s plans, but Charlie ends up helping her get the project off the ground.
Charlie and Vaggie aren’t officially dating in this au until sometime after the main story plot takes off, but they are good friends with Vaggie having a crush on Charlie.
However, when the time comes for their relationship to take a more romantic turn it’s Charlie who initiates it by annulling their contract to show Vaggie she was serious about wanting to court her and be equals.
Their romance is way more of a slow burn in this. With Charlie being very serious in wanting to do right by Vaggie and doing the whole courting gifts and wooing thing.
Vaggie’s personality in this au is more of what you would expect from a typical angel. She’s more trusting and less prone to resorting to violence despite her ex-exorcist past.
She also wasn’t that great of an exorcist when she still was one and was actually well known among the ranks for being one of the worst in all of history, which is why unlike the original au Adam was going to just kill her.
Angel Dust
In this au, Angel Dust takes the place of Valentino as the overlord of lust.
However, he’s a standalone overlord who doesn’t form an official alliance like the Valentino did with the rest of Vees in the original world.
He’s besties with Vox similar to how Rosie and Alastor are in canon.
Him and Cherri Bomb are still friends and Huskerdust will still happen because I said so.
Angel Dust's father was the first official sinner he killed as an arising overlord.
Angel Dust owns his brother, Arackniss’ soul and has him as one of his main porn directors since he knows sexual content, especially gay sexual content, makes his brother highly uncomfortable.
Later on, he gives Arackniss an option to continue to have his soul owned by him or Arackniss can join the hotel and actually try to be redeemed, and if he's successful Angel will let him go.
He doesn’t own Valentino’s soul. Although he and Valentino still have history as Valentino had sought to once take him down and become the overlord of lust himself, but ultimately fails and falls to Vox, who now owns his soul.
Vox did offer Valentino’s soul to Angel Dust, but he declined, creeped out by the man to even want his soul. Although Angel Dust does take pleasure whenever he gets to witness Vox putting Val into his place.
Angel Dust is a better boss than Valentino thank God. He cares for all the souls he owns but isn’t afraid to treat them with a firm hand when needed.
Has a bit of a sadistic streak to him to sinners who he doesn’t own. A master manipulator, who can command sinner’s forcefully by summoning translucent strings which anchor into their limbs to manipulate their bodies to do with as he pleases. Takes a lot out of him so he usually depends more on the fact his venom can make people more open to suggestion.
Still can summon guns because of his mafia roots hehe
He still has Fat Nuggets! Valentino gave him Fat Nuggets when he was trying to get on Angel’s good side so he could betray him later on. It didn’t work out for him like I already mentioned but it did bring Fat Nuggets to Angel.
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senselessviolets · 7 days
“dream a little dream of me”
Roman Roy x Fem. Reader
Rating E
Word Count: 2.3k
AO3 Link
EXTREMELY dubious consent, somnophilia (reader is in and out of sleep), sleep/drunk sex (both Roman and Reader are drunk but Roman is more active/the one initiating during encounter), smut, alcohol, language, implied Roman eating disorder, erectile dysfunction mention, pervert!Roman, needy Roman, no uses of Y/N
Author's Notes:
A oneshot by @cum-a-calla opened my eyes recently and I realized “Roman + somno” might be my peanut butter & jelly. Like wow. What a concept.  Jokes aside, this fic is dark so PLEASE be wary of the warnings above. <3 
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Post-S4, Roman and Reader begin to date after working at Waystar Studios together. While they bond and flirt more and more, he continues to keep her at bay. One night, the two get extremely drunk at his apartment and suffice it to say—they both wind up getting what they want.
This was maybe your third or fourth time sleeping over. You honest to god never thought you’d make it this far. For all of his gross jokes and sexual provocations, Roman reviled intimacy.
It’s why when he first started to court you; you were so taken aback. You’d been around; you knew what the mumblings were about his ‘eccentricities’. You were the Director of Creative Affairs at the Waystar Studios L.A headquarters. A position you were remarkably young to have; your famous two-time Oscar-award-winning actress mother and prominent movie producer father having nothing to do with it at all.
Following the Gojo acquisition, Roman withdrew from executive operations, accepting the fact he no longer had a place there. That and he outright refused to be in the same room with Lukas Mattsson.
As such, he returned to the entertainment side of things (this time with no Frank to boss him around) and went back to living in L.A around the clock. Things hadn’t changed much in the three-year hiatus he had from working at Studios. 
Well, except for you. 
It was only in his absence that you got your job. You wondered had he been around during that time, if he would’ve made a stink over your dad pulling the strings and landing you the job. A practice that was completely foreign to him, no doubt. Of course with it being Roman, you knew with full certainty the answer—yes. Because who was he if not the world’s biggest hypocrite/walking contradiction?
You found this to be even more apparent after your first date. Roman made a point of booking the two of you a reservation for the most high-end, gourmet French restaurant in the city. Even though when the waiter came around to your secluded table with the 16 oz beef ribeye he’d ordered, Roman did no more than fidget with the garnish on the plate. 
While on that same date, though he’d surprised you at the beginning of the evening with an ornate bouquet of red roses and white orchids—he didn’t deign to even so much as hold your hand the rest of that night.
Three months later, you and Rome had exchanged a myriad of kisses and flirtatious squeezes around the office. The suggestive texts the two of you exchanged, making tempting offers and filthy propositions. All of that build-up only to result in chaste nights in at his flat, eating takeout and bitching about the latest tentpole flop your studio was in the midst of developing. It could be worse, you thought. To say your needs were being met, though, would be a lie.
Tonight was different. Tonight was heavy. 
The two of you had spent a good portion of the night sprawled out on the wooden floors of his living room, talking about nothing and downing a Japanese whisky neither of you could pronounce. The taste hadn’t left your mouths. You wondered if his would taste the same. 
After deciding to turn in for the night, you gradually make your way toward the master bedroom, stumbling over yourself. He stops you from colliding into the wall several times. You and Roman make the most obnoxious-sounding cackles as the both of you hap-heartedly flop onto his Hastens Superia bed. You let yourself fall deep into the cotton wool mattress, landing somewhere between sleep and a drunken haze.
You feel yourself be pried out of this state as a force slowly turns you so you’re on your back. You can tell by the faint outline of his fluffy hair that it’s him. In this lighting or lack thereof, you don’t really know for sure. You give a weak smile, maybe even whisper a small “hi”. He waits to proceed until the expression has fully faded from your face and the heaviness in your eyelids takes over. His lips made rough with the scratch from his beard, are forcefully pressed onto yours. Once again, you are ripped out of the peaceful purgatory between awareness and slumber you’d just been slipping into. It’s hard to not liven up at the wet sensation of his tongue slipping past your lips. 
Roman hadn’t ever kissed you like this.
Using your chin, he pries your mouth with his index finger so it's more open to him. Briefly, you consider gliding your tongue along his own, to reciprocate the motions, to achieve the taste you yourself so desperately craved. But you didn’t want him to stop. 
To get in his head like he had a tendency to. To sever himself from you yet again.
So you remain still. Pliant. His.
Meanwhile, his one free hand has wandered elsewhere. Roman’s fully straddling you at this point so you can feel a firmness in between his thighs that hadn’t been present before. The hand alternates from palming himself to cupping your bare mound. The chill of his fingers causes you to flinch. You suppose in the arduous journey to get to his bedroom, you must have lost your bottoms. You don’t entirely remember having ever taken them off yourself. 
It would remain a mystery.
The oversized white button-up blouse of yours has opened itself to Roman and his gaze. He moves the opposing sides of the fabric so they’re no longer covering your chest. Roman dives face first, smushing his face against the warm pillowy flesh of your breasts, inhaling deeply. He kneads them with his fingers and takes them into his mouth, sucking more gently than he wishes to. It’s clear Roman wishes not to disturb your ‘slumber’. 
He shows you a devotion other men had hardly shown you when you were fully awake. It was all a jumbled mess in your head. Due to the surrealness of the whole situation but also the liquor as well.
Instead of working his way downwards like most guys naturally would, Roman instead makes his way up to your neck, burrowing his head in the crook near your shoulder. He takes a deeper inhale of the tender flesh there. Eventually his nose prods into your hair which was strewn all over the pillow your head rests on. There were times at the office when you could’ve sworn he took a brief inhale of your hair when sneaking past you. You didn’t say anything. Even after you two had begun ‘dating’, you still didn’t question it.
While Roman halts his movements and lies on top of you, your mind drifts, thinking something to the effect of, ‘if he’s this much of a pervert when I’m asleep at night, what kind of disgusting shit does he get up to in the daytime behind my back’?
You have no time to dwell on the thought because something cold and slender traces your opening. Due to its tensility, you’re able to make out that its his finger that now fumbles around your entrance. There’s no foreplay, no crescendo because in an instant, Roman is inside of you. You can’t help but mumble a whimper at the sudden intrusion. He freezes, keeping the tip of his finger in you. When he sees you don’t stir and go back to sleep, he plunges what feels like his index finger deeper into you. So deep, you fear he’ll run out of space to fill. He stops just before it becomes too uncomfortable. Not that the interaction was all that pleasant. 
Mentally, you were aroused but physically, your body had yet to catch up.
“...not wet,” he says to himself. 
He withdraws his hand quickly, spitting multiple times on his now two fingers, and wedges them both inside of you. The lube of his saliva provides some slick but it’s still making you sore. 
“That better…? Hm…? Yeah…?” he coos, watching your emotionless face, “That what you need..?”
He smirks briefly when he sees your eyes flutter. 
“Oh…you dreamin’, baby? Hm, you dreaming about me?” Roman taunts, in a shrill soft voice, “You better be. You better fuckin’ be.”
You clench reflexively as he says it. Roman drags his lower teeth against the smooth skin of your arm as he continues to pump his fingers into you rapidly. Fast enough that your increasing wetness is audible in the still silence of his bedroom. Roman ceases all of his movements at once, letting out a sharp exhale. Gradually, he removes his fingers from your pussy and a moment passes before you begin to feel something warm and moist being smeared across your lips. You realize it's your own fluids. The notion makes your stomach flip.
Roman proceeds to lick it off your lips. His tongue becomes more and more greedy and taking the opportunity to drag along the sides of your full cheeks. You get the impression this is something he’d thought about doing before, if not entirely because of how slowly he does it. 
He’s fucking savoring it. 
‘This’ll be it. He’ll just continue to fuck around a little more and use it as spank bait later,’ you predict. 
The thought of Roman penetrating you with anything more than his fingers was truly unfathomable. There’d always been the rumor at work about him having ED (though the type of ED varied depending on who you were talking to) and needing the little blue pill to so much as jerk off. You never knew what to make of those claims. You disregarded them. But the stiffness that has been rutting against your hips and waist and thigh for the past half hour had you now wondering; ‘was he gonna go all the way?’.
A few more moments of nothingness pass. Then the metallic sound of a zipper being undone overwhelms your senses—the sonority soon replaced with dread. Even if he did position himself between your legs and bury himself fully inside of your unaroused cunt; ‘what would it really change?’ 
It wouldn’t suddenly make it ‘rape’.
 That ship had sailed several digits ago. 
You were on the pill if he decided to be lazy. You were clean and he had assured you many times he was as well—and you chose to believe him. The answer to your self-questioning was that it would simultaneously change ‘nothing’ and ‘everything’. 
So you brace yourself for his full weight on top of you once more along with the new sensation of being stretched open on his cock.
But it doesn’t come. 
Roman rolls off of you completely, laying adjacent to you on the mattress. There’s the rustling of fabric as he shimmies his slacks down his thighs. Roman’s hand flies to your wrist as he slides his dick into your relaxed grasp. Spitting into his palm and gliding the wet over the head of his cock, he begins to fuck your own fist in earnest. 
The most pitiful, squeaky boyish moans leave his lips and he pants them into your shoulder, hot from the heat of his breath.  
“F-f-fuck…oh f-ff…I…I fuckin’ need this, need this,” Roman whines into your hair, “Oh…oh…ohhh…needed this, need this, fuckin’ need this,”
His hips continue ramming into your hand at the same relentless pace. He’s clearly pent-up. Probably from the months of emotional anguish, familial turmoil, betrayal—with a dollop of grief on top. Small dabs of wetness is felt on your skin. At first, you think he’s drooling from arousal but you later realize those were tears. 
It doesn’t deter from his sheer desperation, his uninhibited need, all on display. 
You had been the one submitting yourself to him but somewhere along the way, the roles seemingly had become inverted. You hold back from biting your own lip. You had made it this far. You couldn’t fuck it up now. Not for him. If he stopped, you felt like you’d die a small death then and there. 
“Oh, please, my sweet. Sweet little thing, please be sweet. Please be good. Please take what you need. What you’ve earned,” you’d chant, if you were even capable of speech, “Please cum. Please cum now.”  
There’s no humanly possible way he could’ve heard your inner dialogue but his hips buck wildly and he unloads into your palm like he did. 
“Thank you, thank you, I needed it, I needed it, baby…oh, I fuckin’...I fuckin’ needed …,” he trails off.
His vibrating body eventually after a long while goes still. You’re able to unravel your hand off of his softening cock. The stickiness between your fingers is still lukewarm. If you had the strength or the agency, you might wipe it off with a Kleenex or onto the sheets or the perv in you may try to sneak a sniff or a lick. But you like him are beyond spent. He stays facing you, laying on his side, now sound asleep with a gentle snore. You remain on your back, shirt ripped open, naked from the lower half, face staring deep, deep into the void of the ceiling. 
It was this empty blackness—this dark—that you slowly felt yourself being compelled to. It’s where your darkest urges liked to dwell. The desires you never felt the courage to voice, even to those you trusted the most. It felt cliche to say you often saw Roman on the other side of this void. You got the impression it’s an island he’d marooned himself on for a long time. Every partner that tried to swim out to him sunk to the bottom of the ocean floor. And there they stayed in the depths of his subconscious. Submerged, sodden, drowned memory of a person that for years would continue to be buried by guilt. By shame. Fear. You refused to succumb to that same fate.
As you let the sleep overtake your tired limbs and melt into oblivion, you swear you see him in that void. Expressionless. He’s numb, like you. He’s scared, like you. He doesn’t know what he wants, much less what he needs. And neither do you. So in the meantime, you silently agree to meet him there in that void. In that black. Again and again. 
As long as you found each other in the end.
{ Feedback is welcome! }
Follow me on twt: @endlessviolets
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faux-mance · 1 month
i love the pocket of neutrality geno lies in. not evil enough for the bad sanses. not heroic enough for the star sanses. powers are too lame to be part of the epic sanses. i like to think he’s smack in the middle of all of it. he’s thst person who’s like “oh i know a guy” he knows all the guys. every single one of them. not a guy that he hasn’t met
nightmare WOULD have recruited him if it weren’t for the fact geno is so unbothered by him. he’s the sort of raging hypocrite nightmare loves, but this guy has literally zero fucks to give. and he can’t leave his little pocket of void anyway so what’s the point.
geno’s probably met dream or ink. i have no doubts he’d get along great with swap, being close enough go geno’s papyrus. he’s probably on good terms with all the stars
i don’t know much about the epic sanses (?) aside from the basis/key details of their backstories but i think they’d get along pretty well— delta and color being classic variants and whatnot, and epic being generally chill as well
i just think it’s so funny that i literally feel like i could put this guy in a room with ANYONE and he’d honestly be fine. he’s got the canon sans chillness to me. he wins most amicable guy award
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UP ON THE CLIFF ( fantasy au )
There's a sickness slowly turning humans into monsters and there's a Count demanding their lives in exchange for safety for the villages.
When Enji gives in and sends his oldest son as a human sacrifice, Touya is determined to get some answers from the Count himself.
Aka Tomura pretends to be the evil Count of the Cliff so human villages send those suffering from the demon sickness to him. They're later offered a deal: they can run away on their own and be free as they please until their sickness kills them— or they can continue the journey to the castle up on the cliff, where they would be safe and could learn how to live as monsters.
Maybe find a cure. Who knows.
I DON'T DANCE ( college au )
Every year, UA college awards the best project of every faculty with the Plus Ultra Cup. Win it and you'd be one step away from making your dreams come true, they say.
This year, captain of the baseball team Touya Todoroki is desperate to find a pitcher that takes his team to win the sports cup. Their reward? A chance to play with the pros on the best League in Japan!!
Meanwhile, horror artist Tomura is in charge of the faculty project of that year. Not only does Tomura have to consider and include all arts available at UA, but he must create something that goes up and beyond the expectations.
How can it even go wrong?
AKA Tomura and Touya mix sports and arts on a genius stupid bet. Tomura is the new pitcher of the UA heroes and Touya is the lead actor for Tomura's play. Mess of the century.
A society that acts like only a few can be heroic is rotten to the core. Tenko and Touya learned that the hard way. Heroes can suck— they can be selfish, arrogant, blind hypocrites. The truth is that they're just people with flashy quirks or a reason to risk their lives to save others.
Flash news, assholes: you don't even need a quirk to do that last part.
AKA in the most ironic move someone could ever expect, Touya becomes a firefighter and Tenko a paramedic. Without a hero license, they are stuck fighting with the system so that they can do their job. Break the law, save a life, join your local firefighters!
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ynsimagines · 8 months
Things people have gotten mad at Taylor swift for recently
Because this women can’t breathe without triggering people
TW: people who lack critical thinking, talk of stalking, weapons.
1. At the Grammys she won Album of the year and brought Lana del Rey up on stage with her.
- apparently this was rude and snobbish because Lana was also nominated for AOTY and poor Lana had to have the loss shoved in her face even though:
She was featured on the midnights album and its traditional for the artist to bring all the collaborators on stage when they win AOTY.
If Taylor didn’t bring Lana on stage with her people would’ve thought Taylor was “snubbing” her.
It’s up to Lana to be an adult about the whole thing and not a sore loser. You didn’t win an award, your friend did, you were on the album for which she won an award. Suck it up and stand there with a smile on your face.
2. She was rude and ignored Celine Dion.
- except she wasn’t she actually did thank Celine Dion twice we just didn’t see it from the original angle.
- also she took plenty of pics with Celine backstage.
- and the first one to stand up when Celine walked out on stage.
3. It was rude to announce her album at the Grammys.
- this one is a real head scratcher you’re telling me that when Taylor wins an award for her album she can’t announce her new album?
- it didn’t take away from anyone else’s night
- plenty of other people announce albums/projects at award shows.
4. She was also taking away from other artists by standing up/dancing during their performances.
- okay but then everyone was doing the same thing. Because literally so many people were standing up and dancing during all the performances…
5. She was drunk/wasted.
- while this one’s a little harder to squash if you’re not there I really didn’t think she seemed drunk at all she was sipping water all night.
- the bottle she was seen drinking from at the after party was just a glass water bottle.
6. She’s suing Jack Sweeney the kid who has a page tracking celebrities private jet usage.
- actually she’s not suing him her legal team sent a cease and desist letter which means “you better stop talking or further legal action will be taken.”
- it would be one thing if Jack was just posting about her jets carbon emissions but he posts when and where her jet is down to the hour.
- Taylor has stalkers, people who’ve shown up to her houses armed. People try to say this is all public information but she actually pays for the location of her jet to be private. Someone like Jack really has to dig to find its location. So to post the locations/times like that is not only dangerous but to be honest really creepy.
- when Taylor tried to go to her friend jacks wedding fans were lined up outside for almost a mile. It’s because of websites like jacks that people even knew where she was.
- paparazzi is completely legal yet people still find what they do disgusting and despicable. Just think if Jack had a camera and followed Taylor around to then post the time and location people would feel way differently about it…
- also Jack is a hypocrite who claims he cares about the environment when in reality he took the first chance he could to ride Mark Cubans’ private jet.
- I’m not saying Taylor needs to use her jet as often as she does there’s definitely instances where she could drive but apparently she’s not even in the top 30 of all private jet users.
Sorry a lot of you probably don’t even care about Taylor swift. But if you’ve been partaking in the negative rhetoric that’s been surrounding this human lately maybe this will make you think about things differently.
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lokisasylum · 7 months
ARMYs on stan twitter trying to devalue the 9 categories Jimin won through DABEME Awards, ALL because "PJMs" won "Best fandom" instead of just congratulating Jimin and being happy that he has such a solid group of fans supporting him all the step of the way. Is the EXACT same attitude and energy that Kpoppies and ex0-ls used to give BTS & ARMY whenever they won awards through... y'know, FAN-VOTES.
As if many of the big Daesangs BTS won in the past weren't mainly fan-voted.
But this fandom is full of hypocrites who love to gaslight others into forgetting their past and where they came from. Now ARMYs are the ex0-ls of the Kpop fandom, proud to be crowned "The Most Toxic Fandom" while celebrating everything they once bullied & hated other fandoms for doing.
But some of ya'll ain't ready for that conversation.
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LOL Awards don't just become illegitimate or fraudulent just because your fave didn't win any when you didn't even vote for him in the first place, Karen.
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I still love sakura. Even if she's a dumbass. No way am I sticking around for somebody that not only treated me like shit, he left me to take care of my daughter by myself for 9 years and then tried to kill her when he met her. The main reason I like sakura is because of her character development. Instead of being a weak sasuke obsessed character, she actually became a strong sasuke obsessed character! Yay!
Most people won't admit it, but they hate sakura because of some shit she said to naruto when they were KIDS(12), not to mention, she wasn't lying. He was an orphan 💀 but they go and say that she's weak, even after she gets stronger, and like rock lee for doing exactly what she did. (Training to become better) sakura never HAD the same powers that naruto and sasuke did. Yet she still MANAGED on her own. That's why I like her.
I like naruto, just not his mindset. Of course I want to become hokage and protect people that treated me like shit for my entire life! Then he became hokage, and made NO changes for the better. He didn't want to be hokage to help, he wanted to be hokage just because he craved attention and validation. He always wants to save people, and doesn't understand that he's making it worse. Sasuke IS more realistic as a character, and sasuke has had it worse than naruto has. Hate me all you want, but it's true. His entire clan was murdered by his brother, including his parents. And then he was obsessed with revenge, only to kill his brother and then find out WHY itachi did what he did and he had to regret it. All he ever KNEW was loneliness and anger, so he had no idea how to live without it. Naruto never had his parents or siblings, meaning he didn't have to LOSE anything. And that's why sasuke was angry with him.
I also think it's important to include Kakashi though. Not only was he practically USELESS for team 7 as a whole (naruto went to be trained by jiraiya, sasuke by orochimaru/? And then sakura by tsunade. It would've been cold if she trained under guy too but the author HATES a strong female character that isn't evil) kakashi needs to be analysed as a whole, especially with his treatment of sasuke. He claims to have gone through what sasuke did, and then tells him that revenge is pointless and leaves you hollow, and then he helps shikamaru get revenge for asuma. He's a hypocrite. He wins the award for the world's WORST sensei.
I won't even make a separate post for boruto, because there's no reason. The show is confusing as hell, and equally as pointless. Boruto hates his dad for no reason, all the important fights are for sasuke and naruto, naruto adopts kawaki and let's him beat up his son, kawaki seals them away and then flips it to make boruto look like he's in the wrong, there are no more shinobi, Boruto trained under sasuke, and then sasuke was sealed in a tree so now he cosplays as him. Sakura is NOWHERE to be seen💀 (good for her) himawari has kurama (how will she not be stronger than boruto?💀) and boruto has Naruto's abilities (rasengan, flying Raijin- minato, and shadow clones) with purple lighting and all of a sudden he's a god. I'm confused about what the jougan does. He also has his fathers weak mindset about not wanting to kill kawaki, but just wanting to punch him. Sarada has insane potential but of course the author won't let her be great because she's a woman! I hate the idea of borusara because I see them as nothing but teammates. It's like the dynamic between naruto and sakura. She treats him like a brother. She hugs her friend that she hasn't seen in 2 years that's also been framed and ostracised by the entire village and suddenly they're the best ship in the world 💀 Delusion at its finest. None of those kids need to be with ANYONE. Just focus on the goddamn anime and stop ruining shit. Because NO ONE is watching it
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protect-namine · 5 months
funny that when kaido and tsukasa wanted to steal kisa, neji was like, "yeah, go ahead and try! we can even get approval from the principal so it's official! :P" because he knows they can't do it, that kisa will win that individual award and stay in quartz, and it's a great opportunity (in his eyes) for kisa to improve and build confidence by having her participate in activities with other classes
but the moment chui asked kisa to be his jeanne, neji stepped his foot down and was like, "how rude! chui, you can't just demand a student from another class!! the rest of univeil already went over this last summer, you're too late for that!!" likeeee, hypocritical much, neji?? which, chui also says to his face lol. how come you get to transfer to another class, neji-senpai, but kisa can't?
wasn't neji also the one who said that by treating kisa like an object (to borrow sou's wording), kisa herself gained high value?
but I guess it didn't register to neji that chui might take an interest in kisa. which. lol. come on neji, you should've seen that one coming.
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I find it interesting how he's suddenly like, "tachibana-kun! from now on, start running for the hills when someone wants to steal you from quartz!!" completely ignoring how he encouraged this specific behavior from other classes in the first place. but, well, amber is just that special, after all
what'a the harm in letting kisa intern in amber for a little while, just like how she joined class practice with onyx and rhodonite for a bit. do you not trust that kisa will stay in quartz after that. do you think chui can actually convince kisa to transfer out of the class tsuki was famously a part of
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neji we all know that "just kidding" is codeword for "I'm actually serious but I'm playing it off so no one takes me seriously" boyyyyy you started all of this!!!
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niuniente · 1 year
NIU!!! were you taken by surprise at alrick and kizzie catching feelings? i know in the past youve mentioned that alricks never given much interest in dating in your stories, im so excited to see what made him change his mind!!!
Trust me, I was surprised by this turn of events, too! If I could decide, Alrick would stay single. But then, many things started to happen. Whenever I was thinking should I take the feeling of Alrick and Kizzie being interested in each other seriously a random love songs started to play. I considered this a lot because in the beginning of DHD, I did say that Alrick isn't interested in dating and him having a girlfriend would break the episodic nature of the comic.
In 1,5 years, things have changed a bit. DHD isn't as strictly episodic as I expected it to be but some events have "bled" over to other episodes. In that context, Alrick's and Kizzie's interest in each other would fit the picture quite well.
Then, Kizzie herself. She seemed like a character whose role within the story and also within Lywood's society would fit Alrick's work and role in the comic (more about this within the comic when I get there). I want to treat all my women well. Alrick's girlfriend can't be just a thought, a concept, and it would have been that if there was any other character than Kizzie. Alrick's love interest needs to be as fleshed and important as Alrick himself. It can't be anything like "Oh, he's dating this person you rarely ever see and her existence doesn't affect his life at all". Kizzie, due her nature and role, can have a certain distance to Alrick while the romance could still work and be fleshed well. I think it would serve this more adult type relationship, which I hope I'll get to show you (if I can decide) because I can't really put it into words but I know the comic will speak for itself.
I think I got the final kick in the ass when I was listening to my friend Laura Mauro speaking on a podcast. Laura is a professional award winning author, who writes for living. Laura said that every creator must be willing to kill their darlings, because sometimes stories need it. I realized that Alrick being single was "my darling" which I needed to kill, because it seemed like the best. I always preach about free expression and not limiting yourself when you create, so if I then didn't follow my own preaching, I would be a hypocrite!
Having said this, while I have wishes for how things turn out, I don't know what actually happens and where the limits for Kizzie's and Alrick's thing go without it disturbing Alrick's role and story and without it diminishing Kizzie either. We'll see!
By the way, the ship name is Kizzrick :3 Thank you Erin for coming up with the name on Webtoons!
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lizhly-writes · 10 months
cnovel shenanigans: a different kind of twins au. had this in my giant wip document in a while, decided to polish it up to take a break on what i'm supposed to be working on. surprise! it's yang haoshu and yang haoran (og).
Yang Haoshu glanced at the door that linked her room to her brother’s.  At the ever-auspicious hour of four in the morning, there was still light seeping out from under it.  Maybe Yang Haoran was passed out on his desk with the lamp still on, like he’d been prone to when they were younger; maybe he was still obediently, diligently hard at work.
There was really only one way to find out.  Delicately, Yang Haoshu twisted the doorknob and stepped inside.
Yes, he was clearly awake, squinting at his desktop monitors, one hand tapping at his keyboard and the other scribbling in a notebook.  He didn’t notice her as she stepped in, didn’t notice her as she got closer, didn’t notice her as she hovered a hand over his shoulder.
He very much noticed when she slapped her hand down.
It was a little like watching a bomb go off – body going tense, whirling around with sharp, furious, motion, ready to bite off the head of anyone who even looked at him wrong –
“Hi, it’s me, your sister!” Yang Haoshu said.
She did so in a cheerful, innocently oblivious voice, the kind that heightened mild annoyance into pure rage.  It always worked well enough on Jiang Mingxi.
It didn’t have any real effect on Yang Haoran, desensitized by long-term exposure. He simply sighed, rubbing at his eyes.  “Haoshu.  What are you doing up.”
“I just woke up,” Yang Haoshu said.  “Because unlike you, I went to bed at a regular time.  Don’t you know that staying up after midnight is bad for your skin?  What will happen to your pretty face then, huh?”
Said pretty face twisted in distaste. “Don’t start that again, is it so important to you that I care about how I look –”
“It seems like such a shame to finally win the looks competition just because you don’t care.  This is the sort of sentiment that’ll make you old before your time, you know?  You’ll look forty at age twenty–”
“Haoshu,” Yang Haoran said forcefully.  “What do you want.” He was twitching faintly.  If it was because of irritation, no harm done.  If it was sleep deprivation, though…
When was the last time her darling brother got a full night’s sleep, anyway?
“Nothing, really,” Yang Haoshu said, instead of straightforwardly asking this question.  “I just wanted to see what you were doing.”  She leaned forward, peering at the neatly arranged windows on his monitor.  “You’re trying to get up-to-date with company info?  What a good, dutiful son you are, hmm?”
Yang Haoran bristled preemptively.  “Don’t start that again.”
“What am I starting?  I thought you liked being told you were such a good boy.”
“Why do you have to make me sound like a dog.”
“But aren’t you, though?  I mean–” Yang Haoshu gestured at his notebook for emphasis – “look at you!  Diligently learning what needs to be learned!  Unwaveringly doing whatever your owners want!  Did Mother or Father even tell you do this?  I don’t think they did!  You’re jumping to heel without even being told!  How well-trained!  What a good prize hound!  If they enter you in a competition, you’re award-winning for sure!”
“Did you only come in here because you wanted to call me a dog first thing in the morning?”  Yang Haoran said, hackles raising, his pen stabbing into – no, through – the notebook by the strength of pure irritation.  Well done, gege! “You couldn’t have even waited until breakfast?  Did you just want to be certain this was the first thing I heard all day? Are you really this bored?  You really don’t have anything better to do?  Here’s a suggestion: sleep.  Didn’t you just say staying up after midnight is bad for your skin?”
“Now, isn’t that hypocritical, A-Ran?  After all, you’re still awake, killing yourself trying to be as good as Da-jie, aren’t you?”
Yang Haoran narrowed his eyes.   If she had been a stranger, he probably would tried to kill her (subtly!) for saying this kind of thing, but Yang Haoshu had the advantage of being the only sibling he liked.  Instead of going for the throat, he only said, “Get out.” 
“Really?  You could at least let me finish.”
“You give me the same lecture every time.  It gets old, I don’t need a refresher.”
“You always need a refresher, because you never understand my point.”
“Your point is that I should give up,” Yang Haoran said flatly.  “What’s to understand?”
“You make it sound so bad. It’s good advice, I’ll have you know.”
Yang Haoran wasn’t the only one who had tried living up to their parents’ expectations, after all.  Yang Haoshu had done the same; it was just that, unlike him, she had realized that there was absolutely nothing she could do that could ever compare to what Yang Haoli had done before the both of them.
Grades, talent, skill, intelligence, pure fucking luck – Yang Haoli would always beat them both.  When it came to their parents’ attention, Yang Haoran and Yang Haoshu would always lose.
The only way to win was not to play.
“What, you’re saying I should be like you?” Yang Haoran said derisively, who had never been convinced of this line of thought. “Accomplishing nothing of any importance, failing at the very start just because I can’t be bothered to try for a higher standard?  Just because you can do it doesn’t mean I can do the same.”
Ouch, gege.  If Yang Haoshu was anyone else, she might be – y’know – hurt.
“That’s a pretty uncharitable way of looking at it,” Yang Haoshu said.  “You sound just like Ming-jie.  She says this sort of thing about me, too.  You know, about how I’m irresponsible and taking my privilege for granted and how I’m wasting all my time on frivolous things.”
His expression twisted, obviously dissatisfied.  Wasn’t this what he just said, in different words?  But ah, it was only gege who was allowed to insult his very cute meimei, huh?  Even his fiancee wasn’t allowed!  One could even say that especially his fiancee wasn’t allowed!
There weren’t very many people Yang Haoran hated more than Jiang Mingxi, after all. 
“But then again, maybe I should expect this from you,” Yang Haoshu said.  “You’ve been getting along much better with Ming-jie lately, so maybe it’s not so much of a surprise that husband and wife are speaking with the same mouth.  All those ‘training spars’ alone – ”
“What exactly are you trying to say here,” Yang Haoran said, scowling heavily, which was disappointing, she was honestly hoping to get a more telling reaction out of him.
“What, me? Am I trying to say anything?  Who’s trying to say anything? I’m straightforwardly implying you two fucked, but that’s just a guess on my–”
“Do you want to die, is that it? I can help you with that.”
“So touchy, A-Ran.  Picking up habits from Ming-jie, aren’t you?  She’s such a bad influence, I should tell her to stop infecting my brother with her delicate sensibilities.  It’s no good to be so…”  Yang Haoshu clicked her tongue.  “Emotional.”
The corner of his mouth twitched.  It wasn’t a smile.  But it wasn’t not a smile.  Yang Haoshu had finally steered the conversation into territory they both liked: making fun of Jiang Mingxi. “If you tell her that,” he drawled, “you really will die. Calling her delicate and emotional – do you have a death wish?”
Yang Haoshu blinked innocently. “But gege will defend me though?”
Now that was a smile – a little too sharp to be presentable, but a smile, nonetheless.  “Defend you? How do you know I won’t help her?  You keep saying that we’re getting along so well lately, after all.”
Ah, A-Ran was always so happy when he got to be mean.
“That would be such a betrayal,” she pouts.  “How could you?  And when I’m always on your side when Ming-jie attacks you–”
“You’re on my side because you think it’s fun.”
Well.  That wasn’t wrong. It was incredibly fun antagonizing Jiang Mingxi, which was why Yang Haoshu did it so often.
Still, Yang Haoshu pressed a hand over her heart, mock-hurt.  “How could you say that, can’t it just be that I care?”
He scoffed, like he always did at the thought of anyone doing something as plebeian as caring about him. 
Yang Haoshu was really so tired.
“And because I care so much–” she patted his shoulder.  “I’m telling you to go to sleep, A-Ran.”
“Haoshu.  I have things to do.”
“You’re really driving yourself to an early grave, you know,” Yang Haoshu said, and, because she knew that Yang Haoran had never really been afraid of dying young, she added, “Anyway, do you think you do good work when you’re sleep-deprived?”
Yang Haoran paused. Yes, she had him there – he didn’t give a shit about his health, but when it came to his work quality, that was something he cared very much about.  
“It’s fine,” he said.  To anyone else, he would have sounded really rather sure of himself.  To Yang Haoshu?
He did very well with sleep deprivation, she knew.  Much better than the average person, just like Yang Haoshu, and like-but-not-quite-like Yang Haoli. But even he had his limits, and while those limits were very high –
“When was the last time my darling brother got a full night’s sleep, anyway?”
Yang Haoshu didn’t know the answer.  She was betting neither did Yang Haoran.
“It’s fine,” he repeated, as if saying it with enough force would be enough to make it true.
“Is it?  Oh, but what do I know.  It’s not like I’m used to looking at this.” She tapped the row of numbers on the screen – revenue, profit, expense, debt.  Quarterly reports for the family company and quarterly reports for every single other competitor they had. 
All meaningless garbage.  
“Gege is so accomplished,” Yang Haoshu said.  “So sure you haven’t, ah… misplaced a number somewhere?”
If Yang Haoshu had wanted to be mean, she would’ve added something about Yang Haoli – how reliable their jiejie was, a machine that never needed to shut down for maintenance, no sleep no food no drink necessary for perfect work.  It would have even been true.  Their older sister, inhumanly perfect, impossible to live up to, worthless to try against.
But that would really do nothing but start a fight.
It was 4AM. Yang Haoshu really had better things to do – sleep, for one.
“Go to bed, A-Ran.  I promise you’ll be much more efficient in… well, I’d say in the morning, but we’re already there, aren’t we?”
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zoobus · 1 year
Alec Baldwin, huh.
(in reference to my tags on this post)
I don't agree with the sentiment, I'm just SAYING if you write media analysis like this, you're a moron:
For those of you who can't watch videos, it's the famous speech Alec Baldwin gives in the cinematic masterpiece Glengarry Glenn Ross. Baldwin's character -- whom you assume is the villain -- addresses a room full of dudes and tears them a new asshole As smarter people have pointed out, the genius of that speech is that half of the people who watch it think that the point of the scene is "Wow, what must it be like to have such an asshole boss?" and the other half think, "Fuck yes, let's go out and sell some goddamned real estate!"
Or, as the Last Psychiatrist blog put it: "If you were in that room, some of you would understand this as a work, but feed off the energy of the message anyway, 'this guy is awesome!'; while some of you would take it personally, this guy is a jerk, you have no right to talk to me like that, or -- the standard maneuver when narcissism is confronted with a greater power -- quietly seethe and fantasize about finding information that will out him as a hypocrite.
Here are some quick indicators you can disregard someone's media opinions, whether you've seen whatever they're describing or not
They tell YOU what you'll assume about a character
They tell YOU what the "correct" read of a character is
They think there's two primary reads of the story and they flatten down to "my interpretation is smart and says something good about myself, all other interpretations are superficial and evidence of a pathetic lack of self-awareness"
They talk about award-winning, complex media like a storybook for small children. This guy is actually the villain! This guy is actually the hero!
They're so so so certain that they know exactly how everyone else interpreted the movie
Take American Psycho - when I finally watched it, I *did* find takes I disagreed with, and I *did* find takes that I felt misunderstood certain characters. But very few, if any, disagreements were due to the other person's perception of characters as purely heroic or otherwise. I found takes that I didn't object to exactly, but came from viewpoints I felt too ignorant to fully grasp or comment on. I found gaps in my own understanding, gaps I don't think I'm capable of filling (I don't get music, sorry).
It wasn't 50% dudebros who wished they were/wanted to suck off Patrick Bateman and 50% wise women smartly explaining why the racist misogynist is in fact a bad person. The most annoying, shallowest takes I've found I'm most hostile to are those "you aren't patrick bateman, you don't even wash your face/teen girls with a skincare routine understand American psycho more than any dudebro could" memes. The take with actual effort that I bristled at the most was an essay that seemed oblivious to how severe homophobia was in the 80s.
I haven't watched Glen Glennie Ross, I'm just saying this guy's read of it lends me to believe he's not a reliable source.
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thegayhimbo · 7 months
2024 Academy Awards Thoughts:
I was pleased Oppenheimer won Best Picture. TBF, it was a well-done film (and one of the best movies of 2023 IMO), and since it swept the other award ceremonies, I figured it had a chance tonight. I also would have been happy if Barbie had won.
Ditto for Christopher Nolan winning Best Director. I'm still irked about Greta Gerwig getting snubbed, but I don't begrudge Nolan his win. He deserved it.
I expected Cillian Murphy to win for Best Actor, but I was caught off-guard by Emma Stone winning for Poor Things. I had expected Lily Gladstone to win the Award for Killers of the Flower Moon.
I'm glad RDJ won for Best Supporting Actor. He did a brilliant job in Oppenheimer playing a character who initially seems like a well-meaning ally, only to reveal just how petty, hypocritical, and self-centered he truly was.
I am so grateful 20 Days In Mariupol won for Best Documentary Feature Film. With everything that's going on in Ukraine, as well as the fuckery of Republicans holding up essential aid for Ukraine, this is a documentary that needs to be seen. It's disturbing, powerful, and does not shy away from the horrors and atrocities Russia is committing against Ukraine. You can watch the documentary here.
Wasn't surprised Oppenheimer won for Best Original Score. Or that "What Was I Made For?" from Barbie won for Best Original Song. They were both deserved wins.
Ditto for Oppenheimer getting the awards for Cinematography and Film Editing.
I haven't seen The Boy and the Heron (it's on my "To Watch" list), but considering Miyazaki's track record of beautiful Japanese animated films (Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, etc), I expect it will be just as fantastic as his other movies.
Jimmy Kimmel was a good host for the Oscars. I didn't have a problem with him compared to other past hosts who've tried to be edgy and controversial, only to fall flat or straight-up embarrass themselves. Not all of his jokes were funny, but he still got some good laughs.
Overall, a decent award ceremony.
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oonajaeadira · 8 months
your post about the awards was well articulated, but there is no reason why people can't express their own feelings on their own blogs without fear of being vague posted. people are upset, yes, and some of them are not responding well, that's unfortunate, truly. but people are allowed to feel what they feel and to work through it and express concerns that they have. (and it goes without saying that some people are being disrespectful, but that's bound to happen unfortunately)
Aw, friend, I never said you couldn't! Feel your feels! I'm just saying that I'm the one feeling bad for people feeling bad for Pedro. I was surprised those feelings were so strong and realized that we're a society that puts everything only on a win and very rarely recognize what joy can be had just for being included.
I'm just wanting to assuage people's hurt by saying, "you don't have to feel bad for Pedro! Here's some experienced info to let you know he's most likely JUST FINE."
So if anything, I'm being the hypocrite here! There are those out there that seem to be feeling badly FOR Pedro and I'm over here saying the words I'm saying because I feel bad for those that are feeling bad for Pedro!
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Empath monster strikes again.
I assume this may be the first time we're talking because I generally try to keep this a safe and compassionate blog around here. I know my post got posted far and wide outside my circle, so let me say that I did not intend to hurt, and if I did, I apologize!!! All are welcome here! Feel your feels! I just hope I can help your hurt!!!
And I'm very sorry if you felt personally attacked. I assure you that my post was in response to MANY people saying the same things. There are a lot out there that are taking your hand in solidarity friend! We're all fans here. And it's all gonna be alright. <3 <3 <3
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