higuchimon · 1 year
@healingmichiko again. She's in recovery now, but woozy. Next update will be in her hospital room.
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norcumii · 2 years
I’m desperately trying to prove myself sane(ish), and I’m hoping you can help me.
I have distinct memories of a fanfic called “Attack of the (time traveling) clones” where about 10 clones wind up being thrown back to the battle of Naboo. They wind up changing, well, everything, starting with Quigon, and including the bio chips being discovered before Order 666 got executed. But I can’t find it. I remember coming across it on Tumblr first, then AO3.
My favorite part was Baby!Ahsoka meeting Fives, and holding out her hand to show her five fingers, showing off she knows her numbers. And since she was having nightmares, Fives telling the Creche Master to get him, they were responsible for her
Does this ring any bells?
Huuuh. That does ring bells, but I can't place it. Anyone else?
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phantoms-lair · 3 years
Vlad tries to turn people against The Hero Jackrabbit, only to find there’s no such hero registered ANYWHERE, and Japan citizens are miffed at an American’s attempts to manipulate them against their beloved Mochi?
Between him referring to Mochi as ‘Daniel’ and ‘Jackrabbit’ people are going to begin to think he has trouble with names.
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wilwheaton · 5 years
Sorry to bring up Trump, but did you facepalm and head desk as hard as I did when he said he was a war time president due to the COVID-19/corona virus pandemic?
I believe that I said, out loud, “Oh go fuck yourself you pathetic piece of shit.”
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akaluan · 4 years
I love Papa!Kisuke, especially for Uryuu and the Kurosaki siblings. Can you give us anything on them, related to weddings or introducing a new person to the pack of Tiger cubs?
Hmm... I’m not entirely sure. My ideas on who would pair off with who varies between ‘verses because all the relationships play out differently. And in DE I... generally haven’t considered ships at all, even with Kaito/Hanataro being a strong contender for the future.
As for introducing new people into the group... I mean, I tend to think that the group isn’t precisely insular at all, but their collection of experiences will always tend to leave an “inner” and “outer” orbit of friendships. Though anyone could probably get into the ‘inner’ group with enough time and probably some death-defying adventures alongside the rest of the crew.
Also, given who Ichigo and Orihime are as people, they’d tend to collect people who are generally outsiders or otherwise alone or in need. Especially younger people? I could see Ichigo just... absently “adopting” spiritually active kids/teens and Urahara’s just ??? as he finds his shoten slowly filling up with “strays” that Ichigo keeps bringing around.
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blackkatmagic · 5 years
For Kid Jedi and Worried Clones, does the deaging work where everyone is reset to a certain age, like everyone de-ages 30 years, or is it proportional, where Yoda is deaged 800+ years, while Mace loses 30+, or is it based on strength in the Force? Or is it based on,p the random dice gods? Fans (especially this one) want to know?
I was thinking that it was fairly random, but also the older they were, the more they de-aged, so Yoda is like. Not even a toddler. Dooku gets lucky and he’s still vaguely pre-teenish. Obi-Wan is five and very put out about it. 
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rainingskyguy · 5 years
My dashboard did a thing due to your posts. Some of them lined up. I’m not sure if you planned it or not. Want to see?
Implying I have the capacity to plan ahead for anything is flattering xD but it was a total coincidence! I am curious, yes let’s see it!
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seitosokusha · 5 years
healingmichiko reblogged your post and added:
If you don’t mind older fandoms: FF7 and SG: SG1.
lmao I actually have not seen Stargate and the only reason why I know a little bit about it is because of esama lol
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cheshiresense · 6 years
Had 3 questions for Guard verse, if you'd be so kind to answer: 1) What happens when the Elders try to arrange a marriage between Ichigo and someone of an 'appropriate' family? Bastard-born or not, I can't see the elders leaving Ichigo alone like that. 2) Does Ichigo have a cat form? And if he does, what does it look like? *total loves the image of Kisuke cuddling and petting kitten Ichigo*
1) I don’t think Yoruichi would allow it. She does have the final say even though clan heads should listen to the elders. And honestly, even if she couldn’t stop them, there’s no real way the elders could force Ichigo to marry someone. They could threaten him with being disowned, but srsly this is Ichigo, he couldn’t give less of a shit, even if he has to move out to Rukongai to live, and Kisuke would go with him. (Also, Kisuke would slip laxatives in all their food as revenge.)
2) Yes. Imagine a tiny fluffy orange kitten. I kind of want to write a snippet for that but I haven’t gotten around to it yet.
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cywscross · 6 years
I'm hoping you or your followers can help me locate a fic, but I'm sure I read it and your One Fell Swoop fic made me think of it. Basically, it's a Bleach fic where Gin finds a youthened Ichigo, whose mask had been cracked in Hueco Mundo. Gin takes him in, while trying to plan another way to defeat Aizen. I'm not very good at Google-fu, so if it rings a bell for anyone, I'd appreciate the help.
Anybody recognize this one?
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higuchimon · 1 year
This is @healingmichiko updating you on Higuchimon. About 12:55, they took her back for her surgery. We'll keep you posted.
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norcumii · 4 years
Question: Goa’uld Jedi meets normal Jedi. Any headcanons?
Aside from that one ridiculous ficlet in Celestial Navigation....hm. 
I think the goa’uld Jedi would be Very Concerned and asking “are...are you guys ok? Because you don’t feel ok.”
Meanwhile the standard Jedi would be squinting in confusion. “You guys have rules HOW stringent? For WHAT now?”
And there’d be a lot of confused side-eyeing eventually leading to much screeching of “what is WRONG with you?!?!”
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phantoms-lair · 4 years
Eraserhead sees Izuku losing control of his ‘quirk’ as Izuku practices with it, tries Erasure, and it doesn’t work like expected. Two routes possible: A, it does nothing. B, Izuku collapses, possibly screaming in pain.
Does nothing, because Izuku’s ‘quirk’ isn’t actually a quirk, he’s just half undead. He’ll explain it away and being a mutant-style quirk, which Eraserhead can’t affect.
But mutations style quirks don’t usually involve shooting green light from your hand, so Aizawa is going to start getting suspicious.
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fireflyfish · 7 years
Fishy, have you seen the latest teaser posters for the last jedi? The one with General Leia made me whibble!
I have and they are very striking! I think it’s interesting how much red they’re using. All of the posters were very lovely and powerful but that hand with Leia’s jewelry and her magnificent cape? 
UGH. It might have killed me.
I could be a ghost Fishy talking to you right now. XD
But I’m going to be honest, I’m not sure I’m going to be ready to see the General on the screen come this December. Like, I think I might start crying in the theaters. I just hope Alamo Drafthouse will let me bring in my super absorbent microfiber crying rug when I go.
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akaluan · 4 years
Question: When Ichigo finally pops out hiw own dual blade situation. Is everyone going to think it’s a result of Urahara’s training? Or that Kaito and Ichigo are related?
ngl, the initial assumption that Captains like Ukitake and Kyoraku make is that Hollowfication creates the potential for dual blades, and that any of the Visored could potentially become dual blade wielders. That’s what they’re already thinking with Kaito, due to how they suspect they ‘sensed’ his moment of Hollowfication (when Kaito+co appeared in the past with Shiro fronting), and how new Kaito is to dual blades.
More observation, however, makes them think that it’s less the Hollowfication bit and more than Kaito and Ichigo are both Quincy-Shinigami mixes, and THAT’S what produces the dual blade outcome. Kaito isn’t quite as good at hiding all his sides as he thinks he is, so any length of time around him when Zangetsu is feeling talkative/active gives them hints that Kaito is also Quincy. It takes a lot longer to figure that out about Kurosaki Ichigo, but that comes eventually.
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blackkatmagic · 4 years
About Green!Lantern!Echo: The Battle Droid builders realize Echo’s weaksauce weakness against anything yellow and start coloring everything yellow. Would Kenobi’s troops need to recolor their armor?
I tend to think the 212th wear orange? The 327th might have to, though, since they wear gold. 
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