#health mention
heartnosekid · 5 months
well, here’s an update y’all. i’m having a huge fibro / ibs / anxiety / panic flare due to having to do 3 rounds of antibiotics in less than a month. my belly is absolutely wrecked and i am just now able to start trying to repair it with probiotics and easy foods. aaand i’m still sick 🙃 so i’m probably gonna have to keep the queue running at one new gifset a day at least for the foreseeable future. however, i am still going to be working on requests and getting them completed as quickly as possible. thank you to everyone for being so understanding, i just wanted to post an update for those that asked if i was feeling better!!! i love you all!!!
- ish 💕
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sensitiveheartless · 6 months
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Hullo!! Just wanted to give a belated thank you for all the well wishes, I really appreciate them all :'D I definitely seem to be on the mend! I've been having an...interesting health time this year, but I'm working on it. I've started getting more sleep, at least, which is helping — sleep deprivation makes my digestive issues way, way worse. And also makes it more likely that I'll get sick in general aksjdfksjdf
But yeah, anyway! With luck I will be able to get more things done this week, as long as I can avoid making my body rebel against me again!
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transvampireboyfriend · 2 months
got my flu shot earlier and now I'm OUGHDGSNMOUFDGDHLWRS
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seguen-sd · 1 year
ⓘ This user wanna sit in front of the ocean and listen to the waves...
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ratstranaut · 3 months
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llondonfog · 5 months
crying tears of gratitude rn
i posted a while back about my mom's medical discovery about our family's genetic prevalence of heart disease and dying young from clogged arteries/heart attacks. she's taken huge steps in redefining her already minimal diet and it's shown incredible progress in her bloodwork but we got the best news today
Lipoprotein(a) is apparently a genetic coin toss that cannot be controlled by external measures and directly relates to coronary heart disease- it was a 50% chance she would have inherited it from her father, and we finally got the results back literally now.
she doesn't have it.
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lavampira · 8 months
sometimes I think about the fact I went through losing both of my dad’s parents, severe covid, and pneumonia all in the same couple of weeks span, and it’s like. well. if I survived the worst month of my life with all of that then I can probably also get through my brain going nuclear these last few months too 🤪
anyway tmi overshare into the void of my blog but ya girl is scheduling an appointment about my meds and/or pmdd since that also runs in my family and might explain some things because goddamn I need something to give here lmao
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tj-crochets · 1 year
Hey y’all! Can you please send me pictures of your favorite animals?  I am stressing out about all -ologists I’ll be going to over the next few months and could really use a distraction. On the one hand, I am grateful I can see these doctors, and that my new PCP is taking my health issues seriously and referring me to specialists. On the other, I have been caught in a never ending merry go round of specialists for more than a decade. I am tired. I never get answers, they always just take money and refer me to a new specialist in a loop, and the latest loop has led to the discovery that I am allergic to neurologists.  So...please send me pictures of your favorite animals (for plushie inspiration, and also just because animals are adorable)
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snailtrain · 6 months
It's been roughly two weeks and whatever possessed me to Write for creativity (arm pain) is still going strong. t...thirty thousand words later. What is my life Q^Q;;;
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mathcs · 7 months
oof i’m having a health scare today, also adding a (mostly non) activity update to this bc timing!
i’ve been owing everyone everything (especially thread wise) for ages now and am sorry for that ;; but i’ll have to continue to limit myself/write only whatever the muse and energy allows for in the moment/be on here very casually whether ic or ooc.
thanks to all for dealing with and understanding— i’m basically still going through it ever since year’s surgery (its complications, my diagnosis, etc), I usually just fight tiredness but unfortunately it’s all for the long run
but thank you for the ic and ooc interactions, am grateful for all of that q_q it’s fun and so is having this blog whenever i’m not here just imagine jude being too busy with work to be here either, canonically accurate
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torque-witch · 8 months
I actually do genuinely fear that I’m wasting away on the floor. Something is very wrong, but otherwise I’m just going to keep going to work while having trouble masking that I’m in genuine pain and anguish. I’ve been bleeding for 3 weeks. Sometimes I just can’t eat food. Most days I have 45 minutes at least of pain and nausea (today it’s ongoing 3 hours) and on top of that I work with food and have food trauma lmfao.
I literally had the scariest panic attack last week where I felt the doom of oncoming death, then my arms went numb and I could barely hear and then I just sobbed for like 20 minutes about how I feel like I’m wasting away on the floor of my studio (where I spend the majority of my time) oh and I probably have a sleep disorder.
Like literally this morning I woke up from a dream that I was falling in an elevator (normal) but it was breakneck speed and my heart rate in the dream was legitimately 240 and I wake up wondering if I’m going to pass away. My dreams are beyond the norm of physiological interruption, usually body horror with smells, tastes, tachycardia, textures. I cannot function anymore if I don’t sleep well.
Anyway. It’s all doom anxiety and I’m probably fine but there is actually something incredibly wrong or I wouldn’t also be experiencing physical pain and tachy and nausea when I’m fully awake and able to control my responses to stimuli.
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transvampireboyfriend · 4 months
guess who's not dying 😬
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hey, i'm sorry to hear you're sick :( are you ok with medicine and food and stuff? do you need anything?
Thank you! It's been a crummy few days, but I think I'm getting slightly better - my fever finally broke today, so that's helped. I think I have everything I need. It's so kind of you to ask though. It means a lot. ❤️
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hi guys. little update to stuff. ill try to condense it all into one big paragraph but warning that below im talking about personal medical stuff ! if you dont wanna read it i totally get it you can keep scrolling and hopefully this little hiatus wont last longer than this week! im still available through discord. username is bunnie_rabbot ! but lets get this going
ive had a (planned) IUD placement today that hopefully will help with my painful and incredibly heavy periods that make my iron levels plummet and have had me having iron infusions monthly for the last few months. if this didnt work we thought that for the rest of my life at least i guess before meonpause i'd need iron tranfusions because i just loose too much blood. luckily we made this appointment and i was super nervous but we went, they gave me some meds to calm me down, and they inserted it. not gonna lie. it was super painful and the last few hours have been painful too. i did some basic research and it seems like some people who get this are fine within 24 hours and others just get reouccring cramps for the following week since insertion.
so im super tired, super in pain, got no sleep the night before, and i still have two othr doctors appointments this week as well as having to do some uni coursework somewhere inbetween it all. thats why ive been pretty silent. im hoping by next week things will lighten up and i can do some writing to ease my brain a little. but until then, unfortunately, i do not think ill be around the rest of the week. i adore you all and am excited to write pete again when i can , just need a little more time!
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sleeplesslark · 4 months
I can't sleep and there's a thunderstorm. So doing some 3am writing!
...on my phone. Google docs ap. Cuz my left hand us hurting. Really hoping this isn't the start of carpal tunnel.
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darkelfchicksick · 1 year
finally caved and got a home usage blood pressure monitor at lidl bc i always had "let's keep an eye on it" measurements at the doctor's when i was still taking my meds and getting it taken every 6 months
and I've been terrified the last few years of hypertension because of this and bc I'm fat
i put on the thing, it's one of the talking ones and it tells me. severe hypertension, possible arrhythmia i try not to panic and lay my arm flat on the table
the arm with the cuff
which i had been putting weight on and not holding flat
anyway my blood pressure is fine
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