skunkes · 1 year
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poor circulation
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patrothestupid · 4 days
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big derg taking winter shift at the club
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soaring-trash · 8 months
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The bed gets cold without you and cold hands trope, but reversed because Laudna doesn’t produce an ounce of warmth and Imogen is practically a human heater.
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arkiwii · 11 months
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i was supposed to draw something sad but my hands slipped, so oops?
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trashiiplant · 11 months
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I don't really ever post my oc stuff here, probably in fear it wont be received that well but ah, here I go anyway.
I finally made a slugcat oc to accompany my iterator oc, Gaze Upon a Borealis HEHE.... they're very good friends
Some notes of both below the cut:
Gaze Upon a Borealis is an iterator located in the arctic region, making her even more isolated than many other iterators. Their communication network isn't all that great. I currently don't have any proper ocs that would be a part of her local group but I DO know that it's small as hell.
She is very gentle and welcoming of any small creatures that find their way to their can. They worry over every single one every time, aware of how cold it must be for them outside. She often times assists starving creatures.
Their puppet is made to be portable in case she needs to fix some outer damage to her structure by herself. (The Beacon likes helping them with this.) There's hardly ever a proper need for that though, so she simply walks around her facility and admires the view. They gaze upon the aurora borealis often. (ayy)
Borealis can even exit their can for a certain period of time with a built in lift. They like to go on walks with Beacon every now and then.
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AND OH BOY.. I rambled a bit while working on The Beacon OOPS
Anyway, here's the text if that's a bit hard to read:
-The Beacon is modified by an iterator, Gaze Upon a Borealis
-Also referred to as "Assistant" by GUB
-Specifically modified to survive the harsh climate of the arctic, where Borealis' can is located.
-Very durable and larger than most slugcats. It is awfully slow but much akin to the Gourmand, it's spear throws are quite deadly.
(2,5 dmg at most, maybe. Depends on the throw)
-Tail is designed to keep it warm, along with the thick fur
-The tail acts as a lantern, it's heat and light may lure in dangerous predators in seek of warmth.
-Rather grumpy and strict in personality. It is extremely wise due to it's old age and has acted as a mentor figure to a few slugcats in it's old colony
-Borealis managed to put it's physical aging to a halt... wont die permanently unless ascended. (screw the logic)
-At night, it's colors change to resemble the northern lights. It's tail even leaves a trail akin to one. Borealis simply thought of it as a pretty feature. Beacon finds it bothersome
-◉◉◉|◉◉◉◉◉◉ Easy peasy food pip req due to the lack of food in the arctic.
The rest is just height comparisons.
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chryssikyu · 5 months
Uh, random thought.
Zaynes hands are always cold.
My thighs are always warm.
Zayne can warm his hands between my thighs.
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holographic-mars · 6 months
I’d like to think when Cosmos asks to carry Soundwave, SW says yes teasingly thinking how his little boyfriend is going to lug him around, before Cosmos undos his mass displacement and just swoops him up. When they cuddle like this Cosmos complexity dwarfs Sw and it’s like a weighted/heated blanket for him.
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Hold wife… life good
Soundwave isn’t used to being little so he’s very alarmed and charmed. When they cuddle Soundwave likes to wedge himself under cosmos bc cosmos is warm and heavy and soundwave likes that. He feels secure and happy
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art-i-sticks · 2 years
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Sorry, Kai. No dramatic reawakening of your powers for you.
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chaos0pikachu · 2 months
on a meta-textual/Doylist level what I like about the Korn/Tonkla/Win subplot is there's actual tension and the fact that JJay & Fuiaz are a "branded pair" doesn't influence the story so much that the subplot overall lacks tension.
Tonkla as a character has genuine feelings towards Korn and they've shared on screen intimacy that enforces their relationship - even if that relationship is partially transactional on Korn's side or otherwise. This provides tension in the narrative with the characters and makes their overall relationships with each other and thus the story much stronger.
Comparison - one that might get me kicked but it be what it be - example the Sand/Ray/Mew/Top storyline in Only Friends which had zero tension.
Why? Because the audience pretty much knew from the get RaySand and MewTop were endgame but that's just a factor, knowing the endgame isn't contingent on poor storytelling - don't we all know how Romeo and Juliet ends after all?
No what made is weak and flimsy was the narrative never provides any real stakes or tension for those characters.
Mew never once feels anything for Ray that isn't friendship, they never even attempt to have sex (even bad sex), Ray openly continues to hookup and pursue Sand whilst with Mew (and Sand is even mostly okay with this as tho it matters none at all because ultimately, it doesn't) and while Top was bothered, he wasn't threatened. It was all just narrative punishment and penance for his cheating. We don't even see Ray and Mew on a real date or share a real moment of genuine emotional intimacy that's romantic and/or sexual, their bookshop date only makes Mew think of Top, Ray spends more time with Sand, etc.
It's not just that the endgame is Sand/Ray & Mew/Top it's that the endgame is FirstKhao and ForceBook. It's that this is an rpf au dressed up like a tv show rather than a story.
Which is where Korn/Tonkla/Win feels different.
Off the bat Tonkla and Win are already vastly different characters from White and Tee from their roles in Dead Friend Forever. Korn is obviously different from Arm in Kinnporsche. And the narrative has built genuine feeling between Korn and Tonkla, where Win's feelings for Tonkla - at this stage - appear more one-sided. Yet Tonkla's slept with both characters, he's showcasing agency and desire in different ways with both of them. His relationship with both is very different. Will he even "end up" with one or the other? How will Korn react if/when he finds out about this affair? Especially since Win's a cop and Korn is involved in illegal shit. We don't actually know which makes the story far more exciting to engage in.
Even though objectively I knew Win and Tonkla would "get together" in some capacity because of JJay/Fuiaz, there's far more tension and character motivation here which makes for a vastly more interesting story.
My issue with "branded pairings" as a whole is more often than not I find it hurts the narrative potential of a story by cutting the tension off at the knees, by not allowing more interesting and complicated relationships and character motivations to form and develop. As well as hurting an actors growth and ability to like, act when they're playing the same boxed archetype to fit their branded pairings, well, their brand.
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refinedstorage · 1 year
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I have forgotten how to Daigo he looks so snooty 👀
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secundus-cinaedus · 6 months
while i 1000 percent believe it has been twisted to suit a leftist agenda, the people who believe climate change is completely fake are legitimately fucking braindead
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trashcreatyre · 27 days
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He’s actually very comfortable
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naomiknight-17 · 9 months
#i probably come off sounding pretentious when i get excited about radiation incidents#like. uhm actually hiroshima was an airburst explosion so the fallout is minimal. chernobyl however exploded on the ground and included...#hot particles which blah blah blah
I Would Like To Hear More
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Okay gosh uhm
I am not an expert in any way, but basically what I was referencing is how the different types of explosions (Hiroshima atom bomb air burst vs Chernobyl reactor meltdown) had drastically different levels of fallout
Let me preface by saying that this in no way is meant to minimize the real destruction, pain and suffering caused by the Hiroshima bombing - that is unspeakably heinous, but that is another post. This is specifically about the science of nuclear fallout
When the Hiroshima bomb exploded, it had not yet reached the ground. The heat and shockwave it produced were extreme and deadly, but the radiation did not stick around as long as one may expect. When that kind of explosion goes off in the air, radioactive particles disperse in the atmosphere and die out relatively quickly. Hiroshima today is a thriving metropolis - forever changed by its nuclear history but safe and livable!
Chernobyl, however, is another story entirely. The exclusion zone is still considered uninhabitable. One could visit and even spend a day or two in the area, but living there every day (as some people do, but again, that's another post) could have serious health effects. The ambient radiation levels are unsafe, even miles from ground zero.
Well. When the reactor exploded, it sent actual pieces of radioactive fuel into the atmosphere, which rained down all over the immediate area. Not particles that would disperse in the air, whole pieces of active fuel rods just... everywhere. There are still tiny bits of these rods and similarly radioactive materials from the explosion just... hanging out on and in the ground in Chernobyl, continuing to put out radiation. This is in addition to the core of the reactor that actually melted down, but that has been largely enclosed and shielded (though as it continues to slowly degrade there is a risk of further contamination to the ground/groundwater - another post!) The little hot particles everywhere? How do you shield or enclose them? How do you even find them all without putting people in danger? If you could, how long would it take?
There's more to it, of course, and if you want to learn more I highly recommend the Half Life Histories series of videos on YouTube by Kyle Hill. He's an actual scientist who can explain this stuff SO much better than I ever could.
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year
Thinking about Bruce’s cousin Kate Kane in the xeno AU, and just, I am obsessed with the idea of her continuously taking care of the yautja that try to enter the Gotham area to try and hunt her family. And just, her slowly gathering technology and weapons and them working together to figure out how each of them works. 
Like she is still completely human but like hell is anyone going to hurt her family, adopted or not. The bats are already stealthy, she’s already stealthy and is one of the few to use guns, so combine that with alien stealth technology and plasma weapons? Not much is going to survive her anger.
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saeraas · 2 years
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fertbutt · 1 year
actually doesnt blaze use a blanket in book 3 because she's cold. The dragons are warm-blooded ?
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