dogcareforbeginners · 1 month
How to Relieve Dog Period Cramps: Step-by-Step Guide 2024
This step-by-step guide provides essential advice for dog owners dealing with their pet's discomfort during her heat cycle. This post offers practical tips and natural remedies to help soothe your dog and make her more comfortable during this time. From dietary changes to gentle massages, you'll learn how to effectively manage your dog's period cramps at home. Learn more in the full post here.
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krispijnbeek · 6 months
Energierekening maart 2024Gemiddeld met 36%.Energierekening maart 2024
We hebben een warme maart achter de rug, tijd om te kijken naar de ontwikkeling van onze energiekosten, energiegebruik en energieproductie. Wat in maart opviel was dat het veel minder koud was dan in maart vorig jaar, wat ook duidelijk terug te zien is in ons energiegebruik. Energiekosten Onze energiekosten bedroegen in maart Euro 128. Zo’n 50 Euro minder dan zonder onze winddelen en 25 Euro…
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i-starcreamed · 1 year
For the ask meme, heatcycle and🌵
- @loveofbots
How physically resilient is your OC?
“I can assure you I’ve been through more gunfire than most bots half my size, and I’m still standing!”
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im-his-druidess · 1 year
heyy !! i had an idea about Vincent protecting omega reader (she can be in heat or not) from being harassed by her friend/boyfriend
you can write it in headcanons or however you want :D if you're comfortable ofc
I am absolutely comfortable with this 👀 I'm going to alter this just a bit but I hope you like it! 💙
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You were already spiraling headfirst into your heatcycle when you rolled into the seemingly vacant town of Ambrose, your friends desperate to get away from your cloying scent that no doubt smelled sickly-sweet to their Beta noses, and you were unceremoniously left to slump against the storefront of local a pet store while everyone else continued to drive to the gas station. Hoping to find directions to a hotel and a store with some suppressants.
Not that those would help with you already this far into your Heat.
You had suggested that they leave you here in the shade, growing restless and agitated by the way they eyed you sideways and complained at your "lack of forethought". It wasn't your fault that your Heat was a whole two weeks early, but you knew they would never understand so you just grit your teeth against their judgmental looks. Now, with a warm breeze cooling your sweat dampened skin and fresh air in your lungs, you stared lazily at the wispy clouds above. Fuzzy brain trying to make shapes while studiously ignoring the wetness oozing between your jean short clad thighs.
You idly wondered if there was a laundromat in the town.
Movement a few yards away caught your attention and you lifted your head to squint at the store across the street. In the shadow of the alleyway you could make out the large vague shape of someone peering around the back of a hardware store. It seemed they were staring in your direction. It was instinct more than anything that had you dragging your hand up in an exhausted greeting, wiggling your fingers in a wave, and you even smiled shyly hoping that you weren’t about to be made to move from your spot by an angry business owner. The figure zipped back behind the building and you slowly blinked a few times trying to guess if you imagined the entire thing or if it was symptoms of your Heat frying your braincells. Then, much to your amusement, the figure popped up on the other side of the building only a few seconds later.
They were near the front of the store, peeking around the corner furthest from you but now a few feet closer, and you squinted once more at the shape. With the sun obscuring your vision you could only make out that they were tall and had long dark hair, but you still raised your hand in another greeting. Any thoughts that this person might do you harm in your delicate state not once even crossing your mind.
“I hope you don’t mind me sitting here,” you called out softly, flushing in embarrassment as you thought about how to explain your predicament, but the figure hesitated before dipping back out of sight.
You blinked again at the quick departure before letting your head fall back against the sun-warmed brick wall of the storefront. Over the sound of crickets chirping and the leaves rustling in the trees, you could hear the faint whimper of puppies inside the store. You wanted nothing more than to go inside and play with them, but the increasingly painful cramping in your pelvis left you glued to the sidewalk.
You didn’t know how long had passed as you stared up at the sky, random incomplete thoughts drifting in your head, and you lazily watched a bumblebee buzzing curiously around a dandelion poking up through a crack in the sidewalk before you turned your head to follow the bee and you suddenly found yourself gazing at a crouched figure peeking out from the pet store corner just a few inches away from you.
Your muddled brain didn’t even let you scream in surprise and instead you just blinked owlishly at the sudden appearance.
This close you could now see it was a man, judging by the broad shoulders and tense muscles stretching the wool fabric of his long sleeve beige sweater, and long midnight black hair fell past his shoulders in gentle, albeit tangled, waves. Long slender fingers were gripping the edge of the brick wall tightly and you glanced up at his face when his entire body seemed to twitch. It was your turn to twitch when you realized that the man was wearing a mask. It appeared to be carved out of a substance you couldn’t immediately identify, but you stared in growing awe at the sheer intricacy of the mask. You could make out sharp cheekbones and a strong straight jaw, an aristocratic nose and full lips pulled into a neat line with an almost invisible sliver sliced between the top and bottom lip for an airflow.
The space for one eye, from what you could see through a curtain of thick hair, was completely black and seemingly empty, while the other peered through the mask in a vibrant shade of bright blue.
“Wow…you’re gorgeous,” you blurted out before you could stop yourself and, because it seemed like you couldn’t shut up, you continued to further embarrass yourself, “your mask is absolutely beautiful.”
The man jerked back as if physically slapped by your words and you winced at yourself and scrubbed a hand over your face. Your brain was turning into mush and your insides felt like they were tearing themselves apart and now mortification had you wanting to rip out your own tongue.
“I’m so sorry. That was rude of me,” you muttered through your hands, unable to look back at the man, and a few moments later you felt warm calloused fingers tug gently yet insistently at your hands.
You jumped at the sudden touch and you felt an answering throb low in your pelvis at the skin contact. You looked up and held back your yelp of surprise when the man was now directly in front of you.
Before you could fully register the man being close enough to block out the sun from his massive frame, or of him touching you, you caught his scent on the breeze.
‘Alpha,’ your inner Omega nearly howled and you couldn’t stop the high-pitched trilling that escaped your throat.
The simmering heat in your veins instantly turned into a boil, the cramping in your abdomen taking your breath away as it turned to sharp stabbing pain, and you felt a surge of wetness slick your thighs through your shorts. An answering croaky purr, sounding almost unsure and hesitant, left the man and you subconsciously leaned towards him.
“I’m…I’m so sorry, but I need…,” you panted, trailing off as static filled your head and stole any words from you, and you rested your head on the Alpha’s broad shoulder.
“I don’t know,” you confessed with a small sob and you felt a large hand sweep gently over your back. You could’ve wept at the tender touch.
The scent of the natural Alpha spice, paraffin wax, and faint fresh lavender filled your nose and turned your already mushy brain into pure liquid. You restlessly burrowed your forehead into the man’s shoulder, clammy and clumsy hands gripping his sweater sleeves, and you felt a cautious nuzzle against your sweaty temple. His broad chest rumbled in a nearly silent purr and you offered little resistance when he gradually helped you to your feet.
“My friends…,” you began in a voice that was slurred and nearly unrecognizable, but the man just hooked one arm beneath your knees and the other across your back and lifted you effortlessly in a bridal hold.
After you were in his arms he stood completely still, almost as if he didn’t think past this part, and it felt like he was hesitating about something. You knew he could smell the copious amount of slick oozing from you, could probably see the wet patch on the crotch of your shorts if he looked closely, but instead he just nuzzled your head again with more confidence and started walking. There was little you could do except go limp in his strong arms, burrowing your face into the crook of his neck where his scent both enhanced the pain in your body and calmed the restless itch beneath your skin.
His long hair felt like silk against your face and you had the sudden urge to drag your fingers through it. As he walked you distracted yourself with his hair and gingerly twirled a curl around your fingertip. Noticed how the thick strands swayed with his steps, how it seemed he had bits of wax and paint clumped in various places as if he wasn’t careful with his hair, and you eventually noticed paint specks and dried wax on his sweater. You felt a pointed nudge against your head and you blearily glanced up to see him jerk his strong chin somewhere over your shoulder. You followed his gaze and realized that you were across from a gas station, your friend’s car parked outside, and they were all inside laughing with a man in a mechanic’s uniform. They seemed completely at ease and in no rush whatsoever and you felt tears well up in your eyes after the shock dissipated at seeing them and humiliation made bile sting the back of your throat.
‘So much for rushing back to help. They literally dumped me on the side of the road like trash,’ you thought bitterly.
You knew your emotions were heightened in your hormonal state, but that didn’t stop the way a small sob escaped your mouth. The Alpha tightened his grip on you in answer. One of your friends finally caught notice of you and you watched with horror as he rolled his eyes and pointed in your direction with his thumb. Another friend looked over her shoulder at you and promptly started laughing although she tried to cover it with her hand. Your breath hitched in your throat and you felt the tears spill from your eyes as shame briefly overrode the pain from your Heat. A hiccupping sob left you and the mechanic finally glanced over, you couldn’t see much of his face from underneath his baseball cap, but the Alpha holding you gave a small imperceptible nod that you wouldn’t have caught if your hand wasn’t in his hair.
There was a silent exchange of sorts between the Alpha and the mechanic before a small ‘chuff’ left the Alpha and he started walking again with seemingly a renewed sense of purpose.
He was walking away from the gas station and you were momentarily confused until you spotted through your tears a large looming house in the distance in the direction he was walking. You sniffled and tried your best to swat away your tears before clearing your throat. Trying desperately to save any dignity you had left.
“Is that a hotel?” you croaked out as you glanced back up at the masked man and it was a few seconds before he finally nodded.
You relaxed back into his embrace, feeling his wide chest rumble with a quiet purr in acknowledgement that had your inner Omega preening, and winced at a particularly strong cramp seizing your stomach. Now doubting that your friends have even asked about suppressants or told anyone about your situation you let your head rest against his shoulder as more embarrassment flooded your frazzled nerves.
“Is there a doctor or a clinic in town? I know you probably already realized it, but I’ve…I’ve started my Heat,” you asked in a small voice while curling and twisting your hands nervously into his sweater without much thought as you kept your gaze on the approaching building.
Maybe the clinic had a spare Heat room you could use so you wouldn’t irritate the other visitors at the hotel. The man took another few seconds to nod and you were suddenly hit with the realization that you haven’t heard the man speak once since he found you. You tried not to take it personal since he’s been so helpful, but you found yourself suddenly curious about his voice. It would clearly have to match his massive and imposing figure and you spent the next few minutes distracting yourself with that train of thought until you heard gravel crunching underneath the man’s boots as he started up the long winding driveway.
“Maybe my friends can stay in a different hotel…or sleep in the car,” you muttered as you eyed the large windows and the calmly swaying trees straddling each side of the building.
You could hear a dog barking in the distance. It seemed peaceful and you selfishly didn’t want your friends to ruin the calm.
You felt an answering nuzzle on the top of your head, another chest-rumbling purr, and you felt yourself smiling at the actions of the gentle giant holding you. His scent was nothing but calming pheromones, happiness with a hint of panic probably due to being in close proximity with an Omega in Heat, before closing your eyes and breathing in deep. The warm humid breeze coupled with the subtle swaying of the man walking and the shade of the trees eased that panicked anxious feeling in your gut. This was a lot better than sitting on the side of the street.
“I’m glad you found me,” you blurted out softly only to wince when the man seemed to stumble at your words.
Before you could apologize he started purring again, the new rumbling deep enough that it felt like your very bones were rattling, and he squeezed you a bit tighter in his arms.
It seemed he was just as happy.
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gourmet-trash · 2 years
common tips for writers: write what you know!!
me, nodding and adding a zoom meeting to the PWP heatcycle poly mechpreg fic i'm working on: fucking nailed it.
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irrfahrer · 1 year
How does your muse communicate to others they they’re in the mood? Does your muse use protection? If so, what kind? {would it plant-based/medicinal? can she reproduce? is reproductive health a part of ziv's life?}
In-Depth Sinday Meme !
How does your muse communicate to others they they’re in the mood? Ziv communicating that she is in the mood usually includes her walking over to the person who showers her in pheromones to ask : "Hey, big guy, you up for a kriff in the backalley?".In General for a alien like Ziv who relies on her sense of smell more than anything, it is usually very clear when someone is attracted to her through the pheromones they automatically throw in her direction. And its that pheromones that make her usually start beeing physically attracted to them and get in the mood. However she is also very aware that just because someone wants her, it does not mean that they will act on that want .So if she clicks with a person, she will become maybe more attentive and more flirty but she will wait for the other person to initate anything that goes past words and flirtings, because she is very insecure about communication and does not want to overstep any boundarys the person had set for themself. This might be frustrating for partners.
Does your muse use protection? If so, what kind? Would it plant-based/medicinal? In general, Ziv uses herbal contraception by using certaine herbs that change her hormonecycle and completly stop her heatcycle by keeping her in a permanent state of anoestrus. Most herbal contraceptive do not stop feterlization but they work early abortive (pennyroyal is a good example: a poisonous herb that works also against headaches and when a Patient asks her for contraceptives and the species has no immidiate danger in becoming pregnant ziv will explain and lead her patient through the process. But ziv herself does not want to risk goinginto heat in the first place.)Accordingly the Tynnan uses the equivalent of using the deathstar to burn away a bug and just decided for herself that she does not want to go through the cycle and just blasted her whole reproductive system out into space. That has of course other reasons than Ziv just wanting to avoid pregnancy or in general going through the exhausting and irritating stages of a heat, but that will be described in the next part. So Ziv uses daily the herbs to keep her hormones in check and on top of that she is also a midwife who can keenly list every possible sexual transmitted disease findable in the Galaxy to a partner,so beside the herbs she usually also uses the equivalent to condomes. One does not joke with Ziv about ' not using contraceptives', because she will start a very unsexy lecture about sexual transmitted diseases until her partner just gives in.Or leaves. Because she is defintive not taking chances. Also did you ever tried to wash body fluids out of fur? That is so annoying and takes so long, and Ziv is after all covered in fur.
Is reproductive health a part of ziv's life? tynnan are a r-selected species and "R-selected species are those that produce a large number of offspring and contribute few resources to each individual offspring. They often offer little to no parental care, have high offspring mortality, short life spans, and small body sizes.", but as Tynnan are also sentient, culturally socialists and brutally social aliens they usually make all kits survive through taking care of the litter as a group (resulting in polyamorous clutches of up to six to ten adults beeing "married" to take care of one litter. That Ziv is polyamorous seems to be not especially uncommon in her species.).
Which results in the question of: how does Mother nature make sure that the planet Tynna does not suffer from Tynnan overpopulating? By giving the Species Tynnan the female weasle-problem. Which means that if a Tynnan with a Uterus goes into a heatcycle they will overproduce estrogen until the production is stopped by the hormonal change after a feterlization. If that feterlization is not happening than the estrogen overproduction will not stop and the person will start to get sick and eventually develop bonecancer and die. As in:Mother nature proceeds to do populationcontrol by brutally and painfully killing 50% of the population of Tynna as soon as that population becomes around ten years old before they are even fully grown mentally and physically. Especiallysince Tynnan social structure is (actually canonly) socialism, so every person born is educated and supported in the same way so they can serve the community themself eventually. So having 50% of the carefully raised and lovingly educated population suddenly die off in the socialism-based-system is kind of a very big problem. You just spend ten years of love and money and care in educating and raising that people to be independent, smart and social pillars of your community. And you are only half way throught with that education, and they are not even fully grown yet!
Now it happens that Tynnan are not only brutally social aliens but also very smart people, so the first thing they learned was to shut down through hormonal changing medicine (First herbal and the alternative-aligned-people probably still use herbal versions although there are now chemical alternatives) the heatcycle in the people they had spend the last ten years lovingly raising and educating so they can support the community with that education and care. Accordingly in modern age on Tynna the process of getting pregnant is still dangerouse for the poeple deciding to become pregnant because they risk their health, so there are not many Tynnan who decide to actually become pregnant. For example in a mated group of six Tynnan, maybe one Tynnan with a Uterus wants to have a litter for all of them to raise together. A group of mated people will usually seek out a midwife to lead the member of the group who want to risk pregnancy to have litters through the process. As Tynnan are also highly beurocratic this process also includes a lot of forms and applications through which the midwife helps the mated group,so the group can get the proper free medical support. As this also needs weeks if not months, this applications also are a extra safety measure to make sure that the group takes every proper safety measures. It is a normal process and nolonger lifethreatening, but there is still danger and Tynnan as a species are pragmatic enough to not let luck decide.
Accordingly Tynnan might have big litters of up to six kits in a mated group, but they have a very low birthrate and reproductive health is since before the Tynnans stoneage a very important topic.
That Ziv focused her medical studies on midwifery is actually suprisingly in line with one of the most widespread and respected jobs in the Tynnanspecies (including one of her Sires), because its so very important to keep over 50% of the population healthy. Yet Ziv never learned that aspect of her species culture. In other words: Yes, reproductive health plays a big role in Zivs life because otherwise she would die very fast very painfully. And she really does not want to die that way.
Also Ziv is a Healer specialised in Midwifery, so its not only her own reproductive Health she has to be informed about but also that of all her patients including their species so one could say Ziv is a expert in reproductive health.
Can she reproduce? If Ziv would put off her herbal medicine and wait a few weeks until her system has stabilized her hormonal cycle, she would start to have a heatcycle again and in that manner, yes, she woud be able to reproduce as soon as she stops beeing "springless". Its just a question of: If she wants to, if that would be healthy for her body (She is still a under average small person and that her dam only had three cubs with one stillborn, one small, albinistic and underdevelopted and only one actually completly healthy, instead of the "average" six, might mean something for her), and most importantly: with whom. As said before, since Ziv grew up in the Jedi Temple and has no cultural connection to other Tynnan she is coined on features of Non-Tynnans and is definitive completly xenophile. So she has no interest in members of her own species. Accordingly Ziv would need to find a partner with whom she is gentically compatible, which wouldn´t be so hard if she would be part of the ape kingdom, but she is a caniformia so its not going to be an easy task. Let alone finding a alien whos species way of reproduction fits hers (inner feterilzation), because when their way of reproduction is outer feterlization or an asexual way of reproduction, than there is also nothing going to work in the manner of reproduction.
Although you would never catch Ziv ever neglect her using contraceptive when hooking up with a Human or Near-Human, because as a Midwife she had met so many mixed-alien-couples and when there was a hybrid- pregnancy they Seeked her out for advice for, it was always because one of the partners was a human. So she does not trust the human-reproductive-system as far as she can throw a stone. Which is not far. Humans are freaks of nature who have fun breaking biology and as a midwife that means PURE STRESS .
But it is not only a question of "can she reproduce with that alien", but it is also a question of "would the offspring be able to live outside her body", "would that offspring be able to be liveable at all" and even more important:"What would that pregnancy do to her body" and "if she would be able to take care of the liveable offspring after going through such a hybrid-pregnancy at all "? Easiest example:A humaninfant needs nine months to develop and even than they are kind of a unfinished larva and a tynnanpregnancy lasts at best six months. The math does not work, so how can that fetus even develop fully. And if her body would just adjust to carry the fetus longer what would that do to her health and especially her vitals. Especially the last question makes Ziv very keenly watch her contraceptive-usage, because with her expierences as a midwife she knows how most hybrid-pregnancys end. and it is not a happy end for anyone involved.
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wingstothought · 1 year
Guide to Handling Dogs During Their Heat Cycle: 5 Essential Tips
Handling dogs during their heat cycle requires special attention and care. A dog’s estrus cycle is a natural reproductive process that occurs approximately every six months. During this time, the female dogs undergo hormonal changes, making it possible for them to reproduce. As a responsible dog owner, knowing how to manage this phase correctly is key to keeping your dog comfortable and safe. In…
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berryicet · 3 months
Attack 32
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Downfall, Motorraid, A-Strike and Heatcycle belong to mechaxgeared - artfight
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youfoundyourvet · 3 years
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🐈Έχει η γάτα περίοδο τελικά? Η γάτα δεν έχει περίοδο (δηλαδή ,αίμα σε τακτά χρονικά διαστήματα ).Παρουσιάζει οιστρικους κύκλους ,όταν μεγαλώνει η μέρα δηλαδή από τον Γενναρη ως τον Αύγουστο για το δικό μας ημισφαίριο. 🐾Κατά τη διάρκεια αυτών των κύκλων που επαναλαμβάνονται κάθε 14 με 21 μέρες το γατάκι μας θα κάνει ότι μπορεί για να προσελκύσει τα αρσενικά ,χωρίς όμως να έχει ωοθυλακιορηξια. 🐾Οι γάτες έχουν σεξουαλικά προκαλούμενη ωοθυλακιορηξια κοινώς κάνουν σεξ και ένα ωάριο ξεκινάει από την ωοθήκη για να βρει το σπερματοζωάριο.. 🐈Cats do not have blood every month like women.They have heat cycles when days gets longer.This between January and August for the north hemisphere. 🐾During these heat cycles,your kitty will do everything to attract a male , without ovulation though.This may happen every 14-21 days. 🐾Cats have sex induced ovulation,that means only after they have sex and is released from ovaries.. #sexinducedovulation #ovulation #vetandfroomer #mykonos #catfriends #mycatisbetterthanyours #γατακια #μυκονος #heatcycle #commoneuropean #spayyourcat #catsdoitlikerabbits (στην τοποθεσία Mykonos Island) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXztHRDI194/?utm_medium=tumblr
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lks347 · 5 years
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Sorry, I used the shield properly. The second clip is how I meant to use it. #shieldback #protectyoursix #teenagemutantninjaturtles #turtle #teenageninjaturtlewithamp5 #mp5 #heatcycle #pewpew #modernwarfare #riotshield #pushbackpullback #tactic #tactical https://www.instagram.com/p/B61dC9pnuS0/?igshid=u8x4e99c01n7
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themculibrary · 4 years
Alpha Tony x Omega Loki? :)
hope you’ll like one of these fics I found :)
All They Said We Wanted (They're All Liars) (ao3) - Runic
Summary: Tony knew what it meant when he was the only one who could smell Loki's heat, he knew it signified that they were soul mates. That didn't keep Tony from being in complete and utter denial about the whole situation.
I Quit (ao3) - iswyn, ShebaRen
Summary: Odin has spent years teaching Loki to be strong and self-sufficient, unlike stereotypical omega depictions in media. Still, when Loki decides to take his life in his own hands instead of following in his father’s footsteps to become a surgeon, Odin disapproves.
When Loki’s life plans land him halfway across the country taking care of a stranger’s baby, he can’t help but wonder if he’s in almost exactly the situation Odin was trying to warn him away from.
Melting the Frost (ff.net) - Fic99 
Summary: An Omega's in heat, and the scent is calling every Alpha in the area. Originally one-shot, now huge. FrostIron in the Omegaverse AU. Featuring Omega!Loki, Alpha!Tony, and Whump!Loki. Warnings: attempted rape, mentions of past rape/abuse/sort-of-incest, suppression of true sexuality, much mental torment/angst/pain. Heatcycles, omega pain, swearing, citrus, smut, and a/b/o dynamics.
of hormones and tinfoil hats (ao3) - Arvensis5, plumadesatada
Summary: Loki had stank of alpha. Had broadcasted alpha, somehow, even though he was a fucking omega.
And to think Thor had tried to tell them, had insisted that his brother Loki was different, somehow; that he’d always felt more a guide, whatever the hell that was. But he was an alien, and also he didn't smell, so no one paid him any mind. Who would have believed an alien who obviously didn’t know anything about alphas or omegas over their own noses? No one.
Tony decided, right then and there, that he would actually listen next time.
of Trust and Necessity (ao3) - roseapprentice
Summary: A story of card games and dubious claims.
After five years, Loki finally escapes Thanos's pack. And immediately gets all snared up in a new one.
The Lightning Strike (ff.net) - Batsutousai 
Summary: Pack dynamics are confusing enough for the Avengers without adding the complete mess that Thor and Loki grew up with, but they aren't given much choice when Loki goes into heat in the middle of a battle and Tony's alpha instincts tell him he has to take care of his pack, enemy or no. -Alpha/Omega troupe with a twist, Tony/Loki-
- Tori
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krispijnbeek · 1 year
Energiegebruik & productie april 2023
April is voorbij, dus tijd om ons energiegebruik te bekijken. April 2023 was een stuk frisser dan april 2022, waardoor we meer energie hebben verbruikt. Onze winddelen brachten ook meer op, waardoor we per saldo minder dan 40 kWh elektriciteit hebben ingekocht. De energiekosten komen daarmee op minder dan 60 Euro in april. Energiekosten Zoals gezegd waren onze energiekosten in april minder dan…
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i-starcreamed · 2 years
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Forgor i had a minibot oc…his name is HeatCycle and he’s a little trickster that likes burning stuff idk hes an orange microwave
Featuring Downfalls flyer design…not her main alt mode but i still like it
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aghostnamedpoe · 7 years
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So, school is done for me with no spring classes coming up and here's where I'm at. Working on things for CCEE and contemplating the possibility of human heat cycles. I don't understand my own body sometimes. #springisinrheair #heatcycles #dohumanshave? #damnyou #lancemcclain #shiroganetakashi #hormones #???? But actually how neat would that be?
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inchiksheena · 7 years
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• It’s that time of the year for ladies🐩🐶 • #heatcycle #GsonHeat🔥 #PostStud #Georgiaspreggy🤔 #keepingmyfingerscrossed
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irrfahrer · 1 year
🏞️ If your OC could travel to anywhere in their world where would they go? Why? If they could live there would they?
༓・*.☽25 OC QUESTIONS☾.*・༓
Right after Order 66 when Ziv had been suddenly stranded in the Inner Rim as a fifteen year old Teenager without any connection and not a single familiar person left to help her yet the all too familiar features of the rotten face fresh in her mind, Ziv had decided that she should go to the only familiar place left in the Galaxy: Her homeplanet Tynna. Although it was and is not like Ziv is familair to her homeplanet or her birthculture- when she had been in the Temple Ziv had never tried to research on her homeplanet and culture beside what she needed to understand her own biology (aquatic mammal born for cold oceans and therefor very sensetive to heat and as a person with a uterus of an r-selected species also prone to bonecancer development if the heatcycle is not controlled/stopped) so the only thing she knows is the general political state (Tynnans chosing their leaders by a planetwide lottery and therefor every member of the species stay as informed and sophisticated as possible to be able to step up to the role at any time) and the climate (due to the connection to her biology) , but beside that she has and had not a single idea for her home is the Jedi Temple and later the AgriCorps and she never wanted to anything else. Now Ziv was completly alone and she told herself- lied to herself- that there must be at last a thin theard of connection between her and the planet and people of her species, even if this theard was thin, it would at least be a kind of connection. And Ziv longed for any kind of connection and therefor she would want to travel to Tynna to find that connection when she was that 15 year old girl and also still now.
The Tynnan is very aware that there is nothing that connects her to her homeplanet or her species and also that she does not fit neither on her homeplanet nor between her species (and she would not feel welcome there, she knows), but she is desperate for any kind of connection.
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