#heavensturn 2023
due to recent seasonal events we're here (again)
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please fam
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she's experiencing physical pain
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you dense mf
Eclaire @ Carvallain, at any given time In headcanon-verse she's been watching this soap opera for like... a decade. please just kiss and let her continous headache end.
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catscratching · 2 years
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[ Apologies for being quiet, I've been struggling with health issues for the past couple of months. Hoping to start writing again soon! ]
•───────────────────⋅☾ ☽⋅───────────────────•
Seda had not grown up celebrating Starlight.  Her mother had not been observant, and Bocquet had not felt strongly about it one way or another.  So she didn’t make big plans for celebrations at the Meyhane, beyond hanging stockings for the children and small gifts of appreciation for the staff.
Stepping off the airship in Ishgard, however, was a delight for the senses; decorations and festive greenery were everywhere, music played, and the scents of apples and cinnamon and evergreen filled her lungs.   She and Fakhri took their time provisioning for the trip out to the cabin, and she suspected she wasn’t the only one sliding a few unplanned purchases into her pack.
The isolated, desolate beauty of the Coerthas mountains embraced her, and she often wondered if this was what Halone’s devout felt when they stepped into one of her cathedrals;  peace, grace – a place for reflection, for spiritual rejuvenation.
Celebrating Jól with Fakhri was another memory to tuck away for later; warmth and laughter as they wove fresh garlands, fingers sticky with sap.  She never really needed an excuse to snuggle in front of the fire with him, but watching the yule log burn through the night and quietly talking about the future had felt like a religious service; she’d never experienced anything quite like it.
She had brought a few small gifts for him for the season – a bundle of beautiful goose feathers she had dyed various shades of green and gold, so he could use them for fletchings, a new bowstring, a hand-knit pouch for Arak stuffed with down from the same geese.   It was important that their four-legged family member be sufficiently warm while they spent time in the wilds.
Secretly, she had hoped to give him an additional gift, but her cycle had arrived four days before they left, and… it was foolish to expect results so quickly after they began trying, but her heart had yearned anyway.
The holiday passed and Heavensturn arrived, and then it was Seda’s turn to share a family observance.   She didn’t know if it was something her mother’s people had done, or if it was more widespread over Eorzea, but for her, the holiday had always been a night of remembrance and reflection. She pulled the cushions off the sofa and piled them in front of the window with the best view of the clearing around the cabin, then further padded the nest with pillows and cushions.  It was not required to make a comfortable lounging nook – normally she just used a comfortable chair, but this year felt special.
“We place a candle in a window and sit vigil through the night while it burns,”  She explained in a quiet voice.  “The intention is to reflect on the turn just passed; express gratitude for the good things, and reflect on the things you have learned.  In… my family, we also used the holiday to remember loved ones that aren’t with us – either in another geographic space or passed on.” 
She couldn’t see his eyes, the fire was left burning because they would need the heat, but all other lighting had extinguished.  “In the morning, you extinguish the candle and think of two things you want to learn or improve on.  They’re not… hard-fast rules, just a goal to work toward through the year.”
She set a large, fat candle on the sill, then two smaller ones on either side, looking down at them for a long moment.  “Normally I just light one candle – for my mother.  But this year has given me a great deal to reflect on, and I thought perhaps we could light a candle for your boys, as well.” 
Striking a match, she lit the big centre candle before shifting out of the way, leaving the other two for her beloved.
Seda had never thought she’d find someone to love – not after Rucio, not after everything she’d gone through.  Casual, temporary relationships had suited her lifestyle much better than permanent connections. 
Fakhri and Arak had changed that, and as the candle’s light bathed their bed for the evening in a soft, golden light, she blinked tears away as emotion swelled in her chest.  She never would have imagined, a year ago, the life she led now – employment that she not only loved, but could feel very good about doing, a wonderful partner that supported and cherished her, and perhaps motherhood on the horizon.
The thin golden thread that stretched between them was sometimes difficult for her to sense; but in that moment she could see it in her mind’s eye, strong and bright, shining like the sun.   Settling into the cushions, she smiled to herself.  It had been a good year.  And she had many, many more to look forward to.
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kilshade · 2 years
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Great & Good fortune for the Viera brothers in the year of the rabbit!
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chill-bunn-sage · 2 years
Good Fortunes and new armor, not a bad Heavensturn ✨
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roegadynroost · 2 years
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Happy (Belated) Heavensturn from Hellie and Mellie and Dragon Daddy.
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nolandnfriends · 2 years
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“Well shite! Looks like my misfortunes are finally going to start turnin’ around!”
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eorzea80 · 2 years
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Smell ya later, 2022.  Please be good to me 2023. I need a break.  Pryne’s Heavensturn: https://youtu.be/MbMjRsBwq74 Serla’s Heavensturn: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QsTSDU3gnyk
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disadsfam · 2 years
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I'm glad their omikuji were great! Mine sure wasn't lol.
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draculas-husband · 2 years
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~You're my future~
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azure-seadragon · 2 years
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“...dunno wha’ i expected, i guess. bit weird t’ be called out by a piece o’ paper tho..”
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bongaboi · 9 months
FFXIV: Heavensturn 2024.
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wingstriker · 2 years
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Better fortune today. :)
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invisiblebounds-ffxiv · 9 months
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Heavensturn 2023
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kilshade · 2 years
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Good Fortune for M’lai
Grave Misfortune for poor Jagori 🙀🙀🙀 Poor guy looks devastated
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heirsofdiscord · 2 years
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Heavensturn 2023 giving me the FUNNIEST possible outcome for Yorick and the associates
feat. @windup-dragoon​ & @whitherliliesbloom
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roegadynroost · 8 months
New Omijuki for 2024
So in 2023 we got the Omijuki added to FFXIV for Heavensturn and I absolutely LOVED it. When doing the quest this year, I noticed that at the end it tells you that there were 12 new option that you could get under "adventure". For anyone that was curious, there were 2 new Adventures under each tier of fortune, and I cataloged them for myself, so I thought I'd share them; Great Fortune -Forget not to take thy repasts, for thou shalt be blessed with encounters most auspicious. -Shirk not the offer of the august, for proffered hands forge new bonds. Good Fortune -Remain true to thyself, and new encounters shall follow. -Opportunity awaiteth in lands blessed by golden dawn. Fair Fortune -Heed the whispers of nature. On a faraway island shall you find solace and sanctuary. -Rejoice in the Twelve, and thy revels shall not go unrewarded. Small Fortune -Forge thy weapons anew, for thy pursuits shall reveal untold strength -In the land of the fierce shall thine abilities be tested. Bring thy full might to bear. Misfortune -Renew thy spirit beyond the horizon. -Thou shalt find repose where rabbits tread. Grave Misfortune -Fortune favors those who brave the shadows. -Hearken back to journeys past, for thy memories shall be thy strength. I love them all! I think my favorite was getting "Thou shalt find repose where rabbits tread." I think most of them are nods to Endwalk and things we may come across in Dawntrail. Anywho! Hope everyone has a happy 2024 and that they enjoyed looking at these.
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