random-citizen2008 · 14 days
Guys!!! I am in DESPRATE need of this as a reaction image!!! Can someone who's actually good at drawing help? (Or you can use it as fan art inspo, or whatever)
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random-citizen2008 · 1 month
I was looking at some animal crackers, and...
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Oh my gosh! Cholesterol!
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random-citizen2008 · 3 months
So, I had a cat die recently and I really miss her... I'm not good at art, but I really wanted to do this, so just excuse how bad it is.
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random-citizen2008 · 3 months
Thank you for being a decent human being.
Can't sleep because I'm thinking about how our man Denton paid for lunch, paid all the legal fees for the newsies, and was just generally an awesome dude... And he did all of that just to get replaced by a sub-par lady reporter who happens to be related to the enemy.
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random-citizen2008 · 3 months
I literally said nothing about having a contempt or prejudice against women. I think women in history are incredibly important! And sure, maybe I didn't do my research properly and I was wrong about some things. I can accept that. But you're the one who came onto my post and started bashing me simply for stating my opinion. Do you think I'm misogynistic simply for using the word "lady" after I called her sub-par? Because I was simply mentioning it as fact. So yeah, I was in the wrong for saying stuff about historical accuracy. But at least I didn't start swearing at a random kid on the internet simply because she expressed her opinion.
Can't sleep because I'm thinking about how our man Denton paid for lunch, paid all the legal fees for the newsies, and was just generally an awesome dude... And he did all of that just to get replaced by a sub-par lady reporter who happens to be related to the enemy.
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random-citizen2008 · 3 months
Point is, I said exactly nothing "misogynistic" in my initial post. All I did was share my opinion. If you disagree with it, your could have ignored it.
Can't sleep because I'm thinking about how our man Denton paid for lunch, paid all the legal fees for the newsies, and was just generally an awesome dude... And he did all of that just to get replaced by a sub-par lady reporter who happens to be related to the enemy.
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random-citizen2008 · 3 months
First of all, you act as though I am a thirty year old man. When I am, in fact, a teenage girl.
Second, Katherines FIRST interaction with the newsies was being a jerk to them(as well as most of the interaction after that, tbh). She's not kind to them. At all. So you can't convince me that she would have paid for their stuff even if she could. Besides, being a white male had little to do with it. Because newsflash, MOST OF THE NEWSIES ARE WHITE MALES!!
Also, Katherine being a girl automatically makes the show feminist, which is historically inaccurate. (I know that like 95% of newsies is inaccurate, but most of that is to sensationalize it for the stage/screen). So yes, we do "go wild" when a girl is added.
But also, a girl wasn't "added". She simply replaced Sarah. It's like the people writing the play took Sarah and Denton and mushed them into one, and then went "You know what? Lets make this character bad" And then they did it.
I'm not saying you can't like Katherine, but don't get all butt hurt just because I personally don't like her. You can like Katherine, but I can like Denton. It's not that deep. The post was originally just to be silly and put my opinion out there. The way you got all offended is giving Twitter user, ngl...
Can't sleep because I'm thinking about how our man Denton paid for lunch, paid all the legal fees for the newsies, and was just generally an awesome dude... And he did all of that just to get replaced by a sub-par lady reporter who happens to be related to the enemy.
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random-citizen2008 · 3 months
First of all, the way you worded this suggests that you think I'm a thirty year old man with a nasty beard. But I am, in fact, a 15 year old girl. So the word "misogynistic" doesn't apply.
Second, yes. I do dislike the fact that she's a girl. Why? Because it's NOT👏HISTORICALLY👏ACCURATE👏. My brother recently preformed as specs in newsies Jr at the local middle school, and something that really bothered me was how feminist it was(I mean, the script said spot conlon and cruthie were supposed to be girls). The feminism isn't historically accurate. And yes, I realize that there's many things in newsies that aren't, but those are mostly to sensationalize it for the stage. Whereas imagine if you helped in a huge historical movement, and they make a stage production about it... Only to make a character based on you thr opposite gender. I personally would feel as though my grave was being spat on.
Another thing, she hardly even cared about the newsies. She was chasing a way to start her career, and happened to fall in love. But Denton cared about them ALL from the start. I said " sub-par" not because she was bad, but because she didn't have the experience under her belt that Denton did.
And I never said her blood made her evil. I was simply bringing that up just because. This post was just supposed to be my silly way off saying that I think Denton is the GOAT.
You also brought up that Denton paid the stuff because he could, and Katherine couldn't. But you can't convince me that Katherine would have it she could. I mean, the first time we meet her, literally the first interaction she has, she's being a jerk to the newsies.
I'm not saying that it isn't okay to be a Katherine fan, but what I AM saying it that it's also okay to be a Denton fan. And I'm also saying that it's okay to dislike a character just because, and that doesn't make me or anyone else a bad person. Sorry for ranting.
Can't sleep because I'm thinking about how our man Denton paid for lunch, paid all the legal fees for the newsies, and was just generally an awesome dude... And he did all of that just to get replaced by a sub-par lady reporter who happens to be related to the enemy.
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random-citizen2008 · 3 months
Hi. Just thought I'd share.
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(I found him laying on the lady's hat, with the guys hat behind him[I call them that even though they both belong to me, lol] so I put the guys hat/newsies cap on top of him.) You're welcome.
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random-citizen2008 · 3 months
Can't sleep because I'm thinking about how our man Denton paid for lunch, paid all the legal fees for the newsies, and was just generally an awesome dude... And he did all of that just to get replaced by a sub-par lady reporter who happens to be related to the enemy.
Edit: Why the HE double hockysticks does yhis have so many notes?
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random-citizen2008 · 7 months
Coming across stuff for a fandom and accidentally joining said fandom before you've actually watched/read the media that it's about is really weird because it's like:
I know several hundred thousand things about this boy, including his blood type. I don't, however, kniw the context for some of the things he's done which leads me to wonder if he's actually a decent person but I don't real care because look how adorable he is!!!
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random-citizen2008 · 8 months
I'll have you know that Megatron is a very normal name for a cat.
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(Especial one who's as much of a menace as this guy) (also, I labled him megamind instead of megatron to bother my brother, it worked)
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Your daily dose of cat memes
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random-citizen2008 · 8 months
Tangled the series as actual text conversations I've had with my cousin (tweaked slightly to make sense with the context)
Warning: this is a really long post
Lance:Hi(+ about 9 nore of those)
Eugene:what do ya want?
Lance:I'm just bored
Lance:I've got to much time on my hands
Eugene:this is why you're in my contacts as most annoying Friend.
Lance:Really!!! I'm your most annoying Friend!!! YAYYYYYYYY!!!
Eugene:why would that be a "yay" thing? You should be deeply offended.
Lance:oh.... Well I'm not!!!
Eugene:To bad for you
Eugene:Now you must be executed.
Lance:No, I think it's to bad for you. And good luck executing me.
Eugene:Oh just you wait.
Eugene: I wish it would stop raining
Eugene: Also... What if I just don't go to (whatever royal thingy) tomorrow...
Cassandra: You have to go. No excuses.
Eugene: But I want sleep
Rapunzel:I got 2 new kittens...
Cassandra: How many kittens are you planning to get!?!?
Rapunzel: Probably only 58 to start
Cassandra: You have 1 free ticket to ask me anything! (I can’t lie)
Varian: what's your deepest darkest secret
Cassandra:That is literally what my friend just asked me. And I don't know!!!
Varian:Fine, re-do. Who's your least favorite in the group?
Cassandra:Depends on which boy is being the most annoying
Cassandra:But I can tell you Rapunzel is my favorite
Varian: Probably a fair assessment
Varian:We dont have power!!!
Varian:and like all the towns around us don't either
Varian:we are not going to get power any time soon
Eugene:Then why are you texting me? Shouldn't you be saving your phone's battery since you can't charge it?
Varian:But I don't care that much
Varian:my dad has a phone and he's responsible
(She sent that bout 17,000 times)
Rapunzel:Why are you ignoring me!!!
Rapunzel:I've texted you sooo much and you're just not texting me!!!
Rapunzel:Did you block me again?
Rapunzel:😭😭😭(again, times 17,000)
Rapunzel:You've been ignoring me for sooo long!!!
Varian: it's called ✨not wanting to talk to a crazy person✨
Rapunzel:Then I guess I shouldn't want to talk to you anymore.
Varian:Ok😁😁  Narrator: and they all rejoiced
Rapunzel:I need a new favorite friend
Varian:Me too
Rapunzel:Well at least we agree for ones
Rapunzel:And this is one of the many reasons why
Varian:I'M SORRY, I CANT HELP IT!!!😭😭😭
Rapunzel:Are you really sorry. Because I don't really believe you.
Varian:Its a force of habit, I can't help it.
Cassamdra:I blame you.
Rapunzel:For what?
Rapunzel:What's that supposed to mean?
Varian:(sends pic of celebrity crushes)Aren't these folks HAWT
Varian:Are you ignoring me?
(Hours later)
Eugene:yes, and I guess there hawt.
Eugene:sorry, not.
Varian:It's literally almost 5am and I still haven't gone to bed... Please take my phone away from me so I don't die of sleep deprivation
Eugene:Also why in the world are you awake
Varian:Because I can be...
Eugene:You haven't gone to bed yet!!!
Varian:Nope. Hero's never sleep.
Eugene: I literally just woke up!?!?
Varian:Guess what
Catalina:What do you want?
Varian:You're a nerd
Catalina:But you're more of a nerd
Catalina:I was already aware
Varian:Maybe, but that doesn't change the fact that you're one
Catalina:Well sucks to be you
Varian:You wont be so happy once I get there.
Cassandra:I'd like to see you try and punch me
Cassandra:I'm a lot taller and stronger than you
Varian:I don't care, I'll buy stilts and work out.
Cassandra:Have fun with that, lol.
Varian:I will
Rapunzel:I'm sooo bored
Cassandra:Tap Lance or Eugene on the shoulder until they get annoyed, annoying your friends is the best way to cure boredom
Rapunzel:I have already done so and I'm bored again
Cassandra:Make random noises starting with a whisper getting progressively louder and louder until someone notices
Cassandra:Why not?
Cassandra:That's not an answer
Rapunzel:I'm done with you
Eugene:Hush little baby, don't say a word
Eugene:Or I will throw at you a turd
Cassandra:and that's why you're my least favorite in the friend group
Eugene:What an honor to have bestowed upon me
Cassandra:Rapunzel just reminded me that actually Lance is my least favorite friend so...
Cassandra:You can't even have that honor
Eugene:Dang, what can I do to become your least favorite?
Cassandra:Kill Lance
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random-citizen2008 · 9 months
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IT'S SO BAD AND I LOVE IT!!!!!!!(my favorite part is how disproportionate the goggles are)
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random-citizen2008 · 9 months
Y'all.... I'm so upset right now. So, last spring I decided to audition for the fall musical for my high school amd ended up getting in ensemble. The play is les misérables which isn't my favorite but oh well. Well, one day I was joking with my little brother that "maybe next year it will be newsies!"(cause we both love newsies) Because I figured there was no way it would be that since they did newsies about 5 years ago. Well, turns out at the middle school that my brother goes to... THEY'RE DOING NEWSIES!!!! It's so unfair!!!!! So my brother gets to be in newsies and I'm stuck with les mis. I'm so jealous rn.
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random-citizen2008 · 9 months
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Freckled siblings>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Disclaimer, I traced this from the show. I did NOT draw this free hand because I suck at drawing. Ignore Rapunzels nose and mouth. And also pascal... Ignore him too.
Also yes, I am grossly aware that I'm late to this fandom. And I couldn't care less. But I really love this show and I just wish that I could do my own fan art(maybe some day) so I had to share what I can do! Look at how short Varian is though. It's adorable. At this rate he'll be lucky to reach 5'5" before adulthood. I love how he turned out. Rapunzel on the other hand...lets just say I could use some practice.
These two are my favorite characters... Probably in all of Disney. I really wish I could have found this series while the fandom was a little more active. But who knows, maybe we'll get a spin-off series or something and the fandom will return, stronger than ever before(😉). And I'm ready as I'll ever be(😉) for that to happen. Anyhow... I'm rambling. So I guess that's it. Bye!
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random-citizen2008 · 9 months
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uhhh here’s a thing 
I made a sad crossover. basically, sometime after the events of SOTSD, Varian is kidnapped and sold into slavery, eventually ending up being forced to design and build horrible machines for Drago Bludvist and his armada, all for warfare against dragons and humans. 
but sometime after the events of HTTYD2, Hiccup leads an assault against the remaining armada, just to let them know that the dragon riders are still kicking, but also to stop the alchemist who’s been rumored to have been in league with Drago. Valka finds him, and she instantly sees that the alchemist was just a scared, broken boy with no other choice.
so they rescue him and bring him home and adopt him
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