#heck yeah! I read all th at!
givemebishies · 9 months
Preordered the revised ABM ebook AND the physical copy so I can actually read the ebook and but also display the physical book on my shelf to prove that I read a real book lol
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 10 months
infodumps abt a new au idea (the demon-familiars au, or the un-familiars au)
TL,DR: Reader is a witch/wizard hired by a town to handle a poltergeist/demon problem (Vanny has a cult and is trying to summon demons lol), but they aren't very good at being a witch/wizard and after a bunch of 'throwing things at the wall to see if anything sticks' and absolutely nothing working, they, in a panic, kind of accidentally summon Sun and Moon, who are equally shocked to see them and after a bunch of staring at each other like ?????????? reader ropes Sun and Moon into helping them and hides them in plain sight as their 'familiars' until they've taken care of the demonic cult problem, promising to send them home as soon as things are ok again. PLOT TWIST THEY GET ATTACHED TO EACH OTHER AND KISS PROBABLY HAHAHAAAAAA
(the long initial ramblings/brainstorming i did w the space aces in discord is copy-pasted below, if anyone wants only vaguely coherent ideas n concepts abt this au and ur willing to torture urself, go nuts w it ig lol)
taken directly from the space aces discord, i present: the reason all of my aus are barely coherent and somehow overly thought through and barebones all at once, as shown by the following example (unfamiliars au edition)
weird silly demons/familiars Sun Moon au where Reader is a (less than talented) amateur witch/wizard trying to lie themselves into a position of relative security (bc theyve had to move three different times bc towns shun n drive away witches/wizards that proves to be unhelpful) and they werent actually trying to summon sun n moon so they end up getting them involved in their scheme but oops there is some kind of other demonic threat that is actually a big problem and oops oops now we have to seriously work together to not get killed by the other eviller demon or the cult summoning it while also fooling the townsfolk into thinking that u r competent and have everything under control
Sun and Moon, a couple of demons just chilling when suddenly summoned to the material world: what in the heck Reader, having just performed a spell/ritual they've never read the instructions for backwards and facing the wrong cardinal direction: SHUT UP AND PRETEND TO BE MY FAMILIAR FOR A MINUTE OR WE ARE BOTH GONNA GET KILLED, BURNING-ON-A-CROSS STYLE
hhhgj i just had. a rlly sappy idea for the 'familiars' part
basically like. witches n wizards naturally end up casting their own 'summoning' spell for their familiar at some point, most of th time when they are really starting to understand and control their magic? so to see a witch or wizard without one it's like 'wow they're a beginner' or 'something is wrong with them, why dont they have a familiar??'
so Reader asks Sun n Moon to pretend to be their familiars partly bc 'uh oh i summoned two whole entire demons without even meaning to i have to make this look intentional' and 'if i have a familiar the people will assume im a Real Witch/Wizard and respect me more'
and at one point when they r getting to be like, actual friends instead of 'weird roommates', Sun gets curious bc ofc he does
Sun: Soooo,, we're your pretend-familiars? Reader: Yea Sun: Sooooooooo,, do u not have a familiar? I've never heard of a wizard with no familiar Reader, visibly upset/disappointed (in themselves): Yeah, well, it turns out it's only the witches and wizards with actual skills that can summon familiars. So. Couldn't tell you if I've got one or not, I've never managed a proper summoning spell. Sun, foot in his mouth: oh,, Reader: Yep.
and then later. It turns out. There are ways to make a demon into a familiar! Turns out in the distant past some wizards used to make demons they frequently summoned for spell/magic services into familiars bc it was way easier than just doing the entire summoning ritual every single time
but at this point, Reader and Sun n Moon are close enough to be good friends, and Reader doesnt want to force that kind of permanent connection on them, they probably just want to go home, theyre probably sick of being here and being around u, and,,, u get the idea
and Sun n Moon dont wanna force that kind of permanent connection on YOU bc what if ur sick of them, or ur tired of feeding and housing them or putting up with their jokes n bickering, or maybe after everything u really dont want anything to do with demons!!!
so there's a lot of sad pining that none of them know abt
bc ofc they r all idiots in this au sorry thems the rules
and then at some point there is some big threat/place they have to go to, or maybe Reader gets injured in a fight, idk take ur pick, anyway in a heat of the moment panic Moon is like 'HEY U WANT US TO BE UR FAMILIARS RIGHT??' and reader like barely conscious is like 'w??? yea??????' thinkin he means the pretend thing theyve had going on
anyway spur of the moment/'im doing this to save ur life bc i love u' familiar binding spell/ritual performed BAM now ur stuck together
and when everything is calm again n the fighting is over reader looks at Moon and is like 'so ur like,, my actual familiar now,,' and Moon, sweating bullets, unsure if this is rlly what u wanted or if u went with it out of fear of dying, is like 'yyyyyyyyyes?'
and reader starts bawling their eyes out and kisses him bc this is like. th dream scenario to u
anyway reader n sun n moon are th worlds least likely wizard/familiars combo but somehow they r absolutely unstoppable together thank u for coming to my tedtalk
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rallamajoop · 5 months
What are your thoughts on some of the unused concepts within Village? I thought the idea of a sort of shamanistic figure alongside the “five” houses with Karl’s father as the mayor would have been interesting but given the small scale of Village, so perhaps something to that extent if they village was larger — not to mention Moreau’s unused section. At any rate, yeah — I honestly really enjoy reading your analysis of the lore so I’m curious as to what you think of the game’s unused concepts.
Well, this one's tricky to answer, because it seems like whatever you're really asking got lost in a long run-on second sentence there. But I'll do my best.
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I think we should start by pointing out there's no reason to think there was ever "a sort of shamanistic figure alongside the “five” houses with Karl’s father as the mayor." Project development is like any other kind of history: it doesn't all happen at once.
The Shaman appears only in the trial storyboard, and that features only four lords. The only hint that there was ever a 5th lord is a half-sentence attached to one piece of concept art of the Duke that says he "was going to be the fifth lord in early drafts." Does that mean there was a fifth lord present at some version of the trial, that he was even going have his own village area? Or was the Duke always meant to play the role we know, but with a reveal he was actually a long-deposed lord to Ethan near the end of the game? Heck, was there a version where the Duke leads the trial in place of the Shaman? I have NO IDEA, and nor do you.
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There are concepts which mention Heisenberg's father as the village's mayor, yes, but there are also concepts which describe Urias as the village's former 'leader' (does that mean mayor?)
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There are still other concepts for 'the leader of the village's religion', who isn't Miranda and doesn't look much like the Shaman from the storyboard either.
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There was another point where Sturm was apparently going to be Heisenberg's father.
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Lots of different ideas along those lines were obviously thrown around at different stages of development, and lots of characters clearly had conceptual backstories that there was no need or no space for in the finished game. Some we know were cut because there wasn't the time or resources to realise them (such as the idea of building an entire fishing village for Moreau's area, or for putting 100 witches in Dimitrescu's castle). But others would have been reworked because unrelated changes make them superfluous.
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Take the four lords, and their families. Heisenberg at some point apparently also had a father, a mother, and at least one twin brother. Heisenberg refers to his household in plural in the storyboard, and even Moreau alludes to a family of his own. There are concepts of a large Beneviento family with multiple children too.
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That's all the more interesting because family (particularly families that are twisted and dysfunctional) is one of the strongest running themes in RE7 and 8 (and I'll be very interested to see if it continues on in RE9!) Back when it was a Shaman leading the trial, there's little suggestion that the four lords represented any unified family ‒ but perhaps the family theme would still have been present with their individual families, in their individual domains?
Once Miranda and her quest to resurrect her daughter have been reworked into the centre of the cult, however, her fixation on motherhood comes to the fore, and the cult itself is now a one big, dysfunctional family: at that point, giving all the lords their own families was probably redundant (and not having to create that many extra characters and potential boss fights was probably a bonus too). I'm curious as to what the Heisenberg family dynamic might have been like, but I'm also fascinated that he's still so recognisably himself in that early storyboard, even though Mother Miranda doesn't exist yet.
Personally, unused concepts are of most interest to me not as cases for 'imagine if this was in the game' but for what they can illuminate about elements that were mostly-but-not-completely-cut from the finished product ‒ see, for example, the case of Moreau's movie poster. The idea of the Duke as a 5th lord is intriguing mostly because it suggests there was a time where we were going to get some real explanation as to the Duke's implied powers and relationship to the village ‒ perhaps even some story as to how he became estranged from his position. In the finished game, he's left very deliberately mysterious.
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I'm very curious about the phase where there was apparently a plan for a huge, three-way battle between Chris' team, the lycans and the BSAA in the village ‒ not because I think the game would be better for having it, but because what's left of the BSAA element in the finished game feels like an awkward footnote that just doesn't fit.
I'm fascinated by those unused red eye textures for Rose that survived all the way to the released game ‒ and only more so after someone pointed out to me you can even see a shot of Rose with red eyes in a storyboard for the start of the final battle with Miranda, which appears just briefly in the background of a making-of video. The same commenter also suggested that Rose was draining Miranda's powers in that shot, which seems like a bit of a stretch to me, but would explain why Miranda's power suddenly leaves her for unexplained reasons in the finished game. Unused concepts have so much potential to answer questions the finished product left dangling!
The knowledge that Miranda was originally just supposed to be a foreign research sure casts those photos of her from the lab in a very different light, and even makes me wonder if they were created much earlier in development than I would have assumed. And heck, there are so many fragments of an extended and surprisingly coherent pre-game timeline still lying around the early chapters of the game that I'm very curious as to whether there were originally far more scenes planned before the main action began.
Cut content featuring Elena has me incredibly curious too ‒ mostly because bits of it made it all the way to the early trailers, and there's a quote from the actress herself talking about how the character originally died in different circumstances. Those aren't just early concepts, they're aspects that came really close to making it into the finished game.
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If you really want tantalising unused concepts though, one of the most intriguing is this one screenshot where they talk about early plans to have the story jump back and forth in time, with a major chapter set in medieval times. That would be like nothing RE's ever done before, but it certainly hints at the intent to create an even longer and more detailed history for the village. Would we have had a whole separate protagonist in the history segments, ala Clancy from RE7 from the videos, maybe?
Speaking personally, the one thing I felt was really lacking in the lore was the whole cadou concept. Nothing in RE8 feels more like a weak attempt to copy RE4 than the fact the mould is also parasite now, for some reason. Nominally, the cadou is part of how Miranda converts and controls her creations, but Eveline does all that with mould alone, and even in RE8, we see someone transform into a lycan after merely being bitten. Documents talk about cadou-implantation, but the ending sequence shows villagers becoming lycans after a mere injection (and we know this doesn't predate Miranda's creation of the cadou, because there's one floating in a jar).
So what is the process? What does the cadou add to the mythos that simply injecting people with mould wouldn't? RE4's lore is an incoherent mess that falls apart under the least scrutiny, but it at least commits to the parasites as central to its cult and monsters. C'mon, RE8, if you must stuff the parasites in somewhere, work them into your theming! Don't give me some weaksauce bull about them being 'based on nemotodes' in the Japanese text, at least tell me Miranda births them like Marguerite does her bugs, and really lean into all that twisted-mother imagery! They already look like mutant fetuses, the next step is right there!
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So it's very interesting to me that there's art of an earlier concept for the creation of the lycans, where victims were encased in mould to form a very cadou-looking cocoon, from which a lycan would eventually emerge. That strikes me as a potentially way more interesting concept than the vague nematode-parasite stuff we got. Alternately, the idea from another piece of concept art of villagers becoming lycans after they 'drank from a chalice' puts a whole different spin on the giant's chalice as a plot point.
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Fascinating as some of these concepts are though, I do feel that most of what didn't make it into the finished game was cut for good reason. Pacing and streamlining matter, and plenty of mysteries don't need to be explained. RE8 would not have been a better experience padded with every unused idea to the length of the new RE4 (and I'm not fully convinced even the new RE4 needed to be that long). I would happily pay real money for a proper RE8 artbook with yet more juicy details on how the game came together, but most of what wound up on the metaphorical cutting room floor probably wound up there for good reason.
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marquisedegramont · 2 months
Who are your top five favorite characters in John Wick?
-🧸 (<- If this hasn’t been taken yet)
[ Ooohhh I think this list would be pretty clear based on who is reading this but yeah here are my top five! :D ]
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It was already a big start when I watched John Wick and really liked Alfie Allen’s performance as Iosef. Only just recently I started to like-like Iosef as a character more. I love his sort of biker aesthetic with the leather jacket and hoodies, which is a BIG difference from the other three big bads of the movie series since they’re all dressed in this formal-business sort of outfit which really goes to show Iosef’s difference in terms of character to literally everyone in the movie series.
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The man, the myth, the legend! He’s obviously gonna be on this list because the movies aren’t completed without him and he’s genuinely such a well-written character it’s just that most people (atleast on other platforms) just know John for killing an entire criminal organization over a dog and while yes that’s true, I can literally just yap over and over about how Daisy just symbolizes John’s remaining innocence and his connection to Helen/the overworld.
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Watching John Wick Chapter 3: Parabellum and actually noticing everything after watching the fourth movie in the series was like a hit to the face. So Adjudicator— fucking awesome! I loved their entire wardrobe throughout the movies and how they all look so stylish yet refined. And I love the subtle story telling with their dangly earring which represents the fact they don’t necessarily have everything under control and so does the High Table.
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People truly sleep on Gianna because, hey, she got like ten minutes worth of screentime and had relatively a short time alive for the audience to look at her and like her as a character. But to me, I love her. I love my bitches who show up once and then never again. She’s evil, she’s ruthless, she’s a cunt; Santino’s just mad he can’t do it like her. Aka, be as good as her when it comes to ruling the Camorra. I love her so much, because as much as we were so close to see a truly ruthless individual who is a woman rule something as large and brutal as the Camorra, and also be a canon seat holder in the world of the High Table— Gianna remains one of my favorite due to how beautiful she is and how intuitive she was, her death scene was just absolutely beautiful.
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We all saw this coming. He’s practically my brand, in fact I am him. He is me and he is I, don’t mind the fact he died in 2015 and I got pushed into this world against my will in 2005. Look at him. He’s literally the perfect villain for a movie like John Wick Chapter 4. He’s a cunt, played by Bill Skarsgård, he has a fuckass French accent, he never shows up in scenes without his pocket watch, the shoes are Prada and the suits are Valentino. All his suits are drenched in glitter, and every scene feels like he owns the place. The Louvre? The Louis Vuitton Foundation? The Palace of Versailles? The Palais Garnier? The fucking Tour de Eiffel? He’s always surrounded by his bodyguards, he’s eating cake and living his best life. God, he’s literally me. I am him bro. He is literally me. He’s a ruthless and brutal little cunt ass bitch who finds pain fascinating but I do not have a single fiber in my body that gives a hecking shit. Anna Wintour would have loved him. If there was an Anna Wintour in the John Wick world, Vincent would be her fucking soul son. If you were to tell me the bitch named Keith from Barbarian would suddenly be throwing on a French accent and walk the way he does now, I would have exploded. Vincent is nothing but the pure embodiment of the campiness of John Wick Chapter 4. The suits, the character, the attitude, the sheer level of audacity. He is a mixture of the villains before him, he is the campiness of John Wick Chapter 4, he is Bill Skarsgård having fun, he is an insufferable bitch who deserves the way he died and even then, his death was both relieving and also beautiful. The Marquis, Vincent Bisset de Gramont is everything in a John Wick villain; the design, the European, the mythology references, the hatred for John, the cowardice, the deceitful nature, the ability to serve so much cunt yet be so cringefailure loserboy at the same time. Chad Stahelski made a great decision casting Bill Skarsgård as the Marquis de Gramont because I cannot think of another 6’4 white man who looks like a disturbed Victorian era child who has never seen a cellphone. He looks like he would get pissed off if you called him cunty and he would die if you gave him Sprite to drink. Making a guillotine joke around him would have you executed on site. He has a nice ass and beautiful, glorious hips and thighs that he is gatekeeping from the community using his glittery tailcoats. He is a thirty three years old twink with perfect thighs and even better fashion. His hair has so much hairspray I don’t think that shit was moving for the duration of the movie. The perfect villain to have ended John Wick alongside the legend himself. The motherfucker comes from Southern France and I hate and love him even more because of that. He is such an insufferable little shit that if I were there in the agreements scene I would have done everything in my power to make sure the duel starts now so I can leap across the table and rip him to shreds with my bare hands. I am kissing him with tongue afterwards. I hyperfixated on him and hated him at first but then I remembered that his fanbase was lacking at the time so now I’m him yeah sorry Chad Stahelski himself told me I am him so yeah move out of the way ladies. Or don’t. I’m married to like three women I don’t know because I’m him. His hell is being middle class in Paris because I said so.
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boyrobott · 3 months
everybody's got a little glory
"I don't know how to play poker," Astro says.
Read on AO3.
"I don't know how to play poker," Astro says.
Everyone else turns their heads to look at him and he realizes, with the sudden burn of a flush in his cheeks, that he probably should have spoken up about this before they settled in their usual seats around the rickety kitchen table, and Hamegg dealt out the cards. Actually, now that he thinks about it, he probably should just go ahead and excuse himself from the game right off the bat, since he honestly doesn't know how to play, but he's not totally sure he can do that and not come off as rude to everyone else — and he doesn't want to miss out on an opportunity to spend more time with his new friends, anyway.
"I'll just sit out and watch for the first round!" he adds, quickly, before they feel like they have to pause everything just to explain the rules to him, or something. They've been so wonderful to him over the past few days, welcoming him right into their family and their home like he belongs here just as much as they do, and he doesn't want to be even more of an inconvenience than he knows he must be already. "If I watch what you guys do, I can figure out how to play from there. And then I'll join in the next game."
There's a second of silence, and then Hamegg chuckles. "Aw, jeez, kid, there's no need for all that. Why don't you and I just play as a team for the first couple of rounds 'til you find your legs? I'll explain everything as we go, don't worry."
"R-Really?" Astro reflexively sits up a little straighter in his chair at the offer, a tentative smile taking over his face even as he tries to suppress it. He really wouldn't mind if he has to sit out a game or two, honestly, and he's sure he can pick up on the basics through observation, but the way Hamegg says why don't you and I just play as a team and I'll explain everything as we go—
It reminds him of something a father would do with his son.
Astro pushes the thought away before it can settle too deep in his brain, and leaves his chair in favor of the one right next to Hamegg at the head of the table — Sam happily swaps seats with him for the low cost of another one of his pizza slices at dinner tomorrow night. As soon as everyone else has turned their attention back to their cards, shuffling them around in their hands and fanning them out to get a good look at them, Astro leans in close, dropping his voice to a low murmur, and says, "Thank you, Hamegg. This is really nice of you."
"Nah, don't sweat it," Hamegg waves him off with a flick of his hand. "You're part of the family, son. And family helps each other out."
Astro can't swallow around the sudden lump in his throat.
"All right, let's get started," Hamegg breezes on, throwing an arm casually around Astro's shoulders and holding his cards out in front of them, so they can both easily see the hand. He lets out a low whistle of apparent approval. "Now, how about that, kiddo? See, you're giving me good luck already."
Astro blinks blankly at the jumble of clubs, hearts, and diamonds staring back at him — and he knows there's really no such thing as luck, good or bad, and Hamegg is just making it up to be nice, but a warm, golden spark of shining happiness flickers to life in his chest, anyway. "I-I am?"
"Heck, yeah, you are. Look at this, we've got—" Hamegg pauses, right there in the middle, to throw a playfully suspicious glance at the others, and then pointedly drops his voice down to a dramatic whisper, so silly and exaggerated that Astro laughs, "—three kings right here, and an ace high! And we haven't even gotten to the trade-off yet."
"…I have no idea what any of that means," Astro whispers back, after a long, silent minute of trying to figure it out, with absolutely no success. He slowly lets himself sink into the warmth of Hamegg's side, smiling wide as he looks around the table at all of his new friends — his family. They're his family. Hamegg said he was part of the family. Hamegg called him son. "But it sounds good to me."
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blueskygelato · 4 months
Fancuries FYC, Heck Yeah!
Hi, folks! I hope you all are doing well. I’m InfiStudios, friendly neighborhood jumping spider and fanseries fanatic, and I’m so, so excited for this year’s Fancuries. I always love seeing everyone’s amazing creativity, and because this year is the first where I’m actually participating, I finally have a chance to babble about my own fanseries. 
Speaking of my own work, the bulk of it is my Halloween fanseries. They’re an annual tradition for me, and I consider them my main fanseries. 
Horroriffic is the first of the Halloween fanseries. Its motifs are classic monsters, light, and Victorian/gaslamp aesthetics, and its core themes are power, connection, and legacy.
It has an info doc that’s very much under construction here if you’d like to read more about it!
The second of the Halloween fanseries, Horrorshow has films as its core motif and draws a lot on 1950s aesthetics as well, and its themes are treating others and yourself with kindness. It follows Ethel Bleak, a horribly anxious star student who works part-time at the Caligari Film Library…a job that gets far too interesting when an accident sends the malevolent spirits housed within cursed films on a destructive rampage through the city of Hitchworth. Luckily, there’s a solution to this. Using the power of the three remaining Curses, Ethel and two of her co-workers - annoying, cruel know-it-all Cebe Wood and laid-back, sarcastic Shane Tamboli - can transform into warriors called Pretty Cure and fight back against the monsters. 
Its characters have toyhou.se pages here.
The third of the Halloween fanseries, Monstrosity’s core motif is monsters under the bed, and its core themes are the bonds between people and the idea of community. 
Pellinore Valiente Denton was only six when the tip of Mount Etna exploded, sending a brilliant beam of light into the sky and calling the monsters out of the shadows. She’s lived her whole life in a strange world, a world lit every waking moment by fluorescent lights and constant, thrumming fear. In the midst of all this, her parents have moved back to their hometown of Huerta, TX in order to work on some sort of project, which Pellinore isn’t over the moon about - she’s tired of having to say goodbye to every friend she’s ever made. Fortunately for her, though, she’s about to make another one. Not two days into their stay there, Huerta throws off its sleepy small-town guise. In the middle of a celebration of Dia de los Muertos, the lake the community borders erupts in exactly the same way Mt. Etna did. It showers the community in a strange light, brings a rainstorm that lasts for days on end, and rockets the populace into a new state of terror - terror that turns out to be well-founded, because soon after the town is attacked by a bizarre monster that can walk in the light and resembles a member of the community. Pellinore is terrified, but somehow, she knows she can help fight it. Drawing on her love of magical girls and a new kind of power, she transforms into a warrior known as Cure Weaver. 
The only catch? Her powers called a monster to her - Aracan, a cocky smart-aleck who’s Pellinore’s opposite in every way…and also, apparently, her partner as a Pretty Cure. Now, Pellinore finds herself under new pressure - not only must she succeed as a student and make new friends, she must hide Aracan from the populace, deal with the monsters, and unravel the mysteries of Huerta. 
Its characters have a work-in-progress toyhou.se page here. 
I also draw! I'm a traditional artist (digital art scares me), and I really love it. Here are some examples of my work!
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Horroriffic's vampiric team leader, Ifiok/Cure Rise
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Her teammate, Cure Whirlpool...
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...and Whirlpool's successor, Cure Abyss!
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The members of Team Horrorshow! From left to right, Cures Haunting, Abduction, and Verdant
Thank you so much for your time; I so appreciate it! I'm so excited to see what this year's Fancuries have to offer, and I hope you have a lovely day!
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kchasm · 1 year
Ryu Number Chart Update: Call of Juarez: Gunslinger
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Call of Juarez: Gunslinger is the fourth game in the Call of Juarez series, all but unrelated to the first two installments and thankfully unrelated to the third (let's us not talk about the third). This game features Silas Greaves, an aging gunman and bounty hunter in 1910 Abiline, Kansas who's got some recollections to regale a handful of saloongoers about, the majority of which have to do with wandering the Wild West and putting lead in people who perhaps deserve to have a bit more lead in them. Mind, Greaves isn't exactly what you'd call a Reliable Narrator... but he's not an Unreliable Narrator, either.
Gunslinger plays with the story-in-a-story narrative in a few pretty neat ways. As the player character stalks through a brightly lit swamp, one Greaves' listeners notes that the weather must have been nice, to which Greaves responds that no, it was foggy—and the environment immediately becomes so. Paths open up for the player character to follow as Greaves mentions them. More than once, Greaves gets distracted, causing the story (i.e. gameplay) he's narrating to change, or, on one occasion, spin into worrying surreality. The best example, I think, is when one of the characters sat at the saloon says he knows how the tale goes, providing narration and scenario for the player to shoot through FPSly, only for Greaves to tell him that that's not how it went at all; this is how it went—and then you play through that.
(So yeah, this technically means that all of the stages are Greaves' recollections and tales, which means they're technically not happening during the game's narrative which is wholly set at the saloon—if they ever happened at all, is another issue—but seeing as no significant amount of gameplay occurs outside of his narrative, and at least some of the stuff Really Did Happen—including various non-Greaves bits throughout the game—I'm going to call on the Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. precedent here and count it while circumnavigating the best I can in the future around using this game for characters that only appeared in Greaves' recollections. If you have any objections, these objections are completely fair and valid and you can stop reading this post now.)
(Hey, you're still here! Aces.)
One element that differentiates Gunslinger from previous entries in the series is the number of historical Wild West figures who show up in Greaves' tales. As the game notes, it wasn't unusual for dime novels to turn real-life gunhandlers into celebrities and folkheroes, if it wasn't those slingers doing the selling themselves—and Greaves, for all the low regard he's got for those novels, is selling a heck of a story. The very first stage, in fact, involves his brief and ill-fated team-up with Billy the Kid.
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And yes, all the Big Names get intro screens like this. It's awesome.
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Caveat: Henry Plummer's appearance in Greaves' story is especially suspect, on account of that it places him in after 1882, about a score of years after the real-life Plummer was given an awfully tawdry corded necklace and instructed to hang around. Too anachronistic to count, then?
Maybe. I dunno if it changes anything, but (and this is completely baseless speculation, so don't you dare copy-paste me like I'm some voice of expertise) to me, it almost feels like a mistake from outside the game. A point for this hypothesis: There's a character from the saloon who's prone to interjection whenever he thinks Greaves' story has gotten a little too far off reality, and while he does pipe up during the Plummer matter, all he says is that Greaves got the location wrong, which you'd think would barely qualify as peccadillo next to the whole time thing.
But no, everyone's perfectly fine with the time thing, which suggests that it isn't an error—not within the game, at least. Ever read Umney's Last Case? It's a short story. Stephen King.
... But hey, maybe Greaves really is just making the entire Plummer business up, and that specifically is the reason it's chronologically out of whack. It's more than implied at the end of the game that Greaves has—at least at one point during the whole game—stretched some truth, somewhere, but the where and when and how much and how important go cheerily unanswered.
Also, Plummer has an appearance on-screen during a not-directly-related-to-Greaves bit where they explain who he is For The Benefit Of The Player, which means it doesn't matter whether Greaves is making anything up or not, which means this whole multiparagraph massacre was for the benefit of nothing.
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I waste your time! I waste all of your time!
Anyway, Ryu Numbers:
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Wait, sorry, Dwight D. Eisenhower? Like the American president Dwight D. Eisenhower? Mr. I-Like-Ike?
Yeah, there's a reason the framing device bits happen in Abilene, Kansas, of all places. Eisenhower—born 1890—grew up there, before going to West Point in 1911. Before the Wild West era finally sunset, Wild Bill Hickok himself, in the early 1870's, served as marshal of the city. Tradition states that the Abilene of that time was a town of wickedness and criminality, which Hickok did his utmost to restore to lawfulness almost singlehandedly in the face of repeated attempts at assassination. And yes, there was a shootout in the Old West style, with the grievances petty but the consequences violent and lethal.
The truth, of course, is a lot more complicated (and a lot more interesting—see Robert Dykstra's 1961 paper in American Studies, "Wild Bill Hickok in Abilene"), but it wouldn't be wrong to say that Eisenhower grew up with the specter of the Old West hanging around.
... Which feels wrong, doesn't it? Talking about the Wild West and Eisenhower in anything like the same era. But the American Civil War only ended in 1865 (which means we haven't even gotten a bicentennialsworth of not-enslaving-not-imprisoned-people, incidentally), which is where a whole lot of the Wild West's big names owe their production (gotta take out that trauma somewhere). And then Manifest Destiny and genocide (all the genocide) and the Homestead Acts, and paved roads and the automobile (and in the opening cutscene, Silas Greaves' horse panics when the car nearly runs them over), and then it's World War I and an uncountable number of fresh-faced American boys are going to Europe to die face-down in the mud.
That's 1917. That's only just over fifty years.
Horse ebooks was right. Everything happens so much.
(For future reference, the characters who you can almost definitely count as showing up even if Greaves is pulling the maximum amount of bunk are Billy the Kid, Curly Bill Brocius, Johnny Ringo, Old Man Clanton, Henry Plummer—anachronism or otherwise—John Wesley Hardin, Bob Dalton, Grat Dalton, Emmett Dalton, Bill Powers—or however you'd prefer to spell him—Dick Broadwell—Bob, Grat, and those last two appear in Ben's recollection of the Dalton Gang, their bodies laid out in reference to an actual photograph that was taken—Jim Reed—that portion of Greaves' story is confirmed true—Jesse James, Frank James, Butch Cassidy, the Sundance Kid, and of course, Dwight D. Eisenhower.)
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The SAP Squad: Spinel, Adam & Pink-Pearl (2024)
[Note: Mature Audience Readers Only, Because I will be mentioning Lilith (Charlie's Mom) by her new Nickname in this post...the nickname will still be censored though.]
Credit for Hazbin Hotel goes to Vivienne "Vivziepop" Medrano
Credit for Steven Universe goes to Rebecca Sugar
Pink Diamond/"Rose Quartz" and Lilith might be different characters, but they sure as heck have hurt others… even if the reasons they left those that loved them are a bit different, but they both were still not 100% good.
yeah I still think the Lilith from our universe needed space, but Adam made the mistake in trusting those three angels in handling it… I can't really bring myself to 100% hate Adam of Hazbin Hotel, and yeah as weird as it might be, I can't help but view him being a bit like Spinel & Pink-Pearl/"Vollie"…
all three of them were badly hurt by Pink Diamond and Lilith, even if that story book plays it out like Adam was fully the bad guy but sometimes there are more to the story. and for all we know, the Lilith from Hazbin Hotel, could seem sweet and loving to her family…
but she has the dark side of being a lying, cold-hearted, manipulative, two-faced b**th who needs a good old punch to her face.
also I kinda hope that the story "The eve of Adam" that is by well someone who goes by "Anonymous" (but they go by another name on tumblr, and well I did have it wrote down on this of course but then I wasn't sure if they would want me to mention their name on here or not...and well if they don't mind it, I can edit this sometime later and say what it is. ) over at Archive Of Our Own, a part of me hopes it will be like with Kris eating all the pie in Chapter 2 of Deltarune…
of course I still think there was more that happen before Kris ate all the pie.
before I found "The eve of Adam", I had read another story that was like it but there seems to be some differences, but the one who wrote "Adam/Eve" doesn't go by "Anonymous"
but they go by "BeckyHomeEcky", I know by looking at the dates, the story "The eve of Adam" was published on April 10, 2024. and the
other "Adam/Eve" came much later on the same month. and I think we shouldn't jump into a misunderstanding.
it can be possible they had the same idea or like they could know each other and well the stories might still have Adam in that whole surprising situation, that I would love for to become canon.
I would love to write a fanfic with Adam and Eve's dark secret that appears in those two, but I guess I should wait to see if it will be okay.
both stories are interesting, of course when I did read that Adam/Eve story, I was inspired to draw a bit of fan art that was inspired by it…..it has to do with Eve and a wedding dress.
but I think I will wait a while before I post it. and well, I wonder if they know each other…? well I still like both stories, and makes me want to protect Adam (from Hazbin Hotel) like hug on to him and glare at Lilith The First B**th, and tell her to "Stay Away From Him…"…….
I wouldn't be surprised if "The First B**th" lied to Charlie's Dad about how Adam treated her, like throwing in a bit of truth but like a mix of half-truth with lies, making things worse than how they appear…….
wouldn't put it past her if she did.
and yes, I'm going to call her by the nickname "The First B**th", she isn't the boss of this "Eveningstar Princess"…also if Cain is anything like Adam (in those two Hazbin Hotel Fan Fics),
I can make a guess how Cain (from both "The eve of Adam" & "Adam/Eve" Stories) was able to have children and become a parent…I'm still gonna call both Cain & Seth by the nickname "Grunkle-Paw" because they would both be my Uncles & Grandpas.
and once again, reasons why I started to call myself "Eveningstar Princess" has to do with the weird thing with my Mom, and how she NEVER got Morning Sickness…
she only got Evening Sickness when she was going to have me, and I was even a weird little baby even before being born. XD the other weird thing was that I was a really big newborn, and I looked like a 2 week old……my Mom couldn't walk very well after having me….
but at least she got better after it, so that's good.
another name to call Cain, besides his shared nickname with Seth, which is "Grunkle-Paw"…
is to call him either Peepaw Cain or Grandpa Cain, and yeah the whole "Earth Angel Princess" thing is a weird thing that pop into my head…
(also if you want to skip some of this talk, well…just keep a eye out for the bold words.)
well blame it on some Royal Ancestors, some to which are King David and his son King Solomon (me being in the line that can't take the throne is still a blessing to me, so still not a curse.)
also even if it does turn out to be true, that Asmodeus did throw King Solomon to another part of some far away land…
that would mean that he accidentally caused this Earth Angel Princess's Birth…in other words, he caused my Ancestor-Grandparents to meet, fall in love and have their son who's line I will end up being descendant of.
well I'm pretty sure I was already a weird little accident anyway, I mean I'm pretty sure my Mom and Dad in this life had me on purpose in this life…
but as for the whole birth of my Soul, I'm pretty sure I was a unsuspected accidental surprise.
I don't know if some Eon-Boomers will listen to me, I mean I find some info about Jesus & Antichrist really messed up…it was thanks to a video I watched that talked about a possible what if future…
that made me not really happy with those two, cause no matter what choice a person makes, they are doomed either way…
this is why Earthly-Mother needs to stop those two, and protect this world…to stop a terrible future, and well that, and if Jesus and his Army are planing to do that stuff that is talked about in that video.
wouldn't it be better to do a type of cleansing that heals instead of taking a life, I mean I hope that kind of messed up future that has to do with those two sides doesn't happen at all.
I never want to take that mark, and well I had some unladylike
thoughts about where the Antichrist can well……shove it to… one thing that those of the Masculine Energy, and have been influenced by the Toxic-Masculine Energy that has plague this world since the dethroning of the Goddess.
you can only push around and mistreat the Feminine Energy so much before she grows tired of it and will push back….
and even if not all the Masculine Energy is bad, and there is that whole small Toxic-Feminine Energy (which once again isn't as high or as super dangerous as its counterpart, but it is still dangerous.) but the Toxic-Masculine is still a problem, and the whole messed up stuff those two would want to do in a possible future, it is REALLY messed up.
I mean, even if ya do that mark (BUT DON'T EVER DO THAT) you will only be given a game over by Jesus's Army, and even if you don't take it you will still be harmed in some way. I think we should at least try to stop those possible futures, to protect this world even if it isn't perfect, it is still our home. and well I still want to try to pray for Jesus, and hope he wont do that kind of messed up stuff in the future.
Other Earth Angels (who are also Humans) can't truly be okay with that kind of future or see it as "perfectly normal"…that isn't normal. when you really think about it, both sides what they want to do to a person who either does or doesn't get that mark……..it's messed up, I can't be the only one who see that right…?
and hopefully we wont have to do a whole "Neo-Messiah" thing at this time of the present, it could be possible that could be a thing in a far off future. like both The Heavenly-Father & Earthly-Mother having to make a "Neo-Messiah" as a last resort, because well how bad the Toxic-Masculine Energy has been.
so long as Jesus can still be saved from himself, and make sure he and his Army never does that terrible stuff in a possible future, we might not need to have a Neo-Messiah…
well at least not in this century, and what we should at least try to do is make sure the Antichrist doesn't do that whole messed up stuff either… when I'm able to, I would like to watch that Good Omens, even if that boy in it is suppose to be a "Antichrist" it doesn't mean he has to be. and yeah, I seen a clip and it had do with how some lady couldn't see his aura. but the reason being that, it was there but she just wasn't able to see it.
I'm not sure if many will agree with me about the whole thing that is messed up about what both sides want to do, and I know some might think what Jesus and his Army will possibly do in a possible future is "okay" and "right", but I don't see it that way…it is just not. and in my view, it would be no better than the possible messed up stuff the Antichrist wants to do.
like I can still believe, ya know in the good side of Jesus and hope that he doesn't ever cross that line. it's not like everyone will wake up to the truth on how messed up it is, like you get a game over either way.
but once again, hopefully that kind of future that has to do with those two can be stopped…
excuse me if this Defective Earth Angel, doesn't agree with those two when they want to cause some form of harm that could by end up causing trauma to the soul.
plus what those two want to cause in the future, could be a type of Domestic Violence on The Feminine Energy.
some might say "no it isn't." and yeah it is possible I can't change the minds of those who believe that, so I ain't gonna force them.
but I'm not okay with what the Antichrist wants to possibly do, and I'm not okay with what Jesus and his Army want to possibly do to people even to those who felt like they see no other choice because they felt they had to do so to still live in some form of happiness with family and friends, but even with that happiness, they could still end up feeling not very good about it.
I'm going to at least hope those terrible possible futures can be stop, and people can try to hope things get a lot more better… and for Mammon to stop with the Toxic-Greed already, a little greed is normal so long as it doesn't cross a very bad line….
seriously ya Eon-Boomer of Greed, Stop Misbehaving.
and that goes for any of the other Eon-Boomer or Eon-Boomers that have had a hand in some messed up stuff that has happen. and yes the whole "Eon-Boomer" is a bit like "Baby-Boomer" but it also means that the Eon-Boomer would be WAY older than the whole Baby-Boomer thing…
anyway hope some can understand my feelings about that whole possible future hot mess that is like really messed up, and well anyway this drawing just seems to speak for itself.
not like it is really speaking, but more like…I think that in a type of Fanon Timeline/Crossover AU…those three would become friends when they share a bit of their past with each other.
even if Adam can still be a bit of a, jerk and full of himself just because he is the "First Man"….
but deep down, he might of been hiding a deep hurt.
we know that Pink had hurt both Spinel and Pink-Pearl aka "Vollie" (Vollie seems like a better nickname than Volleyball to me…even if "Volleyball" is still okay, but I like "Vollie" better.)
and she did so on purpose, same goes with what The First B**th did, plus I wouldn't be surprised if that book that Charlie read, is full of only half-truth and half-lies. because The First B**th wanted Charlie to see her Mom as the "Misunderstood Good Guy" when really she is just a two-faced lying woman and she is no better than Adam.
she better have a good reason why she left, because if she did so because part of her never loved her family, I hope she gets her butt kicked.
also the reason why I kind of like Susan from Hazbin Hotel, like maybe a little…like besides her being like a grumpy Great-Aunt or Grandmother….
well one of the reasons I like her, is that she gets Alastor to call her a certain word. as weird as it seems, I just can't help but find it funny he says that about Susan.
also besides those two stories I can't wait to read the next chapters of that is "The eve of Adam" and "Adam/Eve" there is other stories that I'm also reading that has to do with Alastor. of course I'm reading some other stories as well.
The Queens of Sloth and Gluttony from Helluva Boss, just reminds me of stuff that went on when I was really little. one of them being that, I was always tired and the whole always having to be taken to the hospital whenever a seizure ended up happening.
I still think my seizures, may have been caused by some bad energies coming from those around me and even the places I had been living at before.
the reason why they seem to stop when moving to the town we live at now, might have to do with the energy being less dangerous. but I still should try to be careful, and I know not everyone will agree that I believe my seizures had been because of the energies that was coming from both people and a place.
so yeah, Bee and Bel from Helluva Boss kind of remind me of that…so far we haven't seen Bel yet, but we might see her in the future.
anyway I think that Adam, Spinel and Vollie would get along great as friends, even if Adam can be a jerk and has a very big ego of himself… but for all we know, he might not be as heartless as he plays himself out to be.
and even he can agree what Pink did to both Spinel & Vollie, was crossing a line and super messed up.
Adam could see a bit of himself in Spinel, because he was left by his first wife and well there could still be more to the story, even we the fans of the show and Charlies doesn't know about.
those three were badly hurt by both Pink and Lilith, and for all we know, Adam was really badly hurt by what Lilith and Lucifer. but it could be possible that both Adam & Lucifer are victims of Lilith. and the reason why Lucifer can't truly see it, because of his feelings for her. and who knows what could of caused them to split-up from each other.
Lilith wanting some freedom and be her own person is good, but her being possibly a terrible person to both Adam and Lucifer, and making herself seem like a "hero" to her daughter, is a different story. we just have to wait and see if it all turns out to be true, and if it is true that the Lilith from the show is who we think she might truly be.
then the whole nickname I said before that has to do with her being "The First B**th" would fit her perfectly, and no I ain't spelling it without placing some censoring in there.
and once again, I kind of hope that the whole Eve thing ends up being canon, because those two stories I read that has to do with Adam, makes me wish it was canon.
like it being like the few ideas that were put in Deltarune AUs and it turns out it ends up being accidentally predicted canon events of Deltarune's Chapter 2.
it wouldn't be the first time a fan when making some fan stories ended up predicting future canon… like the whole Ice King being in the Fridge in Adventure Time…but it may have been in a chapter of a fanfic first before it happen.
in real life, that could be dangerous of course…Ice King is of course what we know as a "Toon" and he has Ice powers so he will be fine. in a Crossover that is a Fanon Timeline, Adam and Lucifer should just throw Lilith to the Ice King….
also if you have ever wrote a fanfic that has Ice King doing that weird thing, where ya find him in a refrigerator and then some year or so later, in the cartoon he is in the refrigerator.
so of course some will end up freaking out, that would be like one of those accidentally predicting canon events even if the scene is slightly different from the fanfic.
and even if the chances are low and might not happen, but a part of me kind of hopes that the thing with Adam and Eve that was in those two stories, ends up being one of those accidental predicting of future canon events.
and yeah, while I can still view Charlie & Emily as a bit of kindred spirits, but even they should learn there is just some Sinners that are too far gone to be redeemed… some who are far worse than The Vees and any other Sinner who is either a Overlord or not.
who knows if they will show the much darker side to Sinners in the shows, but if they do then it would mean that both redemption & extermination day is needed.
but the whole Extermination Day, might have to change the way its done and not go after every Sinner.
like don't know if that will really happen in the show, and if it doesn't, well there is always the Fanon.
we just have to wait and see what happens in the future.
also, I thought it be a good idea to have the option for those to skip the whole talk about the messed up logic and twisted form of justice that has to do with that whole possible future with Jesus and Antichrist, and yeah what they both want to do does peeve me off.
I can still try to believe in the good side of Jesus, but I refuse to let him or his Army hurt people who might make mistakes that made them believe there was no other way...and that goes double for the Antichrist as well. (I still think that NO one should take that mark...)
hopefully The Earthly-Mother and The Feminine Messiah, can stop those two...well them helping stop them, as well as hope the Heavenly-Father helps as well.
anyway, I still think Adam would get along with Spinel and Pink-Pearl.
and as weird as it might be, I think they have some things in common.
even if some of the bad experiences the three of them faced are different, but they were still hurt by Lilith (Charlie's Mom) & Pink/Rose (Steven's Mom)...
I'm gonna keep a eye out for the updates for those two stories "The eve of Adam" and "Adam/Eve" because I can't help but fall in love with the idea that has to do with the true story about Adam & Eve.
and I know the chances of what goes on with Adam in both of those stories, is a small like super small chance being one of those times when fans accidentally predict canon events of either a future chapter of a game or like in a future episode of a new season of a show.
no one could of guessed that some fan animation and audio would accidentally predict that Kris from Deltarune, would eat the whole pie.
but I still think they had left the house first, broke into the library, open a dark fountain in the computer room, and then once they were done they came home and ate all the pie...which would be their perfect cover for what they were really up to.
Kris is obviously Nonbinary in the canon.
so in any AU of the Fanon, they could be a Enby, Enboy or Enbirl.
if they are a Nonbinary-Girl in some AU, they would go by She/They and if they are a Nonbinary-Boy they would go by He/They.
but in the main timeline of the Delatrune Universe, they go by They/Them.
and yeah, no one could of guesses while playing Chapter 2 pf Deltarune, another fan work would end up accidentally predicting the canon events that would appear in that chapter...
that is why I love it, at least it is better than the whole Simpsons Predictions, and I hope someday that series will just...you know, it can still do reruns and sell DVDs and stuff of all the seasons.
but I think I would rather have another season of Futurama and Disenchantment, because of certain reasons...
and yeah, I'm talking about the predictions that are talked about that happen in the show, and NOT by fans.
I still would rather that show stop being worked on so much, and just put a bit more focus on Disenchantment, but the chances of that might be really small...hopefully they will have a final season of the Simpsons at some point, and maybe someday make a Spin-Off that doesn't make creepy prediction.
one of the things that should change, is that they can't just kill off a character just because either something bad happens to the character's voice actor, either that something bad happens to them or they quit.
I can't be the only one who thinks there is something seriously wrong with that messed up sugar honey ice tea...
I mean in that old cartoon of the House Of Mouse, they could still have King Louie appear but he lost his voice, so his brother has to do most of the talking, and King Louie has to wait until a new voice he orders comes in.
I get that the lady hated the lost of her husband who voiced King Louie, but she shouldn't stop the character that her husband gave some life to with his voice, from appearing in a episode.
that is selfish and insensitive, that just hurts the Toon that was given a voice by those who put their hearts and souls into the work, either it be a cartoon, movie or video game.
like it can turn out when a Toon loses their voice, before the completion of their series, and even before some spin-off of the series.
if a Toon loses their voice way too soon, it means that the one who gave them their original voice has left this world.
in some cases, it can be when they quit and leave, but in some cases it can be when they leave this world a bit too soon.
and some characters who live in a Cartoon or Video Game or the mix of Live Action/Cartoon Worlds, they do deserve better.
and some people who have made great shows like Red Vs Blue, Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss and any others who had change voice actors for some of their characters, do a bit more better than what the Simpsons series are known for, as well as the whole King Louie situation from one of the House Of Mouse episode.
we know that Caboose's voice actor had to change, because of some info about his original voice actor.
like whenever a character, either it be a 2D, 3D or even a CGI character.
whenever they loose their voice, it can be either when the person who gave them their original voice had quit, or when they go to the afterlife...
for some characters we can think they get a new voice from some kinda of voice ordering system, but in real life it has to do with finding the right person to replace the previous person who gave them a voice.
I guess I can still like the Simpsons, but I haven't been watching much of it but maybe I can find the time to once in a while.
I just am not a big fan with the creepy stuff that has been going on with it...
it be nice if others ended up drawing The S.A.P. Squad as well.
don't know how many would end up falling in love with it though.
anyway I'm going to go and find the tumblr of the one who wrote "The eve of Adam" and once again, also I'm still gonna keep a eye out for the next chapter of that, as well as that one that is "Adam/Eve"
and yeah I know it is wishful thinking that might end up being one of those accidental canon prediction, but if the thing that happens in those two stories doesn't happen in the future season then we can just be happy it does in the Fanon.
but anyway it might be thanks to reading a bit of "The eve of Adam" and "Adam/Eve" over at Archive Of Their Own, that made me realize a bit more on how Adam is a bit like Spinel and Pink-Pearl.
even if he still has that whole jerk side to himself, but him hiding that hurt and fragile soul that could turn out to be canon, it makes one just want to protect that First Adorkable Goober.
give that man a hug, and have him watch Steven Universe Movie and have him watch the whole series of Steven Universe, even the Steven Universe Future which even if some fans don't like, but I still love it because it shows some truths about Greg Universe we have been ignoring the whole time and if we re-watch the start of the series we will understand that the episode where it shows the truth about Greg's Parents, just shows that he is no better than them.
even if Greg might have some good points, he might not of saw the full picture, I mean one of or both of his parents could of suffered from that one thing that I forgot the name of...
that has to do with not being able to handle really loud sounds to the point it can become painful for them.
and like Steven said, Greg's Parents probably gave him meatloaf for a reason...and if they did have to change it up a bit, they could put some mustard on top of the meatloaf, have different stuff mixed in there if Greg was tired of the same type of meatloaf.
I can still like the good side of Greg, but he couldn't see that him and his parents were both in the wrong, and he was probably just being a insensitive spoiled brat, who couldn't think that maybe his parents couldn't get him all that he wanted, because they just didn't have the money for it.
or the fact that the reason there was a freaking curfew for him, as well as chaperons was to keep him safe and out of danger.
and the fact they made him take up wrestling, was for self-defense so he could better protect himself.
if Steven learned all that from either his Honorary Uncle who is his Dad's Cousin, or by his Grandparents or all three of them.
he would learn that his Dad didn't have the full picture, and things could of worked out better if Greg and Steven's Grandparents just sit down and talk it out.
if Greg's Parents were going through some Money troubles, and one or both of them had that one thing that has to do with them not being able to take very loud sounds, like when Greg turns his music up way too loud to the point it becomes painful for one of them or both of them, and it has to be either the Dad or Mom or both to go to Greg and get him to either turn it down or turn it off...but with how Greg is, he likely either ignores them or doesn't hear them.
and if there is going to be another series of Steven Universe in the future, I hope they will have Greg's Parents side to the story added in there.
and as weird as it sounds, I kind of want to try meatloaf with some guacamole on top.
after trying guacamole for the first time in April 2024, I found that I liked it.
so after talking about the whole meatloaf thing, and thinking about that.
I want to put some guacamole on meatloaf and eat it.
anyway hope some like this crossover fan art of The S.A.P. Squad.
I hope others end up drawing those three characters together as well.
like them being like "I bud it" cause not all ships are romantic and some are platonic but with some platonic ships, you don't call them ships or use the whole "I ship it"
you either use "I bud it", "I fam it" or "I sib it"
the "I fam it" & "I sib it" being Family and Siblings.
Frisk and Chara being adopted by The Dreemurr Family, is a "I Fam It" type.
also I hope some understand about my thoughts and feelings about not to misinterpret, when we do misunderstand something without getting all the facts, sometimes hurt feelings happens.
of course that thing that happen a few years ago with that Toxic-Religious person who hurt my feelings really badly, was anything but a misunderstanding...they just couldn't accept I believe in a Goddess now, even though I can still believe in God as well.
and maybe when I'm able to, I will post that drawing that was inspired by that "Adam/Eve" story, but it might not be happening right away. and anyway, I will keep a eye out for the future chapters of that story as well as the one that is called "The eve of Adam"
as well as keep a eye out for other future chapters of the other stories I'm reading as well.
anyway hope some like the whole S.A.P. Squad and the idea of Adam from Hazbin Hotel becoming friends with Spinel & Pink-Pearl from Steven Universe. :)
and once again, it is thanks to reading those two stories, that made me see even more that Adam is just a misunderstood bad boy, and Lilith may not be all as she appears, and she might be a two-faced, lying witch who has Lucifer and Charlie fooled.
and if there are more than one Lilith in our universe, there being like The Matriarch (which would be Adam's first wife) and The Lesser-Lilith who is the youngest...
if that happen in some Fanon Timeline, The Lesser-Lilith who is the youngest could be like seen as the older sister figure of Charlie maybe. who might not agree with some stuff that the Elder Lilith has done to both her ex-husbands.
well if some info is true, then right after The Lesser-Lilith, would be The Small-Lilith...but we don't have to get into that at the moment.
even if the name S.A.P. Squad doesn't make sense to some, but it came to me when wanting to do this drawing that has Spinel, Pink-Pearl and Adam.
you could say they have a Sappy Friendship. XD
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revserrayyu · 1 month
2.2 Penacony thoughts [part 3]
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**Spoiler warning** in place as usual. I did finish the entire 2.2 story as of last night but this post will cover up until after the first boss fight since there is much to discuss with the upcoming scenes. As always, don’t read on if you wanna experience the story on your own terms.
Starting off with something not so serious and it’s this one option they give us to choose. You wouldn’t believe how often I would say something like “if evil, why hot?” whenever Sunday appears to be acting suspicious, so this reply got a chuckle out of me.
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Hearing Firefly speak about her three deaths was surprising. I know she and the other Stellaron Hunters are all following the script and shouldn’t rely defy it, but it’s gotta be at least a but concerning how you’ll have to perish not once, not twice but thrice during one mission, even if they’re not actual deaths. The mention about the third death being the final death does not evoke reassuring feelings in my heart even if these deaths are suppose to help us.
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The whole scene when we watch her transform into Sam was pretty cool though. Just a shame we didn’t see or hear from her at all after this. She leaves a wish hoping we’ll meet again in reality, but I’m not so certain it’ll happen.. I would like to hope so though.
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The flashback with her and Blade gets brought up again and I love how envious he is that death is part of Firefly’s script and not his. He’d gladly trade places with her if he could.
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Then we have yet another scene between Acheron and that old man companion of hers. Her lack of taste is brought into question as she eats a supposedly spicy fruit and feels nothing at all. It reminds me of that brief encounter Black Swan mentioned, where she saw Acheron drinking several glasses of ‘Wake the Heck Up’ and didn’t comment on the bitter flavor of it.
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Acheron goes on saying that losing oneself is a drawback to being a self-annihilator, but at least she hasn’t lost all her sense and memories yet, though I fear if that day will ever come because that’s actually so sad and I don’t want that for her! She’d almost be like an empty shell with nothing. At least the scene tries to make me feel a little bit better as Acheron mentions a friend she was once very close to.
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Unfortunately those nice feelings don’t last long because of course her companion perished! I want Acheron to find some sort of happiness in this game please! Sure she said goodbye with a smile because that was her friend’s wish but hearing how scared she is about losing her friend’s memory hurts my little heart. Naturally I’m curious about who this friend of Acheron is if they were once a Nameless too.
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I’m sure there’s a connection between all this chatter about the color red, the fact that color is so prominent whenever Acheron unsheathes her blade and occasionally speaks in red text, but I don't have the brainpower to think too deep into it all right now. All that aside, this was such a pretty frame of her to look at.
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Aww, Dan Heng cares about us so much! You’re also a treasure to us!
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It took me until now to realize that the symbol on these nightingales look like an eye, which makes perfect sense as there is a giant eye in Ena the Order’s splash art.
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Sunday also has a similar design on the front of his shirt and his rings showed the same design where his hand was clearly visible. Coincidently, I believe this is the same hand he usually holds behind his back.
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Yeah yeah, you win good brother points for volunteering yourself to do this task rather than force Robin to do it despite her own personal views and feelings.
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Flashbacks of being wanted by the Silvermane Guards coming back full force. To be fair, we are on a planet that used to be a full scare prison, so jail was gonna happen one way or another. Just our kind of luck. And I’ll be honest, I kinda blanked out during most of Sunday’s history lesson about Penacony. I was focused more on trying team comps for Harmony trailblazer.
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I don’t remember the full conversation when we finally run into Sunday again in the theater but all Himeko’s comments were great. Mom is done messing around.
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Norman from The Promised Neverland? Is that you? Seriously though, he and Sunday sound so similar here, as Norman wanted to eradicate all the demons so all the humans could live freely. Not to mention that his Lamdba companions and all those kids he rescued in the Paradise Hideout look up to him as a savior. (sorry if that spoils anything from TPN, but take this as my offer to read the manga. it’s wonderful. season two was adapted horribly.)
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All those times I joked about him being holy and he decided to take it literally.
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Just as I assumed, our handsome man is indeed the final boss, which unfortunately leads me to believe that he won’t become a playable character. Hey if I have to be sad about missing out on having Cocolia, then y’all need to be upset about Sunday. Don’t get me wrong, I was hoping he would be playable too and become another Imaginary unit, but since he’s now confirmed to be siding with the Order, the Harmony path wouldn’t exactly fit him, nor would any other playable path.
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So um.. the battle begins and it didn’t take long for me to realize that something was wrong. The livestream spoke about how this boss had three different phases, but as the fight went on, none of them happened? It didn’t prompt us to choose our team before the encounter began or force us to use the new Harmony Trailblazer. The fight just sorta happened and ended without much hype and it felt very underwhelming, especially with how great Aventurine’s boss fight was last patch.
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During the midst of my confusion, reliable Danny boy arrives with Jing Yuan to assist us in an awesome cutscene which makes me feel a little better at least.
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And then we.. wake up. And it seems everything is fine..?
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Only it wasn’t all fine! But for now I’ll stop here because this will probably have to be divided up into five parts again.
2 notes · View notes
This is Part 3 of the Magnetic Attraction series. 
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Content Warnings: Fantastic Racism, Internalized Homophobia, Suggestive Content, Mild Language, Canon-Typical Violence.
Summary: Rev receives some friendly advice from Tech after a mistake of his is brought to attention. Desperate to prove that he took Tech's words to heart, he seeks the aid of his other friends to improve himself before the evening is over.
Unfortunately, he missed the most crucial piece of advice that Tech tried to convey.
Word Count: 27,277
Chapters: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (Link to Chapter on Ao3)
Chapter 1
Word Count: 3598
Notes: This is part 3 of the Magnetic Attraction series. If you haven’t read the previous parts you will probably be confused. Feel free to skip the rest of these notes if you don’t care about the content warnings. 
(Continued under the cut)
Content warnings are similar to the previous fics, with the same themes of racism and internalized homophobia. As for new warnings: 
You might have noticed this fic is rated “T” rather than “G”. That’s mostly due to some suggestive humor, and 90% of it is contained in chapter 2. Basically, I joke about the sexualized nature of modern pop music. A character also says a mild swear and there are allusions to blood (that’s not actual blood) in chapter 4. 
There is a comment in the third chapter that is mildly transphobic. Honestly, I don’t even know if “transphobic” is entirely the right word. A well meaning character (you can guess who) voices some bad assumptions. I’m trans myself and I’ve dealt with well meaning people saying worse. Compared to literally everything else in the fic it feels pretty minor. 
Lastly… I don’t know if this deserves a warning, but I hope you’re prepared for various characters to make some dumb decisions. 
Anyway, I hope you all enjoy, and feel free to give me comments and/or criticisms.
“Oh wow! Three apples! Can all of you count to three? Let’s do it together!”
“Tengo que confesar. ¡Estoy enamorado de tu prima! Eres maravilloso, pero él puede correr tan rápido…”
“Are those lions, tigers, and bears you see? Of course they are! Because this is channel 4 news, and this is our annual conservation special!” 
“That’s right folks; This entire evening is dedicated to the zoos of Blanc and all the wonderful creatures contained within.”
Tap. Tap. 
“So get cozy, because you won’t want to miss all the amazing animals and the stories behind bringing them back from the brink!” 
Tap. Tap. Tap. Taptaptap. “UGH! What the heck?!” 
Duck mashed the channel up button a few more times before tossing the remote onto the coffee table. 
Ace glanced over his book, otherwise not moving from his casual position on the opposite lounge sofa. “The batteries probably died.” 
“I know that the batteries probably died. I’m not an idiot.” Duck crossed his arms. “But now what?! I don’t wanna be stuck watching some stupid news channel.”
“You wouldn’t mind if we were still in Acmetropolis.” 
“Will you ever stop bringing that up!?” 
Ace shrugged. “If you don’t wanna watch the news then just get up and change the channel on the TV.” 
“Absolutely not! I’m not walking all the way over there!” 
“It’s like ten feet. Also, you can teleport.” 
“The buttons on the TV have a delay.” 
“So does the remote.” 
“I’m not going to get up and use the TV buttons like a loser.” 
“Well, there are plenty of other TVs in HQ. Just go find one with a working remote and watch TV there.” 
“But-! Uh…” Duck hummed, looking away. “The uh… lighting is better here. Yeah. I don’t want to go where there’s not… good lighting.” 
“I guess the sunset does look pretty nice with all the big fancy windows. That still means you’re out of luck, though.”
“Don’t remind me.” 
Ace went back to reading his book while Duck sat cross armed and frowned petulantly at the TV. 
“What you see here is the Tiger Terrace Zoo, home of the best captive breeding program in all of Blanc. Thanks to the efforts of all the wonderful staff, the incredible Blanc tiger climbed from extinct in the wild, all the way up to endangered!”
“Bor-ing. Who cares about the stupid tigers? They just chase things half the day and sleep the rest! What are they even useful for? Nothing. That’s what.” 
Duck looked over to Ace, who wasn’t paying attention.
“Fine! I’ll just get Tech to give me some new batteries!” 
Ace poked his head up. “Actually, I think I remember Lexi buying some the-” 
But Duck warped away before he could finish. 
“Oh, well, nevermind I guess.” 
Duck appeared near instantly in front of the lab door and began pounding on it. 
“Tech! You in there? Open up and give me some batteries!” He continued pounding on the door for a few moments. “Hello?!” 
A few seconds later, he crossed his arms.
“I’m coming in!” he announced, deciding to warp inside. “YEEEOUCH!!!” And immediately he warped back in front of the door.
“What the-! Oh right. The security thingamajig. Ugh. How am I supposed to find Tech?” 
The sound of metallic equipment clanking against itself toward the entrance got his attention.
“Bingo,” he said, teleporting over. 
Suddenly he was in front of the main elevator, pointing triumphantly and shouting, “aha!” However, his celebration was a little premature. 
“Uhhh, hi Duck,” Lexi greeted with mild confusion. 
“Hello,” Slam greeted as well. 
“Dang it!” he exclaimed. Then, his eyes trailed down to the things they were carrying. “Uh, what’s that?”
“Hurdles, balance bars… Just some gymnastic equipment to get our blood pumping!” 
Slam nodded enthusiastically. 
“Eugh. Isn’t it too hot outside for exercise?”
“Oh, we actually set everything up inside. The 2B storage room has loads of space. Nothing in there but an old refrigerator and a few floor fans. As a nice bonus, it’s a little harder to hear the rest of HQ while I’m in there too.”
“But isn’t the door busted?” 
“Just the opening mechanism,” she explained. “Slam’s strong enough to pull it open himself, even if the steel is a little slippery for him to grab onto.” 
Slam shrugged.
“Hm.” Then Duck jolted, his mind getting back on track. “Wait, have you seen Tech around?” 
“Not recently. I think he hasn’t left the lab much since last week. Probably caught up in a project or something.” 
“Just great. His security system stops me from quacking in and he won’t answer the door.” 
“Why do you need to see him?”
“The TV remote died and I need new batteries, and with Tech being a nerd he’s bound to have some.” 
Lexi perked up. “Oh, actually I-” 
“Wait! I bet he’d open the door for Rev! I just gotta find him, and he’ll get Tech to lend me some batteries.” 
“If you would-!” 
And Duck teleported away. 
Lexi and Slam looked at each other and shrugged, before continuing on. 
At Rev’s bedroom door, Duck began pounding on it similarly to how he did in front of the lab. 
“Rev?! You in there?!” 
“Oh! Yeah. The security is off and the door is open but give me a sec to-”
Upon opening the door anyway, “AHH!” a mountain of papers fell out and completely buried Duck. 
In a flash Rev was by the door. “…clean up.” 
Duck popped his head out of the pile and glared at him. 
Rev chuckled sheepishly. “Honestly I tried to warn you and considering how fast I talk I’m surprised you didn’t manage to hear my entire warning before opening the door.”
“Yeah. Yeah. Whatever.” Duck wrestled his arms free of what was apparently a post-it note pile and picked one up. “What were you even doing? You’ve hardly been around for the past week.”
“Oh uh, just some research.”
Duck squinted at the chicken scratch covering the note. “Public opponents of the 1989 ICZN Opinion 1567 ruling regarding Case 2607,” he squinted harder, “-the moving of Canis latrans sapiens to Latrans sapiens under family… can-did-ay,” he tilted his head concernedly, “rudely wore shirts depicting a coyote with stink lines in protest.” Duck looked up and grimaced at Rev. “…What the heck kind of research is this?” 
“Um, well, you know…” Rev quickly swooped over and gathered the pile of post-its in a big bunch before shoving them in a corner of his room. 
Duck got up and brushed himself off, then followed Rev inside. “I really don’t. That paper was covered in weird nerd stuff.” 
Rev chuckled nervously. “You see, I recently realized that some of my views and behaviors regarding Tech were… not fair, so I made a small effort to remedy that.” 
The incredulous frown on Duck’s face grew as he failed to find a single space in Rev’s room that wasn’t plastered with colorful notes. Actually, no. Duck quickly spied a framed photo on Rev’s nightstand with Tech not so subtly left visible in it. But besides that, there was a nauseating amount of colorful papers absolutely everywhere. “‘Small’?”  
“I… wanted to be thorough.” 
When his eyes returned to Rev, he noticed a few dozen notes covering him as well. “Have you tried not being stupid?” 
Rev huffed. “This is me trying not to be stupid.” 
“Well, hopefully you’ve at least figured out that Tech didn’t want to eat you, then.” 
Coughing awkwardly, Rev looked away. “How… do you know about that?” 
“Lexi told me you came flying past her screaming about it.” 
“Oh… I… guess I should’ve asked her not to say anything…” he cleared his throat. “But uh, yes. I do know that Tech wasn’t trying to eat me.” 
“Great. And since we’re already talking about Tech, can you get me into the lab so I can talk to him?” 
“I can see if he’ll let us in. But what do you need to see him for?” 
“I need some new batteries.”
“Oh! I have some batteries!” Rev ran to his desk and pulled open a drawer, inadvertently flinging some post-its into the air. “I’ve got Double A, Quadruple A, A Twenty-Three, C Cell, D Cell, Nine Volt-”
He stopped his rummaging. “Yeah?” 
“Any Triple A?” 
Rev glanced back into the drawer for a moment. “Oh, uh, no.” 
“Then can you open the lab already?!” 
“Sure. I’ll meet you there.” 
In an instant, Rev was gone. Duck soon followed. 
When he appeared directly in front of the door, Rev was off to the side speaking through the intercom. 
“Are you sure, Tech? You kinda sound like you don’t want me or especially Duck to come in.”
“It’s… fine. Just open the door.” 
Rev inputted some kind of overly elaborate code onto the keypad and the door slid open. 
“WAH!” And Duck was buried in papers again. He warped upward and landed on top of the paper pile. “Geez Tech!” came Duck’s scolding as Tech walked closer. “Have you ever heard of a folder?” 
“Yes. But I’ve also heard of staples.” And like that, Tech used his power to yank all of the papers out from under him, landing Duck straight onto his butt.
“OOF!” Getting back onto his feet and brushing himself off, Duck scowled. “Any reason you had a pile of paper precariously placed right at the door?”
“Genuine mistake,” Tech stated through a smirk before walking his paper tower further into the lab.
“Whatever,” Duck huffed, following him inside with Rev shortly behind. “The TV remote’s dead. I need Triple A batteries for it.”
“Alright. Hand me the ones in the remote.”
“Okay.” Duck teleported.
And immediately he was right back where he teleported from. 
“You didn’t turn off the security thingy?!”
“It takes a while to shut off, so I didn’t bother. Sorry that I forgot to mention it,” Tech said with faux innocence. 
“You’re despicable.” Duck sharply turned and walked out of the lab’s door, before teleporting away properly this time. 
Rev brought his attention to Tech. 
“Something happen between you two?” 
“Not really. I’m still mad about something he said last week… even though I probably shouldn’t be by now.”
“What’d he say?”
“Eh, it’d take too long to explain. Long story short, he gave me some dumb advice I’d never use in my right mind.”
“Well that definitely sounds like something he’d do.”
Duck appeared at the doorway again and stomped inside. “Here’s the batteries,” he said, practically shoving them into Tech’s hands. “Now, give me some new ones.”
“I don’t have any.” 
“I used the last of the ones I had a while ago. You’ll just have to wait for these ones to recharge.” With that, Tech walked over and set them into the battery charger on his desk. 
“How long will that take?!” 
“A few hours, at least.” 
“You can’t be serious?! How am I supposed to go without the remote for that long?!” 
Rev stuck up his pointer finger triumphantly. “Actually! You know what? I just remembered; While I was grabbing a quick snack the other day I think I overheard Lexi talking about-” 
“Would you quit yackin? Some people have real problems to deal with.” Duck groaned, stomping back to the door. “I guess I’ll have to find some batteries myself! You literal and not-literal love birds enjoy your freaky nerd nests; I’ve got some battery hunting to do.” 
“We’re not-!” And Duck was gone before Rev could finish. 
Tech crossed his arms. “You know, he’s just trying to get under your skin.” 
“But-! He can’t just… keep saying stuff like that!” 
“Just ignore him. Don’t give him the satisfaction of thinking you’re actually listening.” 
“I… Yeah. You’re right…”
Tech looked around his lab, papers in towers all around. “I guess this would qualify as a ‘nerd nest’,” he said. “Duck made it sound like you had one too?” 
“Yeah. I’ve been doing some research on-” Rev’s words got caught in his throat. “Uh, stuff.” 
“Y-Yeah. Just… nothing weird or… I don’t know.” 
Tech took a few steps closer, and Rev held his breath. 
Then Tech snagged a post-it caught up Rev’s crest and brought it into his vision. 
“You said it was nothing weird, right?” 
“I-I did, but-” 
“Then why can’t I see what you’ve been up to?” 
“I… well… I don’t know. Something doesn’t feel entirely right… but as far as I can figure out it’s okay…” 
Tech raised the note into his view, reading it aloud. “In a 2165 speech, the governor of New New Jersey was quoted saying that coyotes were cunning and untrustworthy, contributing to the spread of these stereotypes.” His gaze returned to Rev, giving him an expression of mild concern. “This is what you’ve been doing for the past week?” 
“Well not entirely. I mean I did spend a bit of time on it as I wanted to be thorough but I did have to eat and sleep and…” Rev cowered. “Did I screw up?” 
Tech handed Rev back the note. “Doing some research is a good idea, but if your room is looking anything like it does in here, you might’ve gone overboard.” 
“Um…” Rev looked around, avoiding eye contact. “Anyway, what have you been up to? You said you were working on something but you’ve been pretty quiet about it all week.”
Tech sighed, deciding to ignore Rev’s sidestep for now. “Well…” His ears drooped. “I wanted it to be a surprise, but nothing's come of it so far. When you asked to come in I figured that… I couldn’t keep you out forever…”
Rev stepped over to one of the stacks of paper and took a stapled group off the top, scanning through. “Oh!” Rev perked up with a bright smile. “You’re experimenting with your potential electromagnetic abilities!” Slowly, his smile dropped. “But… you said nothing’s come of it?” 
“Yeah… I haven’t managed to generate a single watt, let alone a circuit frying EMP.” Tech turned away, sighing wearily. “It should have been so easy. Magnetism and electricity are intrinsically linked, and I used both so effortlessly just last week. Yet… stacks documentation and experiments later… and I think I’ve lost all hope of figuring it out…” 
“Aw, I’m sure you can do it eventually! Maybe you just need to come at it from a different angle.” 
“Different angle?” 
“Sure! How’ve you been trying to create electromagnetic energy so far?” 
“Well…” Tech motioned Rev to his main work table, which had a few stacks of paper and a simple energy monitor attached to some loose wires on it. “I know that, mechanically, all that I should have to do is rapidly oscillate my magnetic fields near some conductive material to generate electricity, so I hooked up some wires to an energy monitor and tried to do just that. If I managed to generate even a single watt, I’d be able to see it. So far though… no luck.” 
“Hmm…” Rev leaned down and tilted his head, looking at the simplistic set up. “This kinda seems like a cold and mechanical way of figuring things out.” He straightened up and turned back to Tech. “What about the emotional part? Didn’t you say you’d figure out what you were feeling when you produced the EMPs and try to replicate the circumstances?” 
“I’m… still not entirely sure what specific emotion correlated to producing the EMPs, or if that correlation even exists or matters at all.” Sighing, he wiped his face. “Nevertheless… I have tried inducing various emotions through different means, but the longer I continued, the more the utter failure of these experiments got to me and possibly influenced the results…” 
“Maybe you should try something else like- Oh!” Rev rushed out of sight, then came back with a simple LED lightbulb. “It’ll take very little energy to get this to light up, and when it does, you’ll have a quick and easy indicator that you’re on the right track!”
Taking the lightbulb offered to him, Tech turned it in his hands with an unsure expression. “Even if LEDs are more efficient than other bulbs, it’ll still take more energy to produce results than creating a current through the energy monitor.”
“That’s true, but a lightbulb is easier to carry around, and getting out of the lab might help things feel a little less stagnate.” Rev stepped around and started ushering Tech to the door. “And I don’t know about you, but I would have never learned about the full potential of my powers if nothing changed. Running faster, sure; I already run everywhere. But flying? That was entirely different territory. I looked into the sky and wondered if I could, and after many failed jumps, it wasn’t until I stopped thinking about the ground that I finally took off.” 
After a moment to hum in thought, Tech shrugged. “I did only discover my powers when I wasn’t thinking about them. Mostly because I had no idea I even had them. Maybe a short break will help me clear my mind a bit.” 
“That’s a great idea!” They stepped out of the lab and the door automatically locked behind them. “Once you’ve cleared your head a little I just know you’ll figure everything out! Maybe I can even throw you a party once you do! Complete with nice clothes and everything. But, since it’s been like a week since you’ve left the lab, before all that you could probably use a good meal and-” Rev sniffed the air and gagged, “uh, maybe a shower.” 
Nodding with a shrug, Tech continued forward a few steps before noticing that Rev had gone entirely still. He turned to him in curiosity and was met with a mortified expression. 
“I’m really sorry if that was mean or uncalled for! I wasn’t even really thinking about what I said and then it came out and I don’t know why it even did because I’d never mean to-”
“-hurt you even a little because I’m supposed to be your best friend but I should’ve known better and-”
“Rev!” Tech shot his hand out toward Rev’s beak, but stopped himself before actually grabbing it. Thankfully, the movement was enough to get Rev’s attention, cutting his rant short. 
“I’m… sorry…” Rev summarized quietly.
Tech crossed his arms. “Well, I’d like to know what for, because I’m entirely lost.”
“Wait you don’t even-” Rev paused. “Uh, maybe it’d be better if I didn’t elaborate…”
“After how much you just freaked out? No. I really think you should explain yourself.” 
“Oh…” Rev rubbed his arm, his eyes locked on the floor. “Well, there were quite a few records of people assuming that coyotes smelled and I don’t want to be one of those people…” 
Tech rolled his eyes, sighing with a neutral expression. “Okay… It’s great that you did some research, and also great that you’re making an effort to be more considerate,” 
Rev froze with dread of what was coming next.
And there it was. That sharp stab to the gut.
“I’d really like it if you didn’t make things awkward, alright? Like I already said; If you say something uncalled for, I’ll let you know. And when I let you know, then you can say sorry, and then we can move on. Got it?” 
“Got it…” 
“There’s no need to overreact if you say the wrong thing to me. I can handle it, I promise. So, unless I make a big deal of whatever you say, just treat the situation like you would any mistake you’d make. Alright?” 
Tech smiled warmly, stepping forward and giving Rev a few pats on the shoulder. 
“You’re on the right track, so just relax and have some confidence in yourself already. Everything is going to be fine. Okay?”
Finally, he pulled away. “I do need to take a shower though. Afterward, maybe a nice walk around HQ will help me figure out my powers. So, I’ll talk to you later, Rev.” 
He started walking away. 
“Later, Tech. I promise I’ll take your advice to heart.” 
With a thumbs up, Tech stepped around the corner and out of sight. 
Finally alone, Rev sighed, rubbing his arm. 
“Dang it… All that research… and it still wasn’t enough to stop me from screwing up…” A warbled breath left his beak, and Rev immediately straightened up and cleared his throat. 
“No. Tech wouldn’t want me to cry. I just… need to never make another mistake, and then I’ll never hurt his feelings again, and then I’ll never feel the need to cry. Everything will be fine. Just… think… Where did I go wrong…” 
He started pacing back and forth, though, at a characteristically fast speed. A few post-its jostled off and fluttered to the floor. 
Abruptly, his feet came to a halt. 
“Confidence! Tech said I needed to have some confidence in myself! I’m not quite sure how confidence will help me avoid hurting his feelings, but Tech knows what he’s talking about so getting some confidence will definitely work. Now… how to get some confidence…” 
Another brief bout of pacing later and he triumphantly raised a finger into the air. 
“Lexi’s got confidence in spades! I’ll just go ask her how to get some confidence and then I’ll be the most perfect best friend that Tech could ever hope to have!” 
And with that, Rev dashed across HQ to find her, more post-its fluttering to the ground in his wake. 
Link to Oversight Chapter 2 ->
35 notes · View notes
desultory-novice · 2 years
post forgotten land, do you think hal will retire waddle dees as enemies from future mainline games? also, when do you think the next mainline game will release?
It used to be, we got a new Kirby game around once a year. 
Those weren't all mainline titles, but mainline entries weren't infrequent then by any means. In a way, we're extremely lucky to get a mainline game, an expanded mini-game (how I treat Dream Buffet) and a remake of a mainline game all in one year! Not all companies treat their properties as well as HAL has for their 30th anniversary.
However, the further along the console generations get, the longer development on new titles tends to be, just as a general rule. That can lessen some if you're able to reuse assets and whatnot. It also depends what you're developing for. A system your programmers already know inside and out? Or something entirely new to your staff?
It's safe to say, 5 games in, HAL Labs knows Switch development extremely well. There's no particular rule about this, but a Kirby game is usually one of the last "big" titles to come out for any given Nintendo platform. (I believe that's because HAL would prefer to work on hardware they are familiar with, rather than rush to the newest, shiniest thing.) So I'd say we probably still have one more Kirby Switch game ahead of us after Return to Dream Land DX. Which would be nice, because when a new console inevitably launches, we probably won't be seeing a Kirby game for a few years, while the team acclimates to the new platform.
Director Kumazaki mentioned somewhere something about Star Allies and Forgotten Land are akin to two parts of a single story. Before a new mainline title can be developed, they must decide what Kirby's next adventure will be. Going back through the interviews, I read that Star Allies was designed with the thought of "What might the LAST Kirby game be like?" Of course, it wasn't the last. It was just designed so that it could fulfill that role if necessary. This puts Kumazaki et al in an interesting position, because where do you go from here? Anyway, that's a question for a different ask! Moving on to Waddle Dees...
Hot Take: I don't necessarily think they need to retire Waddle Dees as enemies just because we've rescued and made friends with them. For one thing, being friends with them hasn't stopped us from knocking them around before! Waddle Dee was a companion back in 64. We’ve fought plenty of Waddle Dee since then! 
Something I try to remind myself too is that while Popstar is a world of food, naps, and playtime, "playtime" in Popstar is probably a little more wild than we expect it to be in our world. 
As an example, look at the number of people who see Meta Knight as Kirby's caring, attentive father figure who would make anyone who picked on Kirby regret it with their life.
...This is knowing that very same Meta Knight challenges Kirby to an intense sword duel to the (not) death every time they meet!! That’s not exactly throwing the baseball around the in backyard, is it? But heck, maybe it IS on Popstar...?
I mean, they're bringing back that one mini game where you hit BOMBS at each other with a frying pan in RtDL DX!! I think.... I really think the residents of Popstar are generally less concerned about fighting (and blowing up) than maybe we are...? 
(Probably why forgiveness is given out so easily on Popstar. "Oh, you blew up my castle? Yeah, Kirby did that last week too when we were fighting over who got the last slice of pie. No big deal.")
You can attack the residents of Waddle Dee Town too and they just angry Wanya! at you and go back to what they're doing.
I think it's fine to keep them as enemies because they help make the world less lonely. Sure, they could keep the concept of Waddle Dee Town going, but probably only for a game or two. Kirby games always like to mix up the formula every few entries. Even the most diehard fans of Forgotten Land would probably get tired of that same gameplay loop by "Kirby and the Forgotten Land 4: I Can't Believe They Forgot Again!" 
As enemies, they get a chance to interact with the world in fun and interesting ways too. Do you recall the various swinging Waddle Dees? (I ADORE those ones so much. Sooo cute!) Driving Waddle Dees? Napping Waddle Dees? Waddle Dees who happen to be standing above a pit trap and OH NO WADDLE DEE! I DIDN'T MEAN TO HIT THAT SWITCH!
I typed that last one out because I've had that "Ahhhh! Nooo! Poor little guy!" reaction to Waddle Dees even before Forgotten Land came out. And I imagine I will continue to have that reaction to them. 
You can also avoid them, too! Outside of the mini bosses, you're rarely (never...?) forced into attacking one. (Has someone made a "no Waddle Dees harmed" series of challenge videos akin to that "Can you beat <X> without Jumping?" one?) Kirby is a platforming series at heart. You don’t even need to hurt anyone to progress. Well, not most.
That's a long way of saying, I think they can still be enemies because I think it's fine with the Dees themselves if they are! At least, going by the general worldview of Kirby. I believe that when the Dees are really, truly in danger (being kidnapped by the Beast Pack is clearly something they don't want) Kirby and the rest will go out of their way to save them. But I don't think being inhaled or spit out by Kirby counts as "real danger." It's rarely been portrayed that way!
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plaindangan · 1 year
Ok ok let’s talk real here.
It’s the first day of this new school year! Yay! Makoto, hajime and Shuichi can finally see their respective girlfriends after a summer away~!
However what none expected was how kyoko would develop a surprisingly muscular but also extremely thicc leged and fat ass.
Chiaki ? She turned bimbo size, not even talking about how tall she got~? And those mega bazoongas?!
As for kaede ? Thicc, mega boob, mega fat ass, muscular, tall.. and also added slutiness and.. a tan?! Yeah why not. Look Kaede is my fav so she gets every sexy point.
Oh and Shuichi also developed a very fat ass.
Shenanigans ensue.
Disclaimer: Below is content that's more on the racy side! If not for you, you probably shouldn't read
"You seem pre-occupied..."
"Wh-what!? M-m-me? Th-that's totally not true!~"
At least...that's what Makoto tried to tell himself. In truth, it was incredibly hard for him not to look at Kyoko - or more accurately - her backside. It was blatantly obvious Kyoko was working on her hips for the summer. She was already pretty much the reigning champ for her class, having a natural bubble butt that would put many to shame...but now?
Even as Makoto walked behind her, his eyes could resist those cheeks for long. Not only had Kyoko had gotten them quite toned, they had took an increase in size. Becoming so fat that the purple shorts the detective had decided to wear barely even covered up an inch of the new meaty rump. That's not even mentioning just how plump and toned her thighs were. If she were to put Makoto's head between them she'd have another body on her hands...and if that were to be the case, Makoto sure wouldn't have minded!~
Makoto was such a bad liar like always!~ She'll have to punish him...maybe by pinning him down with her large ass? A small smirk appeared on Kyoko's face, those new glutes of her's clapping louder than ever as she marched both back to his dorm. How lucky!~
When Hajime last saw Chiaki she was shorter than him, yet brimming with that cool, charming geeky allure she always had...
So...when the heck did this growth spurt kick in!? Standing twice as tall he originally was, Chiaki was towearing over him pretty easily. And she didn't even look fazed!?
"Aaaaaaaaah, hn? Hey, hey...Hajime...good morning. Hope you're doing okay..." With a another yawn, the gamer outstretched her arms and embraced her boyfriend...which kind of lead into the next issue. Basically, Chiaki had pretty much mega milkers for boobs now!~
Stupidly large, it was a miracle Chiaki could even stand up straight, let alone walk right with them. Her own dress shirt was hanging on by a literal button and it was clear from the gaps that Chiaki wasn't even wearing a bra. That alone had Hajime's ahoge stand straight on end and he imagined the chaos that button snapping off would bring.
But, that fantasy had utterly paled when was embraced!~ Unbeknownst to Chiaki, her new stature had effectively had Hajime's buried face deep in her new enlarged pillows. So soft...so plush!~ Combine that with the slow rocking Chiaki was doing and Hajime was feeling a strange blend:
Of absolute, soul satisfying comfort...and the feeling of soul-wrenching willpower doing his utmost not to ensure a certain 'part' of him wasn't poking his lover!~
At least, not yet!~
"Heeey, like that I'm back!~ Me, Mel and Mom went to Hawaii for a bit!~ Don't you think I look amazing!~"
Kaede was never one for subtlety concerning her feelings for Shuichi. After all, why play 50 questions when she can tell him how she feels and get inside those cute little pants of his!~ Especially in the case of showing off.
Thanks to her trip, Kaede came back with a rather impressive tan! Something she proudly showed off in her current outfit: pink shorts (displaying her extra plump booty and thighs) and white shirt that exposed much of her tight stomach and failed to cover up much of her gigantic tits!~ Oh, can't forget the sun hat of course!~ A pink one was settled right on the blonde's head, adding to the 'tourist' image she had approached Shuichi in!~
"Did you miss me, sweetie? Because I missed you!~" Kaede said, glomping the emo boy with her soft, plump, mass. Taking pride as she heard him sputter ever so cutely. With a mischievous smile, her hands dove for one of the things she missed the most - that detective booty!~ "I especially missed this bubble butt of yours!~ Did it get bigger?~" As her nimble fingers dug into the soft fleshy mounds of Shuichi, she heard the wonderful moans emit from him. A sound that she longed to hear more of!~
Yes, for all three couples some much needed quality time was in order...long, long, looooooooong quality time!~
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lest reality may gaslight me...........
i admit there's this growing jealousy of mine when she talks about her escapades in coding. it kinda reminded me how little i know, when in fact i should know this.
now the semester's coming (yep i got enrolled, thank god) i did what most people do when they're dunno what the heck things would do: ask their nearest person
"so, honest question, do you think we're work-ready?" "i dont think so. why's that?" "if beginners nowadays can code RISC-V like it was nothing, what's left to us? sure we can say we studied this course for like 4 years but... isnt that a waste?" "i mean... yeah? i mean even the webdevs of our course were really cocky. no one even taught us AI. heck, our classmates are working on BPO. nothing wrong about it but it's such a waste of skill" (some context on the text above: the mate's specializing in AI. also some of us know webdev. at least we can deploy XAMPP and call it a day. others feel fancy with their javascripts. the second person also has a knack of wanting to make a RISC on their own. welp) and i'm still here being jealous with even seeing double colons on code, or even a simple coding example. i just cant do this anymore. it's filled with spite and i dunno where to channel that frustration: i need to learn this. but i cant. and i'm demotivated.
then she started planning on making a compiler.
we never had that kind of stuff in my course. so in confusion, i asked my mates who were studying outside of my cooleg
"hey y'all made compilers in your course?" "yeah." and idk what to say. i just wasted 4 years of my life. just. gone
"why didnt you take a course that has a license? i mean, with that entrance exam score you're set to every course" because i liked it here. but now it's just a lie.
and i wasted 4 years of my life here.
i remembered the Cult Leader (my prof, not really a cult leader but their messianic complex is HARD) said to us: "what's the use of learning low level? everything's done in web these days" as my mates and i were doing system calls on our devices.
and the worst of it all was the fact that my bff told me a real cold hard truth accidentally:
"hey did you know? your course is just a minor on this other engineering course"
lol i have no pride left in my what is essentially me, my hobby, my joy, my life. not only im dumb, but i know nothing
so, there are two options left for me:
just cry about it.
accept that everything is mediocre and you need to walk on your own, spite and all
while eating my lunch today, i told to myself i need a focused learning of all the things i wanna learn to. no i wont speak it beacause im afraid it wouldnt come to fruition
i wanna apologise to her tbh. not only she didnt know, i just dunno what she talks about 80% of the time. i like it when she's around, and i like it when she's eager on something. sorry ><
kinda disappointing that i'll go back on 4th year instead of 1st year. i definitely need that introductory class.
all i got in the end was... please dont tell your hobbies, because if you do you'll feel insecure about it when you find you dont hobbied hard enough
or maybe stuck myself reading philosophy books, whatever.
so i asked myself wtf are we geared upon??? and welp it was obvious in hindsight, and in that one startup i worky on: it's all about building systems, the macro scale. hell we have prereqs for software engineering and another one for the Master's course
sorta like the disconnect between businessmen talking about their plans 10 years (they always talk about this) vs friends planning a vacation 12 hours in advance. the first one dont need that much mental flex, only daydreaming.
...probably this is why the trend seems to be microservices, where they all struggle to keep their modularity in check. and now they removed the ethics board. they wanna think about futures, but not the present. may they rot in peace.
ok if you ask me what i wanna learn, it'll be HDL (verilog?) on the mondays, C/Rust on the tuesdays (cant decide. fuck it PSP time), RISC-V on the wednesdays, MIPS on the thursdays (fuck it PSP time), and friday's just Cebuano. saturday and sundays are for dumb time. cant decide how to tho. you can prolly do algorithms on any of those but that would be silly unless it's higher level i seriously wanna learn like functional languages, or languages near the theoretical side of things. we dont have the math touch in our hands and in fact we only have like 2 semesters of calculus.
this isnt prolly gonna be in fruition considering i laze around and dont have the will for anything than breathing and living
im kinda excited what shits will do in our embedded systems class. they said it's all arduino and stuff, why not go nuts? i guess.
there's 2 days of Neural Networks. no we wont build exotic stuff like GANs or something.
sigh. even with all this, i'm still dumb.
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hummingbird-games · 9 months
Dev Diaries
October 1, 2023
My goodness, it's the first devlog post-Crushed release!! How did that happen???
And where the heck has 2023 gone?!?! 🙃
Okay, pausing--for like four seconds--on the sillies, I've got some updates for y'all, so have a seat and get comfy.
Crushed updated build is out!!!
Now with the rest of the partial voice acting!!!
It was a super fun experience with the VA and I giggled a lot to hear the words I wrote spoken into existence. I think the next project I work on with voice work will also be partial. However, I can't imagine doing a whole game with full voice work. I can feel the mental break down from that possibility making its descent....
The postmortem was longer than I anticipated it to be, so it shall be posted separately (and with a read more for your scrolling needs) sometime! I go into (more) details on my inspiration and the process from hesitant idea, to jam entry, to a full-blown game, and all the heartbreak and burnout and catharsis in between!
You can also search 'gamedev rambles' or 'crushed vn' where I've already blabbed about Development Tingz LOL.
2. The HBG Twitter account has been nuked.
Yeah. Apologies if this is how you're finding out about it. I honestly have no idea where my audience is located as y'all are a quiet (but supportive) bunch. But for me as a player, it hurts because many of my peers are only on or are most active on Twitter.
However, me and the bird app have been at odds for a while so I guess it was just a matter of time... 🥲
3. Game Jam Gemini Mode
Alright, time to get serious-serious. (HA!)
While I was Fighting The Good Fight concerning getting Crushed up before the summer ended, I started dropping hints about the next project I wanted to work on with Yuri Jam (and Once Upon A Time jam) coming up.
Well. After giving it some thought, forcing myself to pause long enough to breathe, catching up on personal reading and other things, and again, giving it more thought: nope.
I could ignore this decision which I hate and push on anyway, but the consequences are not ones I want to deal with, nor will I be physically able to handle. (Yes, this is a direct reference to my health lol).
My plan about this time was to start reaching out to people and create a team--given that I banged out a script at lighting speed just so I knew what roles I needed and was prepared. I'm still not sure where that burst of frenzied energy came from, but it's gone now.
And then in between making Crushed live and getting the first voiced update done, I started to feel really weird. Like "Hello, Anxiety My Old Friend" weird. And I kept berating myself for dragging my feet, especially as Yuri Jam (and OUAT) are so 'chill' and 'easy-going' and why was I still freaking out? What was wrong with me???
Anyway, once the last voiced update went live, it hit me how utterly exhausted I was. Still am(?) So it's insane to think I was somehow going to have enough energy to lead a whole ass team to create one more project before the year ends. Even if said project was under 5k words.
Even as I write this saying I'm done, a part of me keeping scheming up ways to make it work.
But I wouldn't be doing it for the right reasons anyway (i.e. feeling like I should participate in more jams because every other developer is and I'm a bad indie dev if I don't, and feeling this desperation to prove I can tell other kinds of stories. ahahahaha)
A L S O I am broke 😂 And money talks louder than anything else!! This was the year--and continues to be the year-- of medical expenses and emergencies so like...gotta recover from that too.
The Knight Dance (my short Yuri idea) shall return, but next year at the earliest. And who knows? It might benefit from me not working on it now. Or that's what I'm telling myself so my brain will chill.
4. Tackling Ko-fi
I keep saying I'm going to start putting content on ko-fi, or posts, or something, and I keep proving to be a liar. That ends soon!
I've been playing around with the idea of adding both content for subs and one-time donators as well as free content, these things all exclusive to ko-fi. So there's an incentive to you guys to visit and an incentive for me to keep up with it.
There's a lot to the world of HSD/Crushed that just didn't make it into the games, and probably won't for a while, and then there are drabbles and longer stories that would be fun to write and share for anyone who's curious.
In conclusion!!!
Go play Crushed!! Go support some game Kickstarters!! Go support a Pateron/Ko-fi of your fave creator!! Go replay some games!!
And watch this space for the Crushed postmortem and my yearly games & demos wrap up!!
And maaaaaaaybe catch me on the sideblog where I embody the cringe gamer girl I truly am???
~ Gemini
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{Sonic the Hedgehog} "Ludicrous Speed" [For © KatarinaTheCat]
[The Egg Fleet is coming on the radar.] Sonic: Uh-oh. Here comes the the bad year blimp. Tails: We'd better get out of here in a hurry. Sonic: Switch to secret hyperjets. Tails: Switching to secret hyperjets. Sonic: Buckle up, lil' buddy. We're going in hyperactive. [Cut to Final Fortress; Where Dr. Eggman and Sleet are standing in front; Tornado 2 is in front of them.] Sleet: We're closing in on them, sir. In less than a minute, both Sonic and Tails will be ours. Dr. Eggman: Good. prepare to attack. Sleet: Prepare to attack! Dr. Eggman: I just said that! Sleet. I know. I was just interpreting what you just said before-- [Dr. Eggman stares down on Sleet] Sleet: *Clears throat* Welll, Anyways... Full speed ahead! Dr. Eggman: On the count of three. One... Two... [Tornado 2 takes off] Dr. Eggman: W-what?! What happened?! Where'd they go? Sleet: I don't know, sir. They must've hyperjets on that thing! Dr. Eggman: And what have we got on THIS thing? A QUEZINART?! Sleet: No sir! Dr. Eggman: Well, find them! Catch them! Sleet: Yes, sir! [goes over loudspeaker] Prepare the ship for Light Speed. Dr. Eggman: No, no, no. Light Speed's too slow. We're gonna have to go into... "Ludicrous Speed". [Egg-Robos all gasp] Sleet:[stuttering] L-ludicrous Speed? Sir, We've never gone that fast before. I don't know if this ship can take it! Dr. Eggman: What's the matter, Commander? Chicken? Sleet:[goes into high pitch] P-PREPARE THE SHIP--! [goes into normal pitch] Prepare the ship for Ludicrous Speed! Fasten all seat belts, seal all entrances and exits, close all shops in the mall, cancel the 3-ring circus, secure all animals in the zoo-- Dr. Eggman:[snatches microphone] Oh gimme that, you stupid, pathetic excuse for an officer! [Turns in microphone] Now hear this, Ludicrous Speed Sleet:[buckles seat belt] Sir, I think you'd better buckle up! Dr. Eggman: Ah, buckle this! [Turns in microphone] Ludicrous Speed, GO! [The Final Fortress takes off; The display lights up; Light Speed, Ridiculous Speed, Ludicrous Speed; Dr. Eggman is being pulled back.] Dr. Eggman:[screaming] AAH! WHAT HAVE I DONE?! MY BRAINS ARE GOING INTO MY FEET!! [Th Final Fortress passes over the Tornado 2; leaving a plaid shadow] Tails: What the heck was that...?! Sonic: ...Baldy McNosehair? Tails: They've gone to plaid...! [Back at the Final Fortress] Dr. Eggman:[Shouting] We've passed them! STOP THIS THING! Sleet:[Sobbing loudly] We can't stop, it's too dangerous! We need to slow down first! Dr. Eggman:[still shouting] NONSENSE! Just stop this thing, I order you! STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP!!! [Sleet pulls on emergency brake which read, "Emergency Stop. never use." The ship stops and Dr. Eggman goes flying into a panel.] Sleet:[pick Dr. Eggman up] Are you all right, sir? Dr. Eggman: Fine... How've you been? Sleet: Fine, sir. Dr. Eggman: Good... Sleet: It's a good thing you're wearing those goggles. Dr. Eggman: ...Yeah. Sleet: What should we do now, sir? Dr. Eggman: Well... Have we stopped? Sleet: We've stopped, sir. Dr. Eggman: ...Good. Well, why don't we take a 5 min break? Sleet: Very good, sir. Dr. Eggman: ...SMOKE IF YOU GOT 'EM ^^ [Dr. Eggman falls flat on his face]
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nerdyenby · 1 year
Red time :D I’m watching Jojo
Ollie freaking out that they’re supposed to change skins 😂
Mmm yes studying time
I am taking so many notes queen
What are Jojo’s teammates’ pronouns? She used they/them for Ollie but idk
Also heads up that I don’t know Spanish so I’m just gonna be smiling and nodding
J… my beloved
Ollie so proud of having done their homework :))
Kara doing her best, we stan (I know absolutely zero Spanish send help)
Ok it makes sense since there are a lot of new people but that doesn’t mean I’m gonna be happy about it /hj
They are the underdogs, I believe
Jojo being so proud of Ollie and how much they’ve studied <333
“Oh my god I love the emojis” I love Ollie ;-;
I want them to win so bad, you don’t get it
“We’re on the same team!!” “Not right now” I love Ollie and Jojo’s banter so much
Ollie talking about how they hope this could be the start of MCC including more Spanish streamers and being really excited to be part of the event being more open to other communities :)))
Oh my gosh mc ultimate, that was so long ago
We do a little bit of breathing, so true
Me not knowing a lick of Spanish but loving the energy :))
I only know like five words in Spanish so I’m just vibing and every now I’m then like “ah yes, bien means good”
It probably says something that listening to people talking in another language doesn’t even sound weird to me because of how hard APD goes, it just sounds like this to me sometimes even when I do know the language lmao
The “THIRTO YNE” in the sky 😂
Rocket Spleef
The excited/nervous energy on this team is so endearing, they’re all so happy to be here but also with a healthy coat of anxiety
Them all cheering Jojo on :))
That last minute elimination lol
Gonna be real, I was spaced the heck out during this game, Jojo did well tho!!
Parkour Warrior
So do we know what happened with Shadoune?
They’re a player down but they’re keeping morale up :))
Jojo’s ability to first try the wavy bridge thing is incredibly intimidating actually
She’s going for the hard ending!!
That checkerboard is breaking my brain but I kinda love it???
Ollie’s popping off tho
FIRST!!!! oh wait nevermind 😭😭😭
Parkour Tag
They’re popping off!!! They’re lasting so long so often!!
The way you can tell that they’re having so much fun now that they’ve found a groove :))
Capitan top 5!!!
“Chat, I was the nerf” Jojo 😂
Sylvee my beloved
What song even is this lol
OH it’s good for you, helps when you can actually hear the instrumental lmao
Holy crap Bad, I know he didn’t mean it but that is the most backhanded compliment in existence
Grid Runners
They’re doing well!!
That copy the sculpture was pain tho
It felt like they figured out the rod thing really quick
I’m so ready for them to pop off, you don’t understand
Jojo frantically switching to English when she gets frozen is way funnier to me than it should be
Ayyyy they won the first round :D
Nooooo them just running around a locked room is and falling into the lava together :((
Survival Games
Gonna be honest, the pov I have to read subtitles for probably isn’t the one I should be watching while drawing lol
They’re doing great though!! People are just dropping like flies and they’re killing it
They swept blue!!
YOOO first place with all surviving!!!
“Hispanic on top!!! Vamos!!” Hell yeah!!!
“The Spanish Inquisition” 😂😂😂
He doesn’t know where the sand goes 😭😭😭
Sands of Time
The “holã HBomb” in the chat <333
I believe in jojosolos sot supremacy
They all sound so stressed but that’s not really an indicator of how good it’s going in sands lol
It’s so funny to hear “oh my gosh” after 90% of the English words in this call have been “f*ck” or “ok” lol
It’s super possible indeed :)))
Them <333
Capitan 1v3!!
THEY WONN!!!!!!!
Jojo winning shot my beloved <3
Jojo appreciation hour <333
THEY DIDNT EVEN KNOW ABOUT THE COIN 😭😭😭 “we get a prize?” I’m losing it
They’re so excited about the box <33
“I’m gonna propose to my girlfriend with that” OLLIE 😂
Ollie wanting to team with English streamers too :))
“I think Jojo- she doesn’t speak English, right?” “I don’t- no- I…” “No?” The absolute flub 😂
They’re so excited to come back :((((( I love them :(((
I love chill after calls :))
Captain/capitan team <333
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