#hector is actually just Odysseus after therapy
mythology-void · 8 months
Achilles: oops my beloved husband/love of my life was murdered by Hector so I guess I have to chase him screaming around the battlefield and fight anything and anyone who gets in my way including this river god :D isn't going mad from grief so silly
Achilles: Bleeding to death on the ground
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cirtnecce-swan · 8 days
my random iliad headcanons
1. patroclus is incredibly sassy and simply doesn’t care what the other leaders think of him. it’s not even bc he has achilles backing him, he just doesnt care
2. patroclus is an incredibly good singer and the myrmidions all gather around his tent at night to hear him sing.
3. odysseus and diomedes operate as a unit and diomedes actually has half of odysseus’ brain cells
4. hector secretly adores his younger brother (paris) but he refuses to admit it
5. patroclus is a great chef but doesn’t tell achilles, so achilles can feel helpful in the evenings
6. phoenix keeps a journal of all the crazy thing achilles & patroclus do, to give to peleus, but when they both die he buries the journal with them bc he’s too grief-stricken
7. odysseus fake leaves achilles in charge (and really leaves patroclus in charge), but agamemnon fake left odysseus in charge (and really left diomedes in charge)
8. odysseus is slightly crazy but diomedes keeps him in check
9. neoptolemus doesnt get on w anyone bc everyone only sees the worst parts of achilles in him
10. after the war ends, diomedes doesnt want to admit how much he misses odysseus, so he turns to retail therapy
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cozywriter · 23 days
EPIC the Musical: A Rant
This isn’t really an important post, I’m just here to let my bainrot loose onto the world since the Wisdom Saga is out (🥳). So now, please enjoy my dwindling mental health and ever decreasing emotional state (or not, whichever you prefer is okay with me…)
1.) Something I’ve noticed is that whenever a god plays a role in any saga, one of three things happen. Either Odysseus confirms their true identity to us, the audience, by saying their name (I.e. Athena and Hermes), a chorus introduces them to us (I.e. Poseidon and Apollo), or they themselves introduce them to us (I.e. Calypso). However, this is not the case in the Thunder Saga. In the song “Mutiny” Odysseus says:
“These cows were immortal, they were the Sun God’s friends!”
“And now that we’ve pissed them off, who do you think they’ll send?!”
Odysseus doesn’t explicitly confirm who but in the next song, ”Thunder Bringer”, it doesn’t open with Odysseus mumbling his name under his breath in fear or a dramatic chorus announcing his arrival. Instead, it was just a few thunder claps and then Zeus already singing away. This is because, he needs no introduction, being Chieftain of the Gods and all.
The first incident this happens is during the Troy Saga during the song “The Horse and the Infant” when Zeus sends Odysseus a vision about his older self about his final moments, and then proceeds to command him to kill Hector’s infant son. The only confirmation we get that he is Zeus is the thunderclap and flash in the sky, which seems to be the only thing that precedes his arrival.
2.) Another detail I found interesting (read as: absolutely earth shattering, I actually might need therapy after listening to this) is during the song “Love in Paradise”, when Athena says:
“Old friend, it’s been ten years since I last saw you..”
And the next line cuts to Odysseus’ reveal during the song “Remember Them” in the Cyclops Saga when he reveals his identity to Polyphemus. This is because, that moment was truly the moment she last saw him. Either this means that during their argument in the song “My Goodbye” — which mind you, is the song directly after “Remember Them” — she was blinded with rage because he didn’t follow her instructions, or that she was so blinded with the fact that he disobeyed her, she didn’t think to look past that and see why he disobeyed her.
The next few lines support this and truly show her guilt, seeing as after Athena says:
“Let’s see where you’ve been…”
The song cuts to Aeolus’ game, then to Poseidon’s encounter, Circe’s confrontation, Tiresias’ vision, the Siren’s massacre, Scylla’s cost and then Zeus’ retribution. Notice how every song that plays signified a major event that changed the course of Odysseus’ travels. However, these were all events that Athena wasn’t guiding Odysseus in any way. This either means that she was purely just going along the timeline of his journey to see where he went, or she also wanted to see just how far he went without her help, being that in the song “We’ll Be Fine” during the Wisdom Saga, she says:
“I had a friend before and he was a lot like you…” “I helped him fight through war but he had his demons too…” “And then we grew apart…” “Then his light went dark..”
“And so I thought, maybe, if I made a different call, maybe, if I hadn't missed it all, maybe he'd be fine… Maybe we'd unwind…” “Maybe, if I help another soul, maybe, if I helped you reach your goal, life could be that bright…! I could sleep at night…!”
During this, when she calls Odysseus her “friend”, either she means that she truly did see him as more than a student all that time she mentored him and didn’t want to tell Odysseus because she was afraid she’d look weak to him, or after she cut ties with him, she realized that she cared about Odysseus more than she let on.
3.) Lastly, during the song “Ruthlessness” in the Ocean Saga, when Poseidon was taking his revenge on Odysseus and his crew for making Polyphemus suffer, the rage and hatred towards them was genuine, to the point that were it not for Odysseus’ quick thinking, their journey would’ve ended there. Now, compare it to Zeus during the song “Thunder Bringer” in the Thunder Saga. Zeus was toying with them. Almost like he didn’t care about the situation and was only using it for entertainment. This parallel really tells you a lot about the brothers and how they’re like, Poseidon being unforgiving and ruthless hehehe get it? Because you know… it-it’s his song… when necessary but “chill with the waves” — his words, not mine — because that’s how the sea is. Calm but unforgiving. As for Zeus, he’s flamboyant and passive, not really caring about who or what he hurts as he makes a grand musical number before he strikes, much like how like thunder and lighting do.
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phantomdecibel · 1 year
More AU thoughts cause I’m slightly procrastinating-
Hector is still alive, but on deployment. Men and Dio took Asty in since his wife died.
Somehow they’re not enemies, idk, I just wanted this okay
Odysseus is allergic to peppers. On an unrelated note he also cannot stand the smell of tobacco he’ll never admit that it brings back memories of dead comrades
Ody and Ant end up going to therapy together and it’s… an experience. For both of them. Especially after the first therapist who Odysseus called out in the first session. (Men and Dio made sure she got taken off the list of court-mandated therapists after that.) but after they do find an actual good one both are surprised at how it helps.
Is – does the ‘allergic to peppers’ thing come up in the au or is it just because lmao?
Hell yeah healing arc!!!!
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