#heehoo smut
weirdlyhornyforegos · 2 years
Kinktober Day 10 - Size difference
MINORS DNI!!!! Day 10 of Kinktober is: size difference - Heehoo x amab reader. Big man, big everything :3
Also posted on AO3 Kinktober masterlist is here
Wordcount: 700+
Tags/warnings: size difference, thigh fucking
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Heehoo is the farthest from a small creature. He towers over you with ease. At 7″4 there is nothing about him that isn’t big, and you love it.
Big hands wrapping around yours to warm them, big smile as he brings you berries, big lap that you love to sit and cuddle in.
And as you wake up in what you’ve affectionately dubbed your nest, you feel one of the not small things about him press against your ass as Heehoo rumbles behind you.
“Oh, good morning to you too.”
“Mate.” His arms around press you close, and he ruts against you, the feeling of him already leaking against your back making your own dick stir, very much interested now.
“Alright, yeah, fuck, hold on, let me get the lu-”
“What you mean no? We talked about this, I need- Oh!” You cut yourself off as you feel Heehoo lift up your leg a bit, pushing his dick between your thighs. “Okay yeah, that won’t need much, but fuck, we still need some for the s-”
“No.” Once more that word, this time coupled with Heehoo moving his hips back a bit, before thrusting forwards. It glides with ease, which makes you realize he must have been leaking a good bit already.
Fuck, how long had he been awake for before you?
“Shit, yeah, oh, fuck yeah.” You mumble out as Heehoo starts to fuck the space between your thighs in earnest. His arms keep you in place with ease as he sets the pace he wants, which is fast and rough this time. You hold on for dear life, every thrust almost shaking you.
How easily you’re kept where he wants, and how small that makes you feel makes a low moan bubble up from your throat. Heehoo makes a sound you’ve dubbed a chuff (like a big cat), so pleased with the response he’s getting.
Your cock is now rock hard, and you have half a mind to touch yourself, but Heehoo beats you to it. A big and warm hand closes around your cock, starting to jerk you off more or less in tandem with Heehoo’s hips.
A pause as you’re moved up a bit, then the rough pace continues. Heehoo seems to be chasing his own orgasm as fast as possible, which you don’t mind at all, as he’s very much dragging you there with him.
His mouth dances over your shoulder before teeth worries at the skin, the bite soft compared to the way his cock moves between your thighs. Though you’re certain it will leave a mark, and that sends another wave of arousal washing over you.
Heehoo using your thighs to get off as he makes sure you do the same gets you close the edge almost embarrassingly quickly.
“Fuck Heehoo, I’m gonna, I’m gon-”
“Cum.” His low and gravely voice whispers, fucking whispers next to your ear. And fuck, that sends you over the edge with the loudest moan you’ve made today.
A few more thrusts, and Heehoo follows, spilling himself over and between your thighs, some of it making its way onto your stomach to mix with your own cum.
Heehoo groans, hips bucking through the aftershocks as you both come down, panting being the only thing filling the air for a few minutes.
“Good mate.”
“Fuck, you too, but fucking hell we’ve made a mess.”
“I clean.”
“Wh-” You can’t even manage a word before you’re moved and flipped onto your back with Heehoo over you. He towers over you, but gives you a long and almost sweet kiss before moving down to start lapping at the cum covering your stomach.
“Holy shit, fuck-” At a loss for words, you just watch as Heehoo licks up your shared cum from your stomach and thighs.
He makes sure he gets every drop, his tongue having covered a good deal of you before he is done. You’re almost surprised you aren’t hard again, almost a little disappointed, but Heehoo hardly seem to mind as he moves back up, catching your lips in a kiss to let you taste your mixed taste on his lips.
His broad tongue comes out to play a little bit before he leans back to nose along your neck, once more letting out a little chuff.
“Good mate.”
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palpipeen · 1 year
Life Day: Nice or Naughty...?
Lucky for all you naughty naughty people, you get BOTH. <3
Also yes, I live.
ANYWAY, info stuff time~
------- It's Life Day, and you're with your boy of choice. <3 Rating: NC-17 for Sexual Themes Warnings: Holiday Stuff (no mention of family other than the clones), consensual somnophilia (Fox eating you out in your sleep), oral, PinV/A, Lots of Fluff followed by Lots of Smut Reader has no gender~ WC: 2253 AN: So I hit 101 followers and I’m on the floor, screaming crying sobbing throwing up and shitting. Thank y’all so much. Here is a leetol gift for the season~ This is set in my “And Nothing Bad Ever Happened, Ever AU” so. People still be dyin’ and dead but there’s not quite so much tragedy. Also we’re goin with a SFW and a NSFW theme, so the first batch will be listed as “NICE” and then the rest will be “NAUGHTY”. ENJOY.
Starting off with our boy Commander Fox:
Life Day with Fox is honestly my personal ideal. Fox just wants one day (1) where he isn’t expected to do a thousand things a minute, he isn’t expected to answer a thousand questions from a thousand soldiers and senators or delegate any tasks. Also, you two don’t even have to leave your own home! Fox just wants to be somewhere that isn’t the Guard HQ that he can just exist and relax for the holiday, and he does just that. Like the rest of the GAR he doesn’t have much credits, so instead of buying you something he gives you something small that he made. Not sure what it would be, but it’s made with love and adoration. He will absolutely NOT be discussing how he went through five test runs with your gift, and he’s got them stuffed away in his contraband closet in his office. He also won’t mention how it took him literal months to complete, in part because of his schedule and because he wanted it to be fucking perfect. And it is. He made it while thinking of no one but you, and it illustrates the depth of his love for you. (Which is deeper than ANY of the deep sea trenches on Kamino.)
Next Up, my Personal Bestest Boy Hardcase:
Okay now I love Hardcase, but his Life Day would be. So. Fucking. BUSY. Hey Hardcase, you DO know that it’s LITERALLY physically impossible to give presents to ALL of your siblings in ONE day right? Oh you’re gonna make it happen?! Okay, Chris Fuckin Cringle, jesus fuck. He would though, you know he would, he would make it work. Hardcase is the exact opposite of the biggest Bah Humbug motherfucker you’ve ever met. Not only that, Hardcase is doing SO. MUCH. COOKING. But don’t worry - he’s making you all of your favorite dishes, and has been buying you little gifts ever since he found out Life Day was a THING that made him think of you and how much he loves you. While Hardcase knows that material things aren’t the reason for the season, he still wants to spoil you. He’s also just a bundle of wonder and awe, but he is also very generous - if he sees a family in need during the season he’s dropping everything he can to see how he can help make their season better. In a post-war world where Hardcase lives and everything is FINE, nothing bad happened, he’s definitely volunteering part of Life Day at a soup kitchen or shelter of some sort. All in all - Hardcase brings the joy of the season, whether anyone is ready for it or not. (Trust me - you aren’t.)
Speaking of Bah Humbugs…Commander Wolffe:
Oh, Wolffie. Oooh, Wolffie. You’re a mean one ain’t’cha? So yeah, Wolffe might be the biggest party-pooper out of the bunch. He just doesn’t get it - and he doesn’t mean to spoil it for everyone. He’s just not sure why all of this matters at first. So he’s the sulky uncle who sits alone, nursing some really strong drink throughout most of the day…at least he’s that way at first. But show him some younglings decorating a tree and enthusing about the holiday season and you unlock something in him. I stand by the HC that Wolffe actually has a soft spot for kiddos - it brings out the best parts of him that aren’t a soldier. So yeah, one minute Wolffe is sitting in the corner, barely making conversation with anyone - because let’s be honest, Wolffe is absolutely ass at small-talk and most conversations - and the next, he’s hoisting a youngling up to put the topper on some gaudily decorated tree. Meanwhile two other younglings are decorating him because he’s as tall as some of the trees they’ve seen. Also, Wolffe would absolutely wipe the floor with his fashion sense for the season - Wolffe being a fashionista is always something I can get behind. He’d also be down for an ugly sweater contest, purely because if you can’t give the judges the perfect scowl in that gaudy, awful thing, are you really even competing? (Also yes, him and Fox have a vicious competition with each other. It almost always ends with them having an argument where one of them inevitably puts the other in a headlock.)
Oh we can’t forget about Captain Rex:
Alright so, here’s a character I haven’t really gotten into. But I feel like if you’re looking for that cliche Hallmark Christmas movie experience, or something similar without the misogyny, you’d want to spend Life Day with Rex. Rex obviously gets invited by General Skywalker’s very dear friend, Senator Amidala, to spend Life Day on Naboo. In fact, the entire 501st do, but it’s the one time he doesn’t have to look after them. Instead, he’s spending his days experiencing - well, life. Naboo doesn’t have a typical winter season, but the vibes are still there, so he’s definitely drinking hot chocolate with whipped cream, marshmallows, candy cane sticking out - literally every morning. (Don’t judge him, he’s earned it.) And if you just so happen to be Rex’s partner, well, he’s also wanting to drink that hot chocolate with you every morning, and get out there and experience everything the season has to offer. And he can’t buy much, but the gift he gets you (besides his time, which is precious) is priceless. There is such obvious love and time and effort put into getting you something that is perfect for you. Also, you two get to have dinner on your own - just the two of you. (Tooth rotting stuff, truly.)
Arright now for the SINFUL SHIT~
Foxy Boy~
So obviously, any time you and Fox get to spend with each other where Fox doesn’t have to worry about his men, you are fucking. Nonstop. But around Life Day, when he’s given the all clear for some VERY much deserved R&R, he indulges once…and then nothing. Besides heavy make-out sessions, he stops you just before it gets too heavy - tells you he just wants to savor his time with you without sex. Alright, that’s fine at first, but then you’re starting to get antsy. Why isn’t he in your pants like he normally is?! You finally wheedle it out of him - he’s got a surprise for you on Life Day proper. It’s not much, but it really is the thought that counts. And boy howdy, did he think this through. So you wake up to breakfast in bed - you also wake up to him, under the sheets, with his head between your legs. Who knows how long he’s been under there, because you wake up coming on his tongue. After that he feeds you by hand - a breakfast he made from scratch. And it’s not just good, it’s incredible. You do most of the cooking when you two get together, and some of Fox’s attempts at cooking weren’t great - but this? This is gourmet. Where did these skills come from?! Fox reveals that he’s been taking cooking lessons for today, which is impressive considering his schedule. After making sweet, slow love to you, he clears up breakfast (naked) and the rest of the day continues like that. Eventually you two do have to get out of bed for a bath (which you take together of course), and move to the living room for dinner (which he also made, it is lavish and delicious and perfect). Fox really just wants to show you how much he cares for you, and do what he can for you while he has this time with you. It’s precious to him - just about as precious as you are to him.
Alright so yeah - Hardcase would do some really, REALLY cheesy shit on Life Day once everything calms down and he’s got you to himself. And not just the whole rose petals, candles (where’d he find those?? Do those exist in Star Wars???) and red satin sheets. Oh no. He’s got the Star Wars equivalent of a Santa costume on. (IDK what that is in SW, and I’m writing this at 1:30am - research is beyond me rn.) It’s ridiculous, but it’s what you’ve come to expect from him - and somehow he makes it so hot?! Well it’s probably because the get-up is little more than suspenders and trousers that leave nothing to the imagination, and he’s got this whole script going…. Which is way hotter than it should be. Hardcase would absolutely be in his element doing this: seducing you while telling you how naughty you’ve been, how he should just be punishing you. But you look so sweet, so it’d be a shame to let that spoil. Needless to say, you spend a lot of time on his lap. He also somehow managed to get you a whole new miniature collection of sex toys - with a few for him, of course. You two spend the night and into the wee hours of the morning just having the raunchiest, most thoroughly exhausting sex of your life. And Hardcase has a rule for the day - for every one time he cums, he’s making you cum three more times. Strap in, you’re in for a very long ride. (Mayhamps….a sleigh ride, oooOOOOHOHOHOHO--)
Krampus. I mean Wolffe:
Much like Fox, any time Wolffe gets time off to spend with you, it’s going to be spent absolutely railing you. And any chance he gets, he’s doing just that. Out looking at light displays? Good thing you’re taking a personal speeder, because he’s having you pull over and fogging up the windows while fucking your brains out. Going to some fancy restaurant? He meets you in the bathroom and takes you in one of the stalls. (Good thing he’s very good at keeping you quiet.) But the best time is the night of Life Day - he’s been teasing you at the 104th holiday party, giving you those looks, lingering touches that sets your skin on fire, whispering so close to your ear that his lips brush your skin and send shivers down your spine. When Wolffe finally announces both of you are leaving, the whole battalion knows what’s going to happen when you two get to your place. Wolffe has a trick up his sleeve though - normally, he’s the one calling the shots. But tonight he’s leaving it in your capable hands - he’ll do whatever you ask. And you do just that -thoroughly rescrambling his brain with that amazing sloppy toppy, edging him after you tie his hands to the headboard, and finally letting him blast the fattest nut in you - and then the two of you fall asleep like that, after you untie his hands. Throughout the night Wolffe and you wake up when he gets hard again, reaffirming just how close and devoted the two of you are to each other.
And Finally, Rex:
Oh, Rex. Remember what I said about that cliche Hallmark Christmas movie shmutz? Yeah, it gets better. (Worse?) Rex is much like Fox in that the day starts off with him pleasuring you. The two of you barely awake while he’s doing it, but when he’s awake enough he stills your hands and takes over. Slowly, slowly bringing you to climax, and being very thorough while he does it. When he’s finally finished (it takes him a good three orgasms until he’s satisfied), he enters you slowly. It’s so warm, so intimate, so raw and sweet in the best of ways as he makes slow, tender love to you. Murmuring how you just being in his life is the greatest gift the universe ever gave any man, much less him. The world melts away until it’s just you two, and it isn’t until he gets a message on his commlink that you two realize you’re late for the 501st holiday party. After reluctantly prying yourselves away from each other (after a very steamy shower, that is), the two of you go to the party. Somehow, someone (-coughHARDCASEcough-) got a hold of fireworks. And as the two of you watch the spectacular light show, you eventually notice Rex watching you. The devotion, adoration, pure unconditional love in that man’s eyes moves the galaxy around you. And listen, I’m not saying an engagement happens during the fireworks - but he might say something along the lines of how he wants to spend all of the Life Days to come by your side. (And then you two go back home and BANG some more. There, ended smutty.)
And that’s it folks! I started this back when I had 101 followers - and didn’t get back to it until the new year. WILD. Sorry for my extended absence. I’ve missed y’all SO much, and I’m hoping to get back into writing soon! I hope everyone had a safe and sane holiday without too much stress, a lot of niceness and a bit of spice. ;) Y’all deserve it! <3
Taglist Sign-Ups: @thefanficsideblog @jabbas-lightsaber @rain-on-kamino @lackofhonor @seeking-kharis
Tagged Just Cuz: @rexxdjarin @ulchabhangorm @sleepingsun501 @boomtowngirl
If you don't wanna be tagged in future stuff, DM me to let me know! Otherwise if you DO wanna be tagged in future stuff, go here!
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The things I would let this man do to me
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ooey-gooey-angel · 4 months
Interact with this post if you want to be added to my writing tag list please and thank you <3333
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fragileizy · 1 year
i keep forgetting i'm a writer and i'm allowed to write things
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weirdlyhornyforegos · 2 years
Kinktober Day 4 - nipple play & biting
MINORS DNI!!!! Day 4 of Kinktober is: nipple play & biting - Heehoo x amab reader. Love me some cryptid big man :3 Also posted on AO3 Kinktober masterlist is here
Wordcount: 900+
Tags/warnings: sub(ish) heehoo, nipple play, biting, growling, marking
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“Come on big guy.” Heehoo grunts, but goes willingly, settling on his back on the furs that make up what can kind of be called your shared bed.
You follow, straddling his stomach, for now ignoring his hard cock that is barely hidden by his loincloth.
Your own clothes are gone, and your own cock is getting interested as well, making out with Heehoo tends to do that.
Though you want to deal with that later, for now you settle on showing him the idea you had, and how good it will make him feel.
You’ve noticed that if you play with his chest, he will always come faster, and often harder than if you don’t. You don’t know if he has realized this himself or not, but now your goal is to make him very aware of this.
You brush your hands over both nipples in tandem, making Heehoo twitch underneath you. His hands come to rest on your hips, warm and big, not moving you even though he could very easily do that.
Moving one hand away from one nipple, you bend down to take the nipple into your mouth. With his always bare chest his nipples are often hard, and now is no exception. You give some light suction to the hardened nub, which gives you another grunt from Heehoo.
One of his hands moves to tangle in your hair. Heehoo doesn’t try to move you, but is a nice weight, reminding you of the strength of the creature underneath you.
Your own cock twitches and leaks as you keep your mouth on his chest, switching between sucking and licking at random intervals. Not to be forgotten, his other nipple gets played with, your hand squeezing and every so often flicking.
The coordination of it takes a bit, because all you really want to do is rock down against him, but you’re holding yourself back. All the attention is supposed to be on him right now, and your end or high of your pleasure doesn’t matter to you.
For now.
Heehoo moans, groans, and grunts underneath you, and you feel his hips twitch upwards against nothing. He’s still not trying to move you, instead letting you have your fun with making him feel good.
Content that his nipple has gotten adequate attention, you take your mouth off Heehoo, listening to his confused whine as you kiss your way over his chest, making sure to leave a few quick bite marks in your wake.
At one bite, the one very close to his nipple, he growls, tugging at your hair for the first time tonight.
You lick over the bite as an apology, before moving your mouth over his by now neglected nipple.
He sighs in content, almost purring as you get to work here as well.
Every suck, every lick, every squeeze of his chest gets you noise or movement that makes it very clear how much he is enjoying himself. He’s not as loud as he can be, but the rumbly moans he lets out makes heat pool in your own core, and you’re sure you’ve made a wet spot on Heehoo’s stomach by now.
Then suddenly, both of Heehoo’s hands are on your waist again, and you think for a moment that He is going to move you down so he can grind his cock against you, but he doesn’t.
Instead, he moves your hips so you grind your leaking cock against his stomach.
“You feel good.” His voice is low and somehow even more growly than usual, and that, combined with how he moves you against him with no effort, makes your arousal soar, and your cock throb.
You keep your mouth on his chest, but move it away from his nipples, opting to use your hands on them instead, and place kisses all over his chest and sternum.
You rock your hips forward, not that you really need to with the way Heehoo is urging them to move.
He’s so pliant underneath you, well, about as pliant as he can be at least, and the thought of him coming untouched barely enters your mind, before you feel him start to shake and growl in the way you have come to learn means he is close.
You urge him towards that by closing your mouth against a nipple again, licking the sensitive bud before making your own little growl against it.
Heehoo grumbles out something close to a laugh, but it does the trick, as just seconds later you feel his warm cum hit your ass and your back.
You moan against his chest, letting go of his nipple so you can rest your forehead on his collarbone, and with the feeling of Heehoo shaking underneath you, and the way you are sliding and rubbing against his stomach, you come soon as well.
As you do so, you shift again, biting down on his shoulder.
The surprised grunt you get makes you grin as you come down from your high, knowing it is only payback from all the other times he has done it to you.
“Mate.” Heehoo states into the air, moving you so you’re sitting up on his stomach. You’re covered in your mixed cum, but you pay no attention to that, only focusing on the lacy grin on Heehoo’s face.
“Chest good.” Your grin is less lazy than his, but at least about the same amount of satisfaction.
“Thought it might be.”
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anxiousgaypanicking · 5 months
*pulls out a gun* I'M GONNA GIVE YOU COMPLIMENTS AND IF YOU DON'T TAKE IT IMMA SHOOT *starts pulling compliments out of a sack*
I love your work!
you are my favorite person on tumblr o(〃^▽^〃)o
All your hc for Sander sides are adorable!
Idk how this is a compliment or just a fact but you motivated me to watch good omens
omg im sorry im like really bad at responding to praise but :)) tysm!! this has been screenshotted and saved forever in my "feedback goes heehoo" channel on discord (that i proudly show off to my boyfriend frequently)
i really appreciate all of this, i also dont know how ive written over 100+ chapters of sanders sides smut lmaoo, and i honestly really hope you enjoyed good omens (i did and it was v v good and im currently working on some fics/shots for that fandom)
im really glad i encouraged you to write, and i really hope you keep writing! i think writing and drawing and just creating are super important for us as people, but also within fandom spaces, and i hope you get the attention and praise your work deserves (and i hope you can be proud enough of it as to not rely on other people to make you feel happy with yourself <3)
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In only 5 years I went from:
Heehoo fanned fiction
Can’t believe I used to write fanfic I’m so cringe
Be cringe be free this is fine actually but I’m still not gonna write smut.
I am constantly plagued by horny ghosts in the middle of the night pleading for me to make more smut
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feralthembo · 10 months
Bondage izuru serves 2 purposes to me outside of heehoo blorbo cute
Keeping up with my art skills while i take time off for birthday (current comm is super heavy and research intensive bc im a perfectionist weirdo)
Getting used to drawing more explicit stuff bc im a giant weenie and need to boiling feom my way into smut
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kyriemrmister · 1 year
i've finally finished reading the crossover monkees RPF fanfiction (aka Time Prison Fic) that i liked that davy design from and um
how can a fanfiction be so unapologetically LGBT-friendly and anti-TERF and also hate women and sapphics so much?
it's also painfully obvious how much of a self-insert the fic's version of mike is (and tbh it also stinks of naruto harem fic except it's mike nesmith from the monkees instead of naruto and he's transmasc and there's more then women in the harem)
the earlier parts before mike came in were more tolerable (elaine kido is both a girlboss AND a girlfail. what a queen. i love her) but wow the monkees popping up and taking over the story ruined it.
mike literally has none of the babygirl and pathetic meow meow qualities he actually had (according to the monkees fandom on here) and is literally every poorly written alpha male OP self-insert harem smut fic lead on ffnet except he's trans, and surprise! he doesn't just like women! (props to that bit! but it's just an excuse for male and nb characters that half of the writing duo has the hots for to also get into mike's pants and be his cheerleader and do nothing otherwise like the women also do in this fic and almost any other harem fanfiction from ffnet)
there's also other Questionable Things, socks and his flanderization from genuinely good and interesting lead to 'heehoo funny meme guy', for one (i could write an entire dissertion on what the story lovingly calls the 'TFSP' oh man)
and whatever tf they did with micky dolenz (once she comes out as a woman in the fic she just becomes another cheerleader and porking object for mike and they disregard previous characterization for that. did i mention how much that half of the writing duo hates women and sapphics? because wow he sure does)
and tbh this fic also does davy dirty (he's just there for fetishization of fat people because the half of the duo who writes him has a weight gain and feederism kink and it's painfully obvious but he doesn't want to push it on mike because he doesn't want him being 'weak and helpless' or something)
peter is also done pretty dirty too tbh (literally he's just boiled down to 'hippie pacifist plantboy who puts up protective barriers and heals people', which is not a bad concept in itself, but it's executed so SO badly. like you gotta make socialist and bisexual autistic icon and avid woman respecter peter tork into a soft 'don't hurt me or i'll cry' boy to further elevate mike?)
and when a new character appears or an old character from earlier in the fic, 9/10 they're just there to be mike's cheerleader/pork mike/for mike to beat up
there's some genuinely good humor in this fic (the puns and wordplay are top notch in this fic, and they know the right time and place to slip in a meme or reference)
but wow. WOW. does the male half of the writer duo ever hate women and sapphics.
i'm currently reading the reboot of the story and tbh it also stinks of some of the same problems (mike somehow has the ability to turn straight men gay for him, which is funny, but also the ability also makes sapphics fall in love with him, a man, who isn't even close to being butch, fall in love with him too, which is kinda gross lol)
the only fun parts of the reboot of the story so far is the reimagining of the seiya and ikki rivalry as more of a bugs bunny and daffy duck situation (a very galaxy-brained but clearly not canon-compliant take on their rivalry. doesn't stop from making me love it though), women having more agency (when mike's not around lol), and the use of pizza tower as a new addition because peppino's pretty bang on characterization-wise so far and he's been frequently enjoyable as a character for the Most Part, as there's the One Misstep for the Crossover Mother of his OC Child because the whole 'don't age up children and ship them' discourse which taints the fic's version of peppino Slightly.
it's obvious the writers care a lot about representation but hm. there's a lot of woman and sapphic hate permanating this fic saga and its reboot (the reboot significantly less so but it still Stinks of it Slightly) and i think that's what ruins it.
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liighty · 2 years
Take Me Back in Time to Love You
(A/N): I have been working on this on and off for over a month?? Crazy xd
I have a lot written but out of order, so the actual forming of this chapter took like an hour and a half but that’s okay!!
As always check the tags and the warnings, I don’t wanna trigger anybody on accident :D
Mini Summary: Grian Xelqua-Minecraft is the brother of the late Philza Minecraft and guardian of his son, Tommy Innit Minecraft. Before Phil’s death, he was the lucky boyfriend of a Mr. Mumbo K. Jumbo, but due to his own stupid actions, the two had separated. Now that they’ve bumped into each other in a high school reunion 15 years after they broke up, a lot of old feelings bubble back up to the surface, and Grian and Mumbo not only learn how to love each other again, but also to love themselves.
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Warnings: Implied Sexual Content (Lots of misunderstandings but there is no smut dw), Unhealthy Mindsets and Coping Mechanisms, Codependency (mutual), Angst with a Happy Ending
Pairing: Grian/Mumbo Jumbo (/r)
Word Count: 4.5K+ (Chapter 1)
Link: Heehoo
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westanthewaterman · 2 years
-Heehoo anon
I’m sorry 😩
I just can’t wrap my head around his character
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astralscrivener · 1 year
For the fic ask!
Love you! 🥰❤️
👀 Do you have any WIPs that you would never let see the light of day? If yes, what are they about?
well, the smut, first of all. sometimes i’m just really horny. mayhaps my future professional works will feature some smut (or spice or whatever the booktok girlies are calling it now), but not my ao3 page
i also have just a shitton of soft klance drabbles that i like to write as warmups or when i’m having a rough time. they’re how i cope <3
💭 What is a headcanon you have about your own work?
i .   have not thought this far.    oldie but in DSN lance and keith definitely had an off-screen, pre-fic coleaders dynamic where they were already confiding a lot in each other, which is why they’re already decently close at the beginning
in SOOPITS i have. headcanons about the holt family that will be coming later on once we reach season 8. heehoo!
i answered  🍰 over here!
and finally: i love you too 🥰 ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
fic ask meme!
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weirdlyhornyforegos · 2 years
Heehoo x gn!reader
Anon: can you do a heehoo x gender neutral reader with like the reader accidentally stumbling onto heehoo during their camping trip
MINORS DNI!!!!! Idk why, but the collective braincell luckily possessed me to write this fic, and I’m really happy with how it came out! Enjoy :D
Warnings/tags: size difference, frottage, handjob, biting/marking
Wordcount: 1.7k+
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You like going camping alone.
It’s nice.
Gives you a break from everything and everyone, and you can just hang out by yourself without being disturbed by anything.
Other than animals of course.
And today, a wild looking man that walked out of the bushes right next to the clearing where you had put up your tent.
The first thing you notice is how tall he is.
He towers over you, you have no idea of his exact height, it’s hard to tell exactly, but you would guess somewhere around 7 feet.
The second thing you notice is how barely clothed he is. He’s only wearing a loincloth that barely hides his crotch, the rest of his muscled and tan body on full display. You blush, turning your head up towards the sky as you shuffle backwards.
“Um, sorry, I, I will be going...” The man (creature?) follows your movements, easily taking a few steps forward to cover the space between the two of you. He leans down and sniffs your hair, making you freeze.
“Smell good.”
“T-thank you?” At least the man (you think it fits, though he’s a lot bigger), doesn’t seem hostile, so that’s good. You’re still frozen, but an idea about sprinting back down the track and to your car crosses your mind, but with those long legs there is no way you could outrun him.
He takes a few more steps forward, and you back up again, your back hitting a tree. He crowds into your personal space, only looking, but he’s inches away, so it’s a little terrifying.
But also, hot.
Hold the fuck up, where did that thought come from?
“Touch?” He suddenly asks, raising a hand up. A rather big hand you notice. You wonder how it would feel wrapped around your thigh- fucking hell, down brain, down.
“Um, yeah, sure.” Your voice is unsteady, a little worried about what he is going to do, but a little calmed down by the fact that he actually asked.
His hand is gentle as he touches your hair, petting your head more than anything.
“Soft...” He mumbles, his eyes on his hand and your hair. His other hand grabs one of yours, moving it to his shoulder, since it’s a little hard for you to actually reach his hair with the seize difference. “You touch.” You swallow, nodding as you can feel your face start to burn. You are very aware that the man in front of you have barely anything on, and fucking hell he looks good like that. Just about perfect.
You let your hands wander over the skin of his shoulder as he moves from your hair to your shoulder. You give a light squeeze and you have to hold back a small noise at the muscle you can feel there. You are rather steadfast in keeping your gaze where your hand is, resisting the urge to look lower.
Heehoo touches you with both hands now, letting them flutter over your shoulder with surprisingly light touches. They’re warm, and big, and for a moment you can’t help but let your mind wander again, thinking about how they would feel somewhere else
And as your mind wanders, your hand slips lower, and when you absentmindedly squeeze, you’re brought back to reality when you hear what is clearly a moan. That is also very clearly not your own.
Oh fucking, whoops.
You realize what you squeezed was not his shoulder, but his fucking pec.
Looking up, you’re met with intense eyes on you. He’s clearly watching for your next move, but there is no pulling away, and clearly no shame on his face. So, since curiosity hasn't killed you yet, you squeeze again.
In return you get a moan, and the hands that had been resting on your shoulders move down to the back of your thighs, scooping you up with ease. You yelp, surprised at the change in position, but certainly don’t complain as it brings you face to face with him.
Your hands move to his hair as he presses you back against the tree. Though you think he could certainly carry your weight with no problem, if how easy he scooped you up was any indication.
“Heehoo.” He keeps your gaze locked with his. You furrow your brow.
“Heehoo?” He grunts, letting go of one of your thighs, putting his hand on his chest.
“Oh! You’re Heehoo, got it.” Heehoo nods, a small grin on his face as you offer up your own name in return. He says it a few times as he gets both hands back on you, adjusting his grip, and pressing himself against you.
The loincloth does nothing to hide his excitement where you meet, and your breath hitches, because Heehoo certainly doesn't feel small there either, and there is no way that will fit inside of you. Heehoo lets out a pleased rumble, rubbing himself against you, causing delicious friction for you both.
Pleasure pools low in your gut, so you rock down against him. His hands clutch at your thighs, and you’re sure you’ll have bruises there tomorrow, even if they’re still fully clothed.
It feels so good, and the little grunts and other noises that Heehoo lets out as he rocks himself against you sound so wonderful, but you can’t help but wonder if he’ll let you have something else as well.
A tug on his hair brings his attention to your face instead of your crotch and hips.
“Kiss?” Though he hasn't spoken much, Heehoo seems to at least understand words. Well, at least some, and you hope this is one of them.
Luckily it is, because he shifts his grip again, then leans down to kiss you.
His lips are surprisingly soft against your own, and his tongue comes out to play rather quickly. It prods at your lips, asking for entry, and you grant it. You let your own tongue out to meet his as well, though he overpowers yours easily, exploring your mouth with hunger.
You feel your own hunger grow, rocking against his cock underneath you.
But, it’s not enough. Not quite.
So, you let one hand wander between your bodies, quickly opening your pants. You would almost be impressed with yourself, though you don’t think too much about it, shoving your hand down your pants to touch yourself. You moan into Heehoo’s mouth, and he breaks the kiss with a slightly confused noise. But then he looks down, and the grin that spreads over his face is equally as hungry as his tongue was.
Heehoo pulls your hand out of your pants, and for a moment you almost protest, but then he replaces your hand with his own, and the words die on your tongue.
His hands are rough and calloused, feeling fucking amazing as the rub over your arousal.
You tug him into another kiss, this time it’s you who explores his mouth, and to your delight, you discover his teeth are slightly pointy.
Fuck, you wonder how they would feel against your neck, but for now you keep kissing him, grinding against his cock and hand as well as you can. Heehoo keeps moving his hips and hands as well, making arousal spread through your whole body.
He’s so big and solid, and so fucking hot it isn’t even funny, and you know your brain should be telling you to run, but fuck that. You’re gonna stay here until you both cum, and with the way Heehoo moves, you don’t think that is going to be long for either of you.
With every move of his hips pressing you harder against the tree against your back, with every stroke of his hand, with every kiss, and with every grunt from him, he sends you closer and closer to cumming.
You only break the kiss to gasp when you’re getting so close to cumming that you feel like you should warn him.
“Fuck, fuck, Heehoo, I’m- I’m cumming, fuck, fuck, fuck!” Heehoo fucking growls, and if you weren’t already so fucking turned on, that would have helped a lot.
“Cum.” He grunts into your ear, voice low and close enough that you almost feel like it vibrates.
So you do. You cum all over his hand, shaking apart as Heehoo moves to nose at your neck.
You wonder if he’s smelling you, and if so, what does that smell like?
You don’t think about it for long however, as he fucking bites down on your shoulder. Your shoulder is covered with your t-shirt, but it still hurts a bit, but that only adds to the pleasure surging through you.
Heehoo pumps his hips once, twice, and then you feel wetness spread as he cums against your ass. The loincloth certainly didn’t cover much earlier, and still doesn’t, as you feel him twitch and cover your backside.
Holy fucking shit.
You just had sex with a fucking wildman.
And it was great.
Both of you just pant for a few minutes. Heehoo isn’t biting your shoulder anymore, but his head rests against it, and every so often you feel his lips brush over it, as if to soothe the sting even through your t-shirt.
When Heehoo moves, he doesn’t let go of you at first.
Instead, he carries you over to your tent. Almost squatting, but still holding onto you, Heehoo manages with only some struggle to unzip your tent with one hand. He then gets on his knees, ducking inside with some of his body, gently depositing you on your sleeping mat.
“Rest.” You try to hold on, because hey, you’re down for some cuddling if he is. But Heehoo gets your hand off him easily, giving a kiss to your forehead and then your bitten shoulder.
“Will be back.” It’s the most words he has spoken at once, and you really hope they’re true.
Heehoo watches you for a few more seconds, then retreats fully out of your tent. You prop yourself up on your elbows, managing to catch a glimpse of him retreating into the bushes where he came from.
You really do hope he comes back.
Luckily for you, you had already planned to be here a few more days.
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saltpepperbeard · 3 years
Ravenous ~An Everlark One-Shot~
A/N: Well hello hello again lol! A bit weird, huh? I don’t know why exactly I had a sudden surge of motivation, but quite honestly, I’m not mad at it. While the shot I wrote a few days back was a more original idea of sorts, this one was an “anonymous” suggestion. A rather EYEBROW RAISING SUGGESTION™ if you know what I’m saying ha! But for whatever reason, dialogue and ideas started flowing, and here we are! Just couldn’t help but explore Katniss desiring to Spice Things Up a bit. With that being said shjdkhskdls-
Disclaimer: This fic contains NC-17 related material, but y’all been knew. Y’ALL KNOW WHAT YOU’RE GETTING INTO LMAO.
And without further adoooooo...
It’s happening again. Our bedroom seems to rival that of the setting sun, the two dancing and paralleling. Just as the clouds and sky melt into orange, I too, find myself at its mercy. Just as the sun plunges beneath the horizon, so too, do our pelvises atop each other’s. Just as it sets fire to the grasses and trees as it plummets from sight, so too, do our roaming mouths and hands against each other’s bodies.
And just as the sunset is habitual, expected, so is the explosion within. It’s like clockwork. It’s like the mighty star’s journey across the sky. A soft, inviting, and consistent brightness is maintained throughout the day, before utterly exploding into color and passion as ebony surges forth.
The newness and its subsequent excitement must be why it’s so incredibly enticing, so normal in our schedule. To think, I used to be one with the dawn. The coldness, the solitude, and the call for survival...all were my essence. Now though, do I dance and take pleasure in the dusk, flooding with fiery color before all runs dark.
Not that I’m complaining in the slightest. No, I’m a medley of breathy giggles, mewled moans, and messy kisses. The usual, the expected, and the blissful.
So a subsequent shift in the cycle, in the ecstatic repetition, does indeed throw me when it presents.
Losing myself in Peeta each and every night allows my hunger to break free, spilling forth after being locked up for so long. It gnaws, it feasts, and it satisfies, before settling back to a hush, properly quenched. His initial touches, caresses, and kisses do marvels at igniting the starting flames. His following motions and salacious actions work wonders at surging the fire to a roar. And then his sweetness dampens the blaze into finality, into exhausted ashes.
But tonight...Tonight, it’s different. It feels...wrongfully intense.
I am not hungry- I am ravenous. It roars within me as if it’s never been satiated at all. It howls, screams, gnashing for a deeper satisfaction. The area between my legs aches almost painfully so, and the heat surging through my core snarls that it won’t be bested so easily.
Such a sensation almost feels instinctual, animalistic even. And with that notion crossing my mind, an odd picture presents itself within my subconscious. A symbolic representation? Or is it a solution, a suggestion that the deeper confines of my hankering body has pulled up? Either way, it’s bizarre, and subsequently earns a deep blush to my cheeks.
The image of a stag mounting a doe.
It’s something I’ve seen on rare occasion while hunting, a deeply intimate and almost sacred moment birthed from nature’s way. But translating such an intrusive image into our bedroom, into the current situation, and connecting the dots between the symbolism and the craving...
My cheeks flush impossibly more so.
What an oddity. Peeta more than satisfies me. He gives me something no one else could possibly come close to offering. He takes me to realms unthinkable, and charts depths once-unexplored. And yet, does my body yearn.
What a foreign desire. I never could have pictured myself in such a position- or...intensely aching for one, rather. With carnal intimacy being so new to me, to the both of us, I never expected my body to erect anything of the sort. But I suppose, the deeper and deeper we traverse in one another, the more and more we’ll unlock. I guess there are still things to be discovered about each other, and complex layers of intimacy waiting to be unlocked...
As if my cheeks couldn’t grow any more fiery.
I must have been quite disconnected, lost in thought and libidinous imagination. My grey eyes rapidly blink to break from the haze, but the desire still careens within. Venturing out from the fog reveals Peeta once more though, his beautiful, bare, handsome form hovering atop me. He too, is flushed, small beads of sweat glistening atop his scarred skin to compliment the fiery sheen within his darkened eyes.
But where there would be normally be a crooked smile, or an agape expression of pleasure, there instead exists confusion, concern.
When our eyes finally meet with clarity, he reaches to softly cup my cheek.
“Hey...” he murmurs, his voice still husky, breathy, “You alright?”
I cannot help but swallow hard. How the hell am I supposed to vocalize such a thing? Is it too taboo to ask for? The idea of...Peeta...taking me from behind?
I’m a mess, shutting my eyes and turning my face into his hand, as if to hide myself away.
“Hey...” His voice sounds more concerned, and a bit warmer. Some of the huskiness has disappeared too. And subsequently, a spark of desperation alights within me; perhaps because the hunger screeches at me to maintain heat.
Softening sentiments are cut off by a carnal kiss, my body piloting me to fight the dip. I lace my hands around the back of his head and pull his stunned form closer, breathily moaning through the connection. When I feel his lips begin to part though, when I practically taste the confused question forming on his tongue...
I know I have no choice. I know it’s now or never. And if I could stare the hunger dead on, if I could address its call and dive into vulnerabilities with Peeta before...
Surely I can do this too. Hopefully.
“Peeta?” I quickly interject.
I expect him to remain close, but just as ferocious desire pilots me, so too does compassionate concern steer him. He leans as far back as he can with my hands laced through his hair, staring with those inquisitive, stunning blues.
Just as the first time we delighted in one another, my throat threatens to lock up from anxiety, from fear of the unknown. Just as before, I find it horribly difficult to vocalize my wants. But in knowing that soft and concerned stare, in understanding the eyes that expectantly wait, and in feeling far fierier than previous times, I find the strength I need to produce a voice.
“...Can we...try something different?”
Nerves drive me to bite my swollen lip, as if Peeta’s going to react poorly or something equivalent. But as truly expected, he blinks the concern away before the tension visibly melts above me.
“Oh! Yeah, uh...sure,” he murmurs, beginning to smile despite lingering bits of confusion still present in his brows, “Is that why you...?”
“Oh,” he breathes, chuckling softly before leaning back in for another kiss. He nestles close once more, our bare forms pressing and creating small hints of tantalizing friction. Be it the throbbing within, or the very present feeling of his erection between us, I break the kiss with quickened pants.
Unbothered now, and in a better understanding towards my desperation, he moves to kiss and bite at my neck. My hips and eyes both roll, the intense lust leaving me less bothered by the various noises sounding from my throat.
Peeta too, must be quickly getting tugged back; I feel him twitch before he softly grunts into the tender skin of my collar.
“What would you like?” he huskily whispers, topping off the question by tracing my bone with his tongue.
Between nerves and the sensations he’s dizzying me with, I briskly shake my head.
“Don’t make me say it...” I wheeze.
I feel his mouth turn upwards against my skin, and he chuckles before drawing forth artistry, painting his way up my neck and cheeks with brushing lips.
“Alright...” he says thickly, and I think I can feel him quivering slightly, “Show me then?”
I tense, but catching his stare grounds me. Beyond the drippings of ebony lust and fiery coals, I can see that beautiful understanding, that adoration with zero judgement. It’s what drove me to explore initially, and thus, does it fuel me once more.
My hands come to rest upon his muscular chest, quivering ever so slightly as I give a gesturing push. He follows my direction without hesitation, moving until we’re both sitting up on the bed. Another bout of hesitance grips me, but upon seeing the sight of him, heavily engorged and nearly flush against his stomach, I break through once again.
My stare manages to break to a necessity then, gazing upon his amputated leg with another bite of my lip.
“Your prosthetic...”
I can see his breath catch, watching his chest heave as I momentarily avoid his stare.
“...I need it?” he whispers.
I can only nod, and he thankfully doesn’t press, scurrying off to retrieve and reattach it. I’m piloted once more; my body seizes the opportunity to get into position while he’s not looking. Though my heart pounds something terrible, though trembles alight in my limbs, I roll onto my hands and knees, poised and ready for what I crave.
Peeta’s to my backside now, so I cannot see his reaction to what I’m offering. I can certainly hear it though, as well as almost feel it, the room seemingly spiking in temperature the moment he notices.
I tremble in both deep anticipation and tension, still unable to look at him. There’s a bit of pause though, and right when I think I’ve made a mistake, I feel the bed shift with the re-introduction of his weight. My thighs clench something terrible at his presence behind me, and I feel my entire lower half quivering.
Made even worse when Peeta groans my name.
The amount of lust is incredible. I could almost rocket myself backwards upon him. It’s wild, and hard to imagine how I wound up in such a position. But through the salaciousness, through the smoke clouding my brain, nerves still manage to peek.
“Is...this okay?” I shakily whisper.
“Yeah...” he breathes, and I nearly run woozy at the sensation of his hands ghosting my curves, “Is this...?”
I almost move beyond my own control, thrusting my hips backward and placing myself into his grasp. It’s his turn to tremble, and he groans yet again.
I’m his craft once more. His hands grasp me, knead me, squeezing my voluptuous backside as he would when he prepares dough. And just as the touch readies dough for heat, it too, sets me utterly ablaze.
Unbridled moans and mewls sound from my throat at his massage, my legs spreading wider and my back arching further. There’s barely a connection between anxiety and my ravenous core anymore, hunger almost entirely at the helm.
“God...” Peeta moans again, and such a noise pushes me into raw desperation.
“Peeta...” I whimper in a tone so unlike my own, “Peeta...”
We’re on the same plane. He understands immediately. And I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s just as hungry as I am, made raw by the sight before him.
So he quickly rectifies the situation. I feel the bed shift, before he brings a shaky hand to grasp one of my hips. I’m barely breathing, barely able to process with such deep anticipation. His following words almost don’t reach me, what with the beautifully torturous feeling of his head just barely brushing betwixt my folds.
“Okay...I love you, Katniss...”
I somehow wheeze, somehow manage, those words landing when nothing else can.
“I love you too- AH!”
I’m no stranger to the feeling of Peeta sheathing himself deep within me, to holding him snuggly and tightly in a space reserved just for him. We’ve danced in it and dazzled in each other so much lately that it’s, in fact, almost become something of a second nature.
So it’s definitely strange that just a mere change can have electrifying, incredible effects.
The cry from his entrance was utterly unavoidable; he feels deeper and heavier than ever before. I’m stunned at how different it feels, at the intensity behind it. He’s within familiar grounds, and yet it feels entirely new.
I’m dazed, but my hunger is utterly elated. It sings at the feeling, rejoices, driving me to slide myself backwards against him, swallowing him impossibly deeper.
His groan intersects beautifully with mine, the both of us likely relishing in the sensations. When I dare to ease my hips forward again, I feel Peeta’s other hand reach to grasp. With his hold complete, he pulls me back as he thrusts deeply.
And I already find that I’m quickly losing control, everything working to utterly unravel me.
The strokes, so deep and reaching, quickly earn a stream of incoherence from my hanging mouth. I moan and whimper and grunt a plenty, weaving a tapestry of pleasured nothings.
“Mmm...Oh, God...Peeta...”
There’s also something about this that strangely seems to amplify, something that makes it the most different from our previous sessions: I cannot see him. I cannot see the beautiful, wrenched effort on his visage, nor can I steal the moans from his lips. I cannot latch myself to his tender neck, nor can I run my fingers through his ashy locks.
It’s just the sensation of him within me. Nothing more but his powerful drives and our precious connection.
No wonder it’s so raw, so animalistic indeed.
But perhaps, not mutual.
Where I would expect Peeta to take off, to drive with reckless abandon, he instead remains...oddly consistent with his glides. They’re heavenly, and reaching, but unamplified. In fact, instead of speeding up as expected, he seemingly slows within me.
Such a turn, a difference in the usual chain of events, is enough to whip my head around. It’s my turn to furrow with confusion and concern, squinting through the intense mindfog to finally lay eyes upon him.
Which ends up being a blessing and a curse; the sight of him in such a position is almost enough to send me reeling further. Seeing him kneeling, grasping my hips, panting with reddened cheeks, and disappearing deep within...
A shiver runs up the length of my spine, exiting through my mouth as my voice just barely manages to quiver his name.
It’s like we’ve switched places, what with him being apprehensive and me existing in a realm of thirst and confusion. Just as before, a cock of the brow and a building question is what spurs the opposite party into explanation.
“I’m...It’s going to sound...cheesy, okay? But I uh...It’s...Different I guess, not being able to...look at your face. Or kiss you. Or...”
He shifts himself a bit as he reaches for my face with a hand, effectively sending himself inward at a deep, torturous angle. It drives me strangely mad, my eyes rolling and my throat resonating with a squeak. It feels so foreign, to be reduced to this. And in my state, in my heightened desperation, I find myself blurting without much control.
“-Keep going.”
He freezes then, inside and out, looking upon me with widened blues. Such an expression mildly grounds me, offering a pang of guilt and a subsequent apology to follow.
“Sorry...” I wheeze, “I...I didn’t mean...If...you’re not...”
I’m a mess with my attempts to breathily stammer. But just as further guilt begins to bud, just as I fear I’ve forced him into an uncomfortable place, he gives such an unexpected and strong jerk of his hips that I yelp into the tense space.
When the shock leaves my system, when the static clears my brain, I’m able to see him beginning to smile once more, a bit more lecherous than before.
“Hmm...You know, different...might not be so bad then...”
Again, he tortuously cuts me off, giving another strong jerk and sending me careening.
“Peeta!” I exclaim, looking at him with widened eyes, trembling legs, and a stunned soul.
“Because...” he grunts, softly squeezing and kneading my hips, “You like this, don’t you?”
He shifts then, focusing on slowly feeding himself into my depths, effectively earning a low grunt from his throat. A noise that’s quickly overpowered by my own, an open-mouthed moan as I squirm against the mattress, against his lovely torment.
“Yeah? You like it? Hmm, love?” 
My eyes flash at his darkened vocals, followed by a bite of my lip to hush the rolling whimper. Something is most definitely in the air tonight. The sun surely exploded in its descent. We’ve never really been so...raw with each other, so driven and demanding.
But it seems neither of us have any qualms. Even my worry towards pressuring Peeta into an unfavorable session seems to back away, what with his ebony murmurs and expressions so evident. We seem to be re-aligning, re-joining each other on the same plane of passion.
Thus, do I desperately nod, at his complete disposal. I slide myself backwards then, easing until I’m practically touching his pelvis, panting and gritting at the extent of penetration.
“I’ve forever to kiss you..." he whispers.
Please...Please please.
I’m hardly with it enough to question the strangeness behind the newfound begging, simply squirming and existing entirely within the desperate space.
“...But not long enough to pleasure you so...”
Thus, miraculously, do any last bits of wall come tumbling down.
And I’m no longer in our bedroom. I’m within droves of ardent fire. I’m traversing the very surface of our sun. I’m in a place so foreign, a state so delightfully insane, where none have ever brought me before.
All from the sudden, strong, and intense reaches of him deep within.
Oh, how I fall apart. How I deliciously unravel. Being so pent up, so oddly starving, the hunger gorges and instantly sets me alight. Just as it screamed before, I too, find myself vocalizing with such strength.
It’s a medley, an absolutely chaotic medley of passion. Beyond my cries and his grunts, I can hear his pelvis slapping against my back side again and again. Beyond the flashes and shivers in my vision, I can see our bed hammering from the force he’s inflicting. Beyond the heat and pounding stream of blood, I can feel him hitting places so new and intense.
And it’s everything. I love him. I adore him. And I cherish the connection we have, the way we can send each other directly into the heavens. I never could have imagined. Even mere months ago, I never could have imagined.
His deep grunt coupled with the groan of my name is enough to break me from my overwhelmed thoughts; the dig of his fingers into my hips is enough to ground me completely. I cannot escape the ungodly pleasure now. I am present, and at its full mercy.
And when a thrust hits just so, when a piece of my glass cracks and threatens to shatter, it’s no wonder that my arms fall instantly gelatinous. I cry and toss my head back, sending a rolling ebony wave before my front half descends. I desperately grip the blankets, knotting the fabric with begging grunts and whines.
But it only continues to build, and build, and build, impossibly faster and impossibly deeper. Our souls are tangled, so very tangled, dancing and intertwining and refusing to let go. Naturally, I start to ascend, faster than I ever have before. The fire licks its way up my belly, caressing my jiggling breasts and-
...No, that’s his hand, reaching beneath to knead and massage, emboldened and salacious. My eyes roll something terrible, my hips even more so, more and more of the glass chipping away. He’s snarling, almost yelling; I know he’s so close too. But somehow, just as he always has, Peeta dashes through the chaos and holds me above all.
His wandering hand suddenly juts backwards, racing down my body before fingers find their prized destination. There’s a subsequent bolt of electricity at my core, followed by a heave of tension as cracks spiderweb throughout. I’m on the cliff, on the edge, writhing and seeing it shatter before me...
The final note of his name shifts into that of a divine keen, elongated and reaching as my wings outstretch. I feel like I’ve never flown so high before. It feels as if though I breach the very reaches of our atmosphere, everything whited out and flashing with a dazzling array of color.
Surely I’m screaming. Surely I’m crying out with such forceful contractions wracking my system. But I can barely breathe, barely process. There’s nothing but this. Nothing but him.
Him- somewhere below, I can hear his desperate groans. He too, yelps like he’s attempting to hold on to the Earth, to stop such a rapid ascent into space. But with a distant, cracking yell, and with another push that drives me even higher, I welcome him into my flying embrace.
I hold onto him so tightly. I fly and dance and marvel in the closeness, in the connection we share. I soar hand in hand, his softness rivaling that of the cloud we pass. Before eventually, inevitability, we must return to a realm more frequented.
I land hard. My form essentially evaporates upon impact. The moment Peeta breaks our connection, the moment he releases my hips, I fall into a heap atop the blankets. It’s no surprise that I’m shivering, nor that I’m weeping, overwhelmed to the warmest, highest degree. I remain on my stomach, limbs sprawled every which way, continuing to pant and ride through the occasional aftershocks.
When the sound of my pounding heart departs from my ears, when I become more aware of my surroundings, I can hear Peeta on the bed behind me, heavily panting all the while. Surely he’s sitting back, likely riding the same lingering effects as I. 
But I need him. After almost selfishly delighting in such pleasures, I miss him. So I turn my head against the blankets, attempting to look in his direction as I reach with a hand.
Unsurprisingly, he understands. In mere seconds, he heaves himself beside me, flopping down atop the mattress. Though I’m utterly exhausted, and akin to jelly, I hoist myself onto my side and into his arms, our bodies as close as possible without the added element of fire.
And there, I snuggle, I caress, I kiss. I make up for the missed touches. He of course, reciprocates, the both of us tiredly offering all the affection we can muster between our shaking breaths. Soon enough, falling back into our usual patterns, we begin to smile. Then breathlessly giggle. Then speak and whisper sweet nothings through our exhausted exchanges.
“Oh...my God...Oh God...” I wheeze into one of our many kisses.
Peeta snickers a bit then, his hands beginning to softly rub circles against my bare back.
“I don’t...I don’t know what happened...what came over me...” I whisper, shying away to nestle my cheek against his.
He laughs more then, somehow managing to tug me even closer.
“Hooo, well...Whatever it was...I’m glad...I’m glad it did...”
I feel myself blushing, somewhat...shocked by the intensity of my actions. And in considering my behavior, in considering how ferocious the hunger was, it unsurprisingly reminds me of the likely sacrifice Peeta had to make in order to appease. I flush even harder, moving to hide my face against his perspiring shoulder.
“I’m sorry...” I murmur against his sweet skin.
“I didn’t mean to- I mean, I didn’t...”
I of course, struggle through my words, through my explanation. I’ve never been good at saying something. But my love patiently waits, expectantly waits, continuing to softly rub me through the silence. As usual, his understanding anchors me, and I whimper the truth rather sheepishly.
“It just felt so good, Peeta...”
To my relief, he gives a hard, handsome laugh, rattling our tangled forms.
“That’s all I could ever hope for, sweetheart...” he replies with lingering chuckles, pressing his gentle lips to my dampened hair.
I sigh at the tender contact, but continue to push myself.
“Really though...I’m sorry...I didn’t...want to make you uncomfortable...”
“You didn’t.”
When I huff against his shoulder, he softly tugs me backwards, allowing our stares to connect once more.
“You didn’t, love. Clearly.” He chuckles a bit more, before falling back into his earnest tone. “Like I said, it was just...different, that’s all. I marvel in your beauty, you know.” 
When I scowl at him, at the compliment, he grins even wider.
“And yes, I’m used to seeing your face in this. But thankfully, every inch of you happens to be stunning.”
“Peeta...” I groan, feeling my cheeks flush something terrible beneath his onslaught of tender eloquence. Once more, he laughs, before leaning in to give me a quick kiss.
“I just got to address the less...frequented places,” he continues with a smirk, “Which after tonight, won’t stay that way for long, I’m sure.”
I huff, which again, earns another snicker coupled with a kiss. When we break away however, I find myself staring into those sparkling, warm blues. His expression shifts into something more gentle, more awed, surely catching the earnestness behind my stare. My hands reach up to cup his face, stroking my thumbs against his scarred yet softened skin.
“I did miss this, you know...” I whisper, topping my words off with a kiss to his nose.
“Well, I did say we have forever,” he replies with a growing, crooked grin.
“That’s not long enough for this either...”
I pull him into perhaps the softest, tenderest kiss of the night, one more fitting for the day than the dusk. It’s one I pour all my adoration into, of course having to verbally proclaim it all the same.
“I love you so much...” I murmur against his lips.
Once more, the connection breaks from the strength of his smile, delightfully warming body and soul before the sentiments are returned.
“And I love you...”
There we remain for numerous comfortable beats, continuing to lazily kiss and caress until the last of the sunlight disappears from the night sky. I find myself contemplating what lead to such an explosion, what lead to my desire firing off to such an extreme degree. Of course Peeta would be on the same wavelength, though the grinning question that breaks the silence gets me laughing and shoving his chest.
“You don’t...happen to have further tricks up your sleeve, do you?”
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honeyedbrie · 3 years
✨minors please dni✨
hi hello I don't talk about this much but I occasionally write fanfic!!
I only mention it because I just posted for the first time ever on a03, and I would love if anyone would check them out and read the 2 fics that I wrote!!
The first one is called "Blood Sweat and Steel" and it's a prince caspian x peter pevensie smut which I am extremely proud of, and then the second is a Hawks x genderless reader which I wrote the other day called "Sweet Cinnabon"
Anywho!! If you decide to check them out it would mean a lot to meee
Take care of yourselves, brie out!💕
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