neopronouns · 2 months
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flag id: eight flags with 5 stripes, with the third being slightly larger than the rest. the top left flag's stripes are faded blue, dull light pink, white, cyan, and blue. the top right flag's stripes are pink, dull light pink, white, cyan, and blue. the upper left flag's stripes are faded blue, dull light pink, white, light pink, and bright pinkish-red. the upper right flag's stripes are pink, dull light pink, white, light pink, and bright pinkish-red.
the lower left flag's stripes are faded blue, dull light pink, white, light green, and green. the lower right flag's stripes are pink, dull light pink, white, light green, and green. the bottom left flag's stripes are faded blue, dull light pink, white, light purple, and indigo. the bottom right flag's stripes are pink, dull light pink, white, light purple, and indigo. end id.
banner id: a 1500x150 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting’ in large white text in the center. end id.
hemab | hefab shemab | shefab theymab | theyfab itmab | itfab
anon asked for alternate itfab and hefab flags and i figured i'd make alts for all of these flags to match! they use the amab stripes from this flag, the afab stripes from this flag, colors from these pronoun flags, and purples for it/its pronouns (inspired by these flags).
tags: @radiomogai, @genderstarbucks | dni link
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genderstarbucks · 14 days
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Hemab | Hefab
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Shemab | Shefab
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Theymab | Theyfab
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Itmab | Itfab
Villainpunk, also known as evilpunk, is a punk subculture dedicated to the reclamation of demonization, a rejection of the social norm of goodness, taking pride in identities that carry a stigma. It can be shortened to vilpunk.
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yaoiboypussy · 2 days
Can y’all be creative. calling someone who doesn’t go by they/them a theyfab is very boring.
Call me like a hefab or something idk
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spacelazarwolf · 6 months
anon had the right idea you're the most insufferable person on this site, you probably still look like a woman with pcos due to making no attempt to be stealth (like all tguys and tgirls should be forced to) so what's the harm in a forced uterus transplant and injecting a zygote into it? it's not like you'll ever look like a real man due to your obsession with being "speshul." god i HATE hefabs and theyfabs - /tttt/ ftm
BEHOLD. the venn diagram of transphobes and antisemites:
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ardourie · 2 months
can i upgrade to hefab atleast i donteven use they
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quark-nova · 1 year
"Theyfab isn't a slur, it's a tool!" okay, let's start calling trans men hefabs and trans women shemabs. Since theyfab isn't a slur or misgendering, people will totally be okay to dilute other trans people down to their pronouns and AGAB, right? /s
This made me realize that it's basically the same construction as "shemale", which, well, I hope people realize that it can be problematic. Although of course I have no problem with people self-identifying as "shemale" or "theyfab", the issue is when other trans people are called this way even though they don't identify with these terms.
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specialmouse · 5 months
Im not a theyfab im a hefab.
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bnyrbt · 2 years
Imagine if non-binary people started calling binary people hefabs and shemabs and how fucking disgusting everybody would find it. Yes theymab and theyfab are fine... I feel like a lot of binary people have double standards on what they'd consider transphobic for themselves but okay to do to non-binary/genderqueer people.
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krillsmyselfgently · 10 months
hefab tboys are so bad for me but i can’t stop myself from getting crushes on them aggggg
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softkaiju · 7 years
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Most Dapper Pumpkin Award! #mostdapper #paintingpumpkins #nofilterneeded #hefab
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genderstarbucks · 4 months
Some Reclaimed Terms!!
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Hemab | Hefab
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Shemab | Shefab
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Theymab | Theyfab
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Itmab / Itfab
I don't even know if these terms exist besides theyfab but I like reclaiming terms so wtv
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spacelazarwolf · 6 months
>terf >antisemite cunt i am literally a trans man pursuing full transition and am ethnically jewish. do you just call everyone that because you're a tunapooner? i run a pretty popular discourse blog and am openly a trans man. nothing i've said is antisemitic in the slightest, where the fuck did you get that from, your humongous ass? humongous in width you're probably 5'2, i'm 5'8. and you're not oppressed for being a theyfab/hefab shut the fuck up and roid out
cool come off anon then. otherwise i’m gonna assume you’re lying abt being trans and jewish and are just another white cis goy having a meltdown in my inbox.
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neopronouns · 3 months
hii! could you make flags for:
transxenine cis woman,
transmasc cis woman,
transfem cis man,
transmascqueer cis woman,
cis with dysphoria,
alt cisgenderqueer flag,
alt itfab flag
alt hefab flag,
it/its cisgenderqueer woman
neopronouns cis
and could you coin a kingender related to banny from the walten files, and genders related to g1, g2, and g3 mlp?
all queued except for the alt cisgenderqueer flag, since mine would have a very similar palette to the original, so i'd need specific suggestions from you on what to change/add/etc. there is this alt flag though!
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genderstarbucks · 2 years
Please click on this daily to help support Palestine (zionists suck my dick challenge)
We're the Nightmare System, Michael is the host and will pretty much just be running this account, but if you want to refer to us collectively then you can just call us Millie
Our requests are always open but sometimes we may be slow due to low spoons, don't worry, we're not ignoring your request!
There is some discourse-y esque and political stuff on this blog but that's not our main focus of this blog
All of our terms will be archived on our Pinterest (@genderstarbucks) since this blog is kind of a mess
Things We Will Do
- Finding specific terms/flags
- Finding the name of random flags you have in your gallery that you can't remember
- Flag making
- Coin genders
- Coin sexualities (as long as it's genuine and not made as a mockery like dreamsexual (the dsmp one))
- Coin mogai after dark terms, but if we feel uncomfortable with any of your requests we'll probably turn you down, but send you to another blog who may do it!
- Make pfps/icons (even if they're not pride pfps/icons! We can just make regular ones too)
- Make higher quality flags (just send in a flag with lower quality and we'll turn it higher quality)
- Combine flags
- Make things into transparent pngs
- Make pronoun flags
- Pretty much anything! If you're not sure just ask
- We will do exclusive identities for groups we're not a part of, but in the most respectful way possible and basically just being the artistic outlet for whoever's requesting
Things We Will Not Do
- Coin things related to problematic media (stuff like dsmp is fine (mostly) but we will NOT do anything related to boyfriends, ybc or things like that)
- It honestly depends on the request, it's mostly just things we feel uncomfortable doing that we won't do
We have the right to refuse any request (but we most likely won't)
It is 100% okay to post our terms onto wiki's & other sites, just lmk first! (P.S. we keep seeing a lot of our terms on Pinterest, which makes us very happy, but please just let us know if you're going to repost our terms onto other sites, and especially credit us.)
We will not state our personal opinion on stuff like syscourse bc we just generally don't want to be involved in it
We just want to make terms and flags, not be involved in any kind of discourse
You guys are also completely free to edit our flags and such if you wish! Just credit obvs if you're posting them anywhere publicly
Intro Server abt me
- Discord: ToxicToric#9633
- Pronouns.page: ToxicToric
- Pronouns.cc: ToxicToric
- Pinterest: GenderStarbucks
- SimplyPlural: ToxicToric
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Michael's faceclaim > Charlie's faceclaim > What we want the body to look like
We're bodily 18 and both 18 internally
We're a traumagenic, median system (meaning I'm like "in-between" being a system and singlet since Charlie hardly ever fronts and it's just me most of the time)
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Michael's pronouns are he/they/it + neos, or honestly anything but she/her and feminine pronouns
Charlie's pronouns are she/he(r)
Collectively we use any pronouns! (including neos/xenos)
Michael is nonfemale, demifemale, queerfag, queerdyke, fag, dyke, fagdyke, trannyfag, trannydyke, trannyfagdyke, tranny, bi fag, bi dyke, abro fag, abro dyke, hefab, theyfab, itfab, hefag, theyfag, itfag, hedyke, theydyke, itdyke, hefagdyke, theyfagdyke, itfagdyke, hetranny, theytranny, ittranny, hefemale, cuntboy, pussyboy, titboy, AFAB man, femman, man-aligned female, t, female FTM, AFAB FTM, FTMTF, AFAB trans, weafabtraman, weafabtrasc, trans-agab, transgender, transgenderless, transmasculine, AFAB transmasculine, transneutral, AFAB transneutral, transnull, AFAB transnull, transagender, transvir, transtidal, transrainian, transgender man, t-boy, tiaspec, tmiaspec, mintrans, translilic, transemphatic, transine, transine masculine, transine neutral, transine null, tridaine, tridaic, pollymasculine, boyish, admasculine, adneutral, adnull, demienbxy, demiboy, demiagenderboy, demiagender, demienboy, deminonbinary, demigender, fluxpercimale, fluxperciagender, flucpercinonbinary, concefaun, genderfaun, faunflux, genderfaunflux, demifaun, demifaunboy, demifaunboyflux, genderfaun boy, genderfaunic, faunian, demifaunian, genderfloy, gendergilen + gendergryph!!
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Charlie is transgender, transmasculine, transfeminine, admasculine, adfeminine, demigirl, demigirlflux + girlflux!!
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Michael is teric, toric, gay man, floric, toro, uranic, vinachillasexual, pansyic, femticflux, femalisflux, rivesexual, almondsexual, verian, bi verian, violaen, bi violaen, abro violaen, revlian / revlic, reilian, virsic, bi virsic, abro virsic, bisexual, biflux, bi gay, bi gay man, biflux gay, bi abro gay, bi abro gay man, biavelwam, bifluid, abrosexual, abroflux, abro gay, abro gay man, abroflux gay, abroconscian, abroconsman, abroachillean, abroandro, abromasc, gayabrosexual gay man, gayabrosexual floric, gayabrosexual violaen, darcian, veldarcian, biveldarcian, bi darcian, bi abro darcian, abro darcian, sophian, bi sophian, abro sophian, ambiamorous, multiattracmasc, achillean4achillean, femme4femme achillean, femme4femme gay, femme4femme, gnc4gnc, lavenderboy4lavenderboy, femboy4femboy, rosboy4rosboy, bigay4bigay, gay4bi / bi4gay, bi4bi MLM, gay4gay MLM, fem4masc, twink4twink, MLM twink4twink, twink4otter, MLM twink4otter, twink4bear, MLM twink4bear, twink4all, otter4twink, MLM otter4twink, otter4otter, MLM otter4otter, otter4bear, MLM otter4bear, otter4all, T4C, T4C MLM, fag4fag + fag4dyke / dyke4fag!!
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Charlie is lesbian, bisexual, bi lesbian, pansexual, pan lesbian, lesgirl, monogamous, sapphic4sapphic + T4T!
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We hope you find labels that fit you here! Our goal is to make/find labels to help people feel more comfortable with themselves <3
If you like our account some great blogs we recommend are:
- @valentinesie / @caeliangel
- @neopronouns / @neopornouns (18+)
- @kenochoric-moved / @transhaunting (rip)
- @mogai-sunflowers
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We're not going to make a DNI since we don't want to gatekeep people from using our terms, since we can't control how someone identifies, but if you disagree with any of our views then it's your choice if you want to interact or not.
Also, we don't mind if you're on our against list and send a request, just do it on anon unless you want us probably blocking you
We're pro/support:
- mogai/xenogenders (obviously)
- lesboys/turigirls
- gaybians
- mspec gays/lesbians/straights
- "contradictory" labels
- anybody who reclaims slurs as their identity, yes even people who use fag/got pronouns or something similar
- multigender and/or multisexual people
- pan/poly/omni
- microlabels
- aroacespec
- fictoromantic/fictosexual + any microlabels
- detransitioners, except the terf ones
- people with "scary" disorders, such as bpd, psychotic disorders, etc.
- therians / otherkins, alterhumans, etc.
- sfw age regressors
- transage, transspecies, transracial and transabled people since those terms weren't transx terms originally and they were stolen by radqueers (transage being agere, transspecies being otherkin/therian/etc., transracial being adoptees into a family or another race and transabled being for people with BIID)
- transid / transx terms that AREN'T radqueer terms / reclaimed transids / transx
We're anti:
- transid/transx that are used in a radqueer way
- transmisogynists and transandrophobes, any hate against my fellow trans siblings, brothers and sisters will not be tolerated
- transphobes, terfs and radfems
- people who get mad at others for being uncomfortable being referred to as bro, dude, girl, sis, etc. EVEN if you use it in a gender neutral way (people are still allowed to not want to be called that)
- pedophiles/maps who act on it
- zoophiles who act on it
- necrophiles who act on it
- r*pesexuals, quasihomosexuals, etc.
- super straights/gays/lesbians/bi (you're literally just transphobic shut up)
- radqueers
- fuckers who think the blue/green gay man flag is lesbophobic, copied the lesbian flag and/or hate on people for using it (it's my fav gay man flag I'll use it all I want)
- proshipping/comshipping, if you do it in private we don't mind (you still should seek therapy tho /gen) but if you publicly post it you're most likely getting blocked, it's not even just a shipcourse thing anymore, we're just uncomfortable with it
We believe:
- queer is not a slur (anymore)
- slurs can be reclaimed
- people can identify however they want
- men can use the terms butch and femme
- lesbian and veldian are terms for queer attraction to women/men and NOT non men loving non men and non women loving non women (those go towards faunic and floric)
- arospec and/or acespec people are queer
- cishets are inherently queer depending on the situation (such as being ace)
- any term under the mspec umbrella is valid and bi is not the only mspec label
- sexuality can be fluid
- gender can be fluid
- "contradictory" labels aren't harmful to the queer community, you're just insecure abt your identity
- selfshipping is NOT a form of proshipping (cuz it literally isn't), proshipping is shipping anything taboo, abusive and incestuous, selfshipping is literally just shipping yourself with a character
Note: if you have any of the big 3 paras (or possibly any other para that could harm you or others), genuinely, please seek some therapy, same goes for proshippers /gen I just want y'all to get the help you need
If you're an irl NSFW account, you're getting blocked, we may be 18 but we don't wanna see your titties
- 1
- 🫶🏾
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- 👽📻
- ☀️/🔷🌟
- 🦈
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