#hehe joke's on you
snivycat-art · 1 month
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Sleepy 💙😴💤
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livvylubug · 9 months
When Leo first became LunaNardo he needed to be babysat constantly because he kept trying to do stupid things. (Stupider than usual according to donnie)
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1driedpersimmon · 5 months
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A chaotic mass of comic/doodles
So I died in hoh again and decided that it’s keeping me from msq too much so I’m holding off until I finish Endwalker 🫡
And Kaiien is happy with that heh
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thecringeler · 1 year
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That one Frida quote where she said “we aren’t sus” is imprinted in the folds of my brain
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petrichormore · 10 months
Okay but the way q!Forever jokingly said he’d throw q!Bad in jail and q!Bad’s only response was “Okay. Good luck with that.”
He scares me. That man is so incredibly paranoid but he’s also simultaneously completely unafraid of every single person on the island, president or not.
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It's the thought that counts... Merry Christmas from the crew leads!
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sketchy-tour · 7 months
Hiiihi hello is there an specific thing you like doing in your drawings? Like coloring, lineart, sketch, the reference, anything you want 💐💐
OH SKETCHES FOR SURE!!!! Sketching is so so relaxing to me. Its just me blotting down the image in my head as quickly as possible and it makes me so happy! The lining can be relaxing sometimes but oooo coloring my detested. I love SEEING it finished, but coloring takes oh so long. I fuss so much with the colors to make them look nice. It takes ages. Sketching, however, is nice and easy for me! Super fun! Here! Take some sketches of Wally I did recently!!!
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Oh and here, have a WIP for a piece I'm still working on!!! On the lining phase, pray this doesn't take a million years to finish. But Wally....Wally catching frogs....
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aexvii · 1 year
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see also: LearnedFriendShipping
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itsticklishme23 · 5 months
What I Need
911! It’s an emergency! Here’s what I need STAT: to get all dressed up with a handsome man who has a deep craving to tickle me, wine and dine somewhere with my feet secretly in his lap under the table, talking about everything and nothing… then to be whisked off to a cute cabin with a cozy fire, be pampered and spoiled, massaged and cuddled… Afterwards, once I’m feeling all relaxed and cared for, then I’ll be his own personal little tickle toy all night.
That’s when he whips out the silk cuffs and traps me in all night on a comfy bed so I can just laugh and laugh, scream, beg and moan, and laugh even more, all because of his fingers/feathers/tongue/lips/whatever tools he surprises me with. I need someone who can play me like a piano and find out what music i make 🎶 someone who GETS it. Someone who knows exactly what it’s doing to me, and it does the same thing to you as a tickler. Someone who has an innate desire to find all the ticklish spots on my body…then exploit every. single. one. Someone who wants to sweetly, gently, ever so cruelly tickle me until I’m a babbling mess who can’t even form thoughts anymore. Someone who can expertly make me feel like I’m on tickle cloud 9 ☁️
When I’m tied up and tickled and gently teased, everything else in the world just allll melts away (while I’m melting into a puddle ahem). I love when a guy has that dominant energy, with a soft teasing side that just makes me absolutely turn to mush. Cooing in my ear with a honey-dripping voice, the occasional threatening reminder of how I’m absolutely trapped there with nowhere to go. That slight sadistic streak that perfectly compliments my fluffy masochist side. I love the gift of exchanging cheeky smiles and sharing joyous, contagious, uncontrollable laughter 🥰
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peppermintmochafem · 3 months
~the masculine urge to give up control, the masculine urge to have a mean femme tell me what to do, the masculine urge to not have to think, etc, etc~ okay my inbox is literally open 🙄
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beegswaz · 3 months
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i love the worst women you have Ever met
this is just smth i did for Fun to try and iron out a face design for her :p i love rattlesnake scythe but i raise you. king cobra Scythe. consider it.
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myyoungroyalsblog · 1 year
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Kiss marry kill your moots&anons
hoho okay tell me how tf can i openly admit i want to kill a few of you (does it anyway) (make of this what you will)
@eightmakesonebraincell: obviously kill bc we've ticked the others ✌️😌 (the situationship is going good thank you for asking)
@yunnierights: another kill bc she's funnier than me and i cannot have that 🙄
@atxxzist: another kill bc the wounds from yeosang as side character in broken are still fresh even tho i settled with san 🙄
@hwaightme: def kiss bc i've wanted to do that for a long time now 😔 wanna kiss her delicious brain
@starrysvn: another kiss, maybe marry bc ugh idk i'm bad with words 👉👈
@sungbeam: another kiss! (if we interacted a bit more i'd either marry or kill lmao)
@kitten4sannie: kiss kiss fall in love~ (haven't interacted much but we're both kyoya and mori girlies so i can't miss this chance)
@mydayinthebuilding: gonna smooch her so bad she'll regret it <3
@hwaslayer: i want to wife her up so bad so that's a strong marry right there 👉👈
@my-loves-my-life: straight up marry i'd make you the happiest your hand in marriage pls 💍🧎‍♀️
@lavishloving: another marry bc i feel like we'd co-exist in harmony and that's really hard to find considering it's me we're talking about
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kiwistede · 5 months
On my drive to work this morning, at about 6:20a.m., Spotify did me dirty and played "This Woman's Work" and that did it for me... When those first few notes started with Kate lovely voice... UGH. I let myself had a little cry...
I was preparing a sort of moodboard gifset about not getting a s3 and it was all sad and angry reactions lol and now I'm like...nah, why? I´m not ready to give up ... I know you've got a little life in you left I know you've got a lotta strength left
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brooklynisher · 2 months
Boop Thanks You!
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Happy birthday!
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smalltimidbean · 5 months
*points to bean* cinnamon roll. -w-
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