#hehehe thank you for thissss
thehistoriangirl · 1 year
Bonjour!! I actually wanted to tell you how your writing is always something I look forward to at the end my day, like a candle lighting the darkest corners of my room. Could you maybe write a hopeless romantic!reader that slowly turned pessimistic at the thought of love (psst slow burn). Then Viktor realises how much reader has adored him since forever and wanted to do so in return! Merci♡
Bonjour ! <33 SADFGHJDHSGDJHDHDG thank you so much 🥺🥺🥺 Before anything, I have to said, you just cracked my well-preserved secret! Legend says if you ask me for a slow burn I will get overboard and make a multichapter fic :D and I guess it's true so here we are 🤡 [Brain why you have to be like thissss I hate you] Anyway, I hope you like this first part ;3 Passe une bonne journée, petalthea ! <3
The Oblivious Game I Want to Lose (Without Losing You) [Chapter One]
> M A S T E R L I S T <
Viktor x Fem! (Hopeless Romantic!)Reader-------2.1K------SFW
Synopsis: Your father wants you to forget about pursuing your dream of being an opera singer as your mother was. Instead, he's determined to make you a great business person to fit into his wealthy family—his solution? Hiring one of the smartest students of the Academy as your personal tutor, no other than Heimerdinger's assistant himself. But when you two grow closer, the plan gets tricky as you get your confidence back to fight for your re-discovered dreams just as Viktor starts to achieve his own.
Tags: Friends to Lovers| Not-Actually-Unrequited-Love| Hidden Feelings| Crushes| Slow-Burn| Oblivious (both Viktor and Reader)| Romantic Fluff| I'm not going to spoil more heheh >:)| ((Obviously Happy Ending))| Disfunctional Family/Family Drama
Viktor saw you four times before he was obliged to talk to you.
Inside the Music Faculty, the chandelier sent golden hues against the gold and silver accessories of the guests filling the auditorium. A line of teenagers was waiting, removing awkwardly on their feet as the people organizing the admission test formed them into order.
He was in charge of the lightning, tucked next to the half-open curtain that separated the scenario and the backstage, sitting on a stool with uneven legs. Viktor was careful to balance himself up the wobbling seat, growing less interested in the auditions as time went on. While managing the levers, he considered what his final project for his Mechanic class could be.
Until a wailing interrupted his line of thoughts, almost tripping his body off the stool.
Looking backstage, he saw a teenager being dragged away from the queue by two men in twin outfits, a woman looking at you some feet away with a stern expression. You were thrashing and screaming—begging should be a better word—, Viktor thought when he heard what you were saying in a river of blabbering, like a plea.
Please just let me try. Father doesn’t have to know—
But they ignored you and the tears that shone clear against the dimmed light inside the backstage.
He didn't recollect the moment his body decided to move on its own, but the click of his wooden cane snap him back to the present.
One of the organizers looked at him from the corner of her eyes, shaking her head slightly as if saying don’t even think about it.
Viktor frowned because he wasn't thinking about doing anything. They were full-grown adults working for an important house, if your tailored clothes were correct signal enough of your upbringing.
Though that didn’t stop the bad-hidden laughs behind some participants’ hands. 
But even as the sound of the cacophony grew fainter, the heaviness of his chest remained while remembering your broken voice, hands frantic trying to pull away, and he thought, brows pinched in confusion, that if that would have been him if Professor Heimerdinger hadn’t helped him enrolling into the Academy.
He saw you try three more times, with the same outcome. Only that each failed audition your pleads became weaker, and you didn’t fight back as much.
People kept mocking you, you fought and lost, and he watched you every time.
What a particular case, because Viktor couldn't understand why a rich family wouldn't let their child enter the Music Faculty and become an artist for the Opera House. And why you didn't give up?
The last time, just a touch on the shoulder was enough to take you away from the stage. Without the sound of your voice echoing in the room, you heard the quiet laughs, and for the first time, you looked back at them, eyelids heavy—Viktor couldn't know if it was anger or just fatigue.
The competitors cleared their throats and looked away, removing in their place as you scanned their clothes, eyes lingering in familiar crests.
"Good luck in the audition, then," you said, walking away without looking at him, even though Viktor felt as if his gaze was so heavy at least you should have felt it.
But no. You didn’t look back, and Viktor forgot about you soon after; when he became Heimerdinger’s assistant, leaving behind the myriad of little jobs he took at the Academy for extra income, the Music Faculty lightning technician included.
Until now.
The Ventos family manor was flooded with people as richly decorated as the house itself, and Viktor pretended to ignore the glances they stole as the guests looked at him following Heimerdinger’s steps.
Viktor knew the Ventos clan was horrifyingly wealthy, with around half of all the airships belonging to some member of the family, but reading about it and looking at the proofs were two different things.
The hall was bigger than Viktor's apartment, with arches supporting a tall, vaulted ceiling incrusted with mosaics. All inside was a spotless white and a pale blue, taking the nickname "owners of the sky" too seriously to be considered funny.
Professor Heimerdinger was greeting the few people that crossed his way into scanning the room, looking for the host of the party, even though Viktor was the one carrying the gift box.
A man Viktor recognized as part of the Chemistry Faculty of Teachers stopped his travel midway to the wine fountain when he spotted the yordle. He exchanged a polite and short greeting to Viktor before pouring his attention to the Dean of the Academy, asking him if he would like to see some experiments he’d been working on.
Heimerdinger raised a hand. "Excuse me for a moment—Viktor? Oh, there you are. Could you please give this to the birthday celebrant? I don't want them to run away from the party unexpectedly without the gift! Thank you, thank you."
The yordle turned his back on him, engaging again in the conversation while Viktor stood a couple of steps away, frozen, with an expensive gift tucked inside his arm.
He sighed, tapping his fingers over the box as his eyes scanned the room. How was he supposed to know who was the host of the party? All rich people looked the same, with expensive clothes and too many decorations with gold, all of them holding cups of wine while engaging in business deals.
Viktor walked toward some butlers and maids that were carrying away the empty platters from the dessert table and replacing them with new ones. He didn’t want to ask a rich Piltie about who was the birthday's celebrant—much less give any of them a gift—but it was part of his job, he supposed.
It didn’t make it easier.
One of the servants told him a name he hadn’t heard before. Frowning in confusion, the servant stopped what he was doing to give him a detailed description of the youngest Ventos heiress.
The young man shrugged. “I haven’t seen the Young Mistress in a while, though. I don’t know where the she could be.”
A maid interrupted. "Miss Ventos should be on the green balcony," she blinked and signaled the west corner of the room. "It's the balcony filled with plants. If they aren't there, then she probably withdraw to her bedroom already."
Viktor nodded, thanking them. After a short pause, the servants replied with a doubtful, “it’s nothing, Sir” and he left them to fulfill their job not wanting them to be punished because of his incompetence.
It wasn’t that late, perhaps 10 PM or something around that hour. If this person was already in bed—how old they were? Suddenly, his stomach twisted thinking about a spoiled child. What if she didn’t like the gift? What if she didn’t accept it because maybe she didn’t like him? Would he be in trouble?
The green balcony was obscured by thick potted flowers and little palms, only a narrow passage connected it to the marble rail that had a spectacular view of the city.
Viktor froze when he didn't see anyone in there. Should he return the gift with Heimerdinger? Or could he leave it with a servant?
His thoughts were interrupted by a rustling sound, his eyes darting toward the sound's source.
He recognized you right away, and Viktor felt a little embarrassed by it. You looked older—around four years had passed since the last audition you tried to join—but your clothes were very similar, contrasting with the pale blue and shining white in dark tones of purple and blue.
“Who are you?” you said, frowning. He felt your eyes sweeping his outfit—the Academy uniform—and your stiff posture, half-hidden behind a rosebush, seemed to relax.
Viktor blinked, and you blinked back, arching your brows.
“Ah! Right. I’m Heimerdinger— I mean, I’m Heimerdinger’s assistant.” He locked his cane’s handle in the crook of his elbow to take the box gift in his both hands, arms extended toward you. “He wanted me to deliver this gift. But I don’t, eh, I don’t know who the host is. By any chance… could you help me?”
You smiled then, a little tug of your lips as you took the gift box between your hands.
“Sure. Please tell Professor Heimerdinger my gratitude.”
“You’re the birthday celebrant?”
"That's right," you paused, shaking the box a little. It sounded metallic, and it was a little heavy. "Please sit down, I'm sure you must be tired from all that walking around."
You signaled at one marble bench built on one side of the balcony, next to where you were sitting, a glass of wine half-empty that you shoved away.
"You know you're hard to find," Viktor said, feeling the cold rock against his legs. He shivered a little, trying to be subtle about it. Then, he realized the words that slipped out of his mouth. "I apologi—"
“No need. You’re right, anyway.” You opened the box, putting aside the protective cloth to reveal a music box. When you pressed the button, the little shell opened, showing a little doll dressed in a deep blueish-greenish dress going in circles around a wooden stage.
Behind her, the scenery moved, showing an Ionian forest. You chuckled, moving one of your feet at the rhythm of the melody repeating inside the toy. Fingers hovering in the air as if you wanted to touch the little doll but wouldn’t dare to.
For a moment, he thought you looked cute.
“I knew Professor Heimerdinger still makes the best music boxes,” you muttered, and Viktor heard it for he was listening carefully.
“Do you know Professor Heimerdinger?” Closely, he wanted to add, but you seemed to understand his inner meaning.
“Yes. He was friends with my mom. Well—he helped her to pursue her career as an opera singer.”
Viktor smiled a bit. He finally understood that you wanted to enroll in the Music Faculty.
You jumped when someone called your name—a male voice.
"Shit," you whispered, and Viktor got surprised to hear you curse. Hurriedly, you took the music box under the bench, where the bushes hide it well enough. Your hands tried to accommodate your hair that had been disturbed by some branches as you stood up. "Enjoy the party for me—oh! That's right. What's your name?"
“My name?” You nodded, smiling warmly. “I’m Viktor.”
You extended your hand toward him. “A pleasure to make you my acquaintance, Viktor. I hope you enjoy the night.”
He frowned. "Are you leaving? No, wait. Where you hiding here?”
You beamed. "You're smart. Yes, I was. You see, when you reach a certain age your parents just organize these kinds of parties to shove suitors at your face each half an hour or so. I needed a break."
“Oh. You don’t seem fond of the attention.”
"I'm not. People still can't get over the fact about my mixed upbringing." You took off the shawl that was covering your shoulders, and let it fall on his lap. Viktor was still shivering slightly, the air of the night getting colder as time passed.
He wanted to ask what you were referring to, but you interrupted him:
“If you’re going to stay here, wear it. I wouldn’t want you to get sick.”
“But—” You shook your hands.
“Don’t worry about it. Thanks for the gift, Viktor. It’s the best I’ve been given in a long time. Thank Heimerdinger too, please.”
Viktor nodded and you said your farewell just as the same male voice entered the balcony.
You encountered him midway, dragging him away from Viktor.
“Yes, Father?”
The man sounded angry. Viktor could hear the disdain in Erik Ventos’ voice even from he was sitting, back hunched forward so he could hide better.
“Were you talking with someone?”
You laughed. “Oh, dear Father. Don’t tell me you have too much to drink again. Or it’s that you just like to nag at me?”
“Don’t try to act cocky. You left Yael from house Kiram all alone an hour ago!" Viktor heard your father whispering at you, a voice full of poison. "Is this how you pay for everything I've done for you? You're just an ungrateful brat."
Viktor closed his eyes while listening to that. His parents never talked to him that way, he couldn’t believe that some people would treat their own family in such manners.
“If you want me to marry him so badly, then go make the deal yourself,” you spitted out back, shoving him aside and walking away.
Erik Ventos followed you, stomping like a wild animal, the noise getting further away until all that was left was the crickets singing on the lonely balcony. His hands were tangled in your shawl, thinking that he was going to stay there a little longer, childishly hoping you would come back.
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waruihoshi · 2 months
Hey. You. Put your music on shuffle and list the first 5 songs that come up ♥ Feel free to send this to other people lets spread music fun!!! Love u
FINALLY doing this one, sorry for keeping you waiting hehehe Alright let's see !
Aux sombres héros de l'amer - Noir Désir This one is a childhood nostalgia one hehe, my parents listened to a lot of Noir Désir. Also the harmonica part in thissss >:)
Immortals- Jonathan Young cover - Original by Fall Out Boys Oughhhhh love that song (the original is in the MDF mixtape!) and Jonathan Young makes such good covers
My Way - Minor Key Version by Chase Holfelder - Original by Frank Sinatra I did an animatic on this one hehe
World's Smallest Violin - AJR I need to listen to more AJR for real ...
Michael in the Bathroom - Be More Chill Musical I was wondering when a musical would pop in the playlist, well here it is >:)
Thanks for the ask, love you tooooooo
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zu-is-here · 1 year
Zuuu!! Hi! I hope you are well!!!
You comic zu!!! Ahhhhhh this thissss this is what we talked abouttt
You driving me nuts girl
Hii Gayfish!! <3 Yep, hopefully you're doing good too! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)☆
Heheh got a chance to show more of them (*´꒳`*) I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed it too! ♪
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(⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄) Same here! <3
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You too, thank you!╰(*´︶`*)╯Have a nice week! ♡
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bambi-marquez · 2 years
Alex Marquez! Alexander Sims! Alex Lynn! Alex Albon!
my beloved alexes !!!!!
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(no one understand him like i do apart from you emily you get it jdjskdjks)
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just a great lil man
alex lynn:
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again most beloved driver
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beloved albono <3
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soonhoonsol · 2 years
scrolled through firstly to see who all you did so here's who i'm super curious to know, chey!! enhypen + skz (yes i just asked you my ults atm, would have asked txt but you just did that hehehe)
rueee my love 💖 heheh thank you tho ><
i just answered the enhypen one hereee
so for stray kids...
super familiar with them but more of a casual fan than a stan? anyways imma just do this one because also THISSSS close to stanning 👌🏼
favorite member / bias line - lee know 💖
which member I’d fight (& why) - none of them cuz they're all so nice and sweet and tbh i think they could probably beat me in a fight so imma just stay away 👀
favorite song(s) - god's menu / christmas eveL / get cool
favorite thing about the group - their performances... are sooooo good 🥰🥰 stage presence like no other
something i’d like to see from them - maybe something story-based? like what txt is doing with their story film... i think if skz did smtg like that too it'd be dopeeeee 🥺🥺 (also if they alr did smtg like this pls lmk cuz i'm curious)
kpop group ask game~
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ihatebnha · 3 years
i really wasn’t expecting to get as many event asks as i already have... so just be warned i might be a little slow! thank you to everyone for sending something in though, i do plan on answering all that i can!!!❤️
you can block the tag ‘event’ if you don’t want to see any of thissss hehehe
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infartoomanyfandoms · 3 years
My Supergirl 6x09 liveblog
- um this looks like the creepy forest Sam went to in her head in S3 when Reign was out
- this is spooky but Nia looks very pretty
- CGI strikes again 🤦‍♀️
-oh this is kindaheartbreaking
- OOOH THERE SHE IS. Why is that lil smirk kinda attractive tho
- GAME NIGHT. God I've missed game night. This is so cute. Everyone looks so good too. I love thissss
- Who's flat is this??
- Aww Dansen hug 🥺
- Alex did you just quote Frozen you big nerd I love you so much 😭
- Nia bby u look so tired </3
-Aw space dad would team up with Lena if she was here. I love that.
- yeah that really is putting it mildly J'onn thank you for that lol. I like that we're acknowledging Brainy and Lena's existence though
-Someone pls hug Nia immediately
- Oh Kelly got a new job!! Good for her 😌
- Ugh god look at these mushballs. I need more Dansen in my life
- oh that was a very abrubt cut lol. But I love Andrea and her whiteboard so much 😂😭
- THE WAY ANDREA JUST TOLD WILLIAM TO JUMP OFF A BRIDGE AHAAADGJK Andrea, bby you can't just be saying that to people
- wait Catco is 3 now, I thought they were at 8? What did I miss, am I dumb? Lol
- okay but I'm legitimately impressed that she fell asleep standing up. How is Andrea just letting her get away with that though??
- Ohhh 🥺 That's actually really sweet. Andrea is a good boss.
- Andrea really said 'William jump off a bridge' and 'Nia take a mental health day' 😂
- I can't get over how proud she is of her whiteboard - Loo at her!! I love her
- Kara honey how have you ever managed to keep 1 single secret in your life. It made me laugh though
- this lady gives me bad vibes
- Oh 🥺 Is this foreshadowing that Kelly's gonna be a great mum? I sure hope so
- oh this place is not great
- YES look at Kelly go! I kind of want her to be my therapist lmao
- Joey's story is making me tear up big time
- Ugh yes!!!!! This is a team up that I want. Kelly & Kara!! They haven't had scenes alone, ever I think? I'm so excited for this
- wait why is nyxly being helpful? I have my eye on you ma'am. What are you up to? Uh oh this isn't gonna end well is it?
- that once over and sigh was a little 💅 Nyxly calm yourself!
- I'm sorry Nyxly can what!? Damn now the 6x10 promo makes sense
- Oh god this is so clearly manipulation and I wanna know what Nyxly's really up to
- o shit that made me jump
- it's nice to see Kara actually reporting.
-The receptionist is very cute. Miss Receptionist are you single.
- I miss casual use of superpowers so much 😂 They should let Kara do it more
- Melissa is so pretty and it's distracting me from whatever this Second Chances program really is
- J'onn?? Oh the plot thickens
- Hmm I think the Warden is behind it. He sounded like he was hiding something
- Kelly you haven't done anything wrong at all!
- This scene is making me emotional 😭 The tear wiping is so soft. I love them. Alex is such a good support person. More hugging yes!!
- (can someone please spare one for Nia tho 😭 girl is going through it)
- Oh Mr Warden dude you are so guilty
- Kara write the story /now/
- we stan the owl
- This episode feels really long is it just me?
- "Who cares about the ratings?" KARA!! You're right but you only just got your job back by the skin of your teeth, you're lucky Andrea is in a good mood today 😂
-Ew I knew this place was terrible
- I wonder what the significance of Esme is. What's she gonna do? I hope she helps get that awful place shut down
- "I was a fool for believing in him" okay Kara since when were you season 5 Lena 💀
- it's really really good to see Kara actually working again
- oh god this show keeps bringing up Cat Grant, I really want her to make an appearance just once before the show ends
- I knew hew was dirty!!
- YES KELLY!!!!!!
- oh yes, way to make an entrance
- hey you assholes she saved you (understandable to be cautious I guess but come /on/ guys)
- THIS!! This is the heart of this show!! This is what it's needed more of through the years
- Ah look at them actually working!! And I love a happy Andrea ahahaha
- He just smiled like he knew. Does William know?
- Yess for Kelly getting that nasty old woman out of there!
- Brothers reuniting 🤧🤧🤧
- I must say, I love how well all these plots were intertwined this episode
- Hehehe Esme is a smart kid.
- Wait wtf 😭😭 I've known Esme for 38 minutes but if anything happened to her I would kill everyone in this room and then myself.
- ALEX KNEW SHE WOULD I LOVE SUPPORTIVE GFS. Alex is so proud of her look 😭😭
- oh no this is bad news bears. I trusted the owl.
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raedas · 3 years
just for the enthusiasm you get a snippet hehehe.
“Hey!” I protested, but it was too late. The rest of the pillows toppled onto me, destroying the fortress I had painstakingly built around me.
is there any plot? does this advance the story in any way? no. but i dont have enough brain power to write anything with substance so you take what you get :D  
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imaginedisish · 5 years
This Charming Man (Colin Ritman x Reader) (Bandersnatch)
A/N: OMG FINALLY SOME PURE COLIN FLUFF. NO FIGHTING, NO CRAZY STUFF. PURE. FRICKEN. FLUFF. THIS IMAGINE IS 100% CERTIFIED CUTE. An anon requested some cozy, cute fluff w/Colin so I WROTE THISSSS! I’m getting some requests I really wanna do tho...like y'all have some AMAZING IDEAS!!! I hope you all enjoy this oneeeee hehehe :)  P.S....This may sound dumb but lemme just pour my stupid heart out real quick:
Y’all make my heart go PITTER PATTER. I just want to thank you guys for all the love. I was so nervous to start writing again, but I feel so comfortable. I wanna thank you all for that <3 OKAY ON WITH DA SHOW!
Summary: Colin comforts you after a long, tiring day with some cuddles, snuggles, and Star Wars :)
Warnings: A little bit a language...but that’s it <3
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The winter air was cold and dry as you walked back to your flat. You rubbed your arms up and down, trying to stay warm. 
Almost there, You think to yourself, shivering. Your day was far from perfect, and you wanted nothing more than to be home with Colin. 
You had been studying music at university for quite some time now. It was never exactly a cake walk, but recently it had proposed a huge challenge for you. 
Normally, you loved performing your music for people. After all, it was what you wanted to do with your life. However, today, you simply weren’t in the right mindset. You knew something was off when you woke up. 
Your morning proved to be a mess. You think back to earlier, how the shower curtain fell in the middle of your shower, and how you dropped your favorite eyeshadow pallet, the colors falling out into a mess of dust on the floor. 
“You’re going to be amazing, love,” Colin tried to tell you as you walked out the door. “Do your best, and you’ll succeed, I know you will.” You loved that boy with your whole heart, but he was wrong this time. 
Things were going completely fine. That is, until you began to play your guitar solo. Your finger picking was completely off, plucking wrong string after wrong string. Deciding to cut the solo short, you began to play the melody again. But, even then you couldn’t get the chords right. 
You were extremely embarrassed about it, especially since you had written the lyrics and composed the entire piece. 
All you wanted at this point was to go home, and be with Colin. Unfortunately, there was a big chance Colin would still be working. It was Monday, his late day. 
And you really hated Mondays because of that. 
You finally approach your building, and you make your way inside. You climb up the many flights of stairs until you reach your floor. You proceed to walk towards your door. 
You unlock the door, and trod into your flat, feet shuffling tiredly across the wood floor. To your surprise, you see Colin sitting at the kitchen table, his feet up, and his nose buried in his well read copy of 1984 by George Orwell. A joint hangs precariously from his lips. 
The corners of your mouth turn up a the sight of that platinum blonde hair. Colin must have gotten off of work early, for me, You think to yourself. 
Colin looks up, his crystal blue eyes hide behind his silver frames. Colin grins like a child at the possibility that his little surprise of getting home early made your day. He was right, it really did. That boy would do absolutely anything to make you happy.
He puts the book down, takes his feet off the marble table, and slides the chair back. Colin hops to his feet, and practically runs to make his way over to you. 
Colin takes off his glasses with a certain bravado that makes your heart beat fast. Colin cups the right side of your face with his hand, pressing a light kiss on your lips. You hum in response, feeling more relaxed already.
He slowly pulls his pale, red lips from yours. Even after being together for so long, Colin’s affect on you refuses to waiver. Your heart thumps loudly against your chest, so loud that Colin can hear it. He smirks, in love with the thought that he still makes you feel this way. 
“How was your day, love?” Colin questions in a soft voice. 
Suddenly, the frustration and stress of your day floats back to you. You sigh nervously, bringing your left hand up to your forehead. 
“It was terrible. I completely messed up my performance for my midterm. I played the wrong chords…” You trail off, growing more anxious by the second. 
Colin sees the disappointment in your eyes, and pulls you close to his chest. 
The scent of vanilla and spice laced with cigarettes and a hint of weed fill your nostrils as you push your face closer to the center of his chest. That smell was special. It was distinctly Colin’s. The smell of smoke, and smoking in general usually disgusted you, but not it was Colin. There’s something so attractive about the way he looks with a joint in between his lips. It’s indescribably tantalizing to you.
Colin still holds you tightly, rubbing your back softly every now and then. 
“Your professor is an absolute dickhead if he doesn’t see how talented you are,” Colin says reassuringly. “If the bloke even tries to fail you, he’ll be hearing from me. Or even worse…” Colin pauses, moving his lips closer to your right ear. “…No one will ever hear from him again.” Colin arches a brow, a mischievous look plastered across his face. You can’t help but chuckle loudly, and Colin joins in. 
Colin grabs your hands and leads you towards the couch, almost as if you two are children on a field trip, making a “choo-choo train” of sorts in an attempt to stay together.
Colin sits down, and he extends his arm out, signaling for you to join him. You plop down next to him, and he puts his arm around your shoulder. He pulls you in closer to him, and you snuggle up against his chest. 
“Let’s just relax, yeah?” He says to you calmly. You nod your head in response, putting a hand on his stomach.
“You wanna watch some telly?” Colin asks, his lips pressing against the top of your head. 
“Sure,” You hum happily, passing him the black remote next to you. He turns the television on, surfing through the channels.
Faces flash by as Colin searches for something to watch. He skips by sitcom after sitcom, until he finally lands on the image of Carrie Fischer and Harrison Ford bantering with blasters in their hands. 
“Star Wars!” You exclaim excitedly. Colin lets out a deep chuckle, amused by how much of a nerd you are. 
“My god, my girlfriend is the biggest nerd on the planet!” Colin teases, scrunching his nose playfully, pretending to be disgusted. 
“That’s no fair! You like this stuff even more than I do!” You tease back at him. He shakes his head defeatedly. 
“You’ve caught me red handed, (Y/L/N),” Colin says, putting his hands up, surrendering. You giggle, putting your head back down to his chest. He wraps his arms around you, and you focus on the movie. It was “The Empire Strikes Back”, your favorite Star Wars movie, and you and Colin had just caught the beginning of it. 
You two stay there for what feels like hours, your head against Colin’s chest, occasionally pressing kisses there. His hands comb through your hair, making you melt under his touch.
Much to your delight, as “The Empire Strikes Back” ends, the next movie, “Return of the Jedi,” comes on. 
“It must be a marathon!” You sing happily, a huge smile plastered on your face. Colin laughs, looking over to the clock. 
“Well shit it’s nine o’clock,” He chuckles, realizing how much time you two had spent watching Star Wars on the couch. “Should I order some pizza?” 
You nod excitedly. You were so relaxed that you didn’t realize how hungry you were. Colin picks up the phone sitting next to the couch, and dials the number. 
“Yeah, hey mate, I’d like to order one large, plain pizza, I’ve got quite the hungry nerd sitting next to me,” Colin says nonchalantly, glaring over at you with a mischievous smirk across his face.
“Colin Ritman!” You shout playfully, lightly punching him in the shoulder. He giggles as he tries to give the address of your shared apartment to the person on the other line, all while to defend himself against your play fighting tactics. He hangs the phone up, and looks back to you. 
“What can I say?” Colin says, that mischievous look still in his eyes. “I fell in love with a nerd. I gotta show that off, ya know?” Then he leans in, pressing his lips against yours. The kiss is languid and sweet. It’s a moment you wish you could capture on a camera and keep forever.  You smile against his lips, a sense of bliss filling your stomach. 
He might have been a tease, but he was your tease.
You were his nerd. 
And you’d happily be his nerd for the rest of your life.
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hey! if you're still doing matchups, I was wondering if you can do mine? i'm a 5'3 tall bi girl! I have blonde hair and green(ish) eyes! I really like cats and science, especially botany. I'm also learning lots of languages! thank you so much!
I shall bestow upon you the shipping wiiiiithh PIDGE!!!
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you're definitely taller than pidge and she likes that. Most likely even makes you give her piggyback rides ( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ).
If this little gremlin does not get distracted 24/7/365.25 by your green eyes then the world is probably ending. SHE JUST CAN'T HELP IT THEY'RE JUST HAAAAAAAA.
At some point would build you a robotic little kitten as a gift which Allura isn't exactly on board with because of her precious mice.
"If she wants a cat, Princess, tHeN sHe gEtS ThE cAt."
You two spend a shit ton of time in the lab. The fact that you're expertise is botany is even better to help her with her lion's power.
You'd teach her all the different types of plants she can use in battle and Boi does she get creative with how she uses em.
Bladderwort Attack™
You two just looooveee learning new languages and you practice by speaking whatever language you guys are into these days while cuddling.
Bonus points if you practice around Lance. He gets frustrated he can't understand you and thinks you're plotting a prank against him.
You two get him everytime because the power of science combined with pranks always prevails.
I HOPE YOU LIKED THISSSS! Sorry for the delay hehehe I haz exams and shitty wifi soooo yah sorry T_T. Anyways imma be doing the matchups first because there's soooo many in the submissions. ANYWHOOOO HOPE U DIG THIS, MORE INCOMING (✧ω✧)
~Admin Lue ^v^
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robopitcher · 5 years
hit me with that LIVE BLOG
HI HELLO i momentarily got sidetracked making eggs but here we are!! transmission 8 time
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the way this is broken up is weird hello??? bc as its written its “stop while you’re/ahead to see the/reality of your/actions and your lies/he is suffering” but that aside it sounds like epic lyrics honestly djhfbfdjh
www so does jfreds looking for arin exacerbate whatever issue is going on anyways?? I might need to ask jfreds thinks on it
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“ttyl bitch xoxoxoxoxo”
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*flashbacks to the “theres no posts on sunday” thing*
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“infinityi have seen it.have you?arin hastoo many timeseven now”  HUH? HUH? WHAT? WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN….
is arin just trapped in a separate dimension entirely?? where is he???
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PLEASE tell me this is the same message in different languages bc i do not know nearly enough Hebrew for thissss (okay back after some wrestling with friends and everything says “it’s too late” so thanks ily)
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i swear i’ll go back and try to translate but. more languages? more languages. m
(”it’s coming for you. it’s coming for all of us.”)
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okay. to be fair jfreds has not done much good. to be fair. to be completely f
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“and you will need a transl(ation? ator??) before you face the ???” hey buddy hey what the fuck hey hey hey
im not even at the 2 minute mark what is going ON
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my first reaction was the “see you in hell asshole” energies from this but more importantly… is the Infinity where arin is?
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see you in hell asshole
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dr phil energies. you know. You.
okay i refuse to screenshot every individual letter but:
oh so like halfway through i realized it was an address. it links here but i’ll dig into it later bc im NOT DONE with the video(and i downloaded everything hehehe)
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nap time :^)
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pretty screenie award goes to this frame!
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“im a nice person but im about to start swinging”
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originally i had a gif but my computer not literally literally caught on fire but just know the second swing? not okay
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okay in retrospect this is a long post. thank you kyle i love u bitch
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thesongoftheirlove · 2 years
Heheh thank you!
I lookssss alotss like thissss!! -Snake
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of course! and ooo, very cool! :) - rui
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