gabessquishytum · 10 months
Mob Boss Hob is my absolute jam!
Dream needs a baby put in him.
Alex is no use - as a husband Alex is useless, and Dream is convinced that their lack of getting pregnant after 3 years is all Alex (none of those over priced fertility doctors would ever tell the remaining Burgess heir he's shooting blanks) and since Alex is currently only concerned with sticking his dick in Paul, Dream is the one who's f*ucked.
If Dream isn't with child in the next year, then the bulk of the Burgess inheritance doesn't vest - Alex doesn't seem to care, but Dream's prenup payout is pegged to children and the larger inheritance. Dream will be damned if he leaves this sh*t marriage with just the clothes on his back! If Dream is to leave with anything, there needs to be a child by this time next year.
Enter Mob Boss Hob Gadling. Hob had been off again/on again with Dream before his parents forced him to marry the Burgess heir (things happened, Dream couldn't get out of it). If Hob agrees to help him (and Hob can help with not just the "creating a baby" part, but also the buying a doctor/lab to fake paternity tests), then Dream would be free to take his money and his child and leave!
Dream can imagine that Hob is very angry with him about the whole marriage/radio silence for 3 years thing. But Dream is desperate (and he has it on good authority ~Henchperson!Matthew ~ that Hob isn't, currently, f*ucking anyone else).
Dream is willing to do anything Hob asks to secure his help.
Mmm I'm loving the image of growly, intimidating mob boss Hob who gets a request from Dream to meet... he ends up pinning Dream up against the wall and demanding to know what the fuck he's playing at. He was the one who said he never wanted to see Hob again! Dream glances shyly through his thick black lashes and states that he'll do anything - but he needs Hob’s help.
Hob has one weakness and its name is Dream. He hears his ex lover out and he has to admit its a rather tantalising proposition. Getting to fuck a baby into Dream is definitely one of his favourite fantasies. Fucking over Burgess is a great bonus. So he agrees.
With one condition. When he walks out on his husband, Dream and the baby will come to Hob. No arguments. They'll get their own apartment but it will belong to Hob, and he'll be the one who takes care of them both. Hob wouldn't go so far as to say that he wants to own Dream, but he wants him close. He wants access. Hell, he'd like to keeping fucking kids into Dream until he's had enough.
It's better than being useless Alex's unwanted possession, and Dream is happy to seal the deal right there then. He wants a baby as fast as he can get one and he's happy to be fucked in the back of Hob’s big expensive car if that's what it takes. Hob is bigger and better than Dream even remembered and he fucks Dream full with the biggest load he's ever had. When it drips out onto the upholstery, Hob meticulously pushes every drop of cum back into Dream. He needs his beautiful darling to be full and pregnant as soon as possible, and he intends to fuck Dream every day until it happens.
And of course it does happen. Maybe Dream even finds himself knocked up with multiples. Hob was the very best choice to get him safely pregnant anyway - and he makes sure that Dream has everything he could possibly need to trick the Burgess family.
And he can't wait to keep filling Dream with his children for years to come. He can already tell that one (or two) won't be enough for either of them. He'll keep his darling in the lap of luxury and make sure that Dream never has to remember a time that he wasn't cherished, loved and thoroughly pregnant.
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levi-venn · 6 months
The First Toothpick
Chapter Six: Oh, He's Much Worse...
Characters: Cad Bane, Crosshair, Tech (Flashbacks), Hunter (Flashbacks), Wrecker (Flashbacks)
Gen Fic - Mentor/Protege
Summary: Cad Bane teaches Crosshair how to be a sniper. The kid picks up some other habits as a result.
Chapter Summary: When Crosshair finds Bane outnumbered, he disobeys orders to protect his mentor.
Read the previous chapters here:
Chapters: Ch 1 | Ch 2 | Ch 3 | Ch 4 | Ch 5 | Ch 6 | Ch7 | Ch8 | Ch9 |
Also Available on AO3
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Crosshair bolted past the spring-loaded mirrored panels breaching the wheat field like glassy-eyed sea snakes. There was no pattern to the way the panels appeared, and in the month he had trained here, they never popped out of the same place twice.
But he didn’t have time to think about that…or anything else.
Not with Bane watching him in the bell tower, the Duros's blaster fire hot on Crosshair's heels, searing past his ankles, his legs, and sometimes his ears if he stopped moving entirely.
Three panels suddenly burst around him, and Crosshair leapt forward, missing the bolt flying past his back. He fired his rifle three times. 
He hit two targets. 
He missed the third target by a mile.
A month ago, Crosshair would have frozen up over a miss like that, but then again, Bane wasn’t firing live blaster bolts at him before a month ago.
Crosshair dropped into a backward roll, hopped to his feet, and fired again.
Perfect bullseye.
I did it! I-
He ducked as a bolt sizzled over his head.
He kept running. 
Run. Dodge. Roll. Fire. Miss. Run! Dodge. Fire. Hit!
The exercise lasted all day, every day, and his accuracy soared to the low nineties as of this week. Bane told Crosshair to ignore the “damn numbers”, but Todo still snuck him the statistics after every session. 
Yesterday it was ninety-two percent. Today, felt like-
The panels suddenly vanished.  Crosshair skidded to a halt.  He stood in the middle of the field, his lungs on fire, sweat trickling down his back, muscles coiled, ready for the next challenge.
But no panels came.
Crosshair looked up at the bell tower and pulled his comm out. “I can continue,” Crosshair panted, trying (and failing) not to overanalyze the sudden end to his training.
Did I miss too many targets today? Has he given up on me? 
“Get inside,” Bane said, through the comms.
Crosshair’s heart dropped. 
Ninety-two isn’t good enough. I knew it. It’s not enough.
“I can do better.”
He saw the glow of Bane’s eyes glare at him from the bell tower. “Dank farrik, kid, you did great. Now get inside, now .”
Great? Crosshair thought, looking around the field as if expecting Bane to talk to anyone but him. He's never called me "great" before. Was I really-
A blaster bolt shot just past his pant leg, the fabric sizzling noisily. 
With an angry hiss, Crosshair ran inside the house.
The false wall within the fireplace slid open and Bane leapt down from the bell tower, firing his boot thrusters to cushion his landing. He pushed past Crosshair and pulled out his monoculars, looking at something past the field Crosshair couldn’t see.
Crosshair tried to stand beside Bane, but Bane  grabbed the top of his head and pushed him back. “Get upstairs.”
With a snarl of protest, Crosshair instead moved to the bay window beside the front door. He aimed his scope through the curtain, searching the field. 
Todo into the house from the back door. “Mr. Bane! Skatter is here.”
“I see that.”
Crosshair didn’t see…wait…there was a speeder in the distance ignoring the winding roads and cutting directly through the expansive wheat field. 
Todo floated beside Bane, his little hands on his blocky hips. “I don’t suppose he’s forgiven you for stealing his contracts from the Hutts.”
“Didn’t steal ‘em,” Bane said, tucking the monoculars away and leaning in the doorway. “They were Jango’s contracts to give away. Not my fault Skatter didn’t earn ‘em like I did.”
“Mmm…” Todo hummed. “I don’t think he saw it that way.”
“Move the Fabools to the storm cellar, then hide out of sight in the field. Be ready to fight if it comes to that.”
“Finally, a little excitement,” Todo said, cheerfully and flew off. 
Crosshair could see the speeder better now. There were four weequays in the back of the speeder and a dowutin driving, taking up the entire front seat. 
They all looked mean, and much bigger than Bane.
“You,” Bane snapped. “Go upstairs and stay in your room.”
Crosshair blinked. “But there’s five of them. You need backup-”
“I ain’t askin’, I’m tellin’. Now git.”
Crosshair held Bane’s gaze defiantly for a few seconds, before slinging his rifle over his shoulder and making a show of walking upstairs, his boot falls heavy and noisy. As soon as Bane went outside, however, Crosshair slid silently down the bannister and back to the bay window, peeking through the curtain.
Bane walked to the edge of the porch platform, leaning against one of the columns, pulling back his duster to reveal a pair of LL-30 blaster pistols at his hips. The brim of his hat was low, but Crosshair glimpsed a small, fearless smirk baring sharp, white fangs.
Crosshair didn't have fangs, but he curled his lip up all the same, checking his reflection against Bane's perfect sneer. He would try the expression when he got home. A Bane-quality sneer would definitely scare the shit out of the Regs.
Bane produced a toothpick from the pouch on his belt and set it casually between his teeth, resting his hands on his belt buckle as if he was getting ready to watch a sunset. 
Crosshair could mimic the sneer, and even fished his own wheat stalk toothpick from his pocket, but he didn’t feel Bane’s ease. He was a coiled spring, his heart pounding and palms sweaty. There were five mercenaries and one Bane by himself on the porch. He didn’t like the odds.
The speeder burned through the wheat field leaving a stinking trail of burnt grass and exhaust fumes in its wake. It slid to a halt in front of the porch and the dowutin climbed out, his duster dragging heavily behind him, weighed down by half-hidden weapons, detonators, and blades.
Crosshair had never seen a dowutin in person, but his Humanoid Studies Class didn’t prepare him for how large one was in person. Bane was on the top step of the elevated porch and the dowutin still towered over him. He was built like a carbonite tank, muscled arms and legs that were round like barrels, and a pair of blunt tusks protruded from his chin like a pair of ball hammers. There was a black lightning bolt tattooed over the dowutin's left eye.
“Well lookee here, boys,” the dowutin snickered. “It’s little Caddy, lookin’ all big n’ tough on his boss’s ranch.”
Bane tilted the brim of his hat up, his glowing red eyes boring into Skatter, though that sneer remained on his face. “You’ve been gone a long time, Skatter, so maybe you ain’t up on current events. This ranch belongs to me n’ the name’s Bane, now.”
“Ohh, I heard all about your name. Cad Bane. Real cute. You think that makes you a real merc?”
Crosshair’s teeth clenched in anger. No one talked to Bane like that. 
“You don’t get to talk to my brother like that, reg” Crosshair snarled, standing in front of Wrecker who was still kneeling over his broken tooka doll. “Back off.”
Both cadets laughed. “Ohh, look, Wrench! Another ‘Defective’. This one’s barely got a voice.”
“Sounds like a leaky faucet to me, Gutter,” Wrench laughed.
“They hurt Lula, Crosshair,” Wrecker whimpered, cradling the tooka’s head in his large hands. 
“That’s what you get for snoopin’ around our mess hall,” Gutter said.
“Yeah! This mess hall’s for real clones,” Wrench said, “not broken tube rejects,” 
“I said back off, regs” Crosshair’s fists clenched, “Final warning.”
Wrench stepped forward. “And I said, you’re defective.”
“Defective…” Crosshair sneered, his fists relaxing. “...but effective.”
He threw his forehead forward, hearing a satisfying crunch as he hit Wrench on the nose. As the cadet stumbled back, clutching his bleeding face, Crosshair ducked Gutter’s left hook and slammed his shoulder into his sternum, knocking him to the ground.
Wrench yanked Gutter to his feet and the two ran off down the hallway.
Wiping the blood from his forehead, Crosshair knelt beside Wrecker. “You good?”
Though his good eye was round and glassy with tears, Wrecker was still smiling ear-to-ear. “Hehehe, I liked that! We’re defective and effective!”
Crosshair smirked. “Well, I was at least. Next time, feel free to jump in.”
“I couldn’t leave Lula!” Wrecker sniffled. “She’s still broken.”
“Ugh, that stupid doll,” Crosshair sighed. “Come with me. Tech has a sewing kit.”
Crosshair waited for Bane to take a swing. To pull a blaster. To answer that insult with violence.
Instead, Bane sounded almost bored. “Nah, I let the bounties I collect for the Hutts do the talkin’ for me.”
The words seemed to hit Skatter harder than any headbutt. 
“Those were my contracts and you know it,” Skatter said, face going red, his lip curling higher than Crosshair could mimic. Then suddenly, the duwotin’s expression eased into a too-nice smile. “But hey, that’s all water under the walkway. Listen, me n’ the boys gotta lay low for a few days. We uh…had a lil disagreement with the authorities down South. You don’t mind us stayin' here, do ya? Only eight of us.”
Over my dead body, Crosshair said, rechecking his menacing lip curl in the reflective mirror.
Good, still looks fearsome. 
“Just eight huh? Don't y'all call yourself the Feisty Fourteen?”
“Fearless Fifteen,” Skatter growled.
“In any case, I can’t help ya. We’re full up here.”
“Funny, Caddy, last I heard you work alone except for that bucket of bolts that follows you around. Maybe we can be of some used to ya. Notice that lil enclosure behind the house. What's behind that curtain, huh? It ain't fabools is it? Cuz y'know, me n' the boys could look after them while we stay here.”
“Only thing in that enclosure are my collection of weequay heads that ask too many questions,” Bane said, giving the weequays in the speeder a little wink.
The weequays glared murderously from the back seat, their hands twitching near their blasters as if one wrong move meant a hail of blaster bolts aimed at Bane. 
Kriff that, Crosshair thought. I won’t let them hurt him. 
Bane may not be his brother, but he was Crosshair’s…someone. It didn’t matter that Bane was getting paid to do train him, he helped Crosshair find his confidence and that meant something. Even when Lt. Pynk gave up on him, even when Crosshair gave up on himself, Bane never stopped believing in what he could do. Bane may not know it yet, but he just earned Crosshair’s loyalty for life.
Crosshair slung his rifle over his shoulder and walked boldly out of the front door. 
“Cross, get out of here.” Hunter panted, clutching his leg. 
“Not gonna happen,” Crosshair said, grabbing Hunter’s blaster off the ground and taking cover the barrier. He pressed the blaster into Hunter’s hand and the two of them took down the second wave of training droids together.
“I just bruised my ankle,” Hunter grimaced. 
“I saw you fall off the platform. It’s fractured and you know it,” Crosshair said. “Are you hurt anywhere else?”
Crosshair glared at Hunter. "Don't lie to me.”
Hunter held that glare for half a second, then dropped his gaze. “I think I broke my wrist, too.”
Crosshair turned around and patted his own back. “Climb on. I’m carrying you out of here.”
“Like hell you are. You have to focus on your scores. Pynk said-”
“Fuck my scores. We don’t leave our own behind. Even when they’re being idiots.”
The next wave of clankers started their approach towards the barricade. "Either climb on or I stun you and fireman carry you out of here. I prefer not to haul dead weight,” Crosshair looked back with a cheeky grin, “but it’s your choice.”
Hunter chose to wrap his good arm around Crosshair. “Thank you,” Hunter mumbled.
“Shut up,” Crosshair snipped, and fired wildly behind him as he ran to the next checkpoint, trying to ignore his score plummeting on the holoboard overhead.
“I’m done talkin’, Skatter,” Bane said, pulling out the toothpick and flicking it at the dowutin. It bounced off his broad chest and disappeared into the grass. “If I were you, I’d skedaddle before you say somethin’ you n’ yer boys’ll regret.” 
As Crosshair walked out of the house, he realized Bane was already leaning against one of the porch pillars looking badass. There wasn't another spot to lean and look equally as menacing. So, Crosshair decided to stand in the center of the porch, arms folded, a piece of grass between his teeth and executing a perfectly threatening sneer. 
Bane didn’t seem to notice his arrival, but Skatter’s beady black eyes zeroed in on him with laser focus. Crosshair had hoped his appearance would make the dowutin think twice before messing with this ranch…
…but Skatter just sneered right back.
“Huh…well, ain’t that interestin’...”
Bane’s head shifted ever so slightly to cast his scarlet gaze at Crosshair.
“Didn’t know you were a family man now, Caddy. Be a real shame if we made some violence in front of yer son. He could get hurt.”
Crosshair was no one’s son. Clones didn’t have parents and all they needed was a trainer and the brothers in their squad. Still, Crosshair understood the concept, and when he thought of a "son", he imagined still images from his old picture books. Boys riding on their father’s shoulders, being taught how to shoot a blaster, how to shave, how to be strong and brave and…and all that kraytshit.
Bane did give me a new blaster rifle. And I feel stronger around him.
…I feel braver, too. 
He’d probably say no to a piggyback ride, though.
Crosshair waited for Bane to correct Skatter. 
Instead, Bane wore an easy smile. “The kid’s gotta learn sometime. Might as well take the trainin’ wheels off now.”
The duwotin didn’t respond. 
No one moved.
The weequays looked from Skatter to Bane and back again.
Crosshair didn't breathe. 
Skatter laughed suddenly. “Now, now, ain’t no need for that today. C’mon, boys, let’s leave this little family to their business. Sorry for disturbin’ ya, Caddy. No hard feelin's.” He looked directly at Crosshair and gave him a little wink. “I’ll see y’all real soon, though.”
And with that, Skatter hopped back into the speeder and tore out of the golden field, leaving oily black smoke behind.
Bane whirled around, the leather of his duster snapping angrily. “I told you to stay inside.”
Crosshair took a step back, the wheat wiggling loosely in his lips as he spoke. “You needed backup.”
Bane snatched the “toothpick” out of Crosshair’s mouth and pointed it at him. “How exactly were ya gonna do that, huh? Your rifle’s on your shoulder. You’re standing in the middle of the damn porch like a sittin’ porg. You think Skatter and his boys are gonna wait for you to find cover and line up a shot?" he threw Crosshair's toothpick into the grass. "What were ya thinkin’?”
An icy devastation froze Crosshair’s nerves. 
“I thought…” Tears stung his eyes, his voice went quiet. “...I was your backup."
He said I was doing great…I failed him. 
“Shit, kid,” Bane sighed. He knelt down to Crosshair's level. From this close, Bane’s pupiless eyes, while still unrelenting blood red pools, were far from emotionless. “You saw me outnumbered and you wanted to help, I get that, but Skatter’s ain’t nothin’ I can’t handle on my own. Besides, this ain’t your fight.”
“This isn’t your fight,” Tech said, dabbing the cut over his own eyebrow with a bacta swab. 
“Your fight is always my fight,” Crosshair said, pulling out a bandage from the first aid kit.
“I have other goggles.”
“But you liked those goggles,” Crosshair insisted, swatting Tech’s hand away from the bandage. “The black straps are softer than the brown and don’t make your head itch.”
“True.” Tech sighed. He remained still while Crosshair fitted the bandage carefully over the cut. “But this is not a fight you can win. These Regs are older and bigger than us. You are as outnumbered as you are out-skilled.”
“I don’t need to win the fight, Tech,” Crosshair shrugged, standing up. “I just need to get your goggles back.”
“Is there anything I can do to change your mind?” Tech asked.
Crosshair gave an answer in the form of a snarky salute as he walked backwards out the door.
A half-hour later, Crosshair came back with a bloody grin, Tech’s goggles, and a Reg’s lunchbox filled with Tech’s favorite candy.
“Are those caramel Starsbars? Where did you get them?” Tech asked. He ripped the brown-band goggles off his head and fit his beloved black-band goggles on with a relieved sigh.
“I found them,” Crosshair lied. 
“I find your answer vague…and amusing. Thank you.”
Crosshair was about to say “shut up” like he usually did when his brothers gave him gratitude, but he was cut off by Tech lunging at him, wrapping his arms around Crosshair’s neck.
Crosshair and Tech were often mistaken for twins being close to the same size and stature. Technically, Tech was born second, then Wrecker, then Crosshair. Still, when Tech hugged him, it felt like those moments when Crosshair would hug himself, especially during the scarier lightning storms rattling the windows above his bunk. It may be incorrect, but...Tech was as closest thing to a twin Crosshair had. It was a comfort.
“You can still tell me to shut up if you want,” Tech said, as if knowing what Crosshair was thinking.
Crosshair smirked and hugged his brother back. “Nah, I’m good.”
“Your fight is my fight,” Crosshair said, folding his arms. A charging reek couldn’t move him from this position. Maybe he wasn't a badass mercenary, and maybe he only had a ninety-two percent accuracy rate, and maybe this wasn’t a mess hall fight over stolen goggles, but Crosshair was here for Bane regardless. Loyalty was loyalty, and he wasn’t going to leave one of his own behind.
Bane’s brow ridge furrowed, but it didn’t seem like a frown. “You got some real bent loyalty, if you’re willin’ to defend a bastard like me, but…” he stood up and folded his arms thoughtfully. “...maybe we can make this a real teachin’ moment. How about it, kiddo? Wanna kill some bad guys?”
Crosshair couldn't remember a time he smiled this big. It wasn't close to a Wrecker-sized smile, but it was bright for a storm cloud like him.
“Hell yess,” he hissed, excitedly. 
When Bane smiled it wasn't exactly made of sunshine, either but there was less snark to it than usual. "Atta boy. Now go get Todo. We got a lotta work to do."
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flaylore · 4 months
[Starts Stream]
🪫: Hi! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! I just woke up from a nap, actually. Which was pretty funny. But it was like one of those naps where you are halfway awake, then you won't really fall asleep but technically you did but it wasn’t long enough to be good.
Yes! Happy Anniversary! And let me test, I probably still can’t pin messages.
What?! The f-… Well, who cares about that.
Also! Thank you everyone for all the gifted so far. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for your patience too. Today we can do the debut watchalong. I think everyone else is doing it today, except Hakka, right? But we all moved it so we can- the boy gets the time. We love him. Did you like his new outfit? Very sexy. Very him! He gets snake vibes ohoho, and the choker ohoho and the tattoo ohoho. Very cookie. Very cookie.
And I was gonna watch this on YouTube, like what do you call it, my debut, but I was like "wait, why I don't download it ahead of time, so it's already ready".
Also I will have to pro- let me, let me, I will have to sign in here, cuz otherwise it's gonna be slow. Maybe this is why I couldn't pin chat yesterday?
[Trying to sign in] "To keep your account secu-" Yes it's me!
🪫: Also you can hear the music, right?
Bam! Got it! Got it! Got it! Got it! Got it! Let me go take this… Yes it's me…
Oh my god, when did I get 134k? That’s so cute. Okay, pissed*. There we go! Thank you!
What?! Did Altare just raided? Thank you, Altare! I actually missed it because I was signed out. Let me test something.
Hi! …And it still wont let me pin my messages! That’s great! That’s great!
Okay, but, we have a collab later, so I hope you enjoy the lethal company, I think, is the VG anniversary collab, so that would be fun. Also thank you for the 10 gifted! Thank you, thank you everybody. This will be pretty chill, I don’t know what you’re usually supposed to do with debut watchalong… You just vibe, right? Different people react to it differently, so it’s pretty much that. It’s hard to believe it’s been a year, I guess. It feels really short and longer at the same time, but maybe that’s every year… Probably.
💬: Bettel just vibed to this.
🪫: Of course he would! He has craftsmanship! He has great craftsmanship. I was watching him watch it and he was like “Mmm, well, that's where I did this and that’s where I did that. That’s where I did this and that’s where I did that”.
🎇: Maybe give your thoughts about why you this certain parts and what you felt about things that happened?
🪫: Oh? Aren’t you so sweet Altare! [Reads comment] I feel nothing about my life.
Thank you!
Yeah, It’s pretty chill, something like that, as long as I’m not forced to act in a way I don't want to, but other like that is pretty, like, nice, yeah? Right? Yes! Bettel is very, very cool. But today you watch mine. I hope you enjoy it.
💬: Altare cringed.
🪫: That’s because that man was, y’know, pressuring it is, to held on the first generation of Holostars EN? Trust me, trust me, anyone else in his shoes would have caved far worse. I would have done far worse, I would have started hiccuping. [Hics]. The man knows how to cook and now he can cook at his full potential. So give bit lots of love to the leader, okay? Hehehe. Okay, I have it set it up. Here. Isn’t it cute? Zoom~.
[Starts Watchalong]
🪫: Also I’m seeing red, but I thought “this would be a problem”, that's why I downloaded this. Then let me take this, and then put this here. You can hear the main debut video, right? Wait, if it’s on the loading screen you won’t see the chat messages, but that's fine actually. You can kinda just… You can kinda just, what do you call it… Mmm… You can just look at the original and you’ll probably be fine.
Corner. It’s dead. It’s dead. For anyone that doesn’t know I made that entirely in OBS. Why? I don’t know why. That’s incredibly hard to make, actually. And the old BGM, I took it away cuz I wanted to use it with a loading screen I wanted to use but it’s like, it’s not ready yet. But whenever it is, then I’ll do that. Mhm, mhm.
Wait, how? I just used a variety of plugins. It’s difficult.
💬: Happy Anniversary, Flay.
🪫: Thank you!
💬: You had the best debut ever.
🪫: If there's one thing I really like is that I was very stubborn with doing a video, because I feel like not having that limits a lot of people’s creativity, so, like, think about if everyone got one. Good stuff. Good stuff. So after Vanguard release, I’m actually very happy to see that now they’re doing more videos again instead of just like… it gives you more stuff to work off of and allows you to show what you want to do instead of just like, het straight into talking, which is nice. I was very stubborn with that, and thankfully it’s here and it got completed very last minute, but that’s cuz I was really busy at the time, but thank you to Gomi, for making everything worse… Not worse, work. Work. Thank you Gomi! [Laughs] If you are listening I know you’ll fucking laugh. Thank you Gomi for making everything work. But anyways, what was the other thing?
Oh! Thank you to Ghost too for all the art. Ghost has a very unique style, some people say Trigger-eske. I think it's kinda Ghost-eske. It’s Ghost’s own style more than anything.
💬: Buffering.
🪫: That makes sense, everyone’s having ISP issues aren’t they. Oooh. Close. Do you want me to pause it then? For me is good on my end, so maybe it’s actually YouTube this time. Yeah might be regional, it’s completely fine for me.
[Pauses the video] Here. I’ll wait. Regional thing, huh? It’s buffering for some.
🎇: I made a deal with the devil for the perfect internet.
🪫: HAHAHAHA! Good, you deserve it, you deserve it. I think it just, yeah, it might be YouTube.
💬: You’re back now.
🪫: You sure? Nice. Okay, good. Good. We love to see it. Okay, ready? Refresh. I’ll count down from 10. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
[VG Teaser starts playing]
🪫: Oh, I forgot that hiccuped in the beginning. Oooh, Altare voice. His voice is very unique and yummy. I remember this. When we see this, like, a bit late, I think? It was a bit busy so some things we only got to see like, on the day out. I think we saw this a bit. I like the music a lot, around, probably, Shinri’s part.
[Bettel’s part starts playing, Flayon doesn’t really comment on that]
🪫: I think it goes beyond ASMR.
🎇: I had to hear that four freaking times.
[Flayon’s part of the teaser starts playing]
🪫: Hahahaha!
[Starts glitching at the moment the text “And accompanying him was our genius pilot” and Flayon’s model appears. After two seconds the glitches stop]
🪫: Really now? You didn’t just muted it? I respect the dedication, Mister Terbear.
[Xenokuni part starts playing]
🪫: Wait. See? I really like this part the most. The music is very hype. The lead out to Hakka’s part and then Shinri’s.
[Hakka part starts playing]
🪫: I think Shinri’s is where the music really pops. Ooh~. Banzoin Hakka. This art really fits him by the way. It’s cute. Yeah! Here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here it is!
[Shinri’s part starts playing]
🪫: I think it fits how cool he is. I’ll get pissed if someone just says he’s like a dad type only, I’m like “What?!”. That’s severely nerfing him.
🪫: I love you, Magni, Vesper.
🪫: … Axel would do that!
[Teaser ends]
🪫: HOLOSTARS English TEMPUS. What was I doing during this? Me? Wait.What was I doing?
[Debut Starts]
🪫: Hi me!
[The World Tree appears]
🪫: Oh, the World Tree!
[Starts Glitching]
🪫: I like the world tree.
[R-TRUS appears]
🪫: Rtwus! I got the last second idea.
[RTRUS starts talking, greeting everyone]
[Debut Flayon: “Welcome to my debut”]
🪫: Hey, Welcome.
[Panel Flayon appears]
🪫: I remember that.
[Debut Flayon: “I got you, suckers! Bleh!”]
🪫: BLEH! See? I’m not a nice person, so, when people are like “I bet he has a deep voice” I wanted to fuck around with you. I’m a prankster.
[Machina X Flayon Animated Video starts playing]
🪫: Past Flay… What do you mean past Flay?… Oh yeah. I think there’s still some people that don’t know I voiced this whole thing.
[Narrator: “An absolute genius who can pilot any vehicle in an instant”]
🪫: Hmm?
[Video Flayon: “Yo, the name is Machina X Flayon. Flay is a cute nickname though, right?”]
🪫: [At the same time] Machina X Flayon. Flay is a cute nickname though, right? Cute! … How long is this, five minutes?
[The Narrator explains that Flayon is the Genius Pilot of Tempus.]
… A genius? [Makes a pained expression] … Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Look how close it’s that it's so nice! … Yeah! Cute. Bye R-TRUS.
💬: It is very Studio Trigger coded
🪫: Indeed! I think it’s cuz Ghost’s art is extremely stylish. That one’s Gumi’s! Gumi added a lot too. This is very nice. Yes. HAHAHAHA!
💬: wow I guess some people really still don’t know.
🪫: Yeah, yeah. I don’t really expect people to know. You kind of have to spell things out to people, right? Mmh? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, If you pull on it, yeah, it’s like an erogenous zone, but you’re not gonna get anywhere near that. You have no game, so, aha! Ahahaha! Is on… This is Gumi’s part, right?
[Imitating Video Flayon Surfing Ahhhhh]
[Narrator: “Flayon’s true power is…”]
🪫: Yeah, I wonder. Gumi did a lot for this video too. Give Gumi all the credit, along with Ghost. It’s so good. If I tried to do this on my own it would have taken, like, forever. At least two weeks.
[Video Flayon: “What? Skin Care is important.”]
🪫: It IS important, and no one want for fucking sunscreen around here.
💬: Did you use ant effect to get the deeper voice?
🪫: [With a deeper voice] No, I can just get it deeper like this, see? Hello? [With a high voice] Or I can go higher! [In a normal voice] But recently it’s been hard to get higher, making muscle tension. Makes sense. Frustrating at first.
💬: You did that deep voice?
🪫: Yeah, I did the deep voice! … Oh no no nevermind I hired a guy at Fiverr.
[Video Flayon: “Such a shame!”]
🪫: Such a shame!
[Video Flayon keeps talking about how amazing he is]
🪫: … Do I talk about myself like that?
[Video Flayon: “And conveniently can’t remember anything either.”]
🪫: … Oh…
[Glitching while Video Flayon says “It’s like I’m the real deal”]
💬: Flayon worst enemy bees
🪫: I don’t- Bees are cute! I like bumblebees. I like wasps. I love wasps.
[Video Flayon: “The only thing that matters now it the fight]
🪫: Finally, actually! You know how pissed I am I can’t fight anyone?! The only thing I have to a real fight is fighting Ruze in Armored Core! That’s the closest thing!
[Video Flayon: Wait! Dont actually leave! Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!]
🪫: Goodbye silly boy.
[Both start singing Top of the World]
Oh my god! If you listen closely I have really sus lines in the background, but you have to listen. I think I had some guy saying “Flayon I want you to be on top of my world”. Get it?
[Video Flayon: Aaaah. You thought you could get away… could you? Well, it was a nice effort.]
🪫: … What’s this?
[Video Flayon: What? I did say I was coming for you.]
[Starts glitching while Debut Flayon says “Don’t worry”, then stops. “I’ll take good care of you”.]
🪫: … Hmm?
[Appears video Flayon in the café, reading a book.]
🪫: Oh my god! The café! How do you animate that? It’s so cute! That’s so cute! I love it.
[Video Flayon: No same in reading these self help books though, I guess]
🪫: Me! The only thing I can use. Why trust other people when I can take care of myself! Yeeees! Yes! Yes.
🪫: Wait, look at the credits. So cute. That's me. I think, maybe, yeah, you just have to pay attention to the credits then you’ll see, like, “Oh, he did it. He voiced it all”, but it’s probably not as obvious, but, eh.
💬: No way, that's you?
🪫: Yeah! Of course it’s me!
[Appears his panel with his insignia]
🪫: I remember this! It was supposed to be in the middle, though. I had a really whole setup thing for this. Cute!
[Sees the CSS]
🪫: No! I didn’t have any fancy CSS. So sadge.
[Debut Flayon appears]
🪫: Oh! Oh my god. Look at the old thing. Wait, wait, where is it?
[Appears Flayon in a screen panel, to compare with the Debut one]
🪫: Here! See, see? It’s the old one! I updated the interface, though.
[Move the interface right next to the Debut one.]
🪫: Oooh! I’m so cute!
[Continues playing with the interface while Debut Flayon is still talking]
🪫: This is cute! It’s a bit cleaner now.
[Debut Flayon: It’s a bit spherical but, oh, keep in mind there’s nothing physical in here.]
💬: Your voice was higher back then.
🪫: Hmm? Higher? I think they wanted me to keep my voice higher. I can’t remember.
[The Hollow Tree appears]
🪫: Ooh! Look at the tree! I’ll move this out of here [moves the interface] Look at the tree! It’s Xenokuni!
💬: What’s up with the cutesy voice?
🪫: What the fuck do you mean? I’m cute.
[Debut Flayon leaves the interface projection. “Hi!”.]
🪫: Hello!
[Debut Flayon: Perfect!]
🪫: Perfect!
💬: Baby!
🪫: Yeah, I’m 32.
💬: [About Debut Flayon] Cute!
🪫: You don’t think I’m cute anymore? Hm!
[Debut Flayon: Uuh, that chat’s going fast.]
🪫: It is going fast. I always keep the viewers off and everything and, what do you call it? It’s too distracting if you have too much stimuli on for me.
💬: Who’s this new vtuber?
🪫: Uuuh, you tell me.
💬: You are always cute!
🪫: Make up your mind! Am I cuter back then or cuter now? Whatever. Typical human greed.
💬: Were you nervous?
🪫: Uhh… Mmm… My nervousness has more to do with me as a person, I think, and not really like the actual debut itself, right? I was a bit nervous ahead of time but that was ‘cuz I was going through a lot at the time… Still am. But! Altare messaged me like, 5 minutes before the debut, which was surprising, ‘cuz no one ever does that! For me at least, actually. People usually don’t check on me, so that was very sweet. I have people now that will check on me, but I was not used to that. But he didnt do, like, any babying stuff, he was just like “Nah, you got this”. And that was nice.
[Appear a message from R-TRUS in debut saying “Welcome, Machina X Flayon”]
🪫: Look! R-TRUS buggy. Silly boy. Ohh… What time was it when I did this? I think it was late in some times of the world but in Xenokuni, y’know, timezone, so, it’s bright here-
[Debut Flayon: Some of you guys have been bullying forever, Bettel in particular has been bullying me forever!]
🪫: I love Bettel! I love Bettelgoose! I love Bettelgoose!
💬: Glad you have a support system.
🪫: Mmm… [Glitching for a second] Yeah.
💬: #1 Bettelion
🪫: I don’t know, I just like the dude!
[Debut Flayon is showing his Guild card]
🪫: I love these! I love the pixels! I think everyone should. Then ARMIS had, like, they hid like painted portraits, right? Yeah. Yeah.
[Debut Flayon speaking about how the X pronunciation got spoiled and how he has been using the same stuff in games.]
🪫: Aha. Oh poor thing. My brain just dropped it, huh. I mean I need to warm up to get back there, huh.
💬: Bouncy.
🪫: Oh! Maybe too bouncy.
[Debut Flayon starts calling out Magni]
🪫: I love Magni! I like him a lot. I miss Magni. Wait, maybe I should put this lower? [Lowers volume] I miss Magni a lot. He was always looking after me. He does that in general, actually.
[Magni appears in the debut chat, debut Flayon starts thanking Magni and saying him that he loves him]
🪫: Yeah, see? There, there, he is there, there’s the real thing. I love you. He is very sweet. I love the Maglord. I love him. And if anyone says anything bad against him I will fucking kill you! Okay? Yay!
💬: Happy Anniversary!
🪫: Thank you!
[Debut Flayon is talking about how they recruited Hakka with the Tranquilizer Dart and how Shinri helped them.]
🪫: Yes. I imagine- Wait, where did he get shot? Did he get shot on his ass Hakka? It’s like a cartoon. It’s like a cartoon.
💬: (Magni) is magging off somewhere.
🪫: Don’t worry, he is taking care of himself!
[Debut Flayon, about his missing age: You’re noticing something’s missing here, right?]
🪫: Yeah? Mm… Oh wait, now I remember! Now I remember.
[Debut Flayon: “Ready?” probably messing with something]
🪫: Wait, what was that? I don't remember what I messed up on. Did I mess up on anything?
[Debut Flayon shows he is 18,432 years old.]
🪫: Huh. Ohohoho… Huh?
[Glitches the moment Debut Flayon says: “Or should I say, eternally 18?”]
🪫: Oh.
[Glitched ends]
💬: Old.
🪫: Old man? I don’t- Still people can’t make up their mind with it, can they? It’s either “Oh my god! This guy! How he talks, he is totally a kid!” or one person is gonna be like “No, this guy is old, you see his likes?”. I think that one is more… It makes sense, actually. I’m definitely old, thank you. I guess it’s like, when you express your emotions, it’s associated like that. It's like the top or bottom thing. If you are cool and collected, top! If you are emotionally expressive or you get embarrassed, b-b-bottom! Bottom! … Wait, what did I just say? … I can’t cringe at any of this. This is cute, It’s kinda heartwarming.
[Debut Flayon: June 5th!]
🪫: June 5th! Gemini. Typical Gemini bitch! It pains my nails. Fuck you!
💬: You are a bottom.
🪫: Stop projecting your desires on me. I know I’m desirable. I know I’m sexy. Ew.
[Debut Flayon starts talking about how he wanted to be friends with people so he put their names on a compatibility checker and the results it shows.]
🪫: Wait, I remember that! It still does that, by the way! You put any name in the compatibility checker and it’s like: “trash”. Mmm… Whose name did I try last time? … Actually, maybe it was Bettel. But that’s just ‘cuz he was really cool. So I was like “Ooh!”
💬: You still do that?
🪫: Of course I do! That’s nice. I still do personality quizzes.
💬: You are so expressive here.
🪫: I wish I could have stayed a bit more.
💬: I love the head tilt.
🪫: Blame anime. A lot of my mannerisms are from there. Wait! If there was one nervousness, I guess it’s, uh, when I get very nervous, like, my nose gets very congested, I guess. So I was fighting that the entire time, which is really difficult, that’s the only response I have from getting nervous, I think. That’s really, like, in your face. So that was difficult. I don’t remember if I was able to go off the side and drink water a couple of times, maybe?
💬: I get stomach ache.
🪫: Oh, so that's terrible.
[Debut Flayon talking about old games.]
🪫: Oh my god. Oh my god. Cosmic Break, I miss Cosmic Break, too. I mean, there’s Cosmic Break on Steam but it's not the same! It’s not the same. I do feel old, though, when people don’t know half of the games I play. Did you ever get to play ZX? I might play 04 on the schedule this week, even if I change it around. Honestly, I think I mentioned, once you see my schedule…
[Debut Flayon talking about his role in the Guild, getting customer calls like “Uh hello I like to order uuuuuuh…” ]
🪫: [at the same time] Uuuuuuh…
Me, and I forget what it was that. I was less stressed doing whatever I wanted, instead of like “you gotta do this, gotta do that”, I think, for the most part. Which sounds crazy, even.
[Hakos Baelz appeared in the Debut’s chat] 🪫: Ooh? Baelz was in the chat? Could have seen that. I don’t think I was able to see anyone’s messages. Did I even look?
💬: So not so much of following a script?
🪫: Yeah! No, not really following a script. It was more like bullets point, just in case you forget. [Sees Leona Renee in the watchalong chat] Hi, Leona!
[Debut Flayon: … And no one thinks I’m cool or anything, right?!]
🪫: Yes.
[Debut Flayon: Alright, alright! Like, you’re in gym class, and everyone’s picking, maybe you get picked last, that definitely wasn’t me…]
🪫: No, yeah, I got pickled last. That left lasting repercussions to my mental state. But then again, as you get older it’s like, I realize I was stuck with a very strange crowd.
💬: Improvisation.
Yeah, I’m good at that. Usually for most streams I prefer not going in with a script, actually. I find it boring, and it’s really tiresome for me to do that. So I just kinda wing it. Plus I AM an actor, I’m not sure people get that. I do professional work level. But maybe it just comes off as just, like, impressions.
[Debut Flayon showing the panorama of Xenokuni]
🪫: Cute! I remember! Most streams are unscripted, what are scripted are merch reveals maybe, ‘cuz I have to say stuff so I’m like “Oops, I can’t get it done, I can’t, like, forget this”. Would you guys script stuff if you were streamers? For me it creates more of a problem.
💬: Do you like the R-TRUS?
🪫: It's so cute. I don't think people get out like this but, hey, it's the R-TRUS trait, secret.
[Debut Flayon is exploring Xenokuni using the R-TRUS]
🪫: See? Cute. I like when he moves like this.
[Debut Flayon finds Magni in Xenokuni.]
🪫: Maglord! The GOAT! The GOAT at content, beautiful singing, the skill of learning, blender streams, loop streams, art streams, Judge Magni, the amount of content that man can pour out by himself was insane. Love him forever. It would be like a fictional character. If you don’t like my main fictional character you are a fucking idiot. If you don’t like Magni you’re stupid.
[Debut Flayon finds Hakka in Xenokuni]
🪫: Hakka. Silly boy. Do you like how Elysium looks? I don’t care much for it.
[Debut Flayon: There we go. Hi!]
🪫: Hi me! [Notices the Hashtag] Hey, #MachinaXLive, I remember that. We had a different thing, I think. What was that? We had to wait on our tags and stuff, but then when ARMIS came out they had tags already chosen. I kinda wish we had that, actually. But at the same time, if we didn’t, then we wouldn’t have gotten Machiroons, ‘cuz I think you guys were gonna be called Machiknights. HAHA.
💬: What’s wrong with Elysium?
🪫: Oh? Hmm… It’s not a big deal, man [Gets slightly angry for a moment]. Right? There’s just some other places, right?
💬: Elysium Tour?
🪫: Why would I do that for you?
[Debut Flayon starts explaining about his stats. Glitches happens for a bit, then Debut Flayon says that the orange stats are his stats and the blue one are with R-TRUS]
🪫: Yes. Do you like my strength? Do you like my strength? My luck is very bad, though, actually. I think people will always say “No, luck doesn't matter”. It definitely does. It definitely does.
💬: I forgot your neck collar sometimes.
🪫: What? You like looking at my neck or my collar bones? So my strength is off the charts. It should even be breaking… it should be breaking the… um… [Listen bgms] I remember this BGM! I wanted to use another one.
💬: Smexy collar bones.
🪫: Oomfie, you’re on main. Yeah! I remember I had a special chat to use, but I didn't want to use it, ‘cuz it was cool! But… What was the word? Hmm… Oh! But streaming in the R-TRUS is cooler!
💬: Did I lie? [About the collarbones]
🪫: I appreciate the honesty. HAHAHA!
💬: You are one to talk.
🪫: What does that mean?
[Debut Flayon: But I like to say I'm still learning stuff, instead of being too harsh to myself.]
🪫: Yes! Definitely.
[Appears art of Nervous Flayon on debut]
🪫: Oh my god! I remember this art! Actually, I went through something difficult before debut, so I’m surprised I was able to draw at all. Although, I’m still trying to get back at that. It usually takes a lot of energy out of me. I know I still like drawing pixel, though.
[Reads that one of his hobbies is “CRUSHING PPL :)”]
🪫: Crushing people!
[Debut Flayon: “… and then you compare your work to other people.”]
🪫: [Serious face.] Yeah. [Goes back to smiling] Whatever! It’s still the same me! Right? Right?
💬: Right!
🪫: Okay! Good! [Starts clapping] Yay! What about crushing people? … I still like this song, though! Hmm… I can’t access the highest pitch easily now. It’s kinda sad, actually. But… Mmm… It is a natural consequence, I guess.
[Debut Flayon makes a scream as demonstration of his VA skills.]
🪫: Wait, Yeah! I love screams! I like when people say they like my voiceover. I pour my soul into it but I think it doesn’t really grow big, unless you, like, do it a certain way. So that’s very nice.
💬: That scream scared me back then.
🪫: It scared you? But it's so fun when they’re screaming and then cannibalizing and then having a breakdown from cannibalizing. It’s so fun. I’m serious! Try it! … If you can.
[Debut Flayon starts talking about how Acting is similar to exercising]
🪫: Yep, yep, yep, yep.
[Debut Flayon: Reading and singing… And Crushing People]
🪫: Yeah.
[Debut Flayon: So with reading…]
🪫: Self help books, right, buddy?
[Debut Flayon: Theater kid? Not actually!]
🪫: Yeah, I’m not a Theater kid really, at all.
[Debut Flayon: I was shy in theater class.]
🪫: … Shy… huh.
💬: Honorary Theater Kid.
🪫: Hah!
[Debut Flay: I’ve been all self taught!]
🪫: Bingo! You got it. What was it? Oh, I only took theater twice, but I wasn’t really a Theater kid at all. If anything, I wish I could have been a Theater kid.
💬: Were you shy?
🪫: That’s, that’s a funny word for, uh, lacking emotional capacity.
💬: Theater kid energy.
🪫: I should kill you.
💬: Do you feel like you are different from back in the debut?
🪫: Um… Not really. I’m about the same.
[Debut Flayon is ranting about vegetables.]
🪫: Yeah, I don’t like vegetables. Spinach is good though. It’s okay. But I don’t like wet spinach. Mmm… What's the word though? Mmm… Different. I think… How do I pinpoint this? I’m a bit more carefree. Like that, maybe?
💬: Blanched?
🪫: Eww……
[Debut Flayon rating about him being Machina X Flayon and not Gavis Bettel, with a lot of incomprehensible noises.]
🪫: Fluborvious Glex. Angy boy. Huh? Look at me smiling, that’s interesting.
[Debut Flayon accidentally showed a panel of R-TRUS instead of the image of him running away from bugs as he doesn’t like them.]
🪫: R-TRUS. They wouldn’t let me show it ahead of time.
💬: But you like bumblebees don’t you?
🪫: Yeah, I like bumblebees, yes! But that’s cuz they got the chunk butt and they’re like round.
[Debut Flayon shows himself running away from wasp as shown in the animated video.]
🪫: Yeah, I hate wasp!
💬: Not even butterflies?
🪫: No, butterflies are creepy, watch that SpongeBob episode. Well, I like all of me. I like me on debut and me now. And if neither of them is accepted then I’ll be sad. But that’s fine. 💬: I remember that episode. Wormy.
🪫: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I don’t like the closeup. But I guess the answer to your question before it’s sort of that. I don’t think I’m that different. Did that answer your question?
💬: Least cringe debut.
🪫: That’s so sweet! I feel like there’s definitely cringe, I guess, well, like I’m just like… For me, I didn’t really have much when I was younger. In fact, having a life or anything, or something was not something, I would foresaw, so, I’m happy to even have, like, stuff like this. That’s why I really recommend for people to draw, or sing, or create things, ‘cuz when you do that you can look at that and go “I made that”. Brings your confidence up.
[Sees the nervously smiling Flayon drawing]
🪫: I remember this art!
[Debut Flayon talking about fighting games]
🪫: Oh my god, so me. I remember I was aiming for Skullgirls right here.
💬: Young Flayon is angy and high pitched, cute.
🪫: Me and debut Flayon or me when was young? Mmm… When I was young, I guess you could say that… Oh… I was like… I was… I was… I was kind of like… Mmm… standoffish?
[Starts glitching]
🪫: Kinda sad… But then they just kept calling me a genius, I didn’t like that.
[Ends glitching.]
🪫: But, other than that, it’s kind of like… I didn’t really get appreciated much. I was more like your average guy. Maybe less than average, if I remember correctly. So when people don’t expect anything out of you, then you don’t really get anything. So it’s nice to be here… Hm? What’s up? What was it actually?
[Debut Flayon starts talking about Melty Blood]
🪫: Melty Blood, yeah, yeah, yeah. I think Actress again, right?
[Debut Flayon talking about his mains in Melty Blood.]
🪫: Crescent, Kohaku and fuck Crescent Roa.
💬: Playing Fata Morgana because of you.
🪫: You’re playing Fata Morgana?! Y’know, I thought I’d cringe a little bit, but actually I don’t. I think, like, on the day, or after, maybe, you would cringe, maybe? ‘Cuz I’m pretty sure I cringe sometimes rewatching it, like, the day after debut, but now I’m surprisingly calm.
[Debut Flayon starts talking about Plot Heavy VNs and R-TRUS is telling him tostop talking.]
🪫: Hmm? Well, we’re cute.
💬: Perfect debut.
🪫: R-TRUS.
[Debut Flayon: Yeah, there are some things I can’t talk about whatsoever.]
🪫: Me my whole life.
💬: I’m tempted to ask, how were people like 18,00 years ago?
🪫: People 18,000 years ago? Cute… This is cute.
💬: Honestly you didn’t change.
🪫: Thank you!
💬: From this to playing eroge on stream.
🪫: That was always my go to, I wanted to do that. In fact, I think I put it on, I just put flat out eroge on my, uh, panels. But them some of the managers was like “Maybe don’t do that” and I was like, one side was like “I understand”, other side was like “I was kicked”, but like in a nice way, but I was also like “we need to reshape how the world sees it!”.
[Debut Flayon about to be blasted by R-TRUS is running inside the guild hall, looking for Bettel.]
🪫: I like Bettel a lot, you can tell even from here.
[The Peanut Gallery appears, with Debut Flayon hiding in there]
🪫: The Peanut Gallery!
💬: What would Bettel do?
🪫: Do you want in bitwise or actually? He’d open the door and ask if I’m okay.
💬: You like him? It was really subtle.
🪫: Shut up.
[Bettel appears behind Debut Flayon.]
🪫: Oh my god! Bettel Borbolus!
💬: Bettel: does nothing
🪫: No! I can sell you on it! Maybe another stream, though. I’ll get water. Betty bee.
[Drinks water]
🪫: Hey, hey! Look.
[Debut Flayon starts singing Top of the World while R-TRUS is still aiming at him. Flayon starts singing, too.]
🪫: I always liked Top of the World. I swear to god the full song now sort off… meany miny mo… Adventure. I think it’s cuz it’s three minutes but people didn’t know it was three minutes, right?
💬: Can we aim at you that thing?
🪫: Why would you want to aim at me for?
[Debut Flayon starts talking about his favorite things.]
🪫: Huh? He said what? …Wait, yeah! See! See this slide! They asked me to cut it down, and I did, but… What the fuck? This isn’t even the beginning depth pool of everything I like. And then even then I forgot to put Tails Of here.
[Debut Flayon: Or maybe I’m hiding something.]
🪫: I’m hiding nothing.
💬: Top 10 anime?
🪫: Dude, I shoved it more. They said “Don’t do it” and I was like “But why not? Why shouldn’t I?” … I think the reason I like my debut is I got to be pretty much myself. Wherever that's a good thing or a bad thing is another thing. But it helps you relax in the meaning of that. Right?
💬: They nerfed you.
🪫: I nerf myself. I’ve been doing that lately. But that’s cuz Mega Man Starforce it’s the Mega Man game about depression.
[Debut Flayon starts talking about JoJo and that he likes Part 3.]
🪫: Part 3 is goated! I think it’s just that the layout confuses people. But I think everyone has development even on the “filler episodes”. If you think Part 3 sucks, sucks, sucks, I think you just- you want to be spoonfed! You want to be spoonfed and have it spell out for you. You can’t watch the subtle character development of Polnareff the entire time. Or even Jotaro. Part 3 is nice.
💬: I like Part 2 better.
🪫: Fair.
[Debut Flayon is talking about how adults and children are easier to write.]
🪫: Right. And adolescents are more complex. But the structure. AAAAAAARHG! I’ll kill you.
💬: Kuzu no Honkai?!
🪫: Are people really surprised with that? They’re acting like I put Euphoria on here.
[Debut Flayon talking about how he likes Final Fantasy 4.]
🪫: I wanted to play that on debut! Waaaaaah! Final Fantasy 4 boost fury super mega champion. What else is there? There’s another one. If I can play that one I’m never going to stop talking. Thankfully some games are here, thank you Axel Granblue.
💬: Play Euphoria?
🪫: Hm-hm. If there’s some stuff I could play, or back then when it was a bit easier, I could have played it for, like, views, I guess, but, my intentions from the very beginning was I just happen to like that thing and I want to play it because I want to show how I usually encounter eroge, and visual novels as a whole. ‘Cuz I think, when people hear it they think “Oh! Sex!” but I’m like “No, there’s so much feeling and emotions!”. So much development and so many themes. Hello, I asked you that. But there’s some games that I won’t play ‘cuz, like, it’s gonna be hard.
[Debut Flayon goes high pitched to keep reading this list of anime and games he likes.]
🪫: Disgaea 1 is just kinda too goated! I feel like Disgaea is trying to, it’s trying to, Disgaea is just too powerful of a formula, I think. Laharl is too cool.
👑: Wind Waker… Hw hasn’t changed a bit.
🪫: Is that a good thing or bad thing? Hi Rin! Hello! Kingdom Hearts 2 is the best.
👑💌: Devil Survivor goated.
🪫: Hello Rie! When’s Devil Survivor 3?
[Debut Flayon: I’m not insecure whatsoever]
🪫: Well I’m entirely insecure about a lot of things, well. Kingdom Hearts 2 it’s an experience! I think everyone should play that. If I could play that again, I think I would. I think maybe it’s easier?
💬: Final MIX is best.
🪫: Erm! Actually! The best part- You hate me…
[Debut Flayon showing his tags, saying that the memes tag is #MachironiXCheese.]
🪫: I really like that one. That one is cute. I came up with that one.
[Debut Flayon and chat deciding between #MachinaXLive or #FlayOnAir]
🪫: #FlayOnAir is cute! I didn’t expect people to choose it. ‘Cuz thats like a Starsforce reference.
[Chat was saying how much YT was buffering during the stream.]
🪫: You poor things! What’s your- Your internet sucks! Okay, what's this?
[Pauses the debut because everyone is experiencing buffering.]
🪫: See? I’ll give you like 10 seconds.
💬: Choose it because it was a Starsforce reference.
🪫: That’s good! That’s good! I’d rather… I just can’t talk about other games sometimes, I just have the ones I like, and trying to like “you should play this one, you should play this one” I’m gonna uugh… Like yeah, maybe I could warm up to it. Like, after… uh… Um. What do you call it. Two? Three streams? It works now? Good. 5. 4. 3. 2 . 1.
[He sees the art in the Fan Name and Oshi Mark slide.]
🪫: Oh my god! I remember this art! But that one was really messy. I remember I made all these powerpoints. Very cute. Very cute, I miss this actually.
[Sees the Fan Name options.]
🪫: Machironis. You could have been Machironi and cheese! Machiroon! There it is! Oh yeah, I couldn’t tell, I should probably have made a poll. Macaronis, you want to be a walking piece of pasta, hahaha. If you were, then I would eat you, guys. I love pasta, yummy. Yummy.
[Debut Flayon: Luminous Arc, that's what I think.]
🪫: Luminous Arc too! But, see, how am I going to stream a DS game? Oh, I’ll handcam for that! I’ll handcam for that! I’ll do it for that, I’ll handcam for that game. Oh well, it might take a bit.
💬: You are gonna go old-school let’s play days?
🪫: Yeah! I like old-school let’s plays. I think it’s ‘cuz other people play other games and I think they do it better, and I’m just kinda, I’d rather not force myself to play something I don’t like, and I get very pressured if I am-
[Sees his Mama and Papa slide]
🪫: Mama! Papa. I have the power combo of parents.
💬: Five handcam streams!
🪫: That one was hard to sing. I feel like, in group covers, I always get the highest one. And I’m like “wait, don’t chose me”, like, my voice is struggling lately. I can’t do the high one sometimes. Which is very frustrating, like, for me, ‘cuz my voice is like up, down, up, down.
[Debut Flayon shows the Shouken Mama’s draw he made]
🪫: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! I have another one! Wait, did I have the other one by debut? I think I did.
[Debut Flayon starts saying a message in japanese to Shouken Mama]
🪫: If I debuted at the time that HQ came out, I probably would have been able to speak better, actually. I think I was a bit higher level, ‘cuz I was taking classes back then, and then I dropped.
[The other drawing appears.]
🪫: Oh yeah! I did put the new one! Boku- Boku no Nihongo… etto… etto… Ore… Ore no mae wa Machina X Flayon desu… Dozo. It was a lot better there. Now I can understand, like if you put me in Japan, I’ll probably be able to listen on the street and sorta tell what people are telling or saying. I just don’t know what to say back. That type of thing.
[Debut Flayon is showing Brian Papa’s drawing]
🪫: Papa Brian is so cool. Papa Brian is so cool. I wanna talk to him again.
[Debut goals slide appears]
🪫: Let’s see. Original song, yeah! But, I’ll have to put my, what, I’m very stubborn with that. I want at least the first one to be very me-coded. Jack Of All Trades, yeah. Pretty much do that, 500k subs… eh, 200k would even be fine. Song covers, yes. Compose music… I’ve done it, I’m just not showing you yet. Ooh! Be in a fighting game or RPG Maker game. Fighting… that sort of works, and RPG maker game… I think I’m in fan projects, yes. I forgot one, there’s like one fan project called Tempus something. I can’t find it. Dude, Tempus in.. heh, I love it.
[He sees the drawing in the Content Slide]
🪫: Oh my god! I remember! Yeah this is all the drawing before I dull something along. Then it kinda like, it killed a lot of my motivation for drawing, I think. But I’m still doing it. Which is nice. It was a bit cleaner and easier.
💬: When are you teaching us voice acting?
🪫: Teach voice acting? Hmm… I could. I’m the type of person that won’t do it unless I think people are interested.
💬: Voice help tips?
🪫: Yeah, I could! I wanted to do a mic stream in the beginning, but I thought it wasn’t the best idea and I was like “huh?”. But now I can probably do that. The only thing I have to make sure I don’t get the wrong advice but I think I know just about enough. I’ve thought of membership recording, I think. Or if, like, you ask them to fly I’ll help you, like, you’re, like, “Oh Flayon I only have $300 what can I do?!” and I’m like “Okay what’s your recording situation looks like?”
[The first schedule appears]
🪫: Oh my god! If only Final Fantasy 4 could be here. The karaoke, though! I wish I waited to do that, even if it would have been like, you know, the whole “Oh my god, it’s the first week! It’s the first month, you better do it! You better do it!” With my specific condition I should have waited a bit more. But I think I got stressed ‘cuz my cover didn’t come out on time.
💬: Would you play Legacy of Goku?
🪫: Honestly that one seems to be really hard. It’s difficult. I would love to play those! I remember I tried to play FighterZ but then it was like “Yeah, it’s good to go” but then it wasn’t and I was “oh, okay”.
💬: There were no days off.
🪫: Honestly, I’m telling you. I was less stressed around here. I was less stressed around here than I’m now. Which is kinda funny. But I think it’s more, like, a pressure thing ‘cuz I’m just playing what I want. I get very happy and then the passion flows through.
💬: Mega Man Zero is in your first schedule!
🪫: Mega Man Zero is goated! I might just throw it on the schedule!
[The slides ended, so Debut Flayon is about to showcase his model.]
🪫: Oh my god, show those titties, king.
[Shows two of the drawings that appeared during the debut]
🪫: Wait! Two of them!
💢: Mega Man Zero goes hard. Good taste.
🪫: Ruze! I want you to be in every stream with me! You are so nice! You do remind me like a cool cousin I only get to meet, like, once in a big family meeting, like, overseas. And then I can’t see you again. But the impact is left forever.
[Debut Flayon showing his headphone piece to communicate with people through R-TRUS.]
🪫: Yeah! See? Hihihi. Oh?
[Debut Flayon goes up to keep showing his model]
🪫: Yeah, bye! Oh? My crotch?
[Debut Flayon showing his coat, being Tempus made just for him.]
🪫: Now, thinking about it’s like… hmm… What was the word?
[Sees chat reacting to him saying crotch]
🪫: That's pretty sus from some of you, actually. You see crotch and you get that excited? Talk about repressed.
[Debut Flayon is now referring to the comments people made about his lower design.]
🪫: See? I’m pretty much the same, I think.
[Debut Flayon is trying to show it censored, but ended up censoring his navel, to Debut Flayon’s dismay.]
🪫: Oh, wait, yeah, that actually was a fuck up. I fucked up. That’s the only thing I would call really scuff on my debut. It was supposed to be covering it, but I guess I didn’t really readjust it.
[Debut Flayon reappears on screen, full body: Me!]
🪫: Me!
💬: Frame 1 censor.
🪫: Shut up!
💬: Hip bones.
🪫: Yeah? What can I say? I’m made for everything.
💬: You are the legend.
🪫: You guys are so nice to me. Thank you. Two of them!
[Debut Flayon is showing his bodysuit.]
🪫: Bodysuit! … Do people still think I can’t lift them up?
💬: Touch tail
🪫: That’s sexual harassment, don’t do that. The fuck? It’s mine.
💬: I love the no jacket look.
🪫: Really? Huh.
[Goes to take off his jacket, while Debut Flayon starts talking about Magni’s comment about his tummy.]
🪫: I love Magni! I love Magman. Can you believe this is almost over?
[Debut Flayon does the pat chat bit.]
🪫: I thought I would cringe a bit but I didn’t cringe at all. I already sorta saw that coming, but also I was “I’m gonna cringe at something”. I like all the setup I had for this! It’s so cute! Pat, pat, pat.
💬: You slayed this debut.
🪫: That’s very sweet! I think it was okay at first, but then I was, like, I had to go out of my way ‘cuz I was, like, “Wait! Can I just stream inside the R-TRUS in debut?” and it was like “huh?” I was like “No no no no let me cook! Let me cook! Let me cook! I can make this work. I can make this work.” And there we go.
💬: Okay, get off your head.
🪫: What’s your problem?
[Debut Flayon goes back to the R-TRUS projection screen to find the Unknown Energy Signature]
🪫: I remember this, so cute! You know what I wanted to have for this, though? I wanted to, if I could, I would- If I could music around then, I would have commissioned, like, an Ultra Instinct music like [Starts making Dragon Ball Super like OST sounds]. That was the whole thing with the thing I asked Hakka to draw. I wanted Hakka to appear like the fucking Ultra Instinct and just beat the shit out of me. But I could not get it in time, then, I think, some of my files crashed and I was like “oh”.
[Appears the Target: Banzoin Hakka, in the panel.]
🪫:Look at him! I’m just a fucking memer. If you watched Dragon Ball Super, like episode 107 and 106 live, that shit was fucking goated. Holy shit. I was watching that with my sister. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
[Starts glitching]
🪫: I was watching that with my sister.
[Ends glitching]
🪫: And then, what was it? Oh! Oh! Oh! It was when Jiren was fighting Goku, and he, like, pulled him by his leg and slammed down into the ground. I was, like, “Okay”. He got Super Saiyan Blue out, “He is going to be fine” and no he just got his ass beat, like, 50 times in a row. And it was insane.
[Hakka jumpscares Debut Flayon]
🪫: Omg! Banzoin Hakka! I think the only other nervousness upon this stream is coming up. Not here, though.
[Debut Flayon: Why do I hear boss music?]
🪫: Oh yeah, the boss music. It was because I didn’t know if it would work.
[Appears Drip Jacket Hakka drawn by Hakka]
🪫: He looks so cute! Why couldn't he draw more? It’s so cute! Don’t you think?
[The projection turns off, showing that Flayon got beaten by Hakka.]
I want to do that again. Wait! Look! The interior of the R-TRUS without anything is so cool! I miss.
💬: Drip Hakka is my favorite thing.
🪫: It’s very cute, though! This was cute! Today I woke up late! No, no, no, no, on stream day I was prepared. Today I woke up late. But that's ‘cuz I was lacking energy that I really need more often. Yeah, it’s kinda sad it’s almost over.
[Debut Flayon ends ups showing Shouken Mama’s draw instead of the ending screen.]
🪫: Yeah, that’s what I call the three scuff moments I had. One, two, three. ‘Cuz the other scuff moments I don’t really see them as scuff ‘cuz I think when you’re streaming live, you’re gonna have- there’s gonna be scuff, even on, like, your favorite live performances, they always mess up somewhere. Some people don’t! But they just know how to hide it. They’re professionals at it. But those three I did not see them coming.
[Sees the ending screen.]
🪫: Oh my goodness. The logo is dead, though.
💬: Corner!
🪫: I’m serious when it does not touch the corner. You have to look by the pixel.
💬: Did you have a rivalry with Hakka in your debut?
🪫: No. I just wanted to give him a cool entrance. That’s all.
💬: Three scuff.
🪫: Yeah! That’s why I say if you stream just stream, no worries. No worries. No worries.
💬: Bye, Debut Flay.
🪫: But there’s me! Okay? There’s me right here. Which Flay you prefer? Neither? I see.
💬: All of it.
🪫: Oh my goodness! [freezes for a bit]
💬: …
🪫: Why you guys keep dot dotting me like you are mad? It’s like having an argument with a guy online. What did I do? Do you not trust me at all? That’s actually kinda mean. I’m the same! Really! Yeah, Pretty much.
💬: I trusted you.
🪫: I trusted you?! That seems kinda like a change. What the hell was that? Wait? I trusted you? Why past tense?
[Debut Flayon: Byebye! Have a good one!]
🪫: [At the same time with the same voice] Byebye! Have a good one! Byebye.
[Closes the debut archive.]
🪫: Thanks! It won’t replay. I don’t think it will. Definitely won't.
💬: We hate you, actually.
🪫: WHAT?! Okay. Well, Shinri should be streaming now, right?
[Flayon becomes redder.]
🪫: I think he should- What the…? Why am I red? Oh? Yeah, even more red, the fuck? Okay, let me see…
[Goes back to normal.]
🪫: Okay, that was weird. Whatever.
💬: You turned the saturation on?
🪫: No! No! So I’m confused.
💬: Why are you red?
🪫: You can’t ask someone that! Jesus, what’s wrong with you? Okay, Hold on! But thank you, everybody! Thank you for the Roon rainbow! That’s cute, actually. The Roon rainbow. Thank you for the Roon rainbow yesterday! Thank you for the watchalong! Thank you for those of you very patient. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you very much.
[Sees Shouken Mama in chat]
🪫: Mama! Thank you, thank you, thank you Mama! Okay, let me put Shinri here. Thank you Mama! I love you! Thank you, thank you, thank you, Mama-
[Streams froze and goes gray. A second Flayon appears on the screen, peeking to the frozen Flayon, and then disappears. Then Frozen Flayon is out of the screen, and the colors and movement comes back.]
🪫: Hmm?
[Flayon appears again on screen.]
🪫: You good? You good?
💬: There’s two of you!
🪫: You seeing double? Yeah. There’s a mirror in the back. I’m good! Do you know it’s rude to ask people if they’re doing good to much? You’re mean.
💬:That’s not a mirror.
🪫: Yeah, it is! What do you mean? It totally is. Yeah, look!
[The double Flayon and chat are being moved.]
🪫: I’m doing fine.
💬: Why is it approaching? 🪫: Hm? Why is what approaching?
[Flayon freezes again, and then it glitches for a second. Appears what seems to be Flayon.]
🪫?: Hm? Can I help you? Who the hell do you think you are? Giving me a nickname, seriously? Don’t act like we’re on the same level. Really, you shouldn’t. After all, I’m the genius Pilot. Who are you again? That’s what I thought. Look at your stupid face you have.
💬: Machiroons!
🪫?: Machiroons? What the fuck is that supposed to be, huh? Do you think putting my name in front of it will mean something? I’ve never had any family, not one. I’ve been a Pilot for as long as I can remember, you do know who I am right? Right? Me? Well, I’m Machina Flayon! Nice to meet you. Or that’s what I would say. But seriously, just go away already! I have important stuff to do.
💬: X?
🪫?: Hah? What X? You know.. if you’re going to talk to someone you should make sense. It’s about the best thing you could do, you’re really just wasting my time here, what are you even talking about? Here I am giving you my precious time out of my whole day when I could be fighting the corruption beasts and you’re just talking about this? Really? Honestly? …Talk about working someone to the bone, really? Fine I will go then, stop wasting my time!
💬: Sorry?
🪫?: You should be sorry, you should be! You should be! Hahahah!
[The laugh glitches and distorts here]
[The laughing stops and someone else? starts talking in a distorted voice]
🪫?: Someone like you.. if you treat people like this.. no one sees you right? So, it’s okay if I….
[Stops glitching and Machina Flayon talks again]
🪫?: Hello? ..Can I help you? You can go already. I work for the guild Tempus! I have a debut to be going to today, so if you don’t mind.. get out, okay? Hm. Alright, then byebye.. Hm? Good.
[The screen glitches and there is an anguished scream heard with sounds of coughing and gagging as well]
[The glitching clears, he’s still inside the guild hall and it seems to still be predebut Flayon?]
🪫: Huh? Oh Hi! Who are you? Hm? Me? Oh, I’m Machina X Flayon! I have a debut today.. I think Bettel is going before? You know the great.. showman right? Bettel? Gavis Bettel? Yeah! He’s like family to me.. I’ve always wanted a family, that type of thing? ..But, I guess I already have one? I have my sister! I’m glad to have that, I can’t imagine a world where I don’t.. Hm? You shouldn’t.. use a nickname with me like that I’m not used to it. [blushing]
💬 Other guy?
🪫: What other guy? It’s just me.. are you talking about the r-tru- okay sorry I’ve gotta go though, I’ve got a debut to go to, you know? Ok byebye! Bye bye bye, nice to meet you! Maybe we can talk later ok?”
[the screen glitches and it cuts to his end screen]
[After a while it cuts back to Flayon he doesn’t know what happened and blames it on YouTube, he then goes to say bye and end the stream but his voice distorts and glitches again]
🪫: Okay bye! Bye bye byebyebyebyebye!
[goes quiet]
🪫?: You’re a thief.
[Stream ends]
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randomszzz · 2 years
Non-exhaustive list of games I’ve played trying to recover from The World Ends With You Obsession
((Play harvestella))
Rune Factory 5: I don’t love Rune factory 4 quite as much as okami or twewy, but it’s definitely one of the closest games, and I was over the moon when rf5 was announced.  But running around the coziness of rf4s, it did seem unlikely that rf5 could equal that, and reviews panning its performance also put a damper on my expectations.  I still found some enjoyment in rf5, but rf4 ran circles around it.  Biggest offenses for me: talking to everyone in the village both takes longer (so many loading screens, being 3d is so not worth this) and less rewarding than rf4 (It felt like  an entire year before villagers start recycling dialogue in rf4; it’s one of its greatest strengths.  Rf5 characters are repeating themselves within a week.).  Actually, that kinda encapsulates a lot of rf5′s problems, longer for less, with excessively long days and low drop rates.  The post game dungeon was also far shorter than I was expecting and supremely disappointing.  My biggest gripe, however, was locking the flower seller to close to the end of the game.  The last character you unlock in rf4 upgrades spells, something totally optionally and easily (and frequently) ignored.  But no flower seeds? abs - ol -ut -ly CRIMININAL.  That means heavily gimped chemistry; and no non rng sources of wettable powder.  I wanted to take my time with the game, do a bunch of farming and social elements, not just rush through main story.  And like, I did, but it left me completely at the mercy of typhoons.  Even dragging my feet as much as I did, I still beat the story before completing a single year, and that always rubbed me the wrong way.  It was over 70 hrs so I can’t really complain it’s too short, but, blegh.  Other minor annoyances: the festival music became intolerably grating after hearing it for the first 5 hours, cute sea horse bosses I so looked forward to taming are untameable, the travesty.  I do really hope its just the kinks of coming back to the series after so long and working with 3d and future rf games are a step up. 
Harvestella PLAY THIS GAME PLAY THIS GAME IT HAS UNICORN OF THE CRYPTIDS WHAT ELSE DO YOU NEED?!?!  Ahem.  I really had a tough time gauging this game.  Saw in the nintendo direct, went sold, this looks awesome gimme.  I didn’t play the demo, as I didn’t want to start playing and then have to wait a couple months to play the rest, but asked my sister her thoughts about it.  She really wasn’t enthusiastic, but she’s less keen on rune factory than I am, it’s fine.  Reviews came out and were thoroughly middling so mmm, maybe it’s not exactly awesome.  But being better than rf5 - or even just as good - isn’t a high bar so I’m looking forward to it.  I started playing it, and I have plenty of gripes - but I also really couldn’t stop playing.  It’s certainly a different rhythm than rf, pretty much all interaction with villagers is exclusively done through quests and there’s not much point in talking to anyone outside of those.  However, said quests are also pretty good, and you wouldn’t want to talk to everyone every day, you could spend all day running to various npcs and probably not reach all of them in one day.  I do really miss rf’s skill and crafting system (harvestella has crafting but outside of accessory synthesis it has 0 customization) and monster catching.  At first it was charming for the sos throwback ‘just buy (not) cows and (not) chickens, but I definitely miss having more things to look forward to.  And once Harvestella’s quests are completed, there’s not much point in continuing to play.  I didn’t much care about the lack of festivals when I started Harvestella, but now on the other side it’s what I think it needs most.  Common complaints about harvestella are the lack of voice acting and extremely limited character creation options but really that’s not where I’d put extra resources too.   Anyways, the music and world in this game are just breathtaking; I’ve been totally immersed since christmas. Totaku and unicorn’s designs are A++++.  I was worried it would be a fairly short affair, and predictably I dragged my feet going through it, savoring every second of that world, but it turned out to be a much more substantial world than I expected.  The ending stretch of the game continued to confound my gaugings, the story by turns being disappointing “I wish you thought through this more” and exciting, I downright wanted to dance in the actually-last dungeon.  Game’s a total treasure, especially if you enjoy melancholy vibes. 
Monster Hunter Stories 2 Did I play MHS 1? No.  Have I played any MH? No.  But I played the demo for this and rise.  Rise was entertaining, but not enough to part with scarce cash for.  I put close to ten hours on the demo for this game though, clearly they were doing something right.  That ‘something’ is not the story, despite the title.  Even trying my best to indulge it, there’s just no getting invested in ‘the power of kinship!’ they keep trying to push, and they really don’t do enough to develop a relationship with ratha.  I suppose they did sidestep a couple eye-rolling cliches I was anticipating (others still abound though), and there is occasional charm.  I understand the minimalist approach to music, but it really would’ve been nice to have some music for the however many, many, many hours spent hunting for rare eggs postgame.  ‘I probably missed something by not playing pokemon’ is the sort of revelation this game brought me.  Lackluster story and nonexistant bgm?  Who cares, there’s cool monsters to find and battle and catch and customize, I was flat out addicted for a month.  Sadly I tried the demo for the first game on the 3ds, and already having a familiarity with the mh bestiary did suck a lot of the novelty and joy from the experience.  Um, pokemon recommendations that go hard on presentation and customization? 
Radiant Historia Is there a better ds game than twewy?  I’m honestly hard pressed to think of any genuine competitors, and consulting the internet this game came up a lot.  Radiant Historia is really good.  Of the games I’ve played since neo, it has the best cast.  There was one chapter midgame that had me on the edge of my seat, and I was thinking, oh, if it just keeps escalating from here it really will be special!! but things kinda just evened out after that.  I went back and forth on my feelings about the villain, at first being disappointed at the reveal but by the time the credits rolled I think it worked out pretty well.  I played the 3ds remaster, the voice acting was excellent, and while I get why some preferred the old portraits, overall I think new ones are better - except for Eruca oh my god why did you do that to her character design?!?! Criminal!  I did get kind of stuck, however, polishing everything off for the true ending.  After spending hours without looking anything up online, I’m pretty loathe to give in and do it now.  But replaying chapter after chapter looking for the needle in the haystack I’m missing has lost its luster.  A hearty f u to aht’s dancing companion.  Presumably with enough work I could give everyone a happy ending, so I’ll just presume a happier ending.  One day maybe I’ll be more patient. 
Ni no Kuni I said radiant historia had the better cast, but also, ester and oliver are my precious children.  The single best thing about ni no kuni is the wizard’s companion.  It’s beautiful and informative!  I love how easy it is to keep track and find things in the game *cough cough cough*.  It also scratches the cool monsters! itch.  By far the worst thing about ni no kuni is that it had a stealth section. Why?  Who thought that was a good idea?  Who even thinks those are fun?  banging my head against a wall.  A slightly negative thing about it is that I really would prefer if it was just flat out turn based instead of realtime.  Give me full control of my companions, please. I will say I, uh, wildly misjudged drippy.  My deepest apologies. 
Final Fantasy Type 0 I like ensemble casts, okay?  At first my curiousity was such that I was just going to watch a playthrough, but it’s opening was strong enough that I actually wanted to play it myself.  So I did.  It has a strong beginning and a stronger ending.  The middle, however, is a great big yawn.  That last chapter though.  If only the entire game was like that.  Idk, this game has a lot of flaws but I like the underlying concepts.  It probably says something that while I was willing to play many hours of radiant historia postgame, I just rushed online to find the type 0 lore and missing bits rather than slogging through any of it again.  Though I do kinda want to bounce around some of its later dungeons... but I have to play through so much bleh to get anywhere. 
Persona Strikers I haven’t actually finished the game yet - haven’t touched it since playing harvestella - and maybe wouldn’t even bother mentioning but I wanna complain.  The stupid ferris wheel event, they were like ‘hey you can hang out with ryuji and yusuke’ and I was like, cool, not something so date coded yaaaay.  Only for ryuji and morgana to bemoan ‘oh this could’ve been a romantic date wow lame’.  It really soured me.  At least yusuke tried to enjoy himself.  It’s not a bad diversion otherwise, although the difficulty is a bit wonky.  Some early game game bosses/events stumped me for hour(s), but after a bit more familiarity it evened out, only for me to gain such an overflow of healing/sp items nothing’s really a threat anymore.
Ori and the blind forest I still don’t know what a blind forest is :(  Still really enjoyed this, although it’s also more difficult in the beginning than end type of game.  Just the design and presentation of this is whole vibe, and one of these days I’ll play will o wisps... one of these days...
13 sentinels People seemed to think highly of this game, my curiosity was piqued, I started to watch a playthrough but really blanched at the one-by-one approach.  Poking around I saw the game had a fair degree of flexibility in following the various stories, plus its own encyclopedia, and yeah this was a game where I needed to be in control.  Besides, playthoughs are frequently watched at 1.5 or 2x speed and this was just too dense to really process like that.  Props to them for making a game’s story really be better as a game.  I was going to say ‘a vn you should play instead of just watch’ but the combat was waaay more fun than I anticipated and perfect palette cleanser/break from the story segments.  Still, I did wind up feeling a bit cold on the story/characters.  It’s impressive it manages so many elements in a cohesive manner, but that’s the best I can say.  Mystery’s fun, but nothing never seen before.  Characters range from ‘meh’ to ‘rather likeable’ but the game’s insistence everyone needs a love interest weighed it down.  Megumi at least had interesting dynamics despite not really being a ‘likeable’ character and the end of her story is probably what I’ll remember the most.  Nenji, Usami, and Keitarou were all pretty enjoyable though.  I did appreciate how the game wound up dealing with its larger conflict and antagonistic forces.  Something about how everyone gets a happy ending I found really refreshing.
There are others too but hmm I’ve slid into playing neo from the start for a third time.  trying to do a run without eating and crying a little on the inside.  Twewy tells me to expand my world and try different things but it hasn’t actually brought me relief.  Woe is me.  At least harvestella has delectable vibes.
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bambi-marquez · 2 years
Alex Marquez! Alexander Sims! Alex Lynn! Alex Albon!
my beloved alexes !!!!!
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(no one understand him like i do apart from you emily you get it jdjskdjks)
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just a great lil man
alex lynn:
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again most beloved driver
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beloved albono <3
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ateezinmymind · 3 years
ateez and their size kink
warning: smut, fem! reader
requested by anon,, thank you so much!! i hope this is okay.. i’m sorry if it’s not— i’m on the taller side so— i’m like :/ eh?
to be one hundred percent honest i think he wouldn’t be one to say he’d have that kink ..at first !!
but the way you would just look so cute under him while he’s railing into you... he’s like wait
he’d love to run his hands all over you just to see the comparison
cups your boobs/chest
because he’s shorter.. he’d never put it away
like ALWAYS teasing you..
“hey joongie” you call from your room to your lover in the living room. making him enter the room to you laying on the bed, sprawled out on your back- causing his dick to twitch in his pants from the sight of your body. your robe the only thing on your body, loosely fit and opened, letting your glistening heat be the center of attention.
“naughty little baby... what are you doing?” he growls out coming to the edge of the bed, grabbing ahold of your ankles to pull you closer to his growing member. gasping out from the sudden jerk and now close proximity to his tent- you stutter out your best “mmmh- i need you p-pretty please?”
“and what exactly does my baby need?” he says lowly, now squeezing your thighs deliciously in his hands. making you shiver, “your cock.”
“is that right?” hongjoong hums out when he brings his hands down to rake up your stomach and to your beautiful breasts. causing you to whine more and put your hands over his, and then to his zipper- fumbling with it while chanting and repeating “yes”
he just watches the pout form upon your lips when your hands are too shaky, so when you huff out- hongjoong immediately pushes you back down and shows you how to do it properly. ending with him fucking your tiny pussy before he could even take off his clothes.
“little baby... so small”
cocky #1
melts his heart honestly.. like how??
or more like dirty praises?
please let him cum in your tiny pussy
he wondered if it was just affecting him- how small you were in comparison.
you were so small and cute, it made seonghwa become someone he had to calm down. constantly touching you, you were his little thing to fuck and love- not anyone else’s
“you like that huh? my thick cock stretching your tiny pussy?” he growls right against the shell of your ear, while you throw your head back into his neck letting out moans of pleasure.
“yes, yes! seonghwa you’re so big”
and always when you did your chanting about how much you were in admiration for his bigger size, immediately and always made seonghwa want to bust.
it was something he took so much pride into, like yes. yes he was so big, only for you- and he would never live it down, constantly reminding you in anyway that you were on the lower level.
“mmmh gonna fuck my cum in you yeah? you want that? to fill you so full it’ll spill out of your tiny hole?”
just give him the go ahead and he’ll let go.
only to fuck you over and over again until everything spills to your thighs and onto the bedsheets
please wear his clothes
he LOVES to fuck you in his big hoodie/shirt
he knows he big so he’s extremely careful when you’re so much smaller
but deep down he really wants to destroy you
as he watches his cock slide in and out of your wet heat from his hovering stance. yunho’s hands veiny, under your (his) clothes and resting on your stomach- he feels himself poke from your inners.
the feeling sending him into oblivion, hips frantic- but gentle hearing every whimper fall from your little lips and how your walls clench desperately around him.
“baby? s-stop clenching so hard” groaning out watching your eyes roll back and body to grow limp in his big hoodie covering your top half, yunho feels himself start to lose control
“b-but i can’t- you feel so good yuyu” moaning out blissfully. each word and sounds making him grow hotter and harder
your legs spread apart so wonderfully for him, as he fucks into your body cushioned on the bed. the morning sun peeking ever so slightly from the window blinds, lighting the room- such a beautiful setting for such lewd antics
slapping sounds, so erotic- waking up wanting and needing you, yunho had caved in
you were so small, but by far the warmest- pleasurable feeling
he’d be like ... wow ... tiny
hahahHAHAH jkjk no
but he’d be soooo AMAZED
like.. for real would think he’s going to break you
i think he would really like you to give him HANDJOBS!!
your tiny hands wrapped around him— fuck
he didn’t think that watching a show on tv, with you sitting on the floor while he in the sofa- you between his legs. that he’d be getting hard and actually cause you to crack first.
no way was yeosang going to interrupt your show for a little bedroom playtime, so when it was you who made the first move- things set sail
your fingers brushing over his tip, gathering his leaking arousal- yeosang kept his eyes down watching every move of your small digits and the way both your hands jacking him off looked.
you made him feel huge, and it was true
“y/n- fuck” bucking his hips up, yeosang twitches closer to the edge
having no idea why you’re making him feel close so fast, you just were irresistible with those small features…. all so tempting-
“you can’t even wrap your hands around me~”
but just wait until after he grunts out his dirty comments and amazement, and cums over your hands- it’ll make him hard all over again, and then he’ll compare his size to the tightness of your cunt
cocky #2
are we surprised? not really no
but there’s two things.. does he want to rip you apart or spare you the delicacy?
if he’s hornyyyy- it’s game over
he’ll do the whole nine— but you better beg
okay doggy would be a position you and san spend having sex in quite a lot.
especially if he’s feeling greedy and pretty much like the most prideful man on earth- because.. i mean he’s the biggest compared to the little baby you are.
“this small pussy takes my big cock so well huh?” he questions you in a low level moan while gripping ahold of your hips tightly
hitting in you perfectly every time, cries of pleasure rip out of you- as your arms can’t keep your upper body up any longer. “mmm- yes! only for you!”
san loves holding his hands on the small of your back while moving his hips in deliberately- making you fall apart just to his doing. your moans made him gleam with delight. and he couldn’t get enough.
so when san pulls out of your sopping cunt- leaving your orgasm to fade away into the midst of no pleasure. and you begin the begging
oh boy. “sannie! n-no don’t stop!! please stretch me out!” with a pout on your lips and hands trailing down to play with your clit- “i need your big cock~”
he’s back in- pounding into you like no tomorrow.. better yet, you’ll be going on until tomorrow- up all night, ripping orgasm after orgasm from your little body
princess boy would think you were so cute
omg like :O
your small body taking his big everything would make him so bananas
like.. please RIDE HIS THIGHS
climbing on the thickness of mingi’s thighs, two things were going to happen. one; he was going to take in every second of your show and not take any of it further for him, or two; bring the aftermath of it upon you. meaning you caused this achingly hard erection to occur with the friction of your pussy against his thighs, so why don’t you just be so kind and take care of it?
seeing you on top of his spread legs, bouncing yourself up and down his dick- made him feel warmth succumb every part of his body.
“y/n, baby- yes!” deep moans into the air, head thrown back, adam’s apple bobbing. mingi wouldn’t have it any other way
your thighs straddling him, his cock sheathed into you at the pace you make for yourself- all of it was pure bliss
mostly it was when you reached your high. that he couldn’t take it any longer.
your hands gripping tightly into his shoulders, as you continuously abused your sweet hole with him, clenching, moaning- throwing yourself forward to his chest.
once you hit your climax, mingi needs to pull out to spurt his cum over the small of your stomach. absolutely covering you with his white paint. so much of it- just to be splattered about, all over your panting and heaving self was absolutely pristine
cocky #3
he will ALWAYS make sure you know just how small you really are
like... oh? you can’t reach that? too bad
SO RUDEEE (not really but like) TEASE!
SUCK HIM OFF PLEASE!! he’ll get so whiny
“you little whore huh? really that’s what you are! a tiny little wh- uH~!”
constantly. everytime he’d ramble about having his thick big dick in the smallest little thing of a mouth you have, giving him just a quick suck and pump of your hands- sent wooyoung into a babbling mess.
to the point where you’d have him bucking up with need- because all you do is be small. that’s it.
be the small thing he gets to fuck and love.
oh? you’re hungry? take his cock. oh? you’re bored? take his cock.
it was simple yet exciting. you loved taking him in every way. and he loved the way you- so little yet so proud and confident that wooyoung wouldn’t let it go.
“you j-just can’t get enough can you?” as soon as the stuttering comes repeatedly- it was a cue for you to brace yourself for a load of his seed.
lips wrapped tight around him, your wet little tongue licking and ravishing…. what a sight.
it’s even better when it’s decorated with the milky white of his cum~
something inside him will unlock
and he will want to suddenly make you a MESS
MANHANDLING i swear on it
he will lift you up just in regular life
AND in the bedroom
DOES ALL SORTS OF FUCKING- against the wall, standing, etc
it was the little whine that escaped your mouth when jongho had picked you up from the floor and onto the counter when you two were making out- that he knew, fuck yes.
“oh? you’re becoming more and more dumb each time i fuck your tight pussy, hmm” jongho can help the lowness of his voice to become while feeling the way you get even tighter around him, “maybe i ought to fuck you with something else but my cock?”
“no! no! y-your cock please mmmmh- only yours jongho!” your pleading whines that turn into moans into the crook of his neck, for the way he holds you leaves you no choice but to throw your head into
having your body pinned against the wall, so small- easy to use in his advantage and liking
jongho enjoyed the way you were able to be taken anywhere, and in any way. while even during the normal of the day in life- and your going about in public, how you constantly pressed your tiny hands against his abdomen holding him close. jongho, either had a hand cupping your ass or you palming him
no matter the circumstance. jongho lives to see the baby he loves- so small and sweet be needy and breakable to his every demand…
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
I’m Only A Crack In This Castle Of Glass (Hardly Anything Else I Need To Be) PT. 7
Batfamily x Batsis Story
Word Count: 2.1K Warnings: Explicit Language, Angst
Author’s Note: Anyone order a part seven? Cause I got a part seven for y'all. Enjoy! -Thorne
Ever since the meeting that night, she’d gotten more letters from her family than she’d ever received in twenty-one years. Not that she decided to read them. The first line from Dick’s letter was, ”I never wanted you to leave because of me. If only I’d known…”. She couldn’t keep reading, and she wasn’t sure if it were from guilt, sadness, or anger, but there was something there that she didn’t want to face.
It didn’t stop there though. They kept coming even if she tacked a return to sender on it and sent it back. She’d even labeled one and written, ”Stop writing me.” but that didn’t stop them. Wally texted her every other night on top of the letters and she wanted to strangle him through the phone.
She knew though, that if she could keep holding out for three more months, she’d be home free. Wherever home was at this point. Every city she kept thinking about had some type of vigilante and there was nothing that didn’t; eventually she decided on Coast City. Somewhere warm and sunny, and as far from Gotham and Central as possible.
Of course that little voice in the back of her head just kept telling her to talk to them, but she was going to be as stubborn against it as possible—but time was dwindling, and so was her resolve.
“Ophelia, have you seen the extra bag of espresso beans? I can’t remember where you put them the other week.” She waited for a response. “Ophelia?” she turned and frowned. “Why did I accept the manager’s position when I can’t even round up my workers?”
She walked out of the storage and wiped her hands on the rag at her waist. “Ophelia?” A giggle sounded at the counter and when she walked out, her eyes went wide at the sight.
Jason was leaning against the counter with that smile he used to use on the models at the galas. He smiled at Ophelia. “Tell me, what do you make better, the cappuccinos or lattes?”
“Well, I make a —”
“She makes a mean ‘get in the back and find my espresso beans’,” she grunted and both of them jumped.
“Melisandre!” Ophelia stuttered, pale cheeks flushing pink. “I thought you were in the back.”
“I was. Think you can go find the coffee beans you put away?” She shot Ophelia a stare that screamed ‘scram’ and the girl nodded, hurrying to the storage room.
“Aww, why’d you run the cutie off, Melisandre?” Jason queried. “I was going to ask her out on—”
“Can I talk to you?” she interrupted, voice barely containing her seething rage. “Outside.”
Jason shrugged and shoved his hands in his jean pockets. “Sure, but be careful, people might get suspicious.”
She grunted and walked outside, listening to him follow and when the door shut, she turned around and hissed, “What the fuck are you doing here?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I was just getting coffee.”
“Oh, don’t play dumb with me, Jason. We both know that’s a load of bullshit.”
His eyes narrowed and he noted, “You’ve really gotten comfortable using foul language. You know that, (Y/N)?”
She glared at him. “What. Do. You. Want.”
“You won’t answer our letters,” he shrugged. “Didn’t have a lot of options to talk.”
“And showing up at my job is the better option?” she griped.
“It was that or your house, (Y/N). Take your pick but you can’t have both.”
“Well, maybe my silence is supposed to be the answer to those letters. Did you think about that?”
“I did,” he nodded. “But after the third letter being rejected, I decided to go big or go home.”
(Y/N) growled. “Go home.”
Jason smirked. “No.”
“I’m not fucking joking here, Jason. I don’t want you coming here. Ever.”
“Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn,” he retorted then stepped forward and grabbed her wrist. “You don’t wanna talk willingly, fine. I’ll make you talk to me. And if I have to show up here every day, I will.”
“No, you won’t.”
Jason cocked a brow and tightened his grip. “You wanna bet? Because I’m not Dick and I’m sure as hell not Bruce. I don’t have a day job to get to.” He smirked. “I can do this all day.”
(Y/N) bit the inside of her cheek and thought for a moment then sighed and yanked her arm away. “Fine. Come to my apartment after five. We’ll talk there.”
“Don’t thank me yet,” she interrupted coldly. “I’m agreeing for one meeting and then you fuck off back to Gotham City and leave me the hell alone for good.” She spun on her heel and started back for the door when his voice reached her, tired and pained.
“Do you really hate all of us? Do you really hate us like you make yourself think you do?”
(Y/N)’s feet felt like lead and she stopped, gazing at the glass door. “I don’t know, Jason.”
“Then let me help.”
“You can find the apartment on your own. I know you’re good at looking for homes.” She slipped in the café door, leaving him standing there shocked and hurt.
Sure enough, a minute after five o’clock, her doorbell rang and she called, “It’s open.” The door opened and shut, and she looked up from the little kitchenette, watching the way Jason walked into her apartment, gazing around the empty living room.
“Shit, do you live in a home or a prison cell?”
(Y/N) grunted. “Nice quip. Come up with that by yourself?”
He wandered into the kitchen, leaning back against the counter as she prepared dinner. “What’re you making?”
“Chicken marsala,” she replied. “You’re here to talk. Start talking.”
“Are you going to be a bitch like you were the other night or can I ask about life in Central the last three years?” she shot him a glare, warning him, but he paid it no mind. “You going to school?”
(Y/N) nodded. “I go to Central City Community College. Take classes all week at different times.”
“What are you studying?” he asked.
“For now, general studies, but I’m minoring in political science.”
“Planning on a four year after you graduate?”
She shrugged. “Maybe. Maybe not.” Her hands stalled for a moment. “I don’t have the money for a big school to get a bachelors.” Shaking her head, she chopped up the vegetables. “Figure if I can get a job in the area, I can scrounge up enough to start the process though.”
“Might take years,” Jason noted, and she nodded.
“Yeah, hard work usually does.” (Y/N) glanced at him. “What’s Cassandra like?”
He blinked, evidently not expecting that, though he recovered and smiled. “She’s great honestly. Kicks ass better than anyone I know.”
“Even Batman?”
Jason huffed a laugh. “I’m sure she could wipe the floor with each of us if she decided to not hold back. Her mom’s Lady Shiva and her dad’s David Cain.”
“I don’t know who they are but I’m assuming from the tone that they’re not exactly the best parents in the world.”
“No…they’re not.” He agreed. “David didn’t teach Cass how to speak so she’s been mute all her life.”
“I’ve heard the few interviews she’s given,” (Y/N) replied. “She’s very eloquent when she does.”
“Shakespeare’s influence. And probably Emily Dickinson.” He smiled. “I leave her a lot of books to read so I can be her favorite.”
She snorted. “Yeah, that sounds like you.” Sliding the cast iron skillet into the oven, she sat at the crappy metal dining table, Jason taking the seat on the other side. (Y/N) scratched at the table. “Does Bruce like her?” she questioned lowly, and he nodded.
“Loves her like she’s his own.” He her with cautious eyes. “Just like he loves you.” Jason watched the emotion flash across her face, quick as lighting, a deep sorrow, then she was humming.
“Well, that’s good then.” She cleared her throat and looked at the clock. “How’ve you been? I hear a lot about Outlaws.”
Jason chuckled. “Yeah, that’s my band of renegades. Me, Roy Harper, and Koriand’r.”
“Remind me, those were Speedy and Starfire, right?”
He snorted. “Arsenal and Starfire. But yeah, close enough.”
(Y/N) got up and pulled two glasses from the cabinet before going to the refrigerator and getting the lemonade. She poured them both glasses and sat back down. “How’d you manage to wrangle two of the Titans into your posse?”
“Kori willingly tagged along, and Roy won’t leave me alone,” he griped, sipping his lemonade.
“Mmm…and how does Dick feel about you stealing two of his exes?”
Jason choked on his drink, spilling it on the table and down his chin. “That’s not—” he coughed. “That’s not what that is.”
“Uh huh, sure it’s not.”
“It isn’t,” he glowered.
“Riiiiiiight,” she drawled out with a grin, then took a sip and set her glass back down. “Figured you’d get Cass along with you. she seems like she’d be fit for Outlaws.”
He shook his head. “Nah, she’d be better off with Tim and his Young Justice weirdos.”
“She non-lethal?”
They dwindled into silence until the timer went off on the oven and she pulled the skillet out and set two plates on the table. “You’re gonna feed me?” he asked as she handed him a fork.
(Y/N) scoffed. “Duh. I’m a bitch, but I’m a bitch with manners.” She smiled sweetly. “But you have to leave afterwards.”
“Mmm…can I crash on your couch?”
He shrugged. “Figured I’d try anyways.”
They ate in silence, occasionally speaking about their lives the last three years, and when the food was all gone and the lemonade drunk, he sighed and reclined in the chair.
“What?” (Y/N) questioned and he shrugged.
“Dunno…I’d like to do this again soon.” His teal eyes found hers. “It’s been too long since we were together.”
“Tread carefully,” she murmured, looking at the wall and he sighed.
“Sis, talk to me,” he begged. “Even if it’s just to tell me how much you hate me, just talk to me.” She didn’t respond and he sighed again, standing from the table. “Thanks for dinner.”
“…I hate that you all put Gotham and every civilian before our family.” Jason stopped dead in his tracks and turned, gazing at her, though she didn’t tear her eyes from the wall. “I hate that the only time I felt like anyone paid any attention to me was when we were at galas and even then, the attention was just for show. It didn’t matter because all anyone wanted to do was get the hell out of the manor and go on patrol. It didn’t matter because I wasn’t like any of you. I wasn’t a part of the real family.”
Tears gathered in her eyes. “I hate that I spent more nights sitting in a dark and silent manor than spending them with my family. I hate that I never had a normal family growing up where we’d go for ice-cream after school and attend school performances. I hate that I got stuck with a bunch of siblings hellbent on giving every piece of themselves to the world and they couldn’t take one night off to have a family night to save their lives. To at least pretend to be normal.”
(Y/N) finally took her eyes from the wall and he felt his heart tighten as the tears slipped down her cheeks and she breathed, “I hate that I was born Bruce Wayne’s biological daughter and I’d give anything and everything I have to be someone else’s daughter and sister.”
Jason’s mouth felt dry, and he didn’t have single thing to say to her and she whispered, “Is that what you wanted to hear, Jason?” she blinked. “Because that’s what I feel every morning I wake up.”
“I’m sorry,” he murmured, and she cleared her throat, wiping her cheeks.
“Yeah well, I’m three years passed sorry.” (Y/N) nodded to the front door. “You should leave now.”
Jason nodded but his feet didn’t move. For a moment, he couldn’t move them, then he sucked in a breath and started edging back to the door. When he neared the door, he pulled it open and paused, looking back at her. “(Y/N)?” she didn’t answer but he said it anyway. “I love you. More than you’ve ever known.” He sighed and stepped out, closing it behind him.
(Y/N) buried her face in her hands and sobbed alone at the dinner table.
Tags!: @itsnottilly @cloudyskylines @starflyer-104 @iwillstaywiththemforever @justine-en @weirdgirlfromtx @notsostraightweeb @candlestudy @willowoo @peterxwade24 @the-atlantic-french-fry @bad-bouquet-of-emotions @vvipgot7be @pure-princess-97 @atomicsoulhumanspy @foreverthefloor @natatawa-ako @impactshawol @bethabear12 @adazzlingsakura @kimhanbiin @thatanonymouschocolate @mischief-writter-24-7 @lostinwonderland314 @elz-zalarrr @lady-of-the-abyss @peqchynero @d3m0n8ch1ld @goldenguki @fallen-wolf22 @battlenix
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writerpeach · 3 years
Blind Date
LOONA Choerry X Male Reader
8153 words
Read on AFF
Read on AO3
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“Oppa, how long has it been since you’ve dated anyone?” Son Hyejoo asked, seemingly out of the blue as she loudly slurped on her milkshake, stirring the leftover contents with her large straw.
“I don’t know, Hyejoo. I don’t keep track of things like that.”
Hyejoo pointed her strawberry milkshake directly at you, unsatisfied with your answer. “Then that means it’s been too long,” she said, her triangle lips forming a pout.
You rubbed your forehead, knowing once she brought something up she wasn’t going to drop it.
“Why do I need to date anyone when I’m lucky enough to rail you every day?” you playfully replied, causing her nearly to choke on her frozen drink.
“Oppa, not so loud!” she said, kicking your shin. “I won’t be around all the time now that I’m starting a new job. And you need some variety in your life. You’re going to get tired of fucking me.”
“That’s impossible.”
You couldn’t say you agreed with her on that. Hyejoo was the perfect friend with benefits, beautiful big tits and perfect thick thighs, the prettiest mouth and the tightest pussy that you spilled yourself inside several times a day, you couldn’t imagine needing anything else.
“I know just the person to set you up with, oppa. She’s single and one of my closest friends, I think you’ll like her.”
“That’s really not necessary-”
Hyejoo wasn’t going to take no for an answer, refusing to back down as she grabbed her phone and swiped through it.
Finding what she was looking for she showed you her screen, an equally gorgeous girl that looked the same age as her with innocent eyes and a sweet smile.
“She’s cute, but you really don’t have to-”
“Nonsense, oppa. It’s time for you to stop being so needy and find a girlfriend,” Hyejoo said.
“Needy? Unless I’m forgetting something you’re the one who loves slobbering on my cock first thing in the morning,” you said.
“Hey! It’s called breakfast, and it’s not my fault you get so hard in the morning.”
“Actually, I’m pretty sure it is,” you said, as you were met with another kick to the shins.
“It’s settled, I’ll set you two up on a blind date.”
“Blind date? But you just showed me her picture,” you said, tilting your head in confusion.
Hyejoo sighed audibly. “You’re hopeless, oppa. Don’t you want to know what she looks like?”
“O-of course, but-”
“No buts, oppa. Except hers, her butt is very nice,” she giggled, finishing up her milkshake.
“Don’t worry, she’s very sweet, I think you’ll get along well. Her name is Yerim and she always puts out.”
“You look good, oppa,” Hyejoo said as she fixed the collar of your shirt.
You wiped your sweaty palms on the back of your pants as you took one more look in the mirror
“You smell good too. I told you that cologne was a panty-dropper," she said as her lips curled in a smirk.
You sighed loudly. “Hyejoo, I’m not meeting this girl just to get laid. You wanted me to get a girlfriend, right?”
"No, I'm pretty sure you wanted this, actually-"
Hyejoo pressed a finger against your lips. "Shush, oppa. Are you nervous?”
“Y-yes, it’s been years since I’ve been on a date.”
“Wanna have a quickie before? Burn all that stress all inside me?” Hyejoo jokingly said.
“...Are you serious?”
“Of course not, you can’t be dependent on me anymore, oppa. Plus, you need to save that load for Yerim.”
She smiled mischievously and patted your bottom, making sure nothing was out of place for your date.
“Have some confidence oppa, you’ll do great. Yerim will love you. Now get going, you don’t want to be late.”
It was unusual for Hyejoo to put in this much effort, typically spending her days lazily on the couch checking her phone.
Everything was planned carefully. Hyejoo had picked the restaurant based on your favorite foods, the time, and the day, even showing up to your place an hour before to make sure you looked your best.
Keeping up with the notion of this being mostly a blind date, Hyejoo didn’t tell you much about Yerim. They shared the same age, although Yerim was months younger. They had a similar body type and lighter hair, and if you didn’t know any better you could have mistaken her for a younger sister.
You were still nervous about the date, but trusted Hyejoo’s judgement and hoped you were about to waste this opportunity that you had been given to meet a new girl. You took a deep breath as you stepped out of the taxi and headed into the restaurant, trying to calm your shaky hands.
The restaurant was larger than expected looking from the outside, equipped with a bar and seating area as you scanned around for your date.
“Good evening, sir. Do you have a reservation?” One of the hostesses asked, but before you had a chance to answer you heard an adorable voice interrupting.
“Over here!”
You were quickly blindsided by a cute girl that matched the picture that Hyejoo had shown you, abruptly wrapping her arms around in a tight hug.
She had a petite frame with brown hair, a tint lighter than Hyejoo and wore a modest black dress and heels with her hair styled perfectly.
“You’re Hyejoo’s friend right?” she asked, the smile on her face brighter than the sun.
“It would be a little awkward if I wasn’t now wouldn’t it?” you teased, gently nodding in response.
“Oh, well if you weren’t then I would just be hugging a cute stranger,” she said. “I’m Yerim.”
Cute? You thought to yourself as you were broadsided by this ball of happiness. “Come on, let’s eat!” she said, grabbing your hand as the hostess led you to your table.
You were both seated at a romantic candle-lit booth, letting Yerim sit down first as you took in the atmosphere of the restaurant. Hyejoo had picked the perfect place.
The waiter handed out menus and filled glasses to the brim with ice water as you looked over the laundry list of food, unsure what you were in the mood for.
“What’s good here?” Yerim asked the waiter, batting her eyelashes as her vocal tone grew higher.
“Our sushi and steak platter is very popular here. We have several different types to try paired with our signature sauces.”
“Steak? I love steak!” Yerim said, her mouth salivating just thinking about it.
“Me too. And sushi,” you said, as Yerim nodded to the waiter.
“I’ll bring it right out then,” the waiter said, scurrying away with a polite bow.
“I can’t wait!” Yerim said, licking her lips as she carefully unfolded and placed her napkin on her lap.
“It’s nice to meet you. Hyejoo has told me a lot about you!” she said, keeping a beautiful smile etched on her lips.
“Oh, has she? That seems a bit unfair, she didn’t tell me much about you. You’re much cuter than the picture she showed me.”
Yerim giggled as she opened her straw, placing it inside her glass and playing around with the ice cubes before taking a small sip, careful not to mess up her lip gloss.
The two girls were quite the contrast to each other. Hyejoo wasn’t one to care about most things, you found it difficult to pry her away from her gaming chair for anything but food and sex. Yerim on the other hand was hanging on your every word, finding any word you said the most interesting thing in the world without a hint of dishonesty.
Quicker than expected the food arrived, and you both dove in without hesitation, armed with chopsticks like a hunter stalking a prey.
The two opposing foods meshed perfectly. Raw sushi made with fish so fresh it might as well have been served directly out of the ocean, complimenting tender meat that literally melted in your mouth, cooked to perfection and seasoned, salted without excess. You swore you heard Yerim moaning out loud as she took her first bite.
Sharing food with a girl so full of energy was a wonderful experience, her company only adding to the delicious flavor. You were so focused on the fresh sushi that you barely had the capacity to register Yerim unapologetically taking the last piece of steak quicker than a deadly samurai and shoving it into her mouth proudly.
“Ah, you really must be Hyejoo’s friend,” you said sarcastically, frowning at her meat thievery.
"Mmm! There's nothing I love more than juicy meat in my mouth," Yerim said, without a hint of subtlety to her words.
She shamelessly went in for another piece of sushi, trying to add another piece of loot to her food heist as you quickly blocked her chopsticks with your own, denying her the satisfaction as you claimed the last spicy tuna roll for your own.
“Hey! That one was my favorite!” she protested, pursing her lips as her cheeks puffed as she watched the claimed prize disappearing into your mouth.
“Mine too! It was delicious,” you boasted, wiping your lips with the cloth napkin before folding it back on your lap. “I’m sorry, it was rude of me not to ask if you wanted the last piece.”
Yerim wasn’t one to stay mad for long, unfolding her arms as the signature brightness returned to her face. “The steak was better anyways,“ she said, giggling and sticking her tongue out.
Time flew by as you learned more about Yerim, hours had felt like minutes as they passed,
ending the meal with the biggest slice of cheesecake you had ever seen.
The waiter came by to drop off the bill as you scooped it up, not bothering to look at the total as the time spent with such an adorable human was priceless.
“Such a gentleman, aren’t you?” Yerim said, and you couldn’t quite tell if she was teasing you or not.
Leaving a generous tip, you walked Yerim outside the restaurant, both of you equally full from both the delicious food company as the temperature had dropped, the cool crisp air blowing every which way.
“Thank you for a fun night, Yerim. I’ll let Hyejoo know she picked well.”
Yerim’s cheeks reddened and tilted her head down shyly. “Ending the night so soon?” Yerim said, the disappointment in her voice clear as the night sky.
“Well, it’s getting late and I wouldn’t want to keep you up.”
“I don’t have a bedtime, silly,” she said, hitting your shoulder as the wind blew through her beautiful hair. The moonlight bouncing off her skin made her look even more gorgeous, illuminating her milky white skin.
Yerim closed the distance little by little until your noses were almost touching, letting you see the color in her beautiful round eyes.
“I had a really fun night too, but it doesn’t have to end here you know...” Yerim said, giving you a quick peck on your cheek.
Yerim was practically throwing herself at you as you gulped, swallowing down saliva nervously.
“Aren’t you going to invite a cute girl back to your place?” she abruptly said, taking charge of the situation.
You snapped out of it and weren’t going to let Hyejoo’s efforts go to waste. “O-of course. Would you like to go back to my place, Miss Yerim?”
“Of course! I thought you would never ask!”
The short taxi ride back to your place was filled with palpable sexual tension, neither of you muttering a word since you both left the restaurant. Yerim opted for her actions to speak for her as she rubbed your thigh the whole time.
You unlocked the door to your apartment and held the door open for Yerim as she stepped inside, swiveling her head as she looked around. She kicked her heels off and rubbed her feet, happy to be freed of them as her bare feet walked on the carpet.
“You have such a nice place. It’s cleaner than I expected.”
You didn’t know what that meant as you got comfortable, slipping your shoes off as you grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge.
“Would you like something to drink?”
“No, thank you. I’m fine,” she replied, awkwardly standing in the middle of the living room until you gestured for her to take a seat. Yerim sat down excitedly, pulling her dress down and crossed her legs as you sat down next to her.
Yerim turned her body towards you and placed a hand on your knee, her full attention yours for the taking as her bright doe eyes lit up.
“This was the first blind date I’ve been on,” Yerim said, leaning in close enough that you could smell her cherry shampoo.
“Me too. Did you have a good time?”
“Yes! I’m still full from all that steak.”
You felt weak in the knees at Yerim’s beauty, the possibility that such a beautiful girl existed seemed to be good to be true. You hesitated to make the first move, but Yerim had it covered as she mounted your lap, wrapping her legs around your waist.
You felt the electricity in the air as Yerim’s lips brushed against yours, meeting for the first time as the sweet taste of her entered your mouth, reminding you of an unforgettable candy.
“You’re so pretty,” you said, the kiss breaking after just a few seconds, leaving you longing for more after just a tease.
“Keep kissing me and I’ll let you see how pretty the rest of me is,” Yerim said, once again without any subtlety. Your hands snaked around her slim waist as your lips met again, her tongue introducing itself and playing around with your own.
“Not bad,” Yerim said as she came up for air, her eyes drunk on lust already. This close you were able to distinguish all the features of her face, her dead drop gorgeous eyes, her cute nose, her luscious lips, it was all a complete package.
“You’re really pretty, Yerim,” you said, complimenting her again as her face reddened and the pale color of her cheeks faded.
“T-thank you,” Yerim said, running a hand through her hair, trying to calm herself down.
“I wasn’t planning on dating anytime soon, but Hyejoo talked me into it. I even got this new dress for the occasion.”
“It looks really good on you.”
“Thank you! I think it’ll look even better on your floor, though,” Yerim said, trying to keep a straight face and failing miserably.
You had no response in return, suddenly rendered speechless but her forwardness.
“It’s my first time. You’ll be gentle, won’t you?” Yerim asked, the innocence in her sparkling eyes shining through.
“W-wait, really?” you asked. Hyejoo didn’t certainly mention something so vital, and Yerim had just dropped this so casually on you that you didn’t know how to react.
“Isn’t it every guy's fantasy to pop a girl’s cherry?” Yerim asked, as she bit the tip of her fingernail.
You scrambled for words to find when Yerim began giggling uncontrollably, trying to save the last of her charade as she placed her hand over her mouth.
“You’re cute when you’re nervous,” Yerim said, as you felt all the color fading from your face.
“Don’t worry, I’m not actually a virgin. I am a good girl though,” she said, as she started grinding herself on your lap.
“Are you? I don’t think this is what good girls do, Yerim,” you said, grabbing her waist to hold her in place.
“Of course! I’m always a good girl…”
“We’ll see about that.”
Yerim’s expression never changed, her eyes keeping the same innocent look in them as if trying to convince you of her words. You moved her hair out of the way and kissed her neck in several places, diving in and gently sucking on the sensitive skin that you found there, causing Yerim to gasp loudly.
“Take me to the bedroom. I think you’re getting excited,” she teased, as blood had begun flowing to your pants, causing an erection to form that she had felt.
“Are you sure about this?” you asked, her gorgeous face a hair's breadth away as you lose yourself in her eyes.
Yerim nodded without hesitation, cupping both sides of your face and swiping her tongue against your lips, taking one more tender kiss, the taste of her lips lingering.
“Yes, I want it. I want you to fuck me,“ she whispered into your ear, her expression finally changing as her eyes opened wide. The innocence was gone, swallowed up by lust as she dismounted your lap and stretched her arm out as you led her to the bedroom.
“Wow, so this must be where you and Hyejoo have all your fun together?” she said, exploring the large bedroom with her eyes.
“Here, the bathroom, the shower, the couch, the kitchen counter…”
Yerim feigned surprise for a moment, stopping at the foot of the bed. “Where are we going to have fun together?”
“Wherever you would like.”
“We can start here,” Yerim said, closing the distance and went in for another makeout session as her slender fingers unbuttoned your shirt, fingers tracing your chest.
“Hyejoo left the part out about you having such a nice body,” Yerim said as she planted a wet kiss on your chest, slipping your shirt off your body as she tossed it away.
“Can’t let her spoil everything about me can we?” you said, exploring her body with your hands, cupping her backside with both hands and grabbing a handful of cheeks.
“It’s my turn then,” Yerim said, turning away from you and letting you see the backside of her little black dress. “Help a girl out?”
You let out a deep breath as you approached, grabbing the top of her zipper’s dress and pulled it down in one smooth movement, exposing her bare back. Yerim turned back around with the shyest of smiles, slipping the dress off her body as it piled at her feet.
Yerim rested her hands on her wide hips, presenting her tight body that was more mouthwatering than the meal you shared earlier. Underneath her dress she had on a cute purple bra, showing a hint of cleavage with matching underwear as she spun around and let you see her the thin piece of fabric nestled in between her delicious asscheeks.
The curves of her body competed with that of Hyejoo minus a smaller chest, competing where it mattered with delicious succulent thighs that you couldn’t wait to get your hands on.
“Like what you see?”
“I do. Is this what good girls wear?” you asked as you pulled her in close, hands wandering around before finding her backside again, squeezing her ass firmly.
“Y-yes! I’ll show you what a good girl I can be,”
Her eyes were filled with excitement as she kept them on you the entire time as she slowly lowered to her knees, staring at the bulge in your pants now at eye level.
“Can I?” Yerim asked with widened eyes, demonstrating her ability to wait for permission as she patiently waited. You gave the go ahead with a simple nod, and she swiftly undid your pants, yanking them down to your ankles as the bulge in your boxers became more prominent.
Yerim was quick to free your shaft from its constraints, hooking her fingers into the waistband of your boxers as she divested them from your body. Blood had rushed to your throbbing shaft as it was freed, almost smacking Yerim’s adorable face as it was met with the cool air.
“Wow...” Yerim said as your revealed cock met her gaze, hungrily admiring every last inch of it as she couldn’t keep her mouth closed. Her fingers wrapped around it, forming a tight fist and pumped up and down slowly, precum dripping out of your slit already as you throbbed in her hand.
Yerim had no time to waste, giving a few soft kisses on your tip as she flattened her tongue at the base of your cock, painting slow upward strokes with her wet tongue, swirling against your leaking slit and collecting every drop.
“Mmm, yummy!” she said, and without hesitation she parted her lips with your shaft, taking you into the warmth of her mouth, sucking on your swollen sensitive tip.
“Oh... f-fuck,” you moaned out, your toes digging into the carpet as the pleasure took over, shooting up your spine. Yerim’s mouth was nothing but pleasurable, delivering radiating warmth as her puckered lips wrapped around your shaft, feeling like the softest silk as she applied a delicate suction and hollowed her squishy cheeks.
You looked up at the lights for a second, trying to distract yourself from the intense feeling of Yerim’s lips sucking you off. It didn’t help much, especially when you felt her warm mouth unexpectedly move deeper, causing you to moan loudly.
You almost regretted looking down, watching as Yerim bobbed her head up and down as she slurped on your shaft, retreating her mouth back when half of you entered her mouth as her playful tongue ran along the sensitive underside of your cock.
“God, that feels amazing,” you said, placing a hand on the back of her head, both to guide her movements and to give yourself a necessary outlet. Yerim took this as encouragement, swiftly sliding her lips up and down your throbbing shaft, leaving behind a trail of glistening warm saliva in her wake.
Yerim looked up, showing the hunger in her eyes, spitting leftover saliva as she furiously stroked your cock.
“Does that feel good, daddy?” she asked, your cock twitching in her small hand, answering for you. Hyejoo had told her one of your little secrets it seemed.
“Please fuck my face, daddy. Fill my throat with this nice cock,” Yerim pleaded, letting any last remnants of innocence slip away.
It was hard not to be taken aback by her filthy words that didn’t match her cute features, but you’d be lying if the juxtaposition didn’t send your arousal level skyrocketing.
Taking control of your shaft you rubbed your tip on her soft warm lips, pushing yourself back into the intoxicating warmth of her mouth. You guided Yerim deeper by pushing the back of her head down until her lips met the base of your shaft. With minimal effort you entered her throat, hitting the back of it as it tightened around you and caused her to gag loudly. You instinctively began to withdraw, but the look in her eyes suggested otherwise.
You grabbed both sides of her head, moving gently as strands of dark hair wrapped around your fingers as you thrusted in and out of her warm mouth, gradually testing her limits. Yerim kept gagging as your tip stuck the back of her throat, but gave no signal she wanted you to stop, her lustful gaze suggesting the opposite.
It didn’t take long for your self control to vanquish itself, carnal desires taking over as you took pleasure from Yerim, fucking her mouth furiously and slapping your balls against her chin as her round eyes began watering with tears.
“Such a good girl. You like being used like this?” you asked, Yerim unable to answer but smiling with a mouth full of cock, slurping and gagging on every inch of throbbing hard flesh.
You never stopped your rough treatment of Yerim’s pretty mouth, ruining her makeup that was no doubt meticulously put on as she tried to tame her gag reflex to no avail. You could see by her watery eyes how much she was enjoying this, dripping down her thighs as she kept her mouth open for you to encourage your forceful use of her throat.
Yerim’s hands didn’t stay idle as they worked the clasp of her bra, discarding it from her body to free her perky tits, only strengthening your erection. She held on to your thighs to brace herself, slobbering on your shaft as you kept her throat filled, taking every thrust like a champ as messy drool spilled out of her lips and coated her bare chest.
Your senses were overwhelmed as Yerim had been turned into a mess, her beautiful face now stained with tears and drool, hair disheveled and out of place. You couldn’t keep this pace up for much longer or you were liable to finish much sooner than you wanted to, forcing her head down and holding her there for several seconds before mercifully withdrawing your shaft from her messy mouth.
Yerim came up for air with several loud gasps, messy strands of spit connected your glistening wet shaft to her smiling lips.
“You really are a good girl,” you said, using your stiff cock and slapping her face several times with your wet shaft as she continued grinning from ear to ear.
"I wasn't lying…"
“I want you on the bed. I’m still a little hungry.”
"Of course, daddy!"
Yerim was quick to obey as she climbed up and crawled on the bed, lying flat on her back as she spread her legs for you, offering herself up like a scrumptious meal.
"Come taste me, daddy," Yerim beckoned, biting her lip as she rubbed her pussy through her skimpy panties, showing off the wet spot staining the front of her crotch that only grew the more she touched herself.
Yerim's perfect body was almost fully unwrapped for you, and you couldn’t take anymore and needed to see every inch, wanting to get in between those thighs you couldn’t stop staring. You joined her on the bed and peeled her panties off without hesitation down her sexy legs, revealing her bare pussy and the prettiest set of lips that were dripping with arousal.
"Beautiful," you said as you laid flat on your stomach, positioning yourself and spreading her legs wider as Yerim blushed in response.
“T-thank you, daddy.”
You grew tired of staring and wanted to take action, planting several kisses on Yerim’s bare thighs in different places, never putting your lips on the same part of skin twice. She squirmed at your touch as you teased her, placing your mouth dangerously close to her pussy but refusing to touch her center.
"D-daddy, please-"
“What is it, baby? What do you need?” you asked, swiping your tongue against her luscious thighs to taste her creamy skin, lapping up juices that had already spilled out of her core and sampling them.
“Eat my pussy, p-please, daddy.”
“You’re cute when you beg. I’m gonna make you do more of that,” you said, lowering your head in between her open legs and giving one slow swipe of your tongue against her pink dripping slit.
"O-oh f-fuck, daddy," Yerim moaned as you gave several licks repeatedly, exploring her wet tolds with your tongue. You slipped your tongue inside her juicy pussy, gathering her delicious nectar on your tastebuds and gave a few swipes against her cilt before sucking on it.
"Your pussy tastes so fucking good,” you said, slurping on her swollen clit as you felt the warmth of her thighs on either side of your face, wrapping around your head and squeezing. You looked straight into Yerim’s round, lust-filled eyes as you ate her out, watching her bliss overtake her features as you lapped up all her leaking juices, drinking up every drop.
“F-fuck, you’re really good at that,” Yerim cried out, her hips bucking with a mind of their own. You brought a finger inside her dripping wet cunt, then a second short after, thrusting into her tight little hole as you kept your lips secured around her swollen clit, slurping harshly on it.
“That feels so good, o-oh my god, please d-don’t stop, daddy…”
Yerim grew wetter and wetter, your fingers being drenched with her slick as you messily ate her out, her thighs squeezing your head tighter as her breathing became shallow. You kept eye contact as your fingers plunged to the hilt, the warm walls of her cunt squeezing your wet fingers, not letting you go.
“J-ust like that, I’m so c-close, f-fuck!”
You kept firm pressure on her clit as her moans grew stronger and longer, lips suckling harshly on her sensitive nub as you helped her chase what she was desperate for, drinking in her nectar as it filled your mouth.
“D-daddy, I-I’m going to cum!”
Yerim suffocated you with her thighs as you kept your lips on her clit, fucking her with your fingers without mercy as grabbed onto your head, pushing you deeper into her delicious pussy as she couldn’t take it any more.
“O-oh, oh my god, daddy, I’m cumming!”
Yerim’s muscles tensed up as her toes curled, flooding your mouth with her sweet succulent honey. Her hips bucked uncontrollably as you helped her hit her peak, her thighs trembling around your head, smearing her juices all over your lips and chin, drowning you with her pleasure.
It was loud and messy, an unforgettable clmax for Yerim as you helped her come down from it gently, slurping with less force and removing your lips from her sensitive clit. Your fingers however, stayed deep inside her as her thighs lost the power they held around your head.
“I want you to cum again for me,” you ordered, pumping your fingers furiously inside her dripping tight hole, her wetness sucking you in.
“I-I can’t, p-please, daddy, I’m still sensitive…”
“You said you’re a good girl didn’t you? I want you to cum one more time.”
You had no plans of letting up, both fingers buried to the hilt inside Yerim’s pussy, keeping up the stimulation on her body as you felt her cunt pulsating again. The wet squelch of her warm hole filled the room as you never stopped moving, keeping her pussy filled as tears welled up in her sparkling eyes as you demanded another orgasm out of her.
“Cum for me, baby, I know you can do it. One more time, I want to see how wet you can really get.”
“P-please, I-I, f-fuck, o-oh fuck!”
Yerim was a beautiful squirming mess, her thighs covered in her own juices as she let out desperate gasps and moans, the intense stimulation overwhelming her body and all her senses.
“D-daddy, p-please!”
You weren’t planning on stopping until you got what you wanted and what Yerim deserved. Your wrist felt like it was on fire as fingers were kept curled inside her heat, moving frantically with one goal in mind.
Yerim barely had time to register the growing knot in her abdomen, still focused on the intense aftershocks running throughout her body that she quickly came without warning. Her orgasm was much stronger as slick juices gushed out of her sensitive pussy that forced your fingers out of her as she squirted all over you and the bed, staining the sheets and leaving a dark mess on the bed.
Yerim shook uncontrollably as her second consecutive orgasm winded down, you helped her out by caressing her thighs to calm her down, rubbing her pussy with your palm.
“P-please, s-stop, I can’t take anymore, p-please,” she begged, and you had your fill, ceasing any form of contact as her sounds of gasping heightened, her chest uninterruptedly heaving up and down.
“Good girl. Are you okay?” you asked, making a show of cleaning your fingers off with her juices.
“Y-yes, I’m fine, daddy. That was intense, I’ve never had anyone do that before,” she said, struggling to form full syllables.
You patiently waited for Yerim to regain her composure, giving all the time she needed. It took several moments for the trembling in her body to control itself, as the lustful gaze in her eyes returned, and you knew that meant she was ready for the next step.
“Will you fuck me now, daddy?”
“If you insist,” you replied, getting into position as your knees pressed against the still drenched sheets as you maneuvered in between her spread thighs. Yerim pushed her knees up and feet flat on the mattress as the anticipation of what you both desired was at an all-time high.
Gazing into her eyes with your cock in hand, you eagerly lined yourself up with Yerim’s pussy, sliding in between the warm flesh of her drenched pussy lips, stalling your desires to enter her body. You parted her folds, playing with her slippery flesh and refusing to do anything else but tease her entrance.
“P-please, put it inside me, daddy. I’ve been a good girl.”
“You have, but I want you to beg for it. Beg for me to fuck you.”
Yerim whined audibly as your cock loitered around her inviting opening, spreading her juices around and denying her the pleasure she desperately sought. It wasn’t going to be that easy for you to give in.
“P-please, please fuck me, daddy. I’m so wet, I need to feel your cock inside my tight little pussy!”
“I don’t think you really mean it,” you said, watching the desperation in her eyes as you slapped her clit with your cock. Yerim squirmed as you nudged the tip of your cock against her hole, teasing penetration but stopping at the last moment, leaving her unsatisfied and empty.
“P-please! I can’t take it anymore, please fuck me, daddy!”
You felt like you could go on like this forever, but your own self-control was being tested as the more you teased her the more you wanted to be inside her. Yerim continued to plead and beg, reduced to a desperate whiny mess and starving for cock as you looked straight into her eyes and slid inside her in one smooth stroke, parting the wet hungry lips of her cunt.
“O-oh my god.”
Yerim opened her mouth to let out a moan, her eyes struggling to stay open as flesh entered inside her. She tilted her head back as she was finally given what she craved as the tip of your cock disappeared inside her heat. Yerim was overwhelmingly tight, her walls suffocated your cock and you wanted to savor such an unforgettable feeling for as long as you could, lazily moving your hips.
You started out slowly, wanting Yerim to earn every single thrust. Her silky wet walls felt heavenly around your shaft, her warmth so intoxicating as you slid in and out of her pussy at a gingerly pace. She felt so wet, so hot, so tight inside that you couldn’t help but keep your pace slow at first, wanting to drown in all the intense sensations that flooded your body.
“Your pussy feels so amazing,” you said, as Yerim’s body tested your patience as you slid an inch deeper at a time, until you had bottomed her out. Her wetness was so prominent that you were able to move inside her effortlessly, her messy juices lubricating your sluggish thrusts.
“Do you like how tight I am, daddy? I’m much tighter than Hyejoo aren’t I?” Yerim asked as she adjusted to your length, keeping her desperate eyes glued to your own as you began to move more forcefully inside her, fueling your desires to give her everything and more.
“You’re so big, daddy. I want to be pounded senseless, ruin me please!”
“You have such a dirty little mouth don’t you, baby? I’m starting to think you aren’t a good girl after all,” you told her, upping your pace and fucking her harder as you grabbed her warm thighs, slipping into the wet depths of her hot constricting cunt.
Yerim feigned the hint of surprise on her face as she moaned, arms by her side and holding on to your bed sheets as she relaxed into the mattress.
“T-that’s not true, daddy. I’m not a bad girl…”
She struggled to keep her eyes open as pleasure took control of her body, and you felt no need to hold back and began pistoning your hips, pounding her pussy and stuffing her full of cock.
“I don’t think you’re a good girl. But I think you’re a little slut,” you said as you gave her the hardest thrust of the night, making her gasp at how deep your cock fit inside her.
“I-I’m not a slut, I’m a good-ah!”
Yerim’s denial was interrupted as you lifted her luscious legs into the air, draping them over your shoulders. You were able to hit spots you couldn’t before, thrusting carelessly into her pussy as the bed became an orchestra of noisy squeaks and audible moans.
“O-oh fuck, right there! just like that, daddy!”
You had no plans on stopping now that Yerim had unshackled the chains of desire, hugging her legs while your hips went wild as you drove yourself repeatedly into her comfortable warm hole.
It was impossible to concentrate on anything else with how good she felt and the never-ending wetness that smothered your shaft as you established a perfect rhythm and looked directly into Yerim’s eyes as you stretched her out.
“Such a good little slut, taking this cock so well,” you hissed, feeling her pussy clench around your cock at the second use of the word she swore she wasn’t, her body betraying her. Yerim let out wordless gasps and moans as you kept the momentum up with no end in sight.
Yerim’s moans grew and grew as your rhythm sped up, her flushed skin becoming warmer to touch as you kept her filled airtight, her walls pulsating around your drenched shaft.
“You’re going to cum again?”
“Y-yes, I’m so close! Please don’t stop…”
“You can’t. Not until you admit what a slut you are.”
“B-but I’m not...I’m a good girl I promise!” she said, desperately trying to keep up the act.
You slowed down your thrusts at the result of her defiance, practically at a standstill, resting inside her.
“N-no, wait! P-please, I’m so c-close. Let me cum, please, let me cum, daddy.”
You refused until she gave you want you wanted, only thrusting into her body every few seconds, driving her crazy.
“Say it. Tell me and I’ll make you feel better than you ever have before.”
Yerim was left with no other options, frustratedly grabbing on to the sheets as the fire in her abdomen kept burning.
“I’-I’m a slut. I’m a needy little slut that needs to cum!”
“No, you’re a good little slut. Now cum on my cock,” you corrected, reestablishing your pace and driving every inch of hard flesh inside her. Her walls clenched almost painfully tight, her wetness growing as you pounded her into the mattress.
“D-daddy, I-I’m cumming!”
Yerim’s orgasm didn’t dawdle, her toes curling into the sheets as her back arched, taking every inch of flesh into her wet pussy. You fucked her straight through her strongest orgasm of the night, her legs shaking in your hands as she came hard. If your sheets weren’t ruined before she made sure they were.
“Good little slut” you purred, letting her legs drop from your shoulders gently as your pace slowed down, caressing her face as her glazed over eyes could barely stay open.
“D-don’t you need to cum too, daddy?” Yerim asked with several shallow breaths, doing her best to form a sweet smile. You leaned forward and kissed her, tasting the cherries on her lips and watched her chest slowly heaving up and down, almost hypnotizing you.
“Not yet. I’m not done having fun with you.”
Letting her rest for a moment you slowly withdrew from her drenched pussy, watching your shaft glistening with her juices in the lights as you left her body empty, whines escaping her lips. Hands on her hips you nudged her as she turned over, getting on her hands and knees.
Yerim settled into position, displaying the naked curves of her body, ripe for the taking. She granted you all access to her delicious bent over body, her head resting on the mattress and her plump ass raised in the air.
Her pretty pink lips were still splayed open after your treatment of her, but you were just getting started, rubbing your painfully hard shaft between her warm buttcheeks as you prepared yourself to enter her pussy.
Yerim’s skin was so soft as you used her cheeks to massage your throbbing shaft, you couldn’t take much of being outside her. Not wasting time you lined yourself back up with her tight hole, poking against her entrance again with no plans to keep her waiting, needing to find yourself buried in her smothering warmth.
Taking a deep breath you looked at the pleading look in Yerim’s eyes as she patiently looked over her shoulder. You popped your hips and slid in an inch inside her dripping heat before letting the rest sink inside.
Yerim gasped as her pussy swallowed up your cock hungrily and refused to let you go, enveloping you in a familiar warmth and wetness as she lowered her head, fingers wrapped around in your sheets.
“Such a tight little slut, aren’t you? You want daddy to pound this tight pussy?”
“Yes, daddy! Don’t hold back this time, okay? I can take it!”
There wasn’t any reason not to give Yerim just what she asked for as you placed your hands on her supple cheeks, squeezing the soft flesh and kneading it, pressing your fingertips into her warm flushed skin.
“Fuck me!”
Yerim was just every bit demanding as your mutual friend and fuckbuddy Hyejoo, and if she wanted to be treated the same you were going to oblige her. She was all yours and you were going to make the most of it as you started at a rapid pace, finding a harsh rhythm and drove yourself deep inside, making her scramble for a tighter grip on the sheets.
“You’re so fucking wet. Good girls definitely don’t drip all over my cock like this.”
Yerim couldn’t find a response, answering back only in lustful erotic moans as you increased your pace, moving your hands to her wide hips and squeezing her flesh hard enough to bruise in the morning.
“Harder! F-fuck me harder, daddy, please!”
“Since you asked so nicely…”
Yerim so impossibly tight that it almost hurt as you plunged every single inch of flesh in her, making sure your hips smacked against her big ass, causing her plump cheeks to ripple in time with your thrusts as she arched her back high.
“Oh f-fuck, you’re so deep! H-harder, daddy!”
“So needy,” you said, gripping her hips even tighter to pull her back against your cock, slamming into her pussy without mercy and using no wasted movements. You flattened your palm and gave her beautiful tight ass a hard smack that echoed across the room.
Her pussy clenched in response as she let out a loud gasp, and you gave her another slap on the other cheek as her walls tightened around you, threatening to push you out of her body.
“So you’re a slut that loves to be spanked, huh? Hyejoo left out so many things,” you said, smacking her ass repeatedly in the same spot until you left a faint handprint on her pale skin.
“Y-yes! I’m a naughty little slut that loves to be spanked and used!”
Your smacks against her plump ass grew harder, her tender flesh rippling with each flick of your wrist. Yerim’s walls clenched each time you smacked her delicious ass, the mixture of pain and pleasure causing her natural juices to flood down her thighs.
“P-please don’t stop!” Yerim begged, looking back at you with desperation as you saw tears had formed in her eyes. You gave a brief moment of respite, massaging the sore reddened skin until she signaled she was ready for another round.
You struck her cheeks with more force, winding your arm back to deliver slap after slap, making sure you hit the same part of her ass as found the handprints that made such an easy target. Her sensitive skin grew a brighter shade of red with each smack, each harsh slap made her wetter and wetter.
You looked down at your handiwork, your cock disappearing into between bright red buttcheeks that you found it impossible not to want even more out of her body as you pulled her arms behind her, grabbing her dainty wrists with a tight grip.
“I’m really going to fucking ruin you,” you growled, pounding away into Yerim as if it a fire had just been lit inside you, dropping all sense of self control as your animalistic urges took over.
You were anything but gentle, fucking Yerim with the harshest thrusts your body could give. Shortly after sweat began to drip down your forehead, misting over Yerim’s naked back.
“Th-that’s so good, you’re fucking me so well, daddy!”
Yerim could barely keep it together, her pussy dripping like a faucet as she found it hard to think straight, all thoughts ceased except the hard throbbing cock ravaging her cunt without any care.
“F-fuck, d-daddy! You’re gonna make me cum again!”
Your breathing grew as shallow as hers, the loud slap of hot flesh against hot flesh filled your ears alongside Yerim’s lustful moans as your hips smacked her ass, your sweaty bodies clinging together.
“Cum for me. Cum again for me you greedy little slut.”
It only took until your sentence had ended. Yerim was teetering on the edge and your words and actions pushed her over it, unable to control herself any longer she selfishly took her fourth climax of the night. It was the weakest of the bunch but still no less satisfying, toes curling in the mattress as her orgasm jerked her whole body, and had you not had control of her arms it would have been easy for her to fall face first into the mattress.
Her wet hot pussy squeezed your cock so hard that you prepared yourself to follow in her footsteps, giving into the mind-numbing pleasure and released the grip on her wrists. Your hands found their rightful place on her hips as you pounded her pussy as long as you both could stand it.
“I-I’m gonna fucking cum too. Where do you want it?”
“Yay! Cum inside me, daddy! Please, I need my pussy filled so badly, p-please!”
You had just enough time to wait for her response, your body not waiting much longer, finding it harder and harder to breathe and it was impossible to leave the warmth of her silky dripping cunt.
Looking down between your legs, you used all your remaining energy as your cock disappeared in between her cheeks, no longer fighting the urge to hold back anything as the sweat on your bodies increased, as did the harsh sounds of your bodies slapping against one another.
You reached your peak with ease thanks to the vigorous use of Yerim’s body. It was just too much to handle as your pulsating shaft erupted inside her, moaning loudly and sending shot after shot of thick semen into the suffocatingly tight walls of her heavenly wet pussy.
Using all the energy you had left you finished up your final thrusts, slowing down the movement of your hips and ensuring not a drop was left. You were both exhausted, tired gasps and heavy panting filled the room but you couldn’t help but give her backside one more squeeze as your cock rested inside her.
“You came so much...it’s so warm…”
Once your senses had recovered and you withdrew an inch at a time as your depleted cock slipped out of Yerim’s freshly fucked pussy, leaving a stream of thick milky cum leaking out of her that dripped down her thighs, mixing with the already prevalent juices that had ruined your bedsheets.
You had just enough energy to let your tired self plop on the tortured mattress, Yerim crashing on top as your sweaty bodies melded together in a mess of limbs.
“That was amazing…” Yerim managed to mutter out, drained syllables barely leaving her sweet lips in a coherent sentence, her head resting on your chest while you draped an arm over her back, pulling her in tight.
“Do you want to clean up? My shower is big enough for two,” you said, making Yerim drip between her messy thighs again as you fixed strands of sweaty disheveled hair out of place.
“I can barely move,” Yerim giggled, flashing a weak smile.
“Don’t move then. Take all the time you need.”
“This was a wonderful date. Thank you, daddy.”
Yerim quickly fell asleep in your arms, out like a light. You were about to follow her until a buzz on your nightstand interrupted you from doing so.
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Hyejoo deserved some credit, and you’d had to thank her in the morning. For now all you could do was drift away to sleep, thankful for the amazing night with Yerim and also that she wasn’t a snorer.
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Looking for a Place to Happen 2
Warnings: non-consent sex and rape (series), age gap, general stupidity, some violence and threats
This is dark!biker!Sam Wilson x reader and explicit. 18+ only.  Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Series Synopsis: There’s lots happening in Birch and you find it all too amusing.
Sister series to Smalltown Bringdown, When the Weight Comes Down, Little Bones, and Fully Completely
Note: Here’s chapter two. Think I’ll probably slow down writing. Appreciate y’all.
Thanks to everyone for their patience and feedback. :)
I really hope you enjoy. 💋
<3 Let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply or an ask! Love ya!
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Chapter 2: I follow every little whiff
You gave yourself a day off that week. Rather, the desolation of Birch allowed you an excuse to get away from your desk. An internet outage across the town had you up and wandering the main road just after noon. Your grandmother refused to join you so she was left to her true crime novel and the weekday droning of talk show hosts.
After a peek in the book shop where you picked out some used thrillers for your nan and a guilty splurge on one of Babs' pies to add to the surprise, you stopped by the diner and had some soup to warm up from the unrelenting cold. You played around on your phone as you blindly slurped from your spoon. With no available connection, you swapped candies to achieve a score high enough to get to the next round.
After another loss, you put your screen down and added some pepper to the tomato soup. You leaned your chin in your hand and peered across the road. The Asp was just diagonal from The Chipped Saucer and from your seat by the window you could see the comings and goings of the dingy bar.
You chuckled to yourself as you remembered the hundreds of comments on your video. You weren't entirely surprised that the internet cheered at the sight of a woman beating up a man in broad daylight, you'd seen much worse on the web. But many were curious and asked about how it started and about the small town alluded to in the caption.
You picked up your phone and flipped open the camera. You pointed it through the glass as one of the many bikers strutted out of the bar and down the street. You knew him, like most in town, he was the leader's right hand man. Steve Rogers. He had an odd gait, rigid with long strides, and you remember Kelly used to make fun of him when you walked home from school. That felt like forever ago.
You ended the video and dropped your phone again. You'd send it to Kelly when the outage was over. It would be a good laugh. Plus, you hadn't heard from her much since she moved to the city.
You finished your soup and paid. You went out into the street and cut around to the backstreets. You made your way back to your nans and found Pippin scratching at the front door. You stopped and scooped him up before you let yourself in.
"Don't like the snow, do ya?" You set him down and he whipped his tail before skittering off, "hey nan, I got you some stuff."
"You spend too much," she grumbled as you hung your coat and grabbed her treats.
"Only on you," you sang as you entered the front room, "sugarless blueberry pie, your fave, and some books about murder and all that freaky stuff you love."
"Hmm," she watched you put the pie and books down on the coffee table, "suppose the pie will go good with tea."
"Ah, and I suppose I'll be making that tea?" You returned.
"My arthritis…" she pouted but her grin came through.
"Yeah, yeah," you snickered as you went to the kitchen to put on the kettle, "we going black today or something lighter?"
"Put on some of the pekoe," she called back, "make a whole pot."
"Will do, ma'am," you trilled and basked in her annoyed mutter.
When the internet came back, you sent of an email to inform the agency of the interruption and promised to meet your deadlines. Then you puttered around and added a caption to the video before you sent it off to Kelly; 'why he walk like that tho'. She sent a series of crying emojis back and told you to post it.
'Nah, it's a dumb joke.' You typed back.
'Saw ur last vid, ppl will eat it up,' she insisted.
'Well, got nothing else to put up. The account’s dying since no one cares about my writing.'
'DO IT.' Her words sealed your resolve and you uploaded the video with some dramatic music in the background.
The response was almost instantaneous. Several comments saying they were happy to see more and others being for another video. 'We all wanna see inside this fucked up town' one added and several latched on. Ignoring the questions of where this was, you gave a thin promise of future small town thug content. 
You turned back to your work email and opened up your draft for your next gig. You couldn't help but smile as you went over your work. You might have just found your niche.
You knew your nan would lose it if she knew you were snooping around the club, so you didn’t tell her. You went down, made her breakfast, went back upstairs to do your work, then tiptoed out in the late afternoon to poke around town for something to upload. Birch was so dull when you lived there but to those outside, it was a novelty you were all too eager to provide.
You got more videos of the bikers; some revving their bikes, others arguing, but there was nothing overly usable. You were getting bored of it until the man himself walked out of the bar. You record the man’s glower expression as he marched down the sidewalk and turned off just down the way.
‘His name is Bucket… wtf?!’ you keyed in and snorted as you waited for it to load to your account.
Still, there was nothing special going on, like always in Birch, and your grandmother was bound to get suspicious if you kept sneaking around. You went back and hid your phone before she could bitch about it. You cooked her dinner and sat with her as your thoughts swung between work and your TikTok.
You went to bed but couldn’t sleep. You ended up watching YouTube on your phone as the windows shook with the night winds. It wasn’t until the darkness began to glow that you were roused from the cocoon of your comforter. You looked out and saw smoke coming from the main road.
You didn’t think before you pulled on your jeans and shoved your feet into your slipper, unconcerned about them soaking through as you barreled down the stairs, the sleeves of your hoodie only half on. The back door bounced behind you and you crunched down into the snow and clamored past the row of lifeless houses. 
You were out of breath as you got to the end of the path and rounded the diner to gape over at the burning garage. You got closer as the line of bikers stood in their leather with breath puffing before them in the frigid night. You stepped back into the shadow of the brick façade of the realty office and swiped your camera open.
Your hands shook and you struggled to steady the image on the screen as the mechanic woman raged in only her tee shirt. You didn’t quite understand what was going on; only that her garage was up in smoke and then men were doing nothing to smother it. She swung at the dark haired man and spat at several others; “cowards”... “fuck all of you!”
You gulped and held your breath as she was dragged away by the large redheaded henchman of the slender outsider. She fought for a moment before she was flung over his shoulder and the biker followed their leader back to The Asp. You sidled in between the building and hid until the voices faded into the wind.
Well, that would be a hell of a video. It might even go viral.
Your phone did not stop. You almost felt bad as you saw the screen limn the edges of your cell as you left it face down on the little table beside the couch. Your nan sat in her rocking chair talking away on her corded phone to Linette from down the road. You suspected that every other person in town was gossiping about the same thing; the fire.
You finished your coffee and rubbed your eyes as you checked the time and ignored the pulsing notifications. It was too much to keep up with.
Your grandmother hung up and sighed, “can’t believe it. You hear?”
“Hear what?” you pretended ignorance.
“That old garage burned down. The one with the lady,” she said, “pity. When I was a girl, that place was a salon. Ma used to take us there to get our hair cut. The barber would give us wrapped candies and pretend to cut himself with his scissors.”
“Oh? It burned down?” you weren’t sure you were very convincing but you also could just say you saw it happen.
“Yep, no one really can say. You know, maybe she was welding or some rag caught, but I bet my money on those bikers,” she sneered.
“Good thing you’re poor,” you kidded, “and why the bikers?”
“Oh, well, you know Kimmy, Linette’s girl, works down at the diner and she saw that mechanic arguing with one of those strangers, the ones dealing with the club men. Well, it’s no coincidence that trouble follows those leather jackets around,” she rocked as she nodded knowingly, “oh, one of the boys I knew back in the day, he was found burnt up with his bike. They said the tank blew… well, I saw it and that tank was pristine.”
“Nan,” you gasped, “you… Jesus.”
“Well, things don’t change in Birch, we just get older,” she continued, “when you’re young, everything seems new but then you age and it’s all just the same.”
“Wow, how… inspiring,” you said dryly.
“Girlie, you gotta be careful,” she intoned, “that fire, that’s a lesson to all the women in this town. To everyone. You don’t cross the Commandos.”
“I don’t think anyone--”
“That’s another thing, there has never been a shortage of stupid people, not now not then,” she girded, “those women who get tied up in that club, their lives are already done.”
You frowned and hid your phone in your pocket as you stood. You rubbed your neck and picked up your empty mug, “I should get started.”
“Mmm,” she said as she dialed the phone again, “I wonder if Fran knows yet.” 
You were being really fucking stupid but peer pressure was not a logical thing. Even through a screen, you found it hard to resist the goads. So there you were, your phone in your hand as you live-streamed your walk down to The Asp. The data costs alone would make you regret it but you were caught up in the hype of you fifteen second of internet fame.
“Alright,” you stopped across the street and gave a view of the moniker with Cleopatra sultrily looking down at you, “this is it… I just gotta play it cool…” you turned the lens towards you and smiled nervously, “hopefully that dude at the front doesn’t stop me.”
Comments flicked up the bottom of the screen so fast and smilies and hearts floated up the side around your face. You crossed the screen as you turned your phone against your coat and approached the bar door. The large biker butted out his smoke and you bared your teeth nervously. He didn’t stop you as he rolled his shoulders and coughed.
You entered to the noise of classic rock and low voices, the clink of glasses and tap of chalk on marble. You glanced around and quickly swept your phone around to give a view of the patrons. You hurried over to the bar and climbed up on a stool.
“You need a drink?” the woman behind the bar scowled. She looked worn out even with her lips painted bright pink and her eyes clouded with blue shadow.
“Uh, sure, can I… can I get one pint of everything you have on tap?” you asked as you set your phone down and shrugged out of your coat. You draped it over the next stool and reposition your phone as you flipped the cam and used the built in stand on the case to angle yourself onto the screen.
“Sure,” she narrowed her eyes and glanced past you.
You swung your feet as you waited for her to pour the five pints; some with too much foam and the others with no head at all. You took the first and held it up for the camera.
“A classic, BudLight,” you held it up to the light, “no head and…” you sipped, “flat.” You plunked it down and coughed as you grabbed the next, “this is a raddler?” you looked at the tap for confirmation, “grapefruit… smells like piss…” you had a sip, “tastes like it too.”
You chuckled to yourself and asked for a water. You made a show of swishing it around in your mouth before you moved onto the third beer.
“Had to cleanse the palate,” you joked, “now… lots of foam on this one, dark. You know, I’m pretty surprised they have Guinness here but let’s see…” you tasted it and crinkled your nose, “that’s it. Exactly like toilet water!”
You read some of the comments telling you to check the bottles for bugs and laughed. Suddenly you were yanked off the stool by the back of your shirt and your phone was swiped up by another man as the first restrained you. You struggled against his thick arm as it hooked around your neck and the leader of their crew stared at the screen of your cell.
“What the fuck are you doing?” he snarled as he hit the screen with his thumb but the stream kept going. He dropped the phone to the floor and stomped it instead.
“This is the bitch posting about us online,” the man at your back growled. It was Steve, the one with the weird walk.
“I doubt either of you know how to use a computer,” you scoffed, “hey, let me go.”
“And why would we do that when you’re snitching to the whole world, sweetheart?” Bucky kicked your phone away as he crossed his arms.
“Actually, I’m--” you grasped Steve’s arm as it threatened to get tighter, “--promoting your trash business. I was just having a tasting, if you had just asked--”
“Shut up!” Bucky stepped closer and brought your legs up and stopped him as you planted your feet against his stomach.
“Hey,” a woman’s voice came from behind the bar as the waitress shoved aside her empty tray, “hey, she’s just a kid.”
“Bullshit,” Bucky huffed, “she looks full-grown to me.”
“So what are you gonna do?” she said, “she’s young. You can’t--”
“Don’t tell me what I can’t do,” he snapped.
“She’s right,” another voice intoned and that man, Sam, came up beside them with a pool cue in hand, “she’s just goofing around.”
“She’s a rat,” Steve insisted.
“You’re being dramatic. It’s called a meme and you do walk a little strange,” he chuckled, “no one’s gonna follow her breadcrumbs back to this shithole anyway.”
Bucky considered Sam and then looked at Steve. He poked his cheek with his tongue and sucked his teeth.
“So… you vouching for her?” Bucky asked.
“She won’t cause any more trouble, promise,” Sam said, “I’ll make sure of it.”
“You better,” Bucky snapped his fingers and you were released, “get her out of here.” 
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creepytoes88 · 4 years
His cumslut
Letting Vinnie do basically whatever he wants tends to benefit me more then most people might think. My best friends are always saying I’m gonna regret letting him go to whatever party or anyone's house. They say he’s a hypocrite because he always has tabs on where I'm at and who I'm with honesty it does get annoying at times but he can't help that he has trust issues. I knew what I was getting into when I said yes to being his girlfriend he has had a bad past with every girlfriend he's had, all of them have cheated and every girl he got with outside of a relationship just uses him. He was very clear on how he feels about unnecessarily revealing clothes “Wear what you want but if I have to kill a guy tonight I'm punishing you when we get home.”
A very common phase he uses but that's the worst of it I don't mind telling him who I'm with or where I am, I never ask him where he is because because I know he won't go looking around anywhere else. I've explained this to them a thousand times “Well tell us why your so confident he won't cheat” I blush slightly and shrug “YOU DO THIS EVERYTIME” I look down “it’s personal” they look at each other and laugh “tell us you prude” I chuckle slightly “promise no Judgement or making fun of me!” they both hold out their pinkeys and nod “wellllll...I let him do whatever he wants-” kay laughs “Yea we know” I look down “i mean anything” I slowly look back up “what he says goes.... Don't wear clothes for the rest of the week.....suddenly I'm busy all week” they look at me dumbfounded “of course there are exceptions but I let him have complete control with the sexual side of the relationship.” I say with a small smile “and he's good at it too” they look at each other and look back at me before busting out in laughter, “no wonder your not worried...your his sex slave” I tilt my head Vinnie had never used that term with me, I grew up with Vinnie me and him went to school together we weren't close till middle school we decided in freshman that we would be best as friends. The second week him and I were in LA we went to a party and ended up hooking up I was a virgin, and I thought it was gonna ruin everything but to my surprise, we just kept getting more and more serious.
After 5 months of living in the sway house, we moved out into our little house, our sex life completely changed when we no longer had people living with us. Vinnie told me his sexual dreams of having me whenever he damn well pleased and having me wear things he likes. Vinnie makes jokes about it but in real life I'm only allowed to call him Vinnie if we're in public inside the house his name is Daddy and that alone. The first time we had a fight in the house I called him by his name and he simply picked me up threw me over the couch, he edged me for hours when he finally let me release the power of it made me faint for a minute scaring the the absolute shit out of Vinnie. ”Honestly your not wrong...he’s never called me that but I guess your kinda right” they are quite for a second so I look at them “what” they look at each other before kay takes a deep breath “are you happy though, Outside of the sex he not controlling or pushy?” I smile “oh he's perfect and so sweet to me honestly I'm more worried of hurting his feelings.” I feel my phone vibrant and then Vinnie’s ring tone I answer quickly wondering why he didn't face time me or text me “hey bab-” I hear him breathing deeply “whats wrong?” I ask with worry “I really need you to head home now baby I’ve had a very long day and I need to release some tension.”
I feel shivers go down my spine and I feel myself already starting to get wet I let out a fake sigh “alright Vinnie if it’s that important I’ll be home in 10 minutes” hoping the girls won’t think it’s about something dirty. Vinnie lets out a chuckle “they are still giving you shit about me?” I laugh “I’ll be home soon I love you” I hung up and give the girls an apologetic face “girls I’m-“ they laugh and stand up “it’s okay Y/n we don’t want him to throw a tantrum because your not naked when you get there” I gasp turning around seeing their playful faces “you guys are ridiculous.” We all laugh as we go separate ways, I get in my car rushing home I want to beat him to the house so I can keep the plan of being naked. The second I step in the house I start stripping and then as I’m about to pull my skirt off I hear a door slam. I gasp and rush upstairs flinging my clothes off just leaving them there. I hear the Door open then slam shut I jump on the bed quickly, I place my head and chest against the bed my ass in the air. I spread my legs as far as possible trying to calm my breathing my heart is basically beating out of my chest as I wait for him patiently.
Vinnie's POV
I pull in to the house and shut off the car taking a deep breath ”Vinnie it's not Y/n’s fault that Justin is a dumbass” I say to myself getting out of the car I slam the door releasing as much anger as possible before going in the house to my beautiful wife to be. I will marry this woman she's everything I've ever wanted or needed but now isn't the time for marriage or at least that's what I keep telling myself walking in to the house and slamming that door too I am already kinda feeling better I'm still fucking pissed but I'm not raging anymore I toss my keys into the bowl and take off my shoes seeing hers just tossed to the side unlike usual. I walking into the living room to see her shirt and bra on the floor I smirk and walk up to the stairs seeing her skirt and her panties along with her socks right outside the closed door. “Hello my love-” I walk in to see her bent over with her ass in the air, her beautiful flower on full display along with her cute little button. The sight takes my breath away I can see her arousal dripping down her legs “well aren't you just the prettiest view.”
I see her wiggle her squishy cheeks making me laugh a little “wanna give Daddy a little dance show princess?” I was kidding but my baby never disappoints she immediately started to shake her butt to an imaginary song I watch with my mouth open a little I truly didn't know she was capable of dancing that way. I watch in awe as she began to make her ass clap (as one does💀) I grunt as I feel my dick become impossibly hard I began to take my clothes off as I pull down my boxers. My cock slaps against my lower stomach making my stomach twist I grab ahold of it watching as large amounts of pre-cum slip out. I swiping my tip letting out a little grunt, I hear her call my name I look up at her to see her look at me from between her legs “can I help?” she asks as she bites her lip. I immediately let go and I feel another large amount of pre-cum drip down my staff again making me blush slightly no one makes me as horny as she does.
Y/n’s POV
I jump up from my spot I roll off the bed dropping to my knees in front of him I take both my hands and intertwine them with his big warm hands. First I lick up the line of pre-cum that's made its way to his balls all the way back to his tip before sinking down till he hit the back of my throat. Vinnie lets out a gasp rocking his hips against my face pushing the rest of his cock down my throat a gag comes out as a result but I continue to bob my head and suck I pull my head off taking a breath or two before opening back up and taking him all the way till my nose is pushed against his naval. The prickly hair tickling my nose I let out a small giggle “Oh fuck what was that” Vinnie moans above me and he grabs the back of my head by my hair in a fist “I'm gonna fuck your throat baby are you ready?” I nod my head best I can with his thick and long cock stuffed in my throat and blocking my airway. He pulls back till his tip is almost out before thrusting back in a popping and gagging sound come from my throat and my eyes rolls to the back of my head. I never thought I would get so much pleasure from giving a man head in my life but something about his taste and the feeling of him stuffing my throat that I just can't get enough of. Once I spent a whole day just sucking his dick he came in my mouth and down my throat too many times to count I had a little stomach bulge after and it kinda looked like a food baby. I remember Vinnie asked if that meant I was technically carrying his children now I smile slightly at the memory but I'm brought back to reality when I hear him calling my name “oh fuckfuckfuck” he pushes his cock as far down my throat as possible “Shit Y/n fuck baby!” shooting a long, and hot load down my throat I grab his hips gargling my throat around his cock making him jump and try to pull away as he continues to cum down my throat. He succeeded in pulling out and the last little bit of cum landing on my tongue “mmmm Daddy you taste so good” I say licking my lips I use my finger to the the rest off my chin and off his tummy I look in his eyes at I take the finger and put in my mouth moaning at the taste again. “Fuck Princess you enjoy that way to much don't you think?” he laughs as he lays down on the bed “my balls hurt” he laughs I crawl back on top of him kissing his cheeks and finally his lips “you taste so good though Daddy, I just can't get enough of you.” I run my hands threw his hair “give me like 10 minutes and ill make you feel so good baby” he says as he kissed my neck I sit beside him rubbing his god like body (somebody said something about licking his biceps in the comments as I kinda like that idea so enjoy)
I run my hands over his shoulders and down his arms admiring his gorgeous skin I feel the need to worship him show him just how much of a slave for him I am he doesn't need to tell me I'm his slave, I already know I am and I'm gonna show him. “Mmm Daddy let me worship you” I whine as I began to kiss his chest and shoulders I run my hands up and down his toned stomach I began to kitten lick his hard muscles sucking little hickeys while I'm at it. “Fuck Princess what did you say” I start to kiss and lick his abs my hands rubbing his hard thighs pulling away I say “when I was at lunch with the girls I finally told them the truth about why I trust you so much they called me your sex slave.” I stop and begin to leave hickeys all over his hips and sex lines his hard cock brushing my cheeks and chin “I thought about it and I agree and honestly I wouldn't have it any other way” I lean down kissing his lips “oh princess I'm gonna make you more then just my sex slave” I sinister smile runs across his face and gleam appears in his eyes “I'm gonna make you my cumslut and your gonna beg for my cum....well everywhere if I have it my way.” he says looking in my eyes I feel a blush run on my cheeks and an excited shiver run down my back “you know you'll have it your way Daddy that my job right?” I say with a cute smile tilting my head trying to look innocent Vinnie let's put a dark chuckle “I can't wait to ruin you and really turn you into my cumslut” he pulls me down before flipping us over so he's on top “you won't be able to think about anything else except the way it feels for me to cum in your beautiful body” that sentence sent a violent shiver down my spine, I just got on birth control a little over 2 weeks ago but we haven't had raw sex quite yet mostly because we wanted to be sure the birth control is in full effect before taking the chance. (let's pretend you can't get pregnant on birth control at all lmao) I guess now is better than never “please Daddy make me your cum slut” I whine hooking my leg around his hip running my hands threw his hair.
Vinnie’s POV
My poor little bunny had no idea what she was doing to me as far as she's concerned these are just words flying out of her mouth but to me they are her words of true love and true trust. She trusts me enough to control her body and soon her mind, once she falls into the state of a cumslut I know she won't be able to control her body or her mind hopefully she feels relaxed in that state. The last thing I would want is for her to have a bad experience with me being the one in charge. I push my head into her neck running my staff between her slick lips a small moan falls from her lips “thank you, baby, I won't disappoint you I promise.” I kiss her lips once more before grabbing ahold of both of her legs pushing my spongy tip into her entrance the feeling completely different from when I have a condom on I let out a low gasp. Goosebumps pop up on my skin and a shiver runs down my spine as I pull out a light popping noise is made “UGH FUCK YOUR SO TIGHT” I let out a loud moan throwing my head back. I look back down seeing my sweet girl looking back up at me with wide innocent eyes and her mouth slightly open her hands hold tight onto my shoulders without even thinking I push inside of her both of us moaning as her wet walls fluttering around my dick about sending me into orbit I quickly bottom out letting out a grunt using my free hand to move her hair out of her face “F-fuck Daddy please I want you to use me” I began to jackhammer into her feeling her wall pulse around me her loud moans filling my ears as I pick up her legs pushing them into her shoulders feeling myself go further inside of her “Da-DADDY” I chuckle “what baby is there something you want” she whines and grinds her hips into me making me go even further if that's possible. “Daddy please cum inside of me I wanna feel it” Her little body was shivering, I feel my balls tighten so I began to rapidly pound inside of her “OH YESSS IM CUMMMING” she yells out thrusting her hips up. I grunt pushing as far into her as I can releasing deep inside of her, I look down to see her tense and shivering “you ok bunny,” I ask slightly worried “i-so um I-please” I look at her slightly confused “what baby?” I say with a little laugh I see her open her eyes a little before spreading her legs again “more please.” she whines out I drop my mouth open at my cute little whiney mess “oh princess you have no clue what you just did”
I have other things coming but should I make a part 2 to this
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kinetic-elaboration · 3 years
January 9: Murven, Beach
Murven + beach, requested by @hopskipaway last summer when it was seasonal--so it took me a while, but here it is.
Modern AU, ~1000 words
The tense switch partway is on purpose but Idk entirely if it works. We’re going with it though!!
Murphy did not bring a folding chair to the beach. He brought nothing to the beach but the clothes on his back—in this case, his swim trunks, the only pair of sandals he owned, and a short-sleeved button-down shirt, with the buttons all open, as protection from the sun—and his "radiant disposition," as Raven joked. In his defense, the trip was a last-minute adventure, or at least, his involvement in it was. He was lucky he even found the sandals on time.
Everyone else, though, packed as if they were anticipating the apocalypse to hit in the middle of July as soon as they hit the shore. Coolers of drinks and snacks, a whole army of folding chairs, a beach umbrella, mountains of sunscreen, a closet's worth of bright, oversized towels, several Frisbees, a volleyball and net, extra sunglasses, and, in Bellamy's case, a canvas bag of books.
Most of these supplies were Clarke's idea. She supervised the loading of them into the notorious VW Bus, and when she was done, the thing was down two passenger seats. So Murphy ended up riding with Raven, which was probably a better deal overall.
But for her offer to let him ride shotgun, he might have peaced out on the trip altogether. The beach has never really been his thing. He burns too easily and he doesn't play Frisbee or volleyball, and he's never cracked the spine on any book that could be reasonably categorized as a "beach read." For a while, he sat on a teal-blue beach towel and let Raven slather him with sunscreen, while he half-listened to the conversation around him—mostly Octavia and Monty debating the order of Frisbee, food, and swimming, mixed in with the sound of Jasper clinking around soda cans looking for the good stuff at the bottom of the cooler.
Eventually, Clarke and Miller abandoned the group to go swimming, while Octavia, Raven, Jasper, and Monty set up the volleyball net, leaving Clarke's folding chair conveniently free.
Murphy hauls himself into it, then digs his feet as far as they’ll go into the hot, dry sand, and leans back with a satisfied sigh. The high noon sun sizzles along his arms and chest. Two bright gulls sweep, one after the other, across the faded blue sky, letting out high squawks that echo above the sounds of conversation and laughter, above the sound of the volleyball game and the steady rushing of the waves over the sand.
It isn't so bad, the beach.
When he looks over at the volleyball game, he thinks, it really isn't so bad.
Raven Reyes in a one-piece swimsuit and shorts, jumping to spike the ball over the net, dancing and cheering when she scores a point. The sun bringing out the golden tones of her skin. Her ponytail swinging behind her, the defined muscles of her arms and her back—
"We get it," Bellamy's voice grumbles from the folding chair to Murphy's left. He hasn't looked up from his book in easily twenty minutes. Except that he occasionally flips a page, Murphy would have thought he's fallen asleep in the haze of the sun, his sunglasses over his eyes, his overgrown curls falling down across his forehead.
"Get what?"
"You're in love with Raven. You can stop staring."
Murphy snorts. He splutters. He huffs. "I'm not—"
"Mmm, you are."
"Your mouth is open."
"Stop looking at my mouth and go back to your book. Nerd."
Bellamy just laughs, and flips another page.
After another moment, he looks up properly, as if only then realizing just where Murphy's voice was answering him from. "Wait—when did Clarke leave?"
"Around the time the game started up." He points his chin toward the water, where Clarke and Miller are still splashing in the waves. "Anyone ever tell you that you have excellent observation skills?"
Impossible to tell through his sunglasses, but Bellamy appears to be rolling his eyes. "Get your jaw off the floor, loverboy. Game's breaking up."
Murphy would argue about the extremely inapt title, but Bellamy is correct that the volleyball game has, in fact, ended, and the participants are stumbling over the sand toward them again. Octavia and Jasper collapse on the beach towels, while Monty raids the coolers for cold bottles of water. Raven is breathing a little heavy, too, but instead of sitting, she wipes the sweat from her brow with the back of her wrist and holds her hand out to Murphy with a grin.
"What's that?" he asks.
"My hand," she answers slowly, as if he were a fool. She waves it around a little, but he continues eyeing it with suspicion. "Come on."
"Come on where?"
"Where do you think? I'm getting you in the water."
He tries to protest, screwing up his face in a frown and shaking his head—"I'm not really a water person"—but Raven just rolls her eyes and grabs for his wrist, and hauls him out of the folding chair with admirable and not totally unexpected strength. He stumbles on his feet and lands with his arms wrapped around her, nose to nose, her skin warm against his skin.
She pulls his sunglasses off and throws the down into them sand. This close, he can see the golden specks in her brown eyes, is painfully aware she's staring right back into his.
But before he can say a word, she's leaning in to kiss him on the mouth, there and gone, and then tugging him insistently toward the waves.
They don't go far, just knee-deep into the water, Murphy's feet threatening to slip in the sand and the waves rushing up and foaming around them before they recede away. The whole time, Raven's hand stays safely wrapped in his.
"Feels good, doesn't it?" she calls.
"Feels amazing," he answers. And he does mean the water, actually, the power of the ocean all around him, the sway and movement that wants to wash him right off his feet. But mostly he means her.
Her hand in his, and the way she feels pressed against him when he wraps an arm around her waist and pulls her close, and the way she kisses him slow, and the way he doesn't even care if their friends can see. Maybe it hasn't been that long and maybe he's in too far over his head. But it's Raven. And a part of him has always been a little bit in love with her.
(Not that he'd ever, ever, let Bellamy know that he was right.)
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lady-eny · 3 years
Title: Time to Time (1/?)
Some tags: Canon compliant, Fluff, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Drama, Minor Mikenana, Veterans, Canon-typical violence, Character Study, Love to hate, Hate to love, Mutual pining
When Hange met Levi, little did she know everything that would come after.
Not just titans and the end of the world, but their own personalities, problems, and not to mention those developing feelings none of them want to acknowledge.
Over time their relationship changes, for good and worse. But at the end they always come back to each other.
It’s only a matter of time. 
—AKA the LeviHan journey. From meeting to friends, to something more, to hating each other (or do they?), to rekindling their relationship, etc. —
Cross-posting on: AO3
Other Chapters: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Notes:  ✨THANK YOU FOR READING!!! Feedback is always very much appreciated.
Chapter 1: Strangers to Comrades
Humans tend to gather; it’s their nature. Isn’t it strange, then, how they choose to do so?
It’s the most fascinating phenomenon, the way connections are forged. Two people from different backgrounds and abysmally different personalities, one day meet and, suddenly, something inside themselves recognize each other as like-souled.
But that’s only the surface. In truth, those who end on good terms are alike on the inside, share more than anyone else—whereas views of the world or just their kindness within.
Whether they know it or not.
 Year 844.-
Life is… quiet. Sometimes so quiet that Hange can’t help talking louder, to fill the void. Her mind is never in silence, though, but as noisy as her surroundings currently are.
Most of the Survey Corps are preparing for the next expedition, which is going to be a big one. They’re cleaning wagons, brushing the hundreds of horses, and loading enough provisions for a couple of days out.
Returning from outside, Hange meets a lot of activity, and the smell of hundreds of people running in the heat of the day. For her part, she’s sunstroke and her clothes dirty by the ground—she just had to look at those flower buds from close, no matter what!
Her veins are thrilling with excitement! So much that she wants to yell out loud how precious those flowers are, and explain in detail how she managed to make them grow. What a great help they’ll be to the Hospital Wing! Her experiments proved a success, as they shouldn’t be able to bloom in this kind of soil.
Vibrating with this knowledge, she approaches a group of two men and a woman resting in a corner. They are quiet and pensive, but stiffen instantly at the sight of her coming. When it’s clear that she is, indeed, routing to them, they look around in a panic.
“Hey!” Hange taps the shoulder of one of them, a tall brown-headed corp whose name, she struggles to recall. “How are y’all?!” They don’t answer, instead look somewhere behind her. “Mmm, I’ve been great, too! You can’t imagine what I just discovered, there are these—”
“Sairam! I was looking for you!” The brown-headed runs away, and the remaining two link their stares. Hange widens her eyes to them, in what she intends to be a hopeful gaze—one that ends up being ignored.
“Geez, I wanted to tell her something, too!”
“Wha—?! Wait for me!”
Hange watches them scurry and, in the split of a second, her smile wavers a little. Only a little and only for one second. Then, it spreads wider as she lays her back on the wall to scan the hall. She locates Nana’s blond hair at the other side and walks toward her with long strides. Nana always hears her out, even if by the end of Hange’s talk, she’s barely awake.
But a couple of steps from her friend, Hange comes to a halt. Nana is sitting on Gelgar’s lap, talking vividly to him while he looks away, in the direction of a group of grinning girls.
So they came back together again, ah? Hange thinks, and her shoulders deflate. Better not to intrude there.
At Nana’s left, Erwin stands straight, explaining something to Mike’s ears in front of a map. Mike nods with arms crossed to his chest, but every now and then he glances back and scowls at Gelgar’s obvious disregard. That, at least, is such a familiar view—as familiar as the faces of the other corps, when Hange comes closer to them. They are good people, truly. Hange knows it, and most of the time, they’re happy to see her. But when she’s so clearly trying to talk about one of her projects, everyone hurries to disappear from her path.
If only they could open their minds to the millions of possibilities out there, how amazing that’d be!
She could go and join Erwin’s lecture, but she has already heard it so many times. Even helped him by perfecting the details of the new formation he proposed.
Her enthusiasm has left her completely, therefore she sighs, moving through the barracks in search of new ideas to arise.
It isn’t a big deal, anyway, just a medicinal plant that could speed the healing process of the injured. Other ideas, bigger and far more interesting—the ones concerning walls and formations and weapons—wander through her head, but these are better saved to herself. After all, the times she’s shared them, the response hasn’t been that great, so they mustn’t be that outstanding, either. Not even worth a mention.
There isn’t a sound around, and the silence transforms into a force that presses her entire body.
This feeling in which her body feels so small it’s so common, that it doesn’t stand out enough to be called by name. The quietness that it carries is suffocating. Ever since being a child, it has been Hange’s faithful companion, thus she has never minded it—not when it crept to her chest as she studied alone in her childhood room; nor when she left that house to join the Survey Corps. And not even when she came back from her first mission, after all her first friends fell one by one like flies smashed in titan’s hands.
The air weights heavier, and her pulse races. It’s quiet, and this kind of silence is devoid of life. Hange takes the ribbon of the necklace that hangs from her neck, pulling it so much that it binds the skin of her nape. The end of the corridor she’s strolling down comes, along with two strange voices she doesn’t recognize.
Somehow, these voices drive the lull in her ears away, allowing her to breathe deeply. She supports herself on the wall, and the sound continues booming. Recovered, she hides behind a column and peeks out, curiosity compelling her to watch.
At a far corner, a man kneels in front of a girl.
“You should watch your feet more, idiot,” the man says, his voice acquiring a soft tone. Very different from the one he used at introducing himself, hours ago. Hange frowns… Levi, that’s the name. And the girl is Isabel, who joined the corps with him and another man, named… something with an F.
Levi pats Isabel’s feet with care.
“I do! The ground here feels so different, I ain’t used to it just yet!”
He shakes his head and jumps to his feet. “We should come back to Furlan, or he’ll start looking without us.”
Looking for what? Hange wonders and pushes her glasses up with a finger, but forgets about it as soon as the question reaches her. Her mind occupies itself with other things, like of that short man, who wears an upset look and uses cutting words.
She isn’t foreign to the gossips rolling around. He scared and pissed off her peers, and terribly so. Some even proceeded to save away their belonging, claiming that “those rats from the underground” came here to steal them.
Hange didn’t pay much attention—her experiment was at such a crucial moment!—but now that she thinks about it, it all seems a little exaggerated, and cruel. What if they come from that place? How is that relevant to state if they’re good or bad? More so, the image painted to her at the Mess Hall doesn’t align with what she just saw.
Levi seems nice, and so interesting! A little grumpy, yes, but not a criminal monster deserving of so many bad words. He is, at the very least, more than what meets the eye. And her favorite thing in the world is figuring stuff out.
When they are out of sight, she goes to the bunk she shares with Nana, the last one in a row of a dozen. Climbs to her bed—the one at the top—and starts packing, mind never drifting from Levi.
He looks like a good friend, and Erwin said he was a natural with the ODM gear, maybe he—
Her hands stop mid-action, and her stomach churns. He may be good, excellent perhaps, but neither he nor his friends hold proper training. If she’s learned something in her time here, is that even the best ones die. Death is beyond reason. Unpredictable. Titans, she mouths with hate permeating her words.
This expedition is going to be a decisive one for them, as the first one usually is. Hange has no personal reason to want them to make it out, but hopes still while finishing saving her uniforms in a bag.
And she keeps hoping still, as they free themselves from the walls and meet the fresh air of the field.
  They stink. That was Levi’s first thought when he entered the hall where the Survey Corps are. His nose wrinkled at the odor they emanated from their nasty, sweaty bodies. The almost collapsed castle they’re staying in out of the walls also stinks, smelling old and humid.
There are people all around, faces without a name that Levi doesn’t care enough to learn. He won’t stay for much time, anyway. No one offered sympathy or a welcoming word, but he doesn’t mind it at all. These pigs despise them and look down at them, so they aren’t worthy of his time. Even if they’re right, and he’s unsuitable to this place—Levi smooths his clothes and ignores the hot flashes that come with every minimizing stare—they’re still pricks for saying it. He isn’t deaf to their insults, but even in the underground he got disparaging looks, so it’s no matter. He just hopes Isabel won’t hear them.
At a far corner, a woman with short blond hair is yelling at a man with brown hair in a pompadour. He looks ridiculous, even more with his flushed cheeks as he yells back to the woman. Levi scowls. These corps also bring their drama to work.
Very close to the fighters, that bastard sits. He’s reading some papers, and Levi wonders if they could be the ones they’re looking for, the ones they need to steal. Next to him sits a person with glasses, a messy ponytail, and a big smile spread over her face. She moves her hands from side to side while talking, like an over-energized child.
Levi returns his attention to the conversation with his friends, but suddenly the light disappears. He tilts his head up in confusion. And there she is, the four-eyes who just a minute ago was talking with Erwin, the light behind her contrasting and sharpening her thin silhouette. She came along with her big smile and shining eyes, mere inches away from his face.
What shocks him the most are her words.
“I was watching you… at the crucial moment!” Something dangerous to say, but she soon proves to not be talking about spying on their illicit activities. Rather, she’s… excited, and it’s because of him. Hange Zoe, she introduces herself. “It was really outstanding!”
She doesn’t seem to be potentially dangerous as of now. But she’s disruptive, nevertheless. Hange appeared right at his nose like personal space didn’t exist at all. She smelled funny—like earth and trees and nature—for a lack of a better word. As he looks at her eyes, he detects something that freezes his senses. In them, there is… nobility. Where Levi comes from, that kind of look isn’t seen frequently; not without its shades, and never as unadulterated as hers.
He composes himself in a blink, and tries to ignore the sugary words from her mouth.
Her smile never leaves. “I’d like to hear the secret of that strength…”
No. Engaging could bring a lot of unwanted stuff. Caring for these awful people isn’t his task here. Best to avoid unnecessary interactions altogether.
She leaves without prying more, but Levi can’t shake the feeling that she’s looking at them. Neither can he forget the openness of her stare. Levi closes his eyes and reminds himself of his mission. The papers, kill that bastard, get the hell out of here to never see these people again.
Protecting and keeping his friends from any harm, above all. Giving them a home far from that trash pit in the underground, the one they want so badly.
That’s all he desires.
  It was just the first part of the expedition, but from what she saw, Levi isn’t a natural at vertical maneuvering. He is a prodigy. His body moves so fast and with so much precision and agility, that Hange couldn’t avoid getting mesmerized. She stopped and opened her mouth in delight, despite being among titans and the danger that comes with them.
He sliced napes as if he’d been doing it since birth, and his technique is something she’s never seen before. Hange can’t wait to see it again, to separate every little detail for further study and try to replicate it. If they learn from him, the possibility of freeing humanity seems closer.
But he wasn’t aware of that fact.
“It was incredible!! I boiled over with excitement in spite of myself!!” She exclaimed, containing all her enthusiasm in her eyes. Her gaze met his and he looked shocked at first. In his silver-blue iris she could make out an emotion stirring inside, but his eyes closed off as soon as she saw it, an uncomfortable face taking place.
She tried to talk more to him, of course, and even won her friend over with a treat. But more than flattered, he seemed bothered by her praises. What a weird person Levi is—yet fascinating, all the same. He self-taught himself, and speaks so roughly!
Hange doesn’t even realize everyone stood up from the table until Nana waves a hand in front of her eyes, and Hange blinks out of her thoughts.
“What are you into, now? You were far away from here.”
Hange exhales and her fingers start drumming on the rough surface of the table. She stares at the stone roof of the ruined castle they chose as a refuge. The night is here, and tomorrow will carry another day full of danger. She studies the further side of the hall, where Levi and his two friends sit, whispering, and wary of the others.
They’ll be fine, she tells herself. They already made it here, and successfully. They’ll come back alive.
She nods to herself and builds a smile to face Nana, whose eyes are red by how much she cried hours ago, after yet another fight with Gelgar.
Hange summons her good mood back. “I was wondering if my flower buds…”
At the back of her head, she isn’t that happy. More than ever, she hopes they’re the exception, and that they make it back alive.
No matter how many meals she has to invite them afterward.
  There’s blood in his body. Covering his skin, dripping from his clothes. And it’s his, but also theirs. Titan’s blood evaporates, but it leaves a part of its filth behind. It only makes the real blood stand out more brightly, clearer in its statement.
It says it loudly, mocks him in its reddish shade.
And he answers in resignation: yes, he’s all alone again. Yes, even after all this time, people still leave to never glance back at him. It means that no matter how hard he tries, he can’t make people stay, can’t keep them safe. Everyone goes and leaves him alone—air is suddenly insufficient for his lungs.
Is he so bad, that he can’t keep even his best friends by his side?
Tiredness weights in every bone, every muscle. His mind is numb. Dead. He left his life in the field; his friends, his only family. There’s barely anything else of him.
His heart feels so heavy that he drops his gear and falls to the stone floor with a thud. Everyone else is inside, the noise of their talks floating to his ears, but he hardly makes sense of it, in the fog he’s into. The smell of death doesn’t disappear from his nostrils, and he absently wonders if it ever will. He isn’t even able to glance up at the night sky, as his neck aches. Not that he wants to, either way.  
A pair of tired shoes appear in front of him, but Levi doesn’t really see them, too lost in his own head as he is. A very, very small part of him, though, acknowledges them, knows it’s her. For the smell—that somehow replaces the lifeless one in his nose—mainly, but also from something else his weary mind can’t stop to decipher. Like energy surrounding her entire being, bringing some kind of warmth along with her, wherever she goes.
Hange crushes right next to him, close enough that her shoulder meets his, close enough that her weird smell engulfs him and sweeps away the fog that was trapping him. She sighs, and moves her hands doing… something. He doesn’t see, but paper sounds later, she sets a piece of meat in his cold hands, and then a cup of tea clicks when placed on the ground in front of him.
“I heard you like it,” she says.
Levi commits to ignore her thoroughly. He wants her to go away and be left alone. The desire to insult her and tell her to piss off is here, but not the energy to speak.
At his silence, she talks again, as if he gave her tacit permission to continue.
“My first night after coming out was… horrible.” A beat. “I had just made these incredible friends. We were in the same squad, and so excited. They were amazing, with so much potential. They all scored much more than me. I don’t know why or how, but I was the only one who sur—vived.” Her words break almost at the end, and Levi’s gaze darts to her face.
Her eyes are closed, squeezed. Illuminated by the moonlight, her skin is kind of silver. As if not realizing her movements, her hand pulls and fidgets with a necklace around her neck. It’s a simple black cord with a bird charm stained by ink.
Hange continues. “I thought, there must be a reason, right?” She opens her eyes and turns to him, actually asking him.
He avoids her face and looks at his hands, which are almost white and feeling dull. The piece of meat they carry gives them heat, something to hold onto, and he stiffens his grip on it.  
She doesn’t wait for an answer. “I didn’t find a reason. Now I think it’s just luck…” She raises her tone. “But luck is such an illogical concept, don’t you think?” Hange puts two fingers on her mouth and looks up. Bites her fingernail, eyes gaining a removed air. “Luck must not be it… what else, then? Mmm. Once I read an ancient book about destiny, except that’s also an unreliable theory. But what if there was a way to prove it? Wouldn’t that be awesome?”
Hange keeps talking and talking and talking to no end, about life, experiments, science…
Is she ever going to fucking shut up? He thinks while a pulse stabs his head, growing up a headache.
However, he occasionally finds himself looking at her like she’s the most abnormal thing he’s ever seen—which she probably is. Here and there he catches some of her words and, surprising himself, he takes the time to think about them. Why is he here, from all of them? Why did he live when they died? He rubs a hand over his face.
“They aren’t gone,” she blurts out, solemn. “It’s impossible. Nothing ever gets completely destroyed. They’re just somewhere else.”
Levi abruptly remembers why he’s here, filthy and chilled to the bone. The pressure in his chest grows, and with a hand he tightens the cloth over it to keep the pain from knocking him down. He wishes to find some relief in her words, in the idea of them not disappearing like that. But he can’t. The notion is too sweetened for his life.
He takes a sip of the now cold tea and stares up. The sky is the same it was yesterday; as bright, wide, and starry. It feels wrong, that there isn’t any visible change when everything has changed to no repair. Isabel and Furlan would have never got tired of this view. They should be the ones here, appreciating its never-ending beauty.
Next to him, Hange stirs to a better position and starts talking about something else. He lays his head onto the wall behind him, and closing his eyes, shuts off her words. Still, he keeps her murmur as a background, relaxing sound, in which he falls asleep.
  Levi didn’t know at first sight, but there’s something wrong with Hange Zoe.
She’s annoying as hell. And grabby. And so, so loud. Levi scowls, seeing her from behind the rim of his cup of tea while she paces, rambling and gesturing with her hands.
“This place is BIG! We could be harvesting our own food if they would just listen for a full minute and—”
Ever since coming back from his first expedition, she’s been following him all around. And with all around, it means all. He still remembers how his heart stopped dead when, days ago, he got out of the bathroom to crash with her. She was waiting for him, a somewhat scary smile over her face. A shiver ran down his spine and he was tempted to run away. Only his strong will allowed him to remain still.
He wished he hadn’t, when she started going on about his peeing schedule.
Hange talks to him and smiles and sometimes even touches his arm. That’s the way she is, though—he realized, at observing her with the others. The difference is that he’s the only one never replying to any of her words. He just stays there, listening and calming his exasperated brain.
Levi has told her to fuck off, in a million different ways. Nothing works. Does she purposely ignore him, or is she really unaware of how hated her presence is? As he doesn’t have much more to do with his free time and she’s always near, he scrutinizes her. Tries to decipher her hidden intentions. He feels a little self-conscious because of that, but for his life, he can’t understand her. Why does she keep talking to him? How is it humanly possible to talk that much? Does she ever bathe?
All the same, no matter what he does, Hange appears to not care about his silence or bad faces. She keeps sharing her research on the earth, plants, and animals. Even asks for his wellbeing on a daily basis—why does she give a crap about that?
And she always, always, comes back, all twenty times he has stood up and left her mid-sentence, in hopes that she’ll get the clue. Of course that has never happened, so he has started expecting her rolling around.
He sips his tea and enjoys the savor for a few seconds, yet it soon gets tainted by bitterness. It’s not like he’s any special, actually. Hange is friendly with every single breathing being and talks to everyone as much as she can. Still, most of the time she chooses him, and that’s what Levi can’t fathom.
Why? What does she want from him? He doesn’t have anything she can take away. She must be looking for a way to harm him, but… how is asking about his favorite meal related to that? How is it going to affect him? Deep down he knows he’ll end up wounded, he just can’t pinpoint how, yet.
She finishes talking and sighs, cheeks flushed by her rant.
“Anyway, it’s lunchtime, we better get going…”
Hange strides to the Mess Hall, and Levi follows her at a secure distance. He takes his food and finds an empty table to sit at. For her part, Hange approaches Mike—a big, scruffy man who looks like a bear and sniffs at people (the first time he did it to Levi, he almost punched that big nose). She puts an arm on the Bear’s shoulders and laughs widely, her eyes dancing through the room… until they connect with Levi’s.
He turns his head instantly. Focuses on his meal.
But alas, it’s too late.
She lands next to him and places her elbows on the table.
“Can I bring Mike, Nana, and Erwin to our table?” Our table? What the—? “They’re good guys!” She puts a hand on her chest and raises the other one, “I swear. So…?”
He’s been silent all day long, but she isn’t surprised at hearing his voice, now. Instead, her smile grows bigger, as if she expected that answer from the very beginning.
“C’mon! We’re here alone, with so much space, and they want to know you!”
“Mmm… clearly because you’re gentle!”
Levi almost chokes with her words. He would have thought she was joking if not for the unwavering of her face. How can she think that, for real?!
“I’m not gentle,” he hisses. Stabs his rice with a fork, as if to prove it.
Hange grins and stands up. “I’ll take that as a yes.” And she just goes away.
He carves his forehead, blending the food in his plate with the fork. Hange Zoe will kill him one day. He’s sure of it.
Voices arise, louder and louder with every passing second. He’s surrounded. His shoulders tense up when he finds himself trapped between noisiness and bodies. Hange takes the same spot next to him and dedicates him a smile. His answer is a deeper scowl, so deep that the muscles of his face complain and start aching.
Erwin sits in front of him with a fun expression, putting his half-empty plate on the table. The blondie girl—Nanaba, he guesses—sits at the other side of Levi; the sniffer bear, at Erwin’s left.
They don’t look any uncomfortable, as if shifting their table in the middle of a meal was the usual.
Hange, ignoring the angry waves Levi’s sending in her direction, makes sure to keep the conversation going, never losing her warmth. Blondie occasionally gives Levi an apologetic smile, but otherwise, they talk as if he wasn’t there, which is a relief.
“Oh, Levi! I didn’t tell you before, but Nana is especially good at making tea, maybe you can drink hers someday, and…”
Levi internally groans and crosses his arms, waiting for them to go so he can eat his now cold food alone. His posture remains rigid, but he stays there, unmoving even when the others finish eating and start leaving.
“I’ll check the garden really quick, but I’ll be back soon!” Hange exclaims, waving him goodbye.
As if I cared whenever you come and go. Levi exhales and massages his temples.
“How have you adjusted to the barracks?” Erwin asks. He has finished eating but isn’t making any move to leave. In fact, he reclines on the chair, relaxed.
Levi shrugs. The Survey Corps are what he expected. They don’t talk to him, and he pays them doing the same. It’s peaceful like that—when Hange is busy with her research, at the very least.
What he didn’t expect was to see that the majority of the corps think like Erwin. They do believe in dedicating their hearts and their everything to save humanity from the titans. Even when he dislikes them, Levi can’t avoid the tug in his chest at their conviction. He too wants to do his best, following that ideal.
“I see you’re doing well. Hange… she’s one of a kind, isn’t she?” A smile dangles at the corner of Erwin’s lips.
One of a kind? Yeah, you could say that—but Levi would never do so with the hint of affection present in Erwin’s voice. One of a kind in a bad way, he concludes.
“You two seem to be pretty close?” Erwin questions. Takes a sip from his glass, eyeing Levi sideways at the same time.
Levi’s stomach hardens and he lifts an eyebrow, glaring at the man in front of him. Truly, he’s at a loss for words. How can these people misread him so damn wrong?
Erwin explains. “Every time I see you, you two are together. I’m glad that you have made friends here, and so fast.”
“She pesters me all day long, better said.” Levi takes his spoon and tastes the soup. It’s cold and salty, but slides down his body smoothly. Not the worst he’s eaten.
“You can always ask her to stop talking to you if you hate it so much.”
“Already done that.”
“Surely you weren’t that clear.”
“Tsk.” Levi glances up from his plate. Erwin’s gaze is firm on him, frowning. Levi wants to tell him that blatantly stating it would be too harsh, even for him, but ends up saying nothing. He can’t shake the sensation that Erwin is seeing something he doesn’t want him to—and worst, he doesn’t even know what that something is.
Erwin finally drops his gaze and tilts his head to the side, his tone casual. “You wouldn’t be the first one to say it to her face, nor the last one. So, feel free to do it, she’ll understand and will be fine. Eventually.”
The last word makes Levi’s neck straighten. By the way Erwin said it, he implied that Hange hasn’t been immediately fine before, and that suits Levi in a bad way. It just feels wrong, to imagine that face of her anything but fine and happy—and being the reason for it.
She isn’t as bad as to wish hurt in her eyes.
A single question sits in his head. It has been lingering and torturing him to no avail, and he doesn’t have it in him to keep it inside for much longer. He utters it harshly. “What does she want from me?”
He can’t understand and it’s killing him slowly. He never considered himself a paranoid person until she appeared and started acting so amiable, without reason. Everyone has an aim behind their actions, is thriving to get something for themselves. Is it money? He has none. That secret trick she wanted to know, the one to get better? He doesn’t know it and already told her so. What, then? He almost breaks his façade and pulls his hair out in exasperation.
“Want from you? What do you mean?” Erwin scratches his forehead when it gets obvious that Levi won’t elaborate. “Well, why don’t you ask her? Hange is the most honest person I’ve ever met. If you ask her, she’ll tell you. But”—Erwin leans in— “I can tell you that she’s a good person. More than most of us here, if not all.”
Levi thinks about it, a tingling bothering the skin of his nape. It’s not like it hasn’t crossed his mind, the possibility of her just being kind. But how could that be possible? No, there must be something else he’s missing. Maybe some of his underground enemies found about his whereabouts and are paying her to spy on him… Fine, that may be too unrealistic.
It doesn’t take long for her to come back, face reddish and sweaty after being outside. Her butt settles next to Levi and she empties Erwin’s glass in one gulp.
Erwin stands up. “Hange, I have to talk with you later. Come to my room in the afternoon.”
“… Sure. I’ll go later!” Hange says. A wrinkle appears between her eyebrows when Erwin is out of reach. “What does he have to say?” she mutters under her breath, more to herself than to Levi. He clears his throat to call her attention. “Oh, sorry. You were saying?”
With her right next to him, the question tastes weird—too awkward to let out. And yet…
“What do you want from me?”
“Uh?” She moves her head around. He only shifts on his seat. “Want… from… you,” she repeats, trying to make sense of it. Levi remains silent, waiting for her to figure it out. After a minute, her face showers in understanding. “I want to be your friend. What else could I want?”
He meets her gaze, searching for anything that could give her away, show the lie within. But he finds nothing of that. Her eyes are round behind her glasses, open and sincere.
She means it.
Could that be true? Could she really be just… kind?
… she’s a good person. More than most of us here, if not all, Erwin’s voice resounds in Levi’s head.
Weeks ago, he decided to follow Erwin and trust his view, to chase the same purpose. Maybe he should trust him with this, too.
After all, Hange may not be that bad.
  Erwin’s words don’t leave Hange’s mind, as much as she wants to forget them.
You’ll never see the fruits, if you only bring the seeds to not let them grow.
Always count on Erwin to say the kind of analogy perfect to resonate to her very core. It’s not like she wants to stop anything from growing. Her ideas and research—the discoveries that come from them—are her precious babies. Of course she wants them to succeed, to let them be helpful to humanity. It isn’t that simple, though.
“It’s a good chance,” Erwin said from his desk when she hurried to his room, a couple of days ago. He shot her a look that was, quite obviously, meant to persuade her. “If they approve, we could take a step closer into this fight.”
If they approve. If her ideas are good enough for that. If those very ideas don’t force them to step further from victory.
A rough and loathing voice echoed in her ears.
I doubt these ideas could take anyone anywhere but their grave.
Hange hadn’t heard it in years, but would never forget it. The words traveled through her body like a virulent shiver, making her throat close itself in a tight knot. For a moment, she only wanted to run away, to never have come to Erwin’s room. Instead of that, she squared her shoulders and got rid of the words, the voice, and their meaning as much as she was able to.
“They wouldn’t,” she limited to say, sitting on Erwin’s bed. She folded her arms onto her chest, secure of, at least, her proclamation.
“We have to keep trying.”
“How did you even manage to convince them to hear me out?”
Hange never expected to encounter another chance. The memory from the last time she yielded and went with him to Mitras still stings. The look from everyone there, how they practically laughed at her proposition, their words like knives shredding her already raw heart…
Erwin must have moved many pieces, for them to be open to a second round. She certainly wasn’t.
Erwin smirked. “Commander owed me a favor.”
“Oh no, you didn’t gamble with Shadis while drunk again, right?” She gasped at his silence. “Right?”
His blue eyes shined, but he returned to a serious tone almost immediately. “This time, we can say it in a way they’ll be willing to accept.”
She shook her head. “It’s better if you go alone and propose it yourself.”
“It’s your idea, not mine.”
It is. Hange pinched her lips together. And if it ends up being a bad one, I’d be forever regretful at making Erwin take the blame.
Her ideas are great. Hange knows that and wants to prove it.
But… her stomach twisted against herself. She closed her eyes and inhaled. “I don’t think I’ll have time that day,” she breathed out.
Erwin studied her for a minute. “Alright,” he complied, slowly. “In case you change your mind, a spot for you will be free in the carriage until I leave.” His gaze met hers, firm and sure. “You’ll never see the fruits, if you only bring the seeds to not let them grow.”
She nodded and fled from the room, legs trembling.
Erwin left an hour ago, and she didn’t go with him. Which instead of getting a weight off of her shoulders, only made them heavier. Almost unbearable.
“Is a poop stuck in you?”
It takes her a moment to resurface from her mind’s coil, and build an answer to Levi, who stands under the spice cupboard upon the wall.
“I never have that kind of problem, thank you very much.” She must have been acting weirdly (more than usual) for Levi to ask that—the first time he does, that she can tell. Hange still can’t tear her mind from the carriage traveling to the capital, featuring a cold, empty seat placed for her, when she says, “We should go out.”
A storm is hitting branches against the barracks’ walls and windows, the wind whistling with violence. Through the kitchen’s window she can see the black clouds swirling, darkening the sky regardless of the early hour.
Levi, who has been scrubbing a stain from the table for the last minutes, arches a brow. He’s, after all, a man of few words, even when he’s started speaking lately, and scowling a little less deeply. She quickly interprets his gesture as a “why the hell would I want to go out, with so many good stains to clean?” or “are you so blind that you don’t see the sky falling out of the window?”—maybe with harsher words, but she senses the point, nonetheless.
Honestly, the corps would stop calling her weird if they knew Levi better.
Not that they want to, unfortunately.
Hange sighs and lays her cheek onto the cold, wood table—which in her opinion, is already clean enough. A lemony aroma floats to her nose and she smiles; somehow, Levi always smells like this, and seems to leave this very scent everywhere. Although that may have something to do with him cleaning everything he lands his eyes on.
She’s oh-so-bored, and it’s raining outside, so no gardening to ease her mind. She could go looking for Nana, or perhaps—
“THAT RAT MUST BE THE ONE WHO STOLE IT!” a female voice yells from out of the kitchen. Hange’s body tenses up.
A man’s voice leaks inside. “Yes! I knew it the moment he arrived! He smelled like filth.”
She sees Levi’s muscles contracting, sees him using more force than necessary to rub the now perfectly smooth table, the wince he tried to conceal. She sees it and it sends fire through her veins.
Eyes bulging to the exit, Hange jumps to her feet and stomps to the source of such odious claims. She makes a move to storm out, but when the door is merely an inch opened, Levi shoves it closed in her face with a bang. His palm outstretches on the door’s surface, pushing and forcing it to remain sealed.
“What are you doing?” He snaps.
Excellent question. What was she about to do?
“I was just going to talk to them,” she says through her teeth, glaring still. Maybe some fists and blood would follow up, but she can’t predict those kinds of things.
“About?” The tone reveals nothing, his neutral features flawlessly into place.
“How they shouldn’t spread lies like that!” She emphasizes it with a kick to the floor.
Levi blinks rapidly once, twice. Thrice. It’s the only indicator of his inside. “How do you know it’s a lie?”
Hange scraps a hand over her face, tapping her foot onto the floor. “I just do.”
Every second he doesn’t let her open the door, the less likely to find the ones who said those hateful comments. He probably knows it.
“It’s none of your business.”
If possible, that only makes the flames in her body burn more fiercely.
“Of course it is! You’re my friend! No one likes hearing shit about their friends!”
He stiffens and turns his back to her, remaining immobile for a while. Hange scratches her neck, which was sweaty by her outburst, but feeling cooler now. Did she say something wrong?
“Let’s go out,” he suddenly says.
She knows it’s something to avert her attention, to prevent her from getting into a fight. Yet it’s the first time Levi agrees to do something with her (last times she didn’t exactly ask, and he didn’t exactly agree).
The people outside must be gone anyway, and she can always find them later to chat about spreading unsubstantiated rumors. The man sounded a lot like Flagon, who she can call in a few hours.
For the time being, she takes a breath to calm herself and smiles for real, stopping her body from bouncing up and down in excitement.
“Where should we go?!”
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glitxhwayventeen · 3 years
A Different Kind Of Love…
Wonwoo: Chapter 3 (Save Your Tears)
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Characters: Wonwoo x female reader
Genre/Warnings: multi-member au (different scenarios), werewolf au, fantasy, angst, fluff, cheating (again, sort of), FOOD mentions, Mood Swings. Any others will be put as warnings when future chapters are thought up/written.
Author’s Note: Here it is friends! A chapter with almost complete fluff. Who would’ve thunk huh? Anyways I hope you guys like the chapter. I had quite a bit of fun writing it for some reason…
Please remember that all of these chapters and the content within them are a work of fiction! They’re just for fun/entertainment!
Bold= Dialogue Italics= Thoughts
Mostly domestic ☁️ & barely any 🥀
A Different Kind Of Love… Master List
Chapter 3: Save Your Tears
It had been exactly three months since you had been marked by Wonwoo and finally completely integrated yourself into your new pack. You hadn’t seen or heard from Song since that night, but you still felt VERY uneasy about the whole situation. People didn’t just get together the way you and your mate did and get a sweet happy little ending.
Wonwoo and you were doing great personally though. You now slept in the same room, ‘slept’ together, and just all around loved each other. You were starting to have a hard time remembering what life was like before you had gotten attacked by that angry mob now that you were with him. He made time stop and fast forward all at once. Everything seemed to go on forever and yet so quickly when you were with him. And you loved every single second of it. Even if you had a hard time showing him that sometimes.
You were downstairs in the kitchen making breakfast for all the boys, someone had to. They literally could not seem to take care of themselves even if they were grown ass men. So you kind of took on the part of den mother to them, you were the only responsible girl they had around after all. None of the Alphas had mates yet, in fact, no one older than Jihoon had found theirs yet. It was only the younger ones. And while their mates were great, they just very much acted like their wolf counter parts, which meant fun all day everyday without a second thought. So that left you being one of the few, other than Seungcheol and Joshua, who knew when enough shenanigans was enough. You didn’t mind, you liked having a big family again.
Many of the boys reminded you of your brothers. Especially Mingyu, who ate and played just as much and as rough as they did. It caused the both of you to become very close, even to the point where he felt like one of your biological brothers, he reminded you a lot of Mako. And of course, Wonwoo was absolutely delighted that the member he considered his best friend and his mate got along so much. He trusted Mingyu around you more than anyone else, so much so that he refused to even let you leave the house without either Gyu or himself by your side.
You had been having your nightmares again which was relatively normal for you. However, Wonwoo had started having them himself, which as a seer was very much not normal or good in meaning in anyway. He wouldn’t tell you what they were about, he always said you didn’t need to worry or be bothered with them as there was nothing to mention. But the way he clung to you, and the way he forced Mingyu to stay with you when he couldn’t, started having you think that maybe things weren’t as alright as they seemed…
You still just brushed it off, trying your best to just enjoy your little honeymoon bliss with your mate and continued to flip pancakes. Everything would work out. That’s what your voices said, so that’s what you believed. Soon enough, your mate had woken up to an empty bed and marched his way downstairs with a pout adorned on his face.
“(Y/N), why are you downstairs stirring batter instead of upstairs snoring in my arms?” He let out in an annoyed huff as he came to stand beside you, watching your actions with playfully narrowed eyes.
“Because Wonu, 1.) everyone will need breakfast soon and I hate that Seungcheol’s always left to be the one to do it and 2.) you take forever and I hate waiting for you to wake up. And HEY I do NOT snore!” You ranted, smacking his toned chest with your free hand in the process, the other firmly gripped onto your whisk as you made more mix for more pancakes.
You had gotten comfortable with him to the point of joking. Which not only made you proud, but made Wonwoo’s heart soar. He was glad he could coax you out of your shell a bit.
“Yeah yeah sure. And Soonyoung isn’t a little sexual deviant.” He chuckled and kissed the top of your rat’s nest covered head.
“Hey! I heard that!” Soonyoung shouted from his room in the higher portion of the house.
“Yeah I know.” Wonwoo smiled, dipping his finger in the batter you had just added some strawberry syrup to to add more flavor and plopping it directly into his mouth.
“Whatever that weird stuff is is good. But don’t think I’m still not upset that my mate left the bed without me this morning.” He assessed, sitting himself down on the counter next to you while you started pouring batter onto your skillet.
“Well get over it my love. It’s not the first time it’s happened and we both know with the way you sleep, it’s not gonna be the last. And my pancakes are not weird! They are delicious.” You declared, flipping a newly heated pancake over so it’s other side would begin to cook.
That’s something he had come to realize about you: you were always very prideful of being able to do household things well. And certain things like your hair for that matter. You always had high personal standards, though you only seemed to hold yourself to them as you didn’t care if anyone else lived up to them, just you. He chalked it up to your tribe’s old family centered traditions. He thought it was cute, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t tease you a bit about it.
Wonwoo smirked and bit his lip at the gratification you showed in your cooking, “They are. They’re still weird as shit though. Who puts the syrup INTO the batter?”
“I do. It makes them taste better” You insisted before you put the finished pancake with the rest of the cooked stack you had managed to create before your mate came to bother you.
“You know maybe you just don’t know how to cook.” You pointed at him with your spatula in a teasing manner.
“Maybe not” He shrugged, ducking his form down a bit to get closer to you, “But I DO know that when you’re done cooking them, you’re just gonna eat them plain like a freak.”
Just as he finished his sentence, half a dozen wolves made their way into the kitchen. You hadn’t even realized anyone other than Soonyoung was really even up yet do to you focusing all your senses and attention on your mate. That had taken you a lot of practice as, in the wilderness, you had to pay attention to everything and everyone around you.
“Mmm smells good (Y/N), what’s cooking?” Seungkwan questioned as he fought Soonyoung for a seat that was positioned closer to the food.
“Pancakes. I made loads of them” You stated, looking towards the two bickering werewolves before you and turned the stovetop off.
“And it is NOT freaky to eat them without syrup. Lots of people do it. Plus, the extra syrup’s so sugary it’s been making me feel sick lately so I would rather just eat it without to avoid it.” You spoke to Wonwoo, who had finally brought himself down from the counter and sat himself down on a chair to grab food with the other boys.
He just laughed in response to your stubbornness and pulled you to sit on his lap with a kiss to your cheek, “Whatever you say baby. I still think it’s weird to eat a plain pancake.”
It had taken you quite a while to warm up to this kind of PDA. When you first came to them, something like that would have you wiggle your way to sit alone and have to hide your burning cheeks. You’d really come a long way. Well, at least with Wonu
“Oh yeah no that’s suuuuper weird (Y/N). You may be a sociopath.” Jeonghan chuckled as he plopped another large bite of a pancake into his mouth, smiling.
“Yeah that’s weird as shit. Who the hell eats a plain pancake?” Soonyoung snickered, shoveling a whole syrup filled circle into his mouth.
“Look, what do any of you know? Most of you had never even eaten a pancake before I came around because Koreans don’t typically eat them for breakfast. So shut up!” You spit out, your feelings starting to get hurt at the constant teasing of the others.
“Who’s the weirdo eating plain pancakes?” Joshua, the American, asked from the stairs as he slowly made his was down towards the rest of the pack to eat.
“Well the Westerner thinks it’s weird so…” Chan said with a shrug and a shit eating grin.
The boys all busted out laughing, some so hard they had to hold their sides. Wonwoo started to choke a laugh back into your shoulder as you sat there and folded your arms over your chest.
“You guys suck. I try and be NICE to you and I get laughed at for my eating habits. I don’t want to have to sit here for this” You huffed, getting up from your mate’s lap and walking upstairs to your shared bedroom, closing the door a bit louder than you probably should’ve when so many people were still sleeping.
“Damn, what crawled up her ass?” Hansol, who you had stomped past on the way to your room said, finally getting himself situated in the kitchen.
Wonwoo let out a frustrated sigh before he stood up from his place, grabbing a plate of pancakes in the process. He was still trying to figure out when his teasing was too much for you. And he probably would’ve been fine had the others not decided to join in. You liked them, you did, but you weren’t as comfortable around them just yet. Them taunting you probably really upset you and he was just the dumbass who let them continue to do it.
“Me. I’m an idiot. I’ll go talk to her and see if I can get her to come back down.” He said as he begrudgingly made his way to the stairs, slightly kicking himself internally for upsetting you over something so little and stupid.
Once he made it to your bedroom door, he tried to turn the handle, only to realize it was locked.
“(Y/N)? Baby? Can you please open the door?” He whined out, not realizing he had upset you to the point of you wanting even HIM to leave you alone.
You always wanted him around you. Even when you first came to the pack, you still would rather be near him. Even when he was with Song, you still liked having him close by. Even when you were angry at him, you’d rather be angry at him with his arms wrapped around you than be angry at him alone somewhere. You never locked the door. His inner wolf groaned at the thought.
“No.” You bluntly spit out, wanting him as far away from you as possible and trying to suppress a stomach growl all in one go.
“I brought pancakes…” Wonwoo all but sung out, having heard your angry stomach and knowing damn well you would give into him if he had food.
After hearing a small groan from the other side of the barrier, he heard a little click of metal before the door swung open. In front of him was a very angry looking you, your cheeks were stained with tears and it caused a small whimper to emit from his chest. He had caused you to cry and it crushed him.
You had your hand out in expectancy as he had promised sustenance in exchange for entry. He dutifully handed you the plate and closed the door behind him. He watched as you scarfed down a full pancake in one go. Damn, you were more hungry than he thought.
“What do you want?” You sniffled at him once you had cleared your airway of food.
You sat the plate down on the nightstand before you stood and turned your attention back to your mate, grabbing another pancake and taking small bites in the process. You were never really this hungry or ate this much, but when you got sad lately, you just felt like eating. Probably not the best habit, but you weren’t that good with your feelings, you always just followed your instincts instead. They always kept you alive, and right now they were telling you to eat, so you ate.
“I wanted to apologize baby. I didn’t mean to upset you. It really was just a joke. I didn’t mean to make you cry. You’re not weird. Plain pancakes are fine. I should’ve just kept my big mouth shut.” He groveled, wrapping his arms around your small frame.
“Yes. Yes, you should’ve.” You agreed, finally swallowing the remains of your food and crossing your arms in annoyance, slightly leaning away from his touch to wipe your tears away.
You wanted him to touch you. God, you wanted him to touch you. But you didn’t want to give in so easily, because once you gave in, you knew he’d get all smug and then you’d want to punch his smug face. You wanted him to genuinely feel bad before you crashed your lips to his and ripped each other clothes off. It was only fair.
Wonwoo could smell the wetness already beginning to form between your legs. He suppressed a smirk threatening to appear on his face for getting you this worked up by literally doing almost nothing, but he knew being cocky wasn’t a good way to get you to stop being mad at him. So he stuck with his original plan: begging for forgiveness.
He easily lifted you up and secured your legs around his waist, holding onto your back so you wouldn’t lose your balance and fall, “I really am sorry. I won’t do it again baby. I promise.” He spoke as he leaned his forehead against yours with his best pout, tugging at your heartstrings.
You closed your eyes for a moment, trying to contain your excitement for what was about to come, but failed miserably and let a happy smile creep up on your lips. You locked your hands behind his head, giggled at him and bit your lip.
“You’re forgiven. This time. BUT you have to make it up to me.” You decided, eyes looking up for a moment in thought to tease him. He slowly started moving towards the bed that was in the center of the room before he spoke up.
“And how would you like me to make it up to you baby?” He said as he began kissing your neck softly, trailing around your mate mark with a grin plastered on his face.
“Well for starters, you can fuck me senseless until I forget what I was even mad at you for to begin with.” You confirmed, tilting your head to the side to give him a bit more access to your exposed neck.
“With pleasure my love.” And with that, he fell to the bed with you in his arms, careful not to crush you in the process before he got to work on his promise.
(Updated 8/23)
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zellerysworld · 4 years
Headcanons about the Veterans Trio
[A/n: I love the vets soooo much- And ever since I started watching AOT when it came out, I always had little headcanons about them. I would do Mike, Moblit, and Nanaba but I’m gonna wait for another post. These headcanons involve sexuality, how they act in relationships, their personalities, etc. enjoy!!!]
If you wanna see any headcanons about any ships such as Levihan, MikeNana, Eruri, etc., then let me know and I’ll do one. I cross ship multiple characters, so even though I don’t ship Eruri as much as I do Levihan, I’d be more than happy to fulfill your request. :)
Erwin Smith
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His type of woman is the “elegantly chaotic” kind. The ones that will not hesitate to roundhouse kick your ass, but can do it in an elegant dress while sipping tea like a rich royal-
Would date any body typed woman if they had the chaotic elegance he likes, but he attracts to women with curves and chub. Lil muffin tops and squishiness are cute to him.
Could read a Harry Potter book in a day if not bothered
Lowkey enjoys being a bottom, but rarely
He just wants someone else to take control for once, even if it be in bed✨
Is really strict about his eating habits but doesn’t talk about it (literally the mans has never even sniffed chocolate cake before)
He’s absolutely ripped, like Zeus came down and blessed his holy and ripped abs, but gets self conscious about his tHICC thighs sometimes
Prefers coffee over tea. Specifically black coffee.
Says he drinks coffee “for the taste” even though it’s l i t e r a l l y black coffee, the bitterest of bitter.
Strictly straight, b u t- something tells me he would be gay for Mike in another life time.
Actually looks at Levi like he’s a prodigy of his.
Considered Mike his best friend before he passed away
His favorite meal would probably be a Medium Rare Sirloin with lots of Cajun seasoning. Anything that has loads of protein and flavoring.
He doesn’t care much for sexual interactions, he prefers talking about books and conspiracy theories
Levi Ackerman
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Says he’s straight, but would definitely let a tall and built guy fuck his guts out.
Okay but he’s actually a virgin-
If anything Levi is Asexual. Just doesn’t have any interest nor cares too much for it. He has other things to do, like sipping tea incorrectly or beating the fuck out of kenny.
Has a small want to be a dad
Lowkey looks at Gabi like she’s his daughter
He doesn’t have a favorite food, but if he had to chose it would be something simple like a grilled cheese. He’s easily pleased when it comes to food.
Looks at Hanji as a best friend
Even though they have a very obvious love hate relationship that is unpredictable as fuck
Kind of wanted to be partnered to Hanji but him and relationships don’t mix so he just tucked that thought away and stayed friends
Wants a pet cat so bad that it’s not even funny- like he would love a clean, tamed kitty so much.
okay anyways he drinks milk for fun. Erwin and Hanji don’t judge him but Petra and Eren thought it made him a psychopath
Actually has a hard time reading, so he likes to look at art and fashion instead
If Levi lived in our timeframe, he would literally be the fashionista of Discount stores
And yes Levi likes discount stores. He’s very frugal after living in the underground.
Prefers to be alone and do things on his own. He has more fun being independent or with one or two people than he does being with a group.
Hates coffee; only drinks tea and water if it’s straight from the river (pure and clean).
Hanji Zoë
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Is very much pansexual, would definetly fuck anyone and anything if permission is given
Pretends to be a hardcoretop, but everyone knows she’s a damn switch
Her body count is- not known actually. All that matters is that she has fun and it’s consensual.
She doesn’t have a type of person she likes to date. As long as you keep her happy, interested, and stay loyal then she won’t go anywhere.
Literally never drinks water and I don’t know how she’s alive-
She looks at Levi like her best friend
She had a lot of bad experiences with relationships as a teenager
Would definetly be the type of girl to collect bath bombs to destroy them and make a giant,gargantuan one
Is actually a lot smarter than Erwin and Armin combined, but not as strategically smart
Literally loves any sort of dessert or candies
If it wasn’t for her constant training as an elite soldier, she would be 400 lbs and it all be from the sweets she likes
Like her sweet tooth is something to behold
Always saw Moblit as someone to spend the rest of her days with
She told Moblit every little thing about her and she knew everything about him
Actually, Hanji taught Moblit a lot about the Titans and taught him a lot in general. He wasn’t too bright before meeting her. All he knew is that Titan = bad
Would be the meme of the guy eating an uncooked cinnamon roll and saying “mmm, dEliciOsO”
Also she sleep walks a l o t. In the process she tends to sleep eat as well.
Okay I hope you liked it!! If you wanna see anything else from other characters or me go deeper in my headcanons or ideas you have; just drop an ask. :)
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league-of-thots · 3 years
Pairing: Hawks x female reader
Word Count: 3.3k+
Warnings: 18+, alcohol, riding, is cowboy kink a warning?
A/N: not the way y’all wanted me to return, but the way y’all deserve lol. i didnt really have the energy to give it an in depth edit but sometimes it be like that
         You wipe the sweat from your brow, the sun is high in the bright, cloudless sky. It means that the heat is just pouring down in waves from the sky though, and you curse the fact that you’d agreed to switch shifts with one of the other farmhands that had asked you the day before. Part of you wants to find Kirishima and reem him out, but you know he’s a sweetheart and wouldn’t have ever done something that would make things harder for you on purpose.
         Having said that, imagining giving the man a piece of your mind makes it easier for you to grit your teeth and put your back into heaving large packets of grains into a wheelbarrow for the pigs, so that you wouldn’t have to make as many trips. Instead, it would just be one hellish trip, and a lot less walking in the heat.
         Wiping the stray dirt on your pants you sigh. You feel sticky and can feel the grit on your face, on your arms. You must smell something fierce, though you know compared to the pigs you’d be feeding in a few minutes, you smelt like a bed of flowers.
         You feel the strain on your back as you finally finish loading the wheelbarrow and start to haul it over to the south side of the Academy farm. The ground is rough, and you feel the jarring of the weight in your shoulders, you’re going to be so sore tomorrow.
         After you finish feeding the pigs, you take the supplies back to where they belong and head off to start some of your final tasks of the day. One is milking the cows, and the other being your favourite, plowing some of the dirt to prepare for the new season.
         Is it a bit stupidly cliché that you love riding the big tractor while the sun lowers in the sky? Maybe. Is it worth it? Absolutely. It’s one of the best views you’ve seen in your life. Plus, it always helps clear your mind from a day of hard work so that when you enter one of the farmhouses, you’re ready to do whatever else you need to get done.
         When you park the tractor back to its spot in the barn, you see a few of the other farmhands talking together. They’re laughing with one another, and you wave to them as you walk out with your overcoat and keys.
         You’re in a daze until you realize you’ve somehow already started up a warm shower, standing under the steam to relieve your body from the stress of the day. Your muscles feel so much better with the hot water on them and the steam makes you feel as if you’re in stasis. It’s good because tomorrow is going to be a big day, the August festival, a celebration that the community holds as a sort of last hurrah before the season gets busy once again.
         After you’re clean and put together, you head downstairs to have a quick conversation with the couple other farmhands that share the house with you. You need to check if there’s anything else you need to do to help with the final preparations for tomorrow. The four of you had made some homebrew cider to share with the other townspeople, and it tasted quite good, despite being a little heavy on the alcohol. But nobody would be complaining about that, of course.
         “Mmm, I think its fine.” Mina says, faced scrunched up in thought. “We did pretty well with it for sure.”
         “I agree,” you reply. “Just wanted to make sure I could pass out for the night. I’m fucking dead.” She laughs a little at that.
         “Gotta make sure you have the energy for tomorrow. I hear that it’s going to be extra wild.” She waggles her eyebrows. “You know that there’s going to be a horse-ridin’ performance from our sheriff’s department, but there’s also gonna be some cowboys over here to show off some of their skills too.”
         You’re slightly intrigued at that. Maybe, you’ll even get to see him again… but, better not get your hopes up too much. Instead, you say, “That would definitely be a treat for all the hard work that this year’s been.”
         Mina nods sagely at that. “If I see that blonde, twink of a cowboy I’m goin’ to make him my bitch. Because I deserve it.” That brings a snort out of you, but you pray a little for Denki if you do see him tomorrow, because lord knows he’s going to need it.
         The two of you chat for a little while longer before you wish her a good night and head up to get some rest. You do have a busy day to get ready for after all.
           You wake up early the next day, ready to quickly get your tasks done so you can let loose with friends and community members that night. You wish that you don’t have to do any work, but you can’t have everything you want.
         So, you drag yourself out of bed, muscles tight and body sore, to quickly grab a protein bar and a cleaner pair of working clothes. Your overalls are starting to sport holes and there are some dark stains that just won’t ever come off. You need new ones, you think, as you walk towards the horse pen.
         You love the horses, how sweet most of them are and how peaceful it is in their separated area. It’s especially nice in the early morning, with a crisp breeze and the sun peeking out on the horizon. You grab the feed mix that someone had mixed the day before and drag it over to the troughs, where there are already some of the animals waiting for you to arrive. The horses have learned to expect people in the morning, and some of the more assertive ones wait at the fence to be the first ones to get to eat.
         While they feed, you prepare the cleaning tools inside the small stable that is connected to the fenced off pen. You take each horse that’s finished eating into the small shelter to clean their hooves, brush out their mane and body, and then your favourite part, riding them for a few laps of the enclosure to make sure they run a bit each day.
         It’s while you’re dismounting a cute mare named Starlight when you hear a low whistle from behind you. Someone’s obviously been watching you, and sitting there just outside the enclosure.
“Damn, baby, wonder if you could ride me as good as those horses there.” You feel a vein ticking in your head as you recognize the voice. He’s supposed to be getting ready for the group event, not bothering you while you try to get some fucking work done before you can finally relax and celebrate.
         You turn your body and inwardly groan as your suspicions are confirmed, sitting there waiting is a certain cowboy who’s always managed to piss you off greatly every time one of his short visits brings him to the UA farms.
         “Hello, Hawks.” You grit your teeth as you move towards the next horse that you’re about to take care of.
         “I’m wounded, really, that you don’t sound pleased ta see me, angel.” There’s a satisfied smirk on his face. He really does get off on toying around with you and seeing how much he can piss you off. So, you take a deep breath and calm yourself.
         “Now, why would you expect anything different? I haven’t forgotten the last time you came aroun’-“
         He waves you off. “You’re bein’ ridiculous. It was a harmless joke.”
         “I had to clean the stables for TWO WEEKS.” He just laughs at your anger, totally unphased. It grinds your gears more, the cheeky grin on his face that charms everyone around him, whittling down your intense irritation.
         “Well, if anythin’ everyone else certainly enjoyed it.” You grumble out some choice words about him, making sure they’re loud enough for him to here, as you start brushing out the mane of the mare in front of you. He seems pleased with himself, leaning on the fence, head on his hands.
         “Do you not have somewhere to be? Something you should be practicing for?” He lazily waves away your attempts to get him away from the work you’d like to finish up.
         “Who needs practice? I know exactly what I’ve gotta do so there’s no real reason for me to waste my energy before the actual performance.” He says it with a casual arrogance, that you know comes from years of experience and absolute confidence in his abilities. “The only thing I wanna do right now is try all of the good I know y’all made for the party tonight.”
         You give him an unimpressed look. “Just because we know each other does not mean that I’m going to just give you the cider meant for the community.” He pouts “You can try it when everyone else does later.”
         “Yeah, but we have a special connection.” He grins and you splutter, embarrassed and trying to put away the memories of your bodies pressed together and calloused fingers in your cunt.
         “Jesus, Hawks. Shut up.” You look around furtively, checking to see if anyone would’ve overheard.
         “You like me loud.” God, his smug look makes you feel hot and bothered.
         “Get outta here so I can finish my work, damn it.” He just laughs, turning around before turning back.
         “You better save me some of the goodies y’all made up for after the performance.”
         “Yeah, whatever,” you grumble, face flushed and mind now distracted with memories of Hawks’ hands tangled in your hair.
           “Well, now. This is delicious.” Your eyes follow his tongue that darts out to lick the drop of the cider that had dripped onto his lips. You’d made sure to fill a plate up with the treats that had been spread around the outdoor tables, lanterns hung up around them not only for ease of finding them, but also to light up the evening. “You helped make this?”
         “Yup. You wouldn’t believe how difficult it was between never having done it before and Mina’s enthusiasm. God bless Momo, without her we wouldn’t have gotten it done.” He laughs, and you can’t help that you can’t keep your eyes off of him.
         He was slightly sweaty from his earlier performance, which had been perfectly executed, tank top tucked into worn jeans with a feather-like buckle. His eyes are scanning the crowd around as the two of you lean on the outside of the saloon, the inside being too filled with inebriated or high adults to even try to squeeze into a seat.
         “So, how’s life been around here since I last visited?” he asks between bites of some spicey brisket, obviously enjoying it.
         “Ah, not much. Just the usual social drama. Actually, Shinsou almost got his dick sliced off by some machinery someone had fucked around with. I swear to god that man has the worst luck I’ve ever seen.”
         “Holy shit, sure does sound like it.”
         “But yeah, it’s just living day to day for me now. Not much new happens out here, as you very well know.” He shrugs.
         “Might as well see. What’s even keeping you here, then?”
         “Not everyone needs to be on the road their whole life to be happy, Hawks.”
         “I suppose. More cider?”
           You’ve drank way too much, you know that. But the fuzziness in your head just makes you want to keep going, to have fun and make up for all the time you lose working long hours every day.
         Besides, Hawks is there beside you, egging you on and matching you drink for drink. His hands always seem to be on your body, either squeezing your ass, wrapped around your shoulders or waist. It makes you feel warm, and you know he’s teasing you, trying to rile you up. He wants to see how bothered he can make you before you snap and drag him off to some private place.
         You’re determined to beat him out though. So, you lean into his body space and trace your hands over his arms, the insides of his wrists. You hear his breath hitch, though his attention is kept on whatever conversation is happening in front of you.
         Of course, this is Hawks, who has just as much patience as a saint, despite being as far from one as possible. But you’re drunk and turned on and the teasing is too much for you to handle, so when there’s a brief pause in the activity around the two of you, you pull him down so you can whisper in his ear how much you want him.
         He grins, “Might as well head back to your place then.” You agree and drag him with you.
         The moment you’re in the house, you wrap your arms around his neck so you can bring his lips to yours. Its messy and rushed, but it’s relieving at the same time. The two of you have done this enough in the few times that he passes through that he’s comfortable enough to let you take charge for a bit.
         “You can’t even wait ‘til we’re upstairs, sugar?” he chuckles, drawing out each word. You feel the rumble of them, pressed up as you are against his chest.
         “Shut up, Hawks.” You grumble, pulling him towards your room if that’s what it’ll take to get his dick out faster.
         After rushing in the room, you kick the door shut behind you and immediately get back to kissing him. This time, he makes more of an effort to assert himself, holding your face in his hands and licking into your mouth. You sigh into him, your hands finding his heated skin beneath his shirt as the pace slows down from the frantic rush it had been. It becomes sensual, and you can feel him getting more aroused as he slowly shifts his hands, starting to grind into you.
         You pull away from him, getting some air as you start to take off his shirt. He enthusiastically moves to help and you get to admire his muscles stretch as he does. Obviously, life constantly on the road does wonders for your abs.
         “You too, sugar. You’re gonna make me feel underdressed.” He says as he moves to take off the rest of his garments. A laugh slips out of you as you hastily get out of your outfit. When you turn your attention back to him, he’s sitting on the bed and he gestures for you to join him.
         When you do, he kisses you again, intensely, as he guides you onto your back. You sigh as he kisses down the side of your jaw to mark your neck, reaching blindly for the lube and condoms beside the bed.
         He quickly slides it on and you hear the squelching of lube as he moves in a rush. You don’t have time to make fun of him though, because as soon as he’s finished, he spreads your legs and puts the head of his dick at your entrance.
         He groans, closing his eyes as he enters you, and its uncomfortable for a little bit. Soon enough though, you relax, and start to feel great as he moves his hips slowly against you. Hawks fucks deeply, you know this from your times before, but each time it feels just as tantalizing as the last.
         “Hawks, please.” You pant, trying to wiggle a little bit just to get some friction, some tiny relief for the edging you’ve been through. He just gives you a smirk, as he keeps you completely locked between him and the mattress. You tense so hard he groans on top of you, but he doesn’t let you move, dick still sitting snug inside your cunt.
         “Well, let’s see those barebacking skills you were showin’ off earlier then, hmm?” he says, his voice low and gruff. With ease, he gets the both of you turned around so you’re now sitting with your ass on his thighs, hands clamped tight on your waist keeping you in place while he lays back on the headboard. He nods satisfactorily, looking you up and down with lidded eyes. “Y’know, I like this view much better, baby. What a pretty picture you make right on top of me.” Part of you wants to roll your eyes, but the warmth that his words give you makes the impulse disappear.
         “You know, Hawks, in order for me to show you said skills, you’re going to have to let me move.” He laughs as you try and lift yourself against the pressure he’s putting, obviously unable to really do anything. “Seriously, you dick, lemme move.”
         “But the face you make when I play these little games with you is so cute, sugar.” He’s got a faux innocent smile across his face and you pout and cross your arms in response. “Okay, okay, I’m done. I promise,” he says, letting off all the pressure, but keeping the two of you connected at the hips.
         “Thank you.” you quip, starting a quicker pace than the one Hawks had been setting, gravity still making it just as deep as before.
         Being drunk obviously makes Hawks that much louder, or maybe it’s the change up in position, you can’t be sure. But, his praises, his deep moans, the lewd noises from the slapping of your body against his hips, it all makes you feel hot as hell.
         You look down, seeing Hawks’ eyes widened and excited, he grins when he notices your look and begins to rock up into you. You throw your head back in as he hits deep within you, crying out his name. Hearing it obviously enthuses him as he grunts in exertion, starting to thrust upwards harder, and you feel your body responding, muscles tightening as you get closer to your climax.
         “God, you’re gorgeous like this, y’know?” he gets out through gritted teeth. “I’m not going to be able to last much longer…” He’s panting, fingers digging into your hips sharply, sure to leave marks.
         “Please, I wanna cum Hawks!”
         “Tell me what you need, sugar, I’ll give it to you.” Hearing that makes you smile, he was always so attentive to your needs.
         “Touch me…”
         “You gotta tell me where for that.” Even when so close to his climax, somehow, Hawks manages to be cheeky. However, when he’s fucking you this well, it’s much easier to let the teasing roll off your back.
         “My clit, Hawks. You do know what that is, right?” He lets out a genuine laugh at that, before sending one hand down towards the bundle of nerves.
         It’s enough, between the stimulation and the deep thrusts into your cunt, that you feel yourself tighten and cry out, cumming hard onto his cock. You lean into him, kissing him hard as pleasure courses through your body.
         He works you through it, breathing heavily, you can feel his pulse skittering under your hands. You feel him twitch within you, and an idea forms in your mind. Mind wrapped up in pleasure, you act on the thought immediately, bringing your hands to his chest to play with his nipples.
         He loves it, making keening noises as you work, legs shaking with effort to stay up and keep pace with him. You let him take the lead and you hear him shout and arch up as you pinch his buds, feeling him release.
         He thrusts a couple more times, lazily and slowly, kissing the top of your head as you settle down to lie on his chest for a few minutes.
         You breath deeply, content in the moment. You know after you clean up and rest, he’ll be gone on the road once again, so you relax, enjoying the presence.
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fandom-blackhole · 3 years
Sinful Sunday THOTS
So I'm starting this so this more so for myself. I was thinking, I take everyone else THOTS, but why not share my own? So on Sundays from now on I am going to post a list of THOTS I had during the week that I wrote down!
This weeks in shorter because I just got the idea last night and wrote them all up delirious with no sleep, so sorry for mistakes, but other words enjoy!
Thank you @fuckyeahbeskar for talking about two of these THOTS with me, and for telling me I should post one of them because that is what gave me this idea 😘
Sinful Sunday Masterlist
Pairings: Paz Vizsla x Reader, Priest!Din Djarin x Reader, Ezra (Prospect) x Reader
Paz Vizsla x Reader
So I love sweet Paz and all but what about enemies to lovers Paz?
I've thought about this one for awhile...
So you are part of the mandalorian tribe that Paz and the remains of his tribe had joined. Immediately you and Paz started fighting, you weren't sure why, but just something about him rubbed at you. It wasn't uncommon for others to walk into a room and find you and Paz butting heads, literally. The two of you had been separated multiple times by the leader of your tribe and the armorer, just to keep you both from killing eachother. Eventually you decide to just start avoiding him and ignoring his presence, tired of fighting over stupid things. Unfortunately that lasted only a month before your leader called you into the armory for an assignment. He told you that you were being sent on a supply mission along with one of the warriors from the other tribe. You nodded and didn't think much of it until you were preparing the ship and Paz came strutting towards you. All you could do was clench your teeth and cross your arms asking him why he was here. He had only stared at you for a minute before saying, "I've been assigned to the supply mission." After that he finished loading the ship before heading to set up the controls. You just growled and sent a comm to your leader saying that if you survived this mission you were going to kill him.
The supply mission was to take two weeks, one to the planet where the supplies were stored and another to get back. The first two days the two of you stayed away from eachother. But on the third day the two of you started butting heads and arguing. On the 5th day Paz had managed to corner of of the ship and pin you to the wall, and in that moment you hated how flushed and hot you felt. You had to end up taking a cold shower to calm down.
When the two of you finally reached the planet and loaded the ship with supplies you were glad to be able to take some time away from Paz as you wandered the market while he was off bartering with the merchants. You made sure to take your time before walking back to the ship to find Paz FUMING. You just shrugged past him and onto the ship, totally ignoring his angry words about you being late and being an idiot and so on.
The first day back in hyperspace was spent avoiding eachother again, but that night you were over come with the need to touch yourself. You hated it but as you played with your clit all you could imagine was Paz’s body pressed against yours, pinning you in place, how he would feel slamming into you. Much to your frustration you came with a long groan of his name.
The next day found you and Paz fighting again unsurprisingly, but this time was different. This time, Paz once again pinned you to the wall before leaning down and whispering in your ear, "You know the walls of this ship are thin, and I could hear every moan last night. Was I mistaken when I heard my name as well?"
Could you only reply breathlessly as he moved his thigh between you legs, "You fucking wish Vizsla." And he leaned down close, bumping his helmet with your own as he pushed his thigh against you and whispering something quietly under his breath before saying, "Mmm maybe you need to be punished for lying." He immediately spanked you, and you couldn't help but moan and you could feel his smirk as he did it again. Before grabbing your ass roughing and saying that you were going to be sore tomorrow, he was going to make sure of it. Paz took no time at all before pulling you pants down and turning you around to face the wall. You angrily started to protest, but was immediately shut up with another smack to the ass, with which you could only moan brokenly. You heard Paz chuckle,, before spanking you again, before rubbing a hand over your flesh. Then he harshly pulled you back into his chest and kicked you feet apart before immediately pressing his glove covered finger tips to you clit. Paz then told you, "Im gonna make this pussy weep for me until you are begging for my cock." And he kept his promise. Paz brought you orgasm after orgasm and by your fifth you were already starting to beg him. He only growled in your ear and slapped you pussy saying, "You can do better than that. Beg. Me." You tried again, but it also result in another harsh slap. This time you let out a broken sob and whined out, "Please, fucking please pleasepleaseplease, Paz give your cock... I need to feel it inside of me so badly. Fuck me pleaaaassseeee."
And before you could even take a breath you felt him slam his enormous cock into you. You could only whimper at the stretch and curse Paz. He only chuckled and wait a few seconds, detailing everything he wanted to do to you before he started pounding into you so hard you could barely stand or think straight. Paz didn't let up and railed you through several more orgasms before he came deep inside you himself.  Afterwards he carried you to bed and mockingly said, "Goodnight cyare."
The rest of the trip was spent with petty fights ending in fucking eachother senseless and by the time you arrived at the covert you found yourself somewhat disappointed that this was all going to end. But you were shocked when Paz turned to you after he had landed the ship and asked, "Marry me?"
You only smirked and said back, "Give me a good reason too, di'kut."
You heard him growl, before he pulled you onto his lap and said, "So I can look you in the eye as I fuck the life out of you, so I can finally shut that mouth of yours up with my cock down your thoat."
Let's just say that the other mandalorians avoided the ship for a few hours as they heard moans coming quite loudly from inside. The Armorer and the tribe leader both nodded to eachother and let out a sigh glad that they wouldn't have to deal with your shit anymore.
(In this THOT i also imagine Paz being absolutely infatuated with you from day one, and those feelings that rub at you is just intense attraction that you don't want to acknowledge. The Armorer and tribe leader set the trip up to try and push the two of you together so they didn't have to deal with the sexual tension so thick it could kill anyone that walked past. In the end the are fucking relieved it worked, though a little too well lmao)
Din Djarin x Reader
So Priest!Din thot....
After Sunday service one week you ask him innocently if he would like help cleaning up the chapel. Din smiles and says yes thank you. You wave your family to go ahead and wait for Din to finish speaking and saying goodbye to the parishioners. When the last woman leaves, little old Mrs. Taylor, he waves you inside. The two of you work in relative silence as you put away all the hymnals and bibles, the only noise being your movements and your own humming of one of the hymns from that day's service. By the time the two of you made it to the front of the chapel, you turn to eachother and pause looking at eachother before you both lean forward for a sweet kiss. When you pull back you smile at Din, before biting your lip and saying, "That was a beautiful service today, Father Djarin."
You could see Din's eyes dark the second you uttered his title. The look he gave you sent a warm shiver down to your lower belly. Then he reached forward and pulled you close whispering, "Only the best for my flock, my child." You couldn't suppress the small gasp that passed your lips as his hand moved to your hip backing you up until you felt your back hit the altar. You were shocked even more when Din suddenly lifted you and put you on the altar and immediately rolled you dress up your thighs whispering about how much he has been aching to feel you again. Din stops suddenly when he finds you missing your panties and he moans before grunting out, "A sinful temptress who just continues to seduce me with her wicked ways..." Then he's crashing his mouth on yours as he works to open his belt and pull out his aching cock. You can only meal against him he slowly slips into you. He stays fully seated inside of you for a minute, breathing harshly into you neck before pulling back to meet your eyes.
"You have no idea what you do to me, sweet girl. You.....you have consumed my every waking moment, and I cannot stop these sinful thoughts of you." Then he dives back down into the kiss as he starts pounding into you, muffins your moans and whines with his mouth. The two of you fuck passionately and full of forbidden love as you desecrate the altar of the most holy. Din praises and worships you and your body as if you were the diety he pledged his life too. When the two of you were thrown into the ultimate pleasure you met eachother's gaze and spoke the words you both wish you could say aloud.
Ezra (Prospect) x Reader
My Ezra THOT of the week....
Just a preface, Ezra has a prosthetic arm in this THOT...
You were a rather skilled prospector. You had almost a sixth sense for good dig spots and that made you raise through the ranks rather quickly. Even though you were valuable, you still were never able to hit a dig that allowed you to be payed enough to finally settle down. You were hoping this dig would be different. You'd been hired by a bigger company, and was going down to the planet with a crew of roughly 15. The way your employers had explained it, you all would be split into groups of three and whatever your group mined would be split into four, parts for the three of you, and one for the company. It was the best deal you had gotten, ever. The day you were to go to the moon you climbed aboard the shuttle and took a seat next to a man with a charming smile and a unique blonde patch. While waiting to leave the two of you became acquainted and learned his name was Ezra.
As it turned out, Ezra and you had been paired up in a group, along with a woman named Shelby. You also learned that Ezra was very much a talker and loved to please. Shelby got annoyed with his constant chatter, but you found yourself smiling softly and occasionally responding to his poetic words with sentences as graceful as you could make them. Loving the smile Ezra would shoot your way when you did. You also came to realize that Ezra would give nicknames to those that he latched onto and you learned quickly that he had dubbed you to be sunflower. At night the two of you would speak, sharing stories until Shelby would forcefully shut the lantern light out on you both telling you to shut the fuck up.
As grumpy as Shelby was, you were still hurt when one afternoon she disappeared for hours. Worried Ezra had gone to look for her only to come back with a grim look and a shake of the head. The two of you didn't speak the rest of the night, paranoid and not wanting to leave the other alone for a second. A few days later found you waking from sleep in a could sweat and with Ezra holding your face softly whispering reassuring words. That was the first night the two of you shared a cot, and after that it became a nightly occurrence. Eventually two of your three and a half month stay had passed and you found yourself looking up as Ezra walked into the shared tent after his shower in the communal space, he was shirtless and you watched as water dripped from his hair down his chest. He had immediately met your gaze and you blushed and turned back to your book quickly. You were shocked when you ft a finger trace you cheek, not having heard him approach. Then he spoke up and said, "Sunflower, I want you to promise me that if I cross a line, you will tell me. I in no way want to make you uncomfortable." You had only looked up at him confused. He responded by gently taking your book and setting it aside, before turning back to you and leaning in slowly, giving you plenty of time to pull away, before he softly brushed his lips against your own. Whwn you didn't pull away, Ezra dived in and pushed the kiss further. Soon you found yourself sitting in Ezra’s lap, stipped of everything but your under clothes, and makeout passionately with the man who has haunted your thoughts since you heard his voice. You instinctively started grinding against Ezra as you started to feel a pressure in you belly, that resulted in him groaning and grabbing your waist before pulling back slightly and looking you in the eye. He traced your skin for a second, causing goosebumps to erupt everywhere before he whispered, "May I ask a favor, my bright sunflower," you only nodded in response before he rushed out quickly and not as poetic as you are sure he would have liked, "Sunflower, please, for the love of Kevva, climb over me and place those sweet lips above mine." You sat there confused for a second before it clicked and you shyly asked him, "You want me to sit on your face?" You say his eyes dilated as he nodded shakily and whispered out a singular, please. You could only nod and he gave you the prettiest smile as he flopped back onto the bed before just completely rippling you panties off of you. You could only whine as he pulled your hips up. Ezra made sure you were making eye contact with him when he picked a broad striped along you slit with a groan and several muttered words. Ezra repeated that a few times before he stopped at your clit one pass and sucked it into his mouth. You could only choke out his name roughly before he just started eating you out like there was no tomorrow. At one point he as you were getting closer he pulled back long enough to tell you not to hold back anything, to tell you to grind against his face. You only moaned in response before he pulled you down onto his mouth and dipped into you again. It didn't take you long to start gasping out his name, and when Ezra reached up and grabbed your breasts, pinching your nipples, you felt your eyes roll back as you came all over his face as he continued his ministrations dragging out your orgasm as long as you let him. When you finally came back to your body you found yourself laying on the bed and Ezra naked next to you already dozing, having cum from his own touches while he was tasting you.
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