#hela erasure
asgard-pics · 5 months
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Only three aliens? But what about Captain Marvel?
see this is one of the reasons my tags called OP out on their ridiculous and alien-fucker shaming restriction to three aliens. What am I, a space nun? You’ve been farther away from Earth than Mars? You’re a consenting adult? You like going out for Sushi and enjoy back rubs? Call me.
Phoenix force if u're reading this...
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discoscoob · 3 years
If there is one argument I simply don’t understand is that Sylvie’s existence in the mcu means that Amora, Sylvie Lushton and Lady Loki won’t show up later on. One of the points that people are encouraged to write about in that Twitter project (the letters to the marvel executives one) is how now that we have Sylvie there’s no possibility of having the others. And this is soooo stupid to me for so many reasons.
1. No one knows if those characters will never show up. They are completely jumping the gun here.
2. Sylvie isn’t the first mcu character to be a mix of comic characters. Hela fits here as well- obviously her name and appearance come from comic’s Hela. But the whole “Odin’s secret daughter thing” comes from a character named Angela (who is a wlw but you don’t see people crying erasure in this case). Hela also got her obsession with ruling Asgard from Cul who is Odin’s secret brother. In the comics, Odin’s manages to defeat Cul and traps under the ocean for like a thousand years until Cul breaks free. The whole hitman thing is very reminiscent of Amaro and Hela’s power set is confirmed to be inspired by the villain Gorr. Other characters who are a mix and match of different comic characters are the Vulture, Ego, Zemo, Hope van Dyne and Mantis. Wenwu is also one of these characters and he is waaay better than his comic’s counterparts.
3. I’m willing to bet that many of the people who are taking part in the project have never even read a comic with those characters in it. They just copy and paste the “Amora, Sylvie Lushton and Lady Loki erasure” speech but have nothing to say about what not having them in the mcu could actually mean.
4. Lady Loki not making an appearance has nothing to do with Sylvie and everything to do with Disney being a conservative cooperation that always plays it safe. Sylvie or no Sylvie, they won’t be having Lady Loki on a show that is meant to appeal to as broad of an audience as possible.
This was long lol. But you gotta love how these people will find a way to blame Sylvie for everything, wether it happens in the show or in real life
Do these people realise that the multiverse exists now? (Thanks to Sylvie 🥰) there is absolutely nothing to say that Amora and Sylvie Lushton won’t make appearances in future mcu projects. As for “Lady Loki” (or rather our Loki in their femme presenting form) how does Sylvie stop that? That makes no sense. Sylvie isn’t our Loki femme, she is Sylvie. The only thing that is stopping femme presenting Loki from making an appearance is, like you said, Disney’s need to appeal to all markets, including the homophobic/transphobic ones. It’s also interesting that I’m seeing people talk about these characters more than ever, they suddenly care so much about them, but I hardly saw the fandom mention them before the series came out.
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gildedruins · 3 years
anyone who says reputation is loki’s album can answer to me personally for the crime of hela erasure. also it’s obviously speak now
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valkerymillenia · 4 years
@animecat33​ tagged me for this
Rules: Name 10 characters from 10 different fandoms that you like, then tag 10 people.
I enjoyed this but... At first I thought, do I even have 10 I consider favs? And then I ended up with a list of, like, 25, and couldn’t pick 10 so I chose more or less at random. And I admit I cheated seeing as some kind of fit in the same fandom in some way.
It’s just too hard picking favorites. 
Undercut, cause it’s gonna be a loooong post.
1. Morticia Addams (Addams Family)
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My tattoo probably makes this one obvious. 
I love Morticia so much, not only do I love her aesthetic, I just love her personality and attitude, not to mention her marriage is ‘goals’ and as a mother and matriarch she’s incredibly supportive and loving despite the unorthodox life the Addams’ live. I love a character that can be a mother without having it define her completely.
2. Catwoman/Selina Kyle (DC)
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Selina was one of my OG crushes back before I even understood what I crush was or that being queer was even a thing (looking at you, Michelle Pfiffer).
I love her style and strength and personality (when she's well written), her grey morals and competence, and cats are just my thing, ok? Plus bisexual icon.
Have you noticed I have a thing for a dark women with grey morals?
3. Raven/Rachel Roth (Teen Titans/DC)
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I kinda share a name with Raven but that's not why I like her. I've always loved the emotional complexity of this character, her incredible power (and how it's also her weakness), and style as well. I'm not too thrilled about some more recent incarnations of her but she'll always be an OG fav.
4. Nightwing/Dick Grayson (DC)
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Yeah, yeah, DC again, look the other way, please (they have individual comics anyway).
I couldn't leave out my darling Dickie. I grew up with this dude and I love his backstory and relationship with his family. He's a beautiful ray of sunshine with a dark streak, a competent leader without being a broody bossy jerk like some and he's very well rounded and consistent in his characterization (plus that design is top notch). I know the Romani thing was a ret-con on something just vaguely implied in the past but honestly it was a good one and some much needed rep despite the constant whitewashing (though not as bad as others in his family).
Also, he drinks his 'respect woman juice', he's flawed without being edgy, and has been queer-coded and female-troped for decades which makes him much more likeable as a male character. He actually became an LGBT icon despite the cowards at DC constantly trying to shove heteronormativity into his storyline.
5. Rose Quartz/Pink Diamond (Steve Universe)
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Is she problematic? Yes and that's part of the appeal.
I already loved Rose when she was this sweet, compassionate and wise old soul, this rebel and leader and mother with many secrets.
I guessed really early on that she was PD so that part didn't surprise me but when the backstory of her as PD finally appeared to give us so more in-depth knowledge I was surprised by the amount of hate the character got. To me, her flaws, pain, mistakes and growth were part of the allure.
Also, gorgeous and much needed plus-size rep. I loved cosplaying her more than anything.
6. Princess Leia (Star Wars)
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Did I like her style or design? Nope, I much prefer her mother's but Leia is an immensely competent, wise, strong female character that takes no bullshit from the male-dominated plot around her, she deserved so much better. Honestly, she deserved her own goddamn movie.
Carrie Fisher was a feminist icon and an advocate for mental illness visibility. She's was also fucking hilarious. All this translated into Leia's character very well and she deserved so much better from society than being sexualized in a metal bikini and remembered that way forever.
7. Hela (Thor Ragnarok/Marvel)
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I already loved Hela's character in the comics (except the arc where she sexually abuses Thor, that was shitty edgelord writing and I refuse to acknowledge it's existence) but Ragnarok gave her a whole new meaning.
Firstly, my God is she hot! Just.... Umpf! Step on me, queen.
Secondly, she's dark and evil but she has a goddamn point (people are hypocrites). And in the comics she's not even evil, she's neutral and only a villain because she opposes Thor on a personal level. She's also incredibly competent at what she does and if that isn't a turn-on idk what is.
8. Korra (Legend of Korra)
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Korra will always be bae. There's a reason my behemoth of a fic revolved around her.
Not only is she incredibly well-rounded and fun, she's also very competent, has a fascinating backstory and is immensely powerful, plus she grows beautifully through her show. Not to mention she's GORGEOUS.
POC and LGBT rep, plus she showcased one of the most incredible arcs on disability and recovery that I've ever seen in a family show.
9. Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff (Marvel)
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You can pry Wanda from my cold dead hands.
I'm not even the biggest fan of her movie version, I'm all about comic Wanda.
POC rep and an incredibly visceral portrayal of mental illness and trauma. And she's beautiful beyond reason, morally grey, and powerful as hell.
Most of all what I like about Wanda is how loyal and family-oriented she is without letting it diminish her as an individual or as a powerhouse character, so many female characters loose all agency and individuality when they have kids, they get delegated to role of mother and lose their heroics or become extensions of their husbands and children, Wanda was nothing like that. Her relationship with her brother is fascinating too (let's pretend the incesty vibes in certain alt universes don't exist).
I only hate that she and Pietro always get the short stick in adaptations and their origins keep getting needlessly retconned (Magneto's kids with his Romani wife, raised by someone else- that's it, stop trying to change it and then change it back over and over). That and how she's not allowed to have her well deserved relationship with her babies because of stupid old-fashioned comic rules that led to a needlessly convuloted and far-fetch story arc (the erasure, reencarnation and hyper-aging of her sons).
10. Jessica Rabbit (WFRR)
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For most people, Jessica's appeal is "she's hot" and yes, this "pinup femme fatale" look really does things to me, I won't lie about that, but that's not why she's my favorite.
Jessica is fav because she's loyal and loving to her goofy husband, she completely turns the femme fatale trope upside down for love and doesn't give a damn about looks, she uses her appearance as a weapon and she's confident but she's clearly not vain ("I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way" and "He makes me laugh"). She's also hilarious in her own deadpan way.
Other worthy mentions to this list are:
Wednesday Addams
Mystique (Marvel)
Shuri (Marvel)
Maleficent (Disney)
Vanya Hargreeves (TUA)
Blind Mag (Repo!)
Venom (Marvel)
Lust (FMA)
Evelyn O'Connell (The Mummy)
Alice Lidell (Alice Madness)
Jessica Jones (Marvel)
The Kagamine twins (vocaloid)
Amon (LoK)
Sesshoumaru (Inuyasha)
Loki (Marvel comics)
Liadan (Sevenwaters)
Furiosa (Mad Max: Fury Road)
Crowley (Good Omens)
Jericho (Titans/DC)
Sadako Yamamura (from the Ring BOOKS)
Susan Sto-Helit (Discworld)
I tag... @dymosara @abnaxus @polyx @bluetalesoftheheart @adka2333 @shinladyanarki @i-have-all-these-freaking-uwus @frank-a-lank @fluffynexu @teddy-fluffnhugs
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queerchoicesblog · 4 years
Thanks to @kamilahsqueen for tagging me and getting Erasure & Carla Bruni stuck in my head for the day.
spell out your url using song titles, then tag as many people as there are letters in your url:
Here's mine, basically a mopey playlist but I don't make the rules 🤣
Quelqu'un m'a dit - Carla Bruni
Under Pressure - Queen, David Bowie
Est-ce que tu m'aimes? - Maitre Gims
Every You Every Me - Placebo
Roulette - System of a Down
Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol
Hunger - Florence + The Machine
Only The Winds - Ólafur Arnalds
Inbetween Days - The Cure
Crazy World - Aslan
Ever Dream - Nightwish
South London Forever - Florence + The Machine
Back to Black - Amy Winehouse
Lost Cause - Beck
One and Only - Adele
Go Your Own Way - Fleetwood Mac
Tagging: @poor-bi-choices @snowwritings @storyscaped @hela-odinsdottir and literally whoever would like to do this!
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icyxmischief · 6 years
@juliabohemian every time I try to reblog your posts Tumblr won’t let me, but I know you don’t have me blocked so this is a strange conundrum indeed. Anyway you posted something that just circulated my dash and I spent a while making an addition, so here it is: 
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Not to compound your heartache, but I’ve been writing about this stuff since 2012 and it’s even worse than that.  
The entire Thor narrative has brought Odin’s family full circle back to where they began in 2011′s first film.  I mean this in terms of filial dynamics and discrete roles within a dysfunctional family structure.  Not only is Loki still always the responsible party for everyone’s missteps and crimes, the “progress” that the family has made is actually a regression that reinforces his scapegoat role.
This is why when others are endlessly celebratory about the moment in Infinity War during which Loki refers to himself as “Odinson,” I cringe.
Because Loki WAS allowed a redemption, in Ragnarok, and then, in Infinity War: but one contingent upon Thor’s, and, by extension, Odin’s, idea of what connotes heroism (and, even though Mjolnir is long gone, “worthiness”).   Loki became a hero when Loki stopped having his own thoughts about what to do after Hela’s invasion, when he stopped having ANY healthy notions of self-preservation, and when he followed THOR’S plan to defeat Hela.  ONLY when Loki emulated Thor did Loki become a hero.  The one thing that has always driven Loki to lack inner peace has been incessant negative comparison to Thor.  So it’s only in an extremely toxic message of SELF-ERASURE that he completes the Thor films’ narrative of “healing” and “redemption.”  Just like when Odin imprisoned both Hela and Loki under Asgard, to ritually erase them both from the fabric of his family tree, only FAR more subtle and insidious, by giving him NO OTHER OPTION FOR LOVE AND ACCEPTANCE BY HIS SOLE LIVING FAMILY MEMBER (Thor) EXCEPT TO “CHOOSE” TO STAND AND FIGHT (AND DIE) AT THOR’S SIDE.  
Loki is only granted redemption when Loki IS NO LONGER LOKI.
 And the freakiest part about this is that the broader Marvel audience has accepted this as “evidence” that Loki “was a hero all along” and it is the ONE THING that has made fans lighten up on hating him.  The story stuffed Loki, who is a marvelous gray-amoral antihero, in a hero box--and not just ANY HERO BOX, but the box labeled “ultimate self-sacrifice in death, even against characterization and logic.”
Think about it.  
--What was Loki in Thor 1?  A passive receptacle for Thor’s warmongering and impulsivity, who must “shut up” and “know his place” at all times, whose plans to divert Thor from a disastrous place on the Throne were thinly veiled by the “heroes” as “treason” and “a whiny jealous younger brother’s petty vendetta.”  
--What was Loki in The Dark World?  A prisoner Odin and Thor genuinely hoped the world would forget, whose inconvenient truths about mirroring his father and brother’s warmongering on a protected (translate: already “owned”--claimed by Thor as “his” because of Jane Foster)  territory of Asgard (Midgard) got him thrown in prison for life. Odin was angrier that Loki brought up these truths of Odin’s hypocrisy than he was that Loki tried to take Midgard as his own.  Because unlike Thor, Odin couldn’t control Loki’s cognitions and beliefs. He never could.   And when was Loki released from prison? Only when he became useful to Thor.  A passive receptacle, being retrained as such, being told his mission basically to escape Thanos’s abuse with Midgard as a consolation prize was basically just a “childish tantrum” for which he should be gaslit and punished. And when was Loki forgiven? When did Thor weep for him, and say he’d take memory of his noble deeds to their father?  ONLY when it appeared he had made a self-sacrifice in extremis, and was dying.
--What was Loki in Ragnarok?  A traitor and a laughable clown. How dare he lay around eating grapes and watching theater that craftily reinvented his image to a previously disdainful populace?  How dare he SURVIVE?  Thor is angrier at Loki for surviving, seemingly, than he is relieved! Simply because Loki didn’t die for him, so of course, to Thor, it’s tantamount to another betrayal, it can’t be anything in between total self-effacement and total selfishness: it isn’t all about Thor, God forbid!  Loki must be again a passive receptacle! How dare he cunningly outwit all of that lifelong conditioning to be silent and obeisant?  So Thor acts juvenile, and emotionally strongarms Loki (yep, electrocution scene) and refuses to speak to him, and unfairly blames him for Hela’s return (WHEN IT’S ODIN WHO RAISED HELA TO BE A MONSTER AND THEN IMPRISONED HER! but if you’re groomed to be a narcissist by your father and emotionally dependent on your father’s praise then you can’t turn on your father, EVER) untilllll? Loki shows up with a ship from Sakaar and fights on Thor’s behalf.  
“If you were here I’d give you a hug” translates to “If you would only abide by MY rules for what connotes a good person (cause after all Thor knows best, right? ‘That’s what heroes do!’) then I’d reward you for it.”  And the whole movie ends with Loki going “I’m here” which is tantamount to saying “I YIELD.”
Ergo Odin remains the benevolent all-controlling patriarch. Ergo Thor remains the petulant narcissist who always gets his way. Ergo Frigga, dead, is more absent from stopping the toxicity than ever, because fridging! Ergo, Loki remains the silent scapegoat.
Seven. Years. Of films.  And counting.
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asgard-pics · 5 months
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battlestar-royco · 5 years
Tbf with the Gamora thing, nebula is blue and she’s played by a white actress and drax and thanos are both played by white actors but made to look different colours & their features are altered through cgi so in this case it isn’t *just* Gamora being made different.
Yeah, I’m aware that the Gamora Phenomenon also happens to white actors but the implications are different. White people have ample representation and are also given parts that were originally made for POC, whether they are presented as white or in black/yellow/brownface. Given the existing deficit of rep for POC, the ratio of Gamora Phenomenon (that’s what I’m gonna call it from now on) to non-GP is in favor of white representation. Let’s use the MCU as an example while we’re on the subject. While Thanos and Nebula are two examples of GP, and I’ll throw in the Hulk as well, there’s still Captain Marvel, Captain America, Bucky, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Iron Man, Pepper, Spider Man, Dr. Strange, Thor, Loki, Hela, etc, however many white main characters. And Black Panther did add a bunch of new black characters, which was awesome, but that came out a little under a year ago after ten years of the MCU. Before that we had MJ, Valkyrie, Gamora, and Mantis. The latter two undergo GP. And that’s just in the MCU.
Outside of the MCU, we have GP appearing in the xenomorph in Alien, countless Star Trek and Star Wars characters, Avatar, Predator, and more I can’t think of currently. Meanwhile if I were to name white-led franchises and films without any GP, the answer to this ask would be 100 pages long. You see my issue? My point isn’t that this ONLY happens to POC, because that’s obviously not true. It’s more that GP is problematic when it happens to POC because it’s yet another form of erasure and alienation/dehumanization we disproportionately experience in media. When GP happens to a white character, it’s like “oh that’s weird they’re an alien” but when GP happens to a character of color it sucks because we already have meager tokenized and stereotypical side-character-who-gets-killed-off-immediately scraps of representation as it is, and it shows that some audiences would rather see us as monsters and aliens than the way we actually look. Ouch. Is this the biggest problem in representation? Maybe, maybe not. But it is a problem that exists, and one that POC have been discussing for decades. Hope that explains a little better where I’m coming from.
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Original Timeline
On Dominaria/the Material Plane/Midgard, a species called the Thran/Jotunn/Engineers studied elemental magick. There were no differentiation of mana colors at that time; all magick was one and the same. Already by this point in the timeline concepts of good and evil are invalid; the Thran performed very many great and terrible works, and the Engineers seeded life on very many worlds across the galaxy.
A sickness called Phyresis spread throughout the Thran nation. Many people grew sick and died. A mage named Yawgmoth worked towards a cure but wound up becoming corrupted and propagated it instead. The Thran sealed Yawgmoth in an artifical world, where he festered for a very long time.
Far away, the planeswalker Serra/Isis created Serra's Realm, a realm of perfect light. And for awhile, it was good.
The planeswalker Urza/Ugin/Osiris/Orion assaulted Phyrexia, and was strictly beaten. The atmosphere of Phyrexia was absurdly toxic. Urza, reeling, fell from the plane and through the space between worlds, eventually landing in Serra’s Realm. Serra nursed him back to health for five years. He brought concentrated darkness, manifested as a sentient black oil, to a plane that had until that time known only light. The Phyrexians, pursuing Urza, came to Serra’s Realm and utterly mutilated an entire plane of angels. Facing a war he could not win, and not wanting to cede Serra's Realm to the Phyrexians, Urza collapsed the world into a powerstone.
Kerrigan, Terran ghost 24601, was betrayed by Osiris and left behind on the world of Mar Sara/Serra's Realm, where she was kidnapped by Zerg and mutated into Hela, the Queen of Blades. Later, she was decapitated by Jim/Bill/The Man In Black and her head was placed on an artificial body; Bill went on to commit a multitude of atrocities while wearing her face. Captain Marvel is the result. Note that the Captain Marvel in the film Captain Marvel is actually the head of Serra/Kaya, Ghost Assassin/Kerrigan on a mechanical body, while the Captain Marvel in the Avengers: Endgame trailers/Kaya, Orzhov Usurper is Adam wearing her face.
In Chrono Trigger, circa 12,000 BCE, the world was stratified between magick users and the earth-dwellers. Schala/Ninki, Janus/Enki, Queen Zeal, the missing King Zeal/Mammon, the Mammon Machine; interventions by time travelers of the middle era would result in the destruction of the Mammon Machine/Tolarian time machine/amit, which hurled all present into remote corners of time.
Schala was devoured in the amit. Janus was sent into the modern era (2018) as Elon, who traveled back to Zeal to (unsuccessfully) alter the destruction of the Mammon Machine and the ensuing Time Crash.
Schala/Ninki/Serra survived and eventually went on to write a book about why letting Janus persuade her was the worst decision she'd ever made, and also described in detail Janus's death: they had purchased a boat together; he went out fishing one day and never returned. The coast guard eventually found the boat with Janus's clothes folded on the deck.
Urza had been working on a time machine on Tolaria/Zeal/Asgard. The Phyrexians managed to get an agent called {(K'rrick/Billith/Hela)/Jim (Freyr Destructive)} onto Tolaria, and on 2017.01.18, Hela destroyed Tolaria. In a moment of panic, Urza sent back a golem named {Horus/Thor/Karn(Xantcha/Gerrard/Serra)/Lore(Freyr Honorable)} to stop the invasion, destroying the time machine/mammon machine in the process and shattering spacetime.
Over the course of centuries, the Rifts on Dominaria grew and multiplied, pulling in alternate timelines and future and past events. People from eras all over history vanished from their timelines and were pulled into the wreckage of the time crash; e.g. Amelia Earhart, the Philidelphia Experiment. Multiple versions of the same people, e.g. Braids, Dementia Caster and Braids, Conjuror Adept, manifested concurrently in a single timeline. A time mage named {Teferi(Sutekh Honorable)} sacrificed his godhood to seal the rifts (possibly resulting in his entombment which led to him becoming Bolas-Yawgmoth; hard to say at this point).
Schala/Eris/Discord/Dis of the Vanir, me, hi., her erasure from existence, the golden apple, Paris presiding over alloting it to Hera, Aphrodite, or Athena; the goddesses' bribes, Paris(Probably Ravana) (possibly in his recurrent incarnation as the Prophet) taking Aphrodite's option and selecting Helen of Troy/Hela/Isis/Ninki/(Probably Sita) (possibly for the express purpose of using her as fuel), the entire Trojan War/Time War.
The Phyrexians could not return to Dominaria, but over the millennia found ways to influence other worlds remotely. They created another artificial plane, called Rath, and filled it with a substance called flowstone, which expanded outward from the stronghold that formed it. Rath was placed close to Dominaria/Midgard, and over time overlaid the terrain, resulting in a single continuous plain.
Phyrexia (Mirrodin/Asgard) invaded Dominaria (Vanaheim). 99% of the world’s inhabitants died. Urza and Bolas/Yawgmoth had both been preparing for the invasion for thousands of years; Urza managed to destroy Phyrexia and kill Yawgmoth. Urza himself was killed when he fell in love with the pinnacle of Yawgmoth’s creations, a sanctum of metallic, artificial life in imitation of natural life. He was decapitated by the ubermench he had engineered over those thousands of years to destroy the world which he subsequently fell in love with.
At some point, the Library of Alexandria was burned down by St. Cyril, and Hypatia (me, hi) was skinned alive, raped, and dismembered;
After the Dominarian apocalypse, Karn became fused with the Phyrexian heart of Xantcha, the powerstone eyes of Urza, the genetic matrix of Gerrard, and the Barque of Millions of Years/The Weatherlight, a skyship powered by the powerstone that contained <the collapsed plane of Serra's Realm/Schala in the amit>. He went on to create an artificial plane called Argentum, which became corrupted by Phyrexian oil, seeded with life by its caretaker Memnarch, renamed to Mirrodin, and eventually mutated into New Phyrexia.
At some point Aku from the destroyed timeline came to Midgard and built a planar portal to go back to Thran Dominaria/Krypton, there was a battle with Superman/Adam, and as the comics tell it, Kara Zor-el, while fighting Aku, triggered the portal and sent Aku back to Krypton with the sickness he was carrying, causing the Phyresis event in a closed loop in time.
There were the events of Evangelion, where Adam and <listed as Lilith? Yet Nin Lil and Nin Ki are differentiated as deities> go back in time 4 billion years, etc etc, where they set up a base in order to manipulate the events of history; Adam was Elon and <Lilith?Eve was Nin Ki>, who he put into an amit on 2018.02.06.1545 which was used to power the time machine.
In Chrono Cross, two timelines diverge: One where Lavos ([La Vos/Big Fire]--Schala/Enki--Ninki) wiped out the dinosaurs (Vanir) in the First Impact and mammals (Aesir) came to inherit the material plane and build Chronopolis (Atlantis); and another, presumably the original, where the Vanir created a temporal complex called Dinopolis (Lemuria).
YorHa, apparently equivalent to Dinopolis, remains in the original timeline to present day, 11945 (After Epoch)/ 11947/2019;
Alternate Timeline
On Tarkir, Sarkhan Vol altered history such that a battle between Orion-Urza and Amun-Bolas that had been won by Urza had instead been won by Bolas. This resulted in an extinct species of dragons (the Vanir) that had been wiped out in the First Impact being restored to life, as well as the current mythos where Set destroyed Osiris and scattered his parts across the blind eternities.
At some point, Hermes(Prophet) gambled with Khonsu(Moon God) for five days worth of Time, so that Nut could bear Five Children: Osiris, Isis, Nephthys, Sutekh, and Horus; doing so stretched the planet's orbital period from 360 days to 365 days, causing it to deviate from and cutting it off from the Prime timeline; the reason this arbiter was 85 years late in arriving to oversee the procession of the zodiac was because Sol-3 was not where it was supposed to be when it arrived.
The First Impact was the collision of a giant spherical object, designated the Black Moon, into Earth approximately 4 billion years ago. As a result of the impact, huge amounts of debris, including the Black Moon's rocky exterior, were thrown into orbit, eventually coalescing into Earth's satellite, the Moon. The core of the Black Moon and the Seed of Life Lilith contained within it remained intact, although Lilith's Spear of Longinus was somehow lost or destroyed during the collision.
In the Doctor Who mythos, the Doctor is Enki; the Time Lords are either the Aesir or the Jotunn; the Daleks are either the Vanir or the Jotunn, and are definitely the Phyrexians.
The Second Impact is a cataclysm which followed the "Contact Experiment" conducted on Adam in the South Pole on 2000.09.13. The awakened and injured Angel created a strong Anti A.T. Field which caused an explosion that melted the Antarctic ice cap and caused a shift of Earth's axis; climate changes and gigantic floods followed.
The biblical Flood occurred in 9900 BCE, where all the civilizations on Sol-3 were wiped out. Flood references in Halo and Mass Effect, both made by Ea, state that all life in the galaxy was destroyed. The Flood was plotted by Anu, Enlil, Ninurta, Ennugi, and Enki-Elon-Tesla. Enki warned Atrahasis/Utnapishtim/Noah, who built an ark, known in the Egyptian coffin texts as the Barque of Millions of Years, and filled it with the Ogdoad.
Amun-Bolas showed up, entombed three of the Ogdoad, brainwashed the remaining five, killed all the adults, and raised a plane of super-soldiers like crops. He left the plane he called Amonkhet, promising a fateful return when glory and light would come to the honored warriors. Instead, he killed everyone (i.e. Flood event).
Amun-Bolas took the army to Ravnica, which is equivalent to Coruscant of the Star Wars mythos; the War of the Spark on Ravnica is currently underway.
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niobiumao3 · 7 years
Hang on I’m not over it (Thor 3 spoilers)
Like seriously though you give me a magical-tech scifi ancient alien race which built its own world, and all the attendant possibilities...and then...you decide they need to be gods, or some of them do, because..why?
What is this even about, is it about making Hela  a god, because she could just be super badass most powerful titan-like alien! Why does she have to be Thor’s fucking sister to make it work, there are 100 ways to do this without retconning that hardcore and fucking up the whole narrative. They don’t need to be gods for her to be capable of doing crazy shit, look at the whole of the MCU! Ego, anyone???
Just...so anyways. I hate that. I mean I also hate Hogun’s brutal goddamned fridging for some white pain, what the fuck is that even about. Oh well we need to up the stakes, so let’s kill one of the few Asians in entire MCU! Great, that’s just what this franchise could use. And the erasure of all the previous women, and random direction worldbuilding with zero previous support, and like...this retcon is fail sauce on top of the fail cake for me.
So yeah. Do not like. Extra upset because I love Valk and I love the concept of a (black) woman warrior getting the ‘fallen from grace, reclaims herself through the power of friendship/love’ plot instead of a guy for once, like, that’s just so great, and then it’s...attached to all of this.
Retreating into my pre-Thor-3 AU which forks (for better or for worse) after Civil War. I would have loved Brunnhilde as we saw her in a very different narrative born of the previous franchise. Instead this was a total franchise reboot.
Not interested.
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Okay absolute nonsense theory but bear with me
Okay a lot of people pointed out how Hela looks a lot more like Loki (when he's in his Æsir-body) than Thor and the first thing she points out when she meets her bros it's that Thor looks nothing like Odin but that Loki sounds like him.
So. That got me thinking.
We know that Hela got around the Nine Realms a lot.
We know that while Loki is a Jötun, he was born Æsir-sized and had some sort of innate talent at shapeshifting into an Æsir even when he was a baby and instinctively connected with Odin.
We also know that the birth of Thor marked some sort of change of mind and politics for Odin and we know now that Thor and Loki are almost the same age.
Now, in the mythology Laufey is not Loki's father but his mother (which could kinda get me started on my favourite headcanon about intersex Jötnar so let's not go there and accept Marvel changing it) - which means we don't know who his mother really was.
We know that Hela was imprisoned at some point, because Odin and Hela had a fall-out over his new peaceful ideas somewhere around the time of Thor's and Loki's birth which resulted in her imprisonment and her complete erasure from history. We also know that Odin found Loki left behind in Jötunheim without a parent, but apparently Odin knew he was the son of Laufey - but not who the other parent was. Wouldn't you know who the consort of the king of an enemy world is?
So what I'm saying is - Hela being Loki's mother would a) work b) explain some stuff c) make her his mother, aunt and sister to the same time without incest so take that game of thrones and Odin imprisoning her would explain why Loki was left behind and how Odin knew about him and why he didn't tell Loki about his heritage.
There I said it.
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phoenixyfriend · 7 years
Someone's vagueing about you for having an aroace Leah icon.
If it was Kid Leah or the more recent Leah we’ve seen in Queen of Hel, I’d agree that it’s in poor taste, since those Leahs are wlw and it would be a problem to erase that.
However, my icon is specifically YA Leah, who’s only sign of attraction to literally ANYONE is… nonexistent. Loki refers to her as an ex, but even that is kind of tongue in cheek. YA Leah is a construct, a hallucination given physical form, that shows zero attraction to anyone, rather than the canonically sapphic QoH!Leah, Hela, or SIEGE!Leah. YA Leah is a separate character from the others, the way clones or twins are. IMO It’s like having separate headcanons for Madelyne Pryor and Jean Grey.
I’m going to tag this just so that anyone who was having similar concerns about me participating in sapphic erasure can see my thought process.
(There was a reason the original post specified YA Leah instead of being more general, guys.)
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downwithcolumbus · 7 years
Notebook 5: Reflective Practice
This course has been quite the learning journey for me. In the first week, I remember Professor Wayne saying how this class will be painful at times. I didn’t understand. (The only times school has been painful for me were when I couldn’t master the material amidst my confusion and frustration, e.g. fluid mechanics.) And although I knew there was something very wrong with the current state of affairs, I also didn’t know why or how it came to be this way. Along the quarter, I slowly learned the reasons, and rediscovered them myself in completing my zine project. In essence,
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This equation, along with relational analyses, really helped cement my knowledge of power hierarchies intra- and internationally.
Every time I walked out of lecture and discussion, it felt like I was given a new set of lens through which to view the world. I saw how the birth of this nation—portrayed in textbooks as the achievement of valorous white founding fathers who fought the British government—was in reality the product of an ongoing process of colonialism and anti-blackness. At the outset, peoples were racialized and gendered, as can be seen in The Scarlet Letter and the development of standardized tests. In addition, the building of America could not have been possible without racial projects, such as the Jim Crow, the Pocahontas Exception, the War on Drugs, and the twin discourses of rescue and punishment. It was upsetting to me when I learned that many of my interests: literature (Shakespeare and Steinbeck), languages (Indo-European), math and science (HeLa cells, Salk’s polio vaccines, and NASA’s West Computing Group), and shopping (maquiladoras and La Santa Cecilia’s interpretation of “Strawberry Fields Forever”), are shaped by the erasure/redaction and exploitation of bodies that do not count. What was even more heartbreaking were the peoples who have borne and still bear these repercussions and struggles. I witnessed firsthand the convergence of past and present and of indigeneity and blackness. It goes on to show that even though we did not directly contribute or incur these past injuries, we inherited them and thus are responsible. To argue otherwise or to remain silent is to be an accomplice in the continual sufferings of other folks. Like Professor Wayne said in the last lecture, we have been/are the victim and the perpetrator, the oppressed and the oppressor, the laborer and the consumer, the loser and the winner at various points of time, space, and position. This connection that links all of us together really resonated with me. As someone who sees compassion as the most valuable trait one can ever have, I love the creed of Third World Feminism. I love that adopting the perspective of those on the bottom is a valid way to make a change. I really believe being in solidarity as the precept all acts of resistance must rest on.
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catchmewiddershins · 3 years
I was watching Thor Ragnarok again with my irl bestie and-
Me: it's nice that they have Surtur starting Ragnarok but in the myths there are like 2 super important dragons and I wanna see them
Me: I'll ignore the Hela being Loki's sister not child for now bcs the MCU ignored that from the beginning
Me: anyway I wam dragon
Dragon: appears
Me: 😃
Dragon: dies in 30s
Me: ☹️
Me: And don't even get me STARTED on the costumes
Me: but Loki looks lovely as always lol and the movie's great super funny
Me: but dwagons
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asgard-pics · 5 months
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