#hell shin never killed yui in his bad ends
callmeklair · 9 months
Hey, excuse me, but did you read this? https://www.tumblr.com/yuikomorii/738629974149496832/ok-i-didnt-want-to-go-this-far-but-at-this
I genuinely want your opinion about this post, because I totally agree with your post, and thought this other one was a bit rude.
(sorry for my terrible English, I hope I'm not being rude to you)
dw, english is not my first language too so it's okay also you are not being rude. and yeah just like I said some people hate the "overhype" not Ayato hit this Ayato stans still convert it into ayato hate and start giving various reasons to prove their point. just like in this post. it's like if we go through other boys' contents more deeply like they did with Ayato, then we'll also find a lot of growth, development and plus traits in other characters. but nah they just wanna paint it on Ayato.
if we talk about Ayato forgiving Cordelia because he still hoped she got her feelings reciprocated, then Yuma forgiving Reiji is way more major and heavy, because we all know how bad Mukamis' experience was. and if Reiji wouldn't have burned down his whole village, Yuma wouldn't have ended on city streets, with memory loss and then you guys know the rest. orphanage was one of the most terrifying hell for them because of the war (and it's sad how it was so true) yet Yuma forgave Reiji and even wished for his happiness with Yui.
Reiji also had one of the biggest developments. he was someone with ambition but ignored and cast aside by never receiving his mother's acknowledgement. yet after meeting Yui he grew so much like, in Shu's LE route, he literally sacrificed himself to protect Yuma because he was guilty and even though Yuma already said he forgave him a long time ago why he did it, Reiji said no matter how many times Yuma forgave him, it wouldn't rid him off of his guilt and past actions. also he:
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this is not even his own route! but Shu's DF route yet look at my boy. proof that Ayato is not the only one who is compassionate out of his route. and same goes for Mukami brothers, be it Sakamaki, their own family or even Tsukinami's route they are compassionate and that's really a big deal because after what happened to them, they laugh at things like "humanity" because nobody showed them such yet look at them in later games.
In other words, yes there are many reasons for Ayato stans to make Ayato the main hero because Rejet said it so but please stop putting other characters in the background, casting them aside like they didn't have it rough and are NOTHING compared to Ayato's sufferings and compassion. all of them had different environment. even triplets, ayato, laito and kanato were mistreated differently. and Laito only pushed away Ayato because of what Cordelia did to him, and remember, among vampires there is nothing like humanity and compassion that's why Laito never expected anything from any of his brothers and pushed Ayato away too. ALSO AYATO SAID IT HIMSELF IN LAITO'S DF THAT LAITO HAD IT WORSE FROM CORDELIA.
Yes Ayato probably killed Cordelia to protect his younger brothers + also what she did to him, and I really like that about him. but that didn't mean other characters didn't do anything. Carla sacrificed Shin's eye instead of giving up on his brother's life even if it meant Shin will hate him for his whole life but at least that'll still keep his little brother alive.
Ayato realised Karlheinz is the root of evil, so did Shu a long time ago but everyone have their OWN way with dealing things, and Shu just wanted a peaceful life with Yui that's why he never tried to ever mention his father or tried to face him head on. it was difficult for Mukamis to accept Karlheinz evil because he was their saviour yet they still took courage and betrayed him for the sake of evil. Reiji likes his father but in his CL good end, even he was speechless and finally had enough of his father's Adam and eve plan, rejecting the throne and taking Yui away.
now if I keep going, this post will become endless so I'll stop now
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Yay..#hydration af 🔥🔥 I'm...having a smootie!
AHH...im so glad..I was shy to bring it up. I really wanna play the game bc usually when smth is a game first its better than the anime? (I think the game was first..) yea..I see all the content subbed bc the eng anime js..kills me. They sound uncannily like teenage white boys that all have mushroom hair and wanna hit ..
Ahh? You write? Smirk???
From what I know it really is just dark fantasy. Like..what dark vampire content HASNT been considered problematic? Even like. Twilight LOL.
Hhhh i don't know his lore..Laito where are you..Laito...Id giggle at a crossover. Laito looks like a Trey Cater with the Ace mindset. And Kanato,,I love him he's a sweety. A little loco but he's so sweettieee..I..only know the brothers..and the mom. That is my last memory of dialovers..was the mom?.. - 🐍
Hello Viper, I’m excited about your smoothie! Yesterday I had a veggie one. I don’t eat vegetables… I usually drink them.
No need to be shy. I am… A lifeless dork. A shut in. So, I know about a lot of animanga related things. Otome especially. The anime was horrible, but I love the music they used. I used to sing along with the opening of the first season. The game is phenomenal. Again, a bit problematic because it’s… Mildly sexist. I actually like The Great Ayato and his bullying… I’m sorry my breasts are tiny… I’ll pray for them to grow so you’ll be happy my lord… Ahem… The English voice acting is horrible. I watched it only in Japanese because I couldn’t stand how lifeless they sounded in English. To my knowledge, and I may be wrong, the game is fully voice acted. You just need a translator.
I do secretly write for DiaLove. I was planning to only post it on Wattpad. I wanted to make a big story called ‘Juice Box’ but I never figured out who I wanted to be the main interest. Since the anime follows Ayato’s storyline heavily, it didn’t feel fair to the other potential routes. But I do sometimes write little oneshots. I just never post them since DiaLove is so niche now. I hope it stays niche. If TikTok discovered it and some of my other favorite games I would rip my heart from my chest and cannibalize myself.
I actually like Twilight a lot. I have a friend who owns the books and I want to finish reading soon. I watched the movies! I say problematic because the boys are pretty sexist and there is a lot of nonconsensual harassment and touching. Also the neck biting scenes are very intimate and have been suggested to be an allegory for sex depending on the scene. Again, usually nonconsensual because Yui/MC has no backbone. There’s also the Mukami brothers + Shin and Carla but usually I focus on the Sakami family… Ahhhhh but no one will stop me from moaning about Yuma. I want to be his stupid sow… I don’t mind… Treat me like livestock and feed me sugar cubes… Ahhhh his abuse feels so good~ Ah- I mean… I don’t condone this stuff outside of fantasy. But USA Nintendo doesn’t want their image ruined by horny vampires.
There are… I think… Three moms? Karl had a few wives, some at the same time cause he’s freaky as hell. One of them actually… The reason Laito acts the way he does… His mom was doing things with him that she shouldn’t. And she does not feel bad about it. But she dies so… We win… Sorta… I love Kanato’s bad ending he’s so odd and sweet at the same time. The game is just one giant rollercoaster of ‘please don’t let me die here I forgot to save again’ and ‘oh the moaning sounds are making me excited…’
I apologize for rambling… I really do love Diabolik Lovers. And because I discovered it at an impressionable age… I’ve turned into a SadoMas. Please tell me… Who your favorite is when you start getting into it… Naturally, The Great Ayato is mine because we act the same and share a birthday… But I want to kiss many of the characters… Ahhhh… Save me…
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sexysilverstrider · 2 years
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i love these two specifically so much shin being a megane is completely coincidental because i never had any intentions to like him but after seeing him as the villain in other routes it made me get really interested in him and his dark fate and lost eden routes really seal the deal
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Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kou Ecstasy [10]
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ー The scene starts outside of Eden
Kou: I’ve made it...!
Karlheinz-sama! It’s me! It’s Kou!
Please, open the gates!!
I’m a traitor...However!! There’s something I have to tell you no matter what...!!
I’m begging you...!
ー Kou collapses
Kou: ( I can’t...keep standing. That Hunter...He chased us down like there’s no tomorrow... )
( For being M-neko-chan’s Father, he’s one hell of a sadist...Darn. )
( These wounds I got from where his bullets grazed me...They won’t close at all...At this rate... )
ー He looks up at the sky
Kou: ( ...The sky isn’t blue at all. I guess that’s to be expected...The Lunar Eclipse is ongoing right now. When was the last time I saw the blue skies...? )
Kou: The gates...!
Karlheinz-sama...Thank you very much...!
With this...Everything will come to an end. 
It’ll finally be over...
ー The scene shifts back to the storage room at Banmaden
Shin: Fuck...This is bad news! Come here!!
Yui: Kyah...I-It hurts!
ー The scene shifts to the outside of Banmaden
Yui: Where are you going? Bad news, you said? ...What exactly is going on...?
Shin: Nii-san found out that I kept you locked up inside the basement! 
Yui: Found out? ...You kept it a secret from him? 
Shin: Exactly. I was lucky enough to get my hands on you. I thought that if everything went well, I could surpass him!
Things were going so well too...! But the cat is out of the bag. I have no other choice but to run. 
Yui: ( I guess that’s what the Wolf informed him of earlier. )
ー The scene shifts to the forest
Shin: Shit...Fuck!
Yui: ( He seems terrified...Knowing he attempted to betray his older brother. Even though they’re siblings. )
( ...While Kou-kun seemed pained by having to break with Ruki-kun over me...He never looked scared. )
( I wonder what he’s up to right about now? Maybe he went back to the others? ...Did he manage to warn them? )
Shin: Now that it has come to this, I have no other choice...I’ll kill every single one of those pretend-to-be-Vampires!
Yui: Eh...!? 
Shin: I’ll burst my way into the Vampire’s castle. You are within my hands after all. 
If I’m at a point of no return, I might as well drag all of those shitheads down to Hell with me...!
Yui: No way...!
Shin: The Vampire’s castle is right up ahead. After taking a short break here, I’ll wait for the right moment to strike!
Yui: Kyah...!
Shin: I have the Lunar Eclipse on my side. Wiping those guys out of existence should be an easy feat. However, I’d rather be safe than sorry. 
If I’m gonna do this, I’m going all the way. I will crush them with everything I’ve got. I’ll push them into the pits of despair reminding them of the difference in power...Hehe. 
Yui: ( I have to warn everyone and quick! )
( I’m sure Kou-kun is with the others as well...! )
ー Yui runs away
Shin: Wha...!? This chick!! Wait!!
ー Shin chases after her
Yui: Haah...Haah!
Shin: You really think you can run away from me!?
Yui: ( I recognize this area...The castle should be right up ahead! )
Shin: Don’t cause me extra trouble!
Yui: ...!
Shin: You’re getting way ahead of yourself for a puny little human...!! You just need to obey me and that’s all!!
Yui: ( What now...? I can’t get any closer...! )
( However, if I shout from here, I’m sure somebody will hear me...! )
→ Kou-kun, save me! (♡)
Yui: Kou-kun, save me!
Shin: Idiot! What makes you think that guy would be around here!? 
Just give up already!
→ Somebody, please!
Yui: Somebody, please! Save me...!!
Shin: Pfft. Hahahaha!!
‘Somebody’? Are you calling for the people over at the castle? You idiot!!
Shin: Some random Vampire who will suddenly rush to your rescue, you see. 
They don’t exist!!
Yui: ( No...Save me!! )
...I instinctively looked up at the sky.
The blue color (青) he loved so much is nowhere to be seen. 
The sky is all alone as well. 
Carrying the ring-shaped moon (月).
which shines down on me while drowning in the dark. 
I’m alone as well. 
Held back by the darkness, I gaze up at the sky,
while clutching onto that person’s ring. 
ーー All alone. 
I find myself unable to move. 
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Carla’s CL Route: A Shin Fan’s Thoughts and Feelings
I have such mixed feelings on this route but I’m going to try and relay them as articulately as I can. Obligatory warning, this post contains massive spoilers for CL (mainly Carla’s route but i’m going to mention some of the other routes too). Now without further ado:
Before I delve into any of the issues I had with this route, let’s start with what I liked. Firstly, I think it’s safe to say that Carla hands down deals with the situation the best after he gets his memories back compared to the other routes I’ve played (Shin’s, Shu’s and Laito’s) and I would be very surprised if any of the other characters are able to handle things as well as he did (although admittedly that’s partly because he’s just so much more powerful than everyone else). I did like that the writers were able to show off how capable he can be, while still bringing up stuff like how it isn’t good at cleaning or cooking.
I liked the plot point about Carla being able to live without Endzeit if they stayed in the miniature garden as I thought it was an interesting concept.
I found it very interesting that Subaru was the only other character to regain his memories in this route, especially given that Carla actually played a role in his LE route which wasn’t the case for any of the other Sakamaki brothers in LE. I can’t help but wonder if the writers have them as a brotp when considering that they were also paired together in the Versus IV CDs. Regardless, I did enjoy seeing their interactions in Carla’s CL route.
The scenes between Carla and Yui after Carla gets his memory back are great and I’m sure Carla fans will have a field day with them.
Now, lets move onto to the issues I personally have with this route.
Because Carla is shown to be so capable, I never really felt fearful for the characters. In contrast, in Shin, Shu and Laito’s routes they all had moments of genuine peril outside of the bad endings, which meant I felt really concerned and was drawn into the story. Carla’s route however, went something like this: Oh no, how are they going to deal with this unexpected development? Ah wait, he solved it in an instant, as expected of Carla I suppose. Oh no, how are they going to deal with this other unexpected situation? Ah no nevermind, he dealt with it right away again... and so on.
This might just be personal preference, but in my opinion if you really want people to get invested in a story, there needs to be some element of risk for the characters (even if you know there’s going to be a good ending). If you take that away, even though the fluffy bits with Carla and Yui were lovely, every time we got to one of the more plot-orientated parts of the story, I’d start to get invested only for there to be no pay off as there never really seemed to be much of a problem in the first place. This is why you have to be a bit careful when coming up with characters to make sure that they have some sort of weakness, otherwise the audience knows they’re going to be fine whatever.
Yes Carla is undoubtedly the strongest of the boys when Karl’s powers aren’t involved (and especially when Endzeit is removed from the picture) but I still feel like there should have been something. We came a little close with Shin getting close to being killed by the Scarlet family but Carla took care of it so easily that it just felt a bit... I don’t know, flat maybe?
And now onto my biggest bugbear of the route: how they handled things with Shin. 
First things first, I am fully aware that I am incredibly biased here and Carla fans, you may see no issues with this route at all and honestly, good on you, I’m glad you enjoyed it, but hopefully after the end of this post you’ll at least understand why I was a little upset.
Things started off really well on this front, I loved the scene where Carla starts to remember things, Shin cuts his arm and then says that seeing Carla kneeling in front of him makes him feel frustrated for some reason. I was pleased when Carla and Yui went to rescue Shin (and by extension Ruki) when they were being attacked by the Scarlet family and the angst when Carla and Yui saw Shin treating Ruki as his big brother. But it then just... went nowhere (well in the Euphoria ending anyway, I’ll get onto that Labyrinth ending later).
The writers threw in some token lines from Shin in chapter 15 sure, but did he get his memories back before they returned to the real world? No. Did we get any sort of scene between Shin and Carla after Shin had gotten his memories back? No. In the route to achieve the Euphoria ending could Shin have stopped existing from about chapter 12 onwards and it wouldn’t have changed anything? Honestly, yes. 
I genuinely don’t think this would have bothered me so much had it not been for two things: 1) how much of a big deal trying to return Carla’s memories was in Shin’s route (although I would never have really expected anything else) and 2) the fact that all of this Shin and Carla angst was dangled in front of my nose only for there to be no pay off whatsoever.
I know this route is meant to ultimately be about Carla and Yui, not Carla and Shin’s brotherly relationship but I can’t help but feel cheated that the little Carla and Shin content we did get never amounted to anything. There was no heated discussion/argument between the two of them, there was no exciting climax where Shin tried to kill Carla because he still had his fake memories. Hell, we didn’t even get a token scene at the end where the brothers finally both had their memories back; Shin was unconscious for the conversation with Socrates and then he never comes up again.
My main point here is that I don’t think it was a good decision to include all these bits about Shin being important to Carla and then to not do anything with it in the climax of the good ending.
I acknowledge that there was no big climax in Laito’s route with the triplets either but at the very least Kanato and Ayato got their memories back and made sure that Shu and Reiji didn’t kill Subaru while Laito and Yui were trying to find a way out of the miniature garden. Shin didn’t even do that much.
Now as for labyrinth ending, oh boy where do I even begin. Putting aside the fact that Shin getting infected with Endzeit is literally the one thing I never want to happen in the franchise, I wasn’t a fan of it at all. Part of my reason for not being a fan of this ending comes back to my point about Shin playing such a small role in the Euphoria ending version of chapter 15 that he could have been replaced by a mop and I don’t think anyone would have noticed. 
However my biggest issue is that we get no information on what’s actually happened to him in that ending.
For anyone unfamiliar with that ending, in the Labyrinth version of chapter 15 Shin tries to kill Yui before they reach the church (as he still hasn’t got his memories back) but Carla protects her and gets stabbed. Shin gets covered in Carla’s blood and because his wounds from earlier in the route haven’t healed yet, they suspect he’s gotten infect with Endzeit. As a result, Yui and Carla decide to stay in the miniature garden where time is effectively frozen rather than return to the real world and have Shin potentially die from Endzeit.
The actual ending is just Yui and Carla talking about whether they’ve made the right decision. They say Shin hasn’t shown any signs of Endzeit but did he get his memory back? Are they just keeping him locked in the dungeons so he doesn’t try to murder them both? Who knows.
I can’t help but feel that it was very unfair to have Shin used as a bad ending plot device and then cut him out of that ending too. 
Also I am calling complete bullshit on that line about Carla being able to suppress his symptoms. I get that Rejet are probably trying to hint to his DF ending where Yui’s blood is magically able to hold off Endzeit symptoms (which was retconed for LE but might be thing again now apparently?) but then why was there any hesitation from Yui over going back to the real world versus staying with Carla in the minature garden??? Like this makes no sense at all. Either Carla is dying from Endzeit or he isn’t, you can’t pick and choose within the route itself depending on what’s convenient.
Anyway I’m starting to rant which isn’t good, so I’ll bring an end to this post here. 
Do I think the route has its good points? Yes, absolutely, I think Carla fans who enjoy his softer side will have a great time playing it. Do I personally have some very specific problems with it which are likely related to the identity of my favorite character? Again, yes.
Anyway I’d be interested to know if anyone agrees with me or if I am just a Shin-obsessed mad woman. I’m going to go and listen to one of Shin’s drama CDs or something while I go and calm down. Hope you’re having a good day and thanks for reading :)
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kyouxa · 5 years
Diabolik lovers Chaos Lineage: Reiji Sakamaki (Story 13)
In terms of the gameplay: The black choices lead up to a bad ending, the white choices lead up to a good ending. Please no reposting onto other sites, ask me before translating this into another language too! I’m an amateur translator, but I hope you do enjoy it anyway!♡
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An unique chess match performed in the church.
Fortunately, it ended with a checkmate by me who became the queen piece.
Place: Outside — Church
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Yui: Checkmate... With this, we officially won the game.
Reiji: Yes, after all because you moved to the same square as Ruki, Orange truly lost this match.
Yui: (Because I moved to the same square as Ruki-kun, at the end...)
*Ruki comes closer*
Yui: Ruki-kun...
Ruki: No way, for Eve to defeat me like this... — It is really our loss.
Yui: Yes, we won. Sorry...
But, nobody got hurt and it was a really good match we had. Thank you for joining this battle.
Ruki: Even a compassion for the loser just makes the other person more miserable. You will dispose me anyways.
Reiji: That is not the true case. Even if I would plan on disposing you—
There still are two of my brothers in your household.
Kanato: Hah? Why are you looking at us?
Ayato: What are you talking about, shitty glasses!?
Reiji: I will start to explain it now. Yes, it is important for you too, Shu. Please listen to me as well.
Shu: What‘s that supposed to mean?
Yui: Reiji-san, by any chance...
Reiji: Yes, I will tell everyone now. All the informations that we have gathered together.
Since Ruki‘s memories are already shaking themselves, we may be able to fully trigger them.
Yui: I agree. If we tell them now, they might really remember...
Ruki: What are you talking about? Was it a condition that the loser is supposed to understand the winners mind now?
Do you pretend to be a hypocrite who goes around and tells people that he will save them?
Reiji: That is wrong. I am saying that I will be helpful for you. It is my freedom to handle the loser as I please after all.
And as you are now, you may be able to regain your true memories.
Ruki: Memories... ?
Reiji: Yes, I will start from the very beginning.
Place: Outside — Wide area
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Kino: Ah, they‘re already done by now. I was really hoping for them to fight a little more.
It would be boring to just stay here. But if I go back I’ll surely get caught by them...
Guess I’ll just hide myself until everything’s over. See you later, with my noisy older brother, Eve.
Well... just don’t think this will be the ending of everything already.
Place: Outside — Church
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Reiji: —Those are all the events that I and she have come to experience here. And, everyone’s original memories as well.
Yuma: You’re kidding me... Ruki is actually my big brother!?
Shu: So these guys are my brothers... ?
Ayato: The hell you‘re saying? Yours Truly can’t be related to someone like you!
Kanato: It’s already terrifying for me to only have four siblings, but now you‘re telling me we are six... that’s hell.
Shin: That story is surely just made up from him. It's not easy to rewrite anyone’s memories like that.
Yui: That's what I and Reiji-san thought about ourselves.
We both kept wondering what would the reason behind this mystery be.
But, we are definitely sure that it’s someone’s work. Everyone has messy memories and we are locked up in this space.
Because everyone is fighting, it surely must be someone else’s work.
Ruki: ... It really is hard to believe.
Reiji: I believe that you will not trust this right away. But, I want to do my best to make you believe in me.
To leave this space, we can not do this alone anymore. We need you to encourage us in our cooperation.
Yui: Ruki-kun... please.
Ruki: ...Alright.
Yui: Eh... !
Ruki: I was the one who got defeated. In addiction, there wouldn’t have been a point for you to hold into Eve, in other words, you bet your own life for her.
I might be able to understand the truth slowly. For now, we will cooperate.
Reiji: Thank you for your decision.
Yui: (Ruki-kun, he promised to cooperate... !)
Reiji: It is not what you probably expected, but it seems as if we have made a step forward.
Yui: Yes! Now you don't have to contend with everyone in Orange anymore.
Besides, if Ruki-kun and the others will follow you, it will be pretty reliable.
Reiji: Oh, it is just like I could not help myself alone anymore in this situation, that is all.
Yui: Eh... ? N-No... ! That's not the case!
Reiji: Fufu, I know. I just made fun of it.
Yui: Heh...
(But, I feel like the light has finally entered their minds once again. Reiji-san’s complexion is also getting brighter)
(If we continue to move forward step by step at a time, we surely will get out of here one day—)
???: This is certainly not proved.
Yui: Huh... ?
Shu: What is that voice...
???: Fight, seek and compete. Even though true love appeared in such a place like this—
Yuma: Who are ya!? Show yourself!
*bright light*
Yui: Kyaa!?
(What? It’s so bright... ngh!)
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Socrates: This is a very bad situation ... It is already at the point where I have to interrupt you.
Yui: A light... are you talking?
Reiji: Who are you?
Socrates: My name is Socrates. I am the person who created this space, and rewrote your memories.
Reiji: Socrates... !?
Yui: Do you know that thing?
Reiji: Y-Yes... if my memories are correct, this person is one of my fathers dearest acquaintances.
Yui: Karlheinz-sama!?
Ayato: ...Karlheinz... ?
Socrates: This was unexpected. I did not know there was someone knowing about my existence.
Reiji: Socrates... that name. You have been spying on us since we all were children.
One of our fathers greatest acquaintances... However, why are you showing such barbarous manners?
Yui: Ngh, that’s right... Did you really mess up our memories and trapped us in this space?
Socrates: Indeed.
Yui: No... that can’t be!
Socrates: I wanted to try it out. Adam is ascertained by my friend. Whether it is really appropriate or not.
Yui: Adam... ? Did Karlheinz-sama identify that?
Reiji: I can not guess what happened, but could it be that you might have lost confidence in my father's thoughts?
Socrates: No. I just did not believe his words. I could not accept it without any certain proof, so I made one myself.
Yui: Is that the reason why you rewrote everyone’s memories? We’re still fighting each other!
Socrates: This is all about the love between Adam and Eve. To try the bond of those both.
Yui: Love, Bond... ?
Socrates: I erased the love and jealousy between both of them. If they would lose it, would they fall in love with each other again?
I wanted to have it proved by myself. Therefore, everyone's memories were rewritten and locked in this place.
In this miniature garden, or more likely this space that looks like a chess board.
Yui: Proofing... because of that... ?
(This stupid proof, it may have caused someone to lose their life in this space ...!)
Reiji: If I put trust into your words, she Eve, and myself as Adam were your personal test objects.
Together we were able to regain our memories and share hands once again.
There is no need to try this anymore. Would you please, release everyone’s memories so they can return?
Socrates: I can not do that.
Reiji: Why is that?
Socrates: It is hard to say that the desired outcome is finished by just holding hands together. That is definitely not enough.
With the king, in other words Adam. Only once you excluded all the others, Eve‘s heart will be yours for eternity.
Nothing else is enough.
Yui: Exclude others... are you saying that we are supposed to kill everyone? That’s messed up, we can't do that!
Socrates: Then you should live in this miniature garden forever.
Yui: Such... !
Reiji: Unfortunately, there is no conflict anymore. We already have a cooperative relationship with the Orange family.
Violet, we will stop this family for whatever it takes as well.
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Socrates: Why would you do that? If you truly want to get out of this space, you just need to follow what I told you.
Just exclude all the others. Why do you hesitate to give an answer to that request?
Reiji: One thing to make everything disappear — I am aware of the stupidity behind that idea.
As a memory of my own past, I am firmly engraved in myself....
A similar tragedy from my past will not be repeated again. Even if you try to reluctant your will.
Yui: Reiji-san...
Socrates: ...So that is it. Is that really Adam's choice? I will respect that if it is.
But, this trials can not be interrupted.
Yui: Eh, after all... !
Socrates: As long as the last piece still remains on the board, or the rules are not broken...
This trial will never end. A miniature garden made like that. I can not release it that easily.
Yui: Such... !
Socrates: Never grieve again. Just keep fighting until the last piece disappears from the board.
If you refuse to kill each other, I might see myself forced to cut down the created flow.
It was me who supplied the supplies to live in this miniature garden in the first place. I might break this flow then.
Reiji: ...What was that?
Socrates: If you would run out of food, a human being as Eve will die, regardless of vampires and founders.
If you want to protect Eve, get rid of the others and become the only one surviving, Adam.
*bright light*
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Yui: Wha... !?
(The light from before... ngh... what is this...)
Reiji: Yui, come here! I will not leave you!
Yui: Y-Yes!
Ruki: Nh... aghhh!?
Yui: Ruki-kun!?
Reiji: Do not move for now!
Shu: Kch... what’s... that...
Ruki: Shit... Aghhhh!!
Yui: Everyone... !
(I can't see anything. What is going on!?)
(My consciousness... is fading... )
Place: Outside — Church
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Yui: N-Ngh...
(D-Did I faint? Everyone...)
(Oh, Reiji-san! I've been hugged by him all the time...)
Reiji: Uhh... what... ?
Yui: Are you okay?
Reiji: Yes, you seem safe as well... what about everyone else ...?
Yui: I don't know, I just woke up myself...
(Ngh, everyone has fallen. Did they faint as well? Or maybe—)
Reiji: Please wait. I will take a closer look.
Yui: Y-Yes...
*Reiji gets closer*
Reiji: ... It seems as if they have lost their consciousnesses as well. No one is dead.
After a while, they should wake up naturally once again.
Yui: Really? That’s good...
(Then what was the meaning behind the light before?)
That thing, Socrates-sama... That person himself is the one who locked us in here.
Reiji: Indeed. I never thought it would have been one of my fathers acquaintances.
He said that he is testing the bond between Adam and Eve. That means, we both are his personal test object.
And that person still needs to be convinced ...
Yui: Yes… he said that he wouldn’t be able to get us out of here, unless we exclude everyone.
1) — That's the only way (black)
2) — We can't do that (white) ♡ ♡ ♡
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— That‘s the only way
Yui: It seems to be the only way. If we do so, we can get out of this miniature garden...
Reiji: At least, it would show him to be completely satisfied with our doing.
Yui: Such...
Reiji: However, I do not think it is the best option.
— We can’t do that ♡
Yui: But, we can’t do that. We need to escape from here before we might lose everyone...
Reiji: I highly agree. I do not want to follow such a crude way.
There should be another way that he will agree with.
Yui: That’s right. I’m sure there must be something...
end Choices
Reiji: But, all about the masterminds plan is starting to become clearer which makes me feel a little relieved.
Yui: Eh? Why is that?
Reiji: Doing such a large-scale play ... It was something I could not have thought of anyone would do, except for my father.
Yui: Ah...
Reiji: If the mastermind really is my father, what would you think about me as brother if I left Shu behind because of it...
To me, you might be wondering about my answer, or maybe you already expect something like this...
Yui: Reiji-san...
(Surely, if Karlheinz-sama really plans on making Reiji-san do such a thing, he maybe...)
*Yui reaches Reiji's hand*
Reiji: Oh, what are you doing?
Yui: I really want to hold hands ...
Reiji: I am sorry. I might have made you worried while saying something extra.
Yui: That’s not it... but I thought it would calm the both of us down if we did that.
Whoever is trying to separate the both of us will never be able to steal our love for each other.
Reiji: This is... Right now I am supposed to be on the dark side, as I have been told to ...
*Reiji comes closer*
Reiji: Thank you very much. There was no need to worry about this topic in the first place.
You were the one who chose me. With that as fact, I will never let myself feel bad about this anymore.
Yui: Yes. After all Reiji-san is a wonderful person. That was guaranteed for me from the very beginning.
Reiji: I approached to say something. For you, I would defeat any enemy.
*Reiji kisses Yui*
Yui: Kyaa!?
Reiji: Thank you for your kind words. Besides, my education seems to be more fruitful, so that was a part of my celebration.
Yui: I-I’m happy, but don't kiss me so suddenly...
Reiji: My own pride will not allow me to stay comforted. Please allow me to counterattack you next time then.
Yui: B-But...
(I do like it when he kisses me, but it's embarrassing because my face turns red all of the sudden...)
(But, it was good that Reiji-san laughed at me because of my reaction)
Shu: Ughh...
Yui: Eh... Shu-san!?
Reiji: Shu!
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Shu: ... Be quiet. Don't scream at me, I just woke up ...
Reiji: Are you feeling bad?
Shu: I really do feel bad. Waking up is the worst after all ... I feel irritated ...
Reiji: It is not just your feeling, it seems to be your usual mood. Good grief, I really was worried for a moment.
Shu: I can't help it. It’s not like I can stay calm if an annoying old friend from our father appears.
That thing really annoyed me.
Yui: Eh? "An old friend"... ?
Reiji: You, do not tell me you remember...
Shu: Yes, I remember. I remembered all those nasty things.
Yui: Do you really remember everything... !?
Ruki: It’s not like he is the only one.
Yui: Ruki-kun!
Ruki: Apparently, it was the previous light. It might have been the power that woke me up.
If I recall everything, just what exactly was I doing... I was close to slash Yuma ...
Yui: Ruki-kun, you also remember. Is this...
Reiji: It seems to be true. That person... it is Socrates work.
The meaning of tampering us with our memories disappeared. That is why he decided to bring everyone’s memories back.
Yui: Then...
Ayato: Ugh... damn it... that old man! For him to do something like this to me!
This old man dares that!? Not with me, I want to break this guys bones right away!
*Kanato starts sobbing*
Kanato: Uhh ... that is too much. Because of Reiji my whole mind is wrapped up with this.
Once we finally get home, I will have to eat enough pudding to fill up the entire town.
Yui: Ayato and Kanato-kun... Do you remember everything as well?
Ayato: Hah? I didn��t listen to any of your crap.
The only thing I see right before me is a lowkey forgotten yet blurry face with weird looking glasses on.
Reiji: As soon as you remembered, you can not keep quiet. You got no courtesy, Ayato.
Ayato: Heh, it’s been a long time since I heard that coming out of your mouth.
Yui: (They all remembered ...)
We really... did it... Reiji-san!
*Yui hugs Reiji*
Reiji: Oh ... hey you, you could have hurt yourself running towards me like this.
Good grief, you really are a person with no specifications.
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I buried my face in Reiji-san‘s chest and turned my arms around his back.
I don't know if I'm happy or just relieved, but my tears won't stop flowing from my face.
Ayato-kun and the others are working with us for now, it just feels like the usual daily behavior we used to see in the Sakamaki family.
And surprisingly one by one—
Carla-san who did not want to stay here, had recovered his memories as well.
But I can't help but be happy about this situation. This is because the memory revision was considered as unnecessary.
There is no longer any need for anyone to become the king. Instead, Reiji-san was forced to make a certain choice.
If we want to get out of here, we must exclude everyone... Those words are echoing in my head—
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113 notes · View notes
otomehonyaku · 5 years
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Please do not reuse or post my translations elsewhere or translate my work into other languages without my permission.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
This is the ending you get for Ruki when you’ve chosen all BLACK dialogue options. I would say “enjoy” but............. this ending oh man...... press F to pay respects.........
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Yui: Ngh... (Huh... Where am I...? I thought I’d fled the church with Ruki...) Ah... Why...? Why was I sleeping here even though I thought we’d gotten out of the church? And Ruki... Where is Ruki!?
*church bell rings*
Yui: [startled] The church bell...? It scared me...
Reiji: So the seal has finally been broken. You’ve certainly made me wait for it.
Yui: Huh...?
Reiji: It might be a bit much to say that it is exactly as the legend goes... Well, alright.  Aside from you being in this church, there is no mistaking it.
Yui: Reiji...? Why are you here... (No, I’ve seen this before... Could this be—)
Kou: Ah, we were busted. I thought we’d hidden our presence well enough... Well hey, would you hand over Eve to us, please? Carla would like her, after all.
Yui: (There’s no doubt, it’s the same as back then—)
Ayato: You’re coming with me. There are no other options. I’ll treat you like a princess. Until I get tired of you, that is.
Yui: (This is the exact same situation as when I first woke up in this church...!) What is this...? Did something happen...? (Right, Ruki! I have to go to the Orange Mansion and meet with Ruki—)
Ruki: I see you’ve come home, Shin.
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Shin: Ah, Brother!
Yui: (Ruki...! Even this way of meeting is exactly the same.) (But I’m sure that Ruki, being Ruki, still has his memories—)
Ruki: ...Shin. That woman, is she the Legendary Eve?
Yui: Huh... (Does he... not remember...?) (That cold, piercing gaze. Were his memories distorted again...?) (Even though he went through so much trouble to get them back!) Why...? Why—!?
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Karl Heinz: I’ll make you relive your time in my sandbox world over and over again. Ruki, and Eve. Until you two overcome the trial.  However, even if I turn back time, your souls will remember that purpose. If you don’t get out of there quickly, your souls will gradually be destroyed as the days are repeated.  Even so... that might also be one of your fates. 
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Ruki: Rot in hell!
*Ruki slices through Yuma*
Yuma: [gurgles]
*Yuma falls down*
Yui: No... Yuma is...
*Yui runs up to Yuma*
Yui: Yuma! Hold on, Yuma! (Oh no... The blade sliced into his heart... Why, why is this happening?) (Before, this wouldn’t have happened... Did I mess up at some point?)
*high-pitched sound*
Ruki: [struggles]
Yui: Ruki!?
Ruki: [breathing heavily] Who... have I killed...? I can’t have... Yuma... Did I—
Yui: (His memories... Did they come back!?)
Ruki: ...I... Oh— [falls to his knees and screams]
Yui: Ruki, calm down! It’s not your fault! This is not your fault! You wouldn’t hurt a fly—!
*screen fades to white*
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Yui: Ah...! (I-Is this a dream? No, it’s not. This is—)
*church bell*
Yui: (It’s happening all over again...)
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Over and over, time was rewinded, and I woke up in the church. Why was I the only one who still remembered?
And again, Ruki, whose memories were still distorted, started from scratch. 
Sometimes, Ruki killed Kou and the others. 
Sometimes, Ruki lost his life.
Sometimes, I died.
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Even so, I still woke up in this church and everything started all over again. This never-ending battle.
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Ruki: [struggles]
Yui: Ruki, are you okay!? Hey, wake up!
Ruki: [breathes heavily] What was that just now...?
Yui: It’s okay. You just had a bad dream...
Ruki: A... dream? Are you sure...?
Yui: Huh...?
Ruki: I dreamt that I killed the Scarlet House’s Yuma with my own hands. The touch still lingers on my hands...
Yui: T-that’s...
Ruki: I also saw that I killed the Violet House’s Kou and Azusa... I was screaming as I bent over their corpses...
Yui: It was... a dream. It was all just a bad dream. (Ruki, who seems to have still lost his memories, nevertheless relives the past events in his dreams.) (Over and over, he sees those awful—)
Ruki: Are dreams supposed to be that vivid...? I watched the exact moment I killed them. And you were standing there, your eyes wide open, staring at me, and then—
Yui: Ruki!
*Yui embraces Ruki*
Yui: Let’s forget about it. It was all a bad dream. Whatever the case, it was all just a bad dream. 
Ruki: ...I see. Eve... You’re very caring, you know.
Yui: If it calms you down, I’ll hug you anytime.
Ruki: Okay... Thank you.  ...No, this can’t be.
Yui: Huh?
Ruki: Someday... This time, I’ll end up killing you... I don’t know why, but I can see it! You’d be lying down in a pool of blood—
Yui: [freezes]
Ruki: And I wouldn’t be able to bear it, so I would point the sword at my...
Yui: No, no! I don’t want to hear it! Let’s stop it now! It’s all a dream, a bad dream! Me waking up in the church, and being in this mansion is all just a dream! (So please, hurry and come to your senses!) (Before it’ll break us both.)
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Yui: (Please, someone... help us.)
48 notes · View notes
tournesolia · 5 years
Chaos Lineage Yuma Chapter 7 Translation
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Place : Scarlet mansion – Garden
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Yui : (There was no signs of his memories returning, in the end...)
(Ruki-kun is the key to unlock Yuma-kun's memories...)
(But what should I do to make Yuma-kun remember Ruki-kun ?)
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Yuma : Hey, don't just stand here holding the stick. 'Cause I need it as a support
Yui : Ah, yes, I got it !
Yuma : That's fine then. Hm ? We can harvest the cherry tomatoes over here now
We can use them for salad or soup. What do you think ?
Yui : Yes, you're right. They're ripe and look delicious so I think it'll be good
… ? What's the matter, Yuma-kun ?
Yuma : Hey... The one who's always cooking at home is Reiji, right ?
Yui : Eh ? I heard this is the case but... Is it wrong ?
Yuma : No, it's not wrong but I'm somewhat suspicious. Like there was someone else who cook...
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Yui : (Is he talking about Ruki-kun from the time they were at the Mukami house ?)
(He shows many signs of remembering, and yet... He doesn't remember at all)
(What should I do ? What should I do to get Yuma-kun back to normal ?)
(I feel like it would be too limited to make him remember by sucking my blood. But what else can I do...?)
Yuma : What's with that annoyed look ? C'mon, eat that !
*Yuma shoves a cherry tomato into Yui's mouth
Yui : Hmph... !?
Yuma : Haha... What a weird look. It's a freshly picked cherry tomato. Good, huh ?
Yui : Hm, it's delicious but... You surprised me by shoving it into my mouth so suddenly
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Yuma : Aah ? I made you eat a vegetable I raised. You should say “Thank you very much”
Yui : Geez... Thank you very much
(It's as if we came back at the times when we were lovers)
(It would be easier to spend time together without thinking of anything. But...)
(I can't stand still. I'll definitely try to get your memories back, Yuma-kun...)
Scene change : Scarlet mansion – Living room and dining room
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Kino : Huh ? Where are Yuma and Eve ?
Reiji : It seems they're at the garden
Kino : Are they working in the fields again ? What's fun about covering yourself with mud ?
Reiji : They harvest valuable food in the vegetable garden. As long as there's no disturbing movements, you should let them do what they want
Shu : Anyway, Yuma is getting along with that weird woman--
… ! Reiji, Kino, lie down !!
Reiji : … !?
*loud noise
Reiji : … ! This is... !
Kino : Heeh, what a devastating entrance
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Shin : Good evening. So... Hand Eve over to us
Reiji : The Oranges... So you came
This is convenient for me. Now that the Violets are sealed away, you are the only ones left
Shin : That's my line. It hasn't been decided you'll become the supreme ruler yet, you know ?
So... Let's start this fun fight
*swords colliding
Scene change : Scarlet mansion – Garden
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Yuma : !? What's that noise ? It's coming from the mansion... ?
Yui : Don't tell me... we're attacked... ?
Yuma : Shit... Let's go check !
Yui : Y-Yes... !
Scene change : Scarlet mansion – Corridor
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Yui : What is this... ?
(The mansion is messed up... Is everyone alright !?)
Yuma : The Oranges came to attack us...
Yui : Where are Shu-san and the others !?
Yuma : Those guys won't die so easily. I'll go join them quick ! You go hide somewhere !
Yui : B-But...
Yuma : No buts. You can't fight, right !?
You'll just end up breaking that stick you've been swinging around !
Yui : (Ah... ! I took it with me from the vegetable garden)
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Yuma : Go hide yourself in an empty room. I'll beat the shit out of those guys right now !
??? : And you think I would let you do that ?
Yui : (… !)
Yuma : Tch... He's already coming
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Ruki : I found you, Eve. You will come with us
*Ruki pulls out his sword
Yui : Ruki-kun...
(There's not a change in his manner of speaking and behaviour. This is the Ruki-kun I know. But--)
(His eyes are as cold as ice. Much more than his blade pointing at us...)
Yuma : We can't run away from that guy, huh...
Ruki : Hand Eve over obediently
Yuma : Hah... Hell no ! Try to steal her by force if you can !
*Yuma pulls out his sword
Yui : No, Yuma-kun ! Don't point your sword at Ruki-kun !
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Yuma : Don't worry. I'm not gonna lose to that self-loving bastard
Yui : (No way, it's different from that time with Kou-kun and Azusa-kun... He shows no signs of remembering at all !)
Ruki : Your bark is bigger than your bite. With my power, I will immediately slice you off
Yuma : That's my line. I won't hold back. TAAAAAAAH !
*Yuma charges at Ruki and Ruki blocks the hit
Yuma : Hah, what's wrong ? Stopping the blow with all your might !?
Ruki : … Nothing, I was a little lost in thought
Yuma : What the heck ? Don't play it so damn cool !
*they attack again. Yuma gets injured
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Ruki : Heh, what coarse movements
Yui : No, you two... Stop... !!
Yuma : Stay back !
Yui : But... !
(Real swords... Real blades... They can inflige a fatal wound to your opponent)
(That's why it's wrong for the two of them to fight each other...!)
*sword colliding
Ruki : What's the matter ? Your movements are slow
Yuma : Move your arms instead of your mouth !
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Yui : (My words don't reach them. I can't come between them. I can't stop them anymore...)
(Can I just watch one of them fall...?)
Ruki : … How naive
*sword colliding
Ruki : You're like a beast. You only use brute force, there's not any strategies
Yuma : Oh, shut up ! You cocky snobby bastard !
Ruki : It is said the beast that specializes in hunting pray has an excellent front vision. However--
At this rate, the dead angles are generated in the rear parts... Look at Eve behind you
Yuma : Haaa !?
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Yui : Yuma-kun, no !!
(He's looking back at me--)
Ruki : As expected, you are a beast that can't think straight
Yuma : Wha... !
*Ruki attackes Yuma and injures him
Yuma : Guh... !
Yui : (Yuma-kun dropped his sword...!)
Ruki : The game is over. Give up, now
Yuma : A foul play, huh... You're acting like a coward !
Don't fuck with m-- Guuh...
Again... at such a time... !
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Yui : (Yuma-kun ? Don't tell me it's the dizziness !?)
Ruki : This ends here
Yui : N... NOOOOOOO !!
*Yui runs to get between them
Yuma : Wha... !
Yui : N-No more... Stop it !!
Ruki : … I never thought you would jump out in front of me
However, this is reckless. You think you can stop me with that stick ?
Yui : Ruki-kun... stop it now !
I don't want Yuma-kun to die... I don't want him to get hurt !
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Yuma : … You...
Ruki : What a foolish thing... It is our fate to fight each other to get you, Eve
Yui : That's wrong ! Please, listen... !
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Choice 1 : Tell them they're brothers (white roses)
Yui : Yuma-kun is your precious brother !
Ruki : My brother... ?
Yui : You all have your memories altered ! In reality, you're brothers !
Yuma : Idiot... What are you saying at such a time... !?
Yui : It's because this is the time ! If you fight and hurt each other... you will surely regret it !
Choice 2 : Tell them their memories have been altered (black roses)
Yui : You all have your memories altered ! Don't you recall something when you look at Yuma-kun ? Please, remember !
Ruki : Are you trying to buy time ? If that's the case, you failed
If you appear to waste my time with your thoughless remarks, I can only say this is pathetic
Yui : But... !
Yuma : Idiot, what the hell are you doing !? Get back !
– End of choices
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Ruki : Eve, get out of the way. In order to become the supreme ruler, I can't just kill you
However, if you keep getting in my way, I will have to take appropriate measures
Yui : (… ! He's pointing his sword at me...)
(My body shrinks just by looking into Ruki-kun's eyes... My legs are shaking)
(But, nethertheless--)
I-I... won't move out of the way. I won't move, no matter what...
Yuma : … ! Why...
Yui : Please, both of you, remember. You used to have meals together...
Yuma-kun harvested vegetables with me... And when we returned to the living room, Kou-kun, Azusa-kun and Ruki-kun were here...
Yuma : Living room... ? Kou, Azusa and Ruki... ?
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Ruki : I'm afraid to say I don't remember sitting around the same table as that man
Yui : But I do remember. Even if you all forgot, I absolutely didn't
I won't let you pretend like nothing happened... I can't afford to lose that bond you two... no, you four share !
Yuma : … Us four...
… !? Uuh... Gaaah... !
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Kou : You're late, Yuma-kun. I'm starving !
Yuma : If you're that hungry, help me out !
Azusa : Eve, I'll carry the basket as well...
Yui : Thank you, Azusa-kun
Yuma : Heeey, let's make vegetable soup today !
??? : Yes, this isn't bad. You're always helping... Yuma
*end of flashback
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Yuma : Who... ? Who is that ? I was sure he sat there...
Yui : Yuma-kun... ?
Ruki : What... ?
Yuma : Who is that !? How did he know my name !? Damn it... !
Why can't I remember !!?
Ruki : I have no idea what you're shouting, but...
It is foolish to fall to your knees in front of the enemy... Yuma
*white flash
Yuma : … !
Yui : Yuma-kun !?
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Ruki : … Did he go mad ? Whatever, if I get my hands on Eve, I will be done with everything else
Yui : N... No ! I won't let you get any closer to Yuma-kun !!
Ruki : So you still stand in the way. I didn't want to do it at first, but... you leave me no choice
I will hurt you to the extent that you won't die
Yui : … Ah...
(He's coming. If I get cut--)
(Is this over ? At this rate...)
*Yui closes her eyes
Yui : (…!)
(… ? I'm... not hurt...?)
*Yui opens her eyes
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Yui : Yu... Yuma-kun !?
(His hand is bleeding...!)
Ruki : Kuh... I can't believe you stopped it with your bare hand. Have you lost your mind ?
Yuma : You're the one... who lost your mind, Ruki...
Ruki : What ?
Yuma : What are hell are you doing... ?
What were you trying to do !? Who were you trying to kill !?
Do you know who's right here !!?
Yui : Yuma... kun... ?
Ruki : It's needless to say. The Eve of tradition. Is there any other answer ?
Yuma : Of course there is... She's surely Eve. But not in that way...
Cut it out and open your eyes !!
*Yuma punches Ruki
Ruki : Guh !?
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Yui : (Yuma-kun... hit Ruki-kun...)
Yuma : What the hell is wrong with you, Ruki ? What happened ?
And it's not just you, me as well. We were almost about to lose our important ones...
What the fuck is happening !? Damn it !!
Yui : Yuma-kun... Have you by any chance--
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Reiji : This ends now
Yui : Reiji-san ! Kino-san and Shu-san... !
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Ruki : … You guys...
Shin : Sorry, big brother... We screwed up...
Reiji : The situation is has he said. You're the only one left. Will you still try to struggle ?
Of course, I cannot guarantee their survival in that case
Ayato : Shit ! You wicked-glasses ! Let me go !
Shin : Big brother, Eve's more important than us ! Kill them all and steal Eve !
Ruki : … Don't say such foolish things
Yui : (He dropped his sword...)
Shin : Big brother... No way...
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Ruki : This is my decision. I won't allow any rebuttal from you guys
Yui : Ruki-kun...
Reiji : A wise decision
Ruki : Let me say this in advance. I'm the one holding informations amongst the Oranges. The others won't talk
However, I won't open my mouth at all if a single one of my brothers is missing
Reiji : A negociation this late in the game ? “Don't lay a hand on my brothers”, you say... Well, I'm fine with it
Let us all guide these people to the dungeon. Eve, treat Yuma's wounds
Yui : Y-Yes... !
(For Ruki-kun to follow Reiji-san's orders and go to the dungeon...)
(In order for Shin-kun, Ayato-kun and Kanato-kun, who he sees as his brothers, to not get killed...)
*Ruki leaves
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Yuma : Hey, wait ! I said wait ! Ruki !!
Ruki : …
*Reiji, Kino and Shu leaves with the other oranges
Yuma : … Ruki...
Yui : … Yuma-kun, we have to treat your hand's wound... What a terrible injury
I'm sorry... You did it to protect me...
Yuma : … That doesn't count as an injury. I'm a vampire. It will immediately heal
Yui : Yes...
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Yuma : I was more miserable when I lived in the slums. And when I was at the orphanage that looked like a piece of trash
Yui : … Eh... ?
Yuma : I got shot once and was dying. So those wounds don't hurt or itch that much
More importantly--
*Yuma hugs Yui very tightly
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Yui : … I-It hurts...
Yuma : … Sorry. I only gave you a rough time
Yui : … !
(I'm not imagining things, right ? Could it be his memories really...?)
D-Do you remember... me... ?
Yuma : Yeah, I remember
I've been late... Yui
Yui : Ah...
(His memories... His memories returned...)
… Yuma-kun
Yuma-kun !!
*Yui hugs Yuma
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Yuma : Woops... Hey, you jumped at me like a dog
Yui : It's because... because you finally remember...
I'm so glad... really...
(My vision is blurred, I can't see well. I have to stop the tears... I have so many things to tell him)
Yuma : It's fine if you cry now. I made you cry after all
*licks... As expected, your tears are salty. Even if there are moments they taste sweet
Yui : You really remembered everything ?
Yuma : I do. I remember you, I remember my real brothers
… You always supported me alone, when I lost my memories...
I won't lose my memories again. I won't make you cry either
I swear it here and now. *kisses her
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Our overlapped lips tasted like tears.
The emotions I held back up until now
spilled like a torrent.
Still, Yuma-kun hugged me as if
he accepted everything.
With his gentle kiss and
his arms wrapping me softly,
I was incredibly relieved.
Yuma-kun's large body kept
enveloping me all the time,
while I couldn't help sobbing--
Chapter 7 : End
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diabolikpersonals · 7 years
Like, what do you think of them generally?
alright alright alright alright alright thank u for the opportunity to talk about diaboys!!! I appreciate it ! under a read more bc I ranted forever
My first exposure to dialovers was the anime so my first impression towards Laito was like “oh, he’s the flirty one - oh shit he’s banging her in a church, you cant do that, thats nuts lol” but as I got more into the games, Laito became SO IMPORTANT TO ME??? especially like his relationships, w/ ALL the characters like his brothers and yui and the other families and everything! I especially love learning more about his relationship with Ayato and Kanato because it’s so dang complex. His feelings towards his triplet bros is really complicated because he loves them and you know he loves them but his trauma w/ his mom sort of fucks it all up so he’s got like this genuinely nice and kind and loving personality fighting against this trauma and warped view of the concepts of love and family that Cordelia gave him, and what you get is, “I love my family and I hope they die” and throughout the games u learn more about the reasons why he has those world views and it’s SO GOOD Laito is such a well thought-out character!?! As a writer Laito delights me but as a fan, his whole deal makes me so dang sad djhfghjdkdfd
That’s why I was so fucking satisfied w/ Laito in the Laito vs Shin cd because you got a bunch of the darker stuff surrounding him (his tendency to push people off of buildings, that FUCKING VOICE DROP he does when he’s genuinely mad) and Laito was like...he was SCARY. And he was scaring YUI and he was scaring HIMSELF, too, which made me so sad!! Laito was like crying and punching walls and being like “why am I acting like this??” and it fuckin broke my heart dude. He’s a genuinely good person, he’s so wonderful, but he’s recovering from some really really nasty stuff. So that cd really gave me a sense of like, “Man, Laito hates this just as much as I do.” It makes me want to...idk...it makes me want to give him more opportunities to be good. He really is good!!!
As for my first impression, I think Kanato turned me off right away because I could instantly recognize all the tropes they were gonna use when they were designing him. You can look at him and tell that he’s gonna be the ~yandere~ character (I hate using that word but u know what tropes I’m talking about). As soon as they showed him eating a bunch of sweets I was like “yep.” When they showed us his room full of wax dolls, I was like “uh huh, that seems about right.” And then he yelled a lot and tried to stab Yui for making him french toast or whatever and I was like “ok.........I’ll go start ayato’s route” u know??? just super not my type, and the Kanato vs Azusa cd was torture because Azusa’s so soft-spoken but Kanato’s always yelling at the top of his lungs. I had to keep messing with the volume and it bugged me.
I think I would like Kanato a lot more if he...had a...friend. I think rejet kinda realized that he needed one and they had that in mind when they were introducing Azusa, but that ended up being a pretty bad failure I think. Kanato doesn’t really get along with anyone and he’s pretty open about admitting that he doesn’t like anyone particularly well. I’m glad to see him starting to love Yui genuinely but...idk I feel like every other diaboy has another diaboy(s) that he gets along with really well and it’s always nice to see them acting friendly and even encouraging each other sometimes! Kanato doesn’t really have that kind of relationship with anyone. When Ayato tried to reach out and apologize in LE, Kanato was like “lol kill yourself” and I was actually so fuckin mad at him, I was like “boy if you don’t fix that attitude of yours-”..........I guess I just wish that he had more character development by this point. That scene really hurt.
Basically the WORST first impression ever...my first Ruki scene that I ever saw was when he broke the cat’s neck and I was so pissed. I was like “immediately fuck this guy” and he became my least favorite character right away. And on top of that he was really elitist and one of those jerk intellectuals “ohhh solve this puzzle or STAY OUT THERE IN THE COLD you big dumb idiot. im smart and you’re not” and I was like FUCK this guy, how does yuma put up with him with HIS backstory?
But I hella warmed up to him during MB, like especially during Reiji’s route where Ruki was like “...uh...okay” the whole time jhdghdj that shit was hilarious. Ruki started feeling really real. And I think that like...hm...like if Laito is a genuinely good person surrounded by bad influence, Ruki is the opposite - he’s a bad personality surrounded by good influence. Ruki’s a jerk and he’s been a jerk his whole life but he has these wonderful brothers who love him so much and this lovely angel Yui and he’s just got all these good people who look up to him and he has to be good. This little asshole kid who treated all his servants like shit is now cooking dinner for his three adoptive brothers every day and they love him so much and they love him so much. It’s so fucking satisfying. I love seeing him supporting his brothers even though it conflicts with his personality and his main drive, like letting Kou run away with Yui even though Kou couldn’t become Adam. Ruki’s most important thing in MB was making one of the Mukamis become Adam but he gave that up to let Kou be happy. That shit is so important. Ruki was such a fuckin turnaround for me, I hated him at first but now I love the hell out of him and what he represents for the Mukamis.
Kou is great!! I think he’s affected lots of characters in really positive ways, and he’s been affected in positive ways by different characters and it’s really nice to see. For sure he’s still got that trauma from his past but I really appreciate that Kou is in an environment that doesn’t have a lot of reminders of the bad stuff from his childhood. Like, how Kou was sought after for being such a beautiful child, and how he was trapped in a dark place for such a long time. There’s none of that shit when he lives with the Mukamis. Rejet could’ve easily put in tons of haunting reminders about Kou’s whole “too beautiful for his own good” thing but whenever he gets complimented, it’s usually for something different. Azusa will talk about how talented and amazing he is, and Kino’ll be like “idol clothes are pretty nuts huh? lol” and Ruki will be like “you’re working properly after all” and I fuckin love that shit...They could’ve made it so dang hard for Kou, but no, he’s in a much happier place now. He’s nice and comfortable being with these people. That makes me feel relieved lol
I already talked about how he helped Ruki but I think the most important relationship with a diaboy that he has is SUBARUUUUU cuz like, when you look at Subaru’s route you’re like “oh he definitely needs a friend, I’m glad he has a gf but he was so dang lonely and self-deprecating that he DEFINITELY just needs a genuine good friend” and then Kou showed up and he was like “guess what subaru? we’re gonna be friends, I’ve decided” and subaru was like “???” and MB happened and by the end of it Subaru was like “I took everything you said really seriously and I do want to be friends with you..............im not gonna say it out loud tho. let’s just shake hands ok” and I was like AW HECK YEAH!!!!! And then you keep seeing nice little reminders that they’re friends in other games, like in either LP or VC (Im sorry I literally cannot tell these two games apart) they were picking out hair accessories together for Yui, and in the Subaru vs Kou cd, Kou asks Subaru at the end if he had fun, and in LE Kou gave Subaru that pep talk and made Subaru laugh, and Subaru was like “Kou if I’m gonna die then I want you to kill me” and Kou was like “But I don’t want you to die!” and Subaru was like “you dont??? you actually care? about ME???” ITS SO FUCKING GOOD DUDE Subaru needed Kou so badly. Thank god for Kou honestly
It was weird like...I was so mad at him during certain routes but I could never actually dislike him. It’s because he’s so dang funny tbh. He literally killed some of my favorite characters but then he would say a funny line and I’d be like “haha, I’m glad kino is here!” like it’s almost scary how charismatic he is towards both the other characters and to me, the player. He asked nicely if he could kill Shu and Shu was like “ok, sure.” Kino is hands down my fav villain because of this. Especially because you can really tell that deep down he wants to be a real member of the Sakamaki family and like he genuinely wants to be friends with people like Yuma and Kou, and he’s got the whole villain-turned-awkward-family-member trope which I LOVE. Like especially in that drama cd where he was like “I never get to go to school so I want to do home ec with you guys! Let’s make donuts!” and Kou was like “ok!!!” and kou tries to be super positive and encouraging the whole time even though Kino was actually secretly plotting to blow the place up. Kino looks like an idiot but he’s a genius tbh
and and and and and and I want him to kiss yuri. I think yuri is super in love w/ kino too, despite the fact that he’s. annoying. thats all I got dhgfdjskj...I love the childhood-friends-to-lovers trope so fuckin much
hey carla fuck you
I was really mad at him for his actions in DF mostly ^^; And tbh it’s really hypocritical because it was a group effort between both of the Tsukinamis, but I ended up loving Shin and hating Carla. Kino also did similar bad stuff to Carla, but I ended up loving him while hating Carla. So, why?
Well here’s fuckin why. Shin and Kino are cute & funny. They have their nice little payoff moments - maybe Shin hurt one of my favorite characters, but then you get to see how bubbly and energetic he gets around his big brother. He was walking one of his wolves around christmas time while wearing a red jacket and a random kid approached him thinking he was santa claus. That’s adorable! For a long time, Carla didn’t have anything like that. And he was a jerk to absolutely everyone, including Shin, who was so dang devoted to him!! Like remember in the DF cds where he was like “hey shin, the plan is we suck her blood until she’s purified from the vampires” and shins like “ok nii-san got it” and he started sucking her blood, exactly like he was ordered to, and then carla came in and STABBED HIM and was like “hey dont touch my property” like SERIOUSLY WHAT THE FUCK CARLA U TOLD HIM TO DO IT IN THE FIRST PLACE!!! IT WAS THE PLAN
And he fucked Ayato up real bad in DF so I was so mad...;; I only recently started forgiving him once diatwitter and LE started up. Diatwitter let us see his cute old grandpa side where he fuckin wanders around amusement parks by himself like some kind of cryptid and kou keeps being like “wait was that carla? what the heck??” and LE gave us some pretty nice stuff like carla being like “ur definitely my brother, shin” so...carla is ok I guess...but then again LE also gave us some bad carla moments like “if ur not actually a founder then u lied to me and im gonna kill u” so basically uh?? carla’s just a jerk I think. I’m warming up to him at a snail’s pace but he’s still a jerk. sucks about the endzeit tho, I hope he’s like permanently ok now
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pinkcaseotakadl · 7 years
Diabolik lovers Dark Fate: Carla Tsukinami [Maniac 6] ~translation|traducción |tradução~
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Dark: prólogo-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-epílogo. Maniac: prólogo-1-2-3-4-5
Place: Special Classroom.
Carla: ... ... ... ...
Yui: (Since a moment ago that Carla-san is... giving an aura that scares, why is it? Maybe it's my imagination?) Yui: (He scares, but... this time it's some different, it seems like he's angry...) Yui: (Maybe is he irritated about something?) Carla: What's wrong? If you want to say something, do not stay quiet and say it. Yui: Umm... Can I go to return this book to the library? I've finished reading it... Carla: The Familiars will return it. Yui: B-but... Carla: What? Yui: I wanted to bring some new books...
Carla: ... ... ... ...   Yui: P-please... Carla: Hurry up and go. Yui: Can I!? Carla: You are annoying. You wanted my permission, right? Do you want me to change my mind? Yui: No, I'll go right now! Yui: (I have to hurry up and got there... let's see, this and... this... well, I'm ready...) Yui: I'll go right now!!
*Yui hurries and goes to the library*
Carla: (...Mm? What is it...? A book of that woman? That idiot. Maybe she forgot it?) Carla: ...Oí---
*Carla calls a familiar*
Familiar: Carla-sama. Called me? Carla: No, it's nothing.
*Carla stands up* Oh uh...
Familiar: Where are you going? Carla: I'll be right back. Carla: (Since it's been a while, I will also look for a book) Carla: (Although these marks won't disappear...) Carla: --I will also carry this book.
*Screen fades to black*
Place: Library's side.
Yui: (...As I thought, Merz-san isn't here today...) Yui: (I've thought about many things... I can't hide that conversation to Merz-san) Yui: (I don't know what could happen to him if they use him as a bait, maybe they could take out his another eye...) Yui: (If somebody has to sacrifice something...) Yui: (I myself understand that this is dangerous for me too... but...) Yui: (I can't pretend that everything is fine and not say anything to Merz-san...) Yui: ---This is bad, it's almost rest time's end... I'll go back. Yui: (I haven't seen Merz-san since Shin-kun treated him so cruelly...) Yui: (I thought he would be here)
*BItch-MERZ-san is here*
Merz: ---Please wait. Yui: Ah! Merz-san...! I'm glad! I thought today you wouldn't come here. Merz: --Haven't you heard about something else? Yui: Ah, yes. The truth is---
Merz: Will they use me as a bait...? Yui: Yes, that's... so it would be better if you don't go closer than this to them... Yui: I understand that you're angry with them, but I don't know what they could do to you this time Merz: But, that means that you would go in my place. Yui: I--- Yui: (After all, it doesn't matter where I go, they will continue to drink my blood, since that is the only thing they want from me...) Yui: (...Maybe I'm already resigned? .. I don't know...) Merz: Are you going to tell me that you don't care? Yui: I haven't completely resigned... but I'm very scared. Yui: They always are telling me I'm a container of blood, and they just drink me... Yui: Besides, they are planning to use my blood for something... Merz: Blood container...? What does that mean? Yui: I don't know... it could mean that I have special blood. Merz: ... ... ... ... Yui: Anyway, I may be necessary to them. So--- Merz: There is no way I can abandon you. Please do not worry about me. Yui: B-but...! Merz: Everything is fine. I have to take my revenge. That is my wish and my mission. Merz: Besides, I'm a vampire. I am stubborn. Merz: I will not die that easy. Yui: ... ... ... ... Merz: ...You are a very kind person.
Yui: Uh...? Merz: When I look at you... somehow--
*Merz gets closer*
Yui: M-merz-san...!? Yui: (...Somehow it's scary... what happened to him suddenly...?) Merz: ---My lovely dear... Please wait for me. I'll definitely... Yui: ... ...! L-let me go!
*Yui pushes him away* [YES, THAT'S THE ACTITUDE!]
Yui: I-I'm sorry...! I... have to return... bye! Merz: ...Wait please! Yui: BYE...!!  
*Yui runs away*
Place: Library.
Yui: (...What the hell was that? ''My lovely dear''...What did that mean...!?) Yui: (I thought Merz-san was a good person... but maybe--) Yui: Haa, haa... Yui: (My heart is beating very fast...  it surely was because I was surprised...) ???: Oí. Yui: ... ...!? Carla: Where you were?
*Carla gets closer to Yui*
Yui: Ah. I was... around there...   Carla: Around there? Yui: Yes, Umm... Yui: (What should I do? I actually can't lie to this person. But if he discovered Merz-san then Merz-san would be in trouble...) Yui: More important, why is Carla-san here? Carla: *BLUSHES* I had free time. But you have not answered my question.
Yui: Emmm... You recently talked about philosophy books... so I was looking for some... Carla: Hoo...
*Carla gets closer*
Yui: (What should I do, Carla-san is getting closer. And a moment ago... I... was with Merz-san...)
Yui: ... ...!! Carla: Smell. Yui: W... what s-smell...? Carla: Do not play the fool!
*Screen shakes and music changes*
Yui: Kya...!! Carla: I see. So it was that. You used the pretext of going to read the books.
*Carla strangles Yui*
Yui: ...Ugh!! Yui: (It's painful... he's strangling me...!) Carla: You are an intelligent woman... Carla: From the beginning you knew that I liked books, right? And you took advantage of that... Carla: Did you hear that about Shin? You waited for an opportunity to take advantage of my sympathy to got alone. Carla: --And you did all of this just in order to meet in secret with a vampire... Yui: Y-you're wrong...! Yui: (What should I do... it has become a misunderstanding...!)
*Carla strangles Yui harder*
Carla: I was the fool for had letting down my guard around a woman. Carla: Women don't have strength, so they use lies to trick people... and make fun of them. Carla: ---Such a thing like I was cheated by you... Yui: ... ... Carla: Say it. Who is. A Sakamaki? A Mukami? ...Or maybe both? Yui: You're wrong...! Yui: (What should I do to you to believe me? Anyway... I won't talk about Merz-san thought...) Carla: You're telling me I'm wrong? Then this smell... How do you explain this vampire smell!? Yui: That is...
CHOICES: 1. Cry (Nop) 2. Apologize. (Love, love~)
Yui: I'm sorry... I know it's useless to apologize, but I never met to them... Yui: I have not seen any of the guys. Yui: Besides, from the beginning I had no intention of sympathizing with Carla-san...! [OUCH] Carla: Hoo. Then how do you explain this smell? Carla: If you have not met any vampire, then tell me why do you smell so bad. Yui: That's... Yui: (What should I do... it's impossible for me to tell him the truth...) Carla: So you will not say who you were seeing with. You will defend him, huh. Carla: Well, that's understandable. Because when I find out which vampire is, I will kill him. Carla: I will not forgive anyone who go against a Founder. And of course... I will not forgive you either---
*Screen shakes*
Yui: Ughh...!! Carla: It is very pathetic. Such a man who even has no value tried take you away from me... Carla: It seems that the man you meet secretly is afraid of me... Carla: The fact that you have returned here is the proof of it... Carla: Leaving his smell on you was naive. Carla: It seems that your lover is a very foolish man without any intelligence. Yui: ... ... Carla: Now, tell me. Who is. Yui: T-that... I won't say it... Carla: --I see. It seems that there is no other option than to make it come out through your body. Carla: So you will know to who you belong to... Carla: *In the ear* And for you to understand that disobedience is not acceptable... Yui: Uhhg... Yui: (Someone...  help me... ... ... ...)
*Carla rips Yui's clothes*
Carla: Hahaha... Nn, this nasty smell flames my hate. Carla: This is not bad at all. Carla: This body and blood that you've given happily given to a vampire... Carla: I'm going to play with both as if you were a tool... *He bites her* Nnn... !! Yui: Ahh... it...hur...ts...! Carla: Nnn... Mm...Nn... Haaa... Mm... Yui: S..to...p... Yui: (He's... biting my neck... I can't breathe---) Carla: I will not hear anything you tell me again. Carla: You will not go outside either,  as my blood container... I will keep you in one place and then kill you. Yui: HAa....Ugh... Carla: You will not see that man again. Yui: ... ... Yui: (Why is something like this happening...? At this rate... I'm already...) Carla: Cry. Scream... but I will never forgive you. Yui: (Aah, I just can't...)
*Yui faints*
Carla: She fainted, huh.... Ch. What a problem... Yui: ... ... ... ... Carla: (But... why am I so angry? I'm actually angry because I was cheated...) Carla: (But getting angry up to this point...) Carla: !... ...
Carla: (Right, this feeling... It's disappointment. the feelings that I felt because of father... that moment...) Carla: (That means that I trusted this woman...?) Carla: What a nonsense... there's no way. Carla: --I am the king of the Founders... There's no way that I feel...
-Yui's monologue-
Carla-san discovered my secret meetings with Merz-san.
Carla-san thought I was seeing Sakamaki and Mukami vampires.
But their names weren't come out of my mouth. And of course, I won't say the name of Merz-san either. Merz-san spoke to me with confidence. I can't betray him.
If I would do that I couldn't forgive myself. It's something that as a person I can't do.
I can only keep silence, and appease Carla-san's anger.
-Monologue's end-
Right words: ''as person'' y ''seeing''.
Lugar: Salón de clases especiales.
Carla: ... ... ... ... Yui: (Desde hace un momento Carla-san... da una sensación de completo miedo, por qué será? Tal vez es mi imaginación?) Yui: (Antes también daba miedo pero... esta vez es un poco diferente. Parece que esta enojado...) Yui: (Estará molesto por algo?) Carla: Qué sucede? Si quieres decir algo no te quedes callada y dilo. Yui: Esto... puedo ir a devolver este libro a la biblioteca? Ya he terminado de leerlo... Carla: Los familiares lo llevarán. Yui: P-pero... Carla: *enojado?* Qué? Yui: Quería traer algunos libros más...
Carla: ... ... ... ...    (GRRR) Yui: P-por favor... Carla: Date prisa y vete. Yui: Puedo!? (Antes de que cambie de opinión, run!) Carla: Eres molesta. Querías mi permiso, no es así? Quieres que cambie de opinión? Yui: No, iré ahora mismo!! Yui: (Tengo que darme prisa e ir... veamos, este y... este... bien, todo listo...) Yui: Iré justo ahora!!
*Yui corre*
Carla: (...Mm? Qué es esto...? Un libro que aquella mujer trajo? Que idiota. Tal vez se lo olvidó?.) Carla: ...Oí---
*Magia* (Suena a brillitos magicos :Q___)
Familia: Carla-sama. Me ha llamado? Carla: No, no es nada.
*Carla se levanta* Oh uh...
Familiar: A donde se dirige? Carla: Volveré en seguida. Carla: (Ya que ha pasado un tiempo, yo también buscaré un libro) Carla: (Aunque estas marcas no van a desaparecer...) Carla: --De paso también llevaré este libro.
Lugar: Otro lado de la biblioteca.
Yui: (...Como lo pensé, Merz-san no esta aquí hoy...) Yui: (He pensado en muchas cosas... pero no puedo ocultarle a Merz-san la conversación de antes) Yui: (No sé lo que le pasará si lo usan de cebo, tal vez podrían volver a sacarle un ojo...) (Recuerdan que el hdp este dijo que Shin le había sacado el ojo!? >:v) Yui: (Si hay que sacrificar algo...) Yui: (Yo misma entiendo que este es peligroso para mí... pero...) Yui: (No puedo pretender que todo esta bien y no decirle nada a Merz-san...) Yui: --Esto es malo, ya casi termina la hora del descanso... voy a volver.) Yui: (No he visto a Merz-san desde que Shin-kun lo trató de esa forma tan cruel...) Yui: (Pensé que estaría aquí)
Merz: ---Espere por favor. Yui: Ah! Merz-san...! (Re novela) Que alegría! Pensé que hoy no vendría aquí. Merz: --No te has enterado de algo más? Yui: Ah, si. La verdad es que---
*Desvanece* (Por qué le cuentas!? ;-;)
Merz: Me usarán como señuelo...? Yui: Si. Así es... así que sería mejor que no te acerques más que esto a ellos... Yui: Entiendo que estes enojado con ellos, pero no sé que te podrían hacer esta vez Merz: Sin embargo, tu irás en mi lugar. Yui: Yo--- Yui: (Despues de todo no importa a donde vaya seguirán bebiendo mi sangre, ya que eso es lo único que buscan de mí...) Yui: (...Tal vez yo ya renuncié?.. No lo sé...) Merz: Me dirás que eso te da igual? Yui: No he renunciado por completo... por decir estoy muy asustada. Yui: Siempre me dicen que soy un contenedor de sangre, y la chupan... Yui: Ademas de eso ellos están planeando usar mi sangre para algo... (Cofcof, ellos no quieren tu sangre Yui, quieren otra cosa7u7) Merz: Contenedor de sangre...? Qué significado tiene eso? (JAJA, no te hagas el boludo KÉrido) Yui: No lo sé... podría significar que llevo una sangre especial. Merz: ... ... ... ... Yui: De todos modos, yo para ellos soy necesaria. En ese caso yo--- Merz: No hay forma de que te abandone. Por favor no se preocupe por mí. (Sorry, ya me enamoré del Carla aunque digas eso) Yui: P-pero...! Merz: Todo esta bien. Yo tengo que tomar mi venganza. Ese es mi deseo y mi misión. Merz: Ademas, yo soy un vampiro. Soy obstinado. Merz: No moriré así de facil. Yui: ... ... ... ... Merz: ...Eres una persona muy gentil.
Yui: Eh...? Merz: Cuando te miro... de alguna manera---
*Merz se acerca*
Yui: M-merz-san...!? Yui: (... De alguna manera da miedo... qué sucedió de repente...?) Merz: ---Mi cariño... esperame por favor. Yo definitivamente... (Dioos, le dice ''mi amada persona'' y habla como si estuviera mojando) Yui: ... ...! S-sueltame!
*Yui lo empuja* (Esa es mi waifu! >:v)
Yui: L-lo siento...! Yo... ya tengo que irme... Adios! Merz: ...Espera por favor! Yui: ADIOS...!!  (Que te dicen chau! xDDDD)
*Yui se va corriendo*
Lugar: Biblioteca.
Yui: (...Qué demonios fue aquello? ''Mi cariño''... Qué significaba eso...!?) Yui: (Pensé que Merz-san era buena persona... pero tal vez---) Yui: Haa, haa... Yui: (Mi corazón esta latiendo muy rápido... seguramente fue porque me sorprendí...) ???: Oí. Yui: ... ...!? Carla: En donde estabas? (Estaba... ordenando los libros, la gente de acá nunca limpia :'v)
*Carla se acerca a Yui*
Yui: Ah. Estaba... por allí...  (JAJA, yo diría lo mismoxD) Carla: Por allí?   Yui: Esto... (piensa rápido:v) Yui: (Qué debería hacer? Probablemente no podré mentirle a esta persona. Pero si él descubriera lo de Merz-san entonces Merz-san estaría en problemas...) Yui: Más importante, por qué Carla-san esta aquí? Carla: *Se sonrojAAAAA* Tenía tiempo. Pero no has respondido mi pregunta.
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Yui: Emmm... hace poco habías hablado de libros de filosofia... así que estaba buscando algunos... Carla: Hoo...
*Carla se acerca* (Ya valimos, tenemos el olor de Merz)
Yui: (Qué debería hacer, Carla-san se esta acercando. Y hace un momento... yo... estaba con Merz-san...) (Suena como si lo hubiera engañado xD)
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Yui: ... ...!! Carla: Huele. (Fuck :'v) Yui: Q...qué h-huele...? Carla: No te hagas la tonta!
*Pantalla vibra y la música cambia*
Yui: Kya...!! Carla: Ya veo. Así que eso es lo que era. Usabas el pretexto de ir a ver los libros.
*Carla la agarra del cuello*
Yui: ...Ugh!! Yui: (Es doloroso... esta apretando mi cuello...!) Carla: Eres una mujer inteligente... Carla: Desde el principio sabías que me gustaban los libros, no es así? Y aprovechaste eso... (Ay, no... eso me dió en el cora) Carla: Escuchaste eso de Shin? Esperaste una oportunidad para usar mi simpatia y poder estar sola. Carla: ---Y todo esto fue para reunirte en secreto con un vampiro... Yui: T-te equivocas...! Yui: (Que debería hacer... se ha vuelto un malentendido...!)
/Expliquemos por las dudas :v Carla cree que Yui se esta viendo con algún novio vampiro xD
*Carla aprieta más su cuello*
Carla: Yo fui el estúpido por haberme descuidado con una mujer. Carla: Las mujeres no tienen fuerza, así que usan las mentiras para atraer a la gente... y se burlan de ellas. Carla: ---Ni pensar que yo fui engañado por ti... Yui: ... ... Carla: Dilo. Quien es. Algún Sakamaki? Mukami? ...O tal vez ambos? (JAJA, espera... me dijo puta!?) Yui: Te equivocas...! Yui: (Qué debería hacer para que me crea? Pero... aún así no hablaré sobre Merz-san...) Carla: Me dices que me equivoco? Entonces este olor... Como harás para explicar este olor a vampiro!? Yui: Eso es...
ELECCIONES: 1. Llorar (Nooo loveeeeee) 2. Disculparse. (Love, love~)
Yui: Lo siento... sé que es inútil disculparse, pero nunca los vi... Yui: No he visto a ninguno de los chicos. Yui: Ademas, desde el principio no tenía intención de simpatisarle a Carla-san...! (Uy, esa me dolió hasta a míxD) Carla: Hoo. Entonces como explicarás este olor? Carla: Si no has salido con ningún vampiro, entoces dime la razón por la que hueles tan mal. Yui: Eso es... Yui: (Qué debería hacer... es imposible que le diga la verdad...) Carla: Así que no dirás con quien te estabas viendo. Lo vas a defender, eh. Carla: Bueno, eso es comprensible. Pero cuando me entere cual vampiro es, yo lo mataré. Carla: No perdonaré que haya enfrentado a un Fundador. Y por supuesto... tampoco te perdonaré a ti---
*Pantalla vibra*
Yui: Ughh...!! Carla: Es algo muy patético. Pensar que un hombre que ni valor tiene te lleve de mí... Carla: Parece que ese hombre con el que te encuentras en secreto tiene miedo de mí... Carla: Que tú hayas vuelto de esta manera es la prueba más grande... Carla: Dejar su olor en ti fue algo estúpido. Carla: Parece que tu amante es un hombre muy tonto y sin perspicacia. Yui: ... ... Carla: Ahora, dilo. Quien es. Yui: E-eso... no lo diré... Carla: --Ya veo. Parece que no hay otra manera que hacerlo salir a través de tu cuerpo. Carla: Para que sepas quien es quien te tiene... Carla: *Oido* Y para que entiendas que la desobediencia no tiene es aceptable... Yui: Uhhh... Yui: (Alguien... salveme... ... ... ...)
*Sonido de ropa*
Carla: Hahaha... Nn hedor desagradable inflama mi odio. Carla: Esto no esta nada mal. Carla: Con este cuerpo y sangre que felizmente le has dado a un vampiro... Carla. Voy a jugar con el como si fuera una herramiendo... *La muerde* Nnn...!! Yui: Ahh... d...ue...le...! Carla: Nnn... Mm...Nn... Haaa... Mm... Yui: De..ten...te... Yui: (Esta... mordiendo mi cuello... no puedo respirar---) Carla: No volveré a escuchar nada de lo que me digas. Carla: Tampoco saldrás afuera, como mi recipiente de sangre... te mantendré en un lugar para después matarte. Yui: HAa....Ugh... Carla: No volverás a ver a ese hombre. Yui: ... ... Yui: (Por qué esta pasando algo como esto...? A este paso... yo ya...) Carla: Llora. Grita... pero yo nunca te perdonaré. Yui: (Aah, ya no puedo más...)
*Yui se desmaya*
Carla: Se desmayó, eh.... Ch. Que problematico... Yui: ... ... ... ... Carla: (Pero... por qué estoy tan enojado? Ciertamente estoy enojado porque fui engañado...) Carla: (Pero enojarme hasta este punto...) Carla: !... ...
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Carla: (Es verdad, este sentimiento... es decepción. Todos los sentimientos que lastimaban a padre... aquel momento...) Carla: (Eso significa que yo confiaba en esta mujer...?) Carla: Tonterías... no hay manera. Carla: --Yo soy el rey de los Fundadores... no hay manera de que eso sea así.
-Monólogo de Yui-
Carla-san descubrió mis reuniones secretas con Merz-san.
Carla-san pensó que yo estaba viendo a los vampiros Sakamakis y Mukamis.
Pero sus nombres no saldrán de mi boca. Y por supuesto, tampoco diré el nombre de Merz-san. Merz-san me habló con confianza. No puedo traicionar su confianza.
Si llegara a hacer eso no podría perdonarme a mí misma. Es algo que como persona no puedo hacer.
Sólo me queda dejar mi boca en silencio, y apaciguar la ira de Carla-san.
-Fin del monólogo-
Palabras correctas: ''como persona'' y ''viendo''.
Esta tradução foi feita por: @bellasakamakimt
Local: Sala de Aula Especial.
Carla: ... ... ... ... Yui: (Desde um momento atrás que Carla-san está... emanando uma aura que assusta, por que isso? Talvez seria minha imaginação ?) Yui: (É de seu costume ser assustador, mas... dests vez é diferente, parece que ele está irritado...) Yui: (Talvez ele esteja irritado com algo?) Carla: O que há de errado? Se você quer dizer algo, não fique calada e fale. Yui: Umm... Posso ir devolver este livro para a biblioteca? Eu acabei de ler este... Carla: Os Familiares irão devolver. Yui: M-mas... Carla: *irritado* O que? Yui: Eu queria trazer alguns livros... Carla: ... ... ... ... Yui: Por-por favor... Carla: Se apresse e vá. Yui: Posso ir!? Carla: Você é irritante. Queria minha permissão, certo? Quer que eu mude de ideia? Yui: Não, Eu irei agora mesmo! Yui: (Eu tenho de me apressar e chegar lá... vamos ver, este e... este... bem, Estou pronta...) Yui: Eu vou agora mesmo!!
*Yui se apressa e vai para a biblioteca*
Carla: (...Mm? O que é isso...? Um livro daquela mulher? Aquela idiota. Talvez ela esquecera isso?) Carla: ...Oí---
*Carla chama um familiar*
Familiar: Carla-sama. Me chamara? Carla: Não, não é nada.
*Carla fica de pé* Oh uh...
Familiar: Onde você está indo? Carla: Eu voltarei logo. Carla: (Já que faz um tempo, Eu também irei procurar um liveo) Carla: (Apesar de essas marcas não quererem desaparecer...) Carla: --Também levarei este livro.
*Tela escurece*
Place: Biblioteca.
Yui: (...Como eu pensei, Merz-san não está aqui hoje...) Yui: (Eu estive pensando sobre muitas coisas... Não posso esconder aquela conversa com Merz-san) Yui: (Eu não sei o que aconteceria a ele se usassem ele como isca, talvez poderiam tirar seu outro olho...) Yui: (Se alguém sacrificar algo...) Yui: (Eu mesma entendo que isso é perigoso para mim tambén... mas...) Yui: (Não fingir que tudo está bem e não dizer nada ao Merz-san...) Yui: ---Isso é ruim, é quase o fim do tempo de descanso... Eu vou voltar. Yui: (Eu não tenho visto Merz-san desde o dia em que Shin-kun o tratara tão mal...) Yui: (Eu pensei que ele estaria aqui)
* BItch-MERZ-san is here*
Merz: ---Por favor,espere. Yui: Ah! Merz-san...! Estou feliz! Eu pensei que você não viria hoje. Merz: --Você não ouviu sobre algo mais? Yui: Ah, sim. A verdade é que---
Merz: Eles me usarão como isca...? Yui: Sim, isso... então seria melhor se você não se aproximar mais do que isso deles... Yui: Eu entendo que você está zangado com eles, mas eu não sei o que eles poderiam fazer com você desta vez Merz: Mas, você virá no meu lugar. [WHAT] Yui: I--- Yui: (Depois de tudo, não importa onde eu vá, eles continuarão a beber meu sangue, já que esta é a única coisa que eles querem de mim...) Yui: (...Talvez eu já devesse ter desistido? .. Eu não sei...) Merz: Vai me dizer que não se importa? Yui: Eu não estive completamente conformada... mas estou bem assustada. Yui: Eles estão sempre me dizendo que sou só uma bolsa de sangue, e eles só bebem... Yui: Talvez, eles estejam planejando usar meu sangue para algo... Merz: Bolsa de sangue...? O que isso significa? Yui: Eu não sei... isso pode significar que tenho sangue especial. Merz: ... ... ... ... Yui: De qualquer forma, Eu sou necessária para eles. Então--- Merz: De forma alguma eu te abandonaria. Por favor não se preocupe comigo. Yui: M-mas...! Merz: Tudo está bem. Eu tenho que dar minha vingança.Este é o meu desejo e a minha missão. Merz: Apesar de que, Eu sou um vampiro. Eu sou teimoso. Merz: Eu não morreria facilmente. Yui: ... ... ... ... Merz: ...Você é uma pessoa muito gentil. *Merz... TOUCHES HER?* -DON'T TOUCH MAH WAIFU U SON OFfff Yui: Uh...? Merz: Quando eu olho para você... de alguma forma--
*Merz fica mais próximo*
Yui: M-merz-san...!? Yui: (...De alguma forma é assustador... O que está acontecendo com ele tão repentinamente...?) Merz: ---Minha adorável querida... Por favor espere por mim. Eu irei definitivamente... Yui: ... ...! Me-me solte!
*Yui o empurra*
Yui: E-Eu sinto muito...! Eu... tenho que voltar... tchau! Merz: ...Espere por favor! Yui: TCHAU...!! *Yui corre para longe* Place: Biblioteca.
Yui: (...Que droga foi aquela? ''Minha adorável querida''...O que isso significa...!?) Yui: (Eu pensei que Merz-san fosse uma boa pesska... mas talvez--) Yui: Haa, haa... Yui: ( Meu coração está batendo muito rápido... deve ser porque fui surpreendida...) ???: Oí. Yui: ... ...!? Carla: Onde você esteve? Yui: Ah. Eu estava... ... por aí... Carla: Por aí? Yui: Ummm... ... Yui: (O que eu deveria fazer? Eu realmente nao posso mentir para essa pessoa. Mas se ele descobrir Merz-san entao Merz-san estaria encrencado... ...) Yui: Mais importante, por que Carla-san estaria aqui? Carl: *vermelho* Eu tive tempo livre. Mas voce nao respondeu minha pregunta.
*Carla se aproxima de Yui*
Yui: Em mm... Você recentemente falou sobre livros de filosofia... Então fui procurar alguns... Carla: Hoo... *Carla chega mais perto* Yui: (O que eu deveria fazer, Carla-san está mais perto. ... Eu... estava com Merz-san...) *Passos* Yui: ... ...!! Carla: Cheiro. Yui: Q... Que ch-cheiro...? Carla: Não se faça de boba!
*Tela vibra e muda*
Yui: Kya...!! Carla: Entendi. Então foi isso. Você usou o pretexto de ir ler os livros. *Carla estrangula Yui* Yui: ...Ugh!! Yui: (É doloroso... ele está me estrangulando...!) Carla: Você é muito inteligente... Carla: Desde o início você soube que eu gostava de livros, certo? E você tomou vantagem disso... Carla: Você ouviu aquilo do Shin? Você esperou por uma oportunidade ppara tirar vantagem da minha simpatia e poder conseguir sozinha. Carla: ---E você só fez tudo isso para se encontrar com um vampiro em segredo... Yui: Voc-você está errado...! Yui: (O que eu deveria fazer... Isso se tornou um mal-entendido...!)
*Carla estrangula Yui com mais força*
Carla: Eu fui tolo por ter deixado minha guarda baixa para com uma mulher. Carla: Mulheres não possuem força, então elas mentem para enganar... e rir dele. Carla: ---Que coisa eu ter sido enganado por você... Yui: ... ... Carla: Diga. Quem foi. Um Sakamaki? Ou um Mukami? ...Ou talvez ambos? Yui: Você está errado...! Yui: (O que eu deveria fazer para ele acreditar em mim? De qualquerforma... Eu não quero falar sobre o Merz-san...) Carla: Você está me dizendo que estou errado? E este cheiro... Como você explica este cheiro de vampiro!? Yui: Isso é... CHOICES: 1. Chora (Nop) 2. Pede desculpas. (Love, love~) 2: Yui: Eu sinto muito... Eu sei que é inútil se desculpar, mas eu nunca me encontrei com eles... Yui: Eu não tenho visto nenhum daqueles garotos. Yui: Todavia, desde o início não tive intenção de simpatizar com Carla-san...! [OUCH/Eita] Carla: Hoo. Então como você explica este cheiro? Carla: Se você não tivesse se encontrado com um vampiro, então me diga porque você cheira tão mal. Yui: Isso... Yui: (O que eu deveria fazer... é impossível para mim contar a ele a verdade...) Carla: Então você não vai dizer quem você estava vendo. Você defenderá isso, huh. Carla: Bem, é compreensível. Mas quando eu descobrir qual vampiro é, eu irei matá-lo. Carla: Eu não perdoarei ninguém que for contra um Fundador. E é claro... Eu não perdoarei você também--- *Tela vibra* Yui: Ughh...!! Carla: Isso é muito patético. Um homem sem valor tentou tirar você de mim... Carla: Ao que parece, o homem que você esncontrou em segredo tem medo de mim... Carla: O fato de que você tenha retornado aqui é a prova disso... Carla: Deixar o cheiro dele em você foi ingenuidade. Carla: Parece que seu amante é um homem muito tolo sem inteligência. Yui: ... ... Carla: Agora, me diga. Quem e. Yui: Is-Isso... Eu não direi isso... Carla: --Entendo. Parece que não há opção que não seja fazer isso através de seu corpo. Carla: E então você saberá a quem você pertence... Carla: *no ouvido* E para você entender que desobediência não é aceitável... Yui: Uhhg... Yui: (Alguém... me ajude... ... ... ...)
*Carla rasga as roupas de Yui*
Carla: Hahaha... Nn, este cheiro desagradável é o que mais ofeio. Carla: Não é tão mal apesar de tudo. Carla: Este corpo e sangue que você deu alegremente deu a um vampiro... Carla: Eu irei brincar com ambos como se fossem objetos... *Ele a morde* Nnn... !! Yui: Ahh... it...hur...ts...!
Carla: Nnn... Mm...Nn... Haaa... Mm... Yui: P..ar...e... Yui: (Ele está... mordendo meu pescoço... Não consigo respirar---) Carla: Eu não escutarei nada que você me disser novamente. Carla: Você nem mesmo irá para fora, como minha bolsa de sangue... Eu lhe manterei em um lugar para só então lhe matar. Yui: HAa....Ugh... Carla: Você não verá aquele homem novamente. Yui: ... ... Yui: (Por que algo desse tipo está acontecendo...? Desta forma...Eu já estou...) Carla: Chore. Grite... Mas eu nunca lhe perdoarei. Yui: (Aah, Eu só não consigo...) *Yui desmaia* Carla: Ela desmaiou, huh.... Ch. Que problema... Yui: ... ... ... ... Carla: (Mas... porque estou tão bravo? Eu estou bravo porque fui enganado...) Carla: (Mas se irritar a este ponto...) Carla: !... ... Carla: (Certo, este sentimento... É desapontamento. os sentimentos que feriram meu pai... aquele momento...) Carla: (Isso significa que eu confiei nesta mulher...?) Carla: Que sem sentido... De forma alguma. Carla: --Eu sou o rei dos Fundadores... Não há forma alguma de eu...
- Monólogo da Yui - Carla-san descobriu minhas reuniões secretas com Merz-san.
Carla-san pensou que eu estava vendo os Sakamakis e Mukamis.
Mas os nomes deles não saíram da minha boca. E é claro,Eu não iria dizer muito menos o nome de Merz-san. Merz-san falou comigo com confiança. Não posso traí-lo. Se eu fizesse isso eu não poderia me perdoar. É algo que não posso fazer como pessoa. Eu somente posso manter silêncio, E apaziguar a ira de Carla-san.
-Fim do Monólogo- Palavras certas: ''como pessoa'' e ''vendo''
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tournesolia · 5 years
Chaos Lineage Azusa Chapter 11 Translation
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Place : Violet mansion – Living room and dining room
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Yui : (Since then, no families showed any important movements. I wonder how is Kanato-kun doing)
(Besides, Carla-san started to be suspicious as expected...)
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Carla : Several days passed after Eve woke up and her blood is still not ripe ?
Azusa : Y-Yes... Looks like it
Carla : That means something is lacking. What is missing in order to become the supreme ruler... ?
Azusa : What is missing, huh...
Carla : … How about killing the vampires from the other families and offer them as sacrifices to Eve ?
Yui : … !
Azusa : T-That's...
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Carla : I'm not going to rush things yet for now. But if she doesn't shows any signs of waking up--
I'll employ all available means
Yui : Carla-san...
(At this rate, if we keep waiting, Carla-san will kill everyone...)
(But I have no idea what to do next...)
Scene change : Violet mansion – Azusa's room
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Azusa : It's a matter of time before Carla starts making moves...
Yui : Yes... What should we do now ? What happened next during the seven previous times ?
Azusa : It's the first time I see this development, so I don't know...
Yui : Eh ? Is that so ?
Azusa : Yeah. As I thought, things are changing little by little... So what I experienced so far won't be useful
Usually, at this point, everyone was fighting and getting injured every days
Yui : … I see...
(It must have been difficult for Azusa-kun...)
It's not the case this time. I'm sure it's changing in the right direction
Azusa : That's right. I hope so
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Yui : Kanato-kun regained his memories but we haven't seen any changes with Subaru-kun who was with us
Who would be the next person likely to remember ?
Azusa : Hmm... Personally, I want to make Kou remember, but... It's difficult after all
Even though we're so close, he doesn't show any signs of remembering
Yui : I see...
(Ruki-kun and Yuma-kun are likely to fight us the moment we meet them in the first place)
(Besides... I have this bad feeling for a long time that won't disappear. I wonder why)
Azusa : Your face is clouded... Did I make you feel anxious ?
Yui : Eh !? No, I'm fine
Azusa : But I'm worried, so--
Yui : Wah-- !
*Azusa hugs her
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Azusa : I'll hug you until you calm down, okay... ?
Yui : Thank you...
(I'm relaxing in Azusa-kun's arms... But I keep thinking about various things...)
Azusa : You still look anxious... How can I make you feel better ?
Yui : I'm sorry for making you worry. I'm just a bit lost in thought so I'm fine
Azusa : I see. Then, you shouldn't have to think... *kisses her
Yui : Hmm... !?
Y-You suddenly kissed me, what's wrong ?
Azusa : When I do that, you always can't think of anything else, right ?
I don't want you to make a gloomy face, so... *kisses her
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Yui : Hmm... Azusa-kun...
(I was surprised but this is also Azusa-kun's kindness)
(The bottom of my heart is getting warm. If we can stay like this a little more--)
*sound of someone running
Yui : Eh-- ?
Azusa : … ? It suddenly became noisy, is something happening... ?
I'll check the situation, so can you stay here ?
Yui : Wait, I'll go as well
Azusa : But...
Yui : I feel too uneasy, somehow... Please
Azusa : … Alright. Let's go together
Scene change : Violet mansion – Entrance hall
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Laito : Hmm, that was quicker than I thought
Carla : Let's just ambush them if they come
Subaru : Then, shouldn't it be better to call the others as well ?
Yui : (Huh ? They all gathered at the entrance hall...)
Azusa : What’s happening... ?
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Kou : Ah, you two ! You came just at the right time !
I was patrolling around the mansion and I saw all the Scarlets coming toward us !
Azusa : Eh... ? That can't be...
Yui : (Azusa-kun is perturbed... Didn't this plot happened until now...?)
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Carla : Don't let those guys get their hands on Eve. They won't steal her no matter what
Laito : So, Azusa-kun ? That's a big responsibility you have
Azusa : Don't worry. I absolutely won't hand Eve over...
Yui : (Azusa-kun...)
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Subaru : Hey, they're coming. Right in front of us !
Yui : … !
*door knocking
Reiji : Pardon me for the sudden visit. Do you mind if I interrupt you ?
Yui : Eh... ?
(It was Reiji-san's voice just now. I wonder if he'll break into)
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Kou : I can't believe they're at the front door !
Subaru : What are those dudes thinking ?
Laito : Are they so confident ? What will you do, Carla ?
Carla : … Azusa, Kou, stay near Eve and step back
Azusa : Alright...
Kou : Eve, this way
Yui : Y-Yes...
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Carla : Laito, Subaru, open the door
Laito : Okaaaaay
Subaru : Tch, got it
Yui : (Reiji-san, why... ? For him to directly visit us in a dignified manner...)
(… Somehow, my heart is beating faster)
Laito : Well then, let's open it
*Laito and Subaru open the door and the Scarlets come in
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Reiji : Well well. A meeting with all the Violet members gathered. What an honor
Yui : (Reiji-san and the others really all came)
Yuma : …
Azusa : Yuma...
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Carla : … State your business
Reiji : I'm here to pick Eve up who is actually in your hands
Yui : … !
Subaru : Tch, I thought you would say that. Eve's not yours !
Carla : If you're only here to spit nonsense, leave this place at once
Reiji : Hehe, we can't afford to do that when we just have a chance
Subaru : Haa ? The hell are you--
*glass breaking
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Yui : Kyaaa !?
Subaru : Wha--
Laito : Behind you !
Yui : (The window is broken !? No way...!)
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Shin : Eve doesn't go together with you guys. Shouldn't you hand her over obediently ?
Yui : Shin-kun... !
Kou : You two, step back !
Yui : Kou-kun !?
Azusa : Eve, this way... !
Yui : Ah--
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Shin : Out of my way !
*Shin crosses swords with Kou
Kou : Guh...
Shin : Heeeh, you did it even though I took you by surprise ?
Kou : Shaddup !
*Kou fights back
Shin : Woops !
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Ruki : Shin, I told you to not meddle in recklessly
Shin : Sorry, big brother. He looked defenseless
Ayato : It's finally a riot ? I've been waiting for it
Yui : (The Oranges came from behind... Why !?)
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Carla : I see... So you joined forces
Reiji : That's right. I would never underestimate you
It is courtesy to attack with appropriate strategies and forces, right ?
Carla : Hmph. Smooth words make smooth ways
Reiji : Now, that's all of our little talk. Shu, Yuma, Kino, go !
Kino : Hehe, who is gonna be my opponent ?
Shu : … I'm tired
Yuma : Shu, stop standing around ! Let's go !
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Ruki : We're going as well
Shin : Yeeeah !
Ayato : Let's go !
Yui : No way...
(Everyone is going to fight--)
*Laito and Shu are fighting
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Laito : Guh... Heeh, you're pretty good for someone who's usually day dreaming...
Shu : It’s because if I don't act, Reiji's gonna be noisy
Subaru : Take that... !
*Subaru attacks Shin
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Shin : Woops... Phew, that was close. You're pretty fast
Subaru : Shut up !
Azusa : … Eve, stay behind me
Yui : B-But at this rate... !
*more fighting
Yuma : Tch... You're restless... !
Laito : Guh... As expected, the difference in strength makes it hard...
Ayato : Ugh... You bastard, you're in it now !
Yui : (They all cross swords with each other...)
Carla : Hmph--
*Carla attacks Ruki
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Ruki : Guh...
Carla : Is that all ?
Ruki : That's my line. Kino !
Kino : Your back is vulnerable !
Carla : Tch...
Yui : (Why... ? Why everyone has to kill each other...?)
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Yui : – Ugh...
(Again... That... dizziness from... that time...)
(Everyone... covered in blood and... lying on top of one another...)
(The whole area dyed red with blood, and--)
*end of flashback
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Azusa : Eve... !
Yui : Azusa... kun... ?
Azusa : Are you okay... !? Hang on to me...
Yui : … Thank... you...
*the fight still keeps going
Carla : Guh... As one would expect, we're at a disadvantage
Azusa !
Azusa : Eh... ? Ah...
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Carla : You know what to do. Hurry up
Azusa : Y-Yes...
Yui : What's... the matter... ?
Azusa : I have to take you out of here... Carla told me about it in advance, just in cases like this
Yui : Eh... ? But everyone are...
Azusa : What's most important is to protect you...
Yui : (No way, we can't stop this situation ? At this rate, everyone will...)
Ugh.... !
(My head is... My senses are starting to go away)
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Carla : What are you doing ? Hurry up. I can't last much longer
Azusa : Okay...
… A-Ahem !
Carla... san... You're also my precious brother so far...
So, don't die...
Carla : Of course I won't
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Kou : Azusa-kun, Subaru-kun and I will open the way !
Subaru : Run while you can !
Azusa : Yes... !
Eve... Hold on to me...
Yui : Okay...
Ayato : Heh ! I won't let you run !
*Laito stops Ayato
Laito : Hop, I can't let you go !
Kou : Azusa-kun, hurry !
Azusa : Let's go... !
*Azusa break through the window with Yui
Scene change : Violet mansion – Garden
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Azusa : Ugh... Eve, are you okay... ?
Yui : Hm... sort of...
Azusa : Good... We'll keep running away so hold on tight...
Yui : (I can hear the fighting sounds...)
(Please god, make sure that no one gets hurt anymore...!)
Scene change : Forest
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Azusa : Haa... Haa... We came all the way here... Are we alright... ?
Yui : (We're pretty far from the mansion. I can't hear the sound of swords crossing anymore...)
Azusa : Are you okay... ?
Yui : Yes... My dizziness quiet down. But the persons in the mansion are...
Azusa : Yes... It wasn't like this until now...
Everyone crossing swords like this... as if they hate each other...
Could it be I... made a mistake again... ?
*Azusa hugs Yui
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Yui : Ah...
(His hands on my back are shaking...)
Azusa : This time, you regained your memories, Kanato-san remembered as well...
I thought that since everything was going well, no one would end up getting hurt...
And yet... I was too optimistic. The same thing may repeat this time as well...
Yui : (That's right... My suffering is nothing much compared to his)
(Azusa-kun saw everyone killing each other again and again--)
(And he has been blaming himself for failing again and again...)
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Choice 1 : It's alright (white roses)
Yui : (Azusa-kun didn’t do anything wrong)
(And yet, he's still blaming himself...)
*Yui hugs back
Yui : It's alright. The future isn't determined yet. There's definitely something we can do
Azusa : Eve...
Yui : Besides, you said it before, didn't you ? I'm not alone
And you're not alone either. You have me
So let's find out what we can do together
Azusa : Yes... Thank you...
You're warm... When we stay like this, I calm down...
Choice 2 : Don't lose courage (black roses)
Yui : You shouldn't lose courage. You worked hard to come this far
Whether you made a mistake or know, we don't know yet until we'll go to the end, right ?
Azusa : I... guess so...
Yui : More importantly, let's find out what we can do now. I believe there's still time
Azusa : Eve...
– End of choices
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Azusa : That's right... I must not... give up yet...
… Thank you
Yui : No problem...
*Azusa moves back
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Azusa : There's just the two of us, huh...
Yui : Yes...
We can't go back to the mansion. Even if we have to hide somewhere, where should we go... ?
*rustling sound
Yui : … !?
(There's something hidden in the grass ?)
Azusa : No way, we're pursued... ? Eve, don't leave my side
Yui : O-Okay...
(They're coming closer...!)
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Kanato : What are you doing in such a place ?
Yui : Ka... Kanato-kun !?
Chapter 11 : End
128 notes · View notes
kyouxa · 5 years
Diabolik lovers Chaos Lineage: Ayato Sakamaki (Story 02)
In terms of the gameplay: The black choices lead up to a bad ending, the white choices lead up to a good ending. Please no reposting onto other sites, ask me before translating this into another language too! I’m an amateur translator, but I hope you do enjoy it anyway!♡
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Place: Orange Mansion ー Ayato's room
Ayato: (Tch, yesterday was weird. I thought that I’d just enjoy my time and play with Chichinashi)
(Was that, dazzling... because I sucked her blood?)
(Oh, it's definitely because it was thick, sweet and delicious. Its only nature to feel that way.)
(— but, that taste... It felt kind of nostalgic. Why...?)
(Not good... I should definitely stop thinking about it. I might get better like that)
Shit, I remembered that blood and I immediately got thirsty.
OK. I will go to the her room and drink as much as possible.
Besides, it is natural that I have Eve by my side.
That’s right. I will become the king and the best...
Place: Orange Mansion ー unoccupied room
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Yui: (Ayato-kun... He really forgot about me)
(But If I think about it, it seems that not only Ayato-kun, everyone has a strange memory.)
(At such a time, what should I do from now on?)
(— Ayato-kun, will probably... not remember me from now on?)
*footsteps appear*
Yui: —!
(This approaching footsteps... could it be Ayato-kun !?)
Ayato: Yo, Ayato-sama went to your room to check if you’re okay! So, how are you?
Yui: I, uhm..
(In this current situation, I can’t be happy ...)
(I also, don’t think Ayato-kun came here because he’s worried...)
Ayato: I am thirsty. So you should offer me your blood
Yui: (Yeah, it looks like I thought. Ayato just came here to suck my blood)
Ah, Ayato-kun. I want you to knock at least. Because I am surprised if it is so sudden
Ayato: I don’t care. I thought I’m allowed to enter when I want to
Yui: (He’s not listening at all...)
Ayato: I said that I am thirsty tho. Hurry up and give me your blood already!
Yui: (I feel like... I came back to when I first met him)
(Although I finally started to understand, Ayato-kun is not the same —)
(We even got over all the hard and sad things together, we became lovers, have you really forgotten it all?)
Ayato: What are you waiting for. I’ll suck your blood, whatever you say!
Yui: Ah! Wait! I want you to listen to a story from me!
Ayato: A story? I’ll listen to it after I sucked your blood.
*Ayato pushes Yui*
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Yui: Kya!
(I’m forced against the wall—)
Ayato: Hehe.. that looks good. Don’t struggle. I’ll go and suck from the same place as yesterday.
Make sure to feel the pleasure.  Aren’t you happy and excited about it? That’s why...
Yui: ....
(Oh, I’m used to be sucked by Ayato because... he is my partner, maybe that’s why im not scared?)
Ayato: — What is that? Be more scared, you’re making me bored like that.
Yui: huh?
Ayato: I wonder what happened to you yesterday. You’re not scared at all.
Yui: ....yes, it’s like I said before.
(Its not like that it’s my first time, that I’m forced to let him suck my blood...)
(Without noticing, I probably got used to it.)
(At the end, this Ayato-kun is not different to the person I fell in love with)
...yes. I’m not scared at all.
Ayato: You do, really know your place now. Are you finally giving me more of that delicious face? ...*kisses* 
Yui: ...hey!
(He kissed my neck...!)
Ayato: Heh, your voice finally came out. You should enjoy it more, because I won’t stop here. Entertain me.
Yui: (He‘s really going to suck the same place...!)
(I should not get swept away with my thoughts. I need to make Ayato-kun listen to me! But how...)
(... I know!)
Hey! It’s Ruki-kun!
Ayato: Tch, did he came in to interrupt me again?!
*Ayato steps back*
Yui: (Yes, he let me go! I’m free now...!)
Ayato: ...Hah? What do you mean, I don’t see anyone here
Yui: (That’s bad! If he’ll figure out I tricked him...!)
Ayato: Idiot, don't think I’ll forgive you easily for scaring Ore-sama like that...
Yui: ...After all, you were scared right?
Ayato: You literally tricked me! I shall punish you for lying to me!
Yui: ...Uhh, I’m sorry
Ayato: I’m sorry my ass!
*Ayato pushes Yui*
Yui: ...Wait!
Ayato: Looks like I caught you! I won’t let you get away from me that easy anymore.
Make sure to remember that. You should slowly understand the fact that you can’t run away from me, so don’t even try it
Yui: I’m sorry! I won’t disobey anymore~!
Ayato: Heh, exactly!
*someone enters the room*
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Shin: — Wait. What are you both doing?
Ayato: Huh?
Yui: Shin-san
Shin: Could you keep your voices down... it’s annoying
Ayato: Oh just, shut up. its none of your business anyway
Shin: Are you betraying our brother while taking blood from her? —You better stop with that.
Ayato: hah?
Shin: I‘ll tell him it’s a misunderstanding this time and I‘ll pretend I didn’t see anything
You and Eve could be killed by our eldest brother. He‘s supposed to become the king tho.
Ayato: Who said that? I for myself, decided that i‘ll become king!
Shin: heh
You‘re the worst. Are you really so stupid that you don’t understand?
I‘ll stop interrupting here, such an idiot is not worth my precious time.
Ayato: You‘re so annoying. Get out of here!
Shin: I was planing to go anyway.  Ah... That's right, I need to bring you a message.
In the livingroom is some pudding from our brother... and you shouldn’t touch it
*Shin leaves*
Ayato: Eh, pudding
Yui: (Ayato-kun...? Is this...really okay?)
Ayato: Sounds good. I will eat it while Ruki is gone
Yui: (Oh my!)
Ayato: i‘m looking forward to see his sloppy face when he comes back!
*Ayato leaves*
Yui: Wait, Ayato-kun!
*Yui follows Ayato*
(But ruki-kun is eating pudding? It’s a bit surprising)
Place: Orange Mansion - Living room
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Ayato: Oh! I discovered the pudding! I‘m sure that’s it
Yui: Wait, Ayato-kun. I think it would be bad if you take it, Ruki hates it when you‘re acting selfish.
Ayato: hehe, but there’s only one left.
Yui: (He shouldn’t...do it. But he won’t listen to me)
*Ayato is eating*
Ayato: I‘m surprised. This tastes amazing
Yui: (AH! He‘s really eating it!)
Are you sure Ruki-kun won’t notice?
Ayato: Shin will probably tell him anyway
Yui: (I can't imagine that Ruki is actually eating pudding)
(This would rather suit Kanato-kun in my opinion)
Ayato-kun. I still think it’s a bad idea that you’re eating it
Ayato: You‘re so noisy. Come on... open your mouth.
Yui: Huh? What...
*Ayato feed her*
Yui: hmh!
(He literally forced the spoon in my mouth!)
Ayato: hehe! Now you ate sth from it too
Yui: still
Ayato: hehe, it really looks like you enjoyed it.
I wouldn’t mind more of those kind of plays at all.
It's more fun if I am sucking your blood, but this atmosphere is fine too.
Yui: (Wait!? I guess, he’s just looking at me, as his toy for now...)
Ayato: Is the spoon too huge for your mouth or what? I should get another one then.
Yui: Nono, I am totally fine... Hey Ayato.kun, you really can’t remember anything...?
Ayato: Huh? What is it.
Yui: (Nothing changed... He doesn’t love me neither he remembers sth)
(Will I be able, to return the memories we had together...?)
(I can’t give up on him so easily)
*Ruki comes in*
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Ruki: Why are you guys gathering in such a place and what ...
Yui: Oh, Ruki-kun! That is...
Ruki: Oi, why is it that you ate a whole dessert from Kanato here?
Yui: Eh!!
(This pudding wasn’t from Ruki-kun, it was from Kanato-kun from the very beginning...!)
(What should I do, as I know Kanato-kun will get very angry)
Ayato: eh? This wasn’t yours at all?
Ruki: I should‘ve known Shin would do sth like that..
Do you think it’s possible to prepare a whole pudding before dinner? Start thinking!
Ayato: What you mean, You mean shin actually fooled me?! What an asshole!
Moreover, Kanato will get extremely angry at me if he finds out!
If Kanato will find out I ate it, I won’t be able to sleep ever again...
Yui: (Yes, right. Kanato-kun, who loves sweets, wouldn’t leave Ayato in peace at all)
*someone enters*
Kanato: ...I-Is that... my... pudding...
Yui: Ah!
Ayato: Tch... he came
Yui: (im afraid what will happen...!)
*Kanato starts crying*
sobs I... was... sobs ... looking forward to eat it this evening—ahh!
Ruki: *sigh* how troublesome...
Ayato: Stop crying over a fucking pudding. I didn’t even knew it was yours
Yui: (Kanato-kun is so angry. I wonder why that food was so important to him...)
Kanato: Why didn’t you and Ruki stop Ayato from that?
Were you thinking that I‘d not notice it and you could smile at me like nothing happened? You are disgusting me.
Yui: (Now he‘s also angry at me..!)
Ruki: Calm down, Kanato. You cant change the situation anymore now
Kanato: I am very calm. Just touch one of my Puddings again and I‘ll make your death will be 100 times worse then you can imagine it.
Ayato: It‘s not like I‘d care. Come on, let’s go Chichinashi.
Yui: Ah!
(Ayato-kun grabbed my hand...)
1) ー Apologize (white)♡♡♡
2) ー Follow him (black)
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ー Apologize ♡
Yui: Ayato-kun wait! You should apologize for the pudding
Ayato: Idiot, as if I‘d care about that
Yui: (Maybe I should apologize for him...)
Ayato: Come on, hurry up. Let’s go!
Yui: Oh, wait Ayato-kun..!
ー Follow
Yui: (I might apologize to kanato-kun later, he wouldn’t listen to me right now anyway)
Ayato: What are you doing? If you follow me then come on!
Yui: Oh, wait Ayato-kun...!
end Choices
Ruki: Wait! We‘re not done yet, come back!
Ayato: ugh, stop following us!
Kanato: I will never forgive you for that. You shall die and roast in hell, Ayato!
*Kanato follows them*
Kanato: ....
→ Story 03
← Story 01
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91 notes · View notes
kyouxa · 5 years
Diabolik lovers Chaos Lineage: Ayato Sakamaki (Story 03)
In terms of the gameplay: The black choices lead up to a bad ending, the white choices lead up to a good ending. Please no reposting onto other sites, ask me before translating this into another language too! I’m an amateur translator, but I hope you do enjoy it anyway!♡
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Place: Orange Mansion ー Living room
Ayato: Ugh it’s so annoying. Ruki gathered us all here, I wonder what's the reason for this.
Yui: Eh, what you mean?
(It's been a few days since I joined them, but nothing happened until now)
(Is he gathering us all to discuss what we will do in the future?)
*Ruki enters*
Ruki: Is everyone here?
Shin: Yes, we are. We were waiting for you
Yui: (I’m wondering what they will talk about, I hope it’s not some privat sibling stuff)
Ruki: It’s been a few days since Eve joined our mansion. So let's talk about our present situation again.
Until now we’re having Eve, the key to become king, but she couldn't give us any informations until now.
Yui: (That's right, tho. I’m the key to make someone the king but I still don’t know how)
(I actually don’t know anything about Adam and Eve)
(No matter how long Ruki-kun is waiting, I can’t help them now...)
Ruki: I wonder whats causing your lack of memories, but as long as they come back soon, I dont mind it.
Thats why we should start to prepare for the worst scenario. At least, until she remembers everything again.
What I mean is, that we should prepare for an attack from the other families.
Yui: Attack..?!
(That’s right, they are going to fight their real brothers because they don’t remember them)
Shin: Hm. I like the idea. It's a good opportunity to beat the disturbing flies that aim for Eve.
Ayato: Yes thats it. So it‘s okay to kill every member of each family?
Ruki: Thats right
Kanato: Is that so. I‘ll be welcoming all those noisy people in hell if they just try to enter our mansion.
Yui: (The atmosphere just changed... I‘m sure it’s going to get serious. But I don’t want them to kill each other.)
Shin: Don’t you think the Violet family with Carla as their head will attack as first?
He‘s the one who would be the most violent in getting her in his fingers. Thats why, we should eliminate him first.
Yui: (Shin-san, Carla is your brother and you‘d never want to hurt him...)
Kanato: We should be aware of the scarlet family with Reiji as their head tho. They seem to be pretty strong too.
Ayato: That’s interesting. It seems like we wont be able to kill them without a strategic and smart plan.
In my opinion the first person who would attack us is that insane guy. Reiji wouldnt be a big problem
Kanato: Well, you have a big mouth Ayato-kun. There won’t be any forgiveness if you lose Eve to anyone else
I'll tear you down and make you regret that you even started breathing the same air as I did. 
Yui: (This really means they are going to kill their real brothers...! They can’t do that)
(But, what can I do, how can I get everyone’s memories back...?)
(More then anything else, I want Ayato-kun to get his memories back... maybe we could escape then)
Ruki: A few days passed since we received Eve into our house. Until then nobody decided to make any further movements.
Ayato: Well, if you really think thats the case.  We should attack them as long as we can!
Ruki:*sigh* That idea is completly nonsense. But, we should think about a plan for now.
Tell me about your opinions.
I cant think straight in such a situation anymore, thats why I will listen to whatever your plans are.
Ayato: Well why don’t we split up then.
Shin: Not bad, Ayato. What is our brother thinking about that plan?
I wouldnt come up with a better idea, brother
Ayato: Tch, brother, my brother my ass.
Ruki: Shin, Kanato you two are going to collect, any possible information about the families then. If you got sth imporant report it immediately to me.
Shin: Got it.
Kanato: ...Understood.
Ruki: Ayato will be waiting in the Mansion, while taking care over Eve. You better take responsibility for your role as guard.
Kanato: Wait a second. Why is ayato only waiting here.
Ayato: Eh?! Dont talk shit! Why do I need to stay home!?
Kanato: I just cant accept that. Why can’t I stay here instead of Ayato and look after Eve?
Yui: Huh?! Kanato-kun...
Ayato: I’ve been locked up in that mansion until forever now. I want to go outside too.
Ruki: ......
Kanato: Ayato, are you agreeing with my interests?
Let’s exchange roles then. You just need to hand it over to me, I promise, I‘ll take care of Eve from now on
Ayato: Hah? As if I‘d give my role away. She‘ll obviously go with me and get informations
Yui: Huh? What are you saying it’s dangerous if I go outside..
Kanato: Thats right. What kind of an idiot are you to get such an idea.
There is no way you could guarantee that Eve is safe in your hand either. She could be robbed away immediately if you don’t pay attention.
Ayato: I know how to protect her!
Kanato: I don’t agree
Shin: Cut it out already you two! Is it too much to ask if you could follow the orders you were given?
We'll do it as our brother instructed already. Kanato is going outside, Ayato will stay here.
Ayato: I did not agree to that decision yet!
Kanato: I totally hate this decision
Ruki: — be quit
Kanato: ......huh?
Ayato: What is it....
Ruki: Ayato, Kanato. You‘re misunderstanding the situation.
You two are useless for me if you don’t do what I order you to. I have no use for you then.
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Kanato: ...
Ayato: ...
Yui: (Amazing, Ruki was able to make them quite that easily...)
Ruki: The most important thing is now, Eve needs to be protected at all cost
Don’t make any moves out of your own Intension... I’ll give you the orders 
You just have to play along to what I say. Got it?
Ayato: ...Tch
Kanato: ...Hmh
Ruki: Its settled, cool your head for a while, until you are completly calm
Shin: Heh, it looks good. You should do what our brother says.
*Shin and Ruki leave*
Yui: (They both left...)
Ayato: Damn it!
Yui: (He kicked a chair...! He’s really angry)
Ayato-kun you should relax a little...
Ayato: Shut up! Fuck this, I'm leaving!
*Ayato leaves*
Yui: Hm! Wait, Ayato-kun! Where are you going?!(Ayato can’t let me stay here lonely! I need to follow him!)
*Yui follows him*
Kanato: ...*giggles*
Place: Orange Mansion ー Corridor
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Yui: A-Ayato-kun, wait! Please calm down...!
Ayato: You can calm down!
That intelligent bastard, is always so annoying. I’m not taking any order from him!
Yui: (He’s so angry... that’s so frustrating)
(When I was at Sakamaki's house,Shu and Reiji were always fighting like that)
(Shu-san doesn't interfere and Reiji-san is a little tough to handle, I really miss them)
(It may be that Ruki-kun's way of giving instructions is making him angry) 
Ayato: I hate being locked up, the great me is supposed to do sth better as playing around.
That bastard should actually know that! 
Yui: Maybe... it is better for everyone that way
(I know Ayato-kun is strong, I wonder why he cant go...)
Ayato: Hah? What are you saying. Did you secretly team up with that bastard or what?!
Yui: Kya!
(My shoulders are pressing against the wall, it hurts—)
1) ーStop him (black)
2) ーDont fight (white)♡♡♡
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ー Stop him
Yui: It hurts! Stop that...!
Ayato: What are you saying. You are usually enjoy it aren’t you?
Yui: ...I dont
Ayato: heh...! You’re a pretty bad liar.
Just continue lying to me and I'm going to be angry. 
Yui: Ayato...kun...   
ー Dont fight♡
Yui: I don’t wanna say I’m weak... ah.. It’s just that I don’t want to fight with you...
Ayato: You are weak! Im stronger than anyone in this house! I want you to know that
Yui: That’s not it...
Ayato: I'm stronger than anyone, I’d never lose!
So don’t worry about it.
You just have to remember that you’re protected by me. I won’t let anything happen to you
Yui: (I know that Ayato is stronger and cooler than anyone else!)
(I’m just worried about him, because I love Ayato-kun)
end Choices
Yui: No, I just want to think about ways other than fighting...
Ayato: The scent of your blood is distracting me.
Yui: .....ah....!
Ayato: I might try another place today, what do you mean?
Yui: Eh, that is...!
Ayato: That’s right, I’m going to pierce you with my fangs just because you like it.
You want to feel the pleasure right? Let me hear your voice then.
....ahh.....ah... haa... aah....., You look excited, I know you like it when my fangs pierce your smooth skin...ahh..!
Yui: Ahh...Hmm...!
(I want the Ayato who I feel in love with, back then so badly)
(It's true that our thoughts were connected but everything’s vanished now.)
Ayato: Look at me. In this house, no, who is the strongest in the world? 
It’s me right? Say it for me. I won’t stop until you do as I say.
Ah... Hmm...Ahh... !
Yui: ....Ahh...!
(...What. He’s more violent today. My conscious is fading... already...)
(I don’t want to say that..., but if I don't say what he wants, he’ll kill me like that...!)
Ayato: Hey, say it, Chichinashi 
Yui: You’re the best Ayato-kun...
Ayato: It’s Ayato-sama!
Yui: Ayato...sama...hn..
Ayato: heh, you’re not done yet
Yui: ...is... the... best...
Ayato: You really cant say it without me getting a little rougher on you
Show me more of that face... Ah... Haa... Aah... !
Yui: No... ahh!
Ayato: Heh... why are you pretending that you don’t like it? You should beg more for me...
Yui: (I can’t feel any strength in my hands and feet —)
Ayato: Whats with your strength. Are you giving up already?
Yui: stop...!
(I fell on the floor... I tried to get away from him, but he forced me to stay.)
Ayato: You truly are an idiot. Get up now.
It seems that it was so miserable that you'd rather be sleeping on the floor then preach me. Hehe!
Yui: (This atmosphere— It’s like the first days I met Ayato-kun...)
(Back then, I hated him...)
Ayato: What is it now.  Even if you show me those hate filled eyes, I will not show sympathy.
Yui: (That Ayato-kun in front of me is not the person I fell in love with)
(I know Ayato-kun, he cares about my feelings and considers how much he sucks...)
(But he’s not here anymore—)
Ayato: (That was fun. After all it is the most interesting to play with her like that ......)
*strange noise* Ayato: ...ugh... what is it?
...Not again. Why did it come back... shit
Yui: Ayato-kun... what’s wrong? Are you okay?
Ayato: Shut up, it’s nothing serious. It’s just this annoying dazzling again...
Place: Sakamaki mansion ー Outside
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Ayato: ugh...?!
Yui: Ayato-kun...?
Ayato: ah... ahh... ahh.. Just what, was that...?
Yui: W-What is it...?
Ayato: There was a place, which I don’t know... running through my head...
Yui: Hey?
*time passed*
Yui: (What does that mean? Did he remember sth from the past, what was it)
(Maybe his real memories are coming back little by little?)
Ayato: ughh... that was weird. Was that a kind of daydream? I really don’t know...
Yui: (I believe that Ayato still has some memories in his head. If I’m only able to recover them —)
Ayato: I’ll return to my room now. Let’s continue our play on another day.
*Ayato leaves*
Yui: Ayato-kun...
Ayato: (That dazzling is so annoying when it appears.)
....why is it only happening when I’m going to drink her blood?
That place... I've seen it, but I don’t remember it, yet I feel like I’ve been there.
Besides, I get that strange feeling when I suck her blood.
She's just my bait, I shouldn’t worry too much about it.
There’s, something burning in my heart... what is that supposed to mean.
Fuck, I’m getting irritated. I’m sure it was just a daydream.
Surely if I stress myself with that dazzling, it might get worse at that point.
Whatever, I shall go to my room.
That woman won’t get away that easy next time. 
I wonder what we should play tomorrow... let’s see.
→ Story 04
← Story 02
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kyouxa · 5 years
Diabolik lovers Chaos Lineage: Ayato Sakamaki (Story 05 +CG)
In terms of the gameplay: The black choices lead up to a bad ending, the white choices lead up to a good ending. Please no reposting onto other sites, ask me before translating this into another language too! I’m an amateur translator, but I hope you do enjoy it anyway!♡ 
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Place: Orange Mansion — Living room
Ruki: Well, Ayato. You‘ve been the worst for acting that selfish today
Shin: Yes, this is going to be an ugly situation for you
Kanato: However, I swore I won’t forgive you and that’s what won’t happen. Come on, beg for mercy and apologize for your misbehavior.
Ayato: ...Tch
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Ruki: Why didn't you stay in the mansion?
Ayato: Shut up... I don’t need to obey you, that’s the reason.
Ruki: I wonder what would’ve happened if you lost your life? Even Eve was in danger, by your own selfish behavior.
Yui: Ruki-kun...
Ayato: ....
Ruki: — I thought that some of your selfish actions would change if Eve was with you.
...I was wrong
Yui: (So ​​that’s why he allowed us to sleep in one room together)
(So Ruki-kun is really worried about his brother's, even they aren't his real ones)
Ruki: No matter how hard I believed in you, you disgusted me every time, Ayato.
Ayato: It just happened to be bad luck! There is no one who could beat me!
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Ayato's face: Shut up... get out of my sight already. 
Ayato’s shoulder: You asshole always know everything better... you don’t understand my situation at all... that’s what I hate the most.
Ruki: ...Are you going to keep saying that selfish crap?
You are not strong at all. You’re just stupid and arrogant.
Ayato: —Tch!
Ruki: I have to do something about that simple and selfish thinking circuit...
Even if I need to destroy your mind.
Ayato: What is it? Only because you are a bit smart, won’t decide anything!
You’re intrusive attitude is annoying!
I decide what I want to do!
It's a tough life for someone like me!
*Ayato leaves*
Yui: Ayato-kun where are you going? Wait for me...!
*Yui tries to follows him*
Ruki: Eve, dont chase him.
Yui: But, he seems to be in such pain...!
Ruki: Dont worry. That’s not a big deal for any vampire.
Besides, it’s like you’d dealing with a beast for now. He wouldn’t listen to anything after all.
Yui: ...ah!
(Yeah... that’s right...)
— Still, if I had stopped him at that time, it wouldn’t have been such a messy situation...
There was a time when I knew everything about Ayato-kun...
Something more... should’ve been possible —
Ruki: It’s too late to regret anything now. You can’t change what happened anymore.
Yui: I need to at least say that I’m sorry! I’ll follow him after all!
*Yui follows Ayato*
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Ruki: *sigh* Jeez. I never expected her to be so stubborn
Shin: She really is an idiot
Kanato: Oh my, they will end up fighting anyway
Place: Orange Mansion — Ayato’s bedroom
Ayato: Shit...!!
*Ayato hits wall*
*Yui knocks*
Yui: ...I’m coming in, Ayato-kun
(Wow, I heard the sound of him hitting something and I was not wrong ... the wall is dented and cracked)
Ayato: Why did you come here?
Yui: ....ah!
It's because I’m worried about you, Ayato-kun
Ayato: ...Tch
Yui: ...
(I’m scared, but he’s injured. I feel like I can't leave Ayato-kun now.)
Ayato: Ah, shit! Why is that guy so annoying to me?
Yui: Ayato-kun...
Ayato: Ruki only cares about his attitude. Maybe I was underestimating the scarlet family!
But I am the best, I am better than anyone else!
I will... definitely prove my strength to everyone!
Yui: (Even if his memories are gone, he still has the feeling that he needs to be the best.)
(I don’t know the reason, but I'm sure he’s suffering from that feeling)
Ayato-kun, why do you want to be the best?
Ayato: Hah?
1) — No need to be (black)
2) — You’re already the best (white) ♡ ♡ ♡
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— No need to be
Yui: You don't have to be the best in everything
Ayato: What are you saying. You don’t even know what you’re talking about!
You really don’t know anything? I know my actions were stupid, but I was able to beat them!
Yui: (Ayato-kun...)
Ayato: Remember well,
I am absolutely the best and I will become a champion. Nobody will beat me anymore.
— you’re already the best ♡
Yui: That’s right. For me you’re already the best.
Ayato: Hah? You’re stupid. It’s useless if only you think that.
I need to make Ruki, Shin, Kanato, Scarlet and Violet think so.
I am absolutely the best and I will become a champion. Nobody will beat me anymore.
end Choices
Yui: (The reason why he wanted to be the best was to show his mother what he can do...)
(『You are the best』 he always wanted to hear that, he tried so hard to reach the expectations of his mother)
(And now, he forgot about me, his brothers and his memories became strange)
(I just want them to come back...)
Hey, nobody looks down on you Ayato-kun. So —
Ayato: Shut up!
Yui: Kya...!
Ayato: Do you really think I'm a weak? You’re not different from Ruki!
You’re pitying me because I got defeat and lost the fight, aren’t you?!
Yui: Ah, That’s...! I don’t think so!
Ayato: Shit! Get lost already! I’m only keeping you because you’re my prey!
Ey, let me drink your blood. I’m too thirsty to handle anything anymore. Ah... !
Yui: No... stop
Ayato: Ah... Haa... Hmm... I won’t stop at all!
You followed me on purpose. It's almost noon, so you thought I’m hungry?
Yui: ....ah!
Ayato: You cant argue... what a dirty woman you are.
I’ll do as you wish, my fangs will destroy you.
Ah... Haa... Hmm... Hmmmm... Ahhh...
Yui: Ayato-kun...
(I can’t resist though... he’s too strong...)
Ayato: Ahh...Ughh...Hmm?
Yui: (— Ayato-kun?)
Ayato: Not again...! What’s with this dazzling...!
Shit, I don’t care about it... Ah... Haa... Hmm...
Yui: A-Ayato-kun...! Wait...! It hurts so much...
*Yui struggles*
Ayato: *continue sucking*
Yui: (I’m not able to speak anymore... at this rate I’ll obviously die...)
(I can not stop crying even though I don't want to cry...)
(— What should I do? My consciousness... is already... fading... —)
Place: Orange Mansion — ??? bedroom
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Yui: (...huh? What...?)
???: ....
Yui: (Who is it... Ruki-kun...?)
Ruki: You noticed.
Yui: Ruki-kun...?!
(It’s not Ayato. Besides, is that Ruki’s room...?)
Why am I here? Certainly, I was in Ayato-kun’s room...
(I remember, he sucked my blood...)
Ruki: Ayato took too much blood and I found you unconscious in his room.
Yui: Well then, what about Ayato-kun...?
Ruki: Right now, he was thrown in the dungeon by Shin.
Yui: What!
Ruki: What is it? Surprised?
Yui: He will suffer even more down there
Ruki: Are you still protecting that stupid child?
If I weren’t the one who stop Ayato at that time, you would’ve been killed.
Yui: That is...
Ruki: Besides, the appearance of Ayato got even more strange. I wonder why he changed since you came here.
If I’d left you there, he’d suck that much that you’d be dead by now.
Yui: ....hm!
Ruki: I can’t afford to lose Eve to someone who’s that selfish.
That’s why, I decided that I can’t deposit Eve anymore.
Yui: (That is—!)
Ruki: You should understand your situation. Ayato took your blood, without being aware of your feelings right?
Yui: That is... to be honest I can’t tell...
(I wanted to stop Ayato-kun, but in the end I couldn’t do anything)
(There’s still no return in his memories, I don’t know how to get them back ...)
(What am I supposed to do)
Place: Orange Mansion — Dungeon
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Ayato: Let me out! I said let me out!
Shin: You’re so noisy for an injured person. You seem to be fine if you can move like that.
That’s why, you have enough time to think about your mistakes. Take your time from now on.
*Shin leaves*
Ayato: Oi, wait! Shin!
(I’ll make them regret putting me in here without a fucking reason)
(It's about them sucking up Eve's blood and keeping me in such a place)
(This is somehow pretty frustrating. That dazzling once, again after sucking her blood.)
(I feel like I need to protect her from them, my emotions are quite a mess)
(I don’t know where this feeling came from!)
(I won’t allow them to touch her at all. Those feelings... what are those...)
...Talking about feelings, she cried...
(As I recall the tears of her, I should feel pleasured, but why is my chest hurting)
Fuuuck, what the hell is that feeling...!
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