#hella embarrassing
indigomovn · 7 months
to all the kpop fans who go to stores like target, barnes & noble, and walmart to look at albums, only for you to rip them open and steal all the inclusions, shame on you. don’t act surprised when every store starts locking them with security tags and acrylic boxes, store them behind the counter, make them online exclusive or simply not sell them anymore because you rather commit a crime instead of purchasing one like any other normal person would.
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shesunety · 9 months
I choked this morning
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pastelwhile-art · 8 months
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Big week for gay people (Oct 20th and Oct 24th)
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sunandmoonster · 10 months
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Head empty, only zolu hhhh @v@
And yeh, wolf!zoro went into rut and it’s the captain’s duty to help him out ehehehehe >:]
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lucienarcheron · 25 days
For my og SMTB readers, all new chapters start this Saturday 🫡
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paperkoifish · 2 years
Rainy days
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spicyhare · 25 days
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God… 😵‍💫
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Tell me why the new security guy at my job was like "what are you drawing?" And he peaks over and I'm doing this? 😭😭
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He was just like "oh, ha ha 😅"
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mushtoons · 5 months
Can we see more of Truppy?
hope u mean tpuppy! cuz thats what we doodled 💕 but we haven't really fleshed it out yet so here are silly doodles of tpup and the bbs 💕
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why-the-heck-not · 4 months
>:(((( I have a phonecall today that I have to answer, and ofc some other random phone call came in and I answered bc thought it was that. >:((( it wasn’t and now today’s total is going to be 2 phone calls. this is my nightmare
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oohhh i know you did an ask on who every teachers favourite child is but who are the kid’s favourite? out of the teen parenting trio, who were tsumiki and megumi’s favourites? or atleast the one they were individually closest to?
This is a legitimately hard one and there is no exact answer to it. Here’s the best approximation.
When she was little, it was Shoko. This was not for the best reasons.
I don’t want to delve too deep into this because we’re gonna find out a lot more about how Tsumiki felt about the teen parenting trio as a kid in the fic itself, so I’m leaving a lot of context out. But she liked Shoko as a kid because Shoko was a drug addict, and so was her mom.
It’s not that she liked that Shoko was addicted to drugs. I think Tsumiki violently hates drugs for what it did to her mom and, later, Shoko. But there was a safety in familiarity for Tsumiki. She liked Shoko because she knew how to deal with her and what her problem was. She’d take the monster she knew over the one she didn’t any day of the week, and she just could not understand why Gojo and Nanami were hanging around or why they pretended to care. She was too afraid of anything new to feel comfortable around Nanami or Gojo for a long time. She kept waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Shoko was good to her as a kid. Better than her own mom ever was. And Tsumiki really, truly liked her for that. But she also liked her because she thought that if things went sour with Shoko, she would know how it would and how to handle it. She felt most comfortable around Shoko as a result.
When Tsumiki grew up, I don’t think she had an exact favorite. She was comfortable with and trusted all of them equally, which shouldn’t be confused with her trusting all of them entirely.
She loves her family. And she trusted them enough to bring megumi to them at the start of the fic. But we also know that Nanami found something to make him think she thought they would cut her off from her brother. She’s got a bit of a distance from all of them.
I think she’s spent the most time with Gojo. He was around the most as a kid. I think she likes how he always pushes megumi to be out of his shell. I think she trusts him to take care of them. All of them were really a team in raising them, but Gojo was the closest they got to having a dad. She called him “Dad” once by accident and then immediately tried to drown herself. Megumi had to follow her into the ocean to get her to come up for air. Gojo was insufferable for a month trying to get her to do it again and moped for ages when she wouldn’t.
But I also think that she still has a soft spot for Shoko in the present. They have a little bit of a girl's club. And Tsumiki's unspeakably proud of Shoko for getting clean, and a little bit emotional about it. Shoko got clean for them. Her mom didn’t get clean for her.
It means a lot to her.
When Megumi was little, it was Gojo.
He would never, ever admit it, but it was. He was the one that Megumi trusted to save him from the Zenin, and it fucking broke him when he didn’t. He thought Gojo was a pain in the ass, don’t get me wrong. But Gojo appeared first. Gojo took care of them first. Gojo went to their stupid school recitals and walked him home from school and ruffled his hair and gave them a stupid house even when they said he didn’t have to.
Megumi thought Gojo was just some asshole with ulterior motives when he met him, and it took a long time, but Gojo was the first person he ever thought would take care of him unconditionally. He was a pain in the ass. But he never hurt him. And he always took care of him. It was like gravity, and Megumi trusted it would still be there when he asked for help.
And it fucking hurt when Gojo didn’t.
He took a huge amount of distance from everyone, after, but Gojo especially. He’s most comfortable with Nanami. Nanami has judgment he trusts and has a quieter energy that Megumi is most comfortable with.
He believes that Nanami means it when he says that he won’t let anyone hurt him again. He doesn’t believe Nanami can do it. It’s nothing against Nanami. He just knows how badly he can be hurt, and how hard it is to stop people from doing it. It took a Herculean amount of trust for megumi to trust that anyone even meant it when they said it, so Nanami does mean a huge deal to him.
He believes Gojo would protect him. He doesn’t necessarily believe he will.
It took a long, long time for him to trust Gojo again, but he does. He wouldn’t say it out loud, but he does. He believes Gojo would absolutely intervene on his behalf if he knew Megumi was being hurt. He just doesn’t have the same confidence of him finding out in time.
I can’t find the post again, but I touched on this a little in a different ask about Megumi’s delirium, when he kept insisting that he thought Gojo was busy—he wasn’t saying that because he thought Gojo wouldn’t come and save him, he was saying that because he was certain Gojo would save him if he found out in time. He just didn’t think Gojo would find out before the Zenin killed him.
If Gojo knew, then he’d come save Megumi. The Zenin could only get away with this because he was too busy to realize Megumi was missing.
Gojo was busy. Gojo was busy. It’s not that he didn’t care; it’s that he didn’t know. He’d save him if he just weren’t so busy.
I think Megumi would really struggle with this question if you asked him this in the present day. Not outwardly—he would say Nanami because that’s the safe, obvious answer, and he’d leave it at that.
But he’d struggle, because I think he knows that Gojo was actually his answer once. And I think he is afraid of looking too closely at whether that’s changed.
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green-alien-turdz · 11 months
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Cringe drawing 4 an angsty charmac fic
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hella1975 · 9 months
sat watching horror films drinking coffee from my ghost mug. this heatwave has nothing against my sheer commitment to a bit
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franken-loser · 4 months
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viarayy01-blog · 6 months
finding out someone has an au that’s basically the exact same as one of your own
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