#hells taxi ghs
shythechauffeur · 8 months
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This is first stim board! My favourite colour is yellow, and of course, Hell's Taxi is my favourite character so I decided to combined the two! If you have any character suggestions for who I should do next, let me know in the comments below!
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coolthudethecoolest · 2 years
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That Gregory is a fucking horror show
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zenyattaiscute · 3 months
“I own a pistol for self defense, since that’s what the revolutionaries intended. Four banditos break into Gregory House. ‘Que?’ As I grab my sombrero and bandolier. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man. He’s dead on the spot. Draw my gun on the second man. Miss him entirely because I have shit aim and nail Mummy Papa. I have to resort to the shotgun at the top of the stairs. “Draw, amigos.” The grapeshot shreds two men in the blast. The sound and extra shrapnel set off Hell’s Taxi’s alarm. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified pendejo. He bleeds out waiting for Catherine to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are difficult to stitch up. Just as the revolutionaries intended.”
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archituck · 1 year
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new brushes + messy sketches =)
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twinklecupcake · 4 months
Can I have more hcs for GHS, especially for Akane and the rest of the characters?
Akane shockingly gets on well with Gregory Mama. Gregory has no clue how or why.
One day he does ask Akane about it and she's like "Oh, once I tell her what she likes to hear I can play her like a fiddle." "....My Dear, I just fell for you all over again."
Hell Taxi will pick up the permanent residents and drive around with them so they can have a nice car ride.
Akane also has girls nights in the hotel bar with Catherine.
Together they're that vine.
And my personal headcanon for souls in GHS as a whole, there's a sort of hierarchy to guests and who they become. Bottom-tier: souls trapped in jars to become food for Gregory and his mother. A tier above that: Permanent guest at the hotel, but Gregory thinks they're irritating and makes them stay outside. (Dead Bodies, Poor Conductor) Above that are guests who are inside the hotel, but seem to run on autopilot. (Haniwa Salaryman) Above that are the main guests you might encounter. (Catherine, Hell Chef, Cactus Gunman, etc) Top Tier: Gregory and his family. Akane shot right up to this tier after she chased Gregory with an axe (which impressed him. A lot)
Where a guest ends up in the hierarchy depends a combination of factors; on how quickly they succumbed to the hotel, what brought them there to begin with, if they fought, how much Gregory likes them, etc.
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pepperoni-chips · 6 months
Glances at your silly AU
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Ms. Jay's Hotel (Which for simplicity and the sake of my sanity I'll call Jay House) seems a little...Too good
Jay House, according to your post, is a place where "the soul is actually sent to the hotel after the soul's body has died. Some people are lucky enough to appear in front of it. Some are not. And the hotel guests are also the opposite to the ones in gregory house. They actually try to help the soul with their past memories and always make sure that they (the soul) still have their sanity (which most likely the soul will)." I don't know about you but I'm expecting at least one saboteur to be in Jay House. Also, you mention that Ms. Jay is a bit of a pushover, which could possibly mean that she could be an easy person to deceive.
Possible candidate include but are not limited to (If we're going off the fact the guests in JH are the total opposites to the guests in GH. Also I'll use their GHS names because they don't have an AU name yet):
-Haniwa Salaryman -Dr Fritz -Hell's Taxi -Death -Neko Zombie -Anyone in the Mummy Dog Family
In conclusion, I believe that Jay House is a little too good to be true and there will be at least one guest there to make sure you're not completely out of the woods (Or out of the possibly Weirdcore-esq field in the potential sky and/or middle of nowhere). But hey that just a theory, an AU theory (And that was my obligatory Game Theory reference, Thanks for taking the time to read this.)
I REALLY love the theory you made, and I'll definitely make a character that would be a not so great guest. Also,I would like to note that the guests in Jay's hotel vary and are nowhere similar to the ones on gregory House (on looks that is). Some of them are obvious opposite to certain characters. Some aren't. That's all I Wanna say, and again, I really love this theory that you've made for my AU. I appreciate it.😊
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thermodynamiclawyer · 3 years
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ohhhhh yeah
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ghs-imagines · 3 years
I can’t believe I’m asking for this, but.
Hells Taxi headcanons?
Ok I’m gonna go with the gijinnka version Hell’s taxi coz I don’t know how affectionate a car can be.
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* A majority of dates you will have will take place way outside of the hotel, as HT likes to be on the road for awhile before having to turn back.
* He will do a full service check of his Taxi 1 or 2 days before your date as he wants to make sure nothing will go wrong on his end.
* Not the most happy looking of guests a majority of the time but will at least try to show you his genuine emotions when you are together.
* The same is with affection as he does have a service to run so he would prefer to have his working and love life separated.
* If you want to just go for a ride somewhere just let him know and you’ll be on the road in no time.
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itsthevioletqueen · 4 years
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While the apk file doesn’t have the models on it, it has the textures of the new start screens and other things, so here’s some new phone wallpapers for you guys.
(Catherine’s Hospital and Lost Qualia Room in the “Keep reading”)
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galacticlivd · 5 years
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They found him in the woods with a screwdriver in his chest and multiple stab wounds!
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shythechauffeur · 3 months
my beautiful new banner...
girlypop/yassified hell's taxi as the young'n would say.
(i'm living my truth as hell's taxi's wife)
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doctorghoti · 6 years
What are your thoughts on Hell Taxi and Public Phone?
They sure do exist. Public Phone's first appearance was so fun and unexpected. Also loved him in The Last Train and seeing him get his comeuppance. Hell Taxi I'm not too attached to. He's alright.
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micechicken · 6 years
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The mysterious GHS character named “Tire”
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goldenjudgement · 7 years
What would be some pet peeves the guys would have?
Gregory: The kids that are always on their phones, parents who let their kids scream and carry on and they don’t do anything about it, people who think that their kids are just the cutest and can do no wrong and when the other guests make a mess after he has just finished cleaning. He also hates it when you go and move his XXX magazines and then he can’t find them
Cactus Gunman: When you hold the door open for someone and then they don’t say “thank you” in return, not stopping and looking both ways before you cross the street and people who are devastated by a breakup and the next day they are in a new relationship
Death: Being late/not being punctual, talking over another person while they are talking, not respecting an authority figure and back talking 
Hell’s Chef: Leaving dirty dishes in the sink when the dishwasher is empty and can be used, leaving the fridge door open for too long when looking for something to eat, loud chewing/not closing your mouth to chew, putting a carton of juice back in the fridge when there is only a drop left and those damn vape pens
Hell’s Taxi: Leaving trash in the backseat, when you let the one car out in front of you and then they don’t wave thank you/when you let the one car out in front of you and then all the other cars try to go as well, when another car pulls up next to you in traffic and their music is so loud you can hear it clearly, people who throw trash out their windows/flicking their cigarette butts out the window, people who can’t park properly/people attempting to back into a parking spot and turning the bass all the way up so the car shakes
Judgement Boy/Judgement Boy Gold: Interrupting him during his judgement/monologue, being passive-aggressive, not owning up to your mistakes and not hitting the right note while singing/purposely singing badly
Neko Zombie: People who walk to slow, people who mess with the thermostat, waking up a minute before the alarm clock goes off and when the sunlight creeps in through the window blinds in the morning
Dr. Fritz: Watching Catherine flirt with patients instead of doing her job, people who don’t cover their mouth when they sneeze, when the patient diagnoses themselves with internet information and the amount of paperwork/patient files
TV Fish: Too many commercials/the commercials are louder than the actual show you’re watching, nothing good on to watch and people who constantly flip the channels and can’t leave one show on for more than one second
Clock Master: When parents don’t teach their children proper manners/respect other adults, when a light is left on in a room that isn’t being used, when the water is left running and when someone stands too close to you in line
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coolthudethecoolest · 2 years
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My new awesome ghs oc Outer Home!!!!! Thought it would be cool to have a guest who was an alien. Second image contains some dialogue I wrote for xem since I thought writing dialogue for xem would be really fun.
If you cant read the main bio in the first image here it is in text form (I’m pretty sure there’s a good amount of spelling errors in there btw 😭):
Outer Home is a guest who is constantly trying to leave the Gregory House, but always fail to do so. Xey try to do this through flying a rocket into a strange, sparkling puncture in the sky called "The Puncture to Reality". As the name suggests, it's a gateway to reality. Another distinct thing about Outer Home is that they're a "human guest" (a guest who thinks they’re still human). Unlike other human guests (Bonehead, Hell's Taxi, Public Phone), xey do recognize and acknowledge xeir inhuman traits but still cannot process that xey are no longer human. Xey’re pretty intelligent since xey were an astronaut back when xey was alive. Determined yet indecisive and uncertain of xeir true goals, Outer Home's intelligence becomes useless in the presence of xeir paranoia and large phobia of the other guests. Outer Home constantly had to move around and was emotionally neglected as a kid, resulting in xeir warped perception of relationships. Despite fearing aliens, Outer Home coped through daydreaming about being on another planet. While on a space mission, xey was suddenly hit with feelings of regret towards xeir life choices, and xey crashed onto into the Gregory House.
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moonwaterart · 7 years
How about general headcanons for....Hell's Taxi and Public Phone?
Hell’s Taxi:
Has a human form people call ‘Kooper’
Loves the bands ‘Boston’ and ‘Queen’ and always has them playing.
He only pretends to only know where Gregory House is. He also knows how to get to other places too, but that’ll cost ya.
Is actually a demon that’s been in purgatory for a long long time.
Loves the Boston Red Socks
He’s a very nice guy and is a great listener.
Public Phone:
A total douche nozzle.
He was a con-artist back in 1990.
He was the last guest before Salaryman came to the hotel.
27 years old.
Is secretly hoarding $600 dollars in that news stand of his.
When he gets scared, the little door on his front opens and a bunch of change falls out.
Afraid of the dark.
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