#hellsing lore
cry-ptidd · 1 year
hellsing werewolves fanlore
- unlike vampires, there are no conditions (such as virginity or gender) to turning someone into a werewolf
- the bite scars very slowly, and permanently stays a dark red mark instead of the usual skin-like tone
- the bite is terribly painful, but the curse can be avoided if the bitten body part is cut off with a silver blade before the transformation process starts
- the reason they’re so rare when the curse is so easily transmitted is because most people die during the transformation process; it can take over a week of excruciating pain for the body to fully adapt, during which the signature abilities are gained; however if the person is weak or sickly, they will most likely die because of the sudden changes
- the newly turned person will be bedridden for up to two weeks during the transformation, during which their hunger and mental state will go out of control without enough willpower
- the person stops aging once they’ve gotten a taste of their first human flesh
- the instincts change during the process ; for a person to stay "themselves" during and after it they have to have an undying human spirit
- the size of the wolf form varies from person to person
- the full moon is only a power boost
- holy items are no use against them, but silver is deadly and scars them permanently
- physical traits that change after the transformation include : body pilosity, teeth shape, eye color and iris shape, ear shape, fat/muscle mass
- human meat is more nutritious to them, if they don’t eat it enough they can become weaker
- silver through the heart is the one true way to kill a werewolf; a shot to the head will slow it down tremendously, but its body will heal slowly if not properly disposed of (one knows the werewolf died for sure if they erupt in blue flames like vampires and other undead do in the series)
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deletedaccd · 3 months
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for it is abomination
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Hellsing Headcanon Mass Post
I had been wanting to make one of these for a long while. Compiling a lot of my overly fleshed out ideas for the Hellsing five especially is a fixation for me and a lot of these are 8+ years in the making. This is long and covers Seras, Integra, Pip, and Walter. Alucard isn't in here cause I want the others to get more love lmao. I'll do Iscariot and Alucard eventually. I just want to try this out-- I want to make more Hellsing friends, especially one's willing to build on the lush free real estate we have here :3
Seras Victoria 
Born February 9th 1979* 
I refuse to believe she was 19 and a cop. *I don’t know how old I want her to be exactly but part of me thinks she’s either Integra’s age (22) or younger by a few months. I refuse. 
Her middle name is Marie, which is her mother’s name, 
Speaking of her parents -- her parents, Marie and John-Mark Victoria, were an elementary teacher and a cop (duh) respectively. 
They were a pretty chill middle class family, known in their community pretty well as they were often involved in a lot. 
So the brutal breaking and entering double homicide of the family and the orphaning of Seras was a big deal. It was in the local news. Definitely contributes to Seras having an intense need to NOT stand out. 
Her time at the orphanage is a seriously blocked out time period for her and for good reason -- it was a very emotionally and mentally isolating place. And she was disciplined. A lot. As canon explores, she was very violent, aggressive, and apprehensive of relations. She never truly got the therapy she needed and she surely thought the orphanage’s religious predisposition would not help. 
Protestant turned skeptical agnostic. She never understands religion all that well after her traumatic childhood. 
She went to a private school until her graduation. She had a massive passion in the law and enforcement, leading her to become a cop for emotional reasons she could never really place (traumatic memory blocking lmao) 
Despite being picked on and being seen as a little lesser, Seras really did enjoy her job as a cop and hoped to one day become a sergeant or a head of the office. Her fellow coworkers really wanted to see her succeed… 
In/Beyond Hellsing
The TV show was onto something with having Seras and Integra have quite the strained relationship. Seras just wanted to be liked and definitely understood that she was seen as an ‘invader’ into this strange little found family. 
I don’t have much more on this in terms of Seras’ side because Integra’s side has more potential for nuance. See Integra section. <3 
Overall, Seras has a very skittish relationship with everyone. She does get close to Walter though, as he’s the most merciful with her regarding her development as a Hellsing agent and vampire alike. She gets on the tradition of being up early enough to enjoy morning tea with him. (She can’t drink it but it helps her feel normal)
Her vampiric arm CAN formulate into a normal, fleshy arm but she prefers it not to as it reminds her of her strength. She can equally dissipate a lot of her body, mainly her eyes and back alongside her arm, but she can’t go full shadow like Alucard can on a whim. 
Vampires of different classes have different arrays of abilities. Seras learns a lot of hers is illusionary and omnipresence. Shadow work, shape shifting, illusions, and expert third-eye vision are her specialties. 
Her favorite drink was London fog or a classic pint of beer. Her sweet tooth was unbeatable. 
She has a nice list of hobbies and interests! She loves dancing, can crochet, learning calligraphy for fun, 
Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing 
Born June 17th 1977
It’s van Helsing but whatever. Hellsing is the popularized version of the surname but if you ever ask her to sign a document or write her name, she always fills it out as ‘van Helsing’ because it is “correct”. 
Childhood and Parents
Integra is conceived out of wedlock between Arthur and Ahalya. They met in 1975 and Integra was born three months after their official wedding. Both of her parents were on the older side.  
Her ‘bastard’ status was a big issue in her inheritance and caused, frankly, a lot of tension between Arthur and Richard and more so doubts among the Round Table. 
Arthur defended his decision till the day he died. Integra was the best thing that ever happened to him. 
Arthur was a devoted, very loving, very gracious father. Meeting Ahalya and really taking the Hellsing position seriously since his 30s helped prepare him to be an engaging father and dedicated spouse. While he was busy and often away, any moment he got with Integra was intentional and held his undivided attention. 
Integra’s mother was present until she was ten. Her mother was a little less emotional but equally loving. She was very adamant on Integra’s education and development into a young, respectable lady. She was very against Integra becoming the next head of Hellsing but Arthur was insistent. 
While not always perfect, Integra and her mother got along. Her mother passed away in the spring of 1987 due to terminal illness. 
She was basically raised by Walter whenever neither of her parents were around. They were the best of friends and could read each other like books. Where Arthur taught her the occult and leadership, her mother etiquette and poise, Walter taught her self-reliance and strong headedness. 
Their relationship was not always perfect and definitely hit a rocky patch when Alucard returned. She still never understood what their deal was. 
Early adult years - Integra is the most socially inept but poised individual. Talking to men? Talking to women? It’s near impossible. She’s a brick wall. She’s real fun at parties when she is either obligated or strongly convinced to go to them. 
Definitely earns herself a Elizabeth I reputation. The only time she ever dated was when she was 15 and she had a picnic with a guy her age once. Never again. 
Hellsing Era
Integra’s ascent into the head of the organization was agonizingly painful. Walter served as her legal guardian and Alucard was her…strange project. 
This is truly when she adopted her more masculine persona and this…closed off nature. It was the only way she saw herself being protected from all the prying, doubting, and slander of the bureaucracies. Was this damaging to her? Absolutely. 
Despite this, she grew very close with her father’s trusted friends. Penwood is more at an arm's length while surprisingly, despite his intensity, Irons is her closest among the RTC. 
Irons definitely sees Integra as his daughter as well, not even as Arthur’s child. 
Her relationship with Alucard at this time is very odd. Mentor/mentee, master/servant, Hellsing/vampire. She didn’t quite know how to appreciate him at this time 
A major contributor to their relationship growing was her discovery of Hellsing experiments and frankly more shameful works. While not inherently positive to their dynamic, it definitely changed the way she viewed Alucard forever. 
Adding onto the Seras/Integra segment here from Integra’s perspective. Integra can not afford to lose her ‘normal’. She is a creature of habit and stability. She would never admit it but the upheaval of her life via the death of her father, the absenteeism of Walter, the introduction of Alucard, her first kill, etc. ruined her perceived safety and it took her many years to regain it. 
She had a new, safe, constant normal with Walter and Alucard. So when Seras is introduced, Integra feels threatened. Her vampire acted irrationally and now she has to pay for it (literally and socially). Seras was an unfactored element to her that invaded her life and threw her into disarray. Obviously, this feeling does not last forever, but she detests Seras at first. 
I could also make a point about Integra having no real positive feminine influences in her life after her mother dies. She lives in such a masculine bubble that when Seras is introduced, she frankly does not know how to respond to a positive, feminine presence. That’s a whole other bag of marshmallows for another time.   
She dies fifteen years after the time skip finale from natural causes. 
Operas are her favorite. Her favorite is Tosca. Her favorite activity with Arthur in her youth was to attend the opera and ballets and the likes.
She pulls just as much as Arthur did. :)   
She is fluent in Dutch and English, and knows a decent handful of French and German from her governess days.
Pip Bernadotte 
Born March 27th 1972. Left handed. 
His full name is Pierre Andre. ‘Pip’ stuck in his youth. 
I have an unhealthy loyalty to believing he is French-Belgian-Columbian. Why Columbian? Because I said so. 
His father served on a mercenary job in Columbia where he met Pip’s mother and he brought her back to Europe with him. Pip was born in Belgium and his parents split up shortly after his birth but they never married. He was left with his dad as his mother returned to the Americas. 
He was primarily raised by her grandfather due to his father’s pretty constant absenteeism but whenever his father was around, it was very pleasant and he has a good, positive recollection of his father. 
His grandfather though? It was complicated. He was a stern disciplinarian.    
His father passed away in Pip’s 20s. They hadn’t seen each other for a few years leading up to his death, not in a negative way…just…kinda went down their own paths. 
Pip skipped Belgium and backpacked all around Europe for a long time after his basic level education. He used to have aspirations of being an actor but well we all saw what he actually is so say goodbye to the dream. 
He was engaged at least three times. Absolute dumbass heartbreaker. 
This is a running joke with the Wild Geese and definitely contributed to his dedication to Seras. She really made him want to settle and stop and be still. Sobs.  
Leading up to Hellsing/Hellsing
He was dumb, young, and had both eyes when he joined his first mercenary group. It was not the Wild Geese but there were some guys in there he met who would soon coagulate into the WG. 
That being said, he found he could make more money if he ran the show, so entered the formation of the Wild Geese. 
When he lost his eye, he temporarily considered getting a fake glass eye but (thank you cocolacola &lt;3) Seras gave him the eyepatch as a “welcome to Hellsing sorry for flicking you” offering. 
He’s got some unsorted trauma from losing his eye but he’s an adamant “it’s not that bad I don’t need to talk about it” kind of guy. Toxic masculinity or whatever. 
In general. He’s got a lot of unresolved/undiscussed trauma. Will he ever discuss it? No. 
Y’know. I feel he and Walter clicked too. They’re both a pair of war dogs who refuse to talk about being said war dogs. Pip is also under the illusion that Walter is pretty normal too until he soon realizes he is NOT. Pip and Walter worked together a lot in creating training drills, tweaking defense systems, and Pip ran the whole “this is our new defense plan” by the latter and both were maybe too excited to bond over insane artillery. 
Pip is not allowed in the gunshop though.
 When it comes to Integra, this man has mad respect for her and after the first greeting, he would never dare to disrespect her to her face or without good humor. 
Alucard is another…can of worms. Pip and Alucard have this odd ‘bro code’ honor between them but not much else. Really Pip only talks to Alucard because Seras serves as some type of liaison. 
As Seras’ familiar, I feel he develops ‘powers’- in a non-traditional sense. 
Memory barricades, psychic blocks/links, a minor form of omnipresence, and an adaptation of Seras’ skills when he branches out of her arm. 
He can materialize fully but not for long and is tethered to Seras via her shadow, so if that is cut, he dissipates. 
He is a polyglot! French, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, English fluently. Arabic, German, and Greek intermittently. 
He's a pescetarian. A failing one. 
Pip is a practicing Protestant but you’d never hear him be too open about it and he’s not a calendar Christian either. He’s pretty devoted. 
Walter C. Dornez 
Born September 30th, 1930. Left handed. 
The ‘C’ stands for Christaan: yes that’s how it’s spelled, it’s Dutch. 
This is my small blip on anon about his parents 
Tldr; Walter is maternally a Seward. His mother is Seward’s daughter and served as a nurse in WWI. She’s also the original holder of the monofilament wires, a vampire hunting weapon devised by the Sewards and their assistance to Hellsing in the early 1890s-1910-20s.
His father is from the Netherlands and served in the war.
He grew up in Rotterdam, Netherlands, until May 1940 when the Nazis invaded the Netherlands. 
In their exit from continent Europe, his parents parted ways. Mother took him to England, father stayed behind to aid resistance. He never came back. 
His mother left him in the stead of Hellsing as they are technically family friends and also left him with her precious wires. 
Started as a hall-boy, moved to a footman in 1941 and then was conscripted into Hellsing full-time forces in 1942, earning the moniker the same year. 
A 14 year old being a butler is ridiculous. As a history major, one who has an area of study in grand-house culture (staff and aristocracy) and hierarchy, it would be UNFOUNDED to have someone so young and seemingly inexperienced serving in a role like that. 
Now when he’s older? Plausible. Especially given the decline in house staff necessity, especially after the war. So anyways, his official title is butler to the Hellsing family and valet to Sir Hellsing. 
Dawn Era and Further 
He was the Hellsing infantry’s lil guy. His only friends were grown men who were either scared of him or thought he was puny. He definitely had to work for his respect and favor, with lots of blood, sweat, and tears. 
A big credit to his success in the ranks was his aptitude with gunsmithing. Making Hellsing’s literal arms makes you a valuable player. 
If he wasn’t using wires, he was using his own handcrafted sniper rifle: Pandora. 
This will be indulgent. 
Warsaw, Poland 1944. Kid can not remember any of it save for emotions, blurry recollection, and now his neck hurts on occasion. 
That Captain fight left him unrecognizable, even to himself, and absolutely shattered the early camaraderie he TRIED to have Alucard. 
He struggled to reconcile that Hellsing was any different than Millennium given he felt they were both out for him, just in different ways. 
Sometimes it’s best he doesn't remember.  
Poland definitely changed him for the worse - intense conditioning to violence made it near impossible for him to adapt back to the real world and being so pivotal in Hellsing forces so early on gave him quite the ego. 
He attended Balliol Harvard to study politics and economics. It was a fine time. Definitely awoke something in him. GAY. HE’S GAY. College was in general not too kind to him in the regard that trying to go back to a strange calm after his tumultuous teen years was……..immensely damaging to his psyche. 
Alucard. God where do I start. They had a…rivals to friends to no-contact to rivals to coworkers to friends to lovers (?) to amorous thoughts to haters to rivals to classy exes to…vampire fights in leather. It’s complicated. 
Integra is his absolute darling. He loves her so much despite being a ‘I hate kids’ individual leading up to that. He loved her as the daughter he never had/never will have and also because it evened Arthur out completely. 
Speaking of Arthur. Walter and Arthur have a complicated relationship- not quite father/son, not quite employer/employee, not quite sir/valet. Arthur was almost too casual with Walter early on but later, they developed a strange, taut but friendly mutual respect. 
Events of Hellsing
He died in ep5. He looked like a shattered jam jar on the streets of London when the Captain was done with him. I refuse to accept otherwise. 
Vampirism obviously saved him- for better or for worse is up to you. 
This is another bag of marshmallows but I like to think his vampire form is. Uncanny. He’s got some strange new features that distinctly set him apart from natural vampires, a common trait with Millennium engineered vampires.
Woman magnet. This man pulled from his 20s to his 40s. Crazy thing though? This man is not into women. Lmao. He has the ‘single attractive bachelor who is single for a reason’ vibe. 
Despite not being a fan of Arthur’s…colorful liveliness…he did some fun, maybe wild things in his youth too. He was no stranger to drinking, going to clubs, dancing, and has perhaps tried a substance or two. Anything to cope. 
Not even he knows how the wires work…he only knows they listen to him. 
They also function like web shooters or hooks if he controls the tension correctly. 
He is decked in scars from monofilament training. Has almost lost fingers MANY TIMES
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Entry one: Date November 8th 1898
We finally managed to defeat Dracula yesterday and he is within my custody. It was not without loss of life as our dear friend and comrade, Quincey Morris was killed by the demon. However, his death was not in vain as ultimately we did succeed, though killing the creature has proven difficult.
Jonathan wanted to use his Kukri upon the bastard, but I stopped him from doing so, and told him that I will do my utmost to study the creature to find a way to kill it for good. Ms. Harker, on other hand, seems to be fine, and the foul taint of Dracula has receded as far as I have been able to deduce from examinations of the woman. Jonathan seems to think otherwise, and claims that his wife sometimes has odd cravings. These are likely to be nothing more than the typical strange hormonal changes a woman goes through and nothing more.
On the other hand, I find myself wondering if Dracula cannot be put to better use than to simply put him down. It seems to be what the creature ultimately wants after all, and it has asked me why I hesitate to kill it completely. Dracula claims to be the eldest and first of his kind, I imagine his body could provide many answers about vampires and the disease known as Vampirism, and I plan on finding out exactly what that will be.
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Scrappy oc x cc today
An immortal vampire (she fell in love with his humanity and adores how he ages) x a 70 years old butler (he fell in love with her timelessness)
(her name is Elia)
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Bonus sketch:
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citrusotakutea · 9 months
Hey op just curious what makes you hate the new Hellsing fanbase. As a fellow Hellsing fan I was wondering if I’ve completely missed something strange going on lately.
The new Hellsing fandom honestly irks me because of the surface level probing of the source material*. Yes, to most it's a hard core, dark, violent, mad and bad-ass anime but, like I've said so often, for so long on this dumb blog, it has the BEST female characters I've ever seen, recently rivaled by Arcane. Incredible depiction of platonic relationships and morally grey characters. To me, it's primarily a found family story, among other things.
The side characters are incredible, Yumi and Heinkel are the most underrated of the show. I mean come on priest and nun lesbians (lesbian used liberally). Heinkel is confirmed by the author to be an INTERSEX HUMAN. Alucard shapeshifts into a female (which, looking at the Devilman fandom, everyone took for an obvious trans metaphor, why not here?). The source material is as homoerotic as it can get between a lot of the characters (the tension between Sir Integra and Seras during the blood scene). Let's not forget Rip van Winkle, Pip, Walter, and Alexander. Alucard's teasing, Seras' naivety and subsequent maturity, Pip's endurance and playful wittiness. These characters and relationships are stuck in my head forever, they're all incredibly unique, fleshed out and worth remembering, no matter how short a time they spent on screen. And the character designs? As a long-time vampyr and catholic guilt fan, can I just say. Rawr. This show shaped how I dress like irl and my own shitty characters, as well.
Sir Integra is my favorite character of the show and one of all time. Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing. Like, an actually good depiction of a no-nonsense, androgynous as hell, unabashedly commanding (dare I say) woman? And it's played completely straight? No "Whaaa that's a woman?" every 2 seconds or "heh, you will listen to me despite my womanhood" from her. Powerful in her own right despite being the few "magic"-less humans of the series. 0 sexualized Ultimate scenes (sorry Seras and the "hot down there" comment doesn't count, that was banter). She was fucking knighted by the Queen of England before she was even 25, hence Sir Integra. Canonically bi-racial and South-Asian. I'm not even going to go into her character's willpower and values but. Hellloooo??? 
Not to mention, something noteworthy about the series, but Hellsing works because Hirano made time for silly moments. I mean, hell, one of the scenes I remember most vivdly was the gag of Heinkel lighting Sir Integra's cigar and being mega-pissed about it during the final battle, it's funny yet in character, despite many fans saying the humor throws you out of the "reality" of the show.
Oh no, but what do the new fandom gremlins talk about? "Alufart rails Y/A" "OMG VLADCARD'S BARA HAIRY TIDDIES I WANNA RUB MY FACE AGAINST THEM" (you know who you are) “I drew the most fucked up version of Alucard I could think of in my twisted mind”
and my personal "favorite":
"omg 🥺 what if intewa and alucard kisswdd", it's almost as bad as Seras x Alucard.
Unfortunately, I am a part of the ship police, so I'm gonna say right now that these two are my most hated ships:
1) Sir Integra and Alucard's relationship goes beyond romance to me. Since none of the new fans know the lore, Sir Integra is and will die a virgin (canon), it's literally plot relevant because by having sex, if she gets bit she will become a zombie slave (obvious but apparently needed to be said) and, taking a note from the 2001 anime, gone is any chance to continue the Hellsing mission. If she was bitten, plot armor aside, she'd have to off herself instead of becoming a vampire. (and for you freaks out there/pos, dare I say… ace representation? you can argue about desire and subtext later)
2) Seras and Alucard's relationship was specifically noted by the author to be a father/daughter dynamic, which is kind of obvious in the show. Like I said, fundamentally a found family series. Yeah, you don't need to treat found family like family family but I gen can't stand this ship.
I know that people will ship characters who've never been in a room together before. I can't stop people from shipping them and these two ships have ALWAYS been popular in the fandom. I typically ignore this and, yes, "don't like, don't interact" is my main rule. However, new fans ONLY talk about this stuff. None of the rest of the show seems to matter, just Alucard's hairy mustached tig bitties and him fucking one of the two women in the main cast. Or someone's self insert.
((tangent but personally my favorite ships are Alexander x Alucard (obviously in an enemies to enemies way), Heinkel x Yumi, and a romance only Seras x s.Integra. Like, you want old women yuri??? There ya go! They were in a mansion for like 30 years (I forgot) together, probably going missions alone and sharing their grief over Alucard and their unique experience/history. Like I said, I can't help who people ship, I'm not trying to say the source material is in favor of my ships or "how dare people interpret these obviously gay characters as straight". like no, that's not why I'm upset and ik alucard and alexander weren't yaoi-ing it up but like. alucard and s.integra shippers dni /j))
Not to mention, I couldn't help but notice, despite this information being readily available to my middle school self, no one knows the fckn lore or background of this show?? I honest to god saw someone comment that Hellsing Ultimate™ was a bad “remake” because it diverged from the original anime.
Here's SOME fun facts:
-the 2001 version of the show has a different ending than the manga because it wasn't finished yet (duh). Hellsing Ultimate is "soooo short" because production took almost a decade and it was trying to be a faithful, well-animated (that takes time bruv) adaptation. Oh, and a bunch of directional changes that I won't get into.
-there are multiple OVAs following Walter's youth in WW2 (Hellsing: The Dawn). Young Walter's design honestly was one of my favorites from the series so. Walter enjoyers. Check it out.
-there is a bonus book explaining a lot about the characters and process of creating Hellsing written by Hirano himself. whenever I got a hold of it, though (8+ years ago) there was no English translation.
-Alucard didn't just transform into a girl that one time, he was in his girl form the entire time during WW2 (hence why when people mention his possible affair with the Queen it might've been a sapphic thing but I think that mostly stems from the abridged series. the queen thing not the girl thing)
-Hirano used to be a Hentai mangaka and actually designed many of Hellsing's characters in said hentai or in short stories (such as Crossfire, it's basically extra, non-canonical Hellsing content) beforehand. Which, this used to be the most popular "fun fact" but has been lost to the sands of time now, so prepare for a lot of people rediscovering this.
-personal lore is I almost named myself Rip van Winkle bc of this show (quirked up Portal, Grell Sutcliff, queer-coded, rifle-wielding shawty)
Anyway, to sum it up, I hate when people don't interpret characters in the same way I do. Yes, I am a bad “fandom elder”, idgaf I am fundamentally a hater.
*I keep seeing this happen with old shows that resurface. Unlike newer or more popular shows where every scene gets scoured, characters who showed up for one scene get analyzed, and endless cafe AUs are made- older shows mostly get fan art of the main charas and the ships of the two hottest characters and that's it. Discussion of lore and themes are completely off the table. So I'm not surprised, just disappointed.
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moliathh · 1 year
crossover: hellsing x identity v
Integra as survivor (rescuer type), career: occultist
Alucard and Seras are hunters, their alias is Alucard is No-Life and Seras is Draculina.
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this is what i mean when i said hunter Alucard attacks with his mouth because his hands are tied
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dumb-and-very-dumb · 2 months
most of the fandom: *doesn't like Zorin and thinks that she is gross*
meanwhile zorin/rip shippers with zorin:
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residentalucardkisser · 11 months
im sensing you guys like my alucard (girlycard) drawi-[GUNSHOTS]
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ft. a doodle of my oc sterling and girlycard interacting
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cry-ptidd · 2 months
Laura genuinely makes me so sad, like I cried all silly sometimes ago cause we have a similar past but I went on and she’s like you know..stuck and I wouldn’t want that for anyone :( even if she’s fictional and a killer. I just wish to be kind to her for a moment and tell her a lot of women or really humans feel her pain, that it didn’t turn all of us into monsters. I guess it’s why I’m attached to her because I get it I do, but also…why I hate characters that have SA in their backstory cause it’s really depressing. She’s an amazing character but I can’t help but still wish her punishment and somehow through it all. Peace. That she gets all the punishment she needs and gets some peace right after..a good for good slumber. Even if she doesn’t get that, or feel worthy of it.
This ask actually made me a bit emotional, im gonna be honest. It's one of the most sincere messages I've gotten i think? I am very sorry about what you went through and I will do the same thing you'd do for Laura and tell you to please remember you're not alone and that i believe in you as a person, and that you're still able to move ahead despite everything that's hurt you.
Laura is a character built on cruel irony and tragedy, and many of her aspects are an exaggerated version of views that i also have because of my own trauma (aversion to men, aggression, anger, spite, stubbornness) and the crimes and attitude that would make her an irredeemable character are here to kind of cement the fact she went way too far in her revenge and how being hurt an turn a person into a monster.
But, i rally have to agree with you. Holy FUCK do i pity her. She's not reveling in her evil, she's not actively trying to do more harm (not anymore), and she's just in a state of permanent self-loathing and isolation, where her punishment isn't satisfying to watch or even really clear. You don't really wanna root for her morally, you just kinda wish she'd just... stop. And take a long sleep. Just like you said, a proper, defined punishment, and then let her sleep.
I think this ask sealed the deal of me giving her a canonically somewhat "happy" ending? Maybe a mild one? Where she starts to settle down and indirectly heal alongside Integra and Seras post-canon. A household of damaged women growing alongside each other. Im sure her Creator can decide on a rightful punishment when she passes. Let's just give her a bit of leisure for now.
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deletedaccd · 4 months
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alucardsathomewife · 1 year
I um.. Hellsing oc
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I plan on making like 1 or 2 more OCs after her, but she plays a role other than being tall and pretty, obviously. She does wear long black pants, just showing she has very strong legs
Lore dump :
Birth date: October 9th 1502
Death date: September 17th 1521
Resurrection: August 5th 1932
Joining Hellsing: somewhere around the 1990s
The burns are from an accident due to an attack
Her sword was made by a blacksmith close family friend for a status piece but was found years later going back to her home land. (That had since been in ruins)
An artificial vampiric nature (not associated with Millennium)
Give it a gentle giant, nervous with new people, sweet, strong wild, and people pleaser
There's a whole lot of truama in her, spicy deeper lore ✨️
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zestyaahbutler · 1 year
Integra's Mom Doodles
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Introducing Amulya!
This name means priceless (courtesy of Athena)
So I was talking with @hellogreyeyedathena about Hellsing and the topic of Integra's mom came up and I was like, "well how do you think she died?"
That turned into brainstorming ideas and headcanons about her mothers life and other lore regarding her passing. Then it turned into me doodling her for way too long.
Anywhooz, She is 22 year old Indian woman in 1977 who was engaged to Arthur Hellsing whenever he is in his 50s-60s. The marriage holds more than meets the eye besides the obvious age difference. I'll make a post later in regards to this lore if anyone would like to hear about it.
Her design is supposed to reflect Integra's very luscious curly/wavy hair. She is shorter (5'3 to be exact) but has other qualities such as the same catty smile. They also mirror each other in parts of their personality.
Her eyes are more doe-like. I felt Integra would have gotten her father's eye shape. Her clothes are inspired by 70s Bollywood actresses, traditional Indian wedding Saris, and British fashion.
I will mention that she never knew about what exactly the Hellsing organization was until the end of her pregnancy. So she was kept away from any knowledge of the supernatural.
You may wonder: "Zesty, why have you not drawn her with her husband?"
I tried and got really lazy
Her and Walter's relationship is pretty interesting
Walter became her main attendant after Arthur got uncomfortable having her around much younger workers. No particular reason but he does trust Walter much more. Naturally, she became rather attached to Walter. She is in a new country and is rather isolated/lonely. Besides companionship, there is more hiding under the surface. I just don't feel like writing it right now.
Treat this as a trailer, let me know any thoughts or questions you have. My inbox is open.
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lilbluebastard · 11 months
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Wanna talk about my hellsing oc Savannah , she’s a ghost mostly a wondering spirit and a gaurdian angel for the children/nuns and priest at the Vatican, sense she’s so pale and wearing white, they nicknamed her mother angel, she can be heard singing or humming, her voice so soothing it brings peace and comfort to the entertainer orphanage
She died in the 1800s at the age of 18, a young girl but wise and gentle , she’s a shy sweet lil lady and totally didn’t make her have a huge crush in Anderson 👀 not to mention she’s short as hell! Only 5’1 , tiny gal
She’s rare to see usually using her energy to help others find things, but at night she does have full control of her abilities, she can walk around in a full solid form
But she didn’t exactly die at the Vatican no, she had passed away somewhere else and her body was attached to the book she died next too, it was her diary, Anderson’s never opened it but he can still see the stains of blood covered in it, he does plan to read it but hes still got more books to finish
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labon27 · 2 months
Miguel "Arkos" Caballero, Orrego
// cw nudity
Coming soon, military model and dancer's clothing 🔥
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pebblezone · 1 year
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