#help bruh. agghhhhh
rystiel · 9 months
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they’re on a date by the way
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lonelyghosts-stuff · 3 years
Marvel’s Hawkeye Reaction-Episode 2
Episode two lessgooo I’m happy disney released two episodes right away. This is dope
Okay lmao I don’t need a recap I literally just saw the first episodes lmao
Damn you cinemasins. Now whenever I see the marvel opening logo I hear the sin ding in my head
Kate got some mad explaining to do
Might wanna save the explanations for later
“I saw a dead body” poor girl lmao
Worlds greatest archer lmao okay girl you’re good but Hawkeye is standing right there
Poor Hawkeye so he’s really too old for this crap
What is this house lol? Very industrial
Tracksuit mafia lol?
I mean idk how connected to the suit she must be since she got it probably at most an hour ago lol
Well that’s perfect timing. Looks like you might need a new home.
Nice catch Clint lol
Nice shot Kate lol
Grab the dog
Don’t leave the suit bruh what???
Tony sold the tower?? I thought pepper was in charge of it? Or did it happen during the blip?
Haha love Clint
Well that worked somehow
Why do you know this place Kate?
So how did you learn to pick locks?
Kate please don’t be stupid. Stay in the apartment
Oh and Kate, you might wanna call your mom to tell her you’re okay. I’m assuming she knows where you live and saw the news about it being burned down lmao
Convenient the fire truck was left unattended lmao
Told ya you should have grabbed the suit before you left…
NYC larpers lol?
Oh good she did call her mom.
Pizza dog
Awwww Clint… showing his paternal side.
Lmaoooo nice drawings
Clint, what makes you think the NYC larpers with
Brooo did that fire fighter steal a suit from the house of a place he was sent to put out the fire? And the news literally JUST spoke about Ronin—how did you not recognize that??? It’s amazing he neither assumed Kate was Ronin nor that maybe he should report the suit or not steal it…
Oh man poor Clint. Wanted time with his family.
Lmao already lost Nate
Poor Clint.
Oh wait yea I just remembered Nate is Nathanial Pietro Barton from Age of Ultron 😭🥺 he’s grown up so fast!
I thought ronin was based in Japan? Not New York.
She’s not gonna stay put…
Oh they are explaining the hearing lol
Awwwww poor Clint. Getting bypassed lol
You don’t need to brand being a hero tho lol. You want to do your job and be able to live your private life.
Lmao imagine if the show ended right here lol. Job done and done.
I have a feeling Jack killed his uncle or at least orchestrated it
Is Clint going to a LARP gathering lmao
Okay so that dude is going around in the Ronin outfit he stole from a house on fire and no one is batting an eye that it’s the exact same Ronin outfit from TV just recently? Dude even posted a video of himself in it lmao. How did he not recognize it and how did no one else either lmao??? Eh whatever…
How are they not recognizing Clint lmao
Lady, he stole something. Clint doesn’t need to wait.
Yea firefighters and cops who already stole something and Clint is literally an avenger who helped save the world. Honestly lady, Clint could and should just push you to the side and walk up to the dude and demand him to return the outfit. The other dude broke the law.
Lmao bruh Clint gonna LARP
As funny as this and I’m looking forward to seeing Clint be forced to LARP, I’m still hung up about the details like… the other dude literally broke the law. Tell these ladies to momentarily piss off so you can apprehend the thief. Okay okay okay I’ll suspend my disbelief for this… agghhhhh
Do none of these people recognize Hawkeye??? How???
Watch him be an archer or assassin lol
Man what a bunch of nerds lmao (I wanna do this so badly)
Oh dear PTSD HUH?
Lmaoooo so serious. This is how LARPers actually view themselves
How did he not get hit by a single person
“And I fought Thanos” poor Clint lmaooo
Kate cmon man he made it clear not to text or call unless it’s an emergency… he’s gonna block you and it’s gonna be on you
Hmmm incoming call. How much you wanna bet it’s gonna be those “character thinks they’re getting a call from someone specific and responds as such only to have it be revealed it’s someone else, probably bad.” Cliche?
Called it
Uh oh time to go to the cops lol
Bro it’s a one on one duel lol? Pausing the overall battle?
“Winner takes the suit” well no, the thief is gonna give up the suit no matter what. Again, this dude is a firefighter and STOLE it from a house he was at helping put out…
I just want Clint to actually accidentally lay this dude out lmaoo
“I’m begging you, kill me.” 2021 mood
Okay cool now hand over the suit
“We burn the corpse” well damn lmao
This dude is playing it cool but he should be getting in trouble for thievery… we just glossing over that??? We just acting like it’s no big deal? He’s supposed to be a firefighter and helping others, not stealing…
Oh does Laura know? Guess so.
How is Clint talking to her? He isn’t holding his phone lol? Does his hearing aid also work as a Bluetooth?
Nat… man I miss her so much aghhhhh multiverse gotta bring her back please!!!
Okay Jack don’t be weirdos
He’s also probably a murderer
Wonder if she’s gonna find the Ronin sword
Lmao if I didn’t know that Jack was up to something I’d be upset at Kate for being rude to him cuz so far he just kinda seems like he trying to be a good future step dad (but we know the truth…)
Challenge him to a fight?
Called it lmao
Fight fight fight
I like how her mom hasn’t even asked her about the scratches yet
I wanna do fencing so badly. Looks like so much fun lol
Eleanor don’t worry, they’re fencing swords. At most they can knick your hand
Kate got some anger issues I see
Lying about what? I’m confused lol. Is she talking about the auction
“How many people get murdered by a sword each year in New York? I’m gonna go ahead and guess zero.” Kate, sweetie… it’s New York. Probably happens at least every other month.
Okay so I’m confused. Kate seemed suspicious of Jack when we first saw him at Eleanor’s house, but what did Kate even know about him then? She seemed to know or at least recognize him. And how long were Jack and Eleanor together before getting engaged? She seems very very very trusting of him even with his clear suspicious behavior.
Butterscotch from the other dudes house. Ooh boy. This, kids, is why you don’t monogram your butterscotch.
These guys call everyone bro lmao
Wait why is Clint just turning himself in? And who is she?
“Guys I can see through the bag.” BAHAHAHA okay okay I love Clint
Lmao random person walking behind the vans. “Minding my own business…”
Yea Kate idk if he can take your call rn
Ohhhh that’s right she works for security so she can trace calls. I think that’s legit lol. I know detectives can at least.
Clint what was your plan here???
Clint stop man spreading lol
Track suit mafia lmao. Y’all acting like a bunch of high schoolers
Lmaooo smooth Clint. How’d you break the hand ties?
How did she not just break EVERYTHING in her body lol? She fell like thirty feet?
Bro I’m not your bro, bro.
Of course the villain is some chick in charge of all the guys. Why is this always the case lmao.
Tbf this is how I spend my time too. Just chilling in a room with only red lights on and music coming from numerous bass speakers yup…
Oh man that was it? Now I gotta wait another week!
Wait who’s taking care of pizza dog?
I’m actually really enjoying this show so far. It has some really good humor and it’s balanced with the action and tense moments. Curious how the whole story will unfold. Definitely a more down to earth story and I dig that. Lot more grounded in reality. Hailee is doing a great job so far. Loving getting to see another side of Clint now too.
Looking forward to the next episode!
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