#like there is literally no content for this ship but i’m suddenly obsessed with it out of nowhere
rystiel · 9 months
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they’re on a date by the way
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dearweirdme · 3 months
• JK being obsessed with JM is an assumption made by jkkrs — the same assumption is used by all other ships JK is involved in
• Jikook did not drink together before Hobi’s enlistment ceremony — that was a manipulated translation by a jkkr who used “language barriers” as an excuse for non-Koreans not understanding what they were talking about, meanwhile other native Korean speakers corrected them multiple times
• JK apparently wasn’t even playing “Letter” on the guitar, as it has now been pointed out by other anons lol
• JK being excited and “giddy” about a project that he is a part of?? No way. He must in be love 🤪
• The uncanniness of JK going live when JM leaves the country is a shipper mindset, because as a tkkr, I can tell you that there’s also a pattern for JK’s lives whenever Tae had a schedule/was busy — I’m sure other shippers have similar theories as well lmao and that’s just confirmation bias
• I think I have an idea of why JK didn’t go to JM’s shows and it’s most likely because he wasn’t even fully aware of JM’s schedule — idk I’m making an educated guess based on JK not even knowing when JM was out of the country or not knowing that his promotions were over (JK said this himself, mind you)
• “Maybe he’s too distracting for Jimin” BFFR ANON they’re in the same band 😭
• JK did not actually know all the words to JM’s songs and what jkkrs like to claim is JK being “mesmerized by JM” while watching his MVs, is JK reading the lyrics (iirc, he literally mentions that he wants to look up the lyrics for that part or something like that)
• JK also consumed every single thing the other members put out too (pls he’s so aware of when they release things) — but fun note (because I’m a tkkr) JK watched Vibe with Tae and was ✨giddy✨ over remembering how Tae misheard the lyrics — also despite not doing a live to show that he was watching Tae’s content, JK was really up to date with any and all things Tae-related (this is corroborated by the multiple times he mentioned having seen the content, or by references he made that came specifically from something that Tae was a part of)
• “It was way more than any other member of BTS” and you’re talking about the interactions they had during a WV live 😭
• Do jkkrs actually listen to anything that jikook say? Because even during Face promotions and when he was busy preparing the album, JM mentioned that he’d been seeing Sope the most often — Hobi and Yoongi also made comments about how often they’d see Jimin, so whyyyyy weren’t jikook seeing each other? Let me guess, they’re too distracting to each other? 😂
• “Pretty involved application process” and it’s just filling out paperwork to choose the buddy program as an enlistment option — it’s wild how jkkrs are suddenly experts on how the SK military works
• Jikook do have a history of working together, so that’s definitely a possibility, but as other people have since pointed out, Yoongi also picked up boxing, and he actually showed up with bruised and swollen knuckles around the same time as Jimin — omg yoonminkook boxing buddies lessgoooo
• Neither of them tell us when they are hanging out, but you know what they do tell us? That they haven’t seen each other in a while, that they don’t know what the other is up to, that they don’t know where the other is. So where do we go from here 🙃 also, the same logic can be applied to literally any other ship, including TK 😭 (we KNOW they’ve hung out more than they’ve mentioned)
• I’m curious what jkkrs think about JK being a cook in the military tbh, because as it’s been reported (by multiple sources, not just bitter JJKs as jkkrs like to claim) JK doesn’t actually sleep in the same area as the rest of the soldiers, but is with a smaller group of cooks since they have differing schedules from the other soldiers — yes, they are still in the same unit
• The irony of saying that Kayla’s blog is cherry picked and that you watch original content and “know the context” whilst typing out this monstrosity of an ask is wild
• If you believe all of that about jikook, what about all of the similar but arguably more compelling things about taekook? I’m almost certain that I can take any “jikook moment” and find a comparable moment between TK or any other ship for that matter because nothing jikook do is exclusive to them
Apologies, I’m sure this is choppy because I was trying to address as much as possible but yikes 😭
Hi @thv-jk97 !
An excellent picking apart of an insane take!
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ryuusei-blade · 2 months
1,7 and 11 for the ask game :D !!
1: Favourite and least favourite character
Favourite is Kiyama Hiroto. His character is so interesting to me!! I can’t help but psychoanalyse him in literally every scene he appears in. He’s such an interesting and well developed character, especially in season 2.
I just love his arc in s2. Like you can TELL he’s a good person really but he also has a deep sense of duty/loyalty to Kira Seijirou (👎👎hate that guy) because of how he’s been manipulated. His character is so tragic because of this. The first time Genesis play raimon is so sad because hiroto just wants to play real football and have fun the way he sees Raimon doing but he can’t 😭😭😭. And then he accidentally injures Fubuki and obviously feels so guilty about it 😭😭😭
He’s also so dramatic for no reason I love it. Like he’ll suddenly disappear after talking to Endou, or when he literally jumped off a water tower when he stopped Nagumo from sneaking onto Raimon, or appeared on the roof when he stopped the Chaos vs Ramion match. He’s so iconic the entire way through.
I’m so sad we didn’t get more of him during s3 because he WENT THROUGH IT and you don’t get over that in 3 months.
Least favourite is Kozoumaru Sasuke. He tries to be Gouenji but he just isn’t 💀
7: favourite ship
Has to be hiromido. I just think they make a really nice pair. Also them together + adopting Kariya is everything to me. I wish we had some kind of content about them as a family, aside from the mini comic, because they’re so cute 😭😭
11: favourite orphan
I’ve already ranted about him so I’ll give the characters that are in joint second place.
(Idk if fubuki counts as an orphan since he could have other family members but just know I am very much obsessed with him as well.)
Midorkiawa is my second fave confirmed orphan. He’s such a silly guy !!! But also what he goes through in s3 is so sad I wanna give him a hug. He’s so desperate to prove to himself he should be on the team and not fall behind that he destroys himself in the process 😭😭😭 They should have brought him back at some point in the finals he deserved it :(((
Honorary mentions to Suzuno and Nagumo. They’re such menaces I love them. Like in the dub when Suzuno says he’s going to “randomly destroy parts of Tokyo… for no reason.” Or the whole thing with Nagumo trying to get onto Raimon just because he felt like it.
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answrs · 1 year
Insert the 'What?' Meme. Did I miss something?
@makima-s-most-smile oh you lucky bastard for not having encountered this (jk jk).
(the tags on this post, for reference)
#anti nonsense #christ the brainrot has spread deep #yeah you get three guesses and the first two don't count it's the pla fandom children* again because who else would it be 🤦 #*gods i fucking hope it's only twelve year olds doing this. i know it's not but let me exist in a more sane world for a moment please. #i have never seen a fandom so violently obsessed with yelling about a pairing where half the ship legit doesn't even exist in the source medium #I am BEGGING y'all to be fucking normal. #the bar was set so low and you're digging into the earth's core to go under it
I’m gonna just tldr sum up the drama for other people just tuning in with unknown level of knowledge on this absurd level of nonsense too:
*DEEP BREATH* OKAY SO! tldr there's a giant moral panic in the legends arceus fandom from purity culture/antis about a super niche incest pairing of side character warden ingo and his (notably absent) brother emmet. except the sheer SCALE to which this spitting, vitriolic (...and performative: see the giant shitfest when japanese fanartists started blocking people with ‘proship dni’s and suddenly those dnis ~mysteriously disappeared~ like hmm! might be something there!) hatred means that basically any fluff piece that gets posted also comes with a giant “ALSO I KILL INCEST SHIPPERS I MUST CONSTANTLY REMIND EVERYONE OF THE FACT AN INCEST PAIRING EXISTS WITH THESE TWO CHARACTERS FUCKING ON ANY AND ALL G-RATED FLUFF PIECES”
yeah so that’s the background. like ive literally seen fics of the teen sidekick getting railed by the entire adult cast float around but nah, it’s only this one, niche pairing that gets plastered all over the tags on the genfic tags on ao3. (which, again, shows how performative out the wazoo it is with these people. seeing ‘proship dni’ tagged on a fanfic on archive of our own, the site literally built by a wincest shipper to host Problematic™ Content™™ the first time absolutely sent me... but the six hundred times after that were much less funny. also the death threats that some come with. yeah. not funny.)
anyway i noticed it started spreading into parental ingo&protagonist fics where emmet is literally not even mentioned whatsoever a few weeks ago. and now i have found at least one fic that’s at the point where neither character involved in the pairing are even present in said media. and the fucking ‘bLaNkShIp dNi’ tags are still there.
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jessicahambys · 2 years
finished binging the s4 pt.1 of stranger things. spoiler-heavy thoughts under the cut:
summed up:
we miss the byers - as family and as individual characters. where did they go. why have they disappeared from relevancy to the plot.
we hate forced stancy. this season and all the steve-obsessive fans are going to make a steve anti out of me. 
lumax is the correct ship of the season.
as a jonathan and byers family stan, what a trash season. even tho joyce has a subplot with murray and hopper and jonathan/will have their cali plot going, at the end of the day? absolutely no content. almost no emotional depth. the plots and development have been given to el and hopper in these sequences, joyce moves to further the plot while will is floudnering to be given sexuality plot and jonathan is there for background space. horrific. we have come so far from s1. 
on the romance spectrum, as a stoncy/jancy/stonathan shipper, also a garbage season. why have they decided that stancy should be a thing again? and why did they decide to do this with ZERO developmenet? like, steve having a thing for nancy still? cool, canon, acceptable given how they ended. on the other hand, NANCY having a thing for STEVE? wild. why?? no development given. last we saw them, she was incredibly unstatisfied with steve, incompatitable. she found solace and friendship and kinship with jonathan and was happy - last we left them in s3 jancy were in love and steve???? fully prepared to move on with robin before she came out to him. both of them had moved on (which makes the steve still being hung up on her less plaussible but fine, let’s consider that now that robin’s out he’s back to hung up on nancy okay fine.) 
BUT NOW??? NOW it makes sense that suddenly, jonathan is across the country so now nancy’s catching feels for steve again? even though NOTHING HAS HAPPENED BETWEEN THEM that makes this make sense??? like, literally nothing. they’ve had ZERO solo interactions of merit, no real conversations outside of things related to the plot, but okay, totally makes sense for nancy to stare and for random 3rd person parties to interject into their lives. which is another complaint - why are randos commenting on stancy??? why are they wanting them to get back together??? because (again) no legit interaction has occurred between these two all season - they’ve had NO real interaction since...s2? everything else has been plot or pining from afar by steve. like, omg eddie’s whole speech about true love because nancy jumped in after him??? uncalled for. she truly would have done the same for any of the party i believe bc she’s a gryffindor at heart. but it was giving v much that random lady in s1 who told nancy that love is what made jonathan beat up steve, implying it was love for nancy that made him do it. however, even as a jancy shipper i recognize that no, it was love for his family that made him beat the shit out of steve. same vibes. random third person who knows NOTHING (literally nothing) about the situation butting in with their own opinion on a single event and dubbing it the cause of romantic love even tho the actual circumastances are not that at all.
so i’m dumfounded by the sudden stancy shoving. truly, it’s like the writers expect us to root for it because the audience loves steve and is supposed to want steve to be happy. what makes him happy? nancy, so give him nancy on a silver platter bc even tho it makes no sense for her canon development thus far, we want steve to be happy so who tf cares.
which also, speaking on this situation of steve - this season felt like it catered to him in a way. like he’s been pining after nancy so we’ll have him DO NOTHING and have the girl give him a second glance out of nowehere to make him happy. he’s jealous of his friends new friend? guess what, that new friend is actually jealous of HIM and thinks HE’S the cool one here. he contributes virtually nothing to move the plot forward? still given as much screen time as they can justify because the fans love him. like, lieterally - think about it. he served no purpose to the plot. robin and nancy led the creele lead while eddie, dustin/max/lucas have been leading the upside down lead. steve is v much like jonathan in the respective group where they are both adding to the plot in no real way (steve was dragged to the upside down but that could have just as easily have been one of the others and had no real connection to the character of steve) - but the difference is the writers don’t give two shits about jonathan, but they like steve so they’re gonna give him stupid dumb lines to feed into the himbo vibes given to him by the fans and have him take his shirt off and have the girl he wants have lingering moments with him too and try to do SOMETHING with a character they originally planned to kill of in s1. he’s a pointless character with lots of screentime and it blows.
anyways, i never liked stancy but I tolerated it and shipped it in certain circumstances prior (see: stoncy - we love a monster hunting trio). this season just made me hate them. on the other hand, didn’t think i’d come into this season shipping ronance, and on some level i still don’t, but i would 1000000000% take nancy breaking up with jonathan for robin over returning to steve. new teen ship ranking: jancy, stoncy, stonathan, ronance - then stancy only when its a pre-stoncy situation. 
the season has also made a True lumax shipper out of me. i preferred them to the other alternative in their triangle of dustin/max, and i thought they were cute in s2 but lost them in s3 with the other drama bc they were very much sidelined to support mileven in s3, but s4??? s4 reignited my love for that dyanmic as well as my love for lucas and max as characters (i liked them prior but now i stan). how anyone can leave this season not loving lumax and lucas and max as ships and individual characters is beyond me. im flabbergasted at how byler and steve have taken over the tag when lumax were the true highlights. 
i also stan how songs are used in this show. i feel like that was missing in s3 after we had 2 seasons of should i stay or should i go used iconically. i am so happy to see songs return as a focal point with running up that hill. dear billy’s ending secene?? immaculate. 
i think they have good set up of byler with will coming out, but im still on the fence about reciprocated byler. will def has a crush on mike. i think mike also knows this?? like he lowkey Knows the same way he lowkey Knew will was gay in s3, he just hasn’t actually faced it, and I feel like it can go either way with him. 
i think my ideal kid ships are lumax and byler, but i also wouldn’t be oppossed to a trio with lucas/max/eleven?? where lucas and eleven are max’s bf and gf. idk that montage at the end of dear billy was v much lucas and eleven heavy and i was feeling it for max liking them both. 
in regards to the seperate plots, i liked the plots this season. i was not vibing with the hopper plot initially, like hopper/joyce/murray sequences were times when I felt I could take my eyes off the screen and listen while doing smth else initially. that changed as the demogorgon bit rolled in. by the end i was vibing with this plot.eleven’s plot had me invested because i was so curious as to what happened at the end in her memory. i was satisfied by what happened. the cali plot had no plot, but I will take my byers scraps where I can. meanwhile, the creel story was the most interesting. i was most intrigued by max’s trauma and experiences with henry (dear billy is my fave epiosde of this lot I think) and nancy and robin finding out about it was cool. i like theintersection between it and eleven’s plot. i think the hawkins crew had the most intriguing bits of that plot in the first four episodes, and then el had the most intriguing bit of that plot in the last few episodes. 
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elysianslove · 3 years
Please wrote more surrogate fics please . could I request one with SakuAtsu or could you just start a series on these. If you'd me comfortable with that. That on IwaOi surrogate fic brought me so much joy. I can't even describe it.
oh my goodness i’d love to!!! it makes me so happy knowing you liked it cause like,,, idk why it’s just special to me :) also im so glad you asked for sakuatsu bc these two ships are basically my favorite jhfgbsj. and yesyes i’d love to have a mini series with like little scenarios of each ship <333
this was insanely long. like insanely. 
content warning; artificial insemination, pregnancy, haikyuu manga spoilers, gay people being happy idk 
being iwaoi’s surrogate 
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↬ it took forever to even get them together, so with a duo as indecisive as them, it’s imaginable how long the decision to raise a child together took. it took a long, long while for that transition from enemies to lovers to be final, and even then, they hadn’t realized how serious their relationship was until they were off getting married and then suddenly wanting a child? 
↬ it was something atsumu brought up out of the blue, just casually as they sat side by side on the couch. “wouldn’t it be nice if we raised a child together?” and it stuck with sakusa ever since. he didn’t know why he was obsessively thinking about it as much, but it’s all he could think about. literally. anytime he so much as thought about atsumu with a child, and a child of their own too, his stomach did a thousand and one flips. sakusa was never the biggest fan of children, and he knew that neither was atsumu. but, this would be different, wouldn’t it? Still, he tried to remind himself of the cons; they were pro-athletes, they didn’t have time, they didn’t understand the weight of the responsibility, were they even ready for something like that? somedays it was too tiring to take care of themselves, of each other. were they ready to be responsible for a whole life, someone dependent entirely on them? it seemed too— unrealistic. like something he could only hope to dream about, and just dream about.
↬ until he thought of atsumu with a little kid, a spit image of either one of them, sitting on his lap, giggling and laughing and squealing in glee. and so he decided, there will always be cons, he just has to see if the pros outweighed them. and honestly, they did. they were pro-athletes, sure, but that also meant they were financially stable, and could provide for a child, properly. they were mature now, knew each other very well, and had adapted to living with one another. they had family and friends all around. the kid would for sure grow up loved and cared for, and him and atsumu would add another person to their family. it really seemed like a dream, but this time, an attainable one.
↬ so as he ate dinner with his lover, he blurted out, “let’s raise a child together,” and atsumu honest to god choked on his food. he asked sakusa if he was serious, if he meant it, if this was real, and sakusa’s answer was yes to every single one of his question. yes, he was serious; yes, he meant it; yes, this was real. as real as can be.
↬ they both already knew they wanted a surrogate, and it didn’t matter who was the father. so long as the child was theirs.
↬ finding a surrogate was, well, a pain, to put it into perspective. sakusa was so picky about the “requirements,” if you will, and atsumu was suspicious of every single woman, it was kind of ridiculous really. he just “didn’t trust that they wouldn’t run away with the baby!” in his words. atsumu suggested sakusa’s older sister, which seemed perfect in his head, but sakusa refused, claiming it was 1. extremely weird, and 2. he doubted she’d say yes, with her own life to handle.
↬ and it finally, finally, came to atsumu: he could always just ask, well, you. he had met you during his college years, and since then, he’d been coincidentally crossing paths with you ever since then, and you’d even managed their msby jackals team at some point. it was weirdly ironic how he’s coming back to you, kind of like fate.
↬ so he suggested it to sakusa, and for once, the latter didn’t really have any way to object, except, “what if this inconveniences her?” other than that, you were the perfect candidate. they knew you well, trusted you, knew they could rely on you. and atsumu was sure you wouldn’t run with the baby. with regards to the inconvenience part, well, they could always just deal with that when the time came.
↬ they invited you over for some breakfast two days later, after they’d thought about it properly, endlessly, and figured you were their best option. it was weird seeing them so nervous when you first arrived, like they were breaking up with you or something. atsumu barely ate with how nauseous he felt, and sakusa spent the entire time watching you eat instead, hands fidgeting and legs shaking. it was really weird, but you didn’t bring it up, letting them take their own time to tell you whatever it was they wanted to tell you, because obviously, they clearly had something to say.
↬ after breakfast, you sat in their living room, just watching the tv quietly, until sakusa offered to get you some water. you weren’t really thirsty, but you agreed anyways, unsurprised to see atsumu rise from his own seat a minute later with a, “be right back,” as he headed to the kitchen. you could hear them bickering and whisper-yelling, and if you weren’t starting to grow as nervous as they were, you would’ve had it in you to laugh. they returned looking like they were bearing the most daunting of news, sitting down on the couch perpendicular to you. atsumu’s hands were sweaty and intertwined tightly together, while sakusa tried to remain as composed as possible. it seemed like the dark haired man would speak up, finally, parting his mouth with a deep breath.
↬ but it’s atsumu that blurts out, “please have my baby!— our baby. please have our baby.”
↬ honestly, your first response was to laugh, in disbelief, as you clutch your glass of water. but then you see their faces — god they looked so goddamn scared — and you realized that, they were really serious. they really wanted you to carry their baby for them. holy shit?—
↬ you were mostly speechless after that, stuttering as you ask them to please explain, you’re honored but are they are, have they thought about this? properly? in depth?
↬ to your surprise, they really knew what they were doing. they’d done their research, and thought about a million other options before deciding that you were the best one. they also repeatedly told you that you didn’t have to do this, and that they didn’t want to guilt-trip you into doing it either. they wanted you to say yes only if you yourself wanted to say yes, and if this wouldn’t negatively affect you or halt your life in any way. you were the one that was going to be carrying the baby anyways, weren’t you? at the end of the day, this was all about you.
↬ you asked them for time to think about it, and reminded them that it wasn’t a no. you just wanted to make sure you were making the right decision whichever that ended up being. a few days later, you call them, asking them to meet up one way or another, and atsumu’s even more nervous than he was asking you; not even sakusa’s gentle lips to his temple or large hands soothingly rubbing at his back or his kind words could help him. sakusa himself was insanely anxious. in his head, it seemed like your ‘no,’ would finalize everything. that it would really mean no hope in having a child of their own, their very own.
↬ you invite them over to your home, and the kettle is already boiling when they arrive. you make them tea and make small talk if only to delay the inevitable. but, to each of their surprises, you take a deep breath and say, “i’d be honored to carry your baby for you,” with the brightest, warmest smile. sakusa has to bite his inner cheek to will himself to not cry, because he can’t believe you said yes. you agreed. you’re going to carry their baby. him and atsumu were having a baby.
↬ atsumu doesn’t stop himself from throwing his arms around you, collapsing on top of you in tight hug that you kind of can’t breathe, but you let him, and you laugh when he thanks you for saying yes, that he’ll “be forever in your debt.”
↬ it’s the happiest you’ve seen either of them.
↬ when you’re done with the process of insemination (of course, atsumu does joke that the three of you should go the natural way and have a threesome, to which he earns a smack from his lover and a smack from you, at the same time), the three of you just have to wait, really. it’s the longest period of waiting you’ve ever had to do, but you try to be patient, as patient as you can be. when you wake up one morning and throw up, you look at your period tracking app to see if maybe you were pms’ing. except, you weren’t. you were late. like a good three weeks late.
↬ immediately, you’re booking a doctor’s appointment. you wait to tell sakusa and atsumu after confirming your suspicions, because you don’t want to raise their hopes up for nothing. they’ve already been swimming in a pool of doubts ever since the insemination, calling you everyday to check up on you and ask for any progress. when the doctor confirms your pregnancy — holy shit you were pregnant — the first thing you do is go over to their house. you know it’s not the best idea to show up unannounced, but with how long they’ve been waiting, and how much they’ve been wanting this, the more and more you fed into it, you couldn’t wait any longer to tell them. you arrive, and the moment sakusa opens the door for you, you gasp out, “i’m pregnant.”
↬ sakusa’s quite literally frozen in shock, his mouth pressed in a thin line with eyes wide open, while atsumu walks over and goes, “oh hey,” in greeting before noticing sakusa’s face and just ???? “what’s going on?”
↬ “i’m pregnant.”
↬ “you’re what?”
↬ you show them with tears stinging your eyes the results of the test you’d taken at the doctor’s, and atsumu grips the report so tightly, like it’ll disappear if it slips only slightly from his hands. sakusa’s still in shock, trying to process everything. it takes him a good while before he can function properly again.
↬ the pregnancy itself is a lot smoother than you’d imagined. iwaizumi, as their athletic trainer, although not well versed with pregnancy, knew a lot about health and taking care of yourself in general, so he made sure you were always eating right and healthy. he even accompanied you once when sakusa and atsumu couldn’t, to the doctor, and made sure to ask him specifically what you should and shouldn’t be eating. all of the olympic/national team are more excited than anything. they’re insanely protective over you, and always pamper and care for you you when they can, whether that be back/neck/shoulder massages or giving you their food when they notice you eyeing it or letting you lean entirely on any of them for support as you walk. granted, they do make fun of you, especially the bigger your stomach got, but they mean well, really. suna once made fun of you and, because of the hormones, and because he was genuinely just mean, you started to cry. since then, suna swore off bullying you, at least until you gave birth.
↬ osamu is beyond ecstatic to become an uncle. he’s so excited it makes atsumu incredibly emotional. he goes with his brother on trips to ikea to buy a crib and gifts him an insane amount of baby clothes and always begins a conversation with, “how’s the baby?” every time you’re around, osamu’s hand can be found resting on your stomach, soothingly rubbing, excitedly grinning when he feels a kick. he is just so happy for his brother, he could cry.
↬ you ask them if they want a gender reveal when you find out or to keep it until the delivery of the baby, but they’re both insanely impatient (even though sakusa does try to convince atsumu to wait because it’ll be exciting, he himself isn’t even that convinced of that and they just ask you to tell them). with the help of osamu and his and atsumu’s parents, you organize a gender reveal party. the moment he sees the pink smoke, atsumu cheers so loudly it makes you laugh till your stomach hurt. sakusa’s grinning wider than you’ve ever seen him, grabbing atsumu’s face and kissing him, before pulling you into a tight hug. it’s literally the cutest thing ever, everyone just cheering loudly around you and celebrating with you.
↬ when you go into labor, you’re with neither of them, but with osamu, aran, and kita. they were staying the night at a hotel since they had training away from where they lived, and you were spending the night at osamu’s because the fathers of your baby really didn’t want you to be alone so close to your due date, and who better than osamu? your water didn’t break, but you kept having contractions. you were brushing it off as normal pain at the start, but they started to get worse, and closer together in time. kita, because he’s kita, had been keeping track, and told you how far apart your contractions were. to which you went, “contractions?!”
↬ aran’s calling sakusa and atsumu as kita grabs your bag as osamu grabs his keys and helps you to his car. you really couldn’t have been around a better set of men, because they were perfectly composed the whole time, helping you breathe and stay calm by staying calm themselves, reassuring you that you didn’t need to worry and that you will get to the hospital in time. they did flinch every time you screamed or cried out in pain, but aran held your hand the entire drive there, and kita guided you to steadying yourself as osamu drove as fast as he could.
↬ the issue was with sakusa and atsumu. to say they were freaking out would be an understatement. they were positively losing it. atsumu’s anxiety was louder than sakusa’s, but the latter’s was clear as ever on his pale skin and clammy hands. they were so annoying in the delivery room, literally faring worse off than you, who was pushing a whole baby out of her body. when you finally gave birth to a healthy baby girl, atsumu sobbed and sakusa cried in his hands, so maybe it was alright after all.
↬ they literally couldn’t believe their eyes when the nurse handed you the baby and placed her on your chest. she was so, so tiny, so beautiful, and theirs. honestly, you couldn’t hold back your own tears at the sight of her, and at their reaction to her. you held her in your arms as they thanked you, over and over and over again, for the biggest blessing they could ever receive.
↬ despite the fact that you were simply their surrogate, sakusa and atsumu knew they couldn’t just separate you and your baby, and neither could they just take her home all of a sudden. so for the first few months, you stayed in their guest room, but the baby slept in her own room. it was more difficult than you expected it to be when you were leaving her to go back to your own home, but they promised you repeatedly that they’re not really taking her away. it wasn’t as if you couldn’t visit at any time you wanted to come visit her. but at the end of the day, you knew what you had been signing up for, and that she was their daughter.
↬ she grows up to be a gorgeous woman. she’s interested in volleyball, sure, she’d been raised with volleyball players everywhere around her, but it’s not her immediate passion. atsumu thought he’d be more upset about that than he actually was, because he found out that it didn’t matter at all what she wanted to do. hell, if she wanted to do nothing at all and stay home forever with them, he was 100% on board with that. whatever made her happy and healthy, he was okay with. she grows up to be really close and really comfortable with both of her fathers, and they make sure with every passing day that no matter what, she can always come to them. and she does, about every little thing. and each and every time, they listen and advice and guide her properly. a s parents, they’re a perfect balance of strict and lenient. they set and raise her to never cross those boundaries, but otherwise they give her complete freedom. they respect her privacy, her decisions, everything.
↬ there was a day when she came back home from school, and they had taken a biology class for kids, where a teacher had explained periods to them. obviously, as curious as ever, she’d asked her dads about it, because she didn’t really get it. she wanted to know the how’s and the why’s and the what’s and the when’s. with every passing second atsumu had felt his lifespan shorten. eventually he suggested they call you, who she knew as her ‘aunt’ for the time being, since you were a woman and nobody would really explain it better than you. when she did get her period eventually, and had to sheepishly and shyly ask her dads to go to the store for her because she needed, um, supplies, atsumu lost it. sakusa had to try and calm him down all while laughing as he got ready to go to the store for her, because the drama of miya atsumu never gets old. he just couldn’t believe she was already getting her period. what the hell! what the actual hell!
↬ of course, he proceeded to embarrass her by telling osamu, telling sakusa’s parents, telling his parents. not cool :(
↬ when she was old enough, especially to understand the concept of being a surrogate (oh my god the sex talk was a whole other insufferable thing), they told her about you, and that you were actually her biological mother and not just an ‘auntie.’ she tried to be angry at them for keeping it from her, but she was honestly more excited about finding out than anything. it brought the two of you closer together, and for the next mother’s day, she organized a whole brunch for you, her and her dads, got you a gift, flowers, everything. yeah, you did cry.
↬ you genuinely have never been more satisfied and thankful for a decision like this one, ever, especially because of how much of a blessing the outcome had been.
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can u tell this isn’t my first time thinking about this. ever since i posted the iwaoi one i’ve been wanting to do a sakuatsu one, but i didn’t really know whether anyone had enjoyed that or would want more, so thank you for sending in this ask!! love u all mwah <3 
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Watching the Rise of the Titans movie and I'll be documenting all of my thoughts/reactions here. [Spoiler Warning]
So instead of reblogging every new update, I'm just going to have this post up on my phone as I watch and type my reactions in a bullet list format.
Nari's human disguise is so cute. As someone who does have a cottagecore aesthetic, I want to cosplay her so bad
Are Skrael and/or Belroc non-binary coded? Regardless, I'm also obsessed and I want to fuck Skrael and be Belroc.
STEVE CARING ABOUT JIM BEING HURT YESSSS!!! My god his redemption has probably been one of the greatest there is because he doesn't just suddenly go from being a bully to a completely good person. You can see the gradual shift in learning better throughout the shows which is awesome.
The mugshot montage reminded me of season 1 of trollhunters when toby and Jim were arrested at the museum.
STRICKLER PUT A RING ON IT??? HE'S THE ONLY DILF IVE EVER ACTUALLY AGREED WAS HOT WYM I CAN'T HAVE HIM??? well I'm still really happy about his arc over the series probably one of my favorite character growths.
Eli my guy got his growth spurt!!! As an 18 year old who is still 5'0", I'm happy but envious for him
So I went into this movie without watching any trailers or promo, but I doubt anything could have prepared me for the existence of mpreg. In fact, I wasn't going to document my reactions until I saw that.
The coach teacher just called the kids zoomers so I have to dock one point from my final rating just because of that. Unforgivable
Those husky animation models suck lmao
Oh fuck the titans got power ranger zords!!
God why did they include the mpreg??? This movie would have been perfect without it.... After that plot point being revisited only one time I'm already beyond done with it
Like it's bringing me back to the v*ltron days where they're was a suspiciously high amount of klance omegaverse and mpreg fics and art created and it physically hurts because Steve and Keith's voice actor is the same person meaning this is especially cursed to me since I was unfortunately in the v*ltron fandom and remember all of that
But like on another note, how old are these characters again??? I haven't checked any wikis because of spoilers but is Steve an adult??? I know aja might be technically a lot older than 18 because alien but is whatever age she is equivalent to an adult as far as emotionally and physically in Akaridion development??? IS THIS A TEEN (M)PREGNANCY IN A KIDS SHOW????
Like bruh I saw a singular post on here before going into the movie that was like "rott spoilers without context" and there was a pregnant belly but I was absolutely not expecting the actual context of it. I'll find the post after I finish and edit this post to tag the creator right here: @makoden
This entire post is just gonna be me ranting about mpreg huh
Anyway I love the whole roundtable allusion to the legends of king arthur (not the toa version but the one he's based off)
THERE'S 3 TO 5 BABIES????? I need to take a break bruh this is just too much
Alright I've taken a 30 minute break got some food and did some things i love (decompressed by tactile stimming with some owl plushies and watched some videos on my favorite owl, Garu. He lives in Japan with his owner and is a domesticated eagle owl who basically just acts like a sky cat. If anyone else needs some eye bleach, here is their YouTube channel)
Blinky and ARRRGHHH!!! saying their "if one of us doesn't make it" talk my god one of them is going to die I can see it and I will be utterly crushed. Jim can't lose another father figure and Toby can't lose his wingman again I will riot if this happens
On a similar but unrelated to the movie note, can we just talk about how toa started with Jim having 0 dads and (if strickler and blinky live to the end) will end with 2 dads? Like I just really feel happy for him that he has two dads who actually figured out how to put the past behind them to not have any infighting between them so that both of them are healthy father figures. Jim has already been through literal hell and back losing his actual humanity in the process so if he loses one of them, I'm going to be really pissed because at this point, this is just Jim torture porn. Y'all know how as SpongeBob SquarePants went on, the show just became Squidward torture porn? It's starting to feel that way for toa and I really hope they cut the shit by the ending
Jlaire is such a good ship but like I feel like it's too perfect they never disagree with each other
YESSSSSSS Someone finally doesn't treat toby like a fat waste of space who messes stuff up!!! I think out of all the characters that would have been most deserving of a rewrite, it's Toby. Sometimes I just feel he's only comic relief and any heartfelt moments he's had in the series was also born of stupidity (ie his flour baby project being unharmed was seen by him as divine intervention from his parents but was actually just Eli and Steve behind the scenes).
Ohhhhh yesssssss Archie's father!!! I was hoping I'd see him again because we got so little of him last
Ooooooooooh Asian trollmarket!!!!!
Oh never mind slavery trollmarket
Bruh titanic camelot
I feel like we're not seeing enough of the villains because I completely forgot about the power ranger zord things
WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh thank God I don't want to know anything about that person
For the record, I call that man Jim's sperm donor because he has no business being called a father to him. All he did was donate some swimmers to the creation of him and give him abandonment issues
Oh another blind troll elder???? This fucker is just if vendel was a bad guy
Bruh I was grieving
PACIFIC RIM WITH GUN ROBOT VEX AND THE BELROCZORD? I've never seen that movie but I know the reference
Bruh Blinky doesn't read horoscopes? Does he realize conspiracy theories are just the manly version of horoscopes?
Oh thank God he's okay
oh never mind they're just gonna coup de tat I believe in them :))
But I want to see him again
But I'm glad to see vex
Yay they're in arcadia!
But yeah I wondered why the trolls and Merlin didn't keep the whole "daylight doesn't hurt trolls" feature from the eternal night but now Guillermo del Toro I see you were playing the long con in that just to kill my girl Namora :(((
Oooooh I love the animation of the Narizord over Chihuahua!! It looks very good and realistic (if only they could have put some of that into those huskies from before smh)
Bruh the character designs of the arcane order are so good I want to be them
Nari making sure the Skraelzord doesn't crush the bus
Bruh I'm just glad we finally have an answer on why arcadia had everything going on as opposed to literally anywhere else!! I always found that as a weird coincidence for plot convince.
Oh that's real convenient that the ninth configuration meant all of them. Way to not decide which character gets more attention. Though it probably was a smart way to not have any infighting in the fandom between each character's stan group.
Bruh I just realized where is Barbera did they just ditch her on the Camelot ship???
And where are the other trolls that migrated at the end of trollhunters s3? They said something about new jersey but obviously Jim and the other main characters got on Camelot instead.... This feels like a plot hole
And we never learned the process of how changelings are made and bonded to humans and stuff. We just know it's super painful but I'm curious ffs!!!!
Plus the main audience for this series is little children (the rating for the movie is literally TV-Y7) so even though my adult ass is not in the target audience, I STILL DONT UNDERSTAND WHY WOULD MPREG AND ANAL BIRTH WOULD BE AN IMPORTANT THING TO 7 YEAR OLDS???? THIS IS A LITERAL FETISH HIDDEN IN KIDS CONTENT ITS ELSAGATE ALL OVER AGAIN Y'ALL 😭😭😭😭😭
Though it's probably hypocritical of me to think fetishes don't belong in kids tv when I've openly admitted to thirsting for strickler and namora
Alright good job just missed the directions at first but you fixed it
SEVEN KIDS?????????
T O B Y ????????????
TROLLHUNTER TOBY????? You know what forget the whole rants I had on how toby was written they just redeemed it all
And that's all! I'd rate it a 6.5/10 because it's definitely the weakest of all the sequels but still had amazing animation and some good plot points. It's just really hard to look over the bad stuff enough to rate it any higher.
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author-luna · 3 years
My writing ideas (1/?)
Part 1 | Next >>
I know I said I have exams but I couldn’t stop myself from doing this-
Basiaclly, a new series where i write down my writing ideas for different fandoms as well as some notes about it for future references. I might never get to write them, but at least someone else can see them and enjoy it!
This posts fandom is TCF because it’s my current obsession-
(please excuse my poor naming ability, I can’t come up with names for things on such a short notice)
TCF actor AU
An AU in which the novel gets a life action adaption and the casting director happens to find actors who are, quite literally, the characters they portray.
Slight dynamic and personality changes between the characters as well as some OCs that will probably be mentioned a few times.
Uhhh Dad! Cale strikes again with the children averaging nine-years-old being his actual adopted children.
Still gotta figure out where I wanna go with this I guess? Truth to be told I jus want crack texting between everyone, don’t mind me-
Also Rosalyn and Cale are childhood friends/basically siblings and everyone thinks they’re the MOST iconic duo ever (they are,of course, right)
Everyone’s twitter account is a mess because no one knows how to run a social media account and the only one who knows how actually run one is Hannah
Probably no shipping, just open flirting because why not :3
Any help for coming u with names for the actors are welcome (read: desperately needed)
Might leave the names the same?? I dunno I’ll decided when i actually get to that part
Hall of universes fic
One peaceful day, as everyone is gathered to celebrate New Year, they suddenly find themselves in a spacious lobby. How did they get here? How do they get back? Who’s the girl typing away on a laptop on one of the couches? And what the hell does she mean by “Have fun exploring the different universes?”
Basically a self indulgent fic (I’m literally in the fic what more do you want me to say?) and crack fic, where our dear TCF family sees different parallel universes ranging from modern AU, spy agency AU, mythical creatures to sad angst shit
Buckle up to see them walk down a hallway with many doors, behind each one a different world with it’s own twisted rules and fateful encounters, until they reach the very end
mostly crack and a place for me to put out my AU ideas together as well as try to do some character exploration
Do they get back at some point? Probably, the question is just when
Fic-me is a little bitch but I don’t care
Each AU aka ‘room’ will probably have like 1-5 chapters about it and then they will move onto the next door
I hate Deruth with a passion so we will be witnessing him get torn down to pieces by guilt, shame, self hatred and more
OG Cale gets the love he deserves in some of the rooms, maybe, I don’t know, I’m not there yet
Some of it will be cringe asf and OOC but like, soft content i guess?
I definitely am going to add a room about childhood friends! AlbeCale because they would be such an iconic duo if they knew each other earlier
A chapter about Cale taking “I’m sipping wine, in a robe. I look too good, to be alone’’ shit to another level
Human! Raon concept where he looks exactly like Cale to the point where people think he’s his biological son and Cale just goes with it
Lots of Dad! Cale with his children because I’m soft for them
This is getting too long so I’ll mare a cut here-
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mrs-bartowski · 3 years
what is wrong with you? i know some mutuals who ship meltie in peace, don’t generalize us… it’s just one deranged person on twt who keeps on saying that mel and chris are divorcing, plz don’t generalize the whole fandom
There is absolutely nothing wrong with me and something very, very wrong with you and your mutuals if you truly think it's okay to do so. Shipping real people is absolutely, without exception, abhorrent.
Let me say again: these are real fucking people. Not your OCs. Not your fave TV characters. Real, live people with their own thoughts and feelings and emotions that you cannot possibly know without personally knowing them. There are absolutely zero valid reasons to ship real people and about a hundred million not to.
Chief among them: you have no control over what of those deranged musings get back to them. They smile at each other for 5 seconds and suddenly they're getting tagged in and sent posts about how happy they make each other and how they should just date already by that "one person" you thought was the problem.
I don't give a flying fuck what you think a person should do with their love life. If you are not a personal friend of theirs, you have no business putting those opinions in a place where they could be exposed to them, especially if that person is a public figure.
Like I said in my reblog, how would you feel if some random stranger on the street decided to start shipping you with one of your friends and suddenly you can't go a week without coming across pictures the two of you took together that you're not even sure you remember posting, so how the fuck did they even get those? Or even WORSE that you know you didn't post because they didn't exist and you realize people are fucking photoshopping you into romantically edited pictures with this person.
Fuck outta here with your "what is wrong with you" like I'm the one obsessing over the love lives of people I will never actually know. It's. FUCKING. CREEPY. It's intrusive and assumptive and disrespectful and I'm sick and fucking tired of it. There is no excuse for shipping real people. Talk about them in your gcs, in person, idgaf, but fucking STOP PUTTING THIS BULLSHIT IN PUBLIC SPACES WHERE IT GETS BACK TO THE ACTORS. THEY ARE NOT YOUR FUCKING PLAYTHINGS. THEIR LIVES ARE NOT YOURS TO DISSECT AND ANALYZE AND OBSESS OVER. THEY ARE HUMAN FUCKING BEINGS.
They deserve better than that. Better than you. So instead of asking what's wrong with me, maybe ask what's wrong with your mutuals that they have quite literally endless amounts of fan content for just about any nature of relationship they could want to consume and instead they're projecting their own interpretations of a whole ass living person's interactions with another whole ass living person directly onto those people without care for the consequences on those very people.
Leave. Them. Alone.
If you ship real people, unfollow and block me now because I do not now and will not ever have the patience for it and I don't fucking wanna see it. Miss me with that literal stalker shit.
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Oh wow. I thought everyone forgot about VK completely nowadays and there was not enough kaze amvs to start with but suddenly I stumbled onto this. Another beloved ship of past resurfacing is just what I need lol
(this one is old but great too, and these)
UPD Now I’m overcome with an urge to spill my kaze feelings, lol. I’ll do it under the cut in the same post just in case.
So, I remember first watching VK when 1st season of anime was aired. I have a soft spot for shoujo so I sometimes watch new arrivals. Honestly, it was not great. I liked the aesthetics, the music, creepy Alice ending, the vampire lore was pretty neat. Love Hino’s style too, her art is pretty. But the main conflict, oh god. A girl can’t decide if she wants the brunet or the blond, the mysterious and mighty one or the rebellious and tragic one. Her kinda-brother or her adoptive brother. Both are fixated on her and jealous of each other and she just can’t make up her mind. The brunet is better, he saved her! Or no, she can’t let the blond go, too! Or no, the brunet it is! No, the blond! Oh man, such intrigue, such complexity, much wow. Color me interested (not). 
It doesn’t help that the girl is completely dull, spineless and lacks personality. She is almost a reader’s placeholder, some “y/n” like in these character/reader ficlets. I like her design tho, especially when her eyes are not the size of half of her face. But it’s really unclear what these two guys even see in her to obsess over her so much. She’s not the most beautiful, not the most spirited and certainly not the most intelligent. It just looks like a standard “this badass hero was once a poor lonely kicked puppy and the heroine petted him at the right moment, so now he’s in love with her forever” trope with both of them. Boring. Now, I don’t hate her too and actually dislike it when kaze fics start painting her as cruel and bitchy. She’s a (mostly) nice girl, just weak and uninteresting heroine. I have lots of shoujo heroines I like, like Ouran’s Haruhi or Kamisama’s Nanami or Skip Beat’s Kyoko or Yamato Nadeshiko’s Sunako. Nevermind their guys, I would marry them myself lol. But Yuuki... Only heroines of anime-made-after-otome-games like various Amnesias and Diabolic Lovers actually manage to be more bland. (Though I must admit, the harem ending was pretty bold of her, ahaha. Not every day you see a shoujo heroine fucking all of her love interests and even birthing kids for them all. But why half measures, the real threesome would be even bolder!) And with that, both male leads actually have personality and are vivid and unique enough to be recognizable.
So I was watching don’t-remember-which-episode and then Kaname suddenly decided to feed Zero his blood while Zero was in chains and suffering and both were professing their eternal mutual hatred and “it’s only for her”s and Zero was making these faces and erotic feeding noises. I laughed almost to the point of falling out of my chair and predicted lots of m/m fics for this one (I was not wrong). It’s pretty rare for shoujo with a female lead, actually, to have the most popular ship made of male leads. Love triangles are present in a lot of shoujo mangas. Like, Skip Beat has Ren and Sho rivaling for Kyoko, or Hana Yori Dango has Tsukasa and Rui. But Vampire Knight is literally the only shoujo I can remind where there are actually tons of fics, arts, doujinshis for the ship of two rivaling male leads (it’s actually the most popular ship in terms of fan content). Typically shoujo fandoms tend to leave one of the leads for the heroine and then pair the spares. But not here. That’s the combination of weak heroine and interesting heroes and lots of contact and tension between said heroes at work, I guess. 
When you look at it from Yuuki’s shipping point, it’s mostly annoying - she’s a damsel in distress, they’re her defenders, she does whatever useless stuff and pines after them in turns, they’re there for her to choose from and show off their attractiveness to the audience, also for the audience to quarrel about who’s the best hasbando and should get the main prize. When you see it from kaze shipping point, it’s a powerhouse of delicious conflicts, tensions and kinks. It’s, ofc, totally non-canon but all the better for it. They’re the opposites in almost everything, coloring, tempers, upbringing, social stances. Both have tragic past. Kaname is on the top of the vampire world yet utterly alone, both adored and hated for his power and never, never on equal footing with anyone. Zero is an outcast, a pariah of both vampire and vampire hunter worlds, the last heir of great hunter dynasty turned into a mockery of his kind, self-hating and dishonored and slowly falling into bloodlust madness. Kaname is almost immortal and Zero’s days are so very numbered. 
Kaname considers Zero an eyesore and Zero considers Kaname a monster. Kaname is the chess master and Zero is his chess piece (a knight, ofc). Kaname as pureblood has almost thrall-like influence over vampires but it doesn’t work on Zero, he’s the only one who has the gall to constantly spite him and talk to him without any regard for his superior stance. Both are kinda free of society though - Kaname because he’s royalty and Zero because he couldn’t give less fucks. Kaname played a role in Zero’s family demise. Zero tried to kill Kaname with a table knife as a ten-years-old or so during their first meeting. Zero’s beloved weapon is actually Kaname’s (but he doesn’t know). They have their sights set on one girl and are both despising and tolerating each other because of her and doing it with sparkling passion. Kaname’s pure blood is precious yet he gives it to the lowest of low of vampire hierarchy and his rival with that. Zero can either drink the blood of enemy and be indebted to him or forfeit his sanity. Kaname is 80 lvl master manipulator but Zero is not weak and can stand his ground, and there is a certain mutual respect underneath all that antagonism. Both tend to be martyrs, both can be savage. Oh, and (deep into later spoilers which aren’t known in the anime and missing in old fics) Kaname is a thousands years old vampire who went into eternal slumber after seeing his first-great-love kill herself - guess what, she killed herself to create vampire hunters, Kiryuus are her kinda-descendants and Zero looks pretty similar to her. And Kaname in turn looks like, well, male version of Yuuki lol.
Not a cute wholesome casual ship but hella intense one. Add all the erotic blood sucking, “I’m in love with her, I’m sure, but why do I feel so strongly around him of all people” tropes and 100500 blood bond fanons to the mix and you’re set, welcome aboard! Such a pity that the fandom is half-dead, really, but it produced some pretty good fics when it was alive. (If you don’t know where to start, start with “Crimson Door” by Blackened Wing, that’s a first fic of long series and the series are fandom classics, it’s on ao3 and ffnet; beware that it begins as a m-f-m threesome but it’s kaze at heart anyway from the start. And here i have a few more recs)
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bunny-hoodlum · 3 years
Asynchronous With You: Chapter 2
ship: naruhina
rating: teen (maybe mature later)
tags:  Modern Day AU, Foster Siblings, Family, Angst, Unrequited Love, Poor Communication
summary: An awkward journey full of self-denial and missed moments between two foster siblings. Perhaps their love will find the right timing someday.
When Naruto and his playdate make it back to his place, there are no shoes in the genkan. He's got the apartment to himself just as promised.
He's starting to get nervous when he takes off his shoes and she bounds across the corridor, heading towards the living room.
A brow perks up as he follows after her and she's sitting prettily on the sofa, with her hand on the remote.
He walks up behind her and perches his elbows beside her head as she finds the program she was looking for.
One of those intense dramas with controlling parents and an abusive ex-boyfriend. Naruto dropped his head with a sigh. This is not what he thought was going to happen.
At the sound of her patting the spot beside her, he reluctantly agrees and plops down with his arms crossed and his spine limp. Already bored.
"I'm obsessed with these, so you're going to have to bear with it," she said almost seductively, like a Mistress withholding his reward after a bout of slow torture.
Suddenly the front door goes ker-chunk. A shock runs up his back and his arms tense around his middle. Head turned towards the entryway, he stares in disbelief as Hinata pads across the corridor. She nearly enters. The kitchen is behind them after all. But she freezes as his panicked expression and ducks down around the corner.
Naruto raises up, saying "I'm gonna take a piss."
"If you're escaping, I'm leaving."
"I'll be back, for real. I'll watch your show with you. But I really gotta leak," He hurried off and sharply rounded the right corner. He grabbed Hinata by her shoulders and hurried her down the corridor, hiding her behind his larger frame. They made it back to her room where he closed the door behind them. And then he looked up at Hinata's winded expression. "Thought you'd be at Cram."
"I,I was about to make us dinner," her voice shook breathlessly. His eyes dropped down to the grocery bags in both her hands. He could make out an extensive category of cup ramen brands and flavors through the semi-transparent plastic. The shape of the other bag was tented, a case of eggs weighing it down. "I didn't think you'd be happy with curry udon."
"I wasn't," He crossed her room, closing the space between them and he took the bag of ramen of from her. He eyed the goodies inside. Some favorites, some unknowns. Triple X Crawfish flavor? Carbonara? Squid Ink? He was already beginning to forget both his guest and his libido in favor the buffet right before him.
"I thought we could try them together." She bit her lip. Her with her hand free, she began to finger and twist the hem of her skirt. An action that was perilously similar to the vision he had when he imagined her in her panties.
The cloth-wringing was a subtle shift from her finger-poking days, but it was a tell nonetheless.
It must've put her off to find out there was a stranger home, even if he was the one that brought her in. She's still not very good around new people, and he thinks perhaps that pretty girls intimidate her too, (with special exceptions held out for Ino and Sakura). He literally just brought the enemy into her territory.
What to do, what to do?
Did it seem like he had a choice anymore? No way he could still get lucky with Hinata home.
Naruto grimaced as he did the only thing he could do. "Well, she said if I don't watch her show with her, she'll leave."
Hinata's shoulders visibly relaxed. They exchanged lopsided smiles as they hovered in the silence.
Taste-testing cup ramen with his foster sister. His mouth stretched wider at the notion, contentment and gratitude deepening a little further in his heart.
When was the last time they hung out together, anyways?
They passed the time talking like they used to do, only pausing when a rather violent ker-chunk rattled down the corridor.
Naruto grimaced as that girl's dual nature became more apparent to him. Kind of like someone he used to have a crush on.
Naruto stood up and reached his hand out to Hinata, grinning widely, teeth gleaming. "I think you might've saved me this time, Hinata."
As they sampled and slurped each new flavor over dinner, sharing bites and commenting at which ones they liked best, Naruto remembered the one thing that's been weighing in the back of his mind. He remembered, because he was having fun, and there might come a day when he can't have fun with her like this.
"Where're you going for high school?" he asked.
Hinata slurped up the two noodles hanging daintily from her chopsticks before she put the cup down, her expression thoughtful. "Kurenai-san can't afford to give me the same education that she gave Neji, so my options are limited."
"What? That's not fair."
Hinata replied with a shrug and a smile. "It's not really fair on her, either. She just happened to be our next-door neighbor when it happened. She didn't have to take us in. And if she never knew us and what we were going through, she never would have. You could say we were lucky and she was unlucky--"
"If she really felt that way, then you wouldn't still be here and Neji wouldn't have seen graduation. The way you're thinking of it is completely wrong."
"Did you wish I hadn't come home?"
Naruto pulled back. "Huh?"
"Spending time with her may have been boring, but you were looking forward to something else. You can have the things you want when you don't have to share."
How did the conversation devolve like this? Where was all of this coming from?
"Hinata... Wherever you go, I'm going to go with you," As he said that, her head perked up, her wet eyes took him all in. "I think so, anyway. Everyone's staying here, so, I think I'd miss them a whole lot. I mean, making new friends is great and all, but I got a good thing going here. What about you?"
A chill inhabited her features, like she had just locked herself away in order to face him.
"I don't know."
"Aren't you in two clubs now that you're not deputy class rep anymore? What was it, bug-catching and dog grooming?"
Two interests that couldn't be more unrelated if it weren't for the fact that it was Hinata who was interested. She had that motherly nature about her. She loved to take care of things. Just like she chose to do now for him.
Hinata nodded lamely.
He slouched in chair, one arm draped over the back as he sighed in resignation. He wanted to hear words from her, but it didn't seem like that was going to happen. He glanced in her direction and his dismay edged further into disappointment.
She kind of looked like Neji right now. Like back when him and Neji were bitter and small. Hinata looked like a blizzard raging inside a snow globe.
He has to stick close to her, make sure she's alright at all times. But right now, he was failing. Right now, he couldn't see what was attacking her.
AN: Oof, short-ass chapter. 1200 words. 😅 Felt like a good jumping off point though, I think it'd be good if the next chapter were from Hinata's perspective. I think I'll definitely combine this chapter and the first one into a single chapter for AO3 and FFN when this is all done.
btw I hate doing summaries. I always feel like I'll end up writing something completely different, rendering it all lies. Lies, I say! 😲
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hattiepins · 3 years
Zeke Yeager/Reader 18+ Chapter 1/??? Warnings: Alcohol mentions, explicit content a/n: I haven’t posted fic to tumblr in literal years so here’s me christening my new AOT blog with some Zekefucking. This fic will eventually have an actual plot, and I have it mapped out, but for now it’s just smut so have fun with it. I’m also on ao3 w the same @ if you prefer that layout better.
Zeke Yeager was an incredibly imposing man. The warriors were an intimidating group to anyone who had heard of them, but there was something special about him. 
You had “met” several years ago, at work cleaning the imposing Marleyan government building that served as the warrior headquarters in Liberio. Most of the year it was filled with children hopeful that if they worked hard enough, dedicated their hearts firmly enough, and bought into the belief that they too could bring honor to their homeland, they could be worthy of inheriting a titan.
You liked children, and though it hurt to see them pushed into the grim roles they took up at the compound, you would occasionally share excited chats with them in the halls, rooms, or courtyards of the massive complex. You’d scrub the floors of the messes left behind by their muddy boots, or the walls of the grime that accumulated every week, and the candidates, being the chatty little kids that they were, would update you on their days. Who beat who in what race, how fast so and so could disassemble then reassemble a rifle. On a good day of work you were given a run down of everything. 
On special days, though, the Marleyan warriors themselves would show up. A woman with unruly dark hair, a tall and disheveled scruffy man, and a blonde with a slicked back undercut all would often pass you by.
But Zeke Yeager? He always stood out to you the most. Anyone who could spare enough pocket change for a paper would know of the great feats of the beast titan and the man who held it. There had never been quite anything like him before in history, and his accomplishments on the warfront were praised as the ace up Marley’s sleeve in many battles. 
In reality though, Zeke bore no resemblance to his titan, with there being no visual similarity between the terrifying monster printed on the front page of every news story and the warrior who controlled it. 
He was tall, with a laid back posture that stood in stark contrast to his own mythic status. A legend among Eldians, and a fearsome specimen among all men, with his steely grey eyes and furrowed brow. He always looked as if he had something weighing on his mind whenever you spotted him, be it alone, or with his comrades.
You would absentmindedly toy with the hem at the edge of your own grey armband every time your eyes glanced over their red ones, not envying their lives as warriors but wondering what it must be like, being honorary Marleyans. 
None of them ever noticed your presence, and why should they? You were the cleaning girl, a part of the scenery. 
So then it comes as quite the shock when, tonight, as you head to the pub around the corner from the compound, Zeke Yeager recognizes you. 
The place isn’t anything fancy, but it’s halfway between work and the run-down tenement you can afford to rent on a maid’s salary. You go here on your days off, when you want more than anything to just relax, have a drink, and listen to the gramophone at the bar play music that you’d never get to hear otherwise. It’s a surprise enough to even see Zeke here, but the way he reacts to seeing you has your heart seize up a bit in your chest. 
He waves you over with his hand clutching his drink, calling your name with a voice just loud enough to be heard over the scratchy, poorly recorded music of the wax cylinder recording, his face plastered with a smug expression.
You blink slowly, as if closing your eyes will somehow remove him from the table in front of you and confirm that just a few sips of your drink have led to full on hallucinations. But you do not move. 
Catching onto your nervousness, Zeke raises the glass of warm swill this poorly stocked Eldian pub calls drinks, swirling the liquid inside as he motions towards your general direction.
“Come on now, that’s your first drink of the night in your hands. I know you aren’t far gone enough to not recognize the sound of your own name.” 
The volume of his voice is louder than you would like. A necessity, you know, for him to be heard over the sound of the gramophone, but still embarrassing.
You gesture stupidly at yourself with your pointer finger, and he nods, brows raised and mouth smiling with pursed lips as if he’s trying to stifle a laugh at your blatant confusion. 
He, in turn, gestures for you to take a seat next to him at the small booth he holds for himself in the corner. 
“You’re the cleaning girl, right?” He says. 
And for as awkward as that introduction is, it doesn’t stop you from joining him.
“How did you know- where did you learn  my name?” You drum your fingers against the base of your drink, still slightly nervous. 
“I’m observant.” He takes a sip of his own drink. 
“That, and you’re more well known than you’d think. The Grice boys talk about you sometimes. The younger one, Falco, is pretty damn fond of you, actually. Says you’re a good listener. Likes talking to you. His brother’s the one set to inherit my titan.”
You stare at him, a little shocked to hear that the candidates even remember you beyond simple hallway chatter, let alone that a warrior has actually taken note of your reputation with the children. 
“Falco’s a good kid. Colt too.” Your lips quirk up into a small smile, thinking about the two blond boys, always polite and courteous. They even bothered to get to know you by name, and always seem to ask about your day before telling you about their own.
“You’re quite the conversationalist for someone who the government pays to mop floors and dust shelves all day.”
You tense up, and suddenly, for a moment, a sense of sudden clarity and fear grips you. Is this an interrogation? Does Zeke Yeager think you’re a spy because you’re too chatty with the candidates? You knew this felt off, there’s no way that he’d invite you here just to ta-
“If I’m honest, I noticed you first because I was shocked that a pretty face like yours would be working scrubbing dirt. Didn’t put a name to said face until Colt started bringing you up almost just as often as his little brother. But I’m a good listener.”
He smiles, repeating your name with a soft smile as if testing out the sound of it.
“It’s a pretty name. Suits you. I try and keep things professional at the compound. Lots of eyes and ears. Granted there’s definitely a few in this place right now, but we don’t have to worry about them.”
You lift your head with a start, eyes scanning the bar, all a sea of patrons with worn clothes and grey armbands. None of them stand out as being particularly unique. None accept the man with the red around his arm seated across from you. He sticks out like a vibrant wine stain against white cotton, and though the patrons know better than to stare, you catch them sneaking “coincidental” glances his way. 
Their eyes rest on him, then flicker away to observe the much less interesting rest of the bar as if it’s merely chance that they managed to get caught looking.
You let your gaze wander over all the faces in the crowd, trying to see who he might be referring to. To see who could be watching. 
“Shit, could you be a little less obvious, sweetheart?”
The sudden affectionate name has your heart  flutter in your chest in a way you absolutely were not expecting, and as you turn your gaze back to him, an embarrassed flush creeping its way across your cheeks, you see his smirk grow. He’s smug, but you suppose he has all the reason in the world to be, with all his accomplishments.
Zeke, you thankfully come to realize as your conversation progresses, is not here to report you to the higher ups for something or another, nor does it seem that anyone in the bar is particularly interested in your chatter. 
You do, however, find that Zeke Yeager is not only a very powerful presence, but that he’s very handsome. It was something you didn’t particularly notice at the compound, mostly because you tried to avoid being in the way of your superiors in the warrior unit, but also because the stories you’d heard of the beast titan’s strength painted the man as a brute. 
Instead, you find yourself enthralled by him. He has beautiful hair, and his beard is kept very nicely trimmed. The way his grey eyes light up when he learns you two share a similar taste in novels has your breath catching in your throat. 
You list off your recent reads, only to find that he’s also read most everything on the list. He says he’s an avid reader, especially when they ship him out. It helps him keep his mind off of the fighting to think of smaller problems than wars.
“I couldn’t put it down.” 
You find yourself raving about your latest literary obsession. 
“The way the whole town just watched her descent into madness was so painful to read, but I wanted to know why they hated her in the first place so badly.”
You have long since finished your drink, but the conversation with Zeke ensures that you absolutely do not want any more. The last thing you want to do is slur your speech in a conversation about your shared interests, and especially not when those interests are shared by a very handsome man. 
“The reveal of how her daughter was framed had me glued to every word. And the ending!” He leans back in his seat, like he’s processing it all over again just speaking about it. 
“Lighting the whole town on fire… they say revenge is a dish best served cold, but reading about her walking through the burning streets…”
His smile is captivating.
You remind yourself that this man is an honorary Marleyan, and you are just a regular Eldian who is lucky enough to have enough pocket change at the end of the month to even buy those novels. 
But for as much as Zeke insists that you are well known at the compound for being a great conversationalist, you find that the same compliments the Grice boys have paid to you apply tenfold to him. You don’t want to stop talking. 
When the bar closes, you don’t say your goodbyes and head home. Instead, you find yourself continuing your conversation in the streets of Liberio, walking the cobblestone roads at what must be at least two in the morning. Your conversation never has a single slow moment. 
You don’t think the slightly intimidated feeling you get while next to him will ever fully subside. He is, after all, much larger than you, and you feel dwarfed by him as you walk side by side, looking up at his handsome face. You’ve switched conversation topics through nearly a dozen different novels now, and your ideas bounce off one another perfectly. 
He mutters how your theory about a plot twist and it’s possible connection to the yet unreleased next book in the series might be one of the best ideas he’s heard, and his little smile while he does so is captivating. 
“You’d serve better as a critic than a cleaner, you know.” He says with a laugh. 
And you smile, because for a moment, by Zeke’s side, you almost forget it’s Liberio’s streets that you’re walking, and that you can’t hope to aim too high. All that exists for now is the two of you, and the words you share. 
As you walk under the lamplight through deserted streets, you take notice of the way he scratches his ear when he’s thinking, but more specifically your eyes fixate on his hands themselves. They’re big, and you purse your lips imagining how little your hands would be in his. He admittedly dresses like an old man, and while his wardrobe is nothing fancy, it doesn’t hide his impressive stature. 
His broad shoulders and military status imply an impressive body under the loose fitting coat he wears, and you feel like a repressed schoolgirl just looking at the exposed skin of his neck and how the muscles there tense when you bring up some narrative choice or another that you both didn’t enjoy. Your cheeks flush as you watch him take a drag of his cigarette, holding it between two thick fingers. 
He seems to take notice of your stares, but says nothing to discourage you. In return, you catch him eyeing you a few times too, but unlike you, he doesn’t get flustered when you notice him clearly staring. 
It’s still fairly chilly out, and your warm coat doesn’t do your body any favors, but that doesn’t stop his glances. 
When the two of you cross a bridge, you find yourself staring up at the moon and how it’s surface reflects on the wide river below. Zeke leans over the rail, taking yet another drag of his cigarette, and you cautiously reach out a hand to his. He makes no move to shift away from you as you lock your arm in his. 
You continue your walk like that, the feeling of closeness making you far more flustered than you should be. It’s only proper for a man to escort a lady by the hand when it’s so late. But you’re no lady, you’re a maid. And Zeke’s glances are growing far from proper, even as the topic remains firmly on literature. 
When he invites you up to his apartment to see his books, you both know you won’t be doing any actual reading. But you let him lead you through the streets and up countless flights of stairs regardless. 
He turns the key in the lock, and you enter, following his lead in kicking off your boots and hanging up your coat by a hook on the wall. You barely have time to take in how nicely furnished the home of an honorary Marleyan is before he has you pressed against the door, closing it shut with the weight of both of your bodies against it.
You gasp at the impact, and run your fingers through his soft blond locks as he presses his lips to yours in an open mouthed and greedy kiss. His lips are soft, and his breath is hot against you as he pulls away.
“Do you want to-?”
“Yes. God, yes.” You pull at his coat, hoping he’ll get the message, and he does. 
He shrugs it off, and then his lips are against yours again. Your touch traces down along his back, grabbing fistfuls of his shirt until it comes untucked from his pants and you can slide your hands underneath it, feeling the warmth of his skin. 
He fumbles with the buttons of your own blouse, before tearing it off of your shoulders as he unfastens the last one, and you can hear his breath catch in his throat as his hands move to touch you. 
His mouth parts from yours to get an eyeful of your body, his fingers trace the edge of your bra, watching how your chest heaves against the constraints of the lacey garment with every breath. He groans, the sound guttural in his throat, and fuck, you need him. He brings his lips to your neck, kissing and biting his way down to your collarbone.
“Can we please get this thing off?” His thumbs hook at the straps of your bra. 
“Marley’s greatest warrior can’t figure out how to unhook a bra?” You smile as you reach for the clasps. 
“Bigger things on the mind right now, sweetheart.” His tongue runs against a spot at the base of your neck that his teeth just bit at, soothing the skin.
“Oh?” You drop your bra to the ground, and he is quick to grab a handful of your breasts, teasing lightly over your nipples. You moan as he slides his hands down your torso, stopping as he gets a handful of your ass, kneading at it with a grin. 
“You enjoying yourself there?”
He hums as he presses you further against him and lifts. You let out a startled whimper, your legs wrapping around his hips and hiking up your long skirt in the process. He lifts his head from your neck and looks down at you, hunger in his grey eyes. 
“Trying to figure out if I can even get you to the bedroom, or if I’m gonna have to fuck you right here against the wall.”
Zeke grinds his hips against yours, and through your soaked panties you can feel him strain against his trousers. He’s so horny it hurts, and he hisses at the little bit of contact, bucking against you. 
“Fuck, baby, need you to decide.”
“B-bed.” You wrap your arms tighter around him and wiggle your hips just enough to get more of that delicious friction. Zeke doesn’t have to be told twice as he carries you to his bedroom and practically throws you into his mattress. It’s soft as a cloud, and you feel yourself sink into it, pulling your skirt from your hips, letting it fall in a pool at the edge of the bed. 
Still situated at the side of Zeke’s massive king size bed, you spread your legs, your stockings and your panties all that’s left on you. You circle your clit through the fabric, and watch as his Adam’s apple bobs when he swallows, his eyes fixed on your clothed pussy like a hungry animal. He makes quick work of his own clothes, undoing the buttons of his shirt and stepping out of his trousers, stripping to his boxers. 
Your cheeks flush as you take in the sight of his bare chest. He’s toned in the way only a warrior could be, and there’s a small dusting of blonde hair that trails from his bellybutton to somewhere below his waistband. He towers over you, imposing and arousing at the same time. He looks like a marble statue, beautiful and powerful and perfect. You can see the outline of his bulge against the grey fabric of his underclothes, and he palms himself lazily, his eyes clouded with lust behind his glasses. 
“Anyone ever tell you it’s rude to stare?”
You scoff. “Could say the same thing to you.”
He smirks, and you want nothing more than to kiss him. For a moment it looks like he’s about to do just that. Instead, he sinks to his knees between your legs.
“What are you-?”
“Gotta get you ready for me first, babygirl.” He says, hooking his fingers under your panties and pulling them down, letting you kick them off your legs. 
“Are you joking? I’m already soaking, you don’t-“
You’re cut off by the feeling of his hot breath against you.
He runs his fingers against your folds, and you bite your lip before he shoves two thick fingers inside. The noises you make as he hooks them inside you have him painfully hard and straining against his boxers, but he knows what he wants. He pulls his fingers from you, earning him a whimper.
“Fine. I can be transparent here.” He groans as he kisses at your inner thigh. “Just wanna bury my face in your cunt, nothing else to it.”
You whimper as his lips circle your clit, the burn of his beard between your thighs coupled with the feeling of his hot breath against you has him having to hold your hips in place to keep your squirming down.
“Z-Zeke, I-”
“Hm?” He releases your clit from his lips but licks slow stripes up between your folds now. 
“Too much.”
He teases the tip of his tongue against your hole, his moans the only response. You feel his grip on your hips tighten as he pushes it inside of you. His mouth works against you, making you grind against his face. 
“Fuck, baby, you taste so good…”
He’s a madman as he devours your cunt, and you have full confidence that Zeke could make you cum with just his tongue. Instead, he opts to do otherwise, spurred on by the delicious sounds you’re making. You cry out as he circles his lips back around your clit and plunges two thick fingers inside of you. 
You can barely think as he curls them into you, fucking his fingers into your weeping cunt while his tongue laps at your clit. 
“I’m- I can’t-”
“You can.” He adds a third finger, and the stretch is so food, so filling, as he watches you fall apart. “Good girl, my pretty little slut, come on.” 
His tongue never ceases for long, even as he speaks. “Come for me.”
You’re falling apart under his touch, cries and moans spilling out of your mouth as you cum into his. You clamp your thighs down around his head as he keeps fucking his fingers into you, running his tongue desperately against your little bud as you writhe beneath him, only stopping when he feels he’s had his fill of your taste. 
He lifts himself up and pushes you further into the bed, letting your head rest on the pillows as he leans on his side next to you.
“You’re a quiet little thing whenever I pass you in the compound. Never knew you could be that loud.”
You’re panting, still coming down from your orgasm.
“Never been fucked in the compound.”
“We can change that.”
Your pussy clenches around nothing and you whine. “Can we start with here first?”
His beard is wet with your slick as he grips your jaw and pulls you in for a kiss. You can taste yourself on his tongue, and you moan as you tug at the waistband of his boxers. 
You remove your lips from his to look down at the shape of him, still straining against the fabric. 
“Zeke, please…”
He sits up on his knees at the end of the bed, hovering over you, thumbs toying at the elastic. 
“Yeah? You want me to fuck you?”
Your little nod is all he needs, pulling his boxers off. You watch as his hard cock springs free of confinement and slaps itself against his stomach. It’s big, and you’re practically drooling at the sight. He crawls over you, lining himself up with your hole, rubbing the tip over your clit. He smirks, watching how you whine and writhe at his teasing. 
“You have to beg for it, sweetheart. Let me know how much you want it.”
He fists his cock, leaking precum all over your slit as he drags the head up and down your folds. 
“Fuck, Zeke, please fuck me. Need you so bad, just please...”
He grips your hips hard, lines himself up with your hole, and bottoms out in one quick thrust. 
You moan and he curses under his breath. It’s so much, all at once. The stretch is much more than his fingers prepared you for, and it’s overwhelming, even with how wet you are. It’s a little painful, but it hurts so good. 
“F-fuck, move, fuck me, please. Please, please, please, please.”
He pants into your shoulder as he follows your request. Zeke grabs both of your wrists in one hand and pins them above your head, kissing and sucking at your neck, leaving little purple marks. 
“So pretty like this, letting me fill you up so good. Gonna leave my mark everywhere I can on you. You gonna come to work with your neck all marked up from me? Huh?”
You pant and grind your hips against his as he pistons in and out of you. “Y-yes.”
“Gonna advertise to every soldier there that you’re mine? My little whore? You like being fucked like this?” He pulls back out all the way, only to thrust back in at just the right angle that has you seeing stars.
“You know how long I’ve thought about this? Wanted to just p-pull you into a supply closet and fuck you til you forgot your own name, ‘cuz hell, I didn’t even know it back then, but now…”
He traces his hand down to your clit, and starts to rub circles against it.
“You’re perfect, you know that? F-Fuck... Perfect for me. Fit me so good, god, you’re so tight.”
“Zeke, s’too good, I’m gonna-”
“I know, baby, I know. Me too. Come for me, it’s ok.”
He captures your lips in a hungry kiss, and the closeness is not enough and too much all at once. You can’t tell where he begins and you end and suddenly your orgasm is washing over you in waves as you scream his name. Your arms struggle against his grip and he relents as you cream around his cock. You grab at his back, nails sinking hard into the skin, and you swear he’s letting off steam as your fingers scratch down his back in ecstasy. 
Zeke fucks you through it, thumb still playing with your clit as he hammers into you, hips snapping against yours at a rhythm much less even than before.
“Beautiful. So fucking beautiful with my name on your lips and my cock in your cunt.”
You whine, still barely coherent and too fuckdrunk to think as he pounds you hard enough to make the bedframe creak and the headboard slam against the wall. 
“G-good girl, you like being a good little-fuck- good little cocksleeve for me?”
“Yes, yes, yes, fuck.” 
You’re so overstimulated it hurts. He keeps hitting just the right spot, and while he’s still toying with your sensitive nub, you can tell he can barely hold his focus. He removes his fingers from you and buries his head in your shoulder. His beard is rough against your skin as he lets out a few last thrusts into your cunt, his grip on your hips enough to bruise. 
Zeke pulls out and fists himself a few more times, panting before he empties his load on top of you, white ropes of cum shooting out of him as he finishes onto your stomach. Zeke collapses, panting, by your side. He pulls you against him and kisses the top of your head.
You practically purr at the affectionate gesture, and lean into his touch. 
He sighs, removes his glasses, and carefully places them on the bedside table, relaxing into the comfort of the bed. 
His eyes are closed, and as you snuggle closer to him, you can feel his heartbeat slowly start to return to normal along with your own. 
“I think now’s the time I should ask where your bathroom is so I can clean off?” You breathe out, tracing figure eights lazily against the muscles of his chest. 
He lets out a tired laugh. “You’re not at work. No cleaning right now. You can afford to be a little messy for a while.”
You hum, unwilling to admit you’re fine either way. You guiltily realize you enjoy the feeling of his cum on your skin, and, instead of admitting that embarrassing thought, you kiss him again. 
You whisper against his jaw. “I should go home soon, just-”
He claims your lips in his again to shut you up. “Stay.”
You lay by his side on the same pillow, faces inches from eachother. 
That night, you stay. You fall asleep in his arms, and everything somehow feels right. He feels right. 
You hate going home to your shitty apartment after that. And Zeke hates seeing you go. 
Every week you repeat it all like routine. 
Zeke is always there at the pub. You always end up in an endless conversation before following him home, and leaving the next morning to prepare for your afternoon shift. 
It only takes one month of this torture for him to ask you to move in.
“Would make it easier. Better than me pretending it’s a coincidence I’m there almost every time you have a day off.” He mutters into your shoulder, as he holds you close. 
It’s the easiest decision you’ve ever made. 
You laugh at how his beard tickles your skin, pressing yourself further into him, to which he responds by wrapping an arm around you tighter and smiling that smug grin against your skin as you card your fingers through his blond locks and whisper “I figured it wasn’t a coincidence by the third time it happened.”
He kisses you, and cradles your cheek in the palm of his hand. For what feels like the hundredth and the first time, you drift off to sleep in his arms.
You never return to your old apartment, even to grab your things. Zeke has the same books as you, and his bed always was nicer. He buys you much better clothes to make up for what little loss of wardrobe you went through. 
You can’t aim too high in Liberio. But with him, you feel like you’ve started over on a clean slate. 
And for a time, though you never put a name on it, Zeke Yeager is yours.
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graphite1127 · 3 years
hey. HEY! make that k-pop post you want to do!
I am so glad you asked!
I like k-pop, and I’m tired of pretending I don’t. I recognize that there are problems within the community, but I want to get it off my chest that I still enjoy it as a genre. I say this because it’s literally the only “fandom” I’m a part of that I’m not open about.
It’s hard to put into words, but I’m going to try. Because I think I know why I never talk about it as one of my interests, and it has everything to do with the obvious:
- Some fans are insane (and not just about shipping real people)
- The unrealistic beauty standards are always right in your face
- Idols are pushed to the point of developing eating disorders among other things; their lives are very restricted.
These are serious problems. They can’t be ignored and brushed aside, so when you say you like k-pop, you risk others assuming that you condone all the bad stuff that comes with it. There’s a negative stigma.
This is not a post apologizing for other people’s behavior. If anything, I’m trying to call it out. Like maybe if I bring attention to what the actual problem is, we can help fix it.
I was very hesitant to get into k-pop. When I was being introduced, it was via someone I barely knew who was obsessive in a way that made me uncomfortable. I thought, “This community is not okay. K-pop is a nightmare.”
But much later, when my sister got into it, I backtracked and thought to myself, “You know, I’ve been a part of fanbases that are less than ideal. Maybe I’ll just check it out and it won’t be that bad.” And it really wasn’t.
There was so much variety within the music. The music videos were so much more interesting (I never watched mv’s that much before because they seemed really dull, but now I love them). The groups dance as well as sing. And there’s overall just so much content. It gave me more entertainment that actually made me happy.
I think that’s the part of it that I’m trying to spread to others. The music itself and the group members are overall very uplifting! And I found myself getting more and more into it as time went on. The more you watch/listen, the more you enjoy and all that. Even my mom really enjoys it, and it’s given us more to talk about.
And if k-pop just isn’t something that piqued your interest? For no particular reason? That’s okay! This post isn’t to pressure you to suddenly enjoy it; I’m mostly just ranting with no direction.
Maybe this is a cry for help. Like, if better people become involved with it, we can lessen the toxicity? Fuck if I know. Again, this is a directionless rant. There is no clear purpose. I tend to ramble and I’m sorry. Maybe someone else can put it into better words instead of sounding like a 12-year-old defending pewdiepie or some shit.
But yeah, if you were on the fence about it and don’t know where to start, I’ll list a bunch of stuff in a bit.
Bottom line: Please acknowledge the problems within the k-pop community. They need to be addressed and fixed. Also please understand where the problems stem from.
The problem isn’t this:
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It’s this:
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Don’t be a jerk! Enjoy stuff, but not at the expense of others - i.e. working idols to the brink of exhaustion, obsessing over them, not letting them live their own lives, sending death threats and hate comments, bashing others because you really like one group in particular. Cause that shit is insane and though I know for certain the majority are good people, the bad ones stick out like a sore thumb and leave a much greater impact.
Be one of the good ones! There’s lots of genres of k-pop, so here’s some stuff that I personally enjoy if you’re interested:
No Rules - TXT (check out the dance practice for this one too if you want) This one’s been in my head all week. It’s your average pop song but it is so so catchy.
God’s Menu - Stray Kids rap/hip hop, it goes hard, one of my favorites
Singularity - V This is actually by BTS, but it’s a solo song by V. It has an R&B vibe to it if you’re into that *chef’s kiss*
Dumb Dumb - Red Velvet Their music videos are always some of my favorites.
K.O. - SF9 The dance practice for this one is one of the best I have ever seen. It’s what I’ve linked. Right off the bat, they start with this crazy pinwheel thing. It’s really neat.
Shoot Me- Day6 has an alternative rock feel to it. This group actually plays instruments. They’re a band-band.
Hot Sauce - NCT Dream This one has a latin pop vibe to it, very fun and upbeat
Other favorites of mine:
-Humph! by Pentagon
-Mansae by Seventeen
-Drunk-Dazed by Enhypen
-Awkward Silence by Stray Kids
-Ugh! by BTS
-Mic Drop also by BTS
-Ko Ko Bop by EXO
-Make a Wish by NCT U
-Married to the Music by SHINee
-We Do by SuperM
-Very Good by Block B
(Among many others)
Uh, so yeah. I’m not sure where else to go with this. I just have a lot of feelings and I don’t know how else to share them. Thank you for coming to my ted talk. Send tweet.
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tundrainafrica · 4 years
I know you're a big Levihan account, so I know you have a better understanding of what's going on. So im scrolling through the levihan hashtag (like I normally do), and apparently there's a argument going on about 136? I'm so lost. Also, why didn't anyone talk about it when the chapter came out. Why wait till now? (Sorry if it's a lot!)
By big you mean obsessed? 
Yes. I’m. big. on. Levihan. I’m literally Levihan trash. Like check out the title on my Tumblr. I aint changing that soon.
I started this account to create more content for Levihan after 132 to scour through levihan content while mourning the death of our commander. And can I say, this community is just incredibly small and I feel like this certain need, this duty and this desire to provide more content for this small Levihan community because imo, Levi and Hange are the two purest people in AOT (because really when have those two weirdos ever acted on personal desire) and their ship is just pure goodness. And I wanna spread the goodness because there is so much one can learn about relationships just by how Levihan developed (?) Like I wrote about it a long time ago. Check it out here.
But I know shipping wars have been total shit and for some reason Levihan has been taking the brunt of all the hate? Like apparently there are points where Ereri and Eruri fans gang up against Levihan fans on twitter and I see a lot of my mutuals getting random anonymous messages about how Eruri and Ereri are canon while Levihan is not. 
Yo, we’re literally the disadvantaged ones here. I mean to give you a brief look on the situation on the actual numbers of the Levihan fandom...
Oh look at the Levihan fic numbers on AO3. Okay 1000 is a lot but let us consider the fact that not all these tags are Levihan-centric stories and some either put these tags there just to bash the relationship or just put them there as a side ship to Yumikuri or Eremika.
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And let’s just compare that ship to this ship... (Which is still pretty good imo)
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Or this juggernaut of a ship :’) 
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Okay I know I’m digressing because that’s not the question... But yeah I think the stuff I mentioned above could give some context on this shipping war. 
Disclaimer: I’ve stayed out of Twitter so I don’t know how bad it can be but I’ve chatted up some people about it both on Tumblr and Twitter and I’m just gonna discuss this based on how I remember it.
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So this panel up here started a whole ship war apparently because eruri stans say “Levi was only talking about Erwin,” while Levihan stans were saying “Levi was talking about both Hange and Erwin.” 
(Personal interpretation:  Levi was talking about the whole survey corps.)
I have no idea what was going through the translators head when they were doing this but the translation is flawed. The ‘you’ is plural in the Japanese translation so Levi wasn’t just talking about Erwin. (You can read a more detailed break down on grammar here  Credits to @faerielleart for this.)
And this whole translation fiasco started a shipping war and as Levihan trash lemme give you some of my two cents in the matter. 
Levihan feels like the pure underdog of AOT ships. I don’t know why but for some reason, so many people are just looking for a reason to put down Levihan. I was talking about these with some moots last night and we were thinking if 126 and 132 happened with Levi and any other ship up there, everybody would be so eager to call Eren/Levi or Erwin/Levi canon but the moment we get it for some “unconventional” or “unpopular ship” suddenly “it’s just camaraderie” or “Hange’s just tired.” 
As if Eruri and Ereri had any more obvious crumbs similar to 126 and 132. (Sorry I’m just so tired of reading the antis hate on twitter. This is the closest I’ll go to a shipping war.) 
I stand by my theory that Yams is a Levihan shipper. He just couldn’t let them happen because a majority of people in the fandom would explode for reasons. I mean the manga hasn’t even ended but we already have people freaking out over the pronoun ‘you.’
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thattimdrakeguy · 3 years
Look, I don't want this to sound bad or be misinterpreted, that's why I'm writing it to you, who are one of the few human beings in the fandom who take more than 5 seconds to think before speaking.
Look, I think I'm just sick of the timkon, I've never been one of those who ship but I just don't care, everyone can imagine what they want, it's just that in this case, it's just on another level.
I'm not homophobic or anything annoying like that, I was among the first to jump with excitement when the first Urban Legends request came out hinting at Tim's reveal.
It's just that I'm fed up, since it became official about Tim it seems that everyone only wanted it for their ships, it doesn't help that the timkon really is one of those ships maked because two characters are close so they should automatically be a couple.
The ship stems from Geoff Johns' TT era where none of the characters were particularly well written, I've seen people who literally only like that run because of the moments they assigned to the ship.
And the worst and what has bothered / surprised me the most at the time of writing this silly complaint, I really just cannot process that there are really people outraged and spitting billis at DC for not putting a ship that is not canon in any way in Titans , that simple, as if it were something real or elemental of both characters.
At the same level of those same people who want to make Kon homosexual from one issue to another just to stick him with Tim and throw the narrative sense in the trash, I don't know what to say anymore, thanks in advance.
Honestly, I'm right there with you.
I'm not sure I can say I'm sick of it. Cause really I'm sick of most of the fandom's stuff.
Because so much of the things are popular is just bandwagoning and that's it. Like I bet you, without finding whatever it is to jump on online, they would not still like it as much and may have a total different view even.
Some of the hills people die on are freaking crazy cause I read a lot of comics and they're often so off the mark it's honestly, so so honestly head scratching.
And I'm not saying this to be like, "yeah screw you TimKon stans", cause legitimately I'm not. People enjoying whatever is good as long as it's not morally wrong. Cause that just means people are enjoying themselves. Which is good in the end.
But boy, do I not get it from a fuller perspective. They were just suddenly best friends in a series without much good characterization. During Y.J. they got on better terms...but not really best friends.
Why...would they be? lol
Neither of them are into the same things. They're quite different. Barely shown just hanging out.
Kon was closer with Bart if I had to compare.
But ships and stans generally speaking. Always have insanely loud, insanely toxic people.
They lie, gaslight, bully, exaggerate, and go into denial about stuff to create this preferred image for whatever it is. Not limited to TimKon. Cause I mean in literally every fan base. In that way.
It's why I stopped being on as much. There's too much about stuff people don't know a lot about and won't let go of. And again I get it. But when you really care about them cause it's a comfort thing or that's just how your mind works, odds are you really won't like it.
I don't find the fun in lying to myself or pretending I find the same jokes funny time and time again.
Like, no, that's exhausting lol
Idgaf about some random dude with a strawman argument online tryna make me feel like a crap person.
"Oh so you prefer when Batman hits his kids huh??"
Like, uh, nah. lol
Just exhausted of fanon. Why do people forget there's a gray area? Sheesh. I'm not into stuff that comes from a janky source at best. I want to like actual content.
Anyways I find people that want Kon to be gay, as in loud ones not all of them, literally just want it for their ship. They don't actually care about the character/characters. They got obsessed with it so much that it's probably not healthy. I've yet to see someone that actually seems to genuinely like the character get so stressed about the ship.
Most of the ones that care about Kon aren't stressed about the ship being canon. Some ship it. But barely nuts about it. Some may want it. But they aren't acting as if they are canon and it's imperative.
That's my experience at the very least.
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davethot · 4 years
Aysha is homophobic but more so in the realm of being lesbophobic. Remember that she completely removed all Rosemary interactions from Pesterquest for more Davekat, decided to push for Yiffy the cuckhold child to be forced into the narrative during Lesbian Visibility Day and has made sure to demean any positive Rosemary interactions in lieu of Davekat which she is solely invested in. Her being transphobic more relates to her poor handling of Jade (dog dicked sex fiend isn't good transfem rep)
You do realize you sound fucking insane right???? This is literally what I’m fucking talking about when I mentioned people in my og post about hs2 pointing fingers and giving someone a really harsh label such as LESBOPHOBIC because they didnt quite handle a lesbian couple EXACTLY how you would have.
First of all i want to mention that Aysha is non-binary poc and is married to a woman. This doesnt exempt her from possibly writing some shitty things, but its good to have perspective here. Shes not some cishet white person writing these characters.
So are you going to ignore the literal thousands of pages of the original comic where we had a PLETHORA of Rosemary interactions??? And absolutely no davekat? And if you remember Kanaya was still having hang ups with Vriska, so it only made sense that that was explored a bit in Pesterquest rather than jumping straight to Rose and Kanaya cuddling on a couch and spewing gay poetics at each other. Like I genuinely dont know what you fucking want.
Also i would like to point out that romance wasnt even the fucking focus of Pesterquest. Dave and Karkat’s interactions were barely anything more than characters mentioning them and them being in the same place together for one single ending and mspar implying that they had a feeling they were supposed to be good friends. Tbh it sounds like you and the people who often have this complaint are way more fucking obsessed with what’s going on with Davekat than Aysha or the rest of the team will ever be. Maybe you should redirect your efforts into creating more wlw content for Homestuck since you think the new team is so lesbophobic for portraying two grown ass women having some marital problems (and acting like that cant happen in the real world with real people literally every day).
You and tons of other people fucking love to point to Kanaya and Rose’s issues in hs2 and preach that it’s suddenly lesbophobic that theyre not happy go lucky 24/7. Again, Davekat didnt even fucking happen in the og comic. We had one flash where Dave rests his head on Karkat’s lap and they’re playing hopscotch on a poorly drawn dick on the ground, meanwhile Rose and Kanaya had comfortably been together for Awhile at that point. I just don’t understand how Dave and Karkat finally having a semi-functional and happy relationship in hs2 is promoting lesbophobia. Also we didnt even get to see the comic FINISH!! We dont KNOW what exactly was going to happen with Rose and Kanaya, and we arent going to for a long fucking time because it’s people like you who are perpetuating this narrative of the team and that theyre horrible awful people because they did two fucking things you dont agree with. It’s honestly fucking exhausting. And you know I can throw this right back at you right? Like, pretty homophobic of you to only be focusing on wlw ships and invalidating Davekat, one of the only healthy relationships PERIOD in Homestuck, not just a healthy mlm relationship. Like, pretty shitty of you anon :/ kind of homophobic of you fr.
And this isnt even mentioning the genuinely nice interactions we have seen with Kanaya and Rose in Homestuck 2. Everyone’s really fucking eager to forget that in meat Kanaya was wistfully looking out at the stars missing her wife and told Dave she’d do anything to get her back, esp since it’s implied that Rose was being manipulated pretty heavily by Dirk. But no, according to yall that never happened and Aysha + the rest of the team are just spitting on all wlw folks.
Also again I feel like youre coming to insane conclusions. You think it was a purposeful move that Aysha and the team introduced Yiffy on lesbian visibility day??? Like???? Also pretty lesbophobic of you to invalidate a child born from two women. Like hm pretty shitty of you anon. Rose and Jade explained why they did what they did, and tbh, again, we could have had more information if people like you didnt indirectly harass the creators and cause it to go on indefinite hiatus.
As for the Jade dog dick thing, I have multiple friends who are trans women who have issues with people blowing it out of proportion. Its important to remember that every trans woman is going to have a different opinion on this, and we shouldnt invalidate any of them, but at the same time what one trans woman says about it isnt the end all be all of the situation. Some trans women think this portrayal is transphobic, while plenty others think it isnt, and that people are making way too big of a deal out of it. Therefore I’m going to leave it at that. Personally I dont know if how Aysha and the team wrote Jade is transphobic and its not for me to decide. However, my trans friend would like to be quoted saying this:
“People claiming that the writers intended for Jade’s dick to be the driving force in her emotional and sexul appetite shows someone’s willingness to ignore Jade’s actual reasons for doing these things that she STATES in the actual text. All in favor of projecting their own transmisogynist reading onto the writers.”
This probably ended up being longer than my og post lmfao but fr anon im sick of people like you. Even if you didnt directly contact the creators of hs2, you’re literally the problem here. I wish you and others would stop throwing around these terms like lesbophobic, homophobic, transphobic, etc, because it literally makes those words lose meaning. Someone writing a lesbian couple having marital problems, especially in the context of Homestuck, is not fucking lesbophobic. And i hope i helped you understand that by throwing the terms back at you because tbh, im sure youre a good person with good intentions, and I would never seriously call you homophobic for this. But i hope you can have some fucking perspective and stop targeting marginalized authors and creators moving forward. Its embarrassing fr.
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