#helper t cell cells at work
mommyesque · 2 years
Buddy Daddies or something idk watched it coz it was trending/j
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strawberoni · 6 months
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older CaW art I forgot to post… (around 3 months ago 😭)
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foolishfoolsgold · 5 months
Immune system go brr
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A few designs I’ve done since I had this mutated brainchild back in October. I have others like eosinophil and dendritic but I wanna redraw them. I was still learning the way of the cell creature back then lol. Image IDs under the cut
[Start ID: The first image shows the AU design for U-1146. The background is white with a gray triangle pattern. He’s wearing his usual uniform, but he has a rounded, noseless snout, long ears without holes, and his one eye that is showing has black sclera and a round silver iris. His skin, turned cell membrane, is pure white with faint gray striped that resemble the markings of a raccoon. He has a tail with the same colors, it’s long, skinny, and has multiple lobes on it. Who on the very end, and a few dorsal lobes along its length. Again, like a raccoon, the tail has those faint stripes on it. He’s standing and staring at the viewer with his one visible eye, with his left hand in a fist, and the other gripping a silver knife. There’s some text next to his head that reads: “Only has one eye, and it can’t un-dilate so he always has that big sauger pupil we see in the media.” Another text box reads “Some raccoon inspiration because the official art makes it look like he has an eye mask.” There’s a piece of this official art in the top left corner of the image for comparison, and in the bottom right, there’s my watermark.
The second image shows Killer T Cell’s design. The background has an orange-yellow triangle design. He’s standing with his usual uniform, head turned and arms crossed. He doesn’t have bones, though, so his arms look more like they’re tied in a knot. He keeps his canon skin tone and hair style, but his membrane has dark blue markings that make him resemble a peregrine falcon. He shares the basic physical features with U-1146, except his tail is thinner and only has two small lobes on the end. His tail is yellow, like his hair, and has an arrow pointing from it to a picture of a banana flavored Snack Pack pudding package, noting that his tail looks a lot like banana pudding by humorously noting “Is it worth it?” Unlike 46, T’s hazel eyes are made up of multiple pupils that coalesce like a lava lamp, and this is true for all future entries as well. Again, there’s my watermark and an actual picture of killer t for reference.
The third image shows Macrophage’s design, and a cream-colored triangle background. Macrophage has large, frilled ears, and a darker cell membrane that looks almost like light coffee. She’s wearing her normal ruffled dress, but instead of legs, she has long tentacles without suckers, built almost like Ursula. She’s covered in white patterns with ripple-like stripes and spots, resembling a cuttlefish. With her right arm and one of her tentacles, she’s holding her signature cleaver, dripping with red blood, which also stained another tentacle and parts of her dress, and the other arm is held up to her face in an “I didn’t do that!” pose. She’s accompanied by a picture of anime Macrophage and a microscope photo of a real macrophage, reaching out with its “arms” to some bacteria. There’s a text box under it that reads: “like come on I HAD to make her a sea monster, have you seen real macrophages? Look at this bitch.” Another box reads: “lots of cephalopod inspiration, octopus-like build with cuttlefish markings and frills.” A final humorous box says “it’s ok she just had to refill the ketchup at McDonald’s,” referring to the blood.
The fourth image featured NK’s design with a green patterned background, as are the following images. She keeps her skin tone and clothes for the most part, but she has a centaur-like build. Her black tank top is extended to cover her chest and has short sleeves for her first set of legs, and ends with a belt around her midsection to her green shorts. She has green boots on all four of her feet, and her tail is black with green splotches, and has lots of lobes, almost like that of a leafy sea dragon. She has army-green spots resembling a cheetah, and she’s smiling and looking confident, with her left hand in a fist. She has her saber in a sheath on her back, and a brown bag secured to her belt like a saddlebag. There’s an arrow pointing to the photo of anime NK from a text box that says “there is something about this SPECIFIC png of NK that cracks me up sm and I don’t fucking know what it is.”
The fifth image shows Helper T, who shares many basic traits with Killer T such as bipedalism and a two-loved tail. While he still has the creature features like the big ears and rounded snout, he’s race-swapped as a black man, and has dark stripes along his arms and face like a peacock. His eyes are blue, and he’s holding a cup of green tea, dropping a cookie in it. There’s a small figure showing that his hair (flagella) are each coiled rather than straight.
The final image shows B cell’s design, which has a lot of bird inspiration. He has a longer snout, plumed tail and ears, and big flat lobes along his arms that look like wings. His eyes are silver md his stripes are brown and green, patterned like that of a blue jay. He’s also holding his antibody gun. A text box reads: “Bird boy! B cells were first discovered in birds and are named after the bursa of fabrics, a thymus-like organ for B cells that only birds have.” There’s also a note that says “face shape inspired by the Hilda bird because look at him,” accompanied by a screenshot of the raven from the Netflix series Hilda. He has a simple, completely black design with a rounded face, stick-figure legs and small wings. End ID.]
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ieatcerealboxes · 5 months
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macrophage-nursery · 6 months
Human AU names for the cells :
U1146 : Shirogane
U-4989 : Yashiro
U-2626 : Toshiro
U2048 : Kenshiro
U2001 : Mashiro
AE3803 : Akari
AA5100 : Akane
Killer T : Kenta
NK cell : Nikki
Macrophage : Maria
Helper T : Hiroto
Regulatory T : Reina (the name with R and T in the middle didn't please me so I half assed it haha)
B cell : Banri
Platelet : Hinako (it was hard to find anything cute with a P so I gave up and found a cute name instead)
Eosinophil : Koizumi (name starting with ko because : Kōsankyū
Basophil : Kohei (another name starting by ko because : Kōenkikyū)
Mast cell : Masumi (because Masuto saibou)
Dendritic cell : Juichi (because Jujo saibou)
Basic cell/Cell boy : Nobu
Cancer cell : Haneki (referring to the moment he had wings)
It's pure amateurish. Do you have your own version? If so, I'd be glad to see it!
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artsbysmarty · 2 years
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Lymphocyte gang rise up!
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katsettee · 8 months
Studying for my biology finals by associating everything with how I think it would apply to Shadow the Hedgehog
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melangox · 1 year
Some sad cells at work hcs bc I’m bored
2048 has an eating disorder where he makes himself go days without anything expect water and or protein shakes due to him wanting to look perfect since in his past he used to be fat
4989 acts childish because he knows one day he’ll need to be put out commission and that day is coming soon enough
AE3083 kind of hates herself for being a sickle cell ( just my theory btw)
killer t picks on u1146 because he’s able to get along with other cells so easily
Memory cell has panic attacks due to his poor memory and thinking the end of the body is coming
NK cell will belittle herself for not being strong enough against a virus and or a forgiven substance that has entered the body
helper T cell has insomnia, he also wishes he was born as another cell instead of rotting away at his computer desk
memory is in an almost everyday mental anguish
That’s all, goodnight 🌙 <3
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jidaohuashi · 2 years
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Offer Helper T cells, thank you  your support, and have good luck (ฅ>ω<*ฅ)✧
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makerofmadness · 2 years
so cells at work am I right
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(I'm sorry)
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a-simple-bacterium · 1 year
I love that regulatory T cell is a spectrum of “If you even lay a finger on this cell, I will beat your ass so hard they can’t find the pieces to take you to the spleen” to “This sign says that’s a no no”
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ILCs are such annoying Mary Sues. Oh sure, you can do all the same things as the elite helper T cells immediately, without any sort of special training? How ridiculous and insulting to the T cells who work their asses off to pass positive and negative selection in the thymus and still have to go through so much just to become activated, and these little shits are just out there making T helper cytokines with their super special innate powers. Ugh, who is responsible for the character development on this show?
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strawberoni · 6 months
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Healthy lymphocytes be like… ✨
(I am a helper t x killer t truther <3)
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planefood · 4 months
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been working on a shit ton of class work this week (this is like half of it) Working with my little blood cell and helper T cell guys arent they cute
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idk what my thought process was around the T cells design but uhh puppy :-)
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ieatcerealboxes · 8 months
T cells in a nutshell
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lotus-tower · 8 months
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[ID: A two-page infographic titled "T Cells & Covid-19: A basic introduction."
A box labeled "What are T cells?" Text reads: "T cells are one of the most valuable types of white blood cells in your immune system. They play a key role in keeping you healthy and safe from disease. They identify, attack, and destroy infectious agents (like viruses). T cells protect the body from infections that have reached the inside of your cells." To the left of the box is an image of cells.
A box labeled "Why are they called T cells?" Text reads: "T cells are born from stem cells found in your bone marrow. Once the T cells are created, they migrate to your thymus (an organ located behind your breastbone); this is why they're called T cells. They develop and grow inside your thymus. Once they're fully mature, your T cells live in your blood and lymph nodes." To the right of the box is an image of a simplified human figure. The thymus' location is shown in bright pink in the center of the chest, roughly in the middle of the collarbone.
A box labeled "Major Subtypes: Killers & Helpers." Text reads: "Your body creates several different types of T cells to keep you safe. Each of these types has a different role to play in your immune system. Two of the major subtypes are 'killer' (cytotoxic) T cells (shown at left) and 'helper' (CD4+ cells) T cells." To the left of the box is a depiction of a blue cell.
A box labeled "Killer T Cells." Text reads: "Killer T cells are nicknamed killers because they can actually kill virus-infected cells. They can also kill cancer cells--meaning they are super, super valuable. They have small signaling proteins called cytokines that they use to call for help from other cells when your body is mounting an immune response." To the right of the box is an illustration of what appears to be killer T cells fighting infected or malign cells.
A box labeled "Helper T Cells." Text reads: "Unlike the killer T cells, the helper T cells work by activating other cells in your body. By activating your body's memory B cells and your body's killer T cells, they set off an even bigger immune response within your body." To the left of the box is a depiction of a green cell.
A box labeled "What happens if you lose T cells?" Text reads: "Your body really, really needs T cells. When you don't have enough of them, your body's immune system cannot work properly, making you really susceptible to infections. And it's important to know that as we age, we don't produce many (if any) new T cells." To the right of the box is a graphic where the words "why am i always sick?" appear multiple times in different colours.
A screenshot of an article from the Tyee, titled "What If COVID Reinfections Wear Down Our Immunity?" by Andrew Nikiforuk, dating from 7 November 2022. What text is visible reads: "Dr. Anthony Leonardi is a lightning rod for debate. If he’s right, this pandemic poses a greater threat than widely assumed", followed by an image of cells. Under the image, text reads: "T cells are a body’s key line of defence against infection. COVID infections can cause them to prematurely age, harm organs and become exhausted, warns Dr. Anthony Leonardi. Image via Shutterstock."
A box labeled "Covid destroys T cells." Text reads: "Covid damages and destroys T-cells. This happens because Covid hyperstimulates T cells--it stimulates them too much. Why? Covid has the ability to linger in your body and challenge your immune system. When T cells stay activated continuously like this, they become exhausted and wear down. And the result is that your immune system gets badly damaged. Even so-called 'mild' Covid infections can really mess up your immune system. Even people without serious Covid symptoms showed T cell exhaustion in a recent study. 'Exhausted' T cells are those that lose their ability to fight off viruses (and their ability to fight off cancer.) Hyperactivated T cells can also lead to organ damage, leading to serious health issues. In short, Covid is damaging our immune systems."
/end ID]
To read more on this topic:
How the Coronavirus Short-Circuits the Immune System (26 Jun, 2020)
Dendritic cell deficiencies persist seven months after SARS-CoV-2 infection (21 Jul, 2021)
SARS-CoV-2 Actively Infects And Kills Lymphoid Cells (14 Apr, 2022)
In Cleveland and beyond researchers begin to unravel the mystery of long COVID-19 (22 Oct, 2022)
What if COVID Reinfections Wear Down Our Immunity? (7 Nov, 2022)
Single-cell multiomics revealed the dynamics of antigen presentation, immune response and T cell activation in the COVID-19 positive and recovered individuals (2 Dec, 2022)
SARS-CoV-2 infection weakens immune-cell response to vaccination: NIH-funded study suggests need to boost CD8+ T cell response after infection. (20 Mar, 2023)
Lymphocytopenia: Merck Manual (Revised Apr 2023)
Long COVID manifests with T cell dysregulation, inflammation and an uncoordinated adaptive immune response to SARS-CoV-2 (11 Jan, 2024)
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