#hemoglobin chart
uncanny-tranny · 2 years
Being trans and a data enthusiast means making line charts of your hormone and hemoglobin levels compared to what is considered "average"
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diabetesknow · 4 months
Learn some great tips on managing diabetes efficiently with a Hemoglobin A1c Chart.
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othmeralia · 1 year
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Emocromometro (Marucelli model) with needle and booklet with instructions and absorbent paper
Circa 1907
Used for counting blood cells, this particular hemocytometer was manufactured in Italy. Black case that opens by pressing in bronze button to reveal bright blue satin interior lining. Inside, the bottom half of the case holds a paper hemoglobin color chart secured to a white plastic mount; the top half of the case holds a needle housed in a metal tube and a small green booklet which includes instructions (in Italian) for use of the hemocytometer as well as perforated strips of absorbent paper. Needle and booklet are secured in place by bright blue strips of fabric [silk?] which reads "ISCHIROL/ANEMIA/NEVRASTENIA [neurasthenia]" in gold [transfer foil?].
Citation: Science History Institute. Emocromometro (Marucelli Model) with Needle and Booklet with Instructions and Absorbent Paper. Photograph, 2018. Science History Institute. Philadelphia.
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entheognosis · 1 year
More from Quanta Magazine
The Year in Biology
‘Social’ Mitochondria, Whispering Between Cells, Influence Health
Scientists Find Vital Genes Evolving in Genome’s Junkyard
“When cells are no longer needed, they die with what can only be called great dignity,” Bill Bryson wrote in A Short History of Nearly Everything. The received wisdom has long been that this march toward oblivion, once sufficiently advanced, cannot be reversed. But as science charts the contours of cellular function in ever-greater detail, a more fluid conception of cellular life and death has begun to gain the upper hand.
Perhaps the most dramatic proof of this emerged in April of 2019, when a team at the Yale School of Medicine drew global attention for briefly restoring cellular activity in dead brains. The neuroscientists Nenad Sestan, Zvonimir Vrselja and their colleagues developed a system called BrainEx that can perfuse a brain with a hemoglobin-based solution to nourish cells while promoting their recovery from oxygen deprivation, a condition that is usually lethal for neurons after 10 minutes or so. They tested it on brains extracted from slaughtered pigs, deprived of blood and kept at room temperature for as long as four hours — making them quite thoroughly dead by any conventional standard.
Yet after being perfused with the experimental solution for six hours, many of those deteriorating and seemingly lifeless brain cells regained — at least temporarily — some of their normal structure and metabolic activity. Slices of neural tissue were even able to...Click above to read more
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thatonekreachur · 9 months
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hi hello! This is my first post on here :) I'm also starting a worldbuilding project on there if anyone is interested
The Kirakh
The Kirakh were a 13 ft tall quadrupedal alien species hailing from the Xyke System, a planetary star sytem orbiting around a K-type variable orange dwarf star. They are a type 2 civilization on the Kardashev scale, as they have colonized their entire star system and two other neighboring systems, and is currently working in on a third.
The species is currently recovering from a devastating world war on their home planet that had crippled their civilization temporarily about 100 years ago, but now, they have advanced in technology afterwards and had journeyed to the cosmos ever since. They also have a long history in relative to their star's long lifespan.
The Kirakh base their calendar system around a supervolcanic eruption event from around 200,000 years ago (these approximations may change when I start charting their history), during when the species is in their stone age period.
B.E - before eruption
D.E - during eruption
A.E - after eruption
I like to think that the species is located somewhere in the Andromeda Galaxy, and that the Kirakh were the closest thing to us humans in that galaxy. After all, no two alien races are the exact same, as I like to believe.
The Kirakh are carbon-based lifeforms like us, but they do also have some things that differentiate them from us too.
Unlike humans, the Kirakh have cobalt in their blood instead of iron, these proteins are called coboglobin. They function the same as the hemoglobin found in humans, and it makes their blood amber-yellow in the arteries, and clear-colored in the veins.
Guys just ignore the small wings on their back, the image is just one of their earlier versions and they were originally gonna have these wings, but now I will be retconning them to don't have these wings.
The Kirakh have a total of three pairs of limbs, with the midlimbs and the rearlimbs being functioned for walking, while the remaining forelimbs being used to manipulate objects and items.
Unlike humans, which have pentadactyly digits, Kirakh have tridactyly digits, meaning they posess three fingers on each limb. The digits on the midlimbs and the rearlimbs have been arranged in a chameleon-like form, with two digits in the front and one in the back, and reverse in the rearlimbs.
Their forelimbs have evolved to become three-fingered hands with opposable thumbs that allows them to manipulate and interact with the world around them, as well as retractable "hooks" in their digits that is once used to hook onto the surface of the trees and help be better at climbing.
It appears that the rearlimbs on the Kirakh are facing backwards unlike the other two frontal limbs. Of course, this is a universal trait for some backboned creatures on the planet, which they take from their ancestors millions of years ago.
Skin and fur
Some parts of the Kirakh skin, such as the face and the limbs, are made out of the same leather human skin is made out of, with a layer of keratin scales going down from the nape to the section where the tail meets the body. The Kirakh also have fur under that layer of scales that cover most of the body, usually shorter and more rougher when in warmer regions to and longer and fluffier in colder regions to preserve body heat.
Respiratory System
The Kirakh have spiracles on their chest region, altough they are hidden in the fur. In some ethnicities born in warmer regions of the planet, where fur is more shorter, there is a bare patch on each of the spiracles. The spiracles connect to the lungs of the individual and is used to absorb oxygen and to distribute it along the bloodstream. Like us humans, Kirakh need oxygen to survive, and also need constant oxygen while exersizing. Kirakh lungs are also quite large to handle the strain of climbing trees.
The Kirakh use the basic two-gender system that most organisms on theirs and our planet use. They practice external fertilization, mainly because their reproductive parts are located in their chest cavity region, so it might be impossible for offspring to develop inside.
The female produces ovum, or unfertilized eggs, while the male produces fly-sized winged gametes that crawl into the open capsule into the ovum, and then fertilizes the egg cell inside, eventually resulting with a fertilized egg, that within around 6 months, will hatch out a young kirakh.
Life Cycle
The average Kirakh lives from around 90-150 years. They start off as tiny and hairless, and feeding off their mother's crop, and over time, they start growing a coat of fluffy fur that wards off parasites and other pesky insects and unwanted guests from entering it's body, and it also keeps them at their core body temperature.
They also have a fast metabolism rate when young, as they need lots of food to grow and stay energized. Kirakh young also have a sprawled stance, but then their legs get more erect as they grow.
Frequently during their juvenile stage, Kirakh shed their old coat of fur and be replaced with a new one once in every year, in a process called molting. This is usually because their fur doesn't grow along with it.
When the Kirakh get into a certain age, which is about 14-15 years, the fur on their back will start to fall off to make way for the keratin scales that will grow eventually. The adolescent stage will eventually end 6 years later, when they are 21 years old, their scales would be fully grown and the growth cycle would be complete as it enters the adult stage.
Kirakh may also become old when they are around 70-75 years old.
Alright so it is now done! Let me know about what you guys think :)
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pigswithwings · 1 year
you should . give me an ultrakill fun fact
get TWO for the question of one!! i hope you like hemoglobin because these are both about the relevance of blood in ultrakill. also these are simply Silly Things i don't know how common or well known they are but they're still Fun to me 👍👍👍
1. You know how you (V1) can regain health by taking a shower in other guys' guts? Blood is fuel, and we love not having to deal with inflation prices by simply getting it from the source! One catch: the blood has to be fresh. What The Hell does that mean, you ask? Fresh as in picked-this-morning, organic, all-natural levels of fresh! Fresh as in Taken Directly Out Of Someone Else's Veins As They Live And Breathe! You cannot regain health from the blood of enemies that have already been killed and are simply lying on the ground (though you might run the risk of catching a few diseases, I'm sure). Similarly, the blood textures / splatters that you will eventually paint on the walls or floors also won't heal you.
2. You know the nailgun? If you don't, don't sweat it - it does excactly as its name indicates (shoots some nails, simple and quick). But unlike other weapons that are thermically or electrically charged, the nailgun uses - well, just nails. Where the hell do the nails come from? Check this out - it's all blood related. Everything comes back to it. Anyways, the blood iron content in Ultrakill must be Way Off The Charts, because apparently that's what the nailgun uses to make nails! It takes iron particles from blood! And that's what the coins in Ultrakill are made of, too! It's all connected! Is this not the wildest shit you've heard of! Regular human blood usually contains micrograms of iron, and here's V1 / the player collecting it like it's the Industrial Revolution! What!
-> i get my facts from here <-
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carcassmuncher · 8 months
My Rotted Heart
Skin breaking apart and exposing my rotted heart,
You see through my cold dead eyes cut and sliced,
As you chart my lifelessness adored as art,
I suffice that in my eyes lies twice of what is comprised.
Slit open and poured out, falling from my mouth
My visceral steaming slop of emotion and devotion.
Though I’ve meditated I’m still devastated by doubt,
But can I shout to you when my bones are broken?
Unspoken commotion lost in the flow of hemoglobin,
I’m open like a wound and bloated, coated, then eroded,
Roasted, tested, infested, and Invested in your touch
I’m infected, melted, not well rested, I know I’m too much.
Pushing up the dirt and earth experiencing rebirth,
I told you I would love you forever and you have my word,
I told you I’d never leave, and so you’re cursed,
I become necromanced, I have become absurd.
^Above is a poem I wrote to my boyfriend while thinking what it meant to love him forever. I express myself in more visceral ways, and if I have to pour my guts out (and be a zombie) to tell him I love him, so be it<3 (I will chase rhyme forever, don’t even try to change my mind)
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Image ID: Image IDS for the first two photos (an introduction and a summary of how respiration works in aerobic, anaerobic, and fermentation) can be found in the alt texts. ID for the chart is both here and in the alt.
In aerobic respiration, oxygen is breathed in in order to create ATP. Carbon dioxide is breathed out as a waste product. In fermentation, no single element is used to create ATP. Byproducts of this process include lactic acid, made by bacteria that turns milk into cheese curds and your muscles, ethanol, made by yeast and used in alcohol, butyric acid, made by bacteria in your gut and used in leather tanning, and vinegar.
There are a lot of examples of anaerobic respiration, mostly from bacteria. Respirating chloroform produces dichloromethane and carbon dioxide. Respirating chlorate produces chloride and oxygen. Sulfate produces hydrogen sulfide, and vinyl chloride produces ethene (also carbon, but the bacteria that does this uses the carbon so idk if it’s respirated). Nitrate and/or nitrogen dioxide produces ammonia and nitrite. Nitrite can then be further broken down into either nitrogen gas or nitrous oxide. Oxidized iron produces c-type cytochrome, which can the be oxidized back into oxidized iron. Arsenate produces arsenite, and selenate produces selenite, which can then be further reduced into red elemental selenium. And finally, acetone, coal, and several one-carbon compounds can produce methane gas. End image ID.
I mainly post this with speculative biology and worldbuilding in mind, which of course isn’t required to be entirely realistic. The setting I’m making right now sure ain’t. But it is probably worth saying that oxygen is still the most efficient, same way that hemoglobin is the most efficient. Also fermentation fucking sucks for producing energy everyone point and laugh.
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laraphleb · 4 days
Translating Phlebotomy: Mastering Essential Medical Terminology for Blood Draw Procedures
**Title: Decoding Phlebotomy: Mastering Essential Medical Terminology for Blood Draw Procedures**
**Introduction:** Phlebotomy is a crucial aspect⁢ of healthcare that involves drawing blood from patients for various diagnostic⁣ and⁣ therapeutic purposes. To excel in this field, phlebotomists must master essential medical terminology to‍ ensure accurate communication with ‍colleagues and patients.⁤ In this article, we will delve into the world of phlebotomy and decipher key terms‌ that are essential for successful blood draw procedures.
**Understanding⁣ Medical Terminology in Phlebotomy:** 1. *Venipuncture*: The process of puncturing a vein with a needle to collect blood. 2. *Hematoma*: A localized‍ swelling​ filled with ‍blood resulting from ⁢a‌ broken‍ blood vessel during venipuncture. 3. *Syringe*: A device used to draw blood through a needle. 4. *Intravenous (IV) cannulation*: Inserting a catheter ‌into a vein ⁤to administer fluids⁤ or ​medications. 5. ⁣*Anticoagulant*: A substance ⁢that prevents blood clotting and is often used to preserve blood samples. 6. *Hemolysis*: Destruction of red blood cells leading ⁢to the release of hemoglobin into the blood plasma. 7. *Phlebotomist*: A healthcare professional trained to draw blood from patients for medical testing. 8. ​*Gauge*: Refers to the size of ‌the needle; a higher gauge number indicates⁤ a smaller needle size. 9. ​*Dermal Puncture*: A blood collection technique involving ‌a small‌ needle puncture in the skin. 10. *Capillary Tube*: A thin‍ tube used ‍to collect ‍capillary blood samples for testing.
**Benefits of Mastering Medical Terminology in Phlebotomy:** -⁤ Improved accuracy ⁤and efficiency in blood draw procedures. – Enhanced communication with healthcare team members. – Reduced risk ‍of errors leading to better patient ⁢outcomes. – Increased confidence and professionalism in the field of phlebotomy.
**Practical Tips for Mastering Medical Terminology in Phlebotomy:** 1. Create flashcards or study guides to review‍ key ⁤terms regularly. 2. Practice using medical ​terminology in everyday conversations and ​charting. 3. Attend phlebotomy⁤ workshops or seminars to stay updated on industry terminology. 4. Seek mentorship from experienced phlebotomists​ to deepen your understanding of medical terminology.
**Case Study:** Sarah, a⁢ phlebotomist in a busy hospital,‌ noticed​ a hematoma forming on a patient’s arm after a venipuncture. By ⁤recognizing the‍ term and communicating⁤ effectively with the nursing staff, Sarah ensured⁣ prompt intervention, preventing further complications ‌for the ⁣patient.
**First-Hand Experience:** “As a phlebotomist, ⁤mastering medical ⁤terminology has been‌ instrumental‍ in my‍ daily practice. Clear ⁢communication with my colleagues and patients has not ⁤only improved the ​quality of care but also boosted my confidence in performing blood draw procedures.”
**Conclusion:** Mastering essential medical terminology in phlebotomy is vital⁣ for phlebotomists⁢ to excel in their practice. By understanding and utilizing key terms effectively, phlebotomists can enhance patient care, minimize risks, ​and strengthen their position in the healthcare team. Continuous learning and practice are essential to keep up with the evolving field of phlebotomy and ‍ensure success in blood‍ draw procedures.
By following the tips provided in this article and staying informed about industry developments, ​phlebotomists can decode the nuances ⁤of medical terminology and achieve⁤ mastery in their field. Remember,‌ communication is key in phlebotomy, and a solid grasp of medical terminology can make all the difference in providing⁢ excellent patient care.
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my personal best for bleeding out a pint of red stuff is nine minutes and i am on a mission to constantly improve that
for whatever reason, blood services canada tracks and charts how long it takes you to fill a blood bag when you donate
what i have discovered for a quick bleed time:
1. chug water while in the chair
2. eat a shit ton of a salty food while you’re in the chair
3. flex the forearm you’re donating from in regular pulses
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i am taking a beak from donating to get my hemoglobin numbers back up but when i return… i can make it eight minutes; i have the system figured out
normal thing to want to achieve and normal knowledge to pursue
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duality-disability · 6 months
hi users of tumblr dot com i Might have an issue
within my health records, namely my blood tests, since 2020, there is a noticable but worrisome (to me) pattern.
My platlets and rbc count have both been elevated since 2020; my rbc count continues to climb.
the size of my rbc however, continues to get smaller, and while my hemoglobin is fine/within normal range, other measurements indicate I dont have enough hemoglobin in each of my rbc.
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(Charts for reference)
At the last visit with my hematologist; I was told I was iron deficent, and told to take iron supplements; I've been taking them, and they've done, well, a whole lot of nothing.
At my upcoming visit next week, i'm going to push for blood tests, but still very alarmed that this pattern has been happening since 2020 and no one has thought to like.. tell me, or investigate even.
so i'm reaching out to my communities to maybe see if anyone has any ideas.
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onecalldoctor123 · 7 months
Convenient Blood Tests at Home Can Help Expecting Mothers Prevent Pregnancy Diabetes | One call Doctor, Dubai
Pregnancy diabetes, or gestational diabetes, is a condition that affects some women during pregnancy when their blood sugar levels become higher than normal. This can happen because of hormonal changes or insulin resistance in the body. Convenient blood tests at home services can help expecting parents to closely monitor sugar levels by fixing the sample collection dates as charted by the doctor. Gestational diabetes can lead to serious problems for both the mother and the baby, such as high blood pressure, pre-eclampsia, premature delivery, heavy birth weight, respiratory distress, and an increased risk of developing diabetes later in life.
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These risks to mother and baby can be greatly reduced with a healthy lifestyle, body weight, and routine blood tests to monitor sugar levels. With many hospitals and clinics offering convenient blood tests at home in Dubai, routine monitoring of blood sugar levels has never been easy. The expecting parents should also take care to maintain a healthy diet, do recreational activities, exercise, and sleep for a minimum of 8 hours to keep the risk of pregnancy diabetes at bay.
The blood tests for gestational diabetes are usually done at 24 to 28 weeks of pregnancy, or earlier if the woman has risk factors such as obesity, family history of diabetes, or previous gestational diabetes. The tests involve measuring the blood sugar levels before and after drinking a glucose solution. If the blood sugar levels are higher than the normal range, the woman is diagnosed with gestational diabetes and needs to follow the doctor’s advice on how to manage it. There are home healthcare services providers in Dubai who offer routine blood tests at home for expecting mothers.
One of the main causes of prediabetes, a condition where blood sugar levels are higher than normal, but not high enough to be classified as diabetes, or type 2 diabetes, is insulin resistance. If the body suffers from insulin resistance, the cells do not respond properly to insulin and require more of it to take up glucose from the blood. Insulin resistance can be tested indirectly by performing blood sugar and lipid tests at home and by evaluating the signs and symptoms that may indicate a reduced insulin sensitivity. However, the most accurate test for insulin resistance is still not commercially available and is still only used in research and studies.
Doctors use blood tests that measure the amount of glucose or hemoglobin A1C (a form of hemoglobin that reflects the average blood sugar level over the past 2 to 3 months) in the blood. These tests can also detect prediabetes. Type 2 diabetes risks are high in those with prediabetes levels of blood glucose.
By regular blood tests at home in Dubai, which are convenient, reliable, and affordable pregnancy diabetes can be diagnosed early to limit its associated complications. They can also help track the progress and effectiveness of the treatment plan. These tests can help detect gestational diabetes early and allow the doctor to prescribe the appropriate treatment, such as diet, exercise, or medication.
Regular blood tests at home can help expecting mothers prevent pregnancy diabetes from becoming a lifelong condition, by allowing them to take timely action and avoid potential complications. By keeping the blood sugar levels under control, the mother can ensure a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. Moreover, by adopting a healthy lifestyle, the mother can also reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes later in life. For more details visit our website : https://theonecalldoctor.com/
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kirakhproject · 9 months
The Kirakh
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The Kirakh
The Kirakh were a 13 ft tall quadrupedal alien species hailing from the Xyke System, a planetary star sytem orbiting around a K-type variable orange dwarf star. They are a type 2 civilization on the Kardashev scale, as they have colonized their entire star system and two other neighboring systems, and is currently working in on a third.
The species is currently recovering from a devastating world war on their home planet that had crippled their civilization temporarily about 100 years ago, but now, they have advanced in technology afterwards and had journeyed to the cosmos ever since. They also have a long history in relative to their star's long lifespan.
The Kirakh base their calendar system around a supervolcanic eruption event from around 200,000 years ago (these approximations may change when I start charting their history), during when the species is in their stone age period.
B.E - before eruption
D.E - during eruption
A.E - after eruption
I like to think that the species is located somewhere in the Andromeda Galaxy, and that the Kirakh were the closest thing to us humans in that galaxy. After all, no two alien races are the exact same, as I like to believe.
The Kirakh are carbon-based lifeforms like us, but they do also have some things that differentiate them from us too.
Unlike humans, the Kirakh have cobalt in their blood instead of iron, these proteins are called coboglobin. They function the same as the hemoglobin found in humans, and it makes their blood amber-yellow in the arteries, and clear-colored in the veins.
Guys just ignore the small wings on their back, the image is just one of their earlier versions and they were originally gonna have these wings, but now I will be retconning them to don't have these wings.
The Kirakh have a total of three pairs of limbs, with the midlimbs and the rearlimbs being functioned for walking, while the remaining forelimbs being used to manipulate objects and items.
Unlike humans, which have pentadactyly digits, Kirakh have tridactyly digits, meaning they posess three fingers on each limb. The digits on the midlimbs and the rearlimbs have been arranged in a chameleon-like form, with two digits in the front and one in the back, and reverse in the rearlimbs.
Their forelimbs have evolved to become three-fingered hands with opposable thumbs that allows them to manipulate and interact with the world around them, as well as retractable "hooks" in their digits that is once used to hook onto the surface of the trees and help be better at climbing.
It appears that the rearlimbs on the Kirakh are facing backwards unlike the other two frontal limbs. Of course, this is a universal trait for some backboned creatures on the planet, which they take from their ancestors millions of years ago.
Skin and fur
Some parts of the Kirakh skin, such as the face and the limbs, are made out of the same leather human skin is made out of, with a layer of keratin scales going down from the nape to the section where the tail meets the body. The Kirakh also have fur under that layer of scales that cover most of the body, usually shorter and more rougher when in warmer regions to and longer and fluffier in colder regions to preserve body heat.
Respiratory System
The Kirakh have spiracles on their chest region, altough they are hidden in the fur. In some ethnicities born in warmer regions of the planet, where fur is more shorter, there is a bare patch on each of the spiracles. The spiracles connect to the lungs of the individual and is used to absorb oxygen and to distribute it along the bloodstream. Like us humans, Kirakh need oxygen to survive, and also need constant oxygen while exersizing. Kirakh lungs are also quite large to handle the strain of climbing trees.
The Kirakh use the basic two-gender system that most organisms on theirs and our planet use. They practice external fertilization, mainly because their reproductive parts are located in their chest cavity region, so it might be impossible for offspring to develop inside.
The female produces ovum, or unfertilized eggs, while the male produces fly-sized winged gametes that crawl into the open capsule into the ovum, and then fertilizes the egg cell inside, eventually resulting with a fertilized egg, that within around 6 months, will hatch out a young kirakh.
Life Cycle
The average Kirakh lives from around 90-150 years. They start off as tiny and hairless, and feeding off their mother's crop, and over time, they start growing a coat of fluffy fur that wards off parasites and other pesky insects and unwanted guests from entering it's body, and it also keeps them at their core body temperature.
They also have a fast metabolism rate when young, as they need lots of food to grow and stay energized. Kirakh young also have a sprawled stance, but then their legs get more erect as they grow.
Frequently during their juvenile stage, Kirakh shed their old coat of fur and be replaced with a new one once in every year, in a process called molting. This is usually because their fur doesn't grow along with it.
When the Kirakh get into a certain age, which is about 14-15 years, the fur on their back will start to fall off to make way for the keratin scales that will grow eventually. The adolescent stage will eventually end 6 years later, when they are 21 years old, their scales would be fully grown and the growth cycle would be complete as it enters the adult stage.
Kirakh may also become old when they are around 70-75 years old.
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jcmarchi · 11 months
Teen uses calculus learned through MITx to better understand his cancer treatment
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/teen-uses-calculus-learned-through-mitx-to-better-understand-his-cancer-treatment/
Teen uses calculus learned through MITx to better understand his cancer treatment
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When Dustin Liang was diagnosed with T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia in June, the cancer consumed his life. But despite a monthlong hospital stay, aggressive chemotherapy treatments, and ongoing headaches, fatigue, loss of appetite, and nausea, the 17-year-old high school senior enrolled in MITx’s class 18.01.1x (Calculus 1A: Differentiation).
MITx, part of MIT Open Learning, offers hundreds of high-quality massive open online courses adapted from the MIT classroom for learners worldwide. The Calculus 1A: Differentiation course was designed and created by the Department of Mathematics and offered through the MITx program. Liang took the free course this summer in between treatment sessions and medical tests so that he could meet the four-year math requirement to graduate from a Massachusetts high school — an arrangement he made with his school. 
In class, Liang learned how to differentiate functions and how to make linear and quadratic approximations. He then applied this knowledge to estimate his blood cell counts. “I was in a hospital bed when I saw the doctor draw a graph of my neutrophils on a whiteboard, and I thought you could apply a quadratic approximation to it to estimate my blood cell counts at a certain time in the future,” Liang recalls. “I talked to the doctors about it, and they said it was a good idea but that they currently didn’t have the technology to do that.”
When doctors conduct blood tests on a patient, they look at multiple cell counts. Three of those are especially important for cancer patients: hemoglobin, which is the protein in red blood cells responsible for the delivery of oxygen to tissues; platelets, tiny blood cells that help the body form clots to stop bleeding; and neutrophils, a type of white blood cell that helps the body fight infections.
“Heavy chemo kills all of the cells, regardless of whether they’re good or bad,” says Thomas Liang MS ’97, who is Dustin Liang’s father. “We asked the doctor a few times about the nadir [the lowest value of the neutrophil count after drug administration], but the doctors couldn’t predict when Dustin would get to it. The anxiety was pretty high.”
While Liang was in the intensive care unit, his doctors ordered blood tests hourly to get a clearer picture of his blood cell counts. Being able to predict blood cell counts allows doctors to more accurately manage the next treatment procedure, and it allows patients and their caregivers to be more cautious and prepare for the next treatment.
Predicting neutrophil counts with math
After being hospitalized for weeks, Liang couldn’t wait to go home. He had his eyes locked on his absolute neutrophil count, which needed to reach 1,000 per microliter of blood in order for Liang to get discharged. 
In Calculus 1A, Liang was learning how to predict the near future value of a function using linear or quadratic approximation methods. After seeing a doctor’s chart of his neutrophils, Liang hypothesized that he could use quadratic approximation to predict his neutrophil count. 
“Given a series of points of the blood cell counts, a function can be modeled,” Liang explains. “So, predicting a future point not far away is mathematically feasible.”
Determined to test his idea, Liang called his mentor, Jiawen Sun, who works in a London security exchange firm as a trading analyst simulating and modeling stock market behavior. Sun helped Liang create a graph to estimate Liang’s neutrophil count at a certain time. When Liang compared the graph to his blood test results, he found that the math worked.
“I was able to predict the blood cell counts. It was a little off, but close enough,” Liang says. “There are some challenges in simulating the function of blood cells. However, the human blood cell counts turned out to be converging easier than the stock market to simulate.”
Now, Liang is working on a more accurate model for the neutrophil count based on input he received from doctors at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. He hopes to use data from other cancer patients to test his model; however, much more work will be needed to determine if this kind of model can be used on other patients.
“If this works, it will alleviate some of the anxiety of cancer patients, and make their lives a little bit easier,” Liang says. “For doctors, they will be able to come up with more accurate procedures for treating cancer.”
Searching for better treatment options
Liang completed Calculus 1A: Differentiation in September, receiving a grade of 100 percent on his final exam. “My other chemo had started, and I was feeling pretty bad when my dad told me the grade,” he recalls. “I’m proud I managed to accomplish something while I was undergoing chemo.”
Liang, who continues to undergo chemotherapy treatment, enrolled in class 18.01.2x (Calculus 1B: Integration) through MITx this fall semester. He is also taking an English class at his high school. After graduating from high school next year, Liang wants to study pre-med and become a cancer researcher. 
“I was always pretty interested in the science field. Then I got cancer, and I got even more interested in it,” he says. “I want to research it, find ways to help people get rid of their cancer, and better patients’ treatment.”
For Thomas Liang, his son’s survival is the first priority. “I want him to be a successful survivor,” he says. “Dustin is a brilliant kid and a chess prodigy. He thinks fast. He’s very sensitive. He doesn’t talk a lot, but is very popular among his friends. He’s a kindhearted kid. I am proud of his aspirations to be a doctor.”
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dietnourish · 1 year
The Hands-Down Best Quotes About Hyperthyroidism Diet Chart
Hyperthyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland produces an excessive amount of thyroid hormone. This can lead to symptoms such as weight loss, increased appetite, sweating, nervousness, and palpitations. Proper nutrition can play a crucial role in managing hyperthyroidism symptoms and supporting overall health. In this article, we will discuss the role of nutrition in hyperthyroidism and provide a sample diet chart for individuals with this condition.
Role of hyperthyroidism diet chart
Hyperthyroidism can increase the metabolic rate, which can result in weight loss and an increased need for certain nutrients. Individuals with hyperthyroidism may also have increased intestinal motility, leading to nutrient malabsorption. Therefore, it is important to consume a balanced diet that includes the following nutrients:
Iodine: Iodine is essential for the production of thyroid hormones. However, individuals with hyperthyroidism should be cautious about consuming too much iodine, as this can exacerbate symptoms. Good sources of iodine include seafood, dairy products, and iodized salt.
Protein: Protein is important for maintaining muscle mass, which can be lost due to hyperthyroidism. Good sources of protein include lean meats, fish, beans, and legumes.
Calcium and Vitamin D: Hyperthyroidism can increase the risk of osteoporosis, a condition that weakens bones and increases the risk of fractures. Calcium and vitamin D are essential for maintaining strong bones. Good sources of calcium include dairy products, leafy greens, and fortified foods. Good sources of vitamin D include exposure to sunlight, fatty fish, and fortified foods.
Iron: Hyperthyroidism can increase the risk of anemia, a condition in which there is a deficiency of red blood cells or hemoglobin in the blood. Good sources of iron include lean meats, seafood, beans, and dark leafy greens.
Magnesium: Magnesium is important for bone health and can help reduce anxiety and stress, which can be exacerbated by hyperthyroidism. Good sources of magnesium include dark leafy greens, nuts, and whole grains.
Sample Diet Chart for Hyperthyroidism
Here is a sample diet chart for individuals with hyperthyroidism:
Whole-grain toast with peanut butter
Low-fat Greek yogurt with berries
Green tea
Carrots and hummus
Grilled chicken breast
Brown rice
Steamed vegetables
Low-fat string cheese
Whole-grain crackers
Baked salmon
Roasted vegetables
Greek yogurt with honey
Mixed berries
In general, individuals with hyperthyroidism should aim to consume a balanced diet that includes whole grains, lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables. It is also important to avoid consuming too much iodine, as this can exacerbate symptoms. Therefore, it is recommended to limit the consumption of iodine-rich foods, such as seafood and iodized salt. Consulting a registered dietitian can also be helpful in developing a personalized diet plan for managing hyperthyroidism symptoms.
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Image ID: Two character design portfolios for the Zoronxie aliens Lirck and Clatter. Both are bipedal and look vaguely like prehistoric raptors. They have feathers, wing-like arms, tails, long segmented necks, and hooves. Their faces are grey and stone-like, with horns. Clatter is a light blue, and one nostril slot on her face is shaped like a smile. Lirck is taller than Clatter, and a much darker blue, nearly purple. The shape of her eyes and nostril slots make her look mad. Individual descriptions of each character can be found in the image alts, and descriptions of additional drawings on the photos can found under the cut. End image ID.
I love it when adding longer image alts make my tumblr drafts completely glitch out.
Sketch IDs, two of them together, a little bit of character lore, and some biology notes all under the cut.
Continued image IDs: Another drawing of Clatter shows him fully dressed in a flow-y grey skirt, pants, and shirt with separate sleeves. They are sprinting with their wings held close to their body. She whispers to herself, "Oh shit oh shit oh shit". There are also two uncolored sketches. The first shows Clatter actually smiling. His face doesn't move, but he bends his neck in a curve and fluffs up his feathers. The second sketch has two panels. The first shows Clatter looking up towards a loud 'Clung' sound. She then looks down, yelling "FUCK."
Another image of Lirck shows her fully dressed and lying down. She wears her chaps and two cloaks. One cloak is a light grey covering her neck and back. It's embroidered with purple clouds on the back. The second cloak is a darker grey and covers her tail. It also has some embroidery, a purple wavy pattern. There are also two uncolored sketches. The first shows a very happy Lirck holding a potted plant. His face does not change, still looking grumpy. I promise she is very happy. The final image shows Lirck with her head down and horns facing the viewer. His stance is wide, his tail raised, and his wing claws are close to the ground. Text next to her reads 'headbutts you'. End continued IDs.
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Image ID: Lirck and Clatter together. The main drawing of them from the previous images are there, showing that Clatter is about a head shorter than Lirck. The drawings of them clothed are also there. It looks a little like Lirck is glaring at Clatter as they run. A new uncolored sketch is also there, showing the two head butting. They are pissed at each other, and are locking horns about it. End image ID
The text reads:
Lirck is from Zornxia, the Zoronxie homeworld. She’s a retired hunter-warrior from the Coalesced House of Hunter-Warriors. He held the rank of elder, marked by her docked tail. She currently works as the botanist, gardener, and security guard on the Little Bird.
Clatter is from Enith, and was adopted into a Corldaxian family. She didn’t grow up around many Zoronxie at all, but supposedly his birth parents were from the Glasswork Democracy region on Zornxia. Much to Lirck’s disdain, Clatter’s fashion sense is more Corldaxian than Zoronxie. Clatter currently works as an engine mechanic on the Little Bird.
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Image ID: A couple of anatomy sketches with notes. Zoronxie ‘faces’ are completely immobile, more like a mask. They have a dry clay texture. They use the lines on their face to breath through, and their respiratory system is in their neck. A note reads that they use hemocyanin to transport oxygen, which is a bit less efficient than hemoglobin. They have four lungs in all, and two hearts. Their feathers are more like long hairs connected to quills than true feathers. They also have two mouths, which are separate limbs in front of the arms. A note reads that they are usually kept tucked up and hidden by feathers. There is also a size chart of Lirck and Clatter compared to a human. Lirck only reaches the human’s shoulders, with her horns reaching a bit higher. Clatter is a head smaller than Lirck. End image ID.
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