#hemp master lee
marthe-with-an-e · 1 year
Hemp Master Lee- the supreme Bitch and Daeho’s version of Mr Kellog
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szeminimalist · 2 years
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boy, why so serious?
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stand tall
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i'm a proud asexual master yo
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claudiaartemis · 2 years
Maidservant Kim really out there making the Leader of Songrim and Hemp Master Lee her simps.
Chaste herb tea can choke, they got nothing on this girl 💯💅
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Horny Master Lee
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fujunfuren · 2 years
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So just for training? Was that all you had in mind? ALCHEMY OF SOULS (2022)
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functionalasfuck · 2 years
After watching the most recent episode, it is becoming more and more likely that the original Mu Deok isn’t Naksu’s soul swapping victim. Mu Deok is the one that purposefully forced Naksu into her body, not the other way around.
Which makes me so curious about her. What is her plan? What does she gain from having this assassin pilot her body? Was being sold to a place the 4 seasons/Jang Uk frequents not a coincidence?
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kero-verdade · 2 years
so this guy Hemp Master Lee became the grandmaster magician of everything by chugging anti-horny juice all day everyday??
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vierran45 · 2 years
Wise words from Hemp Master Lee.
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Is someone with great talent inherently dangerous? No. It depends on the guidance OR THE LACK OF IT they get. Jang Wook has great talent, but Naksu is the only one who has ever been willing to teach him - apart from Master Lee, of course.
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teagrl · 2 years
Omg Park Jin imagining hemp master Lee laughing was the most lolarious thing. I need that gif in my life.
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elegantblazelady · 2 years
So I started Alchemy of Souls and that was a big mistake. Because now I have to wait how many days for the next ep?? Unacceptable! Uk and Mudok are parted? Maidservant Kim is swayed by Hemp Master Lee?? I can’t wait!!!
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mimi123meg · 2 years
Hemp master lee is unironically my spirit animal
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thirteenthblackbird · 2 years
pink scarf
Hemp Master Lee’s still wearing the pink scarf! Tucked under his outer clothes so there’s just a small flash of pink, but it’s there. 
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writing-frenzy · 3 years
HK Reference Sheet: Spellnail/Witch Doctor Felix of the Snail Tribe
Here we go, a reference sheet for me boi; hope it comes out alright. though there might be a slight spoiler with some of Felix’s abilities for my fic.
Intelligence: 8/10
Wisdom: 7/10 
Charisma: (What he thinks:) 3/10 (what it is) 7/10 (Note: takes a hit whenever around Restingglass Mound and Racist Bugs)
Soul: N/A (For reasons)
Spiritual Abilities: 3/10 (Note: Must have at least 6/10 to become a Shaman)
Nail Skills: Master of the Crystal Nail Style (Restingglass Mound), Master of Misting Doubles Nail Style (Misting Mound), Master of the Grass Cutter Style (Evergreen Mound) (Note: To be a Nailsage, one must Master 5 Nail Styles, create your own Arts, and then pass them down.)
Witch Doctor: Accomplished (basically, 10/10)
Spellcasting: 9/10 (At 10/10 can multi-cast; all Gods can do it naturally, the cheats) (Felix is great at casting spells; creating them, not so much)
Family and Friends:
Gemshell and Lime: Mothers
Lute: Older Brother (Eldest)
Green: Older Sister (Middle)
Tale: Youngest Sibling (Still young and doesn’t care yet)    
Ancestral Mound Leader Snail Shaman Fossil (Teacher, Uncle)
Evergreen Mound Leader Snail Shaman Song (Teacher, First Cousin Once Removed) (Note: they are the Overgrown Mound Shaman)
Misting Mound Leader Snail Shaman Mist (Teacher, Great Uncle) (Note: they are the shaman in the Soul Sanctum)
Restingglass Mound Leader Snail Shaman Jade (Teacher, Great Aunt) (Note: they are the Shaman in the Crystal Mound)
Spellcrafter and Shaman Apprentice Lee (Friend)
(Putting the rest under the read more, as this is getting long)
Appearence: Height is about eye level to THK waist, his shell making him appear a little taller. (He is indeed taller then Hornet). His shell is like one of these shells:
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Just a creamy white with some grey instead. It doesn’t have a lip, but in the future he will make himself a little visor to help him with that (snails are sensitive to light, some worse then others).
He has wet black skin like all snails, though his is dotted with scars from training accidents and practice from Nail fighting and Potion making. (as well as from an incident when he was young.
Felix has a few regular burns and acid burns along his hands and his arms from that, not to many, as Felix has an incredible healing factor that makes most minor ones disappear fast. Same with Nail scraps, only some of the deeper ones have remained around his legs and torso.(There is one really dark spot over where the top of their chest is, it looks like a really dark blue in some lights if it hits just right.)
Felix wears a green traveling cloak he got while he was in Greenpath, so it is made of a sturdy, waterproof hemp that does have a hood that can cover him. He also has a dark colored messenger like bag with him, which carries all his things on his journey. He now wears two silk-like bands around both his arms, covering two glowing tattoos gifted by the Pale King and the White Lady.
He also has a staff made from bone wood, a pale colored wood that can be harder then bone at times, it has been carved at the top in a shape of a curved spiral, almost like a shell but more jagged. It’s end is nail sharp, and usually died a color from poison that rests on the end, giving it a darker coloring there as well as a slight smell, depending on just what poison was applied. 
It can also detach into two pieces, as well as reattached, allowing Felix to fight with two weapons in hand.
Well, that is all I can think to be honest: hope you all enjoy reading about my boi!
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blaze8403 · 5 years
Cannabis sativa Plants OVERVIEW VIDEOS LOWER CLASSIFICATIONS INTERESTING FINDS Images Image result for Cannabis sativa Image result for Cannabis sativa Image result for Cannabis sativa Image result for Cannabis sativa Image result for Cannabis sativa Image result for Cannabis sativa Image result for Cannabis sativa Image result for Cannabis sativa Image result for Cannabis sativa Image result for Cannabis sativa Image result for Cannabis sativa View all Description DescriptionCannabis sativa is an annual herbaceous flowering plant indigenous to eastern Asia but now of cosmopolitan distribution due to widespread cultivation. It has been cultivated throughout recorded history, used as a source of industrial fiber, seed oil, food, recreation, religious and spiritual moods and medicine. Wikipedia Scientific name: Cannabis sativa Family: Cannabaceae Order: Rosales Rank: Species Higher classification: Hemp
NO MALE OR FEMALE NOT XY OR XX RULES TO YALE SEX IS GENDER PEOPLE ARE SEX CALCULATED AND NUMB WITH A SENSE OF LOVE — COLD CALCULATED AND NUMB WITH A SENSE OF LOVE HAWKINS TRANSLATED TO HAWKIN Message from Philosopher Professor Doctor Field General Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins Terry Lee Hawkins jr HAWKINS UMBRELLA CORPORATION COATS ACTIVE IN CASE TERRY LEE KAUFFMAN HAWKINS (via teremiah8403) WORDS WORDS poemswords - poemswords - sword and words YES=Y LIKE Y=YES ( N=NO OR NODACHI) (via blaze8403)YIN & YANG ? DAI GENSUI TSU TER PHILOPROFESSU MADOSIER ( ER IN EMPEROR AND BOOPER AND ( DOSSIER / DOSIER ( OSS OR OS ) DAI GENSUI TSU TERI MADOSIER GRAND MASTER GRAND MARTIAL MARSHAL FIELD DOCTOR GENERAL WAR OR WOR - RIGHT AND WRONG C=3 LIKE K=11=2 YAKAZA SOFT SEAT WAY WAR AND T IN TERRY AND H IN HAWKINS Terry Lee Hawkins Jr. · TAO OF TRUE RELIGION CIRCLE — RavenDove - yin yin / yang - D or L Dove or Love maybe L or D Lover or Dover pythagorean numerology ABC123 Kauffman-Hawkins-Hawk or Hopk -H__kins aw or op and Hopkins signed Booper or just Boop not Book.YORK PA - RESPONSIBLE RESPECTING EVERY SERIOUS PERSON ON NOW SERIOUS ISSUE BUT LISTEN ENTIRELY—OPERATIONS(TH OR AH) BOOP ( OOP=OO16=007 )—ENOCH PFL- COM01 TERRY HAWKINS - LEE ( RHEE )HIROHITO COULD SPELL BOOK AND BOOP - ER OR RE -KINGMAGIC YEA A GOD KNOW MAGICK - MAGI ?—PKA-TERRY THE TERROR MO IN HOME LIKE HOME PLATE ATE MODUS OPERANDI Terry Lee Hawkins Jr.— - THREE ELEVEN PISCES- OP IN OPERATIONS AND HOPKINS - ( OPP OR OSS - NO HOP OR POP - NOT SPOT STOP POST POTS - TOPS ?)—TERRY LEE HAWKINS - HOPKINS - AND JAPANESE HOKINSU -ME SIR NAMED A CHILD - DATE 10/29/30/2019 T=20=2 E=5 R=18=9 R=18=9 Y=25=7 NOT G OR P—T=20=2 E=5 R=18=9 R=18=9 Y=25=7 NOT G OR P—LI LEE LEI OR RHEE - NAME LEE AMEN OR AMAN ? - THEY DIDN’T GET IT PHONETIC LETTER WARTERKEY SIX ( ROMAN 9) [email protected] TWITTER TJ - TERRY JUNIOR BIRTHDAY MARCH 11 USS OR USA ?CORRECT SELECTION THE GOD DELUSION - CHAPTER 7 - 3 MORE—XERXES ( SEX=GENDER ) XIEXIE ( I AND E VOWELS LETTER 9 & 5)OOP = 16= 7 OO7 / 2600 OR 1600 - 0016 (ACTIVE) JANIST OR JANISM ?Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins is feeling professional with professor Doctor Dai Gensuier Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins Terry Lee Hawkins Jr. · ALL PRO RAVENDOVE Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins was RavenDove - yin yin / yang RavenDove - yin yin / yang - COLD NUMB AND (LOVIEY DOVIEY) CALCULATED SPELL IT D or L Dove or Love maybe L or D Lover or Dover pythagorean numerology ABC123 Kauffman-Hawkins-Hawk or Hopk -H__kins aw or op and Hopkins signed Booper or just Boop not Book BUT LOKI OR BOOPER SAN with Blaze Pascal. with Terry Lee Hawkins ( male ) Peros Dragonus Kami Aisuru ikigami shinigami HAWKINS HOKINSU/HOKINZU — feeling professional with Terry Lee Hawkins Jr.Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins Terry Lee Hawkins JR ( male ) Peros Dragonus Kami Aisuru ikigami shinigamI TER OR TERRY / - HAWKINS - LETTERS IN SPELLING DAI GENSUMMASIER RANK NATO 50 STARS -DAI-GENSUIER Professor Doctor Dai Gensuier Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins Terry Lee Hawkins Jr. - Signed Boop not Book Rank‎: ‎TEN ( CODE_LOVE-AI)-star Non-NATO rank‎: ‎O-16 NATO rank‎: ‎OF-15 Next lower rank‎: GENSUIER GENSUIER - AMONG R&R AND SECURITY DETAIL Rank‎: ‎NINE ( CODELOVE-AI)-star Non-NATO rank‎: ‎O-15 NATO rank‎: ‎OF-14 Next lower rank‎: DAI GENSUIA DAI GENSUIA Rank‎: ‎Eight -star Non-NATO rank‎: ‎O-14 NATO rank‎: ‎OF-13 Next lower rank‎: GENSUIA GENSUIA Rank‎: ‎Seven -star Non-NATO rank‎: ‎O-13 NATO rank‎: ‎OF-12 Next lower rank‎: ‎ DAI GENSUi DAI GENSUI Rank‎: ‎SIX -star Non-NATO rank‎: ‎O-12 NATO rank‎: ‎OF-11 Next lower rank‎: ‎Gensui Terry Lee Hawkins Jr.— - THREE ELEVEN PISCES- OP IN OPERATIONS AND HOPKINS - ( OPP OR OSS - NO HOP OR POP - NOT SPOT STOP POST POTS - TOPS ?)—TERRY LEE HAWKINS - HOPKINS - AND JAPANESE HOKINSU -ME SIR NAMED A CHILD - DATE 10/29/30/2019 T=20=2 E=5 R=18=9 R=18=9 Y=25=7 NOT G OR P—T=20=2 E=5 R=18=9 R=18=9 Y=25=7 NOT G OR P—LI LEE LEI OR RHEE - NAME LEE AMEN OR AMAN ? - THEY DIDNT GET IT PHONETIC LETTER WARTERKEY SIX ( ROMAN 9)[email protected]/TWITTER TJ - TERRY JUNIOR BIRTHDAY MARCH 11 USS OR USA ?CORRECT SELECTION THE GOD DELUSION - CHAPTER 7 - 3 MORE—XERXES ( SEX=GENDER ) XIEXIE ( I AND E VOWELS LETTER 9 & 5)OOP = 16= 7 OO7 / 2600 OR 1600 - 0016 (ACTIVE) JANIST OR JANISM ?Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins is feeling professional with professor Doctor Dai Gensuier Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins Terry Lee Hawkins Jr. · ALL PRO RAVENDOVE Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins was RavenDove - yin yin / yang RavenDove - yin yin / yang - COLD NUMB AND (LOVIEY DOVIEY) CALCULATED SPELL IT D or L Dove or Love maybe L or D Lover or Dover pythagorean numerology ABC123 Kauffman-Hawkins-Hawk or Hopk -H__kins aw or op and Hopkins signed Booper or just Boop not Book BUT LOKI OR BOOPER SAN with Blaze Pascal. with Terry Lee Hawkins ( male ) Peros Dragonus Kami Aisuru ikigami shinigami HAWKINS HOKINSU/HOKINZU — feeling professional with Terry Lee Hawkins Jr.Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins Terry Lee Hawkins JR ( male ) Peros Dragonus Kami Aisuru ikigami shinigamI GOD NAME LOKI PROFESSIONAL HAWKINS ( KAUFFMAN) TERRY L(via blaze8403)Modus Operandi - GOD OVER MONEY THE LIVES OF MEN AND WOMEN ABOVE MONEY - IN GOD WE TO TRUST - USDA * (MURDA)HONESTY / DISHONESTY - SIDNEY / DISNEY(MONEY-YENOM) (BECK OR BECH ?)—TERRY CHRISTIAN CHRISTEN ANGELOUS LEE KAUFFMAN HAWKINSWORD WORDS poemswords  poemswords -POME-OPME-(OPEM) YES=Y LIKE Y=YES ( N=NO OR NODACHI) (via blaze8403)YIN & YANG ?DAI GENSUI TSU TERI MADOSIER GRAND MASTER GRAND MARTIAL MARSHAL FIELD DOCTOR GENERAL WAR OR WOR - RIGHT AND WRONG C=3 LIKE K=11=2 YAKAZA SOFT SEAT WAY WAR AND T IN TERRY AND H IN HAWKINS Terry Lee Hawkins Jr. · TAO OF TRUE RELIGION CIRCLE — RavenDove - yin yin / yang - D or L Dove or Love maybe L or D Lover or Dover pythagorean numerology ABC123 Kauffman-Hawkins-Hawk or Hopk -H__kins aw or op and Hopkins signed Booper or just Boop not Book.YORK PA - RESPONSIBLE RESPECTING EVERY SERIOUS PERSON ON NOW SERIOUS ISSUE BUT LISTEN ENTIRELY—OPERATIONS(TH OR AH) BOOP ( OOP=OO16=007 )—ENOCH PFL- COM04 TERRY HAWKINS - LEE ( RHEE )HIROHITO COULD SPELL BOOK AND BOOP - ER OR RE -KING MAGIC YEA A GOD KNOW MAGICK - MAGI ?—PKA-TERRY THE TERROR MO IN HOME LIKE HOME PLATE ATE MODUS OPERANDI Terry Lee Hawkins Jr.— - THREE ELEVEN PISCES- OP IN OPERATIONS AND HOPKINS - ( OPP OR OSS - NO HOP OR POP - NOT SPOT STOP POST POTS - TOPS ?)—TERRY LEE HAWKINS - HOPKINS - AND JAPANESE HOKINSU -ME SIR NAMED A CHILD - DATE 10/29/30/2019 T=20=2 E=5 R=18=9 R=18=9 Y=25=7 NOT G OR P—T=20=2 E=5 R=18=9 R=18=9 Y=25=7 NOT G OR P—LI LEE LEI OR RHEE - NAME LEE AMEN OR AMAN ? - THEY DIDNT GET IT PHONETIC LETTER WARTERKEY SIX ( ROMAN 9)[email protected] TJ - TERRY JUNIOR BIRTHDAY MARCH 11 USS OR USA ?CORRECT SELECTION THE GOD DELUSION - CHAPTER 7 - 3 MORE—XERXES ( SEX=GENDER ) XIEXIE ( I AND E VOWELS LETTER 9 & 5)OOP = 16= 7 OO7 / 2600 OR 1600 - 0016 (ACTIVE) JANIST OR JANISM ?Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins is feeling professional with Philosopher Professor Doctor Dai Gensuier Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins Terry Lee Hawkins Jr. · ALL PRO RAVENDOVE Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins was RavenDove - yin yin / yang RavenDove - yin yin / yang - COLD NUMB AND (LOVIEY DOVIEY) CALCULATED SPELL IT D or L Dove or Love maybe L or D Lover or Dover pythagorean numerology ABC123 Kauffman-Hawkins-Hawk or Hopk -H__kins aw or op and Hopkins signed Booper or just Boop not Book BUT LOKI OR BOOPER SAN with Blaze Pascal. with Terry Lee Hawkins ( male ) Peros Dragonus Kami Aisuru ikigami shinigami HAWKINS HOKINSU/HOKINZU — feeling professional with Terry Lee Hawkins Jr.Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins Terry Lee Hawkins JR ( male ) Peros Dragonus Kami Aisuru ikigami shinigamI TER OR TERRY / - HAWKINS - LETTERS IN SPELLING DAI GENSUI TSU TERI MADOSIER -DAI GENSUMMASIER RANK NATO 50 STARS -DAI-GENSUIER Professor Doctor Dai Gensuier Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins Terry Lee Hawkins Jr. - Signed Boop not BookRank‎: ‎TEN ( CODELOVE-AI)-star Non-NATO rank‎: ‎O-16 NATO rank‎: ‎OF-15 Next lower rank‎: GENSUIER GENSUIER - AMONG R&R AND SECURITY DETAIL Rank‎: ‎NINE ( CODELOVE-AI)-star Non-NATO rank‎: ‎O-15 NATO rank‎: ‎OF-14 Next lower rank‎: DAI GENSUIA DAI GENSUIA Rank‎: ‎Eight -star Non-NATO rank‎: ‎O-14 NATO rank‎: ‎OF-13 Next lower rank‎: GENSUIA GENSUIA Rank‎: ‎Seven -star Non-NATO rank‎: ‎O-13 NATO rank‎: ‎OF-12 Next lower rank‎: ‎ DAI GENSUi DAI GENSUI Rank‎: ‎SIX -star Non-NATO rank‎: ‎O-12 NATO rank‎: ‎OF-11 Next lower rank‎: ‎Gensui Terry Lee Hawkins Jr.— - THREE ELEVEN PISCES- OP IN OPERATIONS AND HOPKINS - ( OPP OR OSS - NO HOP OR POP - NOT SPOT STOP POST POTS - TOPS ?)—TERRY LEE HAWKINS - HOPKINS - AND JAPANESE HOKINSU -ME SIR NAMED A CHILD - DATE 10/29/30/2019 T=20=2 E=5 R=18=9 R=18=9 Y=25=7 NOT G OR P—T=20=2 E=5 R=18=9 R=18=9 Y=25=7 NOT G OR P—LI LEE LEI OR RHEE - NAME LEE AMEN OR AMAN ? - THEY DIDNT GET IT PHONETIC LETTER WARTERKEY SIX ( ROMAN 9)[email protected] TJ - TERRY JUNIOR BIRTHDAY MARCH 11 USS OR USA ?CORRECT SELECTION THE GOD DELUSION - CHAPTER 7 - 3 MORE—XERXES ( SEX=GENDER ) XIEXIE ( I AND E VOWELS LETTER 9 & 5)OOP = 16= 7 OO7 / 2600 OR 1600 - 0016 (ACTIVE) JANIST OR JANISM ?Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins is feeling professional with professor Doctor Dai Gensuier Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins Terry Lee Hawkins Jr. · ALL PRO RAVENDOVE Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins was RavenDove - yin yin / yang RavenDove - yin yin / yang - COLD NUMB AND (LOVIEY DOVIEY) CALCULATED SPELL IT D or L Dove or Love maybe L or D Lover or Dover pythagorean numerology ABC123 Kauffman-Hawkins-Hawk or Hopk -H__kins aw or op and Hopkins signed Booper or just Boop not Book BUT LOKI OR BOOPER SAN with Blaze Pascal. with Terry Lee Hawkins ( male ) Peros Dragonus Kami Aisuru ikigami shinigami HAWKINS HOKINSU/HOKINZU — feeling professional with Terry Lee Hawkins Jr.Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins Terry Lee Hawkins JR ( male ) Peros Dragonus Kami Loki Aisuru Ikigami ShinigamI GOD NAME LOKI PROFESSIONAL HAWKINS ( KAUFFMAN) TERRY L(via teremiah8403)Source:teremiah8403
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mjcbddal · 2 years
Business Name: Mary Jane's CBD Dispensary - Smoke & Vape Shop University Drive
Street Address: 6290 University Drive Suite I-2
City: Huntsville
State: Alabama
Zip Code: 35806
Country: USA
Business Phone: (256) 270-8054
Business Email: [email protected]
Website: https://mjcbdd.com/pages/top-tobacco-cbd-vape-shop-huntsville-university-drive
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/maryjanesfamily
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MJCBDD
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/mjcbdd/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maryjanes_family/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMg3Qa-TrMLB0b2e-FaFpig
Business Description: Mary Jane's CBD Dispensary - Smoke & Vape Shop University Drive is the top Tobacco shop in Huntsville, AL. Mary Jane’s CBD Dispensary is part of a chain of CBD Dispensaries specializing in providing the highest-quality CBD oil products thoroughly lab tested and meet our high standards of quality. Come see why MJCBD on University Drive is the highest-rated Cannabis shop conveniently located just off the junction of Lee Highway and Enterprise Road (just off the corner of Waddell Drive NW and Torok Circle NW)! MJCBDD specializes in the industry’s best brands and has led the industry standard in sales of CBD by dominating product innovation and customer satisfaction. If you're looking for a high-quality Vaporizer store near me, look no further!
Google My Business CID URL: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=18284802377037600015
Business Hours: Sunday Closed Monday 10am–9pm Tuesday 10am–9pm Wednesday 10am–9pm Thursday 10am–9pm Friday 10am–9pm Saturday 10am–9pm
Payment Methods: Cash Visa Master Discover Amex
Products: Smoke shop, Delta 8, CBD Online store, CBD Oil, CBD Gummies, CBD for Pets, CBD Pain Creams, CBD Beauty Creams, Hemp Flowers, Vape, Kratom, Puff Bars
Keywords: Smoke shop, Delta 8, CBD Online store, CBD Oil, CBD Gummies, CBD for Pets, CBD Pain Creams, CBD Beauty Creams, Hemp Flowers, Vape, Kratom, Puff Bars
Business/Company Establishment Date: 04-14-2022
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10 Tips to Help You Prepare for Playing in a Grade 1 Pipe Band (or any band for that matter!)
I can think back to before I had played in a grade 1 band and getting to that Grade 1 Arena at the Worlds seemed like a mountain too tall to climb. What would it take to get the attention of the Pipe Major of the band I was aspiring to be in and have them give me the nod to have a shot with the band, and even more, get a chance to play in a contest, let alone the worlds? I’m hoping to pass on some of the tips I learned along the way to help you get into any band you want.
When I joined SFU in 2011 I was extremely fortunate that a spot opened up for me at the right time, I was an ‘in town’ player and I had some excellent help from veteran players to help me bridge the gap. I was also fortunate to play both circles in the ‘finals’ with SFU in my first year (check out the photo for proof!) and have managed to do the same at each year since. Part of it is definitely due to favourable circumstances (a spot opening up at the right time in a band that sees some potential in you) but part of it is also in your ‘circle of control’ as they call it. I hope I can help point out a few wee tips to help you make that leap to the top level
So let’s get started:
1) There’s No Excuse for Poor Maintenance
Before we get into some of the less obvious points, let’s start with the simple. Adequate maintenance is a skill you need to develop before you get anywhere near a grade 1 circle. The last thing you want is for the players around you to be having to put hemp on your drones – that’s not a great way to leave a good impression on the pipe major.
Maintenance is a simple skill that any piper can be good at and really shows how hard-working, meticulous, and how much dedication you have for the instrument. Don’t show up with slides too tight or too lose, make sure your bag is seasoned, and take care of the small things like making sure your drone cords are tied properly (and not tangled). Make sure you have drone reeds that are set up properly (not too open or closed), you have fresh tape on your chanter, and maybe even give your pipes a wee polish before the first practice. Remember – first impressions mean a lot, so make sure you look the part. There’s no excuse for poor maintenance.
2) Always Turn Up With a Good Sound
Tuning is a skillset that takes time to develop but it will really pay off. Usually when a new player joins our band, the first thing that happens is they are given a new reed. Firstly, you want to make sure you have the confidence to tell whoever is giving out the reeds if it’s not good enough. You need to know if it’s thin on the top hand, too hard or too easy, and a whole host of other issues that come with new reeds. If it is good enough, you then have to be able to tune it. One of the things that has helped me the most is asking the P/M for the number at which he expects to set the Low A’s (both out of the box, and once it has warmed up). If you know that, you can take the reed home and set it up (near close to) perfectly using any of the whole host of tuning apps and tools available. While most bands have a tuning individual or team to take care of the drones, it’s still very helpful if you turn up with drones well-tuned. Again, it shows you mean business and you’re a professional. Of course, there will always be the odd tweak, but if you can show up ‘in the ballpark’ then you’ll be on your way.
3) Choose your ‘spot’ wisely and take advantage of it
You want to show the people in your new band that you are serious about being there. They can’t tell that if you are standing next to weaker players – they’ll probably automatically blame you. Choose solid veteran players to stand next to (or better yet, the Pipe Major). This will help you adapt quickly (so you know the standard to which you have to meet) and will also help the band’s leadership see how well you fit in. Along with this goes the obvious – make sure you are solid on the tunes and you aren’t making mistakes. Avoid standing near other ‘rookies’ if you can and if you are given a spot and aren’t happy, don’t just let it be – speak to the P/M and ask to be moved and explain why! Remember, they want to see you succeed as much as anyone else and even if you can stand next to the P/M or in the ‘front row’ just until competition season starts, you’ll pick up a lot of valuable skills from having those talented players around you.
4) Develop a Mental Toughness and Never Take Anything Personally
This is a broad topic, but is probably one of the toughest to achieve. So many players are nervous and never meet their full potential. Be so confident with the music that you can overcome any nerves. If this is really an issue for you (as it is for so many) check out sports psychologists like Dr. Allen Goldberg (https://www.facebook.com/DrGPeakPerformance/) for some incredible tips. There’s a whole host of online information about performance anxiety – take advantage of it so you can realize your potential!
Beyond the nerves, you need to be able to take criticism well and have the perseverance to keep improving, even if you get cut.  Too often do great players allow their egos to get between them and success. Never take criticism personally – whoever is giving the criticism only wants the best for you and for the band. You have to be willing to adapt and change to match the playing styles of the band (more on that to come).
5) Be Able to Blow a Strong Bagpipe and Keep It Steady for Up to Two Hours
This one is a bit of a given. Essentially, you need to have the strength to play a decent-strength reed (so that you’re actually adding to the quality of sound) and the stamina to hold the tone through a 7-minute medley at the end of a two-hour band practice. You can practice that – make sure you do this at home before you go to a band practice. Hook yourself up to a tuning app and make sure you can still blow quality tone and not let the sound dip in the slow air, even after two hours of playing. Nobody said this was going to be easy… and there’s no shortcut to solid blowing. Have your teacher sit down and show you how to blow steady and ask them to make they correct you whenever you let the tone dip.
6) Build A Name for Yourself
This one is more to help you get that initial invitation into the band, but also to keep your stock in the band healthy. Rack up the grade 1 or professional solo prizes in the local games and build your resume by playing in decent lower-grade bands. Make sure you have a respectable teacher that will help push you to the next level. If you hope to be an out-of-towner, this point is even more important. As an out-of-towner, you are competing against so many people so you really need to want them want you.
7) Be Able to Blend
Blending in is really the name of the game when it comes to grade 1. You want the area around you to sound like one piper. Listening and adapting to those around you is a huge skill to master. When we do solos, individual expression is encouraged. But most top grade 1 bands have their own expression that doesn’t exactly align with your own style. Learning what that new style is and adapting to match it is key to success.
The other aspect of blending is making sure you can blow tone and be well tuned at all times. If you turn up and your chanter is too sharp or flat overall, or if one note is off, or if there’s a trend (i.e. the top hand is sharp and the bottom hand is flat) then you need to be able to recognize and fix it (or bring it to someone’s attention who will fix it). If it is well tuned, you need to be able to blow it well – as soon as you hear a change in your tone, you need to bring your blowing back to perfect.
With that said, don’t ever be the person that spends half of the band practice alone trying to get their chanter set up – do that at home. And if it’s still not right at practice, tell someone in a leadership position that your chanter needs a listen. They’ll be happy to help.
One of the toughest things is making sure that if someone around you has poor tone or blowing, you need to make sure you don’t change the good job you are doing. Be confident enough in your arm, in your ear, and in your own abilities to be aware when it is or isn’t you that is causing the change. Remember, just because it’s grade 1, doesn’t mean everyone and everything will be perfect 100% of the time. Know when it’s you that’s dropping that percentage down and when it’s not.
8) Get Your Hands Up To Speed
Along with ultra-steady blowing, one of the toughest aspects of jumping up to grade 1 is the increase in tempos. You need to make sure your hands are up to the challenge. Make sure you can handle playing with tempo at home and don’t round off the corners in the tough parts of MSRs, make sure you don’t fall behind in the jigs (or any tune for that matter), and make sure your hands can handle the technical rigors of the strathspeys. If your hands are sloppy at slower speeds, there’s no chance they’ll be ready for high tempos. Work on this on practice chanter and tell your teacher you want to work on this – you’ll be playing your band tunes much faster than your solo tunes so this might not be covered in a lot of solo lessons (which tend to generally be solo-centric).
9) Fit in Socially
As Terry Lee told me when I joined SFU, grade 1 bands can be a “tough nut to crack”. Members have often been in the band for decades together and breaking into that circle can be difficult. Make sure you go to the pub after band, go to parties you are invited to, if you have Sunday morning band practice go for lunch afterwards. Make sure you talk to the people around you in the circle, even the drummers! If the people in your band like you, there’s a good chance they’ll want to keep you and help you succeed! Email the P/M with any questions you have – it shows you are keen to learn and improve. And once you are confident enough, take the initiative to invite your newfound friends to your own get-together. Anything you can do to fit in with your new band will go miles towards them wanting to keep you in the band.
10) Be a Keener
I don’t mean be a geek. But be a keener. That means be the first player in the band to learn new tunes, offer to bring water to band, attend any and all practices, show up to band early, and just generally be willing to put yourself out there. It’s a fine line between doing this and getting annoying to the veterans in the band so don’t over-do it. But subtly asserting yourself into your new environment will tell those with the power that be that you want to be there and want to work hard to bring yourself up to that next level.
I hope this has been useful – I know these tips would’ve saved me a lot of headaches when I made the jump to the big big-time. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to comment below or contact me and I’ll get back to you ASAP. Good luck and I hope to see you in the grade 1 arena!
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