#clueless park jin
paquerettexx · 3 months
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tokyo debunker - will you marry me? (frostheim ver.)
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jin kamurai
> he calls you over to his room. no, he doesn't call you over. he *demands* you to come over. right now. at this instant. grr! typical jin!
> "clean my room, i'm taking a nap." the nerve! you're his significant other, not his servant-!
> "after you're finished pass this to the chancellor. there's also something addressed to you there, i don't care just make it fast." he says before he lays on his bed, dismissive of you.
> the lion, the witch, the audacity of this bitch!
> he closes his eyes and feigns to sleep, his breathing eventually becoming even and the furrow on his forehead coming to flatten. just be thankful he's hot as fuck! and you love him, yeah, that too.
> you can only sigh, he's irritating as shit but you love him anyways.
> after going through the papers trying to find whatever was addressed to you, you found a navy blue envelope with the kamurai family seal with your name on it. what the hell?
> you opened the envelope, there was a silver banded diamond ring glimmering against the light.
> did this man really propose to you asleep????
> after observing contents of the envelope, you see a hand written letter jin. there was a location, a time, and a date too.
> pfft! now you know what he's up to! you better tease the coward for having no balls to propose to you in public, in such a fancy restaurant~
> but knowing his status, there's probably be an engagement party. hmph! who's suffering now, huh?
> though you make it a point to tease him, you know more than anyone that he just values your and his privacy. plus, he doesn't like socializing and all that. he just wants to keep your affairs with each other, after all you are his and he is yours, right~? ; )
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tohma ishibashi
> is it coincidence or meticulous planning? probably the latter but you bump into him a lot in the frostheim dorm despite him saying he's busy with jin.
> as if! you don't even miss him, right? ...right? it's not like he's too busy for you or anything or-
> anyways! the first thing he asks you is to play a game of chess with him? isn't he tired of these mind games? ugh!
> "why don't we make a wager? if you win, i'll grant you whatever you want. if i win, you'll do the same for me."
> eh, whatever, he'll probably just send you on an errand. what can you lose?
> ...and what did you expect? did you really think you'll win against him?
> "heh, it seems like i won." hmph!
> "you're going to grant me my wish, aren't you?" he's such a tease!
> "my wish is for you to spent the rest of your life with me."
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lucas errant
> luca is clueless as shit. or at least that's what kaito has been muttering for the past two hours.
> "dude! you've been dating them for so long now! at this point i might get married first! and i don't even have a girlfriend!" kaito would whine, causing luca to sigh.
> " i want it to be perfect, but i have no idea what to do." worry not, luca! best man kaito to the rescue!
> so, here now is luca setting down a picnic blanket for you and setting down the picnic basket filled with all sorts of food he had prepared for you. the place was a park surrounded by cherry blossoms in the spring time. it was one of the most beautiful places he has seen in his time here after moving from england.
> true to the luca standards, he's been nothing but chivalrous the whole date which makes you swoon!
> "ah, forgive me for my abruptness but there's..." he doesn't finish his sentence but he takes out a clean handkerchief to wipe off the crumb on the edge of you lips.
> you'd only notice he'd gone red from being too flustered when he realizes how bold he was being... which is totally secretly cute and you're having a hard time to hold your giggles-
> anyways! he flushes even more when he realizes he's been staring at your lips. it must be the perfect time now, he thinks. he already asked permission from his parents, your parents, even your friends and- never mind that!
> and so, he takes a deep breath and starts the speech he has prepared for you, ending it with a;
> "____ ____, will you do me the honor of sharing my last name with you forever?"
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kaito fuji
> you knew. you just knew he was going to propose to you. from his fumbling hands, averted eyes, and even his nervous yet longing glances.
> every time he asks you out, you made sure to dress up nicely for him!
> knowing kaito, he's a hopeless romantic, a sucker for classics! he'd invite you to a nice restaurant. he's also dressed up well with a cute little blue bow tie on his person too! he has prepared servings of wine too, to make it all classy and romantic~
> but of course something had to go wrong! in fact, every time he'd try to pop the question, a server would appear, a child would burst out crying, even the violinist's violin string suddenly popped! seriously what's with this luck?!?
> nonetheless, the two of you ended up in a park, eating burgers from the fast food chain across the street. you and kaito felt as if the pretense of all that fancy stuff weren't for you or him.
> "whew, i'm glad we're outta there! seriously! what the hell was that?!" he grumbles, having his plans and moments spoiled. he even prepared a speech professing his undying love to you!
> seeing you now, eating burgers with him after that disaster of a date, his eyes would soften in appreciation. after a bout of silence, he speaks up;
> "hey, ____, will you marry me?
vagastrom | jabberwock | sinostra | hotarubi | obscuary | mortkranken
114 notes · View notes
msnanu · 10 months
Libertine 04 | JJK
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Libertines put value on physical pleasures, meaning those experienced through the senses.
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❧ Series Masterlist ❧
⏤summary ❧ He has a reputation for being the most promiscuous man on campus, and you, well, you are basically him in women’s pants. It will be the very first time that Jungkook is faced with someone who is gonna make him question his feelings and actions.
⏤𝘱𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 ❧ f*boy jungkook x f*girl female reader
⏤𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘳𝘦 ❧ some fluff, smut, mild angst, teasing and lots of sexual tension.
⏤𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 ❧ mature language, NSFW🔞
❧ banner by: @dojakoo ❧
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Jungkook clutched the car key in his hand as he stomped to the ground. 
He didn't want to be feeling that way, especially about a girl he hadn't even kissed. The rage was flowing through his veins, he was so close to get you.
Having a friend steal "his prey" wasn't something he was used to. Usually they always chose him, he never had to go through that kind of situation. 
On the way home, he was sure he'd been fined several times. Speed was high and traffic lights just didn't exist for him. Alone in his car he could feel his hands stiffening on the steering wheel and his deep breath taking over the atmosphere.
He just wanted to get home. He wanted this day to end soon so he could talk to Jimin the next day.
Jungkook knew he looked pathetic, but he was going to face a friend over a damn girl he didn't even fuck. He refused to see that feeling as jealousy. 
He was laughing to himself in the car, thinking how a guy like Park Jimin was considered better than him. His ego was screaming.
What the fuck were you doing too? His head was racing. Why had you gotten involved with that idiot. You seemed to have gotten along well at the bar, what had he missed?
As soon as Jungkook got home, he went straight to his room. Pulling off only the jacket he was wearing, he laid down immediately before he could do anything silly. 
His friends had arranged to meet on the football field right before lunch. In a few hours he would solve his problem. He just didn't know if it would be on the basis of conversation.
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Without needing to hear the sound of his alarm clock, Jungkook got up at nine in the morning. Jin and Taehyung would probably go to the field early, which would give him little time to sort out the situation with Jimin.
He hurried over and took a crappy shower.
The path to that little bastard's house was easy, and Jungkook was driven by the force of hatred. He parked in Jimin’s garage, and before getting out he waited a few seconds for his breathing to stabilize.
He went to the door and ignored the bell, banging firmly on the door. Jungkook wasn't a big fan of frequenting the Park house. Everything looked a little dirty to him, even for a man. Honestly, he always thought it looked like a pigsty.
The silence indicated that Jimin was still sleeping. So Jungkook knocked harder on the door.
A not-so-low curse came from inside the house, and Jungkook couldn't care less about it.
As soon as the door opened, Jungkook could see his friend in sweatpants and no shirt. He rubbed his eyes as if trying to get used to the light. It took a few seconds for Jimin to recognize him.
“What the fuck, Jungkook? It’s not even noon yet.”
Jungkook didn't understand if he was playing dumb or if he really was a clueless idiot.
“Can I come in?” Jungkook said huffing without a shred of patience.
“I don’t… I don’t think it’s a good idea.” Jimin tried to take the space by the door, but Jungkook pushed him inside effortlessly.
“Bullshit.” He said as he walked into his friend's house. “You and I need to-”
His words were brutally cut short as his eyes flicked to the sofa in the corner of the living room. At that moment Jungkook felt that all the air that existed inside his body had left him. He stuttered, trying to finish the sentence but failed miserably.
In the corner of the room, amid the gray sheets, you were lying on your stomach, your bare back completely exposed. He didn't know if you were completely naked, but your silhouette didn't show the opposite. You most probably were.
Your face was turned towards the entrance to the living room, which allowed Jungkook to contemplate the enviable serenity with which you slept. 
His jaw was locked, and he felt like he might collapse at any moment.
Jimin stared at him sideways, swallowing hard.
Jungkook gave a weak laugh, wetting his lips, “We can talk later.” 
His words didn't come out as firm as he wanted but they were enough to get him to get moving and get out of there as quickly as possible.
He felt like vomiting. Jungkook knew he had no right to demand anything from you, after all, he's been with Seulgi this whole time. However, seeing you sleep with Jimin made him question your judgment.
How it didn't cross your mind that maybe you would be too much for his “friend”. Jungkook couldn't understand.
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He decided to go to the field, there was no point coming home now. Maybe there his real friends would make him forget everything related to this damn woman. He was always good at sports; it was the opportunity he needed to de-stress.
Parking around the field, Jungkook saw the figure of Taehyung alone.
“Always the first to arrive.” Jungkook said as he approached.
“Why is it my fault that I have a commitment to schedules?”
"Come on, you know we're always going to be late. That's already become a universal observation.”
The two laughed and Taehyung looked at him suspiciously.
“That makes me think, you are always the last to arrive. What happened?” Taehyung asked as he stretched his neck.
Jungkook chuckled to himself at how well his friend knew him.
“You saw me with Y/N last night, didn't you?”
Taehyung stuttered as he tried to formulate a convincing answer. “Ah, yeah, I mean-”
“You don't have to pretend you don't.”
“All right, I saw you approaching her at the bar.” He said defeated.
“Do you have any idea who she left with last night?”
Jungkook felt a little stupid as he recounted the events in a series of questions.
“Wasn't it with you?”
“She left with Jimin.” He said, looking at Taehyung to see his reaction.
Taehyung frowned. “What the fuck? What an asshole. He saw you two together before he left.”
Jungkook laughed at his friend's reaction and sighed in agreement. Of course, you could be with whoever you wanted, but the fact that Jimin had interrupted him yesterday so he could get close to you was unacceptable to Jungkook.
“Asides he’s an absolute jackass, I don't understand why you've become obsessed with Y/N all of a sudden,” Taehyung cut his thoughts. “I mean, she's gorgeous and all, but she's just like you Jungkook, everyone talks about it. It’s not news.”
At that moment Jungkook preferred not to argue, Taehyung was trying to help him. However, this talk about you being like him didn't go into his head.
What was that supposed to mean? That you enjoyed the pleasures of life just as much as he did? That wasn't the point, it was his friend's asshole attitude that bothered him. At least that's what he preferred to believe.
“Jungkook I've seen you like this before; you're seeing her as a challenge. This is not healthy; you already know that.”
“What if I am? That's my problem.” He said, losing patience. “The thing is, she just stopped being all that they say.”
He would never admit to anything else, that he enjoyed your company yesterday, that he enjoyed seeing you smile.
"What about Seulgi?"
“What about her?”
Taehyung laughed out loud at his friend's attempt to fake detachment.
“Come on, Jungkook, who do you want to fool? Yesterday you two were kissing in public.”
Jungkook glared at his friend, trying to intimidate him with a serious face, but Taehyung couldn't care less. 
As Jungkook was getting ready to let out some acid response to Taehyung, he could see his friend's face turn into a straight face. He kept his eyes on the field entrance as he swallowed hard.
“Okay. This is gonna be weird.”
Jungkook turned quickly to see what it was. His eyes saw three people walking towards them.
Jin, Jimin and you.
“You gotta be kidding me.” He said as he walked away from his friend.
"Wait. Where are you going?"
“Fuck, anywhere else” 
When he was finally within a good distance of the now all-assembled group, Jungkook began stretching for the game. From that distance he could see that Yoongi was coming along with four other guys. At least with more people he wouldn't have to interact as much with Jimin.
He already hated him for interrupting his moment with you, now he hated him even more for bringing you there as some kind of trophy.
After a few minutes, the game finally started. In the beginning the situation was under control, everyone was playing for themselves and doing their part, but as the heat of the game rose, that field turned into a battle arena.
From afar, it was possible to hear the screams and curses exchanged between Jungkook and Jimin. Each was on a separate team, but it felt like they were always together. The situation only got worse when the two of them started to push each other, causing the other to fight back even harder.
At one point, Jimin had fallen to the ground and Jungkook was standing in front of him teasing him. Taehyung was feeling that things were going to get out of hand at any moment.
"Hey, Jungkook! Out! Now! Go get some water." Taehyung screamed.
Jungkook looked at him displeased. 
As Taehyung approached him, he heard his friend whisper. “Come on, help me out here. You know you are better than he is.”
Jungkook felt sorry for his friend and left the field somewhat reluctantly.
He walked toward the benches positioned outside the field. The closer he got to the outside of the field, the more his eyes fought a battle not to look directly at you.
It was inevitable.
With a sideway glance, Jungkook could see that you were wearing the same shorts as last night, but the top blouse was baggy, twice your size. It didn't take him long to assimilate that you were wearing one of Jimin's blouses.
Again, he felt uncomfortable. It should be his shirt instead.
He brought a bottle of water to his mouth, feeling his hands tighten around it. Jungkook was doing his best to stay silent and be the asshole he'd always been, but the words were slipping out of his mouth. He felt he would die if he didn't talk to you.
“Really. What were you thinking?” Jungkook let it slip.
He didn't turn to you, but he could feel you looking at him. It was like his back was burning.
Your voice was so serene, Jungkook felt an overwhelming urge to start an argument. He hated feeling like he was the most affected in a conversation.
“When you decided to sleep with that half-brain idiot.” He emphasized.
You already knew that he was going to bring that up, Jimin told you earlier that Jungkook had come to his house and left when he saw you there. You imagined he might be angry but as always, you don’t owe anyone an explanation. He was at the pub with his little girlfriend and then proceeded to flirt with you, just to leave you horny as fuck and Jimin stepped in.
You had your fun with him, he took your stress away and you just got up today and got invited by him to watch a football match with his friends and since today you had no plans, you said yes and that’s all. It was just sex. Like it always is.
So, for you, it was too amusing to see how worked up Jungkook was in front of you right now, sulking like a five-year-old because you slept with his friend.
A faint laugh echoed in Jungkook’s ears, and he could see you lower your head slightly. You remained silent for about three minutes. Which was enough for Jungkook to tease you again.
“He’s not the guy for you.”
“How could you know?” This time your voice sounded more emphatic, as if you were enjoying the conversation.
Jungkook felt the blood rush through his veins. At this point he didn't know if it was the adrenaline of the game, or the way you were so excited defending Jimin – funny thing, you weren’t defending him, you just liked to see Jungkook worked up, it even made him look hotter.
And if Jungkook could measure his heartbeats right now, they would be fucking high.
“He can't handle a woman like you. You know that very well."
The complement of the phrase came along with a smug look on Jungkook's face. There was no longer any effort on his part to pretend that the sex between you and Jimin had been nothing more than a woman doing charity to a guy.
Jimin was his friend, or at least he used to be, but he'd never been around girls like you, and Jungkook knew the reason for that was because he just didn't know how to deal with them.
In a matter of seconds, you shot back, “And you can?”
He held back his laughter. He should have seen that coming. He didn't understand how you could change the tone of a conversation so quickly. It was as if you never lost during an argument.
Jungkook stopped sipping his water and finally faced you. You had a wicked smile at the corner of your mouth as you glared at him over your brow. 
The sun was directly on your skin, making you shimmer. Jungkook took a deep breath as he tried to focus on anything but your exposed parts. Your legs were crossed, and your hands braced on the bench, your entire posture poised to intimidate him. As hard as it was for Jungkook to admit, that conversation alone had him turned on by you again.
He felt that his breathing was audible to you and decided to return to the field immediately. It was not in his interest to show any kind of emotion for you, much less let you notice his discomfort.
He had hoped to return to the game more relaxed, but that conversation only overthrew him more. During the game Jungkook felt absorbed, as if he wasn't really there. The pub scenes replayed in his mind, and he found himself inches from you again, about to kiss you, feeling your skin, stroking your hair, touching your lips.
In the back of his head, he could hear his friends complaining about his wrong pass or crooked kick.
The more he remembered that he had come close to finally being with you, the more his irritation rose.
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When the game was finally over, the boys gathered around one of the benches and started to decide where to have lunch.
“Come on, it's Jin's turn to offer us something.” Taehyung said in an attempt to convince Jin to offer the meal at his house.
“Don't even try to escape, Jin. Last week it was on me, nothing could be more fair.” Yoongi provoked. 
All eyes in the circle turned to Jin, who in return gave a defeated sigh.
After a little more talk, the group finally came to an agreement, and everyone started heading to their cars. Jungkook was already resigned to not going to lunch, it was better to be alone at home.
However, he didn't count on Jimin taking you with him to Jin's house. He should take you home, shouldn't he? 
He narrowed his eyes as he tried to hear the conversation between the two of you walking behind him. Jimin was saying something about having lunch at Jin's and then taking you home.
As a child easily bribed with sweets, Jungkook decided to eat with his friends.
When Jungkook arrived at Jin's house, he could immediately see you and Jimin talking at the entrance to the gate, while Taehyung shouted in the background. He took a deep breath; he knew it was going to be a long lunch.
When approaching the "couple", he could again hear the conversation between the two of you.
“I can take you home if you want to.” Jimin said in his most concerned tone.
Before you even started to speak, Taehyung interrupted you.
“Don't worry about it, Jiminie. I'll take her later. Relax.”
Jungkook turned his attention to Taehyung who kept an affectionate smile on his face. He wanted to understand what was going on. 
As soon as he got to the door, Jungkook saw his friend go down some steps and offer you his arm, so you could follow him.
Before accepting Taehyung's help, you turned back to Jimin and touched his face pulling him in for a kiss. It was indeed an intense kiss for a Saturday morning. 
Jungkook chewed the inside of his cheek as he stared at the scene with the purest feeling of disgust.
When they were finally inside, and you were further in, Jungkook questioned his friend.
"Why isn't Jimin with us?"
“Oh, I don't really know how to explain, it looks like he had some family problem,” Taehyung said dismissively. “Why do you care? Y/N is here and alone, make some effort.”
Jungkook laughed at his friend's complicity. Indeed, it was an opportunity to take advantage of.
At the lunch table, Jungkook's friends began discussing events from the game. It was possible to hear all sorts of cursing as they each tried to prove their point: whether such a move had been a penalty, whether Yoongi should have been expelled when he pushed Jin, among others. 
It was a masculine table, in its purest conception.
You remained silent as you answered trivial questions from Taehyung, who was trying to introduce you to the conversation.
Jungkook found himself watching you more shamelessly than he intended. He watched how your hands gestured to explain something to his friend, how your low laugh was nice to hear, and especially how your face turned into something amazing when you smiled at Taehyung's jokes. 
Trapped in that vision, Jungkook didn't notice the moment the conversation between the two was over. Only minutes later he was startled by your gaze on him. 
You didn't seem bothered by Jungkook's look on you, on the contrary, you looked at him as if daring him to get close to you. This provocation was the one that Jungkook could never win. You knew he desired you, and that was why you would always have the upper hand. 
Despite having been willing to kiss him yesterday, Jungkook couldn't be sure what you really wanted. Much less after seeing you with one of his friends. You really were a master of confusion to him.
Jungkook broke eye contact when he heard Taehyung's voice close to his ear.
“Do you two need a room?”
It had been low just for him to hear, but that didn't stop Jungkook from laughing and telling him to fuck off.
It was strange for him to be getting support from one of his friends. At first Jungkook wasn't comfortable with Taehyung having noticed his interest in you, but now he recognized his friend's commitment to helping him.
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As the boys began to disperse, you got up from the table looking impatient.
Needing no encouragement, Jungkook followed in your footsteps to the outside of the house. He found you with your arms braced on the porch as you felt the breeze touch your hair. 
He couldn't tell if it was too presumptuous of him to imagine that you wanted him to follow you.
His thoughts were cut off by your calm voice. “Do you plan on staying there a long time?”
Jungkook rolled his eyes, letting out a laugh.
“How did you know I was here; you barely saw me.”
“I didn't, but I heard you,” you turned your face back slightly, enough so that Jungkook could see your expression as you spoke the next sentence. “And I felt your perfume too.”
Jungkook tried to formulate some answer, but no sound came out of his mouth. Awestruck, he watched you turn forward with a haughty smile. You knew exactly how to mess up with him.
Aware that he'd already lost in today's "teasing" score, Jungkook swallowed his astonishment and approached you.
“Do you want a ride home?” He asked, trying hard to sound trustworthy.
You lifted your body from the porch and gave him a cocky look.
“I thought you would never ask.”
He frowned, confused by you being gentle and soft. Weren’t you supposed to deny it and say he wasn't the type of guy you'd hang out with? Instead, you took the lead and walked smugly in front of him.
As difficult as this was for Jungkook, he had to admit to himself that he was fascinated. When his friends told him you were just like him, he didn't expect that even self-confidence would be the same.
Inside the car, Jungkook walked an uncertain path for a few minutes, expecting you to guide him at any moment.
“Do you know where I live?”
“Should I?” His answer made you laugh.
“I don't know,” you stared at him, biting your lip. “You could be one of those stalkers.”
Jungkook's eyes widened, and he looked at you. “That's how you perceive me?”
You let the silence settle in for a few moments just to tease him.
“No, but that doesn't mean you're not.”
“If you had listened to your parents' advice, you wouldn't get in a potential stalker's car.” Jungkook said, trying to piss you off.
For the second time he was shocked by your talent in making him feel at ease. Yesterday at the pub he went from sullen and silent to flirtatious and excited. That drive home was already better than his entire morning.
“FYI, I didn't grow up with them.” You replied instantly.
Jungkook swallowed, regretting his joke. 
"Oh, no. I mean, not like that." You said looking at his frightened face. "They insisted that I stay with my aunt in South Korea because of the universities. My aunt at that time had been already living here for a while and also attended college in Seoul so, I moved in with her."
“Oh, fuck you. I thought your parents had died.” 
You let out a loud laugh that infected him. It was two young idiots laughing as they drove nowhere.
“I really should have let you believe that, I wanted to see how you would apologize.” you said, looking at him curiously.
A new moment of silence settled in the car. This time it wasn't your intention. Jungkook drummed up in his mind how to continue the conversation. It was more of a new thing for him, talking to the girl he wanted to have sex with. There was usually no conversation.
“You should take Seongsan Avenue, it's easier to get to my house from there.”
Jungkook blinked a few times. It took a while for him to assimilate that he wasn't following any path.
“I think you might know where it is. It's one of the bright green buildings around the corner from the college.”
As much as he wanted to admit that he knew where it was, after all he had already had sex with dozens of girls there, he thought it best to omit that information. So, he just nodded.
“Have you always liked Classical Literature?” He asked, instantly regretting his words.
Mentally Jungkook started cursing himself. There was no reason for him to want to know more about you, know details of your life. To him that kind of curiosity hinted that he was actually more interested in you than usual.
And he wasn't, couldn't be. It was just sex. He was convinced of it.
Too late to back off, he forced a smile as he waited for your answer.
You didn’t even think about the fact that he was actually trying to make a conversation with you. You loved talking about your choice of career, it was what you loved the most. So, you just started rambling without even thinking about it.
“Oh, wow. Yes! There's something about getting involved with the Classics that always takes you to a new story. I mean, it's a huge stream of references.” you said getting ready in the car seat. “If you stop to think, all the stories in the world derive from them, it's amazing.”
Jungkook had to suppress his laughter as he watched your enthusiasm as you spoke.
“It's like the myth of Orpheus. Nowadays you see several adaptations like Rilke's 'Sonnets to Orpheus' or Bausch's opera 'Orpheus und Eurydike'. Everything is interconnected.” 
Jungkook frowned, trying to disguise his ignorance. He had no idea what you were talking about, and it somehow annoyed him. Maybe because he'd never dated a smart girl, he'd never had to struggle to understand a conversation.
Still, he was enjoying watching you talk about something you loved.
You stopped for a moment to take a breath and looked at him laughing. Then you realized that you got overexcited talking about your career.
“Sorry, I think I said too much.” You lowered her head.
“It's okay, I just can't keep up with you.” He said seeing a smile of complicity appear on your face.
“And you, have you always liked math and numbers?”
For a moment, you wanted to curse yourself, why the hell are you too making a conversation with Jungkook? You just want to fuck him. That’s it. You shouldn’t be interested in knowing him. Less you know, less chances of someone ending up getting hurt in the future.
As you were overthinking why you asked him about his career choice, Jungkook turned his eyes to the street. He honestly didn't have a decent answer to that question.
Did he like what he was doing? Would he do anything else if he could? Seeing you so excited about what you were studying made him a little depressed, as he had never been this happy in economics. The only time he felt some kind of joy was when he drew or paint a picture.
“‘Like’ is a very strong word, I had affection for numbers,” He took a deep breath, carefully thinking about his next words. “The rest went with my father.”
That caught your attention.
“What do you mean?”
He felt like he was going to explode at any moment. Why did you care? – he thought.
Why do I care? You were asking yourself too for a moment.
“Let's say he always wanted me to study economics.”
There was no point in spoiling that entire conversation with details about his terrible adolescence with his father.
“I see.” You said, placing your hand on Jungkook's thigh.
In other situations, he would take this moment as an invitation, but you looked at him as if he were a broken toy.
As hard as it is to understand, you were actually the kind of person that easily empathizes with others when it comes to this kind of issues, and you couldn’t even think if you weren’t able to choose to do what you love. You would be devastated. So, you felt sorry for him. You were human after all.
He hated that feeling. He didn't want anyone's sympathy.
“Is it here?” He asked slowing down as he pointed to the green building to his left.
“Yeah. Thanks” You paused. “For the ride.”
A wild thought went through your dirty mind. He looked so hot, and you couldn’t stop thinking about that freaking sleave of tattoos on his arm. What a sight to see.
Before he could say anything, even a “you're welcome”, you leaned over and stole him a kiss. Jungkook blinked, trying to understand what was happening. It didn't take long for him to know what to do.
Feeling your soft lips brush his, Jungkook brought his hands to your face, intensifying your contact. One of his hands was cupping your face, the other was roaming the back of your neck. He felt that your hand that was on his thigh had gone up a little. You were practically caressing the inside of his thighs.
Jungkook could only really believe he was finally kissing you when he noticed your tongues touching. 
In the middle of the kiss, he could hear you moan between his lips, making the volume in his pants start to draw attention. He hadn't even offered a ride with that intention, but he would never complain.
When his hands slid to your neck, nearing the strap of your blouse, Jungkook leaned more ferociously towards you. He was willing to go ahead right there in front of your building. However, as soon as Jungkook advanced, you walked away, leaving him gaping.
You had an extremely victorious smile on your face as you saw him panting and desiring more in front of you. It wasn't supposed to be a reaction that had escaped, you were simply admiring it.
Jungkook began to slowly recover his breath as he watched the girl in front of him. It was impossible for him to contain his own smile when he saw you like that. 
He stood for a few seconds staring at your lips as if he expected you to lean in again.
You opened the car door and unceremoniously left him there. Outside, you waved at him smugly, while carrying that damn self-confident smile.
“The pleasure was all mine.” He said low to himself.
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⏤ author's note❧ aaaaaaaaaah, i'm so loving this story so far (sorry, i know i'm the writer and i should be humble but i can't help it, i love it lol 😂) - hope you guys love it as much as i do, please give it a lot of love if you like it, reblog, leave your thoughts, send me asks. it will be all very much welcomed 🥰
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⏤ tag list❧ @chimsworldsstuff @erica2283
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unreleasedwrites · 1 year
drabbling about multiple lookism characters as a dad
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pov: spending time together and activities between your toddler and him, changing his/her diaper
character(s) included: multiple; Daniel Park, Vasco, Zack Lee, Warren Chae, Jace Park, Jake Kim, Sinu Han, Jay Hong, Eli Jang, Kwak Brothers, Johan Seong, Gun Park, Logan Lee, Samuel Seo, Goo Kim, Vin Jin, Cheon Taejin, Yujin Yoo, Baek Hangyeol, DG
cw: some LOOKISM SPOILERS, my opinion, purposely repeated some characters, lowkey messy 😭
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unwrapped on: Saturday Night, August 19 2023
wrapped up on: Sunday Afternoon, August 20 2023
published on: Sunday Afternoon, August 20 2023 (at around 4 PM)
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time spent together + activities
Is more than PERFECT when it comes to spending time with your guys’ toddler. He has the most simple yet enjoyable ideas for activities that he spends time on preparing for the family. Practically inseparable from your guys’ toddler, he just can’t ever get enough. Managing time is his thing, he always makes sure he won’t be gone for too long so that his kid wouldn’t have to miss him. Isn’t usually the type to do so for no valid reason, but once he fell in love, he quickly got accustomed to this kind of “curfew.” One time, he said he was just going on a walk, but came back with a huge lego set & spent the entire night assembling it along with your guys’ toddler.
Daniel Park, VASCO, Zack Lee, Warren Chae, Jace Park, Jake Kim, Sinu Han, Kwak Jichang ( He has 2 lil brothers so I do feel like he is quite experienced), JAY HONG (Makes SURE that toddler won’t go through what he did), (& maybe Eli Jang if he wasn’t doing yk)
Is GENUINELY trying his best, but is quite clueless the more you think about it. He doesn’t really have much experience but is learning more & more throughout your toddler’s growth. He’s doing everything he can to ensure you & the toddler are happy. He be doing that good research across reliable and good sites online. Likes to teach your guys’ toddler lessons and skills. This guy is definitely the type to make sure you’re toddler has many skills despite his age. They spend a good amount of time with the family and the best activities they can offer is playing with your kid, whether there’s a good lesson involved or they’re just spending time with one another.
Kwak Jibeom, Kwak Jihan, Johan Seong
Is beyond QUESTIONABLE when it comes to just spending time your guys’ toddler. He isn’t sure what the hell he’s even supposed to do with the weird looking kid. Activities? What activities? He’ll be back home at any time of day he’d like, or not, one or the other. Doesn’t even understand how the hell he got to be a dad in the first place. He is the father, you’re both sure of it, but he is no figure. 💀💀 He’s a lost cause, and he wasn’t planning on starting a family any time soon. Well, your both still young and he’s got other shit planned, which is also why he only sees them as little gremlins that needs to stay as far away as possible from him. Maybe, just MAYBE, with time, he’ll grow closer to your little family and improve.
GUN PARK, Logan Lee💀, Johan Seong ( sorry but hes just a baby himself 😇 ), Samuel Seo, Goo Kim (i love him, but this mf is not gon settle🔥not rn at least), Vin Jin, Cheon Taejin, Yujin Yoo, Baek Hangyeol, DG, a lot of lookism characters actually🔥
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diaper changing
He literally offered to be the FIRST to ever change your kid’s diaper. They were pretty hesitant to actually do it at first, but they did some researching in advance so that they could nail it and impress you. You guys usually alternate, and he’s already become an expert at changing diapers.
Daniel Park, Kwak Jichang, Eli Jang ( only bc hes had Yenna )
He would love to help you or to even learn, and he has tried by watching from afar. But by merely watching, he already thinks he should stay away from doing this the best he possibly can do so. You got him to help you out once— PURPOSELY leaves or makes some lame excuse just to get out of doing it ever since.
Kwak Jihan, Goo Kim, Jace Park, Warren Chae, Zack Lee, DG, Johan Seong
He really wants to be a big help, which is why he keeps trying again and again. Carefully watches how you learned to do it and tries his very best to do the EXACT thing you taught him. Sadly, he keeps failing or just straight up making an even bigger mess. Despite this, he keeps trying his best to help in doing so.
Vasco, Kwak Jibeom, Warren Chae, Sinu Han, Jake Kim, all of big deal ngl, Jay Hong, Johan Seong (?)
Help? What Help? There is NO way this man would agree to do such a thing or worse, volunteer to do so😹😹There’s gotta be something so extremely special about you and your kid for him to even consider it 😭 But other than that, this man will not be changing a single diaper, their ego is too high for that 🤗
Gun Park, Logan Lee, Samuel Seo, Goo Kim, Vin Jin, DG (theres no f ing way💯), Cheon Taejin (this man may be hot but he can’t even dress himself 💀), Yujin Yoo (he might try to get Mandeok to do it but I don’t think he gon be able to even do it some what properly considering the size of his hands💀)
Why do i feel like this LUNATIC would actually do it? Tbh I think he’d kill y’all’s kid and experiment on it cs hes psychotic
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notes: This is the second thing ive ever finished writing but I do have a draft of smth else i started but didn’t finish cs it wasn’t getting any where.. I js got bored which is why i decided to make this
- With or without proper credits, please don’t try to steal or claim any of my works as your own
I genuinely appreciate opinions, feedback, likes, and reblogs, as this is my second ever post on this blog.
Once again, I hope this isn’t too bad for my second work, and i’ll probably be doing more characters in lookism 🫶🫶
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whchenlvr · 2 years
Hello! This is my first time requesting something, im so sorry if there any mistake i did in accident, english is not my first language-
i want to ask if you can write weak hero characters with a reader who have a talent in cooking? You can write any character, but please put Seongje Geum in it! ^^ thankyou!
of course! your english is amazing, by the way ❤️❤️
when you’re a good cook ;
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weak hero x gn!reader
wolf keum
➤ wolf doesn't strike me as the type to be picky over his food, since food is fuel and he'll eat anything to keep him going
➤ however :) you are determined to change this. so determined, in fact, that you go on a week-long cooking spree to find his favorite dish
➤ "y/n, there's no point in a favorite food. food is food." you give that statement three days. when you ask again, wolf sighs and grins after providing him with enough meals to last a lifetime. "fine. my favorite food is yours." "but—" "please don't ask again, doll."
gray yeon
➤ gray is always impressed when he catches you experimenting with ingredients by the stove
➤ he’s good at studying. he’s good at planning, and he’s good at executing; cooking does not apply to gray
➤ "it's like math," you tried to explain one evening as he helped you bake a cake. "one box of mix, plus one egg, plus some milk, equals one cake!" he'd just stare at you, completely clueless. "it's a good thing you're cute." "what?" "what?"
jake ji
➤ “y/n, you make the best kimchi~” “aw, thanks babe!” “can you please make some for us~” “-_-“
➤ no but i think jake would shower you with compliments every time you cook something, whether it’s for him or not
➤ #1 hype boy fr 💗
ben park
➤ to your surprise, ben wants you to teach him how to cook
➤ you’d show him the basics, and he’d be standing safety at the other of the kitchen when certain ingredients start sizzling or popping
➤ "ben, you won't learn to cook if you're all the way over there." "the food is fighting back!"
donald na
➤ he’s a good cook, but you’re a good cook
➤ i feel like donald loves and admires every little thing about you, but the fact that you're so talented in culinary is his go-to bragging right
➤ "oh, your girlfriend paints? well, my y/n is an amazing cook." "your boyfriend is running for president? cool, but y/n bakes better than your mom, so.”
gerard jin
➤ he’s lowkey mad cause how dare you make better chicken than ttosikki?
➤ when you cook, i feel like gerard would just glower over you. he'd always be in your way, but you never have the heart to tell him off
➤ "are you not going to eat?" you ask one night, and he stubbornly shakes his head. "is it cause i made chicken?" "it's not better than ttosikki!" "bruh, i never said it was!"
dean kwon
➤ idk i feel like dean is a really good cook, so when you show your skills off, he’s a bit intimidated
➤ "oh okay. so you wanna fight." "huh?" "no, i get it. you think you're the best cook and wanna battle for the title. let's go, y/n, let's go." "wh... ok?"
➤ unfortunately for dean, your bibimbap turned out much better than his. though he refuses to admit it, you know by the way he asks you to make dinner the next night that you won
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tzyuki · 1 year
[ 김규빈 ] ONE & ONLY ꒰ K.GV x F!READER
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IN WHICH ✶ — Rumors about Y/n pursuing a Zerobaseone member backstage at music bank start floating around the media after she and ZB1 member, Kim Gyuvin are seen talking behind in one of the episodes of ‘Eunchaes Star Diary’. Some netizens believe it and some don’t, some hated her for touching his shoulder and some didn’t care. Y/n went live to debunk the rumors, saying she wasn’t interested in a relationship at the time. The thing was, the rumors were true. She secretly was pursing Kim Gyuvin, or at least she wanted to. Ever since she first saw him backstage at M Countdown when ‘Love Killa’ team got to perform she was starstruck. She saw him at the vending machine and wished him luck in ‘Boys Planet’. She actually never had watched an episode of the survival show at all, she said it would be too painful for her, but that was the night she started to watch and most importantly, vote for Kim Gyuvin.
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NUGUBASEONE | profile two.
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• ZEROBASEONE (제로베이스원), also known as simply ZB1, is a 9-member project group formed by MNET‘s survival show BOYS PLANET. The group consists of Sung Han Bin, Kim Ji Woong, Zhang Hao, Seok Matthew, Kim Tae Rae, Ricky, Kim Gyu Vin, Park Gun Wook, and Han Yu Jin. They are managed by WAKEONE Entertainment and their contract will last for two years and a half. They made their debut on July 10, 2023 with the mini album, ‘YOUTH IN THE SHADE‘.
sung hanbin ; live laugh LOVES zhang hao. literslly his eternal half it’s crazy. best leader foreal! feeds into the haobin jokes bc he actually does adore hao with his whole heart!
kim jiwoong ; acted in bl’s known for being a man kisser!!!! he is silly goofy in the best way possible. loves seok mattchuu for life.
zhang hao ; zhang hao center! the first foreign p01! he loves jebewon so much but gets sick of their silly shit sometimes.
seok matthew ; canadian oppa foreal! lowk a haobin hater 🤢🤢 constantly third wheels esp since he and hanbin are supes close.
kim taerae ; misses kum junhyeon so much 💔 that’s literally his bae for life 💔 sick of gyuvins deez nuts jokes it’s insane.
ricky shen ; ricky sexy boss baby !! in reality he’s very sweet and lovely and that’s why his nickname is lovelicky!! it’s a lifestyle and only pretty cute ppl live the lovelicky lifestyle.
kim gyuvin ; eumpapa defender 4 life. that’s literally his child , like he would do anything for eumpapa. lowk clueless and obvious to the fact that y/n is trying to pursue him …
park gunwook ; so intimidating but a big baby , literal noot noot!
han yujin ; the next pupu tbh … but bunny pupu. maknae and babied by everyone😞he’s finally in high school and sick of shit already!
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dlamp-dictator · 4 months
I've been thinking about Tsubaki Yayoi a bit lately. She was my main throughout most of the Blazblue series for her simple and straightforward gameplan and Julie Ann Taylor honestly knocking it out of the park voicing her.
But namely, I've been thinking about the fact that she was originally meant to be a lesbian in love with Noel.
You'd have to do a bit of digging for the information -and take my words with a grain of salt- but I believe Toshimichi Mori, the creator of Blazblue, had said at some point Tsubaki was originally meant to be in love with Noel Vermillion, the main heroine of the game, to the point of confessing her love at some point. This was later scrapped for a romance with Jin since the storyline apparently couldn't line up well enough for that, but also apparently the idea of having a lesbian/non-straight female was so strong that they created the canonically bisexual Makoto Nanaya to fill in that LGBT gap.
And this has always fascinated me. The romantic undertones of Jin and Tsubaki's relationship honestly felt pretty half-baked since the game's story was pushing the two having a more platonic sibling relationship than a romantic one, and while Tsubaki's relationship with Noel is definitely more intense than a typical friendship it's also hard to claim her to be a closeted lesbian since it doesn't go all the way. And... I wanted to talk about that for a little bit.
But first, a synopsis... well, of sorts anyway. Blazblue's a bitch to go in depth about lore-wise.
To spare everyone a long as fuck summary, Blazblue's story can be summarized as the main cast locked in various timeloops and alternate dimensions trying to figure out how to break out of them. Some characters know more than others, and Tsubaki is more of a layman, someone that's clueless about the timeline stuff, but also in the center of it due to her family's rank in the political landscape of the setting, and her abilities as a top-tier fighter. She's at the center of a lot of major events but is never too deeply involved despite her position claiming otherwise. Some of this is due to Blazblue's wonky writing from Chronophantasma onward, some of this is due to her just honestly having nothing to do outside of being that layman and representative of the elite class of Blazblue's world.
And now, a disclaimer.
I want to stress this analysis/discussion is not some weird fix-fic, me trying to explain a ship, or me thinking I can write better than those at ASW, I'm just a nerd having some fun and this little side comment hasn't left me head in years. If you must, think of it as a similar vent/discussion to my Tomodachi Game post. I'm just... getting this off my chest in as organized a fashion as I can.
Now then, let's break this down a little on how to make this work.
Tsubaki's General Story
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To keep things brief (and also because I talked in depth about it here), Tsubaki's story is one of tragedy and deconstruction, a warning to those who blindly follow the ideals and rules of others, along with a breakdown of the 'Yamato Nadeshiko' archetype within many pieces of Japanese media. Tsubaki, believing that unquestioningly following the orders and beliefs of her family to the letter, was left to be used and manipulated as tool for others, to the point of being all but enslaved by her originally lofty ideals. With the right words to twist her perfect black-and-white world gray and the right target to vent her frustration on, she was willing to go so far as to kill her surrogate brother and her best friend because she was unable to think for herself and ultimately decided if push came to shove she's kill anyone that distorted her pure and straightforward worldview. And as she learns how wrong this view of things is she starts looking inward to try finding her own justice, her own goals and way of life.
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This (to me) culminates in Tsubaki's Izayoi arcade mode in Chronophantasma, where in her last stage she meets Noel, the friend she tried to kill in a jealous rage one game ago, and finally admits her insecurities and doubts about herself, along with her secret hatred and jealousy of Noel, laying out everything before demanding Noel fight her in a serious duel without holding anything back so she can finally, truly laying out all of her emotions bare and see just what's inside her heart. Light, darkness, and everything in between that she was blinded to.
To me, that ends Tsubaki's narrative in the main story, but there's technically a fourth game that finishes out the story as a whole.
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To briefly go over the events in Central Fiction, the short version is that in the main story there's an in-universe semi-reboot of the series and Tsubaki is back to square one in terms of her development. The plot breaks off depending on the canon story or the arcade story. The canon story has her semi-cured of the reboot memory wipe and she agrees to help the main cast with her abilities. Though none to pleased about helping Ragna, she pushes past that for the sake of helping Jin and Noel instead.
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The arcade mode switches things up though, following the trail of her Izayoi arcade ending in terms of tone. Both her Tsubaki and Izayoi arcade modes follows similar beats to each other, but branches slightly depending on the character chosen, both ultimately ending with her deciding that she'd rather protect her friends than her ideals, even if it means denying and fighting against the simple and straightforward world she wanted and the heroes she respected. More or less the final evolution of her character arc after Chronophantasma's arcade ending.
Now here's a few facts about Tsubaki that blurb didn't explain since that's all the story stuff:
Tsubaki comes from an extremely wealthy & traditional family that put a lot of societal pressures on her.
Tsubaki is the product of inbreeding (yes, this is important to note) and is simply the first child of her generation to survive her birth.
Tsubaki has a childish view of justice at her core, despite her maturity due to her family's background.
Putting all that together Tsubaki comes from a very conservative family, but once she went to the military academy outside of her family's powerful influence she met up with people from different walks of life and was able to expand her views and experiences. Yes, I'm reaching a little too deeply into this, but I'm also a nerd, it's kinda' what I do. I also think it's important to break down a character to a relatable point so we have a good frame of the writing. You can only make a character so fantastical before they become an un-relatable, cartoonish caricature of a concept like 90% of long-running shounen and modern isekai, the characters just don't feel real or engaging outside the power fantasy.
But back on point. Throughout Tsubaki's story in Continuum Shift we learn that despite her experiences in the military academy that they still don't trump her family's strict views of justice and tradition. We also know that in the blurb explaining how the Yayoi family works that Tsubaki is not only likely the last pureblood Yayoi, but is also likely going to be the last of her family line, at least to the level of purity it has now. This likely puts massive pressure on her to maintain a certain level of traditionalism and decorum expected of her. Along with this, she has her military duties as well, being an assassin/secret police for her government.
Okay, but What About the Lesbian Thing?
Right, I got a little sidetracked going over video game lore.
This is actually pretty easy to explain. A lot of Tsubaki story is about accepting yourself at the end of the day. The good, the bad, the light, and the dark. Tsubaki has been to both extremes, blinded by light and ideals, her feelings for Jin and jealousy toward Noel were her main undoing. On the surface this feels like Tsubaki is very much straight due to her obsession with Jin, and the game really wants you to believe that.
But... it doesn't really work.
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Sorry folks, but I'll have to talk about lore again and my own theorizing here.
Tsubaki's love of Jin is more that of a platonic sibling/cousin than a true romance. The games and even comic series make it very clear that Tsubaki's idea of love is very... Disney, to put it one way. She does love Jin, she truly does, but it's more as an object of a affection than loving Jin for who he is. She loves the idea of being with Jin, the idea of being married to the war hero and all around praised Jin Kisaragi. She loves being with Jin, working with Jin, being Jin's number two and the ideal warrior princess to go with his prince.
But... that's really where it starts and ends. Jin's honestly just another ideal in Tsubaki's black and white world. The object of her affection. I mean hell, despite it being years later and her being implied to have romantic feelings for him, Tsubaki still calls Jin her brother, and Jin himself pushes that fact. And I mean that quite literally as in the Japanese dub of the game Tsubaki consistently refers to Jin with the somewhat childish honorific 'Jin-nii-sama' even as a woman in her early twenties. The love that's there is one of an eager sister wanting to be with her older brother, not a longing lover wanting to be with the one she cares about. And... like, more over, Jin's kind of an asshole outside of Tsubaki. With Tsubaki he is kind, gentle, and even somewhat princely because Tsubaki is one of the few people that can push past his abrasive attitude and see the hardworking, intense, noble man he truly is under all that arrogance and hostility. But everyone else gets caustic, acidic, abrasive attitude, and even Tsubaki is only so immune to it, past relations or not.
Now, to put the spin back to Noel. Tsubaki's relationship with her is a bit... odd. Tsubaki said it herself in her Izayoi arcade mode. Noel is very much like a rabbit. She's cute, jumpy, and quick to flee from danger. She's a cute girl that needs to be protected, and Tsubaki very much does protect her in her Central Fiction arcade modes. With Noel we see a gentleness and kindness that Tsubaki doesn't spare many people. She's kind and professional to most folk, but with Noel it truly feels like she's going out of her way to be extra welcoming, partly because Noel herself is so sensitive and partly just... well, out of love for her.
I mean folks, I'm gonna' drop the professionalism and analysis here and just say things straight out. Daisuke Ishiwatari made the Tsubaki vs. Noel theme before he made the Tsubaki vs. Jin theme, and the emotions in Memory of Tears, especially the remix, are just a lot more intense than in Childish killer. Izayoi's Chronophantasma arcade ending had Tsubaki go full shounen and straight up had her punching out her feelings and emotions toward Noel in a no-holds-barred duel against her, a duel she had to coax Noel into like convincing your crush to just go on that one date at the rowdy bar that serves great chicken. The Alter Memory anime dub straight up had Noel admit that she (platonically) always loved Tsubaki despite her faults. In fact, a lot of Noel's lines and feelings toward Tsubaki could be read as sapphic in the right light. We can debate if Tsubaki has feelings for Noel, but Noel definitely has some feelings about Tsubaki, platonic or not.
Jin and Tsubaki's relationship was pushed to be more brother-sister than lovers ever since Chronophantasma. Even the writers didn't really wanna' ship that, despite the hints and implications.
But... yeah, getting back on topic.
The key idea here is that for all the implications of Tsubaki and Jin being a couple there's a lot more implying that Tsubaki and Noel have a more complicated relationship than implied.
So... Why Wasn't It Canon?
I was originally going to put together than outline of how I'd have this hypothetical story go, but... well, like I said, I'm not really in the wheelhouse of doing fix-fics for a myriad of reasons. It's going to be a lot better to explain why, despite implications and some easy tweaks here and there, why Tsubaki and Noel our ultimately just girl-friends instead of girlfriends.
Again, it was already explained that they just couldn't make the plot work, but... I also think there are some other reasons why as well. Mind you, this is all just theory crafting on my part. But with all that said...
Not the Focus: This one's pretty simple to explain. Tsubaki and Noel, while important characters to the story, aren't the main character. By Chronophantasma and especially Central Fiction this series becomes the Ragna Show and their relationship would had detracted and distracted from that main story of Ragna the Bloodedge's finale.
Lack of Confidence: Blazblue, much like Guilty Gear, is rather progressive all things considered when you look beyond the horny as hell female designs. That said, I believe the writers made it clear in interviews that they aren't confident in writing romance stories in general (look at the botched nightmare of Litchi and Arakune/Roy's storyline for an example of that) and a lesbian romance story would had been... rough, to put it politely. We all saw how rowdy the Guilty Gear fandom got when they got a Trans and Nonbinary character after all. It took weeks, took months before things settled down. I don't blame Team Blue for being hesitant to pulling the Lesbian Lever there.
LGBT Reps Already Existed: Like I said, Makoto was made to fill the LGBT gap that was Tsubaki's original storyline, but we also got Amane who's canonically gay, Mai who's canonically trans, and possibly Azrael being either bi or asexual depending on how you want to view him. In terms of actual, proper LGBT representation there was already enough, at least in terms of visibly showing it, and wheeling back on the already implied straight romance of Tsubaki and Jin would had made things... messy.
Enough Plotlines: Central Fiction really screwed the pooch on a lot of ideas, but there were enough faltering subplots already. Adding more would had been a pain if I'm being frank. I... don't have a high opinion of Central Fiction's storyline outside the Ragna stuff if I'm being frank about.
So... What Now?
With all that said... what now? I just wanted to talk about it really. But who knows, maybe I'll write up that little fanfic after all. This is just too interesting to not try taking a stab at, but that'll be for a later date.
In any case, I'll se you folks later.
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Bora! Deborah / True to Love (2023)
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This show brought me alot of joy. Everytime a new episode dropped, I ended up smiling like a kid at Christmas. It also made some interesting choices when it came to romantic relationships that I was not a fan of...
What Worked
Show was funny, and comedy is hard! There were times when they made it look easy, and (ironically) that's when you know everyone probably worked their butts off behind the scenes to make it happen. I especially liked the choices they made in the way it was shot and just the overall comic timing by the actors. Just some fun performances.
The writers knew how to play well with romantic tropes. We had everything from an over the top makjang love quadrilateral, to a hate-to-love, to a workplace romance, to fake dating, and eventually a friends-to-lovers arc, all in one series. And they mostly worked well. Because the cast and the directors knew when to play it straight and when to be funny.
What Didn't Work
The writing was not the strongest part of the show. There were some funny jokes, but most of the humor was from the way it was shot and the way the actors played it. From discussion online, alot of people had a problem because they went into it expecting a rom-com and they ended up with a sitcom that had a strong romantic plotline. Knowing that going in, might have helped.
There were two big plotlines that bothered me. The first was the romantic arc between the CEO (Han Sang-jin) and the office assistant (Bang Woo-ri). The writers did what they could to make it seem less ick, but they would have been better off doing anything else. It didn't bother me tons, but it just felt like a wasted plotline.
I was also bothered by the story with the best friend (Lee Yoo-jeong) and her husband. The characters themselves were okay, and the actors were good, but it felt like a recycled B-plot from a bad American sitcom.
There were alot of other little issues (especially with the "noble idiot" thing they had Lee Soo-hyuk doing in the last two episodes—just tell her how you feel maaan!), but no show is perfect and the good far outweighed the bad for me.
The Performances
Yoo In-na as "relationship expert" Yeon Bo-ra. The smartest thing the showrunners did was casting her as the lead. I hadn't seen her onscreen before (Guardian: The Great and Lonely God is still waiting for me), and I was completely charmed. Even when the character was doing something completely ridiculous and cringey, I still enjoyed watching her going through it. And as someone who suffers from alot of second-hand embarrassment, this is no small feat.
Yoon Hyun-min as "grumpy editor" Lee Soo-hyuk. This actor spent most of the show playing the grumpy straight man to all the antics going on around him, so when he had a moment of genuine comedy (or sadness), it hit extra hard. He had great chemistry with Yoo In-na and was fun to watch as well.
Joo Sang-wook as "clueless CEO" Han Sang-jin. I really liked the dynamic between him and Yoon Hyun-min. Whenever they had a scene together it was just great. His romantic arcs were mixed. I liked what they did with his character and the ex-wife. I did not like the office romance thing they tried to do (though that was more on the writers).
Hwang Chan-sung (aka Chansung) as "dirty cheater" Noh Joo-wan. The actor did a good job making this guy seem pathetic and hate-able. Maybe they did too good a job as it was almost hard to believe that Bo-ra would be stuck on this character the way that she was. They make sense of it, mostly, but the main reason why it's believable is that (sadly) there are too many guys like that out there in real life.
Park So-jin as "the bestie" Lee Yoo-jeong. I really enjoyed her performance, in spite of the terrible story arc the writers gave her. The scenes with more than just her character and Yang Jin-woo were generally good. The writers (unfortunately) turned her into this "too clingy" wife in the background and sometimes that was funny or touching, but often it was annoying.
Kim Ye-ji as "little sis" Yeon Bo-mi. Her arc in the first half of the show was great. I loved the few scenes she had with Lee Soo-hyuk as well. I think the romantic arc she had was mostly very sweet, but not that interesting. It ended up in a decent place, but it just felt off at the start.
Koo Jun-hoe as "total himbo" Yang Jin-ho. The writers made some questionable choices with how they setup the romance between his character and Bo-mi, but his performance kept it from being too weird (at least from an audience point of view). He was a pure cinnamon roll and watching him being bounced around by all of these grumpy jaded people was funny and great to watch. I liked the middle and end-points of the romance arc, but I mostly just enjoyed watching him for his reactions to everything else going on.
Lee Sang-woon as "sitcom husband" Yang Jin-woo. I think the actor did okay with what he was given. He did great when playing off the other characters, but the entire story with his wife was just off and not that interesting to watch. There was some good comedy in there, but the writers needed to do more than recycle old sitcoms to make this caricature into a relatable person.
Song Min-ji as "girl boss" Seo Su-jin. I liked what they did with her character. Both the story with her ex-husband, and just the way she interacted with the rest of the cast was just great. I would gladly watch a spin-off show with her as the lead, though I don't know if this particular show needed more of her than we got.
Hong Hwa-yeon as "office assistant" Bang Woo-ri. There were moments when I found the character very relatable, and some of that was on the quiet performance she gave. But I don't like the story the writers gave her.
Kim Ji-an as "the clingly ex" Lim Yu-ri. I mostly liked the way this character was portrayed, I just felt like the writers didn't quite know what to do to make her seem like a real person. Mostly, she was just there to cause drama, and that's okay, but not ideal.
Everyone else. There were some good character actors in there and they didn't let the minor characters down as much as lesser shows do. I especially liked the moments with the office workers getting the best of the clueless CEO.
This show was funny and charming and I will undoubtedly rewatch it at some point. The OTP was fun and tropey and the humor really worked for me. Not everyone will like the show, but those that do, will like it alot.
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verygardenstarlight · 2 years
For anyone saying it's unrealistic for Park Jin, Master Heo, etc to not recognize Yeong, my husband just remarked that if he didn't know it was the same actress, he wouldn't have thought it was the same girl. Something about her whole look being different. He's a fan of the show too so it's not like he doesn't pay attention. I'm going to say the men are just being clueless men lol
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ateez-ao3feed-new · 5 months
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/TpvEWJm by plutothewriter “Don’t you dare touch him.” Yoongi hissed, his words were a rapid-fire barrage, revealing his barely controlled anger behind each word that came from his mouth, as he glared down the Alpha in front of him. “You do not tell me what to do especially when it deals with my mates, Omega.” Or; Min Yoongi is a feral Omega, a species that doesn't exist due to higher officials burning all of their history away – or so they thought. He doesn’t take crap from Alpha’s, Beta’s, nor other Omegas who believe they are higher than him. Since the world has made more laws for Omegas to have complete rights and is now considered an actual citizen amongst others Yoongi dwells in that even though that doesn’t mean that suddenly everyone changed their views on Omegas. Does Yoongi care though, no. He still walks around and does what he wants, that's until he crosses paths with the Jung Clan. The Jung Clan is high up in the hierarchy, they are very known and well-loved amongst many packs, clans, covens, and etcetera. Once the Jung Pack got to know Yoongi, they never knew their life and ideals would be challenged tenfold by a simple feral omega doctor. Words: 10707, Chapters: 1/20, Language: English Fandoms: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS, ATEEZ (Band) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: Gen Characters: Min Yoongi | Suga, Park Jimin (BTS), Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Jeon Jungkook, Kim Seokjin | Jin, Kim Namjoon | RM, Kim Taehyung | V, Choi Jongho (ATEEZ), Choi San (ATEEZ), Jeong Yunho (ATEEZ), Jung Wooyoung (ATEEZ), Park Seonghwa, Song Mingi (ATEEZ), Kang Yeosang, Kim Hongjoong Relationships: Jeon Jungkook/Jung Hoseok/Kim Namjoon/Kim Seokjin/Kim Taehyung/Min Yoongi/Park Jimin, Choi Jongho/Choi San/Jeong Yunho/Jung Wooyoung/Kang Yeosang/Kim Hongjoong/Park Seonghwa/Song Mingi Additional Tags: Omega Min Yoongi | Suga, Feral Omega Min Yoongi | Suga, Elf Kim Seokjin | Jin, Elf Kim Namjoon | RM, Alpha Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Alpha Jeon Jungkook, Alpha Park Jimin (BTS), Human Kim Taehyung | V, Omega Kim Taehyung | V, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Dragon Kim Hongjoong, Dragon Jeong Yunho (ATEEZ), Dragon Choi Jongho (ATEEZ), Dragon Choi San, Dragon Jung Wooyoung (ATEEZ), Dragon Park Seonghwa, Dragon Song Mingi (ATEEZ), Dragon Kang Yeosang, Inspired by the Spiderwick Chronicles, Doctor Min Yoongi | Suga, People fear Min Yoongi, Possessive Alphas, Conservative Alphas, Angst with a Happy Ending, Werewolf Culture, Fae & Fairies, Elf Culture & Customs, Minor Character Death, Confused Park Jimin (BTS), sweet kim namjoon, Clueless Kim Seokjin, Angry Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Soft Jeon Jungkook, there will be mistakes made in here, Scared Park Jimin, Taehyung admires Yoongi alot, Soft Kim Taehyung | V, faer sign language, Kim Seokjin uses sign language, Kim Taehyung | V Needs a Hug, Protective Min Yoongi | Suga, yoongi has a cat, Single Parent Min Yoongi | Suga, Father-Daughter Relationship, Polyamory Negotiations, Polyamorous Bangtan Boys | BTS, OT6, will become ot7, bless their hearts, ot6 are in for a ride fr, Magical Realism, Slightly unhealthy relationship dynamic, conservative language/shame from a traditional clan, Original Character(s), the relationship gets better, slow burn???? read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/TpvEWJm
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sparklehoney7 · 11 months
Snob and a Half
by:  snooki
pairing: namjoon/jimin
info: chaptered 5/5 complete (33,418)
tags: Alternate Universe - Clueless (1995) Fusion / Park Jimin (BTS) Is a Brat / Minor Kim Seokjin | Jin/Min Yoongi | Suga / Kim Namjoon: Well-Meaning but Insufferable / Jimin Is a Virgin Who Can't Drive / Praise Kink / Masturbation / Classic AO3 Stoner Hobi / Coming Out / Anal Sex / Loss of Virginity / Kim Namjoon Has A Big Dick / Park Jimin Has a Nice Ass (BTS) / Closeted Kim Namjoon | RM / Platonic Soulmates Kim Taehyung | V & Park Jimin / Park Jimin Has a Praise Kink (BTS) / American Park Jimin (BTS) / Mean Park Jimin (BTS)
summary: Jimin poked Namjoon's chest through his The Future Is Female sweatshirt. “So, does this sweatshirt actually help you get laid, or do you wear it for the sense of superiority alone?”
OR: A self-indulgent modern-day Clueless AU in which Jimin is a spoiled LA teen, Namjoon is his aggressively woke "straight" ex-stepbrother, Tae is a menace on four wheels, and Hobi's been looking kind of spicy lately.
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kyle-reviews · 1 year
Parasite Review
After months of anticipation and dodging spoilers online, I finally got to see Parasite, a movie that took not just the Oscars but the whole world by storm. From the very first scene, I knew I was diving into something more than a simple film. Parasite is not just a narrative; it's a social dissection. It places you right in the heart of the lives of two starkly different families and the intricate dynamics between them. As the story plays out, you're left contemplating the underlying themes: social disparity, class struggle, and the disturbing reality of a world divided. The beauty of Parasite lies in its ambiguity, allowing each viewer to derive their unique interpretations and conclusions about its socio-political commentary.
The film opens with the Kim family, living in a semi-basement, scavenging for Wi-Fi, and folding pizza boxes for a meagre living. This introduction captures their humour, resilience, and the everyday struggles of life in the lower classes of society. Then enters the wealthy Park family, living in an architecturally magnificent house, fully immune to the struggles the Kims grapple with daily. The clever, almost parasitic, maneuvering of the Kims to integrate into the Park household provides comic relief and heightens the drama. This dynamic contrast between the two families lays the groundwork for an unpredictable series of events that exposes the stark class divide; something we should probably pay more attention to. The characters in this movie are a masterclass in depth and complexity. Every character, regardless of screen time, is thoughtfully crafted and they all symbolize different aspects of society. Ki-woo, played by the exceptional Choi Woo-shik, personifies the ambitious youth trapped in societal constraints, while the mother, Chung-sook, portrayed by the outstanding Jang Hye-jin, embodies resilience. However, it is Song Kang-ho, who steals the show as Ki-taek, the father figure whose tough exterior masks a man grappling with his reality.
The Park family's portrayal is equally nuanced. Yeon-kyo, played by Jo Yeo-jeong, is not a mere caricature of the clueless wealthy housewife, but a woman navigating her privileged world with her insecurities. The enigmatic housekeeper Moon-gwang, portrayed by Lee Jung-eun, delivers a haunting performance, adding another layer of complexity to the narrative. Parasite takes a sharp turn midway, delivering a gut-punch that shakes you to your core. The movie's climax, set against a picturesque backdrop, descends into an unforgettable sequence of events. A beautifully orchestrated chaos that keeps you guessing, questioning the unfolding reality. The build-up to this climax, with the film's remarkable use of visual metaphors and sound, completely engulfs you in its atmospheric storytelling and the intricate emotional landscapes of its characters.
One of the things that made this movie so captivating for me was, even though the storyline is quite ominous, gloomy, and somewhat dark, I was completely drawn in from the beginning to the end. No other movie has ever given me such a rush of adrenaline. I believe that Bong Joon-ho achieved this by beautifully executing his filmmaking technique. As Bong wrote the script, he made mock-ups of the houses. After paying close attention, I noticed that there were front-facing windows in each house that mirrored the windows in the neighboring house. The poor family's window is small, and they can see a drunken man urinating. An expansive window was built for the rich family which faces a lovely garden. The poor family also lives underground while the rich family lives on a high hill. Bong used High and Low shots to engage the Kim family. We look up at the son as the tutor, and the perspective flips. It was Kyung-pyo's lighting, as well as Bong's framing and shooting style, that helped convey the tone of the film very effectively for me. A lack of sunshine intensified the contrast between the rich and poor which Kyung pyo played with as a way to draw attention to the differences between the rich and the poor. Most of the interior of the rich family's mansion is bathed in warm, natural light throughout the day. Only a small window lets sunlight into the poor family's basement.
One other thing that truly stayed with me long after Parasite ended was how it presented social disparity in an ingenious and haunting style. The film is brilliant in the way it holds up a mirror to society, forcing us to confront uncomfortable realities that we often ignore. Even though I believe movies that deal with such issues of classism and social injustice often don't convey a larger message for a better world, Parasite still stands out for its frank and accurate portrayal of the human condition.
Like an intricate piece of art, Parasite demands reflection and introspection. Its genius lies in its moral ambivalence, refraining from spoon-feeding answers, thereby compelling its viewers to question, analyze, and understand the complex layers of societal structures. Much like life, there isn't an absolute right or wrong, good or evil in Parasite; it’s a compelling reflection of the shades of grey we live in. Director Bong Joon-ho masterfully raises difficult questions about class division, survival, and the human condition but leaves the interpretations to the viewer.
Only and only because of my love for feel-good movies, I give this movie a score of 9.5/10 :)
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Horny Master Lee
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michyeosseo · 5 years
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Where are they? It’s way too cold outside.
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artemishdp · 2 years
Im so annoyed at naksu being so ignorant of her body’s true identity. Her enemies are already suspicious of her and shes still so clueless. Shes relying on Jang Uk so much.
“Oh its just bc she knew mudeuk as a poor blind girl who lived in sari village”
Soyi finds out after one clue.. jin mu became suspicious when he saw her blindfolded. park jin became suspicious of her indentity after seeing her looking at his bow.
Meanwhile naksu was able to escape the mirror of longing, destroyed the basin, able to tell the energy in choyeons box, getting strange feelings in jinyowon, stealing the energy from the soul shifter. All those things and shes not suspicious of mudeuk? She didnt think why the sudden surge of powers despite being weak and powerless the whole time? That maybe she could find the reason behind that? another way to get her powers back if jang uk fails to get the ice stone? She didnt wonder why she lasted this long without running wild?
Its so unrealistic of her— who was smart, quick witted, cunning, and resourceful— to be this clueless and indifferent of the strange body shes living in.
Shes so indifferent that she didnt take measures to hide her identity? She didnt think of a story that would explain why she can suddenly see or make a story about her past just incase someone decides to do a digging? What if jang uk wasnt smart enough to pay the owner of chwisunru? She wouldve been dead by now. What is happening to her character?
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whchenlvr · 2 years
making up after a fight ;
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weak hero union x gn!reader
gray yeon
➤ you were upset about something at your part-time job, and when you tried to confide in your boyfriend, he “logically” sided with your co-worker. then he didn’t understand why you were upset with him
➤ “are... are you mad at me?” he’d ask, clueless, to which you huff and cross your arms. “yes.” “oh... so are we fighting?” “yes.” “oh. okay, then?”
➤ to make it up to you, even if gray doesn’t know what he did wrong, your boyfriend would buy takeout from your favorite restaurant to surprise you
➤ “look, i’m sorry. i’m honestly not one hundred percent sure what i did, and if that makes you even more upset, then i’m extra sorry. will you talk to me now?”
➤ you’ve always had a soft spot for gray’s subtle affection, so when he openly apologizes, you give in and explain the situation, even apologizing to him for being upset. your fight ends with binge-watching your favorite show together
ben park
➤ “fuck you.” “fuck you!” was the last ‘conversation’ you and ben had after a heated argument. you knew it’d been about something school related, but you couldn’t remember what exactly
➤ ben was angry with you at first, but when he finds you sitting by yourself after school, he’s more curious than anything else
➤ when he approaches, he hears you sniffling and watches as you wipe your face with the sleeves of your (his) hoodie. ben’s instantly at your side, rubbing your shoulder and asking what’s wrong
➤ “i just feel so bad. i didn’t mean it, i swear!” “please stop crying, i’m going soft!”
➤ the playfulness in his voice makes you laugh a little, wiping the remainder of your tears away. “i’m sorry, by the way. for, you know, swearing at you.” ben would chuckle at the shyness of your words. “yeah, yeah, me too. cutie.”
alex go
➤ he’s bitter. just bitter about the whole fight and how quickly it escalated
➤ you’re feeling bad yourself, guilty of raising your voice when you could have kept your temper
➤ still, you and alex put your differences aside and agree to meet on the rooftop of your workplace the next day, a nice getaway spot for the two of you
➤ “so,” “so… you wanna start?” “alright.” clears his throat into his fist and everything. “uh, yeah. that was… weird.”
➤ it took a while, but eventually, the conversation does flow. “look, i shouldn’t have yelled at you. i’m sorry, alex.” you apologize, and he can’t hide his smile. “wow. y/n l/n? apologizing? i must be some sort of god—“ “yeah, don’t push it.”
gerard jin
➤ honestly, i see gerard feeling super guilty whether or not he initiated the fight
➤ “y/n… can we talk?” even if you’re still mad, who are you to turn him down?
➤ you’ll sit next to him, and when you feel the weight of the situation on you, you rest your head on gerard’s shoulder and sigh. “i’m sorry.”
➤ “what are you sorry about? don’t… don’t stress, it’s all good, alright?” he hates fighting and knows you really dislike it as well
➤ you’d nuzzle your head against his shoulder and smile. “okay. don’t stress, either.”
teddy jin
➤ you’re both pretty petty about this since neither of you thinks you were in the wrong
➤ still, you sit beside each other on the steps ascending to your apartment. it isn’t long before teddy speaks. “i can’t believe you shaved my cat.”
➤ you sigh, tired of this conversation.“for the last time, she had fleas! what would you have preferred me to do?” “medication, y/n, medication!” “well..! i didn’t think of that at the time!”
➤ teddy huffs angrily at your response and throws himself back against the stone steps. after some more silence between you, he nudged your foot with his shoe. “it’s… fine. it’s just hair, it’ll grow back. and at least the fleas are gone.”
➤ you apologized once more, then the two of you spent the next two hours at a pet store, searching for some cat clothing for co
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sugar-petals · 3 years
can you give us more thoughts about domestic yoongles? the taemin's one (wich I love) just made me miss the cat boy so much ;o;
i have a phd in househusband yoongi so let me fire out some ideas for ya.
myg at home headcanon
🐱 word count. 1.9k | fluff, slice of life, slight nsfw mentions, x reader, bullet points
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The doorbell sound is a recording of Yoongi imitating a doorbell. He’s such a meme. Ceci n'est pas une pipe.
Seemingly, he teaches himself a new recipe every week. To perfection. Yoongi is very particular about sticking to the recipe and wielding his kitchen tools in the right way. He collects knives, olive oil, and still hates cutting onions.
He separates sleep time, work time, and couple time as the holy trinity. For each, he switches his mood.
Blushes easily no matter for how long you’ve been together.
Establishes his own radio show where he DJs at one point.
Yoongi keeps an extreme track on the garbage schedule. He knows exactly what is due when. Separating the trash is a must. That includes sorting out fake friends trying to get between your relationship. Your social circle as a couple is extremely deliberate.
Yoongi deems himself a terrible host for guests. Unless Hoseok is there to drag him out, it's true he rather stays in the kitchen or at the barbecue preparing the menu courses rather than making small talk. He leaves the hospitality bits to you, however you want to go about it.
What he lacks in conversing with guests, he makes up in bed, God is absolutely fair.
He sings and hums pretty often and has his own vernacular of extraterrestrial uwu noises. It's an alphabet that you have to yet decipher but it's incredibly cute.
Self-made paintings everywhere around his house. 
Yoongi hasn't gone clubbing since grammar school. The most he does is going to a restaurant at lunch with very close friends. And always in a work context. His private life is so secluded from everything else and paparazzi just don't spot him anywhere, Dispatch thinks he must live abroad.
Very well, he does consider his big ole house a separate country. It's a living organism with a studio, gym, trophy room, small-size basketball court, and vastly equipped kitchen. A home theater as well, he likes American movies (like Inception) and Korean action genres, and you can stream whatever you fancy in there whenever you like. 
Yes, he has underwear with cute little bears on.
There's even a little pond in the backyard. Yoongi, Pisces he is, likes fishes after all. Sometimes he sits at the edge of the 'Little Ole Min Lake (LOML)' and stares into the water for literal hours with his chin parked on his palm.
His fridge is so high-tech and futuristic, even Yoongi is rendered clueless by its AI sometimes. The washing machine, too.
Yoongi watches RuPaul’s drag race. What did you expect? He finds it so humorous.
Owns lord knows how many comic collections.
Favorite holiday destination: New York.
Christmas is basically 50% you unveiling new music equipment to him in the garage and Yoongi almost fainting at the sexiness of it. The other 50% is spent holding hands and orgasm after orgasm until the new year since you loose track of time.
Goes on long rants why he’d marry you again every weekend.
Making you presents is his specialty. Always accompanied with a hand-written note. He writes a lot of things by hand for you in general. Texting, basically never. Always on paper.
No sex without a blanket and socks on. Yoongi gets cold very very easily and just doesn’t like showing skin. You buy him a heated blanket for his birthday, he even uses it in his studio chair.
Chronically addicted to making out.
Matching black outfits and glasses.
Laughs at even your worst jokes or phrases you didn’t expect you even uttered.
Yoongi owns the phoniest, most secretive-looking black car ever and nobody knows about it. Even he forgets he owns it, in fact he genuinely acts like it just doesn’t exist. Hilarious. And that guy has a level 1 Korean driver's license. Which allows him to drive trailers and busses and fucking trucks, and construction machines, let that sink in.
It's really a genius curse. Yoongi being put to the test will always deliver but he won't choose to execute his full skillset if he doesn't have to. Well, pragmatic. He's not as phony as he thinks he is, which is even more hilarious.
He uses that behemoth of a car so scarcely because he'd rather have things delivered to his doorstep and he's stingy with gas. Also, he doesn't like traffic and driving because of the traumatic shoulder accident and his tendency to space out. Translation: You drive that thing... that monster... it really is an impressive, fast, and scary machine. 
If someone devious ever even remotely manages to invade his privacy and get past the doubly-installed security system, he has enough money to deal with it no matter what.
If it concerns your privacy, he's a red belt. And owns Jin's number if a taekwondo master is required. Jimin's if it needs someone with kendo skills.
If Yoongi needs someone to go on a complete rampage, Jungkook lives just down the block. He can sprint to Yoongi's bunker I mean mansion within 45 seconds. 30 if it's very urgent. 20 if the reward is an instant ramen splurge with Yoongi's black card.
He has a sexy, glamorous sword collection hanging on the living room wall anyways, so. Who the hell is dumb enough to mess with him and his expensive lawyer in the first place.
But just in case, who knows... Yoongi settles matters shruggingly, anonymously, and with cash and he's too exhausted for violence, but don't underestimate his deter-min-ation and network for emergencies. Also, he is Agust D after all.
He will bonk a naughty burglar or kidnapper across the head with a wooden cooking spoon or take him down by throwing a basketball if the situation requires it. Damn, his reflexes are so fast, a feral cat in motion. So, lean back and sip on your drink of choice. Things are cared for.
If Yoongi is the one being kidnapped or a highly skilled stalker invades the property at night when he's fast asleep (nothing can wake this man during certain hours, strong REM right here): Don't forget that honeyboy is a Dodgers fan. There are signed baseball bats everywhere in this damn house.
In that sense, your parents visiting you here for the first time thought you were an undercover thug couple. Not to worry mom and dad, you both just like sports very much okay.
Yoongi walks around in all black clothes and the rooms are all seemingly dark. Even if you live together, you don't know his skin care routine. It's clear to you he's some sort of vampire.
Since Yoongi always forgets to remove his makeup, you made it a habit to wipe it down when he's about to pass out. He won't lie, he enjoys that kind of affection.
Holly is your resident child. You're essentially a family.
He insists to tackle this by himself, Yoongi sees his therapist monthly. Not shifting responsibility is something he's stubborn about and he pours his emotions into writing. You will do conversation about deeper stuff, but he says it's mostly up to him and his own mind. He dislikes burdening you or opening up too much and it's something to respect rather than force him about. If he wants to share a thought, he will. It doesn’t mean he can’t trust you or sucks at communicating (we know that he’s direct). Yoongi simply can’t put that much pain in such few words nor should you alleviate it for him.
Calls from the manager faze Yoongi as much as Jimin is bothered by gravity. If he’s busy kissing your body slow mo, who the hell dares to disturb his worship. 
This man had so many let-downs and interpersonal catastrophes in his life, he's super discerning with people. Because he rolls that way, during their first meeting Yoongi uses his psychology certificate on your friends. You see him squint at them, he listens very closely. After they pass the vibe check aka meow radar, he befriends them, too.
Yoongi doodles Grammy trophies everywhere to manifest them.
Yoongi shaves his legs.
All the sex toys he’s ever bought are black. Gotta vibe in style.
He spends ridiculous amounts of time in the studio but he's yours for the remainder of the night, breakfast, and he makes a lavish lunch and dinner.
Um, consider his head parked between your legs. The Hongkong line was not a joke.
Doesn’t mind you squishing his cheeks whenever and for how long you like. 
Every other weekend he gets flowers, vouchers, and gifts — not because of fans, they don’t know where his house is, but because he donates so much.
Namjoon often drops by and cleanses the area with his crystals.
Yoongi is a photography major so you can ask him to take professional, ceiling-high black and white shots of you.
Feeding each other food lovingly. Man, this guy got lips.
He set up a library just for you, in the exact historical aesthetic you like the most. Send him the link to any book you want, it's basically in the online shopping cart already. As I said, he wants to make you presents like every week.
Sometimes he sits on the other end studying English videos and vocab while you read. And yes, he's already 95% fluent but pretends being merely intermediate. He knows technical terms even native speakers have never heard of.
He collects pajamas and earrings.
Swears on the phone.
Namjoon being the horniest member is a cover-up story. Yoongi masturbates almost unreasonable amounts of times, by himself and in your arms when going to bed. Not gonna lie, it’s a sight to see his hands at work. He’s almost equally obsessed with fingering you once you ask him.
Yoongi was the one asking you to move in and almost had a nervous meltdown before meeting up with you to tell you just that. 
He’s the little spoon and of course a sleeping burrito to hold tight.
Finds you equally attractive in any state or styling. Yoongi practices what he preaches, he always reacts the same and says the same. 
Jams out to outrageous beats Namjoon sends him by dancing in the studio. You walk in on him every time. Was embarrassed at first, now you dance along.
Has bought you a life-sized Yoongi pillow and customized you a giant Shooky to hug when he’s not at home over night.
Owned a wine cellar until he quit drinking. Turned it into a piano room instead.
Only you know Yoongi has a serpent and dagger tattoo.
Scrubs the bathroom religiously.
The house smells like restaurant food and his extravagant perfumes half of the time.
Sometimes he has to remind himself he’s married to you and not his coffee machine. He shall be forgiven. You can’t complain that he doesn’t love you enough, nor is he ever not adorable when drinking his latte.
Never wears short sleeves. It can be scorching and he’ll wear a jacket. 
Tell him and the cap stays on during sex.
He grows his hair out and puts it in a low bun. The bangs remain.
Yoongi has installed the most fire-proof building in the entire city it seems. That he wanted to be a firefighter when he was young definitely shows. Figures the house has to be protected from heat: His blasting studio music and Yoongi himself are just way too sizzling.
Still melts into a puddle when you kiss his nose.
Couple sunrise watching. 
© submissive-bangtan 2017-2021. all rights reserved. do not repost or translate. all depictions fictional.
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