Aggressive Cuddles - Henry Drabble
Trying my hand at drabbles....I don’t think I did this right 😅 Anyway, here’s what I did! 
Prompt: Person B won’t let Person A get out of bed by aggressively cuddling them.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Henry’s husky voice murmurs behind you. You smile to yourself as you turn to look at your husband.
“I’m going to make some coffee,” you reply, simply. The bed shifts and suddenly you feel his large arms wrap around your waist. In one quick movement, he pulls you back into him. You grunt as your back slams against his solid frame.
“I’m not letting you go,” he says low, nuzzling the back of your neck. The stubble on his chin is tickling your ear.
“But I need coffee,” you whine, tugging at his hands, causing Henry to growl in your ear. You squirm in his embrace which just results in him laughing in your ear.
“Keep it up and you’re really never getting out of this bed,” he mutters in your ear.
“Rude,” you huff. In response, Henry leans forward and takes your earlobe in his lips. Almost immediately, you sigh into him.
“Am I still rude?” Henry whispers.
“Mhmm,” you moan as his hand brushes across the skin along your breast, down the side of your abdomen, and further down past your panty line. “Very rude,” you murmur.
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Meeting Kal - Henry Cavill x Reader
Depression hit me hard today. I thought I wasn’t going to be able to write anything, but when I put my fingers to the keys, this came out! It’s based partially on a suggestion offered by a friend and partially on actual events that happened, lol! Hope you enjoy! Not sure if this counts as a drabble because of how long it is 😬Either way, I hope you like all the fluff because there is so much of it!!!
Word Count:  1,452
@henryslilprincess @mitzwinchester @maeleeme @andyrazzledazzle @oddsnendsfanfics @henrycavillluv32 @jhenno2002 @xceafh @severuined @queenslandlover-93 @thummbelina @chamomilebottom @fanfictionaddiction99 @deep-in-my-thoughts13 
You were nervous as you set the test on the side of the sink. Because it would be a few minutes before you knew anything, you turn your attention to random things around the house. After less than two minutes, you had nothing to do, so you impatiently sat on the edge of your bed, waiting. Your husband, Henry, finds you sitting there. Silently, he sits down next to you, taking your hand in his. You sit like that for the rest of the time, your fingers intertwined with your husbands, waiting for the results.
The alarm on your phone went off after five minutes and you just sit there. Henry is the first to move, but when he realizes you aren’t getting up, he pauses. Finally, you get up and slowly step into the bathroom. Without a word, you pick up the featherlight piece of plastic and you gasp. You turn to Henry, tears in your eyes, and show him the little window that clearly displays two pink lines. In one motion, your husband picks you up, burying his face in the crook of your neck. 
“We’re going to have a baby,” he whispers when he sets you down. He’s smiling down at you with tears in his eyes and you smile back at him. From then on, it was everything that was to be expected with a change like this. You were not prepared for the morning sickness, but Henry did everything he could to help. He rubbed your feet and ankles as they began to swell. Henry helped his mom plan the baby shower where you received more sweet little girl clothes than you’ll ever know what to do with. He even made middle of the night store runs to keep up with all of your cravings, including the saltiest french fries with the largest chocolate milkshake someone would offer. He watched in complete horror as you dipped fry after fry into the frothy drink. 
His family was there with you through the whole thing. Being in London and away from your own family, his mother made every effort to make you feel cared for when Henry couldn’t be there. He planned on taking time off once your little nugget was born, but before then, he had obligations that needed to be met. When your own mother was able to make it across the pond, she helped you get ready for the newborn. She took care of cooking and cleaning while you made a human. 
Within seven months, you were large and in charge. Everyone, including Kal, knew to stay out of your way when you were up and moving, which wasn’t often. At five months, your doctor recommended lengthy bed rest to protect you and the baby. You oblige, but on occasion, you needed to be up. So when you were moving about, Kal was at your side. He understood early on that something was different with you - something important. He took notice of the way Henry treated you and adapted his behavior accordingly. No longer did he jump on you when you came home or when you were up and moving. If you were laying down, he was either nearby or directly next to you, one paw gently resting on an arm or a leg. Eventually, it was as if he refused to let you out of his sight. 
Late one evening in the final stages of your pregnancy, you were lounging in bed. Your back was beginning to hurt quite a bit. You knew that meant something, but you couldn’t quite remember - pregnancy brain was real and it sucked. One thing you knew was that Kal was getting on your last nerve. He paced the floor beside your bed and every third pass, he stopped to sniff the air. 
“Kal,” you moaned. “You’re making me nauseous,” you complain. Henry comes into the room, glaring disapprovingly at his Akita. 
“Come on, Kal,” Henry murmurs. Kal, still pacing, pauses to take another sniff of the air. Then he sits down and places his head on the side of the bed, his eyes on your belly with a loud sigh. Henry huffs and steps into the room, reaching for Kal, but you stop him. 
“Henry, it’s time,” you say firmly. At first he’s confused, but realization quickly follows as Henry jumps to action. Kal moves out of the way when you swing your legs over the edge of the bed, but is right next to you as you waddle out of the bedroom and down the stairs. Henry’s assistant is there and she corral’s Kal in the kitchen so you and Henry can make a clean getaway for the hospital. 
Eight hours of intense labor later, you finally get to meet your little girl. She’s seven pounds and eight ounces of the purest beauty you’ve ever seen. When Henry holds her for the first time, you weep openly and he does as well. The next morning, you are released. Colin pushes you in the wheelchair to the entrance, where Henry is waiting. Nervously, he watches as you place your little girl in the car seat he installed in the days before. Then you climb into the passenger seat and hold your husbands hand the entire time back to the house. 
“Hen, you go get Kal, make sure he’s stable. I’ll get her,” you explain to your husband. He smiles and nods, then clambers out and jogs into the house ahead of you. With a giant smile, you unhook the car seat. Holding her as steady as possible, you slowly walk into the house. There is Henry, sitting on the stairs with Kal between his legs. You smile at the both of them. Kal nervously shifts, but Henry’s got a firm grip on his shoulders. 
“Kal,” he says with warning in his tone. You walk up to them, flipping the car seat around so Kal can look directly at the little baby. “This is Amelia,” Henry murmurs in the perked up ear of his hound. “You’re going to be good to her,” he says, giving Kal the slightest bit of leniency. Kal leans forward, loudly sniffing the little bundle. It’s enough to startle Amelia and she shifts, grumbling at the large black face pushing at her legs. Henry immediately pulls back on Kal, looking up at you with a questioning expression. Kal, in turn, grumbles his own protest, looking intently at Amelia. 
“Let’s give him another chance,” you tell him. “Kal,” you say sternly to the hound. Kal looks up at you expectantly, then down at Amelia. “Behave,” you declare. As if he understands, Kal leans in and quietly takes inventory of what he can get his large nose on. Amelia patiently takes his inquiry until she’s had enough. With a loud cry, she makes herself clear. Kal jumps back into Henry, grumbling at the loud, tiny little girl. You and Henry chuckle. Henry rubs Kal’s shoulders while you turn and walk into the other room with Amelia. “I’m going to try and feed her. She’s probably hungry,” you call out over her wails. As you remove her squirming body from the car seat, Kal trots into the room with Henry hot on his heels. 
“I tried to get him to go outside, but he won’t go,” he states, exasperated. The two of you watch as Kal paces around you, sniffing the air, and watching the little girl in your arms. When he realizes that your attentions are completely on her and not him, he pauses. Then, without a sound, Kal walks himself to the corner of the room and sits down, facing the wall. You and Henry watch him for a moment. 
“Kal?” Henry says. The hound doesn’t do anything, just continues to face the corner. “Kal,” he says again with a little more determination. This time Kal responds by looking over his shoulder. The betrayal is completely clear on his face before he turns back to the corner. Henry raises his eyebrows and looks over at you, his mouth opened slightly. Amelia makes a crying sound as you attempt to shift her from one boob to the other. Kal’s head whips around and he stares pointedly at you. 
“Oh my god, Kal,” you chuckle. The dog huffs then turns back to the wall. Henry laughs out loud, unable to resist taking a picture of his hound. The image and summary of his Akita’s behavior make it onto Instagram. Later, Henry will repeatedly tell the story of how Kal was jealous of baby Amelia Cavill. That jealousy didn’t last long, though, and Henry had even more tales about his wild-child daughter and her adventures with her best friend, Kal.
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Maybe She’s The One - HenryxReader
I got an amazing request to write a fluff piece about Henry’s family teasing him about finding the one. I hope I did good! I don’t know why I chose Easter weekend as the theme for this particular piece, it just happened 🤷🏼‍♀️ lol
Thank you to everyone for sending in your requests! I have loved writing them and I can’t wait to bring y’all the next one! 
Word Count:  1,549
For Easter weekend, Henry wanted to have his family come by. Henry planned to have them over for a get-together and an egg hunt for the younger ones. Mostly, he just wanted them to spend more time with you. He was absolutely and completely in love with you and he wanted to share that with his family. When his parents arrived, he helped them unpack their car then shuffled everyone into the kitchen to start making snacks.
You and his mother chatted while you made deviled eggs from scratch. Henry and his father talked about sports while they filled plastic eggs with candy. Occasionally, your conversations overlapped and everyone talked with each other from across the kitchen. Henry laughed and joked with you in ways similar to the way he got on with his brothers, much to the surprise of his parents. Rarely was he this open with a woman, especially in front of them.
“Who are you and what have you done with my son?” Marianne asks at one point. Henry looks up at her surprised.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” he returns.
“Well, I’ve just never seen you tease a girlfriend this much,” Marianne replies. “You treat her like you treat Charlie,” she adds laughing. You smile over at Henry and see his dad smirking as he fills another egg.
“What can I say, she’s just special,” Henry says, winking at you. You snort in reply, then go back to making deviled eggs. Once you finish the eggs, you begin making batches of sugar cookies. Henry gets busy making a lamb shoulder while Marianne pulls out a chicken salad she’d made earlier and brought with her. By the time you’ve got the last batch of cookies in the oven, Piers, Nik, Simon and Charlie have all arrived with their respective families. It’s a mad-house of chaos and calm and you can tell Henry is thriving off of it. All the kids want to talk to you, asking you questions about the egg hunt and more. You don’t notice the way that Henry watches you interact with his nephews. More than that, Henry doesn’t notice the way his family watches him as he watches you.
Not long after everyone arrives, it’s time to eat. The group circles around the kitchen and holds hands, bowing your heads. Colin says grace then gives everyone the cue to dig in. The chatter resumes again as everyone dives for plates, serving spoons, and cutlery. After eating, you direct all the children back into the kitchen.
“Okay!” you announce to the smaller Cavill’s. “All you need to decorate the cookies is right here,” you gesture to the arrangement of frosting, sprinkles, and decorations on the counter. “Begin,” you say, tossing your hands up. The kids shout and dive for what they want. Everyone watches with amusement as the kids excitedly decorate their cookies.
“Henry,” Nik calls out as you help one of the younger boys with some icing. “I think she takes care of us better than you do,” he says, smiling wide at you. Henry’s jaw goes slack.
“Yeah, if you two break up we’re keeping her,” Charlie says pointing at you and laughing at Henry’s expression.
“Hey now!” he exclaims as everyone laughs.
“Seriously, Hen,” Charlie’s wife, Heather begins. “Y/n is great and we want to spend more time with her,” she says. You smile back at her. “But only her, you can stay home,” she adds, causing you to bust out with laughter. Henry sheepishly looks around at his family members as they all laugh. Several of the kids announce they are satisfied with their cookies and are ready to hunt for Easter eggs.
“Right!” Henry says, clapping his heads together. “Let’s go!” he gestures toward the backdoor where he begins walking. The kids squeal and chase after him with Kal hot on their heels. Outside, everyone grabs baskets that you and Henry purchased for the kids.
“Y/n, y/n, help me find them!” one of the boys exclaims, grabbing for your hand. He pulls you to the edge of the porch where Henry is waiting for everyone.
“On your mark, get set, go!” Henry exclaims once everyone is gathered and ready. The kids take off and Henry’s nephew holds your hand as he drags you out into the yard. Henry laughs at the scene then steps onto the porch to watch with his family. Henry watches with a giant smile on his face that everyone in his family notices.
“I see y/n got involved in the hunt,” Nik points out and Henry bobs his head, smiling. He glances back out at the yard to see you chasing the children around. They squeal as Kal runs through them as he attempts to figure out what he can snatch and what he can’t. Henry chuckles at the scene unfolding in front of him. He can’t stop the smile that breaks out across his face every time he sees you. Add in the way you are with his nephews and there is a perpetual smile on his face.
“She’s great, Henry,” Nik states. Henry glances at him. “I mean it, Hen. Y/n is truly great,” he says. As he does, Simon and Piers saddle up to them.
“What are you two mumbling about over here?” Simon asks, patting Henry on the shoulder.
“Y/n,” Nik states. Henry rolls his eyes as Simon and Piers make silly faces and cooing sounds.
“Oh yeah, we’ve been wanting to tell you, Hank,” Simon begins. “Y/n is absolutely great,” he says. “We really like her so you can’t screw this one up,” he says and all his brothers nod their head.
“Seriously Hen, you can’t let this one get away,” Piers says. Henry’s jaw drops as he looks around at his siblings.
“Why does everyone think we’re going to break up?” Henry whines. His brothers laugh in response at first.
“Because something always happens,” Simon begins.
“Then your girlfriends leave,” Nik adds.
“Which means we miss out on getting to know the woman that could be our future sister-in-law,” Piers says, knocking Henry gently on the shoulder. Henry scoffs and looks at the ground. Everyone looks up when a loud screech erupts from the yard. Kal had apparently gotten excited and ran straight through the kids, knocking kids down, sending baskets and eggs flying.
“Kal,” Henry complained. The Akita perked up at his name and came trotting over. Hot on his heels was one of Charlie’s kids dragging you by your hand. “Look what I found!” he exclaims, letting go of your hand for a moment to pull out a blue egg covered in stickers.
“Whoa!” everyone says to the beaming child.
“Hey bud, I’m going to take a break,” you say to Henry’s nephew.
“Okay,” he says before turning around and darting off to find more eggs. You turn to look at the Cavill boys smiling.
“Hey guys, what’s up?” you ask as Henry, Simon, Piers, and Nik smile broadly at you. “What?” you repeat.
“Nothing, babe, can you come help me with something?” Henry asks, reaching out for you.
“Uh, sure,” you reply. You watch as Henry’s brothers watch the two of you with teasing smiles as he leads you back inside, into the kitchen. “What’s going on?” you ask.
“Nothing,” he replies, turning around to face you. “I just wanted a few moments with only you,” he adds. He smiles coyly as he weaves his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him. In turn, you wrap your arms around his broad shoulders.
“Oh?” you murmur before Henry leans in and kisses you sweetly.
“They like you, you know?” Henry states, leaning back from the kiss. You smile.
“Who? Your family?” you ask. Henry nods. “I like them too,” you reply, your smiling deepening. Henry kisses you again before letting go.
“I did actually need to get the chocolate eggs to pass out,” he explains, turning to the fridge. From it, he produces the chocolate eggs you had made the night before. Together, you bring them outside to share with everyone. Once again, everyone teases Henry that you treat his family better than he does. He takes it all with a smile on his face and a teasing remark for anyone that comments. At one point when you are in the restroom, his family really lays into him.
“Henry, I’m serious. You can’t fuck this up with y/n,” Heather asks quickly. “Because I really like her,” she adds. Henry looks at her then around to his family to realize they all agree with her.
“Why does everyone keep saying that?” he asks a little slack-jawed.
“Because Henry,” Marianne begins softly. “I think we’re all trying to tell you, we think she’s the one,” she says to him gently.
“We love her, Henry,” Charlie states. “And we can tell that you love her too,” he adds. Everyone nods. Henry softens hearing this.
“So you can’t screw this up,” Simon says. Charlie, Piers and Nik snort while Marianne and Heather shake their heads, chuckling.
“Oh my god,” Henry scoffs, shaking his head at his brother. Everyone is laughing when you walk back into the room, unaware of the conversation that just took place.
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Superman - Henry Cavill Drabble
So, I love Julie Andrews and I was watching several interviews of hers. This particular lil drabble was inspired by a story she told I think on Ellen. She explained that her grandson was watching Mary Poppins at a party and he realizes who she is. I thought it would be cute to imagine what it would be like for Henry to experience that! 
Word Count: 712
tag list:
@maeleeme @andyrazzledazzle @oddsnendsfanfics @fanfictionaddiction99 @jhenno2002 @mitzwinchester @xceafh @henrycavillluv32 @severuined @queenslandlover-93 @thummbelina @chamomilebottom @deep-in-my-thoughts13 @henryslilprincess @constip8merm8 @ravenpuff02 @henry-cavill-obsessed @lebguardians @the-soot-sprite @speakerforthedead0-blog @burdenedwith-gloriouslove ​ @peakygroupie​ @iloveyouyen @mary-ann84 @readings-of-a-cavill-lover​ @alyxkbrl​ @shellbilee​
At 11:30, Henry stepped out of the shower. He had just gotten back from his workout and was getting ready to join you and James, your three-year-old at a friend’s birthday party. Quickly, he threw on a pair of jeans, a clean dress shirt, and brushed back his blown-out curls. Running through his “beauty” routine, he felt comfortable to step out of the house. He gave Kal a quick scratch on the head then headed out. Kal, unfortunately, wasn’t invited to the festivities. While his friends loved his hound, they expressed some hesitation mixing three-year-olds, sugar, and a very excitable Akita. Henry didn’t blame them, completely understanding their reasoning. 
So, he climbed into his car and drove off down the road to the house. He was going to be the last parent there, as usual, but no one seemed to mind. More than anything, he was just happy to go. These weren’t events he got to go to very often, so he’d much rather show up late than not at all when he had the chance. Pulling onto the street, he easily picked out the house. It was the only one with balloons and cars everywhere. 
Earlier, when he called to say he was on his way, he was told not to knock, just to come on in. So that’s what he did. Walking in, he could hear kids to his right screaming and laughing while parents chatted. 
“Henry,” he heard someone call out. Turning, he found Tyler, the father of the birthday boy smiling and walking toward him. 
“Hey, man,” Henry replied, extending his hand. Tyler grabbed it and they embraced quickly. “Where’s Addison?” he asked. 
“Uh, either protecting his toys or watching a movie,” Tyler said, looking around the area for his son. Unable to find him, he shrugged a little then gestured for Henry to follow him into the kitchen. Henry obliged and found you talking to another mother. Tyler grabbed a bottle of water for Henry and the two began chatting about different topics, primarily PC gaming. When Tyler has to go wrangle his son, Henry takes the opportunity to say hello to you. 
“Hey handsome,” you say when you see him out of the corner of your eye. 
“Hey beautiful,” Henry replies, pulling you in for a tight hug. Out of the corner of his eye he can see two mothers he hasn’t met yet very obviously swoon. You must have seen it as well because you introduce Henry to them and they both quickly, breathlessly explain what huge fans they are of him. Bashfully, he smiles, grateful to have you next to him. 
Less than an hour after his arrival, the party is beginning to wind down, so Henry goes off in search of James. He checks in the backyard and several other rooms to no avail. Catching up with you, you explain he’s probably still in the movie room. Together, you both make your way up the stairs. James is the only one in the movie room and he is right up against the projection screen. Frowning, Henry goes to pull him away, but your hand on his arm stops him. He follows your eyes to the screen and discovers that Man of Steel is playing. In rapid-fire succession, Henry puts together what is happening. 
“Hey buddy,” Henry calls out to his son. James whips his head around to look at him, a frown furrowing his little eyebrow. He quickly whips his head back to the screen then in Henry’s direction again. 
“Da,” he whispers, pointing at the screen. Henry smiles wide, seeing himself. 
“Yeah, that’s Dadda. I’m Superman,” he murmurs. James looks at him skeptically, then turns back to the screen. 
“Supe-man?” he asks. 
“Yeah, Supe-man,” Henry repeats. He hears you giggle behind him and he glances over his shoulder at you. Your phone is in your hands as you film the moment. He’ll be asking you for that later so he can have it when he’s away for filming again. He turns back to James who is skeptically looking between him and the screen. 
“Supe-man?” he asks, finally looking Henry dead in the eye. Smiling, Henry nods. 
“Supe-man,” he replies and watches with complete adoration as his son’s mind is completely blown. 
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Kal’s Best Friend - HenryxReader Imagine
Hello! I was sent this request to write and it’s finally here! My dear anon, I’m sorry that it took me so long to get done, but I hope you like it. 
Word Count: 707
CW: none, all fluff! 
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You find Henry moping in his office. He’s sitting at his desk, fidgeting with a pen while a video plays out on his computer.
“Henry,” you call out gently from the doorway. He barely glances over his shoulder at you.
“Hm?” he asks, pausing the video.
“Everything okay?” you ask, stepping into the room. Henry doesn’t look up at you but nods his head gently. “You sure? Because you seem to be a little,” you pause. “Upset,” he finally looks up at you.
“Nope,” he replies simply. Suddenly, Kal trots into the room. He moseys up to Henry, giving him a quick sniff before coming to sit at your feet. Kal looks up at you expectantly and you break into a grin. You glance up at Henry to see he’s looking a little mournful at Kal when it dawns on you.
“Henry,” you begin slowly. He looks up at you with those beautiful blue eyes. “Are you jealous of me and Kal?” you ask. Henry’s face immediately contorts.
“What?” he snorts. “No, that’s ridiculous,” he says, huffing. He stands up to leave the room, gesturing to Kal for him to follow. “Come on, Kal,” he says, leaving the room and rounding the corner. Kal doesn’t move. Moments later, Henry reappears, looking down at his dog then back up a you. “Okay, so, maybe you were right,” Henry mutters.
“What are you jealous of?” you ask him. Henry looks at you surprised for a moment then begins.
“Well for one, you give Kal all kinds of treats throughout the day,” he says.
“For good behavior!” you try to add, but Henry is still talking.
“You gave him that raw-hide bone right before you left for your business trip and then, when you came back,” he takes a breath. “You had all these gifts and toys and treats for him. Y/n, you got me a keychain,” he adds. The annoyance is clear in his voice and you want to feel bad, but you can’t help from smiling at him widely. “What?” he demands, standing with one hip cocked to the side.
“I give him the treats for good behavior,” you say. “I live here now and it’s important Kal understand that I am an authority as well,” you start to walk toward Henry. “I gave him the bone because the last time I left, you said Kal moped around the whole week,” Henry sighs, but bobs his head as he remembers. “And I got all those toys and gifts and treats because I’m a little selfish and I want him to like me,” you say laughing a little. Your now right in front of him, your head cocked to the side as you try to look him in the eye.
“You got me a keychain,” he says, a small whine in his voice. His bottom lip is sticking out just a little and you smile.
“Yes, in hindsight, I can see that maybe wasn’t the best thing to get you,” you reply. “But it was a Superman keychain and I had planned on giving it to you in a different way. You just happened to find it at the bottom of the bag before I could give it to you the way I wanted,” you say coyly, finally getting Henry to look you in the eye.
“How were you planning on giving it to me?” he asks quietly. You smirk up at him.
“I was planning on wearing it,” you explain. “Only the keychain,” you smile at him as you watch the realization of what you just said click with Henry.
“Really?” he asks, quickly perking up. You nod your head yes. At the same time, Kal moves over to where the two of you are standing and attempts to push himself between you. “Kal!” Henry exclaims. His Akita stops what he’s doing to look up at his best mate. You pull Henry around Kal and into a kiss. It’s sweet and passionate and over much too quickly. “You’re not going to let me forget that I was jealous, are you?” he asks quietly. You smirk up at him devilishly.
“Not even a little bit,” you reply, pulling Henry out of the office and towards the bedroom.
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The Headache From Hell - Henry CavillxReader
I was inspired to write this little scene after a conversation I had with @alyxkbrl 
It’s not much, but if you are in need of some lovin’ in the form of Henry Cavill fanfic, here ya go. Aly, I hope you’re feeling better today! 
Word Count: 734
CW: none, fluff
It happened suddenly. Most of the time there is a warning like sensitivity to light, the tightening of your shoulders, or nausea but this time there was nothing. You were standing in the home office looking over documents when the overwhelming pain came out of nowhere. It started behind your left eye then radiated to your right eye and finally to the back of your head. The lights were suddenly too bright and the smell of your coffee was too strong. You double over, gasping in pain and pressing your fingertips into your temples, clenching your eyes shut. The initial wave of pain passes right as Henry walks in. 
“Hey babe, I have to run into,” he stops speaking the moment he notices you. “Y/n, what’s wrong?” you hear him shuffle into the room quickly and suddenly you can feel his presence next to you. 
“Migraine,” you groan. “It just came out of nowhere,” you say, groaning as a fresh wave of pain radiates through your skull. Immediately, Henry’s hands are firmly placed on your sides. 
“What do you need?” he asks. Your knees start to give out as nausea hits you. 
“There’s a prescription in the medicine cabinet in the bathroom,” you mutter, your jaw, and shoulders starting to tense up. 
“Come here,” he says, gently pulling you away from your desk. In one motion, he picks you up and carries you to the bedroom fireman style. Gently, he lays you down, positioning a pillow carefully behind your head. Then he quickly steps out of the room. Moments later, he’s back with your prescription, a bottle of rosemary water and a glass of ice. Silently, he opens the bottle of water and pours it into the glass. Then he opens the prescription bottle dumping out two pills into the palm of his hand. “Here baby,” he whispers, taking your hand, turning it, and dropping the pills into your hand. He turns to grab the glass of water and hands it to you. Graciously, you accept the glass and quickly down the medicine. 
“Thank you,” you murmur. Henry gently places his hand on the side of your face, his thumb softly caressing your cheek. 
“What else do you need?” he asks quietly. 
“Dark, cold, sleep,” you mutter and Henry chuckles slightly. 
“Okay,” he whispers, kissing you gently on the forehead. “I do have to go into the office, but I’ll be back in a bit,” he adds and you nod gently, closing your eyes. “Your phone is right by the bed. Text me if you need anything else,” he murmurs. 
“Snuggles,” you mutter, shifting to try and get comfortable. 
“What?” Henry asks. 
“Snuggles too,” you repeat and Henry chuckles when he catches on to what you are saying. 
“How about all the snuggles you want when I get back from these meetings?” he asks and you nod your head. He kisses your forehead one more time. Then you feel the weight shift on the bed as he stands up. Just before he leaves the room, he pulls the blackout curtains closed, then shuts the door quietly behind him. As you fall asleep, you hear the AC kick on and cold air bast down from the vents. 
Later, the sound of the bedroom door clicking shut wakes you. Opening your eyes, you barely make out Henry creeping into the room. He notices your stirring. 
“I’m so sorry, sweetheart,” he whispers as he walks toward you. “I was just coming to check on you,” he says. “How are you feeling?” he asks sitting on the bed next to you. 
“Like I’ve been hit by a truck,” you complain then chuckle a little. Henry smiles gently at you. 
“Well here, maybe this will help,” he says, climbing into bed with you. Doing his best to avoid moving you too much, he wraps his arms around you and pulls you into him. Immediately, you feel the radiating warmth from his body and hear the sound of his heartbeat. You smile as you feel yourself slowly melting in his embrace. His breathing is steady and rhythmic as he pulls you closer to his taught body. The soreness of your stiff shoulders fading as you feel his hand slowly stroke your hair. 
“Yes, this will definitely help,” you say into his chest. He smiles kissing the top of your head as you drift back to sleep in his arms.
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Feelings Challenge - Angry
The gauntlet has been thrown and I am heeding the call! (finally) I was challenged by @viking-raider to do the Emotions Collection for the one and only Henry Cavill 🖤 As part of that collection, there is: [Happy], [Sad], [Angry], [Anxious], [Exhausted], [Playful]
Note: I did write these as individual pieces. You can read them in any order, in any way you see fit. 
Alrighty, here is Anger for the writing challenge. This was a weird one for me to write because Henry doesn’t strike me as an angry individual. Then again, this is fanfiction, so here is my interpretation of an angry Henners 🖤 Word Count: 1,554 CW: mentions of - foster care, homelessness; reference to self-harm; blood
@maeleeme @andyrazzledazzle @oddsnendsfanfics @fanfictionaddiction99 @jhenno2002 @mitzwinchester @xceafh @henrycavillluv32 @severuined @queenslandlover-93 @thummbelina @chamomilebottom @deep-in-my-thoughts13 @henryslilprincess @constip8merm8 @ravenpuff02 @henry-cavill-obsessed @lebguardians @the-soot-sprite @speakerforthedead0-blog @burdenedwith-gloriouslove @peakygroupie
Henry slammed the laptop screen down with force. He didn’t care if the screen cracked or became damaged. None of that mattered at this point. He closed his eyes, pinched the bridge of his nose, and sucked in through his nose. Earlier when he came home, he found you making chocolate chip cookies from scratch. It wouldn’t have meant anything to him if he hadn’t noticed the rack of blueberry muffins cooling over by the sink. You weren’t commissioned to make anything for a client nor could he think of you mentioning needing to bake something for the shelter. 
He walked up behind you as you folded in the chocolate chips, wrapping his arms around your waist and placing his chin gently on top of your head. You didn’t break your concentration as you slowly and methodically worked the chips into the batter. 
“Whatcha doin’?” he asked, dipping his head so his lips were down by your ear. 
“Just baking,” you replied. Henry couldn’t tell if he was imagining it, but your voice sounded softer, quieter than usual. He glanced over at the muffins and noticed a container of brownies. Something was definitely wrong. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” he asked, taking a chance on his assumption. Immediately, he felt your spine straighten and heard the sharp intake of breath. Your head dropped just a little and you gently shook it, silently saying no. That wasn’t what he wanted to hear, but Henry was never going to press you to talk when you didn’t want to. “Okay,” he murmured. “I’m here when you’re ready,” he gave you a gentle squeeze. “I love you,” he whispered in your ear before leaving a soft peck on your temple. 
“I love you too, Henry,” you said out loud though you didn’t look at him. Henry pursed his lips but said nothing else. He left you in the kitchen with every intention of coming back for a brownie. And a muffin. And a stack of cookies. God, your baked goods were the stuff of dreams, especially when he was dieting and couldn’t have any of it. 
He walked into his office and logged onto his laptop. He got some work done, responding to emails, but his mind kept drifting back to you. He knew you’d open up eventually about what was bothering you. The problem was, Henry wanted to know now. He wanted to do something now, so he started digging. It didn’t take long to find the issue. Just a quick Google search and a scroll through some comments brought him to the source of the problem. Of all things, it was a simple picture.
A few weeks ago, in a surge of young love and happiness, Henry posted a picture of the two of you together. Overall, the comments on his Instagram were tame, but the image began circulating the Internet and before long it was in the hands of some not-so-savory people. While the commentary wasn’t great, it wasn’t horrible, at least until his eyes found one that was particularly ugly. It was two sentences, but they were cruel enough to send Henry over the edge.
This all led him here to this moment. Sitting here, pinching the bridge of his nose, breathing hard to control the anger that was coursing through his body. Where did they get off saying things like that? How could anyone say that to another human - to another person they had never met? He shook his head and grunted, turning in his chair. He stopped as soon as he saw you in the doorway. Your arms were wrapped around your waist and you stood a little hunched. 
“I’m guessing you saw,” you say quietly. It’s not a question so much as it is a statement. 
“Yeah,” he replies, his jaw rolling. “God,” he hissed. He pushed himself up from his chair and began pacing. His breath was coming in short bursts while he shuffled along the carpet. 
“Henry,” your voice is soft. He hears the plea in your tone, but he doesn’t want to give in. 
“No, you know what? I’m not going to calm down this time,” he replies. “I am not disappointed. I am not frustrated. I am furious,” he spits. He hears you sigh. 
“I don’t want you to be angry,” 
“Well, I am,” he stops, pinching the bridge of his nose again. “Someone should be angry,” 
“No, Henry. No one should be angry,” you tell him. His head whips up.
“Yes, they should. Someone should be pissed at these comments. They should be upset that someone would say anything like that to a person they don’t even know,” his voice raises slowly as he speaks. He’s not yelling, but he’s not using his usual, even tone. 
“You just want someone to blame,” 
“You’re damn right I want someone to blame,” he spits. He shakes his head, furrowing his brow further. “I-I have to go for a walk or something. I’ll punch a wall if I just stand around here,” he growls. He storms towards and past you into the hallway, feeling no regret for the hurt that is painted across your face.  
He leaves without you in a flurry, so it's only him, Kal, and his thoughts. Henry goes over what little details you'd shared with him over the years. Your sad childhood, your time in the foster system, and the homeless shelters. He almost cried thinking about the scars, visible and hidden, that littered your body. Despite all of that, you were the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. A fresh wave of rage washed over him as he thought about that comment. As he thought about someone having the courage to say that anonymously rather than to your face. His jaw rolled while his fists pulsed, clenching and unclenching.
Well over an hour later, Henry stepped into the house with Kal. He had calmed down somewhat, though the heat of the anger was still bubbling under the surface. He knew that if he talked to you and maybe his mum later, he’d be okay. There was still some noise coming from the kitchen. As he took Kal off his leash, he heard a plate shattering and a hiss. He rushed in to find you holding your hand over the sink as blood gushed from a cut. 
“Y/n!” he exclaimed, darting over to you. 
“I’m fine,” you mutter, placing your hand under the running water, flinching at the contact. 
“You’re not fine. What happened?” he asks. 
“A plate broke,” you huff, grimacing as you pull your hand out of the water and inspect the damage. It’s a pretty bad cut.
“This is just great,” Henry mutters under his breath, but you hear it. You sigh and shake your head. “What?” he asks. 
“I just don’t understand why you are so angry,” you state. Your attention is on your hand so you don’t notice Henry’s brow furrowing or the lines deepening around his lips. 
“Someone told the woman I love to-to,” he can’t even complete the sentence he’s so angry. You turn your attention to him. 
“So?” you demand. Henry snaps back to you, surprised. “So what? Do you have any idea what high school boys say about fosters? Especially about the girls? Well, do you?” you insist hysterically. 
“Y/n, I,” he stammers, but you’re still going. 
“No, you know what, Henry? I have a reason to be angry. I do. I have a reason to hate the world, but I choose not to. What’s your excuse?” you stare at him for a beat, before storming out of the room. He sighs, standing there alone for a moment. Your words weigh on his heart like cinder blocks. Slowly, he can feel the heat of his anger fading. Taking in a deep breath, he searches for you only to find you in the bathroom attempting to bandage your hand. 
“Let me help you,” he murmurs. You freeze in place, but allow him to look at your hand. “Should probably go to the hospital,” he states. 
“I can take myself,” 
“Let me take you,” he looks at you with a plea in his eyes. “Please,” you purse your lips. 
“Are you going to drive erratically and curse out all the other drivers?” you ask sardonically. Henry chuckles just a little. 
“No,” that seems to soften you a little. You look up at him and can hear the gears turning in his head. “I, erm, I’ve had a slice of humble pie thrown in my face pretty recently,” he gives you a cautious look. The comment about the pie seems to have softened you completely.
“I understand why you were upset and believe it or not, I do appreciate it. But you of all people should know that anger doesn’t solve anything,” he smiles a little. 
“I know. You’re right, I do know that and I lost sight of it,” he cups your face gently. “Thank you for reminding me of that,” he watches you with those intense blue eyes. You can see the toll all of this took plainly on his face. 
“Anytime,” you murmur. 
“Now, can I please take you to the hospital? It looks like a freaking crime scene in here,” he states. Unable to stay upset, you break out in laughter. 
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Running Mate - Part 12
Okay, so....here’s part 12....please don’t hate me! I know I promised I’d keep the angst to a minimum, but the story kind of just wrote itself and....well....I can tell you that I’ve already started Part 13 so you won’t have to wait long for an answer....I love you, please don’t hate me! 😂
Adult Content, 18+, NSFW
Word Count: 3,844
CW: confrontation, mention of cheating, un-protected sex, penetration, oral sex
@maeleeme @andyrazzledazzle @oddsnendsfanfics @fanfictionaddiction99 @jhenno2002 @mitzwinchester @xceafh @henrycavillluv32 @severuined @queenslandlover-93 @thummbelina @chamomilebottom @deep-in-my-thoughts13 @henryslilprincess @constip8merm8 
After your conversation with Kyle, you made the decision to listen to him - and your gut. It was the right decision because Henry turned out to be the man you wanted and needed. More than once, outsiders attempted to tear apart your relationship with Henry, but the two of you stood strong.
Less than a month after your return from Peru, there were multiple stories stating that Henry was back with Lucy. Several fan sites shared “sources” that proved the two were back together. Many had cellphone footage of the two of them sharing scenes while filming in Arizona. Thanks to your family and friends, you were able to let all of this roll off of your back. It also helped that Henry made a point to video chat with you once a week.
“You do realize we didn’t even do this when you were filming The Witcher?” you state one Sunday morning a few weeks after he’d left. It was after 10 in the morning for you, which meant it was after 6 in the evening where Henry was.  
“I know and I’m trying to change, y/n,” Henry replied. “It’s this crazy thing people do when they love someone and they want them to feel comfortable in their relationship,” he states, giving you a smug smile. You squint at him.
“Is it though?” you ask, in a high-pitched, squeaky voice. Henry squints back, his mouth twitching with all the sarcastic things you want to say. You giggle at his attempts to remain composed.
“You are such a little minx,” Henry mutters through clenched teeth, chuckling as you continue to giggle. “God, I miss your smile,” he groans so you smile broadly at him through the camera. Even through Henry’s laptop microphone, you can hear Kal growling at something outside the trailer. Henry shushes him and the little moment pulls at your heart strings.
“I miss you as well,” you sigh. Henry turns his attention back to the camera, his features softened a little after your statement. “It’s too quiet around here,” you state. As you say that, the washing machine dings loudly in the other room. “Actually, give me one second sugar. I need to move my laundry,” you stand up and dart over to the washing machine. Quickly, you move your clothes then saunter back to the dining room table where your computer is set up.
“Y/n?” Henry questions as you are sitting back down. “What are you wearing?” he ask. You glance down at the teal hoodie that Henry left behind, then smile back up at him.
“A hoodie,” you say brightly with another broad smile. Henry chuckles.
“And?” he pushes.
“A hoodie,” you repeat, smiling devilishly. Henry’s lips are pursed and they twitch ever so slightly.
“You mean to tell me, we’ve been having a video chat for the last twenty minutes and I am only just now finding out you are partially naked?” he asks. You bite down on your bottom lip. “Not only that, you are wearing my hoodie,” he adds, taking a closer inspection. You grin goofily at him.
“Yes, but, there is a reason,” you say and Henry heartily chuckles.
“Oh, please tell me, because I’d love to hear this,” he says with a sly smile. You cock your head to the side and squint at him.
“Okay, going to ignore the ‘tude for a moment,” you say, clicking your tongue. Henry laughs and his shoulders shake. “So the reason is, really, I’m just trying to help you,” you say quickly. Henry raises his eyebrows and laughs short and quickly.
“You’re helping me?”
“As a matter of fact, I am,” you assert. “See, I remember you saying that when you’re away, the AC is off at your place. Since I’m here now, it means it won’t be off all the time, costing you money,” Henry chuckles and a soft smile lingers on his lips. “So I’m keeping it off for the most part, despite the fact that it’s been incredibly hot here in London,” you stop and watch Henry. He’s got his chin resting in the palm of one hand, watching you.
“Please go on, I’m absolutely riveted,” he says dryly.
“Again, ignoring the ‘tude,” you continue. “Long story short, the AC has been off in the house and I have been wearing a limited wardrobe,” you tell him. Henry’s eyebrows raise.
“Limited wardrobe?” he repeats. Your mouth twitches with a smile you are trying hard to hide. “Let me get this straight. While I’ve been away, you’ve been walking around the house in my hoodies and shorts,” he declares. You suck in your bottom lip.
“My friend, you are greatly overstating what I meant by limited wardrobe,” you reply. Then you sit back and watch as his expression changes from confusion to understanding. His mouth opens and closes a few times before he speaks.
“So why are you wearing my hoodie then?” he asks desperately.
“I got cold,” you explain slowly and quietly. Henry stares at you for a brief moment before a wide grin breaks out across his face and loud, hearty laughter fills the air. You watch as his whole body shakes from laughter. You join him, feeling the tears fall down your face as you attempt to wipe them away while you giggle. After a moment, Henry calms down, smiling wide and goofy and wiping the tears away from his eyes.
“Oh my god, I’m never turning the AC on ever again,” he mutters as another fit of giggles takes over him.
“Between your body hair and Kal’s, you’ll barely make it a day,” you reply and Henry rolls his eyes at you.
“You think I don’t know how to handle extreme temperatures?”
“Oh, don’t play the Mission Impossible card! It’s old and tired,” you retort. Henry scoffs and proceeds to talk over you so it ends up just being the two of you talking loudly at each other through your cameras. It all ends in another fit of giggles while Henry watches you with a loving look.
“Fuck, I miss being able to kiss you whenever I want,” he says suddenly, having calmed down. You smile sweetly at him.
“I miss you too, sugar,” you say to him. He smiles back, sighing. “How much longer will you be in Arizona?”
“A few more weeks,” he replies, sighing. The two of you talk a little while longer before you tell him you have to get back to work. The next several weeks, you fall into a routine. You spend as much time as possible working on research and development for your documentary with Callie, Peter and the rest of the team at National Geographic. James sends you extra work for his new project, so that keeps you busy as well.
Eventually, the weeks do pass and Henry is on the return trip from the states. The morning of he and Kal are supposed to be back, you wake up early and clean the place up. Half way through, you get a text from Henry saying there was a delay with the flight and he’ll be back later than expected. Though it saddens you, you tell him no worries and continue cleaning. Since you have extra time, you head into the office to help Callie with some technical issues. She called you in hysterics because her research files went missing. Turns out, they got saved in the wrong folder, which then got deleted.
Back at the house, you are at your desk working on edits when the front door bursts open. Henry and Kal come clamoring in. He doesn’t see you at first, but when he turns around, he stops in his tracks.
“Hey sugar,” you croon, standing up from the table. Henry drops the bag he’s hold and makes a beeline for you. Your grunt is muffled as he wraps you up in his beefy arms. He squeezes you gently when your hands snake around his waist. After a moment, he loosens his hold on you so he can look down at you with those baby blues. His hands drop down to your hips and he sighs, taking you in.
“Hi,” he murmurs. A wide, goofy grin that you can’t stop breaks out across your face. Henry mirrors you and you can’t help from laughing as he leans down and kisses you. The kiss is obviously hungry as his tongue pushes past your lips, searching for yours. He moans softly into you as your hands slide up to his shoulders. A knock at the door breaks your concentration. You sigh and lean into him.
“Don’t answer it” you whisper.
“It’s probably my assistant, I have to,” he groans, though he doesn’t let go of you immediately. Only when there is another round of knocking does he reluctantly detangle himself from your embrace. You watch as he strides to the door, pauses, then opens it with a smile. As predicted, Leah was there with some forms that needed to be signed. You chatted with her about her relaxation plans now that Henry was back from the states. She tells you about her stay-cation ideas among other things. Once everything is signed and dated, Henry gently escorts her to the front door. You wave and call out goodbye to her as he closes to door, then he turns to face you. Quietly, you close the gap between you and him, placing your hands on his hips, looking up at him through your eyelashes.
“I have to walk Kal,” he whispers. Your fingers skillfully tug open his belt.
“Then go walk him,”
“I will,”
“Mhmm,” you murmur. You look up at him and see him swallow hard. With one movement, Henry’s hands are on your hips, lifting you up. You wrap your legs around his thick waist and your hands snake through his hair. Your lips collide with his for an intense kiss that sends shivers down your spine. Holding you tightly against his body, Henry walks up the stairs to the bedroom. You kiss and nibble at his jaw line, smiling with every grunt and labored breath he pushes out of his nose. He lays you on the bed and immediately begins to tear at your jeans. He’s forceful and clumsy as his fingers rip apart the button and yank at the zipper. You laugh heartily as he grunts, pulling down hard from the top of your jeans.
Once they are off, his hands caress your hips and thighs. Then he leans down and begins kissing the warm skin just above your panty line. Your breath comes in shuddering waves as you sigh, realizing just how much you missed this man. Your fingers move through his hair. A loud gasp escapes from you when Henry nibbles ever so slightly on your inner thigh. The heat radiating from between your legs drives you forward. You push him up, sitting up as well and begin pulling at his pants. With a little more dexterity, you unhook the button, pull the zipper and help him as Henry begins to push his pants down. You can see him bulging through his boxer briefs. You bite your lip and glance up at his blue eyes. They are staring down at you intently. Suddenly, his large hands are on your small shoulders, pushing you down, pressing his lips firmly into yours. Together, you move away from the edge of the bed to the middle, with Henry’s weight on top of you. His hips rock into yours and a deep moan vibrates through your body. Henry’s fingers dig into the flesh of your hips, searching frantically for the line of your underwear. Once he has it, he yanks with determination, pulling them clean off on one side. Your hands haven’t been idle though. Sliding down his back, you push your hands up under his shirt. With his help, you pull it off of him, revealing his hard and chiseled body underneath.
Wasting no time, Henry pulls your shirt off as well. His briefs follow suit quickly with your underwear coming off immediately afterward. Without a word, Henry uses his knee to open your legs a little wider, then holding onto your hips, slowly he slides himself inside of you and sighs.
“Henry,” you gasp. Your toes curl into the mattress and your hips press up into his as you arch your back to allow him in further. You tip your head back, moaning, and Henry takes advantage of the moment. He leans down, kissing the exposed skin of your neck, causing you to moan louder. “Oh god, Henry,” you moan. You can feel every inch of him inside of you, opening you up and pushing against your walls. “Henry,” you whisper, pressing your lips into his ear. He groans, pushing deeper into you.
“I missed you,” Henry says breathlessly. “God, I missed you,” he grunts, thrusting his hips faster. You dig your nails into his shoulders, pulling them down his back. You can feel his tight muscles, coiled and shifting with every movement.
“Oh Henry,” you murmur. You nibble on his earlobe which causes Henry to groan deeply. His hips convulse and thrust into you with fervor. The two of you moan together as your hips slow his and find a rhythm with him. You rock with him for a moment, clutching the nape of his neck with one hand and his broad shoulder with the other. His lips are pressed firmly against the warm skin of your neck where his face is buried. The sensation of his breath in your ear makes your skin break out in goosebumps.
“I love you,” Henry murmurs low. He grunts as his hips rock into yours. You can feel him bulging inside of you with every thrust, but those three words bring you to the height of pleasure. “I love you, y/n,” he says. You gasp as he pushes deeper into you, his hips moving faster and more desperate. Your legs wrap around his waist as you hang on to him.
“I love you, Henry,” you gasp, breathlessly. “Say it again, please,” you beg. Your fingers dig into his shoulders and Henry grunts.
“I love you. I love you, baby,” he grunts. His hips slam into yours as he pushes further, harder, and deeper into you. You barely announce that you are coming, when Henry pushes himself up. He takes a firm hold of your hips and begins pounding into you. Your body reacts at the sensation as it every thrust sends waves of pure, unadulterated pleasure throughout your body.
“Fuck!” you scream, your back arching and your hands clawing at his. Henry’s grunts get louder and more desperate as he moves faster in and out of you. He groans as he feels your walls and your legs tighten around him. He watches with complete satisfaction as you climax under him. With a few final thrusts, he finishes as well and collapses half on and half off of you, breathing heavy and laboriously. You peer at him out of the corner of your eye. He’s looking at you through half closed eyes, smiling sleepily.
“You are,” he starts, pausing to suck in deep breaths.
“Beautiful, amazing, incredible,” you say for him, glancing at him sideways.
“Dangerous,” he states. You close your eyes and laugh heartily.
“Oh whatever,” you yell, playfully batting at his shoulder. He laughs, rolling onto his side and scooting closer to your body.
“Completely and utterly dangerous,” he leans down and begins leaving feather light kisses along your collarbone. You close your eyes and sigh.
“Mm, you’re one to talk,” you say, sucking in a breath as the stubble on Henry’s chin grazes your breast. “I’d say you’re the mayor of Danger City right about now,” Henry smiles and glances up at you. He keeps his eyes on yours as he leans down and places his lips gently on your nipple. Your eyes close involuntarily and you gasp.
“And I’m the dangerous one?” you question him. “There is no way you are ready to go again,” you add, opening your eyes and look down at his smiling face.
“I have not had your body within reach for four and a half months,” he murmurs, running his lips across your other nipple sending shivers throughout your body. “Yes, little minx, I am ready to go again,” then he takes your nipple in his mouth, circling the sensitive and tender skin with his tongue. You moan, pushing your chest up toward his mouth; a silent beg for him to continue. But his actions are interrupted by Kal’s sudden and frantic barking downstairs. You can hear him scrambling around on the hardwood floors down stairs.
“Damn,” Henry groans and you giggle. He gives you his trademarked raised eyebrow look. “Oh, you’re not getting out of this that easily, little minx,” he says, pushing himself up and off the bed. Then he grabs your wrist and pulls you up with him. The two of you get dressed and proceed to take Kal for a walk. He holds your hand firmly the whole time, keeping you close to him when you have to stop for Kal. Since you hadn’t planned for dinner, the three of you walk to a corner store nearby to pick up supplies. Henry requested that you make the lasagna again. That night, he takes his time running his lips over every inch of your body. The next morning you wake up to a flurry of kisses across your bare shoulders. When he realizes you’re awake, his hands begin to gently trace along your backside. Feeling feisty after the night before, you push him back down on to the mattress.
Tossing your leg over, you straddle his waist. With sleepy and a sleepy smile, you bend down and kiss him, feeling his arms wrap around you. You suck on that bottom lip that you love so much and watch as it sends him into a frenzy. Riding this wave, you let go of his lip and shimmy down his body. The satisfied sigh that shudders out of him when you take his whole length in your mouth makes you happy and you take your time. Henry tangles his fingers throughout your hair, moaning and gasping at the things your tongue does. You smile, content that you are able to make the man easily three times your size squirm with pleasure.
For the next week and a half, you’re never far from Henry’s touch. He finds any and every opportunity to run his fingers across any exposed skin he sees and you love it. Every morning you wake up in his arms and every night you fall asleep to the sound of his heartbeat. Every morning you sip coffee with him in the backyard and every night the two of you rediscover each other in every sense of the word. When you have to go into the office, he comes to take you out to lunch, even bringing Callie and Peter along as well. Two weeks after Henry was back, you made plans to see Callie.
“I’m heading out, sugar,” you say to him, throwing your bag over your shoulder.
“Where are you off to?” he asks.
“I told you yesterday. I’m heading to Callie’s for a movie night,” you tell him. He looks up at you with soft puppy dog eyes.
“Oh? What are you going to watch?”
“Some scary movie,” you tell him. “Either The Devil’s Rejects or House of A Thousand Corpses,” his eyebrows raise.
“I didn’t realize you were a Rob Zombie fan,” he says and you shrug.
“Eh, not really. I like psychological thrillers, but Callie’s obsessed and I picked the movie last time,” you explain. He smiles with understanding, then stands up to embrace you. He gives you a sweet kiss goodbye and watches you climb into an Uber and take off. At Callie’s you settle into her couch with a bowl of popcorn and your second glass of wine. She saunters in with her own bowl and glass explaining that she has changed her mind on what to watch. Pulling up Amazon Prime, she starts the one film film you truly weren’t expecting - Mission Impossible: Fallout. Quickly, you dive for your phone almost spilling the popcorn and text Henry. He replies with a laughing emoji and you send the wink and kiss emoji. Later, when the theme song begins to play, Callie films the two of you humming along and generally acting like idiots. You ask her to share the video with you. After you get it, you also send it to Henry, hoping it will make him smile. You and Callie spend the evening drinking and making silly commentary about the film. You talk about the cinematography while Callie discusses the importance of Henry’s mustache.
“It’s really quite critical for the role,” she says, clearly tipsy after her 3rd glass of wine. You giggle the whole time you listen to her, agreeing with most of her points. When the night is over, you make the trek back to your house. You are buzzed with joy and wine and smartly took an Uber there. So now you were in the back of another Uber, smiling to yourself as you remembered the hilarious commentary the two of you had throughout the film. Your phone buzzes with a message from Kyle.
Y/n, Marshall found this article a few days ago. He just showed me and I decided it should be someone you love that breaks this to you. Talk to Henry before you click the link.
You scrunch your face up as you read the text. Not fully understanding, you click the link to the article and immediately feel yourself growing cold. Your thumb scrolls through the words so they flash by without any context or meaning. You scroll to the bottom where the author claims they have pictures and that’s where you see it. Your mouth drops open and your heart stops beating for a moment.
“Ma’am,” a voice says. You’re brought back to reality; back to the back of the Uber. You realize the car is stopped because you have arrived back home.
“Thanks,” you mumble, stumbling out of the car. Buzzed and confused, you slowly make your way back inside. Henry is walking around the corner when you walk in.
“Hey, how was it?” he asks, smiling wide at you. You look up at him and immediately he knows something is wrong. “Y/n, what’s the matter?” he steps toward you, but you throw your hands up. He stops.
“Henry,” you start, your voice small. There are tears ready to fall, but you hold them back. “Did something happen between you and Lucy?” you ask. Henry’s face instantly contorts.
"Did something happen while you were filming. With her - with Lucy?" You repeat, tripping over your words. You can't tell if it's the alcohol or the fear.
"No. What? No."
“Then why are there pictures of her kissing you online?”
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On Being the Short One - HenryxReader Drabble
Okay, I had way too much fun writing this! Still working on my scene/drabble attempts. Hope you like this one! 
Subject: The reader is shorter than Henry - who uses this to his advantage to tease you. 
Word Count: 355
@henryslilprincess @mitzwinchester @maeleeme @andyrazzledazzle @oddsnendsfanfics @henrycavillluv32 @blossom-a @jhenno2002 @xceafh @severuined @queenslandlover-93 @thummbelina @chamomilebottom @fanfictionaddiction99 @deep-in-my-thoughts13
Henry picks the newspaper out of your hands. “Hey!” you exclaim, jumping out of your chair. “Give that back!” you shout. 
“Reading the gossip section, are we?” Henry asks in a teasing tone. 
“I’m reading about my friends play, you loaf,” you huff. “Now give it back,” you demand. He holds the paper up above his head. 
“What’s the magic word?” he asks, clearly enjoying the effect he was having on you. You scrunch your nose up at him then jump up to take the paper back, but you can’t reach. The problem being the fact that you are a complete foot shorter than your boyfriend. 
“Now,” you spit, jumping up again. Henry can’t stop laughing at your attempts. Kal suddenly barks at a passing car, distracting Henry. It’s enough for you to try something. Quickly, you climb up onto your chair then leap from the chair onto his broad back, making the attempt to wrap your legs around his waist. “God, you’re thick,” you mutter. Henry practically doubles over with laughter as he holds the paper out in front of him. Your hands reach out for the paper you know you’ll never get. 
“Okay, okay, truce,” Henry offers breathlessly. You slide down off his back and glare as he turns to face you. “All you had to do was ask nicely,” he says, offering you the paper. 
“I’m always nice,” you scoff, reaching for the paper. It’s suddenly yanked out of your grasp and you snap your attention back to Henry. 
“Sweetheart, you went full flying squirrel,” he states, a smile teasing his full lips. “I don’t know if that really was you being nice. I think I’m going to have to test this out a little more,” he says before jogging off into the other room. 
“Cavill, get back here!” you call out after him. He turns to look at you with a devilish smile. Then he raises the paper above his head and waves it at you. Unable to contain yourself, you growl and chase after him with Kal hot on your heels, ready to join in on the action this time.
109 notes · View notes
Running Mate - Part 11
Running Mate Part 11! Oh my gosh, this one got real angsty real fast! I’m going to do my best to keep that to a minimum going forward, lol. 
Word Count: 4,434
CW: mild language, cyberbullying
@maeleeme @andyrazzledazzle @oddsnendsfanfics @fanfictionaddiction99 @henrycavillluv32 @jhenno2002 @xceafh @severuined @queenslandlover-93 @thummbelina @chamomilebottom @deep-in-my-thoughts13 @henryslilprincess @mitzwinchester
The day after your birthday, you took your mom and in-laws out shopping around London. On day two, you took anyone that wanted to on a trip to Paris where you walked around the Louvre and spending most of your time at Versailles. Henry was able to tag along which meant he got to spend more time watching you make a fool of yourself. He'd come to love traveling with you because you were amazed by just about everything. For example, the hall of mirrors at Versailles. 
“You don’t have to whisper,” he said out loud to you. Violently, you waved your hands at him and loudly shushed him. He laughed with raised eyebrows and watched you stare in awe at the ornate structures. James was with you as well so between the two of you, Henry got a glimpse of your directing skills and found himself developing a deeper admiration for you. Helen noticed the way he watched you. She noticed how attentive he was but how he also gave you your space. She could tell, he was very different from the last one. While you and James were filming, she got a moment alone with him. 
“How did the two of you meet?” she asks, looking up at Henry. He smiles at the memory. 
“She was running faster than me,” he replies. He glances at Helen who looks a little confused. “I was running along the countryside, actually around James’ house, as was y/n,” he explains. “She ended up lapping me several times,” he pauses, smiling. “She was the cutest thing I’d ever seen and I wanted to get to know her so I asked her out,” he looked over at Helen. She smiled up at him with a knowing smile, then she looked over and beamed at her daughter, who was laughing with James about something.
“Did you always want to be an actor, Henry?” she asks, turning her attention back to him. 
“Honestly, no,” he states. “I thought I would go into rugby or the Royal Marines like my dad or my brother,” he explains. Helen gives him an approving look. Then she laughs. 
“Y/n thought she would be everything from a marine biologist to a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader,” she says and Henry bellows at the thought of you in a skimpy cheerleader outfit, doing some silly routine.
“And somehow she ended up in film,” he stated, laughing with Helen. 
“Oh, she was always filming,” Helen stated. “If she wasn’t filming, she was taking pictures. She’s always been looking at the world through a lens,” she explains. They both look over at you as you pack up your gear and walk over to them. 
“Hey,” you say breathlessly, stepping next to Henry. Your mom looks back and forth between you before breaking out in a wide smile. 
“Gosh, y’all are just so cute!” you and Henry blush a little. 
“Mom!” you hiss, thoroughly embarrassed. Henry tips his head back and bellows again. You scrunch up your nose and him and he does it right back to you. Your mother giggles the whole time watching. The three of you join the others and wander around the gardens for a few hours. Henry is stopped multiple times by fans for pictures and autographs. As usual, he’s very kind and understanding. Your family watches from the side. 
“Is this normal?” Ellen asks you.
“Pretty much,” you say nodding. She looks almost appalled. “It doesn’t really bother me,” you add with a shrug. She takes what you say, nodding her head, though she clearly doesn’t agree with you. When he gets a chance, Henry says goodbye to his fans and trots back to you. Without a word, he takes your hand so you can go back to “normal” with your family. You interlace your fingers with his and he gently squeezes your hand. You glance up at him, smiling, happy that your hand fits perfectly in his. 
Later, when everyone is sitting at a cafe munching on snacks and drinking, he holds your hand in his lap. Your mother notices and smiles to herself. She doesn’t say anything, but she is thrilled to see how happy you are with Henry. Finally, it’s time to go back to London. Helen wants to get home with enough time to pack and rest. They have an early flight the next day to head back to the states. With a bittersweet goodbye, you leave everyone at James’ house then head back to your flat with Henry.
“Do you have anything you’d like me to take back to my place?” he asks, following you in. You laugh as you turn to face him. 
“It’s literally been a day since you gave me those keys,” you reply and he smiles goofily at you. 
“And?” he asks, wrapping his hands around your waist. “We could always take that box you mentioned to the Thames,” he states. 
“Oh no, that will require a blood sacrifice,” you explain dryly. He giggles then leans down to give you a sweet kiss. When he reluctantly leaves, you stare at the closed door for a while running your thumb over your lips, still feeling the tingle of Henry’s kiss. The next morning you drive to the airport to see your family off. You hold it together hugging your mom and your dad, waiting to get back to your car to cry. It’s only for a brief moment, but the weight of watching your family fly away hits you harder than you expected. Maybe it’s because you know you won’t be able to see them again for a while. Maybe it was Henry and all these new emotions you didn’t know how to deal with. Whatever it was, you drove home in silence, refusing to acknowledge anything you felt in the moment. 
Over the next week and a half, you split your time between research and packing. Henry was starting training for a new role, so he didn’t have much time to spare. When he was available, he worked with you moving your things to his house and unpacking them. For the most part, though, you worked with his assistant to take your things to and fro. On the days when you couldn’t pack, you were doing research. National Geographic had graciously offered their resources to you for work on your project with them. That meant you had to go into their offices about twice a week for meetings, updates, and more. You worked with a research team that you found very enjoyable and interesting, especially the grad-intern Callie. She was with a similar sense of humor and outlook of the world to yours. You joked with her most of the time while the two of you worked on finding more information about the area you would be filming in. You gave her the task of finding filming locations, the history behind them when applicable, and more information that would be necessary for the final proposal. 
The thing about documentaries, which you explained to Henry one night over dinner, was that they were incredibly meticulous pieces of work. 
“It’s just like a traditional movie,” you say. “You have to have a proposal which details everything from start to finish. The budget, hotels, equipment needed, the research you’ve done, interviews you’ve completed, and so on,” you take a bite of the steak that Henry grilled for you. “By the way, this marinade is fantastic,” you mumble through your bite. Henry laughs. 
“Well, thank you,” he replies. “How would you have the interviews if you haven’t actually filmed anything?” he asks, cutting up a piece of his own steak. 
“Pre-interviews,” you state. “Either through phone calls, emails, or by physically going to that person and talking with them,” you explain. Henry bobs his head in understanding. “We’ve got quite a bit so far through emails, but we may need to schedule phone interviews. Or, I may just see if I can tack on a few pre-interviews with a scouting trip soon,” you add. “If I get the okay to do that, I’m going to see if I can take Callie and Peter,” Henry smiles at that. 
“You like them, huh?” he asks and you nod. 
“I do, they’re good kids,” you say, smiling at your plate. Suddenly, Henry clears his voice loudly. 
“Listen, y/n, I need to talk with you about something,” he states. You look up at him. “I’m going to be getting further into my training over the next few days. Soon, I’ll be flying out for pre-production on this film,” he says and you bob your head a little, already aware of these facts. “While I’m working, I’ll be working closely with the Wade Eastwood stunt team, with,” he stops and looks you directly in the eye. “With Lucy,” you feel your whole body pause as he attempts to gauge your expression. 
“O-okay,” you reply meekly. Henry watches you with an increasingly furrowed brow and you think of something. “Am I - am I supposed to be jealous?” you ask him. A strange emotion passes across his face. 
“Heh, no, no you are not,” Henry replies. “I just wanted,” he stops to evaluate how he wants to word his next statements. “I wanted to be transparent with you. I don’t want you to ever think that I’m hiding something from you,” he says, softly. You push your food around on your plate absent-mindedly. 
“Okay,” you say simply. Before Henry can say anything, you jump up and take your dishes into the kitchen. Henry doesn’t miss a beat, following you. 
“Y/n,” he says your name low. He’s right behind you at the sink, close, but not touching you. You feel his desire for you burning hot. Taking a breath you turn around to face him. 
“Really, sugar, it’s okay,” you tell him before he’s even had a chance to speak. His brow furrows as he looks down at you. You stare back defiantly, unwilling to give in to the feelings that have held you captive for years. “I have some work I need to finish before bed,” you state. Henry lets you pass so you can go to your desk and avoid the conversation that needs to be had. You hear him sigh heavily as you walk away. Guilt takes over and you barely get any work done. Closing your laptop, you sigh deeply and place your head in your hand. For a few moments, you stay like that before you finally work up the courage. You go in search of Henry and find him in bed reading. 
“Hey,” he says, putting his book down when he sees you. You crawl into bed and sit next to him cross-legged. 
“I’m sorry,” you start. Henry looks at you confused. “I’m okay and it is okay that you will be working with Lucy again,” you tell him. Understanding softens Henry’s features. “That being said, trust is,” you stop, feeling your heartbeat suddenly speed up. “Trust is hard for me. Especially when it comes to relationships,” Henry’s hand reaches out for yours. 
“Come here,” he murmurs, tugging on your hand. You move, throwing one leg over both of his and straddle his lap. He rests his hands on your hips. You take a deep breath in and start again. 
“Where I come from, the way I was raised - trust is earned,” you state. Henry looks at you intently. 
“That’s a very good upbringing,” he replies quietly. Suddenly, you realize what you’ve just said and blush brightly. Henry notices and moves one hand from your hip to softly cup your cheek. 
“I’m sorry, Henry,” you say, but Henry stops you. 
“Y/n, it’s okay,” he says. You shake your head no. “Yes, it is,” he adds, firmly. “I have earned your respect but, in some ways, I have not earned your trust,” he explains. Guilt washes over you instantly. 
“That’s not what I meant,” you whisper. 
“Yes, it is,” Henry states. With his hand, he gently takes your chin between his forefinger and thumb so you have to look at him. “And it’s okay. It’s true, in some ways, I haven’t earned your trust as a partner. I haven’t had the opportunity to do so,” you look into his eyes, those blue eyes that shine with love. “I think this is my chance to do just that,” he looks at you, a soft smile making the lines around his eyes more prominent. “What do you think?” he asks. 
“I’d say, my granny would agree with you,” you say, smiling a little despite the overwhelming guilt. “And I do as well,” Henry smiles and places his hand at the nape of your neck. Gently, he pulls you in for a kiss that is soft and sweet and passionate. Breathing heavy, you lean back and look at your partner. He runs his thumb across your cheek gently. 
“This is all part of building a relationship with someone,” he says. “Building a life with someone. There are challenges and obstacles and problems that we have to solve together,” he runs his thumb across your bottom lip. “I’m loyal to a fault. When I’m with someone, I’m with them no matter what. I can promise you, that when I say I’m yours, I mean it,” he watches you with a gentle smile on his lips. 
“I do trust you,” you say quietly. 
“No, you don’t,” Henry teases, laughing a little at your shocked expression. 
“I do!” you exclaim and Henry laughs deeply. You hang your head with guilt and laugh as well. When he calms down, he smiles at you, running his hands up and down your sides. 
“I love you, y/n,” he sighs. You smile back at him, your hands resting on his plump chest. 
“I love you too, Henry,” 
“Yeah, you do,” he says smugly. Smiling, he pulls you in for a kiss even though you are muttering for him to shut up. The kiss is soft and raw and passionate. When he’s done, he shifts you so he’s holding you while you rest your head on his chest. “We’ll find our way, y/n,” he murmurs. His chest vibrates as he says it and you smile. You lay there with him, feeling his arms firmly around your body. 
The weeks that followed represented the kind of life you could expect with Henry. His time at the gym increased steadily until he was there for several hours a day. He was working on lines and studying up on his character when he wasn’t at the gym. That meant you rarely saw him even though you lived in the same house, which was actually fine. You were in and out of the National Geographic office working hard on your proposal. Though the deal was signed, you needed to create a game plan. That’s where Callie and Peter came in. They were your Heaven sent saviors, helping with so much. You did get approval to fly out with the two of them to scout various areas that they had researched. The day you have to fly out, Henry drives you to the airport. 
“Goodbye, little minx,” he murmurs, hugging you tightly at the terminal. You smile up at him when he lets go. 
“You’ll be in Arizona when I get back?” you ask, though you already know the answer. Henry nods his head not wanting to say yes out loud. “Okay,” you murmur. Quickly, you stand up on your tiptoes and kiss him. His hands latch onto your hips and he doesn’t let go for a moment. “Bye, sugar,” you whisper. Henry lets you go and watches you walk away. You meet up with Callie and Peter and wait to board your flight. While you sit and wait, Callie pulls her phone out and takes a video. 
“Off to an undisclosed location for work with my favorite person and mentor,” she says, pointing the camera at you. You were distracted reading an email so you look confused when you look up at her camera. 
“Wait, me?” you ask. Your mouth drops open when you realize she is referring to you as her mentor. “I’m the mentor?” Callie giggles as she nods her head yes. She stops filming there, laughing as she replays it before uploading it to her Instagram account. You make a mental note to find her account later and share that video. The announcement is made to board your flight and for the next thirteen hours, you, Callie, and Peter make the trek to Cusco, Peru. 
Your time in Cusco was well spent, finding several areas to film in. You were also able to meet with and speak with several people that would be involved in the final project. Callie helped you transcribe the interviews while Peter worked on finding and sending out the correct release forms you would need to film in several of the areas. Though there wasn’t much down time, when you did have some time, you, Callie, and Peter walked around the area. Cusco is a high tourist attraction, which meant there was enough to see without needing a guide or translator. It was a truly beautiful city and you couldn’t wait to come back to explore more for the film. 
On the day you were to return home, there was a delay at the airport. That meant the three of you were stuck waiting for a few hours. Bored, you sent a text to Henry then got on your Instagram account, which turned out to be a major mistake. Not only were you drowning in new followers, you were drowning in comments. Earlier in the week, you had found and reshared Callie’s video with a cute caption. Apparently, many of your new followers felt the need to comment on your repost. There were many cute, encouraging, and sweet messages from random strangers. There were even more that were ugly and mean. 
The only thing you could mentor her is how to be a gold digging bitch.
What? You? A mentor? How much did you pay her to say that????
You’ll be a great mentor! You’ll teach a new generation how to ride the coattails of others! 
We know you’re only in a relationship with Henry for his money. Leave him alone. Maybe teach her how to be a decent human being oh wait, you don’t even know how to do that yourself! 
Everyone knows that Henry’s still in love with Lucy. Why would he get her another job on another movie? Stop acting like you’re some amazing piece of ass when you’re just the cover to keep them happy.
Your heart rate sped up and you sighed heavily through your nose. Callie noticed and gave you an inquisitive look. You dismissed her with a wave of your hand. It didn’t work. “What’s going on?” she asked, looking at you concerned. You look at her and take in a deep breath. 
“It’s nothing,” you state, trying hard to believe it yourself. “Just stupid people making stupid comments about things they have no control over,” you lament, glancing at Callie. She grimaces. 
“You saw the comments,” she says, more as a statement rather than a question. For some reason, you can’t help the laughter that bubbles up from inside you. Knowing that Callie was monitoring the comments was both amusing and depressing, but you couldn’t tell the difference, so you just laugh. Callie watches you, shocked, for a moment before joining you in laughter nervously. “God, people can be so ridiculous,” you say, wheezing a little as you calm yourself down. 
“They’re just jealous,” Callie says in an attempt to comfort you. 
“Yeah, probably,” you shrug. Then you take another deep breath in and let it out. “My brother is gay and we grew up in a really small, backwards town in Texas,” you stop for a moment, listening to an announcement on the overhead speakers. “You know, I’ve had my fair share of second hand hate pretty much my whole life,” you say when the announcement is over. “What I didn’t understand then and what I don’t understand now is: what does it accomplish? Huh? What does attacking someone with hate accomplish?” you ask. It’s a rhetorical question, but the truth is, you want an answer. You want someone to explain it to you. 
“I think people do it because it makes them feel like they are exerting some kind of control over something they feel powerless too,” Callie answers you. “They don’t understand something and rather than take the time to learn about it, they tear it down into something they can destroy with simple words,” she looks at you. You stare back, surprised, at the profound statements that just came out of such a young mind. She blushes slightly, dropping her gaze. “I have two dads, so,” she looks back up at you. “I’m pretty familiar with second hand hate,” she shrugs a little. You smile back at her. 
“I knew there was a reason I liked you so much,” you tell her and watch as she blushes deeper. After a while, it’s finally announced that you can board the plane. As soon as you do, you pop two Dramamine pills and sleep until it’s time to set foot in England again. 
You walk into the little townhouse that you now share with Henry and sigh at the silence. There was some comfort in knowing the beast of a man you loved stayed here and yet, there was an emptiness that came with it as well. He was gone and you were here, left to your own devices. Taking in a deep breath, you shuffle to the bedroom to drop your bags off. On the bed, there is a wrapped gift, a bouquet of sunflowers, and a note. Picking up the note first, you see what’s inside. 
Welcome back little minx. I’m so glad you’re home and I’m so sorry I’m not there to welcome you properly. I know you’ll be working, but I found something that I think will help pass the time while we wait to be with each other again. Kal and I miss you desperately. Much love, your Henry x
You smile to yourself reading through the note. Then you glance at the thin, large wrapped gift on the bed. Curiosity takes over and you grab it, ripping open the smooth lavender paper. Inside is an album, Country Love Songs, with featured artists like Loretta Lynn, Dolly Parton, Tammy Wynette and more. You gasp as you run your fingers over the cardstock as if this were a valuable piece of art. Overwhelmed with emotion, you sit down on the side of the bed holding the album in your lap, staring down at it for a while. You sigh as you set the album aside and grab your phone from your bag to text your brother Kyle. 
Hey, are you awake? You hit send, then stand up to change out of your clothes. 
Of course I’m awake, I’m a starving artist. What’s going on?
Think I could FaceTime you for a bit?
You opened the app, found your brother’s name, and clicked call. It rings for a few seconds with your face in a tiny box on at the bottom of your screen. Then your brother's tired face pops up and he smiles wide. “Hey bug!” 
“Hey Kip,” you reply, smiling back at your brother. Even through FaceTime, he can tell something is wrong. 
“Bug, what’s up?” he asks. The camera shakes a little as he switches his grip. You watch him for a moment, before responding. 
“I’m just,” you take in a deep breath. “I’m tired. I was in Peru for the last week and it was great, but then some awful little girls said horrible things on my Instagram,” you explain. “And Henry’s in Arizona, so I’m here by myself in what is technically his space and I just, I don’t know,” you sigh. 
“Hold on, y/n, did you move in with him?” Kyle asks. You glance up at the camera. 
“Yeah,” you say, shrugging your shoulders a little. Kyle whistles. 
“Damn, you must really like this guy,” he replies. “You didn’t even live with what’s-his-face before you got married,” he says and you laugh a little. 
“I love him, Kyle,” you murmur. Kyle watches you for a second. The camera shakes again as he switches hands. 
“Well, to discuss the other things you mentioned. I read some of the comments on that video you posted, which was super cute by the way,” he states making you giggle. “And honestly, if those comments are getting to you, then I have no idea who the hell you are. I know what those bitches used to say when you were in school and I know for a fact it was a hundred times worse than what these keyboard warriors have to say,” he says with a disgusted face. You are laughing out loud before you realize you were crying just moments before. “So what else is going on?” he pushes. You sigh. 
“Henry is working with his ex in Arizona,” you say, ashamed of yourself. 
“Ah,” Kyle tsks with a knowing expression. You roll your eyes. 
“Oh, don’t try to give me any of your psycho-babble bull shit,” you say. “You were a Psych major for one and a half semesters,” Kyle huffs. 
“Hey, hey, hey. My psycho-babble bull shit helps Marshall all the time,” he says quickly. “But I don’t need any of that to see what’s going on here, baby sister,” he says, looking at you pointedly. 
“And what’s going on here, big brother?” you ask in a mocking voice. Kyle sighs. 
“You’re scared,” he states. With those two words alone, you feel your heart being cracked open. “You’ve been hurt, bad, and you’re scared that it’s going to happen again,” he pauses, watching you for a moment. “Everything you are feeling right now, bug, is valid,” he says. You sniffle and fight back the tears that are threatening to fall. “The way I see it, you’ve got about two options right now,” Kyle adds. 
“What are my options?” you ask, sniffling and wiping at your eyes. 
“Well, option one is, you sit around moping and feeling sorry for yourself and ruining what could potentially be the best relationship you’ve ever been in,” he replies. 
“And what’s option number two?” 
“If Henry’s anything like you say he is, then option number two would be,” Kyle pauses, glancing at something off camera before looking back. “Trust him,” 
88 notes · View notes
Running Mate - Part 9
Hello, hello, hello! After a good while, part 9 of the running mate series is here! I hope you all like it! I have been taking requests and loving it, so if you have any Henry fix requests, I’d be more than happy to hear them! 
Story idea: While running in the English countryside, Henry meets a fun documentarian and sparks fly. 
Word Count: 4,032
Adult, 18+, NSFW
CW: sexual intercourse, penetration
@maeleeme @andyrazzledazzle @fanfictionaddiction99 @henrycavillluv32 @jhenno2002 @blossom-a @xceafh @oddsnendsfanfics @severuined
The rest of your time spent on the island was at the mercy of Henry’s schedule and Henry planned a lot for you. His version of relaxing was either playing video games, beating his brothers at board games, and/or walking everywhere. It’s not that you minded walking, but cars were invented for a reason! Regardless, you followed Henry anywhere he took you and he took you to several places. He took you to the north coast cliff paths where you walked with Kal for several hours one day. Henry told you all kinds of stories about growing up with his older brothers here. In return, you shared stories about life on the farm with your family.
Of all the places you explored, your favorite though, was a tie between the Mount Orgueil Castle and La Hougue Bie. They were two historical sites on the island, the latter being one of the oldest buildings in all of mankind. Henry played right into your love of history and schedule private tours of both locations. You hounded the tour guide for more and more information, ignoring the smiles and smirks from Henry.
You were also actively avoiding newspapers and social media. Paparazzi photos of the two of you on the beach the other night were circulating and causing a ruckus. While it didn’t bother you one way or the other, you knew it was bothering Henry. Especially because they were starting to say particularly nasty things about the both of you. There was much speculation behind the secrecy of your relationship, as if you owed anyone an explanation. Henry took it all in stride, but you could see what it was doing to him.
After La Hougue Bie, Henry took you to a little pub that was part of another historic site. The owner of the pub came out to speak with the two of you and you were able to grill him as well. Henry smiled the whole time, enjoying how focused you could be on something. When y’all had finished eating, it was late in the day. There was still time to do more, so Henry took you around Plemont Bay. The tide was coming in, unfortunately, so you weren’t able to explore the caves under the cliffs, but that was okay. The views from the cliffs themselves were stunning. You stopped occasionally to just take in the beauty. Jersey really was unlike any place you had ever been. Somewhere along the coastline, Henry stopped you.
“Come here,” he said, gesturing for you. You step lightly over to him and accept his open arms for an embrace. You loved the way his arms wrapped around you and the way you fit against him. You never missed an opportunity to be embraced by those trunk-like arms. For a moment, Henry let go of you and you turn around so your back is pressed against his abdomen.
“It’s beautiful here,” you say mostly to Henry, but also to no one in particular. Henry chuckles and leans down to kiss the top of your head.
“I’m glad you like it here,” he murmurs to you and you smile. Then you pull your phone out of your bag and open the camera to take a picture of the scene in front of you.
“It won’t do this view justice,” you say. “But I want evidence that I was here,” you glance up at Henry who is smiling at you. Then he pulls out his own phone and holds it up in front of you. “Your camera is facing the wrong way,” you say, pointing out the fact that it’s facing you and not the water.
“Nope,” Henry says, bending down to fit himself in frame with you. He situates his phone so he can snap a picture. Right as he’s about to you make a ridiculous face. The final product is Henry smiling sweetly while you are making a stupid face. Henry checks out the photo and laughs. He kisses you on the temple before standing back up. He looks down at his phone then shows you.
“That’s one heck of a face,” you say and Henry snorts, nudging you.
“Be nice,” he murmurs. “I don’t think you’ve ever looked better,” he adds in a sugary-sweet tone. You smirk up at him.
“I was talking about you,” you reply and Henry snorts again.
“Shut up,” he mutters as you bellow with laughter. He smiles wide at you, watching as you radiate with joy. Then he pulls you in and kisses you deeply, passionately. You accept his kiss and his embrace with equaled passion.
“Whoa nelly,” you say a little breathlessly, coming up for air. Henry smiles and chuckles a little.
“I’m sorry, I’m just,” he says pausing. “I am in love with you, y/n,” Henry murmurs, one hand gently caressing the side of your face. You smile at him.
“You told me this already,” you tell him, looking up with raised eyebrows.
“I know,” he smiles. “Here’s something I haven’t told you,” he looks down at you, smiling gently. “I am heels over head in love with you. I think you are the most incredible woman I’ve been with,” you can’t contain a snort at that declaration. Henry looks at your confused as your ears begin to burn red with embarrassment.
“Sorry,” you mutter.
“What?” Henry asks. You look up into his blue eyes and sigh.
“It’s just, well, Henry, I’ve seen the other women you’ve been with,” you begin. “I know that I’m not the prettiest or the smartest or the most accomplished,” you say, not noticing Henry increasingly furrowed brow. “I know that I’m not ‘the most incredible woman’; not by a long shot,” you explain, finally looking up at him. The expression he’s giving you makes you feel like apologizing for existing.
“Why would you think that?” Henry asks and you can hear every ounce of pain in his voice. You suck in a breath.
“Because,” you pause, unsure of how you want to proceed. “Because I’m not blind, Henry. I’m not ignorant,” you sniffle a little, holding back tears. “Like I said, I’ve seen who you’ve been with. I have seen the posts about Lucy and how you still talk about her in interviews,” you explain and watch Henry’s expression change from concern to something resembling guilt. “I’m not an idiot,” you start to say but Henry cuts you off.
“I never said you were,” he says and you shake your head.
“I know, I know you didn’t,” you reply. “What I’m trying to say is I’m not stupid. I know that I’m not an impressive woman on my own, that’s why I mask everything with sarcastic comments and humor,” you explain. “If I can keep them laughing, they won’t notice that I’m actually not that great,” you add, ashamed of yourself for even thinking it. You dare a glance up at Henry’s eyes and see they are storming. His jaw his rolling as he processes what you have just said.
“You are a successful filmmaker; you are a college graduate; you are an award-winning documentarian with a potential Oscar nomination for your first film; you have another major project in the works with a major production company,” he says not looking at you. Then his eyes dart to yours. “You are not any of the women I’ve been with before because you are,” he pauses. “You are y/n. The woman that makes me laugh constantly. The woman that has never once made me feel like a celebrity that owes her something,” he takes a breath and looks at you intently. “You got everything you have because you’ve worked, hard, for it. You are the most incredible woman I’ve been with because you are nothing like the women I’ve previously dated,” he says and you can’t stop the sob that escapes you. Immediately, Henry wraps you up in a bear hug. He strokes your hair and shushes you in his calming way. After a moment of overwhelming emotions, you pull back from and chuckle.
“Surprise,” you say sardonically. “My confidence is completely false and made up,” you attempt to laugh through your tears and sniffles. Henry doesn’t laugh, he just uses his hand to gently push your chin up so you are looking him in the eyes. “I told you. Because of you I have all these feelings and they confuse me,” you say, laughing a little. Henry smiles ever so softly.
“There is nothing confusing about the way I feel about you,” he says quietly. “I am in love with you - completely, undoubtedly, and irrevocably,” he looks at you with those blue eyes that could rival the water behind you. “And besides, I’m not the most confident bloke either,” he adds, smiling at you gently. You chuckle a little.
“That’s exactly something that someone who is Superman personified would say,” you mutter and Henry laughs. “I know you’re not perfect, but you’re damn near close,” you say looking into his eyes. He smiles at you, scoffing just a little.
“You’re pretty close to perfect as well,” He says to you quietly and you snort.
“Not even,” you reply and Henry shakes his head.
“You’re perfect for me,” he adds and you pause, looking up at him. A breeze brushed against your skin and you shivered slightly.
“If we’re not careful, there will be even more photos of us together in the rags,” you say to him, but he just shakes his head.
“I don’t care,” he replies. “Let them see us together. I’m yours, completely, and the world can just figure out how to deal with that,” he explains and you break out a beaming grin. “Come on,” he adds, reaching for your hand. The two of you begin walking again along the side of the cliffs and you feel something close to contentment radiate throughout your body.
Later that night, Henry invited Charlie and his wife out to dinner with the two of you. The four of you went to a local restaurant where everyone spent the night eating, drinking, and laughing. Henry took your sarcastic comments and snarky teasing in stride, often teasing you right back. When everyone was done, you all walked around the area. Henry and Charlie share story after story about growing up together, pointing out different areas that are the same and different from their youth. You loved seeing how happy Henry was with brother. He was almost a different person around his family and it was incredible to witness. The night ends back at the Cavill residence with you falling asleep in Henry’s arms. Your head rests on his shoulder while his arms wrap around your body loving. He holds you close, finding complete enjoyment with the fact that your small frame is pressed tightly against his. Gently, he strokes your hair, feeling as your whole body relaxes into his. He lets his hand softly caress your shoulder and down your back. Your body instinctively shivers at his touch. Henry can’t help but smile.
He knew how scared you were to admit your feelings. It wasn’t something that bothered him because he understood well what you were going through. He knew he was guilty of confusing lust with love and vice versa in past relationships. He’d made assumptions, had poor judgment and flat out been wrong. But he knew what he felt for you wasn’t misunderstood or mistaken. He was in love with you and it had nothing to do with your physical attributes. Yes, you were a naturally beautiful woman with external features that turned heads. But it wasn’t what made him fall in love with you. It was your sense of humor and the way you viewed the world. It was because of how much you loved history, family, and learning. Even the way you drank your coffee, holding the mug with two hands as if you needed to grasp the mug for dear life. Kal snored loudly and shifted in his sleep, breaking Henry from his trance. He sighed and shifted, pressing your body further into his. He fell asleep thinking of different ways he could make you feel as special as you made him feel.
When it was time to get back to England, it was done so with a heavy heart by everyone. Henry’s parents were sad to see you leave. Marianne told you repeatedly that you were welcome back at any time. Colin shook your hand and hugged you tightly, a move that seemed to surprise Marianne, Henry, Charlie, and Simon.
“What happened between you and my dad?” Henry asked when the two of you were on the plane headed back to England. You looked at him confused.
“What do you mean?” you ask.
“My dad doesn’t hug just anyone,” Henry states. “He’s normally very reserved, but you,” he trails off unsure of what he wants to say. You chuckle.
“What can I say, I guess he just likes me more,” you reply, smirking at him. He smirks back, scoffing. The rest of the flight proceeds mostly in silence. Henry is reading through a possible role to accept while you read through a book about ancient Peru. Back in England, Henry helps collect your research from his house then drives you back to your flat. The door barely has time to close before Henry is on you. His mouth immediately finds yours, his hands running up your back to your breasts. With his tongue, he parts your lips while your hands snake around his broad shoulders so you can lean deeper into his embrace.
“How long have you been waiting to do that?” you ask when he finally pulls away from your lips.
“A while,” he smirks and you laugh before pulling him back for another kiss. Without any effort, you tug on Henry’s hand and pull him toward your bedroom. In moments, you are both stripped of your clothes and you have pulled Henry down onto the bed. Your back arches and your toes curl into the mattress when Henry pushes himself into you. He lets out a sigh of relief as he feels your walls wrap around his length. “God, I missed you,” he breathes, rocking his hips into yours.
“You got your rocks off almost every night,” you say gasping a little as Henry goes deeper into you. “How on earth could you have missed me?” you ask before groaning a little. Henry smirks.
“The feeling of being inside you,” he begins, grunting as he thrusts. “And seeing what it does to you. That’s what I missed,” he says before pulling out and flipping you over. You are now on all fours with your ass in the air pointed straight up at Henry. He grabs a hold of your hips and pushes in past your folds.
“Fuck,” You groan loudly as you feel every inch deep inside you. Henry grunts as he pumps his hips rhythmically. Desperately, you clutch the sheets as Henry pushes deeper and deeper into you. “Henry,” you gasp. “Henry,” you repeat, feeling yourself climaxing quickly. Henry’s hands grip tighter on your hips as he continues with fast, repeating thrusts. You can feel yourself clenching around him. He feels it too and he moans with pleasure. With a final grunt and thrust, Henry finishes. He hangs on to you for a moment before getting up, not without a pop to your butt cheek. You yelp in surprise as you collapse on the bed, huffing and breathing heavily. Henry hands you a towel so you can quickly clean up, then lays down next to you, softly running his fingers up and down your back. You prop yourself up on your elbows and look over at the hunk of man that is laying in your bed, completely naked and exposed.
“So tell me, Ms. Award-Winning-Documentarian,” Henry begins, smiling at you. “What do you want to do for your birthday?” he asks. You squint at him.
“My birthday is still weeks away,” you reply and Henry bobs his head in agreement.
“Yes,” he agrees. “But I want to know what you want to do so I can plan for the exact opposite,” he says and you laugh.
“Honestly, do you want to know where I’ve wanted to go ever since I was a little girl?” you ask.
“More than anything,” Henry replies genuinely and you smile.
“Dollywood,” you say, sighing. Henry looks at you intrigued.
“Right. What on earth is Dollywood?” Henry asks and you giggle.
“I’m so glad you asked. It’s the hillbilly Disney World!” you exclaim. Henry’s reaction is a snort with some head shaking. “Dollywood is a theme park and resort created by Dolly Parton herself,” you explain. Henry nods is head though he clearly doesn’t understand.
“Why do you want to go there?” he asks. You glance at him and smile.
“Why does anyone want to go anywhere?” you toss back at him. “Dollywood just sounds like a magical place and it would be a dream come true to see Dolly’s real, humble beginnings in the middle of an empire that she built herself,” you say. Out of the corner of your eye, you can see a warm smile spread across Henry’s face. He leaned down to plant a soft kiss on the bare skin of your shoulder.
“My underdog loves an underdog,” he murmurs, leaving a trail of kisses along your shoulder.
“Mhmm,” you reply, giggling. Henry wraps his trunk-like arms around you and you rotate your breasts are pressed against his chest. You rain down a flurry of kisses across collar bone, feeling every breath and giggle that escapes him. Once you’re done, you look up at him and into his beautiful blue eyes when you suddenly realize you don’t want him to leave.
“What?” he asks, noticing the expression on your face.
“I just thinking about my birthday,” you say. “You’re going to take me somewhere like, Disney World instead, aren’t you?” you ask disdainfully and Henry bellows.
“Rats, you foiled my plan,” he replies, then he gently strokes the side of your face with one hand. “What’s really going on?” he asks and you sigh deeply.
“You’re going to take this the wrong way, but,” you start. “I kind of enjoyed waking up next to you,” you say as nonchalantly as you possibly can. Henry smiles.
“That’s it? That’s the only thing you like?” he asks teasingly.
“Yep, that’s it. Nothing else. Definitely not the way you touch me,” you say as Henry’s hand trails down past your jaw, across your collar bone and along your breast. “For sure not the way you kiss me or make me feel,” you add while Henry proceeds to lean down and kiss your jaw and then your neck. You smile at the sensation. Henry leans back up and looks you in the eye.
“You know you could move in with me,” Henry says to you quietly.
“Yeah, but that would require you having to clear out the closet with all your ex-girlfriends' things and I’d have to toss that unmarked box in the Thames,” you say and Henry scoffs. “Then I’d probably have to kill you because I just told you about that box,” you add. Henry bellows and you smirk up at him.
Reluctantly, the two of you finally get up out of bed. Henry puts his clothes back on and you get dressed in an old sweatshirt and shorts. Henry looks you up and down before pulling you close to him. He kisses you softly at first, but that kiss quickly turns passionate.
“For the record,” Henry states. “I’ve only ever lived with one other girlfriend and that was back in LA. So I’ve got nothing to hide or toss out,” he says.
“Oh, well, in that case. I was totally making it up about the unmarked box and the Thames,” you say quickly. Henry chuckles then gives you another sweet and passionate kiss.  
When he’s finally gone, you stand in the living room and look around. Something is making you feel uncomfortable until you realize it’s the silence. Your place is too silent. Henry isn’t humming to himself. Kal isn’t getting into things and making a ruckus. Sighing, you collapse onto the couch.
Randomly, you pull out your phone and begin scrolling through apps. You check the email folder to see no new notifications. You check Facebook and find your sister in law, Rebecca, has posted several photos of your niece and nephews. Finally, you scroll through Instagram. On a whim, you open Henry’s account and see multiple reposts from your documentary account, promoting your film. Every post has an encouraging comment from Henry about how great the film is or how well it was produced. You smile at his obvious show of support and then you see it when you scroll back to the top. Somehow you missed it at first, but now you can’t unsee it. There is a selfie of Henry, standing with his back to a field of lavender. One of the touristy places Henry took you in Jersey was the lavender fields. It was one of the most beautiful places you had ever seen. Apparently, Henry had snapped a selfie of himself with his back to the field. And behind him, there you stood. You were facing the other way, so all that was seen was the back of your head, but there was no mistaking your form. He added only one hashtag to the image - #touristythings. You chuckle and double-tap the screen to like it.
While staring at the image, an idea occurs to you. Neither you nor Henry had made an announcement about your relationship and frankly, neither of you had any intention of doing so. However, clearly, Henry was comfortable sharing suggestive images of you so you decided to follow suit. Plus, it would be fun to see just how many people freaked out. Scrolling through your images, you found one that Henry’s assistant had taken of the two of you at Cannes. She’d sent you the image afterward and it made you actually laugh out loud. Henry was looking handsome as ever, but you were just a blur. Something had caught your attention at the last second and you turned, resulting in your face being obscured. You laugh to yourself as you type out the caption for the image.
“There’s a reason I stay behind the camera #picturesarehard”
You chose not to tag Henry because there was no mistaking him. For a second, you hesitate to upload the image. You saved the image as a draft and texted Henry.
Would you mind if I uploaded this image? You send the image along with the text and wait. Moments later, he responds.
I think that would no longer make you an ‘unidentified woman’ ;) he says and you snort.
A hit to my image that I’m willing to take ;P you hit send and chuckle at your own ridiculousness.
Oh yeah? Well, that’s a hit I’m willing to take as well he replies. You scoff at the message.
A hit you’re willing to take? you toss back.
Yeah. Being seeing with a soon to be identified woman who can’t even take a decent picture looks pretty bad for me
You read the message through two times before busting out with laughter. Shaking your head, you bite your bottom lip and type out a response.
Guess you’re going to have quite a bit of damage control to do on your image then you say, hitting send and chuckling. Navigating back to the app, you find the saved draft and click post. You know what’s at stake and the longer you think about it, the more you begin to realize you don’t care. Henry is the man you love and you were beginning to realize that significant parts of your relationship were being tested. You go back to your messages with him.
Ask me about moving in with you on our 1 year anniversary, you hit send and take a deep breath in. Your phone chimes.
Deal, Henry replies and you smile.
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It’s Just a Game - HenryxReader Drabble
Can’t stop, won’t stop. Yet another drabble I wrote up when I was supposed to be editing a plumbing site 🙃 (In my defense, though, the site still got done on time, so!) Anyway, I saw a cute dialogue prompt and tweaked it to create this - I am not a gamer by nature. Everything I know is second-hand. Please don’t @ me if any/all of this is incorrect! 😂😂This is just a silly scene I threw together that made me laugh! Hope you enjoy it as well! 
Word Count: 572
CW: mild language, primarily fluff
@henryslilprincess @mitzwinchester @maeleeme @andyrazzledazzle @oddsnendsfanfics @henrycavillluv32 @jhenno2002 @xceafh @severuined @queenslandlover-93 @thummbelina @chamomilebottom @fanfictionaddiction99 @deep-in-my-thoughts13
Henry logs onto his computer and opens his browser. He was on break from filming which meant he had, essentially, unlimited time to do whatever he wanted. And what he wanted to do more than anything was play through the new online game his brothers told him about. This game boasted individual as well partner and team games at various difficulties, in addition to a variety of ways to chat with friends. So, he got on, opened his profile, and started playing. It was everything his brother said and then some. 
Several hours later, he and two of his brothers were involved in a raid. Henry was laughing at the chat they had going when the message popped up that someone was calling him in the game. He read the screen name and decided to give the person a chance. 
“Hello?” he asked, speaking into the headset mic in his usual smooth voice.  
“Oh my god, you’re British,” you reply in your thick southern accent causing Henry to chuckle. 
“Yes, and you very sound American,” he states dryly. Unlike his usual persona he put on for the press, he didn’t mind being a little more blunt when gaming. You bark with laughter. 
“Yeah, hi, Lil-Texican-Frijole here. We both play this stupid online game, clearly, and you keep beating me every single goddamn time,” you spit sardonically. The sound of guns fighting and your fingers smashing the keys carry through Henry’s headphones. “So here’s the thing, even though you sound super cute, could you, I don’t know, maybe not murder me before I finish this level?” Henry couldn’t help but laugh, bellowing into his microphone. “Yeah, yeah, ham it up, Brit Boy,” you mutter, causing Henry to laugh harder. 
“I’m sorry, it’s just that is really funny,” Henry replies, his voice about three octaves higher than usual. “Oh my god, okay, I’m sorry,” he says, wiping his eyes and regaining his composure. “What if I told you the way to beat this level so I don’t have to kill you again?” he asks. 
“What if I told you you could suck it?” you reply. Your statement followed immediately by the emphatic sound of typing, clicking, gunshots, and explosions. Henry does his best to contain his laughter as he listens to your inevitable demise. “Oh you have got to be kidding me,” you mutter when the sound dies down. 
“Did you die again?” Henry asks, already knowing the answer. 
“Uh, wha-no!” you stutter quickly. There is a brief pause followed by a sharp exhale. “Yes,” you finally whisper in defeat. “How do I beat this level?” Henry smiles at the screen. 
“Okay, the best way I have found so far is to join a team. How about you join mine?” He asks. You groan loudly 
“Ugh, fine, but if I die again, it’s your head mister,” there’s a pause, “GeraltofRivia1. Oh God, could you have picked a stupider name?” Henry laughs out loud as he realizes you have no idea who you are talking to. It’s weird, but it makes him very happy to know this. It made him feel like he could be himself without the worry of you treating him differently.  
“Heh, fair enough,” he replies. Your genuine laugh makes his heart race a little. Then he sends the invitation for you to join the team. “Alright, Tex, let’s get you to the next level,” he says, getting ready to start another game. 
80 notes · View notes
Running Mate - Part 10
Here we are, folks! Part 10 of the series!! I’m so happy with the response to this whole series! Please let me know if you’ve got any ideas, suggestions, or if you’d like to be included in the tag’ list!
Word Count: 4,446
CW: none, fluffy! 
@maeleeme @andyrazzledazzle @oddsnendsfanfics @henrycavillluv32 @blossom-a @jhenno2002 @xceafh @severuined @queenslandlover-93 @thummbelina @chamomilebottom @fanfictionaddiction99 @deep-in-my-thoughts13 
The days by yourself in your flat after Cannes and Jersey were some of the hardest you’d experienced in a while. You were going through extreme Henry withdraws. You missed the way he hummed to himself while he did anything. Mostly you missed his presence. Henry, though large and apparent as he was, had a calming, easy going nature about him. Rarely did anything affect him so much that he flew off the handle or outraged him in any way. You, on the other hand, were generally a case of nerves covered up with sarcasm and wit.
To deal with your lack of Henry, you dumped yourself into work. While you were away, James acquired more footage that needed to be scrubbed, color corrected, and catalogued. So, you got to work. In the mornings, you would go for a short run, get dressed in comfortable clothes, edit for hours, break for lunch, go back to editing, and only stop when your eyes felt like they were literally on fire. Slowly, you were realizing this way of life was starting to weigh on you. It wasn’t that you didn’t love your life, you absolutely did. But since meeting Henry, you were beginning to feel things you had never experienced before. For the first time ever, you were thinking about the future.
Occasionally, you dared sneak a peek online. The rumor mill spread theories about your relationship with Henry like wildfire. All the theories made you laugh, but what was really eating at you was the lack of communication from National Geographic. Over two weeks ago, James had sent in the beginnings of your proposal for a documentary with them and nothing. Not a peep or a confirmation or anything.
“You need to focus on something else,” Henry said to you one day. He’d come by to pick you up with Kal and the three of you went for a walk. Holding his hand, you instantly felt better, but the nerves were still there.
“I know, that’s what I’ve been trying to do,” you said. You’d explained to Henry all the work you had been doing for James since getting back, but it didn’t seem to help much.
“Well maybe figuring out what you want for your birthday will help,” Henry offers and you glance at him, scoffing a little.
“I already told what I want,” you reply.
“I’m not buying you that t-shirt,” Henry says firmly and you feign mock indignation. The other day you found a woman that will print just about anything on a t-shirt. You put together what ‘Unidentified Woman’ would look like and sent it to Henry as a gift idea. Clearly, he still wasn’t buying into it.
“I don’t know why,” you say, but Henry cuts you off.
“Because it’s ridiculous and you’re going to wear it in public,” he says to you. He’s trying so hard to be serious, but you can see the smile pulling at the corners of his lips.
“That’s the point!” you exclaim, but Henry just rolls his eyes and chuckles a little. “Okay, fine, what about the keychain?” you ask, reminding him of keychain option. He snorts.
“I might consider that,” he says. “But that can’t be your only gift,” he adds.
“Why not?” you whine, dramatically sticking your bottom lip out. Henry sees you and a massive grin breaks out across his face.
“I want to get you something special,” he says, smiling at you.
“What have I done to suggest that either the t-shirt or keychain would not make feel special?” you ask emphatically.
“God, you’re ridiculous,” Henry snorts, rolling his eyes. You beam up at him.
“It’s part of my charm,” you say, smiling wide and a little awkwardly.
“It’s something, but it ain’t charm,” Henry says, glancing at you sideways.
“Won you over, though, didn’t I?” you point out.
“The jury’s still out,” Henry replies and you bark with laughter. After walking around with Henry and Kal, you find yourself back in your home office. You’re reviewing footage that James had sent you, but your mind keeps thinking about that proposal. You grab your phone and check it every five minutes. You do that for an hour before you practically toss your phone in the drawer and decide that if you haven’t heard anything in three weeks, by your birthday, you were just going to move on.
In three weeks time, when you still hadn’t heard anything, you began to feel discouraged. Though you were still getting plenty of work through James and other clients, you were feeling as though something was wrong. While you did your best, Henry noticed the subtle changes in your behavior. You were quieter then usual and generally less sarcastic. It pain him to see you this way, but he was sure the birthday surprise he had planned for you would brighten your spirits. The morning of your birthday, Henry calls you.
“Well good morning, sugar,” you say, answering the phone. Though it was relatively early, you were already up and working. Henry could hear you typing.
“Good morning, beautiful,” he replies. “And happy birthday,” he adds. You can hear the excitement in his voice and it makes you smile.
“Thank you,” you say, feeling genuine happiness. An email notification pops up on your computer screen so you click on it. “Holy crap,” you mutter, seeing the subject line.
“What?” Henry asks, concerned.
“Uh, hold please,” you say, keeping the phone to your ear. Silently, you read through the email.
Dear Y/n,
This is Jonathan with the London National Geographic office. We received your proposal example for the project we discussed. Our office has had a chance to review it and we would like to make you a formal offer. If you accept, you will have complete access to our libraries and database for further research and development. Please respond to this email or contact me at the number listed below to move forward with this contract. I look forward to hearing from you.
You read through the email three more times before you realize you’re crying.
“Holy crap, holy crap, holy crap,” you mutter, staring at the screen.
“Babe, what’s going on?” Henry asks.
“I got it,” you whisper, still in disbelief. “I got it. I got the contract,” you say louder.
“What?” Henry asks, surprised.
“I’m going to work with National Geographic. I’m going to Peru!” you exclaim, jumping up from your computer. “Holy crap!” you yell, dancing around your office.
“Y/n, that’s amazing!” Henry exclaims through the phone. “I told you you’d get it!” he points out and you laugh.
“Oh my gosh, I have to call James!” you say suddenly. Henry chuckles.
“Tell him in person. He and I planned to celebrate your birthday today,” Henry explains. “I’ll meet you at his house in an hour,” he says.
“Okay,” you reply wistfully. When you hang up with Henry, you stand in your office dumbstruck. You can’t believe that you did it. You got the job. Wiping away the tears that have fallen down your face, you dart off into your bedroom to start getting dressed. Forty five minutes later, you are driving through the country side on the way to James’ house. There is a smile that hasn’t left your face since you read that email and you couldn’t wait to tell James.
When you pull up to the house, you see that Henry has beaten you there. He’s getting out of his car right as you pull up. You’ve barely put your car in park and turned it off before you are dashing out of the car and flying across the gravel to him.
“Hey!” he exclaims, beaming as you practically float above the ground. As soon as you are close to him, you jump into his arms. Henry wraps those solid arms around your frame, lifts you, and spins you around right there in the driveway. You giggle as you kiss him passionately. Henry sets you down and smiles down at your beaming face.
“I got the contract,” you state, looking up at his familiar and loving eyes. “I am going to work with National Geographic. I am going to make a documentary with National Geographic. I am going to make a documentary with National Geographic in Peru,” you stop to take in a breath, realizing just how much is about to change. Henry places his hands gently on either side of your face.
“I knew you would get it,” he says quietly and don’t even try to stop the smile that forms on your lips. “Now, come on,” he says, letting go of your face and taking a hold of your hand. “We have a birthday to celebrate,” he pulls you towards James’ house. You smile at his back, feeling incredible. There is nothing in the world that could possibly top the high you are experiencing in this moment. Oh how wrong you were.
Henry steps aside and lets you open the door. Confused, you oblige, but almost dart right back out due to fear. The moment you cleared the doorway, several voices called out, “Happy birthday!” startling you. As soon as you regain your composure, you look around and realize your family is here. Jeremy and his wife; Kevin and his girlfriend; Kyle and his boyfriend; your parents.
“WHAT?!” you screech, looking around with your hands over your mouth.
“What’s up, booger,” Kevin calls out and you stare at him, dumbfounded.
“Kevin,” you mom says disapprovingly. She steps towards you with her arms out. “Hi, baby,” she says, pulling you in for a hug. You wrap your arms around her and take in her scent. You mom smelled like vanilla and grass and it was the most amazing thing ever.
“Hi momma,” you murmur. She squeezes you a little then lets you go. Right behind her is your dad, who quietly pulls you in for a hug.
“When did you get here? How did you get here?” you ask, looking from her to your dad. They smile at you, then look to Henry. You turn to him, the question in your eyes.
“Happy birthday, y/n,” he says simply, smiling warmly at you. You smile at him with tears in your eyes. You reach out and hug him tightly. Letting go of the hug, you escort him around the room, making the rounds and introducing him to everyone. You start with your parents.
“Henry, this is my mom, Helen and my dad, Thomas,” you explain, pointing to each respectively. With a warm smile, Henry shakes their hands.
“It’s so nice to meet you, Henry,” Helen says and you nod.
“Yeah, thanks for doing this for us,” Thomas adds and you realize you don’t know who planned this.
“Speaking of, can someone please explain to me how you came to be here?” you ask and Henry smiles wide. Before he can say anything, though, Kyle answers.
“Well, when a mommy and a daddy love each other very much,” he begins. Henry is already laughing, but you are rolling your eyes.
“Henry, this is my brother Kyle,” you say. “He’s the weird one,” you state and Kyle scoffs.
“You’re one to talk,” he retorts, rolling his eyes at you.
“Y/n, Kyle,” your mom starts, disapprovingly. “Henry, I’m so sorry, they are always bickering,” she says, looking pointedly at the two of you.
“It’s not my fault he always starts things,” you say as Kyle scoffs.
“Oh, puh-lease,” Kyle proclaims. “You always start it,” he points a finger at you.
“Get your finger out of my face,” you say cooly.
“It’s not in your face,” Kyle replies, still pointing.
“Yes, it is,” you say, batting away his finger. Huffing, Kyle slaps at your hand resulting in the two of you getting into a hand slapping fight. Helen and Thomas laugh and look at Henry with an apologetic look.
“Alright, knock it off,” Thomas demands after a moment and the two of you stop. You and Kyle are huffing slightly, though also giggling at the same time. Moments later, Marshall, Kyle’s boyfriend saddles up to the four of you, introducing himself to Henry. When you catch a break, you pull Henry toward your older brother Jeremy.
“Henry, this is Gary, my older brother,” you say, smiling wide at him. Jeremy rolls his eyes and shakes his head.
“Hi, I’m Jeremy,” he says to Henry, overemphasizing the pronunciation of his name. “Y/n still calls me Gary because she couldn’t say Jeremy when she was little,” he explains and Henry chuckles, bobbing his head in understanding.
“She also couldn’t say ‘Burger King’,” Kevin says, stepping next to Jeremy. “She kept calling it ‘Booger King’, so we just started calling her booger,” he states, smiling devilishly at you.
“Ha. Ha,” you bark, snarling at Kevin. Jeremy shakes his head at you and sighs. Avoiding a fight with Kevin, you make a point to introduce Henry to Rebecca - Jeremy’s wife and Ellen - Kevin’s girlfriend. Everyone greets Henry with warmth and kindness. The rest of the morning you spend your time joking with your brothers and checking to make sure Henry was okay. Your family almost loses it when you announce that you have landed a contract with National Geographic. Though you can’t go over the details, they are thoroughly impressed. That admiration takes a quick nose dive moments later as Kevin and Kyle make a point to incessantly tease you about it. Eventually, your mom makes it clear she wants to do something that will prevent you and your brothers from fighting. Already, you and Kevin had gotten into a battle of wits which ended up in a yelling match.
“You’re not my favorite person today,” you bark at Kevin.
“I’m not your favorite person any day,” he replies and you just sneer at him, getting ready to reply, but your mom intervenes.
“Enough! Goodness, y’all are meaner than hornets in a coke can!” she exclaims. Her cute sayings always have a way of softening even the hardest of the hard. You glance at Kevin who gives you a look that asks for a truce. You nod gently in agreement. “How about we give our gifts to y/n?” Helen glares pointedly at Kevin. He agrees and makes the announcement to everyone what is going on. Everyone runs to their luggage to get what they need, then reconvene in James’ living room. Your parents start by handing you a heavy box. Opening it, you find a framed review about your documentary in the West Virginia Times.
“Holy shi-,” you begin to say before cutting yourself off. “This is amazing!” you show Henry who admires it before passing it to James. You jump up and hug your parents, thanking them profusely for the gift. Next, Jeremy hands you a small box covered in Superman wrapping paper. “Oh my gosh,” you mutter, laughing as you show Henry.
“The girls bought it for you,” Jeremy explains. “And Dylan picked out the wrapping paper,” he adds. Opening the gift, you find a large heart shaped locket.
“Awww,” you pull it out to show everyone who also coo at the costume jewelry. Putting it on, your mom snaps a picture of it as does Becca, so she can show the girls later. Kevin and Ellen hand you a small box as well. Inside is a beautiful journal that Ellen admits is handmade by Kevin. He smiles sheepishly as you admire the leather bound book with pride. Kyle gives you a family portrait that he drew and framed. Marshall gives you a hilarious Dolly Parton salt and pepper shaker that he found in an antique store in Austin. James hands you his gift, which is a framed poster for your movie that was sent to the different film festivals. You show your mom who wipes away tears as she hands it to your dad. Finally, it’s Henry’s turn. He hands you what appears to be a t-shirt box wrapped in lavender paper, your favorite color. Tearing open the box and seeing what’s inside you begin to laugh hysterically. Turning the box around you show your family a stack of Superman comic books.
“I’m helping to round out her collection,” Henry explains sending you into another fit of hysterical laughing. Your family laughs along with you, though a little confused since they aren’t aware of the context. While you laugh, your mom gets up and moves into the kitchen. She comes out with a chocolate cake covered in frosting and candles. While eating, Henry chats with Jeremy, explaining that he got you the comic books to make up for the overwhelming Batman collection.
“That’s probably my fault,” Jeremy replies. “I was a huge fan of the Adam West Batman show growing up. I kind of forced her to watch with me,” he says and Henry chuckles.
“I’m actually a fan of Batman as well,” he says to a surprised Jeremy. “Yeah, I grew up reading all the comic books. My brothers and I were obsessed with Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman - all of them,” he says. Jeremy nods in agreement. A commotion cuts through the conversation as everyone turns to see you and Kyle wrestling over something. Kyle gets the drop on you and ends up half sitting, half laying on your back.
“UGH!” you scream. “You’re crushing my spleen!”
“You don’t even know where your spleen is,” Kyle retorts before getting off of you. Jeremy chuckles and shakes his head.
“Those two,” he mutters mostly to himself, but also to Henry.
“All of you, but those two specifically, remind me of my own brothers and I,” Henry states and Jeremy laughs.
“Constant chaos and blood?” Jeremy asks and Henry snorts.
“Pretty much,” He says, laughing.
“How many brothers do you have?” Jeremy asks.
“Three older and one younger,” he says. Jeremy looks at him wide eyed.
“Five boys?” he hisses after doing the mental math. “Well shoot, I thought we were trouble with three, but five?” he repeats. Henry laughs and nods his head.
“Yeah, the uh, the Cavill boys were known pretty well across the island,” Henry says, chuckling. The two watch as Thomas steps over to where Kyle and you are, giving the two of you stern, disapproving looks. You trot over to Jeremy and Henry, obliging your dad’s orders to walk away.
“Hey, what are y’all talking about?” you ask.
“Jeremy’s just telling me all of your embarrassing stories,” Henry says, giving you a haughty look.
“Ha!” you bark. “Jeremy doesn’t even know half of them!” Jeremy shakes his head slightly.
“I don’t even want to know the half I already know,” he states and you bob your head. Henry chuckles, shaking his head at you. The day progresses with you and Henry having varying conversations with just about everyone in your family. You chat with Rebecca about the kids and with Ellen about teaching. Kyle tells you about the different art projects he’s been commissioned to create as well as the gallery Marshall is hosting for him later in the year. Eventually, someone convinces Jeremy to bring out the guitar.  
“Jeremy was basically a musical prodigy, but he wanted to do more than pluck guitar strings, so he became a firefighter,” you explain to Henry, who watches your brother with new admiration. Sitting on the couch, Jeremy tunes his guitar while everyone murmurs. Then he plays a few strings effortlessly, before looking around the room.
“What would you like to hear?” he asks. No one says anything at first, so Jeremy just starts playing. It takes you a second to get the song in your head, but soon you realize he’s playing a Los Lonely Boys song. “Blame it On Love” to be exact. Knowing the song well, you harmonize with him as he plays and sings with ease. You catch a glimpse of Henry out of the corner of your eye. He’s watching you sing, a small smile teasing the corners of his mouth. When Jeremy finishes the first song, you feel Henry’s eyes boring into you.
“I didn’t know you could sing,” he murmurs, looking down at you surprised.
“Not really,” you reply and hear Jeremy snort.
“That’s a load of bull,” he calls out, thumbing a few strings. “Y/n performed in her 8th grade talent show with this song right here,” he states, beating the opening bars of “Born To Fly” by Sarah Evans on the base of the guitar. You tip your head back and laugh deeply before singing along to one of your favorite songs from your childhood. Your brothers join in when necessary to harmonize, adding layers to the impromptu mini-concert. Occasionally, you’d catch Henry’s eye. You could see him watching you with awe the entire time and you feel yourself turning red as you continue. When it’s done, everyone claps and again, you feel Henry’s eyes boring into you. As inconspicuous as possible, you glance at Henry. He’s beaming at you in a way that sends a wave of heat throughout your body.
“That was incredible,” Henry says to you excitedly. You feel your cheeks burn bright with embarrassment. “Did you win?” he asks, looking between you and Jeremy.
“Nah, I lost out to Rachel Lipinski,” you say, rolling your eyes. “All because she grew two cup sizes one month before the talent show,” you mutter and Henry chuckles at you. Jeremy plucks at the strings a little before starting “You Make it Easy” by Jason Aldean. You see Henry perk up with recognition and you watch as he mouths along to the words. Feeling bold, you stand up, tugging on his hand and pull him up with you. There, in front of your family, you dance and sway to the melody, holding Henry close to you. Pretty soon, your parents, Kevin and Ellen, as well as Kyle and Marshall have joined you. You are all dancing while Jeremy plays. “Best birthday ever,” you murmur, leaning your head onto his chest. He smiles softly, kissing the top of your head.
After Jer is done playing, everyone agrees it’s time for dinner. Henry suggests everyone get dressed up to go out to a restaurant in London. Despite trying to get your family to disagree with this idea, they think Henry’s suggestion is a great idea. You squint at him as your family rushes around the house to get ready.
“Henry, I know you paid to get everyone here,” you say to him, low. “This is too much,” you add. Henry cocks his head, looking at you with a slightly bemused look.
“Are you happy?” he asks.
“I mean, yes, but,” you huff, ready to argue more, but Henry reaches down, pulling your hand up to his lips.
“If you are happy, then all of this is worth every penny spent,” he murmurs, grazing his lips across your knuckles. Those blue eyes watch as you take a deep breath in and shift on your feet.
“This is a lot of money,” you whine.
“And I have a lot of money to spare,” he replies. You stare up at him, rolling your jaw, trying to come up with a comeback. Unfortunately, you are coming up short. Henry can see the inner battle you are having with yourself. He takes your hand and places it on his shoulder then brings your other arm up as well. “I know how much I’m spending. My intent isn’t to make you uncomfortable, but to make you happy,” he explains quietly. You sigh.
“I know,” you reply, feeling guilty. “I’m just not used to this level of attention. I’m very,” you pause, searching for the word you want to use.
“Stubborn? Hard-headed? Ridiculous?” Henry offers, raising an eyebrow at you.
“Independent,” you say through gritted teeth. He smirks.
“You know, you’d feel a lot better if you would just let me take care of you,” Henry states. Your jaw drops open.
“I do let you take care of me!” you exclaim and Henry bellows.
“You typically fight me tooth and nail,” he laughs. You scrunch your nose up at the statement. “Now, come on. Go back to your flat, get dressed, and I’ll pick you up,” he brushes your cheek. Twitching your nose, you stand up on your tiptoes to kiss him. He smiles at you as you walk away to head back to your flat. Henry picks you up about an hour later and drives you to the restaurant. Dinner with your family is a complete success. Everyone has fun eating, laughing, and teasing you about, well, everything. After dinner, everyone hugs and says goodbye. You make plans with your family to see them again tomorrow, then leave with Henry.
“I have something else for you,” Henry says when it’s just the two of you. You look up at him confused. From behind his back, he produces a small bag. “I’m pretty sure I’ll be off filming by the time our anniversary comes around," he explains as he hands you the bag. “So this is one part birthday, one part anniversary gift,” he says. Seeing the size of the bag, you gasp.
“Is this my keychain?” you whisper emphatically.
“No,” Henry chuckles.
“Well shucks, sugar,” you say. “Now I feel bad. I didn’t get you anything,” you glance up at Henry who is watching you intently.
“Your answer will be my gift,” he replies, low. You look up at him confused, but then proceed to open the gift. From the bag, you produce a small box. Your breath catches in your throat as you begin to imagine what small, shiny, circular item could be inside. Opening the lid, you don’t see what you expected. Instead, you see a set of house keys. You look up at Henry even more confused. “I know you said to wait until our anniversary, but as I said,” he trails off. You look back down at the keys as you realize what he’s asking you. “Will you move in with me?” he whispers. Your head snaps up and you look into his eyes.
“Yes,” you whisper. You can see tears in the corners of his eyes as a wide, beautiful smile breaks out across his face. “Yes,” you repeat louder. Henry responds by wrapping his arms around you and picking you up. The two of you are laughing as he spins you around for the second time that day. “Although, you missed a perfectly good opportunity for that keychain,” you state, coming up from a passionate kiss. Henry simply grunts as he carries you back to the bedroom.
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