lunaduskxo · 11 months
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…And as his eyes fell shut and his heart began to pound, he realised somewhere in the back of his mind that Hermione Granger kissed like nothing else mattered but him.
Not the war, or the blood, or the destruction-just him, like he'd hung the moon and painted the stars and he was her world and everything in between
Draconian by hepburnettes
(Not my art)
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dramioneasks · 9 months
post/737020141761675264/ never underestimate the mental shudder of even contemplating drastoria. especially since she did say they had consummated their marriage. And it is actually one of the many things keeping DHr separate and uncertain of each other. But the parts of that fic I wanted recreated was the voldy wins and there's trauma. but no DHr sidepairings. The main thing about manacled is how it deals with the pov and trauma.
Goblet Of Shadows - MKMG - E, WIP - Voldemort has won. The Order has fallen. Harry Potter is dead. Five years after the Battle of Hogwarts, Hermione Granger is pulled from Azkaban and forced to compete in the Dark Tournament against fellow fallen Order Members. The Goblet of Shadows assigns each high ranking Death Eater a Champion. The Champion who wins the games will get to go free and their master, one of Voldemort’s Scions, will have secured their position as his Successor. With Hermione being assigned to Draco Malfoy, the highest ranking Scion, she may have a chance. There can only be one victor, one survivor and one shot at freedom. Let the games begin.
Draconian by hepburnettes - 50 Chapters - Draco Malfoy is Voldemort’s head Death-Eater, and Hermione Granger holds the key to his redemption. Together, they have to find a way to end the war in a world governed by draconian laws.
A Season For Setting Fires - mightbewriting - E, 31 chapters - Torture smells like spring. Like daffodils and tulips and snowdrops. Like the bouquets brought inside from the manor gardens to lend their life to cold stone walls that house criminals. Easter mixed with madness makes sense in this twisted landscape; Draco’s only chance at survival is to endure it. He knows this. But that doesn’t quell the twitching in his calves, the flexing in his fingers. Granger lifts her hand off the floor and Draco nearly loses his lunch, stomach churning as he watches her extend her arm, reaching through the translucent cord, reaching towards him. He tries to blink it away, blink blink blink, but both she and the cord are stubborn, persistent things.
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beebahbah · 8 months
I started reading ff when I was 15ish. I ofc started off with Dramione. My absolute fave was Draconian by hepburnettes [thinking of posting a nostalgia rec of wattpad dramione later]. I left ff behind and didn't get back into it until last year in Feb when my best friend sent me a link for Measure of a Man by Inadaze22. I dedicated an entire week just to reading it. I laughed, I cried and I absolutely fell in love with ff again. I cant believe it's been almost one year since I joined ff again coz it feels like it's been years just because I've been shuffling through my fave ships all of last year. So for February I'm thinking of doing a reread of MOAM, the fic that brought me back to Fandom life.❤️🤧
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19dayz · 9 months
Can I ask your top 10 fav fics ever (from any fandom, if you don't mind)?
Also, just curious, is there a story behind your name "ficsficsficsallfics "?
Lol I just wanted this blog just have every 19 days fic and I’d rate them, but I got too lazy to actually do that.
And for my favorite fics that’s way too hard to pick just one, but here are some that come to mind.
Most of these are Dramione cause it’s the first ship I started reading fanfics for, which is funny cause I’ve never seen all the HP movies or read any of the books.
These are not in any order and they’re all on ao3 except for the ones that have been deleted.
Also read the tags before you start reading any of these cause angsty type fics and most of these are kinda too much for some people.
1. 19 Days (tianshan)- Dawn Rising by: Powerandpathos
2. Teen Wolf (sterek) - Seeing Wolves (Where There Are No Wolves) by:MellytheHun
3. Harry Potter (Dramione) - Irk by: Geoblock (deleted)
4. Harry Potter (Dramione) - Manacled by: senlinyu
5. Harry Potter (Dramione) Draconian by: Hepburnettes (deleted)
6. Harry Potter (Dramione) Breath mints/ battle scars by: Onyx_and_elm
7. Teen Wolf (sterek) - Prince Among Wolves by: Wrenegade (Wrenegadeone)
8. Teen Wolf (sterek) - Bruises and Bitemarks by: orphan_account (it’s still on ao3 tho)
9. Harry Potter (drarry) Circumpolar by: LowerEastSide
10. Stranger Things (Hellcheer) Chrissy and Eddie’s Infinite Mixtape by: LovelyThings (I have also never actually got to their season of the show, I’ve only seen 1&2 and lost interest but I like the ship)
Thanks for the ask. Sorry this took so long I’m not even sure these are my top 10 cause I just have too many to look through.
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fanficstokeep · 5 years
Title: Draconian [Now titled Slither In] Author: hepburnettes Rating: M Genre(s): Chapters: Word Count: Status: Summary: Three years ago, the Dark Lord defeated Harry Potter in the Battle of Hogwarts, forcing Harry and the rest of the Order members to go into hiding. Desperate to survive after his mother’s betrayal, Draco Malfoy was forced to kill his way through the ranks to become the most lethal, most terrifying Death-Eater, second-in-command only to the Dark Lord himself. Caught in a downward spiral towards self-loathing and destruction, Draco jumps at a chance for redemption offered by his Aunt Andromeda: find Hermione Granger - the girl he once hated; one-third of the Golden Trio and possibly the only person who can restore the Order and end the war. But when Draco finds Hermione three years later, he soon realizes that she’s none of those things. The bruised, battered version of Hermione remembers no one but him and has no wish to return to the Order. And now Draco is forced to choose between sending the magic-less witch onto the battlefield to end the war, or doing whatever it takes to keep her safe in a world ruled by draconian laws.
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baileyblueroan · 8 years
Me when I remember that all of the truly iconic dramione fanfictions will never be movies starring Emma and Tom.
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marwritesgood · 8 years
Orbit | S. McCall
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Pairing ; Scott x Reader Timeframe ; S5a (Finale)
Summary ; [A Continuation Of Mediator] The reader is Scott’s fixed point, in which he orbits around, and Scott is the same to her. Even Melissa knows it.
(Part 1)
Note ; Main ideas of this are loosely influenced by the short stories ‘Forget Me Not’ and ‘Singularity’, both written by Noelle (@hepburnettes) on Wattpad. Highly recommend you read it. (Singularity is a chapter featured in ‘Odds & Ends’, a novel under her account)
Melissa and Mason had brought him in after hours, knowing very well that if there is anyone Y/n would make an exception for, it’s her true alpha of a son.
They had grown up together, Scott and Y/n. From the moment they met in kindergarten, after Scott had asked his dad to stay back because Y/n’s mom was running late to pick her up, and then proceeding to making goofy faces just to cheer her up, they became just as inseparable as him an Stiles, if not, more.
It wasn’t until they entered high school, in which Melissa saw what was always buried beneath the surface. It was through the way Y/n distanced herself when Scott was with Allison; how she transformed into a much more silenced and warded off version of herself. And even though she tried to mask her green eyes, Melissa could see the jealousy from a mile away.
However, she also saw the way Y/n covered for Scott every time he snuck out with Allison, and how she took on double shifts at the animal clinic just so his girlfriend didn’t feel like he wasn’t giving her any of his time
The same thing occurred when Y/n began dating Isaac. Scott’s usual kind and optimistic nature shifted, into that of an easily agitated pessimist. But, even when he was busy compiling a list of all the reasons why Isaac was not good enough for his best friend, he still insisted on chipping in for birthday gifts and dates that Isaac landed a few dollars short on, and offering him excellent advice whenever he and Y/n encountered disagreements.
It was through the way that both Scott and Y/n showed jealousy when one or the other began dating, but still continued to put one another’s happiness before their own, that made Melissa see their true feelings for each other; that it extended far beyond that of an ordinary friendship.
So her choice to race to the Beacon Hills Animal Clinic, so Y/n could heal her son, was, admittedly, slightly influenced by her inner matchmaker, that wanted for two of them to finally be together, after all these years.
“He’s not healing,” Mason stated as he and Melissa carried Scott into the animal clinic and laid him on the examination table.
As soon as she saw him, unconscious, battered, bloody and bruised, it was as if they had never fought. All that was on her mind was saving him.
Y/n couldn’t have moved faster. With Deaton out of town, she needed as much time as she could get to figure out what was wrong with Scott and what she needed to do to help him.
“Tell me exactly what happened, Mason,” Y/n said, rather demanded, as she raced around the room grabbing all the possible resources she might need.
“It was the supermoon,” Mason spoke up. “Theo planted wolfsbane in Scott’s inhaler, then trapped him and Liam in the library- surrounded by mountain ash. Liam was… not himself. All he wanted was to save Hayden, and Theo convinced him that giving her the bite himself would be the answer. He- he tried to kill Scott, bef- before Theo came and …”
She gently places her hand on Mason’s shoulder. Even though he knew about the world of alphas and betas, it didn’t take glasses to see he was still adjusting to all of this, and seeing his best friend in such a state had obviously shaken him.
“Thank you, Mase,” Y/n said softly. “I need you just to follow my instructions, okay? And Melissa, I need you to hand me any equipment I ask you to, alright?”
They both nod vigorously. Melissa steps behind her to reach the tray Y/n had filled with equipment, while Mason stood on the opposite side of the table.
She lifts his shirt up, to reveal the wounds Liam and Theo had left.
“Melissa hand me some swabs and the solution. Mason, give me a hand with this.”
They try to clean his wounds and stop the bleeding, but they make very little progress. She presses her fingers against his neck, and begins to panic when she cannot find a pulse.
“It’s no use,” Mason cries, putting the blood stained swabs down. “He has no pulse and he’s lost too much blood.”
Y/n shakes her head.
“Guess we’re doing this the human way,” she mutters, wiping away her tears and clutching her hands together, one on top of the other, before placing them on the centre of her chest, counting breathlessly as she pushed.
“Y/n…” Melissa begins, walking closer to her.
“I can’t loose him,” she whispers, before proceeding with mouth-to-mouth without hesitation.
“Sweetie,” Melissa whispers, placing a hand on her shoulder.
She doesn’t slow down. She can’t bring herself to give up.
“You listen to me,” she says sternly to the unresponsive alpha, blatantly ignoring both Melissa and Mason’s presence. “You’re stronger than this. You’ve overcome a pack of alphas, a nogistune, the mask of a berserker and so much more. Now open your damn eyes, dammit.”
She leans down for his mouth, and exhales twice.
“Scott, please.”
By now she is on the verge of hysteria. Her cheeks were soaked from her tears, but her arms were not going to give out until she saw the only pair of brown eyes she wanted to see.
“I’m sorry that we fought. I’m sorry that I left you in the library before we could sort things out. I need you to wake up now because I don’t think I can live with myself if you die.”
She leans down for his mouth, and exhales twice.
“Remember when you climbed through my window with ice cream after my dad left me and my mom? Remember when you forced Stiles to attend my cat’s funeral? Remember when you drove me and my mom all the way to Phoenix to attend my grandfather’s unveiling because she couldn’t afford the plane ride?”
She leans down for his mouth, and exhales twice.
“I lost so many people, but not you. Never you. You were the one thing I could always come back to. You’re my constant. No matter what, it was always you.”
With one last breath she allows her energy to build.
“I love you damnit, now open your eyes.”
She lifts her arms as high as she could and uses the momentum to push hard against his chest. Within that exact second, Scott’s eyes shot open, only they weren’t brown.
Y/n, Melissa and Mason all fell to the ground from the intensity of Scott’s roar. His eyes were virtually ignited, as if to show the revival of his life.
Melissa is the first to stand up, the first to hug her son and the first to thank every inch of this universe for sparing his life, Y/n in particular
She gives them their moment, and Mason eventually escorts Melissa into the waiting room, as though that gave Y/n and Scott any more privacy than before.
She is standing there, with no more words to say. There were none left. So, instead of words, she offered him a hug; held onto him like he was the first shred of the sun's radiation after a cold winters night.
“I’m sorry,” is all he can say. She has almost forgotten they had ever fallen out. “You were right about Theo… About everything. God, I should’ve known.”
“It’s okay.”
“No, it’s not. You stuck by me even when I believed in the wrong person, even when you knew Stiles was right. Even when I mess up, you’re still willing to save my ass.”
“Always,” she replies.
“You’re my constant as well, Y/n.”
Oh god, Y/n thought. He heard that.
“- And I love you too.”
She forgets how to breathe, how to stand straight and how to stabilise her knees.
“I’ve loved you since kindergarten," he confesses, placing one hand on her jaw line, using his thumb to swipe away her tears, "I’ve always known that. But now, I know that I love you, far differently from the way best friends love each other, because I nearly lost you today, and it made me realise that any future without you is pointless. Because you keep me in orbit... You were my anchor even before I got the bite. You’re my constant too.”
She doesn’t realise how close they are until now. Their noses are pressed, and she can feel his breath against her cheeks the same way he does with hers. In that moment there is no Theo, no dread doctors and no chimeras.
It is just he and she.
In that moment, a new constellation is aligned and, despite all the madness they will have to face, there is one thing makes sense.
A/N: And Melissa is happy dancing REQUESTS ARE OPEN
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avant-gaarde · 3 years
hepburnettes "draconian"
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if you've ever read draconian then you know that hermione stays in draco's room for a good chunk of the story. In this painting I painted what I thought the room looked like. I read the story like a year and a half ago (sometime in 2020) and I sketched a rough draft of this painting after I read the fic but it wasn't until two weeks ago that I finally decided to actually paint it. And if you haven't read draconian by hepburnettes, then what are you even doing? for more art you can follow me at ctln_.art on instagram. thank you!
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dramionediscussion · 4 years
Hi! I've been a dramione fan for years, but I just recently started reading fics in english. I read Manacled and loved it, so now I'm interested in reading more fics, especially the most popular ones (Isolation, The Fallout, The Auction, The Eagle's Nest, We Learned the Sea, Cruel and Beautiful World...). I love angsty slow burn fics, but if there's a lot of smut or they have sex very early on I loose my interest. Do you think I could like these fics? Do you have others you could recommend?
Isolation - slow burn, Draco is very much like his character in the books, in the beginning, then he changes, there are lots of arguments, they do have sex but it takes them some time to reach that point, there are details about the battles and its very Draco centric, way less dark than Manacled.
The Fallout - never read it personally, but from what I know it has a similar vibe to Isolation, I think this is probably a little darker/angstier than Isolation but not as dark as Manacled. This one focuses on both Hermione and Draco but more on Draco. It is very emotional, and it does have sex (more sex then Isolation I think) but it’s also slow burn.
The Auction - never read it as well, but this is an AU, Voldemort wins fic. This will be of the three so far, most similar to Manacled in terms of setting, themes, darkness etc. I'm not sure about the smut content, but there is smut.
The Eagle’s Nest - au where Draco and Hermione are put into Ravenclaw in Year 8, they have to work together, and this fic deals with a lot of magic theory. Maybe some angst, but more light-hearted than the others.
We Learned the Sea - slow burn, Draco is a death eater but he goes to the Order. He and Harry work together a lot, Hermione hates him, very angsty. I don’t think there is any smut.
Cruel and Beautiful World - Voldemort wins fic, Draco saves Hermione, darker fic and Hermione has to heal from some traumatic events. Angsty and deals with the aftermath of torture and rape. There is smut in this and a few non-HP characters.
I think all except The Eagle’s Nest would be on par with Manacled. But if you need something lighter, less angsty but still slow burn, TEN would work.
Other recs:
Family Ties by l.h.zein - slow burn, war au, Draco centric, similar vibes to Isolation.
Clean by olivieblake - darkish Hermione/Draco, Hogwarts era, a bit anti-Harry/Dumbledore/Order, very au.
Unexpected by Emara88 - au, turncoat!Draco, war fic.
Draconian by hepburnettes - war au, very similar to Cruel and Beautiful World, but involves the Slytherins.
The Boy in the Hammock by galfoy - war au, not really slow burn, tuncoat!Draco, pro-Lucius/Narcissa, kinda fast romance.
Master by AkashaTheKitty - similar to Manacled, Voldemort wins au, non-con/dub-con scenes, not a dramione ending. Has author approved fan-written sequels that have a dramione ending.
- Lisa
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rillabrooke · 4 years
2021 Reading List
An Accidental Duchess - littleLo (Wattpad)
Les Miserables, Vol. IV: Saint-Denis, Book Twelfth: Corinthe - Victor Hugo
Room Service - leigh_ (Wattpad)
Anne of Windy Poplars - L. M. Montgomery*
The Crucible - Arthur Miller**
And Then There Were None - Agatha Christie**
Their Eyes Were Watching God - Zora Neale Hurston**
Cherry Knots - hepburnettes (Wattpad)
Breakup Formula - hepburnettes (Wattpad)
The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde**
Plunder - rskovach (Wattpad)
Lost With You - ArabiaJ (Wattpad)
A Farewell To Arms - Ernest Hemingway**
Hired To Love - JordanLynde (Wattpad)*
Pygmalion - George Bernard Shaw**
1984 - George Orwell**
In the Arms of My Enemy - TenayaGatrell2 (Wattpad)
The Ultimate Gift - Jim Stovall**
A Thousand Storms - yuenwrites (Wattpad)
Bartleby, The Scrivener - Herman Melville**
The Yellow Wallpaper - Charlotte Perkins Gilman**
The Tell-Tale Heart - Edgar Allan Poe*
The Awakening - Kate Chopin**
Of Beauties and Beasts - gingerbread250 (Wattpad)
Sleepwalker - humored (Wattpad)
Les Miserables, Vol. IV: Saint-Denis, Book Thirteenth: Marius Enters the Shadow - Victor Hugo
A Tale of Two Cities - Charles Dickens* **
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - Robert Louis Stevenson* **
Othello - William Shakespeare**
The Bully - TeaRainAndLove (Wattpad)
The Quirky Tale of April Hale - demonicblackcat (Wattpad)
The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald**
Quirky Romantic Queries About Love - demonicblackcat (Wattpad)
The Fog Horn - Ray Bradbury**
Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury**
Les Miserables, Vol. IV: Saint-Denis, Book Fourteenth: The Grandeurs of Despair - Victor Hugo
Shoot the Jerk - TheStupefying (Wattpad)
An Abundance of Katherines - John Green*
Annabelle's Will - LeeleeKez (Wattpad)
Million Dollar Woman - arcticstars (Wattpad)
Taxi Service - SydneyDruckman (Wattpad)
Door To Door - defend (Wattpad)*
Prince Charming - romanceandcake (Wattpad)
Daughters of the King - Purplejeans (Wattpad)
Falling for the Seat Filler - steffy_t (Wattpad)
Sarah, Plain and Tall - Patricia MacLachlan*
The Game Changer - steffy_t (Wattpad)
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea - Jules Verne
Around the World in 80 Days - Jules Verne*
The Bachelor - greenwriter (Wattpad)
Paris in the Rain - arcticstars (Wattpad)
Les Miserables, Vol. IV: Saint-Denis, Book Fifteenth: The Rue de l'Homme Armé - Victor Hugo
Snapshot - arcticstars (Wattpad)
Les Miserables, Vol. V: Jean Valjean, Book First: The War Between Four Walls - Victor Hugo
The Mysterious Benedict Society - Trenton Lee Stewart*
Les Miserables, Vol. V: Jean Valjean, Book Second: The Intestine of the Leviathan - Victor Hugo
Les Miserables, Vol. V: Jean Valjean, Book Third: Mud but the Soul - Victor Hugo
Les Miserables, Vol. V: Jean Valjean, Book Fourth: Javert Derailed - Victor Hugo
Les Miserables, Vol. V: Jean Valjean, Book Fifth: Grandson and Grandfather - Victor Hugo
Les Miserables, Vol. V: Jean Valjean, Book Sixth: The Sleepless Night - Victor Hugo
Les Miserables, Vol. V: Jean Valjean, Book Seventh: The Last Draft from the Cup - Victor Hugo
Les Miserables, Vol. V: Jean Valjean, Book Eighth: Fading Away of the Twilight - Victor Hugo
Lady in Rags - Spiszy (Wattpad)
Les Miserables, Vol. V: Jean Valjean, Book Ninth: Supreme Shadow, Supreme Dawn - Victor Hugo
Widow in White - Spiszy (Wattpad)
A Song For You - UnsinkableShips (Wattpad)
Anne's House of Dreams - L. M. Montgomery*
Friendship for Dummies - leigh_ (Wattpad)
The Mermaid Hypothesis - adam_and_jane (Wattpad)
The Murders in the Rue Morgue - Edgar Allan Poe
Take Me Home - blissom (Wattpad)
The Cask of Amontillado - Edgar Allan Poe*
The Fall of the House of Usher - Edgar Allan Poe
62 Letters to You - UnsinkableShips (Wattpad)
The Chances of Mary Jane Chaucer - arrowheads (Wattpad)
The Pit and the Pendulum - Edgar Allan Poe
Bequest - rowena_wiseman (Wattpad)
Much Ado About Nothing - William Shakespeare
Age Matters - Enjelicious (Webtoon)
To Love Your Enemy - Jungyoon / Taegon (Webtoon)
Noblesse - Jeho Son / Kwangsu Lee (Webtoon)
The Steward of Blackwood Hall - flights_of_fantasy (Wattpad)
Mere Christianity - C.S. Lewis
Much Ado About Nothing - William Shakespeare*
Much Ado About Nothing - William Shakespeare*
Macbeth - William Shakespeare**
Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen*
The Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins
Matilda - Roald Dahl
Catching Fire - Suzanne Collins
The Mystery of Marie Rogêt - Edgar Allan Poe
The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar - Edgar Allan Poe
The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade - Edgar Allan Poe
The Balloon-Hoax - Edgar Allan Poe
The Masque of the Red Death - Edgar Allan Poe
The Premature Burial - Edgar Allan Poe
Berenice - Edgar Allan Poe
Never Bet the Devil Your Head - Edgar Allan Poe
The Sphinx - Edgar Allan Poe
Morella - Edgar Allan Poe
The Tell-Tale Heart - Edgar Allan Poe
* reread ** for school
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dramioneasks · 1 year
I’m looking for a fic I read some time ago. Hermione as been missing for a while and draco as been looking for her, while being a death eather. He finally finds her and bring her to his flat to hide her. He lives with theo and blaise (I think). All the snake gang is there and they finally learn of Hermione being in the flat and decide to help the order. I also remember draco being a snake animagus and using this to get out of jail, somethink like that!
Thanks :)
Draconian by hepburnettes - M, 52 Chapters - Draco Malfoy has got too much blood on his hands. And Hermione Granger might be his only route to redemption. 
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colubrina · 2 years
Hi! I'll apologize in advance if this question has already been asked but I was wondering if your oneshot Sunshine & Tomatoes still exist in any platform? I tried to find it after a recommendation from hepburnettes since she'll never release Finite but I couldn't find it on Fanfiction.net. If it's still up, I was wondering where I could read it. Thank you so much! 💖
No need to apologize!
It’s on AO3. It’s set for logged in users only, but as long as you sign in, you’ll see it.
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My sunday mornings ❤ #sundayfunday #hepburnette #perfumeselfie #instamax
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slytherpuffhoe · 4 years
PANSY PARKINSON in DRACONIAN by @hepburnetteswp
[Excerpt from Draconian by hepburnetteswp]
"What Draco said," Pansy said. "That's only one-half of the story. He didn't tell you the part about me owing him my life."
"Draco was the one who found me that day..."
Background from https://pin.it/2qqIwGA
Edit by pansyarchives
Excerpt from Draconian by hepburnetteswp
I do not own the background picture, the link where I got this is posted above. If this is your photo or art and you do not want it reposted, please message me and I will take it down immediately.
#explore #exploremore #pansyparkinson #pansyparks #dramione #draco #dracomalfoy #hpuniverse #harrypotter #hermionegranger #dramionefanfiction #harrypotterworld #draconian #hepburnettes
follow me on instagram @pansyarchives!
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dramioneficquotes · 4 years
She was alive in the city of the dead; not physically dead but because of the war; and she was the only beacon of light that was still flickering and he was terrified that, with him, she’d be extinguished eventually.
Draconian (hepburnettes)
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