#scott mccall fandom
redroses07 · 3 months
Just Friends // Stiles Stilinski
Pairing: Stiles Stilinski x Fem!Reader
Summary: Stiles is struggling after being controlled by the Nogitsune, and he turns to you for help. But little does he know, it will turn your friendship into so much more. Takes place after season 3. (Allison isn't dead!!!)
Warnings: Swearing, angsty as fuck, sad Stiles, kissing, implied smut if you squint?, PTSD.
A/N: HI GUYS!!! I really like this fic and ofc I hope y'all will too! This is my first time writing about Stiles and I think I did pretty well! As always, enjoy!! And comments and reblogs are appreciated. P.S. lmk if y'all want me to do a part 2 where they tell their friends (Scott's reaction hee hee) - Claire ♡
After Stiles was released from the control of the Nogitsune, things seemed to go back to normal. Well, at least that’s what one would think from the outside.
The series of events had taken a severe toll on Stiles’s mental health, and even though he did a good job of hiding it, you were the one person who seemed to know what he needed.
It all started about a week after everything happened, it was the middle of the night and you were jolted awake by the sound of your phone buzzing by your head.
You were about to hit decline but then you saw it was Stiles and feelings of worry began to stir within you.
You quickly answered, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes as you forced yourself awake.
"Stiles, is everything okay?"
"Yeah...well not really. I hate to ask, but do you think you could drive over to my house. I just really don't want to be alone right now." Stiles's voice was groggy, and laced with exhaustion. The fact alone that he was asking you this made you immediately agree.
You hopped out of bed, not bothering to change out of your pajamas, slipped on your slippers, and you were on your way.
Your house wasn't far from Stiles's, about a five minute drive with no traffic.
You lived directly in the middle of him and Scott, being only a short distance from each. The close proximity was the main reason the three of you had stayed so close throughout your school years.
"Friends", that's all you and Stiles had ever been. Although, neither of you could deny the chemistry between the two of you, risking your friendship never seemed worth it.
It was on this night that all that would begin to change.
When you arrived at Stiles's house, he had left the door unlocked for you so you wouldn't have to fumble around with the spare key in the dark.
You found Stiles laying on his bed, staring blankly at the ceiling. He looked lost in thought, his eyes rimmed with dark circles. It hurt seeing him look so drastically different from the Stiles you knew, and you wanted to do whatever you could to help.
You laid down next to him, your body facing his.
"Hey..." Stiles began, still staring at the ceiling.
"Stiles, what's going on? You know you can trust me with anything right?"
"Yeah...It's just a lot to put into words." Stiles's voice cracked, which told you that he was fighting tears.
You sat up and stiles copied the movement. You were now both facing each other, sitting legs crossed on his bed. You pushed aside the unspoken vow between the two of you and placed his hands in yours. Stiles's breath hitched, and you could tell he was avoiding eye contact with you.
"Take all the time you need, I'll listen to every word." you said softly.
"I know everyone thinks I'm doing okay, but I can't even function. I can't sleep without having nightmares. I can't eat or do anything without remembering all the awful stuff he made me do. I didn't know who else to tell except you. Scott has his own set of issues, and you're the only person I trust like this."
Stiles began to ramble, and your heart broke as he did. How had you not noticed earlier? Yes, it had only been a week, but you knew Stiles better than anyone. You felt like an awful best friend.
"I'm so tired, I just want to feel normal again." He could no longer hold back the tears, the dam broke and Stiles became a sobbing mess.
You pulled him into your arms with no hesitation, which only made Stiles want to cry.
"No, no I'm going to get your clothes all wet." Stiles protested trying to pull away, but you wouldn't let him.
"A few tears never hurt anyone." You said.
At that Stiles let himself fall into you, his body going limp with exhaustion. You tried not to cry along with him, wiping your burning eyes to prevent the tears.
"It'll be okay." You whispered as Stiles's sobs turned into sniffles. He finally looked up, his cheeks wet from the tears that had escaped his puffy eyes.
You did the only thing you could think of and gave him two kisses, one peck on each cheek. Stiles lips turned up in a small smile, his cheeks still turning red despite his current state.
"I think the first thing we need to do is get you to bed." You smiled, pushing Stiles's messy hair back.
He looks at you and nods without moving from your arms. You lean back on his bed, pulling him with you. You positioned yourself to where Stiles was resting on top of your body, his head pressed to your chest. You kept your arms wrapped around him, squeezing his body in an attempt to comfort him.
As you were settling down you heard Stiles whisper your name softly.
"Promise you'll wake me up if I'm having a nightmare?"
"I promise." You replied as you reached down and laced your fingers with his.
Stiles gave you a half-hearted smile in response, his puffy eyes glazed over from fatigue.
"Thank you." Stiles murmured, fighting sleep.
"Shhh." Was your only response as you traced your fingers along his back.
"I love you." It was an incoherent whisper, so much that you couldn't be sure of his words. But something told you you had heard correctly.
By the time you went to reciprocate the statement, the room was filled with Stiles's muffled snores.
You sighed and proceeded to fall asleep yourself.
Stiles slept through the night for the first time in weeks.
After that the trajectory of your relationship began to shift.
From holding Stiles's hand to remind him that everything was okay when you were with your friends, to staying up all night listening to him talk.
You rarely got to sleep at home anymore, but you didn't mind. You weren't far if you needed something, and it helped Stiles get a good night's sleep. Yet he would still apologize every time. "I'm sorry to bother you again.", "I promise this is the last time.", when in reality you were definitely okay with an excuse to spend more time with him.
You had become his anchor to reality, and Stiles could feel things beginning to look up with every day that passed.
Your friends picked up on it too.
"So, are you and Stiles together, or..." Lydia and Allison asked when they managed to corner you at your locker one day. It was a question you didn't know how to answer. Eventually landing on, 'it's complicated.'
"What's going on with you and Stiles, I'm starting to feel like a third wheel when we're together." It was a joke, but there was certainly some truth behind it.
You laughed it off and changed the subject, but didn't forget the comment that night when you and Stiles laid in each other's arms drifting off to sleep.
Surprisingly, it wasn't you who finally brought it up, but Stiles.
It was a Friday night, and the two of you were at your house instead of his.
"Shit, I forgot clothes to change into." Stiles said as he fumbled through his backpack.
"It's all good, I have a spare pair of clothes in my drawer for you." You replied, pointing to the dresser.
Stiles smiled and laughed, holding eye contact with you for perhaps a moment too long.
"You take care of so much for me, sometimes I feel like you're my wife." It was a casual statement, but it put you at a loss for words.
You laughed awkwardly, failing to come up with a reply.
Stiles could very clearly read your emotions, he pushed the drawer shut and walked back over to sit next to you.
You tried to calm yourself, but your heart wouldn't stop beating at what felt like an unhealthy pace.
"You're my best friend..." Stiles began, taking your clammy hands in his.
"You've done so much for me in the past few weeks, just like a best friend should; but I can't help thinking that this feels like something more."
You felt as if the world stopped. You knew this conversation would come, but definitely not now. Your brain seemed to stop producing thoughts.
"Please tell me I'm not imagining all of this. I know this is a lot at once, but Y/N I love you." Stiles's voice shook from the overwhelming nerves.
"I love you too." You spoke for the first time in minutes, it felt amazing after you had heard it fall from his lips that first night you spent together.
Stiles's eyes gazed into yours, and suddenly the feeling of just your hands touching wasn't enough.
You reached over and grabbed Stiles face, finally closing the gap between the two of you.
You pulled Stiles down as you did, his body landing on top of you sinking into the kiss.
You tugged on his hair lightly, pulling him as close to you as humanly possible. Stiles fell deeper into the kiss, locking your hands together and pressing your body further into the soft mattress.
After a few minutes of pure bliss you broke apart. The air that filled your lungs was both a blessing and a curse. You needed to breathe, but the absence of his touch only made you want him more.
Stiles hovered over you, the sound of his heavy breathing was the only thing you could hear over your own beating heart.
"So I take it you're not just my best friend anymore?" Stiles giggled, pressing his forehead gently against yours.
You gave a sly smile before pulling Stiles down by his shirt and connecting your lips once more.
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kayberrie · 1 month
Danny from Teen Wolf really is the pinnacle of chill, gay dude who wants no part in the crazy bullshit all his friends get up to and actually manages to stay out of it. Bonus points for surviving 4+ seasons in a town where murders are about as common as speeding tickets.
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spikeface · 2 months
The first male I was with was a male prostitute/masseuse. Just experimented. I had plenty of gay friends but I didn’t want to go to them and be like… you want to hang out? That was my first time. I’ve been with most types of people, trans people also, and then there was like, a headline that came out. I get scared of my mouth, some times I go a little too far, be a little too honest, and it’s caused headlines. For like two years I was accused of queerbaiting. I had to hire a private investigator because this person kept saying they were going to hire a hitman to kill me. Yeah. I was honest one time about who I had been with, and said I had been with all sexes and wasn’t ashamed of it. The public scrutiny of it was uncomfortable but… you have to go through uncomfortable stuff to get where you want to be... Just want more acceptance, that’s what I’m trying to do here.
-- Tyler Posey, via (x).
He's gone through such unbelievable levels of harassment and I wish more people understood that.
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xijura · 5 months
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No talk, just hugs. Hugs are great.
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jam-of-time · 21 days
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It’s officially September which means Autumn is on its way, so of course that means it’s time to start my yearly rewatch of Teen Wolf! 🍂🐺 Autumn is my favourite time of the year, what’s yours?
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gynnnicsworld · 26 days
Does Derek prefer to believe Scott over Stiles? Is stiles and lydia connection in season 3 really as strong as many say? Stick around for us to talk about it!
I really don't want to offend anyone, I just want to open a kind of conversation with people willing to discuss with arguments and reflect in a respectful manner.
You know, I was in some kind of "debate" with some people online, and These people really didn't know how to dialogue calmly.
But they helped me to reflect and want to find people who know what they are talking about.
Let's start with the first topic:
Does Derek prefer to believe Scott over Stiles?
Context: This question was raised in the situation of Donovan's death at the 'hands' of Stiles, many said that without a doubt Derek would be on Scott's side because to begin with Derek comes back again and again for Scott when he needs him. And that Scott is like a brother to Derek and that Stiles is simply Scott's 2x1, but in a situation like that of Donovan and Stiles, Derek would undoubtedly choose to believe Scott.
While I argued that Derek would definitely go to Stiles to find out 'the truth', and I say 'truth' like that because I argued Derek has ALWAYS sought out Stiles for answers and in moments where he doesn't know what's true and what's not, trusting 100% in what Stiles tells him.
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credits GIF: Colethewolf
I also recognize that at some point along the way, Derek began to consider Scott as a brother or something like that, and I do NOT detract from the connection that exists between Scott and Der, but despite this, I completely believe that Derek would support Stiles, in addition to the fact that Der does not see everything in black and white like Scott does, because Der's personality is that of someone who knows that the world, like people and situations, are gray.
Plus, we all know that Stiles is literally Derek's anchor and Derek goes to him for help whenever he needs it.
Second topic: Is Lydia and Stiles' connection as strong as many say in season 3?
This question is about whether Lydia is the right "anchor" at that time for Stiles to bring him back from the ritual. Some people say that Lydia was already in love with Stiles at that point, and that their connection was special and that Stiles' ajar door was already like that before the ice bath and that it has nothing to do with Lydia and their connection.
And here I do not mean to offend anyone or start any ship wars, no, here I said "At that time the relationship between Stiles and Lyds was not deep enough, at that time Lydia had just begun to consider Stiles a friend, but the friendship between Lydia and Stiles was not at the level that Lydia and Allison was at that time, so I consider that was not the best option for Stiles. Unlike Scott and Deaton who have a father-son type connection. While Ali feels romantically attracted to Isaac and vice versa.
I mean, I love the friendship between Lyds and Stiles, to me they are the smart badass duo, I deeply love the connection they have, to me Lydia and Stiles are the only ones (with the exception of Peter, because we have to be honest, that guy is really smart) who can follow each other's level of thinking/intelligence, and truly getting a connection with someone like that is quite difficult so I understand that both of them feel mutually understood by each other. And I think that's essentially where that special connection they have, they are the brains of the pack, thanks to them most of it is still alive.
But having said all that, I still think that the connection between Lyds and Stiles at that point wasn't deep enough yet and it wasn't the right choice.
Please leave your opinions <3 and thank you
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teenwolfvore · 27 days
Dominated & Devoured
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Scott was always surprised by how worked up Derek got over training. Don't get Scott wrong, everybody needed to work on what they were bad at. Scott understood this as both an athlete and a werewolf. Scott just didn't understand devoting an unnecessary amount of time to training, just to receive the same results. Especially considering that Scott was once again on top of Derek.
“Do you want to go for a fifth round?” Scott asks playfully. His sweat has been dripping all over Derek. It was mixing into Derek's sweat as the steam was practically rising up off of Derek's muscular body.
“Yes, we can go another round. I'm not going to end on a loss.” Derek gets from underneath Scott and prepares himself yet again. Scott was ready to go, but his mind must be playing tricks on him. Or rather, it was his stomach. The sweat on Derek's tan torso and the steam rising off of him made Derek look more like a sizzling steak then a werewolf. Maybe it was because Scott was hungry, but the younger wolf was more motivated than ever to beat Derek.
The two wolves go at it yet again, but Scott has more than enough motivation to take down Derek. They tussle and scrap, the fight for dominance inherent with wolves was augmented in Scott's eyes. He didn't just want to dominate Derek, he needed to devour him. This urge and did the fight far quicker than either Derek or Scott expected. Derek grumbles as Scott is once again on top.
“Okay let's-” GLOMP! Scott completely swallows Derek's head and cuts him off. Derek feels Scott's tongue slap up against his stubbled face before Scott takes a gulp. Derek's head and neck are pulled into the back of Scott's throat, then pushed down. It was only when Scott began to devour Derek's boulder shoulders did he realize that Scott was eating him. The werewolf begins to thrash and try to pull out, but by then it was too late.
Scott needily devours Derek and is all the greater for it. Derek's taste was incredible and the sweat just added an extra layer of flavor. Not to mention Derek's beef was delicious in its own right. Scott swallows up to Derek's beefy pectorals and hums over the shelf chest. His tongue explores Derek's hairy crevice and traces it down to the incoming abs. Scott gobbles up the bumpy muscle with enthusiasm. His neck and chest bulged with every gulp of Derek's body. It's all heading in one direction, Scott's needy food pit.
Derek growled as his head pushed past the tight sphincter into Scott's belly. It smelled like weed and Cheetos down there. The werewolf couldn't believe that he was being reduced to Scott's food. Derek was about to yell some obscenity when he felt Scott's tongue over his cock. He bites his lip as the younger wolf eagerly explores it. The tongue works over Derek's hefty member along with those hairy balls. For a moment Derek completely forgets about training and being devoured. Instead he enjoys Scott's unorthodox BJ. Derek moans loudly when he finally does blow his load. It covers himself in an extra layer of werewolf flavor.
Scott watches Derek's legs go limp from his orgasm. The younger wolf tips his head back to swallow Derek's manhood. He definitely enjoys Derek spunk boosting the experience. Scott's cheeks soon expand when Derek's bodacious bottom enters. Scott licks over the perky peach and is thrilled to have it saliva soaked. Seeing how he won't get another chance like this soon, Scott slaps Derek's ass to leave his handprint. Then a dominant gulp sends it down to join the rest of Derek's body.
Scott enjoys those hairy thighs and calves slipping into his mouth. Most of Derek was curled up inside of his belly now just waiting for the inevitable. The young Alpha lazily sucks on Derek's legs like a pair of noodles. There was no doubt that he had won and proved his dominance over Derek. Now he was just enjoying his werewolf snack. Soon, the only thing left on the outside of Scott's mouth is Derek's large socked feet. Scott opens up his mouth wide and enjoys the spicy flavor through the socks. The saliva soaks the fabric and elevates the final part of Derek's devourment. Scott's tongue even tickles Derek and elicits some giggles from the grumpy werewolf. Thrilled with his domination over Derek, Scott swallows the last bit of Derek.
Scott falls down onto his back as Derek rounds out his belly. Scott's sweaty tan belly occasionally bounces with Derek getting used to his new environment. Scott's hands rub from the happy trail to the navel. Once Scott finds where Derek's head is, he gives it a soft pat. The young werewolf licks his lips as a lazy smirk stays permanently on Scott's face. With Derek trapped in his belly, all Scott had to do was relax and digest.
“Well Derek, looks like I won round 5. And I think this is going to be the last one for-”
Scott unleashes a deep burp from his chest. It was raunchy and disgusting, Scott's spittle flying everywhere inside the training room. His belly squeezes down on Derek even more. Scott feels something sticky splat against his tummy when it's all over. Looking down he could see the soaking socks of Derek. He decides to keep them there as he gives his belly a proud slap.
Scott puts one arm behind his head as he shuts his eyes. His other hand rests permanently on top of his engorged belly. It possessively rubs over Derek, his food. Scott Young's from the exertion of dominating and devouring such a big prey. He smacks his lips one final time before drifting off to sleep. Soon the sound of snoring and happy gurgling fills the room. All of it coming from that sleeping Alpha with a self-indulgent smile on his face.
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toastybugguy · 1 year
Fanon perception:
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The actual text of the show:
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guys the huge difference is actually really funny when I’m not actively crying about it
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gothic4under4lord · 1 month
Unpopular opinion
One of the best and most underrated friendships in teen wolf. Like their friendship is so wholesome. Cause no matter what she always tried to include him❤️ stiles and Allison’s friendship ❤️❤️
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Like cute friendship ❤️❤️
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1asbrightasthestars3 · 8 months
I'm a feminist, obviously.
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But I wouldn't really mind HIM saving me..
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nightingale2004 · 8 months
Can all my Teen wolf and sterek people gather around real quick.
So what if Scott's pack and Derek all accidentally traveled back in time to when their parents went to school in Beacon Hills.
Now here's my version of this.
Claudia and Talia are soul sister besties. Claudia was just like Stiles, hyperactive, a spaz, short attention span, adhd, etc (also a freaking spark). Talia, was this cool werewolf future alpha girl with a hyperactive puppy for a best friend. (They would totally gossip and talk about Lydia's mom behind her back)
Noah (Stiles dad) was a loner. He was awkward. Couldn't talk to a woman to save his life (Claudia obviously made the first move). He was more invested in criminal law and mysteries.
Marissa (Scott's mom) was in her own corner. She briefly met Claudia and talked to her once or twice.
Lydia's mom (idk her name) was smart but played dumb and all that jass to win the hot guy.
I'm also thinking Peter definitely had a crush on Claudia when he was a kid during this time since she would babysit him a lot.
Claudia and Deaton are also besties and emissaries in training.
The Argent family are in Beacon Hills (I personally would not know how this would go but in intrigued)
Claudia and Talia are exactly like Scott and Stiles and getting into all sorts of trouble and adventures with Deaton at their side and hiding the secrets of the supernatural.
And all of Scott's pack plus Derek gets to see how their parents know each other and have met along with their adventures.
Let me know your version of this and enjoy
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tiffanyblewss · 3 months
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@thatonedudeinthecorner and i watching teen wolf was a mistake but i don't intend to fix it and we've got 5 seasons to go goddamn it
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fantastic-nonsense · 1 month
I think I've watched maybe three episodes of Teen Wolf total but I remember being absolutely baffled at Stiles/Derek being so popular when the concept of Scott/Stiles exists
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princeescaluswords · 19 days
Almost Universally Accepted
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If you ever wonder why people like me think the Teen Wolf fandom has become fundamentally corrupted by racism, you simply need to recall that there is, as one person on this site remarked recently, an 'almost universally accepted' headcanon among the fandom. Based on a single glance near the end of the first episode of the third season, Tattoo, a large number of people in this fandom believe that Stiles Stilinski helped Derek Hale and his pack look for their kidnapped betas over the summer between Scott's and Stiles's sophomore and junior years. In terms of the television production, this would be the hiatus between Season 2 and Season 3.
At first, it seems a perfectly harmless headcanon, but I believe it's a blatant example of how fandom racism degrades media literacy. Allow me to walk you through my reasoning. To start, most headcanons exist in a neutral state with regards to canon. When you speculate on a character's favorite ice cream flavor or whether they spend Christmases with their grandparents, it is most likely not going to affect how you view the canon. This particular one, however, modifies a crucial canon event, one which establishes both the relationships and a major part of the plot for an entire season. Coincidentally, those relationships and that plot are primary motive forces for the lead protagonist's character arc. Thus, accepting this headcanon requires the viewer to radically reinterpret the starting point of an entire season differently than the production's actual intention. It's such a radical change that any critical thinking requires a person to ask what the goal of this headcanon could possibly be, since it simply cannot fit within the canon itself.
Point One: The headcanon is entirely unsupported. Consider the image at the top of this post. That look on Stiles's face is, as far as I can tell, the sole trigger behind the creation of this suspect headcanon. Stiles makes eye contact with Derek and, apparently, looks guilty to the fandom. From this, Stiles is supposed to be sharing a private moment of remorse with Derek, to which Scott is not privy, about their inability to find Boyd and Erica over the summer.
Even given the possibility that the look on Stiles's face could also be interpreted as genuine concern for the fates of Boyd and Erica, regret that something new is coming for Beacon Hills, or even frustration that Scott is getting involved once more in something dangerous, the headcanon's interpretation does not in any way mesh with the actual lines spoken in the scene.
Derek: A pack of 'em. An Alpha pack. Stiles: All of them? How does that even work? Derek: I hear there's some kind of a leader. He's called Deucalion. We know they have Boyd and Erica. Peter, Isaac, and I have been looking for him for the last four months. Scott: Let's say you find them. How do you deal with an Alpha pack? Derek: With all the help I can get.
If Stiles has been working with Derek all summer to find and rescue Boyd and Erica, this dialogue makes no sense. Wouldn't Stiles already know about the alpha pack and how it works? Why would Derek not list Stiles among the people searching? It would require Stiles and Derek (and later Peter and Isaac) to deliberately decide to exclude Scott. Those who adhere to the headcanon never actually explain why that Stiles and Derek would want to conceal Stiles's participation in the search from Scott, but that's not their point.
Yet, while a conspiracy might explain why they don't reveal the secret here, it doesn't even begin to address while it is never mentioned elsewhere during the season (or any season). It also renders the dialogue between Derek and Stiles and between Peter and Stiles in Chaos Rising (3x02) incongruous. It makes the relationships between Stiles and Isaac and Stiles and Boyd incoherent. It makes the way Stiles treats Derek throughout the rest of the season nonsensical. But that's not all.
Point Two: It shreds characterizations for everyone but Scott. Take Stiles. In the last appearance of Stiles in Season 2, he tells Scott that "you still have me," in an incontrovertible statement of support. Why would a Stiles who made that promise hide this information from Scott; not just in this scene but in every scene about the Alpha Pack to come. If he was trying to keep Scott out of the supernatural things, then he didn't do a very good job; after all, he's the one who tells Scott about the Darach once Stiles discovers it. If he's secretly angry at Scott for something (whether it be not finding him when Gerard kidnapped him or some other fandom-conjured reason such as Scott 'ignoring' him all summer), then why wouldn't he use it when he argues with Scott in Unleashed (3x04), Frayed (3x05), Motel California (3x06) or Currents (3x07)? For this headcanon to be even remotely valid, it has to suppose that Derek and Stiles established a positive working relationship, but Derek is the one person to whom Stiles doesn't bring his ideas about the Darach. Why the sudden and unexplained change in regard?
Take Derek. If Derek trusted Stiles enough to have him help his pack look for Boyd and Erica over the summer, why would Derek so casually and cruelly dismiss Stiles's assistance after the recovery of Isaac ("Not You!"). If Derek is simply trying to keep Scott out of this -- which is actually seen on the screen -- isn't it callous of him to not have tried to keep Stiles out of it? And if Derek is angry enough with Scott not to seek his help over the summer (though this emotions doesn't stop him from accepting and asking for Scott's help visually on the screen), why doesn't Derek ever bring up that he trust Stiles enough to help but not Scott?
Keeping this a secret throughout the entire season doesn't match anyone else's character, either. Why didn't Peter use it to needle Stiles in Chaos Rising or needle Scott in Unleashed? Why does Peter, who is consistently portrayed as manipulative and using other people's misdeeds to excuse his actions ("I'm not the only dysfunctional family member.") not use it to undermine Derek's or Isaac's trust in Scott? For that matter, why doesn't Isaac use it in any of the conflicts he has with Stiles? It simply doesn't fit in with anyone else's behavior or characterizations.
Part Three: It does, however, serve to undermine Scott's role as lead protagonist. This is, at the base, the point. It's not really a starting point for Sterek that they claim it to be; a massive conspiracy doesn't really establish the impetus for their relationship considering how they both canonically treat Scott later. It does, however, serve as a coded way to establish the white male characters in the show as a social group in and of themselves, one from which Scott must be excluded, perhaps because of his inadequacies (he has to go summer school, see, which in Beacon Hill seems to be envisioned as a boot camp-slash-gulag) or his sins (not sacrificing Allison) but there has to be a reason. When you take in the way it doesn't fit into anything happen and doesn't really help what they want to happen, the only logical reason for the creation of this headcanon is that it demonstrates their belief that Scott does not deserve his position as lead protagonist, and that Stiles's professed loyalty is slowly being transferred to a man he had on a list of people responsible for human sacrifices twice.
But it is inevitable that such headcanons go against the themes of the show, the plot of the show, and the established characterizations of the cast, because consistency is not really important to parts of the fandom. What is important is that it suggests the true focus of the story should be where the believe it belongs: any white male character. This ill-fitting whim has become almost universally accepted, to remove a character of color form his position as lead protagonist with a subtext so deep it appears for exactly 2 seconds.
It is indeed racism.
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