#her dog and cat are in ukraine also
a-lil-strawberry · 10 months
I'm starting to learn Ukrainian to bond with my Ukrainian coworker. I literally just downloaded Duolingo and did a couple lessons. I really don't want to quit, I really want to at least be able to speak with her a little bit in her language so that I can make her smile. I want to stick with this
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derehono · 3 months
The day that changed my life forever.
24th of February 2022 should have been my usual day. No, not usual. A wonderful day. I should have been checked with a doctor, gave notice to teachers in high school of my absence, and then fly away on vacation, my parents wanted it so much.
On 23rd of February 2022 I felt happy. I had a secure, happy life, preparing to finals, hanging out with my friends, already having an offer from university.
Until 5AM 24.02.2022.
I had not a single class in my school since then.
I haven’t seen my friend group in 2 years.
I didn’t have my finals.
We did not have that vacation.
“Daughter, wake up. This old psychotic man attacked us. We are leaving.”
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That was my first photo of the day, trying sarcastically keep myself normal. I remember that actual emptiness, reading my classmates texts about how their windows were shaking because of explosions, the sky was orange. They sent that video.
He called it “a special military operation”.
I collected random clothes, some hobby stuff just to keep my sanity, grabbed my pet, emptied my safety locker. I was scared that russians would intrude into our home and steal all my savings, so I throw away key to that lock. This key became my symbol of war, I have never found it even after return.
When I with my parents and pet got out of flat to car we heard for the very first time air raid siren. We would hear so many more of them, we would learn to differentiate them, but then we were confused.
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It was my second photo. People were going away. Foot, cars, bicycles. I remember such a surreal picture. Some moms were carrying their toddlers, one woman was carrying a bucket of water with turtles, other people were carrying cages with parrots, with dogs, with cats, with exotic pets despite air raid siren, temperature, rain. Everyone was so confused and scared.
Few days later the road we were riding was occupied. Bridges destroyed. Factories burnt. Supermarkets demolished. Houses in ruins. Road in holes. On the side of the road burnt cars with “DO NOT TOUCH, POSSIBLY EXPLOSIVE”. That gut wrenching feeling seeing photos of dead bodies and recognising the place.
But back then it was still lively, not a road of death. I remember reading news then. First victims, first shelling. Invasion from East. Invasion from Kharkiv region. Invasion from Crimea. Invasion from Chernihiv. Invasion from Zhytomyr. And we were in Zhytomyr region at that moment. Explosions in Kyiv. The border was destroyed.
I felt nothing. Just emptiness.
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This precious girl was keeping my head cool all the road. She was also scared and irritated, but she was so strong, such an amazing girl. I am so proud of her.
We were heading to my grandparents who lived closer to West Ukraine, so we would be safer. The road that takes usually just 4 hours but that time it took 13 hours. 13 hours of driving exhausted and nerved. We saw soldiers, trucks, jets, how barricades were built, signs were removed.
But we made it. We were lucky. Lucky to be alive, to have family alive and mostly close to West, further from russia. Even though, part of my extended family still was under occupation in Chernihiv region, suffering from such close border with belarus.
When we arrived, we were just silent. Then collected mattresses for shelter, asked grandpa to grab some patrol (we knew that they would definitely destroy reservoirs and literally next day the started doing that), and just fell asleep in something that we arrived in, being so scared.
That day I also cut ties with russian friend who I am shamed to admit having. He was proving me that this is just a military operation, no one would be harmed.
Then, arrived spring that I will never forget but at the same time never remember. I remember 10 people in one floor house. I remember the whistle of rocket that woke us up. I remember sirens. I remember news. I remember losing hope. I remember first photos after deoccupation of Kyiv region. I remember how forgotten friend of my dad suddenly called him saying that his city is fully destroyed, his neighbour right on his eyes was exploded attempting to get into the car and evacuate.
I remember my first mental breakdown. How I was crying in the darkness, but quietly so no one would notice.
We were able to return home three months later. But we are just lucky. Someone would never return. Someone is not even alive to see their home again. Someone’s home is forever destroyed.
I was lucky that I have secured my place at foreign university before war, but my whole family is still in Ukraine.
War is not over at all. 20% of Ukraine is occupied. So many displaced civilians, so many deaths. No one could even count, we do not have any access to bodies. Only way to identify is to deoccupy and find mass graves. No other means. Children are suffering from PTSD even in such a young age. Almost in every city, big or small, you would find graveyards covered in Ukrainian flag, grave of the soldier.
Maybe media does not talk that much of us, but it doesn’t mean that everything is alright. Avdiivka is destroyed, right now operation searching for people under debris of the civilian house after attack is undergoing.
And this is happening all the time.
Who was punished for Olenivka? Who was punished for destruction of Kakhovka Dam? Who was punished for all fully destroyed cities? Who was responsible for all that absolutely atrocious videos torturing Ukrainian soldiers?
Please, remember, Ukraine is still on fire. People are still dying. Soldiers cannot even counterattack because they do not have enough ammo, just for protection. Information war is also waging, sharing all that misinformation, Nazi narratives, russian propaganda.
russia is a terrorist state.
Glory to Ukraine.
Glory to the Heroes.
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mask131 · 9 months
Given people tend to have a short-lived memory on the Internet, let's recall together one of the ridiculous moments of Putin's Russia's propaganda against Europe. It is something that happened very recently, and for once it is not an ideological or social conflict or propaganda. No, it is a meteorological one - a story that might seem laughable and absurd, just a good joke on its own, but a story that shows us how deeply buried in lies and falseness and a complete detachment from reality the Russian propaganda is. This highlights the sad truth of how Russian media became a mass-fake-news machine and is ready to twist and turn every little fact of life to serve their own "Russia is the greatest, the rest of the world is Hell" view.
This happened in the winter of 2022-2023. If you are not in Europe maybe you didn't hear about this, but it was all over here. If you do not recall, this winter was actually colder than the one of previous years - which notably caused a certain problem because there was an economic crisis going on thanks to the Ukrainian war. There is this big price inflation all across Europe, coupled with the fact we don't get the Russian oil and gaz anymore - and this slightly colder weather mixed with the more costly every day life and the lack of heating fuels were all used by Russian propagandist to announce that Europe was going to face its harshest and coldest winter yet, and that thanks to the Ukrainian war, they would all freeze to death. If you listened to the words of Russian information channels, it was as if ASOIAF's "Winter is coming" was happening in real life.
Putin notably used a sentence referring a very popular Russian fairytale (though it is actually a folktale also heavily present in Europe, especially in France where it is part of the Roman de Renart) - "The wolf's tail will freeze". For Putin, Europe was the wicked and greedy wolf, and this harsh icey winter would weaken Europe the same way the wolf who was tricked into fishing with his tail got trapped in the lake of ice...
Let's begin with a "little lie", well a big one, but still lesser compared to the others that follow in this post. Mid-March, Olga Skabeyeva (one of the famous propagandist news anchors of Russia) claimed that due to the rise of prices, a third of the inhabitants of France was forced to give up on hygiene and beauty products. According to her, a third of French people didn't use shampoo or deodorants anymore, a third of French people didn't clean their teeth anymore - they even had to abandon toilet paper due to it costing too much! And of course, Skabeyeva concluded that this was all because France gave too much money to Ukraine, leaving its own people "poor and dirty"... Note that this actually plays on a widespread stereotype French have among foreigners: the reputation of French being dirty for only taking a bath once a week or so. I don't know where this stereotype of the French that doesn't take care of their personal hygiene comes from, but it exists.
If you are from Britain, you probably heard about Olga Skabeyeva's famous comments about the poor state the harsh winter and economic crisis of England had left people into. Mid-January she affirmed on Russian television that the common British folks were forced to eat dog food and cat food because human food was too costly, and that now English households cooked on their radiators, since they could only afford one heater for the whole house. This was backed up in early March by her claims that British restaurants, due to a lack of animal meat, were forced to serve squirrels to their clients, and that they would go on to trap other animals found in parks. Many British people argued back that yes, there was a big and harsh crisis, but no it wasn't as bad as the propagandist claimed and no, nobody ate squirrels in restaurants. [I unfortunately cannot find back the source but I recall seeing around the time this made the news, that the propagandist actually took one true info - something about indeed people killing squirrels somewhere in England for health and ecological reasons, or maybe some public figure joking about possibly eating squirrels - and then twisted it into "all British restaurants serve squirrels now". That's typical of propagandists - take one grain of truth, make it a whole beach of lies.]
And then we reach Germany. This time I have sources to back up, exact sources I will bring to you. In fact, if you want to know more about the crazy world of Russian propaganda, I can't advise you enough to check out this very informative and eye-opening series: Arte's Fake News. Arte is a Franco-German binational channel that brought this program - originally a web-series, that also aired on television. "Fake News", of its full title, "Fake News: Russian propaganda for beginners", is a series created and hosted by Marsha Borzunova, the representative of a group of anti-Putin Russian journalists that exiled themselves. Now, from the town of Riga, she and her crew created these videos that study, debunk and explain the various aspects of Russia's propaganda.
And one of her videos covered the topic of "European winter as seen by Russia". She talked of Putin's "wolf's tail" comment, she talked of how Russian television channels claimed that Czech figureheads publically said that to survive winter they will burn "everything they get their hands on", and even burn Ukraine down... And she also brought up the "Berlin problem". During the last months of the year 2022, Russian newspaper multiplied reports that due to the lack of oil/gaz and the extreme temperatures of winter, Berliners were cutting down almost all of the trees in their public parks. Which of course, is something that never happened. But these newspapers listed an American article from Bloomberg as their sources - and when you go look at the article, you realize how heavily the propagandists twisted the original words. The Bloomberg article was about the energy crisis in Germany, indeed, and how wood-fueled heating systems were now preferred and demanded over gaz-fueled heating systems, but that was it. The article did mention public park trees being cut down as an example... as an HISTORICAL example. The article speaks of the cutting of the Tiergarten trees in WORLD WAR II!!!
To add salt to the wound, there is the existence of a television show in Russia called "Antifake", designed to debunk fake news and denounce propaganda. Not Russian one though - the point of this show is to destroy the "lies of the West" and reveal the "truth" about Europe. Which is, as you can guess, a pile of absurd and shameless lies in favor of Russia. Antifake most notably fed into the whole "Europeans are freezing to death" thing by having their reporter living in Germany, a woman called Yulia, do a live interview from her apartment in Munich - and she appeared in this interview wrapped into a big, heavy winter coat, fur-lined hood over her head, despite being inside. Because, as she explained, the furnace had been cut for the night and in the morning, and so she was waiting for noon to have the sun heat her apartment into a more bearable temperature. An interview that becomes absolutely ridiculous when you know that at the same time, in Munich (Yulia's town), it was mid-october, it was a sunny week with 18 degrees outside (I'll let you do the conversion if you are American). Nobody in their right mind was wearing a coat inside their house, and nobody wore heavy coats outside either, and there was no furnace cuts. Even more hilarious is the fact that the emission showed background videos recorded of European heavly clothed, sharing food at some charity stand in a freezing morning... Except that when you look at the signs in this supposedly "German sight", you see everything is written in cyrillic, and that's because these images were recorded in the town of Opotchka, in the Pskov region, not "near Berlin" as they wanted the audience to think. Speaking of Yulia - you might have heard of her outside of the "Antifake" show, because she made herself quite famous in Germany, even viral. She went viral because she posted a video of herself smiling and dancing with a Russian flag... In front of a group of Ukrainian refugees in Salzburg. She became known as the "Russian harasser of Ukrainians fleeing the war" in Germany.
Borzunova also mentions the cyber-war of fake news to conclude her look at Russian's fantasies about a winter of misery in Europe: on Twitter, there was a trend that spread, a hastag #AgainstSanctions. This hashtag was shared and posted by many Europeans of various countries, complaining that the sanctions taken against Russia were ruining their life. The trend was simple: post a picture of an empty plate, with a message written on a piece of paper onto the plate, directly demanding to your local politician to stop the anti-Russia sanctions.
Here's the thing however: this "trend" was reported by Russian institutions and medias. And while the posts of this hashtag do exist, when you look just a little bit deeper you realize how fake it all is. All the accounts that started this trend only have one post in total: the AntiSanctions post. All these accounts were created on the same day. AND their profile pictures are those of public figures - ranging from CNN news anchors to Bollywood actresses.
Anyway, if you want to check the video about all of this, you can go look at it on Youtube. I personally watched the French subtitled version, even though there is a German-subtitled one (thanks to Arte being Franco-German), and Borzunova speaks in English, so you can still listen to her comments and understand her explanations without reading French or German:
If the video above doesn't appear, here is the link.
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Sometimes I just think about what would've happen if Karnak sent everyone back
Ocean could have gone to a big name school but was actually afraid to, she went to community college with constance I don't think she would go towards something that helps people one on one but something where she can help from afar i.e that bitch is going to school to become a eco lawyer, I don't know if she would stick with it or have a crisis midway thru it and look into other fields, she has a lot of difficulty finding herself in relationships but sooner or later Constance just says they're dating and she asks zero questions. She gives the vibe of the baddie bitch who ends up with a by circumstance kid (probably some really distance relative dies and ocean not having a lot of family the kid ends up in her care)
Noel most definitely will be in uranium for a long time he'll get a bartender gig In his spare time he will write the most heartbreaking books like you read it in one sitting ugly crying it'll take years but he'll end up writing a best seller he'll be on talk shows it will be made into shows/movies/plays(he also writes super smutty raunchy toe curling novels also under a fake name), He seems like a forever kinda bitch so I think he would only ever have 1 serious relationship and a handful of hookups. Him and his hubs will probably wander around Europe for a couple years. He's very 50/50 on kids he can see why they're annoying and he can see why people have em
Mischa I'm going catfish Talia for this one. He'll fly back to Ukraine to be with her and she'll ghost him he'll never get closer he'll think something awful happend to her and even when he takes it to the police nothing will come from it, he'll go back to uranium and be roommates with Noel probably be in a slump for awhile, he's going to keep doing rap probably starts doing a bit more traditional Ukraine folk music one of which will become a TikTok sound and becomes viral, he won't end up Arianna grande famous but he will be well known He'll end up questioning his sexuality a bit he'll come to the conclusion that he's attracted to whoever he's attracted too and that's enough for him, it'll take awhile for him to start dating again he's gonna have a few handfuls of short relationships and after awhile of living with noel he would just wake up and realize one day that he's head over heels deeply in love with that man it takes awhile but after some miscommunication and hijinks they end up together. He definitely wants 5 kids minimum he's going to be THAT dad the dad that's going to dress up as a fairy princess for tea partys,learn everything about baseball (or any other sport) if his kids are interested in it, all one of his kids have to do is show big puppy dog eyes and a pout and the man will fold like a wet napkin,he'll support anything his kids put their minds too, he's also the dad throwing down in the stands his kids soccer game cus another dad was talking shit, he's afraid of very little i.e his kids...
Ricky stays in uranium he'll share a apartment with constance for a bit, this boy has been writing warrior cat fanfic since he was 10 after finishing his 2millon word fanfic he starts working as a website/product designer until a small publisher finds his warrior cat fan fic and gets in contact saying change a few things he could publish it, he thinks along time on it until Ocean forces her way onto his Google doc back up of it and starts editing it herself so she can bully him into publishing it... Which she successfully does... It ends up being like game of thrones but better. Penny and him end up together like RIGHT after they all come back from "death".. She goes to furry cons with him (he's a furry she likes how creative everyone is) they end up having a army of cats and and foster children
Constance goes to community college with Ocean. She goes into politics because she love her Small Town™ but sees ways to make it better she ends up running for mayor, she wins by a landslide because the man she's running against isn't even from there and looks down his nose a lot at all uranium natives. She always wanted one of those big (invite the entire town almost) themed weddings and all Ocean wanted was a elopement with only them they met in the middle and had a small(only immediate family and friends) theme wedding
Penny as soon as she's 18 she convinces the courts that she should have custody of Ezra. She works her ass off for him and she also goes to night school to become a mortician. She loves the nitty gritty bits of the human body the grosser the better for her She puts a lot of care into prepping the body. Her and Ricky actually don't end up living together until way into their 30s. They decide not to have a biological kids. Penny has always loved kids but the idea of pregnancy is terrifying and after her experience in foster care her and Ricky end up fostering kids of all ages and are very big on the reunification of family's if possible and work very hard with the kids and parents and social workers. They also foster cats Penny is on 4 different allergy medication and she is having a blast naming the kittens
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mariacallous · 8 months
Gregory Winter, 54, was arrested in September 2022, after posting an outraged social-media comment about the Russian army’s atrocities in Bucha and Irpin. “Everything we already knew about from Afghanistan, Chechnya, and Syria has been repeated in Ukraine,” Winter wrote. “This is the end of ‘the Russian civilization.’ No one is ever going to fall for Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky. Everybody will know that this is just a cover for Aleppo, Grozny, and Bucha.” Winter is now on trial for spreading “fake news” about the Russian military. His lawyers think he has a high chance of being sent to a prison colony, but Winter, who is diabetic, doesn’t think he would survive in those conditions. To prepare for the worst, he is trying to find new homes for the nine cats he has rescued from the streets over the years. Here’s the story of Gregory Winter and his cats, as told by the independent Russian media The New Tab.
Gregory Winter is a human rights activist from Cherepovets, a city in the Vologda region of northern Russia. Formerly the head of a local branch of the NGO For Human Rights, Winter is known for his outspoken, sometimes provocative presence in the local media. He is used to the wrath of the Russian authorities, too, having been jailed in the past, and threatened with physical violence for campaigning to preserve his region’s forests from logging.
Gregory also has a passion for animal welfare. He grew up with parents who were constantly bringing home cats and dogs from the street, caring for sick animals, and trying to get them back on their feet. When he found himself living alone as an adult, Gregory started doing the same. About 20 years ago, he already had 12 cats living in his apartment. “You can’t just walk past a cat who’s been tormented by sadists and lies dying in the street,” he told The New Tab. “So the number of my animals rarely got smaller. It would only happen when a sick animal had to be euthanized.”
Winter only adopts new animals if he is sure that they won’t make it without human help. This is what happened with his cat Vasya, who had been dropped off at a dog shelter in a plastic bag. For six months, Gregory spoon-fed the emaciated cat. When Vasya got back on his feet, he unexpectedly turned into a fierce “godfather” to the rest of Winter’s gang of felines.
Another cat, named Susu, had her hind leg torn off by someone who then left her to die in the foyer of an apartment building. By some miracle, the vets managed to reattach her limb, but the traumatized cat spent three years hiding under Winter’s desk, without ever coming near him.
Susu might never have become attached to Winter if the Russian authorities didn’t arrest him and put him in jail. In 2020, he was charged with spreading misinformation about COVID-19. (The human rights organization Agora has pointed out that the new Russian law against COVID-related misinformation was frequently instrumentalized to persecute the government’s critics.) In jail, Winter was brutally beaten. Meanwhile, his friends were caring for his cats.
The cats proved to be so attached to Winter that two of them died: one before he was released, and the other not long afterwards.
In September 2022, Winter became a criminal suspect once again, this time for a social-media comment about the Russian army’s atrocities in Ukraine. After some time in custody, Winter was put under house arrest. He is certain, however, that this will only last for a couple of months — until the next court hearing, to be precise. His lawyers think his chance of getting a prison sentence very high.
Winter has no close family members in the area. His adult son lives abroad, and because he is subject to being drafted into the Russian army, Winter would never even think of asking him to come to Russia for his cats. He is also pessimistic about his own chances of surviving in prison: “I have a complicated form of diabetes,” Winter says, “and if they put me in prison, I’ll never get out. They don’t have any medications there. One way or another, I must figure out the fate of my cats.”
The cat named Susu has already been adopted by a family from Yaroslavl, but Gregory’s other cats don’t seem to interest anyone in Cherepovets. Their owner hopes that Russians from other regions might come forward to adopt them. “There are only nine cats at the moment,” he says,
and all of them are sweet, well-trained, and unfussy with food. I’m asking people who love animals to help me. My friends will bring the cats to Moscow, St. Petersburg, or to other cities in Central Russia. Some of the cats can do well in a suburban home. My cat Baldie is an excellent mouser. Vasya can be an excellent working cat, he has just the right temper for guarding a house.
If you can help with an adoption of one or more of Gregory Winter’s cats, please send a message to The New Tab on Telegram.
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fadedfiu · 2 years
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zilga (or sometimes zalgo) corduroy
recently i bought this pony i wanted for almost a year. i was fascinated by her face. most of toys have calm smile on their faces so this sassy gal was really special. her hair is also great, so rich and thick. there also were stripe, pin, comb and face mask that can change her face into smiley one but i like her moody expression way much more
this toy is called failfix total makover an theres also dogs and cat but i dont think i can buy them too bc theyre sooo expencive (at least in ukraine), this pony was very expencive for me even with discount
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nocturnal-world · 2 years
All right, I've tagged quite a lot of fandoms here
No idea how Tumblr algorithm works, and how many people will see this, but I have to try every possible option there is for this.
There are many wonderful people in these fandoms, and if you see this post, I am asking you to assist either by spreading the word to others, or if you can, by providing the aid yourselves.
As we all know (even though the news have moved on to the next big event), there is a war in Ukraine (every trolling or pro Russian talk will be ignored). A lot of Ukrainians are fighting because they want to live in a free country. A lot of volunteers from different countries have joined this fight. This post is about one of those volunteers, and everything he, and the whole group of Ukrainians, Scots, Americans, Canadians (and others) are doing in order to help Ukraine. He is a combat medic you see. His name is Brandon. He is also a cat rescuer. And a person who as far as I saw, fed every single dog he met on the road. He also buys food for the soldiers who are defending Ukraine. Well in short, he is really saving lives in many ways. And I will post some more details about him written by another page, because I suck at writing, but this man is giving his all for Ukraine, along with many others, and I want to help him raise enough money so that he can get what he needs, and can continue helping others. Below is more information about Brandon. He posts constantly about his progress in Ukraine (also there are loads of kitten and dog videos), and where the money he raised is going. If you can support him as well, and even with a few dollars (you'd be suprised how much can be raised when many people donate a little bit) it will definitely be appreciated. And if you cannot, I am asking you to repost this, and spread the word about him to other people so that they can know as well.
Now..short copy&paste bio about Brandon, politely borrowed from: https://www.forcex.ca/pages/ukraine_tbic:
Who is ukraine_tbic?
Ukraine_tbic also known as Brandon is a Canadian/British veteran with 5 years service in the Canadian and British forces. When the invasion of Ukraine happened he was called to serve again. This time he chose the Ukrainian Hospitallers Battalion as a Volunteer Combat Medic. After arriving in country he received the required job specific training and was stationed at field hospitals in the Zaporizhzhia and Donbas Regions.
He started his instagram on April 27, 2022. Day 49 of his service in Ukraine. His original goal was to simply raise awareness about what medical personnel were facing on the front lines in Ukraine. He started to post about their duties as well as the animals that flocked to them for food and love. Brandon’s goal changed from just raising awareness to trying to raise funds for authentic medical equipment, medications, ballistic equipment, and where we find ourselves today a 4 wheel drive vehicle to use as a field ambulance. Brandon is a little bit of all of us, the type of person you know you can get along with, someone who shares the same moral standing and understanding of what's right and what's wrong. A human who puts their life on pause for the lives of other humans but also animals is a human we can all aspire to be.
As such we felt the need to do what we could to try and raise funds for his mission, he entrusted us with the love of his life Masa and we brought her into a crest to represent him. You can show that you aspire to be the bigger man, the better human by supporting him either through our Masa merch or by donating directly to Brandon at the link below.
There. That is the short version really. You can read more at the link provided before. If you read this far, thank you. And if one person donates, that is one person more. Ukraine and her people need all the help they can get.
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Betty how do I go about getting into volunteering? I've been feeling like I don't give back and it's been hard to see so many people struggling right now. I'm in Toronto but I have no idea how to find opportunities? I also kinda suck at fundraising (I'm not a social person) I always feel like I would suck at volunteering. It's great you're so involved!
i love this ask!
what are your interests or passions? start there!
do u like dogs or cats? find your nearest animal shelter! most will gladly accept volunteers, esp the smaller ones.
sewing? i recently heard of a lady in timmins making quilts to gift to survivors of residential and day schools in canada and the usa. she and her volunteers would like to send a quilt to every living survivor. they need material, thread, blocks and tops sewn, long arming, and cash for shipping costs.
does the war in ukraine make u feel like u need to do smth? there r several organizations helping newcomers get settled and ways u can support those still in ukraine. start here for ideas.
there r unhoused people living on the streets. shelters can be full, their few possessions can be taken in street sweeps, they may not have eaten today. winters r cold and summers r hot. kitchen skills can be put to use or join a street team passing out basic needs like blankets, jackets, and sandwiches.
do u have sports skills? those can be used to teach kids (or adults!).
if u have kids in ur life (aunts and uncles can get involved too!) there is a plethora of volunteer requests from every direction. school, sports, extra-curriculars. often it is fundraising related but if that’s not ur jam check if there is a volunteer board position open. or just attend meetings to lend ur opinion (who doesnt love giving unsolicited advice to a captive audience!!) or hear the secret goss they dont post on sm lol.
none of those sound good? there are SO MANY others….. try here🫶
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redshift-13 · 1 year
The huge Russian toll on animal life
Over the past 280-some days of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, any number of stories have appeared describing the terrible cost to animals and also those trying to help them.
Animal shelters have literally been attacked.  It’s unclear (from my reading) if this is deliberate or accidental.  However, since there are few if any moral limits to the Russian terror campaign in Ukraine, nothing should surprise us.
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Russians have actually shelled at least one zoo, killing employees with with shells and deliberately through gunfire.
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The photos and stories in this article highlight not just human and animal suffering but the moral catastrophe of humanity.
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“Glasha (left) and one of her puppies at an animal shelter in Dnipro on July 8. Glasha was at the site of an explosion after a rocket attack on Dnipro. She was found injured with a broken paw and numerous scratches. The next day, Glasha's puppies were pulled from under the rubble. They are in shock, and one has a hip fracture.“ https://www.npr.org/sections/pictureshow/2022/09/20/1119965460/russia-ukraine-war-animal-pet-rescue-photos
As is often the case with humanity, the best of us succumb to the treachery of the worst of us:
It’s not just pet owners who are putting themselves at risk; so is the network of volunteers trying to keep supply lines open to them. Family members say Russian troops shot and killed Anastasiia Yalanskaya, a Ukrainian animal rescue volunteer, as she tried to deliver food to a dog shelter near Kyiv.
Staff at shelters in Russian-occupied parts of Ukraine say the troops show little regard for the needs of people or animals.
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Volunteers try to coax a wounded dog after the rescue group’s adoption center was struck by the Russian military.
Before the war, Sirius was the largest animal shelter in Ukraine and home to more than 3,000 dogs and over 200 cats at its main facility north of Kyiv.
Thankfully, the Russians have been militarily defeated in the area.  But how many animals suffered and died needlessly?  How many dear family pets, lost in the panic of fleeing Russian attack, have ended up here, never to go home or be with their families again?
Russian destruction of wildlife surely counts as some of the worst environmental crimes of this or any century.  However, so weak is the global environmental legal regime that likely no one will be held accountable for it.
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Behold the handiwork of Putinism, the god-sick Russian Orthodox Church, the Russian Military, the poisonous intellectual legacy of the theo-fascist Ivan Ilyin, the Eurasian ideologue and anti-Ukraine genocidaire Alexander Dugin, etc.:
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I feel sick in my soul reading all of this.  I can readily find temporary reason to think that there’s nothing worthwhile about humanity if this is what we do, and it might be better if we weren’t around any longer.
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viktoria-sob · 1 year
P.S. please, pretend that you don't see my mistakes😂
Okay, i want to thank @lovely-menza for tagging me in this, although i'm not really much into all these games, but today (1 am already) the exception, cause I want to distract myself from this annoying study at least for a while. Okay, let's start.
1. Are you named after anyone?
Well, I was named after my paternal grandmother (well, that's what my parents told me). And although i didn't know her much, because she died in 2016, when i was like 9 y.o., and i saw her last time when i was a child, i know she was a very kind and wise woman.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Last night 💀. Ye...cool
3. Do you have kids?
I'm 15 lol. But in future, no, i don't want still
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Well, i think so. In my opinion, my friends will say opposite thing, but i guess, yes, i'm a sarcastic person
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Well, idk really. But ig it's the way they talk, look like (i mean their appearance), attitude towards other people, friends who surround them
6. What's your eye colour?
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
I prefer scary movies more than happy endings
8. Any special talent?
Annoy people, although they tell me, i'm not annoying 💀. I'm just overthinker, sorry
9. Where were you born?
Ukraine 🇺🇦. Very beautiful country!
10. Hobbies
Well, i had a hobby, ye. Play the guitar. But now i don't play much because of school and studies. I have drawn in the past, although it was rare and I don't see it as a hobby. Maybe, my hobby is listening to music, discover some new live performances (one person helps me with that, and i so appreciate that. Althought he won't see that, because he hasn't Tumblr, but yeah). But listening to music, well, i'm addicted to music. It's like my drugs. I'm in my headphones 24/7, and i'm trying to listening rock music everywhere and under any circumstances. To sum up, ig i'd have an actual hobby if u had more spare time.
11. Have you any pets?
Yes, i do! I have a cat named Baghira (like the panther from the Jungle Book). Alsoni had a dog, but he died long time ago, when i was a child. I cried a lot when i learned that he had died. He was a friend to me, when i was a little. But i git used to it, and now we have just the photos and memories with him. Rest In Peace, my friend
12. Sports you play/have played
Hm, i just like volleyball, badminton, tennis, football (can't play) too much! but I can't develop the skills to play because I don't have many friends, and if I do, they wouldn't play these games with me
13. Height
176 cm (idk, i want to be taller. I'm weird, i know)
14. Favourite school subject
Ha, nice question actually. if we had normal teachers, I would have liked more subjects, but they spoiled my whole attitude towards it. Well, i can say Algebra, Physics (it's tough sometimes, but it's okay. Life isn't easy), i started like Chemistry, we just have a new teacher, and we started LEARN Chemistry, actually learn (although again, this subject is tough a bit, but my friend judt helps me with that a bit, so i understand it) and PE (idk why no one almost likes PE, it's a nice subject)
15. Dream job
Word "job" is killing me already 😂. Because when your parents torture you with questions "what your future job will be?", "look, other your friends and cousins win the school olympiads, what about you?" and i feel like i'm nothing for them. Well, okay then. So...i just want to find a normal, interesting job for me, with 9-5 working hours, and that i can spend also enough time with my future pet and family
Well, thank you for that opportunity talk out 😂. I'm tagging @apparentlyfivebelievers @thespiritofvexation @milkyway-ashes @gomme-savon @dschhh @esusul @creamenthusiast @cinetherat @beardedrainbow @jonesyjonesyjonesy @childoftheriver @alexlifeless @ritchie-is-my-darling @youre-no-good @pageys-tea @rock-aesthetic-y and anyone who wants to join too! Well, you can ignore it, okay :). Many of these people i tagged don't know me, i'm just following them :). Have a nice day/night!
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lewis-faith · 2 years
Trip 3, day 10. The day started by realising the communal food was getting very thin on the ground so a big shop was needed. We have been stocking up daily on bread and fruit but when the potatoes and onions are running low you know you have a problem.
I took the opportunity to reorganise the cupboards and found lots of things hidden away or in the wrong place. A secret stash of tinned peas was found, only after I had bought a few more tins. Pea soup maybe? We get regular bowls of borsch made by the Ukrainian mothers, I must learn to make this when my crop of beetroot are ready back home.
With a promise of receiving Julia's daughter's visa today and the remaining visa for the new family it was back on my now regular commute to the visa center.
Before I left I met our new volunteer Paul, it just so happened that he had a relative who was living in Poland staying just round the corner from Heavenly Hostel and was able to sleep there. Vlad's mum was also around in the kitchen, she is going to be staying near Birmingham so I showed her a video from YouTube to prepare her for the Brummie accent. She had a go herself and actually took to it quite well. I look forward to hearing some Ukrainian spoken in a solid Brummie accent before to long.
The new family's youngest boy sat up front on the way to the visa office with his dad, this is now a much sought after seat amongst the children. We drive past the airport on the motorway and are usually treated to a plane flying over us at low altitude as it lands.
The news at the visa office was that Julia's visa was ready but not her daughter's, opposite to what we were expecting. I didn't bother trying to unravel this one, it was still a result and we are promised the daughter's is coming today. The new family were informed their last remaining visa was due so it was shaping up ok. We had an hour or so to wait until the visas would actually arrive so I took them all for a drink over the road, at a hotel that had a nice garden area.
To strike up some conversation I asked them for an example of a famous Ukrainian joke, they seemed amused but stumped for an answer. The new family's dad stepped in and typed away on his phone.
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I tried to think of a return but struggled to think of anything that would translate properly. I opted instead for teaching the joke "what is black and white and red all over", explaining that "read" and "red" sound the same.
We got back to the visa office and it was unusually quiet, even compared to the day before. We waited in the long corridor of chairs for our numbers to be read out. Whilst waiting I asked Julia if she was afraid or allergic to dogs, her mother was and this was causing us problems finding her parents a host near their daughter. We could only find one host family and they have lots of dogs and cats.
Julia showed me a picture of what I think was a bullmastif, she told me she used to have a dog like that. The catch was it was killed by shrapnel. I didn't know this but her house was bombed when she and her family were there. She showed me pictures of the damage. Luckily no people were injured.
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I asked where her house was and Julia showed me on Google Maps, a very small town west of Severodonetsk.
Julia applied for her visa 11 weeks ago so although this city is now very much the focus of media attention that area clearly hasn't been safe for a while. It is hard to understand why the Russian's target tiny nondescript towns in the middle of nowhere, it can only be to terrorise civilians. Julia also showed me the bomb damage to her parents house, they fled last week.
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With a journey to Poland taking days and being far from safe it is understandable why the elderly stay put, it is sad to think these decisions don't always work out.
It really should be obvious how bad the situation in Ukraine is. It is also no secret that the British response to needs of Ukrainian refugees has been embarrassingly lacklustre. We live in a world of information and data, the data speaks for itself. When you keep people waiting that just clogs the arteries of aid, and before long the inevitable chain reaction is that people are stuck in dangerous places they would be better off escaping from. Britain is exploiting the stretch of water between itself and the rest of Europe to skulk out of doing its bit, while people are bombed in their own homes. No need to reduce that sentence to a single word or pithy comment.
Julia's visa thankfully had no errors this time and the new family's visa also arrived so we headed home pretty happy. With Tanya and her family leaving for Manchester tomorrow there was gifts of borsch from all angles. Paul very generously offered to fund Vlad and his mother's flight to Birmingham, so that was booked and off they will be on Monday. He also offered me a place to stay in Liverpool on Tuesday, my chances of making the last train home look to be in the 10% range.
I was about to tuck into my helping of borsch and was instead confronted with a late in the day problem. The new family's visa have a potenitial showstopper. Because the dad had been dealing with the officials I hadn't had a chance to check the visas but was intending to do this today. It turns out the kids visas have the dependent listed as the wrong family member. We are hoping this is not a problem but will have to do some checking. As far as I know as long as the dependent listed is travelling with them then that is all that matters, but these things are wildly complicated and will need verifying. Another style of problem to add to the list.
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prussiasqueen · 2 months
Facts about my S/I Saint Bridgette:
Remember ‘Lisa’ from Hetalia that encountered France and whatnot? Ok well bridgette has a similar thing except she was caught on the Hohenzollern castle grounds strayed away from the tourist group. She was taking pictures and admiring the castle. (He loves castles and fairytales) that’s how she encountered Prussia. Because Prussia had noticed a certain individual that kept coming and visiting his domain which raised suspicions and got him intrigued, it entertained him even more that the fact she had came not just once but 8 more times after this.
Bridgette loves to take pictures and record any information she can learn from history or anything about someone in general, so when she was on the tour, she couldn’t help but to write about the Prussian kingdom being a “strong, but prideful young man who has a secret soft and emotional turmoil side to him”.
After he noted that she could see him, he started to question her and tease. He had found a new victim to terrorize… and even told her he was gonna bind her to his castle. And got very uh, clingy (cough) about this.
Saint Brigid/Brigitte or more commonly known in her current life, Brii or Bridgette, is a woman of black hair (she also is depicted to having purple hair) and greenish blue eyes, depicted as how some believe this is how she truly looked like, the Saint.
She loves to drink and often times gets into trouble doing so. She loves to help others especially with emotional guidance and philosophical teachings. She’s always typing or writing on her smartphone about all the things she witnesses and encounters and always chatting with someone about their problems and being a “listening ear”.
She loves horses, chickens and her dog King and cats, she’s very partial to animals and farming. Often finds herself sometimes mentioning about how she used to farm when she was younger. She loves lambs and sheep~
She has lived and travelled many places in the world during her past lives, she’s lived through 9 lives, she knows of her origin past life and the one after so, but details get quite fuzzy after the third one …
Her favorite colors is black, purple, pink and turquoise.
When she was in her past life has Saint Bridget of Sweden, she was a princess and a royal at the time. So that explains her regal and moments of himedere attitude.
She’s close friends with Israel Chan, they talk all the time.
A bit of an emotional crybaby and a doormat, most of the time she’s usually the one who accepts others (unconditionally), but if she’s really hellbent on saying no, she loses her temper.
Motherly attitude and childish at the same time (how the fuck does that work? We don’t know.)
Secret fangirling of Prussia in her journals and sketchbooks when she draws him.
She has a pretty good relationship with Sweden, she talks with him sometimes about the royalty of the country and may go and spend time having a tour or two with him. They are pals.
Loud and excitable sometimes, always has an informal and vulgar mouth, she curses a lot and shouts if she’s upset or excited.
Loves to gamble and do reckless things, she loves dangerous things also.
Supposedly she once was the consort of the god of the dead, also known as the king of the void. But she doesn’t want to talk too much about that.
Sometimes speaks in broken different languages, German, French, Italian and Swedish. She too also speaks a bit of Gaelic, Hebrew and Yiddish.
Has a very large figure and frame, has big breasts (bigger than Ukraine, it’s due to she has constant need to give others so much unconditional LOVE!) and big hips and thighs and belly, and very large butt. It’s all to do with the overfilling emotions that she has and the love she wants to give everyone.
Treats Italy like a child, she likes to play and cuddle him and even though he and Romano get on her nerves, she still teased and loves on them by giving headpats and hugs.
Most of the time she’s known for giving the nations hugs and headpats and talking with them in “flirtatious” manner as Germany words it, she’s completely unaware that she is “flirting” and views it as maternal interaction or friendship.
Is often tired, and sometimes spaced out. She loves naps and indulging in snacks and alcohol.
She’s not dirty but she is messy.
She’s “dirty” in another way, hell of a masochist. But has her dominant “mommy” moments!
She has a rocky but very loving relationship with Germany, he’s mean as hell to her sometimes and may say some things that he doesn’t mean to, but in the end he’s always apologizing and trying to make her feel better despite how “annoying and insolent of a brat.” She is. He says he just has high expectations of a woman her age to act like it and grow up a little. But deep down we know secretly he loves taking care of her at times.
She is seen running back and forth from Germany’s house to the Hohenzollern castle.
She’s a bit of a hoarder, she has a lot of Knick knacks, cultural items, snacks and plushies, perfume and make up and hair products. She also has lots of sketchbooks and notepads. And there’s a few alcohol bottles in her room (schnapps and rum and beer).
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scentedchildnacho · 5 months
Athos by Jon Hopkins
Breakfast this morning those are all people around United States veterans and some of them are very violent pale klannish people that stalk around reformist blacks and try to kill them
They won't go away to black women and so there is too many people around or they could be murdered
I assume when I don't have to feel anymore a side issue victim of attempted lynch mobs that I may finally be released from here...
I was called schizo so sometimes it appears very ego centred to me and really their very hysterically attached to murdering the black reformists around
Uhm Quentin tarrantino someone inside the church will let them sex harass us till we can't possibly stand another minute around and then they will call them Nazis the lynch mobs and burn them in their attempted church shelter
The ameri indian hare Krishna s are around so some of the stuff they do is to directly threaten white women with dog rape pornography or rape in marriage...so it can feel like they stalk me but I notice how easy tongues are and they make up cliche characters to hide something
I am going to go out to eat if I have to sleep with someone and he will be neat and metro sexual
I prefer cats.....
That lady that wears the pillow cases threatened another older lady so I felt obliged to start normal over meal conversation
She asked me what is wrong I looked like I was really thinking about something so I said.....something was just revealed to me about my past and I'm not sure yet what it means or what I'm suppose to predict from it ..
I mean I don't know if it means that my homeless case was finally called Turpin family like and my body displayed as hard sleeping restraints....and if the cops have decided they won't put me in shelters anymore or cooperate with human traffickers like shelters
My astrology watchings just said I should realize I will fly away....from a hell hole...and that could mean michel Foucault I will finally be so injured I'm helicoptered to a medical facility or it could mean the Ukraine is finally going to be able to do for us what was done for them....which is let us under this hostility migrate far far away
Anyway I don't completely know what it means but other victims have told me their cases were rectified and their are waiting lists because those women stopped even eating but as their cases are rectified mine is finally being heard....so when good news comes that can also mean crisis I have persisted so long against a very eve ill world that those medical groups are with tobacco lobbyists and they mass slaughter before apologizing
No the lady that threatened to slap me is also a jew not a native or Indian....she is more pale and Jewish......Todd Gloria they shouldnt have to learn that people want their lives to change and whites are just mormons to persecute and thieve off
Ive told that ed gein terrorist organization Thomas malouthas things a long time more careful eloquent investigation of pale segregations....were people to randomly together and i want muslims not klans here
Hez bowls...reefer bowl faces.....he can't fit in with Jews about new York financial elitism and tries to kill people to pay debts to be back with Jews.... Hezbollah s
Its these open touristic humiliations of trying to spread lung disease among the homeless to sell reefer
Their really hairy scary people like zappatistas and they try to cause me sars for their quick fix hair removals and their told their organization is to homosexual to stalk women and children with its too gay and they cannot be a pedophile and their just very intent on territory
Well it was apparently unjust to threaten to slap me so she has to go around being humiliated back to just some white rural country.....they are people who probably do have some of my issues.....she hates me because her gang makes fun of her country manners and she tries to infect me with it so she doesn't have to anymore
She acted native raider so its go show her what ya actually are...
I was a white religionist and so people tried to kill me of African origins and white was actually engineered as 20th century independence by Indians....because I have counter cultural desires to ally India...
I am more indigenous.....and so crackheads
Kamela Harris.....all elected pride to the mela fucka uhm they won't let people change their life.....and so under Harris never ending job Bergen belsens....
Well we got sick as jobs then we got a little better and now jobs infiltrated with younger sicker people who need to fuck us over or die in illegal labor jails....mela fucka....always such mellow fellows ladies as jobs always ready to use Jamaican policy to rastas to fuck ya into a jail if they even see you...
Well according to Frederick Douglas it would be better if California had the right to govern itself then it's territory just used for feds to conduct inquisitorial investigations
I don't find the street the appropriate place to conduct a trial and let feds purge it from itself
The man who told me he is white explained the situation stalks him with his high school segregation of he is the white and they are Mexicans......so I assume it still is my same high school complex they are the pale ameri Indians and I have to be white ...
People like me probably won't have to fight because I am cissex and my personality unusuals or southerns don't embarrass or bother me all that much and my early childhood was pretty happy so white pride isn't offensive for me
Should I tell them it's my time to get to do Indian stuff that I think they would kill me about....
Well it's important because COVID happened and vaccines are also killing people of disease so there are more moral obligations like counter cultural treaty and ally learning so disease stops and deportation and displacement stops
The man who told me he is white he keeps showing me his legs in knee shorts and if he won't stop I'm going to finally be Pope to him and wash his feet clinically and make him ointment
And there will have to be white bandages for how dry his skin is.....I don't appreciate these impulses as he is a divorce A and I don't want to hear thats her white man and you called him clinical
Those are paw paws....and I might see if they will let me try ina french hair waves and painted nails
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annbobko · 1 year
Greetings to all my friends and foes and froes!
Okay, lets talk about something more casual, keep some war-life balance if you know what I mean. Oh, fun fact - some Ukrainian soldiers are attending their civil jobs from trenches) Teachers, it-specialists, business people can attend meeting with explosions and gun fire sounds in the background) We all look up for something normal these days and learn the value of simple things.
So I wanna tell something about my life in case you wanna listen about it) I'm living in a countryside about 15 km from Dnipro city, my family moved here when I was 9, before that we lived in Dnipro. I don't have any siblings. My mom died of cancer one month before the start of full-scale invasion. Yeah, 2022 hit me fucking hard. I still have a father but we aren't and never were close. But I have the best friends in the world, the best dog in the world and cat. Just cat. They are cuties only at the Internet, in real life cats are demons of Satan. Haha, okey, joking, I love this furball even though he bites and scratches and wakes me up at 3 am)
I want to tell you how I love my dog and dogs in general but there are no words to describe it in any language. So I am just showing this love by playing and feeding ang rubbing and hugging ang kissing my god (her name is Alice she's amstaff), my friend's dog, my friend's friends dogs, stray dogs... Loving and feeding dogs is officially my hobby!
I love all the animals actually. So lucky me that in 10 min from my house on public transport there's a stable. And my bestie Nastia is a horse rider so I come there twice a week to help her and her beautiful mare Camri with trainings. I feed Camri a lot too) I attended horse-riding lessons too but quit cause I genuinely don't like sport only spending time with animals.
My second big love is reading. I learnt to read when I was 3 years old and since then books are my attendants. Sounds cliché, I know, but it describes my reading experience perfectly. I learn from books, grow with heroes, I lived in hundreds of worlds and experiences of my favourite heroes played the significant role in forming my personality.
My forever favourite book universes are Middle Earth and Neverland (the Witcher's world). Honestly I am a bit of a nerd about these two) I read all of the Tolkien's works, played all the games, I have a collection of encyclopedias about these two worlds. I don't have almost any staff, though, cause I'm just not into collecting things. And mostly because of all this background of years into canon I despise Amazon's lotr and Netflix' witcher. Why to take wonderful universes and just shit them right into my eyes? And plot is stupid in both cases, change my mind. Oh, almost forgot - I'm a huge fan of ebooks and genuinely believe that Kindle was the best investment in my life)
I also love travelling. Sadly I've never been abroad but hey, I'm just 20, all life is ahead. If ruzzians won't kill me. Or car accident. Or disease... Okay, I'm being optimistic as always. But you know what - shit happens. But I'm gonna live this life and find all the ways to enjoy it no matter what!
I'm gonna tell you about my few trips through Ukraine in the next post. Love you and thanks for staying with Ukraine!
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For the service part, I was regularly attending my local library, took part in school activities, and was helping my neighbor with taking care of her cat. Thanks to doing these activities I learned quite a few things. Firstly, I learned that it is easy relatively easy to engage in the local community. I have been living near my library for 5 years yet only in the previous year I have discovered that I could be a part of it. It was honestly so much fun to be connected with local institutions and meet new people there. I have made new friends during my service and read a lot of books thanks to the broad access to positions I had. My coordinator in the library showed me their oldest historical book and even gave me a personal desk in the library’s office. During my whole service there, I felt welcomed and was always happy to help. I enjoyed spending time in the library so much, that I promised that after my final exams I will continue to come on Mondays. Thus working in the library gave me the opportunity to learn new things, meet other people, discover my strengths and abilities, and develop myself on multiple levels.
From engaging in school activities, for example in bake sales, I have observed that I can have a positive impact on the world, by combing being in the school environment and ideas. The bake sale was my and my friend's idea. After executing our plan we collected some money and could give them to a charity, which was a great success for me. 
From taking care of Felek, my neighbor's cat, I learned how to be a cat owner. My parents would never let me have a dog or a cat, thus I was happy that I could form a bond with Felek. I gained knowledge in a completely new non-academic category, which now left me with skills about cats' diet, how to play with them, and how to read their behavior and body language.
Also, from being a part of the habit of humanity group in the DP1, I learned more about the world and that to help is to be updated. Now I regularly try to read news concerning global events and try to help people on a local scale. For example, I was making care packages for people fleeing from Ukraine and created a habit of being aware of what is going on around the world, since awareness is the first step to organizing support.
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For most of the creativity part during my CAS journey, I was cooking and coloring. 
Cooking is a basic life skill, thus I am satisfied that throughout the stress from school and daily chaos, I managed to focus on something so valid. I improved my eating habits during these past two years and gained knowledge about the nutritious value of food. Not ot mention, that cooking made me more prepared for leaving for university and living without my parents. It also taught me how to plan out meals, what to buy during grocery shopping, and how to prepare dishes in quick, yet healthy ways. I am proud of my progress in the kitchen and I will continue to develop my passion for food.
From coloring, I discovered that it is a perfect and accessible way to relax oneself. I also learned how to use and combine colors. Other skills I gained through coloring are having more patience, determination, and motivation. Now, coloring for me is a way to escape from my current worries and focus on something beautiful and truly colorful. 
During these past two years, I would run and continue to be a horseback rider.
Running let me experience the physical progress my body can make and the challenges it had to conquer. I used to run poorly, and now I can easily make a 5K run. I am truly proud of myself and happy that although sometimes running was too tiring or I was lacking motivation, I proceeded to do it. I also observed that running is a physical form of happiness for me, thus I will continue to practice running and will even invest in some better running shoes, as I am now sure this activity and sport is for me.
As for training equestrianism, I am joyful that I was able to combine it with the school. Such training is much more time-consuming than for example running as I have to spend time getting to the stable and then taking care of my horse. Yet, I managed to keep up a professional level of equestrian and good grades in school. Thus I gained time-management skills and increased the levels of my emotional intelligence as working with horses requires a lot of it. I also let myself become attached to one of the horses, Happy, and then had to experience her transfer to another stable. I remember that after seeing how she drives away in the trailer I wanted to stop riding. Yet I persisted and met another amazing horse named Seledyn. If I had given up riding I would have not met him. Thus, it was a lesson for me that even when times are hard, the future awaits and can be better than I could ever imagine. Now I have a solid bond with Seledyn and I have never been as motivated to continue my journey with horses.
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mean-hare · 1 year
my stupid ed diary (mhwnbcb) , part 7 (november)
november, 1 we met with my friend masha and the 7 cats we had to transit to prague. they are going to their new homes. train was cool. in poland they checked our cats for a very fuckin long and we missed our train. so fuckin long.staying in train station at night, with cat cages and things, there was tiles and desperation.
november, 2 we stayed in almost empty hotel (liminal vibes). kitties were out of cages, running in room. we spent free time in a hotel cafe, it was tiring and boring. i ate maybe too much. masha talked on a phone all the time. i felt uncomfy. we waited on a station for so long. we was so cold. train was late for a hour. we didnt get any compensation for tickets on train that didnt wait for us yesterday. masha hates poland and it seems reasonable (i still like poland for kurwa tram and word "popierdolone" but today and yesterday was real shit)
november, 3 we came to prague at early morning. people who met us was one girl (i thought that she doesnt like me but i really may be wrong) who take most of cats and paulo (mashs and now my roommate). i know him for two years. now he have shaggy bleached mullet haircut with few blue tips, it looks like smoke on dryed fields. they felt very close to each other and very distant to me so i was sad. paulo decide to cheer me up and asked "will you be happy if suddenly there will be unicorn fallen from the sky and crashed on earth with all the rainbows, blood, guts (and so on with his vivid gorey imagination). it made me laught. they bought me an energy drink called rockstar. also i ate spicy chips. finally theres always avalible spicy chip, unlike in ukraine.
november, 4 we live on 6th floor (it would be called 7th in ukraine). i have a place on matress near the window. theres two big chubby cats called olivka (white with brown) and jackie (full name joconda, fluffy smokey-blackish-greyish-reddish one). theres also kitty called mia (tricolor) who need new home. she is very scared of everything guys gave me cows skull(without horns for unknown reason). i like it. masha bought milk and yogurts for me. i ate one.
november, 5 i unpacked my things. i have not so many with me. paper, few clothes, toys. guys' kitties like my toy dogs
november, 6 we went to the closest market and bought some sweets. wafers. theres so many diffrent kinds. and my fav soya bars. but i didnt eat much today
november, 7 my friends gave me their old sensor phone. we walked the pragues center and i was sad bc they were so close friends and i felt like a burden, unwanted, like i shouldnt be here. but the center was beautiful as always
november, 8 i runned from this house because of neighbour drills (i cant stand it) and lost in this place of similar buildings. paulo found me and after that i spent few hours in cafe runned by deaf people. it called "quite place" but visitors were very fuckin loud. i drank tea and draw my oc (smoking bleached bolognese dogboy called kitty)
november, 9 guys made me go to a psychiatrist. i said them a thousand times that i dont want it and i hate it and i cannot trust any fuckin psychiatrist and wouldnt say anything no matter how "good" one is for them. i did exactly as i said, i didnt say her anything. and now my friends are sad and angry at me.
november, 10 703 calories for some chips. pepsi mango zero. i walked from 8 till 17 but it was not that bad. i was chill. talked with danny online with a phone. draw. watched the underground trains.
november, 11 guys bought hair dye. paulos hair is half pink half blue now. i dyed my hair too but im stoopid. so my hair is not really dyed. just few blue, pink and lilac bangs.
november, 12 me and masha walked a little. there was a thick fog, unusual here, beautiful weather. paulo slept all day. the rest of my day was stupid (bc i ate too many shitty wafers)
november, 13 my breakfast is energy drink and sigarete smoke(i do not smoke)
november, 14 i walked for so long. saw so many spaces of this part of city. theres so many empty spaces. i am not used to it.
november, 15 fog. everything in fog. so beautiful and moist. i bought cheap starch chips. ate them on street like a dinner while sitting on bench with word "kurva" written on it. and read some feminist articles on my phone. fine.
november, 16 theres one precious market in strange point near an abandoned night club. this market looks just exactly like some of markets in my dreams. dim, full of unknown packs of food and very calmly liminal. and theres a lot of energy drinks. and very pretty asian woman cashier.
november, 17 chill homeday. i wanted chocolate so bad and ate half of advent calendar my friend bought me week ago. it had small amounts of calories but it feels so fuckin wrong.
november, 18 i walk the streets again. or better to say walk thru supermarkets sometimes buying shit there. i was in 4 of them today. in first one i bought pack of the cheapest (but tasty) chips (all the day long i worried about eating too much and hoping that too many time on the cold streets burned big amounts of calories. its may be true, it was really very fuckin cold, colder than before). and i bought precious zero monster energy in purple (loooveee purpl) can. it was so tasty but i as supersmartass took it from a fridge (there was non-fridge option) and almost freeze while drinking it on streets. then some time in another mall. and some more time on the stairs near our flat. bc guys went on some volunteer job and would be back in hour. later we met in deathmetal bar with some guys. they were talking, i was quite and lonely and sad as always. while waiting the train back we hear and saw a guy who listens to a gabber music. i like it. shitty day but filled with good music. fist snow of this autumn here.
november, 19 im laying on floor, listening to fontaines ds and sneezing (im sick). masha and paulo arguing long and hysterical about cat nicknames (most tumblr users would said that its very important but i wouldnt lie, i find it stupid. and i agree with m that paulos nickname is stupid but i disagree her crying because of it) i ate few pieces of gouda cheese. i didnt eat cheese for so long
november, 20
i love oliva's habit to come and dig under the blanket and purr. shi likes to spend her time wwith me. kute chonky kity
november, 21 bag of chips, sugarless drink - my usual daily food for eating on street day. i have another fav place to eat and read while eating. its a bench under the roof near some centrum or club idk. one of places wheres dry when it rains
november, 22
today is my bday and i had to spend few hours on cold streets bc of awful drill sounds of neighbors. i bought onion chips with a haloween styled pack and cinnamon zero cola and ate and read one book. and then i felt like i will die. my vision was blurred and dark, i felt nausea and dizzines and awful pain and heat in head and limbs became numb. and ringing in ears. i tried to walk and i realized that its so hard. i walked in a market to warm up but almost fade. i walked out and then lied on a bench. i felt like it becomes easier and felt better. but then some old woman came and started to shame me for lying on a bench so i had to find another place.
now im in our flat, guys greeted me and bought some cake or something idk its laying in a fridge. i have a huge fuck-it mood so today i will eat cake or something, fuck it all, im tired and i need a birthday mood
yeah it was a cheesecake!
november, 23 my days are dull again. i need more party. but theyre dull again.
november, 24 sweet taste of milk didnt erase that gross rotten feeling in my dirty mouth.
november, 25 i ate only one pack of diet joghurt. paulos mom visit us (them). paulo said as a joke "i had said yora that this women is a social worker who came for him" (i asked him before whos that woman). it was an awful joke. he knows about my fears and bad expirienses. i cried. he apologized but it still hurts.
november, 26 i had a mental breakdown or something. i felt isvisible and was so tired. i was loud for the first time of living here. and then i became bad in the eyes of guys, and i realised that i shouldnt be here. i should come back to ukraine. i hate ukraine. i hate czech republic. i hate my life. i have nowhere to go.
november, 27 paulo was high and became willing to help with my loneliness so he made me to register on few dating apps. i was restless bc of energy drinks and sugary things so i made my profiles detailed and almost fancy and swiped away many users who looked like "normal humans" ("normal people scare me" is not a tumblr joke but a real issue for me) it was really tiring
november, 28
good ol' walking thru the malls. and some late night breakdown as i remebber but i cant remember why adn how it was.
november, 29 i bought kinder surprise with discount. i have a little plastic penguin now. i named it ping as one penguin character in german kid book about urmel the dinosaurus. i walked the lonely path between school and big road. i saw there few abandoned shopping carts. children walked in groups their way home or market. they seemed so happy under the twilight skies.
november, 30 now theres a black dog of masha's friend. temporary. noisy shaggy black (his name is black. paulo calls him blacker). he makes funny sniffing sound when i eat wafers or chips. its my most common meal now, today its the only meal for day.
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