gutavatar · 2 months
Enhance Your Health with Natural Ayurvedic Gut Wellness Products
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Restoring Gut Balance: The organic gut health supplements that we offer at Ayurveda are aimed at correcting the balance of intestinal bacteria, which is vital for digestion. Gut flora plays an important role in maintaining the health of the digestive system by keeping the balance of the stomach and intestines. Thus, the balancing of these products plays a crucial role in boosting your digestive health in general.
Nutrient Absorption: With the help of these natural Ayurvedic gut wellness products, the body’s capacity to assimilate nutrients from food is greatly enhanced. This way, dieting produces the best results and boosts the general health and energy levels in your body.
Boosting Immunity: Items such as curcumin, fennel, and neem help in digestion and work wonders on the immune system. A healthy gut is known to be closely correlated with a good immune system, so it is very fitting for such natural Ayurvedic gut wellness products to be taken in for the improvement of one’s health and immunity.
Natural Treatment for Digestive Issues: As for current digestion-related complications such as swelling, problems in defecation, or inflammation, Ayurveda as a medical system suggests its healing strategies and remedies. Our natural Ayurvedic gut wellness products offer the best and organic remedies for these issues, making your digestive process comfortable and healthy.
Living a Healthy Life: The inclusion of these Ayurvedic gut wellness products into your lifestyle is your first step towards improving your gut health and overall health. These natural treatments are aimed at letting you maintain a healthy and comfortable life devoid of digestive problems.
Feel the difference of Ayurveda and choose these safe and efficient remedies to make a great change in your gut health and life. Proclaim the benefits of natural Ayurvedic gut wellness products and get the ball rolling on your journey to a healthier self. ​
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sehatokart1 · 1 month
Natural Digestive Support: The Best Ayurvedic Syrup for Gastric Issues
Experience the power of natural healing with the best Ayurvedic syrup for gastric problems. This unique formulation is designed to provide comprehensive support for your digestive system, relieving discomfort from acidity, indigestion, and gas. The carefully selected herbs work synergistically to enhance digestion, reduce inflammation, and soothe the stomach lining. Perfect for those who prefer a natural approach to health, this syrup offers a safe, gentle alternative to over-the-counter antacids. Regular use can lead to improved digestion, reduced gastric discomfort, and better overall gut health. Trust in the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda to keep your stomach happy and healthy.
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herbalcuresshop · 2 years
Perfect Vee Gel for women intimate tightening and tone
It’s perfect blend of organic and natural ingredients treats loss of elasticity from childbirth, hormonal changes, and ageing. It helps from vaginal skin irritation, redness and dryness.
Key Benefits:
Organic – non-sticky for daily use
Restore vaginal Tone and Tightness
Tightens and Revitalize Vagina
Rejuvenate vaginal muscles, tone and vigour in vagina
Improves lubrication and reduce dryness.
Removes vaginal harmful bacteria.
Restore Post Delivery Vaginal Elasticity.
Natural vaginal tightening Gel is safe, effective and proven to tighten your vagina while preventing infections, eliminating dryness, vaginal discharge, itching and bad odour.
Buy at Herbal Cures www.herbal-cures.com Whatsapp: +91 8076274109
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barkhablogonline · 2 years
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brainofinterest · 1 month
10 Effective Home Remedies for Sore Throat Relief | Brain Of Interest 💡
Got a sore throat? Don’t let it ruin your day! Try these 10 natural home remedies to soothe and heal. From honey and lemon to ginger tea, these simple tips can bring quick relief using ingredients you already have at home. Take care of your throat naturally!
#SoreThroatRelief #HomeRemedies #NaturalHealing #HealthTips #Wellness #ThroatCare #DIYHealth #HealthyLiving #HerbalCures #ImmuneBoost #StayHealthy #ColdAndFlu #SelfCare #NaturalRemedies #HealthyHabits #brainofinterest
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biophytopharm · 5 years
Information on Herbs: Medicinal, Culinary, and Homeopathic Uses
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Information on Herbs: Medicinal, Culinary, and Homeopathic Uses
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All of us know what oregano, parsley, garlic, and coriander are....right? They are herbs. But what many people do not know is that herbs are also used for healing. Just 20 years ago, growing herbs was the exclusive province of a few dedicated herbal connoisseurs who often had to order plants by mail from specialists in places as far away as Europe. Given the vagaries of international mail, it is well that herbs are now much more widely available locally, assuming as they do their rightful place amongst the petunias, marigolds, and tomatoes on the annual spring shopping list for the garden. The emphasis today is on the fresh use of herbs. in the freshly picked state, many herbs such as parsley, tarragon, rosemary, basil, and chives are vastly superior to the dried stuff from your neighborhood grocer. Tod aym no self-respecting chef at any of Toronto's best restaurants would dream of being without a regular fresh supply, and some even go to the extreme of installing their own rooftop garden or indoor hydroponic garden. Mystique of herbs Despite the mystique of herbs that lingers from the days when peppercorns were more valuable than gold or when basil was associated with the demons and witches, herbs are remarkably uncomplicated and undemanding as garden subjects go. For one thing, they are often weedy in their natural habitats, and although none of the most popular herbs are natives of Canada, they will grow quite happily in most places where there are at least four hours of exposure to the sun and where the soil drains well. The more sun, however, the better, for the natural essential oils in the leaves become more pronounced in strong light, and it is these oils that give many herbs their exquisite aromas and flavors. If your soil is s heavy clay, then dig in plenty of sand and peat moss to improve drainage and friability. The garden should be dug and prepared for planting when all risk of frost has passed. Some thought should be invested in the placement of a new herb garden, for although it could be treated as a vegetable garden - dug up and planted wholesale each year - many herbs are hardy perennials in the Toronto area and easily become permanent fixtures if encouraged. Close proximity to the kitchen is an important consideration so that fresh herbs are always near at hand whenever the culinary creative juices flow. Not much space is needed: In just a few square feet near the back door, a half a dozen different kinds of herbs could grow. Even apartment dwellers have no excuse for alack of fresh herbs because herbs are quite content to grow in planters on balconies. When you go shopping for herb plants there is one thing to keep in mind: Many plants sold in the Toronto area are mass-produced from seeds. Starting herbs indiscriminately from seeds is a convenience for the commercial grower, but the practice is not always int he best interest of the consumer since several important herbs such as tarragon and mint are better grown from cuttings. Seed-grown tarragon and mint are completely devoid of the aromas and flavors we have come to associate with those herbs. when in doubt, don't be afraid to squeeze a leaf or two (even surreptitiously!) and if they don't smell right, don't buy. Here is a shortlist of herbs to get for your back door her garden: Basil: There are dozens of varieties, but the most popular are the large-leaved and the Italian miniature bush varieties. Absolutely essential for pesto and tomato dishes of all kinds. Chives: Of two kinds: the regular onion-like variety and the very popular flat-leaved garlic chives. Both are hardy perennials. Coriander: Fresh leave coriander is a keynote flavor in Latin American and Oriental cuisines. The common variety is best seeded directly in the garden and harvested at an early stage, with repeat sowings as is necessary to maintain supply. Annual. Dill: For fresh leaves, it needs to be seeded directly in the garden at regular intervals and cut early like coriander. For pickling, use flowers and seed-heads of older plants. Annual. Oregano: Most oregano sold is grown from the wrong seeds. Be sure you get the Greek variety with the strong, spicy aroma. Beware of oregano that has little flavor, and watch out for savory (a lovely herb in its own right) masquerading as oregano in some places. With protection, it survives as a perennial. Parsley: The curled-leaf type is well known for garnishing, but those in the know much prefer the flat-leaved Italian variety, which has more flavor. Treat as an annual. Tarragon: The only true French variety has the characteristic sweet flavor reminiscent of licorice, and it cannot be grown from seeds. With good soil drainage, it survives our winters quite well. Thyme: The common spice-rack thyme is either the English or French cultivar. Both are perennials, but English is a little harder. Lemon thyme is a radical, but an irresistible departure from the common types, terrific on baked seafood and in tea. Herbs and Healing First off, I issue a warning. As with all health matters, PLEASE consult a doctor before undergoing any medical treatments prescribing herbal products. Some herbal products do not mix with each other and some do not mix with pharmecuticals. The Importance of Proper Diagnosis Lately, there has been a renewed interest in one of the world's oldest systems of healing, herbal or botanical medicine, a.k.a. phytomedicine. With the advent of modern technology and the information superhighway, people from all walks of life have been looking for and finding more and more proof that there is really something to "holistic" healing. The modern pharmacy has been in existence for only 1% of the time that man has been preparing medicines. During this brief period, man has redefined these things we call drugs as a refined or synthetic chemical, concentrated and identified. But there is plenty of evidence to show that this purification method is the inevitable prequel to deriving a pure toxic drug from a harmless medicinal plant. As a matter of fact, at this point in time, approximately 25%-40% of all prescription drugs are derived from plants. The word "drug" comes from the medieval German word "rogue," which means a dry herb. Many of you may have taken an herb or vitamin recommended by a friend or retail store clerk, and felt that nothing happened, nothing changed or improved. At this point, you possibly dismissed the whole field of holistic or natural medicine as a hoax. On the other hand, some of you have probably taken the recommended natural product and have had amazing results. The practice of herbal medicine is not simply a matter of going to a store and choosing some remedy that some company tells you to buy. This may be safe and effective in some cases, but when it comes to the majority of health problems seen in practice today one should ideally be properly trained and qualified to make correct diagnoses first, then prescribe the appropriate herbal combination for that specific condition. So how do you make herbs work for you? What are the proper procedures for using these medicinal plants and getting the maximum effect in the shortest amount of time? And what criteria should you use to know when treatment is clinically effective? If you need something for your depression that is natural and herbal, the typical knee jerk - reflex would be to reach for some St. John's Wort. This would be analogous to taking an aspirin for your headache. St. John's Wort may temporarily alleviate the symptom of depression but may have to be taken on a continual basis and still may not necessarily address the "root" of the problem. This example illustrates how important it is to recognize the accuracy of proper diagnosis for the treatment of disease. Importance of Herb Quality
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The practice of herbal medicine is not simply a matter of going to the store and choosing a product off a shelf of 200 brand names. This may be safe and effective in some cases, but when it comes to choosing what will work best for you, you must question the quality of the herbal product you are buying. Quality has always been of paramount importance. The source or origin of the herbs used will frequently be the deciding factors as to whether an herb is effective or not. Taste is one method of determining quality since high-quality herbs are often strong-testing and hard on the palate. But you can't sample them off the shelf, and additives can mask the taste of many herbs. Quality today is quite another story. There are many unscrupulous companies out there selling vitamin and herbal supplements, manufactures misidentified and/or adulterated botanical raw materials for distribution and sale. It is not uncommon to see among poor quality herbs, adulteration of a root, seed, leaf, or flower with a stem of the plant, the stem has no medicinal qualities and dilutes the beneficial efforts of the herb. These features can be examined under the microscope and the quality of a medicinal plant can be determined by the microscope plant structures with the plant part in question. Fifteen years ago in America, there were two options if you wanted to use herbs to enhance your health available to you. The first was to grow your own herb garden and make teas. The other was to locate a trustworthy supplier of herbal tinctures or capsules, In either case, you were using the whole herb to obtain a "balancing effect" within your body. In other words, the herbs weren't just treating a symptom, they were correcting the underlying imbalance in the body that was causing the symptom. It represented the ultimate in holistic medicine. This was also herbal medicine the way nature had intended. Whole herbs contain hundreds of different components that work synergistically to achieve positive effects and minimize negative ones. A good example is white willow bark, the whole herb source from which aspirin is derived. White willow bark does not cause the gastrointestinal bleeding and other problems that aspirin does because it contains other compounds that temper these effects. Because herbs were actually correcting problems, not just suppressing symptoms, it was generally understood that treating a problem with herbs might take a little longer than treating it with drugs. The drug companies knew that this was the "Achille's heel" of many herbal treatments. People wanted instant results, and in this regard whole herbs just couldn't compete with powerful drugs. Things began to change around the early 1980s, when there seemed to be an increase in public awareness of natural medicines, for the first time, people could easily research health problems on their own. They were no longer relying on doctors to prescribe drugs, many of which had proven to be ineffective and riddled with side effects. By the end of the 80s, there was overwhelming public demand for things like vitamins and herbal products. Sterilization When plants or other forms of natural ingredients are harvested they are naturally contaminated with all sorts of microorganisms including E-Coli and Salmonella. Both are pathogens, they cause disease. Most manufacturers insist that the final blend be sterilized prior to use to eliminate or lower the Bio-Burden. Sterilization even-though necessary creates a major problem. The two most common methods of sterilization are Ethylene Oxide and Radiation. Ethylene Oxide is a known carcinogen and residues are likely to be left in the product. Radiation appears to violate the principle of "all-natural," and would disturb many who turn to these products to get away from conventional chemical drugs and all their side effects. The consumer has been kept in the dark, and the companies continue to promote their products as all-natural. The Use of Toxic Solvents The ingredients in this discussion are derived from plants, herbs, spices, either the leaves, root or some part of the plant or tree, that come from various sources where there are no controls over the soil, air or the pesticides used. Due to these factors, there needs to be a test done to ensure that a particular dose does not contain more toxic residues or harmful contaminants than the active ingredient. For example, Antioxidants are for the purpose of ridding the body of free radical and harmful toxins. These products are derived from grape seed or pine bark and must go through a purification and reduction process. Those processes use chemicals to accomplish these tasks. The chemicals used are Acetone, Ethyl Acetate, Methylene Chloride, Ethyl Alcohol, and Buty; Alcohol. Throughout these sterilization processes, the product is exposing you to more toxic chemicals than it is purposed to remove. Bioavailability When you examine a label of a product, the ingredients such as Magnesium, selenium, Manganese, Zinc, Chromium, and iron, adjacent to this list, the % of U.S. Recommended Daily Allowances are listed. If the amount of Chromium listed was 35 milligrams and the RDA was 35 milligrams, the consumer would assume that they are getting 100% of the RDA by using the product. Upon closer examination, when the iron is listed, for example, in parenthesis there is a small "Fe" which doesn't mean a lot to the consumer, but this indicates that the iron in the product is actually Ferrous Oxide, a chemical substitute for iron. Iron as "Fe" is not bio-available as natural iron. "Fe" has only 1% bio-availability. This means that the body can only absorb 1% of the required daily allowance. Chromium is listed as "chromium/chromium polysilicon", once a chemical substitute for Chromium and its bio-availability is less than 5%. Selenium is listed as "Sodium Selenate" a chemical substitute for Selenium. Zinc is listed as "Glutconate" another chemical substitute for the real thing. Bio-availability of these chemicals are virtually nonexistent. The Issue of Standardization (The Drug Version of Herbs) The rationale currently being used for standardizing herbs is that it will "correct" the slight chemical variations that occur in each plant due to soil composition, the amount of rainfall they receive, their age, the time of day or season of the year they are harvested, how they are stored, etc... The general assumption is that by using various techniques to ensure that each product has the same amount of active ingredients, the therapeutic results will be more consistent. In theory, standardization sounds plausible and perhaps even preferred, but in reality, it opens up a whole new can of worms. Standardization does not necessarily mean consistency across products. At present, there are no universally accepted methods or legal definition of standardizing herbal products. Ten different manufacturers can (and do) "standardize" the same herb using totally different criteria and manufacturing process. There are three methods generally used to standardized herbal products. One is to dissolve certain active components in a solvent (such as alcohol) to make a tincture. Another method is to blend various batches of herbs together in hopes of getting a more consistent product. The third and cheapest way is referred to as "spiking" a product. In this case, either the active component or synthesized version is added to a base of herbs or other grounded up substances. The end product may not contain any of the initial herb at all, but when checked in a lab it will show it has been "standardized" to contain just the right amount of the active component. The more ethical suppliers steer clear of this shady method. Active Ingredients do not always determine the effectiveness of an herb. Scientists are learning more about herbal compounds each day, and often what they uncover renders previous data obsolete. St. John's Wort is a prime example. For the longest time, scientists believed that hypericin was the sole ingredient that gave St. John's Wort its antidepressant properties. That's why everyone standardizes the herb for hypericin content. But it was recently discovered that other components such as hyper inform are equally responsible for the herb's mood-altering abilities. A similar situation occurred with the herbs valerian and echinacea. It was originally thought that the active ingredient responsible for valerians calming powers was valerenic acid, but later research showed that other compounds produced those effects. Echinacea was being standardized to contain the chemicals called echinacoside, when in fact it was the alkylamines, glycoproteins, and polysaccharides that gave the herb its immune-boosting properties. Products that are "spiked" or made with low-quality herbs likely don't contain any of these other essential components. Standardized herbal products are not more advanced versions of whole herbs. Whole herbs have been used for prevention and treatment of illness for literally thousands of years, and are the primary form of medicine for many cultures around the world today. Standardized forms of these herbs should in no way be considered a substitute for or an improvement on whole herbs. If we allow this misperception to continue, we'll lose the safest and most enduring form of medicine man has ever known. Again, St. John's Wort is a good example. The standardized herb has become so popular for treating depression that it's now tough to find the whole, UNSTANDARDIZED form. As a result, the public is completely missing out on the herbs other benefits that traditional herbalists have known about for decades. While St. John's Wort can be used in teas poultices and tinctures to treat kidney problems, bronchitis, vitiligo, painful menstrual cramps, gastritis and stomach ulcers, nerve pain, recurrent ear infections, gout, and open wounds. Whole and Standardized Uses to Enhance Your Life: Basically the goal is not to denounce standardized herbs, however, do replace them, instead of whole herbs. They both have merits, and both have a place in modern medicine. Standardized herbs should be used to help correct acute health problems and achieve very specific results. Using standardized valerian to counteract stress or insomnia is a good example. Whole Herbs should be used on a very regular basis to protect and preserve good health. Think of green tea. Many cultures around the world drink a few cups of it each day to prevent cancer and other types of degenerative disease. By using the whole plant, you're taking advantage of the synergy of all the plant's components.
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Homeopathics Homeopathic: The smallest amount of anything. Homeopathy - is a system of natural medicine that treats illness by the stimulation of the body's own healing powers. Homeopathy gently encourages the body to do more of what it is already doing to heal itself. Homeopathy has the added advantage of using micro-doses, which means that there are no side effects and no risk of toxicity. Homeopathic therapy has three underlying rules: Any pharmacologically active substance can cause a set of symptoms in an otherwise healthy individual. Anyone suffering from a particular disease presents a set of symptoms that is characteristic of that disease. A remission of the symptoms can be obtained by administration of a small quantity of the substance whose experimental effects are similar to the symptoms of the patient. Everyone is encouraged to do an allergy test before using any product. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "gardensnurs0b-20"; amzn_assoc_search_bar_position = "bottom"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "search"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_title = "Shop Related Products"; amzn_assoc_default_search_phrase = "medicinal herbs"; amzn_assoc_default_category = "All"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "4fa3d6fc30fc9ac914d969a956aaefea"; Follow us: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); Read the full article
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lifecoachrabia · 5 years
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Want to know more? Drop us your questions below and we'll fill you in. Holy basil is not the same plant as perennial basil or sweet basil. It is harder to germinate and grow but the bees love it. So not only is it great for you, but it's great for the ecosystem. #herbalcures #plants #naturalhealing #herbalism #herbalsmoke #insectbites #tisanes #eyewashes #amazingearth https://www.instagram.com/p/B06rNkzgnmr/?igshid=uc8fmss55tqg
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thrivenaturali · 3 years
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FLY AGARIC, American Eastern Yellow Variety (Amanitamuscaria var. guessowii) About this time in September last year when a group of us went hiking and foraging for mushrooms, I came across some of the most beautiful poisonous mushrooms I had ever seen. I had studied and known quite well about Amanita Muscaria a.k.a Fly Agaric, but this was the first time I had come across it in multiple stages where it was still intact and thriving, and in so much abundance. Did you know the earliest written reference to the consumption of fungi as a medicine, rather than a food, is within the Sanskrit hymns contained in Rig veda, which forms a part of the oldest sacred texts of Hinduism, the Vedas. In one of the hymns (Book 8, hymn 4, stanza 3) 'Soma' is described as an inebriating ritual drink. The toxic fungi Amanita muscaria, commonly known as the fly agaric, was used to prepare the soma. The feelings of euphoria or invincibility experienced by those who drank it were eventually attributed to a group of isoxazoles centuries later. Two of these - ibotenic acid and muscimol - were first isolated from the Japanese mushroom Amanita ibotengutake  in the 1960s, but found in abundance in all Amanita mushrooms around the world.  - Stuart et al, Drink of the Gods Despite its scary appearance, poisonous and hallucinogenic properties, these fungi have been traditionally used by local peoples from Siberia to North America as medicines, food, and ceremonial applications. Boiling the mushroom and/or soaking in vinegar neutralizes the unwanted chemical components and makes amanita eatable. Modern science has also made many strides in isolating and studying the various components for use in many chronic conditions varying from mental health conditions to afflictions of the nervous system. Have you come across these mushrooms? How scary do you find them? #magicmushrooms #amenita #fungi #hallucinogen #mushrooms #flyagaric #herbalcure #herbs #plants #thrivenaturali #herbaltips #healthtips #healthylifestyle #healthyhabits #healthcare #healthcoach #wellness #wellnessjourney #wellbeing #wellnesscoach #wellnesscommunity #nature #natural #naturally #naturalhealth #wellnessgoals #toronto # (at Lanark Highlands) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUNQkIyFUKK/?utm_medium=tumblr
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"Tell me about ye olde dayes gone by, mum", says Tippy.... #thenorfolkapothecary #AniScentia #herbalist #herbs #herbal #herbalism #herbalmedicine #nikisenior #cats #cat #catsofinstagram #druidcottage #druidscottage #druid #druidry #theoldways #herbalmagic #herbalcures #oldapothecary #catsarehealerstoo #thedruidherbalist #norfolk #oldwivestales #norfolkcottage #countrycures
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anushvedawellness · 4 years
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Heart Attack-My own story The aftermath This is in continuation to my previous blog wherein I made mention of daily alloepathic medicines that kept me in a stable condition and in good hearthealth but adversely affected other organs such as kidney and liver.
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trufflesnorthwest · 4 years
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Harvesting Lomatium today. Lomatium was used to cure the Spanish Flu in 1917-1918. #virus #immunity #killsvirus #covid19 #ccp #spanishflu #lomatium #herbalcure #cure #behealthy #health #immunesystem #immunebooster #immunehealth https://www.instagram.com/p/B-8vCIXlxKI/?igshid=wgh7piz93heq
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herbaltips-blog · 5 years
Those who have joint pain, leg pain, weaken bones, osteoporosis or osteoarthritis etc; they should use the following prescription.
We get the prescription from oldest prophetic knowledge of herbal and food treatment, so use it confidently.
·         Sanjid Powder (Russian olive, Oleaster, Persian olive)
·         Honey
·         Milk
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itsherbpathy-blog · 5 years
Know the causes of Nose bleed. Cure it with herbs.
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findingnaturalcures · 4 years
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RELIEVE SCIATIC NERVE PAIN WITH THIS EXERCISE: #findingnaturalcures Side with sciatic nerve pain. 1. Lay down on your back: Bring the right leg towards you and bring the left ankle on your right knee. Use a chair to rest your foot. 2. Gently pull left knee towards you. Hold for 15 seconds; inhale. 3. Gently push left knee away from you. Hold for 15 seconds; exhale. 4. Gently bend both knees to your right. Hold for 15 seconds and come back. Keep breathing.
#findingnaturalcures #naturalcures #naturalremedies #homeremedies #health #healthyliving #healthtips #ayurveda #herbalcures #herbalremedies #healthandwellness #essentialoils #healthyfood #nutrition #healthydiet #naturalskincare #naturalliving #healingherbs #healthyfood #skincare #healthyeating #healthrecipes #sciatica #sciaticpainrelief
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biophytopharm · 5 years
The Proper Ways of Using Herbal Remedies
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The Proper Ways of Using Herbal Remedies
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The Proper Ways of Using Herbal Remedies Herbal remedies are a large part of our history, not only in medicine but culture as well. Many have been relying on alternative medicine for a spectrum of illnesses and diseases with varying levels of complication. Nowadays, you don't have to go out in the forest or plant a huge garden to cull the natural cures you need. The local drugstore and even the internet can do that for you. But before you use any, be sure to read this short guide first to learn the proper methods. Always do your research on Your Herbal Remedies Using herbal remedies without knowledge of the basics are like voluntarily jumping off the cliff. In anything you do, you must know anything you can about it. The same goes for alternative medicine. While there are plenty of natural remedies quite effective for certain diseases, not all are safe to use, especially if you have a pre-existing condition that can potentially clash with the effects of the herbal cures. You must, therefore, do your research prior to using the herbal remedy. Always ask your doctor or an herbalist first Like mentioned, the use of herbal remedies to treat a condition can often produce unfavorable side-effects if you have a conflicting pre-existing condition. Because of this, a medical opinion is greatly advised. If you have a physician or a trusted herbalist, be sure to get his or her advice first. Always read the label When you purchase anything you need to take orally, you must first know what it contains. The same goes for an herbal remedy product. Commercially manufactured herbal cures are often mixed with chemicals or other ingredients that can either produce adverse effects or nothing at all. If the product you have purchased is bundled with a sketchy description, be sure to list all the components and research each one. Once again, due diligence will pay off in the end when it comes to staying safe and healthy. Always use the product regularly Like other medicines, herbal remedies should be used regularly. Don't expect the results to come immediately after a single use. The body needs to adjust; and by taking your natural cure regularly, you’re conditioning the body to accept the effects of the herbs. You will certainly feel the effects of the herbal cures you’re taking if you don't skip on it every once in a while.
Are There Any Herbal Remedies For Impotence
Impotence is a growing problem among men in the world today, but the good news is there is a cure. There are several treatments currently available. The one you choose will depend greatly on the cause of your impotence, and various other factors such as your medical history, any medications you take on a regular basis, and your stress level. Finding the cause is the way to the cure, but the cure may be simpler than you think. Now, more than ever, people are turning to herbal remedies as a safer means of curing common ailments and health problems. Impotence is certainly not exempt from the list of conditions such as herbal remedies can cure. Again, this will depend heavily on the cause of your impotence. For example, if stress and anxiety is the cause, you may be better off to try an anti-depressant or a similar medication to help control the level of stress you experience. This is because stress is directly related to your impotence. In this case, an herbal remedy would not be necessary because the problem would disappear along with the stress. If, on the other hand, your impotence is caused by physical factors, an herbal remedy may be the answer. Such herbal remedies often serve to enlarge the penis, thereby, making it easier to sustain an erection. Certain herbs can also stimulate actual penis growth, which will cure the impotence by enhancing the entire experience. Such herbs are designed to help increase the blood flow to the penis during sexual activity while fostering overall growth and girth. There are several benefits to choosing herbal remedies One of the most important advantages is safety. Because herbal remedies are all-natural, that is they do not contain any synthetic materials that could actually harm the body, they are considered to be safer than other over-the-counter or prescription drugs. In fact, they have become so widely used that doctors often suggest using them instead of other, more potentially harmful medications. Another benefit is that there are no side effects like those that can occur with other medications. Though the potentially harmful side effects are often more prevalent in prescription medications, they can occur in over-the-counter drugs as well. When using herbal remedies, you are exempt from this worry, as they contain all-natural substances. A third benefit to using herbal remedies to cure impotence is that they often work more quickly than other medications. In addition, they are also able to sustain their positive effects for long periods of time, which is, yet another selling point. They are also available over-the-counter and are easy to obtain. You will also have several options, so be sure you know what you are taking before taking it and understand what is in it and its purpose before making any decisions. There are several causes of impotence Before you can settle on a cure, you must first know the cause of the problem. Consult your doctor before taking any medications or remedies, or accepting any treatments. Follow us: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); Read the full article
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lifecoachrabia · 5 years
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Herbal cough remedy: Try this soothing cough remedy when the tickles hit the throat. May ease dry and wet coughs, both. #Conplementaryhealth #herbalcures #naturalhealing #RabiaCarvalhoLetsdothis https://www.instagram.com/p/B0sPOPgAj8e/?igshid=40dv4g7oma1n
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