#here have nearly 700 words of babbling
ancano · 3 years
Fic WIP for my Torygg Lives AU
Title: Dulce et Decorum est Pro Patria Mori (It is Sweet and Fitting to Die for the Homeland)
Tw: fantasy racism
Ulfric stared out the frost covered window out onto the icy streets of Windhelm. He'd found himself at a precipice, and he knew whatever steps he took next would make - or break - history.
The Empire had failed Skyrim, licking the boots of those elven bastards who think themselves higher than man. The boots of a Dominion that outlawed the worship of the very man who founded the Empire and ascended into godhood.
Ulfric reached up to his chest to clutch the amulet of Talos tightly in his hand, letting out a slow breath that fogged the glass of the window. He had a few choices to make, some easy and some hard.
He could fall in line as the jarls were told to do and take the path of least resistance. Bide his time as the dying Empire struggled to regain its footing in a world now becoming overrun by their elven overlords.
To ignore that idea was the easiest choice for him to make.
The hard choice was what he would do about it. At first his plan was to storm on Solitude and challenge High King Torygg, dare him to defend the Empire that had placed him upon the throne. Ulfric still wanted to do it, but talking to Galmar and Jorlief about the repercussions of such an action had him thinking. No doubt the Empire would then brand him a traitor, and backed by the Holds that still supported Torygg, they would be a force to be reckoned with.
Jorlief had suggested petitioning for an audience with the High King, to share with him his doubts in the Empire and to see if Torygg could be swayed into seceding from the Empire. He would still have to fight the Empire, but if he succeeded in persuading Torygg they would fight with a unified Skyrim to back them.
Ulfric had thought he was done with war, but obviously the Nine had different plans for him.
The knock on his bedroom door pulled him from his musings.
"You may enter." He called to the visitor, and felt a small smile of welcome cross his face as Galmar entered the room. "What news do you bring, old friend?"
Galmar huffed, falling into the couch in front of the hearth. "More and more patrols of elves are being spotted along the borders of Eastmarch. It's only a matter of time before they invite themselves to search our roads and towns for those still loyal to Talos."
Ulfric frowned deeply. "I have told General Tullius time and again that the Thalmor are not welcome here." This was no good. Ulfric knew the Thalmor only hung back to avoid unnecessary fights, the elves too prim and proper to get their dainty hands dirty.
Galmar scoffed at him. "And you think Tullius cares? The man only watches out for his own hide, and is just as much a puppet to the Thalmor as the damned Emperor! He can only hold them back for so long before they wave their damn treaty in his face and barge in here anyway."
Ulfric crossed the room to sit next to his friend and general. "And what do you suppose we should do about that?"
Galmar gave him a wicked look. "You already know what I think."
Ulfric sighed, leaning forward with his arms on his knees, fingers rubbing the stress from his eyes. "I know what I said before but Jorlief had a point. I can't just kill the boy."
"That 'boy' doomed us to a life under elven rule!" Galmar growled, "how much longer do you expect us to just wait and see what will happen? The men are already itching to fight back. You know many will follow you into the fray, you need only give the word."
"Technically it was Istlod who signed the concordat. Torygg merely inherited his father's misguided decisions." Ulfric stated plainly. He knew Torygg stood by the concordat, at least publicly. But the way Torygg looked at the moot when Ulfric pitched his own claim to the throne… No, Torygg definitely felt more than he let on.
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emelkae · 2 years
Meeting Your OCs Tag
Thanks for the tag, @catharticallysarcastic!
Rules: write a short snippet about if your OCs ever met you irl (or in their world, that’s up to you) and write about the conversation they would start with you (or you would start with them). Then tag some people
I love this concept, but I had a problem justifying why the War Machines and I would ever have a conversation unless I made my reason for being there a little more interesting. So my answer might have ended up kinda unconventional. It's also longer than I'd expected, about 700 words. Under the cut:
Every writer's gotten lost in their own story before. It feels amazing, that moment when you slip into the words and let them carry you off to a place where the world inside is vivid, real, almost tactile.
Not every writer gets stuck. I did.
I didn't notice it at first. I just thought I'd reached that much-beloved "flow state" that looks more like hyperfixation in brains like mine. It wasn't as if my characters usually stick to my plans for them or anything, so I didn't question it when Briar's eyes snapped away from the command center's starry viewscreen to look in my direction. They narrowed, the quirk of his eyebrows turning his frown from one of surprise to curiosity.
Claw frowned too, but only concern lurked in his face. "What's up?"
"I... I don't know," said Briar, wringing his hands. "I can feel someone that way." He pointed toward me, which is when I started to realize something was off about the story, but I didn't really grasp it. "It feels like a person. But there's nobody there."
"Like a ghost," gasped Lug, stroking the cat in his enormous arms.
"I didn't think you believed in ghosts, kid," Claw chuckled.
The Repair Units swiveled in their chairs, each running their white eyes over the far wall of the command center.
"Are you referring to that shadowy corner?" Circuit said. "That would be Sharpe you're feeling, then."
Oh, is that where Sharpe had gone? I had a lot of characters, so I tended to lose track of quiet ones like Sharpe. I turned toward him to see what sort of position he was standing in—only to find a pistol barrel nearly stuck in my nose, so close to my eyes that they crossed.
"How did you get in here?" he hissed.
The command center exploded with motion. The Repair Units jumped from their seats with their pistols drawn, Lug pounded across the center toward me, and Claw shoved Briar behind him, unsnapping his crossbow from his backpiece. To my shame, I slid down the wall and tucked my knees up to my chin instead of running or even saying a word. My hands were by my head, palms out, and I wasn't sure when I'd put them up.
"Hey, wait," said Briar, "they're not gonna hurt us. They're scared."
"They should be," growled Sharpe, and I assumed the next thing I saw would be the white flare of the laser bolt he'd send into my skull.
I didn't expect Briar to come out from behind Claw and make hesitant steps toward me. Claw moved with him, his hand on the boy's shoulder, and I had no idea where to look. They were all huge, staring down at me with such hard and distrustful faces.
"I-I don't know," I babbled. "I'm not. I don't... How?"
At my nonsensical words, they lowered their weapons and glanced at each other. My cheeks went red. This was either a dream or some kind of break from reality, and I still couldn't talk like a normal person, even to my own characters. Nobody moved until Gamma hopped from Lug's arms and sniffed at one of my hands. I rubbed her face, mumbling something like "oh my god," which made Lug laugh and reach toward me.
"Kitty likes you!" he said. "Good enough for me."
I reached slowly for his hand, which enveloped mine as he pulled me to my feet with no effort at all.
"I'm not supposed to be here," I said stupidly.
Claw snorted. "No kidding. Circuit, Mobo, take the Warrior planetside so we can drop off our stowaway."
"I don't think that'll help. I don't know how I got here. Or I can't remember."
The Repair Units' eyes brightened in fascination. They'd settled back into their chairs, but they rose again and moved toward me with scanners in hand. I'd never realized exactly how in sync they were, so watching their identical golden faces was dizzying.
I could only tell Mobo apart from Circuit when his gruff voice spoke. "Amnesia, then? What's your name?"
"You remember that. Huh."
And they both fell silent, probably lapsing into thoughtvoice as they scanned me.
I got stuck in my story, but I guessed that wasn't all bad. Maybe I'd wake up tomorrow back in my bed. For now, I just stood still and let them scan me, feeling the others' gazes like something palpable on my face.
Open Tag! Also tagging: @avrablake @drabbleitout @nopoodles @talesofsorrowandofruin @my-writblr @the-finch-address @writingonesdreams @muddshadow @sleepyowlwrites
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seasonsofeverlark · 4 years
all the places you find love
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Author: @juxtaposie​​
Prompt: Coming home for Christmas [submitted by anonymous​]
Rating: T for a few uses of the F word
Summary: When her boss asks her to fly to Boston two days before Christmas, Katniss is happy to go - until fog cancels her flight two nights in a row. It’s Willow’s first Christmas, and Katniss is determined to make it home.
Author’s Note: So it turns out these are supposed to be somewhere around 500 words, and while brevity has never been my strong suit I’m happy to be corralled into writing shorter pieces. 
Sidenote: This is based off a personal experience, after being stuck in Albuquerque for two nights because of bad fog.
When the status on their flight changed from delayed to cancelled, Katniss nearly screamed. 
Beside her, Finn swore under his breath and said, “I’m gonna go call Annie,” before stalking off to find a quiet corner. 
“Fucking Boston,” Katniss echoed, pulling out her cellphone and redialing her most recent call. 
Peeta picked up halfway through the first ring. “Hey,” he said brightly. “Any luck?”
“The flight was canceled,” she said, blinking back tears. “There’s too much fucking fog. Again.” Because the same thing had happened the evening before, and now it was Christmas Eve, and -  “I can’t believe I’m gonna miss Willow’s first Christmas.”
“She’s 8 months old, sweetheart,” Peeta said gently. “She’s not going to remember any of this.”
“That’s not the point,” she replied sharply, fighting a losing battle with her self-control as more tears tracked down her face. “I just - I never should have gone back to work.”
“You were miserable at home,” her husband reminded her. When she tried to protest he continued, “That’s not a judgement. Your job is important to you; it doesn’t mean we’re not important too. Besides, you make way more money than I do. I’m not sure how long we could have survived on a baker’s salary, honestly.”
Taking a deep breath, Katniss willed herself into composure. “You’re right. I just don’t understand why we needed these documents right before Christmas.”
“Justice waits for no man,” Peeta joked. “Text me when you get to the hotel?”
“All right,” she said. “Kiss that pudgy little face extra for me?”
“Absolutely. I love you.”
“I love you too,” she said before hanging up.
“I’m not spending Christmas Eve in an airport hotel,” Finn said as he marched up to her. “You think you got an all-nighter in you?”
“Maybe,” she hedged. “You got a plan?”
“Follow me.”
At 7AM the next morning, twelve bleary hours and 700 miserable miles later, Katniss slammed the door of the rental car, waved goodbye to her fellow partner, and stumbled through the front door of her little house. There was a fire roaring in the living room fireplace, the lights on the tree were lit, and “It Feels Like Christmas” was playing loudly from the speaker in the kitchen. There was something sweet-and-spicy-smelling wafting through the air, and she could just make out Peeta’s slightly off-key singing. 
The house was warm, pushing out the cold she could still feel in her fingers and toes and imbuing her with a sudden burst of energy. Dropping her bag by the door, she crept toward the kitchen on silent feet and peered around the doorframe. Baby Willow was sitting in her high chair, stripped down to her diaper and covered in mashed infant cereal and some orange-ish purée that was probably peaches. She was drumming on the table of her highchair, practically screaming in delight as Peeta sang along with “A Muppet Christmas Carol”, no doubt making funny faces all the while.
Planning to fling herself onto his shoulders, Katniss inched quietly into the room, the music from the TV more than enough to cover any noise she might have made. She had just reached him, and was crouching to make her jump when Willow ruined the surprise.
“Mama!” she shrieked before launching into baby babble, her little arms held out toward Katniss.
Peeta spun around, his face morphing quickly from surprise to delight. He reached for her, but Katniss ducked under his arm, making him laugh, and pulled Willow out of her highchair. Heedless of the mess, Katniss hugged her daughter tightly, feeling her heart clench painfully and Willow laughed and giggled at the kisses being rained down on her face. 
“Oh my baby,” Katniss mumbled into her food-sticky hair. “My sweet girl. I love you so much.”
Not to be deterred, Peeta simply put his arms around both of them and lifted them into the air, spinning them around and around until Katniss said, “Stop! I’m gonna puke!”
Willow did puke, just a little, but she seemed completely unbothered, and busied herself with plunging her hands into her mother’s messy braid.
Finally Peeta kissed her, and all the remaining tension melted out of her. “You’re here,” he said delightedly, cupping her face and rubbing his thumb along her cheekbone. “How? What happened?”
“You actually thought I was going to miss our daughter’s first Christmas?” she teased, feigning offense. “Who exactly do you think you married?”
“It’s a Christmas miracle!” Peeta exclaimed, only half joking, before bending to kiss her again. Before he pulled away Katniss could feel Willow’s little face pressing to her own, and as soon as Peeta used the hem of his pajama top to wipe Willow’s face the three of them were trading kisses back and forth. 
Her heart swelled in her chest as she stood with her family in her arms, in the warm little home she and Peeta had built together, and for the first time in years she conceded that maybe, just maybe, there was something a little magical about the holiday.
“Merry Christmas, Willow,” she said, planting one more kiss on her baby’s unruly black hair. “Merry Christmas Peeta.”
“Merry Christmas, sweetheart,” he said, before bending to kiss her again.
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shra-vasti · 4 years
If I had to choose | Boo Seungkwan
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Type : best friends au
Genre : fluff, slice of life, soft Seungkwan and strong reader? Like mentally strong and the reader always protects him? You get the point.
Word count : 2k
Synopsis : Seungkwan had always needed someone to look after him, he was too naive for the world but you were always there to protect him from all the odds, you were the bold one in this friendship.
A/N : This is solely inspired by a movie I watched and I really loved the interaction between the two best friend.
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The music was played blissfully at the church by the band, all of the people who came to attened the wedding were either sulking at how boring the wedding was or were either pretending to be interested.
Even if we take a look at the bride and groom who were seated in their respected seat; the bride was taking selfies and the groom was chatting with some random person.
Isn't wedding suppose to be the most happiest and lively event?
You heard someone yell your name making you halt your activity and turn towards the voice, the father of the bride made his way towards you who was busy managing other activities of the wedding.
"Yes Sir?"
You didn't even made an effort to smile fakely at the man standing in front of you.
"You're not doing you're job properly, look how boring the wedding seems to be."
He exclaimed pointing at the people and the atmosphere of the wedding which made you scoff and roll your eyes at the said man.
"Listen Sir-" you breathed in, "- I have done my part as a wedding planner for this wedding, I have decorated the church with flowers and also the outside plus the song list you gave to me for the wedding I'm even playing it, now, it's not my fault that you have such boring family and relative who can't hype up the mood of the wedding, you can't expect me to do that!"
You were really tired, now what do they want you to do? Dance your heart out and entertain people so that they won't be bored? Being a wedding planner was surely a hard job. You even needed to bear the people's reckless tantrums.
"Hangin, the plates for the lunch have out numbered the guests in the wedding and we need more plates."
The brother of the man came rushing towards you and the bride's father.
But before he could utter a single word you stopped him by showing your hand in front of him since your phone started to vibrate.
You looked at the caller ID to see Seungkwan written over it with a picture of a really adorable boy. You shook your head and decided to answer your best friend's call afterward and kept it inside your pocket.
"I told you guys that the plates will be out numbered, in a wedding with guest list of 1200 people you just asked me bring 700 plates saying it's not necessary that everyone will come and now see what has happened, you're such a miser."
You finally snapped at the man.
"Now how are we going to manage this?" Hangin asked you finally giving in and accepting it's his fault.
You nodded thinking of a way to get out of this trouble.
"I have an idea, I'll bring out 400 plates more but I need 200 dollars more."
"What? That's too much!"
"I didn't tell you to mess up in the first place plus since I know your condition I'm willing to take just 200 dollars otherwise other planners would have took nearly 500 for the urgent delivery."
You reasoned as you waited for their answer.
Both the brothers sighed.
"Okay I'll give you the required money just get you're thing done."
"Okay let's go." you agreed smiling at yourself for gaining an extra amout of money.
"Listen Vernon I need 400 plates more for the Jung's wedding urgently so bring it in 1 hour or less."
You informed your manager/friend calling him to tell about the emergency.
"Okay baby."
He chuckled before hanging up, he liked watching you being this stress but alas he wasn't there to witness it.
As you were observing if there were any other mistakes, a lady in her mid 30's, probably the aunt of groom, stopped you from going any further.
You looked at the lady with an eyebrow raised, you weren't normally this grumpy but there are different kinds of people in this world and they need to be treated just the way they treat others.
"I don't like this white rose system, it feels like you have came to a funeral hall."
She exclaimed while making a face at the decorations.
You huffed.
"Well I'm sorry ma'am but it was the bride's wish for the flowers to be white."
"Can't you change this flowers to green colored flowers?" The lady asked. "I like green more."
"I'm sorry ma'am but the wedding is almost finished I don't think I can do that plus it's hard to find such a big amount of green colored flowers."
"I don't know who gave you the permission to be the wedding planner of this wedding. Who even gave you the degree of being one huh? I will do a better job than you in this field." The lady said while blowing her manicured nails.
"Listen woman, you don't know how much knowledge and patience is required to be at this stage and you're better than me? Hell not even in your dreams who likes green flowers you dumb."
You scoffed and walked away.
Your phone rang again making you take it out in front of you Seungkwan was written on  the caller ID, sighing you picked up the call.
As soon as you picked up the call you could clearly hear your best friend crying at the other end.
"Now what?"
You had already grown tired of your best friend's crying, not that you were heartless but the reason made sense.
"World is so cruel to me, this time it was my fault, I shouldn't have done that."
Seungkwan's voice cracked as he spoke with you.
"Yeah yeah the world is really cruel and the life can be hard sometimes." you said but that only made him cry more.
"Where are you Boo?"
You asked him softly taking in consideration that he's crying right now and he can't be treated harshly.
Seungkwan gave you the address where he is and without even a second glance you headed out of the church to fetch your bestie.
After fetching him up and constantly listening to him babbling about random things but not exactly telling you what happened, along with that crying face, both of you finally reached at your apartment.
He rushed out first and went inside the kitchen got himself a big piece of cake and sat at the corner of the kitchen silently eating and looking at nothing in particular.
You removed your blazer and shoes and stood in front of Justice.
"Mind telling me what has happened?" you asked putting both of your hands on your hips and here we go the Nigra falls started to flow again.
"Will you even tell me what has happened?"
You were so done with his constant crying that you had to control your urge to smack his head.
"Now what? I know you're crying because of her but I want the reason, from the past 2 years all you do is cry over her and nothing else."
"It wasn't her fault, it was mine this time." he cried as he was still eating the cake.
"Eat first and then talk you brat." you made a face at him.
"Shut up. I'm already hurt."
You sighed and sat in front of him, crossed leg.
"Why don't you break up with her already?"
"I love her." Justice
"But I don't think she loves you."
"Why do you think like that? She loves me."
You pinched your eyebrows with your hands and started counting three to control your anger and also the throbbing headache which you know was soon going to follow.
"See you remember that time?"
"Which time?"
He casually asked you still eating the cake not really remembering what time.
"The time when she yelled at you for posting a picture of you with Bora."
"She was jealous okay, girlfriends tend to be jealous."
"And then he posted a picture of her with two random boys we don't even know about."
"She's different."
He furrowed his eyebrows pouting at you.
"Every freaking boy on the earth thinks that his woman is special but since it's coming from you're mouth, I know we are fucked up."
"But what? Remember when both of us went to club with her and she introduce us to a new boy?"
"What about that?"
"Shw introduced you as her close friend and not as her boyfriend, did you get that? AS A CLOSE FRIEND, don't you know what happens when girlfriends starts introducing their boyfriends as close friends to someone?"
"But she said that she didn't want him to know about us because he was her cousin."
You rolled your eyes as you took out your phone, open up your instagram account and showed it to him.
"See where do you find a picture of both of you on her account. She has herpictures with so many boys but not with her own boyfriend."
You snapped showing him Jaeyung's profile.
"Okay I got it, it was her fault that time but this time it was me."
You motioned him to go on.
"She was in bathroom and suddenly her phone vibrated so I went to take a look at it and before I could do anything she snatched it away form me and was angry cause she thought that I'm doubting her." he says softly sniffling a bit.
"Do you know that she has a tinder account?"
"Nope." he answered.
"Boo she has a tinder account! Why does she even need it anyway? And why didn't she tell you? Do you know what it means?" you dramatically questioned.
"But what's the big deal anyway."
"Boo-" you stood up. "-out of two years means 24 months which means hundred and four weeks, she made you cry for hundred and two weeks, what kind of relationship averages one week of happiness per year?"
Seungkwan just looked at you and blinked multiple times digesting fully on what you just said.
"Then what should I do?"
"Finish it boy!"
"But I've been with her for 2 years already."
"It's never too late Boo plus that girl, I don't think she even loves you, you can forget her." you patted the latter's shoulder.
"I can't, I love her."
"Well I'm sorry then this is the only way I can save you up from that asshole."
You put both of your hand on your waist looking intently at him.
He gulped as you stood up looking at your eyes with confusion and fear written all over his face. What will you do?
"Me or her?"
The words left your mouth and horror plastered all over his face. He sighed knowing all well that whatever happens in his life he will always choose you and you'll always choose him.
"What club are we going to this time?"
You grinned at him already knowing you will win if you put out the said question in front of him.
"Surprise." and he groaned knowing he's going to have a wild night.
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gryffvndors · 7 years
partners [george weasley]
request:  15 & 32 for george weasley? ( not even sure if you write for him but dang, i think your writing is really good and i'm curious on how you'd write for other characters. thank you. 😉 x ) - @bookthrills
word count: ~2200 (i totally lied about the 1500 word limit omg HOW did i go 700 words over my budget)
a/n: so basically i’m a terrible human being and HAD to write this before ANYTHING ELSE. i have so many requests atm AND I LOVE YALL FOR IT IM JUST SO OVERWHELMED so sorry if there’s a delay in ur request im trying my best!!! also this took so long bc im a bad influence and partied after finals. it got bad. ANYWAY I LOVE U AND THANK U SO MUCH @bookthrills UR A GR8 WRITER go check out her blog she rocks my socks
15: “can i kiss you?”
32: do u like me? check yes or no
You’ve always had a specific seating preference. Most of the Hogwarts classrooms are similar in the way that the seating is arranged - of course, in environments like Herbology and Divination, there’s a bit of a variation, but for the most part, the desks or tables are aligned column through row. From your very first class at Hogwarts, you’ve sat in the front, closest to the professor. You have your reasonings, of course; for one, you don’t like to talk much during class, as you think it’s vital to learn. The fact that you’re so close to supervision means you’ll get more work done, as the professor can see if you’re slacking off. The professors are always impressed with the way that you sit so close so voluntarily. In your year, everybody knows that your seat is reserved for you. Nobody wants to sit that close, anyway.
Most of your teachers don’t switch up seating arrangements, either. As long as there is order, then they don’t really care who is next to who. This is why it is an ultimate surprise when, as soon as you enter Ancient Runes, you find all of your classmates lined up against the wall, books in hand.
Professor Babbling catches your eye and nods to the wall. “Thank you for being here. Line up with everybody else; we are switching seats today.”
You swallow, nodding. You walk over to an open spot on the wall, right next to your classmate, George Weasley. He’s chatting with his brother on the other side of him. The only recognition he gives you is a quick wink. You look away, cheeks burning.
After everyone is inside, Professor Babbling begins telling people where to go. She has arranged the desks in pairs, and as she points to people, she explains her reasoning for the change.
“We have just recently come back from holiday. You have been in your seats for half a term. I, personally, like a little bit of change, don’t you?” She doesn’t seem to mind the irritated murmurs and grumbling that ensues, and only continues with, “Well, no matter if you do not, because it is going to happen. We will be doing an independent study for a good while-” Babbling points to you and motions towards a seat in the very back. You, frowning, obey, and set your books on the top of the desk, standing next to it to figure out your partner.
Babbling pauses for a good moment, studying the students that are still standing. There aren’t many; George and Fred Weasley, a Slytherin third year you don’t know, a Ravenclaw seventh year you’ve seen before, and a couple Hufflepuff fourth years. She, after muttering to herself for a moment, points to George Weasley and nods to the second desk of the pair. “As I was saying, we will be doing an independent study for a couple weeks. Ancient runes are best taught not by me lecturing on them, but through self-discovery. I will assign a passage of text that is entirely runic. You will translate it during class. Then, you will present the translated passage with the runes’ translations, both of you, to the whole of the class.”
Babbling is done choosing partners by then. She makes her way up to the front. Lee Jordan and Angelina Johnson are in your spot. For a moment, you’re a little spiteful, but it passes quickly. ‘This is good,’ you try to convince yourself. ‘Change is good!’
Babbling hands out the passages. Each group gets a different passage so there isn’t any copying. After everyone is prepared, Babbling nods to the class. “Begin. You have two weeks to this day before we begin presenting.”
Sighing, you turn to George Weasley. His head is in his hands and he isn’t moving. You tentatively poke him on the neck.
George’s head shoots up, eyes open. “I’m listening,” he says, looking around. “Oh, she’s done talking? That’s good. Hey, would you mind repeating what she’d gone on about?”
You blink at him. “I’m sorry? You weren’t listening?”
George laughs, shaking his head. “No, sorry! I was preoccupied,” he taps his head. “Was communicating with Fred.”
You’re at a fault. You look between him and his brother, who sits nearly all the way across the room, next to a Hufflepuff in your year. They’re laughing about something, but once you look over at them, Fred glances at you, too. He shoots you a grin as well.
“You’re… all the way across the room from him,” you remark. “You couldn’t have been speaking to him.”
“Did I say speaking with him?” George smiles. “We’re twins. We have telepathy. Right, Fred?” He says the last bit really quiet, almost a whisper. Fred nods and flashes a thumbs up. “See? He knows what I’m saying! Twinepathy!”
“Psychopathy, maybe,” you tease softly, chuckling so he knows you’re kidding. “Er - alright, then. We should get to work. Um… tell Fred that you’re busy.”
George rubs his temples. A second later, Fred nods and turns around, back to the Hufflepuff. You raise a brow. George only laughs. “So what are we doing?”
You explain the project to him. The two of you get to work. By the end of class, you have maybe a tenth of the passage translated. Professor Babbling takes up everything and dismisses the class.
You’re packing up your stuff when George approaches you, Fred by his side. You look up. The twins both smile and lean on the desk in front of you. “...Yes?”
“We were wondering…” George begins.
“Well, Georgie was wondering,” adds Fred. George slaps him on the arms and snorts, shaking his head.
“I was wondering if we could accompany you to your next class.”
You stare, unblinking, at the identical boys before you. After a minute, you sigh, shrugging your shoulders. “I don’t see why not. I’m just going to Divination.”
Fred groans, rolling his eyes. “All those stairs? Georgie, I don’t know if I can do that. You know, the other day, I nearly snapped my leg in half-”
“That… isn’t really possible-” you say.
“-and it’s been so rough going up stairs. I don’t feel like going up to the Divination room. Maybe you could just go, George?”
George narrows his eyes at his brother, but lets his lips spread in a smile. “Aw, Fred, get well soon! I’ll owl mum an update on your leg right after I drop her off at Trelawney’s.”
“You do that, Georgie. I will be up in the common room resting. I’ll see you kids later,” Fred backs away, winking exaggeratedly. When he’s gone, it’s just you two in the room. Babbling has retreated into her office.
“Well, we should probably be going. I don’t want to be late to Divination.”
“I’m sure Trelawney will know whether or not you’ll be late. Can’t she tell the future?”
“It… doesn’t really work that way, George.”
You and George keep working on the project. Each class, you seem to get closer and closer. He’s a really nice guy - you find yourself majorly looking forward to the class every day. Your friends have noticed the change - during meals, they catch you looking at him and tease you, relentless, despite the fact that you swear up and down that you’re only friends.
“But you think he’s attractive, right?” They ask. When you nod, they all shake you and yell and act like… well, basically children. Sometimes they threaten to go over there and ask him out for you.
“Guys - stop,” you frown. “It isn’t like that. He probably doesn’t feel the same way. And we’re still partners, I don’t want to mess anything up.”
“He walks you to class every day!”
“He’s just being nice,” you insist.
They still tease you about him.
It seems like those two weeks fly by. Before you know it, the entire passage is translated, and you’re presenting the projects. Your presentation is just filled with you two smiling and laughing at each other, making little jokes to the entire class. Even Babbling is laughing a little by the end of it; she automatically gives you two the highest grade and sends you back to your seats. When everyone is finished, Babbling goes to the front of the class and smiles, lacing her hands.
“Everyone, this project has been an ultimate success. It seems like your knowledge of ancient runes has increased dramatically. Starting tomorrow, you will be able to go back to your original seats…”
She keeps talking, but you don’t listen to her. Your heart drops. You won’t be sitting next to George anymore? It isn’t even that big a deal - you’ll still be friends, right? Regardless that you won’t be talking every day?
Babbling dismisses everybody. You rise to your feet, shakily slinging your bag over your shoulder. “Well, I think we had a successful partnership,” you say finally, smiling.
George nods. “Oh, yeah. I reckon we work well together.”
“We do!” You hesitate. “Okay, well-”
“We should get you to Divination, yeah?” George says a goodbye to Fred and holds his elbow out. Snorting, you roll your eyes and hook elbows with him.
“You’re a dork,” you remind him.
“Me? A dork? I am a handsome young man! A handsome, intelligent young man!”
“A handsome, intelligent, funny young man.”
George stops walking. “You think I’m funny?”
“Uh… yeah. You are funny.”
A slow grin slides across his face. “And handsome?”
Flushing, you duck your head. “Shut up.”
When you walk into Ancient Runes the following day, you’re disappointed to see the desks in singles again. You pass George’s desk on your way to the front; he leans over and taps you on the side as you walk by. You sit at the front and smile at the professor. Babbling nods to you.
“A bit odd being at the front again after sitting in the back for so long?”
You nod, sighing. “Oh, definitely, professor.”
Halfway through class, you hear a small plop underneath your nose. You look down; there’s a small piece of paper in your lap. Glancing to Babbling to make sure she doesn’t see you, you unfold the paper and read what’s written.
‘Do you like me? Check yes or no -George’
Underneath that, there’s a little box with a ‘yes’ next to it and a little box with a ‘no’. You laugh to yourself. You take your quill and dip it on ink, drawing a little check. You pass it behind you to Angelina Johnson, who you assume keeps it going back to the original recipient.
After class, you meet up with George outside. He’s clutching something in one hand, cheeks pink. Fred is nowhere to be seen.
“Where’s… um… Fred?” You ask.
George, who can’t seem to stop smiling, nods the opposite way. “He’s gone that way. Has to meet up with Ronnie, our brother, for something,” George clears his throat and extends his hand. “Shall we… go?”
You take his hand, lacing your fingers together. “Yeah, yeah. Let’s go.”
The entire way to the Divination staircase, you can hardly think of anything other than the feeling of your interlocked fingers. You seem to hear your heart thumping in your ears - but that can’t be right, can it? Your heart is in your chest!
George pulls you behind the stairwell when you reach it. He lets go of your hand. You’re almost sorry about it. George stammers for a second about something, but then he takes a deep breath.
“Can I kiss you?” He asks.
Oh. Okay. Around you, time stops. There is nothing else in the entire world - there’s only you and George and definitely not a staircase above your head, not a floor underneath your feet, not walls around your body. You nod too quickly.
George laughs and, in slow-motion, really, leans down and presses his mouth against yours. You reach up to touch his face, the other hand resting on his chest. The kiss is slow, soft, a gentle brush against your lips. When he pulls away, he’s smiling even wider.
“I’ve been wanting to do that for a long time,” he admits, grabbing your hand again. You let him.
“Honestly, me too.”
“Yeah,” you laugh. “Really.”
He leads you out from behind the stairs. The two of you begin to climb. “Hey,” he says out of the blue.
“Wanna be my girlfriend?”
You beam. “Of course I do, Georgie.”
He stops when you’re a step above him, making you the same height. George kisses you again. It’s only a second before you melt into it, hands tangled in his hair. You kiss him for so long, when you break apart, you realize you’re late for Divination.
George laughs, “Sorry for making you late.”
“I don’t mind. You’re right, Trelawney probably foresaw that I’d be late because of some stupid ginger Weasley boy.”
“That’s all I am to you, eh? Some stupid ginger Weasley boy?”
You kiss his cheek. “Of course not, George. Now you’re my stupid ginger Weasley boy.”
“Thank Merlin for that!”
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Here you are, @pokeharvest - Ooh, you should write a Scotty one where the reader is in engineering and names all the little parts of the ship, and at first Scotty is like "woah and people think I'm nuts about the Enterprise" but then he finds himself joining in on it, confusing everyone else
Word Count: 2007
Author’s Note: I took a few liberties with your request. I hope you enjoy it! PS, TOS Enterprise is approximately ⅓ the size of AOS Enterprise. Despite the fact that my blueprints allow for 250 crew on the Enterprise, TOS Bones once said there was 430-ish people on the Enterprise, so there’s obviously some wiggle room in interpreting size. That means AOS Enterprise could have a crew of 750-1200, depending, but I couldn’t find a definitive answer. Also, aside from size, no new specs on AOS Enterprise. So I had to do a little faking. The swimming pool and bowling alley are totally on the blueprints I have of TOS Enterprise though, they just have nothing really to do with the work of an engineer. Also, I hope I didn’t vilify poor Appleton too much. I’ve been dealing with a bully at work, and it just… bubbled over into the story. P.S. The best part of this was trying to find a song about how currents work, and re-discovering School House Rock’s Electricity.
“Mr. Scott, this ship is huge. I’m worried I’m going to get lost,” one of the other newly assigned grads blinked her eyelashes in a show of wide-eyed innocence that made you want to gag. Montgomery Scott, Chief Engineer on the U.S.S. Enterprise, quirked an eyebrow and turned to face her.
“Aye, lass. She’s a little over 700 metres in length -”
“725, sir,” you interrupted. You couldn’t help yourself. You’d spent most of your last year at the Academy fantasizing about being assigned to the fleet’s flagship. Studying the Enterprise specs had been your geeky little secret hobby. Stepping off the shuttle onto her had felt like coming home. There was nothing out of place. It looked exactly as you’d imagined, you suspected largely in part thanks to the handsome Scotsman standing at the head of your Engineering bay orientation. His blue eyes flicked over to assess you, and the hint of a smile lit his face.
“I love the enthusiasm of new grads,” he grinned. “Thank you, Ensign?”
“Y/L/N,” you provided. Ensign Eyelashes glared at you for the rest of the orientation, obviously angry that you’d distracted Mr. Scott’s attention.
You were hunched over a desk, a set of math tools discarded beside you. You had a stream of equations running down your PADD, and a second PADD open with the Enterprises blueprints in front of you. Finally satisfied with your answer, you stopped to take a drink from the coffee cup beside you.
“What have you got there, Ensign Y/L/N?” Scotty appeared behind you, startling you.
“Oh, I wanted to know how long the hall was on this floor, so I pulled blueprints, but it wasn’t listed. A little grade school math, and boom!” You made a little explosion gesture with your hand. “Now I have my answer.”
Scotty leaned over your shoulder rubbing his hands on a rag, a strangely enticing scent of pineapple, diesel fuel and something that you hadn’t yet been able to identify filling your senses. He pointed his elbow at the top answer on the chain of equations. “What’s that, love?”
“That’s the external circumference of the Enterprise,” you offered. “It all started because I wanted to know how far I ran this morning. Deck 14 is mostly cargo, so it’s not terribly busy. That’s the second number, the internal circumference of the exterior hall on Deck 14. Then I realized the shape of the saucer means that this Deck is actually wider than 14 because it’s nearer the middle of the saucer. So I was curious about how far I walked in an average shift because I’ve been getting some restless legs at night, and oh god, I’m babbling, aren’t I?”
“I’m reasonably sure those measurements are on the blueprints, lass.” Scotty picked up the PADD that had the blueprints on it, and flicked through a few screens. “All the important measurements are there.”
“The circumference of the internal halls wouldn’t be something that was considered a priority, as it doesn’t affect the function of the ship. If absolutely affects the way the crew interacts with the ship, but not the overall function of the ship,” you countered.
“Interesting. Forward me your calculations when you’re finished? I’ll update the blueprints on our server to save future keen ensigns all this extra work,” he smirked.
“For sure, Mr. Scott,” you replied.
“I don’t want to tell you again, lass, my friends call me Scotty,” he chastised you with a wink.
“Well, my friends don’t call me Ensign Y/L/N. They tend to call me Y/N,” you countered.
“I’m glad we’re clear on that, Y/N.”
“You’re telling me you don’t find it the least bit weird that she can quote the specs on this ship, chapter and verse?” The voice belonged to the ensign with the eyelashes from your orientation. You suspected she’d been mocking you behind your back. Overhearing her conversation just confirmed it.
“It’s a peculiarity, for certain.” Scotty’s voice responded, and you felt sick. You wanted to run away, but were rooted to the spot, unable to escape whatever damning commentary was coming. It didn’t help that you were essentially trapped in a Jefferies tube, unable to come out without it being obvious that you had overheard every word. “But you’d do well to learn from her example, lass. If every engineer loved their ship like she does, the fleet would be much safer.” You relaxed. Scotty didn’t think you were weird. Well, he thought you were weird, but it was a praiseworthy weird. You could live with praiseworthy weird. Scotty had quickly become not just your mentor, but the kind of officer you aspired to becoming. And he was kind of cute, with his heavy Scottish accent and quick brain. You waited until you heard them walk away, speaking of something else, and descended from your spot in the tube, heading off to the water reclamation centre to repair a leak that was causing water to drip into Lt. Sulu’s quarters. You were finishing up when Scotty found you.     
“Ah, there you are. I’ve been informed I’m supposed to give all you new crew members a probationary review after six weeks. I’ve no real concerns about your work,” he began. You sat up and started collecting your tools and cleaning up.
“Thanks, Scotty,” you replied. “So when do you want to do this, then?”
“That’s really it, Y/N,” he shrugged. “No concerns about your work, no concerns about your knowledge. You’re a bloody encyclopedia.”
You flushed a little, uncertain if it was a compliment or not. “Uh, thanks?”
“I mean that in the kindest way, lass. I was still trying to figure out where that leak was when you accepted the assignment,” he continued. “I’m guessing you knew just by seeing the maintenance request?”
“Well, yeah.” You probably sounded a little more defensive than you needed to. “I knew the leak would be somewhere in the reclamation pipes in this quadrant because that -” You paused and knocked on the metal wall beside you - “is Sulu’s quarters.”
“You understand that even I don’t know the ship quite this well?” Scotty broached. You laughed.
“You know it better, Scotty,” you denied. “You might not realize it, but you do.”
“Come along,” he prompted, changing the subject. “Let’s get some lunch.”
“So if you were going to take a girl on a date, Mr. Scott, where would you take her?” You were beginning to think Ensign Eyelashes was destined to be your nemesis. So far, you had yet to see her do anything remotely close to looking like work. And she was constantly flirting with Scotty. You noticed that he didn’t offer his nickname to her though. She’d seen the two of you sitting in the mess and decided to invite herself to lunch. Scotty looked nearly as irritated as you felt.
“I’m not quite sure, ensign,” he shrugged, turning back to his chicken sandwich.
“How does the artificial atmo hold up in the bowling alley?” You asked. Scotty smirked.
“It’s terrible. I always manage to gutter my ball,” he replied.
“Is that because of the atmo, or is it because you suck at bowling?” You countered. He laughed.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” He waggled his eyebrows at you.
“Actually, I’d like to know what it’s like to be in the pool during a zero grav drill,” you laughed, and he wrinkled his forehead before cracking up.
“Wet,” he concluded. “Everywhere, I’d imagine. Might be difficult to breathe.” You started laughing again and Ensign Eyelashes sighed heavily.
“Is there anything you don’t know about this ship, Y/L/N?” She scowled. The first thing you thought was exceptionally catty, so you bit your tongue.
“No?” It was the best you could do.
“Maximum speed of the Enterprise?” Scotty asked.
“Warp 8.” You raised an eyebrow. It wasn’t even a hard question.
“How about you, Ensign Appleton? What are the main armaments of the ship?” Scotty challenged her.
“Photon torpedoes,” she replied. “And, uh, phasers.”
“Propulsion, Y/N?” Scotty turned back to you.
“Really? I helped repair the damn impulse engines today because the warp drive was also malfunctioning,” you scoffed. He smiled.
“I thought you were doing something in water?” Appleton asked.
“I fixed a small leak in the water reclamation centre just before lunch. But this morning I was up a Jefferies tube working on the circuitry of the impulse engines. That weird storm outside Faynos fried a bunch of the microprocessors,” you replied, wondering what her assignment had been that she thought you’d done so much.
“Well, since you’re so far ahead, maybe you could help me with the console in the teleporter after lunch?” Appleton asked. You glanced at Scotty for approval and he nodded, tucking back into his sandwich.
“Sure. We can go now?” You suggested. She nodded, and you allowed her to lead you to the transporter room, explaining her assignment as you walked.
“I know you’ll be able to figure this out. When the transporter room crew attempt to access the transporter using the LCARS, they are getting no response. I’ve run a bunch of tests, but so far haven’t been able to pinpoint where the connection is faulting,” she explained as you walked into the transporter room. She’d left her tools all over the floor in front of the console when she left for lunch. You knelt and moved them back into her toolkit before pulling yourself under the console. You scooted over enough that there was space for her.
“Come on under, I’ll teach you a song,” you offered. She crawled under the console and eased herself down on to her back, giving you a suspicious look.
“A song?”
“Yeah, it’s basic alternating current circuitry under here. Old as time really, and hasn’t changed in hundreds of years,” you started.
“That’s reassuring,” she retorted. You smothered a giggle.
“I know you know this stuff, Appleton, you’re an engineer. Let’s review. Direct current is the constant flow of electrons in one direction. Alternating current allows for electrons to flow in one direction for a while, then switch and flow the other direction. The circuitry under here controls not only the flow of information, but the flow of electricity,” you explained and cleared your throat, singing the simple song your Dad had taught you as a child about how electricity worked. Appleton’s hand flew up to her mouth as she smothered a giggle.
“I’m sorry, Y/L/N.” The words were muffled by the giggling and her hand. “You’re just so perfect and geeky. And now you know a song about the flow of electricity? The tune is catchy. The material? Not so much.”
“The tune is Skye Boat Song.” Scotty’s voice came across the communicator. You blanched and reached under you, grabbing your communicator from where it had been broadcasting the conversation to Scotty. “Go ahead and finish, Y/N.”
“Uh, sure,” you replied, and closed the communicator, effectively ending Scotty’s opportunity to listen. “So the second verse goes a little like this.” You continued on the song, emphasizing the connections between the current and voltage and flow and switches. As you came back to the chorus, you heard a baritone voice join your own. Appleton scrambled out from under the console and you followed, stopping the song quickly. Scotty was squatting beside where you’d been tucked under, and finished the song.
“Jesus, Scotty, you scared the life out of me!” You exclaimed.
“I couldn’t miss the end of my favourite song,” he winked at you. You blushed and shook your head.
“When I was at the Academy I wrote one about the Enterprise, you know. To the anatomy song,” you admitted.
“I believe I’d like to hear that. Over dinner and an evening of bowling, perhaps?” He asked.
“Sounds like a date,” you nodded and then clamped your mouth shut, flushing again. He offered his hand to pull you to your feet.
“Aye, lass. It does,” he smiled.
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frontbottoms-babe · 7 years
self care
i want to buy a ticket to a faraway place this summer, i want to bring hunter to furman next year, i want to live in a single because sometimes interaction with others is too much for me, ive read nearly all of a 700 paged book in 2 days, i cant stop making myself drink as much water as possible, the shower is really the only place i feel alone but i love that feeling, i want to go hiking by myself soon and i dont care if thats scary or irresponsible, i want to. i dont care if my mom says i need antidepressants, i know dr. t will say i dont because everybody has weeks where living is hard. i want to become president of IATG by the time im a junior. i cant stop getting excited about living in north village. i really really want to get a job. the idea of long drives and stretches of no talking is so appealing. doing shrooms with you is an appealing but terrifying step in a direction im not entirely sure im ready for. serotonin is such a pretty, pretty word. theres still one unopened text in my messages and i cant will myself to stop thinking about it. are you mad at me about everything? your hair is so so pretty and wow im babbling. the lake is so nice to read by. i added milk to my tea yesterday and i fucking loved it so much for some reason. i havent really been eating but thats okay, thats good if you arent really that hungry. im a hypocrite but im working on that. i think, with less free time, i will stop thinking about others. mornings are my favorite but i feel most at peace when the sun sets. i cant stop thinking about sneaking off to delaware with a few people and getting drunk while listening to the waves off the balcony. did you know i love it best when the waves are stormy? i miss my father a lot but really, i miss my grandmother most. he told me i have daddy issues and he seemed turned on by it but really, its not cute or sexy. its sad and achy. i realized nobody is perfect but im still searching for that in my friends. i think this weekend i will get inappropriately something with my friends for nicoles birthday and then i just wanna cuddle with emma. maybe i should ask grace margaret and mikaela if they want to do something so we can discuss jordan. my minds racing a million miles a second because for some reason i woke up thinking about how cool my life is sometimes. there are so many lil bits and pieces. i really love my books, so so much. and macaroni and cheese, fuck. i love being warm and i love clothes and i love crying with sophie. idk why but shes the first friend that touches me when i cry. most people stay their distance pretty much, you know? i know i tend to do that. and also i just really really love it here. im not crazy about change but i think i adapted to college pretty well and it feels so good to be here. i LOVE my classes and my teachers. 2 out of my 4 teachers went here!!! and most of the department chairs are women!!!! ahh i just. yeah. its cool(:
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