#here it is i was able to get on on my computer eyyy
soras-noodle-arms · 7 years
the Winners™ Chapter 1
so i asked you guys whether or not you’d want to read something like this and well i got inspired™ and i’m able to get on lmao so ye here’s chapter 1
i’ve actually got the first two chapters finished so there’s that
i’m gonna give you a list of chat names vs real names as well as some backstory for the characters at the end because i let my friend read it and she was constantly confused about the names
chat name - real name elder - mandy getseth - seth noravioli - norandina ritzy - brittany salt - saleni kartel - karel virus - viran meow - kat tartar - tarulli dolly - dallona error - erral macaronia - maronia onurmarco - marco rikatoni - rikando final - fina jontellini - jontein farfaven - aven
elder added getseth, noravioli, ritzy, salt, kartel, virus, meow, tartar, dolly, error, macaronia, onurmarco, rikatoni, final, jontellini, and farfaven to the chat the Winners™ 
elder: you guys all have the stupidest names omg elder: like seth what the hell does ur name even mean getseth: its our time marco elder: wait what getseth: are you ready elder: what onurmarco: >:3 getseth: >:3 elder: … elder: of course you would rikatoni: that is literally the best thing i’ve ever seen omg friendship goals macaronia: you literally named the five of us using pasta puns rikatoni: SHUT UP MARONIA YOU LOVE IT jontellini: i can’t look at tortellini the same way ever again i hate you farfaven: this is our legacy now jontein your brother named us after pasta you just need to accept it i did years ago rikatoni: wow rikatoni: WOW rikatoni: okay i see how it is rikatoni: betrayed by my best friend and my brother rikatoni: i don’t know which hurts worse farfaven: you’re so overdramatic rikando oh my god rikatoni: and to think i named you after my favorite pasta rikatoni: i don’t need this kind of bs in my life meow: can you dumbos take your pasta talk elsewhere meow: i’m getting hungry but i don’t want to eat this early noravioli: it’s called breakfast and it’s the most important meal of the day meow: i don’t want to eat *pasta this early meow: keep up norandina ritzy: kat don’t be mean… rikatoni: YEAH kat don’t be so MEAN rikatoni: what’d we ever do to you final: what is wrong with you people jontellini: i’m crushed babe final: not you jontein you’re totally normal jontellini: wow final: jk you’re amazing <3 jontellini: <3 rikatoni: ewww you two are so gross and mushy rikatoni: and don’t even lie fina you know you love us farfaven: yeah rikando she likes everyone but you rikatoni: WOW rikatoni: that’s it our friendship is canceled rikatoni: who is this aven you speak of rikatoni: i know no aven final: oh my god farfaven: >:3 onurmarco: heyyy he stole our face getseth: YOU THIEF kartel: sometimes i genuinely wonder about the mental capacity of you people kartel: this chat is a train wreck virus: only sometimes? kartel: you had not spoken a single word viran i was not talking to you shut the hell up virus: exactly kartel: what the hell is that supposed to mean tartar: WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE IT’S 9:30 ON A SATURDAY tartar: NONE OF US HAVE SATURDAY CLASSES WHY ARE YOU ALL AWAKE final: oh hey sis tartar: leave me alone final: well dang ok salt: i wake up to this salt: viran salt: my dearest brother salt: what the hell is wrong with you kartel: tHANK you saleni that’s exactly what i was wondering salt: … salt: okay karel kartel: ? salt: i have so many questions kartel: ??? salt: but first is salt: there are so many words that sound like your name salt: of all of them, you picked cartel salt: why kartel: BECAUSE kartel: THAT’S WHY jontellini: mandy this was a horrible idea jontellini: there are way too many people in this chat elder: yeah ur right i have regrets elder: we need to do something onurmarco: already on it!!!!!!! macaronia: is he always this excitable
onurmarco added farfaven, rikatoni, jontellini, noravioli, and macaronia to the chat the pasta quintet
the Winners™
macaronia: i mean… macaronia: seven exclamation points?
onurmarco removed himself from the chat the pasta quintet
the Winners™
getseth: fight me maronia he’s just very exuberant macaronia: wow it’s the elusive protective seth macaronia: ??? macaronia: dude he just added me to a group chat with people i already have a group chat with getseth: shhhhh he’s trying
onurmarco added kartel, dolly, error, tartar, final, virus, and salt to the chat the twin cities squad
the Winners™
kartel: wow he’s really determined isn’t he getseth: karel have you met my best friend
onurmarco removed himself from the chat the twin cities squad
the Winners™
getseth: determined might as well be his middle name onurmarco: HELL YEAH IT IS getseth: ^^^ getseth: see
onurmarco added getseth, elder, ritzy, and meow to the chat travagastor chums
the Winners™
elder: wow onurmarco: X3 there now we’re split up by hometowns error: but smaktria and katrimas are two towns??? onurmarco: ohhhh hi erral bout time u showed up how are u onurmarco: and yeaaah ik but there were less of u from each of smaktria and katrimas than the rest of us and they’re like onurmarco: right next to each other onurmarco: plus they’ve got that cool anagram thing error: fair enough
the twin cities squad
final: oh man my boyfriend’s not in this chat tartar: oh dang i guess ur gonna have to talk to all of us single peasants then final: jealousy doesn’t become u tarulli dolly: i’m so confused what’s happening tartar: DALLONA UR HERE dolly: aaa yeah?? hi dolly: how are you? tartar: i’m good tartar: tired because SOME PEOPLE decided to wake me up at NINE-THIRTY THIS MORNING with an INCESSANTLY VIBRATING PHONE error: wow that started passive-aggressive and then just dove headfirst straight into aggressive tartar: shut up erral ur supposed to be the nice one error: no i’m just the quirky one error: there’s a difference kartel: yeah okay because none of us are quirky error: … error: hush kartel: anyway where’s the asshole and his sister why aren’t they saying anything virus: you rang? salt: i mean at least i’m only the asshole’s sister salt: and not the asshole salt: aaaand never mind he’s not insulted in the slightest salt: why am i surprised, this IS my brother we’re talking about tartar: viran karel literally everyone knows you’re best friends cut the “hating each other act” please virus: but we do hate each other kartel: tarulli this isn’t an act kartel: he’s an ass virus: he’s an insufferable brat tartar: wow they’re even talking over each other this is hilarious dolly: (they are best friends don’t let them fool you) kartel: wow okay dallona you’re just slandering us now dolly: (i even saw them fist bump the other day) kartel: WE DID NOT virus: slander final: riiiight tartar: you guys keep telling yourselves that tartar: we see the friendship u try so much to hide kartel: i will not stand for this virus: blasphemy i have no friends final: they’re even finishing each other’s sentences how cute tartar: uhhh viran the 16 other people in these group chats care to disagree with you there virus: i was not finishing his sentence i was starting my own kartel: we do not finish each other’s sentences fina oh my god dolly: wait hang on kartel: wait what kartel: DALLONA WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU dolly: they’re cuddling tartar: OH MY GOD DALLONA YOU’RE THE BEST kartel: DALLONA YOU ARE THE ACTUAL WORST dolly: 0:3
travagastor chums
onurmarco: hiiii getseth: ur a dork
elder changed the chat name to travaga-holes
meow: wow meow: pleasant elder: thanks i do try ritzy: i don’t get it onurmarco: shhhhhh it’s okayyyy continue being ur precious innocent self onurmarco: mandy ur horrible elder: thanks i try getseth: wow goals onurmarco: seeeeeth what does that mean getseth: wow i hang around you way too much i read that in your voice onurmarco: >:3 getseth: and mandy’s just so chill abt everything i’m envious onurmarco: uh seth have u met u getseth: quiet you elder: HEY KITTY KAT WHERE U BE meow: exhibit a on why i did not make that my chat name meow: and come on mandy i was the first person to speak after you changed the chat name elder: shhhhh i knew that meow: sHhhhHhH i kNew tHaT elder: … elder: did u just mock me meow: dId U jUsT MocK ME getseth: wow i can’t believe kat’s a meme meow: WOw i CaN’t BELieVe kAt’S a MemE getseth: did you just onurmarco: wow seth she just played u getseth: i can’t believe you’re taking her side getseth: i thought we were friends onurmarco: humor takes no sides sethaniel getseth: … getseth: did you actually just call me sethaniel getseth: i’m breaking up our friendship ritzy: marco humor does take sides ritzy: you’re either laughing with someone or at someone onurmarco: awwww brittany dw i was only joking ritzy: heehee i know so was i :3 onurmarco: :3 meow: :3 elder: wow it’s a rare appearance of a kat in her natural state meow: wow i’m leaving this chat onurmarco: NO DON’T I WORKED SO HARD getseth: i love how brittany just lurks on here silently judging us ritzy: i am not judging you guys ritzy: besides you seth ritzy: this judge in: you’re an asshole getseth: wow okay ritzy: oh wait now i get the chat name ritzy: mandy wtf elder: there it is ritzy: i’m breaking up with all of you
the pasta quintet
macaronia: should we just delete this and use our other one or nah jontellini: nah marco made it for us deleting it would be rude macaronia: tru norandina: yeah let’s leave it besides the other one is literally almost five years old jontellini: yeah you’re right farfaven: omg i’m looking over kat’s shoulder and the name mandy made for their chat is hilarious
farfaven changed the chat name to linicha-holes
rikatoni: oh my GOD
the twin cities squad
final: oh my god aven just changed the name of their chat and jontein and i are ROLLING
final changed the chat name to smakatrima-holes
tartar: please remind me to tell aven that i love him
so they all met about two years before this story starts because they all went to the same college.
jontein and fina started dating about a year after they met. they hit it off the first week she joined an art club and snarked it up as usual.
viran and karel hated each other at first, that much is true; however, after two separate incidents unknown by anyone else that involved mutual life-saving, they became more along the lines of vitriolic best buds (one of my favorite tropes from tv tropes tbh).
dallona’s entrance into the group was much different than the others. you’ll see some of her story later.
rikando and maronia have been best friends since before kindergarten; they were childhood neighbors. they met aven in first grade, and the three of them have been absolutely inseparable since then. maronia met norandina when she was on vacation one year, and she introduced norandina to everyone else the following year.
seth and marco met around fourth grade and were instantly joined at the hip, despite the fact that their personalities are almost total opposites.
kat is an... interesting case. you’ll find out more about her next chapter.
erral is in fact the quirky one.
aaand that’s about all you need to know for now, so until next chapter!
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oceandiagonale · 2 years
Wurmple anon here 🥺im at work right now but was able to take a lil scroll and 😭yall be so sweet! I havent used my computer in ages, but i’ll try to get on tonight and see if i can strong arm my brain into remembering the password i made in 2012 LOL i wont be able to this weekend since i’ll be out of state 😅
EYYY another old-timer, eh? I joined in 2014 myself, and only the password savers know my password now 😂😂😂
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type specialists my beloveds!!
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JHFKJSD mood, though the app has definitely gotten a lot better over time!! you can even block tags and content words on there now 👀
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I don’t even know if poké-OSHA has rules about time travel yet, but considering how little respect Arceus has for human rules they definitely wouldn’t care about that 😂😂😂
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whumpmatsus · 3 years
Heyo! 👋 hope you're doing well! If you are taking requests right now, maybe some Ichi hurt/comfort? Like maybe he's having a depressive episode one day (me? Projecting? It's more likely than you think 😂) unlike any he's ever had before, and he just doesn't have the strength to do anything, even make snippy remarks at any of his brothers. One (or all, you can pick!) of them notices this odd behavior, and makes it their mission to help him feel a little more like his old self, even if that just means "riding out the storm" with him.
Oof this was really long, lol sorry 😂 but thanks for taking the time to read, I love your writing style! Take care! 👋
eyyy don't be sorry! God I REALLY enjoyed writing this... I love how it turned out
sometimes these guys can be jerks, for sure, even when one of their own is in pain
but... when it's serious... THIS BEAUTIFUL SHIT HAPPENS
please enjoy Ichi being spoiled and surrounded by love from all his brothers because HE DESERVES IT and I love how this turned out <3
Ichimatsu’s first (and maybe only) mistake is that he assumes his brothers don’t pay that much attention to him one way or the other unless he speaks up.
Or, maybe it’s that he often hopes they don’t.
Because he knows they care; there are little things they all do that remind him that no matter what, they love him. But they all have their own things to do, and most of the time he finds that best. They should be able to do whatever they like instead of wasting their lives making him feel better. He has a bad day or hates himself so much of the time, if they paid him attention whenever he wasn’t doing well, they’d never get to enjoy themselves with other things.
He cares about them, too. So usually he’d rather they occupy themselves with their own interests whenever he’s not feeling well. He can bury things deep inside and pretend those shitty feelings don’t exist and act almost normal. As normal as someone like him can act, anyway. For their sake. They don’t deserve to worry about him.
Today, he’s too tired for whatever reason. His scathing barbs and negative attitude on most days aren’t really fake… on the bad days, though, he can force his typical demeanor so nobody suspects he’s not fine. All they see is sour-faced, ill-tempered fourth brother Ichimatsu.
He can’t even do that much right now. It’s as if the weight of existence and his own mind is pulling him down, further and further, until he’s drowning in his thoughts. Horrible thoughts. Things telling him he’s worthless, a failure, a burden, good for nothing, should probably be dead… too many things to keep track of.
If he were trying not to get his brothers’ attention by being quiet and listless, it isn’t working. In fact, his current behavior has actually done the opposite.
While he’s lying in the corner of the room, curled around himself and wishing he could fall asleep to avoid dealing with these thoughts and feelings, the others are around their table muttering among themselves.
“You guys noticed he barely touched breakfast, right?” Osomatsu is the first to speak up, and he’s doing his best not to look at Ichimatsu too much, simply because he doesn’t want his younger brother to feel everyone’s eyes on him. He’s pretty sure that would just make matters worse.
Choromatsu hums in agreement. “Yeah, no, he just kind of stared into his tea… he might have taken a sip or two, but that’s about it. I don’t think he even ate any rice.”
“Did he even brush his teeth this morning?” Totty speaks up. “Or his hair? It looks messier than usual, and I was the last one in the bathroom before breakfast, and it didn’t look like his toothbrush had been used.”
“Also,” Karamatsu chimes in, “I believe that is the same outfit he wore yesterday. He didn’t sleep in it, but he put it back on when he got up even though it hasn’t been washed.”
Choromatsu frowns and steals a quick glance at the fourth eldest. “Like he… didn’t wanna think about picking something different out, huh? And… it’s kind of worrying that he didn’t brush his teeth or hair. I mean, that’s basic hygiene. It’s like he’s depressed or… some… thing…”
Suddenly a light bulb goes off, and the rest of the brothers exchange a concerned look with each other.
“Oh,” is all Osomatsu says for a moment. Then, “Fuck.”
Before anyone else can breathe a word, Jyushimatsu leans back away from the table and collapses with his head in Ichimatsu’s lap. “Aaaah, Ichimatsu-nii-chan! Baseball practice today? We can do it at the beach!”
Ichimatsu hardly flinches at the abrupt contact, but really it’s because he doesn’t even have the strength to be startled. He doesn’t move to push Jyushimatsu off or bounce his leg to dissuade the him from staying or anything. It’s a moment until he actually says anything, like a delayed reaction from a computer. “Uh. Not today, Jyushi. I’m probably gonna take a nap.”
“Hmmmmmmm… oh, I know! I’ll nap with you! Maybe we’ll dream about baseball!”
All the others watch closely, waiting to see if he gives an average Ichimatsu reaction. Instead, he doesn’t even shrug. “Yeah, if you want.”
Obviously, that’s not what they would be expecting from any other day. They all look at each other again, minus Jyushimatsu who just curls up against his big brother’s side.
Ichimatsu, on the other hand, is so out of it in his own head that he doesn’t realize that he’s done anything to worry his brothers. They should all be paying attention to their own shit, right?
He just feels so exhausted despite that he knows he slept okay last night. All he did this morning was wake up and get out of bed and already he’s… drained.
You’re so lazy. You can’t even put together the energy it takes to read a fucking magazine or something? To do nothing like you usually do? What kind of loser doesn’t have enough energy to do something like watch TV?
What the hell is wrong with you?
He cringes at the sound of his own inner voice berating him, and ducks his head down between his knees. Shit. Everything hurts. Isn’t that right, though? He’s useless. It doesn’t take any effort to just sit somewhere watching TV or reading and yet he’s not even willing to do something like that.
Even though he expects that Jyushimatsu might want to hang out with him, because the two of them are close, he doesn’t anticipate it when Osomatsu comes over and sits himself down across from Ichimatsu. At least, he thinks it’s Osomatsu. He doesn’t really feel like lifting his head fully; it looks like a red hoodie, though.
“Uh, hey, Ichimacchan.” Osomatsu feels a little awkward at first, mainly due to the fact that he’s never sure what to do when Ichimatsu is in one of ‘these’ moods. What works on one day might not work the next time. Previous experience is all he has to draw on, though.
“I noticed you didn’t eat too much at breakfast… you in the mood for something sweet?” Tempting him with one of their favorite treats might put him in better spirits, at least for a minute. “There’s a box of imagawayaki on the counter… there’s three in there, so we can split ‘em. Mom said these ones have chocolate cream in them.”
Everyone else lets out a blissful sigh as they all think about how delicious that’s going to be. Bean paste or custard or even regular cream is always good, but chocolate cream? If they had to fight over those, someone might end up dead.
Ichimatsu offers a shrug in his brother’s direction. “Sure, if you guys want. I’m just not that hungry.”
Osomatsu frowns, and looks over toward Choromatsu who’s thankfully recovered from the imagawayaki imagine spot. None of the brothers would ever turn that down. Even if they weren’t necessarily hungry, they’d make room for something that good. Moreover, given that Ichimatsu didn’t eat anything at breakfast, he should be starving,especially for sweets.
Choromatsu makes his way over, setting a careful hand on Ichimatsu’s shoulder. He doesn’t have any more of a clue what to do than their eldest, so he’s flying by the seat of his pants just as much. Something has to be done… they can’t just let poor Ichimatsu suffer. “Ichimacchan? It’s pretty cold today. How about I turn on the kotatsu, and if you’re gonna nap, you can sleep with your legs under it? That might feel nice.”
Well. That does sound nice, Ichimatsu thinks, because curling up under the heat of the kotatsu is always nice in the winter. But… he’s pretty sure he doesn’t have the energy to even move from this spot. “Oh, yeah… I’ll probably just nap here, though. Don’t really feel like moving.”
“Aaah, but you are cold, aren’t you? I can hear your teeth chattering from all the way over here!” Karamatsu is up in an instant, tugging his leather jacket off his shoulders. Although it leaves him in nothing but a tank top ― and a horribly plain grey one, at that ― it’s a necessary sacrifice for his little brother’s comfort.
He hurries over to where everyone else is gathering and gently drapes the jacket over Ichimatsu’s shoulders. “Hmph… Karamatsu to the rescue as usual! You’re looking cozier already.”
Man,Ichimatsu’s mind comes up with, I try on Shittymatsu’s dumbass jacket one time and suddenly he’s coming up with any excuse to put the stupid thing over me. Do I really want him freezing instead of me? Why don’t I just move my ass over to the kotatsu? He’s gonna catch a cold and it’ll be all my fault because my stubborn ass didn’t move and he took pity on me.
God, I wanna die. They’re all falling all over themselves to do shit to cheer me up when they should be focusing on themselves. I’m fucking trash, making my brothers waste all their damn time on me. Why couldn’t I just do stuff and not make them worry?
“… Ichimatsu-nii-san?” Totty has plopped himself down in front of Ichimatsu, staring in concern at his big brother. Fuck. He’s using that eye voodoo of his, and if he says anything, if he asks Ichimatsu a question, he’s gonna get an honest answer despite the fact that Ichimatsu doesn’t want to admit anything.
He can’t help it, though. Totty’s hand is soft as he reaches up toward Ichimatsu’s face, thumbing away tears that Ichimatsu didn’t even realize he’d started to cry. But his youngest brother is delicate in the way he brushes them, so caring and tender that any little bit of strength Ichimatsu had to keep things hidden away crumbles quickly.
“Hehe,” Totty chuckles, though there isn’t a genuine mirth behind it, “you’re not having a good day, Ichimatsu-nii-san… are you?”
He blinks, and more tears start to drip down his cheeks. This time Totty doesn’t make a move to wipe them away, instead staring at his brother with those big, sad doe eyes, glittering with sympathy.
Ichimatsu lets his head drop again, eyes pressing against his arm and tears soaking into his sleeve. “N-no,” he manages to say in a quiet, insecure, small voice. He hates it. He hates making this stupid confession, because he should be able to take care of himself. His brothers don’t need to be huddled around him, pissing their days down the drain. “I’m… I’m having a bad day.”
With that, it’s like all five of them attach themselves to him all at once. There’s a brief cacophony of worry and reassurances, and a hug Ichimatsu almost loses himself inside of.
“Alright, you hear that, guys?” Osomatsu announces, maybe a bit louder than he really needs to. “Ichimatsu’s having a bad day! Woohoo!”
Choromatsu scoffs. “Ah, ‘woohoo’?? Osomatsu, you idiot! This isn’t a good thing!”
Osomatsu pulls away to rub a finger under his nose with a grin. “Hey, sure it is! He said it, didn’t he? Good for you, Ichimacchan! You’re having a bad day and you said so! Remember what happened when Totty kept junk from us? We need to know this shit! I’m glad you said something!”
Karamatsu’s hand tousles Ichimatsu’s hair as he pulls his brother into a hug. “Yes, Osomatsu is right. You’re having a bad day, Ichimatsu, and that’s just fine. It takes a lot of bravery to admit it, so we’re proud of you.”
“Plus, we’re gonna make this the best bad day ever!” Totty hums. He’s whipped his phone out before anyone can so much as blink, typing away on it. “It’s just about lunch time, so I’m gonna order some takeout! Ichimatsu-nii-san, what sounds good? Curry? Sushi? Ooh… maybe fried chicken? We don’t do that too often… might be a nice treat! Oh, it’s your call, though.”
Osomatsu gives Ichimatsu a tiny bump on the shoulder with his fist. “You and Totty figure that out while I go cut that imagawayaki for us. Be right back, guys.”
… Am I in the fucking Twilight Zone or something? What the hell???
Ichimatsu lifts his head just a little, looking at all his brothers. Totty’s on his phone looking at delivery options, Osomatsu is headed to the kitchen, Jyushimatsu is nuzzled against his side…
None of them are leaving him by himself. They all still want to be here even when his mood sucks ass. Even when he can’t really do anything for himself. Even when he’s being a huge fucking pain and a thorn in their sides and doing literally nothing to contribute to the day.
What the hell are they all doing? Why are they all fine with wasting their day taking care of him?
When Karamatsu presses a couple of tissues into his hand, Ichimatsu somehow finds the energy to use them to wipe his face. Fuck, he hates crying, and he hates people seeing him cry. “Don’t do this,” he mumbles. “You’re fucking morons. You have better shit to do than…”
“No way!” Jyushimatsu aggressively snuggles against the side of Ichimatsu’s stomach, circling his arms around his brother’s waist. “What better shit could weeeee have to do? We’re shitty NEETs!”
Choromatsu chuckles. “Besides, there’s literally nothing more important than taking care of each other, especially when one of us is down and out. Ichimatsu, you… know none of us are shy when it comes to being honest. So, just… try to believe us when we say there’s nothing we’d rather be doing than being with you right now.”
He straightens up, then gingerly taps Jyushimatsu with his foot. “Hey, Jyushi, how about you scoot yourself and Ichimatsu over to the kotatsu? And Totty, are you really gonna make a delivery driver come out in this weather? It’s almost below freezing! Why don’t you go get it yourself?”
“Excuse you, but if they haven’t shut down the delivery option, why shouldn’t I take advantage of it? I don’t wanna leave Ichimatsu-nii-san!”
“Okay, okay… I guess that’s fair. What are you ordering, again?”
“Aaaah, I dunno! I was waiting for Ichimatsu-nii-san to say what he feels like.”
Meanwhile, Jyushimatsu has somehow gotten himself and Ichimatsu over to the kotatsu, and is currently shoving his big brother’s legs under it while Choromatsu moves to plug it in. “Home run, YEAH! Your tootsies will be toasty in no time, Ichimatsu-nii-san!”
“O-oh… thanks, Jyushi…” That’s about all he can say, really. He’s slumped over the table in a matter of seconds, and although there’s no way it can support the weight of everything he feels like he’s being crushed under, feels a little more relaxing than holding himself in a tight ball in the corner.
He’s going to cry again. He’s pretty sure he’s going to cry again. His brothers, his selfish, douche-a-holic, demon brothers… would rather be taking care of him on a bad day than out doing their own things, not touching him or his shitty mood with a ten-foot pole.
Jyushimatsu is cuddled up on one side, and he can feel Karamatsu settling in on the other with an arm around Ichimatsu’s shoulders. That’s it. He’s surrounded by brothers and their warm, selfless-for-once-in-their-lives affection. He has to surrender. He doesn’t stand a chance.
His mind drifts back to the others. “Oh… Totty…”
“Oh! Yeah, mhm?”
“Um… curry sounds good, I guess.”
The impossibly huge smile on his youngest brother’s face comes through even when he speaks. “Oh, great! Curry it is! Okaaaay, I’m gonna get it from that nice place in town. You want it with rice or udon? Or do you want curry bread?”
“Uhh… just with rice.”
“Rice, okay, sounds good! Beef, chicken, or pork?”
“Huh… you mentioned fried chicken, now that sounds good. Does that place do curry rice with tonkatsu on top?”
“Oooh… that does sound good. Yeah, I think there’s an option for that. Chicken tonkatsu with curry rice, then?”
“Gotcha. Is that what everybody wants?”
“Yeah, Totty,” Choromatsu injects, “just order the same thing for everybody. We’ll all eat that.”
“Okay, what about sides? Does anyone want fukujinzuke or rakkyō?”
“Geez, just… just get half of each and we can divide it up if anyone wants any.”
“Okaaay! I’m not ordering drinks from there, though… too expensive. We have tea here. Oh, I’ll get a few orders of pork curry bread, too, in case we want a snack later.”
“Well, make sure you get either three or six.”
“Yeahhhh, Cherrymatsu, I’m not stupid! I’ll just get three; I’m fine buying some, but I’m not trying to go broke! Does that sound okay, Ichimatsu-nii-san? The curry bread for later?”
It takes a moment, but finally Ichimatsu lets out a breathy, almost tearful laugh as he leans against Karamatsu’s shoulder. “Totty… you’re trying to fatten me up… you witch… you’re gonna cook me and eat me… that’s your plan, huh?…”
The whole room erupts into a small fit of laughter, even Totty who’s blushing at being teased. Ichimatsu feels Karamatsu press a kiss to his head, and he sighs. Usually he wouldn’t be able to take all of this… the attention, and Totty blabbering away, and Choromatsu trying to be responsible, and… everything.
At the moment, it feels right. Like things are supposed to be this way. Like he’s supposed to be having a bad day so his brothers can all gather around him and remind him that regardless of anything else, when one of them needs their brothers, everyone is going to be there.
Maybe he needed that reminder.
Maybe they all did.
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girlbookwrm · 6 years
James Rhodes and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day
Typing this up the morning after The Roommate @goteamwin and I watched Iron Man Two and upon reflection, the movie is about 800x better if you  think of Rhodes or Nat as the POV character, with Tony as the main villain -- because let’s face it, Tony is always the main villain of the Iron Man franchise (and other franchises too, sometimes)
Ivan Vanko hiding with his face in the corner, clutching a bottle of Vodka is extremely hashtag relatable. Also, is he feeding his dying father vodka-soaked ice chips? is this an old Russian folk remedy? The Roommate says: it’s a nice foil to CATFA: “ah yes. you haff procedure tyomorrow. make sure you haff plenty of vodka. stay nice and hydrated.”
hey we saw all this last time. back in the days when Marvel still felt the need to recap. now they’re just like “HOPE YOU DID YOUR HOMEWORK BITCHES.”
Tony Stark is dropping out of a plane, in a weaponized exoskeletal suit, over New York City, in 2010. I know he's Tony Stark , but he should not be able to do any of this. (but tbf presumably Pepper arranged this YEARLONG EXPO (holy shit) and Pepper Potts can do Literally Anything.)
The backup dancers feel like another callback to CATFA but this came out BEFORE CATFA so maybe the backup dancers are a callback to this???? but in-universe, it's the other way around???????
i mean of course Tony built a specialized gadget to test his blood toxicity but also TONY YOU BUILT A SPECIALIZED GADGET TO TEST YOUR BLOOD TOXICITY??? GO TO THE DOCTOR
is that olivia munn?
oh no gary shandling noooooooo
“he insists it’s a shield” ohohoHOHOHOHOHOHoho burn.
but no, actually a burn because it’s deffo a callback to the Great Works that Howard Stark Did.
ah yes. an LG starkphone. before Vevo got their dirty paws all over the Avengers product placement money
it’s nice of JARVIS to sum this up for us. And So Snarkily!
seriously, Tony is giving away his worldly possessions, talking legacy, quitting his job... HOW DOES PEPPER NOT SEE WHAT’S HAPPENING HERE
Natalie Russian?
The Roommate points out that she hated ScarJo the first time she saw this, but now literally cuts her hair to look like ScarJo
this got me thinking about what this scene is like from Nat’s POV. She’s a KGB assassin, trained from (birth?? probably?) and she’s been with SHIELD no less than a year (if the Winter Soldier shot her while she was working for SHIELD in 2009) 
And now she has to do this shit.
elon musk?
Tony literally looks HIMSELF in the eye and says: “You got any other bad ideas?” TONY IS THE VILLAIN OF THIS PIECE.
in what way is tony qualified to do this
Poor Nat. “Get close to him” they said. “evaluate him for the avengers initiative” they said. “a plush assignment” they said. fuck you nick.
Vanko: ~cool guys don’t look at explosions~
I love the way the iron man suits keep getting smaller. i feel like this is a real reflection of how technology has evolved in the real world -- keeps getting smaller and faster and more advanced.
good work to the blonde extra standing behind justin hammer she is giving 112%
Vanko in his budgie smugglers here. He had literally no plan? he’s just, like, making it up as he goes? actually, wtf was he doing on the racetrack anyway? he didn’t know tony would be there??
~cool guys don’t look at explosionsss~
So Vanko Sr got shipped back to Russia but Zola gets to stick around long enough to turn into a bank of computers?
the scene where Nat’s helping Tony get ready for the party:
The Roommate: See this is why I didn’t like Natasha the first time she turned up. I thought she was going to break up my OTP. Like. What-- what’s she doing here? 
Me: It’s a test. It’s all a test. It’s always a test. And Tony. Is. Failing.
Tony. what are you doing. tony. stop.
James Rhodes And The Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day, but also.
wwwwwow, rhodey is
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Tony yelling at his own reflection again, because he’s a strong independant protagonist who don’t need no villain he can be his own villain, clearly.
They crossed the streams!
Rhodey manages to make the Iron Man mask look Disappointed. *patrick stewart voice* ~acting~
eyyy! it’s that guy from IM1!
hey let’s make an aside here, because earlier in the movie Tony mentions Uncle Sam and let’s just all agree right here right now that Rhodey and Sam definitely know each other. They know each other before Sam becomes an Avenger. first time Steve brings Sam to the tower and Rhodes is there, it’s like “OH HEY MAN HOW ARE YOU? STILL FLYING WITHOUT A PLANE? GOOD TO SEE U DUDE.”
they’re going to get along so well with Carol I’m already excited
oh hey Fury’s here.
I love how proud Fury is of his daughter.
his adopted russian daughter. Such A Proud Dad.
“a vodka fueled rage” he says. “not a good environment to raise a kid in” he says. And what kind of environment was tony raised in?
“you can solve the riddle of your heart” they sure did make Samuel L Jackson say those words. 
god i love phil
I love that Rhodes takes the arc reactor out before Hammer gets here.
“I call it the Ex Wife”
The Roommate: ugh of course you do.
I also love how deadpan he is. “I think I’ll take it.” “Which one?” “All of it.”
The Roommate: James Rhodes here, continuing to be Very Sexy. Don Cheedle is definitely sexier than Terrence Howard FIGHT ME.
Me: why would anyone fight you on that YOU’RE RIGHT
To answer my earlier question: A scotch-fueled rage.
Howard 2.0 being very Walt Disney here.
“I didn’t come here to apologize” MAYBE YOU SHOULD, BUDDY.
Pepper: No.
The Roommate: Pepper’s superpower is calling the authorities and saying no.
i love that pepper and nat are bros now, like. it’s like that story when the girl meets her boyfriend’s side chick and they become BFFs.
Tony figuring out the thing with the pavilions:
The Roommate: Tony really actually is smart, but it gets lost in all the bullshit.
Fanboy Phil.
“Not that much.” God I love phil.
tony should always wear tank tops
side note: this is tesseract material, right? i mean we’re all agreed that the element that Tony rediscovers is whatever the Tesseract is made of. right? 
Justin Hammer: Maybe I’ll get laid.
The Roommate: You Will Not.
Pepper and Nat in matching outfits I love this.
Ok as soon as that glass starts falling -- i mean. all these people are dead, right? everyone who came to the expo is pretty much dead now.
Pepper and Nat are the real dream team here.
“nice work kid” SO CUTE
We Do Not Care for ScarJo’s Wig Here. This scene would’ve been so much better if she left her hair in that bun it was in earlier. her hair is all in her face all through this scene NAT WOULD NEVER BE THIS CARELESS, HAIR LIKE THAT IS GOOD FOR GRABBING AS EVERY WOMAN WHO HAS EVER WALKED IN THE DARK KNOWS
subnote: happy she does not require your assistance. 
Tony and Rhodes are literally playing a video game here, they might as well be back at MIT in Rhodey’s dorm room playing call of duty or whatever game they played back in the day.
they’re crossing the streams! 
The Roommate: I like the little vroom vroom noises the suit makes
“you deserve better”
Me And The Roommate: Yeah, she does.
“you couldn’t afford me.” Dat Ass, Tones. Dayum.
oh hey phil’s here
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rosey-writes · 6 years
[4, final] It seemed to download a player of sorts, which, when loaded, had an image pop up. It was a rather horrid face. He knew anyone would find it disturbing. But not he. Instead, he found it interesting. Whatever could this be? Louis felt his lips twitch up into a smirk. What had she found for him?Louis entered the code she had sent. What greeted him was something truly interesting. “Project Red”, the livestream was called. Tilting his head to one side, he watched…
The dark web was not a place for those of the faint of heart. Louis knew it as soon as he was able to find a way in. It was a strange place, really. He had to get used to code and such before being capable of accessing it with ease. And, now, of course, that was no issue. None at all, even. It was a place he could find those who were willing to put aside such things as morals (what imperfect things they were, too) focus on the payment at hand. If they needed a little more encouragement, Louis was more than willing to bribe them. It was what got him here, sitting on his couch, lazily browsing the web. With no one to bother him, none at all. This particular day, a friend, shall we call her, had sent a link and a code to a message board he had been invited to. He had gazed at the message for some time, not bothering to ask her what it may be. She knew how he worked. She gave him what he needed.
And as it turned out, he had been on a quest of sorts. He wanted to experience emotion. Anger, fear, happiness, it didn’t matter, really. The emptiness he felt on a daily basis was irritating. He yearned to find that someone who could make him feel high, high above his normal state. Louis rarely spoke on this, but he had no questions as to how she found out. She had ways, she had sources. He let her be; she was useful. So, after a long while, he clicked on it. It seemed to download a player of sorts, which, when loaded, had an image pop up. It was a rather horrid face. He knew anyone would find it disturbing. But not he. Instead, he found it interesting. Whatever could this be? Louis felt his lips twitch up into a smirk. What had she found for him?Louis entered the code she had sent. What greeted him was something truly interesting. “Project Red”, the livestream was called. Tilting his head to one side, he watched…
“Hey ya’ll, welcome to Lucky Live, misse-”
“Mmph mmph MMPH-”
“Shut up!” Crack. “It’s not your line yet.”
Ah, he loved his job. Though this guy was proving to be a pain in the butt and not in a fun way.
The set was brightly lit, since he managed to yeet a couple set lights from the school auditorium. The weird photo ones with the softeners they always used for picture day. The walls were covered in cult-movie arcana, strange Star Wars pinups, The Room fanart, and assortment of barely dressed anime figures; generally, he was pretty proud of the set today.
And, even more of the guy sitting in the center of it. Mouth gagged and strung to the chair by his ankles, wrists, and hair, various strings tying large clumps of strands to the legs of the chair so if he tried to raise his head he’d scalp himself bloody.
Sinclair was a dick. Seriously, it’d taken more self-control than he knew he had to wait for an opportunity to snag him where he wouldn’t be missed. He almost never took from the church, seeing as at the moment police aren’t allowed within compound borders and he’d like to keep it that way, but he was willing to make an exception for the guy who’d taken pleasure in bullying him since elementary. So maybe he had a bit more passion than usual for this one, and that was saying something.
“Anyway,” he repeated in a slow, even tone, adjusting the bandana wrapped over his mouth to hide his identity. “Welcome back to Lucky’s! Missed ya’ll? What’s new?”
The chat at the bottom of the screen went wild, names scrolling at a manic pace hellos and requests,  love proposals and, death threats, and many a combination of the two. “A lot I see. Ey! Hallo, you’re back! Jackie, baby, missed you too, been a while. Janto, chill, dude. Eyyy Sparky, you on?” Shaking his head, he picked up a paperclip from the table. “Yeah, yeah, I know, get on with it. Alright, so, before we start the bidding, I got to do one thing real quick.”
The one thing visible on him, his eyes, were glowing in the faint light of the computer set up, shimmering neon green as he held the paper clip over a lighter til it grew red hot. “This rude-guy’s been a personal pain in the butt for years now, so I figured, I’d give him a little reminder to do onto others what you’d do to yourself.”
Leaning over, he didn’t even glance towards the camera. “So ya’ll remember the thousand degree knife challenge? Thought it’d be a fun theme for today.”
He shoved the burning clip up his nose, humming along as smoke trailed out, the man in the chair screaming below his gag, tears streaming down.
“Oh! Forgot, here.” He used a tack pin to dot little holes and cuts below his eyes and cheek, so whenever tears flowed down they pooled in the shallow cuts. “There we are.”
Cracking his own neck, he stretched his fingers dropping the paper clip, ripping out the fused on skin so blood poured down the man’s nose. “That’s, for making fun of my nosebleeds.”
Standing back, he tapped his lips- well, where his lips would be under the scarf- before tilting his head. “This isn’t fun enough, I can’t start this with just a bloody nose, one sec.”
Dropping to his knees, he slid off the man’s shoes and sucks, as he pleaded and begged, thrashing, but each thrash just ripped chunks of hair and scalp. “Oh my gosh can you chill out, I haven’t even brought out the battery yet, shut the front door.” Seriously this was supposed to be fun, but Sinclair was thrashing and not in the fun way but in the annoying one. “Okay, you know what? I was just gonna cut up your feet but since you won’t be quiet.”
He stood again, this time heating a pair of tongs. Sinclair was sobbing, screaming, ripping his arms out of their sockets to try and escape but it wasn’t any use.
Matthias had his tongue ripped, blood pooling out his lips before he could even try and close it.
“There,” he dumped the squiggling mass of pinkish flesh on the ground, letting it bounce as it hit. “Alright, now that our guests is a little more presentable, I’ll open up requests. Give me all ya’ got.” Then, of course, he did the signature pose of his show.
And so, episode twenty four of Lucky Live began.
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xluckytheninjax · 7 years
Watch Dogs {2} - An OC
Wondered whether Watch Dogs OCs are a thing.And they are - there aren’t a lot of ‘em,but eyyyy.Thus,I threw my OC in the Watch Dogs world.I mixed it with some altered Need For Speed Undercover backstory because why not.I am aware NFS:U doesn’t take place in SF,but it does take place in a fictional area near a beach with big skyscrapers so yeah,moved it to SF. I personally love NFS:U,because well,not even two minutes into the game and I already have at least 6 police cars on my tail.Along with that,some South African background cause well….that’s my homeland.Pretty great hellhole over here.
Have a drawing {Don’t repost/remove all this writing/claim as your own/you know the drill} and some random BS I wrote down playing WD 1 and 2 at like 11 PM/midnight/1 AM over the weekend.
I am ready for anything,anyone that wants to bitch about this or argue about stuff.
This is obviously OC stuff,so if you dislike it,feel free to go look for another post or blog or whatever the hell you want to do.
I used a reference for the ‘pose’ {I wouldn’t call this a full-on pose,but -shrugs-}
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Name ‘n’ surname: Kayla Horizon
Screenname/Hacker alias: N1nJ4 {Ninja}
Nicknames: Ninja,Kay,Lucky,Ghost
Age: 23 years old
Gender: Female,of course
Cares a lot for her family,friends and workpals {who’re also friends}
Loyal to DedSec
Not easily influenced 
Overthinks everything
Not easily intimidated {Or so she claims}
Happy with what her life is,even between all the stress and overthinking.
Has some trust issues.The type where she gets this feeling in her gut telling her whether a person can be trusted or not.She trusted her workpals immediately,she trusted Ray immediately…as an example of who she didn’t trust,Horatio’s co-worker.And she wasn’t even on that mission.
Usually keeps things that wouldn’t be important to the current objective(s)/mission(s) to herself
It’s a good thing her face is blurred out like the others’,cause she’s camera shy.She hates getting photos taken of her,she hates looking at the camera…unless of course,she’s the one taking a photo of scenery or of friends.If you’re gonna point a camera of any sort to her face,she will not hesitate to break it.
Very protective over the things and people she cares about.So,you wreck her car? You insult DedSec or target her pals? You mess with Sitara’s artwork? You kidnap other DedSec members? Mess with DedSec’s systems? You mess with her dog or drag her family into things you shouldn’t?  You better start running then,pal.And make it fast.
Trained herself to not cry in front of people.It’s harder than it looks.Anger also gets bottled up.One day she’ll snap….probably.Then all chaos and hell will break loose.
Loses a lot of sleep thinking
Stresses over nothing
Reckons anything can be solved by an asskicking
Takes her job seriously,but,in between she likes messing with people
Claims she doesn’t care,but she cares too much
Honesty,loyalty,respect and trust are big things to her.As explained before,she follows her gut on who to trust and who not.If you’re gonna betray DedSec,you might end up dead.Everybody lies,it’s human nature,but that’s where trust and loyalty comes in with honesty.The three walk hand in hand,really.Respect? You respect her,she respects you,as easy as that.
Might seem really confident,and she really does seem to be that way,but in reality,her self-esteem is pathetic
-Because she keeps a lot of things to herself,a lot of her personality remains a mystery.
{At least half of these are some of my personality traits}
Working for: DedSec,what did you expect? She was going to go work for those dumbass monkeys,or the rat cult? Pff,nah.
Hair color: Original hair color is dirty blonde Currently ombre:Brown - Dirty blonde - Blonde
Hair style: Long hair,shaved shorter on the right side.Leaving it loose or tying it in a ponytail or something depends on how she’s feeling,and whether it’s mission time or not.Can’t work if you’ve got hair in your face.
Eye color: “Not every day you see someone with heterochromia.” Left eye is blue,right eye is green
{My persona’s had this since she got created a million years back so obviously,no matter what universe she’s in,she’s always gonna have that.}
Height: 5'11
A lot of ear piercings on both sides,and a tongue piercing
A bunch of stars on her left wrist,a small 'x’ on top of her right wrist,and a ’=D’ on her back {right shoulder}
Scars and other skin-related things:
Huge scar through her left eye,and a small one through her lip on the right.There are some other faint scars here and there,nothing too major though.
Lots of freckles
Any other dayjob?: Works at a huge gaming store on some days {Every second day except for weekends}.It’s just a temporary job for now.She ended up applying for some programming job,like her parents wanted.Just waiting to hear back.
Romance?: Single,no crushes or anything of the sort. “Had to leave everyone behind since we moved here….went to uni,didn’t find anyone that’s my type…and some things that happened in the past leave me in this state where I am against romance I guess? Not like an abusive relationship or heartbreak or anything like that…just things I’m not gonna talk about.”
 -Personal car is the Ford Ranger truck she got ported in from home. It’s white with black decals and raptor kit.The thing’s a beast.
{Hope to drive one of these some day}
-Other car she keeps in the garage is the Lotus Elise she used to streetrace with.Purple with a white stripe down the middle.This thing is upgraded to the max {of course what garages can do,plus some things only a hacker can pull off}.Best part is,it doesn’t look like it belongs on the /shittycarmods subreddit.
{My NFS:U car on both PC and Playstation}
-During the day,while on missions,she has some randomass car/truck/four wheeler/motorbike she 'borrows’ or the one car she’s been putting some DedSec decals on {Sitara’s design,of course}….Then there’s the DedSec police cruiser too.
{While playing I prefer chopper bikes,the DedSec police cruiser,this car that looks like a Mustang and the movie car the bunch stole}
Pets: She has a Great Dane named Trompie.Her parents watch the dog during the day {or night depending on missions} and if she has to stay at the Hackerspace/work on missions all day,she takes him along.He behaves,and doesn’t annoy anyone…unless he sits on the couch.He’s got his own little space,with food,water and a blanket to sit on,plus newspapers.Even got toys.He’s 7 months old,and like his owner,he has heterochromia.The name’s Afrikaans,since well,can’t forget your roots,can ya? Wears a DedSec bandana over his collar.Pretty smart,but he has a thing for chasing after the drones and little RC rovers.Was not a big fan of Wrench Jr.
It took a few weeks for Wrench to get used to the dog.He didn’t even notice it until it was lazing on the couch next to Mickey while she was working.It was a scene to experience.
He doesn’t go along on missions for obvious reasons {Micks doesn’t want him to get hurt/killed…and she’s pretty sure he’d be in the way…or set off an explosive or something}.
{-shrugs- One of the best parts of Watch Dogs 2 is being able to pet the dogs.}
Some history: Born South African,moved to San Francisco.Parents also in SF,while sister moved to South Korea with a friend.Been living there for 5 years.Hacking’s been a big hobby since she was younger.She kept it a secret from her parents,to avoid being lectured and banned from her computer.Big gamer since she was a teenager.Became an intern at a police station while still at university.It doesn’t make sense why an IT student would decide on working at a police station,but eyyy,whatever.Got promoted for solving some huge computer related cases through hacking.Two years back she was called to investigate something not even closely related to hacking computers.They reckoned she would be able to handle it.Went undercover.Had to take on dangerous 'jobs’ and compete in races in order to infiltrate and take down a ruthless international crime smuggling syndicate, consisting of illegal street racers and car thieves.She ended up leaving her temporary job because of the amount of times the police chased after her for street racing,resisting arrest and all the property damage.Y'know,going too deep undercover.Wrecked a lot of cars,got rid of a lot of thugs,hacked a lot cameras,streetlights and other things to finish her job and to get away.After that was over,she made sure to erase all of that off her profile on the ctOS database.Had to do a lot of things,a lot of dangerous things,to get noticed by DedSec,and eventually got in.It wasn’t really necesary that she put her life in danger like that,but she did anyway.Go big or go home…I won’t go much into detail about that because I haven’t thought as far.
{This mess….I’ll fix eventually.It’s random,it doesn’t make sense,it isn’t how real life works,but whatever.}
Clothing {aka rambles about clothes}:
Has a variety of beanies,snapbacks and caps
Has one pair of sunglasses,aviators,as the rest got broken
She wears glasses,unless out on missions
Has a lot of t-shirts and hoodies
Has a fair amount of long sleeved shirts
Has a lot of jeans,shorts and sweatpants
Owns a few pairs of sneakers and track-shoes,and two pairs of combat boots
Has a few bandannas/masks
Has literally one fancy shirt she wears with a vest,bowtie,black pants and sneakers
Went to Swelter Skelter as some sort of glow in the dark Matryoshka-fied skeleton
Doesn’t wear any jewelry apart from her piercings and some random bracelets
Carries a shoulder bag which is clearly bigger on the inside {otherwise,how would you fit a laptop,drone,RC rover,and some other stuff in there?} With some badges and Dedsec decals
Hoodies are 60% of the time oversized
PJs are a random t-shirt and boardshorts {Onesie in the winter over that}
Has a hoodie that says 'Ghost’ and '07’ on the back {Aka my favorite Mystery skulls song and lucky number}
Random shiz: And this is the part where those who hate self-insert but still decided on reading should go to another post.This is where stuff gets worse {Not angsty worse…Just more self-inserty}.This is also where stuff starts making less and less sense since this is where I went sleep-deprived mode {1AM-2AM writing hour}
Main hangout is the main Hackerspace from the game.Second being the Silicon Valley one.
Has gone on some missions with Marcus {the ones where multiple things need to be done or where it’s going to take more than one person to do,but it’s only one thing that needs to be stolen/hacked}.
When looked at with the profiler her profile says
ctOS.exe has stopped responding
Memes 'n Dreams
How 'bout nah
Also does the parkouring,climbing high buildings and messing with cranes
Likes the skeleton Dedsec paint on her cars/motorbikes
Almost shot Lenni quite a few times -  too many witnesses stopped her from doing so
Finds it entertaining to help Wrench {he’s a really amusing guy to be around,alright?}
Graffiti is great
Reckons a 'Josh protection squad’ should be made {Don’t harass him,pls}
Went on a mini murder and cop-calling spree after the Tezcas killed Horatio.Also caused a lot of fights between gangs to try wiping them out
Sees Ray as some sort of cool hippie uncle
Doesn’t smoke but always has a lighter to set stuff on fire if needed
Named her drone and rover she printed.Harvey for the rover and Zippy for the drone.Why,you might ask? Why not? Their names are painted on the sides of them. 
“There’s another reason I get called Ninja.It’s not just the screenname.“
Sneaking/Stealth skill +100
Parkour skill +90
Agility +87
Speed +85
Martial arts and self defence +90
Even with skill,she’s really damn clumsy
Is sometimes going out on missions instead of Marcus,if Marcus needs to rest or recover.Goes on own little side missions as well
"First day on the damn job and I get my hoodie stolen by my workpal.”
When out on missions during the day,she wears a range of shirts/hoodies.On nightly missions she wears all black.
Weapons of choice are:
*SVD/other snipers {Including the Stun sniper}
*Baseball bat
*Knives,especially flip knives
When hanging out at the Hackerspace {with nothing else to do} she’s sitting with her laptop or working on a PC.Either hacking,working stuff out,or searching useful stuff.
Her phone has a little charm hanging on the side.It’s a mini Deadpool logo
Always there to lend a hand
While she has told the others about the street racing stuff after first joining,she literally never talked about it again, hoping they’d forget
Isn’t one for cursing too much,but in some situations it’s needed to calm a person down…will not hesitate to swear in another language.
Doesn’t drink coffee or tea,or hot chocolate.She drinks soda,lots of water,energy drinks from time to time {very seldom} and that’s about it.
Pepsi lover
Always carries one of her flip knives with her.
Hates alcohol,smoking and drugs.Thus,she doesn’t drink at all,she has never smoked,never done drugs or vaping or anything of the sort.
Never reveals location of her house or her parents’. Usually kills the cameras temporarily in the area when she’s driving home.
Night owl/always exhausted pigeon
Summer/Autumn person
Likes fire and setting things on fire {Do you know how great it is to set gangs’ supplies ablaze just to spite them?}
Also a fan of explosives.Don’t give her any though….she’ll probably blow stuff up she’s not supposed to.
Not that good a swimmer.She can swim well enough to keep herself from sinking,but she ain’t no olympic medallist.
Likes camping
Probably became part of the team a bit before our boy Marcus.A few weeks before,probably. {-dives behind barricade-}
Dislikes needles of any sorts….and thus,not a big fan of hospitals
References to movies/games/songs and puns 100%
Loves animals,and pets every single dog she can
Doesn’t have the cleanest resume.Street racing,property damage,murder,hacking,breaking into private property,stealing {data,high-tech weapons,etc},car theft,resisting arrest,the list goes on.
Wishes grappling hooks were actually a thing {simlar to those of JC3 or spy movies}
Loves Deadpool
Always has earphones in the ears if not listening to others talk or on missions,and still hears everything she’s supposed to around her. {I own this skill,so it ain’t impossible}
Loving the zombie apocalypse/post apocalyptic stuff
Loves drawing,that’s why graffiti is also great
While she dresses like a hipster/geek {with some badass Dedsec stuff in between} most of the time,she’s an emo/punk soul.
Can’t dance to save her life
Reckons that her haircut is shit,and that it’s the product from getting drunk with friends.Thus,the hate for alcohol grows stronger
Likes Vaperwave and Retrowave stuff
Avoids clubs of any sort
Mosquito magnet
Can program and reprogram a lot of things,such as robots,drones,hell,if she tries hard enough she might be able to do the same to cars,but building/rebuilding/re-engineering things…that’s difficult.The only building related skill she has is upgrading and modding her drone and RC rover,along with fixing up/upgrading/modding cars.
Learned a lot about cars while undercover.
Did some graffiti work for Sitara.Got a badass galaxy DedSec design on the side of some building.
Was very disturbed when that whole thing with the DedSec parody and strip club owner went down.Almost had a heart attack when Marcus told the bunch that the Bratva threw him in the trunk of a car that’s in the process of being crushed.
{My actual reaction to the No Compromise DLC}
When threatening people {Bad people,'course} she likes saying that she’s going to snap the person like a stick
House isn’t as big a mess as one would think {Compared to Ray’s old place/the silo and the motel room where Aiden lived before it got blown up}.The hacking related things,such as her computer,laptop,at least nine monitors,a ton of harddrives,etc,are in her room,and there’s no sign of anything of the sort outside of that.
Parents still oblivious,still don’t know she’s a hacker,still don’t know about her street racing ways.She prefers it that way….that’s why nobody sees the garage or bedroom.
Not a fan of attention,would rather keep a low profile and let her workpals get the fame.But of course,when there’s some bad stuff on DedSec,she won’t be afraid to show off her opinion and stick with the others
It’s great being sometimes-partners with Marcus
It’s also great going off on missions on your own
“Screw you,you son of a bitch.”
*Proceeds to flip person off as it’s the worst she’ll do before it switches to violence and knife threats*
“Viva La Resistance/Rebellion” in a really bad French accent
“You see this knife? It’s my knife. What I’m gonna do with it? Shove it down your throat if you don’t shut the hell up.”
“The name’s Dead Inside.How ya doin’?”
“You look like a terrorist.”
“I promise you,I am NOT a terrorist.”
“What are you then?”
“A ninja.”
“Are you some kind of weirdass goth person?”
She has abandonment issues,that’s why she prefers doing missions solo.Means she can’t lose anyone while on missions or get betrayed/left behind.
{Hm,guess who has those}
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xluckytheninjax · 7 years
Watch Dogs: A closer look at an OC of mine
So,basically,I’m bored.I was looking for an excuse to draw,and looking for one of those 10+ character/OC memes with the randomass questions,but found this instead.It’s an OC meme/bio template,found here by Mister-Saturn on dA.
This thing is long,but it covers a lot.So,yeee.
Who better to go depth about than WD!Kayla,since I’m all about Watch Dogs these days?A lot of this stuff is copied from the original post I made...i also removed some of the things since I have not thought about it as far
Full Name: 
Kayla Horizon
Hacker allias/screename:
N1nJ4 {Ninja}
23 years old
Birth Date:
03/03/1995 {if the WD world took place in 2018}
In Gauteng,South Africa
Current Residence:
Close to San Francisco,a great damn house
“Not every day you see someone with heterochromia.”
Left eye is blue,right eye is green 
Original hair color is dirty blonde Currently ombre:Brown - Dirty blonde - Blonde
Long hair,shaved shorter on the right side.Leaving it loose or tying it in a ponytail or something depends on how she’s feeling,and whether it’s mission time or not.Can’t work if you’ve got hair in your face.
Physical Flaws/Birthmarks/Scars:
Huge scar through her left eye,and a small one through her lip on the right.There are some other faint scars here and there,nothing too major though.
Lots of freckles
Usual Attire:
{I’ll post the clothing rambles from the original}
Has a variety of beanies,snapbacks and caps
Has one pair of sunglasses,aviators,as the rest got broken
She wears glasses,unless out on missions
Has a lot of t-shirts and hoodies
Has a fair amount of long sleeved shirts
Has a lot of jeans,shorts and sweatpants
Owns a few pairs of sneakers and track-shoes,and two pairs of combat boots
Has a few bandannas/masks
Has literally one fancy shirt she wears with a vest,bowtie,black pants and sneakers
Went to Swelter Skelter as some sort of glow in the dark Matryoshka-fied skeleton
Doesn’t wear any jewelry apart from her piercings and some random bracelets
Carries a shoulder bag which is clearly bigger on the inside {otherwise,how would you fit a laptop,drone,RC rover,and some other stuff in there?} With some badges and Dedsec decals
Hoodies are 60% of the time oversized
PJs are a random t-shirt and boardshorts {Onesie in the winter over that}
Has a hoodie that says 'Ghost’ and '07’ on the back {Aka my favorite Mystery skulls song and lucky number}
A lot of ear piercings on both sides,and a tongue piercing
A bunch of stars on her left wrist,a small ‘x’ on top of her right wrist,and a ’=D’ on her back {right shoulder}
Other Accessories:
She wears a lot of bracelets ‘n stuff,and glasses
Personality Traits:
Cares a lot for her family,friends and workpals {who’re also friends}
Loyal to DedSec
Not easily influenced
Overthinks everything
Not easily intimidated {Or so she claims}
Happy with what her life is,even between all the stress and overthinking.
Has some trust issues.The type where she gets this feeling in her gut telling her whether a person can be trusted or not.She trusted her workpals immediately,she trusted Ray immediately…as an example of who she didn’t trust,Horatio’s co-worker.And she wasn’t even on that mission.
Usually keeps things that wouldn’t be important to the current objective(s)/mission(s) to herself
It’s a good thing her face is blurred out like the others’,cause she’s camera shy.She hates getting photos taken of her,she hates looking at the camera…unless of course,she’s the one taking a photo of scenery or of friends.If you’re gonna point a camera of any sort to her face,she will not hesitate to break it.
Very protective over the things and people she cares about.So,you wreck her car? You insult DedSec or target her pals? You mess with Sitara’s artwork? You kidnap other DedSec members? Mess with DedSec’s systems? You mess with her dog or drag her family into things you shouldn’t?  You better start running then,pal.And make it fast.
Trained herself to not cry in front of people.It’s harder than it looks.Anger also gets bottled up.One day she’ll snap….probably.Then all chaos and hell will break loose.
Loses a lot of sleep thinking
Stresses over nothing
Reckons anything can be solved by an asskicking
Takes her job seriously,but,in between she likes messing with people
Claims she doesn’t care,but she cares too much
Honesty,loyalty,respect and trust are big things to her.As explained before,she follows her gut on who to trust and who not.If you’re gonna betray DedSec,you might end up dead.Everybody lies,it’s human nature,but that’s where trust and loyalty comes in with honesty.The three walk hand in hand,really.Respect? You respect her,she respects you,as easy as that.
-Because she keeps a lot of things to herself,a lot of her personality remains a mystery.
What annoys her?
A lot of things,don’t worry about it
What makes her happy?
Again,a lot of things,like animals {especially baby animals and dogs} and games,no worries.
Greatest Fears/Phobias:
Fear of needles and a slight fear of tight spaces and heights
Patience Level:
Really patient depending on who she’s dealing with
Might seem really confident,and she really does seem to be that way,but in reality,her self-esteem is pathetic   
Collecting Vinyl/pop figures
Color - Purple/Blood red
Food - Pizza
Animal - Giraffes/dogs of all types {including wild ones like wolves and hyenas}/rhinos
Clothing - Hoodies/t-shirts
School Subject -  “When I was in highschool....IT and Life science/Biology“
Music (genre) - Punk rock/alternative rock/rock n roll/pop music
Books (genre) - Adventure,mystery,action,comedy
Movies (genre) - ^^^
Season - Autumn/Fall
Time of Day - Night time
Least Favorites:
Color - Pink
Food - Bananas/Onions 
Animal - Doesn’t really have a least favorite animal...except if humans count
Clothing - Skirts ‘n dresses
School Subject - Health Class/PE
Music (genre) - Classical/Rap
Books (genre) - Romance
Movies (genre) - ^^
Season - Winter
Time of Day - Early morning
A brief description of your character’s history:
Born South African,moved to San Francisco.Parents also in SF,while sister moved to South Korea with a friend.Been living there for 5 years.Hacking’s been a big hobby since she was younger.She kept it a secret from her parents,to avoid being lectured and banned from her computer.Big gamer since she was a teenager.Became an intern at a police station while still at university.It doesn’t make sense why an IT student would decide on working at a police station,but eyyy,whatever.Got promoted for solving some huge computer related cases through hacking.Two years back she was called to investigate something not even closely related to hacking computers.They reckoned she would be able to handle it.Went undercover.Had to take on dangerous 'jobs’ and compete in races in order to infiltrate and take down a ruthless international crime smuggling syndicate, consisting of illegal street racers and car thieves.She ended up leaving her temporary job because of the amount of times the police chased after her for street racing,resisting arrest and all the property damage.Y'know,going too deep undercover.Wrecked a lot of cars,got rid of a lot of thugs,hacked a lot cameras,streetlights and other things to finish her job and to get away.After that was over,she made sure to erase all of that off her profile on the ctOS database.Had to do a lot of things,a lot of dangerous things,to get noticed by DedSec,and eventually got in.It wasn’t really necesary that she put her life in danger like that,but she did anyway.Go big or go home…I won’t go much into detail about that because I haven’t thought as far.
{This mess….I’ll fix eventually.It’s random,it doesn’t make sense,it isn’t how real life works,but whatever.}
Political Preference:
“Anything’s better than where we are now,honestly”
Darkest Secret:
“All of ‘em are the same amount of darkness.I’ve done a lot of bad stuff,killed a lot of people...bad people of course....I think the worst thing I’ve done is probably causing a huge car crash during one of the races while I was undercover...”
Guilty Pleasures:
Does she keep a diary or journal?
Yep,shockingly enough,she has a journal.She doesn’t use it as a diary,to write the day’s happenings,not always.She uses it to write notes down,draw scribbles,and to write down thoughts,things she has to do,etc.
Family Living With:
She lives with her dog and a lot of house plants.Yeah.
Family Situation:
Her parents live in close range to her,which was just luck,honestly,and her sister {21 years old} lives in South Korea with a friend
Former Friends:
She had a group of friends back home,which she slowly lost contact with after high school...well,after the one’s wedding anyway.
Current Friends:
The main DedSec crew {Marcus,Sitara,Wrench,Josh,Ray} and some of the other DedSec members in the area.Was friends with Horatio too...but as we know....he’s gone.
Former Love Interest:
A guy from school...we’re not gonna go into that
Current Love Interest:
Former Enemies:
Former racing buddies...the bunch from when she went undercover...police,kinda?
Current Enemies:
The same people,plus the gangs,Blume,etc
What do his/her friends like about her?
She’s a good firend and teammate,who cares a lot more for them than herself,she always sticks to mission orders while still having fun
What do his/her friends dislike about her?
The fact that she cares more for others than herself {it’s good and bad},always getting into trouble and almost gets herself killed somehow
Why do his/her enemies hate her?
That’s some streetracing history
The fact that she’s a hacker/DedSec member
Always ruining plans with her pals
She’s a member of DedSec,so,she’s a hacker.
As a cover/dayjob she works at a huge gaming store on some days {Every second day except for weekends}.It’s just a temporary job for now.She ended up applying for some programming job,like her parents wanted.Just waiting to hear back.
Relationship Status:
Single,no crushes or anything of the sort. “Had to leave everyone behind since we moved here….went to uni,didn’t find anyone that’s my type…and some things that happened in the past leave me in this state where I am against romance I guess? Not like an abusive relationship or heartbreak or anything like that…just things I’m not gonna talk about.”
Hate anyone?
Obviously - can’t have enemies for nothin’
Killed anyone?
Again,that’s obvious
Would you and your character get along?
Yeah,she’s my persona after all
Would you like to hang out with your character?
Hell yeah
Would your character like you?
Not sure on that one
Took down that whole group of people stealing cars ‘n stuff {those NFS:U shenanigans}
Finished high school and she finished studying at the university too
Became a famous gamer {No hacking/cheats}
Still being alive is also an achievement
Got innocent people killed
Almost got Marcus and the others killed a few times
That’s part of the ‘other’ section I’m adding to the thing
How strong is she?
Fairly strong
She follows a healthy diet {she ain’t no vegan/vegetarian though},but she doesn’t mind eating sweet things now and then.The girl lives on Pepsi,some other sodas,lots of water and energy drinks.
She likes exercising to keep herself in shape for missions and such - jogs from time to time,goes to a gym,ye.
Physical Health Problems:
Nothing major or deadly...nothing as far as I know?
Mental Health Problems:
Does being a bit of an insomniac count?
Amazing hygiene,very important to this human.She isn’t one of those extremely clean freaks though,who are afriad of germs ‘n getting their hands dirty.
Situations (What would they do or how would they react?)
Your character is called up for an award and is congratulated.
She’s be happy and accept,but she won’t go bragging about it or anything.
Your character didn’t win any awards and watches as someone else is congratulated.
She’s be really damn happy for that person,unless it’s someone with a hidden agenda/someone of evil nature.
Your character is winning at a game of some kind.
Again,she’d be happy,but doesn’t brag or go and insult the other team {if it’s a multiplayer game}
Your character lost at a game of some kind.
You win some,you lose some.She shrugs,and encourages her team that they’ll do better next time {again,if it’s a multiplayer game}.
Your character has a crush on someone and must find out how to tell them.
Whelp,like me,she’s probably not gonna tell the person.Fear of getting rejected ‘n all.
Your character tells that person and they agree to go out with them.
She makes sure to get enough advice so she doesn’t screw up.Real nervous and flustered.
Your character tells that person and gets rejected.
That’s why we don’t tell the person in the first place.
Your character is asked out by someone they like.
Very blushy and flustered,speaks gibberish,and would probably say yes.She wouldn’t trust it at first,but if she knows the true intentions of the person,she’d agree.
Your character is asked out by someone they don’t like that way.
To spare feelings,she’d still agree,but if it goes a bit too far/awkward,she’ll explain.
Your character’s crush is revealed by someone else.
She doesn’t have a crush at the moment,so ha
Your character loses a family member or a close friend.
That actually happened...losing Horatio was a painful time,full of sadness and crying.She wasn’t as close to him,but,yeah.
Your character loses a pet.
Crying for a million years
Your character loses a very important personal belonging.
If it was stolen,she’ll track the person down and kick their ass.if it was lost through anything else,she’d be sad,mad,and probably see if she can replace it.
Your character loses something that they were borrowing.
“Well shit” Time to go on a crazy search for the item.
Your character is stolen from.
Track ‘em down,and kick their ass
Your character is offered drugs/alcohol/a cigarette.
Hates alcohol,smoking and drugs.Thus,she doesn’t drink at all,she has never smoked,never done drugs or vaping or anything of the sort. if you’re gonna give her alcohol,she’s not gonna drink it.If you’re gonna give her a cigarrette,she’ll throw it away.If you give her drugs,she’ll give them right back.
Your character is publicly humiliated in front of a lot of people.
Wouldn’t be the first time.She shrugs it off,but,it’ll haunt her thoughts for quite a while.
Your character killed someone.
She’s killed a lot of people...bad people,so,nothing big.
Your character witnessed a murder.
She can’t handle death of the innocent,so usually when witnessing the murder of an innocent person or animal,she’ll murder whoever did it.She gets this weird feeling inside,like a mini heart attack or so.
Your character is being argued with.
She’s stubborn,so don’t think she’ll give up on arguments so easily.If it’s someone she cares about,she’ll accept their statement rather than arguing.
Your character trips and hurts herself.
Welcome to clumsy R us.Since she was little,she tripped a lot and hurt herself.Scraped knees ‘n legs,scraped elbows,arms and hands.It’s happened so much before,that she doesn’t even feel the pain anymore.
Your character is given a gift they’ve always wanted.
Really thankful,thanks the person a million times,makes sure what she’ giving is put to use.
Your character is given a gift they couldn’t care less about.
She is still thankful,and still makes use of whatever she’s given.
Your character arrives home after a bad day.
She just showers,eats,then goes to watch TV,play games,listen music or whatever,and goes to bed early.
Your character arrives home after a good day.
Pretty much the same thing...just less angry/sad and she goes to bed whenever she feels like.
{self added section to repost the rest of the stuff}
Working for: DedSec,what did you expect? She was going to go work for those dumbass monkeys,or the rat cult? Pff,nah.
Personal car is the Ford Ranger truck she got ported in from home. It’s white with black decals and raptor kit.The thing’s a beast.
Other car she keeps in the garage is the Lotus Elise she used to streetrace with.Purple with a white stripe down the middle.This thing is upgraded to the max {of course what garages can do,plus some things only a hacker can pull off}.Best part is,it doesn’t look like it belongs on the /shittycarmods subreddit.
During the day,while on missions,she has some randomass car/truck/four wheeler/motorbike she 'borrows’ or the one car she’s been putting some DedSec decals on {Sitara’s design,of course}….Then there’s the DedSec police cruiser too.
Pets: She has a Great Dane named Trompie.Her parents watch the dog during the day {or night depending on missions} and if she has to stay at the Hackerspace/work on missions all day,she takes him along.He behaves,and doesn’t annoy anyone…unless he sits on the couch.He’s got his own little space,with food,water and a blanket to sit on,plus newspapers.Even got toys.He’s 7 months old,and like his owner,he has heterochromia.The name’s Afrikaans,since well,can’t forget your roots,can ya? Wears a DedSec bandana over his collar.Pretty smart,but he has a thing for chasing after the drones and little RC rovers.Was not a big fan of Wrench Jr.
It took a few weeks for Wrench to get used to the dog.He didn’t even notice it until it was lazing on the couch next to Mickey while she was working.It was a scene to experience.
He doesn’t go along on missions for obvious reasons {Micks doesn’t want him to get hurt/killed…and she’s pretty sure he’d be in the way…or set off an explosive or something}.
Random shiz:
Main hangout is the main Hackerspace from the game.Second being the Silicon Valley one.
Has gone on some missions with Marcus {the ones where multiple things need to be done or where it’s going to take more than one person to do,but it’s only one thing that needs to be stolen/hacked}.
When looked at with the profiler her profile says
ctOS.exe has stopped responding
Memes 'n Dreams
How 'bout nah
Also does the parkouring,climbing high buildings and messing with cranes
Likes the skeleton Dedsec paint on her cars/motorbikes
Almost shot Lenni quite a few times -  too many witnesses stopped her from doing so
Finds it entertaining to help Wrench {he’s a really amusing guy to be around,alright?}
Graffiti is great
Reckons a 'Josh protection squad’ should be made {Don’t harass him,pls}
Sees Ray as some sort of cool hippie uncle
Doesn’t smoke but always has a lighter to set stuff on fire if needed
Named her drone and rover she printed.Harvey for the rover and Zippy for the drone.Why,you might ask? Why not? Their names are painted on the sides of them.
“There’s another reason I get called Ninja.It’s not just the screenname.“
Sneaking/Stealth skill +100
Parkour skill +90
Agility +87
Speed +85
Martial arts and self defence +90
Even with skill,she’s really damn clumsy
Is sometimes going out on missions instead of Marcus,if Marcus needs to rest or recover.Goes on own little side missions as well
“First day on the damn job and I get my hoodie stolen by my workpal.”
When out on missions during the day,she wears a range of shirts/hoodies.On nightly missions she wears all black.
Weapons of choice are:
*SVD/other snipers {Including the Stun sniper}
*Baseball bat
*Knives,especially flip knives
When hanging out at the Hackerspace {with nothing else to do} she’s sitting with her laptop or working on a PC.Either hacking,working stuff out,or searching useful stuff.
Her phone has a little charm hanging on the side.It’s a mini Deadpool logo
Always there to lend a hand
While she has told the others about the street racing stuff after first joining,she literally never talked about it again, hoping they’d forget
Isn’t one for cursing too much,but in some situations it’s needed to calm a person down…will not hesitate to swear in another language.
Doesn’t drink coffee or tea,or hot chocolate.
Always carries one of her flip knives with her.
Never reveals location of her house or her parents’. Usually kills the cameras temporarily in the area when she’s driving home.
Night owl/always exhausted pigeon
Likes fire and setting things on fire {Do you know how great it is to set gangs’ supplies ablaze just to spite them?}
Also a fan of explosives.Don’t give her any though….she’ll probably blow stuff up she’s not supposed to.
Not that good a swimmer.She can swim well enough to keep herself from sinking,but she ain’t no olympic medallist.
Likes camping
Probably became part of the team a bit before our boy Marcus.A few weeks before,probably.
References to movies/games/songs and puns 100%
Loves animals,and pets every single dog she can
Doesn’t have the cleanest resume.Street racing,property damage,murder,hacking,breaking into private property,stealing {data,high-tech weapons,etc},car theft,resisting arrest,the list goes on.
Wishes grappling hooks were actually a thing {simlar to those of JC3 or spy movies}
Loves Deadpool
Always has earphones in the ears if not listening to others talk or on missions,and still hears everything she’s supposed to around her. {I own this skill,so it ain’t impossible}
Loving the zombie apocalypse/post apocalyptic stuff
Loves drawing,that’s why graffiti is also great
While she dresses like a hipster/geek {with some badass Dedsec stuff in between} most of the time,she’s an emo/punk soul.
Can’t dance to save her life
Reckons that her haircut is shit,and that it’s the product from getting drunk with friends.Thus,the hate for alcohol grows stronger
Likes Vaperwave and Retrowave stuff
Avoids clubs of any sort
Mosquito magnet
Can program and reprogram a lot of things,such as robots,drones,hell,if she tries hard enough she might be able to do the same to cars,but building/rebuilding/re-engineering things…that’s difficult.The only building related skill she has is upgrading and modding her drone and RC rover,along with fixing up/upgrading/modding cars.
Learned a lot about cars while undercover.
Did some graffiti work for Sitara.Got a badass galaxy DedSec design on the side of some building,and a little DedSec-fied Undertale reference one too.
Was very disturbed when that whole thing with the DedSec parody and strip club owner went down.Almost had a heart attack when Marcus told the bunch that the Bratva threw him in the trunk of a car that’s in the process of being crushed.
When threatening people {Bad people,'course} she likes saying that she’s going to snap the person like a stick
House isn’t as big a mess as one would think {Compared to Ray’s old place/the silo and the motel room where Aiden lived before it got blown up}.The hacking related things,such as her computer,laptop,at least nine monitors,a ton of harddrives,etc,are in her room,and there’s no sign of anything of the sort outside of that.
Parents still oblivious,still don’t know she’s a hacker,still don’t know about her street racing ways.She prefers it that way….that’s why nobody sees the garage or bedroom.
Not a fan of attention,would rather keep a low profile and let her workpals get the fame.But of course,when there’s some bad stuff on DedSec,she won’t be afraid to show off her opinion and stick with the others
It’s great being sometimes-partners with Marcus
It’s also great going off on missions on your own
“Screw you,you son of a bitch.”
*Proceeds to flip person off as it’s the worst she’ll do before it switches to violence and knife threats*
“Viva La Resistance/Rebellion” in a really bad French accent
“You see this knife? It’s my knife. What I’m gonna do with it? Shove it down your throat if you don’t shut the hell up.”
“The name’s Dead Inside.How ya doin’?”
“You look like a terrorist.”
“I promise you,I am NOT a terrorist.”
“What are you then?”
“A ninja.”
“Are you some kind of weirdass goth person?”
She has abandonment issues,that’s why she prefers doing missions solo.Means she can’t lose anyone while on missions or get betrayed/left behind.
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