#here you are simps!!! come get your food 😉
starleska · 5 months
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even more Nordic Bunny in the Shred Force pilot 🎸🤘
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luffyvace · 5 months
Vinsmoke Sanji x male reader
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Wano Sanji>> 😍🧑‍🍳💋
I won’t tolerate any hate for me writing Sanji x a male reader if you don’t like it block me :)
Sanji loving a male has two possibilities of how it happened: A) an au where he’s bi or smth or B) he loved women until you. Now he respects women and loves you!
let’s go with B for the sake of making you feel as special as you are 😉👌
honestly from here you can basically just read any Sanji headcanons and know what your relationship is like so I’m not gonna repeat the traditional sanji things 😅 but from now on male reader will be heavily implied/mentioned :3 💗
Sanji as a boyfriend is a great punching bag if you have anger issues and sparring partner! 😁 if your a hot headed person he’ll let you punch him as many times as you want til you get all your emotions out. He knows what it’s like to bottle it up and he’s rather have you take it out on him then implode it on yourself. Now, others he doesn’t care about unless they’re a woman. Will still side with you tho
”hey watch where your going!”
- you
”excuse me??”
- random woman
”please excuse us, my lady, my lovely boyfriend~ (😍) is trying to get through”
- Simpji
Sanji is really strong so as a sparring partner he’s great! You can tell him to stop holding back as much as you want but you can’t rely on him for that. 😊 He would rather just be used as a punching bag honestly, he doesn’t wanna hurt you!! 😓 Will be 00.1% less lenient if your strong like the monster trio buuuut not a big difference. He’s not underestimating you at all! You can tell by his constant praises on how strong you are- but he just doesn’t wanna hurt his DAAAARLING FUTURE HUSBAND~ (😍)
if your weaker, he insists you won’t have to train much because he’ll always protect you. Just like he has the instincts to detect a woman’s tears, he now has the ability to tell if you need help! His heart will clench and his stomach will twist before he darts off to find you without a word (despite worrying your crew-)
Will spar with you if your really serious about getting stronger to help protect you and your crewmates. But he might suggest you get a weapon built by Usopp (or Franky) first.
”MY LOVELY BOYFRIEND IS SO KIND~ HE WANTS TO GET STRONGER TO PROTECT EVERYONE!~~ The rest of you jerks better be grateful!! 😤 -not you! Nami-San! Robin-Chwan!”
No matter your body type Sanji will dote on you! 😘 ABS⁉️ AN ALL OUT NOSE BLEED!! YOUR SO HANDSOME HE JUST MIGHT PASS OU- 😴 A dad bod?? 😍😍 AWOOGA~ Sounds sensual and sultry to him 💋💋 On the chubbier side? STILL HOT!! Mwah! Come over here sugar lips 😜
- his words not mine 😚
his dates can vary from really romantic to more casual, depends on what type of guy you are. If your in tune with your emotions like him you guys’ll probably seem a lot more cheesy- IN A GOOD WAY‼️💗 Otherwise, if distant or just put up a front, etc then he’ll tone it down. His side of the party will still be uh, not necessarily dramatic but dramatic, on the other hand. What I mean by that is he’s still a simp but your dates won’t be so cliche, at the least. More so activities like festivals, carnivals, roller skating, all that good stuff!
of course he can always arrange a time on the merry/sunny for a food date where he cooks all your favs!…one prob tho..Luffy. 🤦‍♀️ Actually, a good time to get away with a dinner date is when Luffy’s not around! And by that I’m talking when he’s on an island exploring and Sanji tells the others to go on ahead, leaving you two alone on the ship! 😁👍
Sanji thinks your so cool when you fight tbh. It doesn’t matter how strong or weak you are, you’ll always look tough while fighting 💪 If your weak he’s got your back!! Of course, likewise if your strong, but he worries 0.1% less if you are. He will forever be concerned about his boyfriend’s well being 🤷‍♀️ At the very least he knows you could handle yourself on your own if there’s a 0% chance that he can’t come to your aid. (He will always show up for you 🙏)
The op men seem to be more annoyed with Sanji’s simp behavior so if that’s you….it still won’t change anything…feel free to kick him tho! He’ll let you 😘 He has a nose bleed after too (not only cuz you kicked him but bc you looked hot while doing so 😍) Yeah the grind never stops, and that’s on simping 😜👍
Will let you call him any nickname! Or insult- you could practically hate him and he’d still be your loyal lap dog 🐩 Bro is down on his knees down bad 😭🙏 ‘Even when he calls me crude cook~ HE’S STILL THE MOST GLORIOUS MAN IN THE WORLD!~ 😻” If your pet/nicknames are more romantic or loving it’ll give him an even worse nose bleed for sure. He gets butterflies either way- of course. 😂
If you were to ever get hurt he’s going to quite literally hurl his boot at their face, and I’m not implying he takes his shoe off. Naturally, this outcome only happens with a man. If a woman is beating you he will prioritize your safety and run away with you. Or distract her so you can get Nami or Robin.
⚠️Skip if you haven’t watched Whole Cake arc⚠️
(Now, for a head’s up idk how Sanji’s fam works bc I’m not on whole cake yet-) Sanji’s family will likely diss him even further for being a man who likes other men. Reiju might support him- but his father will be utterly disappointed! ‘Now he can’t even marry a women to strengthen they’re bloodline!’ (Sanji’s dad<< 🙄) But don’t worry ik for a fact his super awesome boyfriend came through to save the day 🦸
(Back to regual hcs, mini Whole Cake spoiler over 👍)
This hc right here kinda gn but he will give you the biggest, happiest, silliest smile ever if you compliment his eyebrows. Or at least say they don’t look silly/you like them. IK he’s not necessarily insecure of the look overall but bc his doesn’t look like his family’s eyebrows, but it still makes him feel better about it ❤️‍🩹
so yeah please do compliment him on it 💗
I don’t really like to talk about who’s the “dom” in the relationship but I’m gonna mention it just this once and hear me out‼️
He’d be so flustered if you were!! Like?? Your taking care of him?? Being protective over him?? 😻🙏 AWOOGA- 💥 (he passed out) You could practically demand anything from him anyway but imagine him having a nose bleed all down his face as he stutters out a “yes sir” and immediately gets on the job 🙌 Bonus points if you have a deep voice 🤷‍♀️ (Not even in a suggestive way, btw, just genuinely having rizz 🤪🙏)
Or maybe he’s the “dom” He’d be so happy to take care and protect you, as he always is. But this time he cranks up his flirting game x200. Like he’s actually trying and not just using simp, servant, slave rizz (LOL- 😂)
Think about him leaning in real close to your ear, lowering his voice, before saying “I’ve cooked you a meal 😏” (or smth I ain’t the rizz master-)
You get my point! Case closed ok? Point is he’d be a lot more smooth than a simp. Ya got me? Good.
Edit: I added more! ψ(`∇´)ψ
Reqs officially back open!! Now I’m just gonna freelance and write from my list
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slayfics · 6 months
If you don’t mind me dropping a request for Katsuki headcanons then here I am…
(I know I’m in a whole other famdom right now and I don’t even simp for Bakugo (he’s yours he’s yours, I got a dif man 😉) but I’m bored and this is just an idea)
So.. what if Bakugo was dating a y/n that was just as much of an idiot as Kaminari 😥
If you haven’t done this already -
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Katsuki dating a silly reader.
700 words~
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Katsuki pretends to be annoyed by your air headedness but actually finds it adorable. He feels responsible for watching out for you.
He is quick to tell off anyone who insults you.
He secretly loves that you get along well with his friends.
However, he is insecure about the way Kirishima and Kaminari can have you rolling in laughter effortlessly. He won't ever mention it but it's apparent by the pout he has any time you're laughing at Kaminari's newest joke.
He loves the way you can cut through his seriousness and bring whimsy to his life. He doesn't know what he'd do without you. Heck, probably never smile again.
He is quick to catch you with any mistakes you make, albeit he scolds you for it.
He is overly tough with you when you spar, but it's only because he wants you to be as strong as you can be to take out any villains you face.
Katsuki's friends are constantly blown away by the things you get him to agree to do. Shopping at a dumb mall? Fine, he'll hold your bags. Going to an amusement park with way too many screaming kids? "Fine- if you really want to go." Singing along to a cheesy ass song? Mmm maybe, don't press your luck too far...
You brought back your food and sat at the outside table of the sports bar rejoining the boys. Music played as different sports ball games played on the various screens outside.
"Tch- why'd you two choose this place anyway? None of us give a damn about these games," Katsuki said huffing and gesturing to the TVs.
"It's the only place that's in the middle of all our places," Denki explained, as you began to take bites of your food.
"Mmm I guess- the food is shit though," Katsuki continued to complain but took a bite of his food all the same.
The song changed to an easily recognizable tune: Total Eclipse of the Heart by Bonnie Tyler. Your and Eijiro's eyes immediately locked. The first verse synced up between the both of you as you sang.
Turn around~
Every now and then I get a little bit lonely
And you're never coming 'round
"No, stop." Katsuki huffed at you both beginning to sing. However, Katsuki's annoyance was only met with Denki joining in on the next verse.
Turn around~
Every now and then I get a little bit tired
Of listening to the sound of my tears
"Are you kidding me," Katsuki complained hiding his face in his hand. Which let Hanta know it was his turn to chime in. The four of you now had a choir.
Turn around~
Every now and then I get a little bit nervous
That the best of all the years have gone by
You three continued to sing increasing your enthusiasm with each lyric. Feeding off one another's enthusiasm.
Turn around, bright eyes~
Every now and then I fall apart
"Come on Bakugo, you know this song," Denki said nudging him during the instrumental part of the song.
"Hell no you're out of your mind!" Katsuki yelled. "Shut the hell up you four- you're making a scene."
"Awe~ Come on Kats~" You encouraged him. "You gotta do the next part with us!"
Katsuki eyed you irritated as Eijiro swayed back and forth in his seat matching Denki's dance movements.
You and the boys began singing back as the lyrics picked up again. This time, even louder and more enthusiastic than before.
And I need you now tonight
And I need you more than ever
And if you hold only hold me tight
We'll be holding on forever.
Then to all your surprise, Katsuki chimed into the last verse with you all.
I really need you tonight
Forever's gonna start tonight
Katsuki talked out, his version of singing, while you four sang as loud as ever.
"Let's go Kacchan," Denki laughed clapping his hands together in excitement.
"Awe so cute- you'd do anything they asked," Eijiro said with a giggle earning himself a bark from Katsuki.
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tags: @queenpiranhadon @unofficialmuilover @maddietries @fiannee @i-heart-carlisle @derangedmango @matchat3a @bakugouswaif @reneinii @zanarkandskylines @pastelbakugou @abadbitchblogs
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pavedinashes-if · 1 year
How would the ex, the doctor, the childhood friend, and best friends bf/gf react to mc always making sure they’re eating and drinking water bc 🥺💞 I love them and want them to stay healthy 🥺💞
Oh my dear anon, you so much deserve some love back, here we go: Your Ex:
Whenever you come around the corner with some water or something to eat, you'll be rewarded with puppy eyes of the most disgustingly cute variety—unless you're into it 😉. They absolutely adore it when you take care of them. Want to step up your game? Gift them a water bottle or mug with your face on it. They'll carry it everywhere, and who would dare say a word? They appreciate homemade meals but also a well-chosen food order. Showing that you've put thought into it melts their heart, and they go full simp - Isn't it obvious that you'll get a mug with their face on it as well?
Your Doctor:
At first, they're irritated, then emotionally touched to the core. They're usually the ones who take care of others, and realizing that someone out there genuinely wants the best for them will catch them off guard. When you remind them to eat or drink, they might say, "Thank you, but I'm okay. I need to finish this first; I'll eat later." Of course, they know this is unwise and unhealthy, but you know what they say, those who should know best are often the worst. Therefore, they might resist in the beginning, but this resistance will quickly fade, and one day, they'll look forward to your reminders, checking their watch, even if they won't admit it. This means they're thinking of eating or drinking on their own now, but they look forward to you checking in.
Your Childhood Friend:
Oh, come on, she always has something to snack on and a drink in hand. She'll even get you one of those sparkling, brightly colored bottles. Bianca is excited to share snacks and have a juice, smoothie, or shake ready for you. Craving some boba? She'll get it for you! Let's bond over delicious food!
Your Bestie's BF/GF:
They think it's cute, but they'll tell you it's not necessary. At first, they'll try to convince you that they can take care of themselves just fine. But when you don't give up and insist that they don't skip a meal or drink enough, they'll soften up a bit. It will become more and more appreciated with each interaction. One day, they'll talk to you about it and address it properly. They'll offer you a deal: they'll take better care of themselves if you two combine it with some intimate moments. Please, get your head out of the gutter, will you? They mean a candlelit dinner, homemade Italian food, the best espresso or iced coffee in town—whatever your heart desires. Because, together with you, all of this makes sense, and they begin looking forward to it. And okay, nobody will argue with some personal mouth-to-mouth cherry exchange, for the direct vitamins only, of course 😉
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seacharms · 1 year
BTS reaction to you being a TVD fan (Maknae Line)
Here's the Maknae line ver. thx for waiting and supporting me! 😉
Park Jimin:
(What you were gushing over)
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"Y/N! Let's eat! Come fast!" Jimin said as he set up the table for you both eat on. It had been 20mins since he called you, he found himself losing his cool. "Yah! Y/N I called you for food 20mins ago! Come fast or I will drag you till the table", he said furiously. "Wait let this episode get over! The complete focus is on Enzo this time! HE IS SO FKING SEXY!! " You said simping over the vampire on your screen. "Fine then! Don't come to me for cuddles anymore! You obviously love him more. *triggered mochi with a pout*
(his reaction) (why is the GIF so accurate? 😆)
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Kim Taehyung:
(what you were gushing over)
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"Oh shit, who knew a history teacher could look so sexy?! " You were totally gushing over him.... and Tae didn't like it one tiny bit! "I'll show you something even sexier if you come to the bedroom with me *smirk*" That was exactly how you both spent the night.
(His reaction)
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(what you were thirsting for)
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"I see you like trouble makers? " Jungkook asked you enviously, "I mean aren't you one? I think that's my taste currently." You said with your eyes still focused on the screen. "I'll give something else to taste, get ready for me cuz Im not going easy on you. "
(His reaction)
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Thx for reading! I'll now list the names of all the characters...
Enzo was there for Jimin (I luv Enzo!)
Alaric was there for Taehyung (Best role model award goes to... ALARIC SALTZMAN!)
Kol was there for Jungkook (Kol is fun)
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kunoichihatake · 4 years
Surprise Party (Neji x reader)
Prompt: none
A/n: HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my girl Zaire @excitedlysuffering!!!! 🥳💞  This fic is dedicated to you, my favorite Neji simp 🥰  I hope you enjoy!
P.S. two of my OCs have made another appearance in this fic -- ten points if you can tell me the other fic I’ve mentioned them in 😉
Pairing: Neji Hyuga x female reader
Words: 1.4k+
Warnings: none
Masterlist / buy me a coffee?
“So, Neji, what’d you call us all here for?” 13 pairs of eyes stared at him, confused. They were in a secluded area of one of Konoha’s parks, under a large tree whose leaves let tiny rays of sunlight peek in to illuminate the group. The man in question was standing against the tree, leaning against it with his arms crossed.
“As I’m sure you all know, Y/n’s birthday is this Saturday,” he said. The glances shared between his friends indicated that they did not, in fact, know. “I’m throwing a surprise party for her and would like you all to come.”
“A surprise party? How wonderful!” Lee clenched his fist, grinning excitedly. “I’m sure she will be filled with the power of youth!”
“Remember that it’s a surprise party,” Neji replied. “Make sure you don’t tell her anything.”
“What’s the plan?” asked Ryota Yamanaka. He and Shigeru Hyuga were on Team 4, Y/n’s squad.
“Tenten, Lee and I will decorate Y/n’s house for the party. Ryota, you and Shigeru will make sure Y/n is distracted. Team 7 will get snacks, Team 8 will get dinner and Team 10 will get the cake.” Everyone nodded. “Any questions?” After a moment of silence, Neji nodded, and the teams started out on their task.
“Hey, Y/n,” Ryota leaned through your bedroom window. “Want to go get dango with Shigeru and I?” You narrowed your eyes at him and set down the shirt you were folding, walking over to the window and placing your hands on your hips.
“You only want to get dango when you’re asking me a favor.” You squinted at the blond, who looked nervous, and peered down at his dark-haired companion, who was holding him up to see through your second-story window. “Shigeru, what’s going on?”
Shigeru moved Ryota slightly so you could see his face. His pale eyes stared into yours, looking like a deer caught in headlights. “Nothing. We just want dango, is all.” You shot him a dirty look, and he hid his face behind Ryota’s legs again.
You sighed. “Fine, I’ll be down in a minute.” You saw Ryota grin before tumbling down to the ground with a thud. You chuckled, shutting the window and grabbing your things.
“Let’s get ramen! Everyone loves ramen.”
“Ramen’s not a snack, idiot.” Sakura placed her hands on her hips and glared at her carefree teammate. “We need to think of snacks Y/n actually likes.”
“She doesn’t like ramen?” Naruto asked. Sakura groaned.
“What about chips? I read that those are common party snacks in a book,” Sai said, smiling.
Sakura turned away from her blonde teammate, a smile spreading across her face as she looked at Sai. “Chips would be perfect. We’ll get some dip to go with them!”
“You could dip them in ramen!”
“...You’re disgusting.”
“What would Y/n like for dinner?” Hinata’s quiet voice interrupted her group’s silent thinking. The three of them were seated in a patch of warm grass, and Akamaru was dozing off at Kiba’s side.
“I’m sure Naruto would get ramen,” Kiba smirked, leaning back next to his dog.
“I’m not sure what we should get. That’s because I don’t know Y/n very well,” Shino chimed in. Hinata sighed, leaning back and staring at the blue sky.
“He’s your cousin’s girlfriend, what do you think?” Kiba asked.
Hinata thought for a moment. “Why not barbecue pork? We could get a ton from the restaurant.” Her teammates nodded, and the three set off to get the food.
“This cake looks good,” Shikamaru gestured towards a red cake with decorative flowers.
Choji nodded heartily. “And it’s chocolate, which Y/n likes.”
“Absolutely not.” Ino chimed in, crossing her arms. Her teammates stared at her.
“Why not?” Shikamaru asked.
“It’s decorated with red windflowers! Do you hate her?” The boys stared blankly at her, and the blonde sighed. “Red windflowers represent death or forsaken love. We don’t want to ruin the mood of her whole birthday by giving her that kind of message.”
“I don’t think she’d realize…” Choji started, but was cut off with a sharp glare from Ino.
“We’re picking a different cake.”
Shikamaru sighed and put his hands on the back of his head. “What a drag.”
“Where in the world does she keep her silverware?” Neji muttered to himself, pulling out drawer after drawer in Y/n’s kitchen. Lee had been little help so far, insisting on doing all the preparations while walking on his hands, and Tenten had gone out to buy streamers and balloons.
“Five thousand four hundred and sixty-four...five thousand four hundred and sixty-five...five thousand--”
“For the love of God, can you help me find some forks?”
You yawned and stretched your arms above your head. The sun was setting now, streaks of pink and orange painted across the sky. You had sat and chatted with your teammates for hours now, and while you were glad to spend time with them, something still felt off.
“Okay, I think I’m going to head home now,” you said, standing up. Ryota and Shigeru scrambled to their feet.
“Wait, Y/n, are you sure? We were having such a good talk--” You turned around and stared at Ryota, narrowing your eyes at him.
“What’s going on? You’ve both been acting weird all day.” The two boys shriveled under your gaze.
“Then why have you been so insistent on keeping me out of the house?”
Shigeru sighed, placing a hand to his forehead. “It’s nearly seven, we might as well head back,” he said to Ryota. Ryota nodded nervously. The two of them stood up slowly.
“Alright, let’s take you home.” Ryota said.
Both Ryota and Shigeru seemed nervous on the walk home, but neither one would explain what was going on. You gave up asking and turned your attention to the sunset, feeling the last rays of the sun kiss your face as you walked.
When you walked up to your front stoop, you were met by Sakura, Naruto and Sai. When they saw you, they frantically began trying to shove the bags they were holding behind their backs. You frowned. “What are you guys doing at my house?”
“Oh, nothing,” Naruto said sheepishly. “We just got lost on the way to my house.” Sakura glared at him.
“Your house is on the opposite side of the village, Naruto.” The boy’s blue eyes filled with shock, but he had no time to respond before Neji opened your front door, freezing when he saw you.
“Neji? What are you doing in my house?”
“I thought you guys were going to keep her out until 7,” Neji overlooked you, glaring at your teammates. “It’s only 6:46.”
Shigeru laughed nervously. “She got too suspicious, sorry.”
“Suspicious of what? What’s going on?” You fixed your gaze on Neji, who sighed deeply.
“Well, I guess you’re here already, so may as well come in and find out.” He opened your front door and stepped out of the way for you to enter. You stepped in to see Hinata, Kiba, Shino, and Choji setting the table for dinner, and Ino and Shikamaru pulling out drinks. Tenten and Lee were hanging up a banner; it read “Happy Birthday Y/n!” You gasped.
“It’s my birthday,” you said quietly. Neji placed a hand on the small of your back. “I totally forgot.” Behind you, Sai, Sakura, Naruto, Ryota and Shigeru slipped in and began helping set up. You saw dishes of barbecue pork, sodas, chips, and boxes of ramen begin to adorn the table.
“I thought I told you no ramen,” Sakura snapped at Naruto. He shriveled.
“I thought she might like some snack options.”
You let out a small laugh, and turned to Neji. His whole body was tense, and a vein was popping out of his forehead as he watched Akamaru spill a drink with his tail and Naruto run from Sakura’s fists. You embraced your boyfriend, resting your head on his shoulder, and felt him relax slightly.
“Thank you, Neji. This is amazing.”
“I wanted it to be perfect when you got back…” You shushed him, lifting your head to look into his eyes.
“It is perfect. It’s all I could have asked for. Thank you.” You kissed him gently on the lips, and turned to survey the scene in front of you. Kiba and Hinata had cleaned up the spill, and Sakura and Naruto had managed to sit down without killing each other. Everyone else was finding their seats, and Shikamaru was using a lighter to light the candles on a birthday cake with icing of your favorite color.
“Happy birthday, Y/n,” Neji said quietly. You found his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze, and the two of you joined your friends for a delicious birthday dinner.
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johnnycranes · 3 years
5,9,25,41 ( Harry + Sydney)
11,45,73,87 ( Norman + Kennedy)
23,35,40,62 (Joseph + Sydney 😉 sorry Jacob)
thank you, Amanda! 💞 sorry Jacob, you're fine! 😌
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5 answered here
9. Who is more inclined to be jealous or possessive?
They're both possessive ngl. But if anyone even looks at Sydney then Harry is about to start a fight. Rafe is his back up
25. How do they comfort each other when one of them is scared?
They calm the other down by hugging, kissing, anything that makes them feel safe.
41. How’d they meet each other’s families?
Omg so Harry meeting Sydney's family is iconic? Sydney asked Harry to come over for dinner at her parents' house and Harry was game, said he just had a job in the same neighborhood and he'd pass by when it was done. To no one's surprise, the place he was supposed to steal from was actually the Williams Residence and Harry gets caught. Sydney introduces the thief to her parents and they all have dinner. It's funny, awkward, what a way to meet your girlfriend's parents.
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11 answered here
45. How are birthdays spent?
However the other one wants tbh. And usually it's dinner at a fancy restaurant abroad. They bring the whole family and sleep in a nice hotel overnight. They're fine as long as there's good food and they're around family.
73. What do they usually text about?
Lmao usually Norman would tell Kennedy if he's going out as the Goblin later that day, Kennedy reminds him if there's a PTA meeting, and they text each other if there's a sinister six meeting so Kennedy can plan accordingly to meet up with the Simps too 😌
87. Do one of them sleep talk? If so, what do they say?
P sure having something like the Green Goblin inside you tends to make you talk in your sleep. So I wouldn't be surprised if Norman is a little meow meow in his sleep talking too, asking what he should do, begging for his family to be safe. Kennedy just listens and holds him until she figures it's getting bad and she needs to wake him up
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23. What do they do when they’re bored and together?
Laze around tbh. Sydney rarely gets Joseph to herself and when they do have time together, they just spend it cuddling up somewhere. Unless Joe volunteers to teach Sydney how to cook then that's a whole thing
35. How do they spend time if the other is gone?
Nothing much changes? They keep busy with work. But if their gone for more than a night then it's during the evening where they miss the other's presence. Sydney has nightmares about the people she killed and Joseph is worrying if Sydney is ok. They need to hold each other!!! 😭
40. Thoughts on kids?
Both are game for kids! Sydney more than Joseph. They'd probably have four/five kids ngl
62. What other couple would your otp get along with the best?
Can I please say Charlie and John still? 🙈 everything is probably the same except Charlie tolerates Sydney's partner more here sksks
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kinkandkreep · 3 years
𝙴𝚛𝚎𝚗 𝚈𝚎𝚊𝚐𝚎𝚛 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗𝚜
A/N: OoOooh y’all! Here they aaaaarrre!😆 Now fair warning, these HC’s aren’t particularly spice but if y’all are interested, I can most definitely whip some that are up for ya.😉 These are just basic headcanons that randomly popped up in my head over the span of a few days and some of them are related to my In Your Erea au, so I hope y’all enjoy!😁
This has been updated as of 09/09/21
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㋛ Doesn't like to do voiceovers because he doesn't like the sound of his voice layered over video
㋛ Only drinks plain, black coffee
㋛ {Ew}
㋛ Prefers orange juice with pulp
㋛ {Which, also ew}
㋛ Knows how to play handpan
㋛ He actually learned from a woman off of Youtube
㋛ {He just watched her play the same song over and over again until he eventually learned it and the correct hand placements to create different sounds}
㋛ {So I guess he sorta has perfect, or at least relative pitch in that sense}
㋛ Doesn't like to touch rice so he wears nitrile gloves when he and Lea make onigiri
㋛ {Which is so weird like how can you drink pulp, but can’t touch rice...?}
㋛ His favorite fruit is strawberries, and subsequently his favorite dessert is "bittersweet chocolate covered Togichi strawberries"
㋛ Eren can speak three languages: conversational German, Japanese and English.
㋛ Has a seafood allergy
㋛ {Gets teased for it all the time}
㋛ Has surprisingly cute sneezes
㋛ {Gets teased for that as well}
㋛ Doesn't like to be watched eating
㋛ Likes journaling
㋛ Has, also surprisingly, neat handwriting
㋛ {His handwriting used to be very sloppy before he decided to become a nurse, after he made the decision he worked on improving it so that it would be easier for his patients to read}
㋛ A decent artist
㋛ {His favorite things to draw are, surprise surprise, hands ✌︎︎}
㋛ Sips out of water bottles in contrast to Lea who puts her mouth over the entire rim of the top
㋛ Doesn’t like for his feet to be filmed as he walks. If Lea’s getting full-body footage as he’s walking that’s fine, but he doesn’t like for his feet to be the sole focus of the shot.
㋛ Very flexible & strong
㋛ Prefers savory bagels but otherwise sweet foods
㋛ Though he doesn’t like being watched or heard eating, it’s actually ok if someone hears him crunching
㋛ Thinks it’s so hot when Lea drives stick
㋛ Likes the smell of gasoline
㋛ Says "pasta noodles" but not "spaghetti noodles"
㋛ Worked temporarily as a nail tech for fun during college, was really good at it
㋛ He told his parents he was gonna quit school and become a full time nail tech just to see their reactions, but instantly regretted it when they almost disowned him for it
㋛ His love language is Acts of Service mixed with Physical Touch
㋛ Going along with that, a surefire sign that he likes you as a person is if he touches you in some way
㋛ Like, not sexually or romantically, but casually, maybe a comforting hand on the shoulder here or a friendly butt-slap there
㋛ {He’s secretly really fond of butt-slaps}
㋛ I know everyone thinks he’s kind of a sadist, and for good reason, but I get slightly masochistic/submissive vibes from him
㋛ {And for this particular set of headcanons I don’t mean sexually either}
㋛ Like, take his and Lea’s relationship for example. He’s usually dominant in bed but when it comes to day-to-day affairs, he likes to let Lea take control most of the time
㋛ He’s also willing to do absolutely anything to please her, even if it makes him uncomfortable (though he does have limits)
㋛ {He’s such a simp, I swear 😩}
㋛ Acts like a sassy cat 98.76% of the time but prefers medium to small dogs
㋛ Don’t get him wrong, he loves dogs of all sizes, it’s just that big dogs sometimes overwhelm him
㋛ Doesn’t like gum, sugarfree or otherwise
㋛ Wants to get into boxing but knows Lea would kill him if he did
㋛ Took up martial arts as a kid and only practices sporadically now that he's older and much busier
㋛ Loves those kitchen/refrigerator organization and stocking videos on tiktok
㋛ Prefers M&M's with peanuts over pretzels
㋛ Can snap with both hands (using both the pointer and middle fingers) and whistle
㋛ Doesn’t like for people to see his ankles
㋛ Thinks breakfast pizza smacks, almost more than regular pizza
㋛ Loves when Lea calls him "baby boy" ❤
㋛ Is not very coordinated with chopsticks, but likes to eat with them anyway
㋛ Subconsciously makes the most adorable small noises when pleased or happy
㋛ {They sound like little whimpers but really high pitched and the sound originates from his throat}
㋛ Is heteromantic bisexual
㋛ Uses the Calm app and grew to love it after Armin introduced him to it
㋛ {Hates the monthly fee to use it though}
㋛ Gives really great hugs
㋛ { You know the kind, right? Where the person is just a bit taller than you so they can wrap their long, strong arms almost around the entirety of your body and ensconce you safely against the firm, yet somehow soft plane of theirs? Hugs where the taller person leans into the embrace, snuggling against you and providing you a sense a security and closeness that rivals even the most intimate sex? Yeah, his hugs are like that.🤤}
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