#here's a random starter
savagevillain · 1 year
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❛ We had good times in the 20s, didn't we, @rippeah ? ❜  The crooked grin widens, blue eyes locked upon the vampire's, eyebrow quirking high, inspiring the memories to mind. ❛ Such were the days when we feasted all night long. Got our pleasure in full. Come now, Stefan, you cannot tell me it didn't ... satisfy you. ❜
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kaeyachi · 6 months
Kaeyappreciation post!
Kaeya is wonderful in a sense that he:
Has a penmanship described as "Beautiful Handwriting". He for sure worked on that.
Willingly spends his time making sure his outfit looks perfect
Is well-loved by Mondstadt and the Dawn Winery staff
Is described to like a prince, both in looks and in actions
Is shown to be gentle and caring to children and elderly, most seen with Klee and the staff from Dawn Winery
Is a great listener and, therefore, also knows what gifts to buy based off of something someone said in passing
Is predominantly kind- unafraid to help out and defend someone in need. His first reaction is always kindness, and worry about covering up that kindness later on
But Kaeya also has his moments where he:
Says things out of pocket with enough alcohol in his system. Things that usually lead to shame and regret.
Would rather give others the credit for his hard work if he could help it
Intentionally makes himself look suspicious by withholding information and only throwing tidbits that are not of substance
Has sadist tendencies, which affects how he treats both his (cavalry) company and his enemies
Can and will use underhanded tactics to gain the upper hand
Rarely ever says what he truly wants to say
Has a fake smile. Usually lies or only deals with half truths.
He is such a complex character. I really do want people to appreciate him and his intricacies more. The fact that his entire personality and story is done so well and continues to actually grow and expand as the story progresses is something that genuinely makes me want to keep watch of him. I have never, in all my fandoms, stuck to a character as long as I did with Kaeya, and honestly? I know I'm not alone with this.
Look at how well they made our boy!
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muwitch · 10 months
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walk in red
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forgottenluck · 8 months
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Honestly....he should really stop trying by this point. He'd tried to do something, anything.....possibly to get people to believe in him again...and of course, of course it backfired.
Opened a rift, and sucked him through.
He really should have known by this point that he shouldn't be trying to do big magic anymore. Not with his energies as low as they were. He could only grit his teeth and hold on until the universe decided to deposit him somewhere.
He had not been expecting a shallow puddle.
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So here he was, sitting on...what looked like some ruins, a broken pillar or something, wringing his capelet out with burnt hands. He'd managed to dry the rest of himself off fairly easily with his flame....but the silk of the capelet would have to air dry. Laying it beside him, he took the quiet moment to look around at his surroundings.
Ruins. Definitely ruins. How....ironic. He pressed a hand into the pillar under him, humming to himself. This place felt....different. It was likely he was very very far from home....probably not even in the same universe anymore. Great.....He'd have to do some recon then. Figure things out.
At the very least he could make himself appear as a regular person using his illusions. They hadn't abandoned him yet. He went ahead and did that, offhandedly waving a hand to himself.
"This....sucks." he muttered to himself, golden hued eyes stareing at his damp cloth, narrowing them slightly. Though he guessed it was for the best. The Humans of his world had long since abandoned the Gods.....maybe, just maybe he could find someone in this one that would believe him.
Unlikely as it was.
He was so caught up his own musings that he didn't really realize that he wasn't alone.
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liaprime · 5 months
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Happy Star Wars Day, everyone!
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datarevived · 2 months
Mental image of Sel approaching Yor just with a, "Sup big guy, I can borrow a $10?" is fucking sending me right now. Dear God.
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universalcarnival · 9 months
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i'll reblog this in the morning too but
like this post for me to throw something at you, starter or whatever, or hit you up via message to do SOMETHING cuz i wanna WRITE
bonus points if you reply for what muse(s) and MUTUALS ONLY PLS ty
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dani spoke quickly, just trying to assure her dad over the phone that she'd gotten out of the concert safely. it was easier to do in her native tongue and the conversation was meant to be fast. she hadn't heard her friend come back from the bathroom until he was standing directly in front of the phone booth. from the look on his face he'd heard every word, but didn't understand a bit. with some people at school, she might just be able to play dumb, claim it was german or polish or dutch and hope they wouldn't know the difference. not eddie though, he was too smart. she finished her call with a "i have got to go dad, see you tomorrow morning" before she hung up. her english was perfect, but there was still no chance of her friend believing that was what she'd been speaking a minute ago.
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a choice about what to do had to be made, and dani went with the easiest option, pretend nothing was out of the ordinary and hope eddie ignored it or brought up what he thought himself so she knew what he thought before she told him some fragment of the truth. "i'm ready to go when you are. we should probably head out before the parking lot gets too crowded and we can't get out." she wanted to tell him the truth, it just wasn't something easy to explain and trying sure was a big risk. she never wanted to put him in danger. she started to weave her way through the crowd towards the doors.
vaguely plotted-ish starter for @freakarus / eddie munson *
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There was a sudden sense that he was being watched, he turned only to capture a glimpse of the radio demon withon the shadows of one corner of the space he was in. After squinting to find the shape of the figure and realizes who exactly it was, the king rolled his eyes. This guy.
"Huh? Oh, it's only you. Isn't there something better you could be doing around here aside from standing there gawking with that painfully forced grin, bellhop?" Alastor was the last person Lu considered helpful and so he wasn't about to ask for any assistance or feedback with what he was up to.
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"I'm a little too busy to play along with your rude, instigating commentary at the moment, Charlie made a special request and as her father, I've set the task as top priority." he explained with his hands busy handling equipment that he had manifested and had begun setting down and arranging within the spare room.
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altrxisme · 2 years
perm. starter / plot call
dear mutuals, 
by liking this post you are allowing me to tag you in starters when the mood decides to slap me in the face. feel free to note specific verses, or muses if you are a multimuse, that you’d highly prefer through IM. 
you are also allowing me to message you either through Tumblr IM or Discord to plot with you. hopefully to thread, but out-of-thread developments and headcanons are also welcomed!
you can always back out by un-liking the post, no hard feelings and no questions asked. 
happy writing!
— bourbon
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helluva-hazbins · 3 months
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"....uh, right, right, right--- a council assembly...er...meeting...I...uh.. I remember, I definitely have been to one of those...two of those?"
"You sure, you uh...don't wanna handle that yourself, I mean I hardly know the issues and ins and outs that are going to be on the table for discussion...what were they again? Sorry, my mind gets all fuzzy and ARrrgh..." he motions exaggerated hand gestures near his head like it's being compressed and intensely trembling between them. " You uh...you know what I mean?" he adds in a quick high-pitched chuckle for good measure.
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riraro489 · 1 year
Have you ever wondered what a friendlocke is? Does participating in a friendlocke sound fun? Do you simply want to sit back and watch the chaos unfold from the inside? Well, say no more!
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Come join my very own friendlocke on Discord!! We'll play a Pokemon Platinum randomizer on Sundays starting on August 13th :]
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strngebrds · 2 days
where: the great bear wilds
who: open to anyone!
when ivy first moved to bearhold she felt out of her depth. she was used to narrow streets and the every present background noise of road works. but that was over a decade ago. she has long grown accustomed to the lush greenery and wide open spaces of bearhold.
ivy enjoyed hiking in the great bear wilds. she loved taking in the breathtaking scenery as she walked and liked that she could be alone in comfortable solitude. she often stopped as she walked so she could observe little details. she was running a finger over tree bark when she heard a twig snap. "hello?" she called out as she turned her attention away from the tree. "sorry i know this looks weird but I was looking at this." she removed her hand from the tree, took a step back so the other person could get a better look at it and pointed at what she was observing (the initials sb + lf carved into the tree next to a small carving of a heart). "i wonder what those two are doing now. i hope they're still together and happy if they're still alive."
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paranormies · 2 days
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Sat at the bar wasn't somewhere you would often find Marisol; she was much more of a drink wine at home whilst listening to a podcast kind of girl, but she needed to get out. She had been shut-in for long enough working on various projects, and recording and editing her own podcast that it actually drove her to go somewhere out of her comfort zone. "Wine please, whatever the house is." She wasn't made of money, and she had a budget. Marisol didn't think this place was too bad, Infamy she thought it was called, but she bet she still looked like a fish out of water.
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hopelesswritings · 13 days
starter for: @arexyouxafraidxofxthexdark
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"We can make out, don't count if we're closing our eyes. Don't you know that you and I could have the time of your life? If you're scared you're gonna want some more, I can be the friend you're looking for."
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neverrcryarch · 10 months
if we have not written together before, like this for a 2-3 line starter. if specifying a muse makes you feel a bit overwhelmed, you don't have to! if you want to, go right ahead. no cap on this call.
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