#also your url is so appropriate !
savagevillain · 1 year
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❛ We had good times in the 20s, didn't we, @rippeah ? ❜  The crooked grin widens, blue eyes locked upon the vampire's, eyebrow quirking high, inspiring the memories to mind. ❛ Such were the days when we feasted all night long. Got our pleasure in full. Come now, Stefan, you cannot tell me it didn't ... satisfy you. ❜
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gayszlen · 28 days
For the yet-to-be-informed, let me preach to you the gospel of Das gayszlen
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What is Das Gayszlen?
Das gayszlen, generally translated as the "whip" is a technique in historical longsword fighting from 15th century German tradition. The basic mechanics of the gayszlen are as such: a single handed strike with the nondominant or lower hand, where the sword is released from a traditional grip to allow the blade to sweep towards the leg of your opponent. Some also define other one handed strikes, slices, or thrusts as a gayszlen, but (in my experience) the more common interpretation is the narrower definition I provided. There is some difficulty however in knowing definitively how it was used historically, beyond the general difficulty in knowing anything for certain in HEMA that comes with the territory of reviving a dead art. Much proverbial ink has been spilled online about how, when, and if it is appropriate to use, and many consider it to be a cheap trick, not to be used in serious competition or incorporated into a revival of historical fencing systems. I have Thoughts™ about it and my new URL change inspired me to detail those thoughts, continued below.
Where does it come from?
Ok. so. maybe "15th century german tradition" is a bit generous. There is a grand total of ONE source for the gayszlen, which is in a fechtbuch (fencing book) by fencing master and author Hans Talhoffer, one of the most influential and prolific of his time. His numerous manuals cover a wide range of weapons and techniques including grappling, dagger, polearms, mounted and armoured combat, as well as some more silly things like duelling/long shields and "man vs woman" duels (last two pictured below).
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Despite all that and multiple depictions of many of the techniques for these silly "niche" styles of combat (at least in the context of modern HEMA practice, they likely were somewhat prevalent at the time and used to resolve legal disputes) there is only one illustration of the gayszlen, in one of Talhoffer's books. It depicts an exchange between a fencer in a "free point" (afaik the only time that term is used as well, though it is a position that is quite common in german longsword fencing, being a sort of hanging guard or the midpoint of a strike like a zwerchhau) and another performing the gayszlen against the aforementioned fencer, shown below (figure on the right is performing the gayszlen).
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You may notice the text on the image, next to each figure! These say Ain fryes ortt and Das gayszlen, again translated as "a free point" and "the gayszlen". You may ask "but what does the actual caption or description say about it?!" I'm so sorry to disappoint you, and I share in your misery: this is all there is. Truly sad, I know. This lack of source material is (in my opinion) why there is so much difficulty defining it and so much debate over its historical usage and value in modern use.
So how do people interpret it?
As stated earlier, the (general) consensus is that it is a one handed strike (a hit, hew, or cut, as opposed to a thrust or draw/push slice) made with the offhand to the lower half of the opponent's body. One of the main disagreements on how to interpret this is whether the sword is "whipping" or cutting to the left from the right, or from the right to the left. Based on the foot position, it might look like the fencer performing the gayszlen (hereafter referred to as G) is bringing the sword from their left side to swing into the opponent's (hereafter referred to as F) left calf. However, this hand position and movement of the sword leaves G entirely open to attack anywhere on their torso or the right side of their body generally. An example of me (right) executing this interpretation is below: you can see that I do actually get the hit, but my opponent nearly hits me with the first strike to the right side of my head, where I am most vulnerable, and follows it up with another strike to my head. If this scenario played out with sharp swords and no protective gear I would lose this fight.
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Another interpretation of the gayszlen is this: G holds the sword in any guard on the right side of their body (higher guards may be better for generating more force or deciding to do literally anything other than the gayszlen) and releases the sword from their right hand, holding the pommel in the left and sweeping the sword towards F's right calf. in the picture we have, it may be that the "free point" is meant to be a response to the gayszlen, and therefore F is retracting their foot to avoid the gayszlen, while striking G to their unprotected body. An example of me (left) attempting to execute this interpretation is below: even though my opponent fails to parry or suppress my attack, it wasn't necessary. I didn't have the reach to hit her leg, though her dodge may have saved her even if I had been a bit closer to begin or had extended farther.
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Something that I believe supports this second interpretation is the general attitude of historical German longsword manuals to favor attacks and guards from above, to high openings, or generally closer to the upper half of the body than lower attacks and guards. A reason for this is detailed in many European sword systems, namely the destreza rapier tradition, thibault by extension, and meyer.
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The above image and video are pretty simple explanations, the core idea being that a sword and arm extended at the height of the shoulder (or nearer the shoulder) will have more forward reach than a sword and arm extended higher or lower than the shoulder. Because of this, F theoretically has somewhat of a reach advantage over G, as their sword and arm are closer to their shoulder. though the utility (as I'll talk about more later) of the gayszlen is that it is done in a grip that extends G's reach beyond a normal grip like F has.
There are also interpretations that point to it being a thrust (like I attempt below) which is supported by similar techniques showing up in other European sword systems, which I could spend a whole equally long post talking about, but this is plenty long as is, maybe a topic for another time. The two lame reasons I have for not liking this interpretation is that a thrust doesn't seem very "whiplike", and also a thrust to the legs with one hand is harder to pull off than a cut to the legs or a one handed thrust to the torso.
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How can I incorporate the gayszlen into my modern HEMA practice?
To preface this, throughout all of this I'm mixing terms and concepts from Fiore and Liectenauer and Talhoffer and Meyer and probably some other stuff. I primarily study and practice Liechtenauer blossfechten via Ringeck, Danzig, and Lew, as well as most of Fiore's system. This is just my opinion on what purpose the gayszlen can serve in the frog DNA filled world of HEMA longsword, this is not pure to any martial art system, just an application for the sport.
That being said: I believe the gayszlen's place in modern longsword fencing is similar to that of guards like the boar's tooth, long tail, or the key, all of which can use distance deceptively. they place the sword further back than it would be in an iron gate or a plow (guards which are somewhat close to those I mentioned) and allow the fencer using them to seem less threatening than they would with more aggressive guards. Likewise, I often find myself throwing gayszlens from positions where I'm somewhat retracted or seemingly out of distance, or preparing for an attack to another opening. This can often allow an attack at an unexpected timing or from an unexpected angle. I find it works well when your opponent is static in a guard and you to a distance juuust outside of where you could hit them with a normal grip, and the switch to a one handed pommel grip gives you the couple inches you need to get the hit, and hopefully enough speed to avoid getting beaten away by their sword. One of the big dangers with the gayszlen is the opportunity it presents for getting hit. When you employ this technique, you give up basically all protection your sword has to offer, you can't block any incoming attacks, and you don't have a good enough grip to bat your opponent's sword out of the way. This means that if you don't plan well, you leave yourself totally open to a double or a hit to you if they avoid your gayszlen. See below! The fencer attempting the gayszlen (right) goes in with his head down and totally unprotected, allowing the opposing fencer to get a really beautiful hit to his head as she dodges his gayszlen. This is what you should do if you encounter someone who is eager to use the gayszlen and you wish to discourage them.
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A safer position (both to avoid getting hit and to avoid injury, as I'll mention in the next section) is a more upright stance and a deep lunge, though keeping your shoulder up, as I mentioned earlier, reduces your range to that lower point.
Why don't some people allow it in tournaments?
Many tournaments, in my area and others, don't allow gayszlens. some ways this manifests are bans on all one-handed cuts, all one handed strikes altogether, including thrusts, hits to the leg below the knee, etc. Some people just don't like the gayszlen, think it's too hard to judge, think it doesn't have enough historical basis, or think it is dangerous to the person doing it or the person having it done to them. A lot of those reasons are laid out in this article, which, while I disagree with most of the points, makes those points pretty well. It's also the first result when you search on google for gayszlen, which makes me sad :( Another argument regarding the safety that isn't mentioned in that article is that to get additional reach and evade strikes from above, some people get really low when executing a gayszlen, even exposing the back of their head or body, which can lead to some really nasty hits to the back of your head or your spine, which are vulnerable areas even when wearing gear, are are often the parts of the body that have the least protective gear. In my opinion, any ruling that is intended to ban gayszlens that we've seen is too broad. banning one-handed cuts (or strikes altogether) means that whole sections of manuscripts or traditions (such as fiore's uno mano plays) can't be performed, banning cuts to the legs or parts of the legs can give an advantage to taller fencers, discarding them automatically because they're too difficult to judge the quality of can punish those who have worked to perfect them safely, etc. At the end of the day it doesn't really make a huge difference one way or the other, and every tournament organizer is biased in the way they make their ruleset one way or the other, but I think the gayszlen is unfairly maligned. In my opinion, with proper attention to levels of force, protective equipment, and judging, the gayszlen deserves a place in modern HEMA tournaments.
some people pronounce it "guy-slen" and I usually say "gay-slen" and I don't speak modern or medieval german so idk how it should be pronounced but I like saying gay :) because homosexuality get it???? I
I've made the gayszlen a bit of a meme in my local scene by shouting "GAYSZLEN" whenever I do it, like an anime character. This is typically regarded with friendly annoyance, and it makes hitting this silly ass technique SO much more satisfying and makes whiffing it a lot less embarrassing :)
anyways thanks for reading my long ass post ily <3 if anyone has additional thoughts, please leave them in the comments! I'd rather not debate anything, but I'd be happy to discuss intricacies of the gayszlen's use and interpretation if you're nice about it!
105 notes · View notes
wingwaver · 1 year
A few tips for new Tumblr users wanting to write here
Yo if you're here from Reddit or Twitter or some other site and just wanted to give this a shot you may have seen some blogs that are dedicated to writing headcanons or short fics or even original works for their own OCs and you may be thinking "hey I wanna give that a shot! I like to write!" then I have some tips to make it easier on you and people who see your content.
1. First off, if you're writing a pretty long piece the you should probably put it under a read more, it'll look like this on mobile
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and this on desktop
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or you can write :readmore: on a line by itself and press enter.
2. Now if you're gonna write for a whole bunch of different fandoms and you wanna make a master list then I suggest making an actual list with the fandoms you write for and then making more lists with the actual content as a you go along because you can only have 100 links in one post (I know that sounds like a lot but as someone who has around 300 Transformers things written trust me you fill up a post quicker than you expect, especially if you take requests from other people). The way I typically do it is like this
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The first pic is the MASTER master list that lists everything I write for and when they're underlined like that it means they're links. The second pic is after clicking the G1 link, it's a separate post that has the actual fics and headcanon links. Note the 6/100 in the tags, this is how I keep up with how many things I've added. You can of course just use the numbers options from here
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or just number them manually from your keyboard like I'm doing with this post. Adding links has no barring on what else you add to the post so you can add yourself some fancy header or divider pics if you want.
3. Adding links! Links can look like this https://www.tumblr.com/wingwaver/721887224846778368/test-post-for-reasons?source=share or like this https://wingwaver.tumblr.com/post/721887224846778368/test-post-for-reasons depending on whether you're linking from mobile or desktop/browser Just highlight the text you wanna add a link to and a the little chain will move to the end, click it and paste your url you want to link to and press add link, then press post/save draft/save (whatever the blue button says)
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Now you've successfully linked a post to another post!
4. Tagging! To get your fics and headcanons seen to build an audience you usually wanna tag the stuff correctly. If you're posting a fic about Miles Edgeworth and Phoenix Wright from Ace Attorney then you'll tag it with #Ace Attorney, #Miles Edgeworth, and #Phoenix Wright in the tags area. But it's also a good idea to mention if it's a ship or general fic in the tags too. If so then putting ship names and #Miles Edgeworth x Phoenix Wright and #Miles Edgeworth/Phoenix Wright in the tags will help everyone know this is a ship fic. Tagging with characters or fandoms that aren't apart of the fic just clogs the tags for people looking for content of said characters and fandoms so it's very looked down on here and will likely get some of your stuff reported for spam so only use the relevant tags. Also tagging for triggers can be tricky here because of how fucky tumblr is but please don't tag censor tags. Tagging things like #a**** or #a*use or even #abu$e doesn't work here because people who have #abuse blacklisted will be able to see this content because it wasn't tagged properly. Also if you're writing for OCs or reader inserts it's common courtesy to tag those appropriately too. Someone looking for a reader insert may not want to read an OC and vice versa. Also many people filter those out so try to add tags like #x reader, #*fandom name* x reader, and #*character name* x reader for easier filtering. Also people cruise those tags too so it'll help people who fo want to read that content find your stuff!
463 notes · View notes
sourceblogcentral · 1 year
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It's always a shame when you put hours of effort into a gifset, only for it to get 60 notes. And now, as people are reblogging less and less, the success of your gifset relies even more on using tags effectively to expose it to the maximum number of people possible.
Of course, at the end of the day, you should create for you, not notes, but that doesn't stop it from hurting. So, without further ado:
Guide to Tagging Gifsets
There are three main categories of tag, which I'll explain one at a time: fandom tags, sourceblog tags, and user tags. But it's key to remember only the first 20 tags are searched for; tags after that are irrelevant. So make sure every tag counts. It's also a good idea to visit a tag before you use it; if there's hardly any posts in that tag, it's probably not worth including.
Fandom (edit) Tags
Tags relevant to each fandom. I'll use Marvel as an example:
#tvedit, #filmedit, #[genre]edit, eg. #scifiedit
#[fandom]edit, eg. #marveledit, #mcuedit. Sometimes uses an abbrievation, particularly if the name of the fandom is quite long
#[show/tv]edit, eg. #infinitywaredit, #wandavisionedit. Only relevant if the fandom had multiple pieces of media.
#[character]edit, eg. #natasharomanoffedit. Mainly applicable to larger fandoms.
#[ship]edit, eg. #sambuckyedit. Mainly applicable to larger fandoms.
#[actor]edit. Note that this is sometimes the full name, sometimes first-initial-followed-by-surname. Check the tags to find the relevant one.
There are, of course, other types, but these are the main ones. It's a good idea to use these ones before tracked tags, as it makes it easier for people to find the content they're looking for.
Sourceblog Tags
A sourceblog is a blog dedicated to one fandom/character/genre etc, usually run by multiple people. Their main purpose is collecting every relevant post for whatever it's dedicated to, in one place for easy access.
They usually have names including 'source', 'daily', 'gifs', or 'edits'
Most sourceblogs have a tracked tag, often the name of the blog, and may also track the main edit tag. In that case, you may not need to bother tagging the sourceblog as well.
However, many sourceblogs go inactive, and so it's a good idea when tagging one for the first time to have a quick look in the archive and see if they're active. Just note that most sourceblogs don't use a tag such as 'thanks for tagging' to indicate they're reblogging from the tracked tag.
Sourceblogs usually have a lot of followers, all interested in whatever the blog's dedicated to, and therefore it's an excellent idea to tag any relevant ones.
You can search our blog to find relevant source blogs and their tracked tags.
User Tags
These are not always exclusive to edits, so pay attention to what people say they'd like to be tagged in. You can usually find people's tracked tag in their blog description, pinned post or about page.
I'd like to highlight - don't be afraid to tag people in your gifs! Most people love to be tagged. Although be aware it is common courtesy to only tag people that you follow/are mutuals with.
Most user tags are either #user[x] or the blog's url. Most people state what they do/don't like being tagged in, but if they don't, just go by what they reblog.
Just be aware of gifmakers that you follow, so that the next time you make a post, you can check their blog and see if it is appropriate to tag them
Usertags are best to use after fandom and sourceblog tags, to fill it all the way up to 20 tags, personal blogs are not dedicated to one thing only (usually), and therefore a lower proportion of followers will be in that fandom.
Finally, it's also good to use non-edit tags: for the fandom, character and ship. This means it's easy for people looking in the tags to find content.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask! And if you run a sourceblog we haven't yet added to our directly, please send us the url of the blog and we'll add it right away.
Good luck & have fun with your giffing!
328 notes · View notes
homocidalpotat · 5 months
Intro post under the cut! (because it's quite long and I don't want it to take up my entire blog)
Please read it though, I sorted it out so it's very simple to read :3
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Basic introduction
The rest of this post is probably on the boring side, mostly personal stuff, and it's all grammatically correct (I think...).
URL stuff: I'm Homocidalpotat (Jokingly. I won't be killing anyone... probably. And, apparently, I am a human not a potato?! What a scam...). Currently on the search for EVERY potato blog!
Name: Call me Jasper, my chosen name, it gives me so much euphoria
Pronouns: They/them mostly but I'm happy with it/its, he/him and zey/zem
Basic DNI: Terfs, radfems, vent blogs, pedophiles, trans/homophobes, horny blogs, general haters, etc
Other blogs/side blogs/accounts
Link to a list of the whole lotta them!!
Please do have a look/follow at these!!!! <3
Note about some things I do not want to see on my blog
I won't post anything discriminatory on this blog. It upsets me and other people that might see it. I'm talking racism, homophobia, aphobia, sexism, terfs, nazis, all the horrible things and people that spread hate. I don't want it. Anyone in their right mind does not want it. Don't send me asks/DMs, or tag me in anything with that content. And please, for somebody's sake, correctly tag content like this. If you are posting about your hate for anything, tag it with 'anti-' before it or something along the lines of that. my
Note about me being a minor
I am a minor, so don't tag or show me anything that might not be appropriate. Literally anything NSFW. Anything 18+.
Please don't harass me (with spam, in my DMs/askbox, about ANYTHING)
As I'm a minor with no money I can't donate to any funds for any of the wars or any other things like that. However, I am very happy to reblog posts with funds etc, because that is something I can do to raise awareness and prompt other people to help financially (if they can). I might not reblog donation posts if there are triggering subjects on it. Please don't send me asks/DMs for donations/help, here is why I have said this
My header image is a screenshot I took of Tears of the Kingdom :) and I made my profile picture. Credit to @magicalboything for making the divider in this post. Thank you!
Gender identity, romantic/sexual orientation and a note about my interaction with genderqueer people
I am on the asexual spectrum. I am also genderqueer, so I don't mind what terminology or pronouns you use on me but I prefer more neutral ones. Thanks!!! I'm not sure how to label my sexuality, but I'm very much queer and very much in love with my partner, Erin- @names-confuse-me (they are very nice, you should say hi). Sometimes I use unlabeled for my gender and romantic orientation. Or just queer. I'm queer and I'm here, pretty much.
I will always respect your pronouns and identity and I am a safe person to speak to about this (and most other things). If I don't know your pronouns I will use they/them until I find out. I have also been known to use more gendered nicknames (eg. dude, man, girl, etc) but if you don't feel comfortable with one or more of those names, just shout :3 I don't want to make people feel upset. If I do use these more gendered terms, I mean it in a gender-neutral way more often than not.
Note about my Mental Health
I am officially diagnosed with autism, and I might have OCD. My parents think I have ADHD as well... But in short I am neurodivergent, so would really appreciate a safe environment for me, if you can provide it!
I also have vivid hallucinations, panic attacks, I self harm, etc. I have a vent blog so I won't mention it here, and I always use trigger warnings. So... I guess DNI if you aren't comfortable with that.
I am not as mentally stable as you may think from a first glance. I am not doing well. This means I might spend weeks offline or days clinically online. It also means that I might be a bit sensitive or fragile but I don't think I have had many major incidents online.
Here is a post I made about my boundaries for people coming to vent to me: link
Here is a post listing my triggers: link
Note about my content
Sometimes I might post something rash, rude or wrong without realising. Please call me out on this sort of thing, and I'd really appreciate it if you do so calmly. I am neurodivergent, which might excuse me for posting something like that, but it won't justify it.
I make a lot of typos.
Everything I say is gender neutral (e.g. dude, bro, girlie) but I will always use your preferred pronouns and be as affirming for you as possible. It's also all platonic (unless you're Erin).
Pretty much entirely SFW. I don't often reblog things that are NSFW (depending on your definition of NSFW, I might never have), but if I think something is even slightly inappropriate or triggering, I will tag it <3
My tags, that I will try to use:
Original posts: jasper did a thing
Reblogs: jasper saw a thing
Conversational reblogs: jasper is doing the speech
Asks: jasper spreads their limited wisdom
Being romantic with my partner: channel simp
Interests, fandoms and ships
Stuff I like: Nature (yes! all of it... except most molluscs), music, being whimsical, understanding the world around me, being gay (and doing crimes), making other people feel happy, my dog and two rabbits, being creative, dinosaurs, geology, going exploring anywhere, big long walks, my partner, i-will-add-to-this-list-when-i-can-think-of-stuff
My ships include, but are NOT limited to, Ineffable Spouses (Good Omens), Sidlink (TOTK/BOTW), Johnlock (BBC Sherlock) and BlackBonnet (OFMD), Lumity (TOH), Raeda (TOH), a bunch of other TOH ships, etc
Media I might post about (or media that I like. I don't always see some of these) includes, but are not limited to, Legend of Zelda (specifically TOTK, BOTW and Skyward Sword), Good Omens, Our Flag Means Death, Jurassic Park/World, the Hunger Games and the Owl House, the Lord of the Rings, Gravity Falls, She-Ra, Brooklyn 99, the Good Place, Heartstopper, Doctor Who, What We Do In The Shadows, Portal, Delicious in Dungeon, Green Day
I don't always post a huge amount of some of these fandoms/ships/medias, so if you plan on following me for them, maybe just have a snoop around my account for a bit first. You might find that I hardly ever interact with the content. Maybe if you prompt me to I will.
On this blog you can expect posts/reblogs about the fandoms in, memes, shitposts, the (very occasional) vent post, and just a friendly face to chat to. I love asks! I'm always happy to receive one (PLEASE send me asks I'm lonely).
I will add your username to a Google Sheets, where I list whether or not I can tag you in certain things. If you haven't checked it out already, please respond to this post, mutuals! It's purely for your benefit! I will try and update the document every time I get a new mutual but I don't always remember.
Side blogs of my mutuals that I am listing to help get them more interactions: @a-poetic-apollo-kid (role-play blog for their OC, Asher, based on the Percy Jackson franchise), @the-forgotten-apollo-kid (role-play blog for Lee Fletcher, Percy Jackson franchise), @all-time-alt-country-singer (role-play blog for Naomi Solace, Percy Jackson franchise), @cabin7-chaos (ask blog for Apollo's cabin from the Percy Jackson franchise)
I hope I can add some more amazing tumblrinas to that list! The community here is delightful <33
61 notes · View notes
over-bi-the-wayside · 3 months
Assigning songs to tumblr rp people because I’m bored
(Since I changed the url on here — hi, I’m Wren, I run Vera, Peggy, one of the Steve’s and some other folks you might know)
Vera - @moongirlwidow
I’m giving you Vigilante Shit — I feel like the devilish, girl’s girl vibes are on point, and your eyeliner is, in fact, on point, the only other option is a bit of a focus on your softer side, that’d be Kindly Calm Me Down by Megan Trainor
Peter - @definitelynot-peterp4rker
Okay this one was harder, I’ll give you Something Just Like This by the Chainsmokers — you seem a bit softer and warmer, and you’re amazing to your girlfriend and family
Em - @just-a-fucking-civilian
You give very hippie/warm/chaotic vibes, so I’m gonna give you Bad at Love by Halsey. Plus, it just has the right vibe, and has a bit of a broadway feel. Other option is Foreigner’s God by Hozier
Vinnie - @vinnie-the-witch
Okay you’re hard, I had a lot of songs that felt right. Basically everything by Rabbitology, and some other various stuff, but, based on your vibes and your relationship with Em, I’ll give you Bog Bodies by Rabbitology
MJ - @midtown-braincell-holder
Okay this is the easiest so far, you get Not a Pretty Girl by Any DiFranco, I don’t think explanation is needed for this, it’s just the right feminist rage, the aesthetics are right, 10/10
Nev - @nevaeh-daughterofvalcarol
Okay, you had a lot of options going for you. I’m considering 100 Stories by Alice Merton or maybe Teams by Lorde, She’s Mine by Eva Westphal is also a strong contender based on how much you love your fiance(it’s adorable), so I think ima go with that one
Athena - @karmas-a-bitch-and-so-am-i
Okay so, I’d give you Vigilante Shit but I already gave that to Vera, or Bog Bodies for how devoted you are to Iyla, but I also already used that. So, I’m going to give you trouble by Camylio, based off of you and your girlfriend
Angie - @the-angie-martinelli
So I feel like it would be appropriate to give you a broadway song, obviously. As Long as You’re Mine from Wicked might fit, though I think I like of like Girls by girl in red more, so I’m going with that
Iyla - @iyla-difransisco
Okay, top three in a speed round: Francesca by Hozier, Can’t Catch Me Now by Olivia Rodrigo, Empire Now by Hozier. Empire Now isn’t feeling quite as good as the other two, and I’m just really feeling the Hozier so let’s go with Francesca
Jeff the Land Shark- @jeffthebestboi
Okay this is here mostly because why not. I did, somehow, come up with options, but let’s go with The Cheese Tax from Puppy Songs. Yes, I know you’re a shark, but it fits, and that is ineffable
Annndddd I have hit the limit for songs per post, enjoy my unserious song assignments and if I missed you feel free to request, I’m definitely turning this into a series
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Hi! This is my presentation post! I will update it from time to time! ^^
— I am a teenager (between 15 and 19)!! Please don't ask me to send you money to help you with what you're going through, I will not be able to help you. It will only make me sad and uncomfortable, and make you lose time that you could use by asking the same thing to someone who can actually help you. I will most likely aweser your ask with a dot and appropriate #, only because I feel guilty when I don't. Also, I will block you, I'm sorry.
And I've just been asked that so just to be clear: No, I am not interested in any kind of "sugar relationship", thank you very much. (*traumatized crying*)
— Please do not interact with me if you are racist, homophobic, transphobic or a terf, if you willingly body shame people, if you are sexist, if you promote any kind of non con/illegal-relationship, if you are a nsfw-only account, or if you don't like to see the most random post at any time of the day. Once again, I will block you.
— I am genderfluid! You can use any pronounces while referring to me, but I do have a slight preference for they/them. :)
— Also, I mostly go by Eleana online, but I like to be called Len too. Or by my url idc. :3
— I do not have the energy to find the exact label for my sexuality, but I like to think of myself as queer and demi romantic! ^^
— I am mostly active in the following fandoms: The Goldfinch, Stranger Things, and Bungou Stray Dogs.
— I like to post some writing prompts that I make when a cool idea tickles my brain but my lazy ass can't bring itself to actually do something with it. :3
— Most of my posts/reposts are absolutely random and probably a bit confusing lol
Here are some of my favorites ships in...
... Stranger Things
— Byler; Wiseheat; Miwi / Will x Mike (they need to be romantic and fucking cheesey.) (/hj)
— Jancy / Jonathan x Nancy (both platonic and romantic)
— Lumax / Lucas x Max (slight preference for romantic, but platonic is cute too)
— Elmax / Eleven x Max (both platonic and romantic)
— Elumax / Eleven and/x Lucas x Max (both platonic and romantic)
— Rokie / Robin x Vickie (preference for romantic)
— Ronance / Robin x Nancy (slight preference for platonic)
— Steddie / Steve x Eddie (both platonic and romantic)
— Duzie / Dustin x Suzie (both platonic and romantic)
— Stobin / Steve and Robin (ONLY PLATONIC!!! They're my favorite duo!! :D)
... The Goldfinch
— Boreo / Boris x Theo (romantic.)
— Pippadore / Pippa x Theo (only platonic.)
— Hobie x Welty (both platonic and romantic)
... Bungou Stray Dogs
— Soukoku / Dazai x Chuuya (both platonic and romantic)
— Shin Soukoku/ Atsushi x Ryūnosuke (also both platonic and romantic)
— Fyolaï / Fyodor x Nikolaï (both platonic and romantic too)
— Rampoe / Rampo x Poe (preference for romantic but platonic is cool too)
— Higugin / Higuchi x Gin (again, both platonic or romantic)
— Tachigin / Tachiara x Gin (platonic or romantic too)
— Kousano / Kouyou x Yosano (both platonic and romantic)
— KyouKenji / Kyoka x Kenji (both platonic and romantic)
— Atsulucy / Atsushi x Lucy (slight preference for platonic but romantic is cute too)
Some random things about me! :D
— I absolutely loooove music. It doesn't have to be any specific kind of music, I could listen to pretty much anything and I'd be happy, because it's music.
— I am a cat person, and I'd like to adopt one or two when I'll have my own place!
— I never actually dated or really had a "crush" on anyone, but that doesn't stop me from being one of the biggest longing romantic person that I know!!
— I'm a fucking Drama Lord. >:)
— I am currently hyperfixing on Finn Wolfhard's acting. And by that, I mean that I discovered him by watching "The Goldfinch", and seeing more of his acting is the only reason why I watched "IT", "The Turning", and "Stranger Things" even thought I usually really hate horror/action shows.
— I am an extraverted introvert!
— People say I look mean or scary, but really I just have a "do-not-come-near-me-or-I'll-bite-your-head-off" resting face.
— My favorite love languages are physical touches and words of affirmation. :)
— My memory works in a really strange way: I can remember word by word some parts of books and their entire storyline when I've read them years ago, but it took me 7 years to know the birthdate of a friend of mine that I met when we where both three.
— I sometimes have an hyperfixation on a random thing for months and then suddenly loose any interest about it for literally no reason at all.
— And (you probably guessed that by now) I tend to overshare things about myself when people let me. (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠)
You can also find me here! ^^
AO3 →
And that's pretty much it! Wow I'm actually impressed if you finished to read all that lol--
Thank you for being here, I love you! (/platonically) ^^♥
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
All the 'We tried so hard for afro-dominican Percy and we got nothing!!' talk in the Pjo fandom feels like i'm in the Twilight Zone.What 'tried'??????I've been on and off in the fandom since i was 12,since i was 2013 and i've never even seen him drawn with the Dominican Republic flag.Or using dominican slang or eating blue flan or him with sea related dominican folklore or consuming dominican media or referencing DR irl shit or any jokes made by him based off his dominican heritage?And i don't mean this to downplay the 'afro' part cause i'm black dominican too but VERY RARELY did i find 'afrolatino Percy' art that looked like an actual black person and not just Percy with a topping of melanin and vague curls and lips slapped on and i believe i'm allowed to say that because i am half white but he dosen't look a thing like me or any other mix people i know,not even nonblack poc passing,just an instagram model,and i don't even want Percy to be biracial,i wanted a monoracial strongfeatured black protag for ONCE instead of a copout and that's what almost all of you did with afro-dominican Percy too,you saw him as an aesthetic for points and gags.I bet y'all don't even know who Juan Pablo Duarte,Ramón Matías Mella and Francisco Del Rosario Sánchez are or the name of our natives or(not aimed at mutuals ofc,los quiero tanto)that the 'Punkero' in my url is latino spanish for 'Punk' because that's what Percy is
'Afrolatino Percy Jackson' isn't a recognized tag on ao3.Limiting it to just LATINO Percy is not the fucking place of gringos to begin with and no,black gringos aren't an exception cause y'all could just make Percy your heritage instead of weirdass cultural appropriation and disrespect.You didn't 'tried so hard for afro-dominican Percy',you couldn't even be bothered to google and all you did was take away his autism and implied femininity/gendernonconformity and breaking of the cycle of abuse by being the dad Poseidon never was to him by pseudo-adopting Nico and Hazel and called it him being afrolatino while using him being dominican specifically as a meme and truly being anti the system by fighting the gods and fixing things instead of being a fascist like Luke
Calling a black man stupid and making Percy the spicy rebel bf to Jason while keeping him white af(and Jason's the actual lightskin but y'all not ready for that)and Percabeth snowbunny jokes that led up to Leah whitewashing by so called 'Leah is our Annabeth' bloggers and refusing to admit he's been better to Nico than anyone else and BEFORE anyone else post Bianca's death so you can reduce him being gay down to dating more than Rick ever has AND completely erasing Hazel as the closest thing he's ever had to a daughter when she solos every white boy(Nico's also black cause y'all boring)in angst and strength and caring more about Percy just being nonwhite than actually WRITING him as an afro-dominican is NOT representation
So anyway,if racist Pjo fandom grandparents are ready for it lest their imported pearls scatter,i got authentic and not just exotically ethnic afro-dominican Percy content in the notes.Try not to call her any slurs or microaggressions m'kay,galletitas?
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okay I cave. I thought about it too much and now it's a post. this one's for @ilovedthestars and @needlesandnilbogs
risk assessment module's tumblr url is accounting-for-competency and it reblogs parkour and martial arts videos, speed runs, no-hit/perfect boss fights, and fight scene gifsets from media.
in the tags it always manages to notice and appropriately compliment a very specific technique the person is using in order to protect themselves/be safe
occasionally it will also do deep in-depth analysis posts of the choreography of a fight scene from one of murderbot's serials. how the moves would work in reality, how the film translates a real move/technique so its more dramatic and visual appealing, and also the skillset/movie magic behind keeping stunt actors safe.
threat assessment module doesn't have a tumblr but risk assessment sends it links to posts about how to relax, detox its mind, meditate, or plane-shift.
"it's medicinal, y'know. for the stick up your ass."
education module just reblogs interesting facts, but always reblogs them with a reliable source link if the original post doesn't have one. it's favourite facts are about weird alien fauna and space station physics.
risk assessment convinced it to make it's url "pieceofcrap" because that's what Murderbot calls it. it kinda wants to change it to something more "professional" but is also weirdly attached to it, so it won't.
language module's url is too-many-human-words and most of what it reblogs is to do with translations of media. analyses of translations of poetry, books, and manga. meta posts about subtitles. those posts that are just people trying to explain words that don't have direct translations into other languages.
it also really likes those posts that are like... a bunch of curated screenshots of internet posts, famous quotes, and lines from poetry or books or shows, all put together cus they're vaguely about the same thing or attempting to describe the same feeling. it likes how humans find so many ways to say the same thing.
governor module does not have a tumblr but if it DID, it's url would be governor-931625384 or some shit like that. it's blog would be completely empty and uncustomised. the only thing it would use it for is searching for posts that violate tumblr's terms of service or community guidelines and DMing the poster directly to tell them which rules they've violated. it would get reported as a spam bot every time.
procedure module has a tumblr called apparently-a-panic-module that it uses like an actual personal blog, as in it posts it's random thoughts and stuff that it's done that day. also creates polls for the most out of left field stuff, including completely asinine decisions it has to make.
it reblogs how-to posts and recipes. it doesn't matter what they're for, just that they are a step-by-step guide on how to do something. in the tags it critiques the clarity and format.
it's by far the most active on tumblr out of all of them. it gets anon asks (mostly from the other modules) that are like "don't you have anything better to do" and it always just responds "no."
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meowmeowriley · 3 months
Hello! As a fanfic author, what is your opinion on/preferences regarding fics inspired by your own works?
Do those preferences change if the derivative work contains explicit or taboo subject matter (blood play, non-con, somno, etc)?
I may or may not have had a small idea for a smutty one-shot involving watership but I wanted to check before attempting to do anything with it 😅
Hello friend!
Personally I love the idea that my silly little fic could inspire someone to create something themselves. Weather it's art, a drabble, a little headcanon, or a whole fic, I love to know that something I made helped someone else feel inspired to make something too! ❤
You asked this anonymously, so I'll respect that if you'd rather keep it to yourself, BUT if you're willing, there's an option on Ao3 when you upload a fic to check a box that says: This work is a remix, a translation, a podfic, or was inspired by another work and if you drop the URL to my fic in the little drop down, then our fics will be linked! (This goes for anyone who wants to as well, the more the merrier!) Yours will appear on mine, mine will show up on yours, and the readers win because they get more content! Again, you absolutely don't have to, I just love the idea of giving people an easier way to find more projects that are similar to my own.
Now as far as the subject of your fic is concerned, blood play, somno, and non-con, as long as your fic is appropriately tagged, rated, and has the correct archive warning, then I see no issue. All I ask is that you be responsible and respectful. Personally I won't touch non-con, I can't handle reading it, but the archive is a safe space to write and post what you want, and tagging will help make sure that only the appropriate audience is exposed to your works. (That being said, I do have to approve the fics being linked like that, and will have a friend review it to make sure I'm not making a mistake. It's highly unlikely that I'll reject the link, just know that it is possible.)
I'd also like to point out that right now the tag list on Watership is not complete, and will be updated as we go. Now, I don't want to spoil anything prematurely, but there will be smut, it will get weird, and it will be tagged both in the tag list, and also at the beginning of any chapter that contains sensitive material, because I want to make sure everyone reading is well informed and has the best experience possible.
So. Yeah. Smut good. Creating things based on my work good. Sharing is caring. But above all else please remember to tag appropriately because fanfic is an escape and I'd like to make it as pleasant an experience for my readers as possible. ❤
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Please be careful sharing requests for money. I'm seeing more and more people falling victim to predatory asks.
Some things to consider:
Mistagging an ask for donations with fandom tags that have nothing to do with it goes against Tumblr ToS. Tags are filling up with tragic stories that are irrelevant to those tags. Whether they're real or fake, no one should be jumpscared by tragedy. Tag appropriately.
Sharing a con only emboldens more con artists to do the same thing. It also marks you as gullible, and your url could get picked up more bots trying to squeeze you for sympathy and cash.
Posting a request for donations without verifying and donating yourself is not activism. It's irresponsible to your followers/mutuals and only helps the scammers.
I've received at least twenty different requests in the past week alone. They come in batches, a few within minutes of each other, not organically like humans would send. Most of them are worded differently, but some have been worded identically, even though they come from separate named blogs. These are not real people.
If you see an adult ask a child they don't know for help, be suspicious. An adult should never need to ask a child to take on some sudden responsibility. They're after something else, and they're just trying to gain trust first. So I'm suspicious when I see a sudden influx of supposed asks for help and money coming to tiny little Tumblr blogs. This is Tumblr. No one here has money, or reach. We don't do that here.
These tragic asks in your inbox are a scam. Report it as spam - because it is spam - delete it, and move on with your day.
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shaanks · 5 days
Oh man oh man there are so many fun ones for the ask game uhhhh 5, 11, 24, 39 aaaaaand 50. 36 was calling to me just to be a butt but I restrained myself :D
Hellooooooooooooooooo my dear friend!!!
5. what color are your eyes?
they're green leaning hazel! grey ring around the outside, dark green predominant, with a kind of goldy brown in the middle. Doin things.
11. favorite extracurricular activity?
I'm the most boring person alive, when I was in school the only extra thing I ever wanted to do was crawl back into the library and read. I was in ROTC kind of accidentally in my freshman year of HS which was fun only bc the extra curriculars for it involved flying in a military transport plane and doing a submarine failure exercise where they sprayed us with water in a slowly filling room while we tried to repair broken pipes. (which sounds like a nightmare and probably was not age appropriate but I LOVED it lmfao).
24. if we were together on a rooftop, what would we be doing?
Talking about OP I would imagine, hopefully eating delicious soup and having a wonderful time c:
39. do you use lip balm?
Yes! I have a lip balm lip scrub duo that are both brown sugar vanilla flavored. :)
50. can i tag you in random stuff?
bby you never have to ask, of course!! also carte blanche for anyone reading this, I love being tagged in things!
Bonus round:
36. how many times have you changed your url?
at least once more, as always <3
ask me some random stuff if you'd like!
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Simple Accessibility Tips
[Plain Text: Simple Accessibility Tips. End PT]
Here are some small things you can do to make your blog more accessible:
[PT: Colors. End PT]
Are the colors on your blog (font and background) bright enough to cause eye strain and migraines? Is it hard to look at? I know you love your bright neon colors, but you are making your page inaccessible and unsafe.
Do the colors contrast enough to be readable for people with low vision and/or color blindness? Webaim's contrast checker can help you find out!
A detailed post on using contrast checker can be found [here]!
Coloring for Color Blindness is another great resource for this.
2. Tagging
[PT: Tagging. End PT]
Tags like #eyestrain, #bright colors, #flashing, #no ID or #undescribed, #color(ed) text, #not screenreader friendly, #caps. etc can help people avoid content that would be harmful or inaccessible to them. Please use them when appropriate!
Don't tag flashing images with #epilepsy or similar tags! It makes it unsafe for epileptic people to search the tag for their own community.
3. Plain text
[PT: Plain text. End PT]
Formatting like colored text, italics, bold, underlined text, stricken text, 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐬, other font sizes, and ALL CAPS can be difficult to read for both people and screen-readers alike for many reasons! Even titles and large text can become unreadable when a device's font size is already set on high.
If your content is really heavy on these, maybe consider posting and linking a separate version of the post with only plain text.
Please provide a plain text alternative to these like the example below:
[Plain Text: colored text, italics, bold, underlined text, stricken text, other fonts, other font sizes, and all caps. End PT]
4. Descriptions
[PT: Descriptions. End PT]
Before reblogging something, check the notes and sort by comments only to see if there's an ID in the notes you can reblog from!
If you write an ID, never put it under a readmore. If you change your url, the link will break and the description will be gone forever. It also makes the description harder to access and makes it require extra steps, which is not accessible.
[PT: never put it under a readmore. End PT]
Descriptions should always be in plain text!
If someone adds an image description to your post, make sure you copy and paste the ID into the original post!!
I suggest putting a short summary of the image in the Alt Text and then a more comprehensive summary in the ID below. Find out more about this and why in the link below.
I've made a whole other post about image descriptions to check out for how to write one, resources, and more info! Check it out here: [Link]
This disability pride month, take the time to make your blog more accessible. A more accessible internet can start with you! If I've said anything incorrect, please let me know so I can correct it ASAP.
TLDR: If this was too much information, you can find the summarized version of this post here: [link]
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boueibu-rarepair-week · 2 months
Hi, @soullessserenity here with yet another boueibu event idea. Since this one isn't Happy Kiss-specific, I felt making a new blog was appropriate!
As you might have been able to tell from the blog's URL, this is a rarepair-focused event! But before we can get to deciding on a date or on prompts, I want to first get "rarepair" defined for this event.
Now, sure, one could say "just go off of the AO3 ship tag numbers!" But I don't think it's that simple. As an example, it doesn't really reflect on how much fanart there might be for a ship. It also doesn't reflect shippers who may not necessarily make fanwork for a ship, but are still present as people who engage with fanwork of it a lot. And even if we were to go based only on fics, there is also a question of "what if a tiny amount of authors manages to be so prolific that they make more fics for ship X than double the amount of authors for ship Y have made"?
Hopefully you can see that my point is that using AO3 work numbers isn't necessarily a good measure for rarepairs, specially if we are planning to do an event that includes types of fanworks aside from fic.
I don't think there IS anyway to make a hard definition for what counts as a rarepair. However, my idea for figuring what ships would count for this event is: basically ask everyone what they ship PLUS what they have seen that others ship. The ships that show up the most getting disqualified for the event.
I have made this form for that. (Shout out to @koolkitty9 for giving it a look earlier and giving me some feedback! \o/ ) How long it'll take to answer will depend on you personally. Such as how much of a multishipper you are, how many different ships you have seen throughout your time in this fandom, if you decide to include polyships in your answers, if you decide to give an estimate of how many people you've seen ship something, etc.
For now, the form is staying up for about a week. I *might* change my mind later and extend it, but that will depend on whatever happens throughout the week.
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transexualpirate · 11 months
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this is very interesting actually. i do believe in letting people do whatever they want. but more than that, why would anyone think those two things are mutually exclusive?
"let people do whatever they want" and "pregnancy can be a horribly traumatizing experience that no one should have to go through against their will" can and should coexist. especially because i think that an abortion shouldn't exclusively happen on the basis that it'd be bad for the person. i also wholeheartedly believe that even if a person is physically financially and emotionally able to have a baby, if they're simply not interested in having that baby, they can and should abort freely.
does that mean that i don't empathize or advocate for the rights of whoever is getting that abortion? i don't think so. the fact is, i don't think the reason why someone wants an abortion matters all that much. because one of my fundamental beliefs is in radical bodily autonomy. as long as you're not harming anyone do whatever you want forever. so yeah. shrug. let people do whatever they want i guess.
and no, i don't really get how you can be against abortion and simultaneously against someone getting, for instance, top surgery. why are you cherry picking bodily autonomy? this isn't to say that you can literally do whatever you want all the time (some reading comprehension, please!). of course there are boundaries. examples: you can get any tattoo you want, unless it's a hate symbol, and in that case, it's actively harming people, so you can't. you can do whatever you want with your hair, unless you're white and want to get dreads. in that case, you'd be appropriating something that isn't from your culture and it'd be actively harming people (and also, it'd probably ruin your hair but that's not the reason why). but as long as you're not hurting anyone, you can do whatever you want forever, in my opinion, and the reasons why you're doing it aren't that groundbreakingly important safe a few obvious examples. i don't care what the reasons behind you getting an abortion are, ill fight for your right to get it regardless. i also i don't care what the reasons behind you getting "gender reassignment surgery" are, or you getting a piercing, or an ugly tattoo, or a boob job. of course im allowed to personally think they're stupid, or influenced by things that i fundamentally disagree with, or i think your reasons are just shitty and personally believe you shouldn't get it. but ill still fight for your right to be able to get it anyways. it's your body. you're the one that has to live in it, not me. and i support radical bodily autonomy.
and lastly i think the tags are just objectively stupid. im south american and most of the people i surround myself with have the same belief. ive never even set foot outside of my country. i can promise you the anglos didn't invent bodily autonomy. and of course we believe in boundaries. and "culturally allergic" is kind of an odd expression. weird take, but whatever.
as always this is just my personal opinion and im open to discussion.
EDIT: i realized i forgot to crop out the url, so i edited the post. please reblog this version without the urls and don't send that person hate. this is what they want and it will be used against us after.
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(The following was a reply I got from a conversation that started from this post. The response I got below was from a post I made to reply to the original conversation. I’m not @-ing the commenter and I blocked out their url b/c I don’t want this to become heated, and I don’t want them to get harassment of ANY kind. I’m such a small blog that there is so little chance of that happening, but I just DONT want to risk it. I’m vehemently against harassment of ANY kind, but I feel the below needs saying and I just had to explain the reason I made the initial postc and why I thought it was important to talk about:
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Well. This isn’t really about the story or the series. It’s not about Alastor’s characteristics or personality or how Hazbin’s plot progresses.
It’s about Black and Brown people’s voices being ignored and not taken seriously.
There is a group of people saying “you are taking a part of our culture and using it however you like and this is harmful to us. This is part of a larger trend that has been harmful to us in the past, please do not use our culture this way”, and their concerns about the depiction of their religion and culture are being ignored.
Now, no group is a monolith, and it’s more than possible there are Voudists who don’t mind their culture being used in media, but I’ve heard enough people from the culture say that this is bothering them and why—and I think it’s really important to listen to and empathize with them
I don’t believe that anyone from the creative team from the show meant any harm at all. But regardless of the intent, people have been saying that they don’t appreciate parts of their culture being used in the show since shortly after the Pilot came out, and for Hazbin’s official merch to still be using vévés and for Alastor to be referred to as being influenced by “hoodoo-voodoo” in interviews is extremely disrespectful.
Even if it was meant to be a tribute, black Vodouists have already been speaking out about Alastor since the Pilot, and requesting that their culture and vévés not be used. I don’t think they or I are jumping the gun when parts of their closed religion are already being used in promotional material.
The issue isn’t “the portrayal of Vodou by an outsider of the religion might be good, so we should wait and see” the issue is that people are asking for their religion, which is a closed practice, to be respected and not used by outsiders. And that request is being ignored.
I also have to say that I really don’t appreciate that you’re describing these concerns as “complaints”. It’s been pointed out to me that when racial minorities and people of color speak out about fandom racism and cultural appropriation, they’re almost always told that they’re “just complaining” or “nitpicking” or that they should just “be happy” or “grateful” for any representation they get.
I cannot imagine how frustrating that is.
This is not only about Hazbin Hotel. I brought it up because people were talking about the issue again due to the trading cards coming out. It’s just the latest example of racism and appropriation in fandom that has been a problem for a long long time.
Also. I try to assume positive intent when I can, but it’s really hard to read your last comment as anything but condescending.
The thing is, I’m okay with making mistakes. I’m okay with being seen as silly, because I’ve made a LOT of silly mistakes in my life. And I know I’ll make a lot more.
Maybe you think I’m being silly now, and that’s fine. You can think whatever you want about me.
But I don’t feel silly at least /trying/ to listen to and respect minority’s voices. Especially when they’re talking about what is and /isn’t/ okay to use from their cultures.
(Finally. Ugh. I worry that this comes off as being. Ugh. “Virtue-signal-y” I guess? But. I’ve also noticed that a lot of times when people, regardless of their race, sexuality, gender, or what issue they’re trying to talking about, people will call them “virtue-signalers” to shut them down.
And yeah, I think virtue signaling can happen…but I’m so tired of people using the term to shut down conversations about inequality and injustice. It feels like another way to say “you’re just complaining and nitpicking”. If talking about these issues and trying to listen to others makes me silly and a virtue signaler. I guess I’ll be a silly virtue signaler. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
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