#here's hoping it came off as endearing and not unprofessional
november-babey · 2 years
If you're having a bad day, at least you didn't answer an important phone call while sleeping because you thought it was your alarm
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august-anon · 2 months
Hey! I love your BG3 work so much! Could I please request prompt 34 ("That's just a roundabout way of saying 'I like it'.") with lee Wyll and ler Astarion (or anyone else you think fits) if you feel up to it? Thank you!!!
find the list of warmup prompts and which fandoms i am taking here!
yeah yeah yeah sure thing!! This one feels OOC to me but idk how to fix it so i hope you still enjoy it!! Thank you for the prompt!!
(Not) Just Business
Fandom: Baldur’s Gate 3
Ship(s): Astarion/Wyll (pre-slash!!)
Characters (lee/ler): Ler!Astarion/Lee!Wyll
Word Count: 547 words
Summary: This was just a business arrangement, something to make sure Astarion stayed full enough to be useful. Wyll wasn't supposed to go and be all endearing about it.
[ao3 link]
Wyll couldn’t ever say that Astarion didn’t at least try to make his feedings enjoyable. Wandering hands massaging away any tension they found, a few coaxing kisses, warming up the neck first with lips and tongue and the barest scrape of teeth — enough pleasurable feelings to help dull the pain of the inevitable icy sting of his bite. 
It was supposed to be relaxing, to turn Wyll into putty under his fingers and fangs. To make it feel nice enough that Wyll wouldn’t take this privilege away, tenuous as their agreement was. What it was not supposed to do was raise Wyll’s tension tenfold and send him squirming half off the bedroll.
“Sorry,” Wyll said as Astarion pulled his hands and lips away, shifting back into place. “I don’t know what came over me.”
Astarion sat back and crossed his arms. “I understand that you’re the princely, heroic type and all, but there’s no need to be so self-sacrificial on my account.” 
Wyll raised his hands in surrender. “No, it’s not that. It’s just– Well–”
“Spit it out,” Astarion snapped.
“It tickled a bit, that’s all.”
Astarion paused, his brow furrowing. “It tickled.”
Wyll squirmed under him, rather flustered judging by the way he would no longer meet Astarion’s eyes.
A traitorous smile tugged at Astarion’s lips and he quickly shoved it back down. He did not think this was cute, not in any fashion. It was ridiculous and childish and wholly unprofessional. This was a business arrangement, nothing more, and Wyll was not fulfilling his end of the bargain.
Instead, Astarion dragged his gaze over Wyll’s upper body, hoping his expression landed somewhere around disdain. “Just how ticklish are you?”
“I don’t– it doesn’t matter. Look, I don’t mind it, it’s fine, we can continue. You can get what you need and then we can both forget about this.”
Astarion raised an eyebrow, losing the battle with his smile once more – the blabbering was new, and rather disgustingly endearing. “Don’t mind it?” 
Wyll’s eyes widened, like a deer caught on the wrong end of a crossbow. Eugh, feelings. Astarion was going to be sick.
“I don’t–”
“That’s just a roundabout way of saying ‘I like it,’ if you ask me.” Astarion examined his nails, picking at a bit of dirt he found under them. “Then again, what do I know?”
Wyll didn’t answer, avoiding his gaze once more. Astarion hummed, giving him a moment to stew in it, before leaning over Wyll once more.
“Do try not to move too much,” Astarion cautioned, positioning himself over Wyll’s throat. “This might tickle.”
Wyll barely had a moment to suck in a startled breath before Astarion began his ministrations once more, though this time a bit more deliberately ticklish. Quiet giggles filled the air and though Astarion could hear Wyll’s feet shifting and kicking behind his back, Wyll was able to stay remarkably still even with the heightened sensation. It was just another way to distract Wyll, Astarion told himself, just so that the bite wasn’t too much for him to agree to come back. The smile on his face was because of his impending meal, it had nothing to do with the disgustingly adorable snorting laughter filling the night air.
This was a business arrangement. Nothing more.
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paper-n-ashes · 3 years
The Late Shift
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Characters: Paul Sevier x Female Reader
Words: 2k
Warnings/Tags: There’s actually none (I hope). I know. I’m surprised too.
Authors Note: This is so dumb. I’m aware. Look, I’ve been dealing with a horrendous writers block and shattered confidence and I made Paul Sevier gifs to ease my pain. It turned into this. I just wanted to try something a little cute and fluffy to get back into the swing of things. So... here it is.
It was going to be a long night.
Stuck on the Wednesday evening shift for the third time this month, you mindlessly fiddled with the pen in your hand. Twirling it between your fingers, your mind drifted away from the present moment, wondering why your boss seemed to dislike you so much to keep you here past 6pm in the middle of the week. He’d always been adamant this was prime selling time for this boutique suit store, with corporate clients needing to do their shopping outside of normal business hours.
You, however, knew keeping this place open was senseless, barely seeing more than a few unenthusiastic customers in these agonizingly slow stretches. Working on commission also made you all the more bitter about being paid minimum wage to stand behind a counter and doodle sketches of imaginary clients dressed in the outfits you personally tailored. This isn’t where you thought a Bachelor of Arts in Fashion Design would take you, that’s for sure.
“H-hello,” you heard a deep voice quietly greet you, startling you into focus. “Are you busy? I… think I need a little help.”
Eyes flickering up from the notepad, you were sure your pupils blew wide at the sight of the man in front of you. Standing at an imposingly large height, his hair a severely murky shade of black, with honeyed irises shining brightly behind delicate spectacles.
A human personification of tall, dark and handsome. Well, except for the clothes.
The stranger wore the layered combination of a grey tweed jacket and argyle patterned sweater, arranged over a particularly heinous, mustard-coloured button up. While the ensemble made you internally cringe, it gave him an air of intelligence, like the kind that hangs around stuffy, old college professors who have more academic accolades than you have fingers and toes.
“Me?” you coughed out, knowing full well you were the only other person in this tiny little shop. “Uh, yeah. I mean- No, no I’m not busy. What is it you need help with?” Even when you stood, the man towered above you, making you silently begin to calculate the high-numbered measurements you’d need to fit him in something.
“I have an important meeting scheduled for Friday. You know, the type you need to wear a suit to?” Evidently the thought of it made him nervous, as you noticed his cheek twitch slightly, his eyes scanning momentarily at the garments filling the space. “I’m… uh… not so great with clothes.”
Clearly, you chuckled inside your head, holding the word from your tongue. “You want me to pick out something for you?”
He took a defeated breath, his mouth twisting into an awkward yet wonderfully endearing smile. “Would you mind? Only if it’s not too much trouble.”
“No trouble!” you burst, maybe a little too excitedly. “It’s my job!” Bounding out from behind the counter you’d been imprisoned by, you moved directly to the section of classic navy business suits. Slim line. Something to accentuate his well-built frame, rather than hide it away. You had to pause, swivelling back around to the dumbfounded man. “Is price an issue… uh…?”
“Paul,” he answered for you, slowly moving to where you stood. “And… I suppose not. Probably should spend the money on something that will last. If you think it’s a good idea.”
Oh thank god, you mused without showing the relief on your face. He’s not some rich asshole trying to flash his cash. “A good suit can last you five years, if you treat it right.” Your hand reached over to graze one of the deepened blue sleeves of a jacket at your left. “And a classic colour will never go out of style.”
Paul let out an embarrassed chuckle. “I think you’ve already noticed how lacking in style I am…” He glanced to your nametag, murmuring your name with a goofy smirk curling his lips. You’d never seen a grown man, especially not one of this stature, appear so adorable. It was horribly distracting.
“I’m sure you have expertise in other areas,” you stumbled, realizing only when the words came out how offensive they might seem. Yet Paul conceded to your comment, his rumbling laugh making your chest feel tight.
“Debatable,” he shrugged. “I’m just glad I found some qualified personnel to help me in this instance.”
Oh boy. Humble and charming? You were in so much trouble. Surely someone as sweet as this had another waiting for them at home. “I’m sure your partner could help you pick out something nice too.”
“Not an option in my case.”
Shit. Single too. You were truly fucked.
You turned, trying to calm your erratic heartbeat by focusing on finding an outfit that would contain his longer limbs. Plucking out a matching jacket and trouser set, with an ivory, collared button-up, you offered them to Paul, his features having melted into a sweetened look of intrigue. “Go and try these on. There’s a changeroom just behind the counter. See how they feel, and we can go from there.”
He nodded, taking the pieces with both of his large hands and shuffling away to where you’d pointed to. No sooner than the latch had locked were you dashing to where your phone was sitting at the register, flitting out a rushed text message to your favourite co-worker.
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There was rustling you heard emanating from the changeroom stall, doing your best to ignore the urge of picturing Paul, a man you’d met only minutes ago, gradually slipping off his clothes to reveal the toned muscles underneath. You grimaced at yourself, shaking your head to banish the imaginations. God this was unprofessional.
Finally, a response lit up on your phone screen.
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You laughed softly through your nose, about to type a reply when you heard the lock click open again. The breath in your lungs was stuck as Paul made his way out, the expensive textiles draping over his burly frame in a way that made your whole body tense.
He rustled a hand through his hair, looking up to you while fidgeting with the starchy material stretched over his chest. “Does it look okay?”
After all these years working this job, the enticing novelty of attractive men in well-fitted suits had slowly worn off, especially when most of them treated you with about as much respect as the used gum they spit out onto the sidewalk. Suddenly, all those preconceived notions were gone. On Paul, this ensemble instantly became the most captivating thing in the entire universe.
The inside of your mouth flooded with saliva, having to swallow hard before speaking again. “Great… it looks… great.” You did your best to conceal a settling exhale. “What do you think? How does it feel?”
Paul shifted to look at his reflection in the mirror, pupils trailing up and down, flexing his limbs in an attempt to get a proper impression of the new apparel. “It feels really good. Makes me look… sophisticated.” He turned to you, his expression unsure. “Right?”
Your smile was sparkling, nodding to his question. There was a small amount of work to do, noting how in your effort to make sure everything complemented his physique, you’d oversized him. The waistline of the jacket needed to be taken in, the shoulder lines sitting slightly off, and the trouser length needing to be taken up slightly. “A couple of adjustments and it’ll be perfect.”
“You mean taking it to be tailored?”
“No need.” You pulled out the wheel of berry pins from your pocket, kneeling down on the floor next to Paul’s feet. “All our tailoring is included in the price. Done completely in house.” You began to fold the bottom edge of his pants, pinning it to an adequate length. “I can have it ready for you tomorrow, all ready for your Friday meeting.”
“You do all the tailoring yourself?” Paul asked as you slinked another pin through the fabric.
“Sure do,” you chirped, moving onto the other leg. “3 years at a design school taught me a few things about cutting and sewing.” With the hemlines in place, you straightened in front of him, plucking out a roll of measuring tape from your other pocket. “I just… need to take a few measurements to properly alter the jacket.”
His cheek twitched, the line of his jaw seeming somewhat strained. “Sure. F-fine. Do what you gotta do."
You went with determining his arm length first, feeling out the boney point of his shoulder and striping the lined tape all the way down to his wrist. Then, after taking a deep inhale, you curled your arms around his hips, focusing hard on the little black numbers to ignore the fact Paul’s breath had started to skate over your skin with this close proximity. It was when you were lining up the thickened stripes indicating his chest circumference that you made the mistake of peering up, finding his alluring stare fully concentrated on you.
There was a moment. A spark to waiting kindling. Where impulse could have led you to do a dangerous thing. You’d never been the hasty type, never acted without considerable thought. Usually so shy and composed, never making the first move. Although right now, you could scarcely hold yourself back, desperate to know the sensation of Paul’s lips, how they’d move over yours, what they tasted like.
No. This was so inappropriate.
The compulsion was about to wither away when you felt a hand skim up your waist, the lightened touch shooting a thrill over your skin.
“Excuse me,” a gruff voice called from your side. “How much are these dress socks?”
You immediately stepped back, smacked into reality again. “$12.99. Exactly what it says on the box.”
The older gentlemen scrutinized the packaging, lids narrowed until he finally saw the numbers plastered at the border. “Oh, right. Eh, a little expensive for my taste. Thanks anyway.”
Flustered, you began to coil the measuring tape into its resting spiral, forcefully glaring at the floor. “I’m all done. You can get dressed into your own clothes now.”
In your periphery you saw Paul regarding you with a gentle nod, walking back into the changeroom without another word. Every part of you wanted to sink beneath the wooden floorboards, so horrendously embarrassed you could feel a smoldering heat prickle at your cheeks. Only to relieve some of the nervous energy, you ran to your phone.
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Again, Paul was exiting out of the stall just as you were going to submit your reply, placing the neatly arranged garments over the counter. It was difficult to look directly at him, having to summon all remaining shards of your courage to drift your eyes up to his face. “Was there anything else you needed?”
His mouth parted, only to quickly snap shut, scratching at his hairline in the seconds it took for him to give you a response. “No. Nothing else. Unless there’s something more you think I need.”
You shook your head, wishing you could give another answer just to keep him here. “You’re all set.” The full price of his items flashed on the monitor in front of you, spouting it to him as your fingers flicked across the keyboard to finalize the purchase, with a personal discount that wouldn’t show on the receipt.
“When should I come by to pick it up?” he queried, passing you his credit card. “Oh, but there’s no pressure. Whenever you have the time is just fine.”
An idea flared. “If you give me your number, I can text you when it’s ready.”
“That works for me.”
Erasing all evidence of the conversation you’d been having, you brought up the number pad, handing your phone over. Paul swiftly typed in his details before placing it back in your palm. ‘Paul the Suit Guy’ the contact read, unable to stifle your laugh.  
“So I’ll see you tomorrow?” His eager expression made your heart quiver through a beat.
“Y-yeah,” you stammered. “I’ll see you then.”
Paul waved his hand in an awkward flourish to signal his goodbye, eventually moving far enough from your vision for you to finally take a full, relaxed breath. In a dazed hurry, you keyed in your returning message to your co-worker.
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It was the precise moment your thumb had pressed into the ‘Send’ button that you realised your recipient wasn’t the one you’d intended.
You’d sent this message straight to Paul.
Fuck. Oh fuck. This was bad.
While you were scrambling to formulate a believable excuse, a new message popped up onto the screen.
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Tags for my lovelies who might tolerate this nonsense: @tlcwrites @roanniom @princessxkenobi @hopeamarsu @blowthatpieceofjunk @mariesackler @leatherboundriot @foxilayde @modernpaw @cornmousequeen @direnightshade @safarigirlsp @blackberries45 @mylifeisactuallyamess @caillea @jynzandtonic @beskarbabs​
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joheun-saram · 4 years
January Rain (jjk)
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word count- 1.5k
pairing- ceo!Jungkook x secretary!Reader
rating- PG
genre- angst, fluff
warnings- none! :)
an- for the cute 🍒anon! I hope you like it!
You looked at the email your boss’s mother had sent you and felt a shiver run down your spine. You knew what you had with Jungkook was too good to last. It was a cliche really, the secretary sleeping with the CEO, but every time he looked at you, it was like you forgot your own name. The way his big doe eyes traced your features right before he devoured you, or the way he called you in his office for some paperwork, when really he just wanted to kiss you silly.
I'm not sure if Jungkook mentioned this to you yet, but can you please check when he is available for his date with Jisoo. Any time from Wed to Fri would work.
As you reread the email asking you to set a time for a date with his fiancee, you knew starting something with the handsome man across from you was a mistake. You would never be able to call him yours, never be able to hold his hand in public, and the thought made your eyes sting. Looking through his calendar, you did your job, quietly resolving to no longer fall for his charms. There was a reason he made the number of deals that he did, he was great at getting his way, but that would no longer be the case with you.
It was when you added the event in his calendar that he called your name. He was settled behind a large desk, the dark oak a contrast to the light cedar of the cabin. He had rented the chalet for the weekend, wanting a getaway to work on the new expansion proposal for the board. It was an added bonus that the large cottage came with a room with a king-sized bed and a hot tub on the back patio. Initially, you were looking forward to spending the weekend tangled up in the sheets with your boss, but the sound of your name on his lips just irritated you now.
He called you twice before you graced him with a glance in his direction.
"Why did you send me this?" He asked, eyes narrowed in your direction and jaw set. He seemed annoyed. Good.
"Your mother emailed me. I'm just doing my job," you replied with a huff, rolling your eyes at his demeanor as he sighed.
"Come here, baby." Jungkook spoke softly as he rolled his chair away from his desk, tapping his lap in an invitation. An invitation you would've jumped at a mere twenty minutes ago, but now it just caused frustration and hurt to bloom in your chest.
"I'm sorry. I think that would be unprofessional, sir." You remained straight-faced, averting your eyes towards your laptop as you continued to work through his emails and schedule for the week. He scoffed, turning to his true-tried method of humour to lighten the mood.
“Come on. I dare you.” He smirked, moving around his desk to lean against it, arms open, expecting you to grumble but make your way to him as usual. But you avoided looking at him, your full attention on your work, as you tried to pretend he wasn’t even in the room. In the attempt to shield your feelings, you missed the look of hurt that clouded his features as he lost his earlier confidence and fidgeted with the many documents strewn across his desk.
"Baby, look at me. Please?" Jungkook pleaded, the pout on his face evident through his voice. You couldn't look at him even if you tried, you knew the effect he had on you. It was the same adorable pout that had made you give him your heart the first time he aimed it at you. It was your kryptonite. The way he would be extremely polite and professional to all your colleagues but turn into a puppy whenever the two of you were alone. It was something that made you want him more, deluded you into thinking that he was only this open in front of you. But clearly, his change in character wasn't as special as you thought.
Ignoring his request, you swiftly stood from your seat on the couch, walking firmly to the main door into the cold rain outside. The freezing raindrops pelted your skin, making goosebumps rise in their wake as your teeth chattered. Although you had forgotten your coat in your haste to remove yourself from the situation, you didn't regret it one bit. You welcomed the chill, letting it cool you to the bone as you walked away from the fancy chalet. You didn't care that you would inevitably have to go inside in a few minutes and that you would also probably get a headache from the way the almost frozen droplets pelted your head.
Before you could walk too long though, you felt a pair of strong arms encircle you, the warmth of a firm chest molding to your back like a comfortable blanket.
"You're going to get sick," Jungkook murmured in your ear, his grip tight around your waist, as you tried not to give into him yet again.
"Stop worrying about me. You have Jisoo." You tried to push him off you, but his strength outmatched you by miles as he clung to your back, the two of you drenched and shivering.
"I don't want Jisoo. I want you." He whispered, his voice barely audible over the sound of the rain. His words sent the butterflies in your belly a flutter, but your brain refused to let them win. You shoved him off you, turning around to stare at him. 
His hair was in his eyes, the black curls obstructing his eyes, as he shook his head to see you clearer. He was drenched, his white shirt almost invisible, highlighting the contours of his body. He moved closer, rubbing his hands on your arms in an attempt to warm you up, but despite the way he looked at you softly, you shrugged him off once again.
"So what? You're gonna break off your engagement and run away with me?" you questioned, arms folded as your gaze hardened.
"Absolutely." There was no hint of hesitation in his eyes, and his determination broke down your defenses. Before you knew it you were staring at the ground, willing the tears to go away. You were never more thankful to have the rain soaking you through.
"Don't do this to me. I can't take this anymore," you spoke quietly, unsure if he could even hear you.
"Do what? I told you I don't want her. I want you." Jungkook held your arms, bending a little to make the eye contact you were so adamant in avoiding.
"But your mom -" Jungkook scoffed, cutting you off. His hands cupped your face as he tried to pour as much of his feelings through his gaze as he could, his warm chocolate eyes entrancing you like they always did. 
"Do you think I care? I did my part, took over the company like a good little boy. I'm not going to let her control me anymore." His gaze hardened as he spoke and it reminded you of your resolve. Even though he was determined right now, you knew Jungkook. Knew that he would always pick his mom over anyone else, knew that he would never want to disappoint her. And above all, you knew that she would never accept you. 
"Jungkook, I think it's best if we end this." And although your words spoke differently, you moved closer to him, your hands over his arms as you held on like he would let go. 
"No. How can it be best if I can't be with the woman I love?" His forehead met yours as he confessed and your heart felt like it could explode. In the year you had been part of this fling, he had never told you he loved you. Jungkook wasn’t one for words, he would instead buy you extravagant gifts and take you travelling. You had always hoped he felt what you did but you never thought you’d hear those words escape his lips.
"Love?" you asked in a daze, your resolve falling like crumbs to the wayside. Jungkook smiled at your confusion as if it was the most endearing thing in the world. His nose scrunched a little as it grazed yours and he giggled.
"I love you." 
You couldn’t stop yourself from crashing your lips to his. How could you, when the man you had been in love with for years finally spoke like he had in your dreams. His kiss warmed you up, making you forget about the rain still pelting from above and the chill in your bones. His arms encircled your waist once again, pulling you close, chest to chest, as yours found home around his neck. Kissing him was so easy, it was like your body was finally at peace in his arms.
"Tell me you love me too. Please?" He pleaded when you finally broke for air and the uncertainty in his voice made you want to do anything in your power to assure him.
"I love you. I love you. I love you." You kissed him with every confession, your heart finally being allowed to pour through your actions. 
You didn’t remember how long the two of you stood kissing in the cold January rain, but it was worth the stuffy noses and headaches that plagued you both for a week afterward. 
Like this? Check out my other works.
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fandom-blackhole · 3 years
AN: So there are only two thots this week, unfortunately I have been a little busy with getting things ready for school next fall, as well as the new job I got for this summer. But I hope you like what I do have!
Sinful Sunday Masterlist
Pairings: Ezra (Prospect) x Reader, Captain Rex (Rebels) x Reader
Ezra (Prospect) x Reader
We got another Ezra thot this week, because this man live in my head rent free, and because I've been thinking waaaaaayyyyy too much about this senerio......
When Ezra and Cee got off the Green they were both rushed to the medical wing of the station based off of the injuries of Ezra alone. Cee had been cleared of serious injuries but had been given plenty of fluids and food as she was dehydrated and very clearly hungry as well as sent to spend at least a single night in the room that was pumped with the cleanest air on the station to help cleanse her lungs from being down on the poisonous moon. Ezra on the other hand had been rushed to surgery for both his arm, or the lack of, and the wound in his stomach. The medical staff worked on him for hours cleaning his wounds and suturing him up correctly. He also was stuck into the room with Cee because it was obvious his lungs were riddled with spores from the moon. The staff had also decided that a medically induced coma would be best for Ezra’s recovery, and they would bring him out of it once he was doing better. Cee stuck by Ezra’s side, always quiet and only giving short answers when asked question. Ezra stayed in the coma for about a month before they gradually started waking him up. That is when you had been assigned to help. You were sort of a care taker, physical therapist, and regular therapist rolled in one, it was your job to help those who had been injured terribly get back on to their feet.
You had started by coming into the room one day and introducing yourself to the pair. Ezra who was still woozy from the sleep he had just woken from, but he still managed to give, what you soon found to be his signature smirk that made him look like he held everything you ever wanted or ever would want. That smirk also made his eyes gleam with a certain deviousness that never failed to make you feel as if he was planning something nefarious. Cee had taken a bit to warm up to you, but once she did you were immediately endeared to the girl, who very obviously had a rough childhood. You watched over the two for about a month before the hospital made the decision to release the two to be watched over planet side.
Because of the severity of Ezra’s injuries, the three if you were sent to the nearest planet to a house where the two could get better. You of course were given your own apartment to sleep in, but it was on the completely opposite side of the town you all had been sent to. The first weeks of being there, you came and went from your apartment at odd hours, usually murderous early in the mornings and nauseous late at night. Ezra constantly apologized for his odd sleeping habits, but you always just smiled and told him it was nothing you were worried about, and that it was your job. And you did enjoy spending time with Ezra, he could be morose sometimes, but for the most part he always managed to make you smile with his words or stories. Not to mention watching him and Cee interact always warmed your heart as well as give you a few laughs.
But eventually the odd hours started getting to you and Ezra was keen to notice the dark circles forming under your eyes and the many yawns you had throughout the day. What finally broke Ezra was when one day, while he had his daily reading time in the afternoon, he had been shaken from his flow because of your head falling to his shoulder and feeling your soft breaths. He turned to find you asleep peacefully on his shoulder. When you had woken up hours later you had tried to apologize, but Ezra only hushed you and told you to move in with the two of them. You tried to protest saying it was unprofessional, but Ezra wouldn't have any of it.
After you moved in with them things both became easier and harder for you. Easier in the sense that you got more sleep and it improved your overall mood, but worse because the small feelings you had developed for Ezra has completely taken over your thoughts. And you weren't completely sure it was just you feeling these things. You often would feel Ezra’s eyes follow you, only to find him turning away when you glanced towards him. The tension continued to grow a mind grow until one night it boiled over.
It was late and Cee had been in bed for a couple of hours. The two of you had just been talking about this and that and slowly you found yourself moving closer and closer to Ezra, and then slowly the conversation trailed off, and the two of you just stared at eachother. You weren't sure who moved first but you soon found yourself caught in a sweet kiss with Ezra as he cradled your face in his hand.
You weren't sure how but that night you both ended up falling asleep on the couch, you cuddled into Ezra’s lap with your heads buried in eachother's neck.
Rebels!Captain Rex x Reader
Call me whatever you want but Grandpa Rex still owns my heart and thots so, here's this.....
When you reunited with Rex it was when the Rebels had all settled down together and made a base on Chopper Base. You hadn't seen him since the end of clone cars, and had always assumed the worst. But the second you rounded a corner and saw the blue and white armor and helmet under his arm, you knew this was Rex. He may have been missing his blond buzzcut and be thicker around the edges, but he was still handsome and perfect. With tears in your eyes you took off running towards where he was having a conversation with Hera. Though the second you yelled his name, he had whipped around to see you not slowing down for anything. He braced himself and when you got close enough you jumped into his arms and buried your face in his neck with a sob. The two of you held eachother tightly, before Rex pulled back to look at you. The two of you watched eachother for a few minutes before Rex spoke up, "You're still as beautiful as you were during the war." You felt his hand raise to cup your face and as you leaned into it, you told him, "And you, Rex, have aged like the finest whiskey." Rex only chuckled and shook his head before leaning down and giving you a sweet kiss. Then you both heard a small cough and turned to find a very amused Hera. Rex blushed and apologized, but Hera just shook her head and told Rex to take the rest of the day to spend time with you. You smiled and thanked her, before she turned and left.
The two of you spent the rest of the evening talking about what had happened after the war, all the while holding each other close and tightly like if they let go, then the other might disappear. The kisses were also frequent, and often interrupted whoever was talking. You weren't sure how late it was, but the two of you had some how ended up in Rex's room, cuddled up on his bed. Rex had your hand and was playing with your fingers as you talked, but you found yourself trailing off and scooting closer to Rex. He looked at you with a smile as you leaned in for another kiss, but this kiss got deeper and more passionate than the others had been. And by the time you pulled away for air, You were straddling Rex's lap. He cautiously put his hands on your hips. You looked into his eyes at his hesitation to find him just staring straight forward before he spoke up quietly, "I, um, cyare, I don't look the way I used to...... so I-" "Do you not want to have sex with me Rex?" His eyes jumped up to yours shocked before he rushed out, "Of course I do, I have never wanting anything than to be with you again in this moment." "Then whats the problem? Because from what I can see right now you are still as sexy as the first time I laid eyes on you." Rex only blushes again and looks down, before you grab the sides of his face and force him to look into your eyes as you smile deviously and ask innocently,"Or is it because a certain part of you doesn't work quite right anymore?" Rex's demeanor changed instantly and he growled flipping you over face down onto the bed and pinned your hands down as he ground his hips into yours and you could only moan at the very prominent buldge, as Rex mutter, "I'll show you just how well it still works, cyare." He managed to strip you both down in record time, before you felt the head of his cock nudge that your entrance and you could only moan and try and push back onto him. Rex grabbed your hips to steady them before he pushed in as slowly as he possibly could, savoring the feeling of your walls gripping him tightly again after all these years. When he bottomed out, both of you moaned and you couldn't help but clench around him at how full you felt, and wiggle your ass trying to get him to move. After a few seconds he did, pulling out slowly before slamming back into you and immediately hitting that spot inside of you that only he could ever reach. Rex repeated this over and over until you were a whiny mess and you were begging him to go faster. But rather than change his pace, Rex only pulled you up so your back was to his chest and as his pace stayed the same he reached around and pressed against your throbbing clit telling you, "Come one baby, I need you to cum around my cock..... I, kriff, I wanna feel yo-ou cum around me before I let go...Kri-iff please baby I'm so close." You could only roll yours eyes back as the pleasure of your orgasm instantly hit you as you heard Rex beg for you to cum. Only then did Rex curse and speed up his pace to something quicker and sloppy, and his pace did nothing but my your oversensitive walls hug his cock tighter, before with a low grunt Rex buried himself completely inside of you and you felt his cum fill you more than you already were.
After catching his breath, Rex pulled out and laid onto the bed pulling you on to his chest. You both laid there for a few minutes, you tracing you finger on his chest as you listened to his hear beat. Then you felt his cum start to seep out of you and you cringed and started to get up, only to be stopped by Rex's arms pulling you back down. "Where are you going cyare?" "I was just gonna get something to clean myself up with. I'll be right back i promise." This time as you started to move, Rex flipped you onto your back and said, "Who said we were done? I have lost time to make up for, cyare..." And when you felt his fully hard cock press into you again, you knew you were in for a L O N G but pleasure filled night.
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
"Black Magic" *Part 5*
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Heyyy ladies and gents, I might go out later but I'm gonna post a FEW chapters tonight, see if I can get them edited fast enough. I want to try and do a "day" a chapter, if you know what I mean.
Also- Really?! No one said anything about the Raul reference?! Was it too cheesy? Also there was a Charmed reference in there if you missed it.
Part 6
Part 4
Tag List:
You couldn't wait to get to work the next day. You rushed through the lobby and bounded into Rafael's office. He was standing there talking to Liv. Oh god. They both turned and stared at your dramatic entrance.
"Uh….Y/N, are you ok?" Rafael asked you with a bit of concern in his tone.
"Oh yeah no I'm fine Rafa," you nervously smiled, and to your horror his face became even more confused.
"I'm sorry, did you just call me Rafa?" He raised an eyebrow, glancing at Liv, who had a triumphant smile on her face. He didn't remember. It was over.
"I knew it…" she whispered with a smirk.
"Knew what?" Rafael turned to her
"....I knew she'd try to get friendly with you, she's had a crush on you forever," Olivia quickly came up with a diabolical plan on the spot. Your face fell, you felt yourself turning pale as he turned back to you.
“Is that true, Y/N?” He asked you point blank.
"I...I…" you stammered, unable to think of how to get out of this situation. Then you saw his thermos.
"I'll get your morning coffee, boss," you went and grabbed the thermos off his desk, then hurried out the door, slamming it behind you. You tried desperately not to cry as you headed down to the break room.
"Liv that was a little harsh," Rafael gave her a look, nothing the evil smile she had.
"What? She was being insubordinate! Calling you Rafa like that…"
"Right because only you can call me that," He smirked.
"Well I'm the only one who does," she pointed out. "And we're so close, she must have thought of she stated calling you that maybe you'd fall for her.”
"...you're nutty you know that?” He shook his head with a laugh.
“But you love me anyway,”. She gave him a tongued smiled.
"I do," he chuckled, gripping her hands .
In the break room you tried to calm yourself down before going back up to Rafael’s office. You focused on what Chloe has said last night. He was already in love with you. You just had to draw it out
That was going to be exceptionally difficult now that Olivia knew you had done something. She's never gonna leave you alone with him. No she has to. I mean what is she gonna do, stay in his office all day? You'd just wait until she left. You filled his coffee and returned to his office this time knocking before you went in.
“Come in,” You heard him call through the door. You went in to see Liv had left. You looked up at the sky and mouthed a “THANK YOU.”.
"Here you are Mr. Barba." You handed him the coffee nervously.
"....Y'know I kind of liked it when you called me Rafa, Y/N." He gave you a smile. But not the normal office smile you were so used to...it was a smile you had only seen yesterday. Maybe….
"Oh. Um, yeah sure ok ...Rafa," you smiled back.
"I'm sorry I haven't said it before. I guess I shouldn't be so…"
"Snobbish," you chuckled remembering yesterday. Then suddenly remembered HE didn't remember yesterday. You looked at his once again stunned face, and you once again slapped your hands over your mouth.
"Oh god I am so--” You started to apologize, but to your relief he slowly started chucking that soon turned into a full laugh.
"Yeah, something like that." He shook his head while still laughing. He looked at you, catching your glance. He stopped laughing and just stared at you for a long moment.
I need you to remember today….
"...Do I have something on my face?" You started to rub your face embarrassed.
"No, I just…." He narrowed his eyes, inspecting your face as if he was trying to recall something. "I think I...I had a dream about you last night,"
You blushed, your heart fluttered. This was it, it was happening. It was really happening
"A good dream, I hope," you joked, trying to keep calm.
"The best," he smiled dreamily. Your face lit up, was it REALLY happening? Right now?
"Rafa, I--" You started to go for it.
"I'm sorry I don't know why I said it like that," he shook his head with a laugh. "I'm sure it was nice though,"
Nope. Not now.
"Right, I'm sure," you smiled, trying to hide the fact that you were dying inside.
"Are you okay?" He was actually paying enough attention to you to realize you were faking it
"What...yeah no I'm fine," you lied. "I just um, I didn't sleep well last night,"
"Oh. Well, feel free to make yourself something from my machine," he offered. He had never offered that before, his machine was too precious and too expensive to waste on anyone else.
"...Seriously? But that thing is your baby," You asked him astonished.
"...Something tells me I've been too focused on my 'things' lately," He chuckled.
"Oh well thank you sir,"
"Rafa carino, por favor," he said nonchalantly, then immediately stopped and looked at his desk in shock that those words fell out of his mouth so easily. You started at him equally shocked. Maybe this would be easier than you thought. You decided to run with it, maybe prodding more memories
"What's that mean?" You quickly asked. He stared at you for a second, still trying to figure out why he had called you that.
"It um--," he cleared his throat nervously. "Nothing," he lied. "It's just a word like amigo or kid"
Your face scrunched. Why would he lie? This is it. This is why you didn't know before. He's been trying to hide it!!!!!
"No it doesn't," You challenged him. What were you doing?! Was it totally smart to provoke him like this? What if he fired you?
"I'm sorry?” He asked, stunned.
“It means honey or sweetie, it's a term of endearment," You spit back the explanation he gave you yesterday.
“How do you know that…?” He was beyond suspicious.
How indeed. You raced your brain trying to think of a plausible reason.
“My best friend is Latina. She calls me that all the time,” You lied. Well, kind of lied. Chloe was Latina and spoke spanish, but she had never called you carino.
“….Then why did you ask me what it meant?” He kept suspicions.
“I wanted to see if you'd admit it,” You smirked at him. He was shocked. You had never been so informal with him, so bold, so snarky.
“….What has gotten into you, Miss y/l/n?” He suddenly asked you in a very “boss” like voice. Shit. He was pulling rank on you. You pushed too far.
"I…" Your smirk fell, your voice fell soft.
"That must have been some shit sleep you got. I suggest you go get caffeinated, compose yourself and come back more professional," He spat.
“...Y-yes sir.” You bolted out of the office.
As soon as you were gone, Rafael began to pace in his office. Why had he called you that? And so casually and easily? He was usually so careful about showing you any kind of favoritism or affection, it was highly unprofessional. And besides, you were too young for him. He couldn't be like a kid with a crush.
After you came back you both kept quiet and professional. Exchanging only pleasantries and things, Both lost in your own insecurities and feelings. Finally at the end of the day you went into his office quietly .
“Well if you didn't need anything else sir, I'm going to take off.,” You said meekly.
“Y/N wait,” he got up and walked up to you. "I'm sorry about this morning, I misspoke and I shouldn't have taken it out on you,”
“Oh.” You weren't thrilled that he stuck to his denial of feelings, but at least he was chill again
“Oh it's fine,” you talked nervously.” I should have never been so flippant,”
“No no, actually it was quite refreshing,” he smiled. “You're usually so quiet and timid, I like this side of you,” He stroked your hair, then instantly realized what he was doing and stepped back. What was happening?!
“Ahem so I’ll see you--” He started to say goodbye, but he noticed a penguin charm you had dangling off your phone in your hand.
“Penguins,” He whispered.
“I’m sorry?” Your heart fluttered again.
“I love penguins,” He just said softly, almost as if in a trance.
“I know,” You went for it again.
“What? How do you know that?” The moment fleeted again, his memory long gone.
“Oh um,” You bit your lip. “I mean, who doesn’t love penguins? They’re adorable,”
“Indeed,” He nodded with a smile. “Always so dapper in their--
“Tuxedos,” You finished his thought. He stared at you in shock for the fiftieth time that day, but once again it flushed into a beautiful smile.
“Right,” He nodded again, still smiling.
"I'll see you tomorrow, Rafa," You smiled, a genuine flirty smile. At this rate you'd be right back where you were yesterday in no time.
Rafael just stood staring at the door after you left. What were you doing to him?
As he walked out of his office, Olivia met him at the door, holding a cup of coffee.
"An apology latte," she smiled apologetically.
"I should get mad at you more often," he chuckled, taking and sipping the latte. He made a face.
"What?" Olivia's face turned to panic.
"Nothing, just kind of a weird aftertaste," he shrugged.
"Oh maybe they decaff’d you," she laughed nervously.
“Maybe…” He stared at the cup suspiciously.
“How about dinner? On me?” She offered, hoping to distract him.
“Sure….” He shook off his suspicion and smiled at her.
They walked arm in arm, Rafael was oblivious to the evil smile crawling across Olivia's lips.
You went home floating on cloud nine. When you walked in the door Chloe was folding her laundry. When she saw you she smiled hugely at the door.
“So.. how did it go?” She grabbed your hand and pulled you to your couch.
“It was amazing. He didn't remember yesterday, but I think he has some idea of what happened. And I think it's drawing his feelings out!!” You clapped your hands together wildly.
“Girl that's awesome!” She giggled. “Well tomorrow you'll just have to look amazing. See if you can draw more out,” She grinned.
You went to bed feeling more hopeful than you had in a long time.
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moon-light-jukebox · 4 years
“All you have to do is ask.” Chapter 1 [Reid x Reader]
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Summary: After the BAU consults on a case with BDSM elements relating to femdom, Dr. Spencer Reid has some questions for Reader, who seemed to know just a little too much. Reader is willing to tell the good doctor anything, all he has to do is ask.
Pairing: Spencer Reid / (Female) Reader
Rating: Mature (not all chapters contain smut, those that do will be marked)
Category: Smut, fluff, and a bit of angst.
Word Count: 1.5k for Chapter 1 
Content Warning: Talk of BDSM themes in Chapter 1. No smut until Chapter 3.
A/n: Here it is, the beast that made me start writing again. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it.
y/n = your name
y/l/n = your last name
italicized text are Reader’s inner thoughts.
-- Chapter 1: “If you have something to say, just say it, Doc.” –
“Guys,” I called back to the team, attempting to keep my voice even. “I think we need to rethink our profile.”
Turning my head, I saw Derek Morgan’s eyebrows raise slightly, disbelief evident on his face. “Alright, how do you figure?”
“Nothing about the unsub being a man fits,” I began. “Garcia has been over every single inch of their lives and she can’t find any shred of evidence that any of our victims were gay.”
“It’s not uncommon for most men that are closeted to be deeply private,” Prentiss chimed in.
I shook my head, turning my body to face the team as they sat around the table. "I could buy that if it was one victim. But all 4? All so in the closet and so careful that Garcia couldn't find anything?" Derek made a noise of agreement, having the utmost faith in his girl, always. "Think about it, we haven't been able to find any DNA on any of the vics. We found semen on their chest and stomach, but it was always their own. And the M.E. found signs of lubricant and latex in their…” I waved my hand widely, gesturing at nothing in particular. I was comfortable with the team, I really was. But I really didn’t want to say, ‘the M.E. said they’d been pounded recently,’ in front of my unit chef.
Clearing my throat, I continued. “There was no DNA. A condom could explain the latex that was found, but that doesn't fit either based on the chemical breakdown of the lube." I took a breath, steeling myself, and schooling my face so I gave nothing away. "The men all fit the same physical type. They're all alpha males, dark hair, mid-30’s, attractive…It’s not uncommon for men in high power jobs to be submissive in the bedroom. They want to give up that control.”
“…So, you think that our unsub is a female? And that these men wanted her to…” the pretty boy’s voice faltered as I turned my eyes towards him. The tips of his ears went a little pink as he cleared his throat. It was probably wrong of me to find his discomfort so attractive and endearing.
“I think they wanted a woman to dominate them,” I finished for him.
Aaron Hotchner, the BAU’s unit chef, frowned; his usual scowl shifting into a more thoughtful scowl. “So, you think the unsub met these men, and they engaged in consensual sex with her.” It wasn’t a question; I could see the wheels turning in his mind. “She might be a part of the BDSM community, if so.”
I let out a small sigh of relief, thankful he’d brought up that point, so I didn't have to. Keeping a secret in a room full of profilers was difficult enough. I was afraid if I seemed too knowledgeable about this they’d begin to suspect something.
I wasn't surprised when they ever-present voice of reason and doubt piped up. "Okay, maybe," Derek said, his mouth open slightly, his tongue pressed behind his front teeth as he thought. "But what about the messages Garcia found? The third victim was having a sexual exchange over text message. He called the unsub "daddy.”
I scoffed, “You think only men can be called daddy?” Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Reid’s head snap up and looked at me curiously. Fuck.
Morgan continued. “Well, little missy, have you ever been called daddy?” I don’t know if it was the condescending tone when he said it, or the tiny laugh that left him right afterward that made me be so honest in my answer.
“Yes, Morgan. I have. More than once.”
Derek looked bewildered for a second before he smirked, Prentiss tried to hide her smile behind her hand, Hotch looked at me unflinchingly, as if nothing surprised him. I tried to keep my eyes trained on the 3 of them, but I couldn’t help myself, I had to look at him.
My eyes drifted over to the BAU's resident genius, our pretty boy, Dr. Spencer Reid. His eyes were wide as he stared at me, the apples of his cheeks stained pink. I saw his tongue poke out of the side of his mouth before he licked his full pink lips. He really was a pretty boy, with his angular cheekbones, permanently messy hair, and a jawline that could cut glass. I always found myself focusing on different parts of him. The tendons of his forearms, the veins that ran down to his hands; his hands were so big, his fingers were long. My mind would wander to how pretty they'd look gripping my bedsheets when I-
Stop. Focus.
Sweeping my gaze away from the pretty boy, I settled back on Hotch. He met my gaze evenly, not an ounce of surprise was present in those dark eyes. “Alright. Morgan, ask Garcia to look into the lives of the victims from this angle. Prentiss, when JJ gets back, I want you two to go re-interview the Johnson’s and the Wilson’s.” He swept his gaze back to the case board behind me. “Reid, you stay here and keep working on the geographic profile. Y/n,” his gaze seemed to bore into me. “You stay here with Morgan and explore this theory more. I’m going to go talk to the other two families again.”
He stood and the whole team sprang into action. I couldn’t focus on any of them though. My gaze kept coming back to Spencer Reid, with his warm brown eyes fixed on my face, his bottom lip trapped between his teeth.
All you have to do is ask, Dr. Reid, I thought to myself. I would show him anything he wanted if only he asked.  
I’m not sure how much time had passed; things began to move quickly after Garcia found BDSM pornography in all the victim’s internet search history that featured elements of femdom. Morgan and Prentiss had gone back to the bar the last victim was at the night he died. Hotch was speaking to the local police, telling them to be delicate with this information, no doubt. JJ had stepped into her old role, briefly, drafting a press release.
And here I was, staring at a case board in a conference room in bumfuck Nebraska, with a curious genius pretending not to watch me out of the corner of his eye.
“If you have something to say, just say it, Doc.”
His shoulder’s stiffened, uncomfortable that I had called him out so abruptly.
“W-why would you think I had something to say? I haven’t been able to narrow down the comfort zone any-“
I cut him off. “What you want to ask me isn’t about the case, Doc. Go ahead. We’re friends,” I couldn’t help the small smile that turned my lips upward. “You don’t need to be embarrassed with me.”
Spencer's fingers tapped against the file in his right hand; his posture shifted slightly as he turned from the map and faced me head-on. His eyes looked me up and down quickly before his tongue – that goddamn tongue- came out to wet his lips again. “How did you know all of that? The stuff you told Morgan, I mean. Or how the unsub was a woman?" His voice got stronger the longer he spoke, "Was this something you've seen before?"  
I smirked at him. He really was just too fucking cute. “I saw my fair share of things before I joined the BAU,” I began. “But no, Doc. That’s not how I knew.”
His brows drew together as a frown marred his pretty face. “You didn’t answer my question.”
“No, I didn’t, did I?” I couldn’t help myself. I tried, I really did, but I just couldn’t let this opportunity pass me by. I stalked towards him, my steps slow and purposeful. His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed nervously. He didn’t back up though, which was encouraging. I stopped in front of him, close enough that I could look into his eyes and see the tiny flecks of gold, close enough that if I turned and walked away my arm would brush him. But I wasn’t touching him. Not yet. I licked my lips before I spoke again, my voice much quieter, softer. “Ask me what you really want to know, Spencer.”
Maybe it was because I never used his name, maybe it was just his natural curiosity, but he was thrown off enough to ask me what he really wanted to know. “Have you done this before?”
I glanced around to make sure no one had walked into the room because what I was about to say was completely unprofessional, but I had to.
“Done what? Have I tied men to a bed? Have I blindfolded them while I touched them? Have I made them beg for me to fuck them?” Spencer’s mouth opened slightly, his breathing getting heavier as I went on. “Have I fucked them in their pretty little asses while I used my hands on their cocks until they were promising to do anything for me?”
I waited a beat, my face a mask of indifference; but Spencer was a profiler, he could tell I wasn’t indifferent. He gave a shaky nod of affirmation.  
Tilting my head to the side slightly, I let a smile spread over my face before I leaned closer to him, like I was sharing a secret.
“Yes, Dr. Reid, I have.”
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mrvltwimagines · 4 years
Just Another Day
SUMMARY: You had gotten too comfortable at your old job where no one noticed anything about you and didn’t think about how hard it would be to hide your ongoing secrets from your new coworkers.
WARNINGS: Domestic Abuse, Mentions of Anxiety
WORD COUNT: 4.4k (whew another long one, oopsies!)
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You knew with starting a new job that some of your secrets would shine through eventually. You were beyond grateful to have gotten this job, even if it was just retail. You had been struggling financially which had taken a toll on your mental health, so working again and knowing you have consistent paychecks coming your way was relieving.
Compared to your previous job, it only took the first day working at this new company to realize how bad you previously had it and how lucky you were to have landed this one. Your coworkers were all so nice, and while the customers you dealt with continuously acted like they were above you, that was just a part of working in retail.
Your anxiety was heightened during the first few days. You didn’t know anyone and you had to go through the constant motions of introducing yourself to anyone and everyone even though the very last thing you wanted to do was draw attention to yourself. The assistant store manager, Sebastian, was always checking in on you, even going as far as to ask how you were feeling mentally being thrown into such a large environment as the new person. You always responded that you were doing fine, but your anxiety was always creeping around the corner. You struggled with controlling your emotions at your previous job, always feeling so unprofessional and naive to cry or get upset when things got too much so you felt as if you needed to make a pact with yourself to not show as much emotion at this new job. 
You had noticed the pattern of male dominance throughout your new job. A lot of the women worked around the front end, leaving you to be one of the few working the floor with mainly men. You tried not to let your nerves show through each time you had to converse with some of the guys. You knew everyone here was going to be professional, but your guard was still up that one of them could act out.
The feeling of your phone continuously vibrating broke you out of your thoughts as you worked on the task at hand. You knew exactly who it was and fought the urge to roll your eyes, but even when you weren’t with him you didn’t do anything that would get you in trouble if you were in his eyesight. Taking a peek around you, you slyly pulled your phone out of your pocket, reading the texts from your boyfriend, most of them not being important but you knew the rule on texting back. Typing out a quick response with little commentary and answers to each of the texts, you slipped your phone back into your work vest.
“You doing alright over here?” you couldn’t help the small jump your body did out of habit while turning around with your hand over your chest. A small chuckle left Sebastian's mouth as he apologized for sneaking up on you. You could feel the heat rising to your face and neck, embarrassed at the thought of what he just witnessed.
“It’s fine, i’m doing fine,” you replied, nodding your head a bit towards what you were working on as if to prove that you were actually doing something productive, “I should easily be able to finish this all before i’m off today.”
“Oh good, thank you,” he smiled, “Just let me or Matthew know if you’re ever getting too overwhelmed and we’ll back off on giving you so many projects.”
“Oh trust me, compared to what i did at my last job, i am completely happy and not overwhelmed here, but thank you anyways.”
Your conversation lasted a few minutes longer before he had to run off to help out in another part of the store leaving you to get back to your task. 
The day flew by and before you knew it, it was the end of your last shift of your first week. You were overall ecstatic about working again and having such an easy going manager. The entire week went by so fast and luckily hasn’t added any more stress to your already stressful life. 
Waving goodbye to a few of your coworkers, you peeked into Sebastian’s office to see him and Matthew having a conversation. You were about to duck back out, but made eye contact with Matthew and he was quick to halt their conversation, waving you in.
“You heading out for the day?” he asked, a small smile gracing his face. 
Sebastian was the one who initially interviewed you for your job. He brought a comforting presence and was a huge reason why you felt it was a no brainer for you to take the job offer. Everyone else you talked to during the hiring process had nothing but kind things to say about him, and within the past week you understood and agreed with all the compliments that were laid upon him. Matthew was a manager you had met on your first day. You didn’t know what to expect out of him, other than the fact that Sebastian had referred to him as the peace making string bean. You initially laughed at that but upon meeting him, it was an incredibly fitting description. You felt no awkwardness or uncomfortableness around him, and thoroughly enjoyed the times you’ve gotten to work with him over the past week.
“Yeah, i’m sorry, i don’t mean to interrupt, i just wanted to wish you both a good weekend,” you retorted. You hadn’t felt much fear while working around all the men you do, but the possibility that either of them could be annoyed or upset that you just interrupted their conversation stuck in your head.
“No need to apologize, thank you, y/n,” Sebastian cut in, “You go have a great weekend, and we’ll see you bright and early on Monday, yeah?” You nodded, sending one last small wave before heading out of the office and the entire building altogether.  
Your smile faded and your nerves began to pick up on your drive home. You knew better than to talk about your new coworkers with your boyfriend, in fear that he’ll get upset that you spend so much time working with mainly other men. You used to find his jealousy endearing, thinking he was just worried to lose you, but it quickly grew tiring and left you feeling guilty and scared.
Your boyfriend had the tendency to not be able to control his anger. You’d been together for close to four years now, and about halfway through that something snapped in him and changed him for the worst. Any little thing could set him off, and while throwing verbal insults at you was his main technique, he has put his hands on you more than you’d like to admit. You felt so trapped and stupid for still being in love with him. You wanted to blame this all on a rough patch and that he was just stressed out, but it’s been a few years now and you’re worried that this is how it’ll always be. You didn’t have anyone else to turn to, and if you two broke up you didn’t know where you’d even go considering there’s no way you could afford to live on your own.
As you approached and parked near your apartment building, you quickly regain your composure and gave yourself a quick pep talk. You’ve got this, just put a smile on your face and hope he’s in a good mood. This weekend doesn’t have to be horrible.
* * *
By time Monday morning came around, more than half of your body was bruised and your confidence was at an all time low. The words your boyfriend yelled at you swam around in your brain, and the pain of the punches, slaps, and kicks he planted on you were felt over your entire body. He’d never been so ruthless when it came to his beatings before and you knew it was because you didn’t shut up about work and he had figured out about how much you work with other men. You just wanted to share how good things were going, but you should’ve known how fast doing that had the potential to upset him.
He had usually been careful to avoid your face, but this time there was a prominent black eye forming and no amount of makeup would cover it so you made sure you had an excuse to give to anyone who asks what happened. You dreaded the conversations that were bound to happen as you walked into work, your anxiety at an all time high at the thought of facing both Sebastian and Matthew. 
The day started off as good as it was going to get. Every time you bent over or extended your body too far you were reminded of every hit your body took. You felt your anger rising every time you winced or had to deeply exhale. Every time something like this happened you always questioned why you put yourself through it but always come back to the two answers: as horrible as it was, you still loved him. You had such good times together and sometimes he just got angry, and most of the time you could find the blame in yourself for making him angry. Also, you were stuck. Even if you didn’t love him anymore and were actively looking for an escape, you wouldn’t be able to afford anything on your own and you would have nowhere to go.
“Y/n?” You winced at Matthew’s voice behind you. You didn’t want to turn around, but you also knew that you would come off as rude and the last thing you wanted to do was make someone else mad.
“Goodmorning Matthew,” you offered back, slowly turning around to face him. You cringed at the look on his face and quickly avoided eye contact.
“I had a couple people inform me that you had a black eye so I wanted to check for myself and lo and behold you do. Are you okay?” He asks. You wanted to laugh at the question, but instinctually nodded.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” you quickly answered, “I was cleaning this weekend and slipped while mopping the kitchen. Fell right onto the corner of my counter,” you chuckled, hoping your lie sounded realistic. He eyed you for a second longer, not seeming to buy your excuse. You could feel your heart rate spike and habitually began playing with your nails. He looked down towards your movements before looking back up to make eye contact with you which you held for a few seconds before choosing to look anywhere but his eyes. You cursed at yourself for being so obvious, but you didn’t know how else to act in this situation.
“It looks like it hurts, do you need anything?” He continued. You shook your head no, already knowing you’ve taken enough ibuprofen for the day and even that wasn’t helping too much so you just have to work through the pain.
“I’m fine, promise.”
You could tell by his expression that he was uncomfortable with the conversation and that it clearly wasn’t going the way he wanted it too, but he seemed to let it go for now with a simple “let me know if you need anything, mine and sebastian’s doors are always open” to which you thanked him and turned back around to your task. You could feel his eyes linger on you for a second longer before he walked away. You let out a deep breath, leaning your forehead against the shelf in front of you. You knew you were a horrible liar. You had even practiced for conversations exactly like that and still you sucked at lying. It’s like you couldn’t do anything right.
With one last deep sigh you attempted to get back to work, but your mind wouldn’t stop replaying the conversation over in your head. You thought of all the ways it could’ve gone, and all the other things you could’ve said to seem less suspicious. You cursed at yourself for fucking up yet another thing. 
You avoided eye contact with any other coworkers, and customers after that. Keeping your head down was your best option to not bring any more attention to yourself. Your entire body ached, including the splitting headache that was starting to form from either thinking too hard, or the throbbing that was going on around your eye. Potentially both things at the same time.
You jumped a bit at the sound of your work walkie talkie going off in your pocket.
“Hey y/n, can you come to my office when you get a chance?” The familiar sound of Sebastian's voice rang through the area you stood in. Your heart dropped, the idea of being in a small room with a man not seeming like the best idea, but he was also your boss and you couldn’t just say no.
“Yeah, i’ll be there in just a minute,” you responded, quickly starting to clean up the little mess you had created in your work area before taking your sweet time walking to Sebastian’s office. You know it was ridiculous to even think that he was going to hurt you, but after the weekend you had it was going to take a bit of time to not be uncomfortable around anyone and everyone. 
The sound of both Matthew and Sebastian’s voice rang in your ears as you approached the office. You heard the last bit of what Matthew was saying and instantly had the urge to just run out of the building altogether. 
“I’m telling you Seb, this isn’t a slip-in-the-kitchen black eye, this is a black eye you get when someone punches you. I’m surprised her nose isn’t broken or something.”
You squeezed your eyes shut, willing yourself not to cry. You tried to build yourself up, thinking of every excuse you could and practicing every reassuring sentence you could think of that might get them off your back. It wasn’t their business after all, right?
With one last deep breath, you knocked on the cracked open door and slowly stepped through it. Your eyes were instantly drawn to Sebastian and the stern face he held. His eyes scanned your face before unintentionally running down your body as if to look for any other exposed bruises. His face loosened up upon returning back to your frightened gaze.
“Everything okay? Am i in trouble or something?” you asked, looking in between the two men. Your body felt like it was on fire from both the bruises covering it, and the intense gaze you were receiving from both of them. Their gazes softened a bit more at your question as they both shook their heads, shutting down the idea that i was in trouble.
“No, no y/n, you’ve done nothing wrong. I just wanted to check in on you, with this black eye and all. I know Matthew’s already checked in on you, but i just wanted to see how you are doing,” Sebastian spoke up. You looked between the both of them and felt a bit of anger rise at the uncomfortable situation you’ve been put into. You told Matthew you were fine, why couldn’t he have just kept to himself?
“Like i told Matthew earlier, i’m fine, just fell is all,” you retorted, sending a small glance at Matthew hoping he would get the hint that you weren’t too happy about this conversation. 
“Looks like more than a fall,” Sebastian continued to say while standing up to lean against his desk. You unintentionally moved back a bit, not taking much notice of your own actions over your heartbeat being the only thing you could currently hear. Sebastian and Matthew shared a look before Sebastian took a step away from his desk, approaching you a bit more. You flinched and took another step back, accidentally backing right into the doorknob hitting a big bruise that covered your lower back. You couldn’t help the gasp that escaped your lips as you brought a hand back to cover the spot you had just bumped trying to release some of the pain by rubbing it. 
Sebastian was quick to retreat as he watched you fully flinch away from him. He was more than four feet away from you even when he did take a few steps towards you, but your reaction was enough for him to confirm some of his suspicions. 
“Hey Matthew, do you think we could have the room?” Sebastian asked, getting a curt nod from Matthew as he looked back towards you and offered you a sympathetic smile. Honestly you didn’t want that. You didn’t want anyone's sympathetic or pitiful looks. You deserved everything that happened to you. You could feel tears forming in your eyes and instantly felt shameful. You made a pact with yourself to not show weakness and it’s only taken you a week or so and your emotions are already coming through.
You continuously blinked, willing your tears to go away as you scooted away from the door allowing Matthew to leave the room. Sebastian gestured at a chair near him and you hesitated to take it. You knew it would hurt to sit down and that there was no hiding the grimaces, but the look in Sebastian's eyes let you know that he’s already caught on to a lot of what's going on. 
You approached the chair and slowly sat down, trying to hold back how much pain you felt from putting pressure on the bruise on your tailbone and the one on the back of your left thigh.
“Are you safe?” was the first question he asked you, and before you could even think you habitually nodded. You knew it was a lie, and deep down you knew things were just going to get worse. You’d never seen your boyfriend as mad as he was over the weekend. It was like a constant where he’d just see you and see red. You walked on eggshells all weekend, and even before you left for work today you felt as if you weren’t allowed to take up any space. You were the furthest thing from safe. You looked up and made eye contact with Sebastian and instantly regretted it. The tears that you had managed to push back made their way to your eyes quicker than ever and fell before you had the chance to hide them.
“I’m sorry,” you whimpered out, covering your face. You were humiliated that all of this was going on. You had gotten away with covering bruises and hiding emotions from all your coworkers at your previous job. The attention you were receiving now made you think maybe everyone you previously worked with were just assholes, but also that you would rather be ignored than be seen how you are right now. 
“y/n... why are you apologizing?” he breathed out, scooting his chair a bit closer to yours.
“I made a pact not to cry and here i am a week in and already crying in front of you.” 
“Well you’re clearly crying about something important so why don’t you tell me about that,” you shook your head, looking up at him for the first time since you started crying. You could feel a sob escaping your mouth before you could push it back down while shaking your head back and forth. 
“I can’t tell you,” you sobbed out.
“Listen, I know your outside life isn’t any of my business, but I also care about every employee in this building and seeing you come in with a black eye and clearly other bruises on your body, I’m just worried.”
You sat there for a second contemplating all of your choices. You could continue to lie and push everything back stating that he was indeed right, your outside life was none of his business, or you could tell him the truth and let him in on one of your deepest secrets. You could feel your head pounding, and you could hear your heartbeat grow erratic. Your tears had momentarily stopped but now your entire body was in panic mode. You couldn’t continue to make eye contact with him and instead chose to look down at your hands in your lap. 
“I’ll lose everything. It’s either this or nothing, Sebastian. I’m fine, i’ve been fine,” you offered up. You weren’t lying, but even what you said felt wrong coming out. how did you end up like this? How stupid are you to let yourself get this deep in the abuse and the relationship altogether?
“Hey, please look at me,” he scooted even closer, his knees nearly touching your own. His voice was soft, almost pleading so you gave in and lifted your head. You weren’t used to being talked so gently to, “Is your partner the one doing this to you?” he grimaced a bit at the question, almost like he felt bad even suggesting that incase he was wrong, but the way his body tensed up at your eyes quickly averting away from him you knew he got his answer.
“He loves me. I just do and say things that he doesn’t like,” you shrugged as if what you just said wasn’t a major problem. Your eyes began to fill with tears again and you let out an annoyed huff, “I’m sorry Sebastian, i really shouldn’t be telling you any of this. There’s nothing you can do to help me. I’ve grown used to the fact that i am stuck in my relationship.”
“y/n please look at me,” he asked again, seemingly satisfied when you complied, “just that sentence alone is enough to scare me. A grown man, hell even a child knows not to hit other people. There’s nothing normal about this situation and you need to get out of it. I’m not going to sit here and say it’ll be smooth sailing and that you’ll instantly be happy once it’s over, but for your own safety and livelihood i need you to know that it’s not your fault that he’s hurting you. There’s nothing you could do or say to justify the pain you’re in right now.”
You wanted to fight him on that but the look on his face told you to not even try. He seemed genuinely upset, distraught even. 
“What am i supposed to do?” you ask, throwing your hands up to gesture your frustration. 
“Do you have anyone else you can stay with?” you shook your head no, informing him that the only reason you moved up here was so your boyfriend could get you away from your loved ones. He grunted at that, rolling his chair back so he was back near his desk. He started to search something on his computer and the looks of a hotel made your eyes go wide.
“I can’t put anything like that on my card. He’ll see it and freak.”
“I wasn’t expecting you to pay for this. I’ll pay for it so it’ll have no trace to your name. So there’s your living situation for a while until we can get you something better. I will also happily help you with getting any of your belongings out of your current place. My close buddy is a police here in town and can also accompany us to ensure your absolute safety because there’s no guarantee without him that i wouldn’t beat the shit out of your boyfriend,” he talked so casually like what he was saying wasn’t changing your entire life. You shook your head not being able to wrap your mind around this true chance to get away from your boyfriend. There’s so many things that could go wrong, would all of this be worth it when there’s always that possibility that your boyfriend could absolutely lose it and want to actually kill you? There’s so many stories out there of partners exactly like your boyfriend that won’t take a break up seriously and come back to stalk, hurt and kill their exes. would you end up just another one of those damaged ex girlfriends?
The two of you sat in silence for a minute before he finally looked away from his computer screen and looked at your frightened face. He would never understand how your mind works through this terrible situation but he so badly wanted to help. 
“Why are you willing to help me so much?” You manage to ask. You look up at him and see something flash over his expression before it goes back to being soft. 
“You’re worth more than you think. You’re sure as hell worth more than being beaten down by scum. I care, i know matthew cares, even the others who brought up your black eye to both of us care. You just haven't been shown affection like that in who knows how long and think i’m doing something crazy here when really i just want you to be safe and happy. it’s what any decent human wants for everyone else.”
For the first time in years you had the urge to hug. You wanted to throw your arms around Sebastian and say a million thank yous, but you didn’t want to overstep.
“Sebastian i just - i don’t know what to say,” you chuckled out through the few tears that slipped out. 
“You don’t have to say anything, let’s just talk over this a bit, i’ll give my friend a call and we’ll get a plan set up.” you nodded as you both stood up. Your legs felt weak and the pain of standing straight up was overwhelming but you sufficed through. 
He watched how you moved and a deep frown covered his face. Your previous thoughts of overstepped evacuated your mind and without thinking you couldn’t stop yourself from throwing your arms around him. It took a second for him to register what was going on, but he was gentle to wrap his arms around your back. You felt tense, but the second he reciprocated the hug your body loosened up and a small sense of happiness floated throughout your entire being. Everything was going to change. You were actually going to do this. There was so much that was going to happen, but for the first time in forever you felt relieved so for now, you were just going to embrace that.
A/N - please let me know if i should do another part to this! I do have more ideas for the storyline that would involve more of a relationship between the reader and sebastian, but i don’t want to do it if no one else wants that hahah
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ververa · 4 years
“Nothing’s Gonna Hurt Me With My Eyes Shut”
A/N: This is just a random idea. Also it’s bad. I definitely could do better, but it’s 2am, so you have to forgive me. Now that you’ve been warned I hope you’ll enjoy it anyway! <3
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Wilhemina Venable x fem!reader
Words count: ~2 000
Wilhemina hated hospitals ever since she could have remembered. She hated hospitals and despised doctors even more. It was all due to her scoliosis and that one asshole doctor from her childhood. It had been years. but the resentment never faded.
The thought of the hospital itself was making her sick. And being there, even if just for a moment, caused her more distress than anyone could ever tell. If she could, she would most likely stay away from both hospitals and doctors, but it wasn’t that easy. Every so often Wilhemina actually needed some follow-up appointments. She knew it and as much as she hated it, she never skipped any appointment.
Wilhemina had one doctor. She always consulted him and no one else. He, even though a man, was the only doctor she tolerated. Or she thought so, because she felt like she had no choice. The man was the only person who could examine her and there was no way she would let someone else do it. That’s why she raged, when she found out he wasn’t at the hospital like he had been expected to. What was she supposed to do? There was no way she would go there again. Definitely not that week. Not even that month. She needed a lot of time to recover from entering the horrendous place. It cost her way too much to just give up and go back home. Though going to another doctor didn’t sound any better.
“We have a new specialist” the nurse from the reception centre informed her “A great specialist” she added, seeing Wilhemina’s hesitation
“Alright” Venable agreed after a second of thought. She didn’t really have a choice. At that point all she wished for was her appointment to be over as soon as possible.
“There. Room 33. You shouldn’t have any problem with finding it” 
Wilhemina thanked the woman and moved in the designated direction.
There were a lot of people - patients and doctors and nurses. It was nothing unusual. She had been there before. She had seen them before. But no matter how many times she had been there it always made her feel anxious. Her nervousness never ceased. Nothing and no one could make it stop. And the fact she actually had to face a different doctor made it even scarier.
Ridiculous. That’s ridiculous. She kept telling herself, as she was approaching the doctor’s office. She was a grown up woman for God’s sake. She should not have such a big problem with that. It was just an appointment. Just another follow-up visit. But it required her taking off her clothes and exposing the part of her she hated the most. The part she was ashamed of. And maybe that’s what she hated. Maybe it wasn’t about doctors or hospital, but the feeling of humiliation. Wilhemina didn’t have any more time to consider it, as she found herself standing at the door of the doctor’s office.
Room 33 it was. Wilhemina sighed, then took a deep breath. Composure. She had to keep her composure. She knocked.
“Yes?! Come on in!” she heard a muffled voice. Wilhemina slowly opened the door and soon her eyes set on a young woman. Her back was turned to Wilhemina. The woman looked as if she was trying to fix the examination couch. She looked strange. Hilarious even. But what surprised Wilhemina the most was the fact that the woman didn’t seem like a doctor at all. As a matter of fact, Venable was sure she was just some assistant.
“Please, sit down. I just need to fix it. Ugh, I’ve told them so many times that they should change them to electric adjustable ones” the woman complained
“I think I may have come to the wrong room… I’m looking for a doctor”
“I am a doctor” the woman stated, not looking at Wilhemina
“I mean a real doctor”
“Yes. A real doctor”
“Doctor Y/L/N”
At those words you turned to face her - a small smile on your face.
“It’s you? You are… her?”
“Yes” you nodded “I’m doctor Y/N Y/L/N. And I can assure you I am, indeed, a real doctor. I specialise in orthopedics and physiotherapy. If it makes you calmer, I can show you my certificates” 
“No. It’s fine. You just look very…”
“Different from other doctors”
“Oh, well, maybe it’s because I’m new here or because I’m actually different” you smiled “Or both” you shrugged “Anyways, how can I help you Ms-?
“Venable. I’m Wilhemina Venable” she stated proudly
You nodded in acknowledgement.
“I came for my usual follow-up appointment with doctor Rogers, but they told me he’s not here and sent me to see you apparently”
“Wonderful!” you said with excitement “I mean... I still don’t have many patients here, so I’m just very excited. Oh Gosh, that’s probably not the right thing to say, but I can’t help it”
Wilhemina couldn’t deny that your behaviour was kind of endearing, incredibly unprofessional, but endearing.
“Please, sit down, Ms Venable” you pointed to one of the chairs at your desk, before making your way to sit down yourself.
Wilhemina sat down and watched as you typed something on your laptop.
“I need to have a look at your hospital record and then I’ll examine you” you explained
The redhead watched you as you kept scrolling, reading all the information about her condition. The grip on her cane tightened, when you moved. You looked at her and smiled sympathetically. Wilhemina’s doctor never smiled.
“Let’s move on to the examination couch. Please, take off your jacket and shirt… Well, it’s not your first visit so you probably know what to do”
Wilhemina sighed, putting her cane to the side. She slowly unbuttoned her shirt, but hesitated to take it off. Her hands were shaking, just a little bit, but you noticed it, the same as you noticed a little frown on her face. You could say it was causing her a lot of stress. You understood it. You had always been an incredibly empathetic person. That’s why you decided to become a doctor. To help people. To cure them and make their life at least a tad easier. 
“Listen, I know it’s probably not nice, but I’m here to help you”
Wilhemina nodded. Her lips formed a thin line. She knew it. She knew you were there to help, but she just wished she didn’t need your help. She didn’t like the fact that she had to rely on help, on you or doctors in general.
“I…” she hesitated “I just really don’t like doctors”
“Oh… Would you believe me if I say that I completely understand?”
“Well, let’s sit down” you said
Wilhemina did as you said and watched as you approached her. She couldn’t help, but suddenly notice all the features of a doctor in you. The most significant - a white overall you wore was making her head spin.
“So, when I was a child I was terrified when I had to go to see my doctor. I still am scared when I have to be examined”
“But you’re a doctor”
“Yes, but it’s different. On this side it feels different. I don’t think about doctors. I don’t think about me being a doctor when I examine my patients. All I think about is that I’m here to help them and that’s my priority. The same as your priority is to get better, to get checked and go back home knowing everything is alright”
Wilhemina nodded, not looking at you. She couldn’t force herself to do it.
“You don’t like this white overall, am I right?”
The redhead nodded sheepishly.
“It’s okay. I don’t like it either” you stated, standing up and taking it off “Look, underneath I have normal clothes. I’m just a human. An average person who just happens to have a doctorate in medicine” you winked at her
Wilhemina tried to smile, but failed. She was still overwhelmed.
“How about you trying to close your eyes? It always helps me. Close your eyes and pretend I’m not here. I promise I’ll just take a look. I won’t touch you”
You smiled, before moving to stand behind her.
“I always told myself that nothing’s gonna hurt me with my eyes shut”
Wilhemina took a deep breath and closed her eyes, letting her shirt fall off of her arms, exposing her back. She kept repeating your words in her head. She knew you were looking at her back, but as promised you didn’t touch her. And that made her feel a bit better. You made her feel better. Whenever her doctor was examining her, she felt humiliated, but not with you. Her doctor had no sort of empathy or gentleness, while you were overflowing with it. And that was something she actually liked.
“You can put your shirt on” you said after a moment. It was barely a minute, but it felt like eternity for Wilhemina. The redhead sighed with relief, opening her eyes. She quickly put her clothes back on. Then she stood up and straightened her skirt, making sure she looked presentable, composed. Her usual self was back, there was no sight of her distress no more. She did her best to suck it up, hide all the feelings deep inside, so that no one could see. Evading all sorts of emotion - that was her tactic. Though it didn’t always work.
“It wasn’t that bad, was it?” you asked, as both of you sat at your desk
“No” she said 
“Everything is fine, Ms Venable. Your hospital record says that you complained about the pain. I can prescribe you some medicine”
Wilhemina was about telling you that she already had a lot of different types of pills, but you continued.
“I know doctor Rogers gave you painkillers, but I think that they’re not the answer to the problem. Not completely at least. I’ll prescribe you some pills that can ease muscle tension and improve blood supply. I’ll also suggest some exercises? I can compile a set of exercises for you if you’d like me to” you smiled 
Wilhemina was a bit surprised. She hadn’t expected that any doctor could be so nice and helpful actually.
“Oh, and one more thing”
“Do you drink coffee, Ms Venable?”
“Are you going to ask me out?” she asked nonchalantly, dead sure she could see through you
“Actually, I was going to say that coffee might be the reason for your trouble with sleeping” you stated, pointing at your laptop
“Oh… I-” Wilhemina almost blushed, she almost let her perplexion display. Suddenly too shy to come up with some witty response, but she’d not have a chance to say anything anyway, as you continued
“As a matter of fact, I wanted to ask you out at the end of the appointment, but since you mentioned it. Would you like to go out with me?”
“I... “ Wilhemina hesitated “Are you even allowed to go out with your patients? Isn’t that unprofessional or forbidden?”
“Well, technically it is. It may be considered unprofessional too, but practically you’re not my patient, besides I’m not wearing my overall right now. So, what’s the final answer?” you asked, looking at her expectantly
“Alright” Wilhemina said calmly, her face unreadable, but you didn’t pay attention. You scribbled down on a piece of paper and then handed it to her.
“This is my number. You can call me whenever you want to”
Wilhemina looked into your eyes, but said nothing. 
“Oh, and if you hate hospitals this much, you could opt for outcalls” you said, as the two of you stopped at the door 
Wilhemina raised her eyebrow looking at you.
“Trying to barg in, I see. Well, I’ll consider it”
“Great! I look forward to the next meeting with you. Hopefully, it won’t be at the hospital. And now I need to go, I have an operation to perform. It was really nice to meet you, Ms Venable” and with that you were gone, leaving Wilhemina standing at the hall of the hospital. 
A piece of paper still in her hand. The redhead looked at your number. This time she couldn’t help, but smile. A genuine, big smile appeared on her face as she thought of seeing you again, this time outside the hospital and without her eyes shut. 
The smile would most likely remain on her face if she hadn’t spotted some man looking at her. 
“What are you staring at?” she growled, causing him to turn his head immediately   
That was another reason for her hating hospitals - people staring, watching her. But this time she was in a good mood. Too good to be bothered by some odious man. Not to mention that all she could think of was you - the new doctor. 
Tag list: @midnight-lestrange​, @natasha-danvers​, @stopkillinglilyrabe​, @welshdragonrawr​, @saucy-sapphic​, @yang12e​, @xixxiixx​ (if I somehow missed someone, let me know)
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yolkyeomie · 4 years
[blurb] — member: hyunjae, word count: 845, genre: fluff/high school au, warning: none
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[12:21 pm]: as someone who volunteers at your dingy school library often, you tend to notice different types of people who enter the building.
There were always the studious people who were rushing in to study for their next text and complete as much research on their projects as possible, they were usually the... oddest of the bunch but were rather nice to you either way.
Then there were the students who came in to hide away during their classes, taking a quick snooze between the sleeves to regain the energy they had lost from earlier within the day. The school librarians had told you not to let those types of students in, but you knew their pain and never snitched on them. They seemed to notice your efforts to keep them hidden away from the adults too, so there was a sense of trust between you that neither of you would speak about.
And then there was Hyunjae.
Don’t get it twisted! You had the largest crush on Hyunjae that anyone has ever seen. It was a simple infatuation, nothing major. You would see him passing in the hallways or you’d catch him near his friends in class goofing off and your heart would beat right out of your chest. You didn’t know him personally but every time you saw him you got little bits and pieces of Hyunjae’s personality that made him more likable with each passing second.
So you could imagine your surprise when you looked up from the counter one day after helping a student check out whatever book they were looking for and found Hyunjae feverishly looking around the room. He seemed a lot more lost than he may have intended to look, cautiously glancing around the first few isles of books as if there was a creature staring him down from the other side.
Debated on helping him, not wanting to embarrass yourself in front of him by saying something stupid in a fit to keep a conversation going. You couldn’t just approach Hyunjae in such a unprofessional manner either, sure you were just volunteering for the school librarian but you wholeheartedly believed that there was level of professionalism to everything you did so you had to carry yourself as—
“—Excuse me?” You sucked in your breath as your head snapped to attention, catching Hyunjae’s gaze as he leaned over the counter to see you. “Oh, you’re Y/N, right?”
“What?” You responded, clocked out of reality and struggling to bring yourself back. “Wait, no— i mean— yes, that’s me. How do you know my name?”
“We take the same history class together,” Hyunjae pointed out. You gasped in realization, mentally knocking yourself in the head for forgetting such a crucial detail. How was that even something you could forget? Your whole crush on him was built on the mere fact that you see him on a daily basis! “Listen, I was hoping you could help me with something.”
You sat up in your chair upon hearing his words, leaning against the counter when you noticed his voice began to grow softer than it originally was. “I’m looking for a... a book you know? I mean, I know people come here looking for books because this is a library but like a very specific book?”
“And what kind of book would that be?” You question him.
He thought to himself for a moment, a sheepish smile growing on his lips at the thought. “Ah well... do you have those uh... those books about dogs? It doesn’t matter what kind of dog, just any dog! You know, like those books in elementary school that’ll tell you facts and stuff about different breeds?” Your expression dropped into a look of disbelief, barely comprehending the words that had come out of Hyunjae’s mouth. Elementary level books? About dogs? In a high school library? For a boy in his third year?
“Listen I can explain,” he immediately added, a pout forming on his face the moment he realized your judging stare was directly on him. “My friends, they’re dragging me along to their tutoring session but I don’t really want to go but I don’t really have a choice. And I heard they take phones away during the session whether you’re there to learn or for moral support so I need to do something in my passtime and—“
“Okay, okay! Don’t worry, I understand.” You tell him, resisting the urge to burst into laughter. You knew Hyunjae was cute, but hearing him explain what type of book he wanted and why he wanted it was much more endearing than you thought it would be.
In that moment you got an idea, jumping up from your seat with a little more excitement than you had originally predicted and whispered to him, “actually... follow me, I think we have a book that you’ll really like... but shh! Don’t tell anyone I let you see it.” The boy nodded his head vigorously, a smile growing on Hyunjae’s face as he mimicked the gesturing of zipping an object closed.
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achaoticeternal · 5 years
Asset Protection
Ransom Drysdale x Reader request from capshoney: Ransom with 31 and 39?
Summary: Ransom is oddly kind to you, but you always brush it off because of your closeness with his mother. Word Count: 2.4k
31) “If we’re going to keep ending up in life-or-death situations, trust that I will save you every single time.” 39) “Wait, are you saying you want to move in with me?”
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“(Y/N),” You heard your name spoken with calmness, yet with authority from the black office phone that sat to the right of your Mac Desk Top. Everything was finely put in place, perfectly organized so that you could complete any task at a moment’s notice.
Currently, your eyes were fixated on the screen of the desktop, checking over the calendar for Mrs. Drysdale and various appointments she or her husband previously set so that you could coordinate a time for her to meet with a fairly new client. Your job was supposed to be centered around organizing Mrs.Drysdale’s emails, clients, and setting her calendar. Yet, your job description originally didn’t include practically becoming her personal assistant in both her workplace and life.
“(Y/N),” Mrs. Drysdale’s voice called again with just a touch of impatience.
Quickly, you picked up the phone and opened her full calendar for the month, along with opening both her husbands’ and sons’ schedules in minimized tabs.
“What can I do for you, Mrs. Linda?”
“Father’s will reading shall be taking place on Saturday at 3 pm,” She promptly stopped and you quickly began typing away into Mr. and Mrs. Drysdale’s calendar.
“Aare there any arrangements you would like particularly made? Dry-cleaning? Have to cook set up a lunch or appetizers?”
“I need two items. First of all, have my pink suit pressed and dry-cleaned please,” You quickly scribbled down her request onto a post-it note, “and secondly, if you could stop by son’s little bachelor pad and ask if he plans to attend that would be phenomenal. And make sure his maid is still coming and that he hasn’t managed to scare her off yet. You can do that after your lunch break.”
“Yes ma’am, anything else?”
“Actually, if you could go now, you could pick up some lunch for him. I doubt he’s had anything besides a protein shake and who knows what else. Charge it to the VISA”
“Of course, ma’am. Have a wonderful afternoon.”
“Thank you, sweetie.”
After five years, 2 years as an intern and 3 as an actual employee, you had come to know and be known by Mrs. Drysdale’s full family. They were an interesting mix of hard workers with rich kid mentalities. Well, most of them. And they were ever a loud crowd. But quite recently, her father had died from a supposed suicide. Of course, that truly wasn’t any of your own business, you just coordinated the funeral date, the invitations, the catering, and anything which the family didn’t want to settle themselves. At the end of it all, you weren’t permitted to attend the funeral which in all honesty made a fair amount of sense.
You didn’t know Harlan at all personally, but he was always kind to you and asked his daughter and her family to treat you with kindness. But two factors didn’t make sense about the funeral. Why they didn’t allow Harlan’s sweet nurse, Marta, to attend… and why Ransom Drysdale didn’t make an appearance at his beloved grandfather’s funeral?
                                                           -  -  -
The little doorbell camera rang as you balanced a paper sack and drink tray in one arm, and your purse and phone in the other. You waved at the camera, knowing he got humor out of watching people wait for him through his recently upgraded phone.
“Afternoon, Ransom. You know I would usually let myself in with the key above the door frame, but as you’ll notice,” you attempted to show off full your hands were, ”My hands are quite full. If you could kindly-”
The large wood door swung open into Ransom’s modern house before you could finish your sentence. And there stood Ransom in a pair of black jeans, a creme shirt, and a burgundy cardigan which you gave him for Christmas two years ago. If he had a scarf and boots on, you would’ve suspected that he just returned home from an outing.
“-open the door,” you stepped inside and made your way promptly to the kitchen, “Glad to see that you're fully awake and you didn’t leave any trash for me to pick up. How sweet. That makes what? Three months?”
“Well, it’s been four months since I brought home a pretty little thing for any bar or club,” Ransom took a seat on a stool and watched you unload your items onto the kitchen island. From the brown paper sack, you pulled two clear to-go containers; one containing Ransom’s favorite turkey and rye sandwich and a side of fruit salad, and in the other, your preferred lunch meal of choice. He threw you his signature smirk as you handed him his container, his hand soft grazing yours, “Are you proud of me, (Y/N)?”
Both his words and his actions caused your cheeks to fluster a bit. You understood how unprofessional your encounters with Mrs. Drysdale’s son were, but either she made it a point to notice or she simply didn’t care. Linda had only taken comfort in you a few times, but her frequent concern was Ransom and his future.
“Of course I am,” You smiled at him kindly, before returning back to business reaching into the bag again to obtain napkins and cutlery, “Now, your mother will pester me about this if I don’t get an answer to her in the next twenty-four hours. Do you...”
Ransom’s gaze shifted down to the pile on the counter where he noticed a napkin with black spots.
“...Do you plan to attend the reading of the will? I mean, after his birthday and not attending the funeral, I’m not sure what your p-”
“Yeah, I’ll be there, but (Y/N),” sipping your drink, you turned around to see what had captivated him, “who wrong this note?”
On the napkin was inscribed:
Does sleeping with him get you extra money from his mommy?        X. 
“Wh-what? I need a drink, that doesn’t even make sense. I haven’t even spent the night here, well except for when your mother left me here for four hours the night before our business trip but I’ve never even entered your room with you in there. This is just some small... little...” but the world seemed to fade quickly.
                                                          -  -  -
“Does she have any family?”
“Her mother and sister live in Vermont, but no one in the state. We treat her like part of our family”
The two female voices continued their conversation as you opened your eyes but quickly covered them to adjust yourself to the light. You saw Ransom sitting in one of the chairs while Linda answered any medical or personal questions. 
“Where are we? Ransom- what happened?”
“Well, what’s the last thing you remember?”Ransom asked.
Telling you how proud I am of you.
“Asking about your schedule for the weekend?” From there on, things were blurry, but shapes and colors would stand. Things you might remember later.
“From your report, it seems you were drugged. Nothing heavy, but quite fast-acting. At least, you weren’t behind the wheel when this happened,” The nurse responded, “You’re free to leave, thanks to Mrs. Drysdale here.”
Linda gave the nurse the same smile she gives to every client after a sale, “Thank you, now let’s get to my car. Hugh, your father is probably waiting at the house with dinner. And you better behave, because Ms. (Y/L/N) will be our guest tonight”
                                                         -  -  -
The dinner table inside the Thrombey House was on the quiet side, even though the full family was in attendance. It wasn’t your first time attending such an event, but it wasn’t one you made frequent. The youth spent most of the meal on their phones while the adults chattered about various topics, and even asked you a few questions about future aspirations or opinions on the current state of something you probably couldn’t care less about tonight. Everyone tried to engage themselves in something, except for Ransom who picked at his food and made a few crass comments under his breath. You took the slight lull to speak up.
“Thank you for allowing me to stay for the evening. My car is stranded at Ransom’s and getting an Uber this late in the evening is-”
“(Y/N), you’re my go-to girl, my secretary, practically my personal assistant. I couldn’t allow for anything bad to happen to you. You’re far too... valuable to be lost,” Linda never spoke like this, unless she needs to boast about her own self-made business and image.
“In fact,” it was now Richard’s turn to begin boasting about how you were so helpful to the entire Drysdale family and coordinating the funeral and this and that and you just couldn’t comprehend why such a family always had to one-up each other. It simply had to be exhausting.
Fran then entered into the dining area and began clearing plates. You offered to assist her, but she mustered up a smile that said she could handle it by herself. When she came around to take your plate, a neatly folded piece of paper sat right underneath it. Quickly, you snatched it from its’ position, hoping to one saw the paper or your sly movements. 
You thought you could get away with it until you felt a foot connect with your shin. Blue eyes met your own and you knew Ransom saw everything. He just seemed to always pay close attention to you, maybe a sign of concern or endearment. And you could tell exactly what his eyes were saying.
“Well, thank you, all of you with providing me dinner and a room for the night,” You quietly slid your chair back and stood.
“Of course, dear. Hugh,” Ransom peered to his mother as if surprised by her attention, “Please show, (Y/N), our guest room before you make your own exit for the evening.”
Ransom lead you easily up the oak staircase to the second floor where he pushed you inside what seemed to be a supply closet. A large supply closet mainly filled with old board games but still a simple closet.
“What was that paper you were so quick to hide?”
You tugged it out of your pocket and unfolded it, smoothing the creases so you could read the context better.
Asset protection is important for any and every company.                       X.
“This one doesn’t even make sense! How do you go from a direct attack on me to this- this load of shit!”
“Well, in my eyes a person who won’t make a better effort to threaten you or do it in a more accurate way is a piece of shit,” Ransom’s eyes skimmed over the paper, “But this time, it’s remarkably true. My parents admire your hard work for them, so you are an asset in a way.”
You felt fear knot up in your stomach, you couldn’t understand what someone could have against you. In every aspect, you were an honorable citizen who made a fair living. It just didn’t add up, “Where’s the guest room? I need to sleep.”
“Right, but I’m going to show you a different way into the guest room,” He grabbed your hand before leading you across the hall into another bedroom. The pair of you crept into the closet and Ransom kicked a panel in the wall. A door quickly slid open and the pair of you made your way up a little staircase, “Harlon just loved his hiding places”
“Ransom. If I’m in potential danger? What do I do? I don’t have to first clue in-
“Well, first of all, don’t be so damn trusting. It makes you an easier target. Second of all, find somewhere or someone you can stay with that you could seek comfort and safety in, at least until you feel safe.”
Both of you came to a stop as you made it to a small door. But a little idea popped into your head, “Well, could I stay in that big house of yours? I don’t have any family here and I refuse to go bankrupt in a motel room because of a potential stalker. I know it might be strange given our past flirtations, but I-”
“Wait, are you saying you want to move in with me?”
“Not really, move in. That would mean something completely different and- and completely out of the question because of my position in your moth-”
“It’s okay, sweetheart. You can stay with me. It’ll be nice to have a welcomed guest around,” Ransom pushed open the door and emerged into the guest which felt like a victorian guest suite set up, “and that’s why we came in through the back”
In the front of the door was tripwire for a possible trap unseen, but just the thought stirred you in unpleasant ways. Ransom searched the room before finding three darts ready to fire at any notice, “I’m really looking like a good guy, stopping any threats before they happen.”
“Yeah, it’s almost out of character,” You grabbed the glass of water by the nightstand.
Quickly, Ransom snatched the water from your hand, leaving you shaking, “Niether of us brought a glass up with us and I’m not going to have a repeated visit to the hospital to be asked if I gave you a date rape drug.”
He entered the attached bathroom and poured its’ contents in the sink while you sat yourself upon the bed. Thinking of the events from today. Shakily, you looked up to Ransom, “I don’t know what I’m going to do. I haven’t done anything. I-”
“Maybe someone is trying to get your attention,” He sat beside you and took your left hand into his right, using his thumb to caress the gentle skin, “And you still have me, though this is too far outside my comfort zone with any woman. If we’re going to keep ending up in life-or-death situations, trust that I will save you every single time.”
“Thank you, Ransom. For offering your assistance. For making sure I don’t get myself hurt. For not being a huge dick to me also,” you laughed.
“Well, what’s my mother’s is mine, and I happen to like her little personal assist,” before he stood from the bed, he gave your knuckles a strangely gentle kiss, “good night, (Y/N). I’ll see you at Breakfast”
Everything blurred, including Ransom’s exit, as you feel into a soft slumber.
let me know if you think this deserves a part 2 or anything!
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fipindustries · 3 years
critical missive
dedicated to @cryptovexillologist
oh boy arent we in a fine pickle now?
usually i enjoy talking openly and bluntly about my opinions on whatever the last thing i read is, safe and secure in the knowledge that the author will most likely never stumble on my measily 700 followers tumblr blog, so i am free to express my opinion to my heart’s content knowing that no feelings will get hurt. 
mission critical would be no different except i talked with the author and read their acknoledgement and the AMA they did on discord after writing the story and they have endeared themselves thoroughly to me so my language will have to be neutered, at least for the first half of this excercise. afterwards things will get a bit harsher but i’ll try to rest at ease in the knowledge that we seem to be kindred spirits and i would be delighted in hearing any kind of criticism of my work either positive or negative. 
ok, enough coaching done, lets go on to what i thought of this novel.
it is a delightful romp, as i said before, the worldbuilding is understated and realistic with enough glimpses of depth and detail to suggest a much larger picture. this world feels inhabited, lived in, like it was well chewed on for long by the author before putting pen to paper. consequentially the characters that arose from this world feel like they belong, they feel like real people with real lifes. by far the strongest sections of the book were the flashbacks to their lives before the plot started. their voices, regretably, do sound very similar when interacting with each other but in their own sections the characters shine in their charm and cleverness. every time one of their flashbacks ended i was left with the intrigue and the desire to know how their particular story would continue.
the terra ignota influences are very noticeable, the world and its people carry the same kind of almost childlike positivity and innocence, the same kind of cheerful, happy go lucky trust in human progress and the great project of humanity for the future with the same sobering forlorn attitude towards the horrors of the past.
on top of that its silly, gosh in heaven it is silly. it has moments of cringe, in the best of ways. strange slapdash bits of flavor, immature non sequiturs, small indulgences from the author’s own weird interests and dumb meme humor. i do love me my awkward corners in a book, after all it is those that make something unique. there is a clear personality poking through and it is a delightful personality to meet.
i cant help but like this almost more for the context in which it was written than for the content itself, it was done during quarentine as a way to both stave off cavin fever and to process the author’s feelings regarding their gender identity. as someone who also wrote a story where i almost deliberatly tried to trick my self into breaking my own egg and who turned madly towards creative endeavors to survive the pandemic i can sympathize strongly with this. i am really happy that the author got to do this and kickstarted a project towards a big, possibly decades spanning trilogy.
so, yeah, those were the nice things i had to say, if you are content enough with that you can stop here but if you are curious to know more, well... you can
in short: it is a bit of a mess. again, im willing to be lenient, considering the way in which this was worked on, this is very much a really early first draft. the second half of this story was a very slow and very boring trudge towards a sudden end.
first, the fact that the flashbacks and the worldbuilding bits are the strongest part of this story means the actual plot itself suffers from being fairly boring and generic. “astronauts explore alien planet, find spooky stuff there” was already old hat by the 50′s. it is a plot so worn down and archetypical that it really cant survive if that is literally all you are going to do with it, and that is kind of all that this book does. i did mention moments of flavor and strange self indulgence. we needed way more of those. yes thats right, im saying that this story was not self indulgent enough. when you have such a well trodden plot such as this, worn down to the point that it becomes paint by the numbers, we need quirky, we need cringe, we need strange excess and personality. the author mentioned that they would love to see some of the weirder alexandria fan fics, well so do i! be the miracle you want to see in the world! the moments alexandria debated if wether identifying as a trilateral were amazing but they were not enough. we have a great structure here but lets put some proper meat on these bones, some proper fat and skin, some clown make up and a weird novelty hat and outrageous clown shoes. im getting carried away here, lets get back to the point.
the other problem is  there is not a clear trajectory for the story here, no well defined moment of climax and the emotional beats tend to fall a bit flat or to come out of nowhere. there are emotional crisis which i sort of missed or didnt get where they came from. the characters act in ways that are hard to relate to  that come off as stilted. the way they conduct themselves through the mission felt at times weirdly unprofessional and like it didnt follow much of a logical throughline, and when i say logical i dont meant “i wanted the characters to act hyperrational at all times” i mean i want the characters to act in ways that make human sense. ironically the one character that acted a bit too human for my tastes was the AI. alexandria is an interesting character but i feel that the place to explore that idea is not in the middle of an incredibly important mission where having your mainframe experience a crisis might not be the most practical thing in the world.
the ending was jarringly sudden, i didnt feel there was a proper resolution and finishing it off with flashbacks to the time the characters were training was... odd. i reached the last line and it felt like the story had just decided to stop without ever having reached anything that came even close to the third act. all of this can be easily fixed with some concientious editing and a complete rearrangement of the different sections of this story.
all in all a great first step in what i hope will be a long career as a writer.
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shirophantomvox · 3 years
Lotor's Nanny
Hello y’all! I am back yet again with another Voltron short fiction! I got this prompt from @vld-prompts and this one is great! Some dialogue in this are mixed quotes from the show. The prompt is: “Dayak comes to Galra HQ unexpectedly.” The link shows the reference I used in this story. Its somewhat the same, I changed some elements and dialogue. I mentioned the Code of Ethics because some companies do not allow in-dating. That means you cannot date one of your coworkers. This story has been on my mind for a while and it came out better than I expected! I hope you all like it. Be sure to follow me for more writing content!
Team Voltron slowly walked across the bridge of Galra HQ formerly known as Zarkon’s ship. Chills ran down their spines as they approached the now Emperor Lotor and his staff. Right above them were tapestries filled with light purple, white, and yellow; the same colors the paladins of old had. The expression on Lotor’s face was the complete opposite of his new comrades. The paladins had been through enough; their lives could end at this very moment and to think they blindly walked into Galra HQ? Thank God, Lotor didn’t have any tricks up his sleeve...or did he?
Lotor approached the Paladins with open arms aimed at Princess Allura; hoping she’d give him a hug and not leave him looking like a fool. Reluctantly, she embraced him softly, barely placing her arms fully around his back. That was good enough, for now. She backed up quite smoothly, lifted her head, and looked at the tapestries that hung above her head. They all gasped and at the beauty and detail of them. The yellow had thin lines of dark yellow as the outline. They glistened in the spotlights because of the white glitter that was in its place. Lotor smiled large, folded his arms, and lifted his head. This was his time to shine and he was ready to do so.
“The colors you see before you are the same ones that our fathers used while battling. These colors represent friendship, leadership, and an emphasis on an unbreakable bond. Although the unbreakable bond didn’t workout well the first time, I’m certain it will now.”
Lotor’s smile slowly faded as he glanced directly in between Allura and Shiro. “Lover Boy” Lance McClain came storming between the two, stood toe to toe with him, and pointed his lengthy index finger in his face.
“Lance, that’s rude! What are you doing?!” Allura’s tone wasn’t her usual sweet, calm reflection but instead more like an irritated mother. She had been used to Lance’s irrational fears but this was TOO FAR for her. She developed feelings for Lotor, she is one of the leaders of Voltron, and having him misbehave insulted her leadership skills.
“Don’t worry, princess. I just want to make sure he doesn’t have any tricks up his sleeve.”
Lotor arrogantly chuckled quietly to himself. Although Lance appeared to be the airhead surfer boy, he took his role as paladin and valued his team seriously. They had been ambushed several times by Zarkon, his father. They have every right to be paranoid even if Allura didn’t think so. One thing that irked the team was her sense of trustworthiness. She hated Lotor simply because he was truly a threat and was Zarkon’s son but once she found out he was half Altean, it appeared as if she did anything he said. She fell for him; hard and that isn’t always good.
“I assure you, I am not here to play games or have any “tricks up my sleeve”. Trust me, if I did, you would know about it already. I am more skilled than you. There’s no need to lie.”
“As much as I would love to believe you Lotor, the Galra aren’t the ones to ‘turn the other cheek’. They keep fighting and fighting until they die.” Hunk began to sweat a little as his nerves began to run amuck.
“Hunk has a point. Why all of a sudden are we teaming up with Zarkon’s son to fight against his own empire that your the head of? It doesn’t sound right.”
“If Pidge agrees with me, it must be a set up.” Lance turned around and allied himself with the rest of the team. They were not pleased at all. Could it be a possibility that they were being paranoid? Is it wrong that they haven’t given him a chance to prove himself? Lotor released an irritated sigh, closed his eyes, and opened them again.
“I assure you, I have nothing to hide.” He snapped his fingers and two robots came at his side quickly. “If you all don’t mind, we are going to HQ and we will have a chat about what our next steps are going to be.”
The centurions led the way to HQ. On the way there, it was quiet and awkward; the only ones that were talking were Allura and Lotor. He had a large binder open with pages and pages of scientific research that Honerva had been using to figure out information regarding the creatures from the rift. Both were so intrigued by the findings that they began to pick up speed next to the centurions, leaving the team a bit behind. Allura took hold of the binder to find something specifically related to Oriande relating to “life givers”. Lotor began to close the space between the two placing his arm around her waist and gently placing his hand around her thigh. Lance was about to blow his fuse! Pidge and Hunk reassured him that Allura has stated several times before that she is not interested in dating him. It would be unprofessional; Lotor and Allura were considered to be allies. If they dated they’d be violating the Code of Ethics...somewhere.
“If she wouldn’t be interested in dating him, why isn’t she throwing his arm off her?”
“Lance, I haven’t dated yet but I know something about girls.” She pushed her glasses closer to her face and pointed in the air. “Some girls just entertain the behavior in the moment so the guy doesn’t flip out. They also do it so the man’s ego won’t get hurt. Both reasons are stupid and unhealthy but that is why. I have no idea why a man’s ego is so easily destroyed just because a girl rejected his passes.”
“Good question. It makes the good guys look bad.” Hunk stuck his finger in the air and smiled. “I’ll always treat my woman like a queen!”
The team had finally reached HQ. Lotor suddenly became quiet and stood still. He squinted his eyes, frowned, and slowly moved away from them. Once he approached his subject, his eyes widened. There was a tall woman dressed in long black clothing, her head covered, with her back turned. She had two blue binders that said “memories” on the binding side and an old cloth blanket. The emperor face palmed himself quietly backing away instructing the team to leave HQ quickly without making a sound. As soon as the robots began to move, the woman turned around, gasped and yelled his name.
“Goodness gracious,” he replied quickly under his breath.
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The woman came walking towards him with a smile of endearment. He could now see the front of the binders and nearly lost his mind. He blushed at the sight and glanced back at her. She laughed, assuring him that she was moving his belongings to another part of the ship.
“Oh, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about.”
“Embarrassed about what?”
Lotor changed his expression and turned around. Still blushing, he managed to smile.
“This is Dayak, my governess. She raised me when I was a child, trained me, and helped me become the man I am today.”
“Barely,” Lance blurted out. He snapped his head and smiled oddly at Lotor. Lance was able to put two and two together and realized what he was embarrassed about.
“Wait, wait, wait. She raised you from a child? As in your nanny?!”
“Governess!” The emperor face palmed again, not able to look in Allura’s direction.
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Why would ANYONE want their old photos to be shown to anyone they liked?!
“Oh boy, you had a nanny! Oh my goodness, I didn’t have one!”
“That’s why you're lacking in so many areas. Can’t you tell?” He began to flex his arm, showing the implied muscles through his shirt.
“That’s all you’ve got? At least mine are real!”
“Mine are too! You look like you’ve been using steroids!”
“Steroids? How do you know what those are? You’re an alien.”
“Ok, Lance, that’s enough. Dayak was going to speak,” Shiro said, somehow not irritated. Given the chaotic life he has, this was nothing but pure entertainment.
“Thank you. True enough I am this young emperor’s governess and I did far more than nanny duties. Lotor underwent intense training at the age of 6 years old. Many doubted his abilities but I knew he had it in him.”
“Thank you, Dayak.”
“Lotor, don’t hate me for this. Dayak, what are in the books that you are holding?” Hunk was generally curious and had no ill intent in asking unlike Lance. Still, Lotor was pained to see what was in those books. His style would have definitely been cramped.
“I’ll show you if it’s ok with the emperor.”
Lotor sighed heavily and threw his hand in the air.
“Yes, it's ok.”
Everyone gathered around his governess as she opened one of the books. The font read “Memorable Moments” and God knows what was in them. The team released a number of “awws”, “wows”, and “oohs” . Dayak, the nanny--governess, smiled as she turned each page remembering how cute the emperor looked in his formal clothing and how hot she looked when she was younger. This stage in his life would have happened matter what; Honerva would have done the same thing.
“This picture was taken after Lotor learned the Galran alphabet, vowel sounds, and numbers.”
“Wow! Lotor used to take a stuffed animal to class?” Hunk laughed. “Ha!”
“I was afraid, ok? I was all by myself.”
“And no one is shaming you for it buddy! Well, maybe Lance, but we aren’t.”
“This picture was taken during PE class. He loved to play buckets. I thought he was going to pursue somewhat of an athletic career!”
“I have to admit, he gets his muscles from Zarkon.”
“Aw. Thank you Princess.”
“That’s not a compliment dude.”
The emperor realized that the old photos of him weren’t so bad after all. They were milestones; it showed how well he has progressed and how he will continue. These were his allies after all. It was important for them to see him during his softer moments to know that they could talk to him about anything.
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apriorisea · 4 years
Hiii~ sorry to bother you, i dont know if you're still taking request but can you write something where the reader had to turn down a job she really wanted and member (joon, hoseok or yoongi) comforts her? Ps you're my fav blog please keep writing💕
Hi! You’re not bothering at all~ Thank you so much for the request, and the feedback! You’re so, so sweet! It really means a lot. Here’s my take on the scenario, I hope you enjoy!! 💜💕
“Whatever You Want” Namjoon x You
“Okay.” You release a deep breath and turn to face Namjoon. “How do I look?”      He sits up a little, pretending to scrutinize your appearance before the grin breaks across his face. “Perfect,” he says. Then, suddenly frowning, he scoots to the edge of the bed and adds, “Except...come here, babe.”      “What?” you ask nervously, reaching up to smooth your hair. “What is it?” You move towards him when he doesn’t answer.       “Just...” He waits until you’re within his reach, then grabs you by the waist and pulls you into his lap. Smiling at your startled laughter, he says, “Just this...” before leaning in to kiss you softly.       When he finally releases you, you give him a look. “Namjoon, I love you---but if you just messed up my hair, I’m going to have to kill you.”     He laughs. “Fair enough. All right, up you get.” He stands up after you. “Let’s make sure you’re still perfect as ever.”      You roll your eyes at his comment, but when he runs his gaze over you, purposefully slow, you can’t stop your heart from beating a little louder. “Well?”      “As I said,” he grins, bending down to place a soft, gentle kiss on your cheek: “Absolutely perfect.”      Ignoring the blush that creeps over your face, you give him a sincere smile. “Thanks. Ugh, I’m so nervous.”     He reaches out and takes your hand, guiding you out of the bedroom and down the hall. “Don’t think about that,” he says. “Just soak it all in. You’ve worked hard for this, my love; you deserve all the good things. Did you eat lunch?”      You shake your head.      “Do you want me to make you something?”      You shake your head again, feeling sick.       “Okay, okay.” He squeezes your hand. “Just relax.” Releasing your hand, he grabs your long, black peacoat and helps you into it, careful not to disturb your perfectly planned outfit. “They’re going to love you.”      “As much as you love me?” you ask playfully.      He fakes outraged shock. “Never.” Grabbing the lapels of your coat, he pulls you to him slowly. “I just love you too much,” he murmurs, before brushing another kiss against your lips.       This time when he releases you, you’re ready to go. “Okay.” You exhale again, turning towards the door. “Wish me luck.”      “You don’t need it. You’ve got this, babe. It’s all yours, whatever you want.”      You smile. “See you tonight.”
The first thing you notice when you enter the office is the impossibly immaculate marble flooring.       The receptionist, a woman about your age, looks up and smiles brightly. “Good afternoon. May I help you?”     “Y-yes.” You clear your throat and try again. “Yes, thank you.” Handing her the paperwork (and making sure to keep your hand from shaking) you add, “I have an appointment?”      She studies the paperwork for just a moment, and you see her eyes widen at something. “Oh you---you’re here for the new position.”      “Yes.” It still filled you with giddy excitement: this was literally your dream job, a perfect position to reward all the work you had put in, the menial internships and starter jobs that had led you to this point. You almost don’t notice it when her face falls a little.       “Of course. One moment, please.” She opens her mouth like she wants to say something else before changing her mind. Grabbing the phone instead, she dials a few numbers then says into the receiver: “Yes, your afternoon appointment is here.” She listens, then hangs up. “If you wait just a moment, someone will take you back to the offices.”      You nod eagerly. “Thank you so much.”       She merely smiles, and an unsteady silence falls over you.       “The floors in this building are just gorgeous,” you say after a minute, trying to dispel the awkwardness and distract yourself from your own nerves at the same time.     “Oh, yes,” she agrees. “They’re the very best, top of the line. We only have the best here.”      You smile, even though her response doesn’t really invite much conversation. “How long have you worked here?”      “Six years.”      “Six--?” You cut yourself off. “Oh. That’s...that’s great. You must really like it here.” To yourself, you think: 6 years as an entry-level receptionist??       She doesn’t really answer.       The awkward silence falls again.       Finally, a door behind you opens and another woman (this one several years older than you) steps into the waiting area. “Hello,” she says with a practiced smile. “I’ll take you back now to meet with the boss.”      “Great.” You turn to the receptionist, but find her already engrossed in another matter. Uncomfortably, you take a quiet deep breath and cross to where the other woman stands. “Thank you so much.”      She just nods pleasantly, ushering you through the door.       The first thing you notice when you enter the work floor is that you are surrounded by men. Every single desk, every cubicle, is occupied by a man. The second thing you notice is that they all look the same; a sea of the same skin color, haircut, and expression.      Somewhere deep down in your stomach, a tiny pit appears. To distract yourself, you catch the attention of your guide. “How long have you worked here?” you ask, trying to keep a pleasant smile on your face.      “12 years.”     “Oh, wow. That’s great.”     She just nods. “I saw your resume,” she adds. “I graduated from the same university.”      “Really??” Some of the pit recedes. “What was your major?”     “Same as yours,” she says with a little tip of her head.      The pit whimpers. “Oh, that’s...that’s really cool,” you say falteringly.      She nods again. “I’m certain it’s changed since I was there,” she adds with a laugh. “It has been quite a while.”      “I---” The words die on your tongue as you distinctly hear someone call out “Damn, that’s some nice fresh meat” from behind you. Turning sharply, you’re unable to tell which cubicle the comment came from. You look back at your guide and are shocked to see her completely unaffected. Maybe she didn’t hear it... “They are constantly renovating it,” you agree belatedly.     Finally, the two of you reach the boss’ office. Without another word, the other woman reaches up and knocks three times on the door.      “Enter!” a voice calls from inside.     She pulls the door open and ushers you inside the office, where you find yet another man sitting at a desk. “Your 3:15, sir,” she says respectfully.      For the second time that day, a pair of eyes wander up and down your frame, but this time you just feel sick. “Ah,” the boss says with a smile. “Lovely. Come on in, doll, have a seat.”      You clear your throat and correct him with your name, trying to remain as polite and calm as you can.       His smile never wavers, but he ignores your correction and turns away from you to regard the other woman. “So, is the coffee-maker located in a different city, or...?”      She blushes deep crimson and nods her head awkwardly. “It’s coming, sir. Very sorry about that.”      “Don’t be sorry, just bring the coffee,” he says a little dismissively. “And better add a few muffins, don’t you think, doll?”      “Yes, sir. Of course.”      He waves her away. “Go on.”      The pit has swallowed your entire stomach and is now screaming.       “So.....” The boss fixes his gaze on you, and you resist the urge to squirm uncomfortably. “I assume you’re familiar with our company?”      “Yes.” You try to ignore the pit, but it’s getting more difficult by the second. “Of course. I was thrilled, actually, to be offered a position here. It fits exactly what I’m looking for, and I think I can be a great asset to the team.”      He huffs a soft laugh. “Yes,” he agrees, “A great asset, indeed.”      “I’m sorry??”      Waving it away, he goes on, “Now doll---”      “My name isn’t doll.”      The faux-cheeriness falls away quickly. “Don’t get your panties in a twist,” he says derisively. “It’s just a term of endearment. Think of it like a compliment.”      Your mouth actually falls open at this one. “A--a compliment?”      “Yep. See, doll, we have a system here, an organic sort of environment where people go with the flow.” His eyes harden. “If you manage to remember your place within that environment, you’ll be just fine.”      You straighten in your chair. “It is highly unprofessional for you to address me in that way,” you say stiffly. “I believe I’ve already made my opinion on that clear.” You brace yourself for his angry retort.       Instead, he laughs in your face. Literally leans forward in his chair and guffaws at you. “Your opinion?? You think I’m hiring you for your opinion? Please.”      Your cheeks are hot. “Then what, exactly, did you hire me for?”      “Gotta fill a quota,” he shrugs, leaning back in his chair and leering at you again. “And that old hag out there clearly couldn’t cut it even as a waitress, so it’s time for her to go. One out, one in. By the way, do you know how to make espresso?”      “No,” you answer tightly, feeling the rage build inside you.      “Better learn, then, dollface,” he says with a wink. “Your looks are only 50% of why you’re here. Well, then.” He sits forward, shoving a stack of looseleaf papers in your direction. “Sign on the dotted line, look up a few coffee how-to videos tonight, and come ready to smile tomorrow morning, all right?” He literally pushes the contract into your hands. When you don’t respond, he finally seems to notice your seething anger. The pleasant facade fades. “Problem, dollface?” he asks intently, watching you. Before you can speak, he heaves a dramatic sigh and goes on, “Think carefully before you answer, sweet cheeks. You know how prestigious our company is. Don’t miss out on an opportunity just because of a little girlish pride.” He rolls a pen at you. “I’ll even let you use my expensive pen. Got this from the president himself. Go on, sign your name.”      You’re so angry you’re shaking, but you reach out and take the pen; you notice that it’s extremely high quality, carefully engraved with fancy lettering. It must have cost a lot. “My name,” you ask, your voice so quiet he has to lean forward to hear, “Or dollface?”      He guffaws again, but it’s cut short in surprise when you rocket to your feet.       “You’re disgusting,” you say, rage clipping your words. A million other insults are racing through your mind, but in the end you choose no words: instead, you drop the stack of papers back on the desk and spin on your heel, heading for the door. Yanking it open, you turn back: “To hell with you and your company,” you say, then hold his pen aloft---and promptly drop it in the trash.       Before he can speak, the other woman reappears, a mug of coffee and plate of muffins in hand. She takes one look at how your hands are shaking with fury, and instead of looking shocked or alarmed, she looks resigned. It only makes you angrier.       So in one smooth motion, you take the mug of coffee from her and carefully, deliberately, pour it into the trash.      “Hey! You crazy bitch---that’s my pen!!”       His outcry soothes some of your rage, and for the first time, you’re able to smile. Turning to the woman, you nod your head at the plate of food and say, “I’d throw those muffins in there, too, if I were you.”      Without another word, you leave the office, head held high all the way down to your car. As soon as you shut and lock the doors, you’re able to fully feel what the pit of fury has been covering: heartbreak.
As soon as you open the door to the apartment, you can smell it: pizza, from your favorite restaurant. No matter how good it smells, it can’t break through your layers of fury.     “Hail the conquering hero!” Namjoon sings out as he pops into view; in one hand he has a bouquet of daisies (your favorite) and in the other he’s holding a box of your favorite brand of expensive chocolates. “Welcome home, babe!”     You’re speechless. A quick scan of the room reveals the rest of his plans: the table is set with 2 boxes of your favorite pizza, the TV is on and your guys’ favorite video game is loaded, the controllers waiting on the empty couch. He had clearly planned a celebration of your “accomplishment.”       You can’t help it: the angry tears clog your throat, burning your eyes and spilling down your cheeks.       “Babe...” He looks shocked. Quickly ridding himself of the flowers and the chocolates, he goes to you. Taking your face in his hands, he says, “What happened??”      “I’m not going to work there,” you say hotly, tears still streaming down your face.       Fear is starting to mix with his concern. “What happened? Are you okay? Did---”      “I’m okay,” you manage. Carefully moving out of his grasp, you step all the way into the apartment, shrugging out of your coat and dropping it on the floor. “But that company---they’re just---”      Sensing how absolutely wild you feel, he changes tactics: grabbing your hand, he pulls you to the couch and sits down with you, turning towards you. “Tell me.”     So you do. You tell him everything, from the uncomfortable atmosphere and whispered catcall to the words ‘dollface’ and ‘sweet cheeks.’ You tell him about the way the man had spoken to you, his open admission about your position, the suggestive way he had looked at you. “How can a company like that still exist??? And those women, they--” you choke on a sob. “The one woman was exactly like me. She graduated with the same degree from the same university, and he turned her into a coffee-girl. I can’t believe I ever wanted to work for them! I hope their building catches fire, I hope both of those ladies quit, I hope he gets hit by a bus, I---” Your anger can’t even find words anymore. “It was disgusting. I should have--should have thrown that coffee in his face or-or something.” You suddenly realize that your boyfriend hasn’t said a word the entire time. Angrily wiping at your eyes, you turn to look at him; and find him absolutely livid. “...Joon?”      “I’m going to end him,” he growls. “I’m going to burn that entire place to the ground.”      “Baby---”      He gets to his feet suddenly. “I’ll make sure he loses everything, make sure the entire country knows the truth about that place.” He starts pacing, his mind racing in a thousand different directions. “The lawsuit will be easy---I’ll make sure both of those other women are compensated extremely well, I’ll make sure that he has to apologize to both of them---no, grovel at their feet and apologize!”       You sit back on the couch, watching him rant and rave; it makes you feel better, actually, to not sit alone in this fury.       “And you....I’m so sorry, babe, that you had to go through something like that.” His hands clench into fists. “I’m going to kill him for what he said to you, the way he treated you. I should’ve gone there with you, I would’ve knocked that smug smile off his face immediately.” He goes on, detailing all the ways he can bring the company down, the ways he’ll make them pay for what they’ve done. He goes on and on until the anger burns out.      And by the end of it, your anger’s been doused, too. Now all you can feel is the heartache. My dream job...what I’ve worked so hard for.. The tears bubble up again, this time in devastation instead of fury.      Noticing the change, he exhales heavily and returns to your side. Gathering you in his lap, he rocks you back and forth, pressing constant kisses to your temple and cheeks. “Oh my love,” he says heavily, “I’m so, so sorry.”      “I wanted it, Joon,” you admit tearfully. “I wanted that job so bad. Why did it have to be like this?”     “I know. It’s not fair.” He holds you close. “Oh, love, I wish I could have spared you from this. I wish I could fix it and make it all go away.”     You turn your face towards him, burying it in his neck, and sob.       The breakdown only lasts a few minutes, but the entire time he hugs you tight, reminding you that you weren’t alone. When you finally take a breath, he kisses your forehead.       “It’s going to be okay. An even better job will come. I know everything sucks right now, but it’s going to get better. Something amazing is coming your way, love, I know it is.” He kisses your temple and murmurs against your hair, “You deserve something better than that place anyway. You’re going to do amazing things. Something better will come.”      You take another deep breath and sit up, rubbing at your eyes. “I hope so,” you say thickly.       “It will.”      Managing a smile, you lean forward and kiss him briefly. “Thanks, Joonie,” you say softly, feeling much lighter. Your eyes dart to the discarded flowers and chocolates. “I feel bad I ruined the celebration...”      He shakes his head, squeezing you tight. “You didn’t ruin anything.” A faint smile crosses his lips. “How about....instead of pizza and video games, we do.....pizza and a bubblebath??”      You laugh.      He smiles happily at the sound. “I’m serious. How does that sound, my love?”       “Hmm...pizza in the bath?” You pretend to think. “Amazing.”      “Perfect, right?”      “Almost.” You get to your feet and hold a hand out to him, waiting. “But perfect actually is pizza and you in the bath.”      He grins and takes your hand, getting to his feet quickly. “Like I said: whatever you want, baby.” 
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ragingbookdragon · 4 years
Passing Notes
A Shay Cormac x Reader One-Shot
Word Count: 2,795 Warnings: Explicit Language
Author’s Note: This is the first time I’ve sat down and written without deleting everything after five minutes! Enjoy! -Thorne
If there was one thing that bored her more than long meetings, it was long meetings when someone other than the grandmaster, or anyone she actually enjoyed listening to, had the floor. And at the moment, Charles Lee had the floor, which in her mind, was the equivalent to having someone slam her head between the door and the doorframe until she stopped moving. The only solace she found was the occasional note she and Shay had managed to write and pass back between the two of them, rather sneakily. She drew her eyes to Lee as she opened the note silently, then dropped them the page, reading over the scribbles across it.
           S- How long is this going to last?
(Y/I)- With bootlicker talking? Probably another hour.
           S- Please tell me you’re joking. We’ve got better things to do than sit around and listen to him.
           (Y/I)- You’re preaching to the choir Shay. I can count the number of business deals that I’m going to have to reschedule because we’ve already gone over on time.
           S- You think Haytham is annoyed that he’s talking on and on?
           (Y/I)- Is he sitting with his elbow resting on the armchair and his pointer is pressed against the side of his head?
           S- Yes?
           (Y/I)- Then he’s absolutely annoyed.
           S- It’s rather endearing that you can read his moods like that. Sometimes I look at him and I can’t even begin to wonder what he’s thinking about.
           (Y/I)- He’s like an onion-he’s got layers-peel ‘em back one at a time and things will become clear.
           S- You are so full of shit.
           (Y/I)- No more than you are, Irish boy.
           S- Man. Irishman, thank you very much.
           (Y/I)- You don’t look much like a man from where I’m sitting.
           After Shay had read that, he turned to her with a look of full offense on his face, and Haytham had taken the quick second to snatch their letter and read it over. The two had gone completely silent as he shifted his steely gaze to the two of them as a teacher would disruptive students. After a moment of staring at them, he clicked the quill against the inkwell and scribbled his own message before folding it quietly to pass back. When Shay unfolded it and wrote his own message, he passed it to (Y/N), who fought to keep the grin hidden as she read.
           H- It is extremely unprofessional for the two of you to pass a note back and forth like children.
           S- You mean like you’re doing? Right now?
           (Y/I)- Pot meet the kettles. Haytham, you’re officially apart of the ‘Club of Unprofessionals’.
           H- I beg to differ. I am denouncing the two of you with what you are doing. Also, ‘unprofessionals’ isn’t a word.
           S- Denounce, he says. Still counts, we say.
           (Y/I)- Hayth, be real, this is the most fun you’ve had in the last two hours. TWO. HOURS.
           H- I do not like to be called that, you know that, and Charles does have some good points to make.
           S- Oh my god, you’re encouraging him, Haytham. And she calls you Hayth?
           (Y/I)- Only in private. The last time I called him that in public he got terribly upset with me.
           H- I did not.
           S- Did he?
           (Y/I)- His face got really red and he told me if I called him that in a public setting again, he’d set me on fire.
           S- I don’t think she’s lying.
           (Y/I)- Well, he didn’t exactly ‘say’ it, but he gave me a look that told me so. Remember Shay, he’s an onion.
           H- I am not an onion.
           S- Can we get of here now? (Y/N) and I have a gang headquarters to overtake.
           (Y/I)- That’s actually a good question. Because if I have to sit here and listen to Lee speak any longer, I might actually commit murder. Also, I really do not want to listen to Johnson or Hickey start talking either. Because I will kill them too. Only Pitcairn. He’s interesting to talk to.
           H- You are not going to kill Charles, William, or Thomas.
           S- Actually, if she wants to just maim them, I don’t have a problem with that. Also, why only Pitcairn?
           (Y/I)- I’m seriously considering it.
           H- No.
           S- Hey you never answered my question.
           (Y/I)- Are you sure I can’t maim them just a little Hayth? Just a teensy-weensy bit?
           H- No. And she likes accents.
           S- Oh? (Y/N), is this the reason you spend so much time with me? Oh, this is good ammunition.
           When the note reached her once more, her eyes went wide with shock before she turned to look straight at Haytham with a look of pure hatred. He simply smiled at her in return before nodding at Charles, a silent gesture to pay attention. (Y/N) pursed her lips and nodded, writing his own secret down.
           (Y/I)- How dare you, Haytham Kenway, my most beloved best friend, betray one of my deepest secrets? You know what? You want to fight dirty? I’ll fight dirty, sweetheart. Shay, did you know that Haytham can’t compliment women to save his life. Don’t get me wrong, he knows how to be polite, but you put him in a situation where he has to sweettalk a woman and he can’t do jackshit.
           She tossed Haytham a smirk before passing the note to Shay, who, upon reading the note, had to clap a hand against the lower half of his face to avoid outright hysterical laugher from escaping him. She noted the subtle change in Haytham’s expression, enough to have gone from cool and collected to slightly unnerved and concerned. Shay scribbled down his own response before handing him the note, and (Y/N) watched a pure look of betrayal cross his face as he looked between her and the sheet of paper. She glanced at Shay and offered him a satisfied smile as the paper came back her way.
           S- You’re joking? The great Haytham Kenway can’t smooth talk women? The man who can make others piss themselves in pure fear with one dangerous look? The man who commands authority and expects respect when he steps into a room? The man who can take down a squad of soldiers singlehandedly? That man? He can’t talk to women? Jesus Christ Haytham, it’s not that hard.
           H- (Y/N) (L/N), I am docking your pay for two months. I cannot believe you just told that. I can talk to women. I talk to many women during the day.
           S- Well now it seems like you’re overselling it too much. You really can’t talk to women, can you Haytham?
           (Y/I)- Jokes on you, English boy, I make money outside of the templars, so kiss my ass.
           H- As you wish (Y/N), you are docked for the rest of the year.
           S- Ha. Looks like you’re going to be stuck with me to earn a living (Y/N). Me, my ship, and my lovely Irish accent.
           (Y/I)- You’re both dickheads and I hate the two of you.
           H- I guess you should have thought about this outcome before spilling secrets.
           S- Aw, lass, don’t hurt my feelings. I know you love me.
           (Y/I)- Up yours Kenway, you spilled first. And I do not love you.
           H- I simply answered a question.
           S- You spend all your time with me? Typically, when someone loves another person, they spend their time in said person’s company. Are you sure you don’t love me?
           (Y/I)- I spend time with you because you’re incompetent. I’ve watched you fall off rooftops and trip over nothing. You’re like a puppy that needs to be watched so it doesn’t piss on the carpet.
           H- While that is a rather descriptive analogy, Shay is not incompetent. He has taken a great deal of responsibility since moving into Fort Arsenal. But besides that, you do spend a majority of your time with him. Why is that?
           S- Yeah, what Haytham said. Why do you spend so much time with me? Is it my dashing good looks? Maybe my perfect marksmanship? It’s my good looks, isn’t it? Oh, you’ve fallen in love with me. Careful Haytham, I might sweep your right-hand woman from underneath you.
           (Y/I)- My god, who’s side are you on? You know what? I’m done. You’re both asses and I’m not talking to you two anymore. And Shay, I hope you fall off the pier.
           She passed them back the note before crossing her arms over her chest, turning her attention to Lee with an annoyed look. The longer she stared at the man, the harder she resisted the urge to snatch the letter that was still going between the two of them. When the meeting ended, she was one of the first out the door, intent to lose Haytham and Shay to find a bar to drink in.
A Few Hours Later:
           She slammed the tankard back on the bar, waving the bartender for another. He walked over and started filling the cup, but also asked, “Don’t you think you’ve had enough, miss?” (Y/N) drew her eyes up from the filling mug and glowered at him before slamming a few pounds on the bar.
           “How ‘bout you keep filling and I’ll keep paying?” He arched an eyebrow, but kept silent, swiping the money from the wooden counter, before walking off to another counter. Her eyes narrowed and she chugged the whiskey back until it was empty. When it was, she placed the tankard down, then placed her forehead on the bar, muttering, “Stupid best-friend. Stupid Irish sailor. Stupid cocky grin. Stupid accent. Stupid-” A certain accented voice cut her off, quipping,
           “Careful there lass, you might actually hurt my feelings.” (Y/N) pulled a face as she raised her head, watching Shay sit in the barstool next to her.
           “Good. I hope you drown in them.” The grin he gave her only served to irk her more as he nodded to her empty tankard.
           “Like you’re tryin’ to do with that liquor?” She grunted, but nodded and turned to the side, calling,
           “Speaking of liquor…bartender! I’m out!” He frowned as the man walked back over, then placed his hand over her cup.
           “I think you’ve had enough lass.” (Y/N) glared as she shoved his hand off, growling,
           “Unless you wanna lose that hand, don’t touch my cup.” Shay rolled his eyes at her and looked at the bartender, handing a few coins to him.
           “Last mug for her.” The man nodded and poured her last round, and Shay watched as she held the tankard to her chest. “Are you trying to nurse the mug lass?” (Y/N) took a swig then looked at him, hazy eyes still holding an edge as she bit out,
           “I might be inebriated, but don’t assume I can’t and won’t kick your ass.” She went back to her tankard, drinking the rest down before she placed it back on the counter, folding her arms across the bar as she laid on them. Shay sighed, murmuring,
           “You’re acting like a child (Y/N).” She frowned, burrowing the lower half of her face into her arms as she mumbled,
           “No, I’m acting like a woman who was and is embarrassed. There’s a difference.” Shay huffed a laugh, setting his elbow on the bar, propping his chin on his palm.
           “What are you even embarrassed about?” He let out another laugh, moving his chin to poke her with his hand. “Is it about earlier? Lass, you know Haytham and I were just teasing you?” (Y/N) glanced at him, before looking away, muttering,
           “It…it didn’t feel like teasing to me. It felt serious…it felt-” His jaw went slack and one look at his face had her scoffing as she rose from the bar. “Oh Jesus Christ. I am not doing this right now.” She turned on her heel and stumbled for the door but didn’t get far when someone bumped into her. The addition of the sudden force with her already clouded mind sent her tumbling to the floor, but before she could kiss it, a strong arm wrapped around her waist, yanking her back up. Her back met a strong chest and split second, she wanted to struggle against whoever had her by the waist when the familiar scent of sea salt and gunpowder reached her nose, followed by his voice.
           “Easy (Y/N)…I’ve got you.” She relaxed slightly, letting him lead her to the door, and as they stepped into the cool night, she grimaced and mumbled,
           “Sorry.” She couldn’t see his face, but one of his hands curled into hers as he led her, and he smiled,
           “It’s alright lass…everyone has nights like this.” (Y/N) felt the familiar warmth gather in her eyes and she shut them, shaking her head as she retorted,
           “I don’t have nights like these. I don’t need them.”
           “Lass, everyone needs a break. We’re all entitled to our feelings.”
           “Will you stop that!” The sudden shriek made him halt and she pulled away to stare at him as he questioned,
           “Stop what?” (Y/N) wildly waved her arms, yelling,
           “Stop treating me like a fragile doll! I’m a grown woman and I will not be treated as anything less!” Shay pursed his lips and nodded, crossing his arms across his chest as he countered,
           “Alright, you wanna be treated like a grown woman? Fine. I’ll treat you like one. You’re always the one giving the remarks that when the receiver turns around and gives you something you can’t handle, you don’t know what to do with it. When Haytham and I decided to give as good as we get, you didn’t know how to handle it besides pouting like a child. But it’s not the fact that you couldn’t handle being double teamed, because let’s be honest, I’ve seen you slap groups of people without laying a hand on ‘em.” He reached out, poking her in the chest. “It’s the fact that you had the truth written in front of you-literally-and you didn’t know how to process it.” He withdrew his hand and inquired, “Did I cover most of it?” (Y/N)’s mouth opened, but then she snapped it shut and nodded, then muttered,
           “…Yeah…that’s it…” She dropped her gaze to the ground, staring at her feet as she added, “I’m going to go home now…and…probably sleep for a whole day…hopefully forget this conversation.” She turned and took a step when his arms wound around her, pulling her backwards. Before she could ask, he murmured,
           “Home’s not that way, lass.” (Y/N)’s brows furrowed, and she questioned,
           “What are you talking about?” Warm breath fell next to her ear and he replied,
           “The Morrigan is on the other side of New York lass.” She huffed a laugh full of disbelief.
           “Is this a joke?” He spun her around, staring into her eyes as he grabbed her hand, placing it against his chest.
           “Does it feel like a joke?” (Y/N) frowned as she went quiet, feeling the rapid thump of his heart under his chest. He offered her a troubled smile. “I’ve heard it’s wrong to fall for your superiors, but I can’t help it.” Her eyes went wide, and she gaped at him as he added, “I’m not the greatest man ever (Y/N). I’ve got my regrets and troubles, and trouble finds me more than I solve it, but if there’s one thing I’m sure of, it’s that I know I love you.” He curled his hand around the one at his chest, squeezing tightly, but not enough to hurt as he breathed, “If you’ll have my heart…I’ll have yours as well…” Tears welled in her eyes and she began to nod, when a crooked grin crossed his lips and he quipped, “Well, I think I already do have yours.” (Y/N) barked a laugh that almost sounded like a scoff and withdrew her hand, walking past him towards the docks.
           “You absolute ass. Get all touchy-feely with me about your feelings and turn around and get cocky about it.” Shay chuckled as he spun around and hauled after her as he said,
           “Well am I gonna get a response?” (Y/N) smiled as she clasped her hand around a streetlamp, twirling around it, and retorted,
           “I’m heading home, am I not?” He matched her grin and caught her as she let go. Drawing her into his arms, he pressed his forehead to hers and expressed,
           “With you right here…it’s all the home I need.” She giggled at his words.
           “You’re a terrible flirt Shay Cormac.” He huffed a laugh, countering,
           “At least I’m better at it than Haytham.” (Y/N) gave him a smile and nodded.
           “That you are Shay.”
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Sweet Nothing (MHA Staff AU Fanfiction
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Chapter 6
Warnings: None, swf. 
"Maybe you should go back to California for when you're a pro." My eyes met with bright blue ones.
"Why would I do that? I like it here." I stared out at the city skyline in the sunset.
"I don't know. I figured it would be better for you if you go back for a little while and actually have good memories in the U.S." The blue-haired boy wasn't smiling like he usually did, "I just don't want you to stay here because you feel secure here. What happened to you shouldn't make you afraid to go back." He gave out a small chuckle and then wrapped his arm around me, "Plus, it's not like I'm telling you to stay over there forever. We have a plan to have our own agency with Yamada and Aizawa, remember?"
I gave a sad smile, genuinely thinking about the proposal, "I don't know. I have family out in California, but they never really contacted me. Only my cousin. I have a family here now; I can't just leave that."
"We're always going to be there for you. Even if we're a whole ocean away. Our group was incomplete until you came. We're not going to let you go." He went to pinch my cheeks, "You're like my little sister, I refuse to leave you alone."
I refuse to leave you alone.
"Mai?" a voice brought me out of my thoughts. I shouldn't be spaced out in this meeting. I looked over at Hound Dog and Nezu. "Are you okay?"
"Hmm? Oh, yeah, just tired from helping Aizawa settle into his place yesterday." I smiled sheepishly. "Did you need me to go over the plan again or..."
Nezu spoke up, "I do think we need to amp up this program after the USJ attack. So I'll give you, Hound Dog, and Ms. Rowell the green light to start." He gave an excited smile and took a sip out of his tea. "We need to be prepared for more villain infiltrations, so definitely starting with security, and the mental health program are major priorities."
"I'll have a meeting with some of the other teachers to come up with a good way to beef up security." Hound Dog suggested.
"Maybe hire an agency to make rotations? Maybe the Fatgum agency? Taishiro would be more than happy to help out; I'm sure if Ms. Iris and I ask him, he'll say yes." I spoke up.
"I don't see why not. Why not ask Ingenium for help too? Doesn't he have a sector here?" Hound Dog wrote down a few notes on his tablet.
"I wouldn't feel comfortable asking since Tenya Iida is his younger brother. It would feel unprofessional and put a student in potential danger if villains found out." I bit my lip. I didn't want the students to be targeted. We barely found out that the villains were out for All Might, so it's going to be hard to avoid more attacks as long as he stays. "Speaking about the students, are we still going to go through the Sports Festival? I don't feel that it's appropriate."
Hound Dog looked at me like I had just shot a puppy. Nezu, on the other hand, kept a calm composure. "I have no plans to cancel the Sports Festival."
"Why not?" I tried to hold in my disdain.
"I felt that the students should be able to enjoy the normal events that would happen if we weren't attacked. Plus, it's best to show that we were unbothered." I looked over to Hound Dog, and he just gave me a knowing look.
"The Sports Festival is broadcasted all over Japan, and we're in a bad position as a school." I interjected.
"Yes, but the Sports Festival is the best option for students to use their quirks and be potentially scouted by a pro." Nezu continued to be calm, but my patience was growing thin.
"Or potentially a villain." I raised my brow at him.
"I know, given your history, you take the student's safety seriously. I do, as well. But the Sports Festival is an opportunity to give people a place to feel collective and hopeful that it was just a one-time thing, while us staff members and the police investigate." Nezu took another sip, "It would be unfair to the people to take that away from them and let them live in fear."
"I don't think it's a good idea. But then again, I'm not in charge of the school. So I guess my opinion doesn't really matter." I grumbled. I hate acting like a child, but honestly, I was a little annoyed that he didn't want to cancel the festival despite knowing that I am in the right to be concerned.
"Don't you start giving me that attitude of yours? You know I thought about every possible outcome before making a decision." He lightly slammed the desk with his paws. "Now, I will let you and Dog Hound ask your connections about security, and you and the other counselors should meet up with your students as they prepare for the festival. Understood?"
I simply bit my tongue and nodded as the mouse stared me down.... Er... more like up at me. And with that, the meeting was over, and Nezu made his way out to his private office, leaving Ryo and me in the meeting room. "Why didn't you warn me before the meeting to not mention the Sports Festival?"
"Honestly, I thought Nezu already told you." He said, throwing his bag over his shoulder.
"He probably didn't because he wanted to avoid seeing me mad." I sighed and threw my bag over my shoulder this time. "Well, at least everything else he agreed with. Just wish that he wouldn't be exposing the students that much right now." I pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration.
"Have you had any sessions with your kids since the incident?"
"I had them email me if they had any concerns, and despite how severe they were, I made a call and spoke over the phone with them. But mostly all my kids were focused on Aizawa and Thirteen. If anything, I'll make in-person appointments to meet with them this week in case they left things out in the emails and calls."
"I saw Aizawa is back despite not being fully healed." She gave me a slight judgmental but a not so surprised look.
"We literally argued for a whole week about him coming back to work. So don't get me started with him." I sounded exhausted. But I didn't know why I was so tired and restless. I feel like I haven't done much to elicit this.
"Awe trouble in paradise for Dadzawa and Momtoya?" He smirked and wiggled her brows.
"Damn, is everyone calling us that now?"
"Yep, especially since you guys are temporarily living together because you agreed to take care of him."
"It was for my students. They wanted updates, so we made a group chat. Aizawa doesn't know about it, though."
"Well, I figured it would be the best way to communicate with them. It's through one of these school apps, so it's not breaking any boundaries."
"I meant why not tell Aizawa." He pressed on a little.
"Oh, because we make jokes about him on the chat sometimes. Plus, he would just make fun of me for wanting to be buddy-buddy with the class."
"I think it's endearing." He gave me a little pat on the back.
"That's what I thought! I recommended that all the counselors do it." I let a quiet shriek in excitement. "With the permission of parents, you know? Since despite it being their school email, the parents need to know about staff connections to students." I scratched the back of my neck. I really need to stop with this scratching habit of mine when I get awkward or nervous. "Anyways, I have to get back to my desk and start emailing the whole department about the meeting. And then I'm going to go check on Aizawa and Class 1-A, hoping neither of them is tiring each other out."
I was about to walk away and split from Ryo when I ran into Kayama and stopped me for a quick second. "Do you mind hanging out with me later after work? I have something to get off my chest, and I would like to get your perspective."
I hugged my tablet, "Um... I have to watch Aizawa... But I'm sure once I get him down for a nap, you can come over for tea or something, and we can talk. I'll just give him a heads up."
I gave her a reassuring smile, which she returned. "Okay, cool. I'm glad to hear that. Just keep me updated if anything changes."
"Yeah, no problem, Nemuri." I patted her shoulder and made my way to the lounge as she rushed to go teach Hero Art History to Class 1-A.
I opened the lounge door—literally, no one. Not even Toshinori was here. Well, I guess I can actually get work done before I go to class. "So, I guess you and Montoya are actually getting situated nicely for now." Never mind.
I look up from my desk to see Snipe and Aizawa walking in together while Midnight took her shift to teach Class 1-A. Aizawa socializing? That's good for him. Maybe it's because they're colleagues. "Oh, speak of the woman herself." Snipe waved over at me and walked into my direction. Aizawa just looked annoyed and limped over to his desk that was diagonal to mine. "How are you doing, love?" He leaned down to hug me.
"I'm good. I just had a meeting with our lovely boss. I might've upset him, though." I squeezed her hands tight around me.
"Why do you think that?" It was hard to detect his face because of his mask, but his voice sounded curious, and his head slightly fell to the side.
"I told him that he would be endangering the students if he still held the Sports Festival, and he got defensive. I felt like a child." I grumbled.
"Well, that's just how Nezu is."
"We're you and Aizawa just talking?" I nodded over to the mummy man.
"Oh yeah, we were just making conversation about the students, and we were talking about the new counseling department. And then we were talking about how you two have been adjusting to your current living situation." And in queue, Aizawa looked over at us.
I gave Snipe a little smirk, "Well, I hope nothing bad was said on my part."
"All I said was that you were annoying me with all your pestering." He shook his head. Something was off about him. Normally he didn't feel the need to explain himself. Was he worried about me thinking he talked bad about me? "The kids keep asking about when you're stopping by. Don't tell them that you're in my apartment until Recovery Girl finishes healing me up. I don't want them getting ideas."
"Oh yeah, he mentioned that a couple of times." Snipe chuckled and stared a little too long at Aizawa and me. I wonder what's that about...
"Too bad, Ashido already found out when she saw that I was packing a suitcase during my video session with her. So most likely they already know, they just don't want you to know that." I smirked.
"Yeah, they really like keeping things from me. That's why they told me about the group chat you have with the class." He flatly spoke. "Isn't that a little unprofessional?"
"Everyone that I told thought it was cute. And the parents were more than happy with knowing that their kids' counselor was available to them at all times." I got up from my seat to grab a chair for Snipe and some coffee. I can only guess that he was amused at the banter as he silently watched us.
"Who is everyone?" He said, eyeing up my coffee. So I gave him his own cup and Snipe water.
"Kayama, Lily, Iris... Oh, and Vlad." I smiled brightly. "Actually, Vlad said that it was adorable how close I am with the students and was glad to hear that I was adjusting well to my job here." I took a sip of my coffee while analyzing Aizawa's demeanor. He looked a little tense and uncomfortable. I assumed it was from his injuries and the new bandages I helped Recovery Girl put on. He was so readable yet still a mystery because there was something hidden behind his eyes that I couldn't quite uncover.
"Well, maybe you should add me to the chat since I am their homeroom teacher." He said as he took a sip from his coffee. That's surprising; he wants to be more engaged with the students on a personal level?
I quickly agreed and decided not to question him about it. Then I gave him a quick explanation about Kayama wanting to come over, and he just said sure, not giving it much thought. Afterward, I gave my attention back to Snipe, who was still casually looking at Aizawa. "Snipe?"
"Hm? Did you say something?" Snipe looked towards me; I guess he spaced out.
"No." I went back to my seat. "I have a few things to work on and give to the other counselors, so is there anything you want me to keep in mind when it comes to the students?"
Snipe slowly rose from his seat and made his way over to his desk, "No, not really. I think you and Eraser have everything under control. I'll be over here, don't want to distract you. I could always talk to you later." I just nodded and put my earphones in as Aizawa looked between the two of us awkwardly.
I was in the middle of finishing up the files I had to finish for my colleagues when there was a knock and a small voice at the door of the lounge, "Excuse me, Mr. Aizawa, Mr. Snipe? Is Ms. Montoya here? I need to speak with her?' It was Izuku Midoriya.
"I'm over here, Midoriya. What do you need to talk to me about?" I swiveled in my chair.
"It's kind of private." He rubbed his hands together nervously. His eyes were bugged out and filled with anxiety. "It involves my quirk. I'm sorry if you are busy, I knew I should've made an appointment. I'm sorry for being an inconvenience. I'll just come back later."
The boy was about the run out when I stopped him, "Woah there, I wasn't that busy; there's no need to be apologetic." I got up and smoothed out my clothes, and walked over to him. "Let's go take a walk and talk, does that sound good?" The green-eyed boy nodded and followed me out of the lounge.
"I love how she's really dedicated to the students." I heard Snipe say to Aizawa as I left.
"Yeah, she's really good at her job." I couldn't help but smile a little at the compliment. "She sucks as a caretaker, though." Damn it, Sho.
I turned my attention back to Midoriya as we quietly walked through the halls. "So, what was concerning you about your quirk?"
"I know, you know about One for All." His voice was shaking, then he looked me in the eyes, "I want you to tell me your connections to All Might. He doesn't tell me anything but you being an intern of his before going to the U.S."
"Well, there isn't much to tell..." I bit my inner cheek. I kind of don't know what exactly I could tell him.
"I just want to know how he was when he was your mentor and if you could help me better understand the quirk One for All." The boy pleaded.
"Oh... well then..." This is going to be a long story.
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Tag list: 
@inumorph @thatgirlwithcamera @mel-sanch
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