#here's that Gilgamesh content no one was really asking for
softquietsteadylove · 1 month
I think the break up idea would make a good ao3 content
Always love your work btw ~
Thena's head tipped to the side as she laughed, her hands clasped around her cup of decaf latte. Just like she always had. God, she really looked the same, and sounded the same, and felt the same.
Gil stared, blatantly enchanted by the woman across from him. He had moved swiftly from not wanting her to know how pathetically he had spent the last year and a half to telling her about his one miserable attempt at a relationship. "Yeah, I didn't even realise what made her storm out like that until the guys told me."
Thena gave him a chastising look over the rim of her cup. "Gilgamesh."
"I know, I know, it's bad," he admitted while also smiling into his own cup of coffee. He shouldn't make light of having called the last girl he was with the wrong name. But he couldn't help but be glad it was good for something (making Thena laugh).
"If it were me, I would have done the same," Thena offered in his poor ex's defense.
Not that he would have really called her his girlfriend, all things considered. Maybe if that was the only name for it, but he had made it clear at the time that he wasn't looking for anything that serious. Not after Thena.
"I don't blame her," he shrugged, still too preoccupied with the woman in front of him. It was as if he were in a dream and she might vanish at any moment.
"Did you ever apologise to her?"
"'Course," he huffed. He leaned forward on the table, sitting his cheek against his fist. "I have some decency, y'know."
"I know." The quick and familiar rhythm of their conversation stumbled. It had done so a few times, now. For the most part, they felt like themselves three years ago. Things flowed easily between them. But this was the third time now that Thena had said something a bit more pronounced, or more softly, or wistfully.
He looked at her, although as soon as he did her eyes darted down to stare into her mug again. He could feel them circling something. He faked taking another sip; his mug was smaller than hers and he was already done, but he didn't want another cup, and he didn't want to leave, either.
Thena put her mug down, freeing one of her hands to tuck some hair behind her ear. She was still feeling a little restless. "And how has work been?"
It was a very mundane question after the last. But that was okay, she could ask him all the boring shit she wanted. "Restaurant's good--I finally found some good guys for the kitchen so I can take off earlier or take a day off here and there."
Thena merely nodded, appearing to be out of commentary. Her eyes darted down to her mug.
"You out?" he asked directly. It wasn't the most charming way to ask, but he was curious. She nodded, her lips pinching sheepishly. He smiled, "want more?"
She hook her head.
"Yeah, I guess I'm all coffee-d out," he sighed, standing from the little stool. The tall, metal stools always did feel somewhat uncomfortable the longer spent on their square forms. Thena showed no signs of butt fatigue as she also stood. He held his hand out, "bus or uber?"
She tilted her head, but took his offered hand, "taxi."
He grinned; she was still like an old lady with technology. She knew what an uber was but she had probably never ordered one in her life. His hand closed around hers, "there's a spot where they all park that's just around the corner. Probably quicker than calling one."
Thena followed him silently, but he was fine with her silence. It was another thing that felt terribly, painfully familiar to him as he walked out with her hand in hand.
"What about the museum?" he asked in a bit of a rush, reminding himself to ask about her work and her interests.
She smiled as they took slow, tiny steps in the snow. "Quite the same, I believe. Kingo is attempting to convince upper management that he should be in charge of the social media accounts."
"He'd probably do pretty well at that, actually," Gil muttered mostly to himself. He had always liked her friend from work, Kingo. Well, once he had learned that he wasn't interested in Thena, of course.
He snuck his eyes over to her. He caught her doing the same before she rushed them away again, her other hand reaching for her scarf.
There was even less street noise than before they had gone into the little cafe, most of the city asleep and avoiding the snow. Those who were out were probably a few blocks away in the pubs, like his friends whom he had abandoned. He looked over his shoulder.
"Ah, shit."
Thena blinked, still following him silently but now as he dragged her to the corner and around it. "Gil?"
"The guys," he grumbled as he pulled her around the corner of the building, just out of the streetlight enough that they might not recognise him with his back turned. "I, uh, kinda left them in the bar back there."
"Gilgamesh," she chided him again, but she was obviously amused by it.
In fact, he could hear them as they got closer. Were they always so loud and obnoxious? Maybe he just noticed it less when he was getting drunk, too. But he had to admit, that was appealing to him less and less these days. He had chalked it up to getting older.
But looking at Thena, that wasn't it. It wasn't that he just didn't like going out with the guys anymore, it was just that he would rather just be at home, enjoying a quiet night instead. He wanted to be horizontal on the couch, the tv playing whatever. He wanted to have his back against the back of the couch, and what he really wanted was a smaller, lighter frame to be lying in front of him, his arm draped over her because it made him feel big and strong and protective. And she would doze off because she found what he liked on tv uninteresting. But they would lie around together like that for hours.
He shuffled them closer to the wall as the voices got closer and closer. Even if they did manage to overlook his huge frame, even from the back, they would most certainly recognise Thena. It was impossible not to.
Thena let him guide her closer to him as he raised his arm up against the snowy building's facade. To a passerby, he would probably just look like he was leaning, maybe they would think he was putting the moves on someone, if they could see her past him at all.
He all but held his breath as his drunk asshole friends yapped their way down the sidewalk and past them completely. He knew those idiots wouldn't notice him. He was surprised they had even gathered that he left. He looked down at Thena, tucked against his chest, "sorry-"
She tilted her head up, catching his lips with her own. But it wasn't that accidental. She was definitely kissing him. His hand moved to her cheek completely on its own, like damn sense memory or something. But it made her kiss him again, so maybe it wasn't that bad.
They pulled apart slowly. He wanted to kiss her again. He wanted it as if he had been starving the past two years of his life and was finally given some good fucking food again.
Thena's cheeks took on a shade of rouge that stood out against the snow and her general pallor. She slid back half a step. "S-Sorry, I-I shouldn't--it's-"
He caught her hands again before she could slither away in embarrassment. Her eyes avoided his again but he was happy to stare at her blatantly, reciprocated or not. "Don't be sorry."
He pulled her in again, kissing her more properly. It really was like sense memory, but it was better than any memory he had been mulling over for the past however long. Their lips fit together naturally, Thena melted into him like she was the better atop a thick stack of fluffy pancakes. His arm wrapped around her, holding the smallness of her waist, even in her heavy white coat.
They parted again. He moaned quietly and she let out more of a gentle purr. Her hand had slipped up the front of his coat and halfway inside his lapel, although she snapped it back to herself. He blinked, feeling more dazed after that kiss than any number of shots the guys would have told him to get. "See?"
Thena's eyes drifted down again, still blushing, much to his delight. "I didn't plan this with this in mind."
No, she wouldn't have planned to kiss him outside, under the cover of shadow, snow falling on their heads. But that was okay. He dusted some snow out of her hair again. "I know."
She stepped back from him more properly, in a physical declaration that no more kissing would be taking place. She gripped the ends of her scarf. "I should get home."
"Okay," he smiled, although he had to admit that his first instinct was to ask her to stay. He just wanted another hour, just five more minutes. Just one more kiss before she left again.
She took his hand again, letting him lead her to her ride home. Her hand flinched in his before giving it a quiet squeeze. "Next week is a long weekend."
His eyes sparked. She wouldn't bring it up just to make conversation. But he was curious if she would ask him for herself or if she would end up making him ask her out. To be honest, he was okay if that was what she wanted. He had plenty of experience in it. "Oh, yeah."
Her hand was still holding onto her scarf for dear life. But she braved on, "the museum will be closed on the monday. If I recall, so will the restaurant."
She still knew the restaurant hours. His heart leapt in his chest, "yeah."
Finally without any cover left, she managed to squeak out, "if you like, we could-"
"Love to," he blurted out, even stepping on the end of her question. Maybe it was overeager. Maybe it was even more pathetic than admitting he hadn't even come close to moving on from her. But he didn't care.
Her eyes darted up to his one last time before shyness took over and she looked away again. "Hm."
That was her way of sealing the deal, and the nostalgia of her quiet 'hm's and 'indeed's warmed the tips of his fingers. "It's a date."
The glow of the taxi numbers came into view. He had to let her go again. But Thena gave him one last - beautiful - smile. "Then I'll see you monday."
She left his side to cross the street, one of them having already started up their engine at the sight of her. He watched her, from being the only person in sight to getting in. She gave him one last wave before her carriage took off for her side of town.
Neither had asked if their numbers were the same. Maybe that meant that she hadn't wanted to change hers either. He wondered what the background of her phone was now (it had also been of their trip to Australia, once upon a time).
He also tried not to obsess over the kiss. It didn't mean this was anything more serious. They were just two old friends catching up, he told himself. Although his fingers were tingling, eager to hold her like that again.
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bigasswritingmagnet · 3 months
Gilgamesh, Son of Zantabraxus (Ch 1 of probably 3)
Summary: Twenty years ago, Queen Zantabraxus gave birth to twins. Twenty years ago, the queen's consort, Chump, took one of their children and vanished. Zantabraxus chose to let him go, to spare her second child. In one universe, Zantabraxus raised her daughter. In this one, she raised her son. Agatha joins the circus and meets Gil, who has almost as many secrets as Agatha does. They help each other get stronger, in unexpected ways. And maybe fall in love a little bit but they don't really have time to deal with all that right now.
Sequel to Zeetha, Daughter of Klaus; another very brief look a Wulfenbach twin trying to fill the other's shoes.
AO3 Link | Ch 2>
“Escaped from Castle Wulfenbach, huh? That’s pretty impressive.”
The speaker was a man about Agatha’s age, seated on a log next to a small fire, stirring a pot of something that smelled extremely appetizing. He had brown hair and bright eyes and filled a bowl from the pot before passing it to Agatha.
The motion made Agatha notice that he was wearing a sleeveless vest, which meant she got a good view of the muscles in his arms as he held the bowl out to her. He really was quite handsome, actually.
“Not hungry?” he asked, making Agatha start. She blushed and took the bowl, feeling the strangest sense of deja vu. Something about his smile felt so familiar, but she couldn’t figure out why.
“Thanks,” she said, taking it and sitting down beside him. His eyes flicked away and then back to her face, too quickly for her to tell what he’d been looking at.
“How’d you do it? From what I can tell, the Baron isn’t an easy man to get away from.”
“I had help,” Agatha said, stirring the contents of the bowl, which turned out to be some kind of stew. She took a bite, and was surprised to taste rabbit, instead of the undefineable mystery meat she had expected to be abundant in the wastelands.
“We have a saying back home: a friend is a good sword.”
“And where’s home?”
He waved a hand vaguely.
“A backwater, middle-of-nowhere that isn’t even near to anyplace you’ve heard of. My name’s Gil.”
Again his eyes flicked away and back, but this time Agatha figured out he was looking at her death ray. She managed to look a few inches to the left of the smile and see two swords in their scabbards strapped to his back. Oh dear. If he was supposed to protect the caravan and he decided she was a threat...
“What do you do here?” she asked, trying to sound innocuous.
“Forward scouting, protection. Sometimes I do sword tricks to warm up the crowd before a show. Your gun,” he blurted out, abruptly. “Did you build it yourself?”
“Oh, yes!” Agatha said, before she could catch herself. “Um, I mean—”
But Gil lit up in a way that made Agatha utterly incapable of thinking of a cover story.
Or much of anything, really.
“How does it work?” he asked, leaning in. “The orb at the end is the power source, obviously, but what about the rings here? And why one up at the top, too?”
“It holds the charge,” Agatha explained, her mouth moving without asking her brain, which was too preoccupied with drowning in Gil’s eyes. “The battery can only produce so much power at a time, so I have the three rings to store up the excess, which triples the output.”
“That’s brilliant!” Gil exclaimed. “But that gives a delay between pulling the trigger and firing, doesn’t it?”
Agatha began to feel slightly breathless. She’d never had a boy complement her death ray before.
“Yes,” Agatha said,“but that’s what the ring by the muzzle is for—”
“Oh, of course! A specialized conduit, to pull the energy towards the firing mechanism! That must take at least a second off—”
Gil’s mouth slammed shut, the color not so much draining from his face as fleeing it. He shot to his feet so abruptly it nearly bowled Agatha over.
“I have to go,” he said, and was gone so fast he left a dust cloud behind him.
His abrupt departure had caught the attention of a few people nearby; Agatha turned to a woman with masses of dark, curly hair and asked
“Did I say something?”
“No, it’s not you. He gets a little overwhelmed sometimes when he gets too excited. He’ll be fine in a few minutes—just do him a favor and pretend it didn’t happen. He gets embarrassed, y’know?”
Agatha felt a sharp pang in her heart and a sinking in her stomach.
“Yes,” she said, quietly. “I do know.”
It took four days of traveling with the circus for Agatha to get her courage up to approach Gil, and another two to find the right opportunity. It wasn’t that he was intimidating—indeed, he was quite approachable, perhaps too approachable—but this was a delicate conversation.
Agatha knew she wasn’t really qualified to be the one to have this conversation with Gil; even discounting her inexperience, this was something a mentor, a teacher, even a parent should be doing. But Agatha was sure that no one had ever sat Gil down and had this talk with him, maybe because there wasn’t anyone in his life to give it—and Agatha knew how much she would have appreciated anyone talking to her about it instead of leaving her to find out on her own.
At last she managed to find a moment where no one had given her a chore to do, and Gil was hidden away in his wagon, doing “Gil stuff”, as Lars had sardonically put it.
She didn’t have time to waste dithering, so she made herself walk straight up to the door and knock hard. It opened just enough for Gilgamesh to poke his head out.
“Agatha!” he said, with a smile.
“I was hoping to have a quick word. Well, maybe not so quick. A word, anyway.”
“Oh, sure. About what?”
Agatha hesitated.
“Can I come in?”
Panic, just a little, flashed in Gil’s eyes; he tried to hide it behind a frantic grin.
“Oh, psh, no, you don’t want to come in here, it’s a mess—”
“It’s sort of...private.”
Gil froze. His cheeks began to turn pink. He straightened up, pulling the door open slightly wider.
“Um. Wh—Uh. Private? That, uh, what um, kind of…of private? I mean, sure, bu—uh, but.”
Agatha pushed past him gently, into the dimly lit wagon.
“The door?” Agatha said.
“Yeah. The door,” Gil said, vaguely, shutting the door.
The flame in the lantern on the table was low; Agatha turned the knob to brighten it. Gil, immobilized by his shock, suddenly snapped out of it . He lurched forward, hand outstretched.
“No, wait—!”
The wagon was full of books. Every available inch of wall space was a shelf crammed with books of all sizes. There were books under the bed, books on the table—the curtain to the closet where Gil kept his clothes was half-open, and Agatha could see that there, too, were books.
On the table before her was a cuckoo clock, the back open to expose the inner workings. A set of mismatched tools lay beside it.
“Oh, wow,” Agatha said. “This is—”
Gil had shut his eyes and turned his head away. His expression was one of shame, his whole body tensed for—what? For her to attack him? Shout at him?
“Gil…?” she said.
“It’s just a hobby!” he burst out, desperately. “It doesn’t mean anything! I, I have a lot of spare time when we’re on the road! I don’t neglect my duties, I’m still a warrior, this doesn’t mean anything!”
“Gil, Gil, it’s okay! I’m not mad or anything.”
“Just disappointed, right?” he said, bitterly. Agatha blinked at him.
“Uh. No, not that either. I’m actually kind of impressed you managed fit all these books in here in the first place.”
“Don’t make fun of me,” Gil snapped, bristling.
“I’m not making fun of you!” she said, bewildered by his anger. “Lots of people like books and clockwork. I like books, and clocks are about the only thing I used to be able to build that didn’t blow up.”
Gil folded his arms across his chest and looked away again, not ashamed this time, but still very tense. Agatha hesitated, and then reached out, touching his arm gently. He flinched, but did not pull away.
“Gil…This is what I wanted to talk to you about. When we first met, and we were talking about the gun—”
Gil flushed and turned away from her.
“It was nothing,” he said, angrily. “I just remembered I had something I needed to do, that’s all.”
“Olga says you get overwhelmed when you get excited—”
His face turned even redder and he shot her a glare.
“I think maybe you should go,” he said, icily.
“I know how it feels.”
“How what feels?” Gil asked, warily.
Agatha’s hand went to her throat, and once more some part of her brain was surprised to touch bare skin instead of the smooth metal of her locket.
“For as long as I can remember, I had these headaches. Any time I got really angry, or too excited, or thought too hard, the pain would come. Sometimes I’d even get them in my sleep. And it—it hurt,” she whispered. To her surprise, her eyes began to burn. “It hurt so much...”
And Uncle Barry had let it happen. Made it happen. She blinked hard, and drew herself up.
“So I understand what it’s like. When it would happen to me in front of people, I wanted to run away, too. Once it happened to me while I was asking a professor a question in the middle of a lecture hall in front of about five million people and I nearly threw myself out a window.”
Agatha gave him a reassuring smile, but Gil looked sad.
“I’m sorry,” he said. “That sounds awful. But it’s not the same as what happens to me.”
“Not exactly,” Agatha agreed. “Yours doesn’t look like it hurts, but I still know how it feels to have your own brain humiliate you in front of people.”
A shy smile touched Gil’s lips.
“I guess you do. And I guess it’s still nice to know I’m not the only one in the world who knows it. I almost wish it was headaches,” Gil admitted, sitting down on his bed. Agatha shuffled a few books around and sat down on the window seat across from him.
“What happens?”
“I go insane,” Gil said, simply.
Agatha tried to remain still, even as her brain hollered I KNEW IT .
“If I don’t remove myself from the situation as soon as it starts, I get...I get dangerous. I forget about everything around me except what’s right in front of me. There’s this sort of burning feeling in my brain, except it doesn’t hurt. That’s the worst part,” he said to Agatha, his own eyes overbright. “I like it. It’s why I have to leave as soon as it happens; once it gets going, I don’t want to stop. It’s some kind of mania, it’s—”
“It’s the spark,” Agatha said, softly. Gil stared at her and then snorted.
“I am not a Spark,” he scoffed. “I’ve seen Sparks in action, they don’t act like I do. They come up with really crazy ideas, but they’re still aware of what’s going on around them. They don’t get lost in their own heads; they just get dangerously enthusiastic.”
“Some Sparks are like that,” Agatha acknowledged. “What you described is a fugue state. I’ve met a lot of Sparks, and I know that how a Spark acts in that state can vary. There are a variety of factors—personality, self-control, but mostly it’s how strong the Spark is. The stronger the Spark, the more overwhelming it can be.”
Gil shot to his feet.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I do. I know exactly what I’m talking about. It happened to me when I built my death ray.”
Gil looked sharply at Agatha, but he only seemed angrier.
“I am not a Spark. I am a warrior. My mother is a warrior. My grandmother. My great-grandmother. I am a warrior, from a house of warriors; it is in my blood and my bones, it is everything I was born for and I! Am not! A Spark!”
“You can be both,” Agatha said, and she could see the words hit Gil like a fist.
The anger vanished, his face dropped, and in his eyes was a look so lost Agatha could have cried.
“I don’t know a lot about fighting,” Agatha said, “but even I can tell that you’re the greatest warrior I’ve ever seen. You’re a warrior and a Spark. You don’t have to choose, and acknowledging that you’re a Spark won’t change anything about you, because it’s already a part of you.”
S he took his hands in hers and squeezed gently.
“I’m sorry that anyone ever made you feel otherwise.”
She had no way of knowing, but that was the moment Gil fell in love with her. The lantern light seemed to make her hair glow, as if she was more real than anything else in the world. Her eyes were so wide and so gentle; her voice so kind as she said all the things he never knew he wanted—needed—someone to say to him. That it was alright. That he was alright.
A fist pounded on the door.
“Hey, Gil! You in there?”
They both jumped.
“Uh...Yeah, I’m here.”
“You seen Lars anywhere?”
“Not...not recently, no.”
“If you do, tell him I’m looking for him, would you?”
They waited a few moments until Abner had left, hearts pounding, reeling slightly from the emotional whiplash. Agatha realized she was still holding Gil’s hands and dropped them, taking a step back and blushing.
“Um. Anyway, so. I hope that uh. Helps.”
Gil cleared his throat, folded his arms, unfolded them, put his hands on his hips, folded his arms again.
“Yeah. Yes.”
“Maybe we could build something together,” Agatha suggested, and blushed. “Y’know. So we can both get used to this Spark thing.”
“Get used to it?”
“I broke through when my headaches stopped—or maybe my headaches stopped because I broke through. It was just a couple weeks ago, so I’m still—”
Gil burst out laughing. Agatha took a step back in shock as Gil nearly bent double.
“A couple of weeks?” he exclaimed. “Seriously?”
“What’s wrong with that?”
“I thought you must have been a Spark for years! You made it sound like you were an expert and it turns out you barely know what you’re talking about!”
Agatha’s jaw dropped.
“Excuse me?”
Gil’s humor vanished, replaced by panic.
“N-No, I just meant that you don’t know a lot more than me but you’re really good at sounding like you think you’re an authority—No, wait, that’s, wait—”
“Sorry if I misled you,” she said, her voice so cold it had icicles.
“Wait, I didn’t—I wasn’t trying to—!”
“I hope my ignorance doesn’t make our conversation less helpful to you,” she interrupted. “Good day, Gil.”
Gil winced when she slammed the door, and sank back down onto the bed, burying his face in his hands.
“Me and my big mouth,” he moaned.
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sjofn-lofnsdottr · 8 months
top 5 primals/bosses?
Now it's time for BOSSES, no primals allowed! I'm going to be kinda vague in spots, as some of them feel like spoilers, but anyone who's current in the MSQ will likely pick up what I'm laying down, while people who haven't fought the bosses I'm talking about will hopefully not piece anything together from it.
I like most boss fights, mind you. But we all know the ones everyone loves. Your Dying Gasps, your Seat of Sacrifices, your Castrum Fulminises, your The Final Days. Those go without saying, so I'm not saying them, although I will say they are loved for a reason, and I love them too. But instead, I'm saying the top five weirder ones I love.
#5: Refurbisher 0: Did you know that's the name of the Eyes of the Creator boss? You do now! I love this fight for a very simple reason: I know how the adds work. I cannot tell you how many times I have popped into an in-progress raid and saved everyone from their wiping hell because I know how to do the adds. I feel so competent! Like a true hero! And so I get way more excited about getting this boss than I probably should.
#4: The Last Boss in the Antitower: I only ever seem to get this dungeon when someone - and sometimes more than one someone! - is running it for the very first time, and without fail, that person watches the final boss' intro and says some variation of 'what in the fuck???' in party chat. Could be a completely silent run up until then, but that sprout is going to have some feelings they need to get out and I love that. Especially since I was once that sprout, asking what the fuck.
#3: Lahabrea, Every Time, But Especially the Last Time: I have loved this dorkus since I switched to the French VAs in ARR. I didn't need the extra shit that made other people love him too, not that I objected to it. But listen. Listen to me. Lahabrea's French voice actor is a goddamn delight. He loves being evil so much. Is he an absolute fucking cartoon every time we fight him? Yes. And his French voice actor knows it, and puts everything he's got into chewing the scenery. I could listen to this man yell French words I do not understand at me for hours and hours (and believe me, I have). And I love how whenever he comes up in conversation with other Ascians, they NEED to dunk on him. Need. He is objectively ridiculous and I love that so much for him.
(By the way, if you never did his new ARR fight that got put in after they revamped Praetorium, it's definitely worth doing once for the experience.)
#2: Greg, Every Time, But Especially the Last Time: I love Gilgamesh, a lot. And I love how goofy his trials are. But I especially enjoy how the last time we fight him (so far???) is also almost always a clusterfuck when it pops up to say hello in trial roulette. I like doing old content that can still trip people up, years and years after it came out, and Greg can still make an entire full party faceplant. I love that for him.
#1: The Voidcast Dais Guy: I don't actually know the general feelings about this dude as a boss, he's probably in the 'goes without saying' category REALLY. But he is another one I fucking love almost entirely because of his French voice actor. Even when he's speaking quietly, he is speaking in All Caps. He lets words roll around in his mouth forever. He is in absolutely no hurry to say them. Do I understand what he's saying? I do not. Well, except when he's yelling MISÉRABLE at me. The actual fight is fun (imo), but I am pretty sure at least 50% of my enjoyment of him as a character and as a boss comes from him YELLING AT ME EN FRANÇAIS.
And because I don't want to spoil nothin', here's Bjalla dropping a meteor on something or other:
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Thank you for the ask! <3
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lovelyfanatical · 1 year
I Get a Sugar Rush Whenever I'm With You - Chapter 6.3
Good evening fellow Drukkari stans, or whatever time it is for you! I come bearing the next mini-chapter! If you missed any previous installments and need to catch up, you can find them on my handy dandy Table of Contents here. The competition is heating up as everyone grows closer. How will the others fit into the group dynamic? Find out now in the next mini-chapter of Drukkari in the Great British Bake Off!
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By the time dinner rolled around, Druig was pretty beat. Technicals were never fun, but this one had been particularly distressing: gluten free bread. Both he and Makkari were in the bottom half, which wouldn’t have been too terrible a few weeks ago, but now, it could spell disaster. Poor Phastos had come in last, leading him to retire early as usual rather than joining the rest of the group. Results had varied widely for the rest of them, leading to their current discussion.
“People think being vegan is hard, but going gluten free is the real challenge,” Sprite remarked.
“I concur,” Sersi added.
Says the one who came in first, Makkari interjected, a playful smirk on her lips.
“And it was very difficult!” she responded.
“Congrats, by the way!” Gil said, raising his bottle of water in a toast. The rest of them joined in, raising their assorted drinks to Sersi, which made her smile.
“Awww, thanks everyone,” she said as she clinked glasses with the group. While she seemed genuinely happy, Druig thought he spotted a hint of sadness in her eyes. It seemed Makkari had noticed, too.
Hey, you okay? she signed subtly, so as not to alert everyone, though most of them still noticed.
“Yeah, just thinking about our friends who’ve been sent home. Dane actually predicted I’d do well this week. I just wish he was still here to see it,” Sersi explained wistfully.
“You could just call him, right?” Sprite interrupted, sounding more like a statement than a question.
“I think she could, but it might be against the rules to give him too many details about the competition,” Ajak explained.
“And if I call him, I don’t know if I’d be able to hide it for long,” Sersi added.
“Ugh, couples are so gross,” Sprite lamented.
“Oh, we’re not together. Dane and I are just friends,” Sersi said a little too quickly, a blush starting to settle on her cheeks.
You mean he still hasn’t asked you out!? Makkari asked, eyes widening in shock and disbelief.
“What? He’s done no such thing!”
“Really? I asked Thena out the day she got eliminated,” Gil piped up.
Everyone seemed to turn in unison toward Gilgamesh, not exactly surprised at the idea but surprised to hear it confirmed out loud. After a split second of silence, their reactions came all at once.
I KNEW IT! Makkari exploded, nearly shaking with excitement, which made Druig chuckle.
“Well, at least I don’t have to watch you pining after each other anymore,” Sprite said, her voice sounding annoyed, but a small smile on her face.
“That’s great, Gil!” Ajak added.
“She said yes, right?” Druig asked teasingly.
“She did,” Gil confirmed with a grin.
“Oh my goodness, I’m so happy for you two!” Sersi said.
“Thanks, everybody,” Gil replied, a bit surprised but still appreciative of the warm response. “To get back to the point, though, I didn’t wait long. So what’s holding Dane up?”
“I told you already. We’re just friends,” Sersi insisted, her face getting redder by the minute.
“Sersi, he spent most of his time talking to you and the rest of it staring at you when you weren’t looking. I think he might want more than friendship,” Sprite declared.
“That’s not even counting your interactions during dinner,” Druig chimed in, prompting Sersi to shoot him a look.
Maybe he just needs a push in the right direction, Makkari suggested, like advice from someone who knows you both.
“Hey now, we shouldn’t get too involved,” Ajak interjected. “I’m sure Dane is quite capable of asking Sersi out on his own, if that’s what she wants.”
“I wouldn’t be too sure,” Gilgamesh said pensively. “Asking someone out is a lot of pressure. It’s easy to just keep making up excuses for why you shouldn’t do it.”
What was your excuse with Thena? Makkari asked.
“I don’t know how much she’s told you, but we sort of knew each other a long time ago,” he began. “In fact, we were supposed to get coffee together, but she ended up moving away before we got the chance. When we ran into each other again all these years later, I wasn’t sure she’d still want to go out with me.”
“But she did,” Sersi said, smiling gently.
“She did,” Gil confirmed, smiling back. “But I didn’t realize that until the day she got eliminated, and she asked me how much longer I was going to make her wait for that coffee.”
“It was pretty obvious to the rest of us,” Sprite muttered.
“It never seems obvious when it’s happening to you!” he asserted. “You’re still young, Sprite. You’ll see what I mean when it happens to you. Anyway, Makkari might be onto something. If you want Dane to ask you out, Sersi, he might need a push in the right direction.”
“I still think it’s better not to interfere,” Ajak interrupted. She gave a pointed look at Makkari, who feigned innocence at the gesture. Ajak then turned her stern gaze toward Druig, who didn’t need to pretend to be surprised.
“Why are you looking at me?” he asked.
“You know why.”
“I don’t think he does,” Gil said, chuckling.
“For fully grown adults, you’re all pretty clueless, huh?” Sprite teased, sparking a chorus of “Heys” from everyone else. After a moment, she added, “Except for Ajak.”
“Thank you, Sprite,” she replied smugly.
As they left Ajak’s room, Druig hung back from the group a bit. Right on cue, Makkari turned to look at him, noticed his growing distance from the rest of them, and accepted his silent invitation to talk. She let the group get a bit further away before asking him, What’s up?
What was Ajak trying to get at earlier?
I think she just knows you’re my usual partner in crime, she replied, a sly smile playing at her lips. And she doesn’t even know the half of it.
Druig couldn’t help but smile, remembering their clandestine baking session earlier that week.
Do you think she’s right, though? Makkari continued.
About what?
About not interfering.
Druig thought about it for a moment, then he turned to her and said, No. I think I’m with Gil on this one. Sometimes guys need a push. Makkari’s small smile turned into a full-blown grin. I’d ask Sersi first, though. Just in case.
I will, but I think she’ll accept my help, she said. You saw her at dinner. She really misses Dane!
Yeah, I don’t envy their situation, he added. Although, if I can’t turn things around tomorrow, that might be us next week.
Hey, she said, as she stopped and turned him to face her. Stay strong. We’re both going to get through this week. You know why?
Because I won’t allow you to give up, she insisted. There was a soft smile on her face, but a steadiness in her gaze that told Druig that she meant it. It stirred something in his chest.
Thank you. I needed that, he said.
Anytime. With that, she wrapped her arms around him. He hugged her back and noted, not for the first time, that they seemed to fit together perfectly.
Honestly, so many cute ships came out of this movie. Hope you enjoyed this installment!
Part 21
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I posted 2,126 times in 2022
682 posts created (32%)
1,444 posts reblogged (68%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,847 of my posts in 2022
Only 13% of my posts had no tags
#fate series - 912 posts
#gilgablog - 527 posts
#gilgamesh - 490 posts
#op speaks - 271 posts
#fgo - 126 posts
#asks - 123 posts
#anon - 88 posts
#enkidu - 68 posts
#caster gilgamesh - 57 posts
#gilgawriting - 52 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#damn this series is very underrated. rejet used to upload their drama cds for free and one mafia one even was voiced by hikaru midorikawa
My Top Posts in 2022:
How the various Gilgamesh decide which one is the best:
I made a short video on Objection.lol of the various Gilgamesh battling over which one of them is the better Gil. It was hilarious making this (i had to edit the gilgamesh sprites on powerpoint etc).
54 notes - Posted July 10, 2022
Maximum respect to the FGO servants who see that master is going thru some real shit and tries to help them out....especially as i feel like Guda doesn't easily let others know about how much internal suffering they're going through
59 notes - Posted June 21, 2022
Day 326
Ever wondered what type of person FGO believes Gilgamesh would be compatible with? The FGO white day shindan (a quiz who determines who you're compatible with in fgo) may have the answer for you!*
*Includes both an image of his result as well as a full translation and breakdown of results, so that it's easy to understand.
Gilgamesh Result
"Your ideal partner is...A strong-willed sadist! Oresama (egotistical) Type"
* The synonyms for 「気強い」 made me laugh. It can mean 'unsympathetic', 'bullish', 'reliable', 'safe', 'aggressive' and even "not easily swayed by emotions."
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"You, who strongly desires to elevate yourself; wishing for a partner who can provide you with said status. One who is a strong-minded, sadistic being that can both steadfastly answer such tall demands- as well as precisely use their momentum to lead you onto the correct path- is the ideal type for someone like you."
"Whilst mutually encouraging one another to improve (working diligently/cultivating each others' characters), you will be able to grow together."
Overall, it deems Gilgamesh as the kind of guy who can answer to your needs and help you elevate yourself to a higher level than before. He'll be able to answer to any and all of your desires, no matter how impossible they seem. He's also a sadistic, pompous lover.
By his side, both of you will mature and become the very best versions of yourself!
Haha, Gilgamesh's type is all about growth here as well! XD
And I love how the type they say he is compatible with is not very specific either. As long as you want to gain more status and have lofty dreams to become the ultimate version of yourself, Gilgamesh will totally be there by your side, so that you can develop and grow together. (whilst also being an utter asshole about it... but that's also part of the package!)
He really is a very devoted lover, huh...
66 notes - Posted March 7, 2022
I just wanted to give another shout out to the 'hasdoneanythingwrong' blogs. Both to active, inactive and ones on hiatus as well. It can be tough at times to do, especially with frequent fan opinion conflicts and the pressure of posting content for the character on a regular basis. It can be difficult too, especially when characters can be interpreted in a vast variety of ways, but the popular representation of them is what is expected. It is pretty awesome to share your love of a character regardless of this and stand by your admiration for them!
peace 2 u! you've all done an awesome job ^^
70 notes - Posted March 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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I do not know WHERE on earth i found these images of a holy grail war with Fujimura Taiga as Saber, taking on Lancer at full power but by damn do i wish that i could find the rest of it
184 notes - Posted August 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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hello-delicious-tea · 2 years
The Wall
He carved on a stone stela all of his toils, and built the wall of Uruk-Haven, the wall of the sacred Eanna Temple, the holy sanctuary. Look at its wall which gleams like copper(?), inspect its inner wall, the likes of which no one can equal! Take hold of the threshold stone--it dates from ancient times! Go close to the Eanna Temple, the residence of Ishtar, such as no later king or man ever equaled! Go up on the wall of Uruk and walk around, examine its foundation, inspect its brickwork thoroughly. Is not (even the core of) the brick structure made of kiln-fired brick, and did not the Seven Sages themselves lay out its plans?
The Epic of Gilgamesh, trans. Stephen Mitchell
So, this wall. This wall is the crowning achievement of Gilgamesh's reign. It's obviously good because it protects the city and the temple, but if you look at what the text focuses on, it's not the impregnability of the wall, but the skill, craftsmanship, care, and even community that go into it. It gleams, and every detail of it is meticulously planned and executed.
In the beginning of the story, Gilgamesh has just started working on the wall, but he's kind of fucking it up. I'm going to use the Mason retelling because it's right next to me:
Sometimes he pushed his people half to death With work rebuilding Uruk’s walls,  And then without an explanation let The walls go unattended and decay,  And left his people dreaming of the past And longing for a change.  They had grown tired of his contradictions  And his callous ways.
A wall of this caliber requires focus, direction, planning, consistency. Good leadership requires the same.* Gilgamesh, though he is meant to be the best king ever and may ("left his people dreaming of the past" suggests he used to be good at his job, or, alternatively, that the previous king was pretty rad), is currently really falling down on the job. TBH, it sounds like he's depressed to me: sudden bursts of energy where he tries to get on top of things followed by getting overwhelmed and letting it all fall apart again.
And why is he depressed? Because he is impossibly, terribly lonely. Being 2/3 god and 1/3 human (again, weird) means there is nobody with whom you can have a meeting of the minds. Gilgamesh is both terribly drawn to that meeting and terrified of it; he dreams a number of somewhat ominous dreams of being overthrown, mastered, by a stranger. His mom is like, OH THANK GOD THIS IS YOUR SOULMATE SHOWING UP, MAYBE THEN YOU WILL STOP THE BULLSHIT** Gilgamesh is not convinced, but lo, Enkidu shows up and promptly tells him to stop his bullshit, they fight, they realize they are perfectly matched, they fall into each other's arms <3 <3 <3 and begin the process of becoming human together. I know this sounds like a tangent but it is not.
We then basically forget about the wall till the end of the cycle, when Gilgamesh returns home from his attempt to SPOILERS resurrect Enkidu END SPOILERS, and he is, again, SUPER DEPRESSED. But he gets home, and he meets this old man who tells him, you know what? We all lose our soulmates, the loves of our lives, and we go on. It sucks but you're not special. And then he sees the wall, and it's like, oh. Maybe this is what's worth living for when you've lost everything else: what humans can accomplish together, beauty and craft and strength and community, that's what makes it all worth while.
And that's how you know he finally shares the human condition: every man is his equal, and he knows as a bone-deep truth that glory can only come from community, not from asserting power over others.****
*Also not fucking every young woman on her wedding night, that is also not good leadership and leads to dissatisfaction among the citizens.
**Wandering around the city at night beating up any random young man you see to try and find someone who can equal you, also not great leadership, also maybe not very bright***
***That said, both of these (fucking and fighting) are attempts to find someone who can match him and just, um, let's be clear that he stops both of these things the moment he meets Enkidu
****There is a lot, and I mean a lot, of yelling at people before he gets that, and he does yell at the old man too initially, but the old man yells back - just like Enkidu did <3 (but there is no epic fight here)
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lilacliquors · 3 years
hey there! could i request pining gilgamesh having to deal with a flirty drunk reader?🥺 anything sfw or nsfw is fine! (if possible gender neutral)
sorry this one took so long, hon <3
don't tell anyone i told you | gilgamesh x reader
word count: 551
rating: f for fluff
content: alcohol consumption, drunk behaviors and flirting, gilgamesh being the absolute best
likes are always appreciated, and reblogs are recommended if you enjoyed! support your local fic writers <3
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It wasn’t uncommon for you all to celebrate after a battle with deviants. Even Eternals needed to unwind. But unlike the others, you had a very low alcohol tolerance. Especially when it came to the beer Gilgamesh was famous for making. And as the fire outside was roaring comfortably, you were curled up beside him, your head resting on his shoulder.
“You were awesome out there, you know,” you murmured before taking another swing of your beer. You two were often a team out there, along with Thena. As a trio, you were unstoppable, as three of the primary fighters of the team. Gilgamesh with his super strength and golden gauntlets, Thena and her cosmic weapons, and you with your ability to manipulate the earth below you. It gave you all an advantage, but it wore you out very much.
“So were you,” he said softly, glancing down at you with a small smile. When you got tipsy, your voice was low, and your eyes always got a bit out of focus. So when you tried to stand, he was up beside you, a strong arm around your shoulders, pressing your smaller frame into his side to keep you steady.
“Aw, I’m fine,” you said, laughing a bit. “You are really strong, though.” You stepped out from under his arm and tried to walk a bit, but you stumbled, nearly falling into the fire, but Gilgamesh was fast. His arm wrapped around you once more, but this time, instead of pulling you into his side, he lifted you into his arms, beer glasses knocked over and ignored.
“All right, I think you’ve had more than enough. It’s time to get you to bed,” he said, chuckling a bit as he looked down at you. In the fire’s glow, he thought you looked absolutely perfect. Your eyes, what he could see of them, sparkled, and your hair even smelled like burning wood.
“Don’t wanna go to bed. I’m comfy right here. You’re all warm and strong and comfy,” you mumbled, letting your head rest against his shoulder.
“I’ll carry you there, then. It’ll be easier,” he said, and as your eyes closed, you nodded. You felt him begin to walk back into the house, and the sound of his heartbeat against your ear was soothing, nearly lulling you to sleep. You could stay like that forever, but soon, Gilgamesh put you down into your bed, and the warmth of his body vanished from yours.
“Sleep well, my friend,” he said, softly, but you reached for his hand before he could go.
“Wait, wait, can I tell you a secret before you go?” you asked, and he nodded, though you couldn’t see. He crouched by your bedside, a small smile on his lips. What could you possibly have to say that he hadn’t already heard before?
“I really love you, yeah? But don’t tell anyone. Promise me,” you murmured, and he froze in place.
“I … I promise,” he said after a moment, and you smiled, giving a weak thumbs up before finally passing out. He stood to his full height, looking down at you with another smile.
“I love you, too. But don’t tell anyone,” he said, and for half a second, he thought he could see you smile in your sleep.
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nulltune · 2 years
lynnnn will u tell us how u first got attached to hakuno and what u like the most about her <3 i want to hear it since i respect urs and ur appreciations for her sm
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UBUBUBUBU THANK U FOR THIS ASK TSUN!!!! I LOVE TALKING ABT HAKUNO AT ANY CHANCE EVER (U KNOW DIS.. IM SURE!!!) SO TY FOR ENABLING ME HEHE ❤️ ofc i will tell u!!!! u could ask me for my credit card numbers and i'd give it 2 u.... 🥺 VDKCHS /J!!! BUT OKOK RAMBLE TIME 4 ME--
not to be dramatic but i remember the first time i saw hakuno so well..... i was scrolling thru instagram when i saw this fanart of sir gilbert gamesh with her (too lazy to search it up rn but it was him whispering sth to her and her laughing!) and no joke, my first thought was who is this mysmes mc looking girl- I WANT TO PUNCH MY PAST SELF SO HARD FOR THINKING THAT BTW. i had vvv limited of fate at the time and only watched the fate/zero anime but i knew gilgamesh is a hard person to get along with (putting it lightly) so i got intrigued at that point. i literally just looked thru her wiki tho ngl. it was when i read a transcript(?) of the fate/extra here and that's when i fell in so deep!!! literally read it all in one go aND BOYYYYY THE FRIKKIN ENDING MAN, THE ENDING!!!!! WHY DONT PPL TALK ABT IT MORE IT LEFT SUCH AN IMPRESSION ON MEEE I WAS IN SHAMBLES 😭😭 i wasn't even playing on getting into ccc but i was in Desperate Need of more hakuno content so.. i read it all the next day. and i loved it!! idk if i was full on Hakuno Luvr at that moment tho, but i liked her a lot 🥺 started actively looking for fanart and even read some fanfic of her too VSJFBSJFJJ (i proceed 2 realize that this is a hella long ramble that does not answer ur q) HMM I DON'T THINK THERE WAS A SPECIFIC MOMENT THAT WAS MY HAKUNO SIMP REALIZATION THO... i fell in love over time <3
but i will say, writing her def gave me a newfound appreciation for her!! i feel like i've 100% gotten a better understanding of her from writing her (tho that's also bc i do be writing her hc-based... ehe☆) and i feel like you could relate to this too tsunniepoo, which is how- you really come to appreciate them for what they Can be too, not just how they were in canon (US WITH YQ HAKUNO BOND TOO BTW 🥺🥺). rping her contributes to that too!!
WHAT I LIKE MOST ABT HER THO..... THATS A HELLA TOUGH QUESTION TSUN!!!! SGFJDHDH IT'D BE FASTER TO ASK ME WHAT I DON'T LIKE ABT HER NGL! skelly asked me this once too (before my thanos snap clean up 😳) and UUUUU THIS IS STILL SUCH A TOUGH Q!!!! i love her as a character so much..... she's so complex and unique, her character development is top notch and the way the cast and the story all play a role in it is just so -CHEF KISS- she is not a static character!!! so much development too, it makes me sad how extella pretty much forgets all of it 😭 but i'm gettin a lil sidetracked here!! i love her as a person toooo i love her personality!! she's so entertaining to follow, i love seeing how she responds to the situations she finds herself and i love!!! Her!!!! BUT IF FORCED 2 ANSWER...... i think my answer would be....
her heart 🥺 which you can really see in my portrayal, i hope!! her interactions with julius is one of my fav things in fate extra Ever, especially when the arena was all messed up and it was pretty much fuuuull of julius's hatred for hakuno but hakuno still kept going on and even tried to understand julius in spite of that!! i love how hakuno literally lost consciousness (even her servant got super worried!! it was That serious!!) just by being there but when she regains her consciousness, all she could focus on was julius's memory she'd just seen and how he seemed to be suffering. and then how the whole time she was just concerned abt julius.... says so much abt her character imo and i love it lots!!! really like how hakuno has been shown time and time again to knowingly risk herself for someone else's benefit and how a huuge thing in extra is always hakuno discovering those very compassionate and human values even when she starts out all hollow and empty :,)
the way she treats others and the morals and values she learns hits soo deep to me and personally really makes me feel some kinda way.. (a good way!) something something she was in a cruel and vicious environment and found out that her entire existence doesn't matter but still has a heart that's big enough to think of others and choose to hold onto kindness to the very end..... 😭😭❤️ veeery interesting too, because it's almost like a parallel to twice, who hakuno could've very much become if she didn't have a heart like hers! (that's a whole nother topic thooo <3) i feel like this trait of hers is soooo important, i really wish ppl noticed it more, it really sucks to not really see much (if not any) of it in extella </3 it's what makes her bonds and connections so realistic and unique imo, and that's my fav thing abt fate extra ;_; it's vvvv natural and not plot-contrived at all, really feels like two individuals developing a genuine bond. ofc it's not Just this character trait that makes me love hakuno...... there is sm to love abt her!!! there are many many little things that make hakuno hakuno that make me luvs her ❤️
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eternalowl · 2 years
Day 1 - Modern AU
Posted on ao3 with the title “Christmas Trees and Engagement Rings”
It was the morning of the 25th of December and the smell of hot chocolate was present throughout the entire house.
Thena had just woken up. She was still trying to open her eyes, and it was hard for her because of the light pouring into the room through the window. The snow that fell the night before wasn’t helping with the brightness at all. She finally managed to open her eyes and she looked next to her, only to find that the bed was empty beside her. Much to her disdain, she pried herself out of bed and dragged her feet along the floor to the kitchen. Once she got to the kitchen, she was greeted with the sight of Gilgamesh making hot chocolate. Once she saw him, it was as if she gained an instant boost of energy.
“Good morning, Thena,” Gilgamesh greeted as he pressed his lips against her forehead. “Here. Powdered peppermint and mini marshmallows, just the way you like it.” Gil then handed Thena a cup of hot cocoa.
Thankfully, it was already cool enough to drink, so Thena took a sip and let out a hum of contentment. “Just for this I’ll forgive you for not being in bed earlier.”
“Could you really stay mad at me though?” Gil asked, leaving trails of kisses from Thena’s forehead to her lips. Occasionally, he would lay a kiss on Thena’s nose just so that he could watch it scrunch up in that adorable way that it does as she laughs.
“I guess not,” Thena replied, still chuckling.
Gil then took his cup of hot chocolate and walked over to the Christmas tree with Thena. They sat down on the couch and Thena let her head rest on Gil’s shoulder. Gil let his head gently rest against Thena’s.
They stayed like that for a while, not speaking a word and just enjoying each other’s company.
“I got you something,” Gil informed as he walked over to the tree, pulled out a small, rectangular gift, and sat back down on the couch. He handed the gift to Thena and she ripped the wrapping paper off of it, revealing a small box. Thena opened it to see what was inside. The box contained many different colors of acrylic paint and a myriad of different brushes. “About a month ago you said that you were getting into painting, so one day I saw this and thought that you might like it.”
Thena wrapped her arms around him. “Thank you,” she said as she stuffed her face into his neck. “I got you something, too,” she said when she pulled away. She walked over to the tree and pulled out a bigger package. Not only was it larger in size, but it also weighed more. “Well, I guess I can’t take all of the credit. The others pitched in as well.”
Gil carefully undid the wrapping paper and revealed a fair-sized book, but this wasn’t just a regular book; it was a scrapbook. Well, an extremely glorified scrapbook.
Gil flipped through the pages, seeing photo strips from photo booths, small little quotes, and even aesthetic and mood boards for each of them; those were probably Makkari and Sersi’s doing. As he flipped through, he saw the memories that everyone cherished the most about each other. Whether it be someone shoving Ajak’s face into her cake on her birthday, Druig and Phastos trying to beat up Ikaris while Makkari cheers them on, Sprite pranking her favorite target who is better known as Kingo, or something as mundane, even though nothing with any of them involved could exactly be considered mundane, as a selfie of the group, it was there.
“In the back, there’s still a bunch of open pages, so we can still add to it,” Thena threw in, her head resting against Gil’s shoulder once again.
“I- I love it.” He truly meant what he said. “I have one more gift for you.” Thena hummed in confusion. Gil then stood up, holding Thena’s hands and bringing her up along with him.
“What gift? You didn’t need to get me anything extra.”
“But I did,” Gil said, caressing Thena’s cheek. She leaned into the touch. “I remember that, a few years ago, on this day, I fell almost hopelessly in love with you,” Gil chuckled and shook his head at that statement. “so I think that if I’m going to ask you this, it has to be on Christmas.”
“Ask me what?” Thena asked.
“Thena, you are the only one I can ever see myself being with. Years ago, I never thought I could ever feel this way about someone, but then you showed up.”
“What are you…” Thena was practically whispering to herself. Her hands then slowly drifted up to cover her mouth in surprise as Gil got down on one knee. Tears of joy started to shed from her eyes and clung to her eyelashes. Gil then reached into his pocket and pulled out a velveteen ring box.
“Thena, will you marry me?” Gil said as he opened the box, showing her the ring on the inside. The ring was a golden band adorned with a beautiful diamond.
So many tears had clung to her lashes that her vision was being blurred to the point where she could barely see.
“Yes,” she managed to get out between her sobs of joy. “Yes!” Gil slipped the ring onto her finger before she pulled him back up to his feet and passionately kissed him. When he returned the kiss, she let out a moan of contentment. Her arms wrapped around his neck and he let his hands drift to her back and the back of her head. She let one of her hands make its way into his hair.
They continued to kiss each other for a few more minutes before Thena spoke.
“The others don’t know about this, don’t they?” she asked, her lips still centimeters away from Gil’s.
“They don’t have a clue.”
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dragon-kazansky · 3 years
Decorating the tree | Eternals
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Requested by @forest-of-insanity
Christmas content!!
December is here and the first thing you want to do is set up the Christmas tree. There was no better way to get everyone in the mood than with the main decoration. With the help of Gilgamesh, you set up the tree exactly where you wanted it to go. All that is left to do, is decorate it.
He is the first person you go to when you have all the decorations you want. You find him outside, looking at the sky. You wondered if he was longing to be free from all this Christmas taboo, but maybe you could convince him to hang around a little longer.
He turns when he sees you come up beside him. Ikaris smiles. He knows instantly that there is something you want. You don't even pretend otherwise.
Somehow he finds himself in the living room with tinsel wrapped around his neck. He was chuckling quietly as you struggled to decorate the top of the tree. Coming up behind you, he took the bauble you were trying to hang up and did it himself. You smile as you look up at him.
"Do you want to do the important bit?" You ask him.
"What's that?"
You smile and grab the star out of the box. You hold it out to him. Ikaris smiles as he takes it, brushing his fingers with yours. The handsome Eternal pops the star on the top of the tree. He stands back and looks at it.
"Beautiful," you comment.
"Yes, you are," he replies.
Sersi didn't even hesitate to agree to help. She was, perhaps, more excited than you were. Getting into the festive mood, she wore the santa hat you offered her.
The pair of you take your time, decorating a side of the tree each. You would pass decorations back and forth, making sure they're displayed evenly all over the tree.
Sersi would share secret smiles with you as both passed the afternoon in this manner.
When it's done, you both stand back and admire your handy work. It looks wonderful. Sersi and yourself smile at one another, hand in hand.
He didn't look too eager when you asked him to join you, but in reality he was super happy you had come to him. Once he was out of view from the others, he smiled at you.
Druig drapes some tinsel around you before he gets into it. You watch with a chuckle as he sets up the lights. Druig had most definitely done this a few times before. At one point you think you heard him humming under his breath. He was enjoying himself.
The tree looks really good when it's done. Druig helped you put the star on top of the tree, feeling proud of the work you had both accomplished.
"Do I get something as a reward?" He asks, looking at you with a cheeky grin.
You roll your eyes and kiss him.
He will definitely help you out again next year.
She was over the moon when you asked her. Of course she is going to help you. Makkari was the one to gather everything you both would need to do the job. You had to laugh when you saw how excited she was to do this with you.
Of course, Makkari would be able to do the job in seconds, if you let her. But this was about the moment. The way Makkari looked at you as she held up some decorations. There was a memory to be made here.
It took some time, but with both of you working on this beautiful tree, the job was done. It looked amazing. Makkari was so happy with how it turned out. She hugged you, kissing your cheek.
We should do this every year.
It was a promise.
When you asked him to come decorate the tree with you, he seemed keen on the idea. On one condition, he picked the colours and the design. Despite you knowing how this would probably go, you agreed.
Twinkling lights, purple tinsel, gold baubles with glitter, and little silver bell ornaments. Of course, the star in the top was gold too. Kingo put it on the tree with a proud grin.
You chuckle as you saddle up beside him, wrapping your arms around him.
"Perfect," he comments.
"It's very Kingo," you laugh.
"Like I said, perfect."
She has watched you and Gilgamesh set up the tree with amusement. She was content just watching, but when you asked if she would like to help you decorate it, she took the opportunity. Thena would do anything if you asked.
You let her put the tinsel on the tree, along with some ribbon you had found. Thena was concentrating, making sure it all sat just right on the tree. She would step back and see how she was doing every so often. You would add the the other ornaments as she went. She was fond of the gold and white you had decided to go with.
"Your colours," you said fondly.
Thena loved how thoughtful you were. She looked at the beautiful tree and smiled.
"It's wonderful."
You wouldn't let him go anywhere once the tree was up. You gave him a huge smile as you asked him to join you. He wouldn't turn down your offer.
There was a lot of laughter and smiles as you spent the next couple of hours decorating and rearranging the tree. Gilgamesh was wearing the santa hat you found at the bottom of a box. You had an elf hat on.
When the tree was finished you both looked at your hard work. It looked great!
"Time for a snack, I think," Gilgamesh says.
"Sounds good to me," you smile at him.
Gilgamesh cooks up something just for you and him as a reward.
You had asked Phastos to make some ornaments for the tree. He was happy to do that for you. However, he didn't know this was your plan to get him to help you decorate the tree.
When he delivered the decorations for you, you smiled at him and asked him to help you put them on. You had made a start on the tree, but it was obviously missing everything he had made for you.
Phastos chuckled softly as he helped you decorate. You knew exactly what you had done, and he was grateful for you. He had to admit, his little ornaments looked really good on the tree.
When you asked if she would like to help, she perked up and nodded. She had hoped you would ask. Sprite liked spending time with you.
Sprite used her power of illusion to help plan the process. This way, you could both envision how it would look. After a good long while of changing things around, both of you sharing input, you had a blueprint to work with.
Sprite felt happy she was of use to you this way. She smiled the entire time you both decorated the tree. She asked if she could our the tree topper on top. Of course you let her.
She doesn't remember the last time she enjoyed herself quite this much.
"Thank you," she says to you.
"Any time, Sprite."
Ajak is a little surprised when you come to her requesting such a thing, but she isn't going to say no. She would very much love to spend time decorating the tree with you.
You decide to use her colours for the tree. She feels very honoured when she sees the deep blue and gold decorations. Actually, she's feeling very proud of you. You always knows how to make her day.
You both take your time, spending hours altering the tree here and there. The entire time, you're both chatting away. Ajak wants to hear everything you've been up to, and she shares some stories in return.
When you're both done, you sit down with a hot drink and find yourselves chatting away again. Only this time, there is whole new mood in the room. Ajak looks forward to seeing what you do with the rest of the house.
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tainbocuailnge · 4 years
So like, something I wanted to ask is like, regarding adaptations of type-moon’s stuff, specifically fate, what would you say is the biggest issue w/ em? Is it like, one consistent problem pervading all of em or is it a slew of smaller issues?
i think “problems with fate adaptions” can be roughly split into two categories, namely fate having a lot of words and fate fans not knowing how to read, and as two and a halfth category, fate being a titty series. 
fate having a lot of words leads to cut content, because you simply cannot take a twenty page detour in the middle of a fight scene to explain some kind of worldbuilding concept when you’re an anime studio trying to make your 20 minute episode engaging and visually appealing. that’s inevitable when going from visual novel to anime, but where it’s fine to brush over the excessive exposition often things that really do need to get explained will get cut too. ufotable used to be outright notorious for its allergy to voiceovers, leading to stuff like the ubw anime just not fucking telling you that kiritsugu died on that one night, or why saber was suddenly able to just deal with tsubame gaeshi, or why gilgamesh is just completely fine at the end of fate/zero. a lot of characterisation was lost that way too, because ufotable just didn’t wanna fucking tell you what the character was thinking for some reason, and it’s only with the heaven’s feel movies that I feel they finally got the hang of it. 
fate fans not knowing how to read is an eternal hell and anime studios are not exempt. this one is a lot more glaring in stuff that’s just overall more janky like deen fsn or a-1 apocrypha but while ufotable generally nails the protagonists they’re still guilty when it comes to side characters. the anime studio doesn’t get the story, they make changes for their anime to match what they THINK is going on, and now big moments like jeanne solemnly telling atalante that she never thought of herself as a saint or cu’s reaction to archer insulting his pride fall completely flat. deen fsn effectively assassinated shirou’s character with how hard they failed to convey even a shred of his nuance and he didn’t recover until ubw anime. imo deen can be forgiven because they had a budget of three dollars and some pocket lint to adapt all three routes of this niche 80 hour visual novel and throw it at the wall to see if it sticks but with a-1 it’s like they knew the fate name was gonna get them fat stacks no matter what so they didn’t even bother trying to read, they just bastardised everyone into their most marketable selves & shoved all the budget into flashy fights without paying respects to what those fights were for. 
fate being a titty series plays into fate fans not knowing how to read and results in stuff like rin’s complicated emotional unavailability being dumbed down to blushy uwu tsun, or astolfo having all complexity stripped away to become funny joke cashcow, or babylonia insisting on shoving ishtar’s asshole at the camera at every opportunity even during serious moments. you can’t fully blame the studios here because they ARE adapting a titty game but like, it’s a titty game that takes 80 hours of reading, please, please learn how to read,
that being said I feel like fate manga adaptions are usually really good, especially the ones for heaven’s feel, apocrypha, and shimosa are stellar. manga being a more text-based medium than anime without any of the time constraints means it’s more suited for fate and the authors can take their sweet time expanding and fleshing out what’s there in the text with their own visuals. 
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lovelyfanatical · 1 year
I Get a Sugar Rush Whenever I'm With You - Chapter 5.4
Happy long weekend fellow Drukkari stans, or whatever day it is for you! We've reached the end of Desserts Week! If you're not on this chapter yet, I've made a table of contents with each installment, which you can find here! I'm also on AO3, but it's currently only available to registered users to avoid AI sweeping. The group is thinning out, but Druig has had a good week so far. Will he actually win Star Baker? Find out now in the next installment of Drukkari in the Great British Bake Off! (This is how I imagine Druig coming out of the hotel after last time)
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The next morning, Druig was still trying to contain his smile. Makkari, the most beautiful woman in the world, thought he was handsome. At the same time, he did everything he could to tame the butterflies that that thought was giving him. After all, Makkari was right: he might have a chance at Star Baker that week, but he wouldn’t get it if he lost focus. Even so, after they greeted each other and were standing side-by-side with their friends in front of the hotel, he couldn’t resist giving her shoulder a gentle bump when no one was looking. She immediately bumped him back in a firm but still playful manner.
As for the rest of the day, Druig did his best to simply push down the nerves and get on with it. In the end, the showstopper couldn’t have gone better. While he was usually rushing to get things done, making his work messy, he’d given himself enough of a buffer this time that he finished right on time. Tasked with making a fairy tale-themed sculpture cake, he’d made a Beauty and the Beast-inspired castle, going all out with the decoration. Half of the castle was in ruin, representing the beast, while the other half was overgrown with flowers, representing beauty. Druig was proud of himself and his work, but he was still surprised when Arishem reached out his hand for a handshake.
While he and the others waited for the judges to deliberate, Druig found himself being bombarded with pre-emptive congratulations. Gilgamesh greeted him with a clap on the back. Ajak was beaming with pride. Sersi had complemented his piping skills before going to comfort Dane, who hadn’t quite finished his Green Knight cake before judgment time. To add insult to injury, the judges had found his cake rather dense and a bit bland. He had taken it gracefully, and with cameras in the waiting area, he was still holding it together pretty well. Even so, Druig saw the mask slip momentarily when Sersi covered his hand with her own. When Makkari saw them, she sighed and said, If he’s out, I’m really going to miss watching them together.
Detective Makkari, still out of cases? he asked.
Yes, but I still like to keep tabs on the old ones, she answered with a sly grin.
Makkari was sitting next to Druig when the hosts announced that he had won Star Baker. She immediately reached over to hug him, and despite being aware that the others were applauding and cheering, all he could think about was Makkari’s arms around him and how she smelled like cinnamon. It was a brief moment, but it still left him in a bit of a daze.
Sadly, Makkari had also been right about Dane. He was still taking it like a champ, even when Gil initiated a group hug. Once they’d all wrapped their interviews and were heading back to the hotel, however, Druig could see that his eyes were a little red and he seemed quite somber. He did perk up a bit during the shuttle ride when Sersi leaned her head on his shoulder. When he pointed it out to Makkari, he thought she might spontaneously combust from excitement. She was still talking about it on the train ride home.
Do you think he’s asked her out already? she asked, practically jumping up and down in her seat.
I dunno, maybe, he replied, unable to hide his smile. Makkari’s joy could be contagious.
I mean, he may need a couple of days after this, plus the whole jealousy thing, she continued.
I still can’t believe that happened, he added.
Well, Sersi looks like Sersi. I’m actually a bit surprised Dane doesn’t seem to have any competition besides Ikaris.
He certainly doesn’t have any competition from me.
You really never thought of her that way, Druig?
No. I mean, don’t get me wrong. She’s gorgeous, but after talking to her for a minute, she just kind of felt like a sister to me.
Same here.
Our first conversation was so awkward anyway.
Really? Makkari had raised an eyebrow at him, and Druig got the feeling his next answer would be carefully scrutinized.
Yeah. She was just asking me for my macaron recipe, but it was still early in the competition, and I wasn’t expecting it. I didn’t say anything at first.
Wow, and she still said yes to dinner?
I recovered fairly quickly, thank you very much. But yeah, I was surprised she even wanted to come. Although, I did emphasize that it was a group dinner.
Ah, so she knew wouldn’t have to talk to just you. Coming from someone else, Druig might’ve been offended, but Makkari’s eyes were filled with mirth.
Exactly, he signed emphatically.
Speaking of recipes, she said, her eyes gaining a mischievous twinkle, I think I need that Mexican hot chocolate éclair recipe.
I already gave Ajak the paper copy. She called dibs.
I know, which was very rude of her when I’m the one with the craving, she signed indignantly, but the twinkle was still there. You know, you could make it up to me by making me my own batch.
Druig felt his eyebrows shoot up. Oh, really?
I’m serious, I don’t think I can go without them for much longer, she signed, trying to contain her smile. I can buy the ingredients and bring them over and everything!
So, you want the recipe, but you also still want me to make them.
It would be my first time making them, so they probably wouldn’t come out the same! Pleeeease? she pleaded, dragging out the sign as long as she could.
Druig sighed, making a show of his contemplation, but he already knew what his answer would be. With exaggerated reluctance, he answered, Okay, I’ll do it.
Makkari fist-pumped in celebration, causing him to chuckle. She was still thanking him as they pulled into their station. As they got off and said their goodbyes, she signed, Text me when is a good time for you!
I will, he replied. They said their goodbyes, and it was only when she was walking away that Druig even realized the full implications of what he’d agreed to: Had Makkari just invited herself over to his place?
Poor Dane, he had a rough week. As usual, likes, comments, and reblogs would be much appreciated! Let me know what you think!
Part 18
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Gilgamesh as a mentor to a younger servant
Hi anon, thank you for the ask. This is the final post in this series of Papa Gilgamesh posts XD There were a lot of father figure Gilgamesh requests this time.
I'll do my best :3
Gilgamesh as a Mentor
✧ When a young servant visits him one day, eagerly tugging onto his golden armor as they yell 'make me your student!' Gilgamesh is impressed by the gall of such a child to even think of approaching the king of heroes so foolhardily.
✧ "Oho, mongrel. And what makes you think you're worthy of my teaching?" Gilgamesh decides to tease the child a little bit, in order to test their will. However, his attempt elicits a very strong-willed reaction; which is much to his liking!
✧ Thoroughly amused by this child, who dares to speak to him directly, without the slightest sense of fear; Gilgamesh trains this kid with all his efforts.
✧ He'll assist them with any enquiries, often thinking up fun techniques and mental challenges that help the kid formulate an answer of their own. An unusual sense of mirth envelopes Gilgamesh's typically stout expression, as he shares epic stories from his eras as well as completely random titbits of information with the child, as they absorb it all with gleaming eyes.
✧ Enkidu also comes over to play with them both, often telling the kid embarrassing tales about the more quirky sides to Gilgamesh, which they both chuckle at much to Gilgamesh's own displeasure
✧ The kid will also be trained in fighting. The sessions are very intense, but are also great fun due to Gilgamesh's knack for mixing enjoyment with battle. What's shocking is how well the kid is able to keep up with every class, and the way they can easily absorb the tips Gilgamesh gives them.
✧ Despite speaking in a lofty and arcane manner, Gilgamesh is willing to break his lessons into 'layman terminology' in order for the kid to easily learn from him; and isn't afraid to adjust his lesson content to help aid them better- making the AUO a rather good mentor!!!
✧ However, as the kid continues to grow and train, an unsettling pit of dread gradually grows within their heart whenever they're stationed for battle. Is the life of a servant really right for them? They're scared.
✧ Threatened by a sense of uselessness for not having a particularly strong NP; the child servant asks Gilgamesh for some battle tips. They're scared that the Chaldea master will replace or dispose of them someday. "If I wasn't strong enough when I was alive...then will I really be of worth to Chaldea? Do I...do I really deserve to be here? King, what do you think?"
✧ After harshly telling the child to not say such things (which almost results in the poor kid crying!) Gilgamesh feels quite bad, so reassures them of their worth. "It is foolish to debase yourself so, mongrel. For you to be brave enough to request my counsel; and train so fiercely in the arts on a daily basis...you are far removed from the concept of being 'useless'. Hold your head high." Patting them softly on the head, Gilgamesh walks ahead.
✧ Now that he's aware of the child's sense of unease on the battlefield, he actually offers to help them on the frontlines. He doesn't explicitly show that he's willing to help, however he has a trained eye on the child; watching over them like a stalwart protector. When the kid does well, he gives them positive reinforcement after every fight. Before they even realize it, the kid has become a lot more stable on the battlefield.
✧ As a mentor, I feel like he'd get quite attached to his student and work almost like a part-time father figure.
✧ Once their mentorship ends, the kid thanks Gilgamesh with an incredible, home-made present that is brimming with gratitude. Though his outer reaction is quite neutral, Gilgamesh is greatly moved on the inside!!
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tossawary · 4 years
Chapter 24: “Seeing is Believing” of “pride is not the word I’m looking for” random favorite lines and commentary. Not a full list or full commentary, but longer commentary than usual to talk about quest construction. 
AN: This was... a weird chapter to write. When I started outlining, I had... the conversation with Shen Qingqiu planned... the conversation with Shen Yuan planned... the fact that SQH, SY, LQG, and LFL was the quest party... and the fact that they get the Eye at the end of it. That was everything. 
The entire rest of this chapter came together FRIDAY LAST WEEK. 
Huan Hua Palace wasn’t going to be there. The Weeper didn’t exist. The Eye or its previous owner wasn’t at all connected to the Garden Master. The Shadow Cave Wolf Spiders didn’t exist. The murder plant didn’t exist. The mysterious monster showing up at the end wasn’t originally planned either. 
I mean, I had a lot of pre-existing plot threads to tie in and weave with, but ohhh boy! Picture someone lying facedown on a floor like, “I forgot to plan the contents of the super important quest...” 
I was originally going to have the Eye quest a lot simpler, but given the weight “Death of the Author” had when I finally reached this part of the story, that wasn’t really going to do! It had to be bigger than that! It needed oomph! This also felt like a good opportunity to really establish the new SQH-SY dynamic. To explore SY fumbling to find a place in this world without strict character role, especially in relation to settled and well-supported SQH. 
“One attempts to remain dignified,” Shen Qingqiu agrees. “As there is little point in kicking and screaming about how such ignobility isn’t fair.”
“Ha! Is there ever?”
“Not in my experience.”
“Yeah, it’s definitely not cute when I do it,” Shang Qinghua jokes.
Shen Qingqiu’s lips actually twitch at that.
AN: I wasn’t going into this fic with the intention of writing any Shang Qinghua and Original Shen Qingqiu almost friendship! But it started developing and it seemed a shame not to explore Shang Qinghua developing a real relationship with Shen Qingqiu (though not a particularly close one) when the man is suppose to be the scum villain (and the readers know that the man might get replaced by Shen Yuan). 
I can see myself writing more Shang Qinghua and Original Shen Qingqiu content in the future. Someone dropped a particularly nice prompt for them in my inbox that I’m looking forward to exploring at some point. 
(I mean, not to say that Shang Qinghua has a type, but Shang Qinghua has a type and it’s handsome, deadly, intimidating, frosty men with a villainous character design and trust/abandonment and communication issues. I could make it work.)
“Ah, well, two ‘ideal’ situations come to mind: severing the personal relationship for good… or, ah, talking about how to do better and trying that. You don’t have to forget or even forgive if you don’t want to! But, ah… there’s got to be a difference between totally swallowing your anger and cutting ties forever, right?” Shang Qinghua says awkwardly. “If there’s… ever going to be anything good afterwards…”
Shen Qingqiu stares at him for a sweat-inducing length of time.
 “Ah, fuck,” Shang Qinghua thinks.
“Sorry,” he says. “Ahhh, I’m just… thinking about something someone told me… in… in regards to some of my own problems. Never mind! Never mind!”
AN: Luo Jiahui really is out here making Moshang and Qijiu get their fucking act together just by setting a better example. 
“Shizun, my apologies for the interruption, but I came to ask Shizun if he would be willing to join our music lesson today? The disciples have missed his playing and are eager to present their improvements.”
“...Very well, unless anyone here would disagree…?” Shen Qingqiu looks directly at the Qian Cao Peak cultivator, as though daring her to object and die.
“It’s an excellent suggestion!” the Qian Cao Peak cultivator says quickly.
The young woman smiles. “And perhaps Shizun could sit in on the calligraphy lesson afterwards? In order to offer his opinion on my progress as a teacher?”
“Fishing for compliments is unbecoming,” Shen Qingqiu says dryly.
“Wait, what?” Shang Qinghua thinks.
AN: So, this has all been happening in the background, but Shen Qingqiu accepted this House of Rejuvenation woman onto his Peak about... 6-ish years ago now? This is kind of meant to parallel Shang Qinghua’s once-secret relationship with Luo Jiahui. 
Shang Qinghua was out here trying to be a better person and Shen Qingqiu noticed; now Shen Qingqiu has his own positive (platonic) relationship with a nameless background character who was meant to die for plot reasons. What a thing, huh? If the story was saved because Shang Qinghua started a domino effect of saving random people who went on to change things? 
After all, as Shang Qinghua said to the kid, besides Peerless Cucumber’s apparent talent for cultivation, he knows that his fellow transmigrator has three very important skills that will serve him well on An Ding Peak! 1) An encyclopedia knowledge for even seemingly pointless bullshit (which is kind of flattering, honestly). 2) The willingness to fight total strangers over seemingly pointless bullshit. And 3) a sharp enough tongue to win.
Peerless Cucumber didn’t find these points as funny as Shang Qinghua did.
AN: Shen Yuan was always going to end up on An Ding Peak. I thought about sending him to Qing Jing or Qian Cao or Qiong Ding... or any other Peak... but that would take him too far away from Shang Qinghua to really explore their relationship and to move him around conveniently in the story. And SY sticking to An Ding seemed to best illustrate the fact that SY is lost and doesn’t know what to do except cling to SQH. 
“It’s not much, sure, but it’s yours,” Shang Qinghua says finally. “You’ll be joining the talisman classes soon, so don’t try anything from a book and then need to request some home repairs.”
Peerless Cucumber nods and puts his stack of manuals down on the table.
“How’s your tutorial mission going?”
“Fine,” the kid says shortly. “Have you found anything for the other one yet?”
“Ah, not yet.”
AN: “Are you winning, son?” meme energy here. 
Ah, now Shang Qinghua recognizes his fellow transmigrator’s expression! That’s the same stunned expression one of his Huan Hua not-disciples, Yu Chaonan, made upon meeting the Bai Zhan Peak War God for the first time. Shang Qinghua assumes that Peerless Cucumber was expecting a man who looked more like a musclebound giant and less like a pop idol (if one with amazingly muscular arms), which is a super common and never-not-funny misconception people have about Liu Qingge.  
“Brother of one of the most beautiful women in this world, bro,” Shang Qinghua reminds his fellow transmigrator, amused. Aha! Now Peerless Cucumber’s vehement disinterest in the harem stuff is making even more sense than before!
Shang Qinghua’s assumption gets 100% confirmed when it comes time for Peerless Cucumber to fly with Liu Qingge for the next leg of the journey. The other transmigrator is so embarrassed and awkward about it that Shang Qinghua’s super direct brother-in-law asks if the young man is alright.
AN: This was so fun to write. Shang Qinghua really can use the Liu siblings to gauge people’s sexual/romantic orientation. 
The map (or rather, the copy Shang Qinghua made of the delicate original map) takes them to a green and grey landscape of leafy trees crawling over a wide network of tall cliffs and deep gorges. Gurgling rivers cut through twisting rock formations. Shang Qinghua can’t see any of these rivers on the map. Or these deathly drop ravines. From the outside, the whole thing looks like a natural maze (holy shit, there could be so many monsters and death-traps in there!), and Shang Qinghua would know those golden robes flying low over the hanging trees anywhere.
“Huan Hua,” Liu Qingge mutters.
“Do you think they’re looking for what we’re looking for?” Luo Fanli asks.
“That’s usually how it goes,” Peerless Cucumber says, before Shang Qinghua can.
AN: I came up with the skeleton idea first. Then I was like... “I should give it three eyes.” And then I was like... “But who IS this dead author? A god? A spirit? What grander implications am I spinning here?” 
And THEN I remembered that I had some ambiguous powerful being force the Garden Master into exile due to a flood. This was because, in the Epic of Gilgamesh, the immortal man Gilgamesh meets in the abyss is the survivor of a great flood. So I was like, “Reduce! Re-use! Recycle! There’s my skeleton!” 
So I wanted to relate the skeleton to water because of the flood angle. Water as a symbol of cleansing/reincarnation is a big thing throughout many cultures. I can’t remember exactly how the crying aspect came up, but I knew there was going to be water in the temple now, so at some point my brain like was, “Bro, this skeleton should totally be crying because mythology vibes.” 
So I built the surrounding land off the idea that there was water flowing from or around this temple. At this point, I had decided that Huan Hua Palace should also be looking for this artifact, so I had to come up with a way to hide the temple, yet have a way for SQH’s party to track it down. 
The damage to the doors is worse: someone once upon a time collapsed a part of the cliff face around the entrance, essentially leaving only the top fourth of the utterly smashed stone doors visible. It’s a wall now and has been for ages. It looks like it would take days to dig through the rubble. Someone has even super helpfully carved, “These doors will never open again,” just above the wreck.
“Guess we’ll have to go in as intruders rather than guests!” Luo Fanli says.
“What would be welcoming us inside a lost temple exactly?” Shang Qinghua asks vaguely, inwardly cursing the fact that explosive mining techniques will definitely attract the Huan Hua Palace Sect cultivators’ attention and also probably collapse the whole cliff on them.
“We only have to clear a passage for us, not the whole door,” Peerless Cucumber says optimistically. “Is there a special technique for this kind of thing?”
“Aha, not really.”
“Why don’t we just keep following the water?” Luo Fanli says.
“...How so?” Shang Qinghua asks.
“Some of those waterfalls could be passages inside,” Liu Qingge explains, because he and the little sister-in-law apparently share the same brain. He’s already eyeing the waterfall wearing down the giant statue on the left.
AN: Temples in quests need to have traps and obstacles and monsters! Well, not ALL of the did, but this one did. I based the obstacles they faced as much as I could around the whole “Death of the Author” theme, while using this whole quest to explore Shen Yuan, Shen Yuan and Shang Qinghua, Shang Qinghua and Liu Qingge and Luo Fanli, and so on. 
The idea here with the door is that the “author” is not going to let them inside the temple to take the interpretation of the narrative (the Eye) for themselves. The story is over (the temple is closed for business)! The author is dead! If they want to get inside, they have to break inside or slip inside as intruders. 
This also creates a convenient obstacle to hold up the Huan Hua Palace Sect cultivators so that our party can be nearly caught later! And shows off Shang Qinghua, Liu Qingge, and Luo Fanli’s twisty lines of thinking. 
Luo Fanli is holding the light and Shang Qinghua passes the other transmigrator to her, while accepting Liu Qingge’s hand for help getting out of the water.
“Ahhh, that was fun,” Shang Qinghua mutters.
Then he notices that Liu Qingge has the Cheng Luan sword out and ready. Shang Qinghua looks through the surrounding darkness, but all he can see are columns and water. For a moment, he thinks he sees something, a prowling shadow at the other end of the cavernous room, but he wipes the water out of his eyes and it’s gone.
AN: The water in Shang Qinghua’s eyes briefly lets him see a flash of the invisible monsters who show up later! It helps up the tension. 
Another low growl rips through the darkness and Peerless Cucumber shuffles a little closer to Shang Qinghua. Because that sounded really fucking close and yet Shang Qinghua still can’t see the thing that’s making that sound.
He doesn’t see Liu Qingge lunge at him either. He only feels his brother-in-law shove him into Peerless Cucumber, knocking them into the water, out of the way of something that howls when Liu Qingge slashes at it with his sword. Shang Qinghua rolls off Peerless Cucumber and looks up just in time to see dark blood splatter across the watery floor. Liu Qingge pursues the attacker with a second slash, but only seems to meet thin air this time.
“It’s invisible!” Luo Fanli cries. “Fuck!”
“Behind you!” Liu Qingge snaps, and spins to slash at the thin air beside him. Dark droplets of blood hit the water again and something hisses at him.
Luo Fanli whirls and slashes, searching for an opponent.
“They’re reflected in the water!” Liu Qingge yells at her, standing guard over Shang Qinghua as he gets to his feet again. “Listen for their footsteps and vocalizations! Feel the demonic energy and air displacement!”
AN: I got this from a list of Dungeons and Dragons puzzles. The idea is that there’s some puzzle that must be solved, but the truth of the room can only be seen in the reflection of the nearby water (or mirror or whatever). 
Which felt fitting for a “Death of the Author” quest! Whatever an author’s intentions, the story is what they actually wrote, so the audience interprets a text without the context of the author’s insight. The truth (of the story) is in the reflection (audience interpretation)! It felt like a fun idea. 
It also allows Shen Yuan to actually contribute to the quest via monster lore and bring up his impaired vision problem. And to confront Shen Yuan with the reality of this world. And to show off Luo Fanli’s fighting skills. And to show off LIU QINGGE’S legendary fighting skills, instincts as a warrior who fights many dangerous beasts, and the fact that he’s clever and observant! 
Liu Qingge is good at what he does! And this is what he does! 
Someone has… angrily… or desperately… carved a lopsided message into the wall.
 “‘If I go blind, so does the world,’” Peerless Cucumber reads.
“...That’s probably not good,” Shang Qinghua says.
“Nooo…” Fanli agrees.
The messages continue as they climb, carved into the walls, the ceilings, the floors. Most of it is illegible. Some of it is just nonsense. Some of it looks like the same kind of historical records carved into the broken tablets. Some of it looks like someone attacked the walls after reading what was written there. There are deep gouges in the walls and cracked marks that would match a giant’s hands.
 “‘The water cleans the lies,’” Peerless Cucumber reads. “‘I am the only one who can see.’ ‘Lies everywhere, lies everywhere, lies everywhere.’ ‘The water cleans the evil.’ ‘I do not have enough tears.’ ‘Everything is nothing now. Everything in vain.’”
“You really don’t need to read them!” Shang Qinghua tells the kid. “It’s fine. It's totally fine.”
AN: This is mostly here to up the tension, but it’s also here to try and give insight into this being and relate them more to the “Death of the Author” and the “Seeing is Believing” themes. 
I also saw the phrase “If I go blind, so does the world” while I was browsing a list of riddles for D&D campaigns and I was like, “THAT’S SICK, I’M USING THAT.” Really brings the “an eye for an eye” and vengeance vibes. (The riddle was longer than that one phrase, but the answer was “the sun”.) 
The top of the temple reveals one massive room that looks like someone was alternatively scratching their insanity into the walls and tearing chunks out of the interior design with their bare hands. Overtop of the rubble is that eerie overgrowth. There’s a fine layer of water over the floor. At the center of it all is an incredibly enormous desk, cracked in half, with a robed skeleton sitting behind it, slumped over the top. It’s a little too large to be an ordinary human.
Plus, its skull is a little too long, probably to accommodate the third eye socket in the forehead. There’s something gleaming softly yellow in the third eye socket.
“Is… there water dripping from its eyes?” Luo Fanli whispers.
“It looks like it…” Peerless Cucumber whispers back. “Like it's crying…?”
“Still…? Is it dead or not?”
 “Holy shit,” Shang Qinghua thinks, slightly nauseated. “System, bro, the worst bro I’ve ever known, tell me that we have not been swimming in a three-eyed skeleton’s magical undead tears or something this whole time.”
The shitty, no-good System stays unsurprisingly silent. 
AN: Okay, so the idea here is that this being was someone who recorded history and shared their knowledge freely. This being had the ability to discern the truth of a person - they were extremely perceptive. (The Weeper is either female or doesn’t have a gender, by the way.) 
The Weeper met the Garden Master at some point. The Garden Master was an asshole, a liar, arrogant, etc.. The Weeper and the Garden Master clashed badly, until the Weeper sent the cleansing flood that nearly destroyed the sect and the Garden Master essentially had to flee to a personal abyss. 
The Garden Master sent the plant as a final “fuck you” to the Weeper. The plant caused the Weeper to slowly go mad. The smashed tablets and destroyed temple are the Weeper’s work. The Weeper (not in a great state of mind) had the temple closed themselves once they realized they and their work had been corrupted. This was a “you destroy my (embellished) reputation, I destroy yours (and your entire life)” plot by the Garden Master. 
The idea behind the tears is the whole “water is cleansing” thing. The Weeper tried to clean away the madness using their magical water-related abilities... and it actually worked for a long time. But eventually the madness began to overpower the effects of the magical water. The Weeper’s tears are from frustration and helplessness at losing control. 
The water inside the temple combats the plant’s physical effects. Also stabbing the root killed the plant and essentially broke its mental/spiritual powers. 
Unfortunately, to get the fuck out of here, they have to go back through the temple. But hey! That’s still a lot better than an extended hike through an underground, haunted desert in darkness! The battle with the now-dead plant caused its growth to writhe around the temple. The vines need to be hacked through sometimes as they travel down through the rooms of broken shelves and shattered tablets.
“So much history lost…” Peerless Cucumber murmurs.
 “He still thinks of himself as a reader - an observer, a visitor, separate from the flow of fate.”
AN: This is... absolutely based on the Heart from the Dishonored franchise. But this sort of item didn’t originate with Dishonored and I need it! It’s a surprise/mystery tool that will help us later! 
The Eye isn’t exactly a mind-reading object. I mean, it kind of is, but it works in a very specific way that I’m looking forward to getting into. 
From there, their path back out of the natural maze is even more careful and stressful than before, now that the Huan Hua Palace Sect cultivators are actively looking for them rather than the temple. It’s slow-going and stressful and silent, except for when the Weeper’s Eye presses too close against his chest.
 “He is afraid that if he starts screaming, he will never stop,” it tells him, when he’s looking at a pale-faced Peerless Cucumber, as they fly over a particularly deathly-looking drop.
 “Oh, me too, bro!” Shang Qinghua thinks. “Seriously! Tell me something I don’t know!”
AN: Having Shang Qinghua be totally unimpressed by an object like this was very funny to me. He’s the author! He’s a transmigrator! He knows these people well! He already has insight into their situations. 
Shang Qinghua groans, but supposes that Peerless Cucumber would have at least been disguising Liu Qingge from the back. “You tell them that you were tracking thieves who stole something from Cang Qiong Mountain Sect,” he says quickly. “Rule of embarrassment! Admitting something that makes us look bad to a rival makes it sound true. Don’t tell them what was stolen and act really offended if they try to poke into Cang Qiong business. I’ll come back as soon as I get these two out!”
Liu Qingge nods and launches forward into the fight.
“We’re just leaving him?” Peerless Cucumber says, as they do exactly that.
“I’ll get changed and come back ‘looking for him for urgent sect business’ as soon as I’ve dropped you two off in the last town,” Shang Qinghua says. “I’m really good at acting stressed and confused, and at desperately needing an unstoppable wandering Liu Qingge back at Cang Qiong Mountain Sect immediately. Now let’s go! Let’s go! Mission isn’t over yet!”
AN: Shang Qinghua is, at heart, a liar. I love him. 
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akampana · 3 years
curious but. Do you perhaps. Have any headcanons or just. any ideas/thoughts about Bedivere x Lancer Artoria — Sincerely, a slowly going insane Anon at the barely there crumbs of content about this ship
I cried at the end of the Camelot Singularity. And I spent this event literally just going to the event shop to hear Ruler Artoria say "Bedivere" over and over. i really really ought to make more content for them considering they've been on my mind since i watched deen fsn a long time ago hnnnggg
Here's a bunch of headcanons for you anon! hope you like! It got quite long so it's all under the cut! see ya at the end!
Since Bedivere comes home to Chaldea with Ritsuka at the end of the Singularity, when the latter manages to summon Lartoria, he immediately gets on his knees to thank his Master, because this time, he didn't have to wait for so long.
All the knights still kiss the back of her hand when they greet her. She only squeezes Bedivere's hand though.
Lartoria likes to say she doesn't have favorites, but the Table just knows and accepts that it's Bedivere, much to his embarrassment.
She doesn't know, but she says his name with a much gentler tone, which is how everyone but the man in question find out she's developed an attachment to him.
Merlin approves without question. Kay too. Bedivere's been with Arturia from start to end. They know how the two feel about each other. Merlin was literally witness to everything.
It takes a long time before the two of them get "together" together. Mostly because Bedivere has a hard time believing he's worthy. When they finally do cross that line, however, she makes sure he knows. Even though at times she's quite awkward.
Neither are very comfortable with PDA, but they are frequently seen going on strolls talking between themselves. He is always her chosen escort.
They sleep in Lartoria's room. One night she asked that he stay, and he basically just never left? They don't talk about it, and so far Lartoria's never objected to his presence so.
She usually stands on Bedivere's left side because she likes it when their hands brush, and of course, the few private occasions when they can intertwine their hands without worry of anyone watching.
She also sleeps on his left. She likes his warmth.
Llamrei hates everyone but Bedivere. He's the only one the horse can stand.
(If you have any other Artoria) The Knights divide their time, but Lartoria is the Artoria that this Bedivere spent literal eons searching for. It's her he spends most of his days with.
Modern AUs(some of these hold true for Saber Arturia too!):
They're childhood friends. Yes.
He's always a bit older (dont quote me on this but iirc there are accounts of Bedivere before King Arthur and I think he was already a knight when he met Arturia. Plus, I think he was the first Round Table Member after Merlin and Kay.)
When they met, Bedivere had just had his hand amputated so he was feeling a bit out of place with the other kids, but little Arty found a way to make him feel better. (He doesn't need two hands to beat a meanie like you! *proceeds to give Bedi a toy sword he kept forever*)
because he was hospitalized for a while after the amputation, his hair was long when they met, and Arty braided it for him so he could see better. From that point he just kept it long cause he liked letting her style it for him every now and then.
They get separated at high school graduation and meet again a little later in life, as adults. She moved to a far city, and after about a decade (just a decade, not thousands of years ;_;), Bedivere found himself moving to the same city.
Neither of them are coffee people, so they reunite in a tea shop. Bedivere's jaw literally drops when he recognizes the person reaching for the same pack of earl grey.
They don't lose contact with each other ever again.
Self-indulgent Yandere Bedivere AU
So, you've made it this far, congrats! Welcome to an AU that occurred to me in a dream, which I never forgot. Considering my harem AU, you'd think it'd be someone like Cú Alter, maybe Gilgamesh, Zerkerlot, but nope.
It's sweet, meek, unassuming Bedivere.
Nobody ever expects the perfect gentleman, the shy giant, the soft-spoken Bedivere to be capable of harming others. But that's exactly why it works.
This AU starts nearly the same as the Modern AU, except this time, Bedivere is there to witness the Pendragon's sins against their youngest.
He finally understands why Artoria always wears long sleeves, long dresses, jeans.
Tristan tells him they shouldn't meddle in Pendragon business and Bedivere just snaps. He puts on the same gentle smile, but he doesn't agree.
The police never find out who cut the brakes of Morgan's car, killing father and mother Pendragon along with her.
They never suspect it would be the one-armed man in the front row of the wake, who stayed long hours to comfort his orphaned friend. Maybe they would have, if they realized prosthetics didn't leave fingerprints.
Thank you so much for the ask! YAY FOR BEDIVERE X ARTORIA!
Personally, when I think of this ship, I remember that no one else can ever claim to love Artoria as long and as deeply as Bedivere has. Not the knights, not even Lancelot
Bedivere's love is one that endures.
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May I Have This Dance?
Broadly speaking, balls and banquets weren’t something that could routinely be done in Chaldea. Resources were mostly scarce, though thanks to Faye forming a contract with a select few servants, there was suddenly enough to go around without risking much. Thus, Da Vinci proclaimed that there had to be some sort of celebration for quote “getting out of the soup kitchen”.
This would be one of the grandest balls that one could imagine; Mozart himself managing the music, Emiya, Boudica, and Cat all working double time to get the food ready, Gilgamesh providing, well, everything else. That much took a lot of begging.
Gil: You have some nerve asking for things from my treasury, Mongrel! Why should I help you?
Faye: Because I asked really nicely and you owe me one for helping out with Uruk?
Gil: Hmph. I suppose you have a point, though be forewarned, do not ask me for anything ever again, providing for this ball shall make us even!
Yeah, there was a lot before even reaching that point. Oh well, the setup and prep were all in the past, all that mattered now was that everyone take time to unwind and enjoy themselves. Servants of all kinds cleaned up and put on their best clothing for this delightful occasion, even Mephistopheles manages to clean up nicely!
Faye herself kept to one of the sides of the main ballroom/repurposed grand hall. She wasn’t really one for large social gatherings, but given the nature of this, she couldn’t really say no. Her hair was down as usual, but a small section was braided around her head to accentuate her forehead, a borrowed necklace from Ishtar around her neck to show off her clavicles. Her modest red dress going down to a mid calf level, working well with her low heeled black shoes.
She didn’t much like dressing up. Sure it was nice on occasion, but the shoes often hurt her feet, the dress felt like she was showing too much skin despite its modest nature. Her hair took too long to fuss with for her liking and the makeup, goddess the makeup was a pain. But for everyone here, it was worth the effort. She continued like this, off alone for a while before noticing a familiar divine aura coming from behind her. What she turned to see caused her jaw to drop.
A beautiful blonde goddess in a resplendent black dress, hair placed perfectly into those oh so familiar ribbons, as is they’d been that way since the dawn of time. Her lips luscious and soft, a deep crimson on them to bring them out even more. To Faye, it was as if her goddess had woven this dress from the night sky itself as little bits of white and blue were spattered in various places. Truly, she had seen taken the skies of Uruk and woven them into fabric itself. Last but certainly not least, her eyes, everything she had somehow brought out those crimson eyes more than usual, the beautiful orbs practically sparkling in the lights of the hall.
Eresh approached her Master and, with the unabashed staring, began to turn a slight red.
Eresh: It’s rude to stare, you know
Faye makes a quickly placating gesture, placing her hands clasped in front of her with a slight bow in apology.
Faye: I-I’m sorry, my goddess. You were just so breathtaking I forgot I was staring!
Eresh: Geez, flattery won’t get you anywhere you know!
The goddess takes a moment to look Faye up and down.
Eresh: I will say you look g-g-good as well! The dress really brings out that delightful shine in your eyes.
Faye: You think my eyes have a shine to them?
Eresh: E-enough with the pleasantries. Why don’t we sit down?
The two take a seat at a nearby table, continuing to watch as servants mingled. Some laughed, some danced, some looked like they were about to start a fight before someone else comes over and disarms them. The music is light, happy, its rhythms and melodies filling the room with a feeling of content happiness. The tune changes not long after, a more traditional song meant to inspire others and get them to dance the night away. It moved the heartstrings in a way only those who truly care for one another could experience. Faye, so moved by this looks over to her love, her goddess and extends her hand.
Faye: May I have this dance, my goddess?
Eresh is speechless as she takes the hand of her Master, her love, and walks with her to the center of the hall now acting as a dance floor. The two swag back and forth, foreheads pressed together in a moment of true intimacy. Time fades as the two continue their melodic embrace, even as the songs change, even as the others filter out and the night winds to a close, the two remain there, in the center of the room, dancing all their worries and cares away as if they’d never existed.
@hasquetzdoneanythingwrong @hasishtardoneanythingwrong @haspaulbunyandoneanythingwrong @waitingforeresh
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