bonefall · 2 years
If you want to be explicit about Christian coding the meddies, have you considered "priest" as the term? It feels just as specifically and obviously Christian as "cleric" while being more direct. "Cleric" just feels a bit roundabout. Plus, I like the look and sound of it better.
Maybe... preist doesn't evoke images of healing though. It makes it more like a preacher man speaking in front of a choir; which is one aspect of their job but the doctor-ing is important too
Cleric captures the religiousity and the healing in one word, while still seeming christian. I'm not aware of another word that quite captures it
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alteredbeast · 3 months
doomed to have the least marketable art of all time in a world where it is deceivingly easy to build a career off posting art online
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gatabella · 8 months
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"The reason why she does what she does, the reason why she doesn’t do the things that other people do, the reason for her famous eccentricities and hermitlike existence, her lack of response to the social life, her lack of response to eager lovers is this— Garbo is an insomniac. She never sleeps. Leslie Howard has said to me, “By our physical disabilities should we be judged.” This is diabolically true of Garbo. How can one judge a woman so mortally tired? At the most, at the best, Garbo knows fifteen minutes of sleep at a stretch. Insomnia is why Garbo takes her endless walks, up and down the beach, miles and miles of beach, in rain as in sunshine—tramping, tramping—in the hope that physical exhaustion will induce oblivion. Mental exhaustion never does. Insomnia is why Garbo takes her constant sun-baths. Sitting in the sun—as near a somnolent condition as possible—is the nearest Garbo ever comes to a protracted rest. Garbo has been an insomniac off and on for years. To begin with, the malady was mild. With the death of Mauritz Stiller, the famous director who brought her to America, it became chronic and hideous. It may be this hitherto unknown secret in Garbo’s life that prevents her from love. It was death-like exhaustion that sent so ardent a lover as John Gilbert away with a heartbreaking refusal. Gilbert, whose heart is broken, who still speaks of Garbo with the naiveté of a boy knowing his first love: ‘I saw Garbo on the set today—she spoke to me!’ Of no other woman in his life does Gilbert speak as he speaks of Garbo. Garbo, too tired for love."
-Movie Classic magazine, Sept.1931
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Sorry you're having a rough time because of the new book. I'm only a casual fan now, but I understand the feeling. I hope you can continue to enjoy GF regardless, hugs🫂
aw thats sweet ty... i dont think this is going to kill my enjoyment of gf long term or anything (if it survived the rise and fall of billdip i think it can withstand anything...) but yeah i might be a little more hermitlike in my interest until book hype dies down a bit lol
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cliveguy · 11 months
weirdest thing about coming out of a half-decade-long hermitlike depression is remembering likes and dislikes that go beyond the single piece of media / art / etc im currently clinging to. like oh yeah i forgot i was a full human for a moment.
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tyrannuspitch · 7 months
hi hello after nearly two years of obsessing over mcu asgard in hermitlike solitude i am finally poking my head out of my cell.
my name is lucian! i'm 23 and i like to write meta (semi-incoherently) and fanfic (very, very slowly). i am not, strictly speaking, "new" in this fandom, BUT i still don't know anyone here, so i do still need some help!!
if you:
often post about mcu loki and/or thor
like both mcu thor and loki as characters (i don't mind favouritism, i just don't want to see hate 💙)
prefer pre-reboot (2011-2013) characterisation and tone
post a significant amount (40+%) of gen/non-ship content
do not post th*rki or reader-ins*rt content
do not frequently post drama, discourse, "salt", etc (criticism of canon is fine, but i prefer to try to keep an overall positive or at least constructive tone, and focus on the work itself over the people behind it! 💚)
and especially if you post original art, gifs, or meta...
then please reblog this post so i can check out your blog!! thank you 💛💛💛
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ashlingiswriting · 8 months
For the recent passage questions: “for me, it’s pineapple condoms or nothing.” All the way up to Richie saying “are you really gonna punish me for a joke”
Idk why but I love that little bit so much and would love to hear your thoughts on it!!
thank you so much! i'm excited to get into this chunk of writing.
warning: i really get into the analysis here, possible to an insufferable extent. can't help it! i just love them so much & i have so much to say about it!
for me, it’s pineapple condoms or nothing. you’re a real high-maintenance fuck. you laugh. michael used to like that about you, just how easy you were, or how easy you made yourself. buddy, you got no idea. 
on the surface, they're bantering. haha! we're not going to have sex, for a silly reason! because the idea of us having sex itself is a joke, and we're both in on the joke, right? right?
it's them reassuring each other that it's fine, even though for both of them, deep down, It's Not Exactly Fine.
also, a few lines ago, julie has literally realized that she loves him, specifically because he takes it easy on her, because he's figured out a way to be with her without making her feel like she needs to run, and without making her feel like she needs to act like someone else. he fucks up a lot, but he's trying, and does it all with his own humor and heart and she sees that and she loves him.
which is in strong contrast with mikey, cause she started off very much herself with mikey, but when they starting having sex she promptly fell into weird, somewhat unhealthy patterns of behavior where she was like 'it's casual! that means you can fuck me whenever, never text unless you feel like it, disappear for an entire week with no explanation, it's all fine. i pretend that watching you fall apart doesn't kill me, you pretend that neither of us have intense emotional involvement in this, and, you know, it's functional!' and then he dies.
it's so obviously fucked in retrospect, but she 100% did it to herself. mikey didn't even ask her to be like that. she just...wanted to be wanted and got scared about demanding anything more.
in many ways, do i know you? is a love triangle story where one corner of the love triangle is already dead. but mikey's ghost is often just around the corner.
so even though again it's all jokes on the surface, julie's memory of how she shrank herself down and didn't demand what she wanted/needed from mikey, the last man she loved, is obviously gonna have an impact on how she views her—very recent!—realization that she loves richie.
it’s been such a long day for both of you, apart and together. of course you’re getting messy, of course it’s time to go. you zip up your coat, run your hand through your hair. 
you can see her here already trying to diminish and dismiss and repress that realization. her feelings can be blamed on the long day she's had. and she doesn't even call them feelings, she calls them "getting messy". she zips up her coat, runs her hand through her hair; prepares to go outside and leave; tries to put herself together/look normal.
let me drive you, he says again. you wave him off. no, i need to walk. clear my head. it’s december in chicago, fuckin pitch black—  i’ll be fine. it’s christmas eve, are you really gonna punish me for a fucking joke?
the story's very much from julie's pov, and julie can be a pretty self-absorbed character. (honestly, when i was writing this, i didn't know if i'd get any readers making it several chapters in, because she's not always a particularly sympathetic, nice, good, or attractive character. so again, i'm THRILLED that literally anyone is reading!)
anyways yeah julie can be very self-absorbed. this is partly due to the hermitlike existence she's been leading—she hasn't had to engage with other people on a particularly complex, intense, or deep emotional level, and even her relationship with mikey was noticeably stunted in several ways—but it's also partly due to just being a personal flaw of hers. she's so self-absorbed, in fact, that she actually misses what's going on with richie because she's busy thinking about richie, paying more attention to the man in her head than the man standing right in front of her.
a parallel thing occurs in chapter three, when she's fantasizing about how she'd heat up leftovers for richie if she took him up to her apartment; how she'd take care of him, in another world where she was willing to be that vulnerable. but like, he's right there! she could take care of him by paying attention to him right then and there, especially because he's venting and literally all he needs in that moment is a listening ear.
do i know you? isn't just a line from chapter one or the title of the story, it's also me drawing little hearts around one of the main themes of the story. how do you truly know a person and how do you learn to love them right?
julie thinks she knows richie because she knows so much about him from mikey's stories, but in chapter three she's surprised to find out that richie deals cocaine. of course mikey wouldn't have told her that, since it was mikey's idea for richie to do that, and in the end this is all because the beef was failing financially. that wasn't something mikey was proud of, so he didn't tell her about it. (shame & its sources & how to deal with it is another huge theme in the fic!) so in that moment julie has a rare moment of clarity and tries to look at richie physically to really fix him in her mind, to observe him for herself. to be in that moment with him. which is a lesson that she...could perhaps have learned more quickly & thoroughly lmao. but isn't that life? it's rare that people learn important lessons once and follow them perfectly ever after.
ANYWAYS. in this passage, julie's just preoccupied with being as emotionally opaque as possible and getting the hell out of there, so she's focused on herself, not at all on richie.
richie, in the meantime, is picking up on her weird vibes & doesn't know what caused this. he knows that she let him drive her before and that was fine—delightful, even—so something has to have changed. he chalks it up to the sleepover + condoms jokes, the fact that he's brought up, even jokingly, the mere idea of them having sex. and he also wants to take care of her, he does actually want to drive her home, so her rejecting that doesn't feel great! just feels like her being stubborn (which she is). so that's why he's like, it’s christmas eve, are you really gonna punish me for a fucking joke? like, we had such an amazing night together, we're closer tonight than we've ever been before, i cooked for you, you came willingly to my apartment, we talked about our families, and now you're going to reject my care and leave in a weird tension filled way that i'm like 80% sure is happening just cause i made some off color jokes???
also, as one might expect from a guy whose father was never around, whose best friend committed suicide, and whose wife left him...richie's kind of sensitive about being left. see: season 2, when he explicitly says he fears that carmy & co are gonna "drop this ass" & leave him in the dust. so! yeah!
what i do love, though, is that they've learned from last time, in a way. in chapter 3, when there was that disconnect between them and he senses it and is offended by it, she responds angrily and defensively, says something hurtful, and basically the only reason they don't get into a much bigger fight is because he showed a bit of mercy (probably spurred by the fact that she didn't show up the night before and he was truly concerned about her absence).
THIS time, even though there's a disconnect between them, when he bursts out in frustration, she understands what's going on and de-escalates the situation, reassures him, tries to be gentle. and even though he's not completely satisfied with her walking home in the dark, he lets it go, recognizing that she has her own reasons but she's not angry with him and she doesn't mean it as a rejection of him.
they're learning!!! i love it when they learn! it took us 34,000+ words, but they're figuring it out!
the extent to which all this analysis is post facto? YOU'LL NEVER KNOW, I'LL NEVER TELL 😂😂😂
anyways! thank you so much again for the excuse to scream abuot them, i've been drafting chapters nine and ten, and this thought exercise was deeply satisfying.
feel free to send me another of these my askbox:
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lesbworth · 9 months
10 characters 10 fandoms
let's gaur
thank you @moff-times for tagging me :)
miles edgeworth - ace attorney
der tod - elisabeth das musical
mrs danvers - rebecca by daphne du maurier/rebecca das musical
bunny manders - raffles
l lawliet - death note
hilary tamar - the hilary tamar mysteries
sherlock holmes - the sherlock holmes stories, all adaptations
basil hallward - the picture of dorian gray
bertie wooster - jeeves & wooster
havelock vetinari - discworld
my hermitlike existence on tumblr means i basically have no-one to tag that hasn't already been tagged by times or tantive </3 LMAO
also this is so short for a list of characters AUGH rem my bestie i'm so sorry i had to leave you out
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teotoffee · 1 year
anyways today i learned about all the crazy stuff that happened to people my age both in college in highschool. being hermitlike loser in highschool really protected me from all that stuff huh
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There are many regrets I hold about the hermitlike way I spent my teenage years but currently my biggest one is I never tried to develop a sense of style. All I wear are leggings and t-shirts from Hot Topic. I want to be fashionable but my prime blunder years are behind me and being the prince of darkness is a sad fate
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Questionable Motives by AngelOfDeath10
Rated T (PG), suitable for teens, 13 years and older.May contain moderate violence, coarse language, suggestive material, and/or adult themes.
OneShot published Nov 3 2004
Given Sypnopsis: Now that they are all older and on their own, Sasuke finds that his willful hermitlike behaviour has only driven Sakura away from him...and into the arms of someone else! Not if he can help it...
Sasuke's angsty internal monologue in third person, as he sees Sakura in a potential relationship with one of the Konoha 13 I didn't expect. Sasuke is a bit OOC at the ending, as he gets into a passionate argument with Sakura, but did nail his brooding nature in the beginning.
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deepnerdblog · 2 years
Why create
So if music is just a series of fads for young audiences why should a bored middle aged jackass obsess over it? Maybe because it's fun to make and to think about. I would happily work with anyone if I liked the creative process. I've fallen into a hermitlike existence where I tinker with music for myself, and of course real life intrudes, and there are tons of home studio nerds who build their synths and fx and software and interface and find deep satisfaction in 'what might be'. Much like the sports car they couldn't afford as younger men, we acquire things as part of the dream. My synthesizers are actually cheap and not terribly rare because I feel it's adequate for creation in their current state. The advice I'd give anyone who wants to write or create music with a home studio is as follows (most of this is stolen advice from wiser souls).
If you are the best musician in the room, you are in the wrong room. Collaborate and learn and challenge yourself if you want to level up.
Don't get Gear Acquisition Syndrome. If you have some synths/instruments and start to daydream about 'what if some new synth does something better?' fuck that, look up the gear you own on youtube and watch how geniuses use that gear as a tool. chops over tech. (sound design included over tech too).
Find a process that works for you to get musical ideas into a listenable format. Record practice sessions on a cellphone. Learn to write sheet music. Learn whatever DAW you like and dig deeply into that one DAW, whichever process gets you into a flow state, trust that process.
So of those three tips, I actually do 2 and generally don't fuck with eurorack or GAS at present because I can't afford it. My adhd day dreamer nature makes me struggle with 3, because I want to know how to have multiple flow states for different genres or moods. Still that's free advice for anyone.
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starlit-mansion · 2 years
corv and i haven’t gotten covid yet and there’s some events that we’re going to this month so i am lowkey worried that it will finally happen
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lyngir · 5 years
literally just come here to reblog pictures. i see a single discourse post i close the app. peaceful
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screenviolense-a · 3 years
slowly gathering fcs for my original farm town. edit: all the bachelors and bachelorettes are done
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erica angler - the artsy video store owner
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thea alcott - mysterious lady in the old mansion on the hill
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hattie featherwood - gossipy innkeep
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georgie price - seamstress and vintage fashion enthusiast
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dr. sawyer price - veterinarian
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parker gutierrez - clumsy chef at the inn
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miles ochoa - eager reporter
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ryan suzuki - stoic and hermitlike lumberjack and carpenter living in the woods
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Zhou Maoshu Admiring Lotuses 
Artist: Kaihō Yūsetsu (Japanese, 1598–1677) Period: Edo period (1615–1868)
Museum Description: A bearded scholar props his elbows on the side of his boat and rests his chin in his hands, leaning over to catch a glimpse of lotuses scattered across the surface of a pond. He is recognizable as the Northern Song-dynasty philosopher Zhou Maoshu (Chinese: Zhou Dunyi, 1017–1073). A leading figure in early neo-Confucian thought, Zhou wrote, among other texts, the short essay “On the Love of the Lotus” (“Ai lian shuo”), in which he describes the lotus as a “man of virtue,” in contrast to the “hermitlike” chrysanthemum and the “aristocratic” peony.
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