rose-of-the-grave · 3 months
Birthday Party
Pairing: Harry x Hermione
Happy early birthday to one Harry James Potter! I finished this early and couldn't wait to post it 😄 This is based off of these two requests! As always I'm the author (please don't repost)
Masterlist. Read on Ao3
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Warnings: fluff, Harmione being cute, Hermione and Lily bonding, James and Lily are alive and well
Word Count: 603
Description: Harry Potter celebrated his birthday with everyone he loves, including Hermione who ends up bonding a bit with Lily over the similarities in their relationships with Harry and James respectively.
Taglist: @sylveryfire, @fuckyeahsuperheropowercouples
Everybody was gathered around the table, singing Happy Birthday to Harry. The room was packed with friends and family, whether it was all of his parents’ friends that were like aunts and uncles to him or his friends from school. Ron and Hermione sat on either side of him as he leaned forward to blow out the candles, making a wish.
He looked up, grinning as everyone started cheering. Lily started to cut and serve the cake, giving Harry the first piece. It was a chocolate cake shaped like a snitch and covered in gold frosting.
Taking a bite, he exclaimed, “It’s really good! Thanks mom!”
“Anything for the birthday boy!” Lily said, teasingly before continuing to serve the cake.
“This is really good, Mrs. Potter!” Hermione said from where she sat next to Harry.
“Oh, please. Call me Lily.” His mom said.
Hermione smiled. Harry looked over at her and they shared a shy smile, they had started dating only a few weeks ago and not many people knew, including his parents. He knew that they suspected that there was something more between them but up until now they had just been friends.
The guests started to wander around into the living room and outside where games had been set up for the party. Lily and James were clearing up some stuff from the dining room, leaving Harry and Hermione virtually alone.
Harry had just finished his cake and was about to get up before realizing Hermione wasn’t quite finished.
“All done!” She said, a small piece of cake on the side of her mouth.
“There’s a…” He motioned at it before giving up and deciding to get it himself. He wiped it away with a finger before slowly leaning in for a kiss.
A plate clatter in the background and they pulled away, laughing a bit.
“Mmmmm… you taste like chocolate.”
She giggled,”That’s because I just had some, birthday boy!” Her eyes lit up with joy. She was beautiful. The two of them were lost in each other, not paying attention to their surroundings while Lily and James came back in from the kitchen.
“Seems they finally are official, James” Lily said.
“It would seem so.”
“Harry, get out here! I need a partner for this game!” Ron yelled from outside.
“I’m coming!” He yelled back before apologizing, “Sorry, ‘Mione.”
“It’s fine, I’ll see you out there.” She said before standing up and starting to gather some of the plates to take to the kitchen.
“Oh, you didn’t need to do that dear.” Lily said.
“It’s no problem. I was actually wondering if you needed any help cleaning?”
“Well, since you’re asking…” She gave her a rag and started her on wiping the dishes she was cleaning. Even though Lily could have easily done so with magic she had always preferred to wash dishes by hand.
“So, how’s school been going so far?”
“It’s been good. I’m waiting for the OWL results right now.”
“Right, of course. That should be any day now.”
They shared a smile before returning to the task at hand. From where they stood they had an excellent view of the backyard where Ron, Harry, and Sirius were facing off against Fred, George, and James in a game of three on three quidditch.
“It’s funny, isn’t it Mrs. Potter?” Hermione mused.
“What do you mean, Hermione dear?”
“Both of us fell in love with a boy with glasses, who plays quidditch, can be clueless but still an adorable dork. Sometime, history does repeat itself, huh?”
Lily smiled, “It sure does and I couldn’t be happier.”
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just-a-smut-slut · 10 months
The Neighborhood
Chapter Seventeen
Hernione’s unconscious body hovered above the floor in the Malfoy family manor’s ballroom. Draco’s father, mother, aunt, and uncle stood in a circle discussing something rapidly. 
“We can’t just have her murdered, Bella,” Draco’s mother chided.
Bellatrix scoffed, “Sissy, no one will miss some Muggle born. She seduced your son! She has polluted our family’s legacy! It’s disgusting!”
Narcissa Malfoy smirked at the recollection of seeing her son’s memory of Hermione. Lucius hissed at Bellatrix, “You’ve endangered our place in the Ministry, Bellatrix. Despite our son’s indiscretion, we can’t risk this getting traced back to us.” 
“Fine!” Bellatrix seethed. “We won’t kill her. I’ll just make sure she never bothers us. But, mark my words, your spineless, Muggle-loving son will destroy this family! What if she were pregnant! Our blood soiled! His seed mixing with hers! It’s sick!” 
Rodolphus Lestrange seemed to agree with his wife, snarling.
Draco was seated in a high back chair against the wall near the overly large fireplace, bespelled and unable to move. He watched Hermione and his family arguing her fate helplessly.. 
Narcissa turned to face her son. “Let Draco explain himself. Bella, he’s my son. I won’t see him hurt again.”
Bellatrix rolled her eyes. “You were always too soft on him.” Her implication was clear. It was his mother’s fault that he was this way. 
Narcissa removed the spell binding Draco to the chair. He leapt up, wand out, sending a curse flying at his aunt and uncle. They dodged it, taking their own wands out. 
“Draco, no!” His mother screamed. Draco lowered his wand ever so slightly, but didn’t completely put it away.
“There’s a good boy, Draco! Listen to your Mummy,” Bellatrix mocked him. 
“Explain yourself, Draco,” his father growled out. 
“Fuck this family! I want nothing to do with any of you!” He spat. His mother clutched her chest as if his words caused physical pain. 
“Oh really?” Bellatrix lifted her wand and yelled, “Crucio!” Hermione screamed in pain, body jerking and writhing in pain. 
“Bella stop!” Narcissa yelled. Bellatrix lowered her wand, her face contorted into a grimace. 
“This is your son, Sissy? He curses our family favoring this Mudblood instead!” Bellatrix ground out. 
Narcissa looked between her son and Hermione. “Draco, please. You can’t possibly be involved- be serious about this girl…” 
Draco took his mother’s hands and looked at her with a fierce intensity. “If you truly love me, Mother, you’ll let her go.”
Narcissa turned her head away from her son, a cry escaping her lips. Lucius stepped toward his son. “We tried to warn you Draco. We told you to stay away from her- to leave this filth.”
Draco looked into his mother’s eyes. They were cold like stone. “If anything happens to her, you’ll lose me, too.”
Lucius jerked his son away from his mother’s hands and pulled him up by the collar of his shirt nose to nose with his son. “How dare you threaten us! How dare you choose this Mudblood whore over your own flesh and blood! 
“Bella!” He called to the dark woman, “Do it!” 
Bella practically giggled as she pulled Hermione to the floor, sat astride her and took out a jagged dagger. Hermione couldn’t move her body, but she screamed as Bellatrix tore into her skin, carving the word “Mudblood” into her forearm. Blood drained from her arm in rippling pools. 
“No!” Draco fought against his father, finally wrenching free of his grasp and shooting a spell at his aunt. Bella was hit and her body splayed to the ground. She stumbled, trying to stand again.
A flash of green light shot from the end of his uncle’s wand, but Draco had moved in time to avoid the killing blow. Rodolphus turned to fire a killing curse at his nephew again, but too slowly. Narcissa shot the curse at her brother-in-law, watching his body fall to the floor. 
Bella shrieked and fell over her husband’s body. “Narcissa, what have you done?” 
“I’m not losing my son, Bella!” She hissed, challenging her to attack her. Bellatrix growled at her sister. In a flash, she and the body of Rodolphus disappeared from the floor. Bella had disappeared. Lucius didn’t raise a hand against his wife or son. He looked at Narcissa and shook his head, cold hatred lining his face.
Draco breathed a sigh of relief, falling to his knees, tears falling freely from his eyes. His mother ignored her husband’s glare and rushed to her son. “Don’t worry, Draco. No one will find out about this. You’ll be safe.” 
Draco didn’t care if he was safe as he saw Hermione lay on the floor. Blood continued to pour from her arm. He pushed his mother aside and crawled to her, casting a healing spell to stop the bleeding. Lucius left the room, his steps fading away into the halls. Hermione was still unconscious as Draco carried her through the Manor to his bedroom suite. His mother didn’t say anything to him as he walked away, steady tears streaming from her face.
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rhysnolastname · 2 months
someone’s blazing dacro hernione whatever fanfic full length. find christ
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dramioneasks · 1 year
Hello lovelies, hopefully someone can help me find this fic:
Hemione is captured as a prisoner in a cell block and questioned in the interview room by Draco whilst disguised by a trick mask. The mask renders her less than attractive, and she's deliberately let herself be caught.
They are a bit older, and the war is ongoing.
Hermione ends up staying at Dracos flat whilst her mission continues.
Lost of snark an acerbic D's pov. He mellows out as the story unfolds and helps her.
Hernione is kind of still with Ron I think and Draco develops feelings for H. He reluctantly ends up helping her get in to the ministry.
Have a feeling the title may have contained the following: fool, gambit, beggar.
Sorry not a lot to go on.
Edit: Awesome!!
m1schiefmanag3d: We found this one over on the Reddit sub...It's Bagmans Gambit by PhadriaButterkist https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4546413/1/Bagmans-Gambit
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Here is how I would rewrite dh, instead of Ron leaving, he goes missing after they are surrounded by death eaters
Maybe at Godrics Hollow on Christmas, trio are surrounded and in a duel with death eaters. Hermione quickly apparates with Harry but then we come back to tent and realize, Ron isn't here. Have it be where readers don't know if Ron is dead or what
Harry and Hernione are now brokenhearted over Ron but know they still have to hunt horcruxes
Harry Hermione find themselves at Malfoy Manor but this time, it's Ron in the cellar and he has been held captive/tortured. Even in his weak state, he will still beg Bellatrix not to take Hermione
Interesting premise🤔
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heyjude19-writing · 2 years
Hi. Thank you so much for writing and for gifting your talent to the world in this way. Your stories have made me reflect a lot on what I want (or not want) in my life <3 you have a way of making the reader feel like they are alive in the story, it's really remarkable.
If it's okay, I wanted to ask a question about "A Safe, Devoted Darkness" !!!(spoilers ahead)!!!
When Hermione reflects on the fact that the cursed object had been absorbing Draco and Hernione's thoughts and energies, she thinks she was the one who ended up touching the object because she was "the weaker" of the two. But in reality, I wonder if you thought of it the opposite way. That the curse _knew_ that Draco could turn to dark magic only if Hermione was open to that too (but Hermione would never turn to dark magic even if Draco was willing to). So in a sense, the curse needed to break *her* precisely because she was stronger in her stance against dark magic (?)
Sorry if that made no sense u_u
This story was *chef kiss* truly, wonderful.
hi anon!
first, thank you, im glad to know you've enjoyed my writing so much. and i love story questions, it's always ok! sorry this took awhile for me to reply.
ok so, hermione is actually a little wrong here and draco has it right in this conversation. the object wanted her because it recognized her as the "stronger" or more powerful being in the room. thus, it latched onto her to fulfill its purpose. Draco is considered very much disposable and his only role in the object's plan was how he could help lure hermione towards a darker path. The object is a wonky combination of the daydream device (the library, her parents being back, discovering new magic) and a paradox box (someone who would never use dark magic turning to dark magic, and not out of necessity). i've left it a bit vague on purpose as to how it was corrupted because i think it's better for the reader experience, but suffice to say, that voice in hermione's head at the end is in no way concerned about what she does or doesn't do with draco insofar as he doesn't get in her way.
i hope that makes sense? thank you for reading my little horror project, it's one of my favorite things i've ever written.
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renkunsims · 3 months
Kamilla Monttupuu
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Biancan kaksosista nuorempi Kamilla on veljeään ahkerampi ja vauhdikkaampi. Hän kaveeraa salaperäisen Hernione Unelmalan kanssa ja opiskelee ahkerasti päästäkseen nimekkääseen kouluun.
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bensclq · 7 years
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Betty  x Jughead
Most of the time the people we like, don’t like us back. 
Romeo and Juliet are the exception, not the rule.
aesthetic serie  x
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luvdrunk · 4 years
do you ever think about how fucking ruthless hermione was??? she knowingly and purposely disfigured a girl at sixteen
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astoriagrxxngrass · 7 years
Tagged by @saladtsar 
Rules: tag 20 people you want to know better!
tagging: @moonyinstincts, @jilyeverafter, @findfyre, @lilyevians, @lilyevcnz, @herniones, @fleurdelacvur, @fleurrdelacour, @johnsremus, @dvphnegreengrvss, @flurishandblotts, @vixenevans, @acciolunalovegood, @lunalovey, @swearwolflupin, @library-mermaid, @lumosinlove, @pctter, @nargles, @zabiniblaise
Please don’t feel like you have to do this if you don’t want to, or if you’ve done this before!!
nickname: Don’t really have one that I like. Some people call me Carro but I prefer Carolina
zodiac: Leo height: 4′11″                                                                                                    
last thing i googled: Convert centimeter to feet                                      
favourite music artist: Birdy, Gabrielle Aplin, Lauren Aquilina, Ed Sheeran, Adelde I just can’t choose one so well these are probably my favourites at the moment
song stuck in my head: Fools- Lauren Aquilina
last movie i saw: Love, rosie ( have I seen this before? Yes. Will it stop me from watching it again? Nope)
what am i wearing right now: Jeans, a light grey levi’s t-shirt that used to be my dad’s, black socks and a pair of blue leather boots
why did i choose my url: Astoria Greengrass is one of my favourite minor charachters
do i have any other blogs: Yeah I do but I’m to embaressed to list them so I’m just going to mention my mainblog @carroway99
what did your last relationship teach you: ughhh never again, that’s all I have to say about that
religious or spiritual: Neither really favourite colour: A darker shade of emerald green  average hours of sleep: 9, I cannot function unless I get my 9 hours lucky number: 5 or 8 favourite characters: I’ll just do hp- Scorpius Malfoy, Luna lovegood, Fleur Delacour how many blankets do i sleep with: 1 dream job: Owning a bakery somwhere in England
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jewelotn · 4 years
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Magia #harrypotter #potterhead #hermionegranger #hernione #varita #wand #hp #jkrowling #harrypotterylapiedrafilosofal #magia #magic #reto50semanas https://www.instagram.com/p/CF8jgwNlzkQ/?igshid=13fym39u50qqn
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You're the sweetest person and make the greatest edits on this website!
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dramioneasks · 1 year
Hi are there fics where hernione and draco are both against the order and voldemort. Like they have their own thing, hates everyone equally 😌
here: dramioneasks (tumblr.com)
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leekycauldron-blog1 · 7 years
i really don't feel like it's easter? like i didn't get an egg and nobody in my family seemed to acknowledge that it was? i did have some malteasers bunnies the other day though and they were great (br)
i feel u! my family doesnt celebrate easter most of the time like iget an egg but its never really special its weird. also i was working on actual easter sunday ugh.but YES malteasers are the nicest ahh 
B A S I Curl - dgi sorry | not from my fandoms | could be better | pretty cool | really like it | absolutely incredible!domain - don’t have one | dgi sorry | not from my fandoms | could be better | pretty cool | really like it | absolutely incredible!icon - could be better | don’t recognise it | poor quality | pretty cute! | omg awesome | tempted to steal it T H E M Edesktop theme - basic tumblr theme | not my style | could be better | kinda pretty | gorgeous | i wanna stealcolour scheme - not my taste | pretty | gorgeous | my fav colours!updates tab - don’t have one | i think something’s not right | bit basic | lovely | absolutely perfect (also i feel u on that revision thing)nav page - don’t have one | i think something’s not right | incomplete | bit basic | lovely | absolutely perfect about page - don’t have one | i think something’s not right | incomplete | bit basic | lovely | absolutely perfectmobile header - nonexistent | i don’t get it | not my fandom | bit blurry | alright | lovely | absolutely gorgeousmobile colours - kills my eyes | don’t match | looks nice | urgh aes af P O S T Sreblogs - urm nonexistant ?? | kinda random | not my fandom | pretty good | wonderful | incredible!aesthetic - inconsistent | eye pleasing | absolutely perfectoriginal edits - you don’t have any | not my fandom | great start | not bad | lovely | so original | gorgeous | omg i’m jelly af of your skillspersonal - nonexistant | not enough | too many | you seem sweet | omg you make me laugh so muchactivities [e.g. botm / awards / rates etc] - nonexistant | not enough | good | wonderful | such original ideas O V E R A L Loverall - meh | pretty nice | lovely | incrediblefollowing - no sorry | not my fandoms | now | how was i not before?! | yes ofc | you’re one of my fav blogs
compliment/advice: im so jealous of your url and your theme is so aesthetically pleasing i love everything (also i feel super lucky you’re following me and that ur in my fandom fam ahhh)
want one?
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buttahbeer-archive · 7 years
congratulations on hitting 300!! 💗
Thankyou so much dear ♡
URL: 10/10 - you already know I love it, it’s so close to canon and on first glance looks like it really is just ‘hermiones’ icon: 9/10 - I love the colour of it! It goes so well with your mobile theme and idk if this was your aim but it kinda looks like hermione?? especially cause she’s holding the papermobile theme: 9/10 - again, the colours go so well even though there are only two and (idk if this should go in the mobile theme or desktop theme thing but) your description is great cause I also have a quote about books in mine and just omg BOOKS desktop theme: 9/10 - it’s great cause it’s so simple and the same colour scheme as your mobile themecontent: 10/10 - all fitting the same aesthetic, very nice very nicenavigation: 5/5 - love it, totally matches everything else, and how it’s sorted into eras is greatupdates tab: 5/5 - simple but it does it’s job (you created your blog nearly three weeks ago and already have 500 followers?? omg!!)following: sorry no / I am now! / yes duh - if you can’t tell, I really love your blog hahah
want one?
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renkunsims · 5 months
Kuvia Puuhalan laaksosta vuoro 5, Auvolat, Tukkanuottaset, Jumppalat ja Multalat
Päivät 21-25, kesä
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Pontus Auvola ja Hernione Unelmala
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Lassi Auvola
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Viikatemies yrittää viedä Lassi Auvolan
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Pontus, Lassi ja Viktor Auvola
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Lissu Auvola
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Sofi Jumppala ja Riku Tuklkanuottanen
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Riku Tukkanuottanen ja Hanna Pelli
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Riku ja Oili Tukkanuottanen
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Pentti Auvola ja Jaakko Jumppala
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Jaakko Jumppala ja Jarmo Sampsala
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Markku Jumppala ja Kanikamu
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Jouni Multala, Jaana Hallavaara ja Nasse-koira
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Jouni Multala toivoi taikalampulta eloon vanhempansa Matleena ja Mauri Multalan
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