#hero 3+
lexandraws · 2 years
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my zine cover for notmyfortezine over on twt!!!
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kiyelle · 2 years
♡ so… are you single? - [bakugou katsuki]
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bakugou has his own unique way of loving. while you wouldn't trade his cautious touch and deceptive eyes that you know hide all the adoration he has for you. it's hard not to admit that you're having the time of your life watching him as he flirts with you with all the confidence in the world.
his cheeks are flushed a pale pink and he knows deep down that it has little to do with what he drank, and entirely to do with how pretty you look tonight. he just can't help it, the way you look up at him with the sea of party lights reflecting in your amused eyes, you're everything to him. but are you really? are you really his? he finds himself questioning.
in his tainted mind he fails to realise that you are indeed his. he's instead confused by the way his heart longs for you as if it's been chasing you all his life. the only thing he's certain of right now is that you're the most stunning person he's ever met. which is probably why he had completely lost control of his own mouth minutes ago and blurted out ‘wow, you're so beautiful’
now, he grins at you in confidence, running his hand through his blond hair, “so… are you single?” he studies your reaction as your features pull together in confusion. oh no are you dating someone already? is he going to have to fight them? well, he reasons, he’d obviously win so that’s hardly a problem, but he’d hate to disrespect someone else’s relationship.
“you’re literally my boyfriend, katsuki,” you sigh as his eyes widen with each word that he slowly processes. he points to himself and then to you, “us? we’re together? you mean you’re already willingly going out with me?” his words are a little rushed and erratic but they make you smile nonetheless as you nod, “yes, you and i.”
his astonished smile quickly melts into a smirk as he approaches you, his hands reaching out to firmly pull you towards him by your waist. “damn right we’re together,” he says, “i knew from the moment i saw you no one else deserves to be your boyfriend other than me.”
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jozstanko-art · 2 years
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@thecowboykatsuki-anon‘s cowboy au has been living rent free in my brain, for the last few days, especially cowboy!Katsuki.  he has a chokehold on me and i’m down bad.
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zmorowanie · 2 years
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wowie edgy nico illustration
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yugiohz · 2 years
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stormcallart · 2 years
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When the cute exchange student catches your eye.
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sipsteainanxiety · 2 years
katsuki was a bit of a crybaby.
you knew he could get caught up in his emotions more often than not. they tended to smother him sometimes, suffocating him with feelings he didn't know how to properly deal with. you saw this every day, but it was especially prominent whenever he would come home after a particularly grueling shift, his carmine eyes puffy with the things he could never bring himself to say.
from what deku had told you one evening at a little get together you went to as katsuki's plus one—back when he was (as katsuki had put it) insufferably nosy about his childhood friend's love life—katsuki felt emotions very strongly. so strongly, in fact, that he tended to bottle them all up most of the time behind gritted teeth and strained muscle.
he had—has—a hard time expressing himself, deku had sighed that night, his green eyes distant with memories you'd never be able to see, he doesn't cry too often in front of others. the only times he did it with me around he was, ah, frustrated, to say the least. he let out a small chuckle that got swallowed up by the murmurs of conversation around you, then slumped his shoulders by only a smidge. i would like to say he's gotten better, and in some ways he has, but i don't think he handles feelings other than rage very well yet.
you didn't know much about what katsuki was like when he was younger—only bits and pieces from what his friends had told you. and every time you learned something new, you couldn't help but to compare it to the man you knew and loved in the present day.
he still cried when he was frustrated, yes.
it wasn't often—it was so rare, in fact, that you could count the moments on one hand. he would come home looking like he was a bomb about to go off—all tensed shoulders and rigid lines. and he would take one look at you, standing in your comfiest clothes and looking like the very epitome of relaxation. and he would cry.
you didn't think he really knew how to properly cry. or at least, he didn't know what to do with himself when he did. his pale eyebrows would scrunch upwards, his head bending forward so he could hide behind his bangs. he'd slap a hand over his eyes and he'd clench his teeth so tightly together you thought he'd shatter them. he'd hold himself so, so stiffly. and he'd cry.
he didn't like it when people saw him like that. didn't like being caught at such a vulnerable moment. but you were patient. you were understanding. and you'd wait directly in front of him until he'd bend his head forward enough so that he could sink his face into the crook of your neck. and you'd simply hold him there, letting him ride out the steep wave of emotions that battered against the shores of his mind, his heart.
he cried when he thought no one was looking.
there were times where you would accidentally, quietly, stumble upon him in the bedroom, the bathroom. sometimes he didn't notice you. sometimes he did. and every time, you felt a piece of yourself get slowly chipped away, watching as he struggled to keep quiet and pull himself together so he could be the big, strong hero you could depend on. the number two hero. the steady, sure, stable symbol of victory, who didn't cry when he was frustrated or when he didn't know how to react in the face of his overwhelming emotions.
you were always quick to squash away his insecure feelings. for he could always, always, go to you whenever he was feeling down, whenever he needed a shoulder to hold him up. you hoped that one day he would understand—hoped that one day he wouldn't hold himself up to so high a standard that he couldn't let himself just be human once in a while. you were slowly getting him to that point—slowly, yet surely.
but katsuki also cried when he was happy.
it wasn't the kind of happy he got whenever he took down a particularly strong villain, or when he reached one of those ridiculously high milestones he set for himself. no, it was a kind of happy he only felt around you. for you made him feel things he had never felt before.
he cried once when he kissed you—at a time where you both realized you were deeply, irrevocably committed to the relationship. he cried when you held him at night, holding him so close to yourself that you could meld him to your body. he cried when you told him you would always love him, through thick and thin, high and low. he cried when you said you were his, forever and always.
and he cried when you said yes, allowing him to slip a small, silver ring around your finger.
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miyakuli · 2 years
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** Permission to post & translate was granted by the artist Do not repost/edit/translate the art without permission Please, support the artist on their page too **
Translation and typeset by me Do NOT repost/edit it on tumblr or any other websites!!!
Artist : oru
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ttoya · 2 years
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Some things never change. 
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sometimes-oranges · 2 years
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bkghq · 2 years
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eeeeeeek omg ! ! he will be LIVID :')
everyone by this point is aware katsuki's the most loyal partner u can ever get its a fact.
PR stunt or not he will NOT fake relationship with anyone else when he's alr dating u.
he will be so mad "I need a new fuckin' management, i dont give a fuck if i have fuckin' contract with 'em, ask 'em how much money they want and tell 'em to scatter away and never show me their faces!" yelling to his secretary, who is sweat dropping and wants the world to swallow her whole on the spot.
she meekly nods and runs away to handle the situation. being the clingy boyfriend bakugo is, he will immediately call you, telling you about the whole situation that went down.
you even tho are a bit taken back by this still, you try to calm him down, "it's 'kay 'suki maybe you should agree to it, after all they want what's the best for you 'n your image."
"ha?! no, are ya dumb?? image or no image 's not 'bout that, how can i stoop so low and go with some other extra when i have the hottest and the best one at home, the management can take their proposal and shove it up their asshole." he grumbles rolling his eyes, which you can feel through the phone call.
your heart bursts at his words because on god he is the best boyfriend you couldve ever asked for.
"i love you 'suki, can't wait to see you after work."
"i love ya too dumbass, now i gotta go, have to fuck this management up, fucking extras, i'll see at home, bye." he says, and u can hear his footsteps through the call.
"bye 'suki." you softly say before disconnecting the call.
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zenchii · 2 years
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Katsuki: The duality of man never ceases to amaze me.
Katsuki: Deku once figured out the murder weapon was hidden inside a hollowed-out walking cane, by looking at the dent on the wall left by a hockey stick.
Katsuki: And yet yesterday he asked me what the Spanish word for tortilla was.
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amesliu · 2 years
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(music au) Percabeth brainworms go brrr
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zmorowanie · 2 years
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the urge to draw nico surrounded by pink & sanrio plushies
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two different versions because i can't decide which one i like the best AND
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the concept sketch & wip
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thaliasthunder · 2 years
i dont think we talk enough about the way nico treats hazel. we don't talk about how he squeazes her hand or how he kisses her cheek and forehead; how he tells her he's proud of her and calls her sis and how he puts his arms protectively around her shoulders and how he is constantly making sure she's okay. my boy is canonically very much soft to his baby sister and it makes me wanna SOB
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