#hero nancy wheeler
steviesbicrisis · 2 years
I was thinking about the bnha au annd ( if you dont mind) i want to see what quirks will have the gang
Eddie will has a bat quirk (of course) maybe something like hawks or tokoyami, or maybe something like he has to consume blood to use his quirk? (because he is a "villain")
Steve is complicate, because his thing is that he´s strong, but i like to think that something like kirishima´s quirk? you know, to protect people, maybe he can deflect blows to him? but that sounds weird
Robin maybe will has a support quirk, because she´s clumsy and can´t run. She can see patterns or something like that? or see a bit of the future, like nighteye and because that she is so nervous??
And Nancy maybe something she didnt used for combat until she needed it? I was thinking on perfect aim and she used it for take photos but taking photos is a jonathan thing so im not sure
Sorry if this doesnt has sense and my english sucks. I really liked your idea!
First off, never apologize for your English!! I can understand you just fine + it's not my first language either so I could never judge you ;) I wanna give you a well-thought answer because I love this input!
Eddie Munson Quirk: bloodsucker. The name is pretty self-explanatory, his quirk is activated by drinking the tiniest amount of blood but the more he drinks it, the stronger he gets. He hasn't discovered yet all the powers he could get but some of those include: super hearing, getting a pair of bat wings, sharper teeth and fangs, and becoming a full bat. Weaknesses: the more bat-alike powers he gets, he also gets deficits like bad eyesight, being weaker under the sunlight, the inability to speak (he can only make high-pitched noises) and a desire to hunt hard to control. Hero costume: obviously, he has a black cape, not only for the aesthetic but also to protect him from the sun. His belt is equipped with blood vials ready to be drank and a pair of glasses to help him out when his eyesight gets worse. Other notes: if the need for blood (like Toga) wasn't enough to make him villain-like, losing control and going full predator scares people off. He has never hurt anyone but one time he got pretty close. He isn't bloodthirsty when in human form, but the more blood he drinks the more blood he wants.
Steve Harrington Quirk: magnetic force. Steve can make his whole body turn into steel but also attract any type of metal around him. He uses his quirk to attract the enemies or their attacks toward him and then absorbs them in his steel form. The steel form also makes him stronger. Weaknesses: he can hold his steel form only for a certain amount of time. The magnetic power still works when he's in human form, only weaker. He takes a bad habit to attract and take hits for his allies even if he can't use the steel form to absorb them. Hero costume: he's equipped with metal bracelets he can throw to his enemies in case they have no metal on them: they latch to arms/legs and then Steve can use his quirk on them. Other notes: being used to taking hits for others, he has a high tolerance for pain. He's stubborn and doesn't listen when people tell him to take it easy, Robin especially because she can predict when Steve will go too far. His blood contains high levels of iron, so it's very nutritious for Eddie.
Robin Buckley Quirk: Oracle. Her quirk is still a mystery to her and her doctors. She gets prophetic messages in her head but they're hard to decipher so she spends most of her time in the library trying to solve the riddle in her head. She can sense the immediate intentions of people when they're about to make a decision and whatever the consequences will be. Weaknesses: her quirk is unpredictable, time and mind consuming. Her prophecies could be about a new Villain as much as about what she should get for dinner, but she never knows until she deciphers the clues. Her quirk isn't much help on battlegrounds so she usually stays back and gives advice based on the intentions she feels coming from the enemy. Hero costume: she carries a crystal ball which is completely useless but adds to the aesthetic. She has a blindfold she wears to help her focus on her predictions. She also carries a notebook with the main facts she might need to solve a prophecy. Other notes: she comes across as a super indecisive person, she actually sees the consequences of her own choices before making them so she takes a little time to try out all of her options.
Nancy Wheeler (I couldn't think of anything different from what I already wrote in my other post, I hope it's okay T.T) Quirk: Sniping. Everything she throws always lands where she wants it to, she has to stare at the target she wants to hit until she hits it. Weaknesses: her quirk is effective only if she can keep eye contact with the target, even blinking once makes her throws/hits ineffective. She has to see clearly her target, and the more she uses her quirk the less precise she gets. Hero costume: she wears glasses that protect her eyes and help her see long-distance targets. She carries different types of weapons, her favorite being guns. Other notes: sometimes she would practice her quirk with Steve, she would aim bullets at her target and he would try to attract them away from it. Her quirk was effective 99% of the time (that 1% was Steve getting hit by the bullet, making them decide to never try it again).
Loved thinking of these!! honestly I could do this all day, I wish I had the talent to draw them in hero costumes and make proper profiles ahahah thank you for this ask <3
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trashpocket · 2 years
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spider!stobin where steve gets bitten by the radio active spider first, then teaches robin how to be a vigilante hero as well, when she gets bitten too // with a side of Ronance because I say so
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charlotlie · 1 year
“in their eyes, you’ll always be a dumb blonde” is the saddest lyric someone has ever thought of.
because every single fandom has a “dumb blonde” character that will never be seen as they truly are, always caught in the web of the perception of others.
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girlbosswar · 2 years
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lucassinclaer · 1 year
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Nancy Wheeler & stopping it from spreading
Mourner's Logic by Callie Siskel / Vengeance Is Sworn by Francesco Hayez / Darkest Hour by Lola Marsh / Can They Hear Us by Dua Lipa
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hii!! my main blog is @bleep-bloops-things I just do matchups here :P
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helluva boss
hazbin hotel
stranger things
percy jackson and the olympians (first 5 books)
heroes of olympus (you can also just ask for the 7 specifically)
magnus chase and the gods of asgard
the maze runner
the hunger games
be more chill
harry potter (specify golden or marauder era)
the outsiders
(bold text are ones that will most likely get finished faster bc I'm currently obsessed with them)
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hauntedxwritings · 9 months
You Are A Character In A Story. Which Kiss Trope Is Destined To Be In Your Narrative?
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The Almost Kiss
It just may be the cruelest, most frustrating thing a writer could ever pull. Two characters are finally about to bring all their shippers' dreams to fruition. They're about to resolve all the unresolved sexual tension and cross the 'Just Friends' line, at last. They're staring mesmerized into each others' eyes, inching forward ever so slowly, less than a millimeter away from lip-to-lip contact. This is it, the fans scream in their minds. They're finally going to kiss! And then... They don't. Were they interrupted by a knock on the door or falling meteor? Did one of them remember their late love interest that they promised never to forget? Was the thought of a relationship upgrade suddenly just too scary? Well, for some reason, they can't or won't go through with it. They may be giggling afterwards, or they may be crying a river. The sad thing is, the Almost Kiss says as much as a kiss, anyway, since we can see they both want it. Sometimes referred to as a "near-miss kiss".
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netflixnormalthings · 2 years
once again thinking about the boat scene and how “not wasting a second” is an “unambiguous sign of true love” and how that more directly applies to robin going in after nancy than it does to nancy going in after steve especially with the extra emphasis added to that scene in which eddie tries to get robin to stay on the boat but she dives in anyway and also the earlier parallels where nancy is looking at steve but robin is looking and nancy and then i dissolve 
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roanofarcc · 2 years
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steve harrington - I have this thing where I get older, but just never wiser / Midnights become my afternoons / When my depression works the graveyard shift, all of the people / I've ghosted stand there in the room
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max mayfield - I should not be left to my own devices / They come with prices and vices / I end up in crisis / (Tale as old as time) / I wake up screaming from dreaming / One day, I'll watch as you're leaving / ‘Cause you got tired of my scheming / (For the last time)
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mike wheeler - It's me, hi / I'm the problem, it's me / At teatime, everybody agrees / I'll stare directly at the sun, but never in the mirror / It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero
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nancy wheeler - Sometimes, I feel like everybody is a sexy baby / And I'm a monster on the hill / Too big to hang out, slowly lurching toward your favorite city / Pierced through the heart, but never killed
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madlyn5ever · 1 month
Thank you tumblr for finally giving me more context on where that Nancy gif I kept seeing of her just screaming in the middle of the street at night came from 🙏
I’m gonna be honest I don’t remember much about the first episode of season 2 other than the Max scenes and the one arcade scene so I’m not surprised I had no idea where it was from.
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lunar-years · 2 years
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I should not be left to my own devices / they come with prices and vices / I end up in crisis (Tale as old as time) / I wake up screaming from dreaming / One day I'll watch as you're leaving /‘Cause you got tired of my scheming (For the last time)
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Did you hear my covert narcissism I disguise as altruism like some kind of congressman? (Tale as old as time) / I wake up screaming from dreaming / One day I'll watch as you're leaving and life will lose all its meaning (For the last time)
It’s me, hi. I’m the problem, it’s me.
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domsaysstuff · 1 year
Spidey!Robin AU
this au from this post is still rotating in my head to the point of insanity so here are some ideas abt it
Robin didn't like spiders.
She wasn't afraid of them but most of them made her uneasy and she would rather not deal with them. Still, even with her uneasiness she could not bring herself to kill one. Which normally isn't a problem, Steve even if he himself was afraid of them, and Robin knew that, like Robin knew everything about Steve through years of exposure to him and extortion and possibly a case of their brains melting together, he would put a brave face and take care of it for her.
But Steve wasn't here right now and there was a spider on her desk. To top it, the spider itself was looking weird, almost intelligent. Maybe Steve was right and she was studying too much and her brain was going to fry up but she could swear there was something about the spider that made her think it could understand her.
"Here goes nothing." She mumbled to herself. "Okay little guy, I'll take you out the window but you need to stay put, no funny tricks!"
The spider predicably didn't respond.
"Jesus Christ Buckley, you're starting to talk to fucking spiders." She rolled her eyed and then sighed, and moved towards the spider with a sheet of paper. "I'm going to scoop you up on this thing buddy and then carry you to the window."
Still no response. She took a stabilizing breath and did as she said. The Spider, because at this point he deserved to be addressed with capitalized letters, was still staying put and letting itself be moved onto the sheet.
"Huh, this is easy." Steve always moans and complains all until the spider is out their apartment. But then, there rarely is a moment when Steve doesn't complain. Dustin always says he's like a grumpy grandpa, Robin just calls him bitchy. "We're almost there bud."
She opened the window and moved the sheet onto the window still. And then things happened so quickly she could barely blink. The Spider moved towards her hand and she went into the panic mode.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, get off, get off, oh my god, get off, this is not what we agreed on!" Trying to shake it off her hand she also moved closer to the window and that's when she felt it. A small pinch, barely noticeable through her panic. "What the fuck! You bit me!"
The betrayal she felt was almost as strong as her panic, she shook her hand even harder and that's when the spider fell of right into the open window.
Her first thought was, thank god.
Her second was, I'm never laughing at Steve when he needs to throw out a spider ever again.
The third was, oh god it bit me. I'm going to die.
So turns out she was not going to die.
After a panicky call to Steve and a visit at the hospital, it was confirmed she was fine.
So, she's not dying, great, mostly after a week the Spider was almost out of her mind.
And that's when she starts feeling weird.
After that, she discovers she has powers, she tells Steve like, the next day because she can't not tell Steve, c'man, they don't keep secrets so she becomes spiderwoman
Okay so Robin is a freshmen in college and she lives nearby campus with Steve who is also either a freshmen (had a one year gap) or a sophomore
Steve is the og man in chair but they need some way to hack the police radio to get intel and that's where they involve Dustin (bc Steve still is the babysitter, just without the upside down shit) and his tech knowledge, how Erica gets involved is anyone's guess (maybe she makes the costume, i feel like Dustin would definitely be the one to suggest a costume, the lil comic nerd) but she does and so the Scoops Team is like Robin's team of operations
Four months in and Robin is starting to get this vigilante shit. Unfortunately, she's not very, uh, discreet. So the city gets a hero, but also the mystery. Who is Spiderwoman?
Enter Nancy Wheeler. Nancy, the leader of the campus newspaper. Nancy dedicated to become someone big, someone important, Nancy committed to breaking out, hungry for a story that would put her name out there.
So obviously, obviously, she wants to know who spiderwoman is more than anyone. And she's not used to not getting what she wants.
Robin to sway her away from her trail joins the newspaper.
"Why can't you do it Steve?"
"Okay first of all, no one would believe I want to join the newspaper and besides, Nancy is my ex-girlfriend!"
"Yeah! So you know her the best! You know how to distract her!"
"Did you miss the ex part?"
At first they have a bit of enemies flavor to them, because Nancy doesn't know why would Robin do this and also Nancy is publicly anti-spidey and Robin absolutely blabbers and ruins the two times she tries to defend spiderwoman (which actually, i think is just fucking flirting, you can't say Nancy doesn't enjoy a good argument and i think Robin thinks she flunked it but she actually made a few points that had Nancy thinking about them later like, huh, maybe there is something to her point and that makes Nancy feel all warm and fluttery inside, she just enjoys someone who can challenge her) but as they work together they start to have a bit more closer relationship
And she can't help it, she can't help it but develop a crush on Nancy fucking Wheeler of all people. But it's just she's so pretty and actually kind and stubborn and fierce, how was Robin not supposed to have a crush?
But Nancy Wheeler has a boyfriend. A boyfriend that also works for the newspaper. Jonathan Byler is a photographer for the campus newspaper and the biggest issue with him is that Robin actually fucking likes the guy.
And the thing is that at first Robin only really faces off against some petty criminals, like no one supernatural, for all she knows she is the only supernatural person in the world
Then Venom appears and Venom wants to fuck shit up. The guy is practically on a big power trip™ and Robin must stop him.
She can like spidersense him but only if she's really close to him, usually it works better, but this is almost like he's masking?? She doesn't really get it but she knows it it screws with her spidersense
And either they think its eddie munson because its just fit with the crime places and shit (but he's human) or one day her and Steve are walking through campus and they pass Eddie Munson and her spider senses are tingling™ (because he's spidey, bc spideys as a queer metaphor my beloved, also just imagine just how funny it would be if Eddie asked Robin if Steve is also like them (meaning queer) and she took it as meaning spidey so she's like "he wishes" chuckling and then starts talking how great and supportive he is tho, so Eddie thinks Steve is straight but a great ally snssj)
Either way Steve needs to get closer to Eddie Munson ("why i have to spend time with Eddie the freak Munson?" "Because i just joined the newspaper last month dingus! It's your time to pull your weight, besides your kids beg you like all the time to play their dice game! It's a good excuse!") so he starts sitting on hellfire meetings that is less a highschool club now and more of a friends meeting up together after Eddie graduated, under the disguise that he finally caved in with the kids begging (if he falls for Eddie Fucking Munson it's noones but his and Robin's business)
Venom is obvs Billy
Also! Also! A scene of Nancy sort of coming out to Robin, but not really Robin but spiderwoman and admitting her crush on Robin to her, on like some rooftop of a building after Robin saved her or some shit and Nancy is like "i feel like you would understand, constantly feeling torn between two words and identities" and it's like this vulnerable moment for Nancy and it's very bittersweet for Robin because now she knows
But she shouldn't have known. She shouldn't, she should have stopped Nancy before she said anything because she has really no right to know. Nancy didn't tell it to Robin Buckley, she said it to Spiderwoman. And after that Robin is a bit weird around Nancy because she KNOWS but she SHOULDN'T and oh god, she's gonna puke
And then Nancy finding out abt Robin being Spidey and feeling betrayed but also rejected because she now knows she revealed her crush to Robin and in turn Robin started acting weird so she takes this as rejection and it's this miscommunication between them and also maybe at this moment Robin also feels like a shit spiderwoman because Billy hurt Steve, who tried to protect the kids and she was unable to stop it and Steve is hurt and Nancy is mad at her and she can't be a superhero and she can't be just a normal girl and she feels so mad and tired
Anyway that's all i have, if you read this far I'm giving you a big kiss on the forehead 💖
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eddiessidegirl · 1 year
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i’m gonna get this so i can feel something again.
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sapphicmemos · 2 years
labyrinth is playing when nancy realizes she’s in love with robin. labyrinth is a ronance song send post
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Maybe he'd been going about this all wrong. Maybe he shouldn't have been searching for Kirby's energy signature, but that of the other Destroyer Void the Master Crown had detected.
He'd heard the rioters outside the castle, practically ready to storm it. Seen them when he'd looked out his (barred) window.
It would probably be best if he got right to it, in that case.
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dufrau · 2 years
if nancy wheeler were here she would shoot all my problems with a gun
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