#heroes of courage au
sleepyy-27 · 2 months
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Calamity age 100+(physically looks 11) height 4'7
Abilities Can’t reveal those just yet otherwise I’ll spoil the some of the story lol
She’s wearing clothes inspired by Gerudo garments
Little fact about her: she has was in sleep like state for centuries and has only been conscious as long as hoc Ganondorf (which was only a few days)
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sinnamonpork · 2 years
Teenage Shouto talking about his older brother that's "very emotional" and "is a big cry baby". Everyone in Class 1-A, especially those who have met Fuyumi, imagines Touya as this adorable angel who could do no wrong.
Cut to two weeks later and a black haired, piercing filled man with the most shit eating of smirks is seen at the entrance of the school, about to pick up Shouto. He almost got Bakugou to blow up one of the walls and definitely got the number of visiting pro hero Hawks while he was waiting for Shouto's class to end.
Class 1-A is very, very confused. This is the crybaby older brother Shouto was talking about?? Bitch where???
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iffondrels-library · 4 months
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Looking at everyone's take on the hero from 10k years before botw/ Hero's Aspect, and decided to try my own. Consider him a fun surprise addition to Linked Universe stuff.
His hero name is Courage. Here he is!
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echoes-of-courage · 5 months
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It’s about time I posted some more doodles. Almost out of school, babey
On that note, I’d like to announce a couple things. First, I plan on start posting a comic for Echoes of Courage sometime in the summer, perhaps somewhere mid-July, if my life works out. Second, pls send in asks if you have them :)) I don’t really have a feel for how people think of this AU (though the reviews from friends have been positive) and I’d like to babble about it a little bit, given the chance.
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skyward-floored · 6 days
Okay let's go my curiosity is strong:
If you need an explanation on any of these, feel free to ask! I think I know what's going to win, but I'm still curious anyway lol
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heroes-of-courage · 8 days
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Young-ish hero of time (nickname mask)
Age: 14 1/2
He’s just a random traveler that looks like a 10 year old.
Info on him: he is dating Malon and she even made him the tunic he wears she even let him make a stitches in the fabric which it’s very obvious which were his.
Design notes:
Like I said malon made the tunic for him
He bought a different pair of boots when he’s was twelve and has mostly grown into them
The bow had been something he found in the lost woods whenever he was leaving them
Big pouch cause he loves collecting random things
White tips on his hair cause that was a side effect from over using the FD mask
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cerame · 1 year
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Artisan would know very well, after all, that courage is not the absence of fear, and a sword does not make a hero.
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chrispy-chimkin · 7 months
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~✨️~New Year, New Me~✨️~
Hey everyone. It's been a couple of years since I've really been around and posting consistently. And I won't lie, but it's been hard. But I'm feeling good about this year. So let's make it count, shall we?
Some close-ups below the cut
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sodascribbles · 5 months
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ACCURSED HEROES (and Teba) IN THEIR FULL GLORY!!! it was really fun to like actually draw out the Accursed Heroes... With their Curses.
misc progress shots below the cut :]
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dutifulsilence · 4 months
ooc ; long overdue verses post. I've been meaning to put this together since I started this blog and just never really got around to it.
( * ) denotes exclusive verse
LIGHT GUIDE ME  — v ; light guide me and fine me [totk]
Main verse, when I actually feel like tagging it. Takes place ambiguously during the events of TotK to the point where I have reached in the game - Link does not have the Master Sword, has not beaten all the shrines, and certainly has not defeated Ganondorf.
FELL APART  — v ; before it all fell apart [pre-calamity]
Verse for any threads set prior to the events of BotW - this can include AU verses, Age of Calamity verses, or general threads set during Link's childhood and training years. Note: Link may make frequent reference to his best friend, Greis - his info is listed under the "other info" section of my pinned.
WITHOUT SOUND  — v ; a world without sound [botw]
Verse tag for any general BotW threads or threads set between BotW and TotK.
ANCIENT ROADS  — v ; and i walk ancient roads [ancient hyrule]
Verse for role-swaps where Link falls into the past, general ancient verse, etc, etc.
GERUDO'S SON — v ; fate bears down on a desert's son [ gerudo au ]
AU in which Link was taken in and raised by a Gerudo woman at Kara Kara bazaar after he was orphaned during a trip with his father. Link grew up training with the guards stationed at the bazaar and was nearby when Princess Zelda was attacked by Yiga - his act would lead him to become the Hylian Champion, despite his adoption into the Gerudo clan. Events of BotW will still affect him the same way.
TWIN AU — v ; two sides of courage [ twin au ] * Exclusive to @ gloryseized
Verse where two Heroes were born - twins Rin (dutifulsilence) and Shion (gloryseized). Inseparable, the twins were both named Champions, both protected the Princess, and both were placed in the Shrine of Resurrection to later defeat the Calamity together. When the Upheaval struck, both were struck heavy blows to their sword-arms; Shion would receive Rauru's arm, where Rin seemed to have come off lucky - until they discovered Ganondorf's gloom was slowly corrupting Rin from the inside out.
CORRUPTION AU — v ; how hard this hero's fallen [ corruption au ]
General tag for any and all threads in which Link becomes fully corrupted by the gloom in his body and falls under Ganondorf's power. Specific plots with specific muses may get a secondary verse tag.
OLD TOWN ROAD — v ; to the old town road [modern au]
Modern day verse, where Link is a student at Hyrule University, majoring in engineering with a minor in ancient Hyrulean history. He works part time as a cook in a family restaurant, though he is fairly well-known for his cooking videos on TikTok.
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science-lings · 1 year
Who are the people in you pfp? I think one is Sage and the other is a Zelda from 10000 years ago though I might be wrong about that
Here’s the full image bc I’m hyped about it
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It’s actually my Link and Zelda from my Golden Priestesses AU, which is kind of a 10,000 year, first calamity AU. It happens 100 years after the first calamity like how botw mostly happens 100 years after the second calamity.
Anyway it’s a commission I got from the lovely @cindersart
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sleepyy-27 · 2 months
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Heroes of courage: darkness in the peace pt.2
Page 3
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On to work on the next page!
Btw I wanna clarify that Drin is not a Hylian
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hero-of-courage · 1 year
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Here’s my Links Phantom and Kingdom if they were in the Linked Universe AU! Looks like they ran into a bit of trouble before returning to camp.
And a peek at my process because I forgot to record a Timelapse. Oops.
Kingdom is from my 2020 Linktober Quest. They called it “A Link to The Masters” but I named my boy’s quest “The Legend of Zelda: Legacy of the Lost Hero” (I only named it just now lol)
I’d like to redo some art from that Linktober and maybe rewrite it too.
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aikoiya · 10 months
LoZ - Courage Twins Game
Ya'll, I would actually really like a Zelda game where there are 2 heroes.
Like, Link has a twin sister. Yes, I do mean Linkle, but change the name to Lina or Lara or Lynn or something. Because I really don't like Linkle as a name.
It could be a two-player co-op game, but not like how FSA was a multiplayer where you're essentially playing against each other.
More like It Takes Two, where the better you work together, the better things work overall. With mechanics that facilitates & encourages teamwork. Maybe even having coordinated special attacks like in Kingdom Hearts.
And, maybe they'll bicker sometimes or pester each other.
And maybe they fight differently. Perhaps sister is more long-range or magic-based, while Link is close-range & a heavy hitter? Or maybe if she is a close-range fighter, she's more of a rogue-type who dual-wields daggers or shortswords?
But what I'd especially like to see is Lina/Lara/Lynn actually having literally half of the Triforce of Courage & having been chosen by it just as much as Link was.
We know that a Triforce piece can be broken into pieces from Wind Waker, so why not use that as a plot point here to show that more than one person can be eligible for the role of Hero?
Also, maybe there could be a subplot of the sister feeling a bit inadequate due to her not really being recognized by the people as a hero. Maybe they underestimate her because the legends are always about the Hero?
Maybe the fact that she doesn't have a magical sealing weapon of her own like her brother, also contributes to this? At the same time, it's revealed that while Link is the Master Sword's chosen, the sister is also capable of wielding it, just less effectively due to not being as learned as her brother in the art of the blade if we go with her not being a swordswoman.
Like, she's every bit as skilled & courageous & heroic & helpful as her brother, but due to her being the first woman to be chosen by the Triforce of Courage, she feels a need to prove herself.
Maybe, she wasn't expected, not even by the gods & because of this, they tend to pay more attention to Link.
At the same time, Link is always in her corner & always brings attention to her & always, always includes her.
And she loves & appreciates him for it, but also can't help feeling slightly jealous of him.
Maybe she's the extrovert to Link's introvert? (Essentially doubling as his companion & mouthpiece.)
Or, if we wanna really drum up the emotion. Maybe she wasn't chosen by the Triforce to begin with. Maybe that didn't matter to her & she's on this adventure because that's her effing brother! They shared a damn womb! Like hell, she's gonna let him risk life & limb without her! And maybe people keep encouraging her to go home where it's safe. Even the really important characters & even though she's feeling down on herself, that's the one thing she isn't about to do! Maybe she has to go through similar trials to Wind in order to get the gods to recognize her as being worthy?
And maybe, at the end of their journey, she's come to expect being forgotten about or dismissed, only for Hylia (or at least her bunshin) to recognize her as a Heroine of the Triforce which honestly surprises her.
LoZ General Masterlist
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seagullcharmer · 1 year
i don't really have any special thoughts or plot points or anything for if ever did a linkverse type thing but. smth abt malon/ilia has me very fond
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gloryseized · 1 year
@stealshearts || [ cont. ]
Too long he'd wandered without knowing his calling, searching for a quest that had long been completed. He couldn't remember... couldn't remember, but the shadows around this figure felt familiar, and the call for help even more so. Had their been a call? He couldn't remember. But there'd been a contract.
Yellowed eyes widened for a shocked moment before he blinked, the pupils changing to a vivid blue. He remembered! Yes, he remembered and with a flourish he drew the sword from his back with a sharp breathe, sweeping it wide to clear the space around his new ally. The other hand held out, a clear signal for the other to stay back.
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