#heroine x kent
cagedchangeling · 2 years
i know they have cannon heights but their a little bit different in my head
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i barely managed to fit them all
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a-topaz-cat · 2 years
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How I imagine their dynamic prior to clover world lol
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polyamships · 1 year
Title: in no particular order or manner Content Type: fanfic Creator: ryulynn Fandom: Amnesia Memories Characters/Relationship: Heroine/Ikki/Kent Rating: M (more like R15 imo) Length or Size: 600 words Content notes: Established relationship, implied sexual content Creator notes: none Summary: Kent is still a bit confused about how love works in a three-person relationship, doesn’t really like when Ikkyu calls what they are doing “exploring”, until…
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zepskies · 2 months
Hey Lovely! For the ask game, I'm requesting #4, #7, and #24.
Thanks!! ❤️
Well hello there, friend! 🥰
Oh my, good questions...
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Hahaa oh lord. I mean, how much time do you have? 🤣 I have entire files worth of ideas from different fandoms that I've even gone so far as to outline, but have never gotten around to writing.
I think the first ones that come to my head are two series ideas in the Smallville fandom:
Hanging By a Moment - Clark Kent x OC
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Summary: The path of Clark Kent’s life changed drastically after he turned sixteen. It was choice, it was happenstance, it was destiny—all in one. He didn’t know it yet, but it was always going to be her.
(Yes, title is based on the song by Lifehouse. 😂)
Keep Holding On - Jason Teague x OC
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Summary: Try as Jason might, he just couldn’t compare to Clark Kent. Not in Lana’s eyes at least. Elena is the casualty of war, caught in between.
Both sound very melodramatic now that I read the summaries next to one another. 😂 The main reason why I haven't written these, I guess, is because I feel like the Smallville fandom has mostly died out. Tumblr especially doesn't really support OCs as much as reader inserts, and these stories both needed to be OCs to give me the freedom to create as much backstory and character as I wanted to.
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Oh a DEEP CUT you say? 🤣 Oh God, I've been writing since I was about 10 or 11 years old (and let me tell you, it was heinous).
I think my very first fanfic was for an anime called Rurouni Kenshin. It was an AU set in present time. It was that cliché thing where the heroine is sitting at a bar and is getting hit on, but she doesn't give the guy the time of day until her boyfriend (the main male lead of the show) shows up.
That character was known for being a spitfire, so she was good at putting people in their place lol. Her boyfriend is the more mild-mannered of the two, but still very protective, so I guess that's where the idea came from in my kid brain. I've long ago deleted that story off FF.net because it was so damn bad.
My first SPN fanfic, however, can be found here on Ao3. It's also pretty rough because I wrote it back in high school when I was first watching the show, first on FF.net, then transferred it over later to Ao3.
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Another interesting question... 🤔
It can take me a bit to get myself into that creative headspace, but when I'm working on a one-shot, I tend to power through the draft until I finish it in a day, maybe two if it's long (5,000+ words let's say).
If we're talking about a series, I try to knock out at least a chapter at a time in one writing session, which could take me a couple hours or several more, depending on length and how detailed my outline is, if I need to do additional research, etc.
If I really have a good flow going, sometimes I can knock out 2-3 chapters in a day. I'll have a solid 1-3 hour writing session towards the beginning of the day, take a break for a few hours, run some errands, go on a walk, have a meal, and come back to it later. I tend to do the bulk of my writing in the afternoon and throughout the night.
Thanks again for asking these questions, lovely!! 😘💜 Always happy to answer.
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chernobog13 · 9 months
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The Perils of Superman
This was the penultimate episode of the Adventures of Superman television series. In it a gang of crooks, wearing lead masks so Superman can't use his X-ray vision to identify them, terrorize Metropolis. Knowing they can't physically harm Superman, the crooks strike at him through his closest friends. Which in the case means the staff at The Daily Planet.
The episode title is a call-out to The Perils of Pauline, an early cliffhanger film serial in which every chapter ended with the heroine being threatened by a different death trap. The Planet staff find themselves in similar predicaments: Lois Lane is tied to railroad tracks with a speeding train headed toward her; Jimmy Olsen is left hanging from a cliff ledge after leaping out of his car, which has had the steering wheel and brakes sabotaged; Perry White is tied to a log about to be sliced up in a lumber mill; and Clark Kent is lowered into a vat of acid.
Luckily, the crooks don't know that Clark is Superman. He emerges from his acid bath unscathed, and manages to save everyone else in the nick of time.
The Perils of Superman was directed by Superman actor George Reeves, who directed the last three episodes of the series. It's a stand-out episode of the later seasons, when the stories were tamed down - some say dumbed down - considerably for the target audience of children. There's actually some real peril and excitement involved, and the lead masks make the crooks appear menacing and vaguely grotesque. Certainly a step up from the usual gangsters and crooks that were Superman's adversaries most of the time.
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afi-writes · 4 months
Of All the Women He Could Have
Pairing: Ikki x MC
Rating: Teen and up
Summary: The heroine spends the girls ’evening with Sawa and Mine when she gets a call from Ikki, who is home alone.
Written for @cresu 💙♠︎
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"So, how is it like?" Mine asks, staring at me over her glass. She sits cross-legged on a pillow in her pajamas.
Sawa, browsing on her phone, looks up and glances at the two of us in turn. My hands shake and I hurriedly put the glass I am holding down on the table.
"What do you mean?"
"You know, senpai," Mine replies, her lips curving into a smile as a dangerous gleam comes into her eyes. "Sex with Ikki. I never got my turn, so I at least want to know the facts."
Heat races up my neck to my cheeks in a second, and my heart leaps to pound in my throat. I squeeze the pillow under me and wonder how I can avoid answering. It has been two weeks since Ikki said he would seduce me into his bed in a month, but I have not given in yet. What if he does not like me? He has so much more experience, and I certainly do not know how to please him. There are other women who... know what kind of things Ikki likes.
But I cannot say that to Mine and Sawa. I just cannot!
"Mine, that's a totally inappropriate question," says Sawa.
"There's nothing wrong with a little sharing..."
"You can't just ask people that."
Sawa and Mine's argument continues but does not quite reach my ears. Mine's question keeps rolling around in my mind and leaves a warm feeling in my stomach. I would not like to think about it so much but on the other hand I cannot help thinking about it.
"Senpai, your phone is ringing."
Mine's words penetrate my thoughts, and I realize she is right. My gaze glues itself to the name flickering on the screen.
Why is Ikki calling me?
"Aren't you going to answer?" Sawa asks.
I slip the phone into my hand and glance around.
"You can go talk on the balcony," Sawa continues, already handing me a jacket, which I grab.
I slip out, wrap myself in the jacket and finally press the icon for the answering. It is amazing how long Ikki kept on calling. I would probably have given up by now. The autumn air tingles my cheeks as I lean against the wall and lift the phone to my ear.
"You answered."
His voice is as soft as ever, but with a heavier tone than usual. It falls right into my stomach, which starts to tingle.
"I'm sorry. I was talking to Sawa and Mine," I say. "Weren't you supposed to spend tonight with Kent?"
"He left a while ago..."
I smile in response. I can picture in my mind how Ikki and Kent have been joking with each other all evening, and maybe Kent brought Ikki a new math puzzle to solve. I am sure they had a great time.
"Listen..." Ikki breathes into the phone. "I'd love to have you home..."
"I... I can leave. I'm sure Sawa and Mine will understand."
"No... Don't. I can't promise you now that you'll be safe if you come home..."
"Have you been drinking, Ikki?"
A deep sigh brushes my ear and raises my skin hairs. I recognize that voice. I thought Ikki had already let go of the ghosts of his past. I forgave him for his rude behavior, and he put his fan club in check. There is nothing to be upset about now, but...
"We had a few with Kent. Now that I'm alone, I miss you so much I almost cannot breathe."
I chew my bottom lip and lift my gaze to the dark night sky. I would make the last train if I left now. On the other hand, I have promised a girls' night to Sawa and Mine, because the next opportunity probably will not come for anytime soon, due to the pressures of studying and work. I have been so wrapped up in my own affairs lately that I have not given my friends enough of my time.
"I just wanted to hear your voice," Ikki continues. "Talk about something, anything."
"Mine asked how it is like with you..."
I slap a hand over my mouth as soon as I have blurted out the first thought that came to mind. Why? Why did I say that to Ikki? His laugh makes my knees buckle. If I have been able to resist his eyes before, I could not help the pull of his heavy voice.
"What did you answer?"
"I didn't."
"Why not?"
"You know why."
Another chuckle, and I hear a rustle in the background. The same kind of rustle I have heard a few nights, when Ikki have been rolling over on his own futon next to me.
"Didn't you want to reveal to Mine that I still haven't succeeded in my goal? That I still haven't managed to seduce my princess into my bed?"
I do not know what to say. My cheeks are getting hot again, despite the cool night.
"You know it's only a matter of time, right? Maybe tomorrow I'll succeed..."
"Yes. When you get home, I'll kiss you immediately. I'll take off your jacket and press you against the hallway wall. I'll keep kissing you until your lips are turning sensitive..."
I press myself tighter against the balcony wall and cannot help the breath that escapes my lips.
"Ikki, that's... a little..."
"Next, I'll kiss your neck. I run my lips along the skin and catch your earlobe between them. I might even nibble a little..."
Ikki has clearly had too much to drink. He is not usually quite so outspoken. But I can imagine everything he says. He has kissed my neck before. Lightly and gently. Finally, he licked me and made me whine.
"You know I won't do anything you don't really want. But you do want me to take off every piece of your clothing in that hallway... Undo the buttons of your dress and drain it off your shoulders, let it fall to your ankles. And when you're in front of me in your underwear, I'll kiss your belly button..."
"Sawa and Mine are waiting for me back inside."
"Don't you want to know what happens next?"
I swallow and cannot answer. My cheeks are on fire, I am on fire all over.
"I think you want..."
Still the words are a mere whisper, but they still make my skin crawl. I press my free hand against the cold wall and try to calm my heart, pounding against my chest.
"I kiss your belly as I gently pull down your pantyhose. Once I've taken them off, I scoop you into my arms and carry you to the bed. I'd like to do it right now, if only you were here..."
The last word brushes against my ear in a sigh. There is a hot, vaguely shaped lump in my lower abdomen, spreading lower. My breathing sounds as heavy to my own ears as Ikki's sighs.
"We can spend all night tomorrow when you get home. We're in no hurry to go anywhere. I'll go just as slowly as you wish..."
Ikki's voice swims in my ears and makes my knees go limp. I go down along the wall onto the balcony floor. I am burning from places I usually avoid thinking about. Ikki evokes feelings in me that are so obscene I dare not think of words for them. I want everything he offers me, but... what if he disappoints? I do not know anything. I do not know what to do.
"Ikki, I..."
"You want me, don't you...?"
I swallow as Ikki's words make my breath catch in my throat. My own heartbeat almost drowns out his voice as it pounds in my ears.
"I need to hear it. I'll wait, but I need to..."
"I..." I swallow twice. My cheeks are burning hot. Is it even okay to say something like that? But Ikki wants to hear me say it. It is important to him. "I... want... you."
I am sure I cannot breathe.
And at the same moment, the balcony door slides open. Sawa appears at the door and stares directly at me.
"Are you okay?"
"Ikki, I really have to go," I say at the same time as I nod to Sawa and try to get up off the floor.
"I'll wait for you at home tomorrow," Ikki whispers in my ear. "I love you and I want to make love to you in a way you can't imagine anything better."
The heat rushes to my ears as I hang up the phone. Sawa's eyebrows furrow, and she grabs my hand to push me to my shaking feet. The words still echo in my ears as I step back inside under the curious gaze of Mine and Sawa.
Ikki wants to make love to me. Of all the women he could have, he wants to make love to me.
If you like my work, consider reblogging it. That helps more people to find it. Don't feel obliged though. Only do it if you want to, but I do appreciate the gesture.
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mzannthropy · 1 year
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Sam Claflin + well developed female characters
I once posted a list of Sam's female-directed films [x], but as @jesstasticvoyage points out, it's also true that a lot of stuff he stars in features well developed female characters (I'm kinda tired of the "strong female character" phrase, so using this one instead). So, let's have a look at them.
The Hunger Games series (dir Francis Lawrence) - still the most obvious example for Sam as a role he's known for, and the purpose of this post. It's safe to say most people know Katniss Everdeen.
Their Finest (dir Lone Scherfig) - Gemma Arterton's character, Catrin, is an aspiring screenwriter hired to work on a script for a film about Dunkirk evacuation--this is a movie about a movie set during WW2. Sam is a fellow writer, in fact he is the one who discovered her. It's funny bc this takes place in 1940s and she gets the job of writing female characters, when even in our times we don't always have that. Worth noting is also Rachael Stirling's Phyl, a minor character but memorable and a lesbian--who doesn't die at the end. It's the straight relationship that gets treated like bury your gays trope this time!
The Nightingale (dir Jennifer Kent) - also known as the film in which Sam plays an absolute monster (you think Billy Dunne is bad, lol). The film centres on young convict Claire (Aisling Franciosi) seeking revenge for the indescribable harm done to her family. Basically, trigger warning for everything.
My Cousin Rachel (dir Roger Michell) - adaptation of Daphne du Maurier's novel. Sam plays Philip, the narrator, but Rachel is so intriguing, the whole story is named for her. She's played by her namesake, Rachel Weisz. There's also Louise (Holliday Granger), Philip's childhood friend. She's the relatable, girl next door type, but she is smart, in fact I think she is the one with the most braincells. (Also I have a theory about her, I think this version of Louise has a darker side!)
Enola Holmes (dir Harry Bradbeer) - title speaks for itself. Enola's mother is missing and the teenage heroine goes on a quest to find her and thus becomes a detective herself. Sam plays Mycroft, the eldest Holmes sibling, though he's far removed from the original Mycroft Holmes of Arthur Conan Doyle's books. Edith, who runs a teashop, is another notable female character.
Adrift (dir Baltasar Kormakur) - based on a true story of Tami Oldham, an amateur sailor, surviving 41 days adrift on the Pacific Ocean after a hurricane. Sam plays her bf Richard. Shailene Woodley has the role of Tami and is also the film's producer.
Riot Club (dir Lone Scherfig) - okay so what's this doing here, you ask, it's a film about an all-male elite club at Oxford. Yes but that's exactly the point, bc even though it is about an all male club, the female characters are surprisingly well developed. The play this is adapted from, Posh, was written by Laura Wade and the director is also a woman, so maybe it's not so surprising. We have Holliday Granger who plays the gf of one of the boys and Jessica Brown Findlay in the role of the pub landlord's daughter. Holliday's character certainly doesn't take any shit from the posh boys. Even Natalie Dormer in the role of a sex worker has enough self-respect to refuse their deranged requests, despite the amount of money it would earn her. Hence I include it on the list.
Charlie's Angels (dir Elizabeth Banks) - title speaking for itself, yet again. Sam's role is relatively minor.
Book of Love (dir Analeine Cal y Mayor) - a romcom. When Maria, played by Veronica Echegui, translates Henry's (Sam) unsuccessful book from English to Spanish, the book becomes a huge hit in Mexico. Turns out that while translating, she inserted some seriously hot steamy scenes. Sam travels to Mexico for promotion and the two of them now have to work together on the next book. So without Maria, the story would not exist and also, once Henry accepts the situation, he is happy to collaborate with her--and at the end, supports her in her own writing efforts. (If you can get round the premise, it is an enjoyable film.)
Daisy Jones and the Six - mini series based on a book of the same name. We have not one, not two, not three, but four amazing ladies to root for: Daisy, Camila, Karen and Simone. While Sam gives performance of a lifetime as the band's frontman Billy Dunne.
Other Notes:
Honourable mentions are Snow White (Kristen Stewart) in Snow White and the Huntsman, a film I have a definite soft spot for though there's many ways it could have been better. In The Corrupted Sam plays a convict who just got out of prison and reunites with his gf and son. The gf is played by Naomi Ackie. She's wary at first but does allow him back into her life and they get back together and raise their son. Unsure if another one of my faves, Pirates of the Caribbean On Stranger Tides apply. Sam's romance with the mermaid Syrena is my absolute favourite of his. She might seem helpless for majority of her screentime, bc she gets captured, turns human on dry land and is unable to walk as she's not used to having legs, Philip (Sam's character) has to carry her. But she was the one who saved him first. And POTC overall is not without good female characters.
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atopearth · 1 year
Amnesia: Memories Part 7 - REPLAY Thoughts
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Since Later X Crowd is out, I am playing Amnesia: Memories again for a refresh! Amnesia was my first proper otome game that I played so it holds a special place in my heart even though I really only liked Kent, Ikki and maybe Ukyo, but one thing I'll never forget is how much I love how pretty everyone is! Anyway, I won't do full on comments about each route since I've played the game before, but I guess I will mention things that I might feel differently about now? I have also decided to start with Toma because he was my least favourite haha!
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Toma (Diamond World)
I still remember back in the day when I thought Toma would fulfill my big brother cravings for an LI, it had a bit of it until my heart was crushed haha! I forgot about how scary Ukyo can be lol. And I forgot that Toma puts drugs in her food so she'll sleep and not run outside and get killed LOL. Like yeah, I do remember those bad endings where if the heroine goes out, she ends up dead but seriously c'mon Toma haha. I guess one thing we can be happy about is how unapologetically crazy Toma is, loved how he was like he would confine both Shin and her here if she followed them to hear what they're talking about. Why can't Orion just eavesdrop though lol. Anyway, Toma is wild! I really forgot alot of details haha! I mean I'll never forget getting locked up in a large dog cage, but I definitely forgot the handcuffs! I think what I couldn't help but like about Toma despite how drastic his actions are is that he knows what he's doing is wrong. His analogy of the heroine being a captive princess, him being the demon king and Shin being the hero made it evident that he recognises his actions of locking her in a dog cage is wrong, but in his own twisted way, he assessed that this is the only way he could think of that would make sure she would be safe no matter what, and I guess to me, it's his own twisted way of taking care of her and that's enough. His immense guilt for doing this to her always gets to me even though I know he's crazy. Lmao, I love their childhood memory of the heroine telling Toma she likes him and wants to get married to him, and when Toma asks her then what about Shin, she's like Shin can be their child hahaha, she's so funny. Anyway, I actually forgot how crazy Ikki's fan club was and I definitely think the police should definitely be called because these girls are nuts. Otherwise, I enjoyed Toma's story much more than I thought would haha! I think his sincere desire to protect the heroine always made me like him even if he was insane lol. Looking back on my previous post, it seems like I was pretty scared of Toma when I first played his route haha! Now that I've played many more games, I think I can appreciate him for who he is now despite how crazy he is lol.
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Shin (Heart World)
Are they dating already?! I don't remember that. All I remember is Shin not letting her eat cake because she'll get fat lolol. I feel like all he did was confess to her from memory🤔 BAHAHA, yes I now remember why I was so annoyed with Shin back in the day. He asks what she wants for their one year anniversary, you ask for a cake, and he's like no, you'll get fat AND has the audacity to add that you're already pretty round, yes I would like to kill him thanks. Contrary to what I expected though, I think I quite enjoyed Shin's character this time around, maybe I've built more tolerance to his types because I didn't think he was too harsh, or even when he felt quite harsh, he always doubled down and did something else to make it less bad e.g. when he called the heroine slow at unpacking but starts unpacking for her lol. He's got no delicacy, isn't good with words, kinda bossy but he's nice and kind, and always puts the heroine as the main priority no matter what and I guess I like that about him. I think what really made me like him was when he was scared holding the baseball bat at the lodging saying he was scared to hurt someone but he knew that if it was to protect her, he would do whatever he needed to do no matter what, and I think that touched me. The fact that even Shin has things he's very scared of but is willing to go against for her. And I quite liked how the heroine was a very resilient person towards criticism and proved to Shin how great of a singer she could be. I think their relationship would be great. I also really liked the mystery in this route because even though I vaguely remembered that it should be Toma, similar to when I first played this route, I never wanted to think it was Toma. I was always more ready to put the blame on Shin hahahah. Honestly, the confession hurt because you know how much it hurt all of them but how much it was needed for them all to move on. And you could see how everyone always prioritised the other, like the heroine immediately wanting to forget what Toma did to her the moment she realised who the culprit was and what he did to her, and Toma didn't want to reveal it because he knew it would hurt them knowing why and what happened, and Shin didn't want to reveal it but still felt like he had to for all their sakes. It was sad but I think I definitely appreciate Shin's route this time around haha! He's not just the boy that calls you fat haha!
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Ikki (Spade World)
I remember liking Ikki and Kent so I'm quite excited to do this again! HAHAHA the Waka in this world was the most memorable for me, how could I ever forget the guy who says the customer is the enemy as a motto for morning assembly before starting work😂😂😂 Another memorable thing is the parfait CG, I love it so much! Something I've always enjoyed about this game is Kent and Ikki's relationship, they're so fun together I love them hahaha. Honestly, I can see why people complain about Ikki's route because it really does basically revolve around the fan club and accommodating them, but when I see moments with Ikki trying his best to win the heroine's heart and sincerely show his feelings and his true thoughts, I can't help but feel for him and acknowledge how difficult it is to be a sensitive and emotional person who has to deal with rejecting people constantly and how much of a toll that must be on him mentally. And honestly, considering how crazy the fan club is, it's very understandable why Ikki does what he does hoping to protect the heroine from them because he knows that if it gets too out of hand, it'll hurt her and there's a chance he might not be able to protect her from them especially with how many of them there are. I think I'm starting to remember why I really liked Ikki. I liked his vulnerability that he shows the heroine, and I like how serious he is towards her and how he honestly tells her that. And I guess it's refreshing to see the dilemmas of having so many people "love you". I still think the whole fanclub thing was solved way too easily for how crazy they were though lol.
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Kent (Clover World)
Lmao, playing Kent's route again really makes laugh and love him. His messages that just say good morning and goodnight lolll. I think one thing that particularly stood out for me with Kent's route is that the heroine had a strong personality in this world that vastly affected their relationship because they both kept butting heads due to their personalities and it was fun and interesting to understand why they always fought with each other and yet still stayed together. Anyway, Ikki's World's Waka was scary in his own way but this one? Terrifying lol! I guess what I enjoy about Kent is how love is basically something illogical to the point that he can't understand the need for doing something like holding hands, but he still admits that he wants to hold the heroine's hand despite how he doesn't understand the logic for it and I think that's cute. Honestly, it felt like I had amnesia too playing this game because I forgot so many things but I'm slowly recovering my memories of them as I play. Other than remembering that I enjoyed this route because it's funny how Kent can be so silly, sweet but also ridiculous with his math problems lol, when the heroine admitted her memory loss, it finally clicked to me to remember why I loved Kent and his route so much. It was because the heroine losing her memories was a good thing for their relationship, and that seeing how scared Kent was of the heroine remembering how much she hated him was difficult for him to bear, especially now that they've gotten closer. It's an interesting contrast from how if the heroine didn't lose her memories in Toma's route, then she would have confessed to him and things would be fine lol.
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I completely forgot about Kent's parents and their CG. I mean, their reason for not cooking isn't wrong but yeah you can see why Kent is the way he is lol. Seeing Kent all flustered really makes my heart warm because thinking about him at the beginning of this route compared to now is just so endearing, and it also shows how much he cherishes the heroine now and how afraid he is of what he did in the past and how much he doesn't want to lose her. I still remember her dog because of how cruel Kent was to her at that moment haha, it was understandable for her to say she hated him, just as it was understandable for Kent to be so scared of her remembering this memory and then hating him again. Just like when I first played the game, I still prefer the normal ending and how much more realistic it is for me haha.
Overall, I think what I really enjoyed about Kent's route is how much Kent changes. He doesn't understand much about how to love a person in the beginning, which is fine and hilarious to watch, but seeing him improve so much because the heroine lost her memories and was more patient with him made it very sweet. They both liked each other but couldn't stop arguing every time they met, yet continued to meet with each other because they liked each other, and I liked that, the fact that despite their differences, they both wanted their relationship to work out, and it did with the help of Orion haha! Watching Kent understand the fear of how it feels to possibly lose the one you love was nice because you could really see how much better he was at expressing how much he loved and cherished the heroine.
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Ukyo (Joker World)
I completely forgot that everyone works at the cafe in this route, how fun! Everyone except Waka is fun hahaha, lmao legit died when he said he would kill Sawa with a straight face if she makes another mistake, next best Waka after 'the customer is the enemy!' one?🤣 The more I play, the more I remember how much I liked Ukyo, like yeah he's dangerous and could kill the heroine at any time, but his genuine love for her and desire to protect her always hits me hard and I just can't hate him. One other thing I really like about this route is Rika being a good friend, so much better than when she's maliciously crazy for Ikki lol. Anyway, I remember why I loved Ukyo's route so much haha. I think I really loved Ukyo and the heroine's relationship. Honestly, it's probably the "best" relationship out of the routes because they had a beautiful fateful meeting, met again coincidentally and started dating, but then everything just had to end tragically and even if it ended tragically that way, if supernatural powers or Nhil weren't involved, maybe he could have gotten over her one day, but because there was the possibility of saving her from death, Ukyo tried again and again to see her, save her but couldn't stop himself from falling into insanity after dying again and again, and I'm sure once his other personality came about, knowing that he killed her again and again must have broken him too. I really enjoyed how sincerely they both loved each other and how their relationship should have been so normal and sweet, but they were dragged into this fate of death that they both couldn't get out of when all they wanted was just to be together, it's such a tragic love, and I loved watching over them as they both got closer again even though Ukyo tried his best to distance himself, they were so cute. The reveal was very interesting and I really enjoyed the explanation about the weather haha, but yeah I do think I enjoyed this route quite a bit, just like I did back in the day when I first played this. I couldn't help but fall for Ukyo's genuine love for the heroine again, he was so adorable. I would always forgive him.
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Overall, I still love Amnesia: Memories as much as I did back in the day, or even more actually! I'd rate it an 8/10 despite the heroine never really talking until the end of the routes, I'd say the exceptions are probably Ukyo and Kent's routes where she actually talks quite a bit or her personality shines through alot through the interactions and choices. Anyway, I got used to it and didn't mind that she didn't "talk" because I never really felt like she was a blank slate. But yeah, I probably did enjoy this more than I did back then because I actually enjoyed every single route this time around! Everyone was so fun in their own way. I loved uncovering the mystery of Shin's route, loved the uncertainty and uncomfortable atmosphere of Toma's cage, loved the angst and fear of Kent being hated, loved how it felt like we couldn't trust Ikki's love when he's actually the one who loved the heroine so much and didn't want to be lonely anymore, and I super loved the tragic love between Ukyo and the heroine. They were all so good, and the bad endings are really easy to get in the sense that you can very easily die, which is fun in its own way haha. I'm glad I played this game again before diving into Later x Crowd because it was definitely a great refresher of everything and it helped me to once again appreciate how much I enjoyed each guys' personalities and how much they all love the heroine in their own way.
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dare0451 · 2 years
HARLEY X IVY STANS ,,THE HARLEY QUINN AND POISON IVY your hatred humanity and men and the lesbians genocidal maniacs, false heroines  and that she and eco-terrorist not welcome here by justice league touch finger on son of krypton like KA-EL, CLARK KENT, SUPERMAN and while not admitting and accepting the truth ,honesty ,innocent and bisexual and  now you undestand?
honey what the fuck are you saying
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propertyofkylar · 1 month
I just did my first run of all the characters in Amnesia: Memories and I just wanted to share my thoughts on them!
1. Kent ofc. No explanation needed <333
2. Shin. I’m not even finished with his yet, I just know I love him.
3. Ikki. He’s okay, not what I thought he was but I’m okay with it. A sweetheart.
4. Toma. So annoying 😒 I thought I liked Yanderes but honestly I don’t like being restricted or told what to do lol.
Same with Kylar now that I think about it. The second he kidnaps my PC I get so annoyed.
I think Toma just isn’t my type bc I love Kylar.
I’m definitely most attached to Orion though. He’s so sweet and I feel like we’re just always thinking the exact same thing, looking out for our baby girl :,(
Overall? 9/10 only because I need more of Ukyo
YESSSS. correct opinions tho i will forgive you for your thoughts on toma. like he’s just a guy yknow…come on the plushies in the cage weren’t enough?? 🙄🙄🙄 /j
but UGHHHH ur so right. kent best boy. when he gives heroine the cake and gets all blushy 😫😫😫 he’s so sweet!!!!! his was the route i was looking forward to least but he’s so babygirl im in love w him.
and orion…like he’s just trying to protect heroine he’s so cute!! and his commentary always makes me giggle.
WAIT if ur not finished with shin yet does this mean you haven’t done the final route??? ohohoho………
sighs i love these boys more than life itself. they are all so special to me !!!
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 8 months
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/EjkcxYW by LordMallory Part 2 of The Superwoman from Krypton, after The Eternal Course! It's 1949, in Metropolis! Up in the sky! Look! It's a bird? It's a plane? No! It's Superwoman! Faster than a speeding bullet! More powerful than a locomotive! Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, this amazing stranger from the planet Krypton, The Woman of Steel: Superwoman! Empowered with X-ray vision, possessing remarkable physical strength, Superwoman fights a never-ending battle for love, truth, and justice, disguised as a mild-mannered newspaper reporter, Clara Kent!   Doomsday has been destroyed...Lex Luthor has been defeated and the world believes him dead! Cold War tensions and the Witch Hunt continue to grow! A delusional menace from the past, the Toyman threatens Metropolis as perhaps a graver danger that may destroy all of humanity begins to take shape! Can Superwoman stop these hazards as new members join the Justice League? Words: 18838, Chapters: 2/9, Language: English Series: Part 2 of THE SUPERWOMAN FROM KRYPTON Fandoms: Superman - All Media Types, Superman (Comics), Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, Supergirl (Comics), Supergirl (TV 2015), Supergirl (1984), Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Superman Returns (2006), Superman (1940), DC Extended Universe, DC Elseworlds, DCU, DCU (Comics) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen Characters: Clara Kent/Superwoman/Kala-El, Louis Lane, Perry White, Roberta Lee, Toyman (DCU), Aquaman/Arturo Curry, Batman/Bruce Wayne, Barry Allen/The Flash, Zatanna, Jimmy Olsen, Morgan Edge, Harleen Quinzel, President Truman - Character, Martha Kent, Emily Lane, Selena (Supergirl TV 2015), Alina Brystova-Baker/Ballerina, Leda Luthor, Lex Luthor, Jor-El, Lara Lor-Van Relationships: Clara Kent/Louis Lane Additional Tags: 1940s, Alternate Universe - 1940s, Superheroes, Superheroine, Heroine, hero - Freeform, Love, Secret Identity, Golden Age, newspaper, Journalism, Cold War, DC Comics References, supergirl - Freeform, Superman - Freeform, Superwoman - Freeform, Genderbend, genderreversal, alwaysagirlclark, femclark, Krypton, Retro DC Comics, Period Piece, Transformation, Couple Secrets read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/EjkcxYW
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cagedchangeling · 2 years
slight spoilers for amnesia memories mainly CGS and reference to scenes. the ‘still touch’ is such a fun little thing it fleshes out the scene so much with out dragging the plot development of the main story
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“By the way, do slender men or muscular men make more of a favorable impression on you? …No, never mind forget that”
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“I understand the desire to overly monopolize someone’s time is not an admirable trait. However leaving you alone presents the danger of men with unscrupulous intentions trying to talk to you. Thinking that i don’t want to take my eyes off you. I want you near me.”
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“…! Oh, no, sorry It’s just unusual for you to touch me..” “…I don’t know what to do when you touch me.”
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“Back then, I believe i told you that holding your hand was mainly for safety reasons. Those weren’t a lie. However if i had to state another reason besides that… I… Well… i wanted you to be closer to me”
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“Is there an issue with my clothing? i was being careful with not personal appearance, knowing you’d be looking” note i literally don’t get why people hate his coat it’s iconic recognizable and well designed its such a strong and pleasing visual there isn’t anything actually wrong with it it’s just not mainstream fashion
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a-topaz-cat · 11 months
what’s your favorite amnesia love interest x non-heroine/player ship?
Tbh idk 🤷
Maybe Ikki and Kent, they have a strong enough bromance maybe it can be a lil romance 👯‍♀️
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polyamships · 1 year
August 2023 Polyam Shipping Day roundup
In August we had 7 entries across 6 fandoms. All are linked below:
Original work: Lost (fiction) by wallwaker on DW (original characters)
Pokemon: explore (graphics) by @merryfortune (blanche x candela x spark)
Yugioh: explore (art) by @enter-the-performapals (hiiragi yuzu x sakaki yuya x shiunin sora)
Pokemon: Gifts from the market (fanfic) by @quailfence (freide x mollie x murdock x orla)
Castlevania: Need To Find Out (fanfic) by @alpaca-clouds (hector x isaac laforeze x trevor belmont)
Kamen Rider: A Look Through, Fates Intertwined (fanfic) by linky on DW (miyuki tezuka x ren akiyama x shinji kido)
Amnesia Memories: in no particular order or manner (fanfic) by ryulynn on DW (heroine x ikki x kent)
Thanks to everyone who took part this month!
Gentle reminder that if you want your fanwork to be included in the roundup it needs to either be submitted/@ us on tumblr or in the official ao3 collection, and if not uploaded on the day in question let us know what prompt it’s for. And if we’ve missed any items please send us a note and let us know.
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elleonmybeloved · 5 years
Sweet Reward
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Amnesia | Heroine x Kent Words: 1728 Chapter: 1 Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22463851/chapters/53675266
Summary:  Kent comes up with a fun game for him and Hera. It involves: 1 math workbook, 1 bullet vibrator, and 1 piece of tape. Hera does her best but she hates math. Lucky for her, Kent is a softie and has never been good at denying his cute girlfriend anything she wants.
The air conditioning in Kent’s house was working just fine, but Hera was starting to sweat.
A math notebook lay in front of her kneeling form, Kent’s stoic figure across from her, typing away at his laptop. Although she had only been given a few pages to do, the young woman was struggling to complete the task, squirming and bending over the table, hand holding the pencil shaking in a slight tremble that made it hard to write.
It probably had something to do with the remote-controlled bullet vibrator taped over her clit buzzing away quietly, hidden under her skirt.
The game hadn’t even been Ikki’s idea, which was a first, since he was Kent’s go-to source for information regarding relationships, including the more intimate parts. This was all the tall man’s doing, having suggested a more motivating reward to encourage Hera to finish her dreaded math problems.
At the time, she had been so shocked - and frankly, turned on - that despite her usual refusals to do any math (She was a psych major hello! Unnecessary!) she’d given in rather quickly.
And that’s how she got herself into this mess. For every page she completed correctly, Kent would praise her and crank up the vibe by one level. Hera wished it was possible to cum from the feeling of his large hand ruffling her hair and the intense look in his eyes as he turned the dial on the vibrator remote.
But the vibrations just weren’t strong enough to do more than make it nearly impossible to focus on and wet herself so thoroughly it was starting to seep down her thighs, uninhibited by any panties - part of the agreement was leaving them off. After thirty minutes of being edged, her desire to come was making it difficult to stop the fantasies of him relenting, cranking up the power and finishing her off while making out on his lap.
Solve 5x + 7 < 3(x + 1)
Hera couldn’t help letting out a whimper and looking up pleadingly at her tormentor.
“Kent.” She fixed him with her most pitiful look, hoping to move his sympathy.
“Hmm?” He glanced up cooly from his computer.
“Please… I can’t finish this. It’s impossible to focus.”
“I see. I had chosen some particularly easy problems thinking that quickly finishing them wouldn’t be a difficult task.” Yes, he was gonna take pity on her! “I suppose you can try it again a different time. I’ll turn this off.”
“Ah no, wait wait!” She reached out a hand, panicking. He couldn’t really be cruel enough to just edge her for that long and deny her, right?
Kent crossed his legs and leaned back. From the predatory look in his eyes, Hera swore he knew exactly what he was doing. “Why should I keep it on? You’re done working on the problems for now are you not?”
“Becaaause… I tried my best and you love me?” She suggested, batting her eyelashes at him hopefully.
Kent made a choking noise that sounded like he hadn’t expected her to come outright and say that. Pushing his glasses up, he cleared his throat.
“Rudimentary presentation, but logical reasons nonetheless. Alright. Come here.” He set aside his laptop and patted his leg. Hera thought the sight really shouldn’t have been as hot as it was.
She wasted no time clambering to her feet and crossing the short distance, lifting up her skirt as she climbed onto his lap. He was still while she positioned herself, but once she was seated he gripped the hem of her dress and tugged it up.
“I cannot use x-ray vision, so this is necessary. Notify me if you become too cold.”
Hera giggled, raising her arms compliantly to allow him to take the dress all the way off, exposing the buzzing pink bullet. “I prefer being skin to skin with you anyways.”
“Skin to skin? Is that your way of communicating that you wish me to take my shirt off?”
“Maybe.” Hera smirked at his displeased look - he always hated answers like that, protesting that it was an inefficient way to answer questions properly.
But he took his shirt off anyways, and Hera was glad for it. The tall man was built like a brick wall and boy did she ever enjoy it.
He didn’t look like he was going to divest her of her lacy pink bra, so she reached back to unhook it herself, pleased at the way he watched them bounce free. He needed a little encouragement to touch her sometimes, so hopefully he’d be inspired to with the additional visual stimulation.
Now that she was naked on his lap, Kent reached for the vibe remote, and without batting an eye, cranked it up several levels.
“Ah!” A moan escaped her throat at the immediate relief a stronger vibration provided. “You’re such a meanie. That feels too good.” She whined, laying her head against his shoulder and closing her eyes.
She felt him pull her closer against him and hold her there with one hand. The other found the top of her head and softly rubbed. For others it might’ve been a weird sensation - the sweetness of patting her head while controlling a vibrator getting her off - but Hera liked it. It was one of the first ways he’d shown affection to her.
Hera squirmed and grinded her hips forward on his pants, panting as tightness curled and built in her stomach. Her quiet litany of high breathy moans and whines rose in pitch, and she felt Kent stiffen underneath her at a particularly whiny sound.
“Is this adequate? You seem to want something.”
She leaned back and raised her head to look at him.
She wished he’d eat her up and have her way with her.
“C-can we make out? It feels good when you… well- that is-...” Hera averted her eyes, face going red. She was usually pretty bold, but even this was a bit too embarrassing of a request to voice out loud.
He reached for her face and turned her head to face him and after a moment, closed the distance and pressed his lips hard against hers.
“Mmmh... ♡” His kiss made her feel like lightning was shooting through her body, and she enthusiastically parted her lips when he pressed his hand against the back of her neck, getting more aggressive with her.
For someone who claimed to be inexperienced with relationships, he was way too good at this. The confident way his lips parted hers had her vagina squeezing in arousal, and every time he thrust his tongue against hers her pulse thundered in her ears.
Hera’s hands trembled where they clutched at his shoulders.
“Mmh ♡! Mmm~! ♡” Her mind was starting to go blank, the pressure in her stomach building up fast.
Hera broke away to gasp for air, hips moving on their own as she surged towards her climax.
“Oh god, ah! K-Kent! ♡”
A familiar dizzy feeling had her grabbing his hand for comfort and she tensed up as her orgasm hit her.
“Nngh- ♡!” Shit, it felt so good, she couldn’t help rolling her eyes back as she rode out several seconds of extreme pleasure.
When it was over, she relaxed her tense posture, limbs going limp. She felt Kent reach over and switch off the vibrator. After a moment of silence and her catching her breath, she sneaked a look at him.
He had a somewhat strange look on his face, like he was uncomfortable.
“Uh, so-sorry.” She felt her cheeks going hot, not sure why she was apologizing.
“There is no need to apologize, as you’ve done nothing wrong.” Kent’s voice sounded a little more breathless than usual, and he cleared his throat before speaking again. “Was the experience adequate or is there anything else you would like me to do?”
“Oh well… I got what I wanted so I won’t be greedy.” If she was being honest, she wanted more. A flood of images came into her mind - of him pinning her on his bed and teasing her with those long elegant fingers, groping her breasts, pinching her nipples… lifting and parting her legs and taking her until she was crying out.
“-I know you’re busy working on your thesis stuff.”
“I am currently ahead on my work and can spare the time. We can do whatever else it is you’d like, Hera.”
Hera bit her lip and looked up at him.
“Are you sure?”
Kent scowled, not a fan of such unneccessary affirmations as usual.
“Yes. I already explained that I am free. Do you think that I am not telling the truth?”
“No, no, I believe you.” Hera shook her head and waved her hands placatively. “And well, in that case… could we move someplace bigger?”
“Bigger? Will my bed suffice?”
Hera nodded - that was her smart man, always catching on quick.
“Yeah, if you don’t mind me getting in your space.”
“I don’t mind.”
Hera rose shakily off his lap, gently prying off the bullet vibe and setting it down. Kent rose behind her and skirted the table to lead the way to his room.
Hera made it about two steps before getting a case of the wobbles - post-orgasm jelly legs will do that to a girl.
“Uh, mind slowing down a bit please?”
Stopping and turning to face her, Kent made an amused expression as he realized her predicament.
“You ask me that so often. It is usually due to the difference in the length of our stride, but that doesn’t seem to be the case in this instance.”
Before Hera could protest that he was just freakishly tall and that it wasn’t her fault, he had scooped her up in a princess carry and resuming his usual brisk pace down the hallway.
“Oh. That works. Thanks.” This was kind of hot - especially since she was completely naked and the way he was carrying her had his hands resting on her thighs just below her butt.
“You’re welcome.”
She could get used to being carried like this. Although for public situations she’d prefer to be clothed. Well… at least peripherally.
That provoked a series of inappropriate thoughts involving his jacket and some additional vibrators. Hera filed the yummy idea away as a possible way to spice up their staple “walk” dates.
Kent set her down on the bed.
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lexxwithbooks · 2 years
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📖: 𝑬𝒎𝒑𝒊𝒓𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝑺𝒊𝒏 (𝐸𝑚𝑝𝑖𝑟𝑒 #2) 🤘🏽🦋💻
✍🏽: 𝐑𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐊𝐞𝐧𝐭
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