softscottlang · 6 years
Not At First (Lee Flynn )
Lee Flynn x Reader
Summary: Where you care for a boy more broken the he is fixed and he uses you to repair himself.
Request: “I saw you write for Lee Flynn and I got so excited because everyone is obsessed with Noah but I think Lee is a cutie! Maybe could you write a fic where reader is another best friend of Elle and Lee and at first Lee dates her as revenge for Elle dating Noah (toward the early stage of Elle and Noah’s relationship) but eventually actually falls for her. However, somehow reader finds out about him dating her for revenge. End it super fluffy because who doesn’t love some good old fashioned fluff! 💕” - @peachesandfangirling
warning- cussing
word count- 3.1k
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To say you were best friends with Lee Flynn and Elle Evans would be the understatement of the century. You had been friends with them since your older brother had teased Lee on the playground and Noah Flynn retaliated by giving your brother a wedgie. You had laughed your head off and walked over to the girl who was sitting on the slide introducing yourself and tell her how much you loved that your brother got what he deserved. Every since, the three of you had been inseparable.
When you had all reached high school, Lee and Elle created a rule about you
Rule 21: Y/N was off limits
Meaning that neither of them could try to get involved with you romantically. You weren’t in the know about the rules, except one.
Rule 9: relatives of your best friends are totally off limits. You had asked them about the other rules, but they wouldn’t tell you. They claimed that you wouldn’t understand or care once you knew, but you always had this nagging feeling in the back of your mind.
You had realized you had a crush on Lee when you were in the seventh grade, he had been flirting with the girl who sat next to him when you got this sinking feeling in your gut, you wanted to be that girl, the one who received that loving look in his eyes. You were angry that you felt this way, but you couldn’t help it, you had feelings for him.
Junior year had crept upon you and your friends very quickly, you had been so busy trying to ace all your AP classes that you were taking. You worked the kissing booth for Lee and Elle after millions and millions of pleas from the duo. You worked an hour and were given kisses from strangers, praying that one of them was Lee. But you never were going to find out, and that fact made you sad.
The weeks had passed, and Elle had become more and more distant from you and Lee, leaving the two of you to hang out and do things on your own. As much as you missed hanging out with your best friend, you enjoyed the one-on-one time you got with your crush.
“Elle is definitely the better dancer out of the two of you.” You said while you both stepped on the pad to the dancing game in the arcade. Normally you would take Lee’s spot and dance with Elle, but she hadn’t been there to dance with you, so it was just you and Lee.
“You take that back you liar!”  you verbally disagree with him, causing him to look at you and start running towards you. Your eyes go wide, and you try your best to out run the charging Flynn boy. You didn’t make it that far before a pair of arms were wrapped around you, pulling you into the person’s chest. You couldn’t help but chuckle as the sound of Lee’s laugh filling your ears. “Elle is definitely a better runner than you.”
“No shit Sherlock! I don’t play soccer.” You said before leaning more into his chest without realizing you were. His arms were still around you, laughing at the response. You both stood there for a moment before you look up at him, a fuzzy feeling started in your stomach. You felt the heat rush up to your cheeks in the form of a blush, Lee gave you a sly smile before looking at the clock on the wall. Lee pulled away before giving a quick swear when he realized what time it was.
“I have to meet Racheal, want me to drop you at yours on my way?” He asked while grabbing his phone and wallet from the booth they had been seated at. You forgot about Racheal, the girl who stole Lee’s heart by cutting you in line at the Kissing Booth. It made you mad to know that she stole your kiss with Lee, you couldn’t help but imagine what would have happened if it had been you to kiss him instead of her.
“Yeah, that’s fine.” You replied much quieter than you meant to. Lee obviously caught it and sent you a sympathetic look, one that made a pit form in your throat. It seemed like he genuinely cared.
“Are you okay Y/N?” He said putting a hand on your back in a concerned manner, causing a fuzzy sensation right where his hand was. You wanted to tell him the truth, that you wanted to be the one that got to go on a date with him. You wanted to tell him how lucky Racheal was to have him. But you couldn’t, he would never think of you as anything other than a friend.
“yeah, I’m fine.” You said, keeping your thought to yourself and your head down. “Can you just take me home?” He nodded and started to lead the two of you away towards his car.
Lee had broken up with Racheal that night because ‘they didn’t click’ as much as you were mad at yourself about it, you were happy that they didn’t work out. But that wasn’t the problem at hand, the problem was that Elle and Lee weren’t talking anymore. You had been waiting in the car for them when you heard screaming and name calling.
You felt your heart speed up and the adrenaline kick in, you threw the door open and ran to where the source of the screams was taking place, only to find Lee being pinned down by his older brother in the grass and Elle a few feet away, yelling at them.
“What the hell is going on?” you said out loud, no one answered you or seemed to even acknowledge your being there.
“Noah, get off of him!” Elle screamed at the top of her lungs, making your heart hurt for her. Flynn climbed off Lee, the younger Flynn threw a quick hit at his older brother.
Lee held Elle’s gaze for a quick moment before grabbing your wrist and running towards his car. You felt a whirlwind of emotions fill your body as you heard Elle scream his name over and over again, begging him to come back, calling his name with so much pain and desperation in her tone.
“Lee, please don’t leave like this.” Elle said as you and Lee climbed in his car quickly shutting the doors.
“So much for rule number nine huh?” Lee asked through tear filled eye. It was then that you realized what had happened, Elle was in a relationship with Noah Flynn. You put your hand on Lee’s leg as a non-verbal sign of emotional support.
“I didn’t meant for this to happen.” The brunette to your right replied.
“You know, my whole life… Noah has gotten everything he’s ever wanted. The only things that I had that he didn’t was you and Y/N” he said before putting his hand on yours and squeezing it tightly, needing the emotional stability. “And now he has you too.”
“Lee…” Elle says, tears falling down her pale face. Lee gave your hand another light squeeze before continuing.
“It’s okay, you two deserve each other.” Lee retorted before releasing your hand and starting the car, quickly driving off.
You felt the wind rip through your hair, the sudden speed causing you to gasp loudly. You hand still firmly placed on his thigh. You noticed that he was speeding, recklessly swerving from lane to lane.
“Lee.” You said quietly, trying to get his attention. You noticed the tears still falling from his eyes and his knuckles turning white from his harsh grip on the steering wheel. “Lee,” you try again, this time a little louder. Still no response. “God Damn it Lee! Pull over!” you scream at him moving your hand from his thigh to slapping the dashboard. He finally listened, pulling over onto the side of the country road.
You both sat in silence, tears jerking from Lee’s face onto his already damp shirt. It pained you to see him like this, hurting in an extreme way. You wanted to reach out and hug him, but you didn’t want to over step your bounds.
“They- E=Elle and Noah they ha-“ Lee chokes out before collapsing into your chest, sobbing at an uncontrollable rate. Your heart ached for him, wanting to comfort him. You caringly ran your fingers through his hair, placing your mouth by his ear. You whispered soothing and comforting word to him.
“I know, they don’t deserve you. You’re going to be okay, you still have me.” You said, hoping that he knew that you were telling the truth, that you’d always be his.
The next day, you and Lee were hanging out at the arcade when the most random question popped out of Lee’s mouth.
“Will you go to Prom with me?” Lee said before you had swallowed your drink of water, quite literally causing a spit take from you. You both had started laughing at your reaction before he continued, you started to clean the water up from around the table. “I mean, you don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
“No, I want to...” you began, snapping your head up as soon as he says that. But you knew you wanted it to be something else.
“then why didn’t you say yes?” He says, laughing nervously to himself.
“I don’t want to sound ungrateful or anything, but I always imagined going to prom with my boyfriend…” you couldn’t understand why the words had come out of your mouth, but they seemed to just keep rolling out. “It’s something I always thought about as a kid, slow dancing with my boyfriend, taking the cute yet cheesy photos beforehand.” You kept your head down, embarrassed that you didn’t just say yes to him.
There was a long pause, gears in Lee’s head turned. He visualized his brother and Elle, lips locked, and limbs entangles. He wanted Elle to feel the pain that he had felt because of them, do to this, the following words fell from his lips.
“Well. I’ll go as your boyfriend too.” You were shocked, you didn’t know if he was kidding or being serious. You felt your stomach fall in a pit of confusion and want.
“Wait, really?” you said, eyebrows raised in desperation.
“Yeah, I’d be honored to date a wonderful human like you!” He said, breaking the rule made by him and Elle when they were starting high school.
The days where Lee didn’t talk to Elle, he had hung out with you. You guys went to movies, played at the arcade, went for pizza dates and cuddled on the couch talking about everything that happened to the two of you. You loved the feeling of being around Lee, he made you feel light-hearted and all kinds of smiley.
Lee had to admit that at first, he had started dating you as revenge on Elle, but he felt himself slowly fall for you. You made his stomach flutter when you leaned into his chest, hiding your face while you laughed at his smart remarks.
One day while the two of you had went to the arcade, you quickly suggested getting drinks, Lee gave you a couple dollars after arguing that you didn’t need him go with you, claiming independence. He gave you a quick kiss on the cheek before you rushed off.
When you got the drinks and started to walk back towards your boyfriend. You saw him and Elle dancing and laughing together, the sight made you smile with pure happiness. Them being back on good terms made your heart sing with content.
You placed the drinks down at the booth a little bit away from the dance game. You saw the two of them hug and smile at each other.
“I’m sorry for breaking rule number 9.” Elle says giving Lee an apologetic look. He nodded and replied to his best friend.
“I’m sorry for breaking rule 21.” He said keeping his head down, refusing to look up at the brunette girl facing him.
“So, you… and Y/N?” Elle said, causing you to snap your head up. They were talking about you and a rule, did that mean they had a rule about you? You see Lee nod, confirming your suspicion. “Did you do it to hurt me? Or because you actually like her?”
There was an awkward pause before Lee took his gaze off the dance pad to the wall décor across the way.
“At first it was to hurt you but then I realized that I love Y/N, I didn’t mean to. I really didn’t want to, but I did.” You felt the world stop and your heart along with it. A pit formed in your stomach and you felt your face contort in pain. You hadn’t experienced anything like this before, you knew your body was fine, but it felt so broken.
Without realizing it, you noticed you were crying by the tear that fell down your face. You reached a shaky hand up to wipe the traitorous water away, you watched the liquid  dissolve back into the grooves of your finger.  
You quickly got up when you felt more tears falling from your eyes and ran passed the duo to the bathroom. You heard Lee call after you, obviously from seeing you move passed him with a tear stained face.
“Y/N, babe!” He yelled, running after you and causing heads to turn in his direction. It only made your feet carry you quicker. Once you reached the bathroom door, you threw yourself into it. Slamming it shut. You fell to the floor, knees to your chest and head placed against the wall. The pain over took you, you cried more than you ever thought possible.
“Y/N…” you heard Lee’s broken voice say from the other side of the door. “Please let me help you, let me hold you. I hate seeing you hurt. Please…”
You’d have never heard him like this before, he seemed almost as broken as you felt. And that made you mad that you were more worried about that then how your heart was breaking. You quickly got onto your feet and threw the door open, seeing Lee stand almost exactly where the door was less than a second before.
“You know what, you don’t get to say that. You have no right when you started this whole ‘relationship’, if you can even call it that, you wanted to hurt someone else. You didn’t even like me! You didn’t know that I’ve liked you since I saw you flirting with Suzie Ellis in seventh grade. You didn’t know that I used to tell Elle about how much I wanted to tell you about my crush on you for five years. I liked you even when Racheal cut in front of me in the kissing booth and started dating you. I fell for you based on a lie, and I can’t help but not be mad at you. I want to be, I really do but I can’t be. I’m sad, broken even but I still love you.” You said while the tears rolled from your eyes onto the floor.
“Y/N, I love you too, as hard as that might be to believe I really didn’t mean to start this out with a lie. I know it sounds bad, but I really do like you. I want to be with you. I never in my life thought that I would be dating my childhood crush and taking her to prom.” You went to interrupt him, but he held up his hand. “Please let me finish. Elle and I both made a rule that we wouldn’t get involved with you after a few years of knowing you. I loved watching you laugh, fall in love with your passions and succeed in everything that you tried. I didn’t really know that I was in love with you until you had held me while I cried over Elle and Noah. You soothed me and proved to me that you were always going to be there for me and I loved you for it. I really do love you.”
He looked at you with a look of love but sadness. He wanted to pull you into his arms and show you that he wasn’t lying anymore. He needed you to believe him.
“I hate you, you idiot.” You said before wrapping your arms around him and holding him there. Lee slowly pulled you closer to him, nestling his head into your neck.
“I love you too.”
You and Lee walked into the Prom, hand in hand, both wearing blue as your accent color. Elle followed closely behind in an orange-pink dress, it flattered her skin tone and fit her figure perfectly.
The lobby of the prom was filed with different photos that sparked your memories, causing you to laugh. The one chick, whose name you couldn’t remember, gave a speech about remembering things that happened this year and making prom great. You didn’t really pay attention if you were being honest, you just stared at Lee as he smiled at the words falling from the teens mouth. You loved looking at him like this, happy and smiley.
Suddenly a door was opened, and everyone began to file through a hallway, pictures displayed all along the walls. You saw a picture of Lee and Elle laughing at something, bringing a large smile to your face seeing your best friends captured beautifully. You watched and admired the photos as they passed, until the pictures ended, and you saw the kissing booth standing exactly as it had in the fund raiser. Lee released your hand and went over to where Elle was and they both gave a quick bow. You hollered for the duo as they basked in the glory of the cheers.
Lee shared a look with you before walking over to the booths stand, grabbing the blindfold that was placed there. He held his hand out, offering it for you. You felt a smile find it’s way onto your face and a fuzzy feel place itself in your chest.
“I know we never got to do this last time, but it should have been you. Hell, Y/N, it was always you.” He said loud enough for the crowd to hear you, giving off an audible ‘awe’ in response. You laughed and mimicked the crowd and blushed as he put the blindfold on. He leaned in, you slowly doing the same until your lips met. His lips were soft, as they always were when you kissed. You both leaned over the bar to close the space between your bodies. When you both pulled away to breathe, you looked at each other with love-stricken gazes. “I love you so much Y/N.”
“I love you too Lee.”
permanent tags- @softspideyboy 
Kissing booth taglist - @leasly
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softscottlang · 6 years
Carpe Diem (Peter Parker) Part One
Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: You are starting high school with your best friends, but suddenly you notice Peter is changing, but so are you 
warning: You’re adopted by gay parents in honor of pride month, if that’s a problem, you should probably leave my page. Papa and Dad are the names you call your dads psa. 
word count: 4.5k
prologue - Part one  
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Being a teenager is hard, dealing with all the judgmental stares, the gossiping and lies. But Y/N Y/L/N didn’t let those things get to her. She was too busy reading books and writing her amateur music.
The morning started with a loud alarm, one that was quickly turned off by a bubbly brunette. She quickly bounced out of bed, throwing her blankets carelessly across the room before running to the bathroom to shower. She hurried while throwing a glop of shampoo into her hair and rinsing it out through the water beating down on her head. She washed her body and enjoyed getting herself prepared for the day.
She turned the water off and wrapped a towel around herself, walking back into her room. She put her phone on the speaker and listened to music as she picked her outfit out. After digging around aimlessly to find something that would look nice for her first day, she decided on a pair of skinny jeans, a white shirt and her favorite camouflage jacket. She quickly dressed in them and slipped a pair of socks and converse on, excitement seeping through everything she did.
She quickly brushed through her damp hair, put some mascara on and grabbed her phone and bookbag before rushing down to the kitchen where she found her papa chasing after her younger brother whom was lacking a pair of pants.
A smile found it’s way onto the teens face when a plate was placed in front of her. She looked up to see her dad smiling right back at her.
“Big day, are you ready?” he said while walking over to her little sister who had just joined the table for breakfast. The little twin girl was wearing her favorite red rain boots, despite the warm heat and a pair of jeans with a patterned shirt.
“Yeah!” Y/N said before taking a piece of toast and biting into it. Her dad gave her a small nod then went to help his husband get pants on her brother. Liam was still running around the living room, refusing to get dressed for school. Liam and London were twins, both adopted when Y/N was eleven.
She was happy being an older sister, it made her feel less lonely. Having been brought into her family when she was five left her with six years of being her fathers only child. They tried everything in their power to help their little girl become more and more like the energetic five-year-old she once was. They put her in piano lessons, which she excelled in. They got her to start doing science classes- those she didn’t like but did anyway.
But one day when she was getting ready for bed, her dads came into her room and said eight words that brought her the most joy she had ever felt.
“You are going to be a big sister”
Now all she can do is laugh as her little brother refuses to wear pants and her sister wears the craziest outfits imaginable.
Before she knew what was happening, Y/N was being swept off of her feet and out of her seat.
“We agreed to let you walk with Ned on your first day, but we did not agree for you to be late.” Her Papa shoved her bookbag into her arms and gave her a soft kiss on the forehead before shooing her to the door.
“Okay, grouchy old man. I love you but it’s her first day of high school, don’t rush her so much.” Her dad rested his hands on her shoulder and kissed the top of the young girl’s cheek before opening the door. “okay, now go on, I can’t keep your papa from getting mad all the time. And remember to take a notebook to every class. I love you.”
“I love you too, bye London and Liam! Bye Papa” She threw the bookbag over her shoulder and walked out the door and across the hallway to the Leeds apartment. She opened the door, letting herself in. “Ned! We have to go; Peter and Briar are waiting for us!”
“Nice to see you too Y/N.” Mrs. Leeds said from her spot on the couch, head still in her book. Y/N couldn’t help but laugh at the woman’s response to the young girl’s actions. Suddenly, Ned comes barging out of the hallway and towards the door.
“Bye mom, love you.” He said before grabbing Y/N hand and slamming the door shut. The two were out of the apartment building as fast as their legs could carry them, laughs escaping their mouths uncontrollably.
Ned and Y/N had been best friend since they were six, Ned having just moved to Queens from Virginia with his parents. They met while he was bringing some of his toys from the car up, Y/N had been playing with her action figures in the hallway. Ned saw them and asked if she waned to play with his cars. Then suddenly the two were inseparable, thick as thieves.
“I can’t believe we are finally going to be high schoolers.” Ned said, jumping about slightly “Like I swear yesterday we were just getting dropped off at school for sixth grade. Do you remember the first day? You peed your pants, you were so scared of the eighth graders and it wasn’t even a little bit, it was like- “
“Okay Ned, thanks for the reminder but I really hated eighth graders.” Y/N said, her cheeks a vibrant red from the embarrassing memory. The pair had basically become sibling at this point but that didn’t mean that she wanted the whole block to know of the yellow mist-take of 2012.
“Yeah you did, it was like a waterfall in your pants!” Ned all but screamed at the top of his lungs. Y/N pushed the taller boy into the grass, almost knocking him over. “Okay, I get it. I’ll let it go”
“Wait, what was a waterfall in who’s pants?” The remaining party had finally arrived for the walk to school. Of course, Briar Rose would be the one to hear Ned and ask about it. Having been best friends with Ned and Y/N since they were all in seventh grade math together.
“Nothing Briar, let’s just go to school.” Y/N would have liked to say that her good mood from this morning couldn’t be ruined by anything, but that was all but true. The young teen was trying to fight back the negativity that she had been over come with due to the teasing, but she fought a losing battle.
“Bri, where’s Peter?” Ned said through the silence that was being held.
“Down the block, May made him brush his hair again before he left. I didn’t feel like waiting any longer for him.”  Y/N couldn’t help but laugh at her friend. The smile and happiness were slowly creeping back into the young teens mind. Ned quickly turned around and walked in the other direction towards Peter and Briar’s apartment buildings. “Ned, for real, he’s fine. He knows how to walk to school from here.”
“But that doesn’t mean he should have to walk alone.” Y/N said quietly underneath her breath. So, she started walking towards Ned who was closing in on the Parker boy.
Peter and Y/N had been friends since they were in the seventh grade. Y/N remembered walking into her first period math class and took a random seat in the middle of the class, this was the first time she had been in a class this big without Ned and she was definitely not looking forward to it.
As more of the students walked in and sat down, a young boy came and took the seat beside Y/N. She wanted to introduce herself, but he seemed like a shy kid, so she leaned over and looked at the name on his notebooks.
Peter Parker
Everyone in town knew what had happened to the Parker’s this summer, both parents were very influential in the community. Between the both of them, they had done community service for hours upon hours, giving back to their neighbors. So, when the two of them were killed, everyone was impacted.
Y/N knew that Peter was sent to live with his aunt and uncle in Queens, it was on the news that he would be moved there to be taken care of, but she didn’t know that he would be going to her school.
“Hi, I’m Y/N.” She said to the boy in front of her. He turned around and his face slowly began to hold a shining smile. “What’s your name?”
“It’s Peter Parker.”
Now here they were two years later starting their first day of Freshmen year together. Y/N had finally reached the pair of boys with a smile on her face and a light-hearted feeling encasing her. Peter was wearing a pair of skinny jeans and a hoodie with the words ‘I wear this hoodie periodically’, which had the periodic table on it.
“Hey Petey!” Y/N said to the Parker boy, he looked at her and pointed his smile that was upon his face towards the Y/L/N girl.
“Hello (insert a weird nickname some has called you and made you cringe)” The young girl felt herself cringe as the horrid nickname passed the Parker boy’s lips. Ned, whom was standing besides Peter started laughing when he saw Y/N’s face.
“Yeah, don’t call me that, Y/N fine, but that’s a no-go” Y/N said as the three continued to walk forward towards Briar, who looked to be very over all the nickname talk.
“Come on slow pokes! I have first period Biology, we all know I suck at science.” Briar called from a few -paces up.
“Then why are you going to Midtown, you know, a magnet school for science?” Ned asked his friend with no amusement in his voice. Ned and Briar had a complicated past that was confusing for Y/N to think about. Ned was now on the receiving end of the intense stares of the group.
“Because it’s the best school in the area and mom didn’t want me to go to a school where there was a fight every day.” Briar said as she started to lean the four of them to the next block towards the school. “Thanks for the concern though, I’m so glad I have a friend like you Ned.” She replied with sarcasm dripping in her voice.
“Anyways, I’m so ready for high school.” Y/N said over the awkward silence. Ned threw his arm over her shoulder and started skipping towards school.
“Me, I’m ready, let’s go!” Ned skipping was something that Y/N had only seen three times in the past and this just meant that he was extremely excited, and she was glad he felt that way.
“Wait for me!” Peter called up to the two of them.
They quickly all found their way to the entrance of the High school. As corny as it was, they all stood there and gazed up at the front door, anxious to go in. Briar was the one to start walking up the steps to go in.
“Midtown, here we come.”
The first day of school had come and gone for the group of four, it was finally the end of the first week. Friday was something that Y/N was very eager for, she knew that if she could make it to Friday then everything would be fine. But as she closed her locker and as headed toward Ned’s locker so that they could walk home together, Peter Parker bumped into her.
“Oh, I’m so sorry Y/N. I should have watched where I was going.” Peter stammered his words out, looking down and blushing intensely.
“Peter, it’s no big deal. I was going to ask if you wanted to get ice cream on the walk home with the two doofuses.” Y/N said getting his attention from his shoes to her face. He smiled and nodded at her.
“Totally.” Peter replied before he turned to start walking toward the Leeds boy’s locker. Y/N walked besides him, and they continued with their small talk, discussing the different events that had happened through out the day.She would glance up at Peter every now and again, catching him staring at her with this doe like expression she couldn’t place. 
Ned was standing at his locker, packing it with all his science textbooks and notebooks. Ned had a tendency to over pack his bookbag, then complain about the weight of it. When the two friends had gotten to his locker, he looked up and smiled at them.
“Yo, what’s up home-slices?” Ned said before huffing and putting his bookbag on. “Where’s Briar? I’m ready to head home.”
“Probably already has detention if we’re being honest. I’ll call her real quick.” Peter said as he was working on pulling his phone out of his pants pocket. Y/N was leaning against the locker next to Ned’s watching him as he grabbed his English book and held it in his arms.
“How you doing pip squeak?” Ned asked as he closed his locker and looked at the girl who was pretty much his sister. She gave him a nudge and made a face.
“I just want ice cream, Dad gave me five dollars and said to celebrate our first week.” Y/N said as she began to think about the cold sweet that she wanted to devour but she had to wait for all the people in her group to get a move on.
“I mean we can just leave the Parker and co” Ned said before he was smacked by his practical sister. “Okay, I guess that’s a no.”
“Yeah, it’s definitely a no. I have crap to tell you all about.” Y/N said while twirling the necklace she’s had since birth around her fingers. A habit she had picked up awhile ago it tended to act as a stress reliever. Peter walked back to the duo and updated them that Briar was on her way to the front door to meet them. “What are we waiting for? The paint to dry? Let’s go children.”
Y/N quickly skipped through the halls, passed the upper-classmen giving her weird looks, the staff laughing at her enthusiasm to leave. When the Y/H/C girl spotted her best friend, she sprinted towards her and engulfed her in a hug, spinning her around quickly. The blonde had let out a screech but then started to giggle along with her.
“First week is done!” Briar screamed, causing other students to turn and look towards her.
“Hell is over for two days, I’m so relieved.” Y/N said before the boys had finally caught up with her. “Now, ice cream or you all don’t get to hang out at my house tonight.”
“okay, let’s go feed your addiction” Ned said before pushing the girls forward, Peter laughing at his friend’s actions.
“Hey, you don’t see me commenting on your Lego addiction, Nedward.” Y/N said in the most serious tone she could muster in the circumstances provided.
“First, never insult the building blocks of the imagination. Second, you and I both know that’s not my name.” Ned said in an equally serious voice.
“Plastic cubes do not mean that you are using your imagination.” Peter and Ned both were starting to defend their favorite pass time when they were shushed by the violent giggles of excitement from the two girls. They had finally reached the ice cream shoppe and Y/N all but ran through the door and up towards the counter.
Y/N ordered her cookie dough cone and paid, she then sat down in a booth waiting for the rest of the group to join her. Peter quickly occupying the spot in the booth next to her, their legs brushing against each other every so often. Once the foursome were all seated, they began to talk about all the classes that they liked and all the ones that they didn’t.
“So, I was thinking that we should all join the academic decathlon team. Yes, even you Briar.” Ned said before the blonde teen had a chance to get her words out. “Briar, we all know that you don’t like science, but you are fantastic at English literature.”
“Yeah, that sounds so cool!” Peter said looking at everyone around the table.
“Um, I was actually planning on joining the Science Olympiad robotics team.” Y/N said as she was trying to find a way to still hang out with her friends. “But I’m sure that I can do both. Even with the orchestra classes my dads are making me take.”
“Are you even going to have time for all that?” Briar said as she looked at the  girl across from her.
“I’m sure I will.” Y/N said looking down at her ice cream.
An hour had passed, and the group was now walking themselves back to the Y/L/N’s apartment where Delilah’s dads were planning on letting the teens study and hangout. Ned and Briar were arguing about something of no significance while the Parker boy and Y/N were about half a block behind them.
“Sometimes I wonder why they can’t just let things go.” Y/N said, commenting on the duo in front of them.
“Ned has the mental capacity of a five-year-old and Briar is more stubborn then anyone I’ve ever met.” Peter said laughing at his own comment. “hey, but at least we get to hangout.”
Delilah looked up at the boy who was around six inches taller than her, a smile plastered on his face.  A smile that made her chest warm up and feel fuzzy. She quickly tried to push the feelings down and leave a platonic smile on her face. She gave him a small nod and then quickly looked away trying not to make things weird between her and her friend.
It was then that she noticed the glasses wearing Parker teen had grown over the summer, he didn’t seem to have the awkward body that he held in middle school. 
“That assignment for engineering is making me all confused, can you help me?” Peter said to her, knowing that the girl had a gift for the technological sciences. Peter was the person who had the knowledge on the biological sciences, the two were like a science machine.
“Yeah! I got it done in class, but I can totally help you out Petey boy.”  said Y/N just as they had walked up to the entrance of her and Ned’s apartment building. The herd of people headed up to the third floor and opened the door so that they can all hoard in.
“Hello my beautiful daughter.” Y/N dad, Michael, said as the young teenager reached the living room with all of her friends in tow. “The twins are in their room playing with each other, hopefully not killing one another.” Y/N couldn’t help but laugh at her dad’s joke.
“Hey dad, we’re gonna head back to my room. Holler if you need anything bro.” Y/N said before she leads her friends down the hall and to her room.
“Okay, Papa’s going to be home in three hours.” She gave him a quick okay as a reply and opened the door to her room. “And don’t call me bro, I’m your dad!”
Her room held a bed, a window, a dresser and some loose ended items. Her room was an off-white cream color, the same color that it had been when they moved in. She hadn’t even bothered to ask her parents if she could change the paint or add some more picture frames to litter the walls. All she had was a poster of Iron Man and a band poster that happened to be popular when she was younger. She still hummed along to one of their songs when she remembered that she had known it.
“Okay, so are we doing homework or what?” Briar said before she was on the bean bag and opening her bookbag. She got her Biology textbook and notebook out. “Ned, come help me take notes, you meathead.” Ned decided not to retaliate but instead to get his own textbook and note book out. The two of them starting to read the chapter and then discussing which points would be the most important to write in their notebooks.
“Do you still want me to help you with engineering homework?” Y/N said as she looked at Peter and sat on her bed opening her laptop so that they could research his topic for the assignment. Peter gave her a quick nod then sat next to her, pulling his folder with his already started assignment in it.
Time had passed, and Peter’s assignment was finished and now the group of friends were talking about the gossip that Briar had heard from her other friends that she talked to in school.
“Apparently there is an opening for an internship for Tony Stark and he’s looking to hire someone from Midtown to fill that spot.”
“Just imagine how hard it has to be to get an interview for that position. Every kid in Midtown is probably fighting for that shot.” Ned said as he looked up at the Iron Man poster on Y/N’s wall.
“Y/N, you should see if your dad could get me an interview for it.” Briar commented under her breath, knowing that that her papa worked at Stark industries as one of the sales consultants for Tony Stark. Y/N just laughed at the desperate attempt her friend had made to try to get the job.
“Yeah, no.” she said before flopping back on her bed. She rested her head on Peter’s thigh, and Ned was leaning against the bed with his feet pointed towards the bean bag that Briar was seated on. “I really like cheese dip.” The group turned and laughed at the  girl that was staring off with a light feeling of happiness. “What did I do?”
“You have the weirdest taste in food Buzzfeed.” Briar said through her fits of giggles. Y/N glared at her blonde friend, scoffing at the annoying nickname that the girl had assigned her.
“Oh yeah? Well it looks like your face caught on fire and someone tried to put it out with a hammer.” Briar jumped up and stalked over to her friend, tackling her on the bed.
Briar tried to push Y/N face when the girl threw her friend off of her onto the other side of the bed. Both laughing at the playful nature of their fight, the boys both some how were on the other side of the room. They looked as if they were about to run through the door and leave but instead they were just laughing.
Later that night, Peter and Ned had to head across the hallway to his apartment for the night. They had planned to get together the next day, but Ned’s mom never let him stay the night at the Y/L/N’s despite being friends with her parents for the past ten years. So, Peter headed over with him. Dinner had come and gone, and her papa was due home any moment. Briar and Y/N were laying on the bed, Y/N was reading a book and Briar was listening to music with earbuds in.
“Y/N, you’re papa’s home.” She heard her dad say from the living room and went out to greet him. Her Papa had a smile on his face and a Liam in his arms. Luis was just over 40 years-old and worked for Stark industries under the management and marketing side of things. Tony Stark had met and talked to her father multiple times a day and the young girl would always ask about the brilliant engineer and his business.
“Hey Y/N! How was school?” her smiling father said to her.
“It was good. Briar is staying the night though, so I’ll just head back.” She answered attempting to flee the room.
“But you haven’t even heard the good news yet.” Her dad remarked, halting her in her path. “I think you’ll quite like it.”
“Go on” she replied with caution, her fathers laughing at their daughter’s response.
“Well I was talking to Tony today, you know, THE Tony Stark, about how you were excelling in your science classes and he said you should interview for his internship.” Y/N stood there, the information sinking in slowly. “You have to be there at one, Sunday.” It was then that the girl screeched, she jumped around and cheered.
“Are you serious?” She looked to see her papa nod his head and laugh at her daughter’s reaction to his good news. “I’m going to meet Tony Stark!”
Permanent Tags: @softspideyboy 
Peter Parker Tags: @monstarbearz @yourwonderbelle @leasly @theironspiderman98 @jadedjules
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softscottlang · 6 years
Fandoms that I write for...
Feel free to request an imagine for any of the following fandoms and characters
Peter Parker (Marvel)
Ned Leeds (Marvel)
Tony Stark (Marvel)
Steve Rodgers (Marvel)
Bucky Barnes (Marvel)
Thor (Marvel)
Noah Flynn (The Kissing Booth)
Lee Flynn (The Kissing Booth)
Tom Holland (actor)
Harrison Osterfield (social media influencer)
Sebastian Stan (actor)
Zach Herron (Why Don't We)
Corbyn Besson (Why Don't We)
Jonah Marais (Why Don't We)
Daniel Seavey (Why Don't We)
Jack Avery (Why Don't We)
Literally anyone (Marvel and Harry Potter)
Sweet Pea (Riverdale)
Steve Harrington (Stranger Things)
But more to come, like I said, request anything of the people above! <3
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softscottlang · 6 years
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SoftScottlang Masterlist Peter Parker Reckless Summary- you and Peter are dating, but he’s always been a little reckless when it comes to being Spider man. What happens when it’s your turn to be reckless? Better than This Summary: Peter deals with death once more but he’s not sure how to move passed this one. I Know Summary- after finally coming out as Bisexual and being in a relationship with your first girlfriend, some people think that you should either be Gay or straight, no in between. Carpe Diem- Teaser part one part two Summary- You are starting high school with your best friends, but suddenly you notice Peter is changing, but so are you Nothing Gold Can Stay Summary: You find out you’re pregnant and everything seems to be playing against you. Tom Holland New Kid Summary- When a new kid shows up and claims to be spider man, you can’t help but laugh in his face. Why would he be in your school? But he takes it as a challenge to make you believe him. You Summary: Tom and you are at the mall on his rare day off when a group of fans swarms the two of you, overwhelming Tom Dogfight Part one // Part two // Part three (finished) Summary: When there is a contest to see who can get the ugliest date, Tom has trouble finding anyone he thinks is unattractive. Finding Our Forever Teaser // part one// Part two (ongoing) Summary: Sophia and Mason Smith have been in the Foster care system since they were three, they have been in and out of houses. Will Tom and Y/N be their forever home? Tony Stark Press Your Ties (Soulmate!Tony x OC) Summary- In which a woman just wants to be an assistant not a god damn soulmate Add yourself to my taglist! anything crossed out, means it is coming soon!
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