#hes a lot softer nowadays
timomoe · 1 year
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Anatomy practice, finally.
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crestapex · 5 months
Since y’all seemed to like the idea of Simon in/nearing his silver fox era… Let me also pitch an au for post-retirement Ghost with a bit of a bigger body (dad bod)
Like, sure he’s keeping up the best he can with a routine post-military, it’s been something he’s familiar with all his life so it’s not just something he can break habit of. Besides, he knows it’s at least good for his health to keep some sort of routine going and then slowly let loose. But ya know, he’s not running around on missions anymore and his gym routine is becoming a little sporadic
That and he’s with you. God you feed him so well, you’re the only person who can keep him in bed for longer than a few minutes. And as much as he enjoys it, the mirror in the bathroom is starting to tell him otherwise
He’s gotten a little pudgy, a little bit of fat around his tummy. His arms and thighs are still massive, but more soft nowadays. It’s like he’s been child proofed, which is something he’s never been used to. He still has all that muscle, but a lot of it is now covered in a layer fat, blubber almost, as you call it. He doesn’t hate it, but it’s starting to make him mourn a little bit for the military life he once had
You though? You think it’s adorable, and he knows you love it. He’s softer and bigger in your eyes, still just as perfect as the day you met him with all that thick muscle and bulging veins. He’s still your man, and at very least, at the very end of day that’s all that matters him
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yamujiburo · 1 year
How would you define the personalities of Jessie and James? (their personality traits) and what are their main differences in your opinion? Thank you.
Ooooooooh amazing question I could probably go on about this forever. Let's seeeee
Jessie is an incredibly passionate, vain woman who is usually pretty quick to anger. She has a very hard exterior but has shown many moments of softness when it comes to those she cares about (her friends, her Pokémon, even Ash and some of the other twerps). She's excitable and arguably the dumbest of the TRio, often asking James or Meowth to explain things to her or on the opposite end, getting mad when they correct her on something she was wrong about LOL. Prior to being a Team Rocket field agent, she was very cold and closed off (as seen in Training Daze). And before THAT she was a cheery, much softer version of her current self. I think it's sweet that she kinda went back to being happier and sillier after befriending James and Meowth. The world truly was just cruel to her.
James (I'm very excited to talk about this I have a lot of thoughts) slowly but surely made a quite drastic change in character over the series. I can ALWAYS tell when someone's only ever watched season 1 of Pokémon depending on how they describe James. In the early seasons, James is very flamboyant, quite mean, has a sharp tongue. Jessie would often strongarm him in early seasons but he'd bite back without hesitation. He was also shown to be vain to a similar caliber as Jessie. HOWEVER. In later seasons, the vanity, bitey-ness kinda dies off and James' character changes. You wouldn't really be able to tell if you watch the series over time, but if you watch an S1 episode vs one of the S20+ episodes, you can really see it. James becomes more of a silly, sweet, nerdy boy. He's often the voice of reason and geeks out about various things like sports, Pokéballs, fishing gear, bottlecaps etc. Now when Jessie gets on his ass he more or less just deals with it with either a sigh or something akin to "it is what it is". He's very down to follow Jessie's lead unless it's something he's really passionate about, in which case, Jessie takes a back seat and lets him do his thang. As far as how James was before Team Rocket, there's not too much to go off of. As a child he seems very sweet but sad, given his rough, stifling upbringing. In Training Daze, he is much less silly and a bit more guarded (but less guarded than Jessie)
I'd also like to note that Meowth in earlier seasons felt like more of the leader? Like he was always keeping Jessie and James in line. But nowadays, he and James both take that role and tolerate Jessie's antics as a unit.
I think that's all I got to say. I could talk about this forever hahaha
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leggerefiore · 10 months
What would the villains call their beloved? Would they have different nicknames for them in bed?
cw: light sex mentions, mostly fluff, Minors DNI
characters: Lysandre, Maxie, Archie, Cyrus, Volo, Guzma
☕️ Honestly, he calls you too many affectionate names, ranging from his mother tongue over to whatever language you speak. It almost seems as if he has forgotten your actual name at times. Though, when he does call it out, it probably frightens you a bit. It becomes such a rare occurrence that you expect something bad. Lysandre sees no need to change what he refers to you as in public or not, too. The only time he may drop it all together was for anything related to business.
☕️ He tends to lean towards things like “my love” or “my dear,” but “darling” and even “my angel” when he is feeling oddly emotional. Sycamore gives a laugh at all the endearments that he counts whenever you both visit. It is genuinely loving when coming from him, as he rarely feels so strongly and lovingly towards another person.
☕️ In bed, nothing changes too much. He prefers to lather on affection and love wherever he can. Though, oddly, the frequency in which your actual name is spoken increases in more intimate moments. It seems he finds the use of your actual name something deeper than most of the affectionate terms be usually spills out.
“My love,” Lysandre's deep voice called out to you while you were slipping on your shoes to leave. You were shocked to see him home so early. He rarely came home near the midafternoon, often inundated with work or whatever else came up in his professional life. An arm came around you warmly as he pressed a kiss to your cheek and then to your lips. “Where are you going?” You sighed slightly. No where now, you supposed, while leaning into the warmth of his embrace.
🪨 He struggles a lot with endearments. It honestly is a bit embarrassing how he feels trying to think of what he could possibly call you. Maxie felt there was no need for such things. Despite that, however, he found himself with a few to use in private with you. In public, he was much too formal to even dare call you anything but your name. He did not wish to seem overly soft. His reputation as the leader of Team Magma was important.
🪨 Though, as soon as you both are alone, a “beloved” escapes him. He prefers more “formal” affectionate terms. “Dearest” and “my love” are also not so uncommon. Yet, sometimes he does drift to something softer, like calling you “Numel.” He always catches himself after that one, gets flustered, and denies that he even said it. It is a real compliment, rest assured, as he finds the pokemon utterly adorable.
🪨 Maxie does not really use different terms during sex. (Though, “Numel” certainly does not make an appearance there.) There is something a little bit funny about his flustered face and moans mixed with the term “beloved” escaping his lips. Since sex falls firmly in his private time with you, there is no reason for his choice of endearments to change, he feels.
You heard the door click open as you laid on the couch, bored. “I'm home, beloved,” Maxie's voice called out as he entered the room. He had been away all day, busy with whatever his group was doing nowadays. You perked up at the sight of him and rushed over immediately. He flinched as you squeezed him into a tight hug, nuzzling into the knit texture of his sweater. He was so warm. “My, what's this?” the Magma leader chuckled. Shifting out of his work mindset, he allowed himself to embrace you in return. He had come to love you greeting him after a long day of work. “I missed you, too,” he sighed and pressed a gentle kiss to your head. When you gazed up at him with lidded eyes and a tired expression, he had to bite back, mumbling out a “Numel.”
💧 How many marine and pirate terms can this man use to refer to you? It truly is a mystery as to where he finds all of these terms in his head, but you suppose he was nothing if not obsessed with the ocean. Archie honestly prefers endearments to your real name, clearly a sign of his affection if his calling a certain kid scamp was anything to go by. He nearly always refers to you by some pet name or endearment that has crossed.  Worries do cross your mind that he has actually forgotten your name. (You test him to make sure he has not. Archie was extremely confused by this afterward, but he passed it with ease.)
💧 “Luvdisc” is his favourite term to use overall, clearly enchanted by the association with the pokemon to long-lasting relationships. “Treasure” is another favourite, but somehow gets outshone by the fish. There are also a few “darlin's” that come from him when he tries to change up hos dialogue a bit. Maxie gags at his gratuitous use of the terms around him, but everyone else thinks it is pretty run-of-the-mill for Archie. He is just an affectionate guy, so why would that not reflect in what he calls his lover? You certainly do not mind.
💧 Within the confines of sheets, he does tend to lean more towards the use of “treasure.” He feels a bit to overcome to really even say Luvdisc. Besides, you clearly are a treasure, somehow even more precious than his beloved ocean. There may also be a few more easier terms tossed around, like just straight up “love.” His brain power is going elsewhere in those moments, please excuse him. Though, if he ever uses the term love and you are not heading in an intimate direction, rest assured that you are now.
“Luvdisc,” Archie's voice travelled across the beach with a near terrifying volume. You peeked up from your phone as he rushed to your side. His grin was bright and his form as caught in the hot sun beautifully. His favouritism for a certain nickname for you was always apparent. He squeezed you in a tight embrace, even spinning you around for a moment. “Ah, there's my treasure. Thought I'd lost for a moment,” he let out a sigh. You nearly let one out, too. You were just about to call him, but that was clearly unneeded now. A kiss was shared between you both before settling down on the sands to enjoy the afternoon.
☄️ He refuses to use terms of endearment when literally anyone else is around. Cyrus is not one for allowing himself to seem influenced or emotional. While he may love you dearly, there is not a chance he would express that in the sight of other people. It almost becomes expected for your name to called out by the blue-haired man when he wants your attention. It would be a bit depressing if you were not already aware of how restrained he was. There are a few rare moments a more affectionate term slips from him with people around, but that usually is reserved for when he is in distress.
☄️ But, he does allow himself a momentary escape when alone with you. “Beloved” is his go to and typically the only one he ever seems to use. It fits him oddly. Though, he also uses other terms more sparingly. A “dear” and “wife/husband/spouse” are generally used, too. It may seem a bit stiff, especially when paired with how standoffish Cyrus could be, but it was clear from how he unconsciously shifted to them that discreetly showed that he truly cared. No one else gets called by anything but their name by him, after all. You are even allowed to call him whatever you please with people around. His soft spot for you is more than apparent.
☄️ As for in bed… He barely uses different terms. Beloved does seem to be ditched in favour of the convenience that “dear” provides in his stricken state. His brain is not working as he intends it to. He struggles to say a lot during sex usually, anyway, so it is a bit invigorating to hear the affectionate word escape his lips. Though, if he does say your actual name, that either means he is truly overcome with feelings or upset. It is pretty easy to find out which it is.
"Beloved..." Cyrus mumbled out as you nuzzled into his nape. Your arms were tightly around his waist. He had just come home after a few days away due to his plans.
“Beloved…” Cyrus mumbled out as you nuzzled into the nape of his neck. Your arms were tightly around his waist. He had just come home after a few days away due to his work on his plans. You did not say a word as you continued to cling to him. The Galactic Boss knew better than to wonder why you were being so affectionate. Your incomplete spirit begged for you to crave his attention and affection. He sighed. It was not like he could pretend that he was much better. Not when he enjoyed the feeling of your body pressed against his so much. One of his arms came around your waist. “I apologise for being away for so long…” he pressed a chaste kiss to your temple, “Let's enjoy this time we have together.” You finally peered up at him with a loving gaze.
⭐️ Truthfully, he uses endearments extremely sparingly. There is something that he finds about referring to other people with a term that shows how much you feel about them very uncomfortable. Though, with you, it is quite unfortunate how easy the terms slip off his tongue. Volo supposes a part of it is how obvious he wants to make your relationship to any observers. He would admit he does have a slight jealous schism internally. Of course, he does it for you, too. The blond is fully aware of how much you enjoy hearing him call you such sweet terms.
⭐️ He usually falls into the camp of things like “love,” “dear,” and “darling.” Traditional time-tested things. There is a certain mocking tone he may take after everything is said and done by calling you a “chosen one.” That falls somewhere between a genuine endearment and him being cruel, however. Most people will also get sick with him referring to you as his partner/girlfriend/boyfriend. It is clear to most people paying attention that it some strange from a claiming on his part. Of course, you can only stare at him in adoration whenever he uses them.
⭐️ Alas, Volo definitely drops a lot of his loving facade in bed. His tone can be that of someone filled completely with love or malice, depending on the situation. The terms are the same, but he may also lean more towards sneering out a “chosen one” to vent out some of his frustrations. Just be happy it is with his dick consensually this time and not trying to have Giratina kill you this time around. He may also use a bit more degrading terms, but telling him off usually makes him stop.
“Oh, if it isn't my love,” Volo's voice was recognisable, but especially so when you two met while you were out doing research tasks. His smile was nothing but friendly as he approached you. “Can I interest you in some more pokeballs?” his tone was teasing now. You sighed as tugged on his bag's strap to pull him down to your height. These random run-ins have become more common since you started dating. It was more than obvious he likely had an eye out for you… And was neglecting his merchant duties once again. You could not complain when he pecked a quick kiss to your lips. It seemed you both would be spending a decent amount of time along together in the wilds of Hisui.
□ This big, bad boss loves calling you whatever pet name he can think of. He literally probably only says your name if he is asking someone else for you. Guzma just does not really see a point in not doing it. He basically calls everyone by nicknames. Except for Kukui, but he is an exception, not the rule. He does not care about whether it is socially acceptable or not, he just does what he wants and isn't concerned with the looks he gets for saying “babe.”
□ He leans towards more casual, modern terms. “Babe” is one of the bigger ones, but he will occasionally bring out a “cutie” or “sexy.” The latter often gets him a few side eyes. A rarer one that seems to only used when he is certain no one else is around is “love-bug.” You try not to laugh at it because you can tell he is trying his best to combine his love for bug-types with his feelings for you. Though, you saw Plumeria choke out a laugh when she heard him say it to you once. It was a bit funny seeing Guzma say such a thing while trying to keep up his edgy appeal.
□ In bed, he does not really change what he says too much. Cutie may not rear its head, but sexy and babe are certainly a plenty. He may even combine if he feels so inclined. Though, it may also be a product of him losing his mental focus in the throes of passion. Your name is occasionally blurted out within the brain-mush of words, too. He is a bit of a mess, honestly.
“Hey, babe!” Guzma's voice stood out among the crowd of people that had taken over the usually quiet route. Rumours about some rare pokemon apparently drew them in, making it annoying to navigate despite needing to. His hand caught your arm as he pulled you under his own, determined not to get separated again. You heard him mumble something about annoying tourists under his breath as both managed to get out of the crowded place. “What the hell is so great about that many Meowths?” he complained, “If they wanna see a collection, I'd be happy to point them to that Kahuna's house.” You chuckled at the thought. Guzma only pressed you more into his side while walking down the route. It seemed like showing you the Wimpod nest would be on hold for today.
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chaosandmarigolds · 12 days
Coco! You’ve been working close a hundred hours a week whatever comes out of your mouth is GOING to be garbage-
OK??? Well what if I don’t care
(Also new pronouns?? Idk im experimenting, pls tell me if you hate them or not)
The door creaked as I stepped inside, wincing at the time. It was well past midnight, and the soft glow from the living room was the only light in the house. Simon sat on the couch, arms crossed, seeming to be engrossed in some replay of a football match…or something, I suppose. Riley, lay stretched out at his feet, while Pedro, the cat, watched from his perch on the back of the couch.
In all honestly I could’ve made back to the bed without being noticed it wasn’t for said cat hopping down and meowing at my presence.
“You’re late,” Simon said, his voice low and clipped.
I sighed, dropping my bag by the door, seeing the light of the television flicker off and be replaced with the harsh overhead. “I know. It wasn’t like I planned to be.”
“You didn’t text.”
“I didn’t have time.”
He raised an eyebrow, finally turning his head to look at me. “No time to send a single message? You expect me to believe that?”
I bit back a sharp retort, too tired for this, though I’m too tired for a lot of things nowadays. “It’s not like I’m running around doing it on purpose, Simon. Work was hell tonight.”
“Work’s always hell. Doesn’t mean you can’t tell me you’re alive,” he snapped, standing up now, tension rolling off him in waves. Riley got up too, padding over to me with his ears perked, sensing the shift in the air.
I rubbed a hand over my face. “What do you want me to say? I’m here, okay? I’m fine, everything is fine! Sorry I didn’t check in, but I just didn’t have the time.”
“That’s not the point,” he muttered, running a hand through his hair. His frustration was evident on his face and I couldn’t blame him, I would react the same way. “You don’t get it, I sit here alone and you just prance around like some fuckin hotshot when we both know what you do isn’t all sunshine and rainbows so you d-“
“I do get it!” I interrupted, my voice rising. “You think I don’t worry about you every time you walk out the door? That I don’t sit here wondering if you’re lying there in some ditch I,” I stop and groan, “Sorry, off topic.”
He stopped in his tracks, his eyes locking with mine, and I could see the anger melting away, replaced with something softer.
We stared at each other for a long moment, the tension thick in the room. Pedro, who had been sitting perfectly in between us, meowed before trotting off, apparently deciding this was too much drama for him, and Riley whined softly, nudging my hand.
“I’m sorry,” Simon finally said, his voice much quieter now. “I just… I worry. You don’t come home, and my mind goes to the worst places.”
I sighed, the fight draining out of me. “I know. I guess I…I didn’t mean to make you worry. I should’ve texted.”
He nodded slowly, stepping closer. “Leftovers in the fridge, ‘ll warm them up for you.”
“You don’t have to do that,” I said, though the smell of food was already tempting.
“So sad,” he insisted, his hand grazing mine. “Go sit down.”
I smiled despite myself. “You’re an ornery bastard.”
“Takes one to know one,” he shot back, but there was a hint of a smile now too.
I settled onto the couch, and as Simon moved to the kitchen, I leaned back with Riley at my feet and Pedro hopping back into my lap. The house was calm again, the argument fading into the background as quickly as it had flared up.
Maybe a text was the least I could do.
Lemme know if liked it! Toodles!
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gabessquishytum · 3 months
I saw a post about positivity regarding weight gain due to antidepressants and as someone who has had their entire life changed for the better due to those pills, this idea possessed me:
Dream has noticed Hob staring at him. He always does, but he seems to do it an awful lot these last couple weeks. Or maybe Dream is just more aware of Hob's staring nowadays.
His mind has been kinder to him lately but he still worries about what Hob thinks of him.
Hob knows him, loves him, and is quick to set the record straight:
He has taken an interest in the way Dream's body has gotten a little softer, yes, but he doesn't care! Well, he does, actually. He is so happy that Dream has a consistent appetite, that Dream has the energy to eat, that Dream will pick up some coffee or a snack when he goes on a walk, that he no longer has to force himself to at last try to eat something.
Hob would love Dream regardless of his looks, but having physical proof of his lover's life being a little easier? He's not gonna pretend it isn't doing things for him.
I really really love this, and I am so so glad that you are finding meds helpful 💕 Dream should definitely get some SSRIs frfr!!!
One of the best things is that Dream’s body image improves are his health slowly builds up. Maybe it's the constant positive reinforcement from Hob, but Dream genuinely feels a love and respect for his body that he didn't have before. There's a kind of relief in gaining that little bit of weight. He feels solid, strong, alive. And like his body is working with him rather than against him. The way Hob loves him is so simple and yet so life affirming, how can Dream not be persuaded by it?
And there's the added benefits within the fact that he actually feels hunger these days: bonding with Hob over food. Hob is such a big advocate of "little treats" and he is so thrilled to bring Dream into his world of bedtime biscuits, hot chocolate, home made pizza and fresh warm scones from the bakery down the street. Seeing Dream eating and actually enjoying the food (not just consuming it because he has to stay alive) is the greatest delight of Hob’s life.
Hob loves to kiss Dream’s little soft tummy because it is living proof that his darling is alive and thriving. It's evidence that Dream is feeling better, and because of that, Hob will protect that little tummy with his life. And Dream may complain about Hob always kissing him there (he's ticklish!!) but he never really means it. He loves feeling happier, too <3
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hazbin-hotlee37 · 5 months
please lee lucifer i want a cute, ticklish lucifer!
These people could be Alastor and Charlie, and I think the reason for the tickling might be because Charlie sees his father a little sad. Lucifer was in a bad mood that day. Anyway, Charlie is upset because he hates it when his father is sad, and seeing Charlie upset, Alastor wants to know why, and Charlie asks Alastor for help to make his father happy! I would be very happy if you write, thank you!
Hmmmmm, love the depressed, autistic dads lmao
I gotchu
Lee!Lucifer, Ler!Charlie & Ler!Alastor. (Mentioned AdamsApple)
Light of My Life
Lucifer laid on his bed, staring at the ceiling. Everything had been going great, so why was he feeling so… so numb? He hated days like this, especially since he had promised to hang out with Charlie! Since Adam was busy trying to reconnect with his own kids, which of course Lucifer supported! 100%! But… He wished his lover was here… God, that’s selfish isn’t it? 
Luci sighed and found the energy to pick up his phone and text his daughter, telling her that he couldn’t hang out. He didn’t really say why, and he knew it would make Charlie curious. That’s… Kinda what he was hoping for…
Charlie felt her phone vibrate and looked at the text, she got concerned instantly. Her dad canceled? That was rare nowadays, before he did it more times than she could count but now? He never, and I mean Never, canceled. For the reason of wanting to repair their relationship. So, this was concerning.
“Is everything alright, dear?” The Radio Demon asked, his head tilted curiously.
“O-Oh! Al, hey, I didn’t see you there! I’m doing fine, it’s just my dad-..” She paused upon seeing the deer demon's ears twitch curiously.
“Whatever could be the problem with the King of Hell himself?” Alastor asks with a slightly more sinister smirk.
“I’m not sure, he just canceled our hang out though. Which is so unlike him nowadays…” The Princess of Hell says with a sigh, putting her phone away. “I’m gonna go check on him…”
“Well, let me join you! I’ve been in need of some new entertainment” Alastor says with a smirk, his hands behind his back.
“*Sigh* Fine, but don’t mess with him, okay?”
“Well… That’s a lot less Fun, but fine.”
The two walked over to Lucifer’s quarters of the hotel, knocking on the door. There was a soft groan and response and the door opened magically, so they entered. Charlie let out a soft gasp at her fathers current condition.
Lucifer was curled up in bed, his hair a mess, wearing ducky pajamas. His room was messed up as well, lots of rubber ducks scattered around as well as random little notes, since he wasn’t the best at remembering things.
“Oh gosh, dad… I didn’t think things got this bad… What happened..?” Charlie asks, sitting on the bed by her father.
“Heyy, Char…. I’m just… Having one of those days… Sorry, I-I canceled on ya… I-I-I-... I just can’t today…” Luci mutters with a shaky sigh, not able to look his daughter in the eye.
Alastor remained silent, he felt… Conflicted. Concerned even… He’s never seen the King of Hell himself so low, it just reminded him that anyone could be vulnerable, no matter how powerful.
“Dad, it’s fine, trust me. I just wanna make sure you’re okay… I-I know you said things were bad when you were alone, so…- I’m here, Dad” The princess of hell says as she pulls her dad into a hug, who gratefully hugs back. Though, she accidentally squeezed Lucifer’s sides, who in response, let out a squeak (That sounded similar to a rubber duck). 
Both Alastor and Charlie perked up a little and shared a softer smile as they looked at each other then back to a now nervously-giggling king.
“W-Wahait-.. Charlie. Charlie, no… No….. NO- Chaharlie!” The fallen angel burst into bright, bubbly giggles as he felt his daughter’s fingers scribble over his sides.
“Maybe this will cheer you up!” Charlie says with a smile.
“While normally, I may not be the biggest fan of yourself, your highness, I do have to say… This is quite the adorable sight.” Alastor says with a smirk as he gently takes hold of Lucifer’s wrist and starts tracing his claw over his hand and palm.
“Ehehehe! Ohoho gohosh! C-Chahar, EEP! Ahalastor!” The fallen angel squeaked and giggled but didn’t pull away, because it was actually working. It was helping…
“Tickle tickle, dad! Aww, your laugh is actually really cute!”
“I must agree with you, Charlie! It's not something I would’ve expected from the King of Hell himself!”
“Ohoho gohoodness mehe! Ihihi- Ehehehahaha! *Hic!* O-Okahay- Okahay, Chahaharlie! Naha- Nononono NOhoho”
Suddenly both Charlie and Alastor got a face full of feathers, it even knocked Alastor over onto the floor. Lucifer quickly folded up his wings, feeling slightly bad but also giggling slightly.
“Oof-! My goodness-... That was quite rude, if I do say so myself” Alastor says sarcastically, standing up and dusting himself off.
“Ah! I’m sorry-” Luci says with a soft smile.
“It’s alright, dad. Are you feeling better..?” The Princess of Hell asks with a slight smile.
“Yeah, yeah… Thanks, Char. You’re the best” The King of Hell says as he hugs his daughter, who happily hugs back.
“But… This doesn’t mean you’re off the hook” 
“Ohh… no” 
“Welp, that’s my que to leav-”
Let’s just say, revenge was happily served.
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lamamasjamas · 1 year
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A/n: I love bears. You cooked, you ate down, you are phenomenal. I love when things are sciencey and kinky at the same time.
Warnings: Smut stuff, fetish fanfic/read the tags, lots of story for some reason, (It's like I was thinking about this for a long time or sm crazy like that...), Miggy gains a shit ton of weight, and Peter is fruity
"Ursus Americanus... bitch..."
Lyla was matching Miguel's energy. She had a bottle of beer in her hand and was "sipping" it as they both sat in the lab in thought. She could have laughed at the way his head perked up and his eyes widened.
He liked the idea. Lyla wasn't sure he got the joke.
The American Black Bear, one of three bears that roamed the United States and parts of North America. It could climb with its sharp claws, just like Miguel, and it was strong as all hell, just like Miguel.
He was very drunk, as drunk as he could be with his extraordinary metabolic abilities.
"Yeah..." he mutters. He didn't think it through, as much as Lyla enjoys watching him make a fool of himself, she had half a programmed mind to tell him that the two points of similarity were not enough to justify the need to combine his DNA temporarily through an injection in order to stave off the probability of him growing extra limbs and pedipalps.
The suppressant was first tested by December. He was meticulous in choosing which gene sequences to add into the suppressor but... he got too lazy after a while. It was a mammal, omnivore, big and strong like he was.
What could go wrong?
Nothing did... for the first half of the year. He felt great, a little hairier than usual, which prompted compliments from you, a fellow lab rat that usually came in to work at the same times he did.
He always made sure to style his hair, showing off its sudden volumity. He loved when you ran your fingers through it while in the back of his mind, he was itching to ask you out.
Miguel never thought he would though, too afraid of bringing you down with him in his self-pity and depression. But that was before and now he felt amazing, he felt stronger, he was confident again.
By Summer he really started liking your attention, to an obsessive degree, a weird degree. He asked you out, finally getting the ball rolling from always being stuck in an endless loop of will they won't they.
Lyla had teased him about it being mating season, that the hormones were giving him a push to get down and dirty. Miguel thought that was bullshit. He just liked the way your skin glowed in the sun, or how your pussy tasted after you both had ice cream during your date.
Or how your panties smelled so good, especially after they were worn for the day-
He called extreme bullshit, even then. Miguel was in denial of the instincts his new body developed due to the change of seasons.
"It's fall-"
The lab was covered in food wrappers and containers. The trash bin by the side filled to the brim with scraps, most of them licked and cleaned off of any food.
Lyla was watching him carefully, not saying a word when he had wandered outside of his lab at HQ to check up on things only to find himself in front of the cook, ordering a few too many items that was allowed for the other spiders because 'he was the boss, and it was a one-time thing'.
He was bulking. He liked to think he was bulking up muscle but... anyone can see the way it all went to his thighs, that his waist wasn't as narrow as before. His shoulders were softer. At first that had given him the appearance of "bulking" but after a while, when the slight double chin didn't disappear no matter how much he attempted to stretch his neck... it was apparent that he was gaining something other than muscle.
It was concerning. You were definitely... concerned.
It was certainly concerning when his belly was the first thing to make contact with you when you hugged, or when the three main activities anyone would see him do nowadays would be sitting, watching the monitors and sleeping. The latter two always being accompanied with the combination of eating something hearty and caloric.
It should have been worrying when he first started his daily bloats. He'd stuff himself with food so bad he was in a mood until he either digested the contents in his stomach or let some of the gas out in short or long belches, only to go to bed directly afterwards.
The sex was still good, sometimes even better from how well his mouth worked you over. It was a relief that he didn't seem to be insecure about his new state, but it was strange to see him be so ignorant of it.
Sometimes he'd roll in bed, his arms would wrap around either you or the pillow, what's closest to him at the time, and he'd squeeze it close. It would wake you up from how smothered you felt, the temperature suddenly rising between you both as his bulk was half on top of you.
The cuddling was fine, you liked the affection but when he was practically making your chest collapse from how heavy he was, you almost always had to slap his, now wobbling, wide back in order to take a full breath in.
You were alarmed, perturbed, troubled. It was bothering you how much he didn't seem to care. You sat on his desk, now cleared of his papers, as well as leftover food he had to spare, so that you and his assistant could have an intervention.
He glared at both of you, sitting in a tiny office chair you knew he didn't have before. You glance at it, narrowing your eyes and lifting a brow in question. Miguel just avoids your gaze.
He's been getting tired lately, more frequently and sporadically it seemed. It wasn't normal. Miguel was starting to sleep earlier and earlier in the day, as well as wake up later. If anything he should be well rested for the day but every two minutes his jaws would unhinge for a deep yawn.
Lyla starts again, bringing up a holographic image of a black bear and clasping her hands together as if she were explaining something to a child.
"Hyperphagia is a disorder that increases appetite."
Miguel stares as the image of the bear changes between various sizes, the season was spelled out at the top to show the change in time. You watch intently with him.
"See how it gets bigger-"
Lyla glances at you from the corner of her eye, seeing you wince at her use of the term big. It was a heavy word, now used to an excessive amount around Miguel.
Peter loved to joke, not in a hurtful way, you just knew Miguel was sensitive to certain things. He referred to Miguel as big guy sometimes, he was the boss, he sent people on mission and his stature alone was in line with the definition of big.
But the word has been thrown around more frequently lately, often earning Peter or anyone to use the phrase a shake of Jessica's head and stifled laughter from the younger spiders.
It had gotten to the point in which almost everyone was calling him the big boss. It was irritating to him but irritating to you for a different reason.
Only you were allowed to call him big. If anyone else, Lyla. And you hated the way they didn't mean it in an affectionate way, in a loving way like you did.
Lyla clears her throat and continues; she has a tone of finality.
"You're putting on weight to hibernate, but you're not hibernating. You’re metabolism is slowing and if you keep this up you’re going to be double your current size by January."
The room was silent, then his stomach growls. He sits with his hands clasped over his grumbling stomach. He wasn't listening, he was already rolling his eyes and scoffing.
Then, it was like his snout twitched, directing his attention to the entrance of the laboratory.
His head turned so quickly away from you both that his cheeks jiggled. His body recoiled as he first attempted to stand. His hips dug into the arms of the chair, and as he stood it lifted off the ground slightly.
Your glare penetrated Peter's soul. He almost cowered if not for the way Miguel blocked you entirely, his bulky body waddling over to him to reach for the bag of two burgers and three trays of fries.
Miguel doesn't look at him, instead his gaze is entirely focused on the scent of grease emanating from the brown paper bag. He's noted that the more calories and more fat he consumes, the better he feels.
The unhealthier he can eat, the better. It was like dealing with a child at times. He'd refuse to eat his vegetables, making the excuse that he had already filled up with steak and potatoes, only to be sitting on the couch with his hand shoved down a bag of family sized chips.
Peter claps Miguel's shoulder, his fingers dig into the meat of it and squeezes. Peter avoids your gaze, the way you cross your arms and spit out his name in irritated greeting.
"I'm the delivery boy now, I guess..." Peter's voice lilts off into discomfort and awkwardness.
"Like a cheesy porno," you sharply respond. Miguel chuckles and sits down heavily, the platform wobbling and shaking as his ass met the plush seat.
Peter swallows thickly, he watches as Miguel finishes the first burger in two bites. Miguel pushes two fingers in his mouth, covered in grease and sauce.
His lips wrap around his fingers, and he sucks, his tongue swirls between them and he closes his eyes in bliss. Peter's gaze was on the way his fingers disappeared in and out of his mouth in repetition.
His body shook in a chill at the sound of Miguel's deep satisfied moan. Blood was starting to rush south, and his stomach was curling at the sight of Miguel's hand cradling the side of his gut as he downed a large soda.
"Oh god..."
Lyla had been informing you of Peter's sudden frequent appearances. Miguel was oblivious to it, Peter had always been nice, to an annoying degree, and his mind was mostly clouded in hunger anyway. If someone was willing to get food for him, he wasn't going to complain.
It was innocent, purely sexual. So Lyla says. Miguel had no idea though, which then prompted you to wave the situation off. Seeing it happen in front of your eyes, Peter attempting to hide the way he was drooling over your fat lard of a boyfriend and helping him become even larger was... daunting.
Your eyes landed on his hard on, peaking through his sweats. Peter’s eyes lifted to yours and he froze. You weren't angry, surprisingly. But there was a hint of determination in your eyes that he knew meant things were going to get complicated for him.
Your hand went up to caress Miguel's scalp, your body leaning over him to kiss his cheek. He leans into the touch and hums, seemingly forgetting that other people were in the room with him.
"Gonna go make dinner, ok?" you say sweetly, your mouth still pressing against his skin as you whisper to him intimately.
His stomach growls at the thought of your cooking alone. He tilts his chin up as you continue to massage the back of his head. His body slumps further into the back of the chair, his manboobs pressing further up his chest atop his swollen stomach.
Peter stands awkwardly. But he stays put. You imagine he was going to stay a while and watch, maybe even bring back some more food for Miguel to consume.
"It's early..." Miguel responds, his brow arching as he stuffs a hand full of fries down his throat. He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand and stifles a burp.
You glance up at Peter, your eyes narrowing the second you noticed his cock twitch at the sounds of Miguel chewing and swallowing.
"Making something special tonight, big guy."
You wipe Miguel's mouth clean before leaning in for a kiss. He merely purses his lips in order to reciprocate, his eyes gleaming at the possibilities of the evening.
You nod at Peter with a sharp look as you leave, ignoring Lyla's disappointed shake of her head as you walk out of HQ.
Seems like the intervention was for nothing.
A/n: Where is this going you may ask? I have no idea... I like playing around with the idea that people get into kinks for different reasons. Sometimes your girlfriend starts feeding you more because she's trying to compete with your work husband.
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vivid-wisp · 8 months
Was looking through a lot of Hijack art and it’s interesting seeing just through the fanart (2013-2015 era) how Jack and Hiccup’s dynamic together evolved.
From what I’ve seen, it appeared people back then had Jack as very confident, flirty, and um. Maybe a bit invasive when it comes to personal space to put it lightly. Depending if it was pre/post-httyd2, Hiccup was usually shown as awkward, shy, but still snarky. Though it was more httyd1 Hiccup. They both seemed to have a dynamic that was based on sarcasm and exasperation.
Compared to what they have nowadays (2022-2023) I feel people portray them truer to how they act, more in-character. Jack’s adoration for kids shines more, he’s kinder and still mischievous but in a playful way rather than an overly confident or irritating way. Hiccup is more confident, endearing, still sarcastic, but still a dork. He’s rarely depicted outside his RttE/httyd2 look. Their dynamic evolved into something sweeter. Softer if I had to describe it, and their affection is portrayed more honestly.
That’s my observation as a new fan of them anyway
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aanhedoniaaa · 8 months
Hi , I wanted to ask if you could do TBP boys relationship / bonds with each one hcs ( U know , Finney with Griffin , Billy with Vance , it might be long or too much but hope you write it whenever you can )
Glad to see you're having fun outside Tumblr <)
thank you!! anons are so nice (sometimes)
1. Finney and Robin
as we all know, they are friends in the movie
so of course i think they’d spend a decent amount of time together.
besides the kidnapping stuff, if the black phone was just your typical 70s slice of life movie, i think i’d love it.
they most likely do the niche things you’d expect middle school boys to do when they hang out. (not nowadays but whatever)
since finney isn’t allowed to watch rated r / horror movies, i think robin would take finn to see one atleast ONCE in their friendship.
they also most likely just have deep and long conversations about their home lives whenever they hang
finney insists on sleepovers, robin is always down as long as it’s at finn’s house (they always end up going to robins house)
robin definitely has and will beat up bullies for finn.
they also have phones in this era, so they have alot of phone conversations, they probably spend hours just sitting and talking to eachother whenever they don’t have to worry about school.
they’re just so iconic together. they don’t fight, if they have disagreements they’re stupid ones, and they’re just bffs for life
2. Bruce and Vance
polar opposites.
in this case, it’s a good thing.
bruce is sweet, he’s nice towards EVERYBODY. even the meanies like vance.
vance fights, he’s loud when he wants to be, he’s a rebellious teenager. (bruce probably got straight A’s)
and vance knows that bruce is just an outgoing and kind dude, which is what he HATES about him.
“why the hell are you so nice to everyone, shitheads don’t fucking deserve it” - (idk take this as you want, i just know vance has said this to bruce before)
vance was shocked when bruce randomly asked him if he wanted to hang out sometime (he thought he was gay) [ reminder it’s the 70s ]
but they have a semi-decent relationship (friends, platonic, blah blah blah)
he grows to be comfortable with bruce and how he is.
so eventually bruce gets to see the softer side of vance.
not always cursing, voice not constantly at volume 350, just Vance Hopper being himself.
i’d like to think Vance is very introverted, he’s rude to people who try to engage with him because he has trust issues and doesn’t want to get hurt (in the sense that i think he’s just like me)
3. Billy and Griffin
they’re so cute
they definitely go to the same school, live in the same neighborhood and spend the majority of their time together
their moms are probably friends i can feel it
they’re probably childhood friends that are gonna grow up to be like brothers to eachother
griffin probably gets into accidents a lot AND I JUST KNOW BILLY KEEPS A FIRST AID ON HIM
they probably take bike rides together in the mornings and afternoons, just talking or laughing together
i’d just imagine they’re completely wholesome
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weixuldo · 9 months
ok, i’ll be done thirsting for hayden in a moment… but how the fuck is he real?! he’s so painstakingly beautiful- like ik a lot of newer fans only think he was hot in the prequels and only like him in a few pics nowadays
but I LOVE THIS MAN ALL THE TIME- now that he’s older i feel like his eyes just tell such a story and they are softer than before
it’s insane but i literally don’t get the ick from him at all…. like at all…. AND I GET THE ICK FROM EVERYONE?!
ok, just had to say i’ll never not be devastated over him 😭
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youryurigoddess · 1 year
Case study and analysis of the 1992 Good Omens movie screenplay (“the shitscript”) in light of the ongoing WGA strike
As one could suspect, the topic of the 1992 Good Omens movie screenplay and its infamy has recently emerged from the depths of the fandom. In light of the ongoing WGA strike it’d be good to properly address this issue, starting with Neil Gaiman’s own recollection written in 2004:
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It’s basically the same old story — of brilliant creative workers struggling under the pressure of detached studio executives and being legally forced to mutilate their work again and again for no artistic or economic reason — we’ve heard before in many different contexts.
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If you’re reading this and somehow still wondering why writers are fighting for their rights at the moment, their job security hasn’t changed much since then. Please follow the WGA, SAG-AFTRA, and other unions’ official channels for detailed information and ways to help the cause.
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Anyway, it took over a decade and an enormous effort to print the screenplay in a limited edition of 552 copies. It can’t be distributed otherwise due to IP law, but some fans shared its fragments online and heavily criticized them, dubbing the 1992 source material #shitscript
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There’s been obviously a lot of controversies over the changes in the plot and the relationship between the main characters. And rightfully so — the number of iterations has created something very different from the beloved book and the award-winning show we can all enjoy today.
It’s… objectively not good. Wouldn’t be considered a hit back then and certainly not by today’s standards. I don’t think I would watch it in any other way than through channel surfing. However, it’s not a monstrosity some people believe it to be and not a case of low effort.
Let’s start with the world building: the setting wasn’t changed to the US. It’s still very much based in the UK, mostly London and Tadfield, although the latter lies now by the sea and seems much more ominous. Interestingly, the British Museum becomes a prominent location as well.
The main character and the designated hero is not surprisingly Crowley, this time in his 90s anti-hero glory. If you haven’t watched many movies of this era, esp. dark fantasy, this trope involves middle-age disenchantment, cynicism, as well as hefty doses of sarcasm and brooding.
90s anti-heroes are a dark, grim, and unnecessarily violent embodiment of power fantasy, matching the destructive ideology of that time. Combined with uber-masculinity and performative strength over weaker characters, nowadays they naturally evoke more cringe or worry than awe.
1992 iteration of Crowley is basically in his Furfur era. Deeply unhappy and stuck in a dead end job, all he talks about is how he hates Earth and his assignment here, considering a transfer to Alpha Centauri as his one and only possibility of career advancement. Or life, really.
The talking part is important here, because he clearly compensates by insulting everything and everyone. He hates on the whole planet at length only to confess that he’d rather stay here with Aziraphale due to “no good restaurants”, “no decent bottle of wine” in Alpha Centauri.
Yes, he’s verbally abusive in his automatic response to stress. But doesn’t hate Aziraphale. In one particular scene he calls Azi stupid twice only to assure him that they are friends and to offer to solve the problem when he sees that his words were taken seriously and hurt him.
Crowley refers to him as “my angel” and “my dear Aziraphale”, agrees to Aziraphale’s suggestion of sharing a room, praises the angel as a “miracle worker around the home”, drinks the tea he makes for him, and generally proves to be much softer towards him than he wants to admit.
Aziraphale, on the contrary, wears his heart on his sleeve. He’s the one engineering ways to spend more time together, following Crowley around, checking up on him (including miracling himself into his apartment and office when no one answers the door), offering help right away.
He’s successfully calming Crowley down through his anxiety attacks, overcomes his dislike of heights (!) for Crowley, directly challenges him and even breaks rules only to make Crowley stay with him. Crowley seems to be his main motivation in this movie, not the saving the world.
1992 Aziraphale also has the most badass scene in the whole Good Omens multiverse to date, taking a 180 degree turn from the typical guardian angel we all know and love to the real angel of wrath protecting Crowley from harm in his true form.
But there’s no Their Side in this universe. The only semblance of that concept appears in the context of Anathema not representing either of their respective bosses, but humanity. “That’s the trouble with the humans. They’re on their own side.”
This Crowley appears not as much on Hell’s side as under Satan’s heel. He’s scared of him and subservient, and needs Aziraphale to prevent his escape as a pretext to do what is right. He lets the angel stop him by pretending that he doesn’t even see him cheating during their duel.
By finally standing up to his toxic boss (Satan is like Gabriel during the body-swapped trial, suave and cruel) and leaving Hell’s side to do good, Crowley takes an emancipated and employee-focused stance instead of fighting for his relationship with Aziraphale like shown in S1.
Which is a shame, but matches the overall tone of the screenplay and the times it was written in. The concept of free will, while simplified in a true Hollywood-style to issues like mind control and fear, is still crucial to this interpretation of the Good Omens original plot.
Especially the character of Anathema is seen fighting both of these things. There’s no Agnes Nutter with her prophecies here, only a 21-year-old witch and her will to thwart the ultimate evil versus her fear of doing it at a cost of one boy’s life, versus Satan’s brainwashing.
Madame Tracy appears slightly redesigned as a new character as well, but isn’t 𝘲𝘶𝘪𝘵𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 for the most part. She’s been enjoying her youth way too much to see how fast it was fleeting, and this sudden realization left her in shock from which she denies to come back.
Unfortunately she’s also the one who took in baby Adam and now stays under his care. The level of his parentification is unnerving, much like his bullying and loneliness. He struggles to be loved and ask for love, which becomes his main quest beyond, y’know, the apocalypse thing.
Don’t worry, despite everything all ends well just like in the book. The family of two gets a chance to start again on much healthier terms and Anathema to live for herself for the first time in years. Our heroes get back in their car, Crowley tempting Aziraphale with an apple.
All in all, this whole post is a very long reminder for Amazon Prime to #PayYourWriters, #PayYourActors, and #RenewGoodOmens! The strike is still ongoing and crucial for any new content for this and many other fandoms #GiveMeS3orGiveMeDeath
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silantryoo · 5 months
as much as im annoyed by the potential implications of the mhj/hybe drama i do feel like theres way too much speculation rn ... rlly doesn't sit so well with me that everyone is bashing on mhj alone (im not supporting her either though) and not bang sihyuk too. some hybe stans rlly js worship the guy and idk why . its not like he's innocent too. like those texts from him are so annoying too. abt if she's satisfied that nwjns is so popular and also abt trying to rival aespa / bp alone ...
hybe has sm power and r known for their mediaplay so i rlly do wish people would keep that in mind instead of doing their own speculation to bash on mhj . we don't know fs if she's the reason behind seunghan, youngseo, etc .... it seems so forced that everyone just collectively is making stuff up on their own theories and pissing on her. like im all for it when everything's done with but it's giving misogyny to me ughhh idk how to explain it eitherr without sounding like a mhj stan I PROMISE IM NOT TAKING HER SIDE T_T i just cant help but feel like poeple find it easier to hate and bash on women sometimes. even me scrolling x nowadays feels so annoying. literally feel so bad for illit and nwjns rn.
personally i was a teeny annoyed that illit had a similar image to nwjns w their nostalgia/coquettecore (also though just seems like cute/youthful concept is making a cb in general in kpop) but only because their songs on super real me were the exact type of songs i liked most from nwjns (super shy, hurt etc. the softer less peppy songs compared to hybe boy) so it bothered me that there was an implication that nwjns might be forced to distance itself to a more differing concept to keep some contrast btwn the two ... but ik that's not illit's fault at all (literally love the girls sm im a runext fan ^^) i feel like i can understand the upset that illit was getting a similar concept when every other grp before illit in hybe had more defined concepts seperating each other. but once again that's all hybe's doing ...... seeing the choreographers supporting mhj too makes it seem like not even the nwjns team or even all the staff were on board with the references in the choreo either...
anyways i do hope this controversy doesnt impede on either grps promos :( and i rlly hope everything gets sorted out... im srsly hoping this doesnt turn into a 5050 situtation again but with nwjns i was so upset when that happened . was curious on what your thoughts were or if u were keeping up with everything?
the way im coming back to reply to this first thing after my exams is insane, but this nwjns thing makes me so angry for all the idols under hybe. both parties j cares sm ab money that they're blindsided by the potential of ruining their idols careers, mental health and images. mhj is being stupid and hybe does seem to be doing anything to protect nwjns (as far as we know. i could be wrong).
(yawl, jsyk i obv dont have ALL the information. from what ive seen online and the articles ive read, this is what I THINK. ME. youre free to think smthn else, whether i agree or not.)
i def thing that bang hyung sik (bhs) isn't innocent either. although min heejin (mhj), in my opinion, is more in the wrong j based on the treatment of other idols, bhs seemed to provoke her, and on top of that, the company seems to blindly support ppl and give them a platform so long as they make profit for the company. ive been seeing a lot of ppl saying hes j human but youd think theres a reason why mhj got kicked from sm, yk? and you j took her back in w open arms.
hybe is v good at media play fs. its their forte, and ppl seemed to stray from the from the main problem. mhj is using nwjns as a weapon. hybe probably is doing the same thing w their other groups too, dont get me wrong. ppl seem to forget that this entire issue isnt "drama", its a legal battle ensuing between a huge corporation and its subsidiary. hybe has infinite power compared to ador. its horrible on both ends.
the thing is tho, mhj has consistently been showing the public red flags. the lyrics of 'cookie (ik she didnt write the lyrics but shes the ceo. she got them approved)', the portraits gifted to her of naked underaged girls, her obsession w olivia hussey (who happens to look like minji), her treatment of sm employees, her past work w shinee (sexualization of underaged taemin), etc. not to mention her extremely (at least in my eyes) inappropriate relationship w nwjns. the gifts shes gotten them and how she uses their emotions as a weapon. if bhs did that, everyone would be up in arms.
i dont think (for the most part) this is misogyny. i think ppl alw had a weird feeling about her. at least i did.
idt its good to speculate on ppls departure tho. youre def right ab that. the lsfm hate train (esp the coachella one) most likely has nothing to do w mhj. and i do agree that hybe copied or was at least inspired by nwjns, but idt illit copied them. illit and nwjns have a very 'pinkpantheress' sound, the uk early 00's bedroom pop genre. however, nwjns is more y2k and illit is more dream-like, ykwim? hybe was def inspired by nwjns tho. i think a more fitting one would be tws tbh. their sound is v similar to me (emphasis on to me) than illit.
dont get me wrong, it's incredibly shady and the way that a lot of staff are on her side makes me think that hybe was leeching off of the success of nwjns. it referenced all girl groups under hybe tho, lsfm and fromis, but there was def more nwjns references.
what im worried ab the most are the groups, esp nwjns. lsfm has been going thru their own struggles and rn this isnt the best for them, but theyre not extremely involved in the situation, not like nwjns and illit. illit, from what ive seen, has majority of the success and recognition from overseas. however, their success in korea'll take a huge hit. itll def take a toll on the girls mental, considering they j debuted and this happened.
nwjns is the worst off. theres a chance they might leave w mhj if ador does pull away from hybe, which isnt in the groups best interest. mhj's press conference and overall attitude is gonna affect their upcoming release fs, and their proximity to mhj herself is worrisome.
hybe doesnt seem to be doing shit to protect their artists, they're j protecting their name. theres no statement on or for illit, no statement on malicious comments for any of the groups (that i know of).
tldr: min heejin and hybe are both at fault. dont take sides of either, take the side of the idols.
sorry, im j so passionate ab this. the shit ive been seeing online has been making me mad. after getting back from the lsfm hate train too... as mad as i am at mhj, hybe GAVE her that platform. if the things they claim is true, and if the speculation is true, they alr knew from her past employment that she was shady. its their fault for allowing that.
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starsurface · 7 months
Ok I'm in for round 3 to request I need to see regressed Fujin and cg raiden headcanons - @plankydreamingcorner
I've got you!! :D
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Raiden w/ Regressor Fujin Hcs
☁️ Raiden is one of Fujin's go to caregivers
⛈️ Also one of his favorite caregivers <3
☁️ It was actually through Fujin that Raiden found out that he really liked watching regressors (he's such a good cg, fr 🥺)
⛈️ Raiden has this sixth sense that tells him if someone around him is tiny or not
☁️ Although it's also pretty easy to tell if Fujin is little or not
⛈️ Regressed Fujin is either a tiny menace, or the sweetest kid alive
☁️ Like, he'll never do something intentionally naughty
⛈️ But Raiden said no more sweets? It'd be a shame if that cup right there were to slowly make its way to the edge
☁️ Doesn't actually push it off though, he'll grt super close and then giggle and run away when Raiden gets up to stop him
⛈️ However, the cup did fall and break one time and Fujin felt terrible for accidentally hurting it
☁️ He didn't mean to!! Seriously!! He was just trying to have fun, he never meant to break it
⛈️ Luckily Raiden knew it was just an accident and cleaned up the small mess, gently explaining to Fujin that thats why we shouldn't push cups
☁️ Nowadays Fujin only does the cup push with a sippy or bottle, things he knows he can't break
⛈️ Most times Fujin listens to the rules and Raiden doesn't have the biggest bugger on his hands (that's Liu Kang's and Kung Lao's job anyhow-)
☁️ You know that scene in Lilo and Stitch b where Stitch puts on some laundry and pranced around like a superhero until Nani catches him with a disappointed face?
⛈️ ^ That's them, specifically when Fujin's pulling a prank
☁️ Fujin hides behind Raiden a lot while he's small
⛈️ Whether he's actually nervous about being small in front of someone
☁️ Or he's hiding from the grumpy monks after he made their not super important but a bit important papers fly
⛈️ Raiden got mad and lectured for it, because he's a big meanie >:(
☁️ Raiden isn't a strict cg, but he's definitely stern on certain things
⛈️ When he says no, it means no, and no amount of whining or begging can change his mind
☁️ Usually Fujin doesn't fuss much when Raiden says no, a small pout but he quickly gets over it
⛈️ Fujins actually really good at following any rules they've set, and Raiden will get him treats for being good sometimes
☁️ Fujin is a very cuddly, very clingy regressor
⛈️ Cuddles, snuggles, all that jazz
☁️ Raidens a bit more stuff when it comes to giving and receiving physical affection
⛈️ The most he usually gives are shoulder squeezes and maybe a small head pat
☁️ So the first few times Fujin clings to his arm or snuggles up against his side, Raiden doesn't exactly know what to do
⛈️ Don't worry, overtime he gets better and Fujin gets to use him like the 7 ft Teddy bear he is
☁️ Fujin adores playing outside, and Raiden kinda just follows closely behind him
⛈️ He'll let Fujin climb trees, but only lower branches, and he has to be nearby
☁️ One of their favorite activities together is blowing bubbles
⛈️ But that I mean that Raiden will blow bubbles, and Fujin will run around trying to pop them all
☁️ He gets a bit fussy when some bubbles go up a bit too high for him to pop, but will quickly get distracted by new bubbles
⛈️ Fujin is more of a softer regressor, sometimes being depicted as smaller even though he's like, 6, not 3
☁️ Raidens really good at treating Fujin like his age, but also accommodating to what Fujin wants
⛈️ Yes, six year olds can use baby bottles and anyone who says otherwise will get Raiden's wrath (after he comforts the highly upset Fujin)
☁️ Fujin usually likes more healthier options, but one of his favorite things to munch on while small are cookies and milk
⛈️ Raiden makes sure he doesn't eat too much though, mostly because hes a big meanie, mostly because he doesn't want Fujin to get a tummy ache (and he's a big meanie)
☁️ Fujin calls Raiden a big meanie to everything Raiden does that Fujin doesn't like
⛈️ Raiden's okay with the nickname, he'd rather be a big meanie than have a very upset Fujin on his hands
☁️ While Fujin is a very well mannered regressor, he also loves annoying people, specifically his brother
⛈️ He'll ask Raiden what he's going, follow him around, poke him, stand just outside Raiden's workspace so he's technically not in the room
☁️ Little Raiden gets incredibly fussy at Fujin's act, but big Raiden has much more patience
⛈️ Fujin keeps trying to steal Raiden's hat so he can wear it
☁️ He so far has been unsuccessful in all his attempts so far
⛈️ Fujin doesn't throw tantrums or hissy fits often, mostly when he's had a tough day and doesn't know how to properly communicate
☁️ Raiden will gently hold his little brother, rocking him and wiping away his angry tears
⛈️ He'll excuse any yelling or hitting (very rare, has only happened once) Fujin did, mostly because he knows Fujin feels guilty and never really meant to harm him
☁️ Those days are mostly spent cuddling and crying about big feelings
⛈️ Raidens also very good with handling Fujins nonverbal moments (personal hc that Fujin goes nonverbal when he's very angry or upset)
☁️ He'll slowly figure out what's making Fujin that upset, and make it go away
⛈️ He will also firmly hold and rock him (Fujin likes being squeezed)
☁️ That's his baby brother after all, if anyone knows how to make Fujin feel better, it's Raiden
⛈️ Fujin likes uppies, but likes running around more
☁️ Raiden’s strong, he can easily carry Fujin on his hip
⛈️ . . . But Fujin needs to stop tackling him when he was to get picked up >:(
☁ Raiden’s main CG nicknames are Bubba or Rai
⛈️ Other regressors call Raiden Grandpa Rai (because they're mean-) and one time Fujin called Raiden that and Raiden pouted foe three days straight
☁️ Almost nothing could make him feel better, and it was highly entertaining
⛈️ Also he is NOT that old and the other regressors need to start being nicer >:(
☁️ Raiden doesn't often use nicknames towards Fujin, especially when he first started watching Fujin regress, but he gets more in the hang of it as time goes on
⛈️ Sweetheart, Cloudy, Stormy, Sweetie, Fuu Fuu, all those sorts
☁️ Fujin likes coloring, and has made a picture of him and Raiden before prompting passing out because he stayed up past nap time to finish it
⛈️ Raiden totally didn't cry when he saw the words ‘Bestest Big Brudder Ever’ on it (it's hung in Raiden’s room)
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Ugh, I love the Storm Brothers. 🥺
Also, I got super, super sick recently, so these might not be the best. I can totally do or make more!! :D
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ada idea lagi tak for boxing au record of ragnarok >:3
Sorry tau lambat 😭😭 Damia rasa agak down minggu minggu ni...
It all started with a very strange dream I had long ago..
Ring of Ragnarok AU🥊🥊
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Contents?: Headcannons
Warnings?: Slight (legal) violence, mentions of drug intakes.
Let's just go with our current fighters...
Lu Bu: Don't really have much ideas for him, but I can say that he's the strongest fighter at his local ring. If his opponent is weaker than him or having a hard time to take him down, he just yawns and ends the round quickly. Mans bored as fuck. He's just impatient to go to the Valhalla level ring, because Brunhilde promised him there will be stronger opponents for him to fight and have fun with.
Thor : Same as Lu Bu. Though, he goes nicer to the weaker opponents because Loki keeps getting to his ass on how he shouldn't be too cold to the small fries. So Thor did exactly as that, gives the opponent some more time to try harder to bring him down. They better impress Thor, otherwise his patience will run out and he will throw them out of the ring.
Zeus : A veteran. During his youth, he absolutely ruled the ring. However, he always went too overboard with his excitement that he had a few restriction orders against him made by many people, most of it were his old opponents. Nowadays, he seldomly goes out to the ring, and now he coaches others in boxing (mainly his sons).
Adam : An old dog, and still remained standing. Just like Thor and Lu Bu, though he's WAY nicer, he gives his opponents some time to try taking him down and sometimes it went one until the end of time. He tends to go softer to the younger ones, not going full force. The "older" ones always make fun and look down on him because of his small frame, but those always change when he shows them his outstanding speed and force.
Poseidon: Looks down on newbies and youngsters. A LOT. Just like with Adamas, he refuses to look at his opponents in the eyes. He would purposely late to his tournaments, and proceeds to beat the living shit out of his opponent seconds right after the ring begins just because he refuse to mingle with "people who are way below his league". That includes his fans and others that respect him. On his latest tournament, he was absolutely jumped by Kojiro, and couldn't recover mentally ever since.
Sasaki Kojiro: The dark horse and underdog who recently had beat the mighty Poseidon. During his youth, he would purposely lose the tournament, only for him to re-join it the following year and purposely lose again. Because of his continuous loses, a lot of people often look down and ridicule him. His former opponent, Miyamoto Musashi, used to win against him a lot in the past. However, he never once underestimate on Kojiro. That is because recently, Kojiro re-join yet another tournament and beat the unbeatable Poseidon, as his first ever victory.
Hercules: Everyone's favorite boxer. Strong in the ring, soft at the public.The media absolutely adores him. He fights fair and square, giving his opponents the easy game at first but at the same time not underestimating them. Often in the end, his opponents end up respecting him. He absolutely does NOT tolerate with cheaters. It doesn't matter if it's illegal drug usage, bribery towards the referee, steroid intake and etc, Hercules does not tolerate with unfairness. He'll give them a nasty beat down, in and out of the ring.
Jack The Ripper/Jack Smith: Not many known him, until his sudden fame against a very skilled boxer in England. His fancy and polite mannerism don't strike him as an expert boxer, so many have suspected him to cheating, even as far as accusing him taking steroids. Of course, he knew this, yet does nothing about it. He loves seeing other's colors of resentment and envy anyway. Many despise him, so to see his fans going out and about in public is very rare. A strategist rather than a brute. He tends to use psychological pressure and manipulation on his opponents, and he often goes towards their blind spots. All with a sadistic smile of satisfaction upon seeing his opponents fear at the end of the round.
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diggingfordragons · 4 months
Sixteenth Day Event Prompt:
Antfrost & Bad - Bread
Thank you for the prompt, @sixteenth-day-event this was a lot of fun! :D
_________________ The door to the house was not locked. It was never locked these days. Sometimes, Ant came by and found it wide open even. Sighing, he pushed it open, calling out.
"Bad!" There was no immediate answer, but Ant didn't worry yet. His friend could be anywhere in the house, and some of those rooms were far enough that sound wouldn't carry too well. "Bad, I'm here!"
Still no answer. Ears twitching, Ant set down his weapons at the entrance, and kicked the door closed.
"Bad, you're home?" He called again.
This time, he could make out something clattering. Twitching, Ant turned towards the sound. It came from-
"Ant? Is that you?" Bad's voice came, distant and muffled. "I'm in the kitchen!"
Ant let his shoulders drop in relief. Bad sounded awake, and even in a cheery mood. And if he was in the kitchen...
Hope, cautious and fragile, lit within Ant's heart as he padded deeper inside the house.
Soon, the smell became obvious, and Ant's hope grew.
"You're baking!" He exclaimed, the moment he came into the kitchen.
"Hello to you too, muffinhead," Bad said, shaking a finger towards him. Or so Ant assumed - Bad was wearing stupidly bright pink oven mits. "Don't sound so surprised, I bake all the time!"
No, Ant almost said, before biting on his tongue to prevent the sound to come out. Bad used to bake all the time. That wasn't the case any longer. He'd stopped when the egg had taken control, months ago.
Nowadays, even free from it, Bad hadn't taken up the habit again.
Except, it seemed, he just had.
"Sure, yeah, true," Ant said awkwardly, instead of pointing that out. He cleared his throat, "Anyway, Bad, your door was open again, you know you should lock it-"
"Ah, this again," Bad said, and waved his hand. "It's fine! Who's going to rob me? I have nothing more than anyone else. Besides, they could just break a window."
"It's the principle of the thing!" Ant argued, for what must have been the thousandth time. "Doesn't it feel safer to have it closed?"
Bad pressed his lips tight, for one short moment, before shrugging as if it wasn't important at all. He gave Ant a carefree smile.
It looked forced.
"I like it open," he said.
Ant opened his mouth to retort, but found he couldn't. This, he realized way too late, was another one of those landmines that he and Bad, and all the others that used to be in the Eggpire, were now dancing around. Trying not to touch.
Just because Ant couldn't understand why leaving the door unlocked was important for Bad's peace of mind didn't mean it wasn't.
"Sorry," he said, after a moment. "I didn't- I can't sleep with my door open."
"Oh," Bad said, and then, softer, "No, I'm sorry. I know you worry. I just-" He paused, and gave a wan smile. "Skeepy forgot his keys, when he left."
That- That made sense. Ant nodded silently, and looked around. Bad had removed a lot of the previous decoration. The banners and the paintings and the potted plants. The house always seemed so bare these days. Ant wondered sometimes if the color red brought back as many memories for Bad as it did for him.
He never could ask.
Instead, he looked at the oven.
"So, uh, what are you baking?" He asked. And then, trying for cheeky, "Can I steal some?"
"It's not stealing if I give you some, silly," Bad said, and then said, almost hesitantly, "It's nothing special anyway. Just bread. Plain, uh, wheat flour bread."
Ant hummed, watching his friend. Watching the way he kept fidgeting with the oven mitt. He still looked so tired, under the cheerfulness.
"Well, that's fine, I'm sure it'll be delicious," Ant said easily, and hopped onto the counter. He smiled at Bad, "I don't even know how to make bread. You could teach me?"
Bad startled, then gave Ant a hopeful smile. Which was just stupid. Ant visited every week. But maybe- Ant now realized he never crossed path with anyone else. Maybe Bad was really lonely. Just as Ant felt.
"You'd like to learn?" Bad asked.
"Sure," Ant said. "Yeah!" He paused for a second, then decided, why not. "Actually, I've been meaning to learn to bake, in general. Not just bread, but cake too. And you know, Niki isn't around much these days..."
"No, no, I can teach you, I can teach you," Bad said, smiling. "I'd love to."
"Alright," Ant smiled back. "Sounds fun."
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